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                        EARLY LEARNING 2020
                                        JANUARY 2022


                           Utah Core State
Waterford                   Standards for
UPSTART     100%           Early Learning
Waterford UPSTART 100% - HelpDocs
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1                                          SOCIAL STUDIES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
        Strand 1: Academic and Social Language: Speaking                                                                                         Strand 1: Culture and Diversity .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
        and Listening. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1                 Strand 2: Time, Continuity, and Change. . . . . . . . . . . .16
        Strand 2: Reading. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2                         Strand 3: People, Places, and Environments. .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
                                                                                                                                                 Strand 4: Individual Development and Identity.  .  .  .  . 16
FINE ARTS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                                                                                                                                                 Strand 5: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions.  .  .  .  .  . 16
        Strand 1: Drama. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                                                                                                                                                 Strand 6: Power, Authority, and Governance.  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
        Strand 2: Dance .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                                                                                                                                                 Strand 7: Production, Distribution, and
        Strand 3: Music.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                                                                                                                                                 Consumption. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
        Strand 4: Visual Arts .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                                                                                                                                                 Strand 8: Science, Technology, and Society.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17

HEALTH EDUCATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                                                                                                                                          WATERFORD BOOKS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES .  .  .  .  . 18
        Strand 1: Human Development .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
        Strand 2: Health Foundations and Protective                                                                                       WATERFORD FAMILY ENGAGEMENT RESOURCES .  .  .  . 21
        Factors of a Healthy Self. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
        Strand 3: Mental and Emotional Health.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
        Strand 4: Nutrition.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6

LEARNING.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
        Strand 1: Self-Regulation and Executive
        Functioning.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
        Strand 2: Learning Engagement (Initiative and
        Persistence).  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
        Strand 3: Creativity and Curiosity.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8

INTERACTION AND DEVELOPMENT .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
        Strand 4: Self-Awareness .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
        Strand 5: Emotions. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
        Strand 6: Relationships.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

MATHEMATICS. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
        Strand 1: Counting and Cardinality.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
        Strand 2: Operations and Algebraic Thinking. . . . . . . 11
        Strand 3: Measurement and Data.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
        Strand 4: Geometry.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12

PHYSICAL EDUCATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
        Strand 1: Motor Skills and Movement.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13

SCIENCE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
        Strand 1: Weather.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
        Strand 2: Light .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
        Strand 3: Living Things.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
        Strand 4: Matter and Motion .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15

                                                                                                                                      i                                    © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES

Standard ELA 4 yr.1.1 Speak in sentences of           Waterford’s social-emotional videos model conversations and
varying lengths to communicate wants, needs,          discussions between various characters that demonstrate how
experiences, thoughts, and feelings.                  they communicate their wants and needs, and share experiences,
                                                      thoughts, and feelings in complete sentences.
                                                      • Song: What Is a Sentence?
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.2 Use nouns, verbs,               •   Songs: Nouns; Verbs; Preposition Ship; Pronouns;
prepositions, pronouns, and adjectives when               Adjectives Describe
speaking with others.
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.3 Begin to ask and answer     •       Read with Me Books
complex questions (for example, who, what, where, •       Informational Books
when, why, how).                                          (See titles at end of document.)
                                                  •       Science Investigation
                                                  •       Sum Up: Five Ws
                                                  •       Find an Answer
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.4 Describe attributes of          •   Songs: Savanna Size; Same and Different
familiar people, places, things, and events.          •   Size
                                                      •   Heavy and Light
                                                      •   Tall and Short
                                                      •   Big and Little
                                                      •   Look at Details
                                                      •   Describe Characters
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.5 Use and talk about new          Waterford online books include bold-faced vocabulary words.
vocabulary through rich texts, projects, guided       When any word is selected, the word is repeated. When bold-
conversation, and play.                               faced words are selected, students hear a slowed pronunciation
                                                      and definition in a popup with an illustration.
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.6 Discuss how objects can be      •   Song: All Sorts of Laundry
sorted into categories (for example, shapes, foods)   •   Book: Buttons, Buttons
based on commonalities and differences.               •   Sort
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.7 Identify and name opposites     •   Song: Antonym Ant
(antonyms) (for example, happy/sad, up/down,          •   Book: Opposites
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.8 Engage in conversations         Waterford’s social-emotional videos model conversations and
with peers and adults by talking about activities,    discussions between various characters as they communicate in
personal stories, pictures, topics, and text.         complete sentences.
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.9 Follow agreed upon rules        Social-emotional videos model conversations and discussions
for conversation (for example, listening to others,   between various characters. The videos demonstrate appropriate
staying on topic, and taking turns speaking).         conversation rules as characters develop ideas and communicate
                                                      in complete sentences.
Standard ELA 4 yr.1.10 Follow two-step directions     While interacting with Waterford, children are constantly
to complete a task or routine (for example, “Please   listening and responding to instruction, often following multi-step
find your coat and wait for me at the door.” “Time    directions.
to wash your hands and find a seat at the table to
get ready for a snack.”).

                                                             1                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                              WATERFORD RESOURCES
Sub-strand: Concepts of Print
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.1 Correctly hold a book.            •   Print Directionality Introduction
                                                        •   Print Concepts
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.2 Discuss that print conveys        •   Print Concepts
meaning and how the illustrations/ photographs          •   Print Directionality
relate to the text.                                     •   Words Tell About the Pictures
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.3 Identify print in everyday life   •   Words in Your World
including numbers, alphabet letters, letters in their   •   Name Game (What’s Your Name?)
own name, and environmental print.                      •   Print Directionality Introduction
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.4 With prompting and                All online books and text within the software illustrate left-to-
support, demonstrate that print is read from top to     right, top-to-bottom, return-sweep, and letter-spacing motions.
bottom, left to right, and from front to back.          As the narrator reads, text is highlighted which helps show the
                                                        sequence of print.
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.5 Demonstrate that spoken           Online Picture Story books feature animation that simulates
words are represented in written language (for          pages turning one by one, from front to back, as the singer
example, point to written words while reciting a        sings the nursery rhyme. At the end of the story, the pages flip
known nursery rhyme or reading a recipe together        back to the front and each word is highlighted as the narrator
during a cooking activity).                             reads the text.
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.6 With prompting and                •   Letters Make Words
support, begin to recognize that letters are            •   Print Concepts
grouped to form words.
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.7 With prompting and                Prior to reading each online story, the front cover of the book is
support, discuss the role of the author and             displayed on the screen. The title and names of the author and
illustrator/photographer in presenting the ideas or     illustrator are highlighted and read aloud.
information in a text.
Sub-strand: Phonological Awareness
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.8 Identify and discriminate         Waterford activities teach phonological awareness and progress
between sounds (phonemes) in spoken language            from chunks of sounds such as rhyming and syllables to hearing
(for example, point to a picture that begins with       and manipulating individual phonemes.
the same sound as dog).                                 • Initial Sound
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.9 Recognize rhyming words           •   Rhyming Words
in familiar songs/books (for example, provide           •   Rhyme
rhyming words, show a thumbs up if the words            •   Rhyme Match
rhyme or thumbs down if the words do not rhyme).        •   Finish the Picture
                                                        •   One Doesn’t Rhyme
                                                        •   Sing a Rhyme Songs/Books
                                                            (See titles at end of document.)
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.10 With prompting and           •       Syllables
support, count syllables as words are being spoken •        Syllable Safari
(for example, clap, stomp, jump, use hand signals).
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.11 With prompting and               •   Blending
support, blend (put together), and segment              •   Blending Dragon
(take apart) single-syllable words into individual      •   Blend Phonemes
phonemes auditorily (for example, segment: bat=         •   Phoneme Segmentation
/b/ /a/ /t/, blend: /b/ /a/ /t/ = bat).
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.12 Begin to recognize the           •   Initial Sound
beginning sounds of words and progress towards          •   Right Initial Sound
recognizing ending sounds of words.                     •   Final Sound
                                                        •   Right Final Sound
                                                        •   Where is the Sound?

