Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021

Page created by Theodore Klein
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021

Weekly Update

          12 August • 2021
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021

        reetings fellow golfers, members,    FUNDRAISING
        sponsors and staff.                  Thank you very much for those that have
        Its been another turbulent week      recently contributed to the Vision 2022
with the ever changing weather for us all.   fund and those who have offered to help
                                             renovate the ladies and mens bathrooms.
I must admit, I have not experienced
a full NZ winter for quite a few years       As you are aware our course and
as we are normally overseas., but I          community centre has not had any
cant think of a better and safer place I     major investment for over ten years
would rather be. This week I played golf     and is seriously in need of work to
at Muriwai, which was an interesting         bring it up to the standard it deserves.
experience playing in 40km winds!
                                             Whilst we have been forward in asking
DEFIBRILLATORS                               for your help and trying to give you
As some of you may be aware, one             the vision and the benefits, we have
of our members (& sponsor) had a             tried not be too pushy as we know
heart attack at Muriwai while playing        that some people are not in a position
golf and is now at home recovering.          to give, and we do understand this.

If it was not for the staff at Muriwai who   We really appreciate the generous
had just got a new defibrillator and         support of all those who have given
had training the day before, Rod most        pledges, donations, products, services
certainly would not have survived.           or time. You have made a difference
                                             to the club now and into the future.
I would like to advise that at Omaha
Beach Golf Club we have a defibrillator      The movie night on 26th of August
for community use. Our office staff,         is a fundraising initiative for the
Golf HQ, and some of the café staff          toilets, it’ll be a great night so please
have been trained how to use it.             get behind it and purchase tickets.
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
WATER & IRRIGATION SEMINAR                     Now is our chance to be forward thinking
Omaha Beach Club House                         about our options to keep our course
27th August, 1.30 pm                           green and irrigated. The club has done a
                                               lot of work over the last few years on this
Over the last month the course has not         issue and we would like to share this with
coped with the vast quantities of rain. In     any of our members who are interested.
summer we have the opposite problem of
not enough rain and irrigation.                We have invited Tony Kortegast who is
                                               an engineer, running the Vision 2022
With the changes to our climate with           development project and is a specialist in
global warming our rainfall over summer        this area to talk about the issues we have
is on average nearly 50% of what it was        and the potential solutions. I look forward
ten years ago.                                 to seeing you if this interests you.

We need to take this seriously now and         Have a fantastic week and as always I look
act for the future of our club over the next   forward to seeing you on the greens or in
20 years. Many of us critise our NZ cities     the clubhouse.

for not planning ahead with infrastructure
and transport solutions like some of the
great cities in the world have done such
                                               Kevin Weston
as Paris and Shanghai.
                                               President (021 544 139)
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021

Pro Tip
                                            PGA TOUR PRO TRAINING NET

                                            Featuring three target zones,
                                            a PGA Tour Pro Golf Training
Wet bunkers – do you hit the shot           Net is designed to challenge
differently depending on the                your golf skills, developing
bunker being soft or hard sand?             your drives and your short
                                            game with persistent practice
The bunkers in winter time are              to help lower your handicap
harder than in summer, which will           and beat the competition.
effect what happens at impact.
                                            Net target pockets catch your
If you swing hard at the ball the           golf balls and for any shots that
club will bounce off the sand and           go astray, there’s a tough nylon
into the middling of the ball fly           backstop and ground sheet
over the back of the green. If you          secured with ground pegs. Also
play that same shot in summer the           included are some training tips
club will cut through the sand and          from the PGA Tour Golf Academy
the ball will pop up beautifully.           to help you master chipping,
                                            pitching, lobbing and driving.
Think of it this way, hard sand -
swing soft and soft sand - swing
hard. If you’re still struggling with
your bunker play you can contact
one of four NZPGA professional
for a one on one tune up.


Just a friendly reminder of               Happy Golfing from your Golf HQ team.
our Titleist Custom Fitting               Blake, Hamish, Fritz, Tracey, Emma, Luke
Day on the 18th of August.
                                          and Reinhardt
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021

    PHONE: 09 422 7551
EMAIL: golfhq@omahagolf.co.nz
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
Wednesday 7th Aug Golf HQ Haggle       Wednesday 11th Aug Golf HQ Haggle
1st – George Steel 35 points $41       1st – Tom Berkovits 42 points $40
2nd – Ian Flint-Hartle 34 points $19   2nd – Alex Fowler 37 points $30
2nd- Gordon Wylde 34 points $19        3rd – Gordon Wylde 36 points $15
2nd – Robert Moss 34 points $19        3rd – Colin Beckwith 36 points $15
5th – Grant Morris 33 points $8        3rd – Jim Corinaldi 36 points $15
5th – Murray Ward 33 points $8         6th – Michael Dowd 35 points $10

Div 2                                  Two’s & Jackpot
1st – John Harvey 38 points $34        Steve Marshall 8, 15 plus jackpot $247.00
2nd – Bill Whitelegg 35 points $18     Bob Moir 8 $9
2nd – Peter Van Kempen 35 points $18   Greg Garnett 8 $9
4th – John Endean 34 points $10
5th – Peter Lancaster 30 points $7

Two’s & Jackpot
No Two’s

Club Net Eagles
Not Struck


Golf HQ Haggle 7rd August              Tuesday Golf HQ Haggle 10th August
1st – Lynda Tate 40 points $24         1st – Margaret Derbyshire 38 points $31
2nd – Toshie Sharp 29 points $14       2nd – Gail Corinaldi 36 points $19
3rd – Lesley Barley 28 points $11      3rd – Nyree Dorward 33 points $14
                                       4th – Gaye Muir 30 points $10
                                       5th – Deborah Dickie 30 points $6
Two’s & Jackpots
No Two’s
                                       Two’s & Jackpots
                                       No Two’s
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
TOKYO 2020

                 Lydia Ko has written her name into the
                 golfing history books once again.

