What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW

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What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce • December 2021

                    MAGAZINE                               ISSUE 7

What has 2021 meant for
the HNW Divorce

                                         Our Year in Review issue looks
                                         back at this stop-start year with
                                           one eye firmly fixed on 2022
                                              and what the future holds.

          2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

“The new year stands before us, like a                                      An unprecedented year -
                                                                            key 2021 themes ........................................................       3

chapter in a book, waiting to be written.”                                  Cashflow forecasting
                                                                            after a divorce ............................................................   6
                                                   Melody Beattie
                                                                            The challenges of valuing an
                                                                            international business in 2021 .................................               9
2021 has been another turbulent year as we continue to live
alongside COVID-19. Amongst the challenges, we are proud to have
                                                                            60-Seconds with: Alex Carruthers ...........................                   12
seen the HNW Divorce community re-connect with old and new
contacts, as we returned to in-person events.
                                                                            Foreign divorces and English remedies -
To wrap up this year, we present a Year in Review. This 7th edition         a review of recent case law ......................................             13
will round up the most significant cases and trends over the past 12
months, from the advance of ADR, to cashflow forecasting after a            The court system under strain .................................                17
divorce, to the importance of valuing a business.
                                                                            Jersey court frowns on
Thank you to all of our authors, members, and community partners            anti-spouse manoeuvres ..........................................              20
for their continued support. The new year stands before us, ready
for new industry insight and a fresh perspective. We look forward           60-Seconds with: Amy Harvey .................................                  23
to hearing from you all in 2022 with more captivating content as we
continue to navigate the legal maze.                                        Arbitration, and the joys of
                                                                            early dispute resolution ............................................          25
The ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Team
                                                                            ‘It’s none of your business’ - a review of
                 Paul Barford                          Chris Leese          the issues affecting a divorce settlement
                 Founder / Director                    Founder / Director   when business assets are involved ........................                     28
                 020 7101 4155                         020 7101 4151
                 email Paul                            email Chris          60-Seconds with: Elizabeth Doherty ........................                    31

                                                                            Pitting valuation theory against
                                                                            a fair outcome? ..........................................................     33
                Danushka De Alwis                     Maddi Briggs
                Founder / Director                    Content Production    The advance of ADR as a means
                020 7101 4191                         Manager               to resolve disputes ....................................................       36
                email Danushka                        email Maddi
                                                                            Costs in financial remedy proceedings:
                                                                            you have been warned! .............................................            39

   ABOUT                                                                    CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                            Olive Gathoni, International Family Law Group
   Through our members’ focused community, both physical                    Jessica Crane, London & Capital
   and digital, we assist in personal and firm wide growth.                 Fred Brown, Grant Thornton
   Working in close partnership with the industry rather than               Emma Williams, Grant Thornton
   as a seller to it, we focus on delivering technical knowledge            Alex Carruthers, Hughes Fowler Carruthers
   and practical insights. We are proud of our deep industry                Sarah Bailey-Munroe, Conyers
   knowledge and the quality of work demonstrated in all our                Jack Rundall, 1GC
   events and services.                                                     Nancy Chien, Bedell Cristin
   Become a member of HNW Divorce and...                                    Elizabeth Shaw, Bedell Cristin
   • Join a community of experts, referrers and peers                       Amy Harvey, Peters & Peters
                                                                            James Roberts QC, 1KBW
   • Attend events in all formats
                                                                            Leonie James, 1KBW
   • Immediately benefit from our Virtual Forward of events                 Connie Atkinson, Kingsley Napley
   • Interact using our digital Knowledge Hub                               Elizabeth Doherty, Macfarlanes
   • Learn and share expertise through the Community Magazine              Kate Hart, Quantuma
   • Grow your network and business                                        Jessie King, Quantuma
                                                                            Fiona Wilson, Goodman Derrick
   • Build relationships through a facilitated Membership directory
                                                                            Petra Teacher, 29 Bedford Row Chambers

What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7


                                 KEY 2021 THEMES
Authored by: Olive Gathoni - International Family Law Group

The year 2021 began with the country                            On 20 October 2021, the Farquhar
being in its third national lockdown                            Committee produced a report on
and trying to navigate its way through                          the role of remote courts in the post-
the Covid-19 pandemic. In his ‘Road                             pandemic environment and the
Ahead’ article of 10 January, Sir Andrew                        procedures of the Financial Remedies
McFarlane, President of the Family                              Court (FRC) 1. Amongst its findings,
Division, noted footfall in court buildings                     advantages of remote hearings
would be kept to a minimum, courts                              outweighed the disadvantages and
would facilitate remote attendance of all                       recommended that most hearings
or some of those involved in hearings as                        at which no evidence is to be given,
the default position. Mass vaccinations                         should be heard remotely. Electronic                                Mediation
were a most welcome light at the end                            bundles would remain the norm unless
of the tunnel, although the return to                           otherwise ordered.                                                  In March 2021, the Ministry of Justice
anything like the normal working of a                                                                                               announced a £1 million mediation
family court may not be achieved for                            There was also guidance specific to                                 scheme. 2000 families would be
some time. The President predicted that                         the FRC to include time estimates                                   able to apply for a £500 voucher
beyond the relaxation of the rules, there                       for specific hearings, court staffing,                              towards mediation. Shortly after the
would still be a significant proportion                         length of court documents, hearing                                  announcement, it was reported that
of remote and hybrid hearings as the                            dates and specific references to Forms                              Mediation Information Assessment
country got back to normality. The                              E, consent orders. The changes in                                   Meetings (MIAM’S) had increased by
‘Road Ahead’ guidance given in June                             the family courts are expected to be                                14% between October and December
2020 would continue to apply, with the                          gradual, and policies kept under review                             2020, compared to the previous year.
key concerns being the significantly                            as the court continues its recovery from                            By 25 June 2021, these had increased
high volume of work remaining with                              the pandemic which has undoubtedly                                  by 43% in the period April to June
an expectation of limited facilities to                         accelerated the modernization of the                                20212. Owing to its popularity, on 5
conduct face-to-face hearings. It was                           family court; the positive elements of the                          September, the government extended
accepted that any delay in cases                                pandemic will be retained.                                          the scheme by an additional £800,000.
would prejudice the welfare of children;                                                                                            MIAMS and family mediations generally
                                                                In this article, I explore some 2021                                decreased significantly following the
adjourning cases for many months
                                                                themes that have been key and                                       Covid-19 restrictions, but volumes have
would not be an option. By July 2021,
                                                                continue to play part in unprecedented                              now increased and exceeded pre-covid
the President continued to be profoundly
                                                                times in the family law world.                                      levels. The backlog and delays seen in
impressed by the delivery of family
justice in navigating a complicated                                                                                                 the courts have directed more people
system so different from the norm.                                                                                                  to mediate their family disputes with the