                                                               2                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                             WATERFORD RESOURCES
Sub-strand: Word Recognition
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.13 With prompting and              •    Letter Sounds
support, recognize that written words are made up      •    Letters Make Words
of letters and sounds.                                 •    Print Concepts
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.14 Identify the names and          •    ABC Songs
sounds of some upper- and lowercase letters of         •    Letter Sound Songs
the alphabet, including those in their own name.       •    Alphabet Introduction (Distinguish Letters)
                                                       •    Print Concepts
                                                       •    Letter Pictures
                                                       •    Similarities and Differences in Letters
                                                       •    Name Game (What’s Your Name?)
                                                       •    Letter Sound
                                                       •    Name That Letter Sound
                                                       •    Sound Room
                                                       •    Choose a Sound
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.15 Begin to recognize some    •         Words in Your World
printed words that are seen frequently (for       •         Name Game (What’s Your Name?)
example, their own name, the names of classmates,
labels in the classroom environment).
Sub-strand: Recall Information
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.16 With prompting and              •    Memorization Skills
support, rapidly recall the names of a series of
objects or pictures (for example, dog, cat, horse,
mouse, fish, monkey, lion).
Sub-strand: Comprehension
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.17 With prompting and               •   Read with Me Books
support, listen attentively to and retell simple texts, •   Informational Books
including event sequence and characters, through            (See titles at end of document.)
conversation, art, movement, or drama.                  •   Sum Up: Remember Order
                                                        •   Describe Characters
Standard ELA 4 yr.2.18 With prompting and              •    Read with Me Books
support, ask and answer questions and make             •    Informational Books
connections about text, media, or information               (See titles at end of document.)
presented orally.                                      •    Look at Details
                                                       •    Find an Answer
Strand 3: Writing
Standard ELA 4 yr.3.1 Represent ideas visually         Waterford encourages everyone to have writing, drawing, and art
(for example, scribble with letter-like formations,    materials available for children’s creations.
simple drawings).                                      • Dots, Lines, and Circles
                                                       • Letter Trace (Letter Picture Writing)
Standard ELA 4 yr.3.2 Represent spoken words           •    Dots, Lines, and Circles
with written language using letter-like marks and      •    Letter Trace (Letter Picture Writing)
scribbles.                                             •    Letters Make Words
Standard ELA 4 yr.3.3 Print some letters of the        •    Dots, Lines, and Circles
alphabet, including those in their own name.           •    Letter Trace (Letter Picture Writing)
                                                       •    Name Game (What’s Your Name?)

                                                              3                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES

Standard FA 4 yr.1.1 Identify and express ideas,      • Pretend Play
information, and feelings through dramatic art (for   Resources:
example, telling stories and playing make-believe).   • Role Play
                                                      • Lots of Feelings
Standard FA 4 yr.1.2 Use dialogue, actions, and       • Pretend Play
objects to tell a story.                              Resources:
                                                      • Role Play
                                                      • Lots of Feelings
                                                      • What Would You Do?
Standard FA 4 yr.1.3 Assume the roles of characters • Pretend Play
in dramatic play situations, or stories through     Resources:
drama, props, and language.                         • Role Play
                                                    • What Would You Do?
Standard FA 4 yr.1.4 With prompting and support,      • Pretend Play
work independently and cooperatively in               • Clubhouse
dramatic play.                                        • Marmot’s Basket
                                                      • Listening Rug Rules
                                                      • Good Playing Rules
Standard FA 4 yr.1.5 With prompting and               • Pretend Play
support, attend to and show appreciation for the      Resources:
dramatization of others.                              • Role Play
Standard FA 4 yr.1.6 With prompting and               •   Pretend Play
support, act out a story with a beginning, middle,    •   Read with Me Books
and an end.                                           •   Sing a Rhyme Songs/Books
Standard FA 4 yr.2.1 Move to different patterns of    •   Book: Movin’ to the Music Time
beat and rhythm in music.                             •   Baby’s Ballet
                                                      •   Mama’s Melody
Standard FA 4 yr.2.2 Use creative movement            •   Book: Movin’ to the Music Time
to demonstrate feelings, ideas, concepts, and         •   Baby’s Ballet
tell stories.                                         •   Mama’s Melody
Standard FA 4 yr.2.3 With prompting and support,      •   Book: Movin’ to the Music Time
start, stop, and respond to musical cues.             •   Baby’s Ballet
                                                      •   Mama’s Melody
Standard FA 4 yr.2.4 With prompting and support,      •   Songs: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes; I Touch My
find different ways to move the body, arms, and           Nose Like This
legs, and begin to move body parts one at a time.     •   Book: Movin’ to the Music Time
                                                      •   Baby’s Ballet
                                                      •   Mama’s Melody
Standard FA 4 yr.2.5 With prompting and support,      •   Book: Movin’ to the Music Time
dance for and with others while respecting space      •   Baby’s Ballet
and maintaining body control.                         •   Mama’s Melody

