Wednesday Word February 9, 2022 -

Page created by Joshua Sanders
Wednesday Word February 9, 2022 -
2/10/2022                                                         Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022

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Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022
Indiana State Library sent this bulletin at 02/09/2022 01:30 PM EST

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             In This Issue                             Free ‘Graphic Arts and                 Upcoming workshops
                                                       the Reading Experience’                and important dates
                     Indiana library jobs
                     In the news                       virtual program with
                                                                                              Integrate Book Connections
                     New dates announced for           Nate Powell scheduled                  Resources to Inspire Summer
                     Little Free Library and           for Feb. 17                            Reading
                     Overdrive Marketplace                                                    When: Feb. 17, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
                     webinars                                                                 Where: Webinar
                     Free ‘Graphic Arts and the
                     Reading Experience’ virtual                                              Build a Better World at Work and in
                     program with Nate Powell                                                 Life with Kindness and Gratitude
                     scheduled for Feb. 17                                                    When: Feb. 23, 10-11 a.m.
                     INverse Poetry Archive now                                               Where: Webinar
                     accepting entries
                                                                                              Building Community Engagement
                     PALNI welcomes new
                                                                                              and Awareness Through Little Free
                     communications director           The Indiana Center for the Book at
                                                                                              Library - NEW DATE!
                     Upcoming workshops and            the Indiana State Library and the
                                                                                              When: Feb. 24, 10-11 a.m.
                     important dates                   Arkansas Center for the Book at the
                                                                                              Where: Webinar
                     William and Lucy Bradford         Arkansas State Library are
                     Civil War letters                 partnering to present a program        Summer Reading 2022 Roundtable
                     LinkedIn Learning now free        featuring Nate Powell on the theme     Discussion
                     for Indianapolis Public           “The Graphic Arts and the Reading      When: March 1, 1-2 p.m.
                     Library cardholders               Experience.”                           Where: Webinar

                                                       The program will take place online     Getting Started with Marketplace -
                                                       via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 17 at       Indiana Digital Library (Overdrive)
                                                       7:30 p.m. Eastern Time/6:30 p.m.       - NEW DATE!                                                                1/5
2/10/2022                                                         Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022

                                                       Central Time. The presentation will      When: March 2, 10-11 a.m.
                                                       focus on the use of comics and           Where: Webinar
                                                       graphical arts to communicate as a
                                                       mass medium, as well as how a            Indiana 211 and Libraries
                                                                                                When: March 16, 2022, 10-11 a.m.
                                                       graphic writer envisions, creates and
                                                                                                Where: Webinar
                                                       curates the reading experience. The
                                                       program is suitable for teens and
                                                                                                Curating and Maintaining Vibrant
             Indiana library jobs                      adults.
                                                                                                Collections for Users with Print
                                                       Powell is the first cartoonist ever to
                                                                                                When: March 17, 10-11 a.m.
                                                       win the National Book Award. He is
                                                       from Little Rock, Arkansas and lives     Where: Webinar
                                                       in Bloomington. Powell’s work has
                                                                                                What's Up Wednesday - The Ins and
                                                       also received a Robert F. Kennedy        Outs of On and Offboarding
                                                       Book Award, three Eisner Awards,
                                                                                                When: March 30, 10-11 a.m.
                                                       two Ignatz Awards, four YALSA
                                                                                                Where: Webinar
                                                       Great Graphic Novels for Teens
             This week's new Indiana library jobs      selections and two Los Angeles           What's Up Wednesday: Effective
                                                       Times Book Prize finalist selections.    Staff Development on Any Budget
             Adult Services Manager
                                                                                                When: April 27, 10-11 a.m.
             Danville-Center Township Public           Click here to register. Registered
                                                                                                Where: Webinar
             Library                                   participants will be sent a Zoom link
                                                       upon registration. The event will also
             Teen and Adult Services Librarian
                                                       be livestreamed on the Arkansas
             Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public
                                                       State Library's YouTube channel.

