What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

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What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

What the UK’s only 5G
network for transport
has discovered so far
         By Connected Mobility
What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility
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What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility
COVID-19 and the after effects which will
reshape the future of mobility
THE PANDEMIC has changed the face of mobility now and will                                                         collaboration. One of the casualties of the pandemic has also
continue to do so when the crisis ends. The pandemic has swept                                                     been physical events and our very own TaaS Technology event,
the globe and in just a few months it effected lives, business,                                                    which was originally planned for July was postponed to October
health and wealth and has set off a worldwide economic slump.                                                      and now has been flipped to be a virtual event, taking place on
However, with every crisis there is also opportunity – the                                                         the 10th and 11th November. The 3rd annual Transportation-as-
opportunity which now exists is to accelerate towards a more                                                       a-Service (TaaS) Technology event will take place as a two-day
sustainable, resilient and human-centric urban mobility system.                                                    virtual event dedicated to covering the key topics of Autonomous,
This issue of TaaS Technology magazine includes features from                                                      Connected, Electric, Shared (ACES) mobility, the new emerging
Coventry University and their designs for a pandemic-proof                                                         business models disrupting the industry and the tools which
car of the future. The futuristic design is the brainchild of Paul                                                 will be required to make it a reality. The event is a high level b2b
Herriotts, Professor of Transport Design at the National Transport                                                 forum, a one stop shop covering all important topics and bringing
Design Centre (NTDC) and the in-house design team at Coventry                                                      the industry together digitally. The conference takes place on the
University.                                                                                                        10th and 11th November.

We also include a feature from Vooom who look discuss the fact                                                     2020 is shaping up to be a decisive year in the disruption of
we are at a critical decision time – is it back to normal or MaaS?                                                 the mobility industry, accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic –
Cenex talk about Maximising the benefits of e-scooters in UK                                                       the way we transport people and goods is destined to change
cities. Local authorities in the UK must take an active role in                                                    forever. If you are involved in the industry, TaaS Technology is
e-scooter deployment and learn from previous cases across                                                          your must attend event, providing delegates with an invaluable
Europe to maximise the benefits and ensure a smooth integration                                                    and comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities
with today’s transport network.                                                                                    which lie ahead. The content will be delivered with a mix of
                                                                                                                   presentations and panel sessions focussing on audience
Horiba Mira discuss the UK approach to Automotive                                                                  interaction. Unique networking is an important part of the event
Cybersecurity. As the transition towards connected and                                                             and is facilitated with a conference networking portal for the
autonomous vehicles (CAVs) gains pace, the issue of automotive                                                     virtual event, allowing you to connect with colleagues before the
cybersecurity has quickly risen up the ranks as a critical priority                                                event and after the event – making business development easy.
for industry and the government alike. But with so many factors                                                    Registration is free of charge so join your industry peers to
to consider, including not just the development of the technology                                                  discuss all things CAVs and Future Mobility.
needed to offer real-time responsiveness to threats, but the                                                       https://taas.technology
correct implementation of standards, rules and best practice
guidelines, the journey towards a robust, unified approach to CAV                                                  We hope you enjoy this issue of TaaS Technology and look out
security is one which will hinge on innovation and cross-industry                                                  for the final issue of the year in December.

 Editor / Publisher                                       Design & Production Manager                              Directors                                                Published by
 Sukhi.Bhadal                                             Mitch Gaynor                                             Stephen Whitehurst – Chairman                            Angel Business Communications Ltd
 +44 (0)2476 718 970                                      +44 (0)1923 690214                                       Sukhi Bhadal –CEO                                        6 Bow Court, Burnsall Road,
 sukhi.bhadal@angelbc.com                                 mitch.gaynor@angelbc.com                                 Scott Adams – CTO                                        Coventry, CV5 6SPUK

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 Monique Batra                                            Sharon Cowley                                            +44 (0)2476 718970                                       Angel Business Communications Ltd
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 Monique.Batra@angelbc.com                                sharon.cowley@angelbc.com                                                                                         Registration Number: 1972952

 TaaS Magazine is published six times a year on a controlled circulation basis. Non-qualifying individuals can subscribe at: £96.00/e110 (UK & Europe), $140 pa (USA). Cover price £5.50. All information herein
 is believed to be correct at time of going to press. The publisher does not accept responsibility for any errors and omissions. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every
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                                The Professional
                                Publishers Association

                                                                                                                                                             WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 3
What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility
contents                                                                                                   WWW.TAAS.NEWS


42 What the UK’s only 5G network for transport
   has discovered so far

   More than 18 months on from its official opening,
   Peter Stoker, Chief Engineer – Connected and
   Autonomous Vehicle at Millbrook, lifts the lid on
   the ground-breaking work taking place on its
   AutoAir 5G test bed for transport

NEWS                                                                18 By-wire integration and control for AV/ADAS
06 News from the industry and beyond                                   research vehicles
                                                                       Getting started in the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry can
FEATURES                                                               seem daunting to most, especially when trying to determine
10 Boarding soon: Airships are making a                                how to actuate an entire vehicle’s control system
   Airplanes need to be in forward motion to generate lift and      22 Autonomous vehicle accidents test human
   stay in the air. Unfortunately, most of the fuel burned during      trust
   flight goes towards this purpose. Airships, on the other            Humans have an issue with trust. While innate to our nature,
   hand, have their envelope to provide lift and can use all           trust is also something that must be earned over time, and
   fuel to move forward, making them significantly more                once lost it can take a long time to get it back, if at all
   energy efficient
                                                                    26 Not happy with your car? Just talk to it
14 Full speed ahead in a UK approach to                                Why car companies do not listen to ther customers
   automotive cybersecurity
   As the transition towards connected and autonomous               28 Coventry University researcher designs
   ehicles (CAVs) gains pace, the issue of automotive                  pandemic-proof car of the future
   cybersecurity has quickly risen up the ranks as a critical          Say hello to the pandemic-proof car of the future as
   priority for industry and the government alike                      imagined by Coventry University researchers

