What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se

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What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
What is resilience?
  An introduction to social-ecological research

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What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
i l lu st rat i o n e r i k r o s i n
    Introduction                                                page 3
    Ch a p t er 1
    Linking people and ecosystems                               page 4                                                  T h is pu bl ic at ion was
                                                                                                                     w r i tt e n a n d e di t e d by:
    Ch a p t er 2                                                                                                        Fredrik Moberg (Albaeco/
                                                                                                                     Stockholm Resilience Centre)
    From hunter-gatherers to planetary stewards                 page 8                                                 and Sturle Hauge Simonsen
                                                                                                                    (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
    Ch a p t er 3                                                                                                      with editorial support from
                                                                                                                  Maria Schultz, Henrik Österblom
    Social-ecological innovations for planetary opportunities   page 12                                                 and Per Olsson (Stockholm
                                                                                                                            Resilience Centre) and
    C a se S t u d i e s                                                                                                   Åsa Persson (Stockholm
    World map with twelve local / regional case studies         page 16                                                    Environment Institute).
                                                                                                                               Gr a ph ic de sign:
    Glossary                                                    page 18                                                  Matador Kommunikation
                                                                                                                         and Futerra Sustainability
    Useful reading                                              page 19
    References                                                  page 19                                                           f r o n t pa g e i m a g e s:
                                                                                                                                           a zote im ages

What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se

Resilience is the capacity of a system,    There is no doubt humans have been successful in               Chapter One of this publication describes in detail
                                           modifying the planet to meet the demands of a rapidly          the complex interdependencies between people and
be it an individual, a forest, a city or   growing population. But the gains achieved by this             ecosystems. It highlights the fact that there are virtually
an economy, to deal with change            spectacular re-engineering have come at a price. It is now     no ecosystems that are not shaped by people and no
                                           widely apparent (and acknowledged) that humanity’s use         people without the need for ecosystems and the services
and continue to develop. It is about       of the biosphere, that sphere that embraces all air, water     they provide. Too many of us seem to have disconnected
the capacity to use shocks and             and land on the planet in which all life is found, is not      ourselves from nature. A shift in thinking will create
                                           sustainable.                                                   exciting opportunities for us to continue to develop and
disturbances like a financial crisis or                                                                   thrive for generations to come.
                                           To continue to live and operate safely, humanity has to stay
climate change to spur renewal and         away from critical ‘hard-wired’ thresholds in the Earth’s      Chapter Two takes us through the tremendous acceleration
innovative thinking. Resilience thinking   environment and respect the planet’s climatic, geophysical,    of human enterprise, especially since World War II. This
                                           atmospheric and ecological processes. Resilience thinking      acceleration is pushing the Earth dangerously close to
embraces learning, diversity and above     is about generating increased knowledge of how we can          its boundaries, to the extent that abrupt environmental
all the belief that humans and nature      strengthen the capacity to deal with the stresses caused       change cannot be excluded. Furthermore, it has led
                                           by climate change and other aspects of global change. It       scientists to argue that the current geological period
are strongly coupled to the point that     is about finding ways to deal with unexpected events and       should be labeled the ‘Anthropocene’ – the Age of Man.
they should be conceived as one social-    crises and identifying sustainable ways for humans to live
                                           within the Earth’s boundaries.                                 Chapter Three highlights the fascinating paradox that
ecological system.                                                                                        the innovative capacity that has put us in the current
                                           This publication presents three major strands within           environmental predicament can also be used to push us out
                                           resilience thinking and social-ecological research. It         of it. It introduces the term social-ecological innovation,
                                           describes the profound imprint we humans have had              which essentially strives to find innovative ways to reconnect
                                           on nature and ideas on how to deal with the resulting          with the biosphere and stay within planetary boundaries.
                                           challenges. Based on the research conducted at the
                                           Stockholm Resilience Centre, the three chapters illustrate
                                           how we can use the growing insights into the many
                                           challenges we are facing by starting to work with the
                                           processes of the biosphere instead of against them.

What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
Reconnecting to the Biosphere
    1. Linking people
    and ecosystems
    In our globalised society, there are virtually no    the planet and the life-supporting ecosystems
    ecosystems that are not shaped by people and         that provide us with a hospitable climate, clean
    no people without the need for ecosystems and        water, food, fibres and numerous other goods
    the services they provide. The problem is that too   and services. It is high time we reconnect to
    many of us seem to have disconnected ourselves       the biosphere and start accounting for and
    from nature and forgotten that our economies         governing the capacity of natural capital to
    and societies are fundamentally integrated with      sustain development.
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
S                                                 Everything is connected
     ince early 1800 the human population                                                         the landscape to sustain these activities,

                                                                                                                                                   P h oto g ra p hy m a x t r o e l l /a zot e
      has increased massively from one billion                                                    the picture looks different: Widespread
      then to the nine billion we are committed   Amidst gloomy forecasts, the MA also            replacement of deep-rooted native trees
towards 2050. During the last 200 years, and      brought with it good news. The assessment
                                                                                                  with crop and pasture plants that need less
particularly after World War II, economic         represented a major shift towards a better
                                                                                                  water, in combination with irrigation, have
development, international collaboration,         understanding of the relationship between
                                                                                                  resulted in rising water tables. This in turn
technical and social innovation, improved         human progress, economic development
                                                                                                  has brought salt normally held deep within
health and wealth have all contributed to         and governance of the world’s ecosystems.
                                                                                                  the soil profile to the surface and is causing
boost the standard of living of most people,      Rather than separating human development
                                                                                                  severe salinization problems in the region.
although the world still hosts one billion        from environmental governance, the MA
absolute poor and three billion people living     has helped clarify that people and societies    Another example of the delicate interactions
on less than 2.5 USD a day.                       are indeed inseparable parts of what we call    between social and ecological systems is the
                                                  the biosphere – the global ecological system    global market demand for palm oil and
Within the same period of time, the Earth’s       that embraces all living beings on Earth        tropical timber, which has changed large
ecosystems have started to show serious signs     and in the atmosphere. The MA emphasises        parts of Borneo from biodiversity-rich
of fatigue. In 2005, the UN Millennium            the importance of extending the economic        tropical rainforests to a simplified oil palm
Ecosystem Assessment (MA) published the           notion of financial value to include nature’s   landscape. The situation becomes critical
first ‘global health control’ of the world’s      goods and services. The bottom line is that     when the role of El Niño is included in
ecosystems. The diagnosis was clear:              poverty alleviation and future economic
                                                                                                  the equation. This climate phenomenon
the rapidly growing human demands for             development can only be achieved with
                                                                                                  is tightly linked with the reproduction
food, freshwater, timber, fibre and fuel have     a stronger emphasis on management and
                                                                                                  of trees in the Dipterocarp family, which
changed the Earth’s ecosystems faster and         governance of ecosystems and their capacity
                                                                                                  dominate the rainforests. Up to 90 per cent
more extensively in the past 50 years than        to generate essential services.
                                                                                                  of Dipterocarp species synchronise their
ever before. The assessment showed that
                                                  A striking example is the Goulburn-Broken       flowering with the onset of dry weather
some 60 percent of the ecosystem services
                                                  catchment in the Murray-Darling Basin,          conditions, which traditionally occur
that support human well-being are being
                                                  which has become one of the principal           during El Niño on a roughly four-year basis.
degraded or used unsustainably.
                                                  income providers for the State of Victoria      The mass blooming and subsequent fruiting
This ecosystem degradation could grow             in Australia. Thanks to widespread and          involve thousands of species across millions
significantly worse during the first              seemingly well-adapted dryland cropping,        of hectares and represent a strategy that
half of this century and is a barrier to          grazing and fruit production, the region has    intermittently starves and swamps seed
reducing global poverty and achieving the         apparently thrived. However, if the analysis    predators, so that at least some seeds survive
Millennium Development Goals.                     is broadened to include the resilience of       to germination. This dynamic relationship
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
to small-scale water innovations to combat         Accounting for nature’s capital                    sectors such as mining, can pose significant
P h oto g ra p hy M i ra n K e g l /A zot e