             Marketing Assistant/Library Clerk,
             Public Services                           INverse Poetry Archive
             Jeffersonville Township Public            now accepting entries

             Outreach Services Manager
                                                                                                Welcome to Digital Collection
             New Castle-Henry County Public
                                                                                                Highlights. Every other week,
                                                                                                librarians at the Indiana State
             Communications Specialist                                                          Library share images from the
             Vigo County Public Library                                                         library's ever-growing digital
                                                                                                collections. Visit the Digital
             If you would like your Indiana library                                             Collections page to view the latest
             job posting to be listed in the                                                    additions.
             Wednesday Word, the position and
             its description must be submitted to
             the Indiana State Library. Click here
                                                                                                William and Lucy
             for submission guidelines and to
             submit.                                The Indiana Arts Commission, in             Bradford Civil War
                                                    partnership with the Indiana State          letters
                                                    Library, has announced that INverse,
             In the news                            the state poetry archive, is accepting

                                                       INverse, an initiative of former
                                                       Indiana Poet Laureate Adrian
                                                       Matejka, celebrates and preserves
                                                       the diverse range of Indiana poetry
                                                       for future generations of Indiana
                                                       writers and readers. The works of 41                                                                  2/5
2/10/2022                                                         Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022

                                                       poets were added to the poetry
                                                       archive in October 2021.

                                                       “INverse celebrates the diverse
                                                       creative voices of our state,” said
                                                       Miah Michaelsen, Indiana Arts
                                                       Commission executive director. “We
                                                       are proud to partner with the
                                                       Indiana State Library on this unique
                                                       archive that preserves and makes
                                                       accessible the work of Hoosier poets
                                                       for all to enjoy.”
             Indiana State library receives rare
             reprint of abolitionist's                 All eligible residents of Indiana are
             autobiography                             encouraged to submit poems to the
             Cunningham Memorial Library at                                                     Letters between Captain William S.
                                                       archive for review. Click here to view
             Indiana State University                                                           Bradford and his wife Lucy convey a
                                                       a sample submission form. The
                                                                                                deep devotion to each other and to
                                                       guidelines can be viewed here.
             EVPL observing Black History Month                                                 the Union during the U.S. Civil War.
             with a series of programming,             Entries are due by April 30.             Rev. Bradford married Lucy W.
             displays                                                                           Adsit on April 1, 1857. The couple
             Evansville Vanderburgh Public                                                      had been married only four years
             Library                                                                            before Bradford, minister of the
                                                       PALNI welcomes new
                                                                               Methodist Episcopal Church in
             Indy Now kicks off book club with         communications director Muncie, enlisted with the Union
             book suggestions from local librarian
                                                                                                Army. He served as the captain of
             Indianapolis Public Library
                                                                                                Company F of the 57th Indiana
             New meeting room reservation                                                       Regiment at the time of the pair’s
             system coming for library                                                          correspondence from December
             Noble County Public Library                                                        1861 to April 1862.

             *Please consult local news sources                                                 In her last letter to her husband on
             and library websites for the latest                                                April 19, 1862, Lucy Bradford wrote:
             information on the closures of
                                                                                                “I dream of you almost evry [sic]
             libraries and the cancellations of
                                                                                                night and am sorry when I wake to
             scheduled library events and
                                                                                                think it was only a dream.
             programs in relation to the ongoing
                                                                                                Sometimes I think I must send for
             COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                you I want to see you so badly and
                                                                                                when I hear of others coming home
                                                                                                I wish you would have come too but
             Is your library making                                                             when I think for a while I feel
             news?                                                                              contented for I know those who
                                                       The Private Academic Library
                                                                                                come home are not half as good and
             Email news links for inclusion in the     Network of Indiana has announced
                                                                                                noble as my own little husband and
             Wednesday Word's "In the news"            the appointment of Molly Reed as         I am very proud to think he stays
             section.                                  the organization’s new strategic
                                                                                                where duty calls him...”
                                                       communications director, effective
             To be featured in the Wednesday           Jan. 10.                                 In the same letter, she told him, “I
             Word, please email a press release                                              have a dozen plans laid out for the
             and a photo.                              Reed is charged with leading internal future and you may chose [sic]
                                                       and external communication
                                                                                             whichever one you please. Just so
                                                       management and strategy for PALNI you stay at home with me all the
                                                       and its member institutions, in       time. For I am not going to let you
                                                       conjunction with its executive        leave me anymore after this
                                                       director and board. She will support rebellion is crushed.” Tragically, the                                                                   3/5
2/10/2022                                                         Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022