                                                                    30 OX Delivering Opportunity: What is transport
                                                                       if you were to ask someone to define “transport” or
                                                                       “poverty” you would receive a reasonably accurate answer.
                                                                       But put the two terms together and you have something that
                                                                       compounds some of the world’s biggest issues and yet
                                                                       isn’t often referred to

                                                                    32 Trojan Energy is pushing ahead with two
                                                                       projects to tackle the challenge of on-street
                                                                       EV charging
                                                                       Cars are an essential part of our everyday lives, but those
                                                                       running on fossil fuels cause carbon emissions that are bad

14                                                                     for the planet and air pollution that is bad for our health

What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility
contents                                                                                                        WWW.TAAS.NEWS

22                                                                                                                               32

38 Smart LiDAR sensor for the medium-and-                            50 What is the right platform strategy for
   high-speed autonomous driving                                        e-cars?
   Currently, the conventional mechanical LiDAR system,                 The most important requirement for running an
   limited by their big size, high cost, and short of capability        electric car is electricity, and it’s also the biggest
   in identifying obstacles from the point clouds, is barely able       problem
   to meet the safety requirements of commercial mass-
   produced autonomous vehicles                                      52 Speed e-bumps on the road to
40 Carsharing - emphasis on the car                                     Of late, much has been made in the media of the
   The instant we began to practice social distancing, the way          perceived deficiency in terms of the availability in
   we consume transportation shifted. Can you remember                  public electric vehicle charge points in the UK
   your last time ride sharing? And if it was recent, then the
   answer is likely to be, “vividly.” Yet shared mobility has been   56 Maximising the benefits of e-scooters
   experiencing a resurgence                                            in UK cities
                                                                        Local authorities in the UK must take an active role
46 The future of transportation is electric                             in e-scooter deployment and learn from previous
   There is a global urgency for transportation of                      cases across Europe to maximise the benefits
   people and goods to become sustainable                               and ensure a smooth integration with today’s
                                                                        transport network

38                                                                                                                               56

                                                                                              WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 5
What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

New Jaguar XF featuring connected car
capabilities launched
THE NEW JAGUAR XF Saloon and                  Working in conjunction with the latest      providers for the strongest signal. A
XF Sportbrake featuring enhanced              optional Head-up Display technology,        series of advanced technologies
exteriors, an all-new interior                new XF gives drivers all the information    ensure the health and wellbeing of all
incorporating luxurious new materials,        they need with least distraction.           occupants. Optional on all models,
and seamlessly integrated, connected          The intuitive new infotainment system       Cabin Air Ionisation improves interior
and future-proof technologies has been        features Apple CarPlay as standard          air quality through Nanoe technology,
revealed. It showcases contemporary           and allows customers to connect two         which helps remove allergens and
British design and engineering at its         phones simultaneously via Bluetooth.        unpleasant odours. The system also
best.                                         Android Auto is also available as           features PM2.5 filtration, which captures
                                              standard in the UK. Wireless device         ultra-fine particles - including PM2.5
A next-generation, 2.0-litre four-cylinder    charging with phone signal booster          particulates - to improve occupant
Ingenium turbocharged diesel engine           allows occupants to fast charge their       health and wellbeing. \\The customer
featuring Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle        smartphone. The system also provides        activates the system simply by pressing
(MHEV) technology and the latest              clearer calls through the help of an        the ‘Purify’ button. Jaguar’s ClearSight
2.0-litre four-cylinder Ingenium petrol       external aerial.                            Interior Rear View Mirror gives the
engine power the new Jaguar XF,                                                           driver an unobstructed view of the road
providing enhanced                                                                                       behind. Using a wide
efficiency with strong                                                                                   angle rear-facing camera,
performance.                                                                                             the optional system
The XF has an all-                                                                                       feeds images to a high-
new interior with                                                                                        definition screen within the
heightened luxury,                                                                                       frameless rear view mirror;
enhanced connectivity                                                                                    unhindered by tall rear
and greater serenity                                                                                     passengers, poor light or
and refinement. The                                                                                      rain on the rear screen.
new cockpit design is
bolder, more dynamic                                                                                    For enhanced
and with greater                                                                                        convenience, the optional
focus on the driver.                                                                                    second-generation
A new sporty centre                                                                                     wearable Activity Key can
console, faster in                                                                                      be used to lock, unlock
profile, sweeps up to the dashboard           To enable almost instantaneous start-       and start the vehicle without the need
incorporating an optional wireless            up, Pivi Pro has a dedicated power          for the conventional key fob to be
device charger with phone signal              source, so is ready to use as soon          present in the vehicle. The rechargeable
booster. The latest Pivi Pro infotainment     as customers get behind the wheel.          device incorporates a watch and
technology is accessed through the            The collection of new convenience           has a battery life of up to seven days
all-new 11.4-inch curved glass HD             technologies includes Software-Over-        between charges. For added security
touchscreen. Key benefits include             The-Air (SOTA) capability, which            and peace of mind, new XF customers
enhanced clarity, the screen being            ensures the XF is always using the latest   get a complimentary Secure Tracker
three times brighter and 48% larger           software. The technology means that         subscription as standard for the first
than the previous screen, and the             owners don’t have to visit retailers to     12 months, or they can elect to enhance
simplified menu structures allow drivers      receive software updates for the vehicle.   their security further with optional
to access or view up to 90% of common         Pivi Pro connectivity is provided by the    Secure Tracker Pro now with new
tasks from the homescreen in two taps         latest embedded dual-sim technology         Guardian Mode which uses a timer to
or less. To help drivers access vital         with two LTE modems enabling the            provide when using the Secure app.
information quickly, new XF features          system to carry out multiple functions      It allows customers to identify times
a new 12.3-inch HD Interactive Driver         at the same time, such as streaming         when the vehicle will be inactive,
Display with enhanced graphics and a          media and downloading SOTA updates,         for example through the night, and
configurable layout which can show full       without compromising performance.           receive alerts to their smartphone if
screen navigation mapping with turn-          The advanced connectivity also ensures      it is used during this window - giving
by-turn instructions, digital dials, media,   minimal interruptions caused by coverage    immediate warning of any unauthorised
contact list or infotainment details.         blackspots as it roams across network       movements.