                                                            4                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard FA 4 yr.3.1 Participate in musical activities Music is an integral part of Waterford. Children are often asked to
by listening to, singing, and creating music.          sing along or clap in time.
Standard FA 4 yr.3.2 Show increasing recognition      •   Book: Movin' to the Music Time
of the various components of music in terms
of dynamics (loud/soft), pitch (high/low), and
duration (long/short, fast/slow).
Standard FA 4 yr.3.3 Demonstrate elements of          Music is an integral part of Waterford. Children are often asked to
music by bouncing or clapping out the rhythm and      sing along or clap in time.
discussing how it makes them feel.
Standard FA 4 yr.3.4 Express thoughts, feelings,      •   Book: Movin' to the Music Time
and energy through music.                             •   Mama's Melody
                                                      •   Baby's Ballet
Standard FA 4 yr.3.5 With prompting and support,      Waterford's Sing Around the World songs are presented in
begin to sing songs from various cultures.            English, then in the language of the country represented.
Standard FA 4 yr.3.6 With prompting and support,      Music is an integral part of Waterford. This includes songs specific
share a favorite song.                                to learning objectives, as well as the use of background classical
                                                      music throughout the program
Standard FA 4 yr.4.1 Create works of art that reflect Waterford encourages everyone to have writing, drawing, and art
experiences using a variety of tools (crayons,        materials available for children’s creations.
markers, scissors, etc.) and materials (clay, leaves,
cardboard, etc.).
Standard FA 4 yr.4.2 Recognize and name colors        •   Songs: Colors, Colors
(for example, red, yellow, blue, purple, orange,      •   Red, Yellow, and Blue
green, black, white, brown, pink, and gray).          •   Coloring Game (Make a Scene)
Standard FA 4 yr.4.3 Explore, identify, and describe •    Songs: Colors, Colors
the physical characteristics of the environment      •    Red, Yellow, and Blue
including colors, textures, and light.               •    Coloring Game (Make a Scene)
Standard FA 4 yr.4.4 Talk with peers and/or adults    •   Squirrel’s Sketches
about their art and their creative process.           •   Mama’s Melody
Standard FA 4 yr.4.5 With prompting and support,      Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
show appreciation by selecting art objects to         online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
display, including paintings, photos of block         tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
design, sculptures, etc., and begin to explain the
reasons for selecting the preferred artwork.

Standard HE 4 yr.1.1 Show independence in             • Book: The Germs
personal hygiene and care.                            • Avoid Germs and Prevent Illness
                                                      • Hand Washing Rebus
                                                      • Monkey Mouth
Standard HE 4 yr.1.2 With prompting and               Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
support, distinguish between appropriate and          online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
inappropriate touch.                                  tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.

                                                            5                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard HE 4 yr.2.1 With prompting and support,       • Books: Mine; My Super Sticky Sandwich; Play Ball
identify trusted adults (for example, parent,          Resources:
guardian, relative, teacher, counselor, clergy) and    • Community Helpers
describe how to recognize the characteristics that     • Emergency Preparedness for Kids
make them trusted and safe.
Standard HE 4 yr.2.2 Identify and practice how to      • Books: Can We Still Be Friends; Friends
make friends and be a good friend by developing        Resources:
and using friendship skills with peers and             • How to Listen Like a Friend
participating in cooperative play.                     • This Belongs to a Friend
Standard HE 4 yr.2.3 With prompting and support,       • Clubhouse
join in, invite, and interact cooperatively with       • Marmot’s Basket
others by sharing, turn-taking, resolving conflicts,   Resources:
and recognizing others’ needs.                         • This Belongs to a Friend
                                                       • How to Listen Like a Friend
Standard HE 4 yr.2.4 With prompting and                • Do I Have To?
support, attend to and show appreciation for           Resources:
the actions or choices of others (for example,         • This Belongs to a Friend
compliment others).                                    • Please and Thank You
                                                       • Teaching Children Manners
Standard HE 4 yr.3.1 Express, identify, and label      • Pretend Play
emotions of self and others (for example, happy,       Resources:
sad, angry, afraid, frustrated, bored) and feelings    • Role Play
(for example, thirsty, hungry, hot, cold, tired).      • Lots of Feelings
                                                       • What Would You Do?
                                                       • Panda and Tornado
Standard HE 4 yr.3.2 With prompting and support,       Social-emotional video series, “I Can Calm Down,” models
begin to demonstrate methods to calm down              both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors through
(for example, deep breathing, count to ten,            scenarios offering explanation and reasoning for each outcome
mindfulness).                                          encouraging children to “Stop, Think, and Choose.”
Standard HE 4 yr.3.3 With prompting and support,       Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
develop and practice self-control by regulating        online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
one’s own impulses and feelings, following simple      tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
directions, waiting for turns, transitioning between
activities, and complying with limitations.
Standard HE 4 yr.4.1 Identify a variety of             • Song: Health
healthy foods.                                         • Healthy Food
                                                       • Food Pictures (Healthy Eating)
                                                       • My Healthy Plate
Standard HE 4 yr.4.2 Identify why eating healthy       • Song: Health
food is important and begin to categorize into         • Healthy Food
food groups.                                           Resources:
                                                       • Food Pictures (Healthy Eating)
                                                       • My Healthy Plate

                                                            6                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard HE 4 yr.4.3 With prompting and support,       • Song: Health
try new foods from a variety of food groups.           • Healthy Food
                                                       • Food Pictures (Healthy Eating)
                                                       • My Healthy Plate

Standard LLP 4 yr.1.1 With prompting and support,      Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
display increasing ability to self-regulate external   online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
behaviors (for example, follow simple directions,      tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
wait for turns, and transition between activities).
Standard LLP 4 yr.1.2 With prompting and support,      Engaging activities throughout Waterford hold children’s
display increasing ability to focus attention on       attention as they concentrate on each task. Support provided can
key, meaningful components of an object or task        range from repeating instructions to offering encouragement and
(Attention focusing, for example, sort and classify    visual clues to step-by-step, follow-me instruction.
objects into categories and provide on-topic
Standard LLP 4 yr.1.3 With prompting and               Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
support, develop increasingly effective strategies     online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
to connect and remember information (Working           tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
memory and information processing, for example,
use self-talk, tell others the events of the day).
Standard LLP 4 yr.1.4 With prompting and               Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
support, develop the ability to recognize and show     online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
awareness of thinking processes (Reflection, for       tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
example, the child explains what strategies are
used to build in blocks).
Sub-strand: Initiative
Standard LLP 4 yr.2.1 With prompting and support,      Children interacting with Waterford are constantly listening to
plan out the multiple steps needed and identify        input and responding with choices, often following multi-step
strategies to use to accomplish a goal or to           directions.
guide play.
Standard LLP 4 yr.2.2 Display an increasing ability    •   Science Investigation
to investigate their immediate environment             •   Science Tools
by using a variety of tools, questions, and            •   Observe a Simple System
strategies to better understand their interests and
experiences (for example, discover why worms
come out of the ground after it rains).
Standard LLP 4 yr.2.3 Develop an increasing ability    • Build Knowledge
to connect new information or experiences with         • Connect to Me
previous knowledge through interactions with           Resources:
teachers, peers, and the environment (for example,     • Good Playing Rules
help develop classroom rules using the previous
experience with rules in the classroom or home).

