West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book

Page created by Donna Cross
West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Membership No


 West                            2021
Surrey                           Rally
Centre                           Book
West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
West Surrey Events Programme 2021
     Event/Dates/Page                        Location                      Rally Officers/co-RO’s

01 12/03 to 16/03      P16   Chertsey C & CC                           P&A Ellis / A&K Sumpter

02 01/04 to 06/04      P16   Swiss Farm, Henley. Easter Rally          Alf & Mo Harvey/J&R Green

03 29/04 to 04/05      P17   Southern Counties. Copthorne. Burstow.    Rally Officers tba - contact rally sec

04 20/05 to 24/05      P17   Canal Centre - Mytchett                   J&R Green/A&T Boekbinder

05 29/05 to 05/06      P23   Bath - Buryview Farm                      J & N Eagleton/J&D Sleet

06 10/06 to 14/06      P23   Care Ashore Alfold. Fishing Competition   John Law

07 27/06 to 11/07      P24   Crediton -Yeatheridge Farm Camping Park   R Tupper / J & R Green

08 05/07 to 12/07      P24   Walton - Apps Court Farm - (RHS Show)     P & R Smith/C&T Howlett

09 15/07 to 19/07      P27    Netley. Royal Victoria Country Park      Sue & Robin Stoner

10 25/07 to 30/07      P27   Blackmore Vale, Shaftsbury

11 06/08 to 09/08      P28   Chichester. East Ashling Nurseries        Rally Officers tba - contact rally sec

12 12/08 to 16/08      P28   Walton - Apps Court Regatta & Fireworks   June & Roger Tupper

13 19/08 to 23/08      P29   Bucklers Hard Beaulieu

14 27/08 to 30/08      P29   Apps Court - Southern Centres Weekend     Southern Centres

15 02/09 to 06/ 09     P30   Hurn (for Airshow)

16 16/09 to 20/09      P30   Frogham - Harrys Field                    Alf & Mo Harvey

17 .….02/10…….         P31   Jacobs Wells - AGM                        Committee

18 07/10 to 11/10      P31   Bletchington - Diamond Park               Fliss & Mike Bush

19    24/10 to 29/10   P33   Steyning - Grammar School                 Rally Officers tba - contact rallysec

20    29/12 to 02/01   P33   Tillingbourne. New Year Party             To be confirmed

Please be aware that to comply with current Covid19 regulations and to help protect member’s
safety, the events shown and their content may vary. Please refer to our website or contact the
appropriate Rally Officer for the latest situation.

West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Centre Chairman’s Message
Dear Members A very interesting first year! Let’s hope my second year enables
us all to enjoy more rallies.
I would like to thank the committee for their support during this difficult year, and
members for their patience and support despite us having to cancel so many
rallies. I welcome Denise Vaughan to our committee and look forward to her
My thanks go to Tony Crawford and Alf Harvey for representing us at the SE
Region, a big thank you to Brian Saunders for his invaluable help with the web
pages and not forgetting John Lee for his compilation of the rally book. This will
be John’s final book, so anyone willing to help compile the 2022 book please let
me know.
The 2021 rally book includes several new sites or ones that
have not been used for a while, so please would you continue
to support, and maybe run a rally or help as a ‘co’ rally officer.
Any committee member will be pleased to assist .
Looking forward to meeting up with you on the rally field this
year (Covid – 19 permitting). I am sure rallying in some form
will continue and we will all be doing our best to enable this to
Joan Green                           Your Chairman

                               Previous Chairmen
    1960- 1961 E W Reade Wale                 1961- 1965 R A Bull
    1965- 1967 R R Lines                      1967 - 1970 Lt Col Hastings Read
    1970- 1972 A Luck                         1972 - 1976 C H J Partridge
    1976- 1978 G James                        1978 - 1981 W H L Walker
    1981- 1984 B G Jones                      1984 - 1987 D Fox
    1987- 1990 D W Holland                    1990 - 1993 R Moore
    1993- 1996 Mrs M Clark                    1996 - 1999 W G Davey
    1999- 2002 A G Crawford                   2002 - 2005 G G Storr
    2005- 2008 D G Clayton                    2008 - 2011 R W Heavens
    2011- 2014 A W Harvey                     2014 - 2016 R P Smith
    2016- 2019. J.Turner                      2019 -      J Green

West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Calendar 2021                       UK BANK HOLIDAYS

           January                              February                                March
M    Tu   W     Th     F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th   F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th    F    Sa   Su
                       1    2    3    1    2    3     4    5    6    7    1    2    3     4     5    6    7
4    5    6      7     8    9    10   8    9    10    11   12   13   14   8    9    10    11    12   13   14
11   12   13    14     15   16   17   15   16   17    18   19   20   21   15   16   17    18    19   20   21
18   19   20    21     22   23   24   22   23   24    25   26   27   28   22   23   24    25    26   27   28
25   26   27    28     29   30   31                                       29   30   31

               April                                 May                                 June
M    Tu   W     Th     F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W    Th    F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th    F    Sa   Su
                 1     2    3    4                              1    2         1    2     3     4    5    6
5    6    7      8     9    10   11   3    4    5     6    7    8    9    7    8    9     10    11   12   13
12   13   14    15     16   17   18   10   11   12    13   14   15   16   14   15   16    17    18   19   20
19   20   21    22     23   24   25   17   18   19    20   21   22   23   21   22   23    24    25   26   27
26   27   28    29     30             24   25   26    27   28   29   30   28   29   30

               July                                 August                          September
M    Tu   W     Th     F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th   F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th    F    Sa   Su
                 1     2    3    4                                   1              1     2     3    4    5
5    6    7      8     9    10   11   2    3    4     5    6    7    8    6    7    8     9     10   11   12
12   13   14    15     16   17   18   9    10   11    12   13   14   15   13   14   15    16    17   18   19
19   20   21    22     23   24   25   16   17   18    19   20   21   22   20   21   22    23    24   25   26
26   27   28    29     30   31        23   24   25    26   27   28   29   27   28   29    30
                                      30   31

