What Is Digital Marketing?

Page created by Matthew Willis
What Is Digital Marketing?
What Is Digital
and how do you use it as part of
your overall marketing approach?

Digital marketing encompasses website and online
content, SEO/SEM, display advertising, social media,
email marketing, and more—offering far-ranging
benefits for organizations of all sizes.
What Is Digital Marketing?
Who Should Use It?
              Every organization will have different goals, but
              most leverage digital marketing as part of an
              overall strategy to achieve growth by reaching
              more consumers and compelling them to purchase.

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What Is Digital Marketing?
Why Use It?

              It’s Affordable                      It’s Targeted                It’s Personal                    It Works
              A digital marketing budget           Allows you to target and     Serve up personalized ads,       Using digital platforms to
              is entirely dictated by              hone in on the customers     1:1 emails, and dynamic          automate activities, you can
              your needs, and you have             you want based on specific   website content to create        nurture leads with retargeting,
              complete control over how            demographics, behavior,      an individualized experience     email and more, leading to
              much you spend.                      interest or geographies.     for your customers.              50% more sales at a third of
                                                                                                                 the price of using traditional
                                                                                                                 methods alone.1

              It’s Sticky                          It’s Relevant                It’s Measurable                  It's Complementary
              Search ads are one thing,            Find your next customer      Track performance in             When you combine digital
              but with retargeting, you            with responsive ads,         real time. Keep an eye on        tactics with traditional direct
              can reinforce the strength           personalized emails, and     impressions, open rates, click   mail, print, display, content and
              of your brand with ads only          webpages on desktop,         through rates, conversations     event marketing, you’re more
              visible to people who have           laptop, tablet, or mobile    rates, cost-per-lead (CPC),      likely to maximize your profit
              visited your site or have            devices.                     cost-per-action (CPA) and        potential. According to research
              interacted with your                                              adjust creative, copy and        from Swrve, an integrated
              content.                                                          more within moments.             multichannel marketing
                                                                                                                 program can deliver revenue
                                                                                                                 uplift of 15%-35%.

    Sources: 1 Marketo

© 2022 OneTouchPoint Corporation—Confidential & Proprietary                                                                                          3
What Is Digital Marketing?
Where Do You Start?
              To start, carefully consider your goals. What are you trying to achieve with your digital marketing
              efforts? Your answer will help you focus on the content to create, the assets to build, and help
              you establish some success metrics so you can assess the effectiveness of your programs.

              Brand Awareness                                 Lead Generation                  Growth from Existing Customers
              I want more people to know                      I want to reach people who've    I want people who've already bought from
              about my brand, products                        never bought from me before      me before to buy more frequently or buy
              and services.                                   and bring them into my buyer's   a different kind of product.
              Get reach with:                                                                  Grow revenue with:
                                                              Get conversions with:
              • Paid media                                                                     • Offers, promotions and reminders
              • Social media                                  • Retargeting                    • Discounts for follow on purchases
              • Content placement                             • Email marketing                • Loyalty messaging and rewards
                                                              • Channel / Partner marketing    • Email marketing
                                                              • Direct mail / EDDM®            • Direct mail
                                                              • Offers and promotions          • Point of purchase discounts

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What Is Digital Marketing?
Our Team & Capabilities

              1:1 Strategic Support                                  Prescriptive Campaigns
              Take your ideas to the next level, keep your project   Tap into prescriptive campaigns and benefit
              on track, and put it all in motion with a go-to        from a buttoned-up strategy and an execution
              partner with 20 years of experience executing local    arm, speeding time-to-market and reducing
              digital marketing experiences with multi-location      local effort.
              organizations across various industries and sizes.

              Multichannel Power                                     Intuitive Platform
              Reach your audience where they are with an             OneTouchPoint’s platform, U.Connect, lets you
              integrated campaign by pairing digital with direct     take control of your brand by giving marketers
              mail, EDDM®, print and other more traditional          access to a turn-key multi-location, multichannel
              marketing tactics.                                     marketing solution in one place—for digital
                                                                     marketing, print on demand, signage, direct mail,
                                                                     promotional items, custom kits, and more.

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What Is Digital Marketing?
Our Services

                               Leverage our broad range of traditional & digital marketing
                                  capabilities to engage across the customer journey.

                            Microsites &                         Print                            Paid
                           Landing Pages                      On Demand                         Social Ads

                                               Direct Mail                        Display Ads

                          EDDM®                                     Retargeting                              Email

                                                      Paid Search                       Custom Kits                  In-store
                                                                                       & Warehousing                 Signage

© 2022 OneTouchPoint Corporation—Confidential & Proprietary                                                                     6
Supporting You Play By Play
              We know that digital marketing strategy requires intense planning as well as constant management,
              optimization, and evaluation to be effective, consuming resources and time that many brands and
              locations do not have—so we want to make it easy. The table below shows our recommended
              plays — from getting started with digital to a full-court multichannel press.

