We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal

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We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
We Build Dreams

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                                     Silver Sponsor
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
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2   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                                                                                                  Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
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We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
207 N Boone St, Suite 12
                                                                                                             Johnson City, TN 37604
                                                                                                               (O) 423-282-2561
                                                                                                               (F) 423-283-8805
                                                                                                             Website: www.jcahba.org
                                                                                                              Executive Committee                        1
                                                                                                                     David Isaacs
                                                                                                                      President                          W

                                                                                                                    Will Crumley                         D
                                                                                                                Senior Vice President

                                                                                                                     Alan Smith                          J
                                                                                                               Vice President Finance                    t
                                                                                                                  Edwin Williams                         g
                                                                                                              Associate Vice President

                                                                                                                 Michael Garland                         M
                                                                                                              Immediate Past President                   C
                                                                                                                     Committee                           f
                                                                                                        Will Crumley: Foxfire Development,               a
                                                                                                                       Chairman                          t
                                                                                                              Mary Lou Bakker: Private                   A
                                                                                                        John Deakins: Deakins Enterprises
                                                                                                            Jeff Derby: Derby Publishing                 W
                                                                                                       Angel Hicks: Richards Building Supply             a
                                                                                                         David Isaacs: Isaacs Pools & Spas               c
                                                                                                         Kristy Weber: Property Executives
                                                                                                              Pat Weber: Ingenuity, LLC                  W
    Welcome Letter                                                                                          Edwin Williams: Zen Hammer
                                                                                                       Austin Willis: Prendergast Construction           S
                                                                                                       Katie Willis: Prendergast Construction
      It is my distinct honor and privilege to   and was created                                                                                         J
    introduce you to the Johnson City Area       to be your
    Home Builders Association’s newest
    publication: Builders’ Brand.
                                                 resource for all
                                                 things housing.
                                                                                                                Board of Directors
                                                                                                                 Builder Directors
                                                                                                                    Tyler Begley
      To say that 2020 has been a challenging    In addition to                                                  Ethan Buckingham                        D
    year is an understatement. All of us have    being a directory                                                 John Deakins                          2
                                                                                                                     Tim Hicks
    been affected by the pandemic in one way     for members of                                                     Pat Weber, III
    or another. Builders’ Brand was, in part,    the JCAHBA, it                                                     Austin Willis
    born because of these challenges.            features some of                                                    Katie Willis
    This year was the year the JCAHBA was        the area’s best
                                                                                                               Associate Directors
    going to bring back the popular Builders’    contractors for                                                     Angel Hicks
    Showcase of Homes to showcase the            anything from        David Isaacs                                 Aaron Jamerson
    beautiful homes, remodels, and devel-        the construction                                                 Wendy McIlquham
    opments of our region’s top builders,        of a custom home to the landscaping.                               Bryan Mullins
    sub-contractors, and developers.               We hope you find Builders’ Brand                                 Jamie Pealer
                                                                                                                    Adam Walton
      Because of the shutdowns and other         helpful in your search for qualified con-
    local and state mandates, people have        tractors. Please remember the Johnson
    been spending more time at home and,         City Area Home Builders Association is a                          Life Directors
                                                                                                              Paul Walton, CAPS, CGP
    consequently, are looking to update their    resource for your new home build or your
    outdoor and indoor spaces. The shortage      next home improvement project. For                              Executive Director
    of supply created by shutdowns and           more information, please visit our website                         Lisa Luster
    regulations and the high demand for new      at jcahba.org.
    homes and home renovations made it                                                                    Building the Foundation for a
    difficult to both schedule and have homes    Respectfully,                                           Stronger Community Since 1969
    completed for the Builders’ Showcase of      David Isaacs
    Homes.                                       2020 President of the JCAHBA
      Builders’ Brand solved the problem,

4   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                            Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
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jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                         October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   5
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
October 2020
                                                               Welcome by JCAHBA................................................................4
                                                               Good News on the “Home Front”.........................................8
                                                               A Positive Trend for our Region........................................... 12
                                                               On Trend Kitchen and Bath....................................................14
                                                               What to Consider Before Remodeling.............................. 16
                                                               Member Profiles........................................................................ 21
                                                               Three Things First Time Homebuyers Should Know...36
                                                               How to Choose a Home Builder........................................ 38
                                                               How to Banish Pet Odors from a Home.......................... 40
                                                               JCAHBA Membership Directory...........................................41
                                                               Hardwood Flooring, An Investment that Lasts.............. 46
                                                               ‘2020 Builders’ Brand’ published by Derby Publishing
                                                               Front Cover Home by Ingenuity, LLC

          The Johnson City Area Home Builders’ Association wishes to thank our major sponsors listed
                    below for their support in making the ‘2020 Builders’ Brand’ possible.

                                             Presenting Sponsor

                            Elite Sponsors                                   Silver Sponsors

6   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                  Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
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jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                                    October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   7
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
Good news on the
    “Home Front”
    By Don Fenley