                                                       PALNI library directors in promoting couple never got that future
                                                       the value and impact of library          together. A few weeks later, Captain
                                                       expertise, services and resources,       Bradford contracted “camp fever” -
                                                       while upholding the organization’s       typhoid or epidemic typhus - a
                                                       mission of deep collaboration. As a      common wartime malady. He left
                                                       member of PALNI’s administrative         his regiment and returned to
                                                       directors team, Reed will also           Muncie to recover, but ultimately
                                                       provide input on current and future      succumbed on May 16, 1862, less
                                                       strategic initiatives.                   than a month after Lucy’s final
                                                       Her responsibilities include
                                                       conceptualizing and creating             These letters and other items from
                                                       promotional and communication            the William S. Bradford papers
                                                       material, sharing expertise on crisis    (S0155) can be read here. For more
                                                       management, identifying and              information about the collection,
                                                       leveraging public relations              please review the collection finding
             State Library blog                        opportunities and managing PALNI         aid. These images and more are
                                                       infrastructures to support deep          online to explore in the Indiana
                                                       collaboration, among other duties.       State Library Digital Collections.

                                                       With nearly 15 years of experience in
                                                       higher education marketing, Reed is
             Follow the Indiana State Library's                                                 LinkedIn Learning now
                                                       highly skilled at communicating for a
             blog for weekly posts covering all        variety of audiences across multiple     free for Indianapolis
             aspects of the State Library.             platforms. Her industry knowledge        Public Library
                                                       includes public relations, media         cardholders
             Indiana library employees who
                                                       relations, crisis communication,
             would like to contribute a guest blog,
                                                       publications, digital marketing and
             please send an email with an idea.
                                                       more - all skill sets that will impact
                                                       PALNI’s communication with its
             Miss an issue of the
             Wednesday Word?                           Reed, of Battle Creek, Michigan,
                                                       comes to PALNI from Western
             Back issues of the Wednesday Word
                                                       Michigan University, where she most
             are available here.
                                                       recently served as marketing
                                                       specialist senior for the Haworth
                                                       College of Business.                     The Indianapolis Public Library
             Free training for                                                                  invites patrons to boost their
                                                       Reed earned a master’s degree in         business, design and technology
             librarians and library
                                                       communication from Western               skills with free video courses from
             employees on LinkedIn                     Michigan University in 2020, as well     LinkedIn Learning.
             Learning                                  as bachelor’s degree in journalism
                                                       from Olivet College in 2005. Prior to  LinkedIn Learning offers access to
                                                       joining Western Michigan               more than 16,000 courses taught by
                                                       University, Reed served as director of industry experts. Cardholders can
                                                       communications and senior writer at learn marketing, photography, how
                                                       Olivet College. She was also a         to write a resume or take a course
             New dates announced for                   reporter at the Nashville Tennessean, on a specific program, such as
             Little Free Library and                   covering the entertainment and        Microsoft Excel or Adobe
                                                                                                Photoshop. Courses are split into
             Overdrive Marketplace                     living sections.
                                                                                                short videos that can be accessed
             webinars                                  Read the full PALNI press release        from any device.
                                                       here. PALNI is a nonprofit
             The "Building Community                                                            Typically, LinkedIn Learning costs
                                              organization supporting
             Engagement and Awareness Through
                                              collaboration for library and                     $19.99-$29.99 per month. By using                                                                   4/5
2/10/2022                                                         Wednesday Word │February 9, 2022

             Little Free Library" webinar               information services to the libraries   their IndyPL library card, patrons
             originally scheduled for Feb. 3 is has     of its 23 supported institutions.       can save nearly $240 to $360
             been rescheduled to Feb. 24 at 10                                                  annually.
                                                                                                Individuals need a library card to
             The "Getting Started with                                                          use LinkedIn Learning, which can
             Marketplace - Indiana Digital                                                      be obtained at any branch location,
             Library (Overdrive)" webinar                                                       or by visiting the IndyPL website. A
             originally scheduled for Feb. 15 has                                               LinkedIn account is not required.
             been rescheduled to March 2 at 10                                                  IndyPL cardholders can click here to
             a.m.                                                                               get started using LinkedIn

                    © 2022 Indiana State Library. All rights reserved. The trademarks used herein are the trademarks of their
                                                                 respective owners.

                            Indiana State Library, 315 W. Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

                  The Wednesday Word is a free publication of the Indiana State Library. Past issues are archived at the State
                                                           Library's Newsroom.

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