WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU EAT CHIA SEEDS EVERY DAY? - Posted on September 23, 2021 by Crissy Joshua - The Lost Herbs

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WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU EAT CHIA SEEDS EVERY DAY? - Posted on September 23, 2021 by Crissy Joshua - The Lost Herbs
What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

                      WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU
                      EAT CHIA SEEDS EVERY
                            Posted on September 23, 2021 by Crissy Joshua

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

Chia seeds are remarkably healthy for such a tiny item. It’s believed that chia seeds were first used
as food in Mexico around 3500 BC. Aztecs and Mayans ate them for energy and the word “chia”
meant “strength” in the ancient Maya language. Today, they are found all over the world and are
revered for their incredible nutritional value.
You need to soak chia seeds in water or milk before consuming them because it helps you digest
them and reap the full nutritional value they provide. When chia seeds absorb liquid, it makes a gel-
like texture consistency. This means that as well as the ever-popular chia seed pudding, they can be
used as an egg replacement or to thicken baked goods and sauces. I will show you how to make
chia seed pudding later but first let’s look at the health benefits derived from chia seeds.

                         Medicinal Benefits Of Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are packed full of goodness. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds will give women 44% of
their daily recommended fiber and men 29%. They are also known for containing Omega-3 and
Omega-6 fatty acids, and protein. Chia seeds are rich in many minerals too: calcium, magnesium,
manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, and selenium. Let’s look at why these nutrients are so
important and what they will do for your body.

      Fiber helps to keep our colon healthy by cleaning it, removing waste and toxins. It also slows
      down the process of sugar being absorbed into the bloodstream. Fiber is useful in managing
      weight too because it keeps you feeling full for longer.
      Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are classified as essential fats because they can only be
      obtained from your diet, meaning your body can’t produce them. A low intake of Omega-3 has
      been linked to inflammation and chronic diseases. Omega-6 mostly provides the body with
      energy but also supports the immune system.
      Protein is an essential building block of bones, muscles, and skin. It’s found in every cell of the
      body and is the second-largest component of cells after water! We need protein for everything
      we do and for the body to function properly. It allows oxygen to be carried throughout the
      body and it helps to repair tissue damage too.
      Chia seeds contain more than four times the amount of calcium than milk. If you make a chia
      seed pudding or smoothie and mix them with milk (or plant-based milk fortified with calcium)
      as your soaking agent this makes an even more potent dish. Calcium is found in our bones
      and teeth so it’s important to maintain calcium levels to keep them healthy.
      Approximately 60% of magnesium is found in our bones, making it important for bone
      health. It also plays a vital role in turning food into energy and even helps with the absorption
      of other minerals.
      Manganese is known as a trace mineral and is found in small amounts in the bones,
      pancreas, liver, and kidneys. It supports brain function and a healthy nervous system. It also

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

      aids in the production of certain enzymes and antioxidants.
      Copper is also a trace mineral and is essential for the nervous system and immune system. It
      is also needed in a number of processes including the synthesis of collagen. It helps maintain
      the heart’s muscle tone too.
      Phosphorus is most commonly associated with bone health. It works with calcium to build
      bones. However, phosphorus has a wide range of roles to keep various body parts working
      including the kidneys, blood vessels, bones, and muscles.
      Iron is an important mineral that helps transport oxygen around the body. In fact, around
      70% of your body’s iron lives in red blood cells. Too little iron in the body leads to anemia. The
      immune system also relies on iron so it’s necessary for our general well-being.
      Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is an essential mineral that must be obtained through
      food. It has many benefits for the body but most notably in supporting your metabolism and
      thyroid function.

