Page created by Alberto Mcdaniel


                                                            We s t e r

                                 We s t e r n N e v a d a C o l l e~gChoo

                                 F O U N DAT I O N
                                  ~ Choose to make a difference ~
                                                          More than ever before, an associate degree, industry credential or certificate of achievement
                                                          represents an investment in future success. Yet, in an economy that is flourishing with less than
                                                          4% unemployment, it’s quite easy for recent high school graduates to skip over higher education
                                                          and move straight to the workforce. Within this publication, you’ll find over 300 students who have
                                                          bravely chosen to take the more challenging path. Despite many obstacles, they’ve chosen to
                                                          pursue their education. Many of these students are supporting families and working while juggling
                                                          a full course load. These students realize that higher education is a key to opportunity.

                                                          Within these pages, you’ll also find the names of scholarships that have been created by local
                                                          community members, businesses and charitable foundations. These scholarships enhance our
                                                          community by providing encouragement and financial support for students. The donors of these
                                                          scholarships believe in the power of education. Indeed, over the course of a lifetime, a worker with
                                                          a bachelor’s degree will earn approximately $1 million more than a worker without a postsecondary
                                                          education.* But, there’s more to it than that. Adults who attain their associate degree have a higher
                                                          propensity to volunteer in their community, they are more likely to support political candidates and
                                                          more likely to become a mentor than those without a college degree.**

                                                          As executive director of the WNC Foundation, I have been fortunate enough to spend time with
                                                          many of our scholarship donors and recipients. Their stories are often inspirational and I’m proud to
                                                          share some of them in the pages that follow. You’ll see firsthand Western Nevada College at its best
                                                          and how the WNC Foundation is working to improve our community through education.

                                                          Thank you to everyone who has entrusted WNC to provide the education that will lift
                                                          families from poverty, provide a skilled workforce and elevate our community. Western Nevada
                                                          College is truly a special place with exceptional students, faculty and donors.

                                                          Niki G ladys

*Carnevale, Anthony P. “The Economic Value of College
Majors Executive Summary 2015.” Georgetown University
Center on Education

**Journal of Higher Education Outreach and
Engagement, Volume 18, Number 2 p. 67, (2014)
Copyright © 2014 by the University of Georgia. “ What’s
a Degree Got to Do With It? The Civic Engagement of
Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degree Holders by Mallory
Angeli Newell


QUICK                                             58%                 65% 95%                                         31%

                                                                                           Job Placement                                     Pell Grant
                                                                         Rate                   Rate                 Generation              Recipient
                                                                                                     At WNC, we are small enough to know each
                                                                                                     other’s names and to know the names of
                                                                                                     our students. We welcome all students with
                                                                                                     open arms and invite them to discover their

                                                                                                     individual potential at Western.

                                                                                                     We are nimble enough to adapt and change
                                                                                                     to meet the needs of our students and our
                                                                                                     region. We make big things happen through
                                                                                                     creative ideas, strategic planning and
 I want to personally THANK YOU for being one of the many individual donors, organizations,
 businesses and foundations that have provided support and benevolence to Western Nevada
 College. Your unyielding commitment to our campus, our students and our community is
 greatly appreciated. We simply couldn’t have the level of student success were it not for the
                                                                                                     We care about learning that lasts a lifetime.
 support of our amazing community. Thanks to the generosity of many, the WNC Foundation
                                                                                                     Whether you’re a student attending WNC for
 had a record-breaking year, raising over $2.5 million dollars.
                                                                                                     the first time or an individual coming back
 The vision for Western Nevada College is to foster equity through the power of education and        to college to retool for the changing Nevada,
 lifelong learning. The learning that takes place at WNC contributes to solutions for the 21st       Western is the place to help you achieve
 century so that our students can thrive in a complex and ever-changing world. The success of        your goals.
 our students is life-changing for them and their families, but also ensures that our community,
 our region and the great State of Nevada continue to blaze a path for others to follow.             DIVERSE
                                                                                                     We embrace diversity. We foster an
 Thanks to the support of our community, students can focus on learning and, more                    environment where students from all
 importantly, work toward completion of a dream to better their lives with what they                 cultures, orientations and backgrounds
 accomplish at WNC. Rest assured that every gift, contribution and donation that comes to            can thrive. We promote active student
 WNC matters and is an essential part of the work we do with those we serve. The support             engagement through the Associated
 you provide is indispensable and vital to our ability to transform our community through the        Students of Western Nevada, the Latino
 power of education.                                                                                 Cohort, Veterans Resource Center, Disability
                                                                                                     Support Services and other campus groups.
 Thank you for being benefactors to the dreams and goals of our students. Your investment in
 education makes the world a better place for all of us.                                             COMMUNITY
                                                                                                     WNC is a fabric of the community we serve.
 I hope you have an opportunity to learn more about our amazing students, faculty and
                                                                                                     We are committed to making college
 staff through their stories of shared success in the pursuit of a better life. Being able to hear
                                                                                                     possible for those in western Nevada.
 firsthand accounts of how your generosity has helped better someone else’s life can be
                                                                                                     With three campuses in five counties, and
 extremely positive and impactful.
                                                                                                     multiple online degrees and programs, we
 THANK YOU so much for being part of the Western Nevada College family. We are extremely             offer individuals the opportunity to learn
 grateful for all you do.                                                                            while maintaining commitments to work
                                                                                                     and family.

D r. Vincent Solis                                                                                   ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
                                                                                                     Our faculty and staff are among the best.
                                                                                                     They are highly qualified and deeply
 Dr. Vincent Solis, President
                                                                                                     committed to student success and
 Western Nevada College

                                                                                                     TRIED AND TRUE
                                                                                                     For nearly 50 years, WNC has offered
                                SPECIAL POPULATIONS                                                  affordable and quality education in Nevada.