                                                                                                poverty in drought-prone areas in the                                                                 economic and social risks. Estimates show
                                                                                                developing world (see case study map, page         A substantial challenge is to ensure that          that the negative environmental impacts
                                                                                                16). Resilience is the long-term capacity of a     the value of ecosystem services becomes            of the world’s top 3,000 listed companies
                                                                                                system to deal with change and continue to         more visible in society. Assigning a value         amount to around 2.2 trillion USD annually.
                                                                                                develop. For an ecosystem, such as a forest,       to ecosystem services is gaining increasing
                                                                                                this can involve dealing with storms, fires and    interest among researchers and policy              The nub and kernel of
                                                                                                pollution, while for a society it can involve an   makers. Although the scientific basis
                                                                                                ability to deal with events such as political      and financial and political mechanisms             the problem is that many
                                                                                                unrest and natural disasters in a way that is      are still under development, there are             of the serious, recurring
                                                                                                sustainable in the long-term.                      several promising efforts. For instance, The
                                                                                                                                                   Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity           problems in natural resource
                                                                                                Low resilience may lead to undesired shifts        (TEEB) study calls for wider recognition of        management stem from
                                                                                                in a system. Examples include savannah             nature’s contribution to human livelihoods,
                                                                                                systems that turn into shrub-deserts, coral        health, security and culture by decision           a lack of recognition that
                                              between Dipterocarp trees and El Niño has
                                                                                                reefs that shift into algae-covered rubble         makers at all levels (local, regional and          ecosystems and social
                                                                                                and lakes that become over-enriched with           national policy makers, business leaders
                                              lasted for millennia, but the growing global      nutrients and shift into a state with blooms       and private citizens). For instance, the report    systems are dynamic and
                                              thirst for palm oil is now breaking the
                                              system down.
                                                                                                of toxic algae and fish kills. The outcome         shows how the annual costs of forest losses        inextricably linked.
                                                                                                tends to be biodiversity-poor ecosystems           alone (2,5 trillion USD) dwarfed the
                                                                                                that are vulnerable to change and generate         financial crisis in 2008. In other words,          One example of better integration of
                                              Intensive logging of the trees has reduced
                                                                                                fewer ecosystem services to human societies.       the world lose more money from the                 ecosystems and their services into business
                                              the local density and biomass of mature
                                                                                                Increased knowledge of how we can                  disappearance of forest ecosystem services         activities is the Corporate Ecosystem
                                              trees below a critical threshold that limits
                                                                                                strengthen a desired resilience in both society    alone than through a banking crisis. The           Services Review (ESR), developed by the
                                              masting. In addition, the introduction of
                                                                                                and nature, or rather interconnected social-       TEEB study has helped place biodiversity           World Resources Institute and others.
                                              fires in a region that had no prior fire regime
                                                                                                ecological systems, is becoming increasingly       management on the high end of the political        This is a five-step methodology for
                                              has exacerbated drought stress and caused
                                                                                                important when grappling with climate              agenda, showcasing the enormous economic           corporate managers to proactively develop
                                              a radical transformation in forest ecology,
                                                                                                change and other environmental impacts.            value of forests, freshwater, soils and coral      strategies for managing business risks and
                                              which has made El Niño a destructive rather
                                                                                                Investing in resilience can be seen as insurance   reefs, to name but a few.                          opportunities arising from their company’s
                                              than a regenerative force. In the process,
                                                                                                against future shocks. By safeguarding                                                                dependence and impact on ecosystems. The
                                              Borneo has turned from being a carbon                                                                Acknowledging the key insights of the
                                                                                                diversity and critical resources, the                                                                 ESR has been translated into six languages
                                              sink into becoming a carbon source, with                                                             TEEB study, India is in the process of
                                                                                                chances of ‘riding through’ shocks – such                                                             and over 300 businesses have put it to use.
                                              fires releasing massive amounts of carbon                                                            implementing a new set of accounts, which
                                                                                                as extreme events – increase. This is of                                                              For instance, the international paper and
                                              dioxide, making Indonesia one of the largest                                                         track the country’s natural capital and
                                                                                                critical importance considering future                                                                packaging company Mondi conducted
                                              greenhouse gas polluters in the world.                                                               include the value of nature’s services alongside
                                                                                                uncertainty and limited understanding of the                                                          an ESR for three of its South Africa tree
                                                                                                vulnerability generated by human-induced           GDP in decision-making. China is another           plantations. This resulted in new strategies
                                              Resilience thinking                               change. In essence, resilience theory argues       country where natural capital investments          to use invasive species cleared from its
                                              One increasingly relevant scientific approach     that the nub and kernel of the problem is that     and payments for ecosystem services are            plantations for power and heat generation,
                                              to deal with analysis of interwoven systems       many of the serious, recurring problems in         now being integrated into governance on a          a decision to co-finance water efficiency
                                              of humans and nature is through the concept       natural resource management stem from              remarkable scale (see case study map, page         improvements of upstream landowners,
                                              of resilience. This concept is not only used as   a lack of recognition that ecosystems and          16). The TEEB report also emphasises the           and promotion of coppiced woodlots for
                                              a framework for research, but also applied        social systems are dynamic and inextricably        message that failure of business to account for    biomass fuel that provide additional revenue
                                              in practice. Examples range from city planning    linked.                                            the value of natural capital, particularly in      for villagers.
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
Another example is the Reducing                  UN Convention on Biological Diversity.           in management and is playing a highly                   for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest          Ecosystem-based management is an                 active and influential role in managing the             Living Resources enabled the emergence
Degradation (REDD+) programme. In                adaptive management approach that does           wetlands. In June 2005, the wetlands were               of new ways to address the problem. A
terms of dollars per ton of carbon, it is an     not simply seek to manage human impacts          formally designated a Biosphere Reserve                 small number of key individuals living in
economically attractive option for reducing      on ecosystems. It also recognises that           under the UNESCO Man and Biosphere                      countries remote from Antarctica mobilised
CO2 emissions. REDD+ expands the scope           the capacity of an ecosystem to generate         scheme.                                                 personal networks and produced reports,
of previous REDD programmes beyond               goods and services is shaped by humans                                                                   which in turn raised political awareness,
avoided deforestation and degradation            and acknowledges the importance of their         Examples of adaptive governance have                    produced voluntary monitoring schemes
activities to include e.g. rehabilitation,       actions, including collaboration among           also appeared on an international level,                and imposed informal pressure on states
