Western Association of Map Libraries - Volume 36 Number 2 - Western Association of ...

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Western Association of Map Libraries - Volume 36 Number 2 - Western Association of ...
Volume 36 Number 2                                    March 2005

  Western Association of Map Libraries
        “. . . to encourage high standards in every phase of organization and
                                         administration of map libraries . . .”
Western Association of Map Libraries - Volume 36 Number 2 - Western Association of ...
The Western Association of Map Libraries is an independent association of persons. The Membership has defined its
Principal Region for meeting locations as: the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, and the States of Alaska, Ari-
zona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

Membership in WAML is open to any individual interested in furthering the purpose of the Association, which is “to
encourage high standards in every phase of the organization and administration of map libraries.” Membership includes
receipt of all issues of the Information Bulletin and Electronic News & Notes (if an email address is provided), mail an-
nouncements of WAML meetings, voting privileges and receipt of WAML ballots.

Dues are US$30 per year and all memberships begin July 1. You may join any time of the year by sending your name,
address, phone, fax, email address and US$30 to the WAML Treasurer at the address below. Make checks payable to
“WAML” or the “Western Association of Map Libraries.” Lifetime membership is open to any individual for a one-time
payment of US$500. In addition to all membership privileges listed above, Lifetime Members also receive a copy of
each volume published in the WAML Occasional Paper series. For more information about WAML, its purpose, meetings
and membership, see the WAML Web site at http://www.waml.org or contact an officer listed below.

WAML and its Information Bulletin operate on a membership/volume-year basis. Subscriptions begin July 1 and end on
June 30 the following year. Mid-year joiners/subscribers will receive back issues for that year. Back issues of the Infor-
mation Bulletin are available for US$10/volume, or portion thereof, from the Subscription Manager.

Subscriptions to the Information Bulletin are US$35 per volume year. The Information Bulletin is issued three times
each year: Issue #1 in November, Issue #2 in March, and Issue #3 in July. In addition to the subscription cost, US$3 is
charged for postage to Canada and US$10 is charged for mailing to countries outside of the US and Canada.

                WAML Executive Board (July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005)
President                               Past President                            Secretary
Julie Sweetkind-Singer                  Sue Haffner                               Ken Rockwell
GIS & Map Librarian & Bibliogra-        CSU-Fresno Library                        Map & Science Cataloger
pher                                    5200 N. Barton Ave., MS ML34              J. Willard Marriott Library
Branner Library/Map Collection          Fresno, CA 93740-8014                     University of Utah
Stanford, CA 94305-2210                 (559) 278-2405                            295 S 1500
(650) 725-1103                          Fax: (559) 278-6952                       E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
Fax: (650) 725-2534                     sue_haffner@csufresno.edu                 (801) 581-8324
sweetkind@stanford.edu                                                            ken.rockwell@library.utah.edu
Vice President/President Elect          Cynthia Jahns                             Business Manager
Mabel Suzuki                            Head, Maps Unit                           Julie Hoff
University of Hawaii at Manoa           Science & Engineering Library             WAML Book & Sales Manager
Thomas H. Hamilton Library              University of California-Santa Cruz       Map Collection
2550 The Mall                           1156 High St.                             Arizona State Library
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822                  Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1078                 1700 West Washington
(808) 956-8230                          (831) 459-3187                            Phoenix, AZ 85007
FAX (808) 956-5968                      Fax: (831) 459-4187                       (602) 542-4343
mabel@hawaii.edu                        cjahns@cats.ucsc.edu                      Fax: (602) 542-4400
                                        Subscription Manager
                                        Jim O’Donnell
                                        Geology Library 100-23
                                        California Institute of Technology
                                        Pasadena, CA 91125
Western Association of Map Libraries - Volume 36 Number 2 - Western Association of ...
Western Association of Map Libraries

  Volume 36, No. 2                    INFORMATION BULLETIN                                                                     March 2005

                                                         Table of Contents

WAML Business
  Announcements ........................................................................................................................100

Photo Essay: Halloween Flood at University of Hawai’i Library.................................................101
 Mabel Suzuki, Government Documents Librarian, Ross Togashi, Map Collection Technician
 Photo credits: Ross Togashi, Susan Tokairin, Lloyd Tsukano

Index to Geologic Maps of Utah by U.S.G.S. Topographic
  Quadrangle Name, Part3: 1971-1980, M - Z compiled by Richard Soares.........................................111

Reviews of Atlases, Books and Digital Resources edited by Kathy Rankin ..........................................135
       “Response to Arizona Electronic Atlas Review” by the Arizona Electronic Atlas Team; Historical Atlas of
       the Napoleonic Era reviewed by Karen L. Dennison; Epic Wanderer: David Thompson & the Mapping
       of the Canadian West reviewed by Bruce Sarjeant; The World Through Maps: a History of Cartography
       reviewed by Tim Ross; Historical Atlas of the Arctic reviewed by Janet Collins; The Palgrave Concise
       Historical Atlas of the Cold War reviewed by Greg Armento; Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest
       reviewed by Matthew Parsons; The Political Mapping of Cyberspace reviewed by Christine Kollen

New Mapping of Western North America compiled by Ken Rockwell...................................143

News of Note compiled by Linda Zellmer
  Benchmarks ..................................................................................................................................148
  Canadian News..............................................................................................................................149
  Cataloging News ...........................................................................................................................150
  Conferences & Classes...................................................................................................................151
  Digital Spatial Data ........................................................................................................................152
  Federal, State and Local Government.................................................................................................157
  General News...............................................................................................................165
  Internet Resources.................................................................................................................166
  New Publications..........................................................................................................................167
  Periodical Articles.............................................................................................................169

        US ISSN 0049-7282 © 2005 by The Western Association of Map Libraries LC #72-625238
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                                                 Instructions for Authors

     The Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin publishes feature articles, photoessays, asso-
     ciation business and selected news and notes related to all forms of cartographic information, including maps,
     spatial data, GIS, and all aspects of map librarianship. Articles are invited that will address the interests of the
     publications’ audience. Individuals are encouraged to submit unsolicited articles for consideration.

     Length: Articles should be submitted to the Information Bulletin editor via email or on disk in either Micro-
     soft Word or ASCII text format. Submissions should be accompanied by a printed copy which is no more than
     20 double-spaced printed pages. Do not include any special formatting, such as page breaks and indentations
     in the article. Paragraphs should be separated by two line breaks. When submitting articles on disk, please note
     the author(s) name(s), the word processing program, a brief title of your article and the file name(s) on the disk.
     Cartographic information is, for the most part, a visual medium, so illustrations should be included whenever
     possible. Note the approximate location of illustrations by inserting a separate sentence in the text of the article:

             Insert Figure 1 Here

     The Production Editor will place the image based on the text flow and page layout of the article.

     Illustrations: Illustrations and graphic material should be submitted in scanner-ready or computer-readable
     form (gif, jpg or tiff). If it is absolutely impossible to submit scanned images, photographic prints and photocop-
     ies may be submitted. All photocopies, even copies of black and white illustrations, should be copied on a color
     copy machine, as they have a higher resolution than standard black and white copiers. Tables should be word
     processed and saved as a separate file on the disk.

     References: References should be included in the text in Author Date format (Jones, 1998). References Cited
     should be listed at the end of the article in a separate section titled REFERENCES CITED. Citations should be
     listed alphabetically and written in Author Date style. References to web sites should be written:

     Author’s Last Name, First Name, Month, Day & Year Updated. Title of the web site.  (Date site ac-

     Author Information: The author should include a brief title before the text of the article. Information about the
     author(s) should also be included: author’s name, position, address and e-mail address, if available.

     Editing: The editors reserve the right to make minor copy-editing changes.

     Acceptance of manuscripts: The WAML Information Bulletin editors reserve the right to accept or reject

     Book, Atlas & Media Reviews

     Atlas and book reviews and reviews of digital cartographic products, software and data are welcome. Contact
     the Atlas & Book Review Editor, Kathy Rankin or the IB Editor. For more information on atlas and book re-
     views, see the instructions for reviewers in the Book Review section of the Information Bulletin.

WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                           Contribution Guidelines for Electronic News and Notes

Electronic News and Notes contains information on: Benchmarks (major events related to people or Map
Libraries, specifically map library events in or about the principal region), Canadian News, Cataloging News,
Conferences and Classes, Digital Spatial Data, Employment, General News, Internet Resources, New Publica-
tions and cartographic materials, Periodical Articles and news from US Federal, State and Local Government
agencies related to map librarianship and the principal region. Submit items to the News and Notes Editor or the
appropriate State or Province editor at any time for inclusion in WAML Electronic News and Notes (E-N & N).

E-N & N is a monthly publication that is compiled and posted on the WAML web site at http://www.waml.org.
The E-N & N Editor appreciates receiving contributions via e-mail, but will accept regular mail as well. Please
flag time-sensitive items in the subject line. Back issues of E-N & N can be viewed on the WAML Web site.
Selected E-N & N items also appear in the Information Bulletin. Potential sources for news items include:
communication with colleagues, listservs (please acknowledge original author and list), Web sites (use search
engines to search for maps, atlases, cartography, geospatial data, GIS and your state, county or city), automated
notification services, journals and newspapers, vendor publisher and agency catalogs, newsletters and confer-
ence announcements.

E-N & N includes the regular feature “New Mapping of Western North America.” Submit citations for new
print and digital maps and atlases of the Western United States and Canadian Provinces to Ken Rockwell, New
Mapping Editor. Include ordering information if possible.

                           Information Bulletin and Electronic News & Notes
                                        EDITORIAL STAFF

Electronic News & Notes Editor          New Mapping of Western North                 Photo Essay Editor
          Linda Zellmer                         America Editor                          Ross Togashi
     Head, Geology Library                       Ken Rockwell                          Map Collection
   Indiana University Libraries                 Marriott Library                University of Hawaii Libraries
1001 East Tenth Street, Room 601               University of Utah                      2550 The Mall
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1405            Salt Lake City, UT 84112                 Honolulu, HI 96822
         (812) 855-7170                  ken.rockwell@library.utah.edu                 (808) 956-6199
       Fax (812) 855-6614                                                            Fax (808) 956-5968
      lzellmer@indiana.edu              Information Bulletin Editor                 rtogashi@hawaii.edu
                                              Matthew Parsons
  Atlas & Book Review Editor           Map Collection and Cartographic              Editorial Advisor and
       Katherine L. Rankin               Information Services Unit            Micrographics/Technology Editor
Bibliographic & Metadata Services                                                        Larry Cruse
                                        Univ. of Washington Libraries
       University Libraries                                                       University Library, C075P
 University of Nevada, Las Vegas                 Box 352900
                                                                                        UC San Diego
     4505 Maryland Parkway                    Seattle, WA 98195
                                                                                  La Jolla, CA 92093-0175
           Box 457034                      Phone: (206) 543-9392                       (619) 534-1248
   Las Vegas, NV 89154-7034             parsonsm@u.washington.edu                    Fax (619) 534-7548
         (702) 895-2224                                                        Larry_Cruse@UCSDLIBRARY.
       Fax (702) 895-2280                                                                  ucsd.edu

WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

     State and Province Editors
     State and Province Editors have volunteered to be especially vigilant for news, notes and ideas for features
     and will accept contributions for their state or province at any time and forward them for publication.

     Alaska Editor                         Colorado Editor                        Utah Editor
     John Kawula                           Christopher Thiry                      Peter L. Kraus
     Government Documents & Map            Map Librarian                          University of Utah
     Librarian                             Arthur Lakes Library                   J. Willard Marriott Library
     Rasmuson Library                      Colorado School of Mines               Government Documents
     University of Alaska                  Golden, CO 80401-1887                  295 S 1500 E
     Fairbanks, AK 99775-6800              (303) 273-3697                         Salt Lake City, UT 84112
     ffjdk@uaf.edu                         Fax (303) 273-3199                     801-581-8394 (work)
                                           cthiry@mines.edu                       801-585-3464 (fax)
     Arizona Editor
     Dale Steele                           Hawaii/Pacific Rim Editor               Washington State Editor
     Arizona Dept of Transportation        Riley Moffat                           Matthew Parsons
                                           Division of Learning Resources         Map Librarian
     British Columbia Editor               Brigham Young University               Univ. of Washington Libraries
     Tim Ross                              Box 1966
                                                                                  Map Collection and Cartographic
     Map Librarian                         Laie, HI 96762
     University of British Columbia        (808) 293-3850                         Information Services Unit
     Library                               Fax (808) 293-3877                     Box 352900
     1956 Main Mall                        moffatr@byuh.edu                       Seattle WA 98195
     Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1                                                        (206) 543-9392
     (604) 822-6191                        Nevada Editor                          parsonsm@u.washington.edu
     Voice Mail (604) 822-2231             Linda Newman
     Fax (604) 822-3335                    DeLaMare Library/MS 262                Editor vacancies:
     timross@unixg.ubc.ca                  University of Nevada                   Alberta, Idaho, Montana, New
                                           Reno, NV 89557                         Mexico, Oregon, Wyoming
     California Editor                     (775) 784-6945 ext. 20
     Phil Hoehn                            Fax (775) 784-6949
     Librarian                             lnewman@unr.edu
     David Rumsey Collection
     51 Levant St.
     San Francisco, CA 94114-1409
     (415) 431-1423

WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                                 Lists for 2003/04 Membership Year
                                      Committees and Representatives

Executive Board                       Membership/Hospitality Com-         PAC Microforms Subcommittee
President -- Julie Sweetking-Singer   mittee:                               Larry Cruse (1993- )
Vice President/President Elect --      Carol Doyle (2002- )               Representatives/Liaisons
  Mabel Suzuki                         Yvonne Wilson (2002- )             To AACCCM -- Mary Larsgaard
Secretary -- Ken Rockwell             Nominating Committee                   (1992- )
Treasurer -- Cynthia Jahns             Christopher J.J. Thiry (2002 - )   To ACMLA -- Tim Ross (1991- )
Past President -- Sue Haffner          Need additional members            To ALA/MAGERT –
Appointees                            Publications Advisory Committee        Kathy Rankin (2003-)
Archivist --                          (PAC):                              To CCISA – Linda Zellmer (1999- )
  Julie Sweetkind, (2000- )            Linda Newman (2003- )              To CUAC --
Business Manager --                    David Deckelbaum (1999- )             David Deckelbaum (2003 - )
  Julie Hoff (2002- )                 Ex Officio:                             Need additional representive
Subscription Manager --                Linda Zellmer (2000 - )            To GSIS -- Linda Newman (2002- )
  Jim O’Donnell, (1997- )              Julie Hoff (2002 - )               To IFLA --
Web Manager --                                                               Dorothy McGarry (2002- )
  Linda Zellmer (1999- )                                                  To SLA/G&M -- Linda Zellmer
                                                                             (2002- )


  Western Association of
  Map Libraries, Spring
      2005 Meeting

Where: Univ. of Colorado at
When: March 23-26, 2005
Host: Katie Lage

                                          Zippered tote bags are still available from MAGERT. To re-
URL:                                      ceive your tote bag, please send a check for $23.00, payable
http://ucblibraries.colorado.             to ALA-MAGERT, to:
edu/map/waml/waml.htm.                    Steve Rogers, Map Room, 211 Main Library, Ohio State
                                          University, 1858 Neil Ave Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                                 Mabel Suzuki, Government Documents Librarian
                                     Ross Togashi, Map Collection Technician
                            Photo credits: Ross Togashi, Susan Tokairin, Lloyd Tsukano

