Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb

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Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Waste Management
during the COVID-19
From Response to Recovery

                            August 2020
Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
© 2020 United Nations Environment Programme

Report Title: Waste Management during the COVID-19
Pandemic From Response to Recovery

ISBN No: 978-92-807-3794-3

Job No: DTI/2292/PA

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Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Waste Management
during the COVID-19
From Response to Recovery

United Nations Environment Programme,
International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)
IGES Center Collaborating with UNEP on
Environmental Technologies (CCET)
Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb

Financial Support
This report was developed with financial support from the
Ministry of Environment (MOE), Government of Japan through
United Nations Environment Programme - International
Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP-IETC).

Makoto Tsukiji, CCET
Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, CCET
Isnanto Solihin Yugo Pratomo, CCET
Kazunobu Onogawa, CCET
Keith Alverson, UNEP-IETC
Shunichi Honda, UNEP-IETC
Daniel Ternald, UNEP-IETC
Misato Dilley, UNEP-IETC
Junko Fujioka, UNEP-IETC
Dyota Condrorini, consultant

Contributors (Alphabetical order)
Abas Basir / Priyankari Alexander, South Asia Co-operative    Ricardo Ortiz/ Alejandra Medina, Ministry of Environment
Environment Programme (SACEP), Sri Lanka                      and Natural Resources, Mexico

Agamuthu Pariatamby, Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable      Samuel Zemenfeskududs Kidane, Addis Ababa City Health
Development, Sunway University, Malaysia                      Bureau, Ethiopia

Anurudda Karunarathna, Department of Agricultural             Sara Eliasson, United Nations Environment Programme,
Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka              South Africa

Anthony Wainaina, Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya          Shauna Costley, Hazardous Waste Management Support,
                                                              Pretoria, South Africa
Balanganani Nengovhela, South African Local Government
Association (SALGA), South Africa                             Sujari, Public Health Agency of Bangka Belitung Archipelago
                                                              Province, Indonesia
Enri Damanhuri, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
                                                              Sumitra Amatya, LEAD Nepal, Nepal
Firdaus Dahlan / P. Putri Utami, Centre for IMT-GT
Subregional Cooperation (CIMT), Malaysia                      Suzan Oelofse / Linda Godfrey, Council for Scientific and
                                                              Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa
Gustavo Solorzano, AIDIS-DIRSA-Mexico (Inter-American
Association of Sanitary Engineering), Mexico                  Yunrui Zhou, Department of Environment, United Nations
                                                              Industrial Development Organization
Hutriadi, S.Si, Environmental Agency of Bangka Belitung
Archipelago Province, Indonesia
Justin Roosevelt Sealy, Saint Lucia Solid Waste
Management Authority (SLSWMA), Saint Lucia                    Beatriz Martins Carneiro, United Nations Environment
Md. Ziaul Haque, Department of Environment, Bangladesh        Rathi, Megha, World Health Organization
M.Zulfikri. SH, Environmental and Forestry Agency of          Swati Singh SambyalUN-Habitat India Office
Pekanbaru City, Indonesia                                     Ute Pieper, World Health Organization
Panate Manomaivibool, Mae Fah Luang University (MFU),         Jian Liu, United Nations Environment Programme
                                                              Technical Editor: David D. Sussman, IGES
Prasad Modak, Executive President, Environmental
Management Centre LLP, India
                                                              Cover Photo: ©iStockphoto
Ramsook Loykisoonlal, Deputy Director: Environmental
Health at the National Department of Health (NDoH)            Layout: Daniela Cristofori
Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements                                                                                   4
Abbreviations                                                                                      4
Foreword                                                                                           6
Summary                                                                                            9

1. Introduction                                                                                    17
1.1.   Overview                                                                                    17
1.2.   Scope and target                                                                            17
1.3.   Objectives                                                                                  18
1.4.   Methodology                                                                                 18

2. Statistics, Policy and Regulatory Aspects in Managing Healthcare Waste under COVID-19           21
2.1.   Characterization of healthcare waste                                                        21
2.2.   Volume of healthcare waste generation                                                       23
2.3.   Policy and regulatory aspects                                                               24
2.4.   COVID-19 and gender in waste management                                                     29

3. Current Practices of Healthcare Waste Management                                                31
3.1    Waste segregation, storage, and transportation of COVID-19 waste                            31
3.2    Treatment and disposal methods of healthcare waste                                          35
3.3    Occupational safety and health                                                              42
3.4    Capacity building and awareness raising                                                     42

4. Conclusion and lessons learnt                                                                   45
4.1    Policy, Regulatory and Institutional Framework                                              45
4.2    Safe handling of infectious waste                                                           45
4.3    Appropriate treatment and disposal methods                                                  46
4.4    Capacity Development and Awareness Raising                                                  49
4.5    Data management, statistics, and learning                                                   49
4.6    General principles and guidance for managing infectious waste under the COVID-19 outbreak   49

References                                                                                         50

Annex: Case studies                                                                                52
Indonesia                                                                                          52
Kenya		                                                                                            54
Sri Lanka                                                                                          56
Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Foreword by Mr. Keith Alverson

    The COVID-19 pandemic is posing enormous challenges at
    every level of society and across economic sectors. Despite
    occassional rhetoric to the contrary, there is never a simple
    trade-off between health care concerns and economic
    ones. Rather, there are many actions to take across a wide
    health care and economic spectrum that deliver positive
    outcomes with regard to both COVID-19 as well as social
    and economic resilience. For solid waste management,
    municipalities are faced with the challenge of continuing
    essential services of waste collection and management
                                                                     Mr. Keith Alverson
    while at the same time accounting for growing streams            Director, International Environmental
    of potentially infectious waste, and protecting the lives of     Technology Centre, Economy Division
    formal and informal workers. One of the primary messages
    from UNEP is to use existing waste management systems
    to their fullest, whenever possible. There’s an old saying
    in emergency management: “disaster is the wrong time
    to exchange business cards”, similarly in the midst of a
    pandemic is usually the wrong time to try to install new
    health care waste management systems and practices
    from scratch.
    This said, the COVID-19 pandemic disaster, unlike
    earthquakes or tropical storms, will not be over in a
    matter of hours or days. It will be with us for another year
    at least, and possibly for several more years. Indeed,
    we face the inevitability of localized additional natural
    disasters occurring during the pandemic, multiplying waste
    management challenges. Thus, in addition to addressing
    immediate concerns, there is also an opportunity, over the
    longer term, to improve waste management systems and
    build a better future in light of lessons being learned today.
    We hope that this publication, with its combined ‘desk
    review’ of international guidelines alongside country level
    ‘facts on the ground’ survey responses, will provide some
    guidance and practices for municipalities, particularly in
    developing countries, as they deal with urgent concerns,
    and building more resilient cities for tomorrow.