1    https://www.judiciary.uk/publications/reports-of-the-farquhar-committee-on-the-financial-remedies-court-parts-12/
2    https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/legal-aid-statistics-quarterly-april-to-june-2021/legal-aid-statistics-england-and-wales-bulletin-apr-to-jun-2021

What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

hope of a quicker conclusion. Until the    with a new requirement to provide a          • Over 53% of the victims reported
court fully recovers, mediation numbers    statement of irretrievable breakdown,           that children had seen more abuse
are likely to continue to increase.        remove the possibility of contesting            and 33% said the abuser had shown
                                           the divorce, introduce an option for            an increase in abusive behaviour
The same could be said for other           a joint application and use of plain            towards children
alternative dispute resolutions (ADR),     English. Following the case of Owens
Private FDRs and Arbitration.                                                           • The pandemic saw a 40.6%
                                           v Owens [2017] EWCA Civ 182, family
                                                                                           reduction in the number of refuge
                                           law practitioners and their clients were
  A July 2021 report by                    delighted by the change, hailed as the
                                                                                           vacancies in England during the
                                                                                           period 23 March to 31 May 2020
                                           biggest shakeup in divorce law for 50
  a law firm found that a                  years, eliminating the impact allegations    The introduction of the law has provided
quarter of people wished                   and blame have on family, particularly,      markers for change to include the Home
                                           children. The intention was for the law
they had used mediation/                   would come into force from autumn
                                                                                        Office awarding £11.3 million to 25 Police
                                                                                        and Crime Commissioners towards
arbitration as the answer                  2021 but the government announced in         domestic abuse intervention programmes.
                                           June 2021 that its application would be
        to divorce.                        delayed until 6 April 2022. The impact       Case spotlight - H-N and Others (children)
                                           of this change is so great that some         (domestic abuse: finding of fact hearings)
This report emphasises the need for
                                           clients are willing to put matters on hold   [2021] EWCA Civ 448 gives guidelines
family law practitioners to advise their
                                           to avoid the unnecessary acrimony            on how family law practitioners should
clients on ADR schemes at a time
                                           brought by the current blame system.         address elements of controlling and
where the court is struggling with
                                                                                        coercive behaviour in schedules of
listings. In a world where family law
                                                                                        allegations, within children proceedings.
is rapidly changing, the overwhelmed
court system has made room for
alternative solutions.

  ADR Case spotlight - in
Haley v Haley [2020] EWCA
 Civ 1369 clarification has
 been provided to confirm
                                           Domestic Abuse Bill
  that arbitral awards can
    now be challenged if                   Acclaimed as one of the successes of         Online Divorce and
                                           2021, the Domestic Abuse Bill became
  there is a real prospect                 law on 29 April; 4 years after its first     Financial Remedy
   of success or that the                  mention in the Queen’s speech. For
                                           the first time, the legal definition of
 award was wrong. In the                   domestic abuse will incorporate a            HMCTS have expanded the online
  subsequent case of A v                   wide range of abuses beyond physical         divorce and financial remedy portal since
                                           violence, including emotional, coercive      its launch in May 2018, as of June 2021,
 A (Arbitration: Guidance)                 or controlling behaviour and economic        86% of all citizen divorce applications
     [2021] EWHC 1889                      abuse. Within the family courts,             and 75% of all solicitor applications were
                                           actions and support for victims will         via the portal. In progressing the online
 (Fam), Mostyn J took the                  be introduced to ensure victims have         expansion, as of 13 September 2021,
  opportunity to set down                  better protection and access to special      it became mandatory for all divorce
                                           measures (screens and video links)           applications to be made online for
some procedural guidance                   in the court room. It will also prevent      represented petitioners. January 2021
concerning challenging an                  abusers directly cross-examining their       also saw the launch of online contested
                                           victims. The police and the courts will      financial remedy applications, by way
       arbitral award.                     be given new powers to hand out orders       of Form A. On 21 June 2021, all FRC
                                           and prevent offending.                       became digital. It is expected that on 6
                                                                                        April 2022, when the Divorce Dissolution
                                           The significant increase on domestic
                                                                                        and Separation Act 2022 comes into
                                           violence was widely reported during
                                                                                        force, there may be further changes
                                           the Covid-19 pandemic. In their
                                                                                        made to the Family Procedure Rules and
                                           18 August 2021 report A Perfect
                                                                                        the online portal. Whilst HMCTS was
                                           Storm – The Impact of The Covid
                                                                                        on its way to becoming more ‘online’,
                                           19 Pandemic on Domestic Abuse
                                                                                        the pandemic has played a part in
                                           Survivors, Women’s Aid reported
                                                                                        accelerating the process.
                                           that domestic abuse had worsened
                                           during the pandemic.                         I conclude by nothing that whilst
No fault divorce                           •6
                                             1% of those experiencing                  Covid-19 has impacted different sectors
                                            domestic violence reported it had           in varied ways, it is clear that it has
The government’s Divorce, Dissolution
                                            worsened, with more than two                helped improve the justice system in
and Separation Act 2020, passed in
                                            thirds stating they had no one to           many ways.
June 2020 reforms the divorce process
to remove the concept of fault. New         turn to during lockdown
legislation will replace the five facts

What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
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What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7


