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       AHSCA Research and Training
       Coordinator Dr Terry Lucke
       discusses the appropriateness of
       using the overflow equations from
       AS/NZS3500.1 to design box gutter
       systems as per AS/NZS3500.3.


                                           16 COPING WITH COVID                     42 PLUMBING SOFTWARE SOLUTION
                                              Fergus job management software             An Australian-based software
                                              for trades and service businesses          company is demonstrating
                                              founder Dan Pollard shares three           how technology can make time

                                              key tips to help get you and your          consuming and error-prone
                                              business through 2020 while                calculations a thing of the past.
                                              coping with COVID-19.

                                           20 TAKING PLUMBING TO NEW
                                              HEIGHTS                               REGULARS
                                              Find out how Hydrautech
                                              designed a plumbing system            06   Editorial
                                              for what is essentially a vertical    08   Industry news
                                              suburb that is expected to house
                                                                                    38   Box gutters
                                              some 7,000 people.
                                                                                    46   Prove It

                                           28 AGA LISTED GAS FITTER SCHEME          50   Training off the page
                                              As an industry first, The
                                              Australian Gas Association
                                                                                    60   Products
                                              (AGA) launched the AGA Listed         81   Trade stuff
                                              Gas Fitter Scheme to increase
                                              awareness around testing and

                                           32 SPLASHING INTO THE
                                              CONNECTED WORLD
                                              Sean Carroll looks into Davey’s

                                              new range of IoT products that                 66 HEALTH
                                              brings the plumbing market
                                              more in line with the likes of the             70 BUSINESS
                                              electrical and building industries.
                                                                                             74 TRANSPORT

4   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020

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    AND SO IT CONTINUES                                                                         www.plumbingconnection.com.au

             song that hit the charts in      and the same or similar will no doubt       GENERAL MANAGER
                                                                                          Jeremy Sweet
             1987 by R.E.M titled ‘It’s the   ensue around the country. Perhaps           jeremysweet@build.com.au
             end of the world as we know      now more than ever, training and
    it’ pretty much sums up 2020. That’s      education is vital for the future of the    Justin Felix
    speaking from a Victorian of course.      industry and apprentices.                   03 9542 9024
       This year has been nothing that           Until we can all breathe a collective
    any of us could have imagined, but        sigh of relief, once the worst of this      EDITORIAL CONSULTANT
                                                                                          Jeff Patchell
    at the time of writing, the Victorian     is over, it’s important to focus on         jeff patchell@build.com.au
    Government has announced an               something beyond the financials and
                                                                                          STAFF WRITERS
    extension to Stage 4 restrictions         that’s your mental health.                  Anna Hayes, Sean Carroll
    and what appears to be an uncertain          If you’re experiencing downtime,         GRAPHIC DESIGNER
    roadmap out of this unprecedented         now might be the perfect time to take       Sam Elliott
    time.                                     a break from the tools and business         ADVERTISING TRAFFIC MANAGER
       The uncertainty surrounding the        operations to recoup. If you’re a           Tracey Glanville
    roadmap out of restrictions feels         business owner, you’re going to need        SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER
    reflective of 2020 as a whole with         to ensure you’re in the right head          Brigitta Novosell
                                                                                          03 9542 9005
    nobody really knowing how this will all   space to lead your team through the
    pan out.                                  rest of this uncertain time, so be sure     CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                          Jon Palfrey, Ken Sutherland, John Fennel,
       Many small – and even big –            to check in on yourself before looking      Frank Iapozzuto, Standards Australia
    businesses have or will succumb           after your staff.
    to the recession and economic                If you’re going through a difficult        Angelo Sticca                          03 9542 9011
    downturn, while others are thriving.      time, or need support for your staff,        angelosticca@build.com.au

       It’s highly unlikely the likes         get in touch with the likes of MATES        TO SUBSCRIBE                     1800 623 214
                                                                                          Australia                        03 9542 9000
    of businesses in remote work              in Construction who are here to train
                                                                                          New Zealand                    +61 3 9542 9000
    and social platforms, as well as          and support the industry in a range of      Fax (with credit card details)   03 9542 9090
    delivery services and even home           areas pertaining to mental health and
    furniture manufacturers could             awareness.
    have anticipated it would take a
    global pandemic to see demand and         WHAT A RIDE                                         www.facebook.com/tradieconnection
    profi ts skyrocket for their goods and     After 19 years of motoring
    services, but that’s the way the cookie   correspondence for Across the                       www.linkedin.com/in/plumbing-connection/

    crumbles sometimes.                       Trades, it’s time for us to farewell
       For the construction industry it       Terry Martin. Terry has been at the
    isn’t all doom and gloom just yet.        fore of all things automotive related
    While the full impact of the pandemic     and will be sorely missed by the team       By mail, please write to the address below
    on the construction industry remains      here at Lanella Media, and no doubt         PUBLISHED BY:
    to be seen, as will be the case across    the many subscribers who have               Lanella Media Pty Ltd
                                                                                          2/18-22 Lexia Place,
    the Australian economy as a whole,        benefi tted from his experience and
                                                                                          Mulgrave, VIC 3170
    there will be challenges to overcome.     knowledge. With that being said, we         AUSTRALIA
                                                                                          ISSN 1034-3075
       Thankfully, apart from Victoria,       wish Terry all the best in his new role
    the industry has remained open for        and future endeavours.
                                                                                          Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this magazine do
    business, if not for some inevitable                                                  not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although
    tweaks and changes here and there.                                                    all materials are checked for accuracy, no liability is
                                                                                          assumed by the publisher for any losses due to the use
       We’ve seen Construction Skills         Enjoy the read                              of material in this magazine. Copyright 2020 by Lanella
                                                                                          Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
    Queensland (CSQ) announce a $42                                                       may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
    million workforce training package                                                    transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
                                                                                          mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise)
    to prepare for its eventual recovery,                                  Justin Felix   without the prior permission of Lanella Media.

