Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School

Page created by Jay Wang
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas
                     and a nice break ☺

  For the next few lessons you will be working from home. You
    made great progress with your French last term and it is
    important that you aim to progress through the learning
               objectives for the next few lessons.

    We recognize that remote learning takes a great deal of
independence and resilience. Independent study skills are really
valuable skills to develop so follow the instructions carefully and
use your language learning skills that you have been developing
                         since September.

 Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to email
your teacher, we are here to help! We will be giving you feedback
 on your work - please ensure all written work is completed to a
  high standard in your exercise books which we will check on
                       return to school ☺
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Teacher e-mail addresses:

     Madame Walter

      Madame Parry

     Madame Joglekar
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Ma ville                mercredi six janvier

                                 Learning Objectives:
                                 • Learn to name
                                    places in a town
                                 • Learn how to say
                                    what there is and
                                    what there isn’t in
                                    your town
                                 • Describe your town
Please write down the date and
  title in your book and don’t
   forget to underline them!
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Year 7                         Year 7                       Year 7                     Year 8                    Year 8                     Year 8
     Term 1                         Term 2                       Term 3                     Term 1                    Term 2                     Term 3
Introduce and describe       Talk in more detail about        Talk about dream
 myself, my family and        my family and my pets                                   Describe countries and     Discuss relationships
                                                              holidays and past
      my friends                                                                        talk about famous        with my parents and        Describe my home, an
                            Talk about my character in                                    French people         family, pocket money        ideal home and how I
 Describe my favourite           the past and now                                                               and the pressures on          feel about my area
                                                           Talk about festivals and
        objects                                                                             Discuss TV                teenagers
                                                            traditions, winter and
                            Describe my town, what we                                                                                            Talk about
                                                             summer sports and         programmes, music,                                   employment, part time
Talk about school and        can do and ask for /give                                                           Compare what teenage
                                                              revision of leisure       film, reading and
give my opinion about               directions                                                                  life was like in the past      jobs and future
                                                                   activities           cartoon chracters
       subjects                                                                                                                                   ambitions
                             Arrange to go out with a     Describe body parts and                               Discuss the difficulties
 Talk about my leisure       friend and tell the time                                 Talk about old and new     faced by homeless             Plan my Summer
                                                              sports injuries
       activities                                                                      technology, the pros            children                     holiday
                            Talk about food and order                                     and cons of the
                                                          Revision of daily routine
Take part in the Spelling      food in a restaurant                                          internet           Discuss healthy eating,
                                                                and the time
 Bee and write a letter                                                                                         how diet affects health      Using the pronoun y
                            Talk about the weather and                                Revision of present and       and resolutions         and the present tense
                                                          Talk about what you will
 Use the definite and           week end activities                                                                                              with depuis
                                                          do to help others in the          past tenses
  indefinite articles                                                                                           Talk about festivals and
                              Revision of adjectival                                                             celebrations and plan      Revision of prepositions
                                                                                         Comparatives and
     Use adjectives          agreements and present                                                                    for a party
                                                          Revision of –er verbs and     superlatives; using
                               tense – er verbs and                                                                                          Si clauses + imperfect
                                                               reflexive verbs        direct object pronouns
Use the verbs avoir and           reflexive verbs                                                                   Use impersonal           tense and conditional
         être                                                                                                     structures and the
                                                           Use present tense of –
                                 Use prepositions                                        faire + infinitive           pronoun en            Masculine and feminine
                                                                ir/re verbs
Use present tense verbs                                                                 rendre + adjective                                      forms of jobs
    (-er) accurately         Use the partitive article                                                          Revision of the perfect,
                                                          Use the near future tense
                                 (du/de la/des)                                       Give opinions using the     imperfect and near         Using different tenses
                                                               aller + infinitive
  Use high frequency                                                                  perfect and imperfect          future tenses           together and revision:
      structures              Use on peut , il faut, je                                                                                     imperfect, conditional,
                                                           Use the past tense with            tenses
                               voudrais + infinitive                                                            Expressions of quantity         present tenses
    Use possessive
                                                                                      Revision of Adjectives                                 Quand with different
 adjectives – mon/ma            Use negatives, high                                                             Use the conditional: on
                                                           Use the past tense with
     /mes and use             frequency phrases and                                                              pourrait + infinitive             tenses
                                                                 être (aller)
      connectives                  connectives
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
1. bowling alley
Task 1           2. park
 spend 15                                                                                  c
                 3. fast food restaurant
minutes on       4. cinema                                                     b
  this ☺                                                           a
                 5. sports centre                                                                      d
                 6. school
                 7. shopping centre
                 8. skate park                                         f           g
                 9. church                                                                     h
                 10. youth club
                 11. bus station
                 12. swimming pool
                 13. ice rink
                                                                                       j           k
1. Match the places in town (1-13) to their picture/French
   translation (a-o)! Example: 1i - bowling alley = un bowling             i
   Use https://www.wordreference.com/fren/ to look up any words
   you are unsure about.