planting of trees, sustainable management        individuals, networks, organisations,            with measures taken to curb illegal and                 and corporations involved in the industry.
and an explicit aim to ensure the full and       agencies, researchers and local resource         unregulated fisheries in Antarctic waters.              Although illegal and unregulated fishing
effective participation of indigenous peoples    users. Research suggests that flexible           Effective international collaboration                   has not completely disappeared, it has
and local communities. Although by no            social networks and organisations built on       between states was initially hampered by                been considerably reduced through the
means a perfect solution, estimates show         adaptive learning are in a better position       political sensitivity, but non-state actors             complementary roles filled by state and
that financial flows for greenhouse gas          to sustain and manage ecological systems.        (NGOs and the fishing industry itself)                  non-state actors.
emission reductions from REDD+ could             Adaptive governance approaches must be           and their engagement in the Commission
reach up to 30 billion USD a year. In addition   able to coordinate relevant actors at multiple
to climate change mitigation, REDD+ can          scales, but also to achieve meaningful
also generate a number of other benefits,        collaborations and collective action before            Key messages:
including biodiversity conservation and          essential ecosystem services are depleted           1. In spite of immense technological de-               Science has a great responsibility in
a multitude of ecosystem services. Such          or critical thresholds are transcended. Key            velopment and progress, our econo-                   this respect to provide a better under-
ecosystem services are essential for the         individuals provide trust and visions, while           mies and societies still fundamentally               standing of the multiple challenges
livelihoods of many millions of people and       so-called bridging organisations lower                 depend on ecosystems to provide us                   facing humanity and to explore solu-
include erosion control, stabilisation of        the costs of collaboration and conflict                with a hospitable climate, clean water,              tions for sustainable development in
water supply and many wood and non-              resolution. They also connect groups that              food, fibres and numerous other goods                an increasingly unpredictable world.
wood forest products.                            would otherwise not be connected and                   and services.
                                                 enhance learning among stakeholders.                                                                      4. Resilience thinking is an important
The governance 			                                                                                   2. It is time to fully realise that our societies       part of the solution, as it strives at
                                                 Such adaptive governance systems are                   and economies are integral parts of the               building flexibility and adaptive
of global dynamics                               increasingly appearing at regional and global          biosphere, and to start accounting for                capacity rather than attempting to
Raising awareness about the dynamic              level. The wetland area of Kristianstad in             and governing natural capital. Poverty                achieve stable optimal production
interactions between social and ecological       southern Sweden is one such case where                 alleviation and future human develop-                 and short-term economic gains.
systems is one challenge, coming up with         ecosystem-based management structures                  ment cannot take place without such
new ways to govern them is quite another.                                                                                                                  5. It is time for a new social contract
                                                 have been successfully implemented.                    a wider recognition of nature’s contri-
Governing complex social-ecological                                                                                                                           for global sustainability rooted in a
                                                 This wetland, which provides important                 bution to human livelihoods, health,
systems requires an institutional ability                                                                                                                     shift of perception – from people and
                                                 ecosystem services such as flood control,              security and culture.
and zeal to cope with, adapt to and shape                                                                                                                     nature seen as separate parts to inter-
                                                 cultural and recreational values and flooded
sudden changes. Such a move from rigid                                                               3. The issue at stake extends beyond                    dependent social-ecological systems.
                                                 meadows for grazing and haymaking, was
sector-based resource management to more                                                                climate change to a whole spectrum                    This provides exciting opportunities
                                                 increasingly degraded until the Ecomuseum
adaptive ecosystem-based management is                                                                  of global environmental changes that                  for societal development in collabo-
                                                 Kristianstads Vattenrike (EKV) organisation
slowly gaining momentum, e.g. through                                                                   interplay with interdependent and                     ration with the biosphere; a global
                                                 was established in 1989. Although it has
the ‘ecosystem approach’, which is the                                                                  rapidly globalising human societies.                  sustainability agenda for humanity.
                                                 no authority to make or enforce legal
primary framework for action under the           rules, EKV has brought about changes
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
The human dominated planet
2. From hunter-gatherers
to planetary stewards
Believe it or not but for most of human history we    planetary stewards instead, and strike a long-term
have existed as hunter-gatherers. Now, thanks to      balance between human well-being and
the dramatic fossil fuel-driven expansion since the   sustainable use of the Earth’s ecosystems.
1800s, our imprint on the global environment
is so large that we risk triggering a number of
abrupt or even irreversible global environmental
changes. The question is how we can become
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
P h oto g ra p hy Ewa W i s n i ews ka /a zot e
           e have had a good run, but              human imprint on the planet is now so great       before. Fossil fuel based agricultural and
           business-as-usual cannot contin-        that the Earth seems to have entered a new        manufacturing systems enhanced the
           ue. Humanity has begun to emit          geological epoch. It is leaving the Holocene,     production of foodstuffs and other goods,
more than nature can absorb and acquire            the remarkably stable period within which         and consumption began to grow along with
more than the Earth’s resources can provide.       human societies as we know them have              an increasingly healthy and expanding
In other words, we are beginning to live off       developed, and it is entering a stage where       population. Little did they know that the
the Earth’s capital, rather than the interest.     humanity itself has become a global               rapid expansion of fossil fuel usage was
The good news in all this is that we are the       geophysical force. In other words, we have        slowly raising the CO2 concentration in
first generation with the knowledge of how         gone from being primitive hunter-gatherers        the atmosphere above the limits of the
our activities influence the whole Earth           to a force that can tip the Earth’s future into   Holocene. The exit door from the Holocene
System. We are also the first generation with      the unknown. In the worst case scenario           had been opened. The increased pace of just
the power and responsibility to change our         this new state of the Earth is much warmer,       about everything after World War II marked
relationship with the planet.                      with more sea and less land, impoverished         a further threshold in humanity’s history
                                                   ecosystems, mass extinction of species            called the Great Acceleration. While the
21st century crossroads                            and a number of severe socio-economic             human population tripled, consumption
The evidence that the Earth is warming             consequences.                                     in the global economy grew many times
and that human emissions of greenhouse                                                               faster. With foreign direct investments,
gases have been responsible for most of            The Great (fossil fuel-driven)                    international tourism, cars, telephones and
this warming since the middle of the               Acceleration                                      above all the internet, the connectivity of
20th century is unequivocal. However,                                                                humanity has grown at an astounding rate
                                                   About 10,000 years ago, agriculture               since 1950. Not surprisingly, the acquisition
just as distressing as climate change is
                                                   was developed roughly simultaneously              and use of natural resources – as well as
the increasing erosion of the Earth’s
                                                   in four different parts of the world. This        the pressure on our climate and ecosystems
goods and services. There is a growing
                                                   set humanity on a trajectory that led to a        – has also risen dramatically during this
acknowledgement that humans must be seen
                                                   more sedentary lifestyle, the development         period. The UN’s Cities and Biodiversity
as part of and not apart from nature, and
                                                   of villages and cities and the creation           Outlook, which is the world’s first global
that the delineation between social and
                                                   of complex civilisations that eventually          analysis of how projected patterns of urban
ecological systems is artificial and arbitrary
                                                   spanned large regions. Around 1800 AD,            land expansion will impact biodiversity and
(see Chapter 1 for more details).
                                                   however, something dramatic happened.             crucial ecosystems, states that production
A further realisation of the strong correlations   Our ancestors at that time learned to             and consumption activities heavily
between human actions and the Earth’s              access and exploit fossil fuels as a new          concentrated in cities have contributed
life-supporting system is reflected in the         energy source and dramatic changes                to some 80 percent of all greenhouse gas
term Anthropocene. This indicates that the         came about at a pace never experienced            emissions. Furthermore, over 60 percent
What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research - www.stockholmresilience.su.se
of the land projected to become urban by          produced exceed nature’s capacity to absorb
                                                                                  2030 has yet to be built. This presents great     them. Excess nutrients can generate a
                                                                                  challenges, but also major opportunities to       number of negative environmental effects.
                                                                                  improve global sustainability by promoting
                                                                                  low-carbon, resource-efficient urban              We know the Earth’s
a zot e