    Mr. Keith Alverson

Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Foreword by Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa

COVID-19 has had a serious impact on all parts of our
society, and waste management is no exception. Waste
management in developing countries is usually not operated
in accordance with international standards, and so there
have been additional difficulties with an increased amount
of potentially infected waste which requires additional,
careful handling and treatment processes.
International organizations and academic associations
have already issued guidelines for infectious waste
management. However, many of those guidelines target                                              Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa
both developed and developing countries, and only a                                               Director, IGES Centre
                                                                                                  Collaborating with UNEP on
few guidelines are prepared specifically in response to                                           Environmental Technologies
the current condition of COVID-19 waste management in
developing countries. The state of waste management in
those countries differs from that in developed countries,
and it is difficult to apply developed countries guidelines
as they are. Particularly, developing countries lack capacity
in terms of financial, technical, social, and institutional
In addition, many of the available guidelines have been           Referring to the 17 guidelines suggested by international
developed when society is under normal conditions, rather         organizations and other authorities, we have communicated
than in the midst of a pandemic. Guidelines prepared under        with 14 developing countries around the world with regards
such conditions usually focus on the technical parts of           to 29 of their national regulations and compiled their
waste management without paying sufficient attention to           responses and information in this report. Our objective
the potentially confused state of society hit by a pandemic.      is to share this real information with countries seeking
The already limited capacity of waste management in               such information for their decision-making process.
developing countries is further affected by COVID-19              Observations from leading experts based in developing
waste which requires additional careful consideration and         countries, and who are familiar with the real situation
operation.                                                        of waste management in those countries are another
Developing countries have to react to COVID-19 under such         important contribution to this report.
conditions and need to find an answer for themselves. It is       There is often a large gap between what is discussed and
not an easy task to find a universal landing point between        what is implemented in the area of waste management. The
desirable goals and affordable ones, and that is why              question is how to fill this gap, and that is what we intended
setting individual goals is left to the decisions of respective   to share in this report. What we need are practical ideas and
governments and municipalities.                                   examples on how to handle situations under the disastrous
This report is unique in that it highlights communications        conditions caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
with governments and municipalities of developing                 We hope this report will serve as valuable information
countries as we collect real information on the ground.           for consideration and development of action plans in
While international guidelines are usually targeting final        developing countries and economies in transition, so that
goals, this report aims to compile information on the             they can better handle healthcare waste management
technologies and institutional arrangements currently             generated by COVID-19.
employed in developing countries.

                                                                  Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa
                                                                  Director, CCET

Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
    ADB          Asian Development Bank
    BAT          Best Available Technique
    CBTF         Common biomedical waste treatment facility
    CCET         IGES Center Collaborating with UNEP on
                 Environmental Technologies
    CIMT         Centre for IMT-GT Subregional Cooperation
    COVID-19     Coronavirus disease 2019
    CDC          Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    IGES         Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
    HCWM         Healthcare Waste Management
    ISWA         The International Solid Waste Association
    OSH          Occupational safety and health
    MSWM         Municipal solid waste management
    MWM          Medical waste management
    PPE          Personal protective equipment
    SACEP        South Asia Co-operative Environment
    WHO          World Health Organization
    UNEP-IETC    United Nations Environment Programme
                 - International Environmental Technology
    UN-HABITAT   United Nations Human Settlements
    UV           Ultraviolet

Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb

This report provides practical information, suggestions,               proper healthcare and municipal solid waste management
and guidelines on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM)                   practices due to technical, operational, and/or financial
and Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) given
                                                                       constraints are particularly vulnerable during the pandemic,
the restrictions and limitations imposed by the ongoing
pandemic, including lack of human resources, technologies,             with its new risks and challenges.
equipment, and funds. This report builds on existing and ad-
hoc information rapidly extracted from existing documents              Governments have introduced some initiatives, but they
as well as responses to a national questionnaire survey.               are inadequate. On a positive note, awareness about
The report introduces various practices including best                 potential harm from healthcare waste has now become
available options for immediate consideration as well as
                                                                       more prominent, not only within governments, medical
those for sustainable healthcare waste management in the
                                                                       practitioners, and medical waste handlers, but also within
future, with a focus on developing countries.
                                                                       the civil society. Most governments have started to follow
COVID-19 creates additional challenges in waste                        existing legislation and regulations put in place by their
management in developing countries. Inadequate and                     respective countries for the management of infectious waste
inappropriate handling of healthcare waste may have                    from hospitals and households. Further, some governments
serious public health consequences and a significant                   continue to introduce new policies and guidance to follow in
impact on the environment. Sound management of these                   handling waste under the COVID-19 pandemic, considering
wastes, in addition to municipal solid waste (MSW) and                 the additional capacity and resources are required to
other growing waste streams such as electronic waste                   maintain compliance for proper waste management. In
(E-waste), construction and demolition (C&D) waste and                 addition, governments which do not have their own policies
industrial waste, is thus a crucial part of environmental and          or guidance have taken actions to operationalize the
health protection. The importance of proper management                 international regulations and guidance issued by different
of healthcare waste has been receiving further attention               agencies, including WHO, UNEP, UN-Habitat, the World
with COVID-19 pandemic, newly discovered in late 2019. As              Bank and other UN agencies, as well as other international
shown in Table 1, developing countries that may already lack           organizations such as ADB and ISWA.