4400                                                                            25.8
                                                                                                     Each year more than 500 students

                                       34%                Minority                                   graduate from Western ready to
                                                                                                     enter the workforce or prepared
                                                                                                     to pursue a bachelor’s degree.
Total Students                            6%                Disability              Average
  Annually                                                                        Student Age
                                          5%             Veterans
                                                                                                     WE ARE WESTERN 2020   3
April 7, 1948 - February 9, 2019
Empowered with a mastery of the optical            house his toys and assorted keepsakes. He had      sky. I was amazed with the creative methods
telescope and a vast encyclopedic knowledge        a unique connection with all the creepy crawly     he employed to demystify the bounteous sky
of the night sky would be an appropriate           creatures of nature and would be upset if you      above. Years later, many of his students would
description of our late colleague and friend,      tried to step on or crush them with a rock. He     drop by the observatory with their children
Red Sumner. Red was a longtime volunteer at        made pets of lizards, scorpions, birds and many    and heartily thank Red for his enriching class,
the WNC Observatory and was the textbook           a deer that visited his yard.                      hoping he would guide them under the stars
example of a humble southern gentleman who                                                            one more time.
lived to be under the night sky. He possessed a    Red had quite an eclectic fancy for “Zydeco”
magical ability and remarkable skill to quickly    music. He would find this unique genre of          Thinking of Red, I am reminded of the poet,
manipulate and center up in the eyepiece of        Cajun, blues and jazz music on the observatory     Walt Whitman’s fanciful words, … “when I
his telescope to observe that distant double       sound system and spend hours imaging all           sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured
star, deep sky nebula or glowing globular          sorts of asteroids, comets and variable stars      with much applause in the lecture-room, how
cluster most amateur astronomers would             while enjoying the warm vibrations of the          soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, till
struggle to find. Many nights under the stars      music he loved. Red was a frequent patron          rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
this amateur astronomer extraordinaire, James      of the opera and would often accompany his         in the mystical moist night-air, and from time to
Edward “Red” Sumner Jr., would use his laser       daughter to see the latest bill of fare in Reno.   time, look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.”
pointer to point out constellations and little
nuances of heavenly objects to many visiting
patrons during star parties at WNC’s Jack C.        “... I wander’d off by myself, in the mystical moist night-air, and
Davis Observatory.
                                                         from time to time, look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.”
Red Sumner was born and raised in Tifton,
Ga., and spent a tour of duty in the Navy. He
                                                                                                                     – Walt Whitman
wound up spending the balance of his life in
the western United States. He eventually would     A few years ago, Red taught a summer evening       Red Sumner has left all of us with a legacy and
bring his wife, Mary, along with their children,   class that became one of the most popular          renewed fascination with the night sky. We
Rachel and David, to Dayton, Nev. There they       and useful courses at the observatory. The         are all in a better place for having known this
built a comfortable home that included Red’s       course was Observational Astronomy and was         elegant and enormously gifted man.
other passions, a cherished vegetable garden       open to anyone interested in learning about
                                                   the rich abundance of our magnificent night        By Robert D. Collier, Emeritus Prof. of Physics, WNC
and a very large garage with lots of room to

Jason’s Destiny
                                                                                  Jason Bertocchi will forever be a beloved son, brother, grandson and
                                                                                  nephew. He will be remembered as joyous, funny and smart.

                                                                                  Through the Jason Bertocchi Memorial Scholarship, Jason’s memory
                                                                                  is kept alive and his mark on this earth will reach far as his scholarship
                                                                                  impacts many individuals. This certainly must have been his destiny.

                                                                                  Our hope is to support others with disabilities, show our support for
                                                                                  their educational aspirations and encourage them to achieve their
                                                                                  goals. We have been able to see Jason through other joyous, funny
                                                                                  and smart individuals as they gain educational success through this

                                                                                  Being a small part of the academic future of these students is
                                                                                  rewarding on so many levels, none of which can be adequately
                                                                                  expressed through words. Seeing the pride in a scholarship recipient
                                                                                  when they receive their degree at the Western Nevada College
                                                                                  Commencement Ceremony and knowing they are going to have a
                                                                                  better opportunity to provide greater contributions to society is the
                                                                                  reason we give.

                                                                                  Bonnie Bertocchi, Jason’s mother and WNC Administrative Faculty Emeritus
                                                                                  Michelle Ketten, Jason’s sister and WNC Foundation Vice-Chair

The Morgans’ Legacy
Freeman and Norma Morgan moved             rodeo grounds on Williams Avenue),
to Fallon in 1948 when Freeman was         served as president, was a member
offered a job as manager of Kent’s         of the masons and served as city
Lumber Yard. Norma took a job as           councilman.
penmanship teacher at Oats Park
School. She also taught girls’ P.E., ran   Norma was active in Lady Lions, Beta
the little library part time, and then     Sigma Phi and the Nevada Library
taught sixth grade before becoming         Association. They both belonged to
full-time librarian at Churchill County    the Navy League. After both retired,
High School, where she remained for        they spent five months every winter
10 years before retiring in 1975.          for 25 years in Kino Bay, Mexico.
                                           Freeman passed away in February
In the 1960s, Freeman became               1998, and Norma in February 2008.
district manager of Southwest Gas
when it brought natural gas to             The Morgans’ legacy lives on through
Fallon and nearby towns. In the ‘60s       their scholarship. Each year, the
they both became pilots, bought a          Freeman F. and Norma F. Morgan
Cessna and flew all over the country.      Scholarship which will be awarded
They were very active in the Fallon        to two Churchill County High School
community. Freeman was active in           graduates pursuing a vocational or
the Lions Club (which at that time ran     technical field of study.
Dry Gulch during Labor Day at the

                                                                                                                                        WE ARE WESTERN 2020    5
WNC Foundation Receives

    2019 Boundary Peak
    Exceptional Nonprofit Award
    from Northern Nevada Development Authority

Northern Nevada Development Authority             this prestigious award! The board of directors      who represent what is possible when there is
honored the WNC Foundation during the             for the WNC Foundation has worked very hard         a vibrant and resilient economic ecosystem
annual NNDA Pioneer Awards & Gala on              over the past few years to support students         supporting their efforts.” Hooper, who
November 7, 2019, at the Atlantis Casino Hotel.   through scholarships, emergency funding             also chairs the WNC Institutional Advisory
WNC Foundation was presented with the 2019        and WNC facility improvements in order to           Council, continued, “NNDA, WNC and WNCF
Boundary Peak Exceptional Nonprofit Award         contribute to workforce development in this         are longtime partners, working together to
by the state-designated regional development      region.”                                            meet the workforce needs of the region’s
authority for Nevada’s Sierra Region: Carson                                                          employers by facilitating workforce education
City, Douglas County, Lyon County, Mineral                                                            opportunities for students and employees.
County and Storey County. WNCF was                                                                    We are proud to assist with WNCF’s Reach for
recognized for extraordinary growth in funding                                                        the Stars and Golf for Education events that
streams from 2016-19, active foundation board                                                         support workforce development here in the
involvement, presence in the community and                                                            Sierra Region.”
support of workforce development initiatives.
                                                                                                      The Boundary Peak Award honors the Exceptional
WNCF went from raising under $500,000                                                                 Nonprofit that has scaled new heights in
in 2016 to over 2.5 million in 2018. In 2019,                                                         providing services to the community it serves.
WNCF awarded over $530,000 in scholarships                                                            This nonprofit has differentiated itself from other
to eligible students. This directly increases                                                         nonprofits in the pursuit of excellence. Also, the
the qualified labor pool by helping residents                                                         organization has had a positive economic impact
of Nevada’s Sierra Region afford workforce                                                            on people and/or the community in creative or
education, in demand skills training and                                                              innovative ways.
industry credentials. The economic impact of
WNCF can be measured by the salaries and          Bob Potts, GoEd deputy director, with Niki Gladys   For more information about the NNDA Pioneer
wages of all the students who have been                                                               Awards and to apply for or submit a nomination,
awarded scholarships by WNCF.                     According to NNDA President & CEO Robert            please visit PioneerAwards.com or contact Maggie
                                                  “Rob” Hooper, “The winners of our NNDA              Scott, NNDA events manager, at 775.624.3960 and
Niki Gladys, WNC Foundation executive             Pioneer Awards are the movers and shakers           mscott@nnda.org
director, said, "We were so honored to receive