6    PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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    NEXT GEN DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG              SUBBIES WELCOME OVERDUE                     “NFIA and MPAQ commend the
    SERVICE                                   PAYMENT FAIRNESS REFORM                   government for taking our feedback
    Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) has            Master Plumbers’ Association of           on board and delivering this reform,
    announced Deloitte Consulting and         Queensland (MPAQ) and National            which will make a positive impact on
    Esri Australia as the providers for its   Fire Industry Association (NFIA)          our industry as a whole,” NFIA chief
    next generation referral service set to   have commended the Queensland             executive Glen Chatterton says.
    provide enhanced protection for $388      government’s delivery on its                The addition to the building industry
    billion worth of underground utility      election commitment to bring              fairness act delivers:
    assets across the country.                security of payment for the 240,000       ∫ A simplified project bank account
       DBYD chief executive Stuart            Queenslanders who work in the               framework, now called trust
    Burdack says the group was                building and construction industry.         accounts;
    extremely pleased to collaborate             “Finally, the subcontractors will be   ∫ Greater prosecuting powers to the
    with Esri Australia to provide the        treated fairly and get paid on time and     QBCC to investigate false statutory
    next generation referral service and      in full.                                    declarations;
    Deloitte in the development of the           “We would not expect a nurse           ∫ More ways for builders to recoup
    digital platform that will operate the    to work seven shifts and only get           monies owed, including charges
    new DBYD service.                         paid for three, but this is what has        on land and payment withholding
       “For more than two decades DBYD        been happening to hardworking               requests on financiers;
    has remained one of Australia’s most      tradies every day in Queensland,”         ∫ Greater transparency of the
    relevant and respected services           MPAQ executive director Penny Cornah        certification process to increase
    prioritising worker safety and the        says.                                       consumer confidence;
    protection of critical underground           “There is not a single plumber in      ∫ More eff ective regulatory
    infrastructure, above all else,” he       Queensland that has not experienced         powers for the boards of architects
    says.                                     non-payment or extreme late                 and engineers, improving
       “Our vision of ‘zero harm, zero        payment on money owed for work              confidence in the standards of
    damage’ sits at the heart of our          done. This legislation, which has           safety and quality of the built
    decision to pave a new, innovative        created a simplified project bank            environment; and
    path forward for the DBYD service.”       account framework, now called trust       ∫ A statutory review into the role
       Esri Australia are location            accounts, has been implemented.”            of property developers, including
    intelligence specialists and will            Penny adds that this $267 million        their workplace practices, in the
    leverage cutting-edge Geospatial          stimulus for the construction industry,     construction industry.
    Information System (GIS) technology       announced on Wednesday 15 July
    in the development of a vastly            2020, is an important and positive          The Project Trust Account system
    improved referral service for DBYD.       step forward that will benefi t tradies’   will be progressively extended across
       Phase one of the project will          businesses and create a security that     Queensland’s $46 billion construction
    see the delivery of self-managed          will extend into their personal lives,    sector from March 2021, while other
    kiosks for reporting and information      particularly in these uncertain times.    protections will commence this year.
    uploads; enhanced data integration
    capabilities allowing the seamless
    amalgamation of referral service          NEW CPD TO BUILD INDUSTRY                 importance to practitioners.
    data into web maps for analysis and       UNDERSTANDING                               Online training provider, Pointsbuild
    visualisation; map-based search           The ABCB has announced the                has been contracted by the ABCB to
    functions; an improved user interface     latest NCC Continuing Professional        deliver the online courses.
    and many more features.                   Development (CPD) courses which will        Courses being developed for the
       The next generation referral service   be launching in mid-late 2020. The        following practitioner groups include
    will be built and tested over the         courses give builders and plumbers        compliance practitioners including
    coming year and will ‘go live’ in the     the opportunity to undertake online,      building surveyors and inspectors;
    latter half of 2021.                      self-paced and aff ordable training to     design and engineering practitioners
                                              advance their knowledge.                  including architects, designers,
                                                As one of ABCB’s first responses to      draftspersons, specialists and
                                              the Building Confidence Report, these      engineers (including fire and hydraulic)
                                              are being developed in partnership        and construct and install practitioners
                                              with industry, government and subject     including builders, plumbers, fire
                                              matter experts. This ensure that          protection practitioners and site/
                                              topics are relevant and of the highest    project managers.

8    PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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                                                    PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS


    t appears that there is an increasing   a laboratory research study using a           a tranquil and steady water surface.
    tendency for building roof drainage     tank with a tranquil and steady water         These equations are valid in situations
    designers to use water tank overflow     surface. These equations are only valid       where the overflow inlet is not fully
equations from Section 8.4.4 of AS/         in situations where the overflow inlet is      submerged, i.e. open-channel flow
NZS3500.1:2018 (and its predecessors)       fully submerged. They are not suitable        conditions.
to develop box gutter performance           for box gutter design.
solutions. This article examines the                                                      EQUATION 2:
suitability of this practice.               EQUATION 1:
                                                                                               ܳ௪ ൌ ‫ܥ‬ௗ  ‫ כ ܾ כ‬ඥʹ݃ ‫݄ כ‬ଵǤହ
                                                    ܳ௢ ൌ ‫ܥ‬ௗ  ‫ כ ܣ כ‬ඥʹ݄݃
SECTION 8.4.4 – TANK OVERFLOW                                                        Where:
The orifice and weir overflow discharge       Where:                                        Q w = Flowrate over weir (m3/s)
equations provided in Figures       Qo = Flowrate through orifice (m3/s)           Cd = Weir coefficient (varies significantly
(A), (B) and (C) of AS/     Cd = Orifice coefficient (~0.61 for sharp-       depending on shape of weir)
NZS3500.1:2018 were specifically             edged orifice)                                 b = width of weir (m)
developed for water tank applications.      A = Cross-sectional area of pipe (m2)         G = gravity (9.81m/s2)
The overflow equations are applicable        G = gravity (9.81m/s2)                        h = head of water above orifice
in covered tanks with a tranquil and        h = head of water above orifice                centroid (m)
steady water surface profile as shown        centroid (m)
in Figure 1.                                                                              BOX GUTTERS
   Tank overflow equations           Tank overflow equations,         As discussed above, the orifice and weir
and provided in Figures and provided            overflow discharge equations provided and are variations    in Figures and          in Section 8.4.4 of AS/NZS3500.1:2018
of the historical orifice equation  are variations of the historical   are applicable for use in water tanks
(Eqn. 1) developed by Italian physicist     weir equation (Eqn. 2). These equations       with a tranquil and steady water surface
Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) in       are also based on the assumption of           profile.

10   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020

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                                                   PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS

   Roof drainage box gutters are
long, straight, drainage components                                                   FIGURE 1
designed to convey roof runoff
                                                                                  Tranquil Steady
longitudinally and discharge it freely                                             Water Surface
                                                                    h                                                   h
from the end of the box gutter into a
                                                Covered Tank                             d
sump below. Box gutters are subjected
to spatially varied flow conditions and
accordingly have extremely complex
flow variation throughout the length
of the gutter and at the outlet. This
circumstance becomes even more
complex where opposing flows of a                                                                                    d

gutter share an outlet and/or overflow.
   Box gutters conveying roof water to
sumps clearly have no resemblance to
tanks, nor do they have a tranquil steady
water surface profile. It is a dubious
                                                                                  Q                                          Q
practice to use tank overflow equations
to design overflow provisions for box                    Horizontal Side Overflow                          Vertical Pipe Overflow

gutter systems. It is also inappropriate
to develop an overflow solution in           Figure 1 – Tank Diagrams provided in Figures (A), (B) in AS/
isolation, without due consideration        NZS3500.1
of the varying water profile in the box
   Box gutters of building roof drainage       Physical testing is the only reliable         freely from the end of the gutter, in the
systems are subjected to very different      method to accurately determine the full          direction of flow, into a sump which has
operational conditions than those of a      range of flow conditions that is likely           overflow provisions at least equal to the
covered tank, or the laboratory-based       to occur in a box gutter conveying roof          total design flow.
model that was used to develop the          water during a storm event in different             Three alternative sump overflow
equations in question.                      configurations.                                   designs are available in AS/
   Roof drainage systems are designed          Much research and hydraulic                   NZS3500.3:2018 namely, rainhead,
to operate effectively during intense        testing was undertaken on box gutter             sump/side overflow device and sump/
storm events where the inflow rates          systems during the development                   high capacity overflow device. The
into the box gutters can fluctuate           of AS/NZS3500.3:2018 (and its                    overflow of the rainhead device is a
greatly. This often produces highly         predecessors). This research                     low-set weir in the direction of gutter
unsteady hydraulic flow conditions           determined minimum box gutter                    flow, that discharges directly to the
(spatially varied flow) which results in     depths, and a range of other factors             atmosphere. The overflows of the sump/
significant water level changes within       required to ensure roof drainage water           side and sump/high capacity devices
the gutters.                                is conveyed safely in the box gutter             discharge through weirs connected
   These unsteady hydraulic flow             to the sump without the risk of gutter           to an overflow channel/duct, and an
conditions can also cause the location      overtopping, flooding or building                 overflow pipe, respectively.
of the maximum water level within the       damage.                                            In the general method, the downpipe
gutter to change continually during a          The outcomes of this, and other               sizes required to safely drain the design
storm event (Figure 2). The deepest         research studies, are incorporated               flows from the three alternative sump
part of the water profile in a gutter        in the general method for box gutter             overflow designs in AS/NZS3500.3:2018
is rarely at the outlet and therefore,      design procedures outlined in Figures            are calculated using variations of the
sizing the outlet (or overflow) without      3.7.4(A), 3.7.4(B) and 3.7.4(C) in AS/           orifice equation (Eqn. 1). However, roof
identification of the deepest part of the    NZS3500.3:2018. Using unrelated                  drainage system sumps do not generally
flow is fundamentally flawed.                 water tank overflow equations from                experience a tranquil and steady water
   The highly complex unsteady flow          Section 8.4.4 of AS/NZS3500.1:2018               surface during operation, rather, they
conditions that occur in box gutters        to design hydraulically complex box              experience highly turbulent hydraulic
makes it very difficult to hydraulically      gutter systems is clearly not a suitable         conditions such as those shown in
model and no mathematical formulae          performance solution alternative.                Figure 3.
can reliably predict the maximum water                                                         As discussed, box gutter system
depths in gutters with consideration to     OVERFLOW SUMPS                                   sumps experience highly turbulent
varying gradients and encompassing a        AS/NZS3500.3:2018 requires box                   hydraulic conditions and water level
multitude of outlet configurations.          gutters to discharge primary flows                variations during normal operation.

