Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training

Page created by Brenda Farmer
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
Troop Cookie Team Training

    2018 Cookie
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
   Get to know your Service Unit
    Cookie Team!

   They are your mentors though
    the season and are a wealth of

   They can help you with eBudde
    transactions, inventory
    management, boothing, girl
    engagement, etc.

              602 452 7175
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
It’s not a fundraiser…
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
The Importance of the Cookie Program

 It’s   More Than Money

 GirlScouts offer the only
  programs where the girls
  earning the money, get
  to decide where to
  spend a portion of the

 Girlsdevelop lifelong skills
  to successfully navigate
  through life.
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
Cookie Business Curriculum
 •   Girls develop specific business skills
     through the ‘learning lab’ of the Cookie
 •   Girls work through the Cookie Business
     badges in the Girl Guides.
 •   Badges are earned in a cookie season,
     not one or two meetings.
 •   Troops can use the online Toolkit to
     incorporate badge requirements into
 •   Girls can use the Digital Cookie Platform
     to work through cookie badge
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
The Importance of the Cookie Program
 The   Five Skills
 •   Decision Making: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
      o Girls decide what they want to do with the money
        they earn.
      o Is it a long or short term goal? Maybe a
        combination of both.

 •   Goal Setting: Cooperation and Team Building
      o Girls set goals to fund the activities girls want to do.
      o One year goal to visit Disneyland; 5 year goal to
        visit New York City
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
The Importance of the Cookie Program
•   Money Management: Practical Life Skills
     o Younger girl learn how to count boxes and make change.
     o Older girls create a budget and business plan.

•   People Skills: Healthy Relationships and Conflict Resolution
     o Girls learn how to talk to customers and articulate her
     o Girls learn that it’s okay if a customer says, ‘no thank you’.

•   Business Ethics: Positive Values
     o Girls learn about philanthropy and supporting her troop
        and her Council.
     o Girls will learn that it is her responsibility to communicate
        with her Troop Leader about her cookie inventory and turn
        in cookie money regularly.
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
Cookie Activity Pin
   All participating girls earn the annual Cookie Activity Pin by
    applying the Five Skills to their work in the Cookie Program:

       What was her goal?

       Did she work as a team?

       Did she help develop her troop budget?

       Did she develop an ‘elevator speech’?

       How does the troop give back to the community?

   The activity pin is available for purchase in the Council Shop
                              for only $1.50!
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
Council Wide Goals
  Girl Goal:
  Every girl in the Council sells 15+ packages of cookies.

  Troop Goal:
  To reach a PGA of 220+

  Council wide goal:
  To sell 3,000,000+ packages of cookies.
Welcome to the 2018 Cookie Program - Troop Cookie Team Training
 girls and
Girl and Parent Engagement
Girl and Parent Engagement
Girl and Parent Engagement
GSUSA National Contest

       See our website for more details!
Troop Initial Order Reward

•   160+ Troop Per Girl Order on the
    Initial Order due on Dec. 12.

•   1 Shirt per participating girl.

•   3 Additional t-shirts may be
    ordered for $7.00 each.
Get ready for the Cookie Season
•   Sign the Troop Product Manager
    agreement online.

•   Attend Troop Training tutorials or live

•   Review the Cookie website (everything
    you need is there!)

•   Familiar with the Cookie Manual, Troop
    Supplement and eBudde Manual.

•   Girl Program: Cookie Badges
         Girls Guide to Girl Scouting
         Cookie Manual
         Digital Cookie Platform

•   Troop are given access to eBudde by the
    Service Unit Cookie Manager.
Communication during the Cookie
•   Stay informed by reading all
    reminders and updates.

•   Make sure your email is listed as
    active in eBudde.

•   Product Program Team will send
    updates to troops and SU’s.

•   Neighborhood specific
    communication is sent by the
    Service Unit.

•   Girls and her Parent/Guardian
    agree to communicate cookie
    inventory status with Troops and turn
    money in weekly.
Specialty Cookies!
Only available while supplies last--$6.00 a box
Cookie for the Community
Troop Cookies for the Community
• Troops select a non-profit organization they would like to support.

• Troop Product Manager contacts the organization to verify they can
  accept the cookies.

• Troops use unsold inventory at the end of sale to fill Cookies for the
  Community orders.

• If Troops need additional product to fulfill order:
   Troops should check girl inventory.
   Troops should check troop to troop transfer link.
   Pick up additional cookies from the cupboard.

• Troop Product Managers record the transaction in the T_COC
  column in eBudde.

                   Troops handle cookie distribution.
Cookie for the Community
Council Cookies for the Community
• Council supports the USO, St. Vincent de Pauls, United Food Bank,
  and other local food banks across the Council.

• Troops sells the cookies for the program, records the transaction in
  eBudde and deposits the money.