          October                               November                            December
M    Tu   W     Th     F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W    Th    F    Sa   Su   M    Tu   W     Th    F    Sa   Su
                       1    2    3    1    2    3     4    5    6    7              1     2     3    4    5
4    5    6     7      8    9    10   8    9    10    11   12   13   14   6    7    8     9     10   11   12
11   12   13    14     15   16   17   15   16   17    18   19   20   21   13   14   15    16    17   18   19
18   19   20    21     22   23   24   22   23   24    25   26   27   28   20   21   22    23    24   25   26
25   26   27    28     29   30   31   29   30                             27   28   29    30    31

          Book early and make the most of your 2021 Season
West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Secretary’s Message

Welcome to another programme of varied Rallies. Please support your Rally
Officers by booking into Rallies early. It is very difficult for them to organise events
when they do not know the number of attendees.
Please bear with us as we negotiate the complexities and changes of the Covid 19
Rules and regulations. We will endeavour to put on as full a programme as we can
in 2021.
If you are new to the Centre and haven’t rallied with us yet, please give it a try. We
have a reputation of being the ‘friendly centre’.
May I remind you that you need to re-join West Surrey Centre every year when you
renew your Club membership as this is NOT automatic. This can be done on-line,
by returning the form or phoning East Grinstead on 01342 318813
To help to keep you up to date, we publish abridged committee minutes on our web
site, have a restricted Face Book page (link on our web site) and send out ‘Update’
emails to all members.
During the winter months we run informal Coffee Mornings,
open to all members, friends and families. Details are broadcast
on ‘Updates’
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on
01252 871573 or email westsurreysec@westsurrey.org
I would like to wish our Chairman , the Committee and all our
Centre members well for the coming year.
                               Treasurer’s Message

Dear Members Many thanks for your continuing support & confidence over the
years. Well goodbye 2020, what a non-year! Firstly Robin & I hope you are all
keeping well and following the sometimes tedious rules: None of us could have
anticipated in December 2019 that we would all be in this horrendous situation –
but hope springs eternal. Our accounts for 2020 will be a sad state of affairs with
only 6 rallies completed, but it will be the same for all Centres.
                  We hope the 2021 programme that Robert has compiled will be
                  able to go ahead in some form; we will all just have to wait and
                  Just a reminder that booking deposits are still needed for
                  Holiday, Committee run & special rallies, but please do not post-
                  date the cheques as this does not constitute a deposit.
                  Stay safe, everyone & Robin & I hope to see you all on the rally
                  field soon.                                               Sue

West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Centre Committee 2020 - 2021

   Chairman: Joan Green                                   Vice Chair: Julie Eagleton
   15 Quakers Way, Fairlands                              36 Parsons Green, Sylfield,
   Guildford GU3 3NF                                      Guildford, Surrey GU1 1QY
   Tel: 01483 849114                                      Tel: 01483 576735
   Mob: 07595837590                                       Mob: 07783 456222
   chairman@westsurrey.org                                vicechairman@westsurrey.org

Secretary: Roger Tupper                                       Committee: Alf Harvey
11 Stockbridge Way                                            94 Waterside Rd. Guildford
Yateley, Hants, GU46 6DS                                      Surrey GU1 1RQ
Tel: 01252 871573                                             Tel: 01483 531567
Mob: 07837115308                                              Mob: 07745807941
westsurreysec@westsurrey.org.co.uk                            Alf.harvey@hotmail.co.uk

   Treasurer: Sue Stoner                                      Committee: Jack Sleet

   32 Union Street, Farnborough,                              32 Ashley Close, Crondall

   Hants. GU14 7QB                                            Farnham Surrey GU10 5RD

   Tel: 01252 519559                                          Tel: 01252 850324

   Mob: 07733 473028                                          Mob: 07818681688

   treasurer@westsurrey.org                                   jacksleet@btinternet.com

   Rally Sec: Robert Green                                    Committee: Nick Eagleton
   15 Quakers Way, Fairlands                                  36 Parsons Green, Sylfield,
   Guildford GU3 3NF                                          Guildford, Surrey GU1 1QY
   Tel: 01483 849114                                          Tel: 01483 576735
   Mob: 07825427471                                           Mob: 07947 359691
   rallysec@westsurrey.org                                    nick.eagleton@talktalk.net

   Committee:Denise Vaughan                                   Committee: John Couzens
   denise@westsurrey.org                                      2 Stoney Close,
                                                              Yateley, Hants, GU46 6DR
                                                              Tel: 01252 642401
                                                              Mob: 07704965396

West Surrey Centre 2021 Rally Book
Centre Representatives

 South East Region Reps:           Tony Crawford and Alf Harvey
 Flowers:                          June Tupper 01252 871573
 *Southern Centre's Reps           Roger and Penny Smith - Press Officer
                                   Tim and Cheryl Howlett - Committee
 Website:                          Brian Saunders
 Rally Kit Distribution:
 Equipment Officer:                Nick Eagleton 01483 576735
 Rally Book Compilation :          To Be Advised

 Rally Book Advertising:           Roger Smith

 *Representatives names liable to change

              To advertise in this book please contact the
               Secretary: Contact details are on Page 7

                                                    Rally Book Front Cover:

List of Advertisers                                  Even Aliens like West
POWRTOUCH                            Page 2
                                                        Surrey Rallies
ADRIA                                Page 10
CMHC Insurance                       Page 18     The Committee are grateful to
Caravan Servicing & Repair (CSR)     Page 32     our Advertisers for their
MARQUIS                              Page 36     custom and support.
                                                 Members are asked to use
                                                 their services where possible.
                                                 Please mention West Surrey
                                                 Centre when you do.