What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

McLaren’s all-new high-performance
hybrid supercar enters final stages of testing

DUE TO LAUNCH in the first half of           The High-Performance Hybrid                lightweight hypercars and supercars.
2021, the all-new supercar will open a       powertrain, which features an all-new      “For us, light-weighting and high-
new era of electrification for McLaren       V6 internal combustion engine, delivers    performance hybrid technology
following the end of production of its       astonishing levels of performance and      go hand-in-hand to achieve better
Sports Series range.                         a uniquely intense driver experience, as   performance as well as more efficient
                                             well as providing medium-range EV-only     vehicles,” explained Flewitt.
The all-new, supercar will be the first      drive capability.
McLaren built on a new carbon fibre                                                     “Our expertise in lightweight composites
structure, christened McLaren Carbon         “This all-new McLaren supercar is the      and carbon fibre manufacturing,
Lightweight Architecture (MCLA).             distillation of everything we have done    combined with our experience in
Optimised for High-Performance Hybrid        to date; all that we have learned and      cutting-edge battery technologies and
powertrains and latest-generation driver     achieved,” commented Mike Flewitt,         high-performance hybrid propulsion
technologies, the architecture elevates      CEO, McLaren Automotive.                   systems, makes us ideally placed
McLaren’s pioneering lightweight                                                        to deliver uncompromised levels of
chassis technologies to new heights,         “This is a new kind of McLaren for a       electrified high-performance driving
exploiting the company’s advantage           new era, an extraordinary drivers’ car     that until now have simply been
in super-lightweight engineering - a         that offers blistering performance as      unattainable.” The all-new hybrid
benefit that has its roots in the brand’s    well as an all-electric range capable      supercar will sit between the GT and
motorsport origins.                          of covering most urban journeys. We        the 720S in the McLaren range and its
                                             see this new McLaren as a true ‘next       introduction will further strengthen the
Designed, developed and produced in          generation’ supercar and cannot wait to    company’s presence in the supercar
the UK at the £50 million ($64.44 million)   show it to customers.”                     sector.
state-of-the-art McLaren Composites
Technology Centre (MCTC) in Sheffield        McLaren’s all-new, ‘next-generation’       The Sports Series designation -
region, the all-new flexible structure       supercar draws on all of the               introduced in 2015 with the launch of
will underpin the next generation of         technological expertise in designing,      the 570S - ceases from the end of this
McLaren hybrid supercars coming to           developing and building the world’s        year with the limited-run, GT4-inspired
market over the coming years.                most innovative and desirable, super-      620R the last model produced.

                                                                                        WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 7
What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

Hyundai delivers its first XCIENT fuel cell
trucks in Europe
THE DELIVERY of XCIENT Fuel Cell            hit the US roads. Hyundai also is
marks the official entry of Hyundai’s       working with various parties in China,
commercial vehicles in the European         which aims to get 1 million hydrogen
market, a touchstone for the company’s      vehicles on its roads by 2030 as the
expansion into the North American and       country’s hydrogen industry is on a
Chinese commercial markets.                 sharp growth trend, creating massive
                                            potential. Initially, Hyundai will focus on
“The delivery of XCIENT Fuel Cell starts    China’s four major hydrogen hubs: Jin-
a new chapter not only for Hyundai’s        jin-ji, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong
hydrogen push, but also the global          Province and Sichuan Province. It
community’s use of hydrogen as a            is currently discussing cooperative
clean energy source,” said In Cheol         initiatives such as a joint venture with      cell trucks by 2025. Currently, Coop,
Lee, Executive Vice President and           local partners.                               Migros, Traveco, Galliker Logistics,
Head of Commercial Vehicle Division                                                       Camion Transport, F. Murpf AG and G.
at Hyundai Motor. “Today’s delivery is      Three fuel cell electric trucks are           Leclerc Transport AG along with others
just a beginning as it opens endless        scheduled for launch in China: a              have placed orders for XCIENT Fuel
possibilities for clean mobility. With      medium-duty truck in 2022, a heavy-           Cell. They will be utilising the trucks
successful delivery of the first XCIENT     duty truck in in a couple of years, and       to haul everything from food to cars
Fuel Cell trucks, we proudly announce       another heavy-duty truck strategically        around Europe.
our plan to expand beyond Europe to         designed for the China market. With
North America and China where we are        these models, Hyundai’s goal is to            To support the growing hydrogen
already making great progress.”             achieve aggregate sales volume of             ecosystem, Hyundai has a business
                                            27,000 units by 2030.                         case for more than 100 hydrogen
Production capacity of the XCIENT                                                         fueling stations in Switzerland, which
Fuel Cell will reach 2,000 units per year   A key to Hyundai’s global expansion           is enough not only for commercial
by 2021 to support its expansion into       of fuel cell trucks will be the successful    vehicles, but also passenger fuel cell
Europe, the US and China as demand          launch of XCIENT Fuel Cell in Europe.         electric vehicles. Likewise, Hyundai
for clean mobility grows. The increase in   The seven customers who received the          plans to act as a sector coupler
capacity will be backed by a $1.3 billion   first batch of XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks        in bringing various players to the
investment in addition to a previously      will haul payloads of consumer goods          hydrogen value chain as part of its
announced $6.4 billion stake in             around Switzerland, emitting nothing          efforts to bring value.
establishing a hydrogen ecosystem to        but clean water. The operations will be
support creation of a hydrogen society.     backed by a robust green hydrogen             XCIENT is powered by a 190-kW
                                            ecosystem.                                    hydrogen fuel cell system with dual
In the US, Hyundai is collaborating                                                       95-kW fuel cell stacks. Seven large
with logistics leaders to supply mass-      In 2019, Hyundai Motor Company                hydrogen tanks offer a combined
produced fuel cell heavy-duty trucks.       formed Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility              storage capacity of around 32.09 kg
Hyundai revealed the fuel cell-powered      (HHM), a joint venture with Swiss             of hydrogen. The driving range per
HDC-6 NEPTUNE Concept Class 8               company H2 Energy. HHM also is                charge for XCIENT Fuel Cell is about
heavy-duty truck at the North American      partnering with Hydrospider, a joint          400km, which was developed with an
Commercial Vehicle (NACV) Show in           venture of H2 Energy, Alpiq and               optimal balance between the specific
October 2019, hinting at what the future    Linde. The customers will be leasing          requirements from the potential
holds and Hyundai’s plans for it. To        XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks from HHM              commercial fleet customers and the
back this plan, Hyundai is partnering       on a pay-per-use basis that does not          charging infrastructure in Switzerland.
with companies to build a complete          require an initial investment. Hyundai        Refueling time for each truck takes
hydrogen value chain covering               will take the success in Switzerland to       approximately 8~20 minutes. Hyundai
everything from hydrogen production         broader European markets as Hyundai           has been devoting itself to further
and charging stations to service and        establishes solutions and partner             develop fuel cell technology and
maintenance. The North American             networks in Germany, Norway, the              establish the supply chain to realise
market will also get a 6×4 tractor          Netherlands and Austria. As part of its       a ‘Hydrogen Economy’ for a better
model. By 2030, Hyundai expects             production expansion plan, Hyundai            and cleaner future, an effort receiving
more than 12,000 fuel cell trucks to        expects to supply 1,600 commercial fuel       worldwide acclaim.