    A    fter a slow, soggy start, Washington County’s new home
         market blazed its way through an economy brought to
    its knees by a global pandemic into one of its best years in
                                                                      sold all the lots before we broke ground on the development.
                                                                      I’ve never seen that before.”
                                                                         Wolfe also affirmed demand for a new home in the multiple
    decades. Builders are now struggling to keep up with the          price market seems to be doing equally well. “The lower the
    demand for products that range from those targeted to first-      price point, the more quickly you see things sell,” he added.
    time and step-down buyers to luxury homes.                           Will Crumley, Foxfire Builders, agrees. He says the secret
       The annual Builders’ Showcase of Homes Open House (Oct.        about the quality of life in Northeast Tennessee is out.
    25) plans to feature examples of what has buyers clamoring        Demand was cooking before COVID-19, he said. Now it’s very
    for more. There’s the possibility of buyers snapping up some      high. Crumley said about 75 percent of his customers are
    of the showcase homes before the event begins.                    moving from outside the area. “They’re looking for outdoor
       Record low-interest rates, an unleashed work from any-         opportunities and quality of life.” One recent West Coast
    where trend, a dramatic inventory shortage, and as strange as     transplant said he was working from his new home, making
    it may sound - the pandemic - are major drivers of the housing    California money while living with a Johnson City cost of
    market’s explosive growth. It has thrown into sharp relief just   living and quality of life.
    how important a home is to an individual and family’s safety         Crumley builds luxury and starter homes. But the niche he
    and well-being. Local buyers whose new home plans were            finds very satisfying is finding and securing infill lots then
    stymied by the pandemic returned with a vengeance when the        building in the city. “I see opportunity in working with people
    initial economic shock had passed. The pandemic was also a        who like and want to move into the city.” They want to be near
    magnet drawing more traffic to the Tri-Cities. Many who felt      downtown, and all of the things city living has to offer.
    the need to escape hard-hit areas jumped to take advantage of        Crumley is also active in upgrades and remodeling. Cur-
    what the local market has to offer.                               rently, he’s doing a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. People are
       Kelly Wolfe, Wolfe Development, sums the surge this way.       spending more time at home, and they want to improve what
    “They look at our market and see incredible natural beauty, a     they have, he said.
    very stable low cost of living, a low crime environment, and a       Tyler Begley, JTB Construction, is an example of one of the
    much lower level of COVID-19 outbreak than other areas. We        area’s new builders. He launched his business seven years ago
    present a more stable environment.”                               and has been developing cottage homes in Princeton Gardens
       Much of Wolfe’s focus is in the Jonesborough area. The only    and a couple of custom homes in Gray. When interviewed
    headwind he sees is the lack of inventory. “We haven’t been       in late September, Begley said he was planning to start four
    able to build homes fast enough,” he said.                        more spec homes. When asked about how fast consumers are
       “We’re getting ready to start a subdivision in which I have    buying new homes, he said most of his “never hit the market.”
8   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                          Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
They sell before they’re finished. “Everyone is so busy now,
    and the backlog is big.”
       Pat Weber, of Ingenuity LLC, agrees. Half of Weber’s effort
    is devoted to custom homes. The other half on spec products.
    	 “The market is very strong, and there’s a lot of people mov-
    ing here from California, Florida, New York, North Carolina,
    and Virginia. All of them are looking for a low-tax, calm place
    to retire. There’s so much demand I’m turning away business
    because I can’t get to all of it.”
       At mid-year, new home permits in Washington County were
    running nine percent higher than the first half of 2019. It’s a
    respectable increase but doesn’t reflect current conditions.
    This year’s spring was one of the wettest on record, which cost
    builders the early start to the building season they wanted.
    Since then, permit activity has picked up for single-family
    detached homes. There has also been a surge of townhome
    permits. For the last four years, Washington Co. has added an
    average of 400 new homes a year. That’s a little less than half
    of the number of new homes added in the three years before
    the Great Recession.
       At mid-year, there were 17 Washington Co. permits for
    high-end homes, according to the Market Edge. It defines
    high-end homes as those with 4,000 or more sq. feet of space
    or a construction cost of $400,000 or more. The demand for
                                                                      Two-bedroom homes are now becoming more popular attracting
    both new and used luxury and high-end homes has increased         step down and first-time home buyers.
    in the past year across the region and Washington Co. domi-
    nates that market niche. Some of that can be attributed to the
    Tri-Cities region getting some spillover from the bordering                                               SEE HOME FRONT, 10

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jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                                                   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   9
We Build Dreams 2020 - Elite Sponsor - The Business Journal
     North Carolina mountain areas, which are one of the top          There is also increased demand for home offices and
     second-home and vacation home markets in the nation.           bedrooms that can be easily transitioned from a bedroom to
        The Census Bureau’s August year-to-date building permit     an office. Think Murphy Beds.
     count for the three-county Johnson City Metropolitan Sta-        Crumley says builders are sensitive to the needs of their
     tistical Area (MSA) lists 133 permits for single                              customers, and there are a lot of creative uses
     unit housing compared to 100 for the first eight                              of flex space in new homes throughout the
     months of 2019. The MSA includes Carter,                                      region.
     Washington, and Unicoi counties.                      “They look at           The 2021 outlook?
        The permit valuation is $22.1 million                                         As an example of the current demand,
     compared to $19.2 million for the same period       our market and Johnson City Area Home Builders Association
     last year. The surge of multifamily permits           see incredible          Executive Director Lisa Luster says she re-
     brought this year’s year-to-date total to 364                                 cently received 12 calls in one day from people
     compared to 146 last year. The value listed for     natural beauty... wanting to build in the area and this has stayed
     those permits was $28.8 million compared to            We present a           consistent for several months.
     $23.4 million for the first eight months of 2019.                                Local builders are optimistic. Like builders
     Washington Co. typically accounts for about 80          more stable           across the U.S., they’re struggling with in-
     percent of the new home permits in the MSA.          environment.”            creasing materials costs and cost increases due
        Another new niche is the demand for                                        to mandated codes adoptions. Lumber is the
     two-bedroom homes. At one time, a two-bed-                                    current hot-button issue.
     room home was the kiss of death for sales.             – Kelly Wolfe             Weber says the bottom line is, “It’s the
     That’s not the case anymore, according to Wolfe                               residential construction industry’s turn to be
     and Crumley. They’re attracting step-down                                     in a great building environment. We’re always
     buyers and first-time buyers. The price point                                 taking a hit when things go bad. Now, it’s our
     attracts first-time buyers. Step-down buyers                                  turn to be out front.”
     who are used to and want things like bigger baths and closets
     are drawn to the two-bedroom footprint because “you can give
     them that when you eliminate the third bedroom,” Wolfe said.