                                                             7                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Sub-strand: Persistence
Standard LLP 4 yr.2.4 Develop an increasing ability   Children build persistence with Waterford’s consistent support
and willingness to continue with a task through       and encouragement throughout each activity. The support can
challenges or difficulties (for example, continue     range from repeating instructions to offering encouragement and
to build in the block area even when the child has    visual clues to step-by-step, follow-me instruction.
difficulty finding a piece they need).
Standard LLP 4 yr.2.5 Develop the ability to sustain Engaging activities throughout Waterford hold children’s
engagement in active learning small- and large-      attention as they concentrate on each task. Support provided
group activities, working alone or cooperatively.    within each activity can range from repeating instructions to
                                                     offering encouragement and visual clues to step-by-step, follow-
                                                     me instruction.
Standard LLP 4 yr.3.1 Ask and answer questions      •     Science Investigation
to seek additional information about materials,     •     Science Tools
challenges, and activities they experience in their •     Materials
immediate environment to expand their knowledge
and skills.
Standard LLP 4 yr.3.2 With prompting and              •   Song: Problem Solving
support, display an increasing ability to engage      •   Science Investigation
in a variety of problem-solving strategies (for       •   Science Tools
example, recognize cause and effect, use trial        •   Predicting Practice
and error, make predictions, and identify steps for
problem solving).
Standard LLP 4 yr.3.3 Explore and use materials       •   Pretend Play
during play and exploration in new and different      •   Materials
ways (for example, a cardboard box becomes a          •   Perfect Present
spaceship, racecar, or a cave).
Standard LLP 4 yr.3.4 Show flexibility in             • Clubhouse
approaching open-ended tasks (for example, be         • Marmot’s Basket
willing to experiment and risk trying out a new       Resources:
idea or approach).                                    • Role Play
                                                      • What Would You Do?

Standard LLP 4 yr.4.1 Demonstrate awareness of        Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
one’s own identity, including personal information,   online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
characteristics, preferences, and abilities (for      tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
example, name, age, parent/caregiver, family          • Books: I Hate Peas; Lumpy Mush; Ooey, Gooey Mud
members, gender, physical attributes, likes/          • Name Game (What’s Your Name?)
dislikes) and participate in respectful discussions
about similarities and differences with others.
Standard LLP 4 yr.4.2 Participate in self-selected or Waterford encourages everyone to have writing, drawing, and art
organized activities by exploring learning materials materials available for children’s creations.
including outdoor equipment (for example, a child
chooses paint or markers for artwork).
Standard LLP 4 yr.4.3 Begin to maintain personal      Resources:
boundaries while participating in movement or         • Personal Space Circle
daily classroom activities.

                                                            8                     © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                            WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard LLP 4 yr.4.4 Communicate wants and            • Soup’s On!
needs including thoughts and feelings with             • Lost and Found
actions or words.                                      • It’s Not Fair!
                                                       • Lots of Feelings
                                                       • Guess How I’m Feeling
                                                       • Feelings Poster
Standard LLP 4 yr.4.5 Begin to contribute and take     • Boo Hoo Baby
pride in the classroom community (for example,         • Baby’s Ball
volunteer to help others).                             Resources:
                                                       • Classroom Helpers
Standard LLP 4 yr.5.1 Separate and reunite with        Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
parents or caregivers without stress.                  online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
                                                       tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
Standard LLP 4 yr.5.2 Recognize that feelings can      •   Lost Dinosaur
change and different feelings are experienced          •   Squirrel’s Blocks
throughout the day.                                    •   Boo Hoo Baby
                                                       •   Lost and Found
Standard HE 4 yr.3.1 Express, identify, and label      • Soup’s On!
emotions of self and others (for example, happy,       • Lost and Found
sad, angry, afraid, frustrated, bored) and feelings    • It’s Not Fair!
(for example, thirsty, hungry, hot, cold, tired).      Resources:
                                                       • Lots of Feelings
                                                       • Guess How I’m Feeling
                                                       • Feelings Poster
Standard HE 4 yr.3.2 With prompting and support,       •   Squirrel’s Blocks
begin to demonstrate methods to calm down              •   Lost Dinosaur
(for example, deep breathing, count to ten,            •   Noisy Children
mindfulness).                                          •   Lost Keys
Standard HE 4 yr.3.3 With prompting and support,       Social-emotional video series, “I Can Calm Down,” models
develop and practice self-control by regulating        both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors through
one’s own impulses and feelings, following simple      scenarios offering explanation and reasoning for each outcome
directions, waiting for turns, transitioning between   encouraging children to “Stop, Think, and Choose.”
activities, and complying with limitations.
Sub-strand: Communication
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.1 With prompting and support,      Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
respond appropriately to the tone of voice, facial     online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
expressions, and gestures of peers and adults.         tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.2 With prompting and               Social-emotional videos model interactions between characters,
support, communicate with others by attending          demonstrating appropriate conversation rules, with relevant
to and responding to peers and adults individually     responses to questions and comments.
or in a group (for example, taking turns in
Standard HE 4 yr.2.2 Identify and practice how to      • Books: Can We Still Be Friends; Friends
make friends and be a good friend by developing        Resources:
friendships with peers and participating in            • How to Listen Like a Friend
cooperative play.                                      • This Belongs to a Friend

                                                             9                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Sub-strand: Social Engagement
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.3 Show interest in peers by        Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
getting their attention in appropriate ways (for       online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
example, call a child by name or tap him/her on        tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
the shoulder).
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.4 Maintain awareness of and        Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
respect others’ personal space.                        online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
                                                       tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
                                                       • Personal Space Circle
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.5 Begin to maintain self-          Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
control during play with others.                       online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
                                                       tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
Standard HE 4 yr.2.3 With prompting and support,       • Clubhouse
join in, invite, and interact cooperatively with       • Marmot’s Basket
others by sharing, turn-taking, resolving conflicts,   Resources:
and recognizing others’ needs.                         • This Belongs to a Friend
                                                       • How to Listen Like a Friend
Standard HE 4 yr.2.4 With prompting and                • Do I Have To?
support, attend to and show appreciation for           Resources:
the actions or choices of others (for example,         • This Belongs to a Friend
compliment others).                                    • Please and Thank You
                                                       • Teaching Children Manners
Sub-strand: Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving
Standard LLP 4 yr.6.6 Use appropriate                  Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
communication or actions when social problems          online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
arise to identify the problem and explore basic        tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
solutions (for example, how to gain someone’s
attention appropriately, how to express frustration
appropriately, how to seek help from an adult).