                                                                                  development that can reduce adverse effects       resilience and resource base
                                                                                  on biodiversity and improve quality of life.
                                                                                                                                    cannot be stretched infinitely
                                                                                  It is clear that the Great Acceleration has not
                                                                                  been an environmentally benign phenome-
                                                                                                                                    and we are uncomfortably
                                                                                  non. It has driven large changes to the Earth     aware that we are heading
                                                                                  System and human activities are eroding the
                                                                                                                                    in the wrong direction. The
                                                                                  Earth’s resilience. This is due to overfishing,
                                                                                  extensive deforestation, a dramatic increase      question that remains is how
                                                                                  in domesticated land, increasing nitrogen         we can better manage our
                                                                                  fluxes and a profound loss of biodiversity,
                                                                                  to name a few. However, one other aspect          relationship with nature.
                                                                                  deserves particular attention.
                                                                                                                                    The ocean’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide
                                                                                                                                    also slows the rate of climate change and
                                                                                  The forgotten sea
                                                                                                                                    consequently acts as a climate regulator.
                                                                                  Being terrestrial creatures, much of human        However, the most important regulating
                                                                                  concern about changes in the planetary            service the ocean provides for humanity is
                                                                                  environment is focused on the land, the           probably its global distribution patterns of
                                                                                  coasts or the atmosphere. In reality, the         heat and moisture via ocean circulation. For
                                                                                  ocean is in many respects more important          example, most of the rainfall over land that
                                                                                  than both land and atmosphere in the              supports agriculture and cities originates
                                                                                  functioning of the Earth as a whole. The          through evaporation from the ocean.
                                                                                  ocean, particularly the coastal seas, provides    Humans are crucially dependent upon
                                                                                  an important support by absorbing and             access to this freshwater and any changes to
                                                                                  recycling human-generated waste products.         these climate conditions will have knock-
                                                                                  Much of the nitrogen and phosphorus               on effects for human societies. Another
                                                                                  waste produced by human societies from            example is ocean acidification via increasing
                                                                                  e.g. agricultural fertilisers and animal and      amounts of atmospheric CO2 reacting with
          Planetary Boundaries: the nine red wedges represent an estimate         human excrement ultimately ends up in             the ocean water to form carbonic acid. The
          of the current position of each boundary. The inner green shading       the coastal oceans, where it is metabolised.      resulting higher acidity, mainly near the
          represents the proposed safe operating space (see p. 11 for details).   Problems occur when the compounds                 surface, has been proven to inhibit shell and
skeleton growth in many marine animals          leadership in bearing the cost of                  original framework cannot simply be taken      means of this one planet. The Planetary
and is suspected to cause reproductive          transformation.                                    off the shelf and translated directly to       Boundaries approach also helps shift the
disorders in some fish.                                                                            operational policy. What it can do already     focus from the slightly one-sided emphasis
                                                One of the most significant attempts to            at this stage, however, is to be used as a     on climate change to a more complex
Ultimately, this renders ocean ecosystems       provide scientific guidelines for such             framework to guide the formulation of new      systems perspective acknowledging that
less resilient to extreme events and human      improved stewardship came in 2009 when             Sustainable Development Goals, which are       the desired stability of the Earth systems
pressure. This can have drastic consequences    a group of 28 internationally renowned             to replace the Millennium Development          is dependent on a variety of factors. This
on coral reefs and other marine life, with      scientists identified and quantified a set of      Goals after 2015.
                                                nine planetary boundaries within which                                                            means the need to address overfishing,
cascading impacts on the fishing and tourism
industries. Understanding the human             humanity can continue to develop and               An interesting added perspective has also      deforestation, loss of biodiversity just as
trajectory, from hunter-gatherers to the        thrive for generations to come. Respecting         been the social boundaries suggested by        much as dealing with increased greenhouse
drivers of the Great Acceleration and beyond,   these boundaries reduces the risks to human        Oxfam in their “Doughnut model”. This          gases. In fact, a more holistic approach
is an essential element in the process of       society of abrupt or irreversible environmental    model demonstrates the importance of           in dealing with climate change can create
transforming our role on Earth from             changes. The nine processes with boundaries        ensuring that every person has the resources   synergy effects where actions to reduce
resource exploiters to resource stewards.       (see illustration p. 10) include climate change,   they need to meet their human rights, while    greenhouse gas emissions globally can also
                                                stratospheric ozone, ocean acidification,          we collectively live within the ecological     improve air quality in metropolitan areas.
Working within planetary                        the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles,
boundaries                                      biodiversity loss, land use change and
                                                freshwater use. There was insufficient
                                                                                                         Key messages:
So, here we are. We know the problem, we        knowledge to suggest quantitative boundaries          1. The human imprint on the planet’s       4. W
                                                                                                                                                      e are the first generation with the
know the Earth’s resilience and resource        for two other processes – aerosol loading                environment is now so vast that the         knowledge of how our activities
base cannot be stretched infinitely and         (airborne particles such as sulphur and soot)            current geological period should be         influence the Earth as a system,
we are uncomfortably aware that we              and chemical pollution (e.g. mercury, flame              labeled the ‘Anthropocene’ – the age        and thus the first generation with
are heading in the wrong direction. The         retardants and dioxins). The 28 scientists               of man.                                     the power and the responsibility to
question that remains is how we can better      estimated that three of the boundaries – those                                                       change our relationship with the
                                                                                                      2. Human pressure has reached a scale
manage our relationship with nature. We         for climate change, the nitrogen cycle                                                               planet.
                                                                                                         where the possibility of abrupt or
are not only the first generation with the      and biodiversity loss – have already been
                                                                                                         irreversible global change can no        5. F ormulation of new sustainable
knowledge of how our activities influence       transgressed. Several others are in the
                                                                                                         longer be excluded.                         development goals can be guided by
the Earth System, we are also the first         danger zone. The approach was first and
                                                                                                                                                     the ‘planetary boundaries’ concept,
generation with the actual power and            foremost designed to advance Earth System             3. The challenges of the 21st century –
                                                                                                                                                     which aims to create a scientifically
responsibility to change our relationship       science not to offer a complete roadmap                  resource constraints, financial
                                                                                                                                                     defined safe operating space within
with the planet as a whole. Clearly, we         for sustainable development. It has indeed               instability, inequalities,
                                                                                                                                                     which humanity can continue to
have an uneven distribution of power            been criticised for not being well adapted               environmental degradation – are a
                                                                                                                                                     evolve and develop.
and responsibility, which means that            to policy and many have rightly pointed                  clear signal that ‘business-as-usual’
developed countries that were the engines       out that the governance implications of the              cannot continue.
of the Anthropocene, and especially the         planetary boundaries concept is a research
Great Acceleration, need to demonstrate         challenge in its own right. This is why the
Creating a good Anthropocene