                 The Kiwi golfing phenom has become
                 the first golfer to win 2 Olympic medals,
                 winning bronze at Kasumigaseki Country
                 Club outside Tokyo to go with her Rio
                 2016 silver medal.

                 She says she feels extremely honoured.

                 “Obviously I’m super honoured that I’ve
                 been able to win two medals for New

                 Being a silver medalist in Rio was one
                 of the best memories of my life and not
                 many people get to call themselves an
                 Olympian, and to be an Olympic medalist
                 kind of takes it to a new level.

                 I’m always proud to play for New Zealand
                 and I felt like I wanted to do better for our
                 country, and I felt all the support.

                 Seeing some of the Kiwis here today
                 definitely helped me. I wish it could have
                 been a different colour, but at the end of
                 the day, to be one of the medalists is a
                 huge honour.”
                                             Article: golf.co.nz
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
Notice BOARD
                                       Mixed Pennants
                                       It is that time of year again where
                                       Omaha enters a team in mixed

                                       This season will be special as we
                                       get to defend our title!

                                       The dates are:
                                       5/9/21, 12/9/21 and 26/9/21.

                                       Finals will be:
                                       17/10/21, 31/10/21 and 7/11/21.

                                       All players interested in playing
                                       this year please email Gaye Muir
    I N S U R A N C E B RO K E R S     at gaye@obca.co.nz.

No winner last week.
                                       COURSE NOTICES
(Fran Munro’s name was drawn)

DRAW #14                                 Course Closure
$500 up for grabs.                     The course is due to be closed for
                                       3 days from Monday, 23rd August
A REMINDER:                            for coring and maintenance.
You need to be at the club on Friday   There will be no golf on these
evening (at 6.30pm) to claim the       days however the clubhouse
prize if your name is drawn.           and bar will still be open.

                                                5th Tee
LUCKY DOOR PRIZE                       The Men’s 5th Tee is currently
                                       being re-turfed,   the work is
                                       set to be completed by the
Win a $50 Bar Voucher.                 end of August. Please use the
                                       women’s tee until further notice.
Weekly Update OMAHA BEACH GOLF CLUB - 12 August 2021
Opening Night Private Screening
             MATAKANA CINEMAS | 26 AUG | 6PM

Please come along and help us raise funds
for the renovation of the club house toilets!

    TICKET $25 - Includes an Ice Cream & Raffle Ticket.

    Don’t miss out! Order your tickets at the link HERE.

                 BOOK YOUR SPOT FOR

           G&T AND CANAPES
     From 5pm until the Movie starts. Only $15 Extra.
                      THANKS TO

                   RAFFLE SPONSORS:
Course Status
              If you are unsure of the         We will also keep you up
              course status or whether carts   to date on Facebook and
              are allowed, you can check       Instagram for any updates, for
              DotGolf when booking or the      example if the course needs
              homepage of our website          to be closed in the middle of
              omahagolf.co.nz you will find    the day, so make sure you are
              icons like the ones below.       following us.
                            Our Username: @OBGCNZ

Thank You!                                         CLUBHOUSE
As Kevin mentioned, we are very
grateful to the anonymous donors
who have already given to the
                                                   This  fabulous   prize  included
Club House Bathrooms project.
                                                   rounds of golf in Northland, it
                                                   was drawn on Friday Night at the
This is an   overdue    update that                Club   House’s  Oyster  evening.
will bring   them up    to standard
and will      benefit    the whole                 THE WINNERS - Steve & Judy Marshall
Omaha        Beach      Community.

               Below you’ll find a snapshot of what’s
               coming up in the next couple months!

AUGUST                                             SEPTEMBER - SAVE THE DATE

Monday 23rd - Course Closed                        Saturday 25th - Asahi/Cardinal Mixed Open
From Mon-Wed the course will be closed             Registrations will open next week.
for coring and maintenance.
                                                   Sunday 26th - Wonderfully You
Thursday 26th - Juniper Movie Night                Women’s Wellness Event Fundraising for
Opening Night Private Screening to                 Hestia Women’s Refuge & the Club house.
fundraise for the club house toilets.              Watch out for more info in next weeks
Friday 27th - Water & Irrigation Seminar
Talking about the issues we have and the
potential solutions.

                                        Our fantastic sponsors Mitre10 Mega Warkworth
                                        have everything you need to get ready for spring.
                                        Pop   in   store   or   check   out   www.mitre10.co.nz

            Victoria Turner M 021 795 099 B 64 9 425 7640
                          E v.turner@bayleys.co.nz

 Bayleys in the North, Omaha Beach, 1 Matariki St, P O Box 386, Warkworth

          Copyright © 2021 Omaha Beach Golf Club, All rights reserved.
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