6   WE ARE WESTERN 2020                                                                                                  Photo by: Conzachi Photography
2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
Albert V. Lane           Application Support   Bonnie Parnell          Cherrice Dotson       Dorothy Ramsdell
Scholarship              and Development       Scholarship for         Scholarship for       Memorial Veteran
Nayeli Perez-Roque       Scholarship           Community and           Single Moms           Scholarship
Karina Peterson          Cody Lambert          Political Activism      Sarah Campbell        Jake Drescher
Samantha Byassee         Associated Students   Andrew Davalos          City National Bank    Nubia Leon-Lozano
Valree Bias              of Western Nevada     Book NV                 Scholarship           Dr. Eugene
American                 - Carson Campus       Scholarship             Lauren Meeks          Paslov Memorial
Association of           Scholarship           Genesis Bolanos         Click Bond            Scholarship
University Women         Payten Rose           Matthew Wallace         Scholarship           Chayce Beam
(AAUW) Scholarship       Emily Benitez         Taylor Garcia           James Horner          Andrew Davalos
- Capital Branch         Associated Students   Aadra Reed              Daniel Palmer         Dr. Jack L.
Michaela Flick           of Western Nevada     Carson City Emblem      Memorial              Davis Memorial
American Legion          - DACA Student        Club No. 507            Scholarship           Scholarship (WNAS)
Auxiliary #4 Post        Support               Scholarship             Bryan Aguilera        Christine Gleason
9/11/01 Veteran          Julia Cruz            Sarah Brown             Sabrina Thomson       Dr. Walter L.
Scholarship              Nayeli Perez-Roque    Carson City Natives     Daughters of          Dillard Memorial
Nubia Leon-Lozano        Associated Students   & Newcomers Club        the American          Scholarship
James Horner             of Western Nevada     Nursing Scholarship     Revolution John C.    William Chappell
Amor y Compasion         - Rural Student       Hollie Stingle          Fremont Chapter       Eaglemark Savings
Hannah Lyons             Support               Carson Nugget           Scholarship           Bank Scholarship
Julie Phelan             Kayla Villegas        “Always Lost”           Elana Ketchian        Abraham Downes
Aurora De la Torre       Ballardini Single     Veterans                Davison Family        William Chappell
Maria Vicente Becerra    Parent Scholarship    Scholarship             Scholarship           James Horner
Emily Benitez            Michelle Collins      Jake Drescher           Charis Wheeler        Chloe Svensson
Karla Sanchez Ramirez    Bank of America       Carson Valley           Dick Campagni         Eladio Leon
K. Baltazar- Hernandez   Women in STEM         Art Association         Automotive            Memorial
Andy Butti               Lyssa Philippi        Scholarship             Scholarship (Carson   Scholarship
Scholarship              Samantha Unger        Caitlin LaFollette      City Toyota)          Kayla Yount
Kalvin Kimbro            Bessie C. Gilmer      Mina Barnato            Cole Contreras        Foundation
William Gumm             Scholarship           Ashley Brock            Dennis Medina         Endowment
Ann G. Berlin            Ashley Tibbets        Carson Valley           Nova Lumadue          Scholarship
Memorial                 Taylor Brehm          Quilt Guild Art         Ryan Hock             Courtney Butler
Scholarship              Bessie L. Miller      Scholarship             Brent Patterson       Alexandra Hooper
Lilia Marquez            Memorial              Eleanore Acosta         Julia Cruz            Christopher Janus
Anne M. Phillips         Scholarship           Hope Adams              Denton Thom           Rachel Ferguson
Memorial                 Christine Gleason     Catherine “Suse”        Cole Craighead        Hall Family Nursing
Scholarship              Bill LaFollette       Fitz Scholarship        Rebecca Petty         Scholarship
Annie Thompson           Veterans Memorial     Kaimani-Lei Feliciano   Daniel Lopez          Rachael Washington
Annie Johnson            Scholarship           CGI Inc. Scholarship    Dorothy and           Sarah Smith
Elliott Scholarship      Warren Jostad         Trinidad Lozano         Rob Ramsdell
Belen Recalde            Timothy Owens         William Gumm            Scholarship
                                               Russell McIntyre        Christopher Hash
                                               Nathan Hynick           Chanden Tolbert
                                               Alexander Chavez

                                                                                                 WE ARE WESTERN 2020   7
2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
Helen Close Charitable Foundation
Jennifer Rojas
Kattie Lopez
Amanda Moody
Arianna Johnson
Jodie Mcgruer
Hannah Stevenson                       Dana Whaley, general manager of the Campagni Automotive Group, and Niki Gladys, WNC Foundation executive director
Cassandra Hurwitz
Cristina Higgins
Celeste Hopkins
                                       Students Benefit from Campagni Auto Group Scholarships
Steven Veatch                          Carson City Toyota has generously funded                 “Campagni Automotive Group is a true
Helen Devereux Memorial                $5,000 in scholarships for students attending            community partner,” said Niki Gladys, executive
Scholarship                            Western Nevada College. This donation                    director for WNC Foundation. “Their support for
Nubia Leon-Lozano                      is dedicated to helping students who are                 this program will have a lasting, positive impact
                                       pursuing careers in automotive mechanics,                on scholarship recipients and their families.”
Henker Finish Line Scholarship
                                       as well as students pursuing their associate
Brooke Belanger                                                                                 This is the third consecutive year that the
                                       degrees in other academic areas.
Arianna Johnson                                                                                 Campagni Automotive Scholarship will be
Jacob Phillips                         “The Dick Campagni Automotive Scholarship                awarded.
Insurance Agents and Brokers of        was created three years ago to benefit this
                                                                                                In addition to scholarships, the Campagni
Nevada Scholarship (IABNS)             community by offering local students help in
                                       attaining higher education and, with that, their         Automotive Group supports the WNC Golf for
Kathryn Rios
                                       best chance at a successful future,” said Dana           Education tournament with hole-in-one prizes
Isaiah Jarrett
                                       Whaley, general manager of Carson City Toyota.           including a brand new car.
Savana Lehane
Marisol Lopez
Juan Lopez