3. Social-ecological innovations
for planetary opportunities
There are ample examples out there to demonstrate      capacity to reconnect ourselves with the biosphere
the tremendous capacity we humans have to find         (Chapter 1) and stay within the safe boundaries of
innovative solutions to improve our lives. However,    the planet (Chapter 2) in order to safeguard equitable
innovation is not always for the better. Aspects of    human development in the long term. It is time
innovation may be driving the world in the wrong       to introduce innovations that are sensitive to the
direction, directly opposed to a sustainable future.   fundamental bonds between social and ecological
The challenge we face is to use this innovative        systems.
    t is a fascinating paradox that the same    intelligently to tip our socio-economic

                                                                                                                                                                                                P h oto g ra p hy O st r o s k y P h oto s/ f l i c k r .co m
    innovative capacity that has put us in      system out of the current paradigm and into
    the current environmental predicament       a more sustainable one?
is actually what can be used to push us out
of it. History has shown that humanity          Historically, humanity has placed great
has managed to adapt to a wide range of         faith in technological innovation to help
complex challenges. However, the current        transform societies and improve the
predicament might just be the greatest          quality of life. The most obvious example
ever. For decades, concerned scientists,        is the industrial revolution, while the most
environmental NGOs and others have been         recent example is the fast-changing way
calling for urgent changes (or transitions)     we communicate across the world. There
that are large enough to transform our          are good reasons why we place faith in
unsustainable way of living. Politics,          our capacity to innovate, because it has
the corporate world and civil society are       traditionally been associated with a better
increasingly getting the message and there      quality of life. Questioning innovation
are indeed an immense number of ideas on        therefore goes against the grain of the
how to shift to more sustainable trajectories   prevailing worldview and the governance
(green urbanism, renewable energy, agro-        structures that rule our lives, but we cannot
ecological farming and ecosystem-based          deny that the last five decades or so of high
fisheries, to name but a few). The problem is   innovation have also caused some serious
that we not only have to collectively speed     damage to the planet. Moreover, we appear
                                                                                                Along the same lines is the argument that        The private sector is in many respects one
up our efforts, but also look at ways to        to be locked on a technological path that
                                                                                                the ‘technosphere’, the innovative engine        of the main suppliers of innovative thinking
solve several problems at the same time. An     is not only accelerating tremendously
                                                                                                that has driven our modern economy,              and is consequently fundamental in carving
ambitious plan admittedly, but nonetheless      rapidly, but also carries with it unintended
                                                                                                is organised along lines that are very           out new directions for more sustainable
necessary and by all means possible.            and undesired social and environmental
                                                                                                different, if not downright contrary, to         innovations. Businesses can make a huge
                                                consequences. In other words, we have for
Halting a steam-powered train                                                                   the functioning of the world’s ecosystems.       difference, and there is a growing global
                                                long seen a decreasing degree of control over
                                                                                                Ecosystems are based on non-linear               movement of promising social entrepreneurs
of thought                                      the impact of our innovations, but a change
                                                                                                mutual independency and one part cannot          with new ideas who want to contribute to
                                                is coming.
Despite decades of calls for change, a                                                          be separated from another, while the             a sustainable society, and build companies
clear understanding of the mechanisms                                                           technosphere, whether in terms of machines       based on strategies such as “Ubiquity
                                                Mind the ingenuity gap                          or structures, is based on a linear, means-to-   first, worry about Revenue Later”. At
and patterns under which global
transformations can actually happen is still    The problems we are facing are so complex       an-end logic. Putting it bluntly, most current   the core of this movement is the idea that
lacking. The growing concern about this         that some argue that we are caught in an        economic and technological solutions are         entrepreneurship is a way of achieving
has led to an increased focus on the role       ‘ingenuity gap’, where the world’s problems     ecologically illiterate and too linear and       social change. Interest in social innovation
of innovation, but the question remains:        have become so difficult to solve that we       single problem-orientated. There is a need       and social entrepreneurship has literally
Can we innovate sufficiently rapidly and        lack the ingenuity required to solve them.      for a change of mindset.                         exploded in recent years with training
programmes, conferences, competitions            the XPRIZE has decided to concentrate on a       process. They developed the scientific
                                                                    and awards, and special funds for                specific research area.                          concept of the CTI into an integrated
P h oto g ra p hy To m H e r m a n s s o n S n i c ka r s/a zot e