12   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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                                                  PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS

                                                                                     performance solutions for box gutter
                                                                                     systems. However, there are also other
                                                                                     related and relevant issues that should
                                                                                     be considered in the development of
                                                                                     performance solutions for box gutter
                                                                                     systems. These are discussed below.
                                                                                        Building roof drainage systems are
                                                                                     highly complex hydraulic systems that
                                                                                     contain different components including
                                                                                     rainwater, box gutters, sumps, outlets,
                                                                                     overflow devices, weirs and pipes. All
                                                                                     these components interact with each
                                                                                     other and they cannot be designed in
                                                                                        Effective roof drainage system design
                                                                                     must consider all components of the
                                                                                     system acting together to ensure roof
Figure 2 – Flow in a 300mm wide box gutter showing varying maximum depth             water is conveyed safely away from
locations.                                                                           the building without the risk of gutter
                                                                                     overtopping, flooding, or building
                                                                                        Roof drainage box gutter systems
                                                                                     designed using the general design
                                                                                     methods outlined in Figures 3.7.4(A),
                                                                                     3.7.4(B) and 3.7.4(C) in AS/NZS3500.3
                                                                                     consider the interaction of all drainage
                                                                                     components operating together.
                                                                                     However, performance solution designs
                                                                                     often do not consider these effects.
                                                                                        Environmental conditions can also
                                                                                     influence the performance of roof
                                                                                     drainage systems. High winds and
                                                                                     intense rainfalls that often occur during
                                                                                     storm events can cause significant
                                                                                     wave actions in box gutters of roof
                                                                                     drainage systems.
                                                                                        Waves can also form in some gutter
Figure 3 – Highly turbulent hydraulic conditions in sumps receiving box gutter       configurations due to the proximity of
inflows                                                                               the outlet (or overflow) to vertical faces,
                                                                                     such as the return ends of the gutter.
                                                                                     These gutter waves can travel along
These water level variations affect the        No research has been published that    the length of the box gutters effectively
discharge rate through the downpipe.        investigates the suitability of using    varying the anticipated location of
AS/NZS3500.3:2018 allows for these          the water tank overflow equations         maximum gutter water depth and
highly turbulent hydraulic conditions       from Section 8.4.4 of AS/NZS3500.1       potentially cause overtopping and
and water level variations in sumps by      to develop performance solutions for     building flooding.
increasing the typical sump depth.          box gutters, sumps or overflows. It is       Box gutter systems designed using
  Research undertaken during the            therefore inappropriate to use these     the general design methods in AS/
development of AS/NZS3500.3                 equations to design performance          NZS3500.3 allow for this potential
determined that a significant increase       solutions for box gutters, sumps, or     wave action by applying sufficient
of sump depth was required to ensure        overflows.                                freeboard values which were obtained
the required flowrate through the                                                     from physical testing research studies.
downpipe was achieved. These findings        OTHER ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION           The height and speed of the waves vary
are incorporated in Figures I3 and I4 of    As discussed above, there are numerous   with the flow rate of the gutter and
AS/NZS3500.3 to allow for turbulent         hydraulic theory explanations as to      its configuration. As flow is increased,
flow conditions that occur during            why it is inappropriate to use water     additional freeboard may be required,
operation.                                  tank overflow equations to develop        and this is particularly evident in flow

14   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
                                                                                        PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS

     rates above those presented in AS/                                      WRAPPING UP                                                             performance solutions where
     NZS3500.3.                                                              This article has examined the                                           AS/NZS3500.3 overflow solutions
       Wind can also cause leaves, branches,                                 practice of using water tank overflow                                    are not suitable, or where required
     plastic bags and other debris to be                                     equations from Section 8.4.4 of AS/                                     flowrates are above 16L/s. Designers
     blown into the box gutters and sumps                                    NZS3500.1:2018 to develop box                                           requiring box gutter performance
     of roof drainage systems. This debris                                   gutter performance solutions in lieu of                                 solutions are advised to contact
     can potentially cause partial, or full                                  complying with the AS/NZS3500.3:2018                                    their local, fully accredited and trained
     blockages of drainage components                                        general method requirements for box                                     AHSCA member to discuss their
     resulting in overtopping of the gutters.                                gutter system design.                                                   requirements.
     Box gutter systems designed using                                         I have concluded that this practice is                                  Hydraulic modelling and the
     the general design methods in AS/                                       unacceptable. This is mainly due to the                                 estimation of spatially varied flow in
     NZS3500.3 allow for potential blockage                                  significant differences in operational                                    box gutters is extremely complex.
     of the primary downpipe by requiring                                    hydraulic conditions between covered                                    These complexities are multiplied with
     a separate overflow device that has at                                   tanks and box gutter systems exposed                                    varied outlet configurations, primary
     least the same capacity as the primary                                  to the elements.                                                        gutter flow requirements and additional
     system.                                                                   The AHSCA Research Foundation                                         overflow paths.
       Box gutters that are installed with                                   recently concluded a four-year                                            It is recommended that regulators,
     changes in direction (i.e. not straight)                                comprehensive research study using                                      building surveyors/certifiers, council
     can also dramatically increase the                                      physical modelling to investigate and                                   and property owners insist that any
     potential for blockages to occur and this                               validate the hydraulic behaviour of a                                   ‘Performance Solutions’ related to
     practice is specifically prohibited in AS/                               variety of new box gutter outlet and                                    box gutters be undertaken by an
     NZS3500.3. The hydraulic resistance                                     overflow devices.                                                        appropriately trained professional using
     introduced by changes in direction                                        The research outcomes included                                        formulae and methodologies developed
     (corners) is significant and outside the                                 12 new fully-tested box gutter                                          by research specifically relevant to box
     scope of AS/NZS3500.3.                                                  overflow devices that can be used as                                     gutters.