      On Halloween’s eve, October 30,         just a handful of people were in       first priority, followed by Asia,
      2004, a flash flood swept through         the building, including a class of     older Pacific area nautical charts,
      Manoa Valley in Honolulu, cut-          distance education students who        world map series such as IMW
      ting a swath through a section          were attending an all-day session.     and Karta Mira, and lastly AMS
      of the main campus of the Uni-          These students had to break the        topographic series of other areas
      versity of Hawai`i and heaved           windows with a chair to escape         including Latin America, Europe,
      massive destruction on a number         the floodwaters in just the nick of     Middle East and Africa. The lim-
      of buildings, including Hamil-          time.                                  ited freezer container space made
      ton Library. The ground floor of                                                it impossible to rescue all drawers.
      Hamilton housed the Government          In the days that followed, library     Maps of more easily obtainable
      Documents and Maps Department,          staff and hundreds of volunteers       areas such as the US states had to
      which includes the regional fed-        sloshed through the muck to            be abandoned. It is estimated that
      eral documents depository, a large      retrieve as much as they could.        approximately one-third of the
      United Nations collection, and the      The maps and aerial photos were        map collection was retrieved. It
      map collection. Approximately           among the first to be rescued. In       was less successful with govern-
      800,000 documents in paper, 1.6         priority order, the aerial photo-      ment documents. Only a small
      million microforms, several thou-       graphs of the Trust Territory of the   percentage of items were undam-
      sand CD-ROMs and DVD prod-              Pacific Islands (TTPI) archives,        aged by water. These were pulled
      ucts, 165,000 maps and 92,000           followed by aerial photos of the       off the shelves, placed in boxes
      aerial photographs were damaged         western Pacific (WWII vintage)          and rushed into the freezers.
      or destroyed by the flood. All           which were deemed difficult to
      furniture and equipment, including      obtain were transported to the         The task of cleaning and restor-
      desks, chairs, tables, study carrels,   Library’s Preservation unit where      ing the maps, aerial photos, and
      computers and printers, map cases,      stations were set up to wash and       documents are now with the
      file cabinets, scanner, large format     dry these photos. Other large          Preservation Department. Paper
      copier, light table, zoom transfer      photos were washed and hung to         conservators and other conserva-
      scope, and assorted office furni-        dry outdoors (between trees, on        tion specialists from the United
      ture, supplies, and personal effects    the lanais and classrooms of the       States and New Zealand were
      were completely destroyed, having       neighboring building). While a         brought in to work with and train
      been tossed about by the speed          few thousand were cleaned, the         the Preservation staff. They
      and strength of the flood and the        time element of avoiding mold          inspected the extent of damage
      height it reached, well over 6 to 7     growth made it impossible to wash      and experimented with various
      feet in the map room.                   the entire 90,000 collection. The      paper types to determine the best
                                              rest of the photos were placed in      cleaning methods and procedures.
      Other departments housed on the         Matson Company refrigerated            About half of the maps will be
      ground floor of Hamilton were            shipping containers, with the tem-     cleaned in-house. The balance,
      similarly affected. These included      perature set at just below freezing.   approximately 17,000 maps have
      Acquisitions, Serials, Cataloging,      Matson freezer containers were         been shipped to a Texas-based res-
      the server room of the Library’s        also used to house the maps and        toration company, Belfor, which
      Systems office, and the Library          documents.                             has been contracted to clean the
      and Information Science Program.                                               maps and freeze dry the books.
      It was fortunate that the flood oc-      Map drawers were pulled in order       From early reports, the results
      curred on a Saturday night when         with rare, Hawai`i, and Pacific as      of the work at Belfor have been

101   University of Hawaii Flood
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

very encouraging and many of the      clean-up operations. The Univer-        countries and purchasing selected
maps are being restored to useable    sity is now in the planning stages      replacements. While the flood had
condition.                            on how to proceed with which            inflicted considerable damage, it
                                      collections and staff would be          also provides a great opportunity
The ground floor of Hamilton           returning and in what configura-         in building a digital geographic
Library is now completely cleaned     tion. Government Documents              data repository for Hawai`i, and
and cleared of all debris. BMS        and Maps is in a rebuilding phase,      participation in national digitiza-
Catastrophe, a Texas-based disas-     acquiring donations of documents        tion efforts.
ter recovery company, contracted      and maps from all over the main-
with the University to conduct        land, Hawai`i, and from foreign

           Damage to the Map Collection and the rest of the basement was extensive. (photo: L. Tsukano)

          Muddy water filled the Map Collection to a height of 6-7’ as shown by high water marks on far
          wall. Particle board wall (left) shows damage from water flow. (photo: L. Tsukano)

                                                                                   University of Hawaii Flood       102
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Vertical planfiles holding USGS 7.5min. quads (left) tipped
      over from water flow. (photo: L. Tsukano)

                                                                   A volunteer retrieves our scanner. (photo: L. Tsukano)

103   University of Hawaii Flood
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Map drawers were retrieved and taken outside by Library staff, students, faculty and
volunteers. (photo: L. Tsukano)

Every map drawer was filled with mud, debris and water. (photo: L. Tsukano)

                                                                         University of Hawaii Flood   104
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                   Initially, aerial photographs and some maps were rinsed of mud and hung to dry. (photo:
                   S. Tokairin)

                                    NASA U2 aerial photographic transparencies held in con-
                                    tainers were washed. (photo: L. Tsukano)

105   University of Hawaii Flood
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Aerial photograph prints were hung to dry in every available space inside the Library, in a
neighboring building, and outdoors. (photo: L. Tsukano)

Larger aerial photograph enlargements and maps on mylar were dried outdoors. (photo:
S. Tokairin)

                                                                          University of Hawaii Flood   106
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                          Matson Company refrigerated shipping containers were used to freeze
                          and hold the maps, photographs, and documents. (photo: L. Tsukano)

          The Hawaii State Convention Center’s loading dock was utilized in shuffling and reloading the freezer con-
          tainers. Approximately 180 map drawers were shipped to Belfor in Fort Worth, Texas. (photo: R. Togashi)

107   University of Hawaii Flood
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

       University employees carefully stacked the map drawers on pallets, and
       secured them with pieces of lumber. (photo: R. Togashi)

An additional 140 map drawers and 150 boxes of aerial photographs were moved to an
off-campus commercial freezer/storage site. (photo: R. Togashi)

                                                                      University of Hawaii Flood   108
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

                      Restoration work starts in the Library’s Preservation Department. (photo: R. Togashi)

                      Frozen photographs are carefully thawed before restoration work can begin. (photo: R.

109   University of Hawaii Flood
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

         BMS Catastrophe crew stripped and disinfected the entire basement
         floor. (photo: L. Tsukano)

View of the basement looking towards the site of the former Map Collection and Library
School. (photo: R. Togashi)

                                                                      University of Hawaii Flood   110
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

           Index to Geologic Maps of Utah by U.S.G.S. Topographic Quadrangle Name
                                    Part 3: 1971-1980, M-Z
                   (Continuation of A-L previously published in WAML Information Bulletin 36(1):17-40)

                                               Complied by Richard E. Soares
                                                  Natural Science Librarian
                                              California State University, Chico

      INTRODUCTION                           indicating subject matter if other     Information System (GNIS) at:
                                             than geology, and reference to the     http://geonames.usgs.gov
      This index identifies publications      publication or source in abbreviated
      of the U.S. Geological Survey          form. Entries for the obsolete and     Once the quadrangle name for an
      (U.S.G.S.) and the Utah Geological     15 minute quadrangles have “see”       area of interest is identified, it is
      Survey (U.G.S.) published be-          references to the current 7.5 minute   then easily found in alphabetical
      tween 1971 and 1980 appearing in       quadrangles.                           order within this index. Multiple
      selected series (see list in Legend)                                          entries may exist for a quadrangle
      that contain detailed geologic maps    To use this index, one must            name, each giving data to a differ-
      of Utah. The index correlates these    first determine the name of the         ent map and source.
      publications to the U.S.G.S. 7.5       quadrangle(s) that cover an area
      minute quadrangles of Utah.            of interest. This is easily done by    Earlier indexes, part 1, 1883-1961²,
                                             using a Utah topographic map index     and part 2, 1962-1970³, are consol-
      Most of the maps indexed are           published and distributed by the       idated and available free online at
      separates folded into a pocket to      U.S.G.S. Most library map collec-      http://www.csuchico.edu/~rsoares/
      accompany a geologic report while      tions will have multiple copies of     Utah_Geologic_Mapping/
      a few select maps are found on         such indexes. Pages of one such        UtahQuadrangleMapRefGuide.
      pages within reports. All of the       index, Utah index to topographic       htm.
      maps are at a scale of 2 miles to      and other map coverage, can be
      the inch, approximately 1:125,000      viewed at: http://www.csuchico.
      or larger.                             edu/~rsoares/Utah_Geologic_Map-        ¹ Utah Index to topographic and
                                             ping/UtahQuadrangleMapRef-             other map coverage. 1983. Reston,
      The index is arranged alphabeti-       Guide.htm                              Va., U.S. Geological Survey. p.39
      cally by quadrangle name. Not all                                             ²Soares, Richard E., 1991. Index
      current 7.5 minute quadrangles are     You can obtain your own copy of a      to Geologic Maps of Utah by
      listed, only those covered by map-     Utah topographic map index from:       U.S.G.S. Topographic Quadrangle
      ping. Also included are obsolete                                              Name Part 1: 1883-1961. Informa-
      7.5 minute quadrangle names as         U.S. Geological Survey Map Dis-        tion Bulletin (WAML) vol. 22,
      found on maps indexed and 15           tribution                              no.3, p.163
      minute quadrangle names as found       U.S.G.S. Map Sales (USDI)              ³ Soares, Richard E., 1992. Index
      in the Utah index to topographic       Federal Center, Building 810 US-       to Geologic Maps of Utah by
      and other map coverage.¹               DOI                                    U.S.G.S. Topographic Quadrangle
                                             PO Box 25286                           Name Part 2: 1962-1970. Informa-
      Each entry for a current 7.5 minute    Denver, CO 80225                       tion Bulletin (WAML) vol. 24,
      quadrangle name includes data for      Or phone: (303) 236-7477 or (888)      no.1, p.13
      a map that covers part or all of the   275-8747 or Fax (303) 202-4693
      quadrangle. Data includes scale as
      an abbreviated representative frac-    A quadrangle name can also be
      tion, extent of quadrangle cover-      determined through the internet us-
      age in abbreviated form, notation      ing the U.S.G.S. Geographic Names