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10   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                        Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   11
Influx of calls may be the start of a positive trend for our region
      By Dave Ongie

      I  n recent months, the volume of phone calls to the Johnson City
         Area Homebuilders Association has increased dramatically.
         Lisa Luster, Executive Director of the JCAHBA, said folks have
      been calling from such far-flung locales as California, Arizona,
      Chicago, Florida and upstate New York. The calls are pouring in
      from folks of all ages interested in relocating to our region, and
      they call Luster looking for information on having custom homes
      built or finding professionals to do extensive remodeling work to
      existing homes to suit their individual needs.
         “I can honestly say I have never had this many phone calls
      from people that want to move here from out of the area,” Luster
      said. “The last three months have been unprecedented.”
         There really isn’t a lot of data available to help quantify the
      size and scope of this new phenomenon. Most of the information
      Luster has gleaned is anecdotal, but this much is clear – there is    the big city.
      an increased desire among folks of all ages to move to our region       It is the best of both worlds, so to speak, and the prospect has
      to enjoy our natural beauty and low cost of living.                   driven many folks online to search for scenic locales with a lower
         While our region has always been an attractive destination for     cost of living. Luster has been amazed that many of the people
      retirees, Luster is receiving inquiries from younger folks sud-       calling have never set foot in our region and are drawn to the
      denly unshackled from the office buildings they worked in prior       area based solely on the information they’ve found online.
      to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the start of the pandemic,              The Chamber of Commerce serving Johnson City, Jones-
      working remotely has become more widely accepted, which has           borough and Washington County has also noticed an uptick in
      left many professionals pondering the concept of working for a        phone calls similar to inquiries Luster has received. Chamber
      big-city business without having to live within driving distance of   CEO Bob Cantler said word of mouth also seems to be playing a

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12    Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                               Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
role in attracting folks to our region.                                  “Johnson City, Jonesborough, and Washington County are
       “At the Chamber, we have been amazed at the number of fam-         being discovered as a great place to live,” Cantler said. “As a
    ilies visiting the area to look at relocating here and the amount     community, we need the growth and prepare to sustain our sense
    of people moving here and even purchasing homes just from a           of community as our population increases.”
    virtual tour,” Cantler said. “Many of the inquiries we have seen
    reflect families looking to move that have a connection with the
    area, such as a child attending ETSU or Milligan. Also, there is a
    movement from their friends who have moved here and shared
    the benefits of East Tennessee with excellent schools, low costs
    compared to other locations, and the beauty of the region.”
    Likewise, the Johnson City Convention and Visitors Bureau has
    seen an increase in traffic on its website from those looking to
    retire here and young professionals looking to possibly relocate
    to our region.
       “Between shutdowns and working from home, COVID-19 has
    people evaluating where they live with a new lens,” said Brenda
    Whitson, Executive Director of the CVB. “Our region has lower
    case numbers than urban areas, plenty of space to spread out,
    tons of outdoor opportunities and safe experiences for people
    of all ages. On top of that, we offer a low cost of living and high
    quality of life. So you can get the big-city amenities without the
    hassle, cost and traffic.”
       Sensing the emerging trend, the CVB is planning to launch
    an ad campaign designed to invite young professionals, families
    and retirees from nearby metro areas to relocate to our region.
    Cantler is hopeful this trend will translate into growth without
    sacrificing the charm and tight-knit sense of community our
    region is known for.

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                                                        October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   13
On-Trend kitchen and bath upgrades
     K    itchens and bathrooms remain among the top picks for
          homeowners looking to upgrade because their functional
     contributions to the household can’t be overstated and they
     typically provide high return on investment.
       If you’re considering a renovation project for either in-demand
     space, consider some of these on-trend ideas from Doug King,
     CR, MBA, owner of King Contracting, Inc. and president of the
     National Association of the Remodeling Industry.

        Bigger functional spaces. Not only do many kitchen reno-
     vations result in added square footage, they also add practical
     features to make living and entertaining more comfortable and
     enjoyable. When it comes to physical space, a popular choice is
     removing or relocating walls to make the room larger.
        This added space can be instrumental in adding an island
     or peninsula for bar seating, which many homeowners view as
     a necessity when it comes to entertaining. Other features like
     icemakers, tall wine refrigerators and walk-in pantries are high
                                                                            A remodeled kitchen adds value and beauty to your home in one of
     on the frequent request list. Another growing trend is a kitchen       the most busy rooms for family.
     designed for two, complete with a second full-size sink, dish-
     washer and microwave drawer, along with a larger island.
        Clever storage. Making the most of storage space has always
     been a top desire, and homeowners are getting increasingly
     clever about how to maximize their cabinetry. Drawer organizers
     are in high demand, along with pull-out waste baskets that
     hide recycling bins within. Another popular approach is large
     base cabinets with pivoting shelving mechanisms for storing
     large items like mixers and other taller countertop appliances.
     Making use of every inch of space is common; even the toe-kick
     area for drawers are proving useful to hold smaller items or put
     kid-friendly essentials in easy reach.
        Feature-rich appliances. Appliance manufacturers are adding
     all kinds of bells and whistles, and those features are increasingly
     attractive to homeowners. Upper-end appliances are becoming
     more mainstream as homeowners discover features the more
     expensive models offer for ease of use and comfort. Larger
     freezer and column-style refrigerators are especially growing in