                                       Valree Bias
Jack C. Davis Memorial Scholarship
Eduardo Garcia
Jack L. Davis Memorial Science
Jennifer Tackitt
Nichole Vonjaeger                      First-Year Nursing Student
Jason Bertocchi Memorial Scholarship   Valree Bias is a first-year nursing student and
Donnell Dike-Anukam                    the recipient of the Albert V. Lane Scholarship,
Nubia Leon-Lozano                      the Lesch Family Scholarship and the Rotary
Jepsen Scholarship                     Club of Carson City Scholarship. She is married
Sarah Brown                            with three children and couldn’t be a prouder
Jim and Nancy Conkey Nursing           parent and wife. Valree has overcome many
                                       obstacles throughout her life, but she has               biking, climbing and all beach activities. Valree
                                       never lost the strength or courage to continue           loves educating and volunteering within
Kayla Biggs                                                                                     her community when time allows. She has
                                       her education. Working as a full-time EMT,
Misty Lawrence                                                                                  participated in the annual Teddy Bear Hospital
                                       being a parent and still successfully managing
Joan I. Shelton Memorial Nursing                                                                where she helps educate children on what
                                       her academics with a 3.76 GPA, Valree proves
Scholarship (NSHE: Fallon Campus                                                                they can expect as a patient. She helps with
                                       she is a superwomen. She is not only breaking
Scholarship Endowment)                 the cycle of becoming the first person in her            the Drug Store Project, which educates
Erica Stritenberger                    family to graduate from college but she is also          sixth-grade students, their parents and
Shauna Hutchings                       first in her immediate family to graduate from           teachers with mock scenarios related to drug
Cierra Worring                         high school.                                             addiction. Valree promises to continue her
Shaina Bryant                                                                                   journey with perseverance, love and resilience.
                                       In any free time Valree can find, she and                Valree Bias proves that hardships only define
                                       her family enjoy camping, skiing, mountain               us if we let them.

2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
                                                       John & Nancy Gaskill Memorial      Michael Calabro Memorial
                                                       Nursing Scholarship                Electronics Award
                                                       Aubrey Northrup                    Christopher Lawrence
                                                       John H. Sheldon Scholarship        Michael Dugan Memorial
                                                       Masih Madani                       Scholarship
                                                       Trinidad Lozano                    Bryanna Timmsen
                                                       Ryan Hock                          Mike Pintar Memorial Scholarship
                                                       Kallie McDonald                    Brittany Stanley
                                                       Kandee Ann Kahn Memorial           Miller-Neverett Scholarship
To the donors of the Anne G. Berlin
Memorial Scholarship,                                  Scholarship for Public Safety      Lesly Sanchez
                                                       Caroline Kusch                     Nancy Mattinson Memorial
Your generosity is inspiring and I hope one day I
will be able to help students achieve their goals
                                                       Karen Priest Memorial              Scholarship
just as you have helped me.                            Scholarship                        Angelita Hensley
                                                       Kallie McDonald                    Nevada Builders Alliance
                                      Lilia Marquez
                                                       Keep Calm and Carry on Nursing     Foundation Scholarship
To the Donors of the Amor y Compasion                  Scholarship in Honor of Sherry     Laura O’Connor
Scholarship,                                           Neil-Urban                         Nevada CPA Society Scholarship
Thank you for helping me further my academic           Veronica Avina Duarte              Diana York
career with your scholarship. My plan is to finish     Kennametal Engineering and         Savana Lehane
at WNC and then continue onto the University of
                                                       Science Scholarship                Taylor Dutcher
Nevada, Reno to attain a bachelor’s degree, and
hopefully a master’s, in Secondary Education.
                                                       Gerardo Blanco                     NV Energy Foundation
Thank you so much again for giving me this             Korean War Veterans Carson City    Scholarship
opportunity.                                           Chapter 305 Nursing Scholarship    Wendy Bullock
                            Karla Sanchez Ramirez      Timothy Owens                      Evan Byassee
                                                       Lane-Morsani Memorial              Taylor Dutcher
To the Donors of the Book NV Scholarship,              Scholarship                        Brian Stanton
I was very worried about how I would be able to        Marie Venegas-Martinez             Daniel Nellis
pay for books this semester. But now, with the         Latino Cohort Scholarship          P.E.O. Sisterhood Scholarship for
Book NV scholarship, I will be able to afford ALL of   Paola Avila                        Women
my books. I am very thankful to be a recipient of      Rubi Chaidez                       Allison Ruck
this scholarship.
                                                       Carlos Ramirez                     Robbiann Reyna
                                         Aadra Reed    Leisure Hour Club Scholarship      Paul Laxalt Scholarship
                                                       Edgar Velez                        Allyson Bliss
To the Donors of the Michael Dugan                     Hannah Corgan                      Davianna Morris
Memorial Scholarship Award,
                                                       Noemi Ortiz                        Quick Space Scholarship
I take pride in the work I have put into my            Lesch Scholarship Endowment        Laura O’Connor
education and receiving this scholarship has
                                                       Fund                               Warren Jostad
inspired me to work even harder. I am very excited
to say that this scholarship will truly help me earn
                                                       Annie Thompson                     Rafaela S. Leon & Annie B. Vicks
my degree. Thank you so very much.                     Valree Bias                        Memorial Scholarship
                                                       Major Kevin Burns Scholarship      Lesly Sanchez
                                 Bryanna Timmsen
                                                       Olivia Capps                       Robert and Joy Pease Memorial
                                                       Marcia Deerfield Women in Trades   Scholarship
                                                       Scholarship                        Joseph Russo
                                                       Jenna Beam                         Emily Benitez
                                                       Marilee Swirczek Memorial          Musibered Torres Perez
                                                       Scholarship                        Gilberto Parra
                                                       Alysia Chadim                      Kayla Villegas

                                                                                                          WE ARE WESTERN 2020   9
Carson City Couple
 gives $500,000
 to support Western
 Nevada College
                                                          “My aunt was constantly on the go;
                                                    there wasn’t much that would keep her down.”
                                                                                               – Jan Leonard