111        Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005


The following is a legend to the abbreviations used throughout this index, and diagrams depicting
the coverage notation.
U.S.G.S. Series                                          U.G.S. Series
B     Bulletin                                           Ub     Bulletin
C     Circular                                           Uc     Circular
CI    Coal Investigations Map                            Ums Map Series
GP    Geophysical Insvestigations Map                    Umi Miscellaneous Publications
GQ    Geologic Quadrangle Map                            Um     Monographs
I     Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map          Uog Oil and gas field studies
MF    Miscellaneous Field Studies Map                    Uo     Open File Reports
OC    Oil and Gas Investigations Chart                   Ur     Reports of Investigation
OM Oil and Gas Investigations Map                        Us     Speical Studies
P     Professional Paper                                 Uw     Water Resource Bulletin
W     Water-Supply Paper

Coverage abbreviations & others
C     Center
CH    Center-horizontal
CV    Center-vertical                                Coverage Diagrams
E     East
Mtn. Mountain
N     North
NE    Northeast
NW Northwest
Res. Reservoir
S     South
SE    Southeast
SW    Southwest
W     West

                                                               Index to Geologic Maps of Utah       112
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

           Supplement to Part 3: 1971-1980, A-L in WAML Information Bulletin 36(1):17-40.
          Quad Name            Scale                  Coverage                    Source
      Antelope Range          24k        complete                          MF 1140
      Cockscomb Ridge         24k        complete                          I 827
      Elsinore                24k        complete                          MF 1107
      Joseph Peak             24k        complete [volcanic rocks]         MF 1108

          Quad Name             Scale                 Coverage                    Source
      Magna                   100k       complete                          Ums 54A
      Magna                   24k        complete                          GQ 923
      Magua                   100k       complete                          MF 1198
      Mahogany Point          42k        complete                          Um 3 fig.46 p.205
      Mahogany Point          63k        complete                          Ub 112 pl.1
      Mahogany Point          63k        complete                          Ub 112 pl.3
      Mahogany Point          63k        complete                          Uo 17 fig.6
      Mahogany Point          63k        complete                          Uo 17 fig.5
      Malmsten Peak           125k       complete                          Ub 102 pl.1
      Malmsten Peak           125k       complete                          Ums 34
      Malmsten Peak           24k        complete                          MF 1115
      Manti                   125k       complete                          W 1896 pl.1
      Mantua                  100k       complete                          Ums 53A
      Mantua                  100k       complete                          MF 1198
      Mantua                  125k       NW ¾                              Ub 115 pl.1
      Mantua                  125k       NW ¾                              Ums 57
      Mantua                  24k        complete                          MF 720
      Marysvale               125k       complete                          Ub 102 pl.1
      Marysvale               125k       complete                          Ums 34
      Marysvale               24k        NW ¼ [geology and uranium]        I 1177
      Marysvale               24k        complete                          MF 1106
      Marysvale 15’                      see: Malmsten Peak, Marysvale,
                                         Marysvale Peak, Piute Reservoir
      Marysvale NW                       see: Marysvale
      Marysvale Peak          125k       complete                          Ub 102 pl.1
      Marysvale Peak          125k       complete                          Ums 34
      Marysvale SE                       see: Malmsten Peak

113     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Marysvale SW                     see: Piute Reservoir
Matlin                 125k      complete                               Ub 115 pl.2
Matlin                 125k      complete                               Ums 57
Matts Summit           42k       S 1/3                                  Um 3 fig.27 p.355
Mayfield                125k      N¾                                     W 1896 pl.1
Mazuki Point           125k      complete [coal]                        I 1033C
Mazuki Point           125k      complete [overburden]                  I 1033D
Mazuki Point           125k      complete                               I 1033G
Mazuki Point           125k      complete [landslide]                   I 1033H
Mazuki Point           24k       complete                               CI 64 sh.1
McIntyre               24k       E¼                                     I 883
Meadow Spring          125k      complete                               Ub 115 pl.2
Meadow Spring          125k      complete                               Ums 57
Meadowville            42k       NE ¼                                   Ub 96 pl.2
Mesa Butte             42k       complete                               Um 3 fig.31 p.491
Messix Peak            125k      complete                               Ub 115 pl.1
Messix Peak            125k      complete                               Ums 57
Mexican Mountain       24k       E½                                     Ub 113 pl.1
Mexican Mountain       24k       E½                                     Uo 20 pl.1
Middle Mountain        48k       complete                               MF 635
Midvale                100k      complete                               Ums 54A
Midvale                100k      complete                               MF 1198
Midvale 15’                      see: Draper, Midvale, Salt Lake City
                                 South, Sugar House
Milford 15’                      see: Milford Flat
Milford Flat           24k       NW ¼                                   Us 46 pl.1&2
Miller Cove            48k       complete                               MF 636
Mills Junction         100k      complete                               Ums 54A
Mills Junction         100k      complete                               MF 1198
Mills Junction         24k       complete                               GQ 924
Mills Junction         50k       complete                               Us 51 pl.IIIa
Miners Basin           125k      complete                               Ub 115 pl.2
Miners Basin           125k      complete                               Ums 57
Minnie Maud Creek      42k       S 1/3                                  Um 3 fig.38 p.391
Minnie Maud West                 see: Minnie Maud Creek West
Monroe 15’                       see: Antelope Range, Elsinore, Mon-
                                 roe Peak
Monroe NW                        see: Elsinore
Monroe Peak            125k      complete                            Ub 102 pl.1

                                                            Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   114
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Monroe Peak            125k        complete                             Ums 34
      Monroe SW                          see: Antelope Range
      Monument Peak          125k        complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Monument Peak          125k        complete                             Ums 57
      Monument Peak NE       125k        complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Monument Peak NE       125k        complete                             Ums 57
      Monument Peak NW       125k        complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Monument Peak NW       125k        complete                             Ums 57
      Monument Peak SW       125k        complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Monument Peak SW       125k        complete                             Ums 57
      Monument Point         125k        complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Monument Point         125k        complete                             Ums 57
      Moody Creek 15’                    see: Horse Pasture Mesa, Moody
                                         Creek SW, Scorpion Gulch, Silver
                                         Falls Bench
      Moody Creek SW         125k        complete [coal]                      I 1033C
      Moody Creek SW         125k        complete [overburden]                I 1033D
      Moody Creek SW         125k        complete                             I 1033G
      Moody Creek SW         125k        complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
      Moon Bottom            125k        complete [structure contours]        I 1156
      Moonwater Point        125k        NE ½ [structure contours]            I 1156
      Moonwater Point 15’                see: Chicken Fork, Moonwater Point
      Morgan                 24k         complete                             MF 318
      Morgan 15’                         see: Bybee Knoll, Morgan
      Moroni                 125k        complete                             W 1896 pl.1
      Moroni 15’                         see: Big Hollow, Fountain Green
                                         North, Fountain Green South, Mo-
      Mounds                 24k         complete                             I 1202
      Mount Aire             12k         S 1/3                                Ur 147
      Mount Aire             24k         S½                                   Ub 114 pl.1
      Mount Aire             24k         S½                                   Ums 49
      Mount Bartles          42k         complete                             Um 3 fig.32 p.371
      Mount Belknap          125k        complete                             Ub 102 pl.1
      Mount Belknap          125k        complete                             Ums 34
      Mount Belknap          24k         SE ¼                                 I 1230
      Mount Belknap          24k         complete                             MF 967
      Mount Brigham          125k        complete                             Ub 102 pl.1
      Mount Brigham          125k        complete                             Ums 34
      Mount Brigham          24k         S 2/3                                I 1230