Centre Flowers & Gifts

Dear West Surrey Members,
Do you know of any member, adult or child, going into hospital or being
treated at home? If so, please give me a call on 01252 871573 or email me
on junetupper@ntlworld.com with as much information as possible

                     Centres visiting West Surrey in 2021

Buckinghamshire                 Apps Court Farm             April 30th - May 4th
N. Staffordshire                Apps Court Farm             May 22nd- June 3rd

West Sussex
SCHVPT,                         Burstow.                    August 13th – 15th
Pierrepont Farm,                Farnham                     April 1st – 5th
Gatwick                         Aviation Museum             July 23rd – 26th
Pondtail Farm                   Brockham                    November 5th – 7th

East Hants                      Swiss Farm Henley          April 1st - 6th

                                 Rally Plaques

Rally Officers can order plaques by going to www.fm-tags.com.
When ordering your plaques please remember to include your green rally officer
If you wish to order a Special Plaque for your rally please contact the Centre Committee

                     Rally Officers Fellowship Plaques

Rally Officers Fellowship Plaques are awarded at AGM’s to Centre members
who have run 25, 50, 75, 100 rallies.
To claim a ‘Bronze, ‘Silver’ or ‘Gold’ Fellowship Plaque please apply in writing
to the Hon Secretary.
Note - It will be appreciated if members who have attended 50 rallies or
multiples of 50 with the Caravan Club notify the Rally Officer at the appropriate

Guidelines and Information
1    The Rally Officers are in sole charge of the rally and events, subject to the Club Centre rules and
     any other information given to them by the Centre Officers. Starting and finishing times are at
     the discretion of the Rally Officers, subject to the weather, local conditions or restrictions laid
     down by the site owner or local authorities.
     If you arrive after the Rally Officer has retired please pull into the entrance of the site and put
     your legs down. The Rally Officers will site you in the morning. Members staying after the
     closing time do so at their own risk.
2    Booking slips, together with booking fee (if applicable), to be sent to the Rally Officer at
     least one week in advance. Cheques and Postal Orders to be made payable to ‘The Caravan
     Club, West Surrey Centre’. In the event of cancellation within 14 days of commencement
     of rally this fee will be refunded, provided no expenses have been incurred and a stamped
     addressed envelope is supplied at time of cancellation.
3    All relevant prices quoted in this booklet are provisional and believed to be correct at the time
     of printing, they are inclusive of VAT at a rate of 20%. Charges for Socials, etc., where given
     are approximate and may be subject to alteration without notice.
4    Members should have their own Fire Extinguishers fitted just inside entrance to caravan.
     Your own sanitation facilities are required at most rallies. These must not be filled,
     charged or cleaned at drinking water points. All dry rubbish must be taken away.
     Leave your pitch clean and tidy.
5    Keep to 5 mph speed limit within the rally site. Learner drivers must not drive vehicles on any
     rally site. Motor cycles may be driven between the site entrance and the caravan only.
6    During wet weather members are asked to avoid unnecessary use of their cars to prevent
     damage to the site and to the entrance; do not drive across any rally site; go round the edge of
     the field unless otherwise instructed. Parking at the discretion of the Rally Officer. Persons
     accepting a tow from a 4x4 vehicles do so entirely at their own risk. Members will be expected
     to offer £1.00 for this service.
7    All dogs to be kept on a lead and exercised on the rally perimeter. When tied up
     outside the caravan, the maximum lead allowed will be 3 metres. Animals must not be
     allowed to foul the rally field.
8    The Committee reserves the right to require the removal from the rally field of any dog or
     other pet which, in the opinion of the committee, constitutes a danger or nuisance to the
     members attending the rally.
9    Parents must ensure that their children do not trespass or cause damage to their host’s
     property. It is also the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children do not become
     a nuisance at social events. Persons under the age of 18 years will not be allowed to
     purchase alcoholic drinks at social functions.
10   No ball games including Swingball to be played or the riding of cycles or the flying of drones
     within the centre lines.
11   Keep noise and radios down to a minimum, especially after 11.00 p.m.
12   Barbecues should not be carried when alight nor sited less than 8 feet from any awning, car or
13   No individual tents apart from toilet tents are allowed to be erected on the rally field, unless
     prior written permission has been obtained from the Rally Officer.
14   Generators may be used at the Rally Officers discretion but must be switched off by 8pm except
     in an emergency or for official business.

Media and Communications

Our Website can be found at www.westsurreycentre.co.uk
The South East Region Website is at www.southeastregioncc.co.uk
To access our Facebook page follow the link on the West Surrey website.
This is a closed group and your application has to be made through the
www.westsurreycentre.co.uk link.
The West Surrey Secretary sends out regular updates . Make sure he has the
details of your current email address.

                           Media Awareness Statement

Photography/videography may be taken at our Centre’s events and rallies.
The Centre and Club may use any photograph(s) and/or video(s) they take that
includes you, your party and/or outfit in all and any media, including printed and
electronic publications, e.g. websites, or promotional materials, in the advertising
of its goods or services.
The photograph(s) and/or video(s) may also be stored for these purposes .
If you do not want to appear in any shots, please advise the organiser if it relates
to a specific event, or the Centre Secretary if for all events.
They will do their best to accommodate this and ensure you are able to avoid the
area being photographed/filmed.
A Media Exemption form can be found on Page 37.

                               Privacy Statement

When booking onto a rally, the personal data that you provide is collected and
processed for the purpose of booking and running that rally.
We assume that any personal data that you provide relating to other individuals is
done so with their consent.
We will use the information that you provide for the Rally Attendance sheet and
maybe a listing for those attending that rally.
Please advise the Rally Officer if you wish to withdraw your consent for your data
being shared

NoticeofAnnual General Meeting(AGM)
The 62nd AGM of the West Surrey Centre of the Caravan and
Motorhome Club will be held on Saturday 2nd October 2021 at 11:00 at
Jacob’s Well Village Hall, Jacob’s Well, Surrey GU14 7PD

As required by rule(6) governing nominations for Executive Officer or
Committee, nominations signed by the nominee, must be received in
writing by the Centre Secretary not later than 14 days prior to the meeting
i.e. 11:00 on Saturday 18th September 2021 A Proposal Form is on Page 22
Formal notices of motion duly signed by the proposer and seconder must
be received in writing by the Centre Secretary not later than 35 days prior
to the meeting i.e. 11:00 on Saturday 28th August 2021

Only registered West Surrey members and joint/family members are entitled to speak,
vote, or be elected.