• The Council donates the cookies.

• Troop Product Managers record the transaction in the C_COC
  column in eBudde.

                   Troops handle cookie distribution.
Digital Cookie

             Parents love the convenience of using
             digital cookie and girls who participate
               in digital cookie sell 76% more than
              girls who participate in the traditional
                             sale alone.

                 Help the girls reach their goals with
                           Digital Cookie.
Digital Cookie (DOC)
Digital Cookie (DOC)
 Troops cannot opt out of Digital Cookie.

 All registered girls will be sent a link to register for Digital Cookie.

 Girls and parents decide if they want to participate. Please encourage
 all girls to participate because the Digital Cookie Platform gives girl new
 opportunities to:

 o   Run her own online business!
 o   Promote her cookie business.
 o   Create her own webpage.
 o   Enjoy more ways to keep track of her cookie customers.
 o   Earn badges!
Initial Order
•   Initial Orders help to manage the
    inventory for the entire Council because it
    provides a snap shot of the inventory
    needs of the Council.

•   When troops do not place an initial order,
    it is difficult to predict troop inventory
    needs and those troops will have to rely
    on cupboard inventory.

•   Over reliance on the cupboards can
    cause a council wide inventory shortage.       160+ Troop Per Girl Order
                                                  Reward on the Initial Order
•   Please pick up all large orders at the             due on Dec. 12.
    Council Cupboard.
Initial Order: Due Dec 12
The Initial Order Calculator will calculate the recommended amount
of cookies troops should make on their initial order by flavor. However,
troops leaders should make adjustments as needed.

How the Initial Order Calculator works:

New Troops
Use the age specific 2017 Council PGA listed on the website, the
calculator will estimate your order based on 80% of last year’s sales for
the age group.

Existing Troops
Use your troops 2017 PGA. Adjusting for girl participation, the
calculator will estimate your order based on 80% of last year’s sales.
During the Sale
Girl Inventory

If a girl is having difficulty selling her
cookies, help her!

Use unsold girl inventory before making a
trip to the cupboard.

Transfer the product to a girl who is having
more success selling and needs more
Communicating with Girls and
You can’t help your girls with inventory management if you don’t know
what they have!

• Girls and parents must give weekly inventory updates to the troop.

• Money must be turned in weekly.

• Limit the amount of cookies given to one girl at one time.

• Do not check out more than 120 unpaid packages to a girl unless it is for
  a booth or the girl has a proven track record. Troops can not report
  more then 120 packages as parent delinquent.

• Do not give additional cookies to girls without an inventory count and
  all money owed is turned in.
Communicating with Girls and
Use the Girl Cookie Counter to make inventory
communication fun!

You can find it on our website!

Or go Green… use a Google Docs spreadsheet to
manage inventory.

Families can access the Google Doc to enter their current
Networking with Sister Troops
 • Need more cookies? Have too many cookies?

 • Use the Troop-to-Troop Transfer Link to network with sister

 • Please be courteous when using the link:
    Only add or delete YOUR information and do not modify
      fonts, spacing, colors, column/row widths, etc.
    All changes are saved automatically for all to see.
    NEW: Council will delate entries after one week.
Cookie Cupboard

Exhausted all other ways to get cookies… and need to visit a

Go to the eBudde cupboard tab to enter your order 24-48 hours
before pick-up. This is where you can find to get real time information
about your local cupboard.
 • Location
 • Hours
 • Inventory
 • Real time changes or updates

               We will no longer use the cupboard link.
Why enter your cupboard orders?
Benefits to the Council as a whole:

Cupboards will be stocked more efficiently for our girls and volunteers,
allowing girls to spend more time on Girl Program and less time with

      Did you know that the San Tan Cupboard needed the most
      Savannah Smiles then any other cupboard in our Council during
      the second week of the sale???

      No, we didn’t know that… and sent extra Thin Mints…but if
      everyone entered their cupboard order into eBudde 24-48 hours
      before pick-up, the Product Program Team would have known to
      stock the San Tan cupboard with extra Savannah Smiles!
Troop Cookie Pick Up Only Users in

Parent volunteers can pick up your cookies! Simply enter them under
Troop Cookie Pickup Only Users

IMPORTANT! Troop Cookie Pickup Only Users must know their password to
pick up cookies.

Please don’t enter yourself, or anyone else under Troop Cookie Pickup
Only Users who needs higher access in eBudde, because eBudde
automatically gives users the lowest access assigned (i.e. you will lock
yourself out of most eBudde functions).
Cupboard Best Practices
A cupboard is a ‘mini warehouse’ run by Volunteer Cupboard Managers
during the Cookie Program where cookies can be picked up throughout the

•   Cupboards distribute cookies by cases only (i.e. 12 packages/case)

•   Cupboards inventory is not intended to replace initial order delivery;
    Cupboards cannot logistically stock for the initial order for over 2,000

•   Cookies cannot be returned.