Standard Math 4 yr.1.1 Count to 20 by ones.            •   Counting Songs
                                                       •   Number Instruction
                                                       •   Number Counting
                                                       •   Match Numbers
Standard Math 4 yr.1.2 In the sequence of 1–10,        •   Counting Songs
identify numbers that come before or after             •   Number Instruction
one another.                                           •   Number Chart
Standard Math 4 yr.1.3 Count a number of objects       •   Number Instruction
from 0–10 and begin to associate them with a           •   Match Numbers
written numeral.                                       •   Number Counting
Standard Math 4 yr.1.4 Name written                    •   Number Books
numerals 0–10.                                         •   Number Instruction

                                                             10                 © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard Math 4 yr.1.5 Use one-to-one                 •   Counting Songs
correspondence when counting objects to ten.          •   Number Instruction
                                                      •   Match Numbers
                                                      •   One-to-one Correspondence
                                                      •   Bug Fun
                                                      •   Number Counting
Standard Math 4 yr.1.6 When counting objects to       •   Make and Count Groups
ten, understand that the last number counted in a     •   One-to-one Correspondence
set tells how many.                                   •   Bug Fun
                                                      •   Match Numbers
                                                      •   Number Instruction
                                                      •   Number Counting
Standard Math 4 yr.1.7 Count two sets of objects      •   Songs: Greater Than, Less Than; More Than, Fewer Than
up to 10 to determine which has more.                 •   Book: For the Birds
                                                      •   More Than, Fewer Than
                                                      •   More Than
                                                      •   Make and Count Groups
Standard Math 4 yr.2.1 Understand and represent       •   Songs: Pirates Can Add; On the Bayou; Addition; Bakery
addition up to five (adding to or putting together)       Subtraction; Subtract Those Cars; Circus Subtraction
and subtraction (taking from or taking apart)         •   Book: Five Delicious Muffins
with concrete objects, fingers, movement, and         •   Make and Count Groups
simple drawings.                                      •   Add Groups
                                                      •   Subtract Groups
                                                      •   Act Out Addition
                                                      •   Act Out Subtraction
Standard Math 4 yr.2.2 With prompting and             •   Act Out Addition
support, solve addition and subtraction word          •   Act Out Subtraction
problems created by the teacher using up to five
concrete objects to represent the problem (for
example, “Bring me three blocks, now bring me
two more. How many blocks do we have?”).
Standard Math 4 yr.2.3 Take apart numbers less        •   Subtract Groups
than or equal to five by using objects with different •   Act Out Subtraction
attributes (for example, 5 can be taken apart
into sets of 2 blue and 3 yellow or 1 square and
4 circles).
Standard Math 4 yr.2.4 Use concrete objects to        •   Add Groups
make sums of 5 using quantities from 0–5. (for        •   Act Out Addition
example, 0 and 5 make a set of 5, 2 and 3 make a
set of 5.)
Standard Math 4 yr.2.5 Duplicate, extend, and         •   Song: Train Station Patterns
create simple patterns (for example, ababab).         •   Patterns
                                                      •   Patterns AB
                                                      •   Patterns ABB
                                                      •   Patterns ABC

                                                            11                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                           WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard Math 4 yr.3.1 Describe objects using         •   Songs: Savanna Size; Large, Larger, Largest; Same and
vocabulary specific to measurable attributes (for         Different; Positioning
example, length [long/short], weight [heavy/light],   •   Size
size [big/small], and distance [near/far]).           •   Length
                                                      •   Heavy and Light
                                                      •   Tall and Short
                                                      •   Big and Little
                                                      •   Large Small Toys
                                                      •   Big Little Animals
Standard Math 4 yr.3.2 Directly compare two           •   Songs: Savanna Size; Large, Larger, Largest
objects using measurable attributes (for example,     •   Size
length [longer/shorter], weight [heavier/lighter],    •   Order Size
and size [bigger/smaller]).                           •   Length
                                                      •   Heavy and Light
                                                      •   Tall and Short
                                                      •   Big and Little
                                                      •   Large Small Toys
                                                      •   Big Little Animals
Standard Math 4 yr.3.3 Classify/sort objects into     •   Song: All Sorts of Laundry
given categories (for example, color, size, shape)    •   Book: Buttons, Buttons
by specified attributes.                              •   Sort
Standard Math 4 yr.3.4 Compare the number of          •   Songs: Greater Than, Less Than; More Than, Fewer Than
objects in each category to identify which groups     •   Book: For the Birds
contain more or less, or are the same.                •   More Than, Fewer Than
                                                      •   More Than
                                                      •   Make and Count Groups
Standard Math 4 yr.4.1 Describe objects in the        •   Songs: Kites; Shapes, Shapes, Shapes; Positioning; Get
environment by using names of shapes and                  Over the Bugs
identify the relative positions of these objects      •   Books: The Shape of Things; Imagination Shapes; Up in the Air
using terms such as above, below, beside, in front    •   Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle
of, behind, and next to.                              •   Star, Semicircle, Octagon, Oval, Diamond
                                                      •   Simple Shapes
                                                      •   Position
                                                      •   Over, Under, Above, Below
                                                      •   Above, Below, Next to, On
                                                      •   Over, Under, and Through
                                                      •   Inside, Outside, Between
Standard Math 4 yr.4.2 Identify and name basic        •   Books: The Shape of Things; Imagination Shapes
shapes regardless of their size and/or orientation    •   Songs: Kites; Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
(the way the object is turned or flipped).            •   Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle
                                                      •   Star, Semicircle, Octagon, Oval, Diamond
                                                      •   Simple Shapes
                                                      •   Solid Shapes
                                                      •   World Shapes

                                                            12                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                            WATERFORD RESOURCES
STRAND 4: GEOMETRY continued
Standard Math 4 yr.4.3 Begin to explore that           •   Books: The Shape of Things; Imagination Shapes
shapes can be two-dimensional (flat) or three-         •   Songs: Kites; Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
dimensional (solid).                                   •   Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle
                                                       •   Star, Semicircle, Octagon, Oval, Diamond
                                                       •   Simple Shapes
                                                       •   Solid Shapes
                                                       •   World Shapes
Standard Math 4 yr.4.4 Describe attributes of basic    •   Books: Corners and Sides; The Shape of Things;
two-dimensional shapes including size, number of           Imagination Shapes
sides, number of corners, etc.                         •   Songs: Kites; Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
                                                       •   Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle
                                                       •   Star, Semicircle, Octagon, Oval, Diamond
                                                       •   Simple Shapes
                                                       •   Solid Shapes
                                                       •   World Shapes
Standard Math 4 yr.4.5 Create basic shapes using a •       Geoboard
variety of media (for example, blocks, stickers, play •    Tangrams
dough/clay, art supplies).
Standard Math 4 yr.4.6 Explore combining basic         •   Geoboard
shapes to create new shapes (for example, two          •   Tangrams
triangles make a rhombus).