 1.  Apologies for absence
 2.  Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
 3.  Matters Arising
 4.  Chairman's Report
 5.  Secretary's Report
 6.  Treasurer's Report
 7.  Members Motions
 8.  Election of Officers and Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,
     Treasurer, Rally Secretary & Committee
 9. Presentation of Trophies
 10. Any other Business
                                Roger Tupper - Secretary - West Surrey Centre

                            Youth Committee AGM
As sanctioned by the Caravan and Motorhome Club, owing to the lack of youth
members the youth AGM of the West Surrey Centre is now suspended until such
time as sufficient youth members are willing to reform the youth section and
committee. The youth funds will be held by the Centre Treasurer until such time
as the youth section reforms.

Centre Awards and Competitions

Senior Section
1 Ladies Handicraft Bowl
2 Edgely Farm Trophy (Gents Handicraft)
3 Ray Bull Cup (Adults Photographic Award)
4 Chairman’s Trophy (Ladies Driving Skills)
5 Ladies Challenge Bowl (Ladies Reversing)
6 Chairmens Shield (Gents Driving Skills)
7 Beasley Cup (Gents Reversing)
8 Muddle Cup (Ladies or Gents Junior Reversing)
9 Stewards Cup (Marshalls Only)
10 Val Storr Bowl (Ladies)
11 West Surrey Golf Trophy
12 Ray Phillips Memorial Golf Trophy
13 Jane Fox Memorial Trophy (Fishing)
14 Bill & Kath Boniface Trophy (Liaison Officers at National)

Youth Section
1 Reads Cup
2 Yerrel Cup
3 Yerrell Shield
4 Riddles Shield (Photographic Award)
5 Heather and John Tubbs Shield (Fishing)

                   Photographic Competition
      The subject of the 2021 competition, open to all members, is:
                          "A West Surrey Rally"
All entries should be handed to a committee member before the 2021
AGM or brought to the AGM. The competition will be judged by
members attending the AGM and the winning photo will appear on the
front of the 2022 Rally Book. Photos must be 6x4 inches with your name
on the back. Rules for all competitions are available from any committee

Booking and Attending an Event
If you wish to attend an event, contact the Rally Officer listed by Email,
by phone or by using a Rally Slip.
YOU MUST INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER, in case the Rally Officer
needs to contact you at short notice. Rally Slips are available in the centre
of this book, on our web site, or from the Secretary
You do not have to attend the full event. It is acceptable to attend part. e.g.
If it is a 4 day event and you can only attend 2 days – no problem- just
make it clear which days you will attend when making your booking.
Generally no booking fee is needed, but if it is, it will be mentioned in the
write up for the event. This fee will be deducted from the balance on
Please observe any start time given for the event as your Rally Officers
need time to prepare the site.
This is particularly important for events held in school grounds.
Solo members are advised to give the Rally Officers emergency contact
details in case an emergency should occur
When making a booking, it is understood that you agree to be responsible
for any expenses incurred on your behalf by the West Surrey Centre.
                            Cancellation of a Booking

If, at the last minute, you are unable to attend a rally please make every effort to
contact either the Rally Officers or a member of the Committee.
Please be aware that if you fail to attend a rally, and monies have been spent, on
your behalf, the Centre Committee reserves the right to pass those charges on to

                                   Site Fees
Site Fees (where shown) are correct at the time of going to print and include VAT.
Your Committee have no control over changes made by site owners or the
When site fees become known after Rally Book publication they will be advised
through the Secretary’s regular update. Generally social events carry an additional

Event No.1         Chertsey          March 12th to 16th         Rally Fee £4
  Post Code        C & CC Site         Not before 1pm            Site Fee £tba
  KT16 8JX                                 please.               Van limit: tba

What’s On. Tba

Directions. Take M25 to junction 11, join A317 (Weybridge) and at next
roundabout take the Chertsey road. At traffic lights continue straight on to B387,
at next lights. turn right on to B375. Site on left next to car dealers. Watch for
centre signs.
Rally Officers: Philip &Andee Ellis. Tel: 01483 233532 Mob. 07770 399303
Email: philip.johnellis@hotmail.com
Asst ROs: Ann & Ken Sumpter                          Booked………….

         All persons attending Rallies with this Centre do so
                      entirely at their own risk.

 Event No. 2          Henley            April 1st to 6th          Rally Fee £4
  Post Code         Swiss Farm         Not before 1pm        Site Fee* £10.50 +Vat
   RG9 2HY                                 please.              Van Limit: tba
What’s On East Hants are invited to join us. This is Easter, so we will try to lay
on ‘seasonal’ entertainment: to be organised nearer the time.

Directions Swiss Farm Touring and Camping, Marlow Road,
Henley on Thames RG9 2HY (Marlow Road is the A4155)
The rally field is separate from the main Touring Park. It is nearer Henley, and
adjacent to the rugby ground. If approaching from Marlow ( M40), pass the
Caravan Club Site (Four Oaks) and the entrance to The Swiss Farm site, and the
Rally field is on the right ( Look for the yellow West Surrey signs)

Rally Officers: Alf & Mo Harvey. Tel: 01483 531567. Mob:07745 807941
Email: alf.harvey@hotmail.uk
Asst ROs: Joan & Robert Green 01483 849114. Mob: 07595 837590
Email: robgreen@westsurrey.org                      Booked…………

Event No. 3        Belle View Farm       Apr 29th - May 4th Rally Fee £4
    Post Code         Burstow Surrey        Arrival after 1pm Admin Fee £tba
   RH10 3HZ               SCHVT                  please        Site Fee £tba

What’s On. Southern Counties Historic Vehicles Preservation Trust. Note
that our Centre has invited West Sussex Centre to join us at this Rally. Early
booking is advisable.

Directions. Exit M23 at junction 10. Follow A264 sp East Grinstead. At 3rd
Roundabout take the 1st exit onto B2028 Turners Hill Road. At next
roundabout take 1st exit onto Effingham Road B2037. Turn left into East Hill
Lane and look for centre signs

Rally Officers: tba
                                                          Rally Officers needed.
Email: tba                                              Contact Rally Secretary (P7)
Assistant ROs tba                                             if you can help

             Have you re-registered with West Surrey Centre yet?
                   Please note the date due in your diary.