Table 1 - Risks and challenges associated with waste management in COVID-19 pandemic

Waste generated through houseold/                                                     Waste generated through
domestic waste management (MSW)                                                       healthcare facilities

»» Increased amount of mixed waste,       »» Discontinued provision of formal/        »» Increased amount of infectious
  including infectious waste due to         informal waste management                   waste generation
  low levels of segregation at source       services                                  »» service interruptions of
»» Increased amount of plastic waste      »» Increased negative impacts,                 healthcare waste management
  (due to lockdowns, suspension of          especially to informal sector (OSH,          services
  reuseable items in stores, etc.)          health risk, business opprotunity         »» Improper healthcare waste
                                            loss, etc.)                                  management treatment in place
»» Lack of inventorisation/estimates                                                  »» Suspension of recycling activities
  on amount of household                  »» Improper MSWM service provided           »» Insufficient capacity for waste
  hazardous waste being generated           during normal times (vulnerability
                                                                                         treatment and disposal
»» Increased littering, illegal dumping     in collection services and landfill
  and open burning                          operation as well as OSH)
»» Suspension of recycling activities     »» Lack of awareness regarding waste
»» Mixing of infectious waste such as
  gloves, masks, tissues, and gauze       »» Reuse of disposed PPE
  with other wastes (exposure to          »» Lack of daily supply of PPEs to
  transmission)                             waste collectors

Waste Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic - From Response to Recovery - August 2020 - ReliefWeb
Good governance and policy-making responsibility play
                                                                           an important role throughout the emergency management
                                                                           cycle – from preparedness and readiness to response to
                                                                           eventual evidence-based recovery from COVID-19. Proper
                                                                           management of healthcare waste needs to be based on
                                                                           the waste hierarchy/3R principles and consider integrated
                                                                           and/or holistic management, starting from source
                                                                           segregation, storage, collection/transport, treatment and
                                                                           final disposal. Although most governments have made
                                                                           some efforts to improve the situation, findings from a
                                                                           questionnaire survey (Table 2) show they are inadequate
                                                                           to manage even the healthcare waste that is generated in
                                                                           normal times.
                                                                           With these limited technical options and capacities,
                                                                           the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated increase in
                                                                           volume of healthcare waste generation created additional
                                                                           burdens for both local and national governments. To
                                                                           respond to this emergency adequately, each government
                                                                           needs to develop a contingency plan based on the local
                                                                           conditions and requirements.

     Table 2 - The summary of the questionnaire survey results

                                                              Second most
      Healthcare waste                Widely used             commonly used
      management options              methods                 methods              Additional methods

      Source Separation               • Separate into         • Separate           •   Separate at source
                                        infectious and          using specific     •   Use of properly labelled separate bins
                                        noninfectious,          colourcoded bins   •   Use double layered bags
                                        liquid, sharp and
                                                                                   •   Maintain records of separated waste
                                        general waste
                                                                                   •   Disinfection of bags before they are tied

      Storage                         • Use designated        • Minimum 3 days     • Use cold room
                                        storage room            storage before     • Regular disinfection of storage area
                                                                collection         • Close, lock and secure storage area
                                                                                   • Separate infectious waste from other HCW in
                                                                                     the storage room
                                                                                   • Minimum 2 days storage before collection
                                                                                   • Depute dedicated sanitation workers

      Transport                       • Use licensed          • Use covered        • Use specific vehicles and equipment used for
                                        and direct              vehicles             transport waste
                                        consignment                                • Vehicles are labelled and use GPS tracking and
                                        contract with                                brace systems
                                        waste treatment                            • Timely and frequent collection and transport
                                      • Use of PPE for                             • Disinfection of bags/bins prior to loading the
                                        transportation                               vehicle
                                                                                   • Keep records of waste transports

      Treatment                       • Use of incineration   • Chemical           •   Plasma pyrolysis
                                      • Use of specific         disinfection       •   Auto or dry heat
                                        landfill sites          or highlevel       •   Melting
                                      • Use of autoclaves       disinfection
                                                                                   •   Microwave treatment
                                                                                   •   Cement kiln
                                                                                   •   Burning in open container
                                                                                   •   Deep burial
                                                                                   •   Open landfill

     Source: CCET survey team, 2020

Table 3

Key considerations for making contingency plans
• Consider both short term (emergency response              Examine existing treatment and disposal
  plan) and long term (recovery plan) actions               options for infectious waste management and
  associated with implementing effective healthcare         promote the best available options to mitigate
  waste management.                                         transmission risks
• Carry out a quick survey and map sources of waste        • Permit temporary licensing, long-term
  generation to identify changes in waste amounts/           storage, inter-municipality collaboration, and
  flows and increase efficient use of resources              transboundary arrangement for proper waste
• Maintain an existing waste management system               management in a timely manner, etc.
  to avoid other health risks due to the service           • Encourage multisectoral cooperation and
  interupptions of waste collection and treatment            interaction at all levels
  (Adjust collection service and treatment to              • Protect lives and livelihoods both of formal
  manage increased amount of waste)                          and informal sector workers who are involved
• Outreach to increase awareness on source                   in waste management system (Occupational
  segregation and proper storage/discharge,                  Safety and Health (OSH), social safeguards,
  including double-layer bag use, colored bag use,           etc.)
  specific bag distribution, labelling, discharge          • Ensure gender equality is taken into account,
  place, etc.                                                using gender-disaggregated data, women’s
• Continue the practice of material reuse and                participation in decision making and in
  recycle as much as possible, and adjusting waste           introducing health and safety measures
  collection and transport systems to include waste.

                                                                                               for sustainable
                                                                                                 HCWM and

                                                                                STEP 05
                                                                                Develop the
                                                              STEP 04           recovery and
                                                              Review the        preparedness
                                                              existing waste    plan
                                          STEP 03
                                          Provide the         management
                                          adjusted waste      service
                         STEP 02
                         Develop the
        STEP 01          contingency
        Rapid assessment plan
        of waste

                     Emergency phase                            Recovery & Preparedness phase


     Key priority areas that governments should focus on to
     improve healthcare waste management to prevent the
     spread of COVID-19 and to develop resilience to and
     preparedness for similar events in the future:

     1. Source segregation -   Table 4

                                                                                                                Healthcare waste
      Waste          General MSW management           MSW management for identified quarantine                  management
      management     including potentially            locations with suspected and confirmed                    from healthcare
      methods        infectious one                   COVID-19 positive patients                                facilities