115     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Mount Brigham          24k       complete                             MF 1105
Mount Brigham          3k        S¼                                   Ub 102 pl.12
Mount Dutton           125k      NE ¼                                 Ums 34
Mount Dutton           125k      NE ¼                                 Ub 102 pl.1
Mount Ellen            42k       complete                             Um 2 fig.25 p.155
Mount Ellen 4                    see: Factory Butte
Mount Ellen 5                    see: Town Point
Mount Ellen 6                    see: Steamboat Point
Mount Ellen 15’                  see: Dry Lakes Peak, Mount Ellen,
                                 Steele Butte, Stevens Mesa
Mount Ellen NE                   see: Dry Lakes Peak
Mount Ellen NW                   see: Stevens Mesa
Mount Ellen SW                   see: Steele Butte
Mount Hillers 15’                see: Cass Creek Peak
Mount Peale 1 SW                 see: La Sal East
Mount Peale 2 SE                 see: La Sal West
Mount Peale 3 NE                 see: Sandstone Draw
Mount Peale 4 NW                 see: Lisbon Valley
Mount Peale 6                    see: La Sal West
Mount Peale 7                    see: La Sal East
Mount Peale 10                   see: Lisbon Valley
Mount Peale 11                   see: Sandstone Draw
Mount Pennell          42k       complete                             Um 2 fig.31 p.169
Mount Pennell          63k       W ½ [coal]                           MF 1082A
Mount Pennell 2                  see: Cass Creek Peak
Mount Pennell 3                  see: Mount Pennell
Mount Pennell 4                  see: Cave Flat
Mount Pennell 5                  see: The Post
Mount Pennell 6                  see: Ant Knoll
Mount Pennell 7                  see: Copper Creek Benches
Mount Pennell 15’                see: Ant Knoll, The Post, Mount
                                 Pennell, Cave Flat
Mount Pennell NE                 see: Mount Pennell
Mount Pennell NW                 see: Cave Flat
Mount Pisgah           100k      complete                             Ums 53A
Mount Pisgah           100k      complete                             MF 1198
Mount Pisgah           125k      SW ½                                 Ub 115 pl.1
Mount Pisgah           125k      SW ½                                 Ums 57
Mount Pleasant         125k      complete                             W 1896 pl.1
Mount Pleasant         42k       E½                                   Um 3 fig.11 p.27

                                                           Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   116
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Mountain Home           42k        W 1/3                               Um 2 fig.13 p.309
      Mouth of Bear River     100k       complete                            Ums 53A
      Mouth of Bear River     100k       complete                            MF 1198
      Mouth of Bear River     125k       complete                            Ub 115 pl.1
      Mouth of Bear River     125k       complete                            Ums 57
      Naples                  42k        complete                            Um 2 fig.31 p.73
      Navajo Point            125k       complete [coal]                     I 1033C
      Navajo Point            125k       complete [overburden]               I 1033D
      Navajo Point            125k       complete                            I 1033G
      Navajo Point            125k       complete [landslide]                I 1033H
      Navajo Point            24k        complete                            CI 63 sh.1
      Needle Eye Point        125k       complete [coal]                     I 1033C
      Needle Eye Point        125k       complete [overburden]               I 1033D
      Needle Eye Point        125k       complete                            I 1033G
      Needle Eye Point        125k       complete [landslide]                I 1033H
      Needle Eye Point        42k        complete                            Um 1 fig.43 p.187
      New Harmony 15’                    see: Pintura
      Nile Spring             125k       E 1/3                               Ub 115 pl.2
      Nile Spring             125k       E 1/3                               Ums 57
      Ninemile Knoll          63k        complete                            GQ 1493
      Nipple Butte            125k       complete [coal]                     I 1033C
      Nipple Butte            125k       complete [overburden]               I 1033D
      Nipple Butte            125k       complete                            I 1033G
      Nipple Butte            125k       complete [landslide]                I 1033H
      Nipple Butte            42k        complete                            Um 1 fig.47 p.201
      Nipple Butte 15’                   see: Glen Canyon City, Lone Rock,
                                         Nipple Butte, Tibbet Bench
      Nipple Butte NE                    see: Tibbet Bench
      Nipple Butte NW                    see: Nipple Butte
      Nipple Butte SE                    see: Lone Rock
      Nipple Butte SW                    see: Glen Canyon City
      North Knoll Spring      125k       complete                            P 971 pl.1
      North Ogden             100k       complete                            Ums 53A
      North Ogden             100k       complete                            MF 1198
      North Ogden             125k       NW ¼                                Ub 115 pl.1
      North Ogden             125k       NW ¼                                Ums 57
      North Ogden             24k        complete                            MF 428
      Notch Peak              48k        complete                            MF 636
      Notch Peak 15’                     see: Hell ‘n Maria Canyon, Miller
                                         Cove, Notch Peak, Skull Rock Pass

117     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Notom                  42k       complete                               Um 2 fig.35 p.177
Notom                  63k       E ¼ [coal]                             MF 1082A
Notom 1                          see: Caine springs
Notom 3 SE                       see: Lower Bowns Reservoir
Notom 3 SW                       see: Deer Creek Lake
Notom 8                          see: Caineville
Notom 9                          see: Notom
Notom 13                         see: Deer Creek Lake
Notom 14                         see: Lower Bowns Reservoir
Notom 15’                        see: Notom, Sandy Creek Benches
Notom 16                         see: Sandy Creek Benches
Notom NE                         see: Notom
Notom SE                         see: Sandy Creek Benches
Nutters Hole           125k      complete [structure contours]          I 1156
Nutters Hole 15’                 see: Crow Knoll, Duches Hole,
                                 Moon Bottom, Nutters Hole
Ogden                  100k      complete                               Ums 53A
Ogden                  100k      complete                               MF 1198
Ogden                  24k       S¼                                     MF 428
Ogden Bay              100k      complete                               Ums 53A
Ogden Bay              100k      complete                               MF 1198
Old Woman Plateau      42k       complete                               Um 3 fig.27 p.149
Old Woman Plateau      42k       S 1/3                                  Ub 112 pl.2
Old Woman Plateau      42k       S 1/3                                  Uo 17 fig.7&12
Onaqui Mountains       48k       complete                               MF 921
Ophir                  50k       complete                               Us 51 pl.IIIb
Orderville             42k       complete                               Um 1 fig.24 p.325
Orderville 15’                   see: Glendale, Long Valley Junction,
Orderville Canyon NE             see: Straight Canyon
Orderville Canyon                see: Cogswell Point, Slickrock
NW                               Bench
Orderville Canyon SE             see: Clear Creek Mountain
Orderville Canyon SW             see: Orderville
Orderville NE                    see: Long Valley Junction
Orderville SE                    see: Glendale
Orem                 100k        complete                               Ums 55A
Orem                 100k        complete [geol & mineral reserves]     Ums 55D
Orem                 105k        NE ¼ [lithology]                       Ur 96 fig.2