    Event No.4             Mytchett           May 20th to 24thRally Fee £4
     Post Code           Canal Centre       Arrival after 1pm Site Fee £tba
    GU16 6DD                                     please       Van limit tba

What’s On. The Canal Centre is visitor friendly and has toilets and showers. It
also offers a café, boat hire and canal trips. There is a Country Park a short walk
along the towpath which has a nine hole pitch and putt course amongst it's
attractions. Fishing is also possible on the canal.
Joan and Robert invite you to join them in a celebration of their Golden Wedding
Directions. From Guildford take the A323. At Ash, by the Dover Arms roundabout,
turn right onto A321. In about 3 miles, at double roundabout, turn right into
Mytchett Place. Look for Basingstoke Canal and West Surrey Centre signs

Rally Officers:Joan & Robert Green. Tel. 01483 849114 or 07595837590
Asst RO’s: Ann & Ted Broekbinder                         Booked…………..

Rally Booking Forms should be
forwarded to the designated Rally Officer

 West Surrey Rally Booking Forms can
 also be downloaded from the Website

    Rally Booking Forms should be
forwarded to the designated Rally Officer

 West Surrey Rally Booking Forms can
 also be downloaded from the Website

West Surrey Centre Rally Booking Slip

I would like to attend Rally No: ________ at:______________________________________

I expect to arrive on: _______________at_______ am/pm and stay for ____ nights

Name: ___________________________________ Membership No: ___________

Address: _________________________________ Email: ___________________________

Telephone: ________________ Mobile: _________________Car/Mhome VRN: ________

Centre: ______________________ Length of Van: _____________ 1st Rally(Y/N). __

Number of Adults: __ Number of Teenagers: __ Number of Children: __                       Ages:

Deposit Paid:_______           Social Events: (Y/N) __       Adults: ___ Children ___

I agree to be responsible for expenses incurred on my behalf Signed: ________________
The personal data you provide is collected and processed for the purpose of booking and running this rally. We
assume any personal data you provide relating to other individuals is done so with their consent. We will use the
information that you have provided for the Rally attendance sheet, and this is for all those attending this rally.
Please advise if you wish to withdraw your consent from your data being shared.

                                  West Surrey Centre Rally Booking Slip

I would like to attend Rally No: ________ at:______________________________________

I expect to arrive on: _______________at_______ am/pm and stay for ____ nights

Name: ___________________________________ Membership No: ___________

Address: _________________________________ Email: ___________________________

Telephone: ________________ Mobile: _________________Car/Mhome VRN: ________

Centre: ______________________ Length of Van: _____________ 1st Rally(Y/N). __

Number of Adults: __ Number of Teenagers: __ Number of Children: __                       Ages:

Deposit Paid:_______           Social Events: (Y/N) __       Adults: ___ Children ___

I agree to be responsible for expenses incurred on my behalf Signed: ________________
The personal data you provide is collected and processed for the purpose of booking and running this rally. We
assume any personal data you provide relating to other individuals is done so with their consent. We will use the
information that you have provided for the Rally attendance sheet, and this is for all those attending this rally.
Please advise if you wish to withdraw your consent from your data being shared.

West Surrey Centre - Committee Nomination Form

The Caravan & Motorhome Club
                            West Surrey Centre
                        Committee Nomination Form

Name of Nominee…………………………Membership No:……………….


I certify that, if elected, I am willing to serve as nominated above for the
West Surrey Centre of the Caravan & Motorhome Club.

Signature of Nominee………………………

Signature of Proposer………………………Membership No:………………

Signature of Seconder………………………Membership No:………………

This Form, duly signed by the Nominee, Proposer and Seconder, must be
received by the West Surrey Centre Secretary 14 days before the date of the

          The Caravan & Motorhome Club - Experience of Nominee

Date Joined the Caravan & Motorhome Club……………

Centre Membership………………………………………………………….

Centre Committee Experience……………………………………………….

No of West Surrey Centre events/rallies attended since last AGM………….

No of West Surrey Centre rallies managed as Rally or Co-Rally Officer……

Event No.5             Bath      May 29th - June 5th             Rally Fee £4
    Post Code         Bury View Farm Arrival after 1pm              Site Fee £tba
                                          please                    Van limit: tba
    BA2 9HD
What’s On. There is lots to do nearby, with Bath and Bristol being close, but also
villages, Pubs and lots of walks just outside the door! The nearby village of
Corston is just 5 minutes by car and has a Village Shop & Post Office.
Within 20 miles you can visit Cheddar Gorge and Caves, Wells Cathedral, Wookey
Hole, Chew Valley Lakes and the Mendips
Directions. M4 Head for M32 then follow directions below:
 M32 - Leave at J1 onto A4174, heading toward Kingwood/Pucdlechurch.
Continue to A4 junction at Keynsham. Turn L twds Bath and continue to
roundabout with A39. Turn R onto A39 and continue for just over 2 miles. The site
is on the right
Rally Officers: Nick & Julie Eagleton Tel 01483 576735 Mob 07947359691
Email: nick.eagleton@talktalk.net
Asst ROs: Dora & Jack Sleet                                     Booked…………….

   You do not have to attend the full event. It is acceptable to attend part. e.g.
   If it is a 4 day event and you can only attend 2 days – no problem – just
   make it clear which days you will attend when making your booking.

   Event No. 6            Alfold            June 10th to 14th     Rally Fee £4
    Post Code           Care Ashore        Arrival after 1pm      Site Fee £tba
    GU6 8EX                                     please            Van Limit: tba

What’s On. What’s On.This years ‘Fishing Competition Rally’ will open at 12
noon on Thursday 11th June 2021 and close 4pm on Sunday 13th June 2021. In
addition to the fishing there will be a walk around the estate for our non-fishing
attendees. There will also be a bacon butty breakfast; afternoon tea and a curry
evening. In addition to the beautiful surroundings of the Springbok Estate there is
also an excellent on site social club and you will also able to book a Sunday lunch.
Directions: .From Guildford take the A281 towards Horsham, at Alfold crossways
turn sharp right, watch for Centre signs

Rally Officers: John & Christine Law Tel: Mob 07584550579     Asst RO’s
Email: Lawjohnj@gmail.com                                      needed
Asst ROs: tba                                          Booked…………….