      Emergency      • Use double bagged for          • Separate infectious waste (contaminated mix             • Prepare to use
      response         potentially infectious waste     waste) including masks, gloves and tissues                colored containers
      phase          • Separate and keep              • Use double bagged for potentially infectious waste        and/or proper
                       recyclable materials at                                                                    labelling according
                                                      • Keep recyclable materials and non-medical                 to the waste
                       the source before being          hazardous waste (such as e-waste and batteries)
                       discharged                                                                                 categories in each
                                                        for a certain period (until patients are cured)           ward
                     • Cut/destroy used               • Awareness outreach for generators (separation
                       disposable PPE to avoid                                                                  • Separate reusable
                                                        of infectious waste with others, stop littering and       and recyclable
                       reuse                            open burning, etc.).                                      materials
                     • Seal the plastic bag when it   • If cities are finding difficulties in separating
                       is two-third full                                                                        • Promote use of
                                                        waste at source, at minimum it requires to                PPE by workers
                     • Awareness outreach               requiring households with COVID19 positive                in healthcare
                       for generators (source           people or people in mandatory quarantine to               facilities
                       separation manner,               take precautionary measures when handling
                       recyclable material              their waste, it is appropriate that all citizens are    • Provide training
                       concern, stop littering and      encouraged to follow instructions on safe handling        for workers
                       open burning, etc.)              and delivering of waste for collection, in particular     in healthcare
                                                        package and close a strong bag properly and               facilities

      Recovery       • Refuse/reduce single           • Refuse/reduce single use plastic (and plastic           • Secure PPE for
      phase            use plastic (and plastic         products)                                                 preparedness
                       products) and encourage
                       use of cloth masks as per
                       WHO guidelines
                     • Promote separation at

2. Discharge and collection - Table 5
                  General MSW                     MSW management for
 Waste            management including            identified quarantine locations
 management       potentially infectious          with suspected and confirmed           Healthcare waste management from
 methods          one                             COVID-19 positive patients             healthcare facilities

 Emergency        • Stop opening of waste         • Use double-layer plastic bags        • Avoid transport during hours with
 response phase     bags by waste pickers         • Seal plastic bags when they            heavy traffic
                  • Awareness outreach of           are two-thirds full, and attach      • Prevent exposure to staff and patients
                    actions for communities         a label indicating infectious          and reduce transport of waste carts
                    and informal sector,            (contaminated) waste                   through patient care and other clean
                    including waste pickers       • Disinfect plastic bags                 areas
                                                  • Suspend discharge to the             • Avoid collecting general waste at the
                                                    community collection station           same time or in the same cart as
                                                    or outside                             infectious waste
                                                  • Linkage of municipal collection      • Secure storage location designated
                                                    operator with biomedical waste         away from patients, public access,
                                                    treatment facility operator            and vertebrate pests
                                                  • Keep infectious (contaminated)       • Design storage areas well according
                                                    waste at source and discharge          to waste types
                                                    at specified collection service      • Adopt proper management for
                                                                                           sterilization of premises

 Recovery phase   • Ensure worker safety                                                 • Promote the use of premises
                    and health at all costs                                                equipment and a facility for proper
                    by provision of PPE                                                    healthcare waste management
                  • Awareness and
                    collection of segregated
                    waste into different

3. Transportation - Table 6
                                                      MSW management for identified
 Waste            General MSW management              quarantine locations with
 management       including potentially infectious    suspected and confirmed                 Healthcare waste management
 methods          one                                 COVID-19 positive patients              from healthcare facilities

 Emergency        • Adjust collection service         • Arrange special collection            • Offer regular and increased waste
 response phase     schedules                           service to collect infectious           collection services
                  • Consider temporary licensing        (contaminated) waste                  • Possibility of using specialized and
                    to capable waste management       • Consider temporary licensing            licensed healthcare waste service
                    service providers                   to capable waste management             provider should be considered if
                  • Consider inter-city cooperation     service provider                        not yet implemented
                  • Ban opening of plastic bag for    • Consider inter-city cooperation       • Consider temporary licensing
                    separation (transfer station,     • Ban opening of plastic bags for         to capable waste management
                    etc.)                               separation (transfer station, etc.)     service provider
                  • Provide and instruct workers      • Provide and instruct workers on       • Manifest system
                    on the proper use of PPE            the proper use of PPE (collection     • Provide and instruct use of proper
                    (collection, transfer station,      worker)                                 PPE for collection workers
                    informal sector, etc.)            • Transport directly to the             • Transport directly to the treatment
                  • Maintain social distance and        treatment facility or disposal          facility or duly authorized disposal
                    keep windows open if possible       site                                    site
                    (collection vehicle, transfer     • Maintain social distance and          • Maintain social distance and
                    station, etc.)                      keep windows open if possible           keep windows open if possible
                  • Disinfect collection vehicles       (collection vehicle, transfer           (collection vehicle, transfer station,
                  • OSH (collection, transfer           station, etc.)                          etc.)
                    station, informal sector, etc.)   • Disinfect the collection vehicle      • Disinfect the collection vehicle
                                                      • OSH (collection workers)              • OSH (collection workers)

 Recovery phase   • Improve/enhance collection        • Arrange a cooperative                 • Adapt collection vehicle to
                    service in normal time              agreement                               transport healthcare waste safely
                  • Strengthen operations at          • Prepare emergency collection
                    transfer stations including         schedule,
                    waste banks                       • Secure PPE for preparedness
                  • Improve informal sector           • Improve informal sector
                    involvement                         involvement

4. Treatment - Table 7

                                                            MSW management for identified
      Waste            General MSW management               quarantine locations with               Healthcare waste
      management       including potentially infectious     suspected and confirmed                 management from
      methods          one                                  COVID-19 positive patients              healthcare facilities

      Emergency        • Adjust the treatment schedule      • Treat infectious waste the            • Proper healthcare waste
      response           according to the increased           same as healthcare waste (See           treatment methods (non-
      phase              amount of waste                      healthcare waste management)            burnable technologies
                       • Consider temporary licensing       • Consider temporary licensing            such as autoclave and
                         to capable waste management          to capable waste management             incineration)
                         service provider                     service provider                      • Best available option
                       • Inter-city cooperation             • Inter-city cooperation                  (Emergency and/or
                                                                                                      compromised option (See
                       • Accept and keep recyclable         • Accept recyclable materials after       section 3-2, 4), collaboration
                         materials separated                  a certain period of storage             with cement kiln industry,
                       • Provide and instruct use of        • Provide and instruct use of             etc.)
                         proper PPE for workers               proper PPE for workers                • Provide and instruct use of
                       • Maintain social distance and       • Maintain social distance and            proper PPE for workers
                         open windows in a facility           keep windows open if possible,        • Maintain social distance
                       • Disinfect machines and               in facilities                           and keep windows open if
                         equipment                          • Disinfect machines and                  possible, in facilities
                       • OSH (formal/informal sectors)        equipment                             • Disinfect machines and
                                                            • OSH (formal/informal sectors)           equipment
                                                                                                    • OSH (workers in a facility)

      Recovery         • Strengthen informal sector         • Strengthen informal sector            • Promote proper healthcare
      phase              involvement                          involvement in consideration of         waste treatment (autoclave,
                       • Promote sustainable                  OSH and PPE distribution                sterilization, incinerator,
                         intermediate treatment             • Prepare emergency treatment             disposal, etc.)
                         technologies (Recycling, Waste-      options
                         to-Energy, Co-processing, etc.)