Sub-strand: Gross Motor
Standard PE 4 yr.1.1 Demonstrate control and           Waterford Upstart families receive messages offering ideas and
balance during movement that moves the child           suggestions to support children’s development of motor skills
from one place to another (for example, walk           including balance and fitness, such as strength, flexibility, and
forward in a straight line, hop, run and stop,         endurance.
change direction, and jump over low objects).
Standard PE 4 yr.1.2 Demonstrate coordination and      •   Songs: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes; I Touch My
balance in movement that does not move the child           Nose Like This
from one place to another (for example, balance
on one foot, and move body parts in isolation).
Standard PE 4 yr.1.3 Demonstrate control of large      Waterford Upstart families receive messages offering ideas and
muscles to manipulate objects (for example, throw      suggestions to support children’s development of motor skills
and catch a ball, use a club to move a ball, ride      including balance and fitness, such as strength, flexibility, and
wheeled toys).                                         endurance.
Sub-strand: Fine Motor
Standard PE 4 yr.1.4 Demonstrate wrist, hand,          The daily use of a touch pad or mouse develops dexterity and
and finger control (for example, screw on and          hand–eye coordination.
off lids, button, zip, push an object, use scissors,
create art).
Standard PE 4 yr.1.5 Hold a pencil and other writing The use of Waterford requires children to manipulate a mouse or
tools with a beginning pincer grasp (thumb to        touch pad. Children also must practice writing letters and words.
index finger grasp).

                                                             13                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                             WATERFORD RESOURCES
Sub-strand: Fine Motor continued
Standard PE 4 yr.1.6 Demonstrate eye-hand          The daily use of a touch pad or mouse develops dexterity and
coordination (for example, pour from one object to hand-eye coordination.
another, strike a stationary object).
Standard PE 4 yr.1.7 Demonstrate eye-hand               •   Dots, Lines, and Circles
coordination by independently creating simple           •   Letter Trace (Letter Picture Writing)
handwriting strokes such as straight and
intersecting lines, circles, and other simple shapes
using a variety of writing tools.
Strand 2: Efficient Movement and Performance
Standard PE 4 yr.2.1 Begin to maintain personal         Resources:
boundaries while participating in movement              • Personal Space Circle
Strand 3: Physical Activity as a Tool For Wellness
Standard PE 4 yr.3.1 Recognize how exercise             • Song: Health
and physical activity influence our physical and        • Book: We All Exercise
emotional wellness (for example, feel the change        • Exercise and Rest
in breathing or heart rate, talk about how it helps     Resources:
our muscles and body, ask what physical activities      • Yoga Poster
a child enjoys).

Standard 3–4 yr.1.1 Obtain and communicate              •   Song: The Four Seasons
information about local, observable weather             •   Book: That’s What I Like: A Book About Seasons
conditions while exploring and describing               •   Weather
patterns found in different seasons. Emphasize          •   Calendar/Graph Weather
the observation and recognition of data. Examples       •   Spring
of data may include sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy,        •   Summer
snowy, cold, or warm.                                   •   Fall
                                                        •   Winter
Standard 3–4 yr.1.2 Obtain and communicate              •   Song: The Four Seasons
information about human behavior patterns in            •   Books: That’s What I Like: A Book About Seasons; Whatever
different weather conditions. Emphasize the                 the Weather
observation and recognition of data. Examples of        •   Weather
data may include clothing, food, safety, and other      •   Calendar/Graph Weather
preparations for expected weather.                      •   Spring
                                                        •   Summer
                                                        •   Fall
                                                        •   Winter
Standard 3–4 yr.2.1 Plan and carry out an               •   Songs: Five Senses; The Scientific Method; Sun Blues
investigation using the five senses to determine        •   Science Investigation
the effect of sunlight on different surfaces and        •   Sun
materials. Examples could include determining if        •   Sight
the effect is hot or cold or a light or dark surface.   •   Taste
                                                        •   Smell
                                                        •   Touch
                                                        •   Hearing

                                                              14                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                               WATERFORD RESOURCES
STRAND 2: LIGHT continued
Standard 3–4 yr.2.2 Carry out an investigation to   •        Song: The Scientific Method
show the effect of light in illuminating objects.   •        Science Investigation
Emphasize that objects can be seen when light       •        Light Sources
is available to illuminate them. Examples could
include observations about light when navigating a
room with the lights off compared to the lights on.
Standard 3– 4yr.2.3 Plan and carry out an                •   Songs: The Scientific Method; Plants Are Growing
investigation to determine the effect of sunlight        •   Book: Mela’s Water Pot
and water on plant growth. Examples could                •   Plants
include growing plants in light or dark places.          •   Science Investigation
                                                         •   Plants Need Water
                                                         •   Healthy Plants’ Needs
Standard 3-4 yr.3.1 Obtain and communicate               •   Songs: Water; Plants Are Growing; Food From Plants
information about the effect of water and food           •   Books: Mela’s Water Pot; Everybody Needs to Eat
on living things. Examples could include plants          •   Plants
depend on water to live, and animals depend on           •   Water
water and food to live.                                  •   Plants Need Water
                                                         •   Food From Plants
Standard 3–4 yr.3.2 Obtain and communicate               •   Water
information about the pattern between living             •   Mountains
things and the places where they live. Emphasize         •   Deserts
that living things need water, air, and resources,       •   Oceans
and they live in places that have the things they        •   Rainforests
need to survive.
Standard 3-4 yr.3.3 Obtain and communicate               •   Mammals
information about the behavior patterns that help        •   Observe a Simple System
humans and animals survive when they are young.
Examples of behavior patterns could include
parents responding to needs, providing shelter
and sustenance, and ensuring the security of their
Standard 3-4 yr.4.1 Plan and carry out an                •   Songs: Matter; Solid or Liquid
investigation to classify different kinds of materials   •   Book: Pancakes Matter
based on patterns in their observable properties.        •   Matter
Examples could include sorting materials based on        •   Materials
similar properties such as color, hardness, texture,     •   Rocks
or whether the materials are solids or liquids.          •   Sort
                                                         •   Solid and Liquid
Standard 3-4 yr.4.2 Plan and carry out an                •   Song: Push and Pull
investigation to determine the cause and effect          •   Book: Mr. Mario’s Neighborhood
of the speed or direction of an object when a            •   Push and Pull
push or pull occurs. Examples could include
having a marble or other object move a certain
distance, follow a particular path, or knock down
other objects.