What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

SEAT begins construction of its battery
laboratory in Spain
SEAT has begun work on the future              also feature a high-tech electronics lab      national and international research
Test Center Energy (TCE), the new              to design and manufacture prototypes          projects and conducted more than
automotive battery lab that will be            and build interfaces for the test systems.    2,000 test cases. This facility has two
located at the SEAT plant in                                                                 climatic chambers and a test power of
Martorell. With an investment of more          In addition, a workshop will be set           200kW.
than €7 million ($8.26 million), the new       up that is specifically designed and
centre will develop and test various           equipped to carry out tests on electrified    The carmaker is currently undergoing
energy systems for electric and hybrid         vehicles, with the capacity to work           a transformation towards the
vehicles. With a testing capacity that         simultaneously with up to six cars. This      electrification of the company and its
can reach 1.3 MW simultaneously, this          space will be used to conduct various         brands. SEAT and CUPRA are going
facility will become a one-of-a-kind,          tests related to the performance of           to launch five new electric and plug-in
pioneering electric battery laboratory         the energy system, functional safety          hybrid models in 2020 and 2021,
in Spain. The construction of the TCE          and integration of functions. To this         which will be added to the electric
is included in the €5 billion ($5.9 billion)   end, artificial vision systems will be        version of the commercially available
investment plan recently announced by          incorporated into the instrumentation.        SEAT Mii.
the company.
                                               According to SEAT Vice-President              The Leon family will have plug-in
The future building, whose construction        for R&D Werner Tietz, “We are very            hybrid electric models under the SEAT
will be completed in April 2021, will          excited to announce the launch of this        and CUPRA brand, manufactured
have an area of around 1,500 square            project. SEAT has been committed              in Martorell; the SEAT Tarraco will
metres and include different test spaces       to the electrification of the company         have a PHEV version and the CUPRA
for the evaluation of cell modules             for years and the construction of this        Formentor, the first model designed
with lithium-ion technology, medium            unique new Test Center Energy in Spain        and developed for the CUPRA brand,
and high voltage batteries, as well as         is a firm step in this direction. This new    will also have plug-in hybrid electric
different chargers used in the entire          battery lab will enable us to develop the     variants, which will be manufactured in
range of electrified vehicles.                 energy systems of future hybrid and           Martorell.
                                               electric vehicles, thus contributing to the
There are also plans for several climatic      creation of sustainable electromobility.”     In addition, the CUPRA el-Born will join
chambers that will enable the batteries                                                      the SEAT Mii electric as the company’s
and modules to be tested under                 The new TCE will join the combined            second all-electric vehicle. The new Test
extreme thermal conditions, simulating         low, medium and high voltage battery          Center Energy provides the company
the different environments a car may           lab built by the company in 2010. Over        with its own lab for testing the batteries
experience during its life cycle. It will      the past decade, SEAT has carried out         of the future.

                                                                                             WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 9
What the UK's only 5G network for transport has discovered so far - By Connected Mobility

Boarding soon:
Airships are making a comeback
Although we are once again starting to take space exploration more seriously, the
main improvements in our lives appear to come in the form of more addicting
social media algorithms, as so aptly explained in Netflix‘ latest documentary “The
Social Dilemma”. At the same time, political debate is preoccupied by questions of
social justice and discussions about breaking up dominant internet companies,
ignoring anything new and exciting.


             TO SAY THE PHYSICAL WORLD has become                   development in an area where one might least
             stale is probably an understatement and as Marc        expect it. After all, sometimes it is good to bring a
             Andreessen rightly observed at the beginning of        combination of science fiction and steampunk back
             this year, “It’s time to build”. Unfortunately, we     into our lives. Taking long-distance logistics as an
             tend to optimise within know constraints and often     example, the general assumption seems to be that a
             take the status quotas a given. Saying that, this      plane offers speed and is expensive, while shipping
             article is meant to shine a spotlight on an exciting   is very cheap but will take a long time. This works


reasonably well, as we can decide upon the trade-off        Some of the current airship concepts range around
between speed and cost on a case-by-case basis.             1,000 tonnes cargo capacity, that is twice that of
For instance, urgent medical equipment might be             the largest cargo planes. The main constraint are
more expensive but will arrive quickly by plane, but        purely the size we can build and accommodate on
clothing is relatively cheap and will often spend           the ground. Here it is important to understand that
many weeks on the waterways between Europe and              larger airships would bring significant economic
Asia.                                                       advantages over smaller versions. Since airships
                                                            fly via displacing air by lighter gas, the lift must be
During a time when freight transport has become             sufficient to carry both the airship and the cargo.
the largest single source of developed countries            Assuming everything is proportional, the volume
greenhouse gas emissions (close to a whopping               of the envelop increases with the length of the
10%) and realistic attempts to develop zero-carbon          airship with the power of three, while loading weight
technology are in their infancy, it is becoming             approximates the power of two. This means that
increasingly important to think about potential             larger airships will be able to carry disproportionally
alternatives.                                               more cargo and operate significantly cheaper than
                                                            their smaller variants.
Luckily, it now appears as though there is a new
option on the horizon, able to offer an interesting         Despite the multitude of compelling arguments for
trade-off along the speed and cost axis, while at           the use of airships, not everyone is optimistic. Some
the same time bringing significant environmental            of the more comment arguments are voiced along
advantages. This combination could make the                 the following lines:
airship an important part of tomorrow’s logistics