     5. Final disposal - Table 8
                       General MSW                   MSW management for identified
      Waste            management including          quarantine locations with
      management       potentially infectious        suspected and confirmed                   Healthcare waste management
      methods          one                           COVID-19 positive patients                from healthcare facilities

      Emergency        • Manage final disposal       • Treat infectious waste the same         • Treat infectious waste the same
      response phase     sites (especially in case     as healthcare waste disposal (See         as healthcare waste disposal (See
                         of open dumpsite) to          healthcare waste management)              section 3-2)
                         stop open burning           • Manage disposal site (designate         • Adapt and manage disposal sites
                       • Stop/restrict waste           the specific pit, keep out all except     (designate the specific pit, restrict
                         picking, and provide          authorized persons, no waste              access to unauthorized people, ban
                         proper PPE and                picking)                                  waste picking)
                         instructions to waste       • Inter-city cooperation                  • Use PPE properly for workers on
                         pickers                                                                 site
                                                     • Provide proper PPE and
                       • Inter-city cooperation        instructions to for workers on site     • Disinfect the machines and
                                                     • Disinfect machines and equipment          equipment
                                                     • OSH (formal/informal sectors)           • OSH (formal/informal sectors)

      Recovery phase   • Take actions to improve     • Prepare for emergency disposal          • Establish (improve into) sanitary/
                         an existing disposal site     options                                   controlled landfills for healthcare
                         at short-term               • Improve disposal sites into               waste
                       • Secured sanitary              sanitary landfills
                         landfilled as possible      • Develop disposal sites including
                         at mid and long-              waste picker involvement
                         termManage disposal
                         site including waste
                         picker involvement


Encourage evidence-based and informed decision                   In addition, the fiscal capacity of municipalities and local
   ©iStock for not only recovery but also building back          service providers should be encouraged to introduce
better. In both the short term and the long term, the            polluter-pays principle, which ensures the availability of
actions identified in Tables 4 - 8, for implementing effective   waste management services for all.
healthcare waste management programmes, require
                                                                 Policies should be developed and coordinated globally, with the
multisector cooperation and interaction at all levels.
                                                                 management practices implemented locally. To achieve this
Establishment of a national policy and a legal framework
                                                                 aim, IGES Center Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental
if not already available, training of personnel, and raising
                                                                 Technologies (CCET) and United Nations Environment
public awareness are essential elements of successful
                                                                 Programme - International Environmental Technology Centre
healthcare waste management system. Improved
                                                                 (UNEP-IETC), in partnership with other international and
public awareness of the problem is vital to encouraging
                                                                 development partners and respective governments, should
community participation in developing and implementing
                                                                 work together in developing new insights and knowledge
policies and programmes.
                                                                 on longer-term policy changes and new ways of working to
Management of healthcare waste should thus be put into           produce a practical guide which particularly addresses the
systematic, multifaceted frameworks, and should become           problems of healthcare waste management in developing
an integral feature of healthcare services. The vital role of    countries. In addition, the subject of healthcare waste
private waste providers, the informal sector and women’          management can be brought forward into UNEA, thereby
participation should be considered in designing economic         encouraging governments to work together in taking actions
mitigation measures and policies for early recovery.             to establish a proper healthcare waste management system.

1         Introduction

1.1. Overview

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in late            developing countries do not have access to such advanced
2019 is far more than a global health crisis. It is affecting     incinerators or even the enabling conditions required to
our societies and economies and has had a deep impact on          operate them safely manner.
our everyday lives. The World Health Organization (WHO)
                                                                  In this regard, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic in March
                                                                  (IGES) Center Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental
2020 (WHO, 2020), and the number of victims is still rapidly
                                                                  Technologies (CCET) and the United Nations Environment
spreading across the world. Johns Hopkins University
                                                                  Programme (UNEP) International Environmental Technology
reported that the latest number of COVID-19 cases globally
                                                                  Centre (IETC) have jointly prepared this policy report in
is more than 17 million with global deaths of 677,538 (as of
                                                                  consultation with policymakers, national experts and key
1st August 2020, Johns Hopkins University and Medicine).
                                                                  stakeholders in the area of waste management. It reviews
While protecting lives and recovery of livelihoods are at
                                                                  the existing practices of waste management, and identifies
the core of national and local policies and actions, proper
                                                                  key challenges and local solutions in the provision of proper
management of waste, including of household, healthcare,
                                                                  management of waste that is generated from healthcare
and other hazardous waste, is an essential civic service to
                                                                  facilities, households and quarantine locations with people
minimize possible secondary impacts upon health and the
                                                                  confirmed with, or suspected of carrying, COVID-19. It also
                                                                  seeks to identify the best available practices or appropriate
The developing countries that are already lacking adequate        technologies that can be immediately and easily adopted in the
waste management practices due to technical, practical,           context of developing countries to minimize potential risks of
and/or financial constraints are largely vulnerable to waste      COVID-19 infection caused by waste management activities.
management difficulties during the pandemic. The waste            Finally, it gives some recommendations to both policy makers
collection services are further disrupted due to shortage of      and practitioners in developing countries to improve their
workers (contacting the virus and entire team workers for self-   healthcare waste management system in the longer term,
isolation), lack of safety at work, safe handling of household    based on those national and global policies aimed towards in
waste where citizens fallen ill with the coronavirus, handling    achieving a safe and sound waste management systems.
of increased quantities of healthcare waste, and securing
safe management of waste from collection points to                1.2. Scope and target
recycling or treatment facilities. Thus, developing countries
and cities are simultaneously fighting against COVID-19, to       This report focuses on the management of healthcare waste
contain its spread, while at the same time preventing risks to    under the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers healthcare waste
the environment and human health including those of waste         generated from hospitals, medical centres and emergency
workers caused by COVID-19-related waste.                         medical facilities, and municipal solid waste (MSW) generated
                                                                  from general households and identified households/
The local level waste management system requires specific         quarantine locations with suspected and confirmed COVID-19
precautions, operations, and management practices under           positive patients. Based on the waste hierarchy, it reviews
the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to the normal protocols        the flow of healthcare waste management, including waste
for household, healthcare and other infectious waste              separation at source, discharge or handling at source,
management. It is also necessary to have a contingency            collection, transportation, recycling and final disposal. The
plan that will promote safe, proper and practical options in a    main audience for the report includes decision-makers and
timely and appropriate manner. Although incineration based        practitioners in national and local governments, private and
on well-designed and maintained facilities operating within       informal service providers, development agencies, academics
their design tolerances is a widely accepted and commonly         and think tanks that are involved in healthcare waste
recommended method for treating healthcare waste, most            management in developing countries.