     Bathroom                                                               Enjoy a beautiful new bathroom offering elegant spa-like features
                                                                            suitable for every family.
        Spa-like setting. One long-term trend that is still in top
     demand for the master bath is design that mimics a serene spa.
     This plays out in cooler colors like white, blues and grays. Glass     in the master bath.
     tiles are taking on a bigger role with many homeowners using             A splash of tech. Whether it’s used to control smart features or
     them as artistic focal points in showers or opting for pebble-like     simply add entertainment like TV or soothing music, technology
     tiles that spill from walls onto the floor.                            has a permanent place on the list of bathroom trends. The
        Upscale practicality. Little touches that may have once gone        available features make it easy to make a full escape from the
     unnoticed are now trending as opportunities to add elements            daily grind of life.
     of style. For example, curbless showers with offset lineal drains
     are preferred to traditional centered circular versions. Similarly,    (Family Features) #15325 Source: National Association of the
     homeowners are upping the ante with lighting such as fixtures          Remodeling Industry
     integrated with fans and mirrors, and even below floating van-
     ities for ambient light at night. One more place you might find
     lighting: on the bidet, which is also an increasingly hot addition
14   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                                 Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   15
Whether you’re selling or staying,
     here’s what you need to consider
     before remodeling
     By Dave Ongie

     T    here was a moment in mid-March when everything seemed
          to grind to a halt for the folks at Prendergast Construction.
        Measures taken at the federal and state levels to combat the
     spread of COVID-19 created a climate of uncertainty. Many
     renovation projects that were underway were suspended as
     folks assessed the implications of a planned shutdown of the
        Luckily for the folks at Prendergast Construction, that
     moment was fleeting, and it was followed almost immediately
     by a Big Bang in the home improvement sector.
        “Nobody knew what was going to happen,” said Katie
     Prendergast Willis, who handles Designer and Client Relations
     at Prendergast Construction. “Then about a month goes by, and
     they realize this isn’t as bad economically for us. It was kind of
     a roller coaster at the beginning. Now it’s so busy.”
        By the time June rolled around, the home improvement
     market was roaring. Home improvement stores were packed
     with customers buying supplies for DIY projects, and contrac-
     tors like Prendergast were inundated with projects as folks who
     suddenly found themselves confined to their homes started
     looking for ways to make their own corner of the world more
     comfortable and inviting.
        Since the start of the pandemic coincided with the arrival
     of spring, it’s probably no surprise that outdoor projects have
     been far and away the most popular among homeowners. With
     vacations cancelled or postponed, Willis said folks have been
     taking money set aside for those trips and using those funds to
     make their backyards feel more like a secluded getaway.                to one’s home, but Willis cautioned against expecting a quick
        “Porches,” Willis said when asked which projects were in            return on investment.
     high demand. “One hundred percent porches and outdoor                     “My biggest advice that I give people is that if you’re going
     living spaces, outdoor kitchens - anything just to get somebody        to remodel it, you’re not going to get the return on investment
     at least out of their house, even if it’s just in their backyard.”     that you put into that kitchen right away as you go to sell it,”
        Traditionally, kitchen and bathroom projects are among the          she said. “Granted, you can increase the value of your home,
     most popular amongst Prendergast’s clients. With more folks            but if you spend $45,000 on a kitchen, that’s not to say you can
     cooking and eating at home, kitchen projects are still in high         say my house is worth $45,000 more.”
     demand, and bathroom renovations remain popular as well.                  Willis allowed that such renovations will most likely help
        But Willis said the pandemic is spurring interest in other          you sell your home faster and for slightly more money because
     areas. For example, with more people working from home and             prospective buyers will be attracted to a home that does not
     children attending school remotely, folks are starting to retool       need immediate updates to the kitchen or bathrooms. But
     their living space to fit their new reality, and Willis expects that   if you really want to boost the value of your home, the best
     trend to continue.                                                     investment you can make is to add living space.
        “Going forward, I think it’s people wanting to add that                “The biggest thing to increase the value is if you add any type
     extra home office or expand their living area or make it more          of square footage,” Willis said. “If you expand the bedroom,
     enjoyable to stay home,” she said.                                     expand the living space or add a sunroom, of course, that all adds
        Aside from improving their living conditions, another reason        square footage to the house, which adds to the overall value.”
     people consider remodeling is to add value to their home as               If you do plan to renovate rooms before putting your home
     they prepare to put it on the market. It may be tempting to
     overhaul the kitchen and bathroom in an effort to add value                                                          SEE REMODELING, 17

16   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                                Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org

    on the market, Willis offered a friendly reminder to tailor those    she said. “Don’t paint the bathroom bright orange because you
    projects to current trends, not to your personal tastes.             like UT. Make your house look like it’s not a project for the next
       “If you are updating a kitchen or bathroom, just update some      buyer. I think that will help somebody sell their house faster, and
    floor or update the cabinets to make it look newer or up-to-date,”   probably for more than what they were expecting.”

                                                                   Overhead Door Company of Johnson City™

                                                                  We Furnish and Install the Following:
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jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                                                         October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   17
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18   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                              Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   19
We build beautiful kitchens.

                   Granite and Cabinetry
   4545 Bristol Highway, Piney Flats, TN | (423) 631-0931

20 Builders’ Brand | October 2020                           Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
Member Profiles
                    Whether you’re ready to start building, remodeling your existing
                    home, or just want to be inspired by the latest trends, JCAHBA
                       will help you find inspiration and connect with building
                                       professionals in our area.