While we are only used to seeing airships as
advertising vehicle for the likes of Goodyear
and MetLife, these giant vessels used to play
a significant historical role for transport
and within our aerial defence
efforts. Unfortunately, the gruesome
destruction of the Hindenburg in 1937
(whose hydrogen envelope caught fire
during a docking attempt) almost single-
handedly ended civilian airship travel and
most commercial applications. Given recent
technological improvements however, it is now
time to seriously consider the advantages today’s
designs could bring to the logistics industry.              Airships
                                                            have higher drag
Airplanes need to be in forward motion to generate          coefficients (which is
lift and stay in the air. Unfortunately, most of the fuel   increasing with the square
burned during flight goes towards this purpose.             of velocity), negating some of the fuel advantages.
Airships, on the other hand, have their envelope            While this is true, the advantages are so substantial,
to provide lift and can use all fuel to move forward,       that this is ultimately not a great concern and
making them significantly more energy efficient.            speeds can be varied between ~50-150 km/h to
Airships themselves might be very big but need              optimise costs, something that is not possible with
significantly less ground infrastructure to support         planes to the same degree.
them. Due to their ability to take off vertically,
conventional runways are not required, resulting in         Airships are more vulnerable to weather and more
significant cost savings, whilst also allowing more         work is required to ensure they reach similar safety
direct point-to-point transport. In addition, airships      standards to planes. While this is partially true, it is
are incredibly light and manoeuvrable, capable of           also not surprising, the technology has now mostly
changing direction quickly without changing speed,          been ignored for the last 80 years. At the time of
and even remaining stationary for extended periods          the Hindenburg, planes were also considered
of time                                                     dangerous and current airship designs are vastly
                                                            superior to their earlier models.

                                                                                            MONTH 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 11

             There is a trade-off between helium (not flammable,     clear why airships could offer such a compelling
             but expensive and only available in limited             proposition in the future. After having looked at the
             quantities on Earth) and hydrogen (very cheap,          economics of airships, the next question should
             but flammable). Ultimately planes carry thousands       turn to the potential market opportunity. After all
             of litres of highly flammable liquid – this is just     the investment only makes sense if companies
             a question of safety development. In addition,          could see a sufficiently large market in the future.
             hydrogen burns up, while passengers and cargo are       The latest number for world GDP stands at about
             below, allowing for new safety features that would      $81 trillion USD per year. Assuming over time each
             not be possible with planes.                            country approximates the US’ 9% GDP share of
                                                                     transportation and about 10% of global freight
             On ground storage area is expensive. Airships           migrates to airships, this would equate to a $720
             require their own specially created hangers much        billion revenue industry, before any future growth
             bigger in size than your average airplane hangars.      and a clear reason to pursue the development.
             Luckily, this should be more than made up by the
             fact that there is no need for expensive runways and    At present there are several companies in the U.S.
             plane infrastructure.                                   and Europe trying to stage a comeback for airships,
                                                                     across logistics and luxury travel. Luxury tourism is
             The compelling arguments in favour of use               the latest (and perhaps the most intriguing) attempt
             for logistic purposes put airships in a class of        to make airships a viable economic proposition.
             technology, with nuclear power and space travel,        A small UK-based company founded in 2007 has
             all which are experiencing an unexpected, but very      emerged as the front-runner in a race to bring
             welcome, modern renaissance.                            environment-friendly versions of dirigible travel
                                                                     back to the skies. Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) with its
The Airlander will not be alone                                      flagship the 92-metre Airlander 10 airship is selling
                                                                     tickets for a day tour across the North Pole in 2023.
in the skies either. Earlier this year,                              Tickets started at $62,000 per two-person cabin;
                                                                     they have now climbed to $79,000.
French airship company Flying
                                                                     The Airlander will not be alone in the skies either.
Whales received $320 million in                                      Earlier this year, French airship company Flying
                                                                     Whales received $320 million in funding from the
funding from the government                                          government of Quebec to build cargo-carrying
of Quebec to build cargo-carrying                                    Zeppelins. The airships have been designed in
                                                                     such a way that they are able to transport up to 60
Zeppelins                                                            metric tons of goods at altitudes of close to 3,000
                                                                     meters through hard-to-reach areas with commercial
                                                                     production to begin in 2025. Since the French
             When comparing airships to other long-haul logistics    airship is a VTOL (vertical take-off and landing), it
             options, it is important to look at the economics.      will not require any extra infrastructure to operate,
             Although an overly crude concept, it is possible to     allowing it to serve more remote locations without
             look at the cost and speed of transport on a per        harming the environment.
             tonne-km basis. Cargo planes can generally fly
             above 800km/h, but costs – considering the age of       Google co-founder Sergey Brin has also started
             common cargo planes – are around $1. Ships on the       an airship company. Brin’s humanitarian airship
             other hand often travel at speeds of up to 20km/h,      company LTA (lighter than air) is trying to reinvent
             with costs that are lower by a factor of a hundred at   airships for the 21st century to be used for
             1c per tonne-km.                                        humanitarian missions. At the same time, Skunk
                                                                     Works, the innovation arm of defence giant
             How does this compare to potential future airships?     Lockheed Martin, is designing airships to carry
             Given that we do not have experience to guide us,       medical supplies to remote locations.
             we can instead look at projects in development.
             Going of work done by the blog ‚The Roadless            If these airships can take off despite carrying a
             Revolution‘, this would lead us to conclude that        legacy of failed projects and distrust from the public
             on a comparative basis, airships would likely           in lieu of economic justifications that still seem more
             cost between 6-10c per tonne-km and operate at          wishful thinking than reality – it might just be the
             between 50-150km/h. This should immediately make        return of the zeppelin.