                                                                    entrepreneurs who take social responsibility                                                      framework for marine governance. These
                                                                    and put societal benefits at the core of their   Law also plays its part. Law is traditionally    ten entrepreneurs came from both inside
                                                                    enterprises.                                     characterised by ‘thou shalts’ rather than       and outside the region and predominantly,
                                                                                                                     opening doors for new approaches. As a           but not solely, from conservation NGOs
                                                                    The essence of social-ecological                 reaction to this, the concept of reflexive       with a long history of working with
                                                                                                                     law has emerged. Reflexive law is less
                                                                    innovation                                                                                        marine conservation. Together with a
                                                                                                                     rule-bound and recognises that as long as        number of underlying driving forces,
                                                                    The outlook need not be too gloomy.              certain basic procedures and organisational      including demands for social and economic
                                                                    Ongoing large-scale transformations in           norms are respected, participants can            development, a window of opportunity
                                                                    e.g. information technology, biotechnology       arrive at positive outcomes and correct their    emerged to create a network better suited
                                                                    and energy systems have huge potential           projects along the way, basically learning by    for regional cooperation.
                                                                    to significantly improve our lives in a          doing. In response to growing complexity,
                                                                    sustainable way. However, this can only          detailed rules are replaced by procedures for
                                                                    happen if we start working with, instead         regulated entities to follow. Reflexive law is   There are enormous reservoirs
                                                                    of against, nature. This is the idea behind      a social innovation which seeks to promote       for learning and innovation
                                                                    the new concept of social-ecological             multi-level governance and preserve
                                                                    innovation, which has been defined               diversity and experimentation at local level.    that are often revealed in
                                                                    as “social innovation, including new                                                              moments of crises. In fact,
                                                                    technology, strategies, concepts, ideas,         Bottom-up responses to crises are a central
                                                                    institutions, and organizations that enhance     element in all of this. There are enormous       some of the best and most
                                                                    the capacity of ecosystems to generate           reservoirs for learning and innovation           constructive innovations often
                                                                    services and help steer away from multiple       that are often revealed in moments of
                                                                                                                     crises. In fact, some of the best and most       come from disaster-hit (or
                                                                    earth-system thresholds”. However, in
                                                                    order to boost our capacity to innovate          constructive innovations often come from         disaster-prone) communities.
                                                                    in this way, there needs to be support and       disaster-hit (or disaster-prone) communities.
                                                                    incentives in place, particularly in the         In 2007 the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI)
                                                                    private sector. The transformation needed        was formed to address the many threats           Studies on innovative responses to social
                                                                    must include the creativity and ingenuity        facing coastal and marine ecosystems in          and natural disasters increasingly stress
                                                                    of users, workers, consumers, citizens,          the western Pacific Ocean. What is unique        the need for governments and institutional
                                                                    activists, farmers and small businesses alike.   about this initiative is the role of so-called   aid mechanisms to take a step back and
                                                                                                                     “institutional entrepreneurs” in the             ‘listen and engage’ with communities rather
                                                                    The XPRIZE Foundation, an American               emergence of the CTI. Such entrepreneurs         than ‘orchestrate and plan’ on their behalf.
                                                                    non-profit organization once known for           are individuals and groups of individuals        Termed “inclusive innovation”, this involves
                                                                    competitions for spaceflight innovation, is      who succeed in creating new institutions         listening to local communities for ideas,
                                                                    one example, which has turned its attention      (the norms and rules that shape human            informing local populations of resources
                                                                    to ocean health. In 2013 it announced a          interactions) or transforming existing ones.     and possibilities available, trusting them
                                                                    2m USD competition for devices that can          Studies of the network revealed that a small     and allowing a diversity of innovative
                                                                    monitor the changing chemistry of the            network of approximately ten institutional       responses to emerge, as opposed to insisting
                                                                    oceans due to climate change – the first time    entrepreneurs was key to initiate the            on a top-down planning process. One example
is the Honey Bee Network in India. It has         distinct territories, fishing pressure has been    directly for social justice, poverty alleviation    of this planet, not conquerors of it. There
received international praise for the way         reduced.                                           and environmental sustainability. The               are numerous examples of major socio-
it supports grassroots innovators in the rural                                                       planetary risks we are facing are so large          technological advances that have improved
poor of India who are rich in knowledge and       Getting stuck in the MUD                           that business-as-usual is not an option.            human life. The flipside is that too many
talent, but poor on resources to scale up and     Tapping shadow networks such as those                                                                  of them have degraded the life-supporting
convert their ideas into viable products, The                                                        Emerging social innovations and
                                                  in Chile is a key challenge to governance.         technological transformations involve               ecosystems on which human well-being
network’s founder, Dr. Anil Gupta, describes      Traditional, expert-driven, top-down
                                                                                                     enormous opportunities with huge potential          ultimately depends. What we need are
the network as taking the nameless, faceless      approaches to problem solving are not nimble
                                                                                                     to improve our lives in a sustainable way.          innovations that can increase human well-
innovators of India (and beyond) and bringing     enough to effectively address convergent,
                                                                                                     But creating a good Anthropocene means              being and at the same time enhance the
them into a network where they get an identity.   non-linear and rapidly changing problems.
                                                                                                     going beyond solutions that merely reduce           capacity of ecosystems to produce services.
Resilience scholars have also focused on the      There are also lessons to be learned from
                                                                                                     negative impacts and rather develop a mindset       That is what social-ecological innovation is
                                                  innovation studies in the domain of business,
role of informal shadow networks – groups                                                            where we acknowledge that we are part               all about.
                                                  technology and organisational behaviour.
of stakeholders that work outside the fray
                                                  These have long established the importance
of regulation and implementation in places
                                                  of approaching innovation from a top-down
where more formal networks and structures
                                                  and bottom-up perspective, sometimes
                                                                                                           Key messages:
fail. One of the most celebrated examples
                                                  referred to as ‘management up-down’ (MUD).            1. An immense number of sustainability             What is needed is financial and political
comes from Chile, where a combination
                                                  This basically refers to a company’s ability             initiatives are emerging (transition towns,      support for safe-fail experiments in
of fisheries collapse and the move to
                                                  to efficiently connect those drawing up                  clean energy, agroecological farming,            communities around the world, using
democracy provided the opportunity to try
                                                  company strategy with the sources of                     ecosystem-based fisheries management,            diverse technologies, organisations and
out some newarrangements for managing
                                                  innovation, most commonly taking place at                etc.). Such initiatives need to be upscaled      ideas, for instance in ‘Policy Laboratories’
fisheries. The experiments were based on
                                                  the front line, on the shop floor or in small            through e.g. innovation funds, seed money,       or ‘Change Labs’.
informal partnerships and trust between
                                                  designated teams. This in turn produces                  structural adjustment funds and other in-
fishers, scientists and managers. There                                                                                                                   4. Policy makers around the world need to
                                                  the cascade of resources required to bring               centives in order to have a global impact.
was a general recognition that Chile’s                                                                                                                       adopt a new systems thinking that pays
                                                  innovation to markets and scale up the                   Social media and associated advances in
fish stocks were in trouble, things were                                                                                                                     much more attention to the negative
                                                  innovation itself. Key individuals in this               information and communication tech-
turbulent and people were open to new                                                                                                                        side-effects of quick fixes and recognises
                                                  process are the so-called connectors, who                nologies can play a role in this process.
approaches. There was also a good scientific                                                                                                                 the numerous possibilities in investing
                                                  are able to understand the overall strategic
understanding of coastal ecosystems in the                                                              2. Ongoing large-scale transformations in           in sustainable use of ecosystems and
                                                  direction the company wants to take, frame
region on which to base a new management                                                                   e.g. information technology, biotech-             their services.
                                                  that to those working on the ‘front line’,
plan. All this eventually led to the testing                                                               nology and energy systems have the
                                                  identify promising innovations and sell these                                                           5. We need a new type of ‘social-ecological’
of new co-operative models for fishery            back to the strategic apex of the company.               potential to significantly improve our
                                                                                                                                                              innovation and technologies that work
management, based on the latest science                                                                    lives in a sustainable way, but only if we
                                                                                                                                                              more directly for social justice, poverty
concerning fish stocks and the surrounding        Overall, economic and technological                      incorporate knowledge of social-ecological
                                                                                                                                                              alleviation, environmental sustainability
marine ecosystem. The end result was a            solutions must become more ecologically                  systems and planetary boundaries in risk
                                                                                                                                                              and democracy, while including the
revamped national system of marine tenure         literate and see the numerous possibilities              assessments and development strategies.
                                                                                                                                                              creativity and ingenuity of users, workers,
that allocates exclusive ocean territories to     in investing in sustainable use of ecosystems
                                                                                                        3. Most current economic and technological           consumers, citizens, activists, farmers
local and small-scale fisheries. The system       and their services. This requires us to organise
                                                                                                            solutions are ecologically illiterate and         and small businesses alike.
excludes the major industrial fishing fleets,     innovation and technology development in
                                                                                                            too linear and single problem-orientated.
which have their own exclusive fishing zone.      new ways that are more networked, open-
By cutting the number of large vessels in         sourced and inclusive, while working more
Case 11   Case 1   Case 4   Case 9    Case 10   Case 3