                 Which Diseases Can Chia Seeds Help prevent?
Thanks to all of the nutrients found in chia seeds, if you eat them every day you will lower your risk
of developing certain diseases including:

      Diabetes - helps regulate blood sugar levels
      Heart Disease - lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and promotes healthy blood sugar
      Cancer - has antioxidants that fight free radicals
      Metabolic Syndrome - improves blood sugar levels
      Osteoporosis - builds bone strength

          Possible Side Effects Of Eating Chia Seeds Every Day
While chia seeds have many health benefits, some of these nutrients can have a negative effect if
you consume too much and impact people with certain medical conditions adversely. For most
healthy people, eating chia seeds every day in moderation will not be harmful in any way and they
will enjoy all the benefits.The first factor to consider is fiber. Yes, fiber is essential for our bodies,
but there are some points to note:

      Drink lots of water to help digest fiber and always soak chia seeds in water or milk before
      eating them
      Too much fiber can cause constipation, bloating, or diarrhea
      If you have an inflammatory bowel disease you may need to limit fiber intake during a flareup

Another factor to consider is chia seeds can reduce blood sugar levels. If you are taking insulin for

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

diabetes, you may need to talk to your doctor. This is because they would have calculated the
dosage according to your body and if your blood sugar decreases over time they may need to make
an adjustment for you.

                             How To Make Chia Seed Pudding
I’m going to show you how to make chia seed pudding today. This versatile recipe is simple to make
and you can use this as a base and add fruit and spices if you like. A single serving (½ of the portion
in this recipe) will contain 220 calories.

      4 Tablespoons of chia seeds
      1 Cup of milk
      ½ Tablespoon of honey (or sweetener of your choice)

      Jar with a tight lid

   1. Place 4 tablespoons of chia seeds into a small jar.
   2. Pour in 1 cup of milk. This can be any type of milk, whether it’s your favorite plant-based milk
      or animal product.
   3. Add ½ tablespoon of honey (or your favorite sweetener) and stir well.
   4. Let it sit for 5 minutes, then stir it again, removing any clumps.
   5. Place your lid on the jar and place it in the fridge.
   6. Leave it for at least 2 hours to allow the chia seeds to fully absorb the milk and expand. It’s
      also a really easy breakfast to prepare the night before and you can leave them overnight in
      the fridge.

You can enjoy it as a quick and nutritious breakfast, a snack, or a healthy dessert. It keeps well in
the fridge for up to one week, as long as your milk isn’t due to expire before that time. While on the
topic of milk, you can also add more milk if you want your pudding runnier.
You can add fruit for added flavor and nutrition, which you just add to the chia seed pudding when
you’re ready to eat it. You can use frozen berries, nectarines, or any fruit of your choosing. Chia
seeds don’t have a distinctive flavor so most people add fruit and/or spices to chia seed pudding.
It’s really very flexible and pairs well with just about any fruit and is lovely with vanilla extract,

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

cinnamon, or nutmeg. By adding fruit you really are complementing the chia seeds too which are
high in minerals but low in vitamins. This makes it a very well-rounded and healthy dish and an
excellent addition to your daily diet routine.
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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            The Lost Herbs – 2022-02-16 15:18:27
            Hi Kirit, Overnight Chia Seeds in Yogurt makes a healthy and delicious breakfast. By
            simply adding the seeds in the yogurt and leaving them overnight, they will expand. And
            yes, they will have the same benefits. It's basically still soaking. Many blessings and good
            Kirit – 2022-02-01 14:03:32
            I do not soak them but I put them on my natural yogurt with fruit seeds and nuts and in
            the fridge over nite do the chia seeds have any benefits?

            Mary Schleicher – 2022-01-28 04:35:35
            I like to take about 3/4 cup of shredded coconut with a tablespoon of Chia seeds, mix
            well, keep in fridge in closed container. Use it on a banana, broken in chunks, put peanut
            butter on chunks, place some of the coconut/chia seed mix on your plate and dip the
            banana and peanut butter into the mix. Very good, even the kids like it. Do like the Chia
            pudding, very good. Can place some cocoa powder in if you like Good recipe on Know the
            Cause.com website. Shredded coconut, n
            Mary Schleicher – 2022-01-28 04:32:55
            I like to take about 3/4 cup of ground coconut with a tablespoon of Chia seeds, mix well,
            keep in fridge in closed container. Use it on a banana, broken in chunks, put peanut
            butter on chunks, place some of the coconut/chia seed mix on your plate and dip the
            banana and peanut butter into the mix. Very good, even the kids like it. Do like the Chia
            pudding, very good. Can place some cocoa powder in if you like Good recipe on Know the
            Cause.com website
            The Lost Herbs – 2022-01-27 19:14:51
            Hi Connie, Thank you so much for purchasing "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies". I am
            sorry to hear that you have not received your book yet. The tracking number indicates
            that your book was delivered in or at the mailbox at 10:41 am on January 21, 2022. Please
            check your email. I have sent you an email with more details. Many blessings and good