1.3. Objectives                                                                         1.4. Methodology
     The report aims to review the existing practices of healthcare                          The report presents a comprehensive source of information
     waste management under the COVID-19 pandemic and to                                     on healthcare waste management under the COVID-19
     identify best available or appropriate waste management                                 pandemic, which can be further utilized for the development
     practices that are operationally and technically in line with                           of national and local policies, guidelines and manuals,
     local conditions. This will include regulatory frameworks,                              strategic plans, or contingency plans in order to protect
     human resources, infrastructure, and financial constraints,                             people and communities, and develop resilience, based
     while also considering the importance of other impacts                                  on their local contexts, towards achieving sustainable
     on the environment and human health from waste                                          healthcare waste management in developing countries. The
     management. COVID-19 waste management may require                                       relevant data and information were collected by applying
     specific capacities, precautions, equipment, facilities,                                both desk review and country surveys (Figure. 1).
     operations, and management in addition to the common
     protocols for healthcare waste management. The report                                   A desk review of existing documents related to healthcare
     thus provides some recommendations, particularly for                                    waste management was carried out using Google and global e-
     developing countries, on what options are suitable and                                  libraries. This prioritized official document published after the
     available, and how to adapt existing protocols and practices                            year 2000 (See Table 9 and supplementary material (https://
     for COVID-19 in a practical manner at both emergency and                                www.ccet.jp/publication)). Thirteen publications issued by in-
     recovery stages.                                                                        ternational or development agencies, such as United Nations

     Table 9 - A list of documents reviewed in the study









      International Agencies
      ADB                                                                                 2020
      ACR+                                                          2020

      Secretariat of the   2003                                                   2020
      Basel Convention
      CDC, US              2019
      ISWA                                                                                2020

      Stericycle                                         2020
      SWANA                2020
      UNEP                                2020
      UN-Habitat           2020
      WHO                  2014,
      China                                                                                           2020               2020

      Ethiopia             2005,
      India                2020                                                                        2016
      Japan                2009                                                   2020                2020a,                         2018       2020a,
                                                                                                      2020b,                                    2020b
      Kenya                2010                          2007                                                                                              2006,
      Malaysia             2005,                                                                                         2013,
                           2009                                                                                          2017,
      Mexico                2020                                                                                                                                          2003
      South Africa          2020                         2020                                         2013               2020                              2004                         2007
      Sri Lanka            2020a,

Figure 1 - Flowchart of methodology

                        Conduct desk
                        review for
                        COVID-19 WM

                                                   3 Summarize  desk review and
                                                     questionnaire survey results             4   Develop lessons learnt
                                                                                                  based on the results
                         survey in countries

Source: Compiled by Authors, 2020

Agencies, WHO, the World Bank (WB), the Asian Development           The report includes the following four
Bank (ADB) and the International Solid Waste Management             sections and annex:
Association (ISWA) were found, as well as 32 country-specific
policy documents related to healthcare waste management.            •   Section 1 includes the introduction, background and key
These are made up of different types of documents such as               priorities.
guidelines, policies, acts, manuals, regulations, strategies,
factsheets and flyers, as summarized in Table 9. Within these       •   Section 2 contains the results of the data analysis
resources, guidelines represent a large portion, and most of            which are summarized and divided into four parts:
them were issued by international agencies and respective               1) Characterization of healthcare waste, 2) Volume of
governments after the COVID-19 pandemic.                                healthcare waste generation, 3) Policy and regulatory
                                                                        aspects, and 4) COVID-19 and gender in waste
A questionnaire-based country survey was conducted as                   management. Here, a desk study was performed and
to supplement to the desk review. The survey questionnaire              augmented by questionnaire survey responses received
was focused on three main areas: (1) policy and institutional           from developing countries (Supplementary material).
setting for healthcare waste management, (2) statistics
on healthcare waste generation and (3) healthcare waste             •   Section 3 summarizes the practices of healthcare
management practices. It also looked at any changes                     waste management (healthcare waste management
made by governments to the policy and practice of waste                 flow) in greater detail under four sub-headings: 1) Waste
management due to COVID-19 pandemic. Members of CCET,                   segregation, storage, and transportation, 2) Treatment and
UNEP-IETC and UNEP regional and country offices, the                    disposal methods of healthcare waste, 3) Occupational
South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP),                  safety and health, and 4) Capacity building and awareness
and the Centre for IMT-GT Sub regional Cooperation (CIMT)               raising.
solicited the survey responses. Experts in the respective
                                                                    •   Section 4 contains conclusion and lessons learnt
countries responded to the questionnaire survey during the
                                                                        from the review and survey results are compiled under
period of April to May 2020, with answers based on their
                                                                        five priority areas, including 1) Policy, regulatory and
networks among local stakeholders in their respective regions
                                                                        institutional framework, 2) Safe handling of infectious
and countries, and counterparts that included national
                                                                        waste, 3) Appropriate treatment and disposal methods,
and local governments, academia, NGOs and international
                                                                        4) Capacity development and awareness raising, 5) Data
organizations. Questionnaire responses were received in a
                                                                        management, statistics, and learning, and 6) General
timely manner from 15 countries from Asia (Afghanistan,
                                                                        principles and guidance for managing infectious waste
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal,
                                                                        under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sri Lanka, Thailand), Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa), and
Latin America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Saint Lucia). The          •   Annex contains documentation of three case studies:
detailed result of the questionnaire survey, together with the          Indonesia, Kenya, and Sri Lanka.
country-specific documents, are compiled in supplementary
material (https://www.ccet.jp/publication).