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WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Orem 15’                           see: Aspen Grove, Bridal Veil Falls,
                                         Orem, Timpanogos Cave
      Ouray                   125k       complete [structure contours]          I 1156
      Ouray SE                125k       complete [structure contours]          I 1156
      P R Spring              125k       complete                               Uo 27 map I-VII
      P R Spring              125k       N 2/3 [structure contours]             I 1156
      Page Ranch              42k        E¾                                     Um 1 fig.26 p.329
      Page Ranch              42k        NE ½                                   Uo 21 pl.1
      Paradise                100k       complete                               Ums 53A
      Paradise                100k       complete                               MF 1198
      Paria 15’                          see: Bridger Point, Fivemile Valley,
                                         Lower Coyote Spring, West Clark
      Paria NE                           see: Lower Coyote Spring
      Paria NW                           see: Five Mile Valley
      Paria SE                           See: Bridger Point
      Paria SW                           see: West Clark Bench
      Pariette Draw SW        125k       SE 1/3 [structure contours]            I 1156
      Park City East          24k        complete                               GQ 852
      Park City West          12k        NW ¼                                   Ur 147
      Park City West          24k        SW ¼                                   Ub 114 pl.1
      Park City West          24k        SW ¼                                   Ums 49
      Park Valley             125k       complete                               Ub 115 pl.2
      Park Valley             125k       complete                               Ums 57
      Park Valley             31k        complete                               I 873
      Park Valley 15’                    see: Park Valley, Rosette, Rosevere
                                         Point, Standrod
      Parker Knoll            125k       complete                               Ub 102 pl.1
      Parker Knoll            125k       complete                               Ums 34
      Partoun                 63k        NW ¾                                   Ur 117 fig.2
      Partoun                 63k        complete                               Ub 99 pl.2
      Patmos Head             24k        W¼                                     P 688 fig.1
      Patmos Head             42k        complete                               Um 3 fig.34 p.377
      Patmos Head             6k         SW ¼ [eng. geology, mine workings,     I 704
                                         over burden etc.]
      Patterson Pass          125k       E 1/3                                  Ub 115 pl.2
      Patterson Pass          125k       E 1/3                                  Ums 57
      Pelican Lake            125k       S ¼ [structure contours]               I 1156
      Pelican Point           100k       complete                               Ums 55A
      Pelican Point           100k       complete [geol & mineral reserves]     Ums 55D

119     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Peplin Flats             125k    complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
Peplin Flats             125k    complete                             Ums 57
Peterson                 100k    complete                             MF 1198
Petes Cove               125k    complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Petes Cove               125k    complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Petes Cove               125k    complete                             I 1033G
Petes Cove               125k    complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Petes Cove               42k     complete                             Um 1 fig.53 p.215
Phonolite Hill           125k    complete                             Ums 34
Phonolite Hill           125k    complete                             Ub 102 pl.1
Picture Rock Hills       125k    N¾                                   P 818C fig.2
Picture Rock Hills 15’           see: Picture Rock Hills, The Hog-
Pigeon Mountain          125k    complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
Pigeon Mountain          125k    complete                             Ums 57
Pilot Peak               125k    E 1/3                                Ub 115 pl.2
Pilot Peak               125k    E 1/3                                Ums 57
Pine Canyon              42k     complete                             Um 3 fig.40 p.397
Pine Lake                125k    complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Pine Lake                125k    complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Pine Lake                125k    complete                             I 1033G
Pine Lake                125k    complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Pine Lake                24k     complete                             CI 66
Pine Lake                42k     SW ¾                                 Um 1 fig.55 p.221
Pine Spring Canyon       125k    complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
Pine Spring Canyon       125k    complete [structure contours]        I 1156
Pine Valley Hardpan      48k     complete                             MF 637
Pine Valley Hardpan      48k     complete                             MF 637
Pintura                  24k     E 2/3                                Uog 13
Piute Reservoir          125k    complete                             Ub 102 pl.1
Piute Reservoir          125k    complete                             Ums 34
Piute Reservoir          24k     complete                             MF 1116
Plain City               100k    complete                             Ums 53A
Plain City               100k    complete                             MF 1198
Plain City               125k    N 1/3                                Ub 115 pl.1
Plain City               125k    N 1/3                                Ums 57
Plain City SW            100k    complete                             Ums 53A
Plain City SW            100k    complete                             MF 1198

                                                           Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   120
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Plain City SW           125k       N 1/3                                Ub 115 pl.1
      Plain City SW           125k       N 1/3                                Ums 57
      Plug Peak NE            100k       complete                             Ums 54A
      Plug Peak NE            100k       complete                             MF 1198
      Plug Peak SE            100k       complete                             Ums 54A
      Podunk Creek            42k        S¼                                   Um 1 fig.25 p.63
      Pokes Point             125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Pokes Point             125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Pole Creek              125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Pole Creek              125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Pole Mountain           125k       complete                             Ub 102 pl.1
      Pole Mountain           125k       complete                             Ums 34
      Pollywog Lake           125k       NW ¼                                 Ums 34
      Pollywog Lake           125k       NW ¼                                 Ub 102 pl.1
      Pollywog Lake           32k        NW ¼                                 Ub 102 pl.9
      Portage                 125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Portage                 125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Post                               see: The Post
      Posy Lake               125k       complete [coal]                      I 1033C
      Posy Lake               125k       complete [overburden]                I 1033D
      Posy Lake               125k       complete                             I 1033G
      Posy Lake               125k       complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
      Posy Lake               66k        complete                             Ums 31
      Potters Creek           125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Potters Creek           125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Preacher Canyon         125k       complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
      Prohibition Spring      125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Prohibition Spring      125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Promontory Point        125k       N½                                   Ub 115 pl.1
      Promontory Point        125k       N½                                   Ums 57
      Provo                   100k       complete                             Ums 55A
      Provo                   100k       complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D
      Provo 15’                          see: Provo, Spanish Fork, Spanish
                                         Fork Peak, Springville
      Public Shooting         100k       complete                             Ums 53A
      Public Shooting         100k       complete                             MF 1198
      Public Shooting         125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1

121     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Public Shooting       125k     complete                              Ums 57
Pyramid Knoll         48k      complete                              MF 635
Rainbow               125k     complete                              Uo 27 map I-VII
Rainbow               125k     complete [structure contours]         I 1156
Rainbow               24k      complete                              MF 893
Rainbow Point         42k      complete                              Um 1 fig.23 p.57
Rainbow Point SW               see: Deer Spring Point
Range Creek 15’                see: Chandler Falls
Range Creek NE                 see: Chandler Falls
Rasmussen Hollow      42k      complete                              Um 2 fig.33 p.79
Raspberry Knoll       42k      N 1/3                                 Um 2 fig.11 p.303
Rat Hole Ridge        125k     W½                                    Uo 27 map I
Rat Hole Ridge        125k     complete [structure contours]         I 1156
Rat Hole Ridge        42k      W 2/3                                 Um 2 fig.26 p.259
Rattlesnake Pass      125k     complete                              Ub 115 pl.1
Rattlesnake Pass      125k     complete                              Ums 57
Rays Valley           63k      complete                              I 931
Red Breaks            125k     complete [coal]                       I 1033C
Red Breaks            125k     complete [overburden]                 I 1033D
Red Breaks            125k     complete                              I 1033G
Red Breaks            125k     complete [landslide]                  I 1033H
Red Dome              125k     complete                              Ub 115 pl.2
Red Dome              125k     complete                              Ums 57
Red Hole              24k      CH 1/3, W part                        Ur 102 fig.1
Red Point             42k      complete                              Um 3 fig.44 p.197
Red Tops              48k      complete                              MF 633
Red Wash              125k     S ¾ [structure contours]              I 1156
Red Wash NW           125k     S ½ [structure contours]              I 1156
Red Wash SE           125k     complete [structure contours]         I 1156
Red Wash SW           125k     complete [structure contours]         I 1156
Ridgedale Pass        125k     complete                              Ub 115 pl.1
Ridgedale Pass        125k     complete                              Ums 57
Rilda Canyon          42k      complete                              Um 3 fig.42 p.191
Rilda Canyon          63k      S½                                    Ub 112 pl.3
Rilda Canyon          63k      S½                                    Uo 17 fig.6
Rilda Canyon          63k      S½                                    Uo 17 fig.5
Riverside             125k     complete                              Ub 115 pl.1
Riverside             125k     complete                              Ums 57
Rock Creek                     see: Dry Mountain

                                                          Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   122
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Rocky Pass Peak         125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Rocky Pass Peak         125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Roger Peak              125k       complete [coal]                  I 1033C
      Roger Peak              125k       complete [overburden]            I 1033D
      Roger Peak              125k       complete                         I 1033G
      Roger Peak              125k       complete [landslide]             I 1033H
      Roger Peak              66k        complete                         Ums 31
      Rosette                 125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Rosette                 125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Rosette                 31k        complete                         I 873
      Rosevere Point          125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Rosevere Point          125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Rosevere Point          31k        complete                         I 873
      Round Mountain          125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Round Mountain          125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Round Mountain NW       125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Round Mountain NW       125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Round Mountain SW       125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Round Mountain SW       125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Roy                     100k       complete                         Ums 53A
      Roy                     100k       complete                         MF 1198
      Rozel                   125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.1
      Rozel                   125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Rozel Point             125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.1
      Rozel Point             125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Rozel Point SW          125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.1
      Rozel Point SW          125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Runswick Wash           125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Runswick Wash           125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Russian Knoll           125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.2
      Russian Knoll           125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Saint John              50k        complete                         Us 51 pl.IIIb
      Sally Mountain          125k       complete                         Ub 115 pl.1
      Sally Mountain          125k       complete                         Ums 57
      Salt Lake City North    100k       complete                         Ums 54A
      Salt Lake City North    100k       complete                         MF 1198
      Salt Lake City North    24k        SE ¼ [faults]                    Ur 94 pl.1
      Salt Lake City South    100k       complete                         Ums 54A
      Salt Lake City South    100k       complete                         MF 1198
      Salt Lake City South    24k        complete                         I 1173