Event No.7            Crediton                June 27th            Rally Fee £4
   Post Code       Yeatheridge Farm            to July   11th       Site Fee: £tba
  EX17 4TN           Camping Park         Arrival after 12pm        Van limit: tba

What’s On: Booking Form available from website. This is a beautiful site
located midway between Crediton and Barnstable/Ilfacombe. It has a wealth of
facilities including two well stocked fishing lakes, indoor swimming pool, superb
bar and restaurant, stables, well stocked shop, games room, farm animals – etc.
All pitches are grass with hook up. All facilities, except horse riding are free. There
will be the usual holiday rally program with a few changes and tweaks
Directions From the M5 Junction 27, take the A361 westwards for 7 miles. Follow
the signs for WITHERIDGE. Please DO NOT continue for long on the A396 to
Crediton, but follow the B3137 towards Witheridge, FORK LEFT after approx. 1
mile past Nomansland; follow road and keep straight past The Thelbridge pub
another 1.5 miles on the B3042 - DO NOT take road signposted East Worlington

Rally Officers: Roger & June Tupper TeL 01252 871573 Mob 07837 115308
Email: westsurreysec@westsurrey.org
Asst ROs Joan & Robert Green Tel. 01483 849114 or 07595837590
Email: chairman@westsurreycentre.org                  Booked……………..

  Event No.8        Hampton Court           July 5th to 12th         Rally Fee £4
   Post Code       Apps Court Farm        Arrival after 2pm         Site Fee £tba*
  KT12 2EG            Flower Show              please.              100 Van limit

What’s On. A temporary Site for the R.H.S. FLOWER SHOW at Hampton Court
Palace. Apply direct for tickets to the show. Free bus provided to take you to and
from the show. Special booking form available. Look on web site. There are walks
along the tow path with Sunbury Lock, a pub and a swimming pool close by. Carp
fishing lakes on site.

Directions. From Walton-on-Thames take the A3050, site on left just before
Thames Water Depot. From Hampton Court take A3050, site on right just past
Thames Water Depot. Centre signs on Entrance only
Booking Information. Refer to pages 25 and 26 for further informatiom

Rally Officers: Penny & Roger Smith . M:07768484821
Email: roger.psmith1947@gmail.com
Asst RO:Cheryl & Tim Howlett                                      Booked…………

Hampton Court Flower Show Caravan Parking
 From 12.00 noon Monday 5th July to 1.00pm Monday 12th July 2021
          At Apps Court Farm, Walton on Thames. Surrey.
                         Post Code KT12 2EG.

The West Surrey Centre is overseeing caravan parking at the above green
field site over the period of the prestigious Hampton Court Flower Show.
The venue of Apps court farm is an ideal setting. It is situated alongside
the river Thames at Sunbury Lock. Hampton Court, Walton on Thames
and Kingston are close by. Why not take the free bus to Hampton Court
station and combine your stay with a trip to Wimbledon tennis or to see
the sights of central London
There will be Toilets and showers for your use on site. Park & Ride is
free of charge from the site to the Show. Pub just down tow path and
swimming pool within 400 yds.
Please check in with the Rally Marshal on arrival.
Directions From the south- From the Scilly Isles roundabout on the A3
outside Esher. Take the A309 signed Hampton Court. Just before the
bridge turn left, keep right then onto A3050 Hurst Road signed Walton.
This is beside the river. Site is 3 miles on right
From the north. - From M25 Jct 13 take A308 towards
Sunbury/Hampton. Stay on this to Hampton Turn right go over bridge,
Turn right immediately after and follow as above.
From Walton on Thames - Take the A3050 Hurst Road, the site is on the
left just before West Molesey.

Nights booked ---------------------------------------------------

West Surrey Centre
             2021 Hampton Court Flower Show Caravan Parking
                From Monday 5th July until Monday 12th July



    Tel:......................................................Vehicle Reg No…………….


    CMHC Membership Number…………………………………….

    Number of Adults………Teenagers…………..Children………..

    Approximate time of arrival……………….

   Please fill in which of the following applies:-

   Monday           5th July                          ____@ £15.00         £……
   Thurday         6th July                           ____@ £15.00         £……
    Friday         7th July                           ____@ £15.00         £……
   Saturday        8th July                           ____@ £15.00         £……
   Sunday          9th July                           ____@ £15.00         £……
   Monday          10h July                           ____@ £15.00         £…….
   Tuesday         11th July                          ____@ £15.00         £…….
   Administration Fee                                 ____@ £4.00          £ 4.00
                                                                 Total £…….

Please return this form with full remittance by Saturday 19th June 2021 to:
Roger Smith, 33 Barnfield, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9ZT
Mobile: 07768484821          Email: roger.psmith1947@gmail.com
Cheques made payable to “The Caravan Club West Surrey Centre”

Event No. 9              Netley              July 16th to 20th     Rally Fee £4
    Post Code           Royal Victoria         Arrival after 1pm      Site Fee £tba
    SO31 5DQ            Country Park                please             Social: £tba
What’s On. Lots of things to see & do in this area; cruise ships coming/going; a
train ride; ideal for walking the dog or a trip up the newly refurbished tower. There
are local shops, pubs & some takeaways within walking distance in the village. We
hope to have a ramble plus fun & games on the field & more. New barrier system
now in operation, but don’t worry we will tell you how to escape if you need to!
Limited space so please book early.