 Western Nevada College students, for
 generations to come, will have Martha
                                                    WNC Foundation Director Niki Gladys
                                                    estimated that over 20 students per year
                                                                                                         No Place Like Carson City
 “Betty” and Clarence Berger to thank for their     will benefit from the generous scholarship           for Bergers
 start in higher education and shaping their        endowment.
                                                                                                         The Bergers were deeply rooted in Carson City.
 professional careers.                              “We are incredibly grateful for the generosity       Betty graduated from Carson High School in
 The Clarence and Martha Berger Trust               of the Bergers,” Gladys said. “This was an           1936 after moving to the area from Wyoming
 Scholarship Endowment was created with             extraordinary gift that will benefit students for    as a high school freshman. Betty and Clarence
 a generous $500,000 donation from the              a very long time. The Bergers planned this gift      were married at First Presbyterian Church
 late Carson City couple through the WNC            as part of their legacy and it’s a great privilege   in 1942. Clarence worked for the U.S. Postal
 Foundation. Betty’s fondness for young             to support their wishes.”                            Service for 33 years and served in the U.S.
 people, in part, may be the reason the large       Betty passed away in late August, just a             Marine Corps following his graduation from
 donation was made.                                 few months shy of her 101st birthday. Her            Carson High in 1930. Betty was an accountant
 “I know that neither Aunt Betty or her husband     preferred name became Betty not long after           with the State of Nevada and also worked in
 attended college, but I also know she took         being born in Huntington, Ind., because her          banking.
 great pride in the accomplishments of her          great aunt, also named Betty, didn’t like that       Their marriage spanned 65 years.
 many nieces and nephews, which include             the newborn wasn’t named after her and               Clarence died at 95 in 2007.
 great, great-great, and great-great-great,” said   began calling her Betty anyway.
 Jan Leonard, a niece of the Bergers.

10   WE ARE WESTERN 2020
Betty Lived Life to the Fullest
Betty remained energetic and active even after
100th birthday. Her strong and independent
personality will be remembered by anyone
who encountered her.
“My aunt was constantly on the go; there
wasn't much that would keep her down,”
Leonard said. “She loved going to yoga well
into her 100th year. She stayed as active
in the community as she could. She loved
volunteering at church.”
                                                 The Clarence and Martha
Leonard said that even macular degeneration
didn’t slow down her Aunt Betty.
                                                 Berger Trust Scholarship
                                                 The Clarence and Martha Berger Trust Scholarship
“My cousin and I had to convince her it was
                                                 Endowment will support students attending Western Nevada
time to give up her driver’s license when
                                                 College who have a financial need. Students can apply for the
she was almost 100,” Leonard said. “That was
                                                 scholarship as well as other scholarships offered through WNC
rough, but it didn't stop her. She would walk
                                                 Foundation at wnc.edu/scholarship.
all over town, much to our dismay, to keep
on the move. We were always worried about
her possibly falling because of her poor
eyesight. We could ask her over and over not
to do things like, go in her basement, climb
on chairs or walk in the heat of the summer,
but she would do it anyway. Her comment
usually was: ‘I've done this for years,’ and I
would remind her that she was now 100 and
shouldn't be doing those things.”
To commemorate Betty’s 100th birthday,
Congressman Mark Amodei presented her
with a flag that had flown from the Capitol
Building and then-Gov. Brian Sandoval sent
her a certificate of recognition.

                                                                                                                 WE ARE WESTERN 2020   11
2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
Robert Bush Memorial
Scholarship                       Finding Purpose
                                  in Prison
Belen Recalde
Roberta Ogden Trease
Memorial Scholarship
Victor Buenrostro
Rotary Club of Carson City
Valree Bias                       A letter from Northern Nevada Correctional Center
Cara Dillon
Soroptimist International of      I am a scholarship recipient at Northern Nevada Correctional Center. I would like to take this
Carson City Nursing Scholarship   opportunity to describe the value of receiving a scholarship to go to college and how it has
Darryl Rush                       changed my life.
Hannah Shaw                       The word that continually comes to my mind as I think about this opportunity is purpose.
Soroptimist International of      Most of us who are incarcerated have no purpose or have lost it along the way. What once
Carson City Sandy Howard          were dreams of successful lives are now dashed by felony records and the stigmas that go
Women In Trades Scholarship       along with them. Being a felon in today’s society only says one thing, failure. We are constantly
Jana Trudell                      reminded of it every time we hear the locking of steel doors before we go to bed at night.
Soroptimist International of      I was one who was haunted by failure until I was informed that I was selected as a scholarship
Carson City Trade & Industry      recipient to take college courses. That information decimated what my environment, society
Scholarship                       and even my own thoughts were telling me. They were saying failure and forgotten, but now
Sabrina Thomson                   working toward a degree at Western Nevada College offers purpose and redemption. The day
Annji Hodorowicz                  I received my scholarship was a game changer for me and I want to thank you for resurrecting
Student Ability Scholarship       what I thought was dead. I have purpose now and the light at the end of the tunnel is
Amy Kiehne                        brighter than it’s ever been.
Testolin Pieretti Family
Christine Gleason
Shannon Roop
Angela Mitchell
Ellie Ramirez
Brianna Massey
The Hope Scholarship
Sarah Brown
April Torok
Thomas W. Waddell STEM
Gary Gamber
Cody Lambert
Unger Diamond Memorial
Lyssa Philippi
Chanden Tolbert
                                  Western Nevada College Prison Education
United Methodist Men’s            Western Nevada College offers college courses within Northern Nevada Correctional Center
Scholarship                       and Warm Springs Correctional Center. Incarcerated students earn scholarships based on
Deborah Wells                     academic potential, good behavior and potential to contribute to the workforce following
Morgan Hart                       release. Scholarship funding comes from a variety of sources including fundraisers held within
                                  the prisons organized by inmates, private donations and limited state funding. People who
                                  receive education or training while incarcerated are substantially less likely to return to prison
                                  following release.

12   WE ARE WESTERN 2020
2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
                                                                                                             Vivian Wilde-Mellow Memorial
                                                                                                             Keely Nolis
                                                                                                             Aleksandra Shand
                                                                                                             Brooke Belanger
                                                                                                             Krystal Booker
                                                                                                             Warde H. Dixon Scholarship
                                                                                                             Aadra Reed
                                                                                                             Caitlin LaFollette
Gerald and Vada, with grandchildren Taylor and Clare Davison                                                 Juan Carrillo