2            Statistics, Policy and Regulatory Aspects in
             Managing Healthcare Waste under COVID-19

2.1. Characterization of healthcare waste
According to the WHO guideline reports (WHO, 2014; WHO,
2017), healthcare waste includes all the waste generated
within health-care facilities, research centers and
laboratories related to medical procedures. It also includes
the healthcare waste generated at homes (e.g. home
dialysis, self-administration of insulin, recuperative care).
The healthcare waste can be categorized into eight major
groups, including both hazardous and non-hazardous
components, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Classification of healthcare waste

Infectious waste                        Pathological waste          Sharps waste          Chemical waste
Waste contaminated with blood           Human tissues, organs       Syringes, needles,    Solvents and reagents used
and other bodily fluids (e.g. from      or fluids, body parts and   disposable scalpels   for laboratory preparations,
discarded diagnostic samples),          contaminated animal         and blades, etc.      disinfectants, sterilants and
cultures and stocks of infectious       carcasses                                         heavy metals contained
agents from laboratory work (e.g.                                                         in medical devices
waste from autopsies and infected                                                         (e.g. mercury in broken
animals from laboratories), or                                                            thermometers) and batteries
waste from patients with infections
(e.g. swabs, bandages and
disposable medical devices)

 Cyctotoxic waste                       Radioactive waste           Pharmaceutical        Non-hazardous or
 Waste containing substances            Products contaminated       waste                 general waste
 with genotoxic properties (i.e.        by radionuclides            Expired, unused and   Waste that does not pose any
 highly hazardous substances            including radioactive       contaminated drugs    particular biological, chemical,
 that are, mutagenic, teratogenic       diagnostic material         and vaccines          radioactive or physical hazard.
 or carcinogenic), such as              or radiotherapeutic
 cytotoxic drugs used in cancer         materials
 treatment and their metabolites

Source: Compiled by Authors based on WHO, 2014

The Compendium on Technologies for the Treatment/           However, the data gathered from the questionnaire survey
     Destruction of Healthcare Waste (UNEP-IETC, 2012)           found that this percentage of infectious or hazardous
     also provides baseline information on healthcare waste      waste and non-hazardous or general waste might differ
     composition and amount, including potentially infectious    from country to country and city to city, as shown in
     contents. Waste generated in healthcare facilities is       Table 10. Even though no data are readily available to fully
     generally reported as approximately 85% non-hazardous       understand the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be expected
     waste and 15% hazardous waste (Figure 3).                   that the hazardous waste component may be increased
                                                                 further due to the COVID-19 waste from medical sectors
                                                                 and domestic waste management.

     Figure 3 - Distribution of hazardous and non-hazardous components in healthcare waste.

           Hazardous Waste            15%                                           Non Hazardous Waste          85%
           »» Infectious waste                                                      »» Paper and cardboard
           »» Pathological waste                                                    »» Packaging
           »» Sharps                                                                »» Food waste
           »» Pharmaceutical waste                                                  »» Aerosols (spray)
           »» Genotoxic waste
           »» Chemical waste
           »» Radioactive waste

     Source: Compiled by Authors based on UNEP-IETC, 2012

     Table 10 - Composition of healthcare waste
      Name of the Country or City                                  Composition of healthcare waste (%)
                                                               Hazardous                          Non-hazardous
      National Level
      India                                                      10-25                                 90-75
      Kenya                                                       15                                    85
      Malaysia                                                    20                                    80
      Nepal                                                       27                                    73
      City Level
      Dhaka City (Bangladesh)                                     18                                    82
      Surabaya (Indonesia)                                        27                                    73
      Pangkal Pinang (Indonesia)                                 10-30                                 90-70
      Padang (Indonesia)                                          20                                    80

     Source: Compiled by Authors based on the country survey

     In addition to material constituents, an understanding      combustible materials, and    bulk densities of healthcare
     about the properties of healthcare waste is required to     waste in general conditions   are summarised in Table 11,
     properly select suitable options for managing healthcare    based on the UNEP-IETC’s      data (2012). However, these
     waste, identifying treatment technologies, and setting      parameters may be changed     in the current situation due to
     necessary parameters for operation of treatment systems.    the COVID-19 pandemic.
     The moisture content, heating value, percentage of

Table 11. Key properties of healthcare waste.

 Parameter                           Average value

 Moisture content                    15% by weight

 Energy value (heating)              15 MJ/kg (3,600 kcal/kg
                                     or 6,400 BTU/lb)

 Combustion residues                 15% by weight

 Bulk density                        100 – 200 kg/m3

Source: UNEP-IETC (2012)

2.2. Volume of healthcare waste generation

The average healthcare waste generation rates by type of
medical facility under normal conditions are shown in Table
12. According to this information, the highest generation of
healthcare waste happens in maternity centers and hospitals.

Table 12. Average waste generation rates by type of facility.
 Facility                                       Total Healthcare Waste Generation   Infectious Healthcare Waste
                                                Rate                                Generation Rate

 Hospital                                                      2 kg/bed-day                    0.5kg/bed-day

 Clinic                                                     0.02 kg/patient-day             0.007 kg/patient-day

 Maternity Center                                            5 kg/patient-day                 3 kg/patient-day

 Clinical Laboratory                                         0.06 kg/test-day                 0.02 kg/test-day

 Basic Health Unit                                          0.04 kg/patient-day             0.01 kg/patient-day

Source: UNEP-IETC (2012)

Although there is a limitation on national data availability and
its accuracy, Figure 4 shows healthcare waste generation in
survey countries compiled based on the questionnaire survey.