Directions. Take M3 to M27 East, turn off at J8 onto A3024, take B3307, RVCP has
its own signs. Look for centre signs as well

                                                               Asst RO’s
Rally Officers: Sue & Robin Stoner 01252 519559 Mob 07710298303 needed
Email: sue.stoner@ntlworld.com
Asst RO’s: tba                                           Booked…………

  As a result of Covid 19 Rules and restrictions it may be required that
              additional rules are imposed from time to time

   Event No. 10          Shaftesbury            July 25th - 30th      Rally Fee £4
    Post Code          Blackmore Vale          Arrival after 1pm      Site Fee £tba
    SP7 9PX              Caravan &                  please            Van limit tba
                       Camping Park
Whats On. Extras available. Book before arrival. Tel:01747 851523
Gym Day Membership - Massage - Fishing Lake with day licence (stocked with
carp, roach and tench). A Clay shooting experience can be arranged.
There is a small shop on site

Directions Site is on the A30, approx. 2 miles west of Shaftesbury

Rally Officers: tba
                                                             Rally Officers needed.
Email: tba                                                 Contact Rally Secretary (P7)
Asst ROs tba                                                   to enquire or help

Event No.11          Chichester         August 6th - 9th          Rally Fee £4
 Post Code          East Ashling       Arrival after 1pm         Site Fee £9.60*
PO18 9DD             Nurseries              please
                                                                 Van Limit: tba
What’s on. tba

Directions. (From Chichester) take B2178 sp Funtington/East Ashling.
Immediately past village sign, turn right. Site on left.(From A3 [J 1/2] ) take
B2149, B2148 then onto B2178 Lye Lane is on the left just after the
village.Watch for centre signs

Rally Officers: tba                                       Rally Officers needed.
Email:tba                                               Contact Rally Secretary (P7)
Asst RO: tba                                                to enquire or help

                       If the black flag is flying cars may not
                      move without the Rally Officers permission
Event No.12 Walton on Thames August 12th - 16th                   Rally Fee £4
 Post Code  Apps Court Farm   Arrival after                  Site Fee £10.80 inc Vat
KT12 2EG                       10am please                       Van Limit:100

What’s On. Regatta & Fireworks. The Regatta takes place during the day on
Saturday. During Saturday afternoon there will be a small Charity Fete in aid of the
Centre’s charity. We hope to arrange river boat disco with fish & chips on Friday
evening. There will an illuminated sail past then a fantastic firework display on
Saturday evening. This is a flat site only a couple of miles from Hampton Court
Palace and immediately next to Sunbury Lock. If you wish to stay longer,
arrangements can be made with the site owner. Limited EHUs at £5 per night

Directions. From Walton-on-Thames take the A3050, site on left just before
Thames Water Depot. From Hampton Court take A3050, site on right just past
Thames Water Depot. Centre signs on Entrance only

Rally Officers: Roger & June Tupper T:01252 871573. Mob 07837115308
Email: westsurreysec@westsurrey.org                            Asst RO’s
Asst ROs: tba                                                   needed

Event No.13            Beaulieu            August 19th - 23rd     Rally Fee £4
   Post Code           Bucklers Hard         Arrival after 1pm      Site Fee £tba
  BH23 6AD                                        please            Van limit 25
What’s On. Site fee has in the past included reduced entrance fee to the attraction.A
reduced price is offered on the river cruise
Ther is an easy walk into Beaulieu from the Site
Site fee has in the past included reduced entrance fee to the attraction.A reduced
price is offered on the river cruise.

Directions. Take M27 exit junction 2 and follow the brown and white tourist signs
towards Beaulieu. At Beaulieu Village, follow the brown and white tourist signs to
Buckler's Hard.

Rally Officers: tba
                                                          Rally Officers needed.
Email : tba                                             Contact Rally Secretary (P7)
Asst R.Os: tba                                              to enquire or help

      Always observe the Caravan & Motorhome Rules & Country Code

  Event No. 14        Walton on Thames       August 27th to 30th    Rally Fee £4
   Post Code          Apps Court Farm                               Site Fee £tba
   KT12 2EG                                                        Van Limit: tba
What’s On. Southern Centres Family Weekend
Refer to website for details: https://www.southerncentres.org.uk

Directions. From Walton-on-Thames take the A3050, site on left just before
Thames Water Depot. From Hampton Court take A3050, site on right just past
Thames Water Depot. Centre signs on Entrance only

Rally Officers: Southern Centres - For booking information contact:
Mr S Johnson – 88 Goring Road Worthing, West Sussex BN12 4AB
Tel: 07970 658960 E-Mail: treasurer@southerncentres.org.uk

Event No.15             Hurn               September 2nd - 6th     Rally Fee £4
    Post Code           Bournemouth           Arrival after 1pm       Site Fee £10
   BH23 6AD               Airshow                  please             Van limit tba

What’s On. A flat site adjacent to Hurn Airport but sufficiently distant not to be
affected by aircraft noise. Bournemouth and other points of interest on the coast are
readily accessible from the site and a bus service runs to Bournemouth from the
Airport. Ralliers may be expected to dispose of their own rubbish.

Directions. From the M3 join the M27 Westbound. Stay on A31 towards
Bournemouth. Take the B338 slip to Bournemouth/Christchurch/Bournemouth
International Airport. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Christchurch/B3073
and merge onto A338. Take the B3073 towards Bournemouth International Airport.
Turn right onto B3073 . At the roundabout take the 1st exit onto Parley Lane
(B3073). Site is on the right.
Rally Officers: tba
Email : tba                                                 Rally Officers needed.
                                                          Contact Rally Secretary (P7)
Asst R.Os: tba                                                  if you can help

      Always observe the Caravan & Motorhome Rules & Country Code

   Event No.16            Frogham              Sept 16th to 20th      Rally Fee £4
    Post Code            New Forest           Arrival after 1pm       Site Fee £tba
    SP6 2HS                                        please             25 Van limit
What’s On: tba

Directions. Take the M3 or A3 to the M27 go west on M27 exit at Junction 1 onto
B3078 signposted Fordingbridge. Pass Sandy Balls and take the road on the left at
the bottom of the hill, opposite the garage, and then immediately left into Stuckton
Road; at the cross roads, go past the pub, the Foresters Arms, site is on the left
adjacent. Look out for centre signs.
Rally Officers Alf & Mo Harvey T: 01483 531567 M: 07745 807941 Asst RO’s
Email: alf.harvey@hotmail.uk                                                  needed
Asst ROs                                                            Booked………….