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                    October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   21
1159 Lemongrass Drive, Jonesborough TN 37659
                       Price $349,900
                  2400 sq. ft. | 3BR | 2.5 Bath

              Open for Viewing on Sunday,
                October 25 11am – 5pm
            This home gives more of             DIRECTIONS
           a custom feel! Open floor
             plan on the main level        From Jonesborough,
            with 9’ ceilings. Owners        head west on 11 E
            suite is also on the main      turn right onto Ben
           level, as well as a laundry   Gamble, to left into The
            room and built in locker     Meadows, turn right onto
            area. Upstairs there are     Sweetgrass then right on
              2 bedrooms, full bath      Lemongrass. House is on
              and den area. Attic is        the right, see sign.
             conditioned with spray
                 foam insulation.

                      Ingenuity, LLC

                     at Weber is a General Contractor and owner of Ingenuity
                    LLC. He has 16 years of experience building spec and
                    custom homes as well as renovations of kitchens, baths,
                   patios, and other outdoors spaces.

      Originally from Vicksburg MS, Pat attended and graduated from
      Mississippi State University with a BS in Business. He has resided in
      Johnson City since 1996 where he has raised a family with his wife

      One Of Pat’s greatest talents as a builder is identifying with his cus-   Pat Weber
      tomer’s needs. Most of his projects are his very own custom designs.
      This advantage helps bring his customers’ realizations of their dream
      home to life.

             423.741.7959 | pat_weberiii.houzz.com
             213 Laurel Canyon | Johnson City, TN 37615

122   Builder’s Brand | October 2020
      Builders’                                                                             Johnson
                                                                                                                 Builders Association | jcahba.org
157 Solomon’s Pass, Gray TN 37615
                        3600 sq. ft. | 3BR | 2 Bath

              Open for Viewing on Sunday,
                October 25 11am – 5pm
            Modern farmhouse style. All brick and hardie siding.
            2400 sq. ft. finished with full unfinished basement. 3
          bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan, covered porch. All on
           a 3/4 acre lot in beautiful Shadden Springs subdivision.
              Shaker style cabinets, granite tops and natural gas.

               Hicks Construction

                          icks Construction is a family business founded in
                          the 1960’s on values of high quality craftsmanship,
                          inspired design, attention to detail, meticulous
                          construction methods and a commitment to
                          provide you the home of your dreams in every way.

      Tim Hicks, owner of Hicks                    their wants and needs are met.
    Construction, has 40+ years                      Hicks Construction was built
    devoted to the business. He                    on these values from the very
    strives to keep the personal ap-               beginning. Tim says, “I am hon-      Tim Hicks
    proach with his clients. His ex-               ored to continue to hold these
    perience and skill help you, the               values at the core of my business
    owner, make necessary tough                    today. I look forward to visiting
    decisions.                                     with you in person, perhaps over
      Our first priority is the home-              a cup of coffee, to discuss build-
    owner and assuring them that                   ing your dream home.”

                  423.956.1457 | HicksBuilder.com
                              Gray, TN

1jcahba.org  | Johnson
      Builder’s Brand | City Area 2020
                         October  Home Builders Association                                         Johnson City Area Home Builder’s
                                                                                                                        October 2020Association
                                                                                                                                      | Builders’|Brand    23
JTB Construction, LLC

                                                                                                          Tyler Begley

                       wner Tyler Begley started flipping houses in 2008.
                       After completing multiple renovations he decided
                       to further his commitment to the local Real Estate
                       market by getting his Real Estate license in 2010
                       which he still holds today. His father has been in
      the construction business for over 20 years and with the knowledge
      his father has shared with him over the years Tyler decided to get
      his contractor license in 2014 and start JTB Construction LLC. The
      Begley family has been in the Real Estate and construction business
      for over 50 years and Tyler plans to keep the tradition alive by
      committing to building quality homes in the Tri-Cities area.

        423.677.5454 | facebook.com/jtbconstructionllc
               104 Dillow Cir. | Kingsport, TN 37663

124    Builders’
       Builder’s Brand | October 2020                                       Johnson
                                                                                                             Association | | jcahba.com
Prendergast Construction

                      rendergast Construction has been providing quality
                      service in the Kingsport, Bristol, Johnson City, and
                      surrounding areas for over forty years. We specialize in
                      home remodeling projects such as kitchens, bathrooms,
                      whole-house remodeling, additions, updates, window
                      and door replacements, as well as any other renovations
                      you are considering for your home.

    Along with being your one-stop                 from conception and planning
    source for your remodeling                     of the design, through product
    needs, Prendergast Construc-                   selection and demolition, to
    tion also utilizes some of the top             the finished showpiece in your
    brand names in tile, cabinetry,                home. We also offer all electri-
    bathroom and kitchen fixtures,                 cal, plumbing, mechanical, dry-
    door and window replacements.                  wall, painting, tilework, coun-
    All of these products are featured             tertops, custom cabinetry, and
    in our design center where you                 any other specialized work to fit
    can select finishes for your ren-              the needs of your design project.
    ovation side by side with one of               With our combination of expe-
    our experienced team members.                  rience and exemplary service,
                                                   you can count on Prendergast
    Prendergast Construction pro-                  Construction for all your home
    vides all phases of remodeling                 remodeling needs.

               423.239.3117 | pccremodeling.com
              4033 Fort Henry Dr. | Kingsport, TN 37663

1jcahba.org  | Johnson
      Builder’s Brand | City Area 2020
                         October  Home Builders Association                            Johnson City Area Home Builder’s
                                                                                                          October 2020Association            25
                                                                                                                                    | jcahba.org
                                                                                                                        | Builders’ Brand
Firm Foundation
                        NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION

                t Firm Foundation Construction, we pride ourselves on
                  our craftsmanship, quality, and integrity. Because of this,
                   we dedicate time for each of our clients to walk through
                     the entire homebuilding process. The process starts
                      with helping you to understand our custom plans or
                       your blueprints, then thoroughly going through each
      selection that goes into your home.