2. Listen to audio file one to                                                         m
   a) check that your answers are correct                              l
   b) practise pronunciation – say the French out loud!

3. Write down all the places in your book in English AND French.                   n                   o
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Task 2       Write this down in your book! Have a look
 spend 5
minutes on   at the next two slides for some examples.
  this ☺

                                                   mais = but
                                                   par contre =
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Il y a un cinéma = There               Listen to audio file two to hear
 is a cinema                                     the sentences!

                            Il y a des supermarchés =
                            There are supermarkets
                            (note the different article because it is
Il y a une piscine =
There is a swimming pool
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Par contre, il n’y a pas de théâtre =                 Listen to audio file three to
   However, there is no theatre                           hear the sentences!

                                        Il y a un cinéma mais il n’y a pas de poste! =
                                        There is a cinema but there is no post office!

    Il n’y a pas de café =
       There is no cafe
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Task 3             Have a look at the pictures –  means that place exists in my town and  means it doesn’t.
 spend 10
minutes on         Can you complete the gaps in the sentences a-f? In your book, write down the letter and the
  this ☺                               missing words. Example: a) une piscine, bowling

                 Remember: After ‘il y a’ you have to use the correct article – ‘un/une/des’ but after ‘il n’y a pas’
                                                         you just use ‘de’

 a)                          une piscine
      Dans ma ville il ya ______________                         bowling
                                           mais il n’y a pas de ______________.
 b)   Dans ma ville il y a _______________. Par contre, il n’y a pas de _______________, mais il y a ________________.
 c)   Dans ma ville il y a ______________ et ________________. Par contre, il n’y a pas de_______________.
 d)   Dans ma ville il y a ______________ mais il n’y a pas de ________________ ni de ___________________.
 e)   Dans ma ville il y a ______________ mais il n’y a pas de _________________.
 f)   Dans ma ville il n’y a pas de _____________. Par contre, il y a __________________ et _____________________.

Challenge: Translate the sentences into English!                                                ni = neither…nor
                                                                                                Dans ma ville = In my town
Welcome back Year 7! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas - Thomas Telford School
Task 4       Read the two texts in which Sandrine and Pierre describe their home towns.
 spend 15    Then try to answer the questions on the next slide. Are the statements true
minutes on
  this ☺        (vrai) or false (faux)? Write the letter and ‘vrai’ or ‘faux’ in your book.
                                            Example: a) faux

                                                                              Reading strategy:
                                                                                read the text
                                                                             carefully – look for
                                                                             words you already
                                                                            know and cognates.
                                                                            How much can you
                                                                             understand? Only
                                                                              as a last resort if
                                                                            you can’t figure out
                                                                                the meaning!

                              Sandrine                         Pierre
Challenge: Correct the false statements!
Task 5          Tell us about your town – what places are there? Use the
 spend 10
minutes on       example below to help you! Write in your book.
  this ☺         • You must include what there is and what there isn’t and use
                     but (mais) and however (par contre).
                 • Challenge 1: Give your opinion
                 • Challenge 2: Explain (justify) your opinions

                    J’habite à Telford et dans ma ville il y a beaucoup de
                  supermarchés mais il n’y a pas de piscine. Il y a un parc,
                   j’adore le parc car j’adore jouer au foot! Il y a aussi un
                  centre sportif. C’est super parce que je suis très actif et
Quelle domage
= what a shame
                   Par contre, il n’y a pas de patinoire, quelle dommage!
Vocabulary for this lesson
You have completed the lesson
           for today ☺!            there is =
                                   there isn’t =
   You should be able to name
                                   but =
   places in town and say what     however =
   there is and isn’t in a town.   swimming pool =
 Test yourself – how many of the   bus station =
     words in the box do you       ice rink =
remember without looking back?     park =
                                   fast food restaurant =
                                   sports centre =
                                   shopping centre =
                                   supermarket =
                                   church =
You can also read