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            Connie McDaniels – 2022-01-27 18:37:49
            Hello I was wondering how long will it take for me to receive my book? I purchased it on
            Jan 10

            Kate – 2022-01-27 18:22:40
            I am also waiting on my book as are several others. Please advise

            Marko – 2022-01-27 17:11:07
            Thank you soo much for the Chia seed info. What ratio chia seeds to fluid should I use if I
            want to drink them in a cup of almond milk?

            Holly S – 2021-10-09 09:19:46
            I've been adding them to our dogs homemade food for over a year . I didn;t know about
            soaking them , first. I usually just put some in with a bit of water before I warmit up. I've
            also alternate with quinoa and shelled hempseeds. seems good for them.

            The Lost Herbs – 2021-10-05 14:41:38
            Hi Erika, Thank you for your interest in our work. Please check your personal email. I sent
            you an email regarding your book order. Many blessings and good health!

            KT – 2021-10-04 13:02:41
            How long do the seeds need to soak for a smoothie?

            moon510 – 2021-09-30 16:05:57
            1. Can Chia seeds be grounded (and then soaked to expand or is that unnecessary as it is
            grounded and not a whole seed)? 2. After soaking or grounding can I cook it/bake to
            make egg pudding (using heat for recipes -- will heating be less nutritious)?

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            Megan – 2021-09-30 15:28:52
            Loved this particular post and recipe! Thank you.

            Erika – 2021-09-29 09:50:15
            Very nice to read the recipe and benefits of chia seed. Same time I have another
            question: I have purchased your book "The Book of Lost Remedies" 12 September
            (already 17 days ago) and have still heard nothing about the shipment. I do hope it is
            going to be posted soon. Best regards, ER
            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-28 16:33:12
            Hi Carol, Yes, you can give chia seeds to your dog. Is it recommended to soak the seeds
            before serving them. Try to introduce chia seeds slowly and monitor the amount your
            dog eats as the seeds are high in fiber and calories. Many blessings and good health!

            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-28 16:29:58
            Hi Charolette, There seems to be much debate as to whether you need to soak chia seeds
            before eating. There is nothing wrong with eating them straight, but if you soak them
            first, they will release the enzyme inhibitors that are used to protect the seed. Not only
            does this make them much easier to digest, but it also helps increase the amount of
            nutrients your body is able to absorb. To get the most nutrients out of your food and to
            maximize the potential benefits of chia seeds, try soaking them before adding them to a
            recipe or smoothie. Either way, though, they’re still an excellent source of nutrition. Many
            blessings and good health!
            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-28 16:26:12
            Hi Marilyn, Thank you for your comment. We are glad to hear you liked the article. Many
            blessings and good health!

            David – 2021-09-27 16:48:07
            I'm having trouble with the Chia seeds causing migraine aura. I have a long history with
            migraines and problems with nuts, seeds, some foods, whey and sometimes poor sleep
            or stress will cause them. Caffeine definitely causes them but once they occur caffeine
            can cause them to go away after around 30 minutes. I don't know what could possibly be
            in Chia seeds that would cause auras?

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            Ben – 2021-09-26 02:12:53
            I don't think that its critical that they be soaked. They break down much more easily than
            flax seeds. They can be eaten straight ir sprinkled fresh over cereals too.

            Nancy – 2021-09-24 17:12:43
            Are chia seeds as effective if ground and added to smoothies, oatmeal, etc.

            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-24 15:00:19
            Hi Irene, Thank you for your interest in our work. Please check your email address. I sent
            you an email regarding your order. Many blessings and good health!