                                                               15                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                             WATERFORD RESOURCES

Standard SS 4 yr.1.1 Recognize differences and          •   Books: José Three; Tortillas, Tortillas; I Touch My Nose
commonalities in culture, ethnicity, and abilities          Like This; In the Rain; Seeing Fingers; Noise? What Noise?;
within the classroom and immediate communities              David Next Door
(for example, language, family structure, traditions,   •   My Family
disabilities).                                          •   Soup’s On!
                                                        •   Baby’s Birthday
                                                        •   Party Time
Standard SS 4 yr.2.1 Identify examples of change        • Books: José Three; I Can’t Wait
over time on topics including self, family, and         Resources:
community and how these changes may affect              • Exploring Your Home City with Your Children
them (for example, changes in the family,
classroom, or neighborhood).
Standard SS 4 yr.3.1 Recognize people and places        • Book: Play Ball
across familiar environments and discuss what           Resources:
is gained through interactions (for example, buy        • Community Helpers
food at the store, receive packages from the
mail carrier).
Standard SS 4 yr.3.2 Identify and follow safety         Resources:
procedures for school and various environments          • Fire Safety Activities for Kids
(for example, safety drills, crosswalks,                • Emergency Preparedness for Kids
seatbelts, helmets).
Standard SS 4 yr.3.3 Describe ways to care for          •   Song: Pollution Rap
home and school environments and the earth (for         •   Pollution and Recycling
example, recycle, use paper and use water only as       •   Care of Water
needed, place trash in the garbage can).                •   Care of Earth
Standard SS 4 yr.4.1 Demonstrate awareness of           Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
one’s own identity including personal information,      online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
characteristics, preferences, and abilities (for        tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
example, name, age, gender, physical attributes,        • Books: I Hate Peas; Lumpy Mush; Ooey, Gooey Mud
likes/dislikes, parent/caregiver, family members)       • Name Game (What’s Your Name?)
and participate in respectful discussions about
similarities and differences with others.
Standard SS 4 yr.5.1 Begin to demonstrate               Social-emotional videos model problem-solving strategies that
independence in interacting cooperatively               include individual methods as well as seeking adult help.
with others by sharing, turn-taking, resolving          • Broken Lamp
conflicts, accepting consequences of actions, and       • Boo Hoo Baby
recognizing others’ needs.                              • Baby’s Ball
                                                        • Consequences Cards

                                                              16                  © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

              UTAH STANDARDS                                             WATERFORD RESOURCES
Standard SS 4 yr.5.2 Participate in the classroom       • Pretend Play
community by interacting with other children and        • Clubhouse
adults in a formal or group setting (for example,       Resources:
follow established rules, participate in a variety of   • Listening Rug Rules
classroom roles, take care of classroom materials).     • Good Playing Rules
Standard SS 4 yr.6.1 Participate in the democratic      Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
process as it applies to a classroom community          online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
(for example, recognize the importance of rules,        tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
assist with developing rules, propose solutions to
classroom problems, and participate in voting for
Standard SS 4 yr.7.1 Identify the difference between Families are provided information about social-emotional learning
basic needs (for example, food, shelter, clothing)   online at upstart.waterford.org under the Resources and Activities
and wants (for example, toys, games, treats).        tab, as well as in the Waterford Upstart Activity Book.
Standard SS 4 yr.7.2 With prompting and support,        Resources:
explain that people have jobs to meet needs,            • Community Helpers
including for self, classroom, and community.
Standard SS 4 yr.8.1 Describe how simple and            •   Print Directionality Introduction
electronic technology affects the way people live,
work, travel, communicate, and play.
Standard SS 4 yr.8.2 Recognize the importance of        •   Song: Health
balancing media time with other activities.             •   Book: We All Exercise
                                                        •   Exercise and Rest

                                                              17                    © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
WATERFORD Books and Related Activities

PRE-READING                                                            Readable Books (Read or Record)
Sing a Rhyme Songs & Books                                             Me; The Snowman; The Mitten; I Am Sam; What Am I?;
The Apple Tree; Baa, Baa, Black Sheep; Pat-a-cake; Hey                 Sad Sam; Dad’s Surprise; Tad; Matt’s Hat; What Is It?; Dan
Diddle, Diddle; One Elephant Went Out to Play; The Farmer              and Mac; What a Band!; Pat Can Camp; The Rabbit and
in the Dell; Ten Little Goldfish; All the Pretty Little Horses;        the Turtle; Stop the Frogs!; Bob and Tab; Hot Rods; Happy
Mother, Mother, I Am Ill; Jack and Jill; Three Little Kittens;         Birthday; Go, Frog, Go!; Pip, the Big Pig; What Is in the
Mary Had a Little Lamb; Little Miss Muffet; I Touch My Nose            Pit?; Prints!; Who Is at the Door?; The Big Trip; Who Will
Like This; Polly, Put the Kettle On; This Little Pig; Quack,           Go in the Rain?; Let’s Get Hats!; Slug Bug; Green Gum;
Quack, Quack; Rock-a-Bye Baby; Itsy Bitsy Spider; Tortillas,           Lizzy the Bee; Little Duck; Thump, Bump!; The Tree Hut;
Tortillas; The Bus; My Valentine; Where Is Thumbkin?; 1, 2,            The Big Hill; What’s in the Egg?; Rom and His New Pet;
Buckle My Shoe; Yankee Doodle; The Zulu Warrior                        Chet and Chuck; What Do I Spy?; Quick! Help!; Can We
                                                                       Still Be Friends?; Fun in Kansas; Brave Dave and Jane;
Informational Books                                                    My Snowman; Space Chase Race; Oh No, Mose!; Smoke!;
Opposites, Pairs, Watch the Woolly Worm                                The Note; The Snoring Boar; Shopping Day; Friends; Two
                                                                       Little Pines; Can Matilda Get the Cheese?; Let’s Go to
Read with Me Books                                                     Yellowstone; Maddy and Clive; Brute and the Flute; Old
Andy’s Adventure; Baby’s Birthday; At Camp; I Go…;                     Rosa; What Is in the Tree?; Too Much Popcorn; Old King
Eleven Elephants; Five; Go, Grasshopper; Hair; Who                     Dune; Riding in My Jeep; Sammy and Pete; Will You Play
Has an Itch?; Jumbled; Here, Kitty, Kitty; Long Lewie;                 with Me?; The Rescue; Who Am I?
Magnifying Glass; New; Opposites; Pairs; The Quiet Book;
Rascal’s Rotten Day; Six Silly Sailors; Together; Under;               Readable (Walk-Through/Jump-Through/
Family Vacation; Watch the Woolly Worm; Rex Is in a Fix;               Record Titles)
Yummy; The Zebra                                                       Matt’s Hat; What Is It?; Dan and Mac; What a Band!; Pat
                                                                       Can Camp; The Rabbit and the Turtle; Stop the Frogs!;
Decodable Books                                                        What Is in the Pit?; Prints!; Who Is at the Door?; What
He Is Happy; Sam; A Mat; Pam and Pat; Nan and the Ham;                 Am I?; Sad Sam; The Big Trip; Dad’s Surprise; Tad; Who
The Hat; Up on Top; The Hot Pot; Tim; Lil                              Will Go in the Rain?; Let’s Get Hats!; Slug Bug; Green
                                                                       Gum; Lizzy the Bee; Little Duck; Thump, Bump!; The Tree
                                                                       Hut; The Big Hill; What’s in the Egg?; Rom and His New
BASIC READING                                                          Pet; Old Rosa; What Is in the Tree?; Too Much Popcorn;
Traditional Tales                                                      Old King Dune; Riding in My Jeep; Sammy and Pete; Will
The Gingerbread Man, The Little Red Hen, Lizard and                    You Play with Me?; The Rescue; Chet and Chuck; What
the Painted Rock, Anansi and the Seven Yam Hills, The                  Do I Spy?; Quick! Help!; Can We Still Be Friends?; Fun in
Big Mitten, The Three Little Pigs, The City Mouse and                  Kansas; Brave Dave and Jane; My Snowman; Space Chase
the Country Mouse, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The                 Race; Oh no, Mose!; Smoke!; The Note; The Snoring Boar;
Magic Porridge Pot, The Three Wishes, Henny Penny, Mr.                 Shopping Day; Friends; Two Little Pines; Can Matilda Get
Lucky Straw, La Tortuga, The Shoemaker and the Elves,                  the Cheese?; Let’s Go to Yellowstone; Maddy and Clive;
The Brothers, The Ugly Duckling                                        Brute and The Flute; Who Am I?; Bob and Tab; Hot Rods;
                                                                       Happy Birthday; Go, Frog, Go!; Pip, the Big Pig; I Am Sam
Informational Books
I Want to Be a Scientist Like Jane Goodall, I Wish I Had
Ears Like a Bat, I Want to Be a Scientist Like Wilbur
and Orville Wright, I Want to Be a Scientist Like George
Washington Carver, Star Pictures, Animal Bodies, Water Is
All Around