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label partner) and not used any discount or promotional code in making the purchase.
The information provided is general only and should not be relied upon as advice. No guarantees are provided as to pricing for individual risks. BizCover™ Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769). © 2020 BizCover. BC1586

Fergus job management software for trades and service businesses founder Dan Pollard shares three key
tips to help get you and your business through 2020.

      his is certainly a challenging time
      between the global pandemic
      and recession. Most plumbers
are seeing cautious spending from
customers, but also people are keen to
save money on water expenses.
  Plumbers and businesses that double
down on their customer service are the
ones who weather the storm the best.
The downturn is also a time to focus on
improving your business operations,
catching up on admin, chasing
payments and even training.

One very simple act that holds tradies
back from winning new business is
not answering the phone. It sounds so
simple, but from my own experience,
when I get recommendations for
any trades professional, I call them
wanting to spend money and they just        COVID-19 has changed the way a lot of us have to work, but by implementing certain
don’t answer. This loses plumbers           practices like wearing a mask and off ering remote quoting can help get us through.
and tradespeople valuable jobs as
customers go elsewhere.
  Similarly, when plumbers visit a site        With the trust barrier for allowing        diversifying is a good idea if you want to
to analyse the job and don’t follow up      strangers into the home at an all-            be more savvy.
with a quote, that’s wasting valuable       time high, you need to be sure that              The area of water conservation is a ripe
time as the customer will likely go with    prospective customers know you’re             one as there are many ways to conserve
the most proactive company.                 taking the right health and safety            water on a house, from rain harvesting
  Due to COVID-19, there are some           precautions at all times.                     to switching people’s hot water pipes to
other practices, such as remote                Ensure you’re not shaking people’s         smaller diameters, meaning they waste
quoting, that can help when customers       hands when visiting sites, wear a mask,       less water and it costs less to heat. If
aren’t comfortable allowing multiple        use hand sanitiser and follow strict social   three or four litres of water is coming out
tradespeople into their homes. If your      distancing rules. You should also keep        before the tap runs hot, customers are
customer service is the best then you       a record of who is on site at what time.      paying to waste water.
will be the plumber winning business.         Fergus has a contact tracing forms             Calculating these heating and
  Each state has diff erent                        function to help business owners        water waste costs can help educate
COVID-19 requirements and                           with this in addition to a health     customers to get things amended, they
training, such as NSW COVID-                         and safety on-site checklist.        will soon make the money back with
safe business certificates, which                                                          lower bills. For example, I once replaced
can be gained to help increase                      CREATING OPPORTUNITIES                some shower heads for a hostel and
safety measures and customer                        During a recession, everyone          it saved them thousands of dollars on
confidence.                                               will be looking to win more      their bill as they used less water.
                                                            recurring maintenance            Many plumbers will be using the
                                                              business. However,          downturn to organise their accounts
Fergus job management                                          using this                 and adopt new processes to improve
software for trades                                             opportunity to            their business. We know this as we have
and service businesses                                          specialise in more        had a record amount of views on our
founder Dan Pollard.                                            niche areas and           Tradehub webinars.

16   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
  Roof &


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            Some of the subjects include                   OFFER VALUE                                     opportunity to show you can do more
          going paperless, how to calculate                The best thing plumbers can do to               than just fix the leak and offer other
          chargeable hours, recession-proofing              improve customer experience is make it          services as a package.
          your trades businesses and how to                easy for people to do business with them.         It’s important you understand
          keep your trades business running                   Plumbing services, maintenance               the customer’s budget, timeline
          throughout stage three and four                  and repair, are often seen as a grudge          and expectations around quality of
          lockdowns in Melbourne. Using this time          purchase. A great way to make costs             materials used so you can present them
          to retool means you are improving the            more palatable is to off er payment              with the right options. Show your value
          way you do business not just now but             plans and packages. When clients think          and help get them across the line, by
          moving forward.                                  one small job will cost them a huge             also telling them about the money they
            You can also create opportunities by           lump sum, they are less likely to get it        can save on their bills.
          increasing your online presence. Many            fi xed, but if a plumber explains to them          Ultimately though, it’s delivering
          tradies set up websites, social media            that they can get multiple things fi xed         outstanding outcomes for customers
          pages and also upload their companies            around the house for a package fee and          that will win you repeat business and
          to popular job sites. Even the simple            pay in installments, they are much more         referrals.
          things like setting up the company on            likely to go ahead with it.                       While the pandemic is a stressful time
          Google My Business so they can be                   Taking a customer first approach is the       for many, you can use any downtime to
          found by people searching online, can            key to a successful plumbing business. It       improve the way you do business, chase
          dramatically increase the amount of              starts by really listening to your customer     payments and create a new pipeline of
          new business potential.                          to get a full picture of their problem. For     customers.
            Things like customer reviews, images           example, you get a call about a leaking
          and basic information about your                 kitchen faucet, but after speaking with
          services really help customers feel              the customer further you realise they           Fergus: smart job software for trades
          reassured and informed, making them              were motivated to fix it in an effort to          and service businesses
          more likely to choose your business.             conserve water. This then gives you an          www.fergus.com

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          18   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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Imagine having to design a plumbing system for what is essentially a vertical suburb that is expected to
house some 7,000 people at any given time. Well that’s exactly what Hydrautech had to do. Justin Felix
finds out more.