Authored by: Jessica Crane - London & Capital

A major life event such a divorce is often                                               A wealth manager can then combine
the catalyst for re-evaluation of future                                                 the cashflow modelling with investment
financial needs, and cashflow forecasts                                                  objectives and create an investment
are undoubtedly one of the more                                                          strategy suited to each person’s needs.
valuable tools to do this. When well
executed, they can offer reassurance                                                     As with all models that extend into the
about sustainable levels of spending                                                     future, these assumptions must be
and that someone is unlikely to run                                                      continually adapted to ensure they still
out of money, but inaccurate forecasts                                                   reflect real life. We recommend a full
can lull someone into a false sense of                                                   review at least every couple of years,
security leading to complacency and          Why do you need                             and certainly after a major life event
overspending. Planning your financial                                                    such a marriage or divorce. A good
future can be a daunting task at the         cashflow modelling?                         cashflow model can enable families to
best of times- but especially when many                                                  build a picture of how their wealth will
                                             Cashflow modelling is a comprehensive       develop over time and the options this
areas of your life will have changed
                                             overview of an individual’s assets,         may provide for them.
and you are unsure of future spending
                                             liabilities, income and expenditure
patterns and lifestyle costs.
                                             projected over time. This helps evaluate
                                             the individual’s ability to cover future
                                             financial needs and objectives. It
 It is here where cashflow                   uses a series of assumptions from
                                             aspects such as inflation and growth to
    modelling is crucial: it                 future income and tax considerations.
   helps to give a holistic                  From here, individuals or families can
                                             consider questions, including:
     view on someone’s
                                             • Is my spending sustainable?
   finances, while making
                                                                                         Some of the most
clients feel more engaged                    • How do I achieve my financial goals
  with the advice process.
                                               like buying a second home, paying off     common challenges
                                               debt or gifting money to relatives?
Crucially, it gives guidance
                                                                                         when modelling
   that influence financial
                                             • What happens on retirement? When          cashflow
                                               can I retire with my desired lifestyle?
  behaviour and spending                     • How does my investment strategy
                                                                                         Inflation not factored in
           patterns.                           handle incidents of significant loss?     Inflation can truly erode wealth. By not
                                                                                         increasing the projected expenditure in
                                             • Where should I choose to take
                                                                                         line with a base level of inflation almost
                                               income from?

What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

guarantees that purchasing power won’t      Diagram A
be maintained into the future. The Bank
of England’s inflation target is 2%; we
recommend using this as a minimum
figure when modelling inflation into

Use realistic expectations for
asset classes
With interest rates still remaining         Diagram B
low, asset class return expectations
are likely to remain low as well. If
expectations are overstated, then
the cashflow model is going to show
unrealistic levels of possible spending.

Introducing stress tests
While we hope not to see dramatic
market crashes very often, they do
happen. In order to make the cashflow
model as robust as possible, factor in a
10% fall every 10 years.

Not using accurate
expenditure figures
This is probably self-evident, but if
a client understates their spending
requirements and consistently takes
more income than expected, the
cashflow model will be inaccurate.

To illustrate the point, the below charts
show the different outcomes when
the above are not factored in: Angela
has received a divorce settlement of
£4 million. She has initial spending
requirements of £170,000 (including
university fees for some years for her
children Amy and Jack)

Diagram A
This diagram shows what her cash
flow would look like if her spending
requirements are not linked to inflation,
her portfolio were to return 6% per
year gross of charges and there were
no market downturns. It shows her
spending can easily be maintained at
this level for the rest of her life.

Diagram B
This diagram shows a more robust
cash flow model including inflation
linked spending at 2.5%, university fees
increasing at a rate of 3% per year, a
15% market downturn every 10 years
and a portfolio return of 5% gross of       The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and neither is guaranteed. Investors may not
fees. In this scenario, despite a £4        get back the capital they invested. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The material is provided for
                                            informational purposes only. No news or research item is a personal recommendation to trade. Nothing contained herein
million settlement, if she continued to     constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice.
spend at this level, Angela would run
out of money at age 77                      Copyright © London and Capital Asset Management Limited. London and Capital Asset Management Limited is
                                            authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN, with firm
                                            reference number 143286. Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 02112588.

                                            Copyright © London and Capital Wealth Advisers Limited. London and Capital Wealth Advisers Limited is authorised
                                            and regulated by both by the Financial Conduct Authority of 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN, with firm reference
                                            number 120776 and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549, with firm
                                            reference number 801-63787. Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 02080604.
What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
     For someone who has gone through a divorce and finds
     themselves managing their finances independently, the
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     real concern.
     We provide guidance on how to manage and sustain a
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     Our role is to guide our clients during this pivotal time,
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     JENNY JUDD                               JESSICA CRANE
     Director                                 Executive Director

     The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and neither is guaranteed. Investors may not
     get back the capital they invested. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The material is provided for
     informational purposes only. No news or research item is a personal recommendation to trade. Nothing contained herein
     constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice. Copyright © London and Capital Wealth Advisers Limited. London and
     Capital Wealth Advisers Limited is authorised and regulated by both by the Financial Conduct Authority of 12 Endeavour
     Square, London E20 1JN, with firm reference number 120776 and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of 100
     F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549, with firm reference number 801-63787. Registered in England and Wales, Company
     Number 02080604.
What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7


Authored by: Fred Brown and Emma Williams - Grant Thornton

What is it worth?                                           has it been performing? What is its          Country risk
                                                            market position? How is it likely to grow?
Some things in life are easy to put a                       We need financial information to answer      Many practitioners use ‘country risk
price on; others are not so straight-                       these questions.                             premia’ to reflect the different perceived
forward, leading to differences of opinion                                                               levels of investment risk in different
and, sometimes, disputes. International                     One of the biggest challenges can be         countries. This is used within the
businesses can be tricky to value at the                    limited access to information. Quite         income approach and adds a premium
best of times, not least in the wake of a                   simply, not all countries have a freely,     to increase the discount rate applied
global pandemic that has wreaked havoc                      publicly available registry like Companies   to calculate the present value of future
on certain industries.                                      House. It can be challenging to obtain       cash flows, thereby reducing the value.
                                                            the financial information needed to          This is often intended to capture political,
The good news is that when valuing an                       understand a business, assess its            economic and financial risks, including
international business (for the purposes                    performance, and ascribe a value if not      factors such as:
of this article, defined as one operating                   readily available from the business in
largely or completely outside the UK),                      question.                                    • Government stability
the same tried and trusted methods
of business valuation apply as when                         In some cases, the financial information     • Socioeconomic conditions
looking at those closer to home. And our                    developed by the business may also be
                                                            less extensive, reliable or informative as   • Law and order
approach remains the same today as it
was at the beginning of 2020; we always                     a result of differing reporting and audit    • Internal and external conflict
come back to the same core principles.                      requirements in different jurisdictions
                                                            and differing levels of investment in        • Real GDP growth
The International Valuation Standards
serve as a useful and widely respected                      technology. Lack of information can
                                                                                                         • Budget balance as a % of GDP
reference. However, there are some                          of course be true of businesses in all
areas that require careful consideration                    jurisdictions, including the UK, although    • Foreign debt as a % of GBP1
when valuing an international business.                     we benefit from minimum requirements
                                                            for external reporting and audit. There      There are several ways of measuring this
                                                            can also be huge variances in the quality    premium, which can have a significant
Availability of                                             of available information at an industry      impact on concluded value and can
information                                                 and country level in developing regions,     vary hugely between experts. Where
                                                            which can further confound estimates         the business operates in many different
Regardless of the location of the                           of, for example, market share, economic      countries, premia can be calculated for
business we are valuing, or the approach                    growth rates and inflation levels.           each country and applied appropriately
we use, first and foremost we need to                                                                    to the cash flows.
understand it. What does it sell? How