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 Full speed ahead in a UK
 approach to automotive
             As the transition towards           ResiCAV has played in helping define the roadmap
                                                 for automotive cybersecurity – including the urgent
             connected and autonomous            call for a national programme. It is well documented
             vehicles (CAVs) gains pace, the     that this modern age of the internet of things (iot), in
                                                 which almost every aspect of daily life is connected,
             issue of automotive cybersecurity   comes with a risk. Indeed, as more processes
             has quickly risen up the ranks as   become digital, and the physical and virtual worlds
                                                 merge to offer benefits that include optimised
a critical priority for industry and the
                                                 efficiencies and convenience, the downside is an
government alike. With so many factors to        increase in opportunities for cyber-attacks.
consider, the real-time responsiveness to
                                                 Unsurprisingly then, with the UK government having
threats, but the correct implementation of       asserted ambitions to be a global leader in CAV
standards, rules and best practice               deployment and manufacturers continuing to make
                                                 major breakthroughs in developing next generation
guidelines, the journey towards a robust,        vehicles, one pressing concern has quickly risen to
unified approach to CAV security is one          the forefront – how will cybersecurity policy operate
                                                 in the penetrable future world of connected vehicles?
which will hinge on innovation and cross-        The reality is that the collective government and
industry collaboration.                          industry response to this will be incredibly important
                                                 in terms of ensuring a safe and seamless transition
                                                 to CAV deployment. After all, the cyber threat facing
BY ANTHONY MARTIN, HEAD OF VEHICLE               CAVs is potentially a very serious one. As with
                                                 most modern computer technologies, tomorrow’s


connected vehicles will incorporate many different      major, government-funded collaborative research
connection mechanisms to support the exchange           and development (R&D) projects.
of data between vehicles, people and infrastructure.
This reliance on constant connectivity throughout       Breaking new ground
the lifespan of the vehicle, exacerbates risk by        A great example is ResiCAV; part of a programme
presenting multiple opportunities for a hacker to       of seven collaborative projects bringing together
implement a successful attack.                          cross-sector industrial, academic and government
                                                        expertise from a range of key sectors in order to
The resulting consequences are far-reaching.            ascertain how the mobility industry should respond
In addition to implications for users in terms          to emerging cybersecurity threats.
of compromised privacy, fraudulent financial
transactions and loss of functionality, there are
serious safety risks in the potential for hackers to    Supported by Zenzic and part-funded by the
cause major road accidents or congestion.               Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
                                                        (CCAV) and Innovate UK, the ResiCAV project saw
Also aligned to this is the issue of public trust, as   numerous leading research bodies and industry
consumers become increasingly wary of the threat        giants, including HORIBA MIRA, come together in a
of cyber-crime. Two in five (43%) have admitted         three-month study designed to explore the feasibility
they’d stop associating with businesses that suffer     of creating a UK Cybersecurity ‘Centre of Excellence’
data breaches.1 Thus, failure to achieve sufficient     to address emerging cybersecurity threats across
public trust in the safe and secure operation of CAVs   the mobility eco-system.
and the associated infrastructure could affect the
huge socioeconomic benefits afforded by the future      The resulting progressive research has not only
mobility vision.                                        successfully demonstrated the commercial viability
                                                        of the creation of a UK Road Transport Centre of
The good news is that amid growing concern around       Excellence for Cybersecurity Resilience (CYB-R) –
current automotive cybersecurity threats, recent        but asserted its very pressing need.
years have seen the industry and government break
major new ground in understanding the role of future    As part of the project, HORIBA MIRA took the
automotive cybersecurity, driven by a number of         lead role in formulating the vision for the Centre.

                                                                                       WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 15

             For us, this vision involves bringing together the         UK participation in relevant international standards
             very best UK expertise to create an ecosystem of           and regulatory activity, including informing future
             specialist services to include research, engineering,      government policy on cybersecurity for CAV and the
             test, simulation and certification in road transport       wider mobility ecosystem.
             cybersecurity and resilient mobility, along with a
             closely-related education and training initiative.         As cybersecurity is a constantly evolving problem
             Hereby, the aim is to leverage existing capabilities       that tracks the developments in technology, it is
             to rapidly place the UK at the forefront of developing     imperative that CYB-R is closely integrated with
             and providing cybersecurity solutions for the global       a collaborative R&D environment with funding
             mobility revolution.                                       streams for the development and validation of future
                                                                        cybersecurity resilience methodologies.
             In terms of achieving this progressive vision, our
             detailed report in this remit sets out a roadmap of six    Finally, updates to UK criminal legislation that
             equally important recommendations that help set the        make better provision for ethical and responsible
             direction for future policy.                               cybersecurity research activities, will be essential to
                                                                        enable the lawful operation of all CYB-R engineering
                                                                        and research facilities to full effect.

                                                                        Of course, this multi-faceted future vision is
                                                                        an incredibly complex one that HORIBA MIRA
                                                                        was proud to lead, but the end result would be
                                                                        a world-leading, truly one-of-its-kind Centre of
                                                                        Excellence which would accelerate development
                                                                        of cybersecurity capabilities for CAVs and their
                                                                        infrastructure and will attract investment, build
                                                                        international reputation and develop UK intellectual
                                                                        capital – on a world stage.

                                                                        A driving force
                                                                        While many other government-funded initiatives
                                                                        have made solid automotive cybersecurity related
                                                                        recommendations, ResiCAV has uniquely proposed
                                                                        guidelines for protective operational monitoring
                                                                        technologies and services.