           est Side Place will become
           Victoria’s largest residential
           development at 1.2 ha, at a
cost of $2 billion.
   Stage one will house 1,376 apartments
over two towers, as well as the tallest
hotel in the Southern Hemisphere –
Melbourne’s first Ritz-Carlton Hotel – at
270m high with 257 suites, a business
centre, 550-seat grand ballroom and a
check-in desk that boasts panoramic sky
views from level 80.
   Stage two will provide a further 1,519
apartments over two towers with retail
arcades and the addition of a 308 room
Dorsett Hotel. On top of all of that, there
will be 3,000sqm of ground floor retail
space and 475sqm of garden spaces
running throughout a new central
laneway connecting Lonsdale Street
with Little Lonsdale Street.
   Hydrautech Designs Consulting
Engineers did more than imagine the
above scenario. It had the momentous
task of making it all a reality.               West Side Place is set to become Victoria’s largest residential development,
   As you can no doubt appreciate, a           eff ectively being a vertical suburb.
project of this size and nature extends
well beyond the limits of AS3500 and
AS5601. So how do you design the               population across both stages (of the             The hydraulics design features a
hydraulics (including gas) for a project       project) is 7,000. That’s more than             combination of both Deemed-to-Satisfy
that is basically a vertical suburb?           double the amount of people that live in        and Performance Based Solutions in
   Hydrautech Designs Consulting               a lot of suburbs,” Ross says.                   accordance with the Plumbing Code of
Engineers managing director Ross                  “We knew that if we designed all of          Australia.
Weight ran us through the monumental           the plumbing systems through the                  Performance Based Solutions were
task.                                          towers in accordance with AS3500                documented to satisfy Victorian
   “What determined most of our                Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS), we were                Building Authority (VBA) and building
designs purely came down to the sheer          going to be sizing pipes and outgoing           surveyor requirements and include:
size of the project. The anticipated           drainage that would have been larger            ∫ Sizing of main connecting sewer drains
                                               than the street connection.                       in accordance with Water Services
                                                  “The authority gave us consent to              Association of Australia (WASA) Gravity
 THE NUMBERS:                                  connect to their existing assets, which           Sewerage Code of Australia (branch
                                               for example, was the likes of a DN 225            drains and stacks designed DTS)
 ∫   2,895 apartments
 ∫   565 hotel suites                          sewer branch. So we looked at designing         ∫ Positive Air Pressure Attenuator
 ∫   7,000 population                          the entire building to the Waster                 (PAPA) stack systems designed
 ∫   10 pools and water features               Services Association of Australia                 in conjunction with Fully Vented
 ∫   140,000 litres of hot water (peak hour)   (WASA) code. If this was a sub-division           Modified (departures for Ritz Carlton)
 ∫   160,000 MJ/h of gas (connected load)
                                               we’d have designed it completely                ∫ Water services designed in accordance
 ∫   190 l/s stormwater discharge
     (1:100 year, 5 min)                       diff erently. We really had to treat it like a     with WASA Codes with cross reference
                                               vertical suburb.”                                 to AS3500 diversified flows

20     PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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Water distribution in large, multi-apartment buildings can be very costly in energy, money and time.
Sean Carroll looks into the latest solution tackling this issue.

          f you were to walk into a room,
          switch on a light and wait 30
          seconds for it to turn on, you
would be pretty annoyed. So why do we
put up with it in the plumbing industry
when waiting for hot water at a tap?”
   That’s the question All Valve
Industries marketing manager Daniel
Dillenbeck asks when talking about the
company’s latest solution: the H-BOX.
   “Hot water lag time in plumbing is
something we’ve come to accept, but
it’s certainly not good practice and
there are ways of improving that. Not
only that, but we’re wasting energy and
water,” he says.
   Circulating hot water in a plumbing
system to maintain the desired
temperature is standard practice
in most residential and commercial
multi-level buildings with the hot water
generally being circulated vertically
from the hot water plant up and down          The H-BOX solution from All Valve Industries aims to reduce lag times in plumbing
the building.                                 and improve energy efficiency.
   Traditional designs will use risers to
distribute water through the building
from the hot water plant. With some           H-BOX that enables the pipes to keep        through the heat exchanger and heats
utilities, especially in NSW, requiring       hot is the use of a heat exchanger which    up the cold water from the thermal
water meters and other services to be         transfers heat from the riser pipes         energy provided by the primary circuit,”
centralised in common cupboards, the          supplied from the hot water plant over      Daniel says.
ability to circulate this hot water further   into the separate zone to be circulated        “Hot water then circulates to
to each apartment becomes tricky. It          out to the apartments.                      each apartment, bypassing the hot
generally means the pipe from the water          “Basically, heat exchangers provide      water meters, which is important
meter to the apartment becomes a              a physical barrier between two circuits.    otherwise the tenant would be charged
dead leg, with the further the water has      They are made of a number of plates         consumption, and, ideally, continues to
to travel, the longer the wait time is for    with the fluids from each circuit flowing     the very last fi xture, where it returns for
that water to be delivered to the tap.        through alternating channels, allowing      recirculation.
   Solutions already exist in the             the thermal energy to transfer from one        “That return line from the apartment
market to counter this, including using       circuit to the other, but without the two   gets fed back into a common return and
an electric heat trace to maintain            fluids physically coming into contact        back to the H-BOX to get reheated. It
temperature in these dead legs or             with each other or crossing into the        circulates over and over and keeps the
increasing the number of risers in the        opposite circuit,” Daniel explains.         loops hot.
building. Both options can be quite              The water in the first zone (primary         “What happens when someone uses
costly in terms of space, money and           circuit) flows down from the hot water       hot water from a fi xture, there’s a
energy.                                       plant, reaches the H-BOX, transfers         special auto shutoff valve that we’ve
   What the H-BOX does diff erently is         heat through the heat exchanger and         developed that senses a small pressure
create another circulating zone after         then loops back up to the top of the        loss and then quickly shuts off any flow
the hot water meters that maintains the       building to be reheated.                    which circulates in that second zone,
temperature of the water in the dead leg         “The second zone (secondary circuit)     thereby forcing all water to be drawn
pipes. One of the key components in the       after the hot water meters flows             from the hot water meter.”