•   Unopened and sealed cases of the core flavors cases may be exchanged
    for a different flavor; specialty cookies may not be exchanged.

•   Damaged cases and packages may be exchanged.

•   Be prepared to show your ID or Council Cupboard Card.

•   Know your eBudde password!!!
Cookie Apps
 Digital   Cookie App

 Booth     Sale Recorder App

 eBudde     Troop App
Digital Cookie(DOC) App

The app will only work if the girl
website it set up and approved.

Download the Digital Cookie
App from iTunes or the Google
Play Store.

Use the same login and
password you use at your Digital
Cookie site.
Email my site or send me cookie
DOC App: Email my site
DOC App: Enter my Order
DOC App: Delivery Options
DOC App: Cookies in Hand or Girl
Booth Sale Recorder
What is the Booth Sale Recorder

Booth Volunteers can use the app to evenly assign cookies
to girls right at the booth!
Why use the Booth Sale Recorder
Benefits to the troop:

 Reduces time entering data into eBudde.

 Accurately keeps records about the number of cookies sold at the
  site by flavor.

 Documents historical trends that can help troops more accurately
  stock for booths at those site.
Why use the Booth Sale
Recorder App?
Benefits to the council as a whole!

     The information can be shared with local business to help
      secure more boothing sites.

     It also gives a snap shot of inventory trends by flavor, replacing
      the crystal ball and giving the Product Program Team more
      accurate data that can be used to stock cupboards with the
      flavors you need!

      Did you know that the Wal-Mart on Dysart and McDowell sells
      more Savannah Smiles then any other store in our Council???

      No, we don’t know that… but if everyone used the Booth Sale
      Recorder App… we could find out if that was true!
Getting Set-up to use Booth Sale
Recorder App in eBudde

Parent volunteers can use the app too! Simply enter them under
Troop Booth Recorder Only.

Please don’t enter yourself, or anyone else who needs more access,
because eBudde will automatically give users the lowest access

You can add the same volunteer to Troop Cookie Pickup Only Users
and Troop Booth Recorder Only Users and they will be given access
to both functions.

But if you add them to Troop View Only Users, they will only be able
to look at eBudde and do nothing else.
Getting set-up to use the Booth Sale
Recorder App

o Download the Booth Sale Recorder App from iTunes or the Google
  Play Store.

o Once the app is installed, you use your eBudde login and password.

o The app will only work if the user has eBudde access.
Booth Recorder App
Select all or click on specific girls.
Record Sales or make changes in
Booth Recorder App Cookie Calculator
NEW! Troop App
Troop users only. Service Unit Team members can only use the app
                          for their troop.

Although the app can’t do everything the full eBudde site can, it can
                             do a lot!
Troop App
Burger Menu Options: Girls

Initial Order
Girl Rewards
Assign cookies to girls
Check DOC orders
And more!
Burger Menu Options: Troops
Troop Orders
Troop Order Summary
Submit Initial Order
DOC Orders
Troop Inventory
Initial and Final Rewards
And more
Burger Menu Options: Troops
Delivery Confirmation
Boothing is

a privilege,

not a right
Self-Scheduled Booths
 Troops are encouraged to self-schedule booths
 at businesses without a corporate agreement
 with Council.

 o Faith based             o   Car Washes
   events                  o   Drugstores
 o Local sporting          o   Beauty Salons
   events                  o   Hardware Stores
 o Theaters                o   Car Shows
 o Restaurants             o   Craft Shows
 o Dance Recitals          o   Farmer’s Markets
 o Auto Stores
Self-Scheduled Booths
•   Self- scheduled booths must be entered into eBudde.

•   Troops may not contact:
         Bashas’, Food City, AJ’s Fine Foods, Walmart, Sam’s
         Club, Albertsons, Safeway, Fry’s Marketplace or ASU.

•   Booth locations must be girl appropriate. Gun Shows,
    marijuana dispensaries, bars, etc. are not appropriate booth

•   Juniors and up may booth at a 1:1 ratio. The adult must be a
    legal guardian who is a registered Girl Scout and has been
    background checked. Sisters may booth together.
Council-Scheduled Booths
    Council has a corporate agreement with the following

•    Fry’s Food and Drug Stores
•    Safeway
•    Sam’s Club
•    Wal-Mart
•    Bashas’, Food City or AJs Fine Foods
•    ASU
•    Albertson’s (Albertson’s does not allow boothing)
•    More stores may be added to the list throughout the season.

          These stores have asked not to be contacted by troop
             leaders or volunteers. Please do not contact them.
Council-Scheduled Booths
   Council-Scheduled Booths are entered into eBudde and
    competition to booth at these locations is fierce!