                                                                        As a result of the extensive insights revealed during
                                                                        the work, recommendations set out by HORIBA
             First, it identifies the importance of bringing together   MIRA have not only put forward a compelling case
             a full range of world-class facilities, based on a         for the urgent delivery of a UK Centre of Excellence
             linked cybersecurity testbed ecosystem (CLUST-R)           – but have also outlined the practical approach to its
             that will integrate newly defined and existing UK          delivery.
             testbeds. This must be supported by a broad
             range of relevant skills and capabilities in terms of      Amid the escalating speed of CAV development,
             different CAV and mobility technologies and their          which continues to see more connected vehicles
             cybersecurity aspects. In an industry susceptible          on the road, it becomes increasingly important that
             to an escalating skills gap, we believe this will rely     the UK leads the way in its according cybersecurity
             heavily on attracting new talent and honing the next       capabilities. Indeed, it may be a complex and vast
             generation through dedicated learning, progression         task, but it is a fundamental one which, starting with
             and development.                                           the development of a national Centre of Excellence,
                                                                        will see the UK establish itself as the driving force
             Equally important, we recommend that the CYB-R             behind automotive cybersecurity in the global race
             Centre must also act as the focus for a national           towards future mobility.
             capability to ensure the cybersecurity resilience
             of the UK’s associated V2X infrastructure, as well         To read the full ResiCAV report, visit:
             as providing an associated CYB-R Certification             www.horiba-mira.com/Vehicle-Resilience/automotive-
             Centre. Aligned to this, the facility must also lead       cybersecurity/resicav-cyb-r


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By-wire integration and control
for AV/ADAS research vehicles
Getting started in the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry can seem
daunting to most, especially when trying to determine how to
actuate an entire vehicle’s control system. In order to successfully
perform important functions for autonomous driving, there are
many considerations for a product development and engineering
team to consider.

             FIRST OF ALL, what does by-wire control of vehicles       system. However, the by-wire system is needed to
             for research and development (R&D) really mean?           allow that development to take place.
             It is the acceleration, braking, steering, and shifting
             control of the vehicle. Being able to control those       That being said, one of the most significant
             electronically is necessary to do development on          decisions a developer must make is to either
             autonomous vehicles. Second, why is this needed           engineer their own Drive-by-Wire (DBW) system or
             and why is this being discussed? Currently, most          install a plug-and-play kit, such as the Dataspeed By-
             R&D for autonomous vehicles is done at the                Wire Kit. Several factors must be considered prior to
             functional level. What is being developed is the          any development to assess against the capabilities,
             software for the autonomous driving, not the by-wire      the budget, the resources, and the risk for the


project. Project teams should consider the actuation,
communication architecture, electronic hardware,                 Passenger vehicle steering
software, power, reliability, and safety.
                                                                actuation can be done one
The actuation
The core of any by-wire system is the actuation that
                                                                 of two ways: by adding an
converts the driver’s commands from electronic
signals to motion. Actuators are integrated with
                                                              external motor to the steering
automotive controls to help optimize the vehicles’
performance. Their presence is key to prevent
                                                                   and a controller to allow
human interaction to be necessary for driving.
Dozens of sensors will be essential to obtain
                                                                 electrical signals to control
information from the surroundings. It will be sensors           the steering, or to utilize the
that will activate the various actuators, which in
turn, will generate the order to activate the final           electric power steering that is
component. Essentially, the same conversion from
signals into motion need to be done for the steering,                       already built into
acceleration, braking and the shifting for a by-wire
system to work.                                                   the vehicle. If utilizing the
Passenger vehicle steering actuation can be done                     electric power steering,
one of two ways: by adding an external motor to
the steering and a controller to allow electrical             which many vehicles are now
signals to control the steering, or to utilize the
electric power steering that is already built into the
                                                                  equipped with, difficulties
vehicle. If utilizing the electric power steering, which
many vehicles are now equipped with, difficulties
                                                               may include communication
may include communication with the motor as well
as potential safety issues. The power steering on
                                                                   with the motor as well as
a vehicle has the capability to overpower human
input, which needs to be taken into consideration
                                                                       potential safety issues
in order to prevent a bad signal being sent, causing
unexpected vehicle motion.                                 that has a brake-by-wire system built into it. The
                                                           brake-by-wire production system is typically found
Acceleration is fairly straight-forward since almost       on hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles. These
all vehicles now having an acceleration sensor, or a       have full response time equal to the capabilities of
pedal sensor, that sends a message to the engine           a human emergency brake stop. Like steering, the
controller which in turn controls the acceleration of      shifting actuation can be done by adding an external
the engine. Braking, like steering, can also be done       component to allow electrical signals to control
in a few different ways. You can place a motor and         the shifting or you can utilize emerging electronic
an outside device on the pedal or somewhere on             shifters. However, there have been safety issues
the braking apply system, or for a safer option, you       identified with production vehicles implementing the
can utilize the motors and the electric braking that is    shift by-wire systems, which have led to recalls. The
already built into the vehicle.                            major hazards associated with this type of system is
                                                           the vehicle not achieving a park state and the vehicle
Typically, all U.S. vehicles have electronic stability     moving in the wrong direction.
control, which can be utilized for applying brakes
on request. However, the drawback is the stability         In summary, it is desirable for the actuation element
control not being sized to rapidly stop the entire         to utilize what is already in the vehicle. This is due to
vehicle. Conversely, it is sized for stopping or           the convenience of being able to take advantage of
controlling one or two wheels at a time. Therefore,        any existing safety measures, as well as the reliability
the trade-off is you will receive a lower response time    that has been designed and built into those devices.
for applying the brakes and a bit of motor noise,
because it is not a continuous running system. The         Communication architecture
second option with the built-in braking, which is          The second consideration is the communication
certainly the best option, is to start with a vehicle      architecture of the vehicle. If you are utilizing

                                                                                          WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 19

                                                                       house or selecting an off-the-shelf DBW kit, ensuring
                                                                       the electronic hardware is functioning correctly is

                                                                       If the vehicle will be utilized on public roads, the
                                                                       safety concept will often drive the design of your
                                                                       processor – meaning the safety plan and safety
                                                                       measures that need to be put in place are often
                                                                       engrained at the controller level. Additionally, you
                                                                       must determine if those safety requirements are
                                                                       within the current electronics or if they need to be
                                                                       added components.