        Get started with:

      Always On                         Keep ‘Em Coming            Look Local                 All Out                      Smarter Social
      If you’re not doing               Once you’ve established    Your digital and social    Push out a local,            Optimize your social
      digital marketing,                your baseline “always      ads are performing,        multichannel approach        media campaign
      “always on” programs              on” digital programs       now what? Try adding       to keep all of your bases    strategies—we’ll build,
      are where you start.              and are monitoring         Direct mail and/or         covered integrating          manage and post—then
      These are generally paid          performance, if budget     an EDDM® offer to          digital and social ads and   analyze and adjust. We
      search and digital ads            permits, add retargeting   capitalize on your local   offers, signage, kits and    can also help monitor
      that continuously build           and paid social ads to     area. Include local        email communications         and respond to socials
      local brand awareness             target more prospective    content and offers         all tied to your location    posts —good and bad
      to drive customers to             customers and…Go           that resonate with         or campaign theme.           ­— to let your customers
      defined destinations                                         consumers who live         Multichannel campaigns       know you’re listening
      like your website or                                         in your area.              drive 28% higher response    and to keep your brand
      landing pages.                                                                          rates2 and 15%-35% more      reputation in tact.
                                                                                              revenue than single tactic
                                                                                              campaigns alone. 3

    Sources: 2 DMA, 3 Swrve

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Plays at a Glance

        Tactic                                          Always-On   Keep ‘Em Coming   Look Local   All Out   Smarter Social

        Display Ads                                           X           X               X          X

        Paid Search (PPC)                                     X           X               X          X

        Retargeting                                                       X               X          X

        Social Advertising                                                X               X          X             X

        Localized Social Media
                                                                                                     X             X
        Content Creation

        Print On Demand                                                                              X

        In-store Signage                                                                             X

        Custom Kits                                                                                  X

        Email Campaigns                                                                              X

        EDDM® (Every Door Direct Mail)                                                    X          X

        Direct Mail                                                                       X          X

© 2022 OneTouchPoint Corporation—Confidential & Proprietary                                                                   8
Always On

                  Continuously build local brand awareness to drive customers
                  to defined destinations via digital channels.

                                      • Increase awareness, through local messaging to a broad audience
                                      • Drive in-person and online traffic for increased sales

                                      • Display advertising
                                      • Paid search (PPC)

                                      • Digital metrics
                                      • Track online / call-in orders

              78%                                   97%                               66%
              of location-based mobile              of consumers go online            Google data shows that
              searches result in an                 to find and research local        66% of people want ads
              offline purchase.                     businesses.                       customized to their location.
              Source: SEO Tribunal                  Source: Blue Corona               Source: Google

© 2022 OneTouchPoint Corporation—Confidential & Proprietary                                                           9
Keep ‘Em Coming

                  Once your ‘Always On’ program is established, add additional social
                  and digital advertising tactics to increase brand awareness, serve
                  targeted messages and keep your brand in front of consumers who
                  have already interacted with your brand.

                                      • Target consumers who have shown an affinity for your brand
                                      • Reinforce brand awareness through targeted, local messaging
                                      • Drive traffic into stores
                                      • Localize national campaigns to be more effective

                  Tactics             • Retargeting                      • Paid social ads

                                      • Digital metrics                  • Engagement metrics via social channels
                                      • Track online / call-in orders

              50% & 42%                                         75%
              Social media is the most relevant                 75% of marketing leaders report
              advertising channel for 50% of                    that social is generating ROI.
              Gen Z and 42% of millennial.                      Source: SalesForce (State of Marketing)
              Source: Adobe

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Look Local

                  After your ‘Keep ‘Em Coming’ programs are established, add
                  localized print to your digital strategy. Marketing has shifted to the
                  local level. Empower local teams to leverage creative offers, and
                  cost-effective channels drives new and repeat customers into your
                  locations via specific location-based messaging, discounts and offers.

                                      • Increase awareness, through local messaging to a broad audience
                                      • Drive in-person and online traffic for increased sales

                                      • Direct mail                     • Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM®)
                                      • Social media advertising

                                      • Track online / call-in orders   • Track via coupon codes and/or call tracking
                                      • Digital metrics                 • Test with stores and monitor traffic

                                                                         Multichannel Campaigns Drive...

              Studies show campaigns that paired direct
              mail with digital ads saw 118% higher response
                                                                         28%                           9.5%             VS
              rates than those that only used direct mail.               Higher response rates         Multichannel          Print only

              Source: Merkle                                             Source: DMA

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All Out

                  Consumers want to choose how, when and where they engage with brands.
                  Having a cohesive strategy that consistently leverages all channels is a
                  best practice for national and local marketing teams. Happy, engaged
                  and informed customers lead to increased ROI.

                                      • Increase awareness of locations / offerings                 • Increase retention / repeat customers /
                  Goal(s)             • Engage with customers 1:1, in their preferred                drive sales / ROI
                                        channel(s)                                                  • Manage reputation

                                      • Direct mail / EDDM®             • Social media content management           • In-store signage
                                      • Paid search (PPC)               • Social advertising                         • Custom kits
                                      • Display ads                     • Print on demand                            • Email
                                      • Retargeting

                                      • Track online / call-in orders                          • Increase revenue, conversions, and sales
                                      • Digital metrics                                        • Improved customer reviews and ratings
                  Analytics                                                                    • Engagement metrics via social channels
                                      • Track via coupon codes and/or call tracking
                                      • Test with stores and monitor traffic

                                 Marketers integrating all channels are more than twice

              2X+                as likely to report higher marketing effectiveness vs
                                 those using fewer channels and less integration.

                                 Source: Heinz Marketing

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More About OneTouchPoint
                  One Partner for the Flawless Execution
                  of Modern Brand Programs at Scale

                  OneTouchPoint helps brands and organizations
                  marry form and function with beautifully-crafted
                  marketing assets, produced at scale with
                  purpose-built technology, a full suite of digital
                  marketing capabilities, and managed services
                  for the marketing supply chain.

                  Fortune 500 companies choose OneTouchPoint
                  as a single-source provider to elevate their brands,
                  increase margins, and speed time-to-market.

                                                                 Learn more about how OneTouchPoint can help you deliver a
                                                                 flawless brand experience—combining unparalleled responsiveness
                                                                 with the market power of a single-source supplier.

                                                                 Visit 1touchpoint.com or email info@1touchpoint.com

                  ISO 9001:2015 Certification   |   HIPAA Compliant   |   G7 Master Certification   |   SOC 2 Type II Certification

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