Follow Your Heart
                                                                                                             Nayelli Lara-Gutierrez
                                                                                                             Nubia Leon-Lozano
                                                                                                             Diana Lobato
My father-in-law, Gerald, is the hardest-             Plus, the fact we would have the best-                 Charis Wheeler
working guy I know. He’s 86 and still mows            looking lawn in the neighborhood. The                  Western Nevada College Student
lawns for all the widows in the small town            reality is that they’ll never leave Iowa; their        Leadership Scholarship
where they reside in Northeast Iowa. It’s             life and legacy are entrenched where they              Rebekah Orozco
tough to get my in-laws to visit Carson City          live. This Walmart investment now plays a              Jarod Lyon
in the summer, as Gerald doesn’t let the              part of their legacy planning.                         Cesia Enriquez
“grass grow under his feet.” My mother-in-
                                                      Investments can be a great way to gift                 Jana Trudell
law, Vada, lives an active yet simple life. Her
                                                      because of the tax benefits a charitable               Sierra Udey
joy is to visit her grandchildren; she’ll travel
                                                      institution can create. From a tax                     Kaitlyn McDonald
without Gerald but misses him dearly when
she does. If ever there was a couple that was         perspective, there can be real advantages              Hannah Carr
meant to be together, it is them. They create         to gifting the investment instead of cashing           Lance Turnham
joy in the simplest of things, and it’s hard to       out and donating what’s left after the                 James Wilsey
not enjoy being around them.                          “taxman cometh.”                                       Valerie Ganley
                                                                                                             Western Nevada College Talent
           “They create joy in the simplest of things.”                                                      Grant Scholarship
                                                                                                             Sebastian Athie
                                                   – Sean Davison, on Gerald and Vada
                                                                                                             Hayden Breiter
                                                      This move enables you to increase                      Ben Larkin
Early on in Nancy’s and my marriage, I
helped Vada set up her employer’s stock               deductions, minimize tax liabilities and               Quentin Powers
purchase program. Vada worked for Walmart             maximize the non-profit benefit. At WNC                Ethan Spier
for 17 years in order to earn mad money               we utilize local investment providers to               Justyce Quintana
and to visit and spoil her grandchildren. She         manage our portfolio as well as to execute             William G. Smith Memorial
never missed the deduction for Walmart                these investment donations in a professional           Scholarship
stock, never paid attention to how the                manner. Please contact Niki Gladys at the              Robbiann Reyna
                                                      WNC Foundation office if interested in
investment was growing, always reinvested                                                                    William N. Pennington Nursing
the dividends, and quite frankly was more             learning more about how you may build
                                                                                                             Scholarship Class of 2020
focused on the lifelong employee discount!            your legacy by leveraging investments.
                                                                                                             Megan Kerrigan
Now she owns near six-figure amounts of                                                                      Timothy Owens
                                                      You should consult your tax adviser
Walmart stock with significant capital gain
                                                      regarding your personal situation and not              Payten Rose
implications if she ever sells.
                                                      consider this article as tax advice. You may           Nzonge Ekane
I’d like Gerald and Vada to consider moving           consider this article a recommendation to              Jenny Anderson
to Carson City so that Nancy and I could              have your resources follow your heart and to           Jason Rhoden
take care of them in the later stages of              make an impact that focuses on the simple              Heide Tapia
elderhood.                                            joys in life.
                                                                                                             Caitlynn Dennis
                                                                                                             Christine Herman
Sean Davison is the finance chair for the WNC Foundation. His family funds the Davison Family Scholarship,
supporting students attending WNC who have recently graduated from Sierra Lutheran High School.

                                                                                                                          WE ARE WESTERN 2020   13
2019-20 Scholarship Recipients
Chelsea Bartlett
Cara Dillon

                                 Women in
Cammi Whitaker
Courtney Clay
Britney Shine
Amanda Robinson
Shaina Bryant

Steven Veatch
Taylor Good
Jessica Trivitt
Dobnei Remington
Shauna Hutchings
Cassandra Enbody                 As a young single mother, Marcia Deerfield was
Aubrey Northrup                  working as an insurance clerk to support her family. “It
Alexander Angelo                 was not me. Not only was I barely making it from check to
Paige McGinley                   check, it was killing my soul,” Marcia said. Marcia knew her skills
Mario Chicas                     were not being used to their full potential, yet she saw little room
Deborah Wells                    for growth in her current position in the insurance industry.
Guadalupe Leon                   Industrious by nature, Marcia made ends meet using her limited knowledge
Morgan Hart                      of electronics, teaching herself to do things like fix her own car when it gave
Hollie Stingle                   out because she couldn’t afford to take it to the shop.
Woody Wurster Machine Tool       “I felt like I had to take what life was throwing at me rather than being able to choose
Scholarship                      what I wanted,” she said.
Russell McIntyre
                                 One day, she got lucky while riding the bus to work. A fellow rider told her about a job at San
Zola Scholarship
                                 Francisco Municipal Railway. The position was for an electrical mechanic working on electric
Charis Wheeler                   buses and trolleys. But, the idea of quitting her job, taking a chance and trusting in herself was
                                 frightening. “Sometimes a known hell is more comfortable than making a big jump,” Marcia
                                 said. But, she applied for the job anyway and landed the position. Marcia started as an electrical
                                 mechanic and eventually worked her way up, becoming a foreman.
                                 “Yes, it was hard, especially at first while “earning my stripes”. As the first and only woman
                                 mechanic, I did take a lot of crap,” Marcia remembered. But, she truly enjoyed the work and
                                 the job was good to her and her family, providing a healthy income and even a pension. “It
                                 allowed me to choose where my life was going and opened the world to me.” Marcia has now
                                 established the Marcia Deerfield Women in Trade Scholarship to encourage women to go into
                                 the trades. “The money is great. Tradespeople are needed. I want to allow other women a similar
                                 opportunity to grow, to choose,” Marcia said.

14   WE ARE WESTERN 2020
William N. Pennington Foundation
Career and Technical Education Scholarship
In recognition of the shortage of skilled labor within the local workforce, the William N. Pennington Foundation offers this generous scholarship
for students pursuing certificates or degrees related to fields of study that are in high demand with local employers including welding, automotive
mechanics, manufacturing and machining. This scholarship aims to improve the well-being of our community by offering students with financial need
the opportunity to redefine their careers and ultimately their lives by learning the skills necessary to obtain meaningful employment.