                                                         The three chapters in this
                                                         publication discuss issues of
                                                         global concern, but with local
                                                         and regional implications
                                                         and solutions. The world map
                                                         features 12 case studies that
                                                         can illustrate many of these
                                                         Case 1: The Gu lf of Mai n e lobster
                                                         fisheries, USA
                                                         This case illustrates a failure to see the full integration
                                                         of socio-economic and ecological systems. In the
                                                         Gulf of Maine the American lobster comprises over
                                                         80 per cent of the total marine resource value, but
                                                         this economic success does not equal ecosystem
                                                         success. Rather, the long-term sequential depletion
                                                         of cod, hake, haddock, halibut and sea urchins has
                                                         resulted in a vulnerable near monoculture of lobsters.
                                                         Elsewhere, such high lobster densities have preceded
                                                         an outbreak of shell disease. A similar collapse in
                                                         Maine would be devastating for the over 7,000
                                                         lobstermen and their support industries.
                                                         Photography Oskar H en r i ksson/azote

                                                         Case 2: El Ni ño an d rai n forest
                                                         ren ewal, Born eo
                                                         Global market demand for palm oil has led to an
                                                         expansion of monoculture plantations and an
                                                         increasingly fragmented forest landscape in the
Case 7    Case 5   Case 8   Case 12   Case 6    Case 2   rainforests of Borneo. This has altered the resilience
                                                         to droughts induced by the recurring weather
                                                         phenomenon El Niño, which previously triggered
                                                         mast reproduction among trees, regenerating forest
                                                         biodiversity. In the new situation, El Niño events