123     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Salt Wells            125k     complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
Salt Wells            125k     complete                             Ums 57
Saltair               100k     complete                             Ums 54A
Saltair               100k     complete                             MF 1198
Saltair NE            100k     complete                             Ums 54A
San Arroyo Ridge      125k     complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
San Arroyo Ridge      125k     S ½ [structure contours]             I 1156
San Arroyo Ridge      42k      complete                             Um 2 fig.27 p.261
San Juan Hill         2k       SW ¼                                 I 674
Sand Pass             24k      complete                             MF 1151
Sand Pass NE          24k      complete                             MF 1150
Sand Pass NW          24k      complete                             MF 1149
Sand Pass SE          24k      complete                             MF 1150
Sandstone Draw        108k     N¼                                   P 988B fig.4
Sandy Creek Benches   42k      complete                             Um 2 fig.36 p.179
Sandy Creek Benches   63k      E ¼ [coal]                           MF 1082A
Saratoga Springs      100k     complete                             Ums 55A
Saratoga Springs      100k     complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D
Saratoga Springs      24k      complete                             MF 490
Sawtooth Peak         24k      complete                             MF 1152
Scofield               42k      complete                             Um 3 fig.51 p.219
Scofield 15’                    see: Candland Mountain, Jump
                               Creek, Scofield, Wattis
Scofield NE                     see: Jump Creek
Scofield NW                     see: Scofield
Scofield SE                     see: Wattis
Scofield SW                     see:Candland Mountain
Scorpion Gulch        125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Scorpion Gulch        125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Scorpion Gulch        125k     complete                             I 1033G
Scorpion Gulch        125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Seep Canyon           125k     complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
Seep Canyon           125k     complete [structure contours]        I 1156
Seep Flat             125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Seep Flat             125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Seep Flat             125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Seep Flat             24k      complete                             CI 65
Seep Flat             42k      NE ¾                                 Um 1 fig.57 p.225
Sego Canyon           42k      complete                             Um 2 fig.18 p.235

                                                         Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   124
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Sego Canyon 15’                    see: Bogart Canyon, Calf Canyon,
                                         Sego Canyon, Tepee Canyon
      Sego Canyon SE                     see: Calf Canyon
      Sego Canyon SW                     see: Sego Canyon
      Sevier 15’                         see: Joseph Peak, Sevier Canyon,
                                         Trail Mountain
      Sevier Canyon           125k       complete                           Ub 102 pl.1
      Sevier Canyon           125k       complete                           Ums 34
      Sevier Canyon           24k        complete                           MF 1109
      Sevier Canyon           3k         SE ¼                               Ub 102 pl.14
      Sevier NE                          See: Joseph Peak
      Sevier SE                          See: Sevier Canyon
      Sevier SW                          See: Trail Mountain
      Sheep Mountain          125k       complete                           Ub 115 pl.2
      Sheep Mountain          125k       complete                           Ums 57
      Shelly Baldy Peak       125k       complete                           Ub 102 pl.1
      Shelly Baldy Peak       125k       complete                           Ums 34
      Shelly Baldy Peak       24k        NE ¼                               I 1230
      Shelly Baldy Peak       24k        complete                           MF 1255
      Ship Mountain Point     125k       complete [coal]                    I 1033C
      Ship Mountain Point     125k       complete [overburden]              I 1033D
      Ship Mountain Point     125k       complete                           I 1033G
      Ship Mountain Point     125k       complete [landslide]               I 1033H
      Ship Mountain Point     42k        complete                           Um 1 fig.59 p.229
      Short Canyon            42k        complete                           Um 3 fig.22 p.467
      Silver Falls Bench      125k       complete [coal]                    I 1033C
      Silver Falls Bench      125k       complete [overburden]              I 1033D
      Silver Falls Bench      125k       complete                           I 1033G
      Silver Falls Bench      125k       complete [landslide]               I 1033H
      Silver Peak             42k        SE ½                               Uo 21 pl.1
      Simpson Springs         48k        complete                           MF 905
      Sit Down Bench          125k       complete [overburden]              I 1033D
      Sit Down Bench          125k       complete                           I 1033G
      Sit Down Bench          125k       complete [landslide]               I 1033H
      Sit Down Bench          125k       complete [coal]                    I 1033C
      Sit Down Bench          42k        complete                           Um 1 fig.36 p.167
      Skinner Canyon          63k        NE ¼                               Ur 117 fig.2
      Skinner Canyon          63k        E 1/3                              Ub 99 pl.2
      Skull Rock Pass         48k        complete                           MF 636
      Skutumpah Creek         24k        complete                           MF 521

125     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Skutumpah Creek       24k      complete                             MF 521
Skutumpah Creek       42k      N¾                                   Um 1 fig.25 p.63
Slickrock Bench       125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Slickrock Bench       125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Slickrock Bench       125k     complete                             I 1033G
Slickrock Bench       125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Slickrock Bench       42k      E 1/3                                Um 1 fig.61 p.233
Smith Mesa            24k      W 1/3                                Uog 13
Smoky Hollow          125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Smoky Hollow          125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Smoky Hollow          125k     complete                             I 1033G
Smoky Hollow          125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Smoky Hollow          42k      complete                             Um 1 fig.38 p.173
Snake John Reef       42k      W½                                   Um 2 fig.35 p.83
Snow Basin            100k     complete                             Ums 53A
Snow Basin            100k     complete                             MF 1198
Snowville             125k     complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
Snowville             125k     complete                             Ums 57
Soldier Summit 15’             see: Colton
Soldier Summit SE              see: Colton
Soldiers Pass         100k     complete                             Ums 55A
Soldiers Pass         100k     complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D
Sooner Bench          125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Sooner Bench          125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Sooner Bench          125k     complete                             I 1033G
Sooner Bench          125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Sooner Bench          24k      complete                             I 874
South Mountain        50k      complete                             Us 51 pl.IIIb
South Tent Mountain   125k     NW ¼                                 W 1896 pl.1
South Tent Mountain   63k      SE ¼                                 Ub 112 pl.1
South Tent Mountain   63k      SE ¼                                 Uo 17 fig.6
South Tent Mountain   63k      SE ¼                                 Uo 17 fig.5
South Tent Mountain   63k      SE ¼                                 Ub 112 pl.3
Southam Canyon        125k     S¼                                   Uo 27 map I
Southam Canyon        125k     complete [structure contours]        I 1156
Southam Canyon        24k      complete                             MF 579
Spanish Fork          100k     complete                             Ums 55A
Spanish Fork          100k     complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D
Spanish Fork Peak     100k     complete                             Ums 55A
Spanish Fork Peak     100k     complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D