2019-20 Academic Year Recipients
Anthony Abuan                 Alejandro Gomez                Anthony Llamas                Andres Ortiz                   Jerry Sanchez
Alexa Abuan                   Margarita Gomez-               Natalie Loza                  Claudia Pacheco                Jessica Scott
Cassandra Achenbach           Zepeda                         Trinidad Lozano               Olivia Parkerson               Kayla Simmons
Elaine Adams                  Christopher Gonzalez           Nova Lumadue                  Trevor Pastones                Sarah Stokes
Will Adamson                  Austin Gordon                  Wyatt Lund                    Tshaquille Pe’a                Philip Swirsky
Steve Allocco                 Taylor Grant                   Jarod Lyon                    Christopher Perdue             Fidel Toledo
Melanie Anguiano              Manuel Guerrero                Hannah Lyons                  Kyle Perkins                   William Toohey
Jenna Barlly                  Autumn Guichelaar              Emilio Magana                 Anthony Pisani                 Thi Cam Hong Tran
Gerardo Blanco                William Gumm                   Michaelray Mcclendon          Charles Pitcock                Sarah Tyler
Kerry Brady                   Catherine Hadlock              Kyle McDougal                 Judith Polahar                 Christian Vargas
Kailey Brauer                 Devin Hamilton                 Mackenzie McFarlane           Kealani Porfido                Robert Vega
Jacob Brier                   Beau Hansen                    Dennis Medina                 Matthew Premo                  William Ventura
Brandon Burgess               Claudia Harkins                Joshua Melia                  Celeste Quinn                  Humberto Vera Caro
Tyler Calhoun                 Britney Henderson              Kyle Mello                    Randi Riede                    Nicole Vilanova
Levi Carter                   Heather Hensler                Jorge Mendez-Silis            Victor Robertson               Andrew Voss
Claire Cerruti                Carissa Hernandez              Stephanie Mendoza             Taylor Rodriguez               Phillip Ware
Edith Cervantes Mejia         Angel Hernandez Diaz           Nathan Mersino                Evangelina Romero              Haley Wierschem
Garrett Chappell              Sean Hilterbrandt              Samantha Miller               Miguel Ruelas                  Wyatt Workman
Connor Chech                  Chloe Holden                   Sarah Minkle                  Eunice Ruelas                  C. Wright-Monroe
Shelby Chitren                Kamilla Horn                   Angela Minyard                Lesly Sanchez                  Kayla Yount
Melissa Conner                James Horner                   Amanda Moody                  Christopher Sanchez
Cole Contreras                Zachary Houghton               Hannah Mora
Patrick Cox                   Johnson Iroegbu                Keith Mueller
Willie Crowder                Megan Jackson                  Blanca Munoz-Negrete
Rosario Davalos-Salazar       Emily Jaeger                   Mariela Murillo
Steve Deuel                   Vanessa Jensen                 Christian Nemeth
Deborah Devoss                Jorgen Jeppesen                Ngoc Bao Nguyen
Clara Dunbar                  Brandon Jones                  Paul Niedermeyer
Tucker Elverum                Warren Jostad                  Nataly Ochoa
Alexceah Emm                  Clifford Joy                   Beverly Olivares
M. Esmaeilisarbaghi           Baylee Kluever                 Angel Orozco Quintana
N. Esquivias Gutierrez        Noah Kluvers
Heidi Falconer                Sarah Krites
Sydney Fordyce                Kaylee Krupp
Eric Foster                   Christopher Kuhn
Elijah Freitas                Tony Lamendola
Leticia Fuentes               Elizabeth Ledbetter
Jesus Garcia                  Camille Lind
Tyler Gillette                Jamie Lindsey

                                                                                                                                WE ARE WESTERN 2020   15
New Scholarships awarded
 through Western Nevada College Foundation
 WNC Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of several new scholarships. These scholarships have been generously donated by local
 businesses, private foundations and community members with the goal of improving our community through education. If you are interested in
 starting a scholarship in memory of a loved one, recognizing the accomplishments of a community member or, simply, elevating education within our
 community, please contact the WNC Foundation office at (775) 445-3240.

 Marcia Deerfield Women in Trade Scholarship                                  Rotary Club of Carson City Foundation Scholarship
 Each year, a female student pursuing a non-traditional, vocational career    The Rotary Club of Carson City Foundation scholarship is a four-year
 will be awarded a $500 scholarship. Preference is given to students in       scholarship in the amount of $12,000, awarded to a Carson City resident
 their second year of study who are struggling to meet their financial        who has declared a major or degree program leading to an associate or
 obligations. This scholarship has been created by Marcia Deerfield to        baccalaureate degree. The awardee must be a full-time student with 12
 support women in the trades. Ms. Deerfield enjoyed a successful and          or more units per semester. The student must demonstrate a minimum
 fulfilling vocational career and is excited about supporting other women     level of academic performance (3.0 or better GPA) and maintain
 in their career endeavors.                                                   continuous enrollment during the four-year period. The Rotary Club of
                                                                              Carson City formed in 1938 and has been awarding local scholarships
 Bank of America STEM Scholarship                                             and supporting other community projects since inception.
 This scholarship supports two female students pursuing associate
 degrees related to science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).          Taylor Bushek Memorial Scholarship
 Each student will receive a scholarship of $3,000.                           This $500 scholarship was founded by Professor Emily Howarth in
                                                                              memory of her student, Taylor Bushek. “Taylor was a delightful and
 Bank of America Second Chance Scholarship                                    talented student whose life was simply too short. By starting this
 Fifteen incarcerated students will benefit from receiving a scholarship      scholarship, I hope to encourage others to complete the degree that
 allowing two college-level courses taught in Warm Springs Correctional       Taylor began,” Howarth said. This scholarship supports one Jump
 Center or Northern Nevada Correctional Center. Incarcerated veterans         Start College student pursuing a degree or certificate related to
 are given preference. The goal of this program is to offer inmates an        manufacturing.
 opportunity to learn a trade that will help prevent a return to prison
 following their release.                                                     Freeman F. and Norma F. Morgan Scholarship
                                                                              Each year, this $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to two graduating
 Nancy Mattinson Memorial Scholarship                                         high school seniors from Churchill County. The scholarship was created
 This $2,500 per year scholarship was created by Dick Mattinson in            from the estate of Freeman and Norma Morgan with the goal of
 memory of his wife, Nancy Mattinson. Each year, the scholarship will         encouraging Churchill County youth to pursue their education. Students
 provide funding to a female student who is returning to school after         focused in a technical or vocational field of study will be given priority.
 taking a year or more educational hiatus.
                                                                              Jepsen Scholarship
 Soroptomist International Carson City Sandy Howard                           The Jepsen Scholarship is a four-year scholarship in the amount of
 Women in Trades Scholarship                                                  $12,000, awarded through the Carson City Rotary Club on behalf of
 Soroptimist International of Carson City, a women’s organization,            Robert and Barbara Jepsen, longtime residents of Carson City. The
 presents the Soroptimist International of Carson City Sandy Howard           scholarship guidelines are consistent with those of the Rotary Club of
 Women in Trades Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. This scholarship        Carson City Foundation including the scholar must maintain continuous
 is available to a female student working toward a degree or certificate      enrollment during the four-year period and the scholar must demonstrate
 in Automated Systems, Automotive Mechanics, Construction, General            a minimum level of academic performance (3.0 or better GPA).
 Industrial Technology, Machine Tool or Welding.

 If you’d like to contribute funding for any of the scholarships listed above, you can do so through the WNC Foundation web page at
 wnc.edu/foundation by clicking the “Make a Donation” button, clicking on “Scholarships” and writing the name of the scholarship you’d like to fund
 in the description line. Or, you can call the Foundation office at (775) 445 3240.