            Phoebe – 2021-09-24 03:50:19
            We should always soak Chia seeds. Chia seeds are quite hard and sharp and can poke
            holes in the lining of the gut, leading to leaky gut. I sometimes make my chia pudding
            with coconut milk which I blend with blueberries then add honey and chia seeds before
            putting in the fridge overnight. Yum!
            Kenneth Blake – 2021-09-24 01:01:45
            Is it OK to grind chia seeds without soaking them?

            Deborah – 2021-09-24 00:07:55
            So I can't get away with just cooking them up in my porridge, without soaking first?

            David – 2021-09-23 23:58:47
            It does taste like a pudding. I sprinkled some cinnamon on it and it tasted good. The
            consistency reminds me of Tapioca pudding.

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            Irene – 2021-09-23 23:31:58
            When will I receive my book? I am assuming it was a hard copy I ordered and paid for.

            Pat N – 2021-09-23 22:05:04
            Why 1/2 Tablespoon? this would require using both the teaspoon and the half-teaspoon.
            Just use 2 teaspoons? or a full Tablespoon of sweetener....

            Jack – 2021-09-23 21:53:14
            I soak mine in coconut water, and I also add ground flax seed to it.I let it sit overnight and
            add fruit to it ,like strawberrys and blueberries or top it off with organic juice ,then blend
            it in my nutribullet.It makes your morning bowel movements a pleasure.

            Kt – 2021-09-23 21:15:33
            Woukd these seeds be bad to eat with someone who has diviticulitus ?

            Carol – 2021-09-23 19:25:47
            Can I add the chia seed to my dogs meals for the omega 3 & 6 benefit. I would soak them

            Charolette Williams – 2021-09-23 19:13:23
            So the smoothie receipt I have been using just says to add 1/2 a tsp, but it says nothing
            about soaking first. So you're saying I need to soak them before putting in my smoothie
            to get the benefits; correct?

            Sherry A Duvall-Coday – 2021-09-23 17:33:28
            Yes, I put it in my overnight oats and it works great!

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            Marilyn C. Mills – 2021-09-23 17:14:32
            This article was very informative, thank you for sharing. I’ve often wondered what else to
            do with my chia seeds, other than just adding to my smoothies or oatmeal. My only issue
            was that they seemed to me so hard and I was concerned about absorption. This pudding
            recipe is something I will definitely try TODAY a change from my normal snack of fruit and
            Greek yogurt.
            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-23 16:24:15
            Hi Monica, That is also a very good recipe and an easy way to get chia seeds into your
            diet. The nutrient profile of chia gives the bread a great nutritional boost. Many blessings
            and good health!

            Arthur Russell – 2021-09-23 16:23:48
            I add 2 tablespoons to my oatmeal along with a spoon of whipped honey with cinnamon
            (from Savannah Bee Company) every day.

            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-23 16:21:08
            Hi Bobbi, Yes, definitely. These magical little seeds will gel up in the oats to make them
            creamy and thick. Just add one teaspoon of chia seeds to your bowl or jar with the rest of
            the ingredients and give it a good stir until it's all combined. Leave it for at least 2 hours
            to allow the chia seeds to fully absorb the milk and expand. Top your overnight oats with
            your favorite toppings and enjoy!
            The Lost Herbs – 2021-09-23 16:11:20
            Hi Tanya, Thank you for purchasing "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies". Please check
            your email address. I sent you an email regarding your book order. Many blessings and
            good health!

            tanya – 2021-09-23 15:23:32
            When will I receive my books?

            Monica – 2021-09-23 15:20:50
            I use mine in homemade bread…

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What Happens If You Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?
The Lost Herbs

            bobbi – 2021-09-23 15:18:59
            Can you add chia seeds to oatmeal? Like overnight oats? I am not sure I could just eat the
            pudding as is, lol. I am thinking I would need more substance wit a little pudding?

            Eliza – 2021-09-23 12:21:55
            I'm trying this tonight, thank you so much for sharing!

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