1    Example factors taken from the PRS Group “International Country Risk Guide”
What has 2021 meant for the HNW Divorce Community? - MAGAZINE - 2021, YEAR IN REVIEW
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

                                                                                                       market prices were extremely turbulent
                                                                                                       due to the uncertainty at the beginning of
                                                                                                       the pandemic.

                                                                                                       Finally, we must accurately translate
                                                                                                       financial information from local
                                                                                                       currencies to the valuation currency. This
                                                                                                       can be complicated by several factors.

                                                                                                       • The performance of the business can
                                                                                                         be masked by changing forex rates.
                                                                                                         For example, a business may be
                                                                                                         deteriorating over time, but the forex
                                                                                                         rate improving, such that if you look
                                                                                                         solely at the translated financials, the
                                                                                                         business appears relatively stable. For
                                                                                                         this reason, the trends in the business
                                                                                                         may be best seen in the local current

Comparable businesses                                      The impact of COVID-19                      • Economic growth and inflation rates
                                                                                                         can vary hugely by country and must
In the market approach, we identify                        The impact of COVID-19 has varied             be considered when assessing the
comparable companies that are either                       hugely by sector and country, depending       forecast cash flows of the business.
publicly listed or have recently been                      on the level and length of ‘lockdowns’        The (nominal) business forecasts
privately transacted and for which                         implemented and on the pandemic’s             may look exceptional where these
there is available pricing information.                    impact on business models and supply          are high, but in real terms, once
We take the price of the transaction or                    chains. Clearly, in general terms it has      strong economic growth or inflation
share price and the business’ financial                    been an extremely difficult time to run       is stripped out, the project growth
information and derive a market multiple                   or sell a hospitality or events business,     may look a lot more modest or even
as a comparable measure of value                           and a great time for businesses selling       become negative. Care must be taken
(most commonly, enterprise value – ‘EV’/                   remote working software tools. In             to assess the likely trajectory of the
EBITDA).                                                   general, global equity markets have           business in real terms.
                                                           recovered strongly (particularly in the
To find companies that are most                            US where the S&P 500 and the heavily        • Local government policy and
comparable, we would naturally look for                    technology-focused NASDAQ are up              availability of foreign currency: in
those operating and selling in the same                    40% and over 60% respectively from            some countries there are two (or
country. It may be necessary to broaden                    their 1 January 2020 position), while         more) exchange rates, an “official”
the geographic search when seeking                         the UK FTSE100 and All Share indices          rate and a parallel market rate. This
to identify comparable companies. In                       remain slightly below their January 2020      can lead to confusion concerning
addition, there are a wide variety of stock                marks 2. Each country and business            underlying business performance
exchanges globally and the valuer will                     must be considered carefully for the          and the potential for over-valuation of
need to be comfortable that the identified                 impact of COVID-19. Particular care           businesses.
listed share prices reasonably reflect                     should be taken when using market
market values.                                             data affected by volatility in the period   So as ever in business valuation, there
                                                           (predominantly Q1 2020) in which            are many tricky issues to consider, but
                                                                                                       rest assured the same fundamental
                                                                                                       valuation principles apply.

2    Financial Times market data accessed at 19 October 2021
High net worth
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ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

    What would you be doing if you              stressful and think that they had an       hat is the one thing you could
    weren’t in this profession?                 easy job because they didn’t the          not live without?
    lmost impossible to imagine. I
   A                                            worries that I had. When I would           ine and Cheese. They are two
   have been doing it for 25 years and          walk back from work, having had a         things but the combination is so
   I am so entrenched in it! I                  successful day, I would look at           good, it should count as one.
   remember when I was a callow                 them and think – I had a great day
   youth discussing the same                    – and I wouldn’t swap my job for
                                                anything in the world.                    If you could meet anyone, living
   question with a barrister whom I
                                                                                          or dead, who would you meet?
   was instructing. He said that he
   would be a guide for historical                                                         harles Darwin. I studied
                                                 hat has been the most
   sites. I said that I would be a taxi                                                   Philosophy of Science at university
                                                interesting case you have seen
   driver. He is now LJ Moylan.                                                           and it effected by outlook on life.
                                                in 2021?
                                                                                          The impact that Darwinism has had
                                                I am bound by confidentiality rules      on our perception of life, the
     hat’s the strangest, most
    W                                            but one case in particular has been      universe and everything cannot be
    exciting thing you have done in              unique. The judge described it as        underestimated. It would be
    your career?                                 the most extraordinary case he has       interesting to discuss this with
    I had to travel to the Cayman               dealt with in 40 years of practice. It   Darwin himself, as he would
     Islands to represent a client there         involved astonishingly bad conduct       probably have resisted some of the
     who believed that all the local             by the other party.                      conclusions that people draw from it.
     lawyers had been bribed by the
     mafia. The money laundering rules           hat do you think will be the
                                                W                                          hat songs are included on the
     were less strict then and my fees          most significant trend in your            soundtrack to your life?
     were paid in cash. Of course, by           practice over the next 12
     the time my involvement ended in                                                      medley of disco hits. I can’t resist
     the case, she accused me of being                                                    Dad Dancing. Always the first and
                                                 he change to no fault divorces is
                                                T                                         last on the dance floor…..
     bought off by the mafia.
                                                undoubtedly going to remove one
                                                of the initial headaches in
    What is the easiest/hardest                 proceedings. It makes no sense for         hat does the perfect weekend
    aspect of your job?                         parties to argue about why a              look like?
     ndoubtedly, the hardest aspect is
    U                                           relationship has broken down. It is        combination of time with family
    handing over clients to barristers          normally for a number of reasons          and friends mixed with playing and
    and/or judges at hearings. You              and discussion of the issues that         watching sport.
    have lost control. I still find it very     led to the breakdown only serves
    difficult! I sit at the back of the court   to open old wounds. The
                                                breakdown of a relationship is            Reflecting on 2021, what have
    wanting to stand up a correct                                                         you been most grateful for?
    everyone. Meeting new clients is            difficult enough with it!
                                                                                           hat it’s coming to an end.
    the “easiest” and most enjoyable.
                                                                                          Lockdown has been mixed. I am
                                                If you could learn to do                 not someone who enjoyed it and it
    If you could give one piece of              anything, what would it be?              has brought a number of
     advice to aspiring practitioners,           o write music. I am cloth eared
                                                T                                         challenges. I hope that 2022 will
     what would it be?                          and tone deaf, but enjoy listening        allow things to move on to a better,
     tick with it. When I was young, I
    S                                           to music. It baffles me how people        more “normal” place.
    would walk to work, worrying about          can do it.
    the day ahead, and look at people
    with jobs that I thought were less                                                                                             12
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