16   WE ARE WESTERN 2020
Pay it Forward
Recently, I had a conversation with one of my       met. They believe so deeply in education that
dear friends about taking risks and the payoffs     they provide students the means to attend
that result. My friend credits his success to       Western Nevada College. This generosity is
being a very lucky person. I inquired as to         truly awe-inspiring.
why he thinks that is. He told me he’s made
big, bold decisions in his career and in his        Students, as you peruse this magazine
personal life that have led to great results. He    in search of your name, I hope you will
firmly believes his choices will always work        remember the families, businesses and
out for him. Our conversation made me think         foundations that made education possible for
about all the decisions that have led us to         you through your scholarship. I hope you will
WNC. Our students chose to invest their future      make the decision to follow in the footsteps                         Please consider taking a tour of WNC and
with the belief that WNC would improve their        of our WNC donors, get involved and “pay it                          see for yourself how we are developing
long-term prospects, both personally and            forward”. I hope someday soon you create your                        the workforce of today and tomorrow.
professionally. The decision to make sacrifices     own scholarship or contribute to a current                           Schedule a tour with the Foundation office at
in the short term in order to invest in yourself    scholarship. One person can make a difference.                       775.443.3239.

                                                                                                                         Carol McInt
is incredibly courageous. And, the decision         Please consider the impact that you can have
to invest in someone else is even more              on another person, and the ripple effect your
so. Scholarship donors create educational           investment in them will have personally,
                                                                                                                         Carol McIntosh
opportunities for individuals they have never       professionally and in our community.
                                                                                                                         Chair, WNC Foundation

What inspires you to give to WNC?
WNC scholarship donors choose to give for various reasons, and everyone’s story is unique. We’d love to hear your story
and learn why you’ve made the choice to make a difference for our students. Your story could be featured in next year’s
Scholarship Celebration magazine.

Niki Gladys                                                     FOUNDATION OFFICE
Executive Director, WNC Foundation                              (775) 445-3240
(775) 445-3239 • (775) 527-5794 • niki.gladys@wnc.edu

The Western Nevada College Foundation is a         WNC Foundation makes giving simple:
Nevada corporation and IRS designated 501(c)(3)    ❏ Make a donation to support WNC Foundation’s mission of inspiring achievement in students.
tax exempt organization formed to strengthen our
                                                   ❏ Form a restricted scholarship in the amount of your choice; $3,000 covers one year of tuition, scholarships start at $500.
community through educational scholarships and
support for our college. Your generous donation    ❏ Become a friend of the WNC Foundation by making a 3-year pledge of $1,000 or more annually for needed student services.

may be tax deductible.                             ❏ Establish an endowment account to create continued support for WNC and local students with a minimum and principal
                                                     donation of $10,000, held in perpetuity.
Federal Tax # 880283783                            ❏ Donate to support your favorite program:

                                                      __ Workforce Development               __ Emergency Fund                      __ Honors Program           __ WNC Library
Donate Online at www.wnc.edu/foundation/
                                                      __ Jack C. Davis Observatory           __ President’s Fund for Excellence     __ Latino Cohort            __ Other

Checks payable to:
                                                   Gift amount:       ❏ $1000             ❏ $500                ❏ $250                   ❏ $100                 ❏ Other
WNC Foundation
                                                                      ❏ Please keep my gift anonymous

Donation in memory of:                             Payment options:
                                                   ❏ Enclosed check         ❏ Credit Card (select one)          ❏ Visa            ❏ AMEX            ❏ MC           ❏ Discover
                                                   Credit Card #__________________________________________ Exp. Date______________________ CVC_____________

                                                   Name on Card_________________________________________ Signature_______________________ Date____________

                                                                                                                                                          WE ARE WESTERN 2020     17
WNC Foundation
                                          Choose to Make a Difference
                                  Officers                                                             Staff
                            Carol McIntosh, Chair                                            Niki Gladys, Executive Director
                          Michelle Ketten, Vice Chair                                   Tiandra Rushing, Development Specialist
                       Sean Davison, Secretary/ Treasurer                            Jordan Smoczyk, Grant Writer and Coordinator

                                                                 Board of Trustees
             Jesus Ampudia                    Larry Goodnight                Darcy Houghton                         Robert Ramsdell
               Jeff Brigger                    Lisa Granahan                    Sena Loyd                           Devin Sizemore
              Barb D’Anneo                    Kathy Halbardier                  Lane Mills                          Rochelle Tisdale
             Ronele Dotson                      Tina Holland                  Kerstin Plemel                           Julie Wood
               Scott Fields                   Miranda Hoover                  Doug Raftery                          Stacy Woodbury

                                                            New to the WNC Foundation Board

     Tina Holland          Miranda Hoover                   Lane Mills      Doug Raftery           Devin Sizemore          Stacy Woodbury

18   WE ARE WESTERN 2020

We're a private company
with unbeatable prices.

                               WNC Foundation
  Proud supporters of
 Western Nevada College           Mission
                              WNC Foundation develops
                                resources in support of
                          Western Nevada College by creating
                               community partnerships,
      775-359-4688          encouraging philanthropy and
  quickspacenevada.com       strengthening relationships
                             between the college and the
                                communities it serves.

                                                   WE ARE WESTERN 2020   19
2020 EVENTS                                                                                                                                 BENEFITING WNC AND ITS STUDENTS

Supporting Academics
Celebrate under the stars at the fifth annual
black-tie gala. Enjoy cocktails, dinner and dancing
to live music in the most unique venue in the area.
Located up on the mountainside, WNC offers a
spectacular view of the city and the opportunity
to stargaze through state of the art telescopes.
Featuring both live and silent auctions and many
more fun surprises, Reach for the Stars promises
you an evening to remember! Tickets and
sponsorships now available.

                                                                                                                                    F O R                                           E D U C AT I O N

Toiyabe Golf Club • 19 Lightning W Ranch Rd, Washoe Valley

Supporting Workforce Development
Join community leaders, local businesses and WNC students for this fun-filled
day of golf! Featuring tee prizes, BBQ lunch, awards ceremony, raffle prizes,
hole-in-one prizes, team photos and much more! Funds support WNC, with a
focus on programs that contribute to building a strong local workforce.

              Golf fororEducation
Reserve your sponsorship foursome today!

                                                                                     EVENT INFORMATION
                                                                            775-445-3240 • www.wnc.edu/foundation
WNC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, gender identity or expression, sexual-orientation, protected veteran status, genetics, or religion in its programs and activities and provides equal access to facilities to all. Inquiries concerning the
application of non-discrimination policies may be referred to: Title IX coordinator: (775) 445-3219, Western Nevada College, 2201 West College Parkway, Carson City, NV 89703. For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit http://wdcrobolp01.ed.gov/CFAPPS/OCR/
contactus.cfm for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481. (Rev 09/16)

20      WE ARE WESTERN 2020
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