Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ - Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation

Page created by Ricardo Daniels
Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ - Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation
Walney Extension Offshore
Wind Farm TMZ – Interim
Report on the Stakeholder

Date: 10th December 2014
Revision: Issue 1

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Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ - Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation
Document Details
Reference                            Description

                                     Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report
Document Title
                                     on the Stakeholder Consultation

Issue                                Issue 1

Date                                 10th December 2014

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |      2
Document Details
| Issue 1
Executive Summary
DONG Energy is the Sponsor for a proposed airspace change over the existing operational
Walney Offshore Wind Farms (1 and 2), the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, West of
Duddon Sands (WoDS), Ormonde and Barrow Wind Farms, located northwest of Morecambe
Bay in the Irish Sea.
As part of the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Airspace Change Process (ACP)(CAP 725)
[Reference 1], DONG Energy is required to submit a case to the CAA to justify the establishment
of a Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) over the existing Walney, WoDS, Ormonde and
Barrow Wind Farms and the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, and to undertake a
consultation exercise with all relevant stakeholders. This ensures that all stakeholders who
may be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed change are consulted, as well as
highlighting any environmental impacts that the proposed airspace change may have.
DONG Energy has engaged Osprey Consulting Services Ltd (Osprey) to project manage the ACP
on their behalf.
This document is an Interim Report on the consultation being carried out by DONG Energy
between 10th October 2014 and 11th January 2015. It will be followed by a Final Report at the
end of the consultation period and when the analysis of the responses has been completed.

Subject of the Consultation
The purpose of this consultation is to gather and analyse the views of the various stakeholders
concerning a proposal to establish a TMZ over the existing Walney Wind Farms and the Walney
Extension Offshore Wind Farm in Morecambe Bay. Fundamentally, the consultation will enable
DONG to obtain or confirm views and opinions about the impact of the proposed airspace

The Consultation Document was circulated to a total of 72 consultee organisations or
individuals; of these three emails was returned as undelivered. The aviation consultees
included aviation parties such as the Ministry of Defence (MOD), airlines, aircraft operators,
adjacent aerodromes, all local airspace users and the national bodies representing all UK
aviation interests who may be affected by the regulatory requirements within the TMZ.
National bodies such as LAA, BALPA, AOA etc. are represented through the auspices of the
National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (NATMAC), sponsored by the CAA. A
number of military organisations are also members of the NATMAC.
Non-aviation stakeholders for consultation included environmental and heritage organisations,
local planning authorities and the general public. Although the proposed change to the airspace
lies offshore, and there are no changes to the way aircraft operate over land, the neighbouring
coastal districts and parish councils were also consulted. The views of individual members of
the public were also welcomed.

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| Issue 1
Consultation Statistics to Date
To date, four responses to the consultation were received (5.8 % of consultees).
Of the four responses received; one consultee (1.4 %) supported the proposal; two consultees
(2.9 %) provided a neutral response, whereby the consultee did not object or provided no
comments on the proposal.
One consultee raised other comments relating to the presence of the Walney Extension Offshore
Wind Farm and not to the development of the Walney TMZ (the subject of the consultation).
Such comments have therefore not been included in the analysis.

Next Stages
All consultee responses will continue to be recorded and closely monitored as they are received
until the end of the consultation period.
The records of consultation correspondence and the analysis of the results will be collated in a
Final Consultation Report, which will be presented to the CAA as part of the overall airspace
change submission.
DONG Energy will submit a formal Airspace Change Proposal to the Airspace Regulation (AR) of
the CAA, detailing the case for the proposed TMZ once analysis of all responses has been

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary   4
| Issue 1
1           Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 7

2           Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11

2.1         General......................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2         Subject of the Consultation ................................................................................................................. 11
2.3         Development of the Consultee List .................................................................................................. 12
2.4         Confidentiality .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.5         Document structure ............................................................................................................................... 13

3           Consultation Statistics ............................................................................................................ 14