Twelve case studies on the application of
        resilience thinking and social-ecological research
disrupt fruiting, interrupt wildlife reproduction        a vicious circle – with altered rainfall patterns and       Studies in north-eastern Honduras after the powerful      farmers are directly involved in programmes with
and trigger wildfires that contribute significantly to   increased wildfires – that could bring it to the point      Hurricane Mitch hit the country in 1998 showed            the intention to reduce the loss of soil, reduce
global carbon emissions.                                 of no return, with massive impacts on the world’s           how the disaster led to substantial changes in land       desertification and protect biodiversity and
Photography Rai n for est Action N etwor k/              biodiversity and climate.                                   management. These changes were facilitated not by         ecosystems for e.g. flood control, more productive
flickr.com                                               Photography N icolas Desagh er/Azote                        established aid organisations, but by initiatives that    agriculture and ecotourism.
                                                                                                                     spread almost ‘virally’ from household to household.      Photography U n ited Nations Photo/flickr.
Case 3: Ecosystem services offsetti ng                   Case 6: Acidi fication an d other threats
                                                                                                                     This resulted in a shift to a more equitable land         com
i n the ‘Satoyama’ cu ltural l an dscape,                faci ng I n don esian coral reefs
                                                                                                                     distribution and protected forests that helped the
Japan                                                                                                                                                                          Case 11: The Natural Capital Project
                                                         The world’s oceans are steadily becoming more               community cope with similar flooding 10 years later.
In the Japanese city of Nagoya, urban sprawl is          acidic due to increasing amounts of atmospheric                                                                       (NatCap)
                                                                                                                     Photography apes_ab road/flickr.com
challenging the traditional agricultural ‘Satoyama’      CO2. Ocean acidification in combination with                                                                          A movement that started off on the west coast of the
landscape. Under a new system of tradable                global warming, declining water quality and                 Case 9: Ecosystem services i n                            US is today an international effort to motivate greater
development rights, developers that exceed existing      overexploitation of key species is predicted to drive       Stockholm                                                 investments in ecosystems and human well-being
limits on high-rise buildings can offset their impacts   coral reefs increasingly toward the tipping point           The Stockholm region is of great international            by helping decision makers visualise the impacts of
by investing in the conservation of Satoyama areas       for functional collapse. This will involve cascading        interest when it comes to urban ecological research.      potential policies (e.g. InVEST toolkit, which will
threatened by urban exploitation. Favourable bank        impacts on local livelihoods as well as the fishing and     Green spaces extend from the countryside into the         soon be on Google’s new Earth Engine platform).
loans are also offered for building projects scoring     tourism industries, not least in Indonesia, which has       city centre where the world’s first National City         NatCap is also helping to build evidence and policy
high on a green certification system.                    the largest area of threatened reefs in the world.          Park is situated. Researchers at the Stockholm            innovation through a shared programme of research
Photography MOOKE/flickr.com                             Photography Tony Holm/Azote                                 Resilience Centre have since the 1990s been               and policy support. In addition, it is magnifying the
                                                                                                                     studying the ecosystem services that the National         impact of these demonstrations by engaging key
Case 4: Melti ng of the Green l an d ice                 Case 7: Transformation of Chi lean
                                                                                                                     City Park provides to Stockholm, and analyzed             institutions and thought leaders, disseminating tools
sheet approachi ng a threshold                           fisheries
                                                                                                                     how users of the park prioritize and value green          and lessons and creating an informed community of
The Greenland ice sheet, which has melted at             New transformational changes in governance are              spaces and biodiversity. These studies are part of a      leaders and practitioners.
an increasing rate during the past 30 years, is an       urgently required to cope with overfishing, pollution,      larger social-ecological analysis in which the social     Photography Åsa Gallegos Tor ell/Azote
example of how the Earth’s subsystems risk moving        climate change and other drivers of degradation in          sciences, humanities and natural sciences collaborate
outside their stable Holocene state. As the planet       the marine environment. One example arose when                                                                        Case 12: Small-scale water i n novations
                                                                                                                     to investigate how ecosystem services are used,
warms the ice melts, leaving more water and land         fisheries collapses and the move to democracy in                                                                      b reak dryl an d poverty traps i n
                                                                                                                     maintained and is dependent on the surrounding
exposed to the sun. Those surfaces in turn absorb        Chile after a 17-year dictatorship, quite by chance,                                                                  Tanzan ia
more of the sun’s heat, leading to a self-enforced       opened the way for reforms and new laws that                Photography Steven Zeff/Azote                             Improved water management in rainfed agriculture
process with accelerated melting of snow and ice.        excluded large industrial fishing fleets and gave                                                                     can build resilience to cope with water-related risks
There are fears that melting of the entire sheet could   exclusive ocean territories to local ‘artisanal’ fishers.   Case 10: Natural capital i nvestments                     and uncertainties. Conventional solutions have been
raise sea levels globally by about 7 m.                  Scientists and the small fishers then worked out a          i n Chi na                                                to develop large-scale irrigation systems, but recent
Photography B ent Ch r istensen/aZote                    shared vision and voluntary agreements on how to            Ecosystem service investments in China today              studies in e.g. Makanya, Tanzania, have shown that
                                                         manage these territories.                                   are remarkable in their goals, scale, duration and        small-scale innovations, such as rainwater harvesting
Case 5: Large-scale shi fts i n the
                                                         Photography Clau di us Prößer/flickr.com                    innovation. Following severe droughts in 1997             and conservation tillage, have enormous potential
Amazon rai n forest
                                                                                                                     and massive flooding in 1998, China implemented           for increasing on-farm productivity and ecosystem
We are approaching serious thresholds, or tipping                                                                    several national forestry and conservation initiatives,   services output in areas where people live in poverty
points, in major ecosystems. One example is the          Case 8: I n novation i n l an d
                                                                                                                     exceeding 100 billion USD over the current decade.        and are vulnerable to climate change.
projected changes in the vegetation of the Amazon        management i n Hon duras after
                                                                                                                     Targeted investments aim to secure natural capital        Photography J er ker Lokrantz/Azote
Basin, from tropical forest to dry savannah or           H urrican e Mitch
                                                                                                                     and alleviate poverty through wealth transfer from
grassland, due to climate change and deforestation.      Innovation often comes as a result of crisis and            coastal provinces to inland regions, where many
The concern is that the Amazon might be caught in        sustainable solutions often from community level.           ecosystem services originate. Over 120 million
 Adaptive gover nance: Governance                   Ecosystem-based management:                     Mi llen n i um Ecosystem                          Social-ecological system: An inte-
 approaches that are collaborative, flexible        A management approach that recognises           Assessment: Global review launched                grated system of people and nature with
 and learning-based and rely on networks of         the full array of interactions within an        by the UN and carried out between 2001            reciprocal feedback and interdependence.
 people and organisations at multiple levels.       ecosystem, including humans, rather             and 2005 to assess the consequences of            The concept emphasises the humans-in-
                                                    than considering single issues, species or      ecosystem change for human well-being.            nature perspective and that delineation
                                                    ecosystem services in isolation.                                                                  between the social and ecological is artificial
 Anth ropocen e: The Age of Man, a                                                                                                                    and arbitrary.
 new name for the present geological epoch                                                          Natu ral capitaL: An extension of the
 defined by our own massive impact on the           Ecosystem services: The benefits                traditional economic notion of capital,
 planet’s climate and ecosystems. Coined in         people obtain from ecosystems, e.g.             coined to represent the natural assets that       Social i n novation: An initiative,
 2000 by Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen.               provision of clean water, regulation of         economists, governments and corporations          product, process or programme that
                                                    climate, pollination of crops and fulfilment    tend to leave off the balance sheets. It can be   profoundly changes the basic routines,
                                                    of people’s cultural needs.                     divided into non-renewable resources (e.g.        resource and authority flows or beliefs of any
 B iodiversity: Short for biological                                                                fossil fuels), renewable resources (e.g. fish)    social system.
 diversity – the variety of all forms of life on                                                    and services (e.g. pollination).
 earth, including the variability within and        Gr eat acceleration: Refers to the
 between species and within and between             dramatic acceleration of human enterprise                                                         SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL INNOVATION:
 ecosystems.                                        after World War II and the resulting pressure   Plan etary b ou n dar i es: A concept             Social innovation, including new technology,
                                                    on the global environment.                      developed by a group of researchers in 2009       strategies, concepts, ideas, institutions and
                                                                                                    to describe nine safe biophysical boundaries      organizations that enhance the capacity of
 B iosph er e: The sphere of all air, water and                                                     outside which the Earth System cannot be
                                                    Holocen e: The postglacial geological
                                                                                                                                                      ecosystems to generate services and help
 land on the planet in which all life is found;                                                     pushed without disastrous consequences.
                                                    period, which began approximately 9600 BC                                                         steer away from multiple earth-system
 the global ecological system integrating all
                                                    and continues to the present.                                                                     thresholds.
 living beings and their relationships.
                                                                                                    R esi li ence: The capacity of a system
                                                                                                    – be it a forest, city or economy – to deal       Transformation: The creation of a
 Ecosystem: All the organisms in a given            I nstitutions: A central concept within         with change and continue to develop;
                                                    the social science of natural resource                                                            fundamentally new system when ecological,
 area, along with the physical environment                                                          withstanding shocks and disturbances (such
                                                    management whereby institutions are                                                               economic or social conditions make
 with which they interact (e.g. a forest, a coral                                                   as climate change or financial crises) and
                                                    defined as the norms and rules governing                                                          the continuation of the existing system
 reef or a rock-pool).                                                                              using such events to catalyse renewal and
                                                    human interactions. These can be formal,                                                          untenable.
                                                    such as rules and laws, but also informal
                                                    (unwritten), such as norms and conventions
                                                    of society.

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