                                                         Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   126
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Split Mountain          24k        complete                             GQ 1515
      Spotted Wolf Canyon     24k        E½                                   Ub 113 pl.1
      Spotted Wolf Canyon     24k        E½                                   Uo 20 pl.1
      Spring Bay SW           125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Spring Bay SW           125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Spring City             125k       complete                             W 1896 pl.1
      Springville             100k       complete                             Ums 55A
      Springville             100k       complete [geol & mineral reserves]   Ums 55D
      Springville             24k        complete                             GQ 1103
      Standardville           42k        N 2/3                                Um 3 fig.24 p.341
      Standrod                125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Standrod                125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Standrod                31k        complete                             I 873
      Steamboat Point         42k        W½                                   Um 2 fig.15 p.131
      Steele Butte            42k        complete                             Um 2 fig.28 p.161
      Steele Butte            63k        W ¾ [coal]                           MF 1082A
      Steep Creek Bench       125k       complete [coal]                      I 1033C
      Steep Creek Bench       125k       complete [overburden]                I 1033D
      Steep Creek Bench       125k       complete                             I 1033G
      Steep Creek Bench       125k       complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
      Steep Creek Bench       66k        W 2/3                                Ums 31
      Steer Ridge Canyon      125k       E ¾ [structure contours]             I 1156
      Steinaker Reservoir     42k        S¾                                   Um 2 fig.37 p.87
      Sterling                125k       complete                             W 1896 pl.1
      Sterling                42k        N½                                   Um 3 fig.18 p.45
      Stevens Mesa            42k        complete                             Um 2 fig.27 p.159
      Stevens Mesa            63k        W 1/3 [coal]                         MF 1082A
      Steves Mountain         42k        SE ¼                                 Um 3 fig.14 p.37
      Stockton                50k        complete                             Us 51 pl.IIIb
      Stockton 15’                       see: Ophir, Saint John, Stockton,
                                         South Mountain
      Stoddard Mountain       42k        W½                                   Um 1 fig.26 p.329
      Stoddard Mountain       42k        NW ½                                 Uo 21 pl.1
      Straight Canyon         42k        complete                             Um 1 fig.20 p.313
      Straight Cliffs 1                  see: King Mesa
      Straight Cliffs 2                  see: Big Hollow Wash
      Straight Cliffs 3                  see: Basin Canyon
      Straight Cliffs 4                  See: Collet Top
      Straight Cliffs 5                  see: Needle Eye Point
      Straight Cliffs 7                  see: Blackburn Canyon

127     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

Straight Cliffs 8                see: Sooner Bench
Straight Cliffs 9                see: Navajo Point
Straight Cliffs 10               see: Mazuki Point
Straight Cliffs 11               see: Sit Down Bench
Straight Cliffs 12               see: Smoky Hollow
Strongs Knob            125k     complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
Strongs Knob            125k     complete                             Ums 57
Stuntz Reservoir        24k      complete                             GQ 1530
Sugar House             100k     complete                             Ums 54A
Sugar House             100k     complete                             MF 1198
Sugar House             24k      SE ¼                                 Ub 114 pl.1
Sugar House             24k      SE ¼                                 Ums 49
Sugar House             24k      complete                             I 766A
Sugar House             24k      complete [faults]                    I 766B
Sugar House             24k      complete [slopes]                    I 766C
Sugar House             24k      complete [landslides]                I 766D
Sugar House             24k      complete [slope stability]           I 766E
Sugar House             24k      complete [quaternary deposits]       I 766H
Sugar House             24k      complete [thickness of sediments,    I 766M
                                 depth to bedrock]
Sugar House             24k      complete [earthquake stability]      I 766O
Sugar House             8k       SE ¼                                 Ur 86 pl.5
Sunnyside               24k      E¼                                   P 688 fig.1
Sunnyside               42k      complete                             Um 3 fig.36 p.385
Sunnyside               6k       SE ¼ [eng. geology, mine workings,   I 704
Sunnyside NW                     see: Mount Bartles
Sunnyside SE                     see: Patmos Head
Sunnyside SW                     see: Sunnyside
Sunset Flat             125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Sunset Flat             125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Sunset Flat             125k     complete                             I 1033G
Sunset Flat             125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
Sunset Pass             125k     complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
Sunset Pass             125k     complete                             Ums 57
Supply Canyon           125k     complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
Sweetwater Creek        125k     complete [coal]                      I 1033C
Sweetwater Creek        125k     complete [overburden]                I 1033D
Sweetwater Creek        125k     complete                             I 1033G
Sweetwater Creek        125k     complete [landslide]                 I 1033H

                                                           Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   128
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

      Sweetwater Creek        63k        W 1/3                                Uo 25 fig.3
      Sweetwater Creek        66k        E¼                                   Ums 31
      Tabby Mountain          42k        N¾                                   Um 2 fig.15 p.313
      Tabiona                 42k        N½                                   Um 2 fig.17 p.319
      Tangent Peak            125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Tangent Peak            125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Tecoma                  125k       E 1/3                                Ub 115 pl.2
      Tecoma                  125k       E 1/3                                Ums 57
      Tenmile Canyon 15’                 see: Black Knolls, Supply Canyon,
                                         Tenmile Canyon North, Tenmile
                                         Canyon South
      Tenmile Canyon North    125k       complete [structure contours]        I 1156
      Tenmile Canyon North    125k       complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
      Tenmile Canyon South    125k       complete                             Uo 27 map I-VII
      Tenmile Flat            125k       complete [coal]                      I 1033C
      Tenmile Flat            125k       complete [overburden]                I 1033D
      Tenmile Flat            125k       complete                             I 1033G
      Tenmile Flat            125k       complete [landslide]                 I 1033H
      Tepee Canyon            125k       N½                                   Uo 27 map I
      Terrace Mountain East   125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Terrace Mountain East   125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Terrace Mountain West   125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.2
      Terrace Mountain West   125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Thatcher Mountain       100k       Complete                             Ums 53A
      Thatcher Mountain       100k       complete                             MF 1198
      Thatcher Mountain       125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Thatcher Mountain       125k       complete                             Ums 57
      Thatcher Mountain 15’              see: Lampo Junction, Public Shoot-
                                         ing Grounds, Thatcher Mountain,
                                         Thatcher Mountain SW
      Thatcher Mountain       125k       complete                             Ub 115 pl.1
      Thatcher Mountain       125k       complete                             Ums 57
      The Barn                48k        complete                             MF 633
      The Barn 15’                       see: Burnout Canyon, Red Tops, The
                                         Barn, Warm Point
      The Cap                 42k        complete                             Um 3 fig.29 p.155
      The Cap                 63k        complete                             Ub 112 pl.1
      The Cap                 63k        complete                             Uo 17 fig.6
      The Cockscomb SE                   See: Horse Flat

129     Index to Geologic Maps of Utah
WAML Information Bulletin 36(2) March 2005

The Hogback            125k    N¾                                    P 818C fig.2
The Post               42k     complete                              Um 2 fig.40 p.187
The Post               63k     N 1/3 [coal]                          MF 1082A
The Three Peaks        24k     complete                              GQ 1297
The Three Peaks        42k     S 1/3                                 Uo 21 pl.1
The Wickiup 15’                See: The Wickiup
Thermo                 63k     Complete                              GQ 1493
Thermo 15’                     see: Baboon Peak, Badger Peak,
                               Ninemile Knoll, Thermo
Three Peaks                    see: The Three Peaks
Tibbet Bench           125k    complete [coal]                       I 1033C
Tibbet Bench           125k    complete [overburden]                 I 1033D
Tibbet Bench           125k    complete                              I 1033G
Tibbet Bench           125k    complete [landslide]                  I 1033H
Tibbet Bench           42k     complete                              Um 1 fig.45 p.193
Tickville Spring       24k     complete                              MF 490
Tickville Spring       36k     NW ¼                                  P 629B fig.2
Tickville Spring       63k     Complete                              P 629B fig.31
Tidwell 3                      see: Jessies Twist
Tidwell 4                      see: Spotted Wolf Canyon
Tidwell 5                      see: Greasewood Draw
Tidwell 6                      see: Horse Bench West
Tidwell Bottoms 15’            see: Greasewood Draw, Horse Bench
                               West, Jessies Twist, Spotted Wolf
Timpanogos Cave        100k    complete                              Ums 55A
Timpanogos Cave        100k    complete [geol & mineral reserves]    Ums 55D
Timpanogos Cave        105k    SE ¼ [lithology]                      Ur 96 fig.2
Tintic 15’                     see: Eureka, McIntyre, Tintic Moun-
Tintic Mountain        24k     complete                              I 883
Tom Patterson Canyon   125k    complete                              Uo 27 map I-VII
Tom Patterson Canyon   125k    complete [structure contours]         I 1156
Toms Cabin Spring      125k    complete                              Ub 115 pl.2
Toms Cabin Spring      125k    complete                              Ums 57
Tooele                 100k    complete                              Ums 54A
Tooele                 100k    complete                              MF 1198
Tooele                 50k     complete                              Us 51 pl.IIIa
Topaz Mountain 15’             see: Lady Laird Peak, Topaz Moun-
                               tain East, Topaz Mountain SW,
                               Topaz Mountain West

                                                        Index to Geologic Maps of Utah   130
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