Event No. 17           Jacobs Wells             October 2nd
   Post Code                Village               Arrival after
   GU4 7PD                63rd AGM                10.am please

What’s On. The doors will open at 10.00 and the AGM will start at 11.00 prompt.
There will a buffet after the meeting.

Directions. Thr village hall is in Jacobs Well Road off Clay Lane to the north of
Rally Officers: Committee
Please notify the Secretary if you are attending to establish numbers for the Buffet

  Dogs are most welcome on our Rallies but, whilst on the field, please
            keep them on a lead and clean up after them

   Event No.18           Diamond Park         October 7th to 11st Rally Fee £4
    Post Code             Bletchington        Arrival not before Site Fee £21.60 inc Vat
    OX5 3DR                                      1pm please.      20 Van limit

What’s On: The site is 8 miles from Bicester where you will find Bicester village, a well-
known Designer Outlet, and Bicester Avenue shopping, including a Garden Centre and
Lakeland Plastics. Park and Ride at nearby Water Eaton and also on the A41 at Bicester
both connect you to Oxford City. The area is good for walking and cycling

Directions. Diamond farm lies alongside the B4027 road to Bletchingdon, one mile from
the A34, seven miles north of Oxford and three miles south or J9 of the M40. The park is
well signposted from the A34 road. Take the Bletchingdon, Islip, Heathfield exit and follow
the signs to Diamond farm. Warning - When you leave the A34, coming from the Bicester
direction, the slip is very short and has a sharp left-hand curve that takes you up the slope
to a T-Junction. You then turn LEFT across the A34 bridge. The site is clearly marked using
brown direction road signs.

Rally Officers: Mike & Fliss Bush. Tel:01276 471453. Mob 07743927293
Asst RO’s: Alf & Maureen Harvey Mob:07745807941           Booked.…………

Event No.19               Steyning            Oct 24th to 29th Rally Fee £4
Post Code             Grammar School         Arrival after 3pm Site Fee TBA
BN44 3RX                                          please       35 Van limit
What’s On A 5 night rally with evening meals; bingo and
quizzes etc. Bus stop close by, buses to Brighton & Worthing. Booking Form &
Plenty of pretty walks locally and further afield.            Deposit required

Directions. Take A281 to Horsham, join A24 south to Washington roundabout and
turn left onto A283 SP Steyning turn right into Horsham Road when you have gone
round s bend turn left into Tanyard Lane then left into Church Lane, then 4th left
into Shooting Field
Rally Officers: Joan & Robert Green. 01483 849114 / 07595837590   Asst RO’s
Email: chairman@westsurrey.org                                     needed
Asst Rally Officer:

Responsibility for injury to persons or damage to property will not be accepted
                               by the Organisers.

Event No.20              Chilworth         Dec 29th to Jan 2nd Rally Fee £4
Post Code               Tillingbourne      Arrival not before Site Fee £tba
GU4 8NB                     School            2pm please       Van limit tba

What’s On:
New Year Party 5 day rally - Full Programme.
Booking Forms will be required. As additional information becomes available it
will be published in the Secretary’s Updates, Website and Facebook page

Directions.From Guildford take the A281 to Shalford, at mini roundabout turn left
onto A248 In 1 mile turn left onto New Road, site on right, watch for Centre signs

Rally Officers: Committee - Booking Form will be required
Email: chairman@westsurrey.org

Fellowship Plaques 2020/21
  Event                            Rally                            Date                Attended

23 (2020) WSC AGM, Jacobs Well                              October 3

24 (2020) Winchester - Morn Hill                            October 8 - 12      Cancelled

25 (2020) Steyning Grammar School                           October 25-30       Cancelled

26 (2020) SE Region AGM Tillingbourne                       November 13-15      Cancelled

27 (2020) WSC Dinner Dance - Xmas Party                     December 4 - 6      Cancelled

28 (2020) New Year Party Tillingbourne                      Dec 28 - Jan 2

1 (2021)   Chertsey                                         March 12-16

2 (2021)   Swiss Farm Henley                                April 01-06

3 (2021)   Southern Counties. Copthorne, Burstow            April 29 - May 04

4 (2021)   Mytchett - Basingstoke Canal Centre              May 20-24

5 (2021)   Bath - Bury View Farm                            May 29-June 5

6 (2021)   Alfold -Fishing Rally                            June 10-14

7 (2021)   Crediton - Yetheridge Farm                       June 27 - July 11

8 (2021)   Walton - Apps Court - Flower Show                July 5 - 12

9 (2021)   Netley -Royal Victoria Country Park              July 15 - 19

10 (2021) Blackmore Vale, Shaftsbury                        July 25 - 30

11 (2021) Chichester, East Ashling Nurseries                August 6 - 09

12 (2021) Walton - Apps Court -Regatta/Fireworks            August 12 - 16

13 (2021) Beaulieu - Bucklers Hard                          August 19 - 23

14 (2021) Walton - Apps Court -Southern Centres             August 27 - 30

15 (2021) Bournemouth - Hurn - Airshow                      September 2 - 6

16 (2021) Frogham - Harrys Field                            September 16 - 20

                                                     Name                             Membership No.
I certify that I have completed 12 or more rallies
as shown above and claim a fellowship plaque


                            Media Exemption Form

To: Secretary. West Surrey Centre

I do not wish to be featured in any photographs or videos posted on either the
West Surrey Website or Facebook page. Please make every effort to refrain from
publishing any photographs or videos of me.


The West Surrey Centre                               Rally Book Voucher - 2021
This voucher entitles the holder to £5 off their site fees when attending any rally
Name……………………Post Code…………….Membership No………………
Rally Attended………………………Rally Officers Signature.……….…………
This voucher is only valid for use by members of the West Surrey Centre and only
one voucher per member can be used per year. The voucher is not transferable.

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