Figure 4. Amount of healthcare waste generation (Tonnes per day) in selected countries

 Afghanistan      Mexico           Nepal
     27             32              37

   St Lucia      Malaysia      South Africa       Thailand           Indonesia      India                      Japan
     47             50             133              152                290          608                        876

  Source: Compiled by authors based on the country survey

In terms of healthcare waste         Table 13. Estimated additional amount of HCW in each city due to
     generation during the COVID-19       the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: ADB, 2020
     pandemic        in    developing
     countries, Table 13 shows a                                                  healthcare         Estimated
                                                                                  waste              additional             Percentage
     possible increase in healthcare                                              generated          healthcare waste       of increase
     waste volumes in selected                                (World Population   (tonnes/day        generation (tonnes/    due to
                                           City               Review)             before COVID-19)   day during COVID-19)   COVID-19
     five cities in Asia (ADB, 2020).
     It is also estimated that the         Manila               14 million              47                    280               496
     increase of healthcare waste          Jakarta             10.6 million             35                    212               506
     from      healthcare    facilities
     associated with COVID-19 is           Kuala Lampur        10.5 million             35                    210               500
     3.4kg/person/day.                     Bangkok               8 million              27                    160               493

                                           Ha Noi               7.7 million             26                    154               492

            In addition, the following estimates of healthcare waste generation during the COVID-19
            pandemic from healthcare facilities, households, and public places were compiled based on the
            questionnaire survey carried out for this report.

        •   Approximately 2.5 kg/bed/day of COVID-19 healthcare      •   Infectious waste generated from households
            waste is being generated in developing countries             and public places during the COVID-19 pandemic
            based on the findings of 2.85 kg/bed/day in Thailand,        includes potentially contaminated materials such
            2.23 kg/bed/day in Indonesia and 2.0 - 2.2 kg/bed/day        as masks, gloves, tissues, disposable clothes and
            in Mexico.                                                   used and expired medicines. However, none of
                                                                         the documents or survey responses we reviewed
        •   Estimate that healthcare waste treatment capacity
                                                                         contained quantitative information on amounts of
            was required from 50 tons/day to 106.9 tons/day,
                                                                         COVID-19 waste contained in domestic or MSW.
            during the active pandemic in Wuhan, China.
                                                                     •   Since many cities and/or health care institutions
        •   A rapid increase of healthcare waste generation in
                                                                         may not have the capacity to deal with the
            West Java, Indonesia during the COVID-19 epidemic,
                                                                         projected excessive amounts of healthcare waste,
            including about 10,903, 11,646 and 14,606 tonnes
                                                                         contingency plans based on local constraints
            of healthcare waste generation in the months of
                                                                         should be developed.
            January, March, and April 2020 respectively, with an
            increase of about 30% between January and April.

        •   After Japan declared a state of emergency on 7
            April 2020, Tokyo’s collected commercial waste
            amount decreased by 57%, while household
            waste amount increased by 110% in May 2020 as
            compared to the previous year (Kankyo business
            online on 4th June 2020)

     2.3. Policy and regulatory aspects
     National, provincial, and municipal governments with            also be useful in the context of COVID-19. For municipalities
     existing healthcare waste management plans and policies         or countries who do not have existing strategies, plans
     will benefit greatly from using these plans and policies in     or policies, when they are developed, they should include
     their response to COVID-19 waste. Within the municipal          contingency planning for epidemic situations, and this
     solid waste sector, existing contingency plans for disaster     content can be informed by ongoing local COVID-19 waste
     waste, particularly those including healthcare waste, can       management challenges.

A review of existing national legislation addressing healthcare/medical waste

Globally, there are 168 national laws and regulations                        correct, but often neglects to account for the fact that
(henceforth, for simplicity, referred to jointly as “laws”)                  management of different hazardous waste streams
that address or mention healthcare waste management,                         differs greatly. Similarly, laws may not be enforced for
of which 57 relate only to healthcare waste streams,                         various reasons, and the informal waste sector often
while the other 111 address multiple waste streams.                          works without regulation outside the law. For example,
There is an important distinction here, because the                          Indonesia has a Law on Solid Waste (2008), as well as
laws often address waste across the board, and may                           Environmental Health Standards for Hospitals (2004)
list a number of different waste streams, but generally                      including healthcare waste, but these both often lack
without substantive content, which poses a problem for                       practical application. Additionally, even if there is national
the methodology used to collect the data1. Thus, laws                        legislation, this does not guarantee nationwide coverage.
addressing a single waste stream are generally more                          Compliance may also be limited to urban areas due to
substantial than a law that broadly covers several, with                     lack of infrastructure in rural areas, for example general
a few exceptions.                                                            waste collection rates for rural areas in low- and middle-
Looking at Figure 5, we can see that only just over half                     income countries is roughly half of that in urban areas.
of the countries in the world have any form of legislation                   On the other hand, even though many countries, including
in place regarding healthcare waste management,                              the majority of Europe, may be lacking legislation on
and only about a quarter have dedicated laws. Over                           healthcare waste, this does not mean that the waste
80% percent of the global population is covered by                           stream is untreated. Healthcare waste treatment might
healthcare waste management legislation. Although                            be addressed through guidelines, strategies and/or
this percentage seems relatively high, nonetheless the                       policies, which were not included in the scope of this
remaining ‘uncovered’ portion of the world population                        study. Additionally, some countries also have regional
comprises over a billion people. Another notable result                      or state legislation, such as in Belgium, Germany and
is that Europe, which is usually the region with the                         Spain, and are thus not captured in this database of
most legislation related to specific waste streams, has                      national legislation. Though it is outside the remit of this
a rather low coverage of dedicated laws on healthcare                        desk study to make any conclusions on how well existing
waste management.                                                            laws operate, the analysis shows that there is a coverage
The fact that legislation exists does not necessarily                        gap globally in terms of healthcare l waste management
mean that it is extensive, sufficient, or enforced. For                      legislation. This gap may be relevant to consider both
instance, general laws may list healthcare waste as a                        during the COVID-19 epidemic, and more generally for
component of hazardous waste, which is technically                           disposal of contaminated and infectious waste.

Figure 5 - Percentage of countries per region with adopted legislation on Healthcare Waste Management

Northern America

                                                         Dedicated              General              None

 The database used for the legislation data and analysis is based on existing and adopted national waste legislation available online, and thus
additional legislation may exist. Repealed laws and regulations are excluded, as are policies and strategies due to how widely these may differ
between nations in terms of their status, and in order to ensure a robust and pre-defined methodology for the data collection. Legal texts have not
been analyzed in full, a pre-defined string of keywords have been used to categorize each law based on which waste stream(s) it addresses. Main
data sources include e, Library of Congress law library, e, the WorldLII law library, as well as national online law repositories on government websites.

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