      Understanding the importance of your money, we have implemented
      an easy way for you to keep track of spending and any changes that
      may occur through the process of building your custom home. Start-
      ing with an estimate based on your selections, we then create a budget
      in our cloud-based software that shows a detailed breakdown of ev-
      erything that goes into your home. This feature will enable you to see
      exactly how each selection will affect your budget in real time.

      In addition to cost tracking, this software also enables us to monitor the
      projects scheduling, keep track of notes, supply daily job logs, and after
      the project is complete communicate any warranty work that may arise.

               423.612.2394 | ffconstruction.com
             4012 N. Roan Street | Johnson City, TN 37601

126   Builders’
      Builder’s Brand | October 2020                                                JohnsonCity
                                                                                   Johnson  CityArea
                                                                                                                    Association | | jcahba.com

                                                             REMODELING                                          BEFORE


            REMODELING                                       REMODELING




               NEW HOME                                       NEW HOME                                          NEW HOME

jcahba.org || Johnson
jcahba.com     JohnsonCity
                                               Association                                                  Builders’ Brand
                                                                                             October 2020 | Builder’s         27
Preston Construction
                 53 YEARS OF BUILDING, IMPACTING,
                          AND HONORING

                 ounded in 1967, Preston Construction has been
                 building an impeccable reputation in East Tennessee.
                 The company is an energizing change for many
                 homeowners looking for a more personal experience.
                 As a second-generation General Contractor,
                 Preston values quality, integrity, and hard work
    that the company was founded on. Dedication to each project,
    professionalism, and responsiveness have formed many lasting
    relationships over the years and gained the respect of their clients.
    Preston Construction’s leadership and staff follow their company’s
    vision of Building relationships, Impacting lives, and Honoring
    God while producing the highest standards of craftmanship.

    Brian Ross, project manager, has spent his en-
    tire professional career learning and honing the
    skills of building quality custom homes. He
    graduated from ETSU with a degree in Con-
    struction Engineering Technology and began
    his career with a large home builder in Califor-
    nia. Brian would later relocate to Asheville, NC
    where he worked as a project manager for a cus-
    tom home builder prior to coming to work for Brian Ross
    Preston in 2018. He believes thoughtful design,
    meticulous planning, clear communication, and exceptional crafts-
    manship are vital to the success of any project. With over 30 years’
    experience in every component of the homebuilding industry, Brian is
    ready to partner with you and apply these principles to deliver the cus-
    tom home of your dreams. For a personal consultation, please contact
    brian@prestonconstructioncompany.com or (423) 926-0172.

    423.926.0172 | prestonconstructioncompany.com
         1503 Narrow Lane | Johnson City, TN 37604
1  Builders’
   Builder’s Brand
             Brand || October
                      October 2020
                              2020                                             Johnson
                                                                                                                Association || jcahba.com
     OF TRUST                                                                        David Isaacs is the
      FOR OVER 42 YEARS                                                              third-generation owner of
                                                                                     Isaacs Pools and Spas. “I
                                                                                     was conceived the year

        or over 42 Years, Isaacs Pools and
         Spas has served the Tri-Cities. In
     2011, we moved from Elizabethton to
                                                                                     the business was
                                                                                     conceived and born the
                                                                                     year it was born. You
     Johnson City to be more central to our                                          could say that the pool
     customer base.                                                                  and spa business runs in
                                                           my DNA,” says Isaacs when asked how he got his
     With over 250 years of combined                       start in the business. As time has passed, he has
     experience, we are confident we can                   focused on building upon his family’s legacy of
     help with your residential pool and spa               honesty, hard work, and improving the consumer
     needs with the following services:                    experience in the pool and spa industry.

     • Dealer of Hot Spring Hot Tubs
     • Residential In-Ground
       Vinyl Pool Remodel Specialists
     • Year-round Water Lab
     • Chemical / Retail Sales
     • Parts
     • Games and Floats
     • Fully-Staffed Service Department for
       Pools & Select Spas

     We look forward to helping you with                   Real Reviews:
     your pool and spa needs. You can visit                “Fabulous group of
     our showroom, call us, visit our                      people...” - Wallace Nissan
     website, or email us.                                 “Always go above and
                                                           beyond” - Joni Davis
     3950 Bristol Hwy
                                                           “Can’t go wrong with
     Johnson City, TN
                                                           these people...” - Janet
     (423) 542-2391                                        Presnell

                                       Before                                                                After

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                                     October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   29
John Deakins Jr. & John Deakins III

    Deakins Enterprises, LLC

                he Deakins family has been building homes starting
                with John Sr. in the 1960’s. He was joined by his son,
                John Jr. in the 1990’s. In 2014, the company added
                John III. Deakins Enterprises, now consisting of
                John Jr. and John III, focuses on the kind of quality
                construction that we would expect to see in our own
   homes. We love to provide homes that owners can be proud of for
   many years to come.

      423.215.8958 | www.facebook.com/deakinsent
        136 John Deakins Rd. | Jonesborough, TN 37659
1 30Builder’s
                    | October
                      | October
                                2020                                     Johnson
                                                                                                                      | jcahba.com
                                                                                                                          | jcahba.org
Foxfire Builders

                          ill Crumley, owner of Foxfire Builders LLC, is a
                          licensed General Contractor with over 16 years
                          of experience on a wide variety of construction
                          projects. He has managed everything from
                          multi-million dollar high rise condominiums
                          to kitchen and bath remodels. Foxfire Builders
      focuses on new home construction (both spec and customs), large
      renovations, and commercial upfits.