3.1         Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2         Consultee Organisations....................................................................................................................... 14
3.3         Responses ................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4         Meetings with Major Stakeholders .................................................................................................. 16

4           Analysis of Responses ............................................................................................................. 17

4.1         Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 17
4.2         Response Support Ratio ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.3         Objections ................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4         Isle of Man Airport PSR Concerns .................................................................................................... 18

5           Preliminary Issues Arising.................................................................................................... 19

5.1         Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.2         Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 19

6           Next Stages .................................................................................................................................. 20

6.1         Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2         Next Stages of the Consultation and ACP ...................................................................................... 20

7           References .................................................................................................................................. 21

A1          Consultation Background and Methodology .................................................................. 22

A1.1        Background to the Consultation ........................................................................................................ 22
A1.2        Method of Consultation ......................................................................................................................... 22

A2          Stakeholder / Consultee List ................................................................................................ 24

A2.1        Aviation Consultees: Aerodromes / Local Aviation Consultees ........................................... 24
A2.2        Aviation Consultees: National Organisations (NATMAC) ....................................................... 24

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary                                                                  5
| Issue 1
A2.3             Non-Aviation Consultees: National Bodies ................................................................................... 26
A2.4             Non-Aviation Consultees: Regional Council Authorities ......................................................... 26
A2.5             Non-Aviation Consultees: Regional Council Authorities ......................................................... 26
A2.6             Information Organisations: Members of Parliament ................................................................ 28
A2.7             Information Organisations: Civil Aviation Authority................................................................ 28

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Distribution of Consultees ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2 Responses from Listed Consultees....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3 Support Ratio from Listed Consultees ................................................................................................ 18

Table of Tables
Table 1 Responses from Consultees to Date ...................................................................................................... 15
Table 2 Pre-Consultation Stakeholder Meetings .............................................................................................. 16

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary                                                  6
| Issue 1
1           Glossary
             Acronym                              Meaning

             ACC                                  Airport Consultative Committee

             ACP                                  Airspace Change Process

             ACAS                                 Airborne Collision Avoidance System

             AEF                                  Air Experience Flight

             agl                                  Above ground level

             AIP                                  Aeronautical Information Publication

             AOA                                  Airport Operators Association

             AOPA                                 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

             AR                                   Airspace Regulation

             ARA                                  Advisory Radio Area

             ARPAS                                Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

             ASL                                  Above Sea Level

             ATC                                  Air Traffic Control

             ATM                                  Air Traffic Management

             ATSOCAS                              Air Traffic Service Outside Controlled Airspace

             ATS                                  Air Traffic Service

             ATSU                                 Air Traffic Service Unit

             BAA                                  British Airports Association

             BABO                                 British Association of Balloon Operators

             BALPA                                British Airline Pilots’ Association

             BATA                                 British Air Transport Association

             BBAC                                 British Balloon and Airship Club

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary   7
| Issue 1
BBGA                                 British Business and General Aviation Association

             BGA                                  British Gliding Association

             BHA                                  British Helicopter Association

             BHPA                                 British Hand Gliding and Paragliding Association

             BMAA                                 British Microlight Aircraft Association

             BMFA                                 British Model Flying Association

             BPA                                  British Parachute Association

             CAA                                  Civil Aviation Authority

             CAP                                  Civil Aviation Authority Aeronautical Publication

             CAS                                  Controlled Airspace

             CAT                                  Commercial Air Transport

             CHA                                  Chester Hawarden Airport

             CTA                                  Control Area (Class D UK Airspace)

             DAATM                                Defence Airspace and Air Traffic Management

                                                  Directorate of Airspace Policy (part of the CAA – now

             DfT                                  Department for Transport

             DS                                   Deconfliction Service

             ELFAA                                European Low Fares Airline Association

             FL                                   Flight Level

             GA                                   General Aviation

             GASCo                                General Aviation Safety Council

             GAT                                  General Air Traffic

             GAPAN                                Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators

             GATCO                                Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers

             HCGB                                 Helicopter Club of Great Britain

             HQ DAAvn                             Headquarters Director Army Aviation

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary   8
| Issue 1
HTZ                                  Helicopter Traffic Zone

             IAIP                                 Integrated Aeronautical Information Package

             IFP                                  Instrument Flight Procedure

             IoMA                                 Isle of Man Airport

             LAA                                  Light Aircraft Association

             LARS                                 Lower Airspace Radar Service

             LJLA                                 Liverpool John Lennon Airport

             LoA                                  Letter of Agreement

             MAA                                  Military Aviation Authority

             MOD                                  Ministry of Defence

             MP                                   Member of Parliament

             NATMAC                               National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee

             NATS                                 The National Air Traffic Service Provider

             NERL                                 NATS En-Route Ltd

             NCHQ                                 Navy Command Head Quarters

             NM                                   Nautical Miles

             OS                                   Ordnance Survey

             PINS                                 Planning Inspectorate

             PSR                                  Primary Surveillance Radar

             RAF                                  Royal Air Force

             SARG                                 CAA Safety and Airspace Regulation Group

             SRG                                  Safety Regulation Group (part of the CAA)

             SSR                                  Secondary Surveillance Radar

             TMZ                                  Transponder (SSR) Mandatory Zone

             UAS                                  University Air Squadron

             UAV                                  Unmanned Air Vehicles

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary   9
| Issue 1
UKAB                                 UK Airprox Board

             UKFSC                                UK Flight Safety Committee

             VGS                                  Volunteer Gliding Squadron

                                                  VHF Omni Directional Radio Range; a type of short-range
                                                  radio navigation system for aircraft

             WAL                                  Wallasey VOR

             WoDS                                 West of Duddon Sands

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Glossary   10
| Issue 1
2           Introduction

                This document is an Interim Report of the on-going consultation, carried out by
                DONG between 10th October 2014 and 11th January 2015, on the establishment of
                a Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) over the existing Walney (1 and 2)
                Offshore Wind Farms, the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, West of Duddon
                Sands (WoDS), Ormonde and Barrow Wind Farms. The aim of this report is to
                present details on the preliminary statistical data arising from the responses to
                the consultation received to date, together with an analysis of the feedback

2.1         General
            DONG Energy is the Sponsor for a proposed airspace change over the existing
            Walney (1 and 2) Offshore Wind Farms, the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm,
            West of Duddon Sands (WoDS), Ormonde and Barrow Wind Farms to the northwest
            of Morecambe Bay in the Irish Sea.
            As part of the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Airspace Change Process (ACP)(CAP
            725) [Reference 1], DONG Energy is required to submit a case to the CAA to justify
            the establishment of a Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) over the existing Walney,
            WoDS, Ormonde and Barrow Wind Farms and the Walney Extension Offshore Wind
            Farm, and to undertake a consultation exercise with all relevant stakeholders. This
            ensures that all stakeholders who may be affected directly or indirectly by the
            proposed change are consulted, as well as highlighting any environmental impacts
            that the proposed airspace change may have.
            DONG Energy has engaged Osprey Consulting Services Ltd (Osprey) to project
            manage the ACP on their behalf. The Walney TMZ airspace change is hereafter
            referred to as ‘the proposal’.
            This document is an Interim Report on the consultation being carried out by DONG
            between 10th October 2014 and 11th January 2015. It will be followed by a Final
            Report at the end of the consultation period and when the analysis of the responses
            has been completed.
            The background to the consultation and the methodology used are detailed in Annex
            A1 to this document.
            DONG would like to thank all consultees and other individuals who took the time to
            participate in this consultation and for their very useful feedback.