                ENGLISH REMEDIES


Authored by: Sarah Bailey-Munroe - Conyers

Introduction                                 overseas divorces will be granted or             by means of proceedings shall be
                                             refused. Section 46 (s46) sets out the           recognised if:
English proceedings which follow in          grounds for recognition as follows:-
the wake of foreign divorces entail                                                           a)	The divorce, annulment or legal
complex rules and procedures which           • The validity of an overseas divorce,               separation is effective under the
many practitioners may be unfamiliar           annulment or legal separation                      law of the country in which it was
with unless they regularly deal with           obtained by means of proceedings                   obtained; and
international divorces.                        shall be recognised if:
                                                                                              b) At the relevant date:
Several reported cases this year                  a)	The divorce, annulment or legal
                                                      separation is effective under the          i.	Each party to the marriage was
have served as a reminder of the
                                                      laws of the country in which it was            domiciled in that country; or
complexities of determining whether
a foreign divorce will be recognised                  obtained; and
                                                                                                 ii.	Either party to the marriage
under English law and the procedure                                                                   was domiciled in that country
                                                  b)	At the relevant date, either party
to be followed in relation to any Part III                                                            and the other party was
                                                      to the marriage must satisfy the
claim which may follow. The following                                                                 domiciled in a country under
provides a summary of the key points to                                                               whose law the divorce,
take away from those cases.                          i.	Was a habitual resident in the               annulment or legal separation
                                                         country in which the divorce,                is recognised as valid; and
Recognition of a foreign                                 annulment or legal separation
divorce                                                  was obtained; or                        iii.	Neither party to the marriage
                                                                                                       was a habitual resident in the
Whether a foreign divorce is recognised              ii. Was domiciled in that country;                United Kingdom throughout the
under English law will determine             or                                                        period of one year immediately
whether a petition for divorce (and the                                                                preceding that date.
associated remedies) can be pursued                  iii. Was a national of that country.
or merely a claim under Part III. The                                                       • Please note that the “relevant date”
                                             • The validity of an overseas divorce,           refers to:
Family Law Act 1986 set outs the
                                               annulment or legal separation
circumstances in which recognition of
                                               obtained otherwise than                        a)	In the case of an overseas

ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

     divorce, annulment or legal            whether it fulfilled the s46 criteria. The   first (under English law) came into
     separation obtained by means           first step was to determine whether          question.
     of proceedings, the date of            the parties have divorced by way of
     the commencement of the                proceedings or otherwise. The expert         W’s second husband argued that the
     proceedings; and                       evidence was that although it is             Talaq (which took place in the UK) and
                                            commonplace to register a customary          delivery of the divorce certificate to the
  b)	In the case of an overseas            divorce in Ghana, registration was           union (in Pakistan) were both integral
      divorce, annulment or legal           entirely optional and formed no part of      parts of the divorce. It followed that
      separation obtained otherwise         the divorce process itself.                  whilst the process had concluded in
      than by means of proceedings, the                                                  Pakistan, it had begun in the UK and
      date on which it was obtained.        In the absence of any registration           could not be considered an overseas
                                            requirement, the court found that the        divorce pursuant to s46.
Unfortunately, where the s46 criteria       customary divorce had proceeded
are not observed, a divorce which           “other than by means of proceedings”.        The court accepted H’s submission, in
is perfectly valid overseas, may            As set out above, such divorces may          line with previous authority that dealt
nevertheless be refused recognition         only be recognised if neither party had      with a transnational get. The court
under English law creating the              been habitually resident in the UK in the    accordingly declared W’s second
unsatisfactory situation that a couple      two months prior to the divorce.             marriage a nullity, as a result of the
divorced in one jurisdiction may                                                         fact that her first marriage was still
remain married in another. Perhaps          As both W and H accepted that they           subsisting under English law. This
unsurprisingly, the need to comply          had been living in the UK, the Ghanaian      conclusion had little impact on W’s
with the s46 criteria is not always         divorce could not be recognised in the       ability to obtain financial remedies,
known to those divorcing overseas           UK. As a result, W was free to pursue        but left her open to significant
without the benefit of legal advice. The    relief in the English courts.                consequences within her religious
difference in status may have significant                                                community where polyandry was a
consequences not only for the financial                                                  religious offence.
relief available under English law, but
also on ancillary matters such as their
immigration status, or ability to re-
marry. The following cases demonstrate
the general approach to questions of