        Will is a graduate of East Ten-              to is “Built to last lifetimes”, and
      nessee State University, where                 we follow this in every decision.
      he received a B.S. in Engineer-                No corners are cut.
      ing Technology with a focus on                    We try to be good listen-
      Construction Management. He                    ers that take our clients’ ideas,
      has worked all over the South-                 dreams, and concerns to heart
      east acquiring knowledge be-                   during the construction process.
      fore moving back to his home-                  We thrive on interesting, chal-
      town of Johnson City with his                  lenging work. If you’re ready for
      wife and two little boys. Will                 a new home that is built to last
      uses his wide ranging experi-                  lifetimes or having us get your
      ence to bring quality, high per-               old house in shape for the next
      formance, and innovation to his                hundred years, we’d love to hear
      projects. Foxfire Builders’ mot-               what you have in mind.

                   423.845.4860 | foxfirebuilders.com
                             Johnson City, TN

jcahba.org | Johnson
        Builder’s BrandCity Area Home
                         | October    Builders Association
                                   2020                                                     Johnson City Area October
                                                                                                              Home Builder’s
                                                                                                                      2020 | Association        31
                                                                                                                                         | jcahba.com
                                                                                                                             Builders’ Brand
YES Contracting
                    Services, LLC
                        YOUR EXTERIOR SOLUTION

         YES Contracting Services, LLC was established with one goal
         in mind: to provide a single source of exterior contracting
         services. YES offers roofing, siding, gutters, windows, doors,
         decks, landscaping, hardscaping and more.

         YES is a GAF Master Elite® Contractor, an Owens Corning®
         Preferred Contractor and an IKO® RoofPro Contractor.

         YES Contracting Services - Your Exterior Solution!

           423.764.8276 | yourexteriorsolution.com
          3611 North Roan Street | Johnson City, TN 37601

32   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                       Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
Wolfe Development

                   Since 1994, Wolfe
                   Development has
                   built affordable,
                   stylish homes for
                   over 700 families.
                   We have earned
       our reputation for quality by
       standing behind each home
       with a great support system
       and superior 10-year home
       warranty. Since 2005, we have
       built and now manage nearly
       300 new apartment homes for
       those who choose to rent.                    Kelly Wolfe

             Founded in 1994                       upgraded interior finishes
         Wolfe Development was                       and low-maintenance
         founded in 1994 by Kelly                   exteriors of our homes
        and Jennifer Wolfe and the                 means that all you need to
        company’s daily operations                  do is move in and start
         are still the responsibility                     decorating!
          of the Wolfes. Kelly lays
         out each foundation and                     One Year Warranty
          is in charge of the entire                With each home we sell,
           building process, from                     Wolfe Development
         breaking ground through                      provides a one-year
           the final punch list. He                warranty on workmanship
         makes sure the company’s                  and materials, a two-year
           high quality standards                   systems warranty, and a
             are met throughout                   10-year structural warranty.
                 construction.                      Each purchaser receives
                                                    a Homeowner’s Manual
          Best in the Business                      to explain maintenance
          The Wolfe Development                     and warranties on their
           team of employees and                   new home. Our dedicated
        subcontractors are the best               customer service personnel
        in the business. You will be                   are happy to help!
        impressed by the attention
          to detail found in all our                 Whether you’re looking
          homes, apartments and                     for a home with plenty of
          business properties and                  room for a growing family
         the great customer service                or an easily accessible one-
            provided by our sales                   level home or apartment,
        agents, property managers                    we have a home to meet
          and warranty manager.                       your needs. We would
          Our plumbing, electrical                   like to invite you to visit
           and HVAC contractors                       our properties and see
         consistently receive praise                 the Wolfe Development
        from home inspectors. The                            difference!
          excellent craftsmanship,

            423.913.2555 | wolfe-development.com
           806 E. Jackson Blvd. | Jonesborough, TN 37659

1jcahba.org | Johnson
      Builder’s Brand | City Area 2020
                         October  Home Builders Association                        Johnson City Area Home Builder’s
                                                                                                       October 2020Association
                                                                                                                     | Builders’|Brand    33
34   Builders’ Brand | October 2020   Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
In virtually every category that matters
               - beauty, value, durability, and safety -
      nothing beats designing your home with natural clay brick.

Outdoor Living products have never been
  more popular! CALL US TODAY!

                  (423) 245-6131

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association 925 East Stone Dr., Kingsport, TN 37660   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   35
Three things all first time homebuyers should know
     By Dave Ongie

     W       hile the COVID-19 pandemic has created its share of
             economic uncertainty, it has done nothing to cool down
     a red-hot housing market. In fact, the low interest rates that
     came in the aftermath of the controlled slowdown of the global
     economy engineered to combat the virus actually added fuel to
     the fire.
        The surge in the housing market is due in large part to a lot of
     first-time homebuyers. Data gathered by the Ellie Mae Millennial
     Tracker – an organization that tracks closed loan application
     trends among U.S. Homebuyers born between the 1980 and
     1999 – shows that millennials were responsible for more closed
     purchase loans than any other generation in the second quarter
     of 2020.
        The pandemic has spurred interest in home ownership in other
     ways beyond favorable interest rates, For example, safer at home
     orders issued by state governments in March shut down a lot of        homebuyers. A little research on the front end could potentially
     entertainment and dining options, which created a greater appre-      save you a lot of money in the long run.
     ciation for the comforts that come along with owning a home.            “Loan programs with shorter terms and larger down payments
        While many factors can bring a person to the marketplace,          often have lower interest rates,” Walton said. “ECU offers a First
     first time homebuyers would do well to heed the advice of Adam        Time Homebuyer product in which we allow qualified borrowers
     Walton, a Mortgage Home Originator at Eastman Credit Union.           to finance 100 percent of the purchase price plus a majority of
        1. Do your homework                                                the closing costs. We also offer multiple 100 percent financing
        Before you start looking for a house, you’d do well to look at     options as well as conventional products with down payment
     what programs and loan products are available for first-time          options.”