2.2         Subject of the Consultation
            The purpose of this consultation is to gather and analyse the views of the various
            stakeholders concerning a proposal to establish a TMZ over the existing Walney (1
            and 2), the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, WoDS, Ormonde and Barrow

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |    11
| Issue 1
Wind Farms in Morecambe Bay. Fundamentally, the consultation will enable DONG
            Energy to obtain or confirm views and opinions about the impact of the proposed
            airspace change.
            The proposed establishment of the TMZ is one element of a three-part Mitigation
            Package aimed at negating the impact of the clutter from the the Walney Extension
            Offshore Wind Farm wind turbines upon the Warton Primary Surveillance Radar
            (PSR). The three parts are:
                    Element 1: Establishment of a TMZ;
                    Element 2: Authorisation to control Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)-only
                    Element 3: Suppression of PSR returns within the boundary of the Wind
            Such an airspace change is necessary in order to mitigate the effects of the wind
            turbines on the Warton PSR. This will ensure that a full suite of Air Traffic Service
            Outside Controlled Airspace (ATSOCAS)1 can continue to be provided, whilst
            maintaining the current levels of airspace effectiveness and efficiency in this area.
            This consultation is not about facilitating change of routine air traffic procedures at
            local aerodromes.

2.3         Development of the Consultee List
            A full list of consultees was developed with the advice of the CAA and is given at
            Annex A2.
            At the start of the consultation, DONG sent out a notification to 72 consultees,
                     39 Aviation “National Organisations” (CAA National Air Traffic Management
                      Advisory Committee (NATMAC2) list);
                     12 Local Aerodromes/Aviation Consultees;
                     5 Members of Parliament (MP);
                     11 Council Wards; and
                     5 Local/National Environmental Organisations.
            Of the above, three emails were returned as undelivered. Therefore the total number
            of consultees that received the consultation email was 69.
            Further detail on the categories of consultee organisations is provided in Section 3.2
            of this report.

            1 ATSOCAS are provided by a variety of air traffic units and used by a wide variety of users from General
            Aviation to commercial flights and military aircraft.
            2 It should be noted that NATMAC comprises a total of 37 organisations, represented by 48 individuals.

            The consultation document was circulated to each individual. However, this analysis reflects the views
            of the organisations as a whole and not of the individuals representing them. In some cases it was found
            that representation had changed from the list provided by the CAA.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |                    12
| Issue 1
2.4         Confidentiality
            The CAA Safety and Airspace Regulation Group (SARG) requires that all consultation
            material, including copies of responses from consultees and others, is included in any
            formal submission to the CAA of an Airspace Change Proposal.
            DONG Energy undertakes that, apart from the necessary submission of material to
            the CAA and essential use by Osprey for analytical purposes in developing this report
            and subsequent Airspace Change Proposal material, DONG Energy will not disclose
            personal details or content of responses or submissions to any third parties. Osprey
            and DONG consultants are signatories to confidentiality agreements in this respect.

2.5         Document structure
            This document contains eight main sections and three Annexes, outlined below for
                    Section 1 provides a glossary;
                    Section 2, this section, introduces the document;
                    Section 3 details the preliminary consultation statistics;
                    Section 4 provides an overview of the responses and support ratio;
                    Section 5 highlights the key issues arising to date from the consultation;
                    Section 6 outlines the next stages with respect to the DONG Airspace Change
                     Proposal Consultation; and
                    Section 7 provides a list of references.
            There are two Annexes:
                    Annex A1 details the background to this consultation and the consultation
                     methodology; and
                    Annex A2 lists the consultees.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |   13
| Issue 1
3           Consultation Statistics

                The Walney TMZ consultation invitations were circulated by email to a total of 72
                stakeholder consultee organisations or individuals, of which three were returned
                as undeliverable. To date, a total of four responses to this consultation were

3.1         Introduction
            This section describes the categories of consultee organisations and individuals that
            were consulted and gives a breakdown of the responses received to date.