                                            Hussain v Parveen
                                            In Hussain v Parveen 2021 EWFC 73,           JvJ
                                            revisited the question of when a divorce
                                            will be an “overseas” divorce for the        Finally, in J v J 2021 EWFC 43, whilst
                                            purposes of s46.                             there was no question that the Chinese
                                                                                         decree obtained by H met all of the
                                            The case concerned W’s petition for          s46 criteria, the court was invited
Botwe v Brifa                               divorce from her second husband. H
                                            sought to persuade the court that W’s
                                                                                         nonetheless to refuse recognition
                                                                                         pursuant to section 51 of the Family
In Botwe v Brifa 2021 EWHC 2307             first divorce was not an “overseas”          Law Act 1986.
Fam, the court was tasked with              divorce within the meaning of s46 at
determining the factual dispute as to       all, but was in fact transnational and       In this case, the wife had issued English
whether a valid divorce had taken place     therefore could not be recognised as         divorce proceedings in May 2019.
at all, pursuant to Ghanaian law and,       valid under English law.                     However, by the time the matter came
if so, whether that divorce satisfied the                                                before Mr Justice Peel in 2021, decree
                                            W had married her first husband in           nisi was still yet to be pronounced owing
s46 criteria for recognition or not.
                                            Pakistan in 2000. They later divorced        to a combination of court delays and H’s
W and H had married pursuant to local       as a result of H failing to make             evasion of service. By this time, H had
customs in Ghana and H asserted that        arrangements for W to join him in the        himself petitioned for, and obtained, a
they had divorced in the same manner.       UK. The divorce was obtained by the          decree of divorce in China in October,
It was H’s case that W had participated     first husband pronouncing Talaq via a        2019. Thus rendering W’s application
in the divorce proceedings (albeit          letter to W’s brother in the UK, which       untenable unless the court refused to
that she was not physically present)        in turn, was converted into a divorce        recognise the pre-existing Chinese
but that she now sought to deny this        certificate by an English mosque. W          decree.
for immigration purposes. The court         then received a copy of the divorce in
accepted H’s evidence on this point and     Pakistan and provided a copy to the          As such, W’s only option was to
further accepted expert evidence that       local union council in Pakistan.             demonstrate that H had failed to take
W’s physical absence from the divorce                                                    reasonable steps to notify her of the
                                            Having effectively divorced under            proceedings or that the decree was
ceremony did not invalidate the divorce
                                            the law in Pakistan, W remarried and         obtained without W having been given
under Ghanaian law.
                                            later relocated to the UK with her new       a proper opportunity to participate in
Having concluded that there had been        spouse. Sadly that marriage also came        proceeding pursuant to section 51(3)(a)
a valid divorce pursuant to Ghanian         to an end and it was as a result of this     of the Family Law Act 1986.
custom, the court went on to consider       second divorce that the validity of the

ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

The court accepted W’s evidence that         basis before making a determination as        child’s. Similarly, although Mr Justice
she had been unaware of the Chinese          to whether to grant W leave. Ultimately       Cohen had expressed concern that W
proceedings prior to April 2020. That        however, he was persuaded against             had described the Russian proceedings
said, as the matter was not finally          that course and leave was granted.            (W asserted that the Russian court had
disposed of until December 2020, Mr                                                        failed to assess her needs, rather than
Justice Peel concluded that W had not        Unsurprisingly, in due course H applied       explaining that a needs claim was not
suffered any prejudice as a result of the    to set aside the judgment alleging that       available under Russian law) the Court
initial delay. Further, although the court   W had misled the court in relation to         of Appeal was satisfied that this did not
accepted W’s evidence that she had           both fact and the law. H’s submissions        impact the grounds upon which leave
not received any other emails regarding      clearly made an impression on Mr              had been granted, namely that the
the proceedings, it was apparent that        Justice Cohen who expressed some              lacuna in Russian had placed significant
she was aware of at least some of the        regret about his failure to list the matter   assets beyond W’s reach and her needs
hearing dates and yet failed to obtain       inter partes.                                 have not been met as a matter of fact.
advice or attend.
                                             He decided to list the set aside              Finally, the judgment expressed
The court was satisfied that H was           application for a two-day hearing,            concern that reliance had been placed
entitled to use the email address            contrary to the procedure set down            on a finding that W had failed to inform
which W had held for many years –an          in Agbaje which provides:                     the court that she had taken advice
address which had been effective in          “Once a judge has given reason for            from divorce specialists in London prior
communicating the April hearing date.        deciding at the ex parte stage that           to her relocation in 2014. W had not
No more could be expected of H, and it       the threshold has been crossed,               waived privilege in respect of the advice
would be wrong to refuse to recognise        the approach to setting aside leave           she received and did not give evidence
the decree he had properly obtained in       should be the same as the approach            as to her motivations for relocating. The
such circumstances.                          to setting aside permission to                Court of Appeal was clear that it was
                                             appeal in the Civil Procedure Rules           not open to the court to draw inferences
The court noted that in these                                                              from W’s refusal to waive privilege
                                             (CPR), where (by contrast with the
circumstances, W would almost                                                              and while conclusions could be drawn
                                             Family Proceedings Rules) there is
certainly be able to avail herself of a                                                    from W’s evidence at trial, it was not
                                             an express power to set aside, but
claim udder Part III given the limited                                                     a material consideration at the leave
                                             which may only be exercised where
scope for financial remedies in China                                                      stage.
                                             there is a compelling reason to do
following divorce. However, the failure
                                             so: CPR r52.9(2). In practice, in the
to obtain an English decree could have
had significant consequences had a
                                             Court of Appeal, the power is only            The take-away:
                                             exercised where some decisive
different jurisdiction been in issue.
                                             authority has been overlooked so
                                             that the appeal is bound to fail, or
                                                                                           1.   In complex matters, an inter
                                                                                                 partes hearing will likely be
                                             where the court has been misled…                    appropriate;
                                             in an application under section
                                             13, unless it is clear that the
                                             respondent can deliver a knock-out            2.	
                                                                                              Once leave has been granted,
                                             blow, the court should use its case                any set aside application
                                             management powers to adjourn an                    will be adjourned unless the
                                             application to set aside to be heard               respondent is able to deliver a
                                             with the substantive application.”                 knock-out blow within a short
                                                                                                hearing for that purpose; and
Potanin v Potanina                           At the conclusion of the two-day