                                                                  18                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
WATERFORD Books and Related Activities

FLUENT READING                                                    Informational Books
Read-Along Books                                                  The Piñata; Discovering Dinosaurs; Treasures from the
Bad News Shoes; Up and Down; The Mighty Sparrow;                  Loom; The Courage to Learn; Bee’s Secret; Reaching
The Four Seasons; I Met a Monster; David Next Door;               Above; Sound; White-tailed Deer; The Talking Lizard;
Bandage Bandit; Rocks in My Socks; Great White Bird;              Water; Sequoyah’s Talking Leaves; Winter Snoozers;
The Snow Lion; Turtle’s Pond; The Story Cloth; Lorenzo’s          Amazing Tails; The Pizza Book
Llama; Snake Weaves a Rug; The Crowded House; Sound;
Noise? What Noise?; The Story of Tong and Mai Nhia;               Readable Books (Record, Read, Listen)
Duc Tho Le’s Birthday Present; Poetry Book 1; Wendel              The Show, Dinosaur Bones, Mike and the Mice, Huge Red
Wandered; What If You Were an Octopus?; Today I                   Plum, The Bees, My Shark, Barnaby, Animals in the House,
Write a Letter; I Hate Peas; The Talking Lizard; Darren’s         Do You Know?, Cow on the Hill, Clouds, The Noise in the
Work; Sequoyah’s Talking Leaves; The Bee’s Secret; The            Night, Strawberry Jam, Jade’s Note, Bertie, Cory’s Horn,
Weather on Blackberry Lane; Little Tree; Treasures from           The Lion and the Mouse, Lightning Bugs, Louis Braille,
the Loom; Poetry Book 2; Mr. Croaky Toad; White-tailed            Troll’s Visit, Andrew’s News, Sue’s Slime, The Name of the
Deer; The Courage to Learn; How Rivers Began; Pencil              Tree, The Giant and the Hare, Frank’s Pranks, Through the
Magic; Water; The Sweater; Drawing; All on the Same               Back Fence, Fudge for Sale, Photos for Phil, Moose Are
Earth; Elephant Upstairs; Reaching Above; The Pizza               Not Meese, Little Barry Busy
Book; What Will Sara Be?; Winter Snoozers; Why Wind
                                                                  Sentence Dictation Titles
and Water Fight; The Three Billy Goats Gruff; The Piñata
                                                                  Stop the Frogs!; Matt’s Hat; What Is It?; Dan and Mac;
Book; Discovering Dinosaurs; Macaw’s Chorus; Amazing
                                                                  What a Band!; What Is in the Pit?; Prints!; Who Is at the
Tails; My Reptile Hospital; Movin’ to the Music Time
                                                                  Door?; Sad Sam; The Big Trip; Dad’s Surprise; Tad; Slug
                                                                  Bug; Green Gum; Lizzy the Bee; Little Duck; Thump,
Fluency Comprehension and Speed Titles
                                                                  Bump!; The Big Hill; What’s in the Egg?; Old Rosa; What
The Show; Dinosaur Bones; Mike and the Mice; Huge Red
                                                                  is in the Tree?; Sammy and Pete; The Rescue; Chet and
Plum; The Bees; My Shark; Barnaby; Animals in the House;
                                                                  Chuck; Fun in Kansas; My Snowman; Oh No, Mose!;
Do You Know?; Cow on the Hill; Clouds; The Noise in the
                                                                  Smoke!; The Note; The Snoring Boar; Friends; Brute and
Night; Strawberry Jam; Jade’s Note; Bertie; Cory’s Horn;
                                                                  the Flute; Bob and Tab; Hot Rods; Happy Birthday; The
The Lion and the Mouse; Lightning Bugs; Louis Braille;
                                                                  Mitten; Pat Can Camp; The Rabbit and the Turtle; What
Troll’s Visit; Andrew’s News; Sue’s Slime; The Name of the
                                                                  Am I?; Who Will Go in the Rain?; Let’s Get Hats!; The Tree
Tree; The Giant and the Hare; Frank’s Pranks; Through the
                                                                  Hut; Rom and His New Pet; Too Much Popcorn; Old King
Back Fence; Fudge for Sale; Photos for Phil; Moose Are
                                                                  Dune; Riding in My Jeep; Will You Play With Me?; What
Not Meese; Little Barry Busy
                                                                  Do I Spy?; Quick! Help!; Can We Still Be Friends?; Brave
                                                                  Dave and Jane; Space Chase Race; Shopping Day; Two
                                                                  Little Pines; Can Matilda Get the Cheese?; Let’s Go to
                                                                  Yellowstone; Maddy and Clive; Go, Frog, Go!; Pip, the Big
                                                                  Pig; I Am Sam; Who Am I?

                                                             19                   © Waterford Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
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