                                                                       By-wire software considerations include
                                                                       communication interfaces, the basic low-level motion
                                                                       controls, and the designed-in safety measure setting.
                                                                       Speed and steering control methods are required for
                                                                       the basic low-level control. Speed control methods
                                                                       include maintaining a speed without too much
                                                                       oscillation. Steering, or yaw control, methods involve
             these actuators that are built into the vehicle, how      how you are controlling the yaw, either through
             do you communicate with them? How do you                  angle or for steering torque.
             send signals? How do you control them? How do
             you avoid disrupting other systems that are also          Safety measures also need to be developed within
             communicating and causing faults?                         the software of the by-wire system. In fact, this is
                                                                       where most of the safety elements exist for this type
             To utilize these actuators, you really have to get into   of a vehicle control. New safety measures such as
             the communications architecture, which are the            driver over-ride settings, control signal limits, and
             protocols of the vehicle. You need an understanding       vehicle speed dependencies, need to reside in the
             of the Computer Area Network (CAN). There are             by-wire system software.
             often multiple CANs communicating with different
             devices on the vehicles.                                  Power
                                                                       Power management and power distribution are
             It is important to be familiar with the embedded          often two of the most overlooked challenges when
             ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) on              developing a by-wire equipped vehicle. Today, AVs
             the vehicle so that you are not deactivating any          are typically developed on a retrofitted production
             key safety features as you are changing command           vehicle, which are designed with a traditional
             levels. Production command protocols and logic            12V system. An AV needs an array of specialized
             need to be understood and addressed in order to           sensors to see the world, including cameras, radars,
             keep all operational systems functional as well as        and lidars. Additionally, the vehicle then needs to
             prevent any faults that may occur. Communication          process the data by way of advanced computing
             can be one of the biggest hurdles in developing a         systems.
             DBW system, as it takes knowledge that is often
             available only through the original OEM or the Tier       Each of these AV components consume electrical
             1 supplier who created that particular subsystem.         power. While individual sensors might not pose a
             In brief, knowledge of the vehicle communication          significant load on the electrical system, the power
             systems is required to pass control signals               consumed by an array of sensors and the by-wire
             successfully and safely for actuation.                    system can be substantial. Without sufficient and
             Electronic hardware                                       reliable power, self-driving vehicles could experience
             The electronic hardware are the controllers that are      hardware faults – potentially causing substantial
             needed for communication throughout the vehicle.          risk to both the vehicle and the world in which it is
             Essentially, the electronics are used to process the      driving. To ensure the AV remains functional and
             low-level motion controls, the safety monitoring, and     dependable, it is imperative to verify there is ample
             the over-ride that are built into the system. Whether     power supply for the by-wire system components, as
             the by-wire vehicle conversion is being done in-          well as the sensors and other hardware.


Reliability                                              functional safety features out-of-the-box. With any
Often overlooked, the reliability of a base system       DBW platform, it is important to refer to regional laws
for an R&D project is critical to the success of any     and regulations that may specify required safety
active safety or AV development. There are a handful     measures and procedures for autonomous vehicles.
of important questions that should raise concerns:
Will the development work every day once it is built?    To conclude, engineering teams should consider
When/if it does not work, which is hopefully a rare      seven factors when deciding between engineering
occurrence, is it easy to diagnose and repair? Are       an in-house DBW system or implementing an
there resources available to complete the repair?        already available DBW kit, such as the Dataspeed
The cost in downtime can add up rapidly for AV/          By-Wire Kit. These considerations include the
ADAS development. Consequently, when the vehicle         actuation, communication architecture, electronic
is the primary development platform and issues           hardware, software, power, reliability, and safety.
arise, all progress is halted until it is fixed.         Moreover, the capabilities, the budget, the
                                                         resources, and the risks associated with engineering
Safety                                                   a custom drive-by-wire system is something that
Last, but certainly not least, is safety. What are       should deliberated from the very start.
the safety concerns when executing a by-wire
conversion on a vehicle? It should be noted that         Dataspeed’s By-Wire Kit provides a unique and
having engineered a new product, the by-wire             compatible research and development platform
equipped vehicle, generates several classes of           for AV technologies. It allows for seamless control
hazards which need to be addressed.                      over a vehicle’s throttle, brake, steering and shifting
                                                         to enable testing for AV applications. It features
In order to address these hazards, there are many        full electronic control with little modification to the
different processes and guidelines to follow, but it     vehicle, and without adding any actuators, ensuring
can be broken down into four basic steps, starting       all production-level safety features remain intact and
with conducting a hazard analysis. The team needs        fully functioning. By utilizing the Dataspeed By-Wire
to assess what harmful events can happen or be           Kit, a development team can reallocate time to focus
caused by this new device. Next, perform a safety        on sensor and algorithm development instead of the
analysis of the system to see how those hazards          resources and risks as associated with engineering
could be caused by this design and how often they        a custom system.Dataspeed Inc., provides complete
may occur. Subsequently, safety measures need            autonomous research and development vehicle
to be added to mitigate these risks and to lower         integrations that allow engineers to get up and
the chance of them happening. Lastly, those safety       running quickly on their algorithm, sensor, or data
measures need to be verified that they work as           research. Dataspeed’s industrial grade by-wire
intended.                                                solutions form the foundation of these platforms with
                                                         expert software and hardware engineers with their
The reality is that the primary safety measure           driverless car projects, including sensor developers,
for nearly all on road AVs is the safety driver, in      mobility-as-a-service providers, teleoperators,
combination with the by-wire system. Safety for the      research institutions, and government agencies.
end-user is equally important as for the engineers
developing the AV. Custom in-house DBW systems
generally have a focus and architecture intended
for engineer-use only, but who all will be riding in
the vehicle? Will the developing engineer always be
behind the wheel as the primary safety driver?

If there is any chance this answer could be “no”, it
is imperative that there are proper safety switches
and stopping mechanisms available. Should a
salesperson perform a demonstration, they should
have the capability to stop the vehicle quickly and
easily from the autonomous driving mode. Most
turn-key DBW systems allow for intuitive emergency
stopping by means of turning the steering wheel,
pressing the brake, or triggering an e-stop button.
All in all, plug-and-play by-wire systems must include

                                                                                        WINTER 2020  WWW.TAAS.NEWS 21
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