        FOUNDED IN 1978 Richards Building Supply
        is a family-owned building supply wholesale
        distributor with over 60 locations in 13 states.
        Our Contractors offer the industry best products,
        on-time delivery and top-notch service for your
        home project.

        CALL 423.282.2521 ext. 250
                REFERRAL TODAY
                   4507 Bristol Highway
                  Johnson City, TN, 37601
                                                                 • ROOFING • SIDING • DECKING • WINDOWS • DOORS • SOFFITS AND MORE

36   Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                               Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
2. Get prequalified before you start shopping
       Once you decide you want to buy a house, it can be tempting
    to load up the car and start hitting open houses. But it is
    important to first know how much you can offer, especially in
    a climate where sellers are often juggling offers within days of
    putting their homes on the market.
       “In this market, the buyer needs to get pre-qualified,” Walton
    said. “Many times, we are seeing homes on the market receiving
    multiple offers from several different buyers. That pre-qual-
    ification letter will certainly strengthen your offer in those
    situations, as it lets the realtor and the seller know you already
    have approved financing.”
       3. Make sure your home fits into your financial
       Being pre-approved for a certain dollar amount doesn’t neces-
    sarily mean the monthly mortgage payment will fit neatly into
    your existing budget. Home ownership brings a lot of blessings,
    but it also can drastically change your existing financial picture.
    Walton recommends asking yourself one key question before
    making the decision to put in an offer on a home.
       “One of the biggest questions in determining whether to buy
    a home is, ‘How does this house payment affect my overall
    financial situation?’ Many times, buyers feel they can afford a
    house at a certain price level, when it is not the best fit for them
    concerning their overall financial situation,” Walton said. “Those
    instances make it even more important to sit down with an ECU
    representative and discuss financial goals, both short-term and
    long-term, and how purchasing a home fits into those goals.”


    Wet Basement?
    Crawl Space?
    We Can Help.

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                   October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   37
How to Choose a Home Builder
    I  f you’re in the market for a new home, you should shop for
       your builder as carefully as you shop for your home. Whether
    you are buying a condo, a townhouse, a house in a subdivision
    or a custom-built house, you want to know that you are buying a
    good quality home from a reputable builder. Here are some tips
    to help you choose a builder.

    Make a List of Possible Builders
       Once you have thought about the type of house you want, you
    can create a list of potential builders.
       • Contact your local home builders’ association to obtain a list
    of builders who construct homes in your area.
       • Local real estate agents may also be able to help you in your
       • Ask friends and relatives for recommendations. Ask about
    builders they have dealt with directly, or ask them for names of
    acquaintances who have recently had a good experience with a

    Do Your Homework                                                          • Then, visit a builder’s recently built homes and subdivisions.
      When you have a list of potential builders, it’s time to start        Drive by on a Saturday morning when home owners may be
    asking lots of questions — of both the potential builders and the       outside doing chores or errands. Introduce yourself and say you
    owners of their homes.                                                  are considering buying a home from the builder who built their
      • Interview potential home builders to get the answers to all         home. Talk to several owners, and try to get a random sample of
    the questions you have.                                                 opinions. The more people you talk with, the more accurate an

                                                Is an award-winning
                                               contract designer for
                                               HGTV, DIY and other
                                               influential networks.
                                                     She specializes
                                                    in projects from
                                                      sleek lofts to
                                                 multi-million dollar
                                                   lakefront homes.
                                                  She can create 3D
                                                   cutting edge de-
                                                  signs allowing her
                                                  clients to visualize
                                                 their spaces before
         Award-Winning Interior                   building. Kitchens
        Designer 5x Best of Houzz                and bathrooms are
                                                     her specialties.

    The Designer                                  Best of

                                                  2020 2019
                                                             Best of

    Christine Lakas                               SERVICE    SERVICE

                                            Best of    Best of    Best of

    www.thedesigner.tv                     2018 2017 2016
                                           SERVICE    SERVICE    SERVICE

38 Builders’ Brand | October 2020                                                                  Johnson City Area Home Builders Association | jcahba.org
impression of a builder you are likely to get.
      • Some questions to ask home owners include: Are you happy
    with your home? If you had any problems, were they fixed
    promptly and properly? Would you buy another home from this
      • Usually, people tell you if they are pleased with their homes.
    And if they are not, they’ll probably want to tell you why.
      • At the very least, drive by and see if the homes are visually
      • When you talk to builders and home owners, take along a
    notebook to record the information you find and your personal
    impressions about specific builders and homes. Doing so will
    help you to make comparisons later.

    Shop for Quality and Value
       Look at new homes whenever you can. Home shows and open
    houses sponsored by builders are good opportunities to look at
    homes. Model homes and houses displayed in home shows are
    often furnished to give you ideas for using the space. You may
    also ask a builder to see unfurnished homes.
       When examining a home, look at the quality of the construc-
    tion features. Inspect the quality of the cabinetry, carpeting,
    trimwork and paint. Ask the builder or the builder’s representa-
    tive a lot of questions. Get as many specifics as possible. If you
    receive the answers verbally rather than in writing, take notes.
    Never hesitate to ask a question. What seems like an insignificant
    question might yield an important answer.

jcahba.org | Johnson City Area Home Builders Association                 October 2020 | Builders’ Brand   39
You can also read