24   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
             Don’t risk it,
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   The special auto shutoff valve                to the riser. So it’s also a more equitable     to bringing it to market in the coming
is there to eliminate the risk that             solution.”                                      years.
water is accidentally drawn from the               The H-BOX can also be programmed                A lot of the components in the
common loop or other water meters.              to increase efficiencies. Instead of              H-BOX system are off-the-shelf,
It automatically isolates the relevant          running the system all day, every day, it       there’s nothing groundbreaking about
circuit when a pressure diff erential is         can be set to turn off from midnight to          using heat exchangers, pumps and
created from using hot water.                   5am for example.                                valves. However, the team at All Valve,
   On top of the main benefi t of                   All Valve Industries soft launched the       alongside its partner engineers in Italy,
delivering hot water where it needs to be       H-BOX to the Hydraulic Consultants              created this solution that works, is
faster, it’s cost-eff ective given there are     Association of Australia (HCAA) in              efficient and can revolutionise the high-
less risers, it takes up less space and it      December 2019. It was immediately               rise plumbing industry.
can be wholly installed by a plumber.           installed in a multi-storey high-                  “We endurance tested it for almost
   “I’ve also seen some projects where          rise building that was experiencing             two years, testing it under low flow
the electrical heat trace is charged to         extensive hot water delivery times. After       and high flow conditions, fi xtures that
individual electricity meters,” Daniel          the installation of the H-BOX at this           open and close slowly or quickly, along
says.                                           project, the average reduction in hot           with a range of conditions to simulate
   “It’s not fair that just because             water lag time was 55 seconds.                  real life conditions so that we can make
someone happens to be further away                 Daniel also says that when telling           sure that by the end of that testing
from the central riser, that they either        companies about the new solution, it’s          it still operates consistently,” Daniel
have long wait times for hot water or           well-received as it helps people cut            explains.
alternatively pay hundreds of dollars           down considerably on dead legs and hot             “I think by the end of the endurance
more per year for water heating with            water delivery times which is a constant        testing, some of the components had
heat trace. The delivery of hot water           challenge in hydraulic design.                  operated at the equivalent of over 100
should be designed inherently to the               The H-BOX is still a young solution          years’ worth of tap actuations so we
building; it’s not a privilege to be closer     and the team at All Valve are committed         well and truly tested it to death.”

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26    PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020

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As an industry first, The Australian Gas Association (AGA) launched the AGA Listed Gas Fitter Scheme on
September 1 2020.

        GA has a long and proud history
        of serving the Australian gas
        industry dating back to 1925 as
a membership-based not-for-profi t
industry association. AGA’s primary
objective is consumer safety and
over the years has been involved in
the development of Australian Gas
Standards, laboratory testing approval/
certification of gas products and
promotion of the gas industry.
   AGA is now focusing its attention on
promoting Licensed Gas Fitters to the
Australian community through the AGA
Listed Gas Fitter Scheme. The benefi ts
of the Scheme include a licence to use
the AGA Mark, being included on the
AGA Listed Gas Fitter Directory and
promotion to customers through the         The AGA Listed Gas Fitter Scheme aims to increase consumer awareness and
AGA Showroom (www.gas.asn.au).             promote best practice around installations and servicing.
   This extends AGA’s safety focus from
testing and certification of gas products
to include installation and servicing.     As a result, the National Gas Association   manufacturers and importers of gas
AGA will be running targeted marketing     (NGA) and the Australian Gas Institute      products and other affiliate companies.
campaigns to increase consumer             (AGI) were formed in 1925 and 1932
awareness that it is a regulatory          respectively to fulfil these roles.          DEVELOPMENT OF GAS STANDARDS/
requirement that only licensed gas            NGA was primarily focused on             CODES
fi tters should be used for gas appliance   promotional activities for the gas          In the early 1960’s, AGA set up specific
installation and appliance servicing.      industry and AGI was a scientific body       Australian Gas (AG) Committees to
   Being not for profi t, AGA is able to    providing technical expertise to the        develop safety Standards/Codes
invest the income from the Scheme          industry. The discovery of rich reserves    for domestic and commercial gas
right back to the industry.                of oil and natural gas in Bass Straight     appliances as well as myriad gas-
   Go to https://www.aga.asn.au/gas-       provided Victoria with an opportunity       carrying components and controls.
fi tters/ for more details.                 to become energy self sufficient,                Under the management and
                                           however, it was recognised that the full    technical support of AGA, the industry
HOW IT ALL STARTED WITH AGA                economic benefi ts of this prize could       was brought together through these
The Australian gas industry has            only be realised if consumers across        Committees to produce our world class
been evolving continuously for over        Australia were satisfied that, first and      safety gas Standards/Codes. This
100 years, from the introduction of        foremost, Natural Gas was a safe fuel       provided manufacturers and suppliers
manufactured towns gas and propane,        to use in their homes and that it was a     the much needed direction to help
to the conversion of Australia’s           reliable, efficient and economical fuel.      develop and produce safe and compliant
reticulated supply to Natural Gas.         To achieve this, the NGA and AGI merged     gas products.
  In the early days, gas appliances        to form the peak national industry             AGA transferred the administration of
were pretty basic and it was difficult       body known as The Australian Gas            the gas product Standards to Standards
to convince the Australian community       Association (AGA).                          Australia in 2004. This enabled
that they were safe and off ered many          AGA was set up as a national not-        AGA to focus on other gas industry
benefi ts. Positive promotion with          for-profi t, membership association and      developments and improvements while
proper technical backing was needed to     its membership comprised hundreds           continuing to be the largest technical
convince the community that gas is safe    of companies from all over the world,       contributor to the Standards writing
and that gas appliances are safe to use.   including gas producers and suppliers,      process going forward.