In Potanin v Potanina, the court was
                                             hearing, Mr Justice Cohen concluded
                                             that W had misled the court in three
                                                                                           3.	Applicants should be mindful
                                                                                                that where a grant of leave
concerned with an application under          categories: fact, Russian law and
                                                                                                is shown to have been
Part III. This followed hard fought          English law. On appeal it was reiterated
                                                                                                inappropriate following a
proceedings in Russia over a four-year       that the procedure in Agbaje cannot
                                                                                                substantive hearing, cost
period. Although W had been awarded          be circumvented; in the absence of a
                                                                                                consequences will likely follow
50% of the matrimonial assets in those       knock-out blow the set aside should
                                                                                                particularly where the court has
proceedings, and significant child care      be adjourned to be listed alongside the
                                                                                                been misled.
expenses, the final award failed to take     substantive application. The Court of
into account assets beneficially owned       Appeal stressed that the need for a two-
by H which represented the vast bulk         day hearing in order to demonstrate
of his wealth. As a result, in 2019, W       a compelling reason indicated that
sought leave to apply by relying upon        those reasons couldn’t be considered a
the lacuna in Russian law and the            knock-out blow.
inability of the current award to meet her
needs as grounds for a Part III claim.       Further, it will not be sufficient to show
                                             that the court has been misled in some
W was able to pursue her claim on the        peripheral matter. The respondent must
basis that she was habitually resident in    demonstrate that the court was misled
the UK having moved there in 2014. W’s       in a matter material to the grant of
application proceeded before Mr Justice      leave itself. The fact that the wife had
Cohen on an ex parte basis as is             incorrectly stated the child care award
required. During that hearing the judge      could not be said to be material given
expressed a clear view that the matter       that her application invited the court to
ought to be re-listed on an inter partes     consider awards in her favour, not the
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ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

                                     THE COURT

                                       UNDER STRAIN
Authored by: Jack Rundall - 1GC

       “Lack of judicial availability” are four words which over the last year
                     have come to haunt every family lawyer.

This phrase is used by court offices          and an accountant’s valuation of a                 As of June 2020, 304
across the country as the explanation for     business. That’s a total of four experts’
adjourning hearings, usually with about       reports placed in the shredder (or at least       arbitrations had been
24 hours’ notice. Final hearings seem to      deleted).
be the worst affected and an analysis of
                                                                                               notified to the Institute
my own diary over the last year suggests      Whilst there may be moves afoot to try          of Family Law Arbitrators
that (in finance at least) such hearings      to improve the position (for example, the
are more likely than not to be adjourned      increased recruitment of part-time judges       (IFLA) in financial cases
at least once. I have a couple of matters     and the introduction of the fast-track             but, as of September
which have been adjourned twice and           procedure for low-value financial remedy
have heard of cases going through their       cases proposed in His Honour Judge                2021, this had risen to
                                              Farquhar’s October 2021 report), none
fourth attempt to find a judge. Delays of 6
                                              are likely to resolve the crisis in the near
                                                                                                407, not a big number
months or so between each listing are not
uncommon and applications for financial       future. So, if 2021 has taught us anything,       but a 34% increase in
remedies seem to be the worst affected,       it must surely be the desirability of
presumably because matters involving          looking outside the court arena to resolve               one year.
children are given priority. In each case     disputes. Mediation remains a sensible
                                                                                              The case of Haley v Haley1 as well as
these adjournments lead to unnecessary        option where the parties are able to work
                                                                                              the pandemic perhaps explains this
costs; not just wasted brief fees but         constructively but arbitration is more likely
                                                                                              trend; the judgment confirmed that the
inevitably extra correspondence, ongoing      to be the solution for parties staring down
                                                                                              process of appealing an arbitrator’s
interim maintenance and mortgage              the barrel of an adjourned final hearing
                                                                                              award is the same as appeals from a
payments and, in one of my cases, the         since it provides a binding resolution.
                                                                                              judge’s decision, providing an extra
need (following each of two adjournments      Despite this it remains something of a
                                                                                              layer of certainty to the process.
so far) to update a chartered surveyor’s      niche option in family law, albeit one that
valuation of various commercial premises      is becoming more common.

1    [2020] EWCA Civ 1369                                                                                                              17
ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

                                             still under a duty to negotiate openly    in London on the basis of forum
                                             and reasonably at interim applications    non conveniens). The uncertainty
                                             (even though para 4.4 does not apply to   surrounding all this means that, now
                                             these hearings) and the two decisions     more than ever, it is important to take
                                             of Azarmi-Movafagh v Bassiri-Dezfouli 6   advice early advice, and to take local
                                             and LF v DF (Financial Remedy Costs:      advice in each jurisdiction which may be
                                             Debts in a needs case)7 which both        involved in a dispute.
                                             provide some much-needed clarity
                                             around the interplay between costs
                                             orders and needs.
Case law
A full review of the important cases of
2021 is beyond the scope of this short
article. However, some particularly
important decisions this year were CA
v DR (Schedule 1 Children Act 1989:
Pension Claim) 2 where Roberts J
rejected a claim by a mother under                                                     Remote hearings
Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989
                                                                                       Finally, HHJ Farquhar’s May 2021
for maintenance to include provision
to make contributions to a pension,          Brexit                                    report on the future use of Remote
                                                                                       Hearings in the Financial Remedies
Oberman v Collins3 which confirms
                                             As of 01.01.2021, the UK became a         Courts suggests that these are here to
that, when dealing with arguments
                                             third country for the purposes of any     stay, albeit in a rather more limited way
about constructive trusts in relation to a
                                             proceedings initiated after 31.12.2020.   than at present. In short, FDRs, final
portfolio of properties, it is unnecessary
                                             Thus, amongst others, Brussels IIa,       hearings, MPS and LSPO applications,
for the court to analyse the intentions
                                             the maintenance regulation, the EU        appeals, and enforcement hearings
behind the beneficial ownership of
                                             Services Regulation and the Mediation     where the respondent’s liberty is at
each individual property and Roberts
                                             Directive have all ceased to apply.       risk will all be heard in person by
J’s decision in WX v HX (Treatment
                                             Perhaps the most significant impact       default. Other directions hearings and
of Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial
                                             of this is that forum for divorces and    applications are likely to continue to be
Property) 4 which contained a summary
                                             maintenance cases is no longer            dealt with remotely. That being said, the
of the law concerning matrimonial
                                             determined by lis pendens but instead     court is likely to take a “permissive view”
property (at paragraphs 113-117)
                                             is now based on forum non conveniens,     of applications for other hearings to be
which now appears to be the ‘go to’
                                             thanks to the Domicile & Matrimonial      dealt with remotely if these are made in
case for a distillation of the applicable
                                             Proceedings Act 1973. This raises the     good time.
principles. There has also been a
                                             possibility of incompatible decisions
body of important cases dealing with
                                             between the courts of England and
costs and the impact of paragraph 4.4
                                             Wales and those of EU member states
of PD28A. These include Mostyn J’s
                                             (for example, if one party applies
decision in LM v FM (Costs Ruling)5
                                             somewhere in the EU on the basis
where he considered that parties are
                                             of lis pendens and the other applies