   Participate in the booth rounds. See the manual for dates
    and times.

   The open booth round start on Dec. 9; and although Council
    will stop auditing these booths. This does not mean it’s a free
    for all. Do not select booths unless you are able to staff them.

   If you cannot make a scheduled booth, CANCEL it in
    eBudde. There are many, many troops who would love to
    take your place.
Boothing is

a privilege,

not a right
Boothing Guidelines
W       e are guests at the stores! Demonstrate how our promise
and law guide us during conflicts.

   What if two troops arrive at the same booth location?
    •   The Troop with eBudde documentation have priority.
    •   The Troop without eBudde documentation must leave the
        property. PERIOD.
    •   NEVER ask the store manager or an employee to mediate.
    •   NEVER argue in front of girls or customers.
    •   LEAVE, even if you are right, if the situation escalates.
Boothing Guidelines
•   You are a role model to our girls.

•   You belong to an organization with a Promise and Law.

•   Always be professional; Arguing, fighting, or pouting is
    never the answer.

•   If you lodge a complaint with a sister scout, Council will
    help to resolve the conflict, but you must be willing to meet
    face to face with the offending person and Council Staff.

•   If you have a complaint with Council contact us directly.

•   Airing your complaints on social media is unprofessional.

•   We reserve the right to remove offensive posts.
Boothing Guidelines
•   Do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your shift
    and do not stay after your shift.

•   Siblings/friends are not allowed.

•   Wear Girl Scout identification.

•   Do not allow girls to shout at customers.

•   Clean your area when you leave.

•   Leave a thank you card with the manager.
Boothing Guidelines
•   Do not booth before January 22, 2017

•   Cancel your booth in eBudde if you can’t make it!

•   Do not wear or bring competitor store items with
      Don’t bring a Trader Joes bag to Fry’s.

•   Check in with the store manager when arriving and

•   Follow store set-up rules.
•   Follow the instructions on the MS-27 Emergency Card.

•   Care for the immediate needs of the victim.

•   Secure help, call 911.

•   Contact your Troop and/or SU Product Manager if

•   Contact Council at 602 452 7000. After hours call the
    emergency line at 602 531 5935.

•   Do not issue statements to the media.

•   Do not post statements on social networking media.

Boothing Inventory

 How does a troop know how
 many cookies to pick up for a

 Predicting may be difficult:

 A “good” booth sale could sell
 20-30 boxes an hour.

 A “great” booth sale can sell up
 to 50 boxes or more.
Boothing Inventory

There are many variables to
• Location
• Girl preparation and attitude
• Beginning or end of sale
• Weather
• Time of day, availability of varieties,
• Age of girl

Communicate with an experienced
troops about specific locations.
Financial Responsibilities:
• Parents should update the troop of their
  inventory weekly.

• Money should be turned into the troop weekly.

• GSACPC will take all necessary steps to recover
  all outstanding debts. Parent/Guardians are
  financially responsible for all debt recovery fees.

• Deliberate misuse of funds will result in the
  prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Financial Responsibilities:
• If a parent doesn’t pay for cookies, Troops must complete a
  Parent/Guardian Outstanding Balance Form by March 11 or
  troops will be held responsible for the unsold cookies.

• The maximum amount of cookies that can be checked out and
  unpaid for by a girl is 120 packages at any one time. We will
  only accept forms for up to 120 packages unpaid

• Troops may be asked to provide information on how parent
  inventory communication was conducted.

• Please include all receipts, emails, voice mails or texts that
  pertain to the debt.

• Forms can be found on our website.
Financial Responsibilities:
Troops- ACH Dates
THREE ACHs for the 2017 Cookie Season

• First ACH: February 8th. $1.00 for all cookies ordered at initial
  order and through Feb 1. All adult T-shirts ordered for the Initial
  Order Bonus. Money due in troop account by February 5th.

• Second ACH: Feb. 22. $1.50 for all cookies ordered at initial
  order and through Feb. 18th. Money due in troop account by
  February 19th.

• FINAL ACH: March 15th. Remaining balance due. Money due in
  troop account by March 12th.
Closing out the Sale Timeline

• March 8: Troops submit their final Girl Rewards.

• March 11: Parent/Guardian Outstanding
  Balance From Due.

• March 11: Contest entries due. Deadline to
  claim Mystery Houses finds.

• March 15: Final ACH (Money due in account on
  March 12).
Girl Rewards
Girl Rewards arrive in May-June (and can take longer if there
is a back order).

Girl Reward Events:
• May 5th
   525 Event Golfland Sunsplash

• May 6th
  1,000 Event at OdySea Aquarium

• June 15-17
  2,500 Sedona camping weekend

• June 22-23
  Staycation at Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort
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