28   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020

APPROVAL/CERTIFICATION OF GAS AND           affi xed to domestic and commercial            networks and the LP Gas supply network
RELATED PRODUCTS                            gas appliances in Australian homes and       throughout Australia’s vast rural areas.
AGA launched the AGA gas product            businesses for more than 60 years and
approval scheme in the 1960s through        are well recognised by consumers and         KEEPING THE INDUSTRY UP TO DATE
which suppliers and manufacturers           industry practitioners alike.                AGA hosts industry forums annually
approved their gas products prior                                                        which cover the latest and most
to selling them to the market. This         PROMOTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN GAS              relevant gas industry developments.
ensured only compliant gas appliances       INDUSTRY                                     Delegates have the opportunity to meet
and components were available in the        Since 1925 up to the 1980s, AGA helped       key stakeholders and provide their input
Australian community in accordance with     make the Australian community aware          for the betterment of our industry. The
AGA gas product Standards/Codes. The        of the benefi ts of gas with promotional      forums are held in the last quarter of
compliance and safety of gas products       slogans such as “Safe, Clean, Efficient        every year and include distinguished
was critical to provide assurance and       Natural Gas”. AGA also produced              speakers and guests from Australia and
confidence of gas and the use of gas to      promotional videos featuring gas and         overseas.
the Australian community.                   the use of gas appliances. These videos        The theme and the opening of
  Today the AGA gas product approval        were exhibited to the Australian public      registrations are announced around
scheme is called ‘The AGA Product           on national TV as well as commercial         August and is a must attend event to
Certification Scheme for Type-Tested Gas     slots at cinemas and drive-ins. Go to        keep up to date with our industry’s
Products’ which covers tens of thousands    www.aga.asn.au/best-in-our-street to         evolution. Unfortunately, due to
of currently certified brands and models.    view one of the promotional videos AGA       COVID-19, the forum will not be held in
  In order to cater for AGA member          produced in 1955.                            2020.
needs, AGA’s Certification services             Moreover, cookbooks such as                 AGA also publishes NewsFlashes
broadened from the early 2000’s to          ‘The Australian Gas Cookbook’ were           monthly for the purpose of keeping
cover gas cylinders, plumbing products,     published by AGA’s Australian Gas            the gas industry informed of the latest
gas cartridges and gas cylinder test        Cookbook Committee to promote 100’s          developments and new requirements. It
stations. These Certification Schemes        of recipes for dishes using gas cookers.     covers topics such as Gas Certification
require detailed on-site quality auditing      There was no shortage of promotional      and Testing, WaterMark, gas cylinder
and in some cases, 100% inspection          material nationally about the industry.      developments as well as Standard
at the manufacturer’s premises during       Through these initiatives, AGA               updates.
every production run.                       brought stakeholders together and
                                            helped achieve what we call “social          THE AGA SHOWROOM
TESTING OF GAS PRODUCTS                     connectivity”. This is important             The AGA Showroom was launched
Underpinning AGA’s safety                   because, unlike electricity, gas is a fuel   in 2019 providing an online, iOS and
certification schemes is its state of        of choice i.e. consumers choose to have      Android platform for AGA members to
the art laboratory based in Melbourne       a gas connected to enjoy the benefi ts        list and showcase their certified gas
with collectively over 350 years’           it off ers. Through AGA, and for many         products to the Australian community.
experience in testing gas appliances        years the industry invested heavily to          This supports AGA’s promotional
and components for compliance               get to a point where consumers felt that     root objectives by bringing the industry
with Australian Safety Standards.           gas was a safe fuel choice supported by      together once again to promote gas as
Laboratory testing is extensive and         a very committed and safety conscious        a fuel of choice and the safe use of gas
includes such things as combustion          industry.                                    products.
analysis, delayed ignition, temperature                                                     The AGA Showroom is where
hazards and energy labelling.               AUSTRALIA’S GAS SAFETY RECORD                customers and gas fi tters can find a
  AGA’s NATA scope of accreditation         In early 2004, AGA participated in a         whole range of safe and reliable gas
includes cookers, water heaters, space      survey of the gas safety records of the      products and all the benefi ts that come
heaters, laundry dryers, refrigerators,     major developed economies around the         with them. Amongst other features, the
ducted heaters, barbecues, patio heaters,   world, including the major economies         platform also has an inbuilt messaging
camping products, commercial catering       of Europe, Nth America and some of the       system where customers can
equipment, as well as a whole range of      countries in the Asian region such as        communicate directly with the suppliers
gas components and controls and more.       Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.       and manufacturers.
                                               Results of this survey showed that           The AGA Showroom is number one on
TRUSTED AGA MARK                            Australia enjoyed a gas safety record        internet search engines and is achieving
Each AGA certified appliance is affi xed       that was the envy of most countries          high result targeted showcasing
with either an AGA badge or an AGAMark      and was amongst the best in the world.       through social media. AGA Listed Gas
when sold since the approval scheme         This was a notable achievement given         Fitters will be promoted to users in a
was developed in the early 1960’s.          the length of transmission pipelines,        location targeted method through this
These safety symbols have been              the scale of natural gas distribution        high traffic platform.

30   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   Summer 2020
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