2    [2021] EWFC 21
3    [2020] EWHC 3533 (Ch)
4    [2021] EWFC 14
5    [2021] EWFC 28
6    [2021] EWCA Civ 1184
7    [2021] EWFC B50

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ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7


Authored by: Nancy Chien and Elizabeth Shaw - Bedell Cristin

In the last 18 months, the Royal Court of    and the settlor’s health was ailing. The       that it would therefore add the wife as
Jersey has handed down two important         wife’s concerns were that, should the          a beneficiary if the husband were to die
judgments in relation to asset protection    settlor die before the conclusion of the       before proceedings were completed in
on divorce. In both cases, settlor-          divorce proceedings, the matrimonial           order that provision can be made for her,
friendly, asset-protection decisions made    proceedings would abate and arguably,          but that it did not consider it necessary
by trustees, which might once have been      she would cease to be a beneficiary of         to do so at this stage whilst she was
considered reasonable, were either set       the primary trust, as she would then be        a beneficiary and any financial award
aside or not blessed.                        a widow. Further, if the settlor were to       could be made under the current terms
                                             die after the finalisation of the divorce,     of the settlement.
Here, we look at the relevant cases and      but before the granting of ancillary relief,
consider what this emerging trend might      the matrimonial proceedings would              In order to set aside the decision, the
mean for settlors and trustees going         continue, but she would cease to be a          Court needs to be satisfied that (i) the
forward.                                     beneficiary of the primary trust, as she       decision is one which no reasonable
                                             would no longer be his spouse. There           trustee could have arrived at; or (ii)
Key cases                                    was therefore a concern that the trust         in making the decision the trustee
                                             funds would not be available to meet any       failed to take into account a relevant
The first case, B v. Erinvale PTC            financial award in her favour.                 consideration or took into account an
Limited [2020] JCR 213, concerned                                                           irrelevant consideration.
an application to challenge a trustee’s      Accordingly, the wife requested that she
decision not to add the wife of the          be added as a beneficiary by name,             The Court found in favour of the wife
settlor as a beneficiary of a trust in her   such that her eligibility to benefit from      and set aside the decision not to appoint
own right. The primary trust in question     the trust was not dependent on her             the wife as a beneficiary. Some key
held all of the settlor’s free estate. The   status as spouse. The trustee denied           considerations in reaching that decisions
applicant wife was not specifically named    her request. The trustee did, however,         were that the trustee had accepted
as beneficiary of the settlement, but was    acknowledge that support from the trust        that the wife would be appointed
a current beneficiary due to her status      would be required to meet any award            should the husband die and that, in the
as the spouse of the settlor. However,       made in favour of the wife by the English      circumstances, holding the wife in a
they were in the process of divorcing        matrimonial court. The trustee asserted        state of uncertainty was not something
                                                                                            that any reasonable trustee would do.

ThoughtLeaders4 HNW Divorce Magazine • ISSUE 7

It was noted that she was already a           grounds, including that the beneficiaries     Key take-away for
beneficiary (as the settlor’s spouse) and     were not yet ascertainable and it would
so her addition by name would cause no        be some 30-40 years before they would         settlors and trustees
disadvantage to the other beneficiaries.      stand to benefit in any event.
                                                                                                These cases highlight
This “pro-spouse” approach was                However, the Court felt that there were
demonstrated again in the case                certain aspects of the proposal which          that trustees need to think
Representation of Ocorian re the V            raised unanswered questions. In                 carefully before taking a
Trust the W Trust the X Trust and the Y       particular it was not clear how in practice
Trust [2021] JCR 208.                         the proposed new trust would work. For
                                                                                              settlor-friendly approach
                                              example, is the new trust only intended         in the context of divorce
In this case Ocorian sought the Court’s       to be used to fund claims being made by
blessing of momentous decisions on            spouses, or should it be used to provide
                                                                                              or matrimonial claims in
behalf of four trusts which it administered   benefits for them? How should the                respect of the settlor or
for one family (the “Trusts”). The            assets be held, in cash or other forms?
beneficiaries of the trusts were the first    What happens if there are no marriage
                                                                                                 other beneficiaries.
respondent B, his wife (“C”), their son       breakdowns in 30-40 years’ time? Would
and daughter (“D” and “E” respectively).                                                    The Court will consider the interests of all
                                              the power to add new beneficiaries dilute
In an attempt to insulate the assets                                                        beneficiaries seriously before decisions
                                              the interests of the spouses?
of the trusts from claims from future                                                       are made which might prejudice their
spouses, the trustee sought to remove         The Court acknowledged that the               interests.
the spouses, widows and widowers of B         trustee’s decision would not have been
                                                                                            The cases also illustrate the importance
and C’s children and remoter issue from       vitiated by any conflict of interest and
                                                                                            of giving consideration to the beneficial
the beneficial classes of the Trusts, and     that it has acted in good faith. However,
                                                                                            class when establishing trusts, as it
to create a new trust to hold circa £7.5m     ultimately the Court was left sufficiently
                                                                                            may be difficult to change the beneficial
for the benefit of the newly excluded         uncomfortable as to the reasonableness
                                                                                            class without giving rise to potential risks
beneficiaries, along with B, his spouse or    of the decision given the unresolved
                                                                                            further down the line.
widow and children. The new trust would       issues that it declined to bless it. The
be on identical terms as the Trusts save      Court did highlight that this is not the
for the power to add beneficiaries as the     same as prohibiting the trustee from
Trusts do not contain the power to add        implementing its decision. They simply
beneficiaries.                                did not see fit to endorse it and release
                                              the trustee from any potential future
The trustee asserted that the decision        liability in respect of it.
to exclude would be within the range of
reasonable decisions on a number of

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