3.2         Consultee Organisations
            The Walney TMZ consultation invitations were circulated to a total of 72 stakeholder
            consultee organisations or individuals detailed in Annex A2.
            As stated in Section 2.3, three consultation emails was returned as undelivered,
            making the total number of consultees equal to 69. The consultation document was
            distributed via a dedicated link on the DONG website3 and by email to all consultees.
            Consultees broadly fall into two categories:
                    Aviation consultees; and
                    Non-aviation consultees.
            Aviation consultees included aviation parties such as MOD, airlines, aircraft
            operators, adjacent aerodromes, all local airspace users and the national bodies
            representing all UK aviation interests who may be affected by the regulatory
            requirements within the TMZ. National bodies such as LAA, BALPA, AOA etc. are
            represented through the auspices of the NATMAC, sponsored by the CAA. A number
            of military organisations are also members of the NATMAC.
            Non-aviation stakeholders for consultation included environmental and heritage
            organisations, local planning authorities and the general public. The consultee
            groups that received the consultation email are detailed in Figure 1 below.


Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |                14
Consultation Statistics
| Issue 1
Figure 1 Distribution of Consultees

3.3           Responses
              A total of four responses (5.8 % of consultees) to this consultation were received to
              date. A breakdown of these is provided in Table 1 below.

        Consultee Groups                                                              Responses       %

 1      NATMAC (Civil)                                                        33                  1        3.03

 2      NATMAC (Military)                                                         5               0             0

 3      Local Aerodromes/Aviation Consultees                                  12                  3       25.00

 4      MPs                                                                       5               0             0

 5      Council Wards & Local Authorities                                         9               0             0

 6      National Bodies/Environmental Organisations                               5               0             0

 7      Individuals                                                         N/A                   0        N/A

                                                        Totals                69                  4       5.8 %

                  Table 1 Responses from Consultees to Date

              4   Includes only consultees who received the consultation email.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |                 15
Consultation Statistics
| Issue 1
Figure 2 Responses from Listed Consultees

            It should be noted that “NATMAC (Civil)” and “NATMAC (Military)” comprise those
            organisations who are members of the CAA’s NATMAC. The NATMAC consultee list
            includes some CAA Departments who, for reasons of CAA impartiality, do not
            respond to consultations.

3.4         Meetings with Major Stakeholders
            Prior to the commencement of the consultation period, a number of meetings were
            held with some of the major stakeholders. Although most of these organisations had
            been contacted during the initial requirements capture phase, the purpose of these
            meetings was to present the detail that would be incorporated into the Consultation
            Document to ensure there were no surprises for stakeholders when it came to formal
            Details of the pre-consultation meetings that were organised with the major
            stakeholders are given in Table 2 below.

              Stakeholder                      Meeting Date              Notes

                                                                         Submitted a letter
              BAE Barrow/Walney Island         10th July 2014

              Cumbria Airspace Users                                     Meeting minutes
                                               24th September 2014
              Forum                                                      available

              Bond Helicopters                 15th August 2014

             Table 2 Pre-Consultation Stakeholder Meetings

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation |    16
Consultation Statistics
| Issue 1
4           Analysis of Responses

                Of the four responses received to date; one consultee supported the proposal; two
                consultees provided a neutral response, whereby the consultee did not object or
                provided no comments on the proposal. One consultee raised other comments
                relating to the presence of the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm and not to
                the development of the Walney TMZ.

4.1         Introduction
            This section provides details on the number of responses received from the various
            organisations and individuals that were consulted. It also explores the support ratio
            of consultee responses received to give a general indication on the stakeholder
            acceptance of this proposal.

4.2         Response Support Ratio
            Of the four responses received to date from the consultee organisations:
                    One consultee (1.4 %) supported the proposal to establish a TMZ over the
                     Morecambe Bay Offshore Wind Farms;
                    Two consultees (2.9 %) provided a neutral response, whereby the consultee
                     did not object or provided no comments on the proposal; and
                    One consultee (1.4 %) raised other comments relating to the presence of the
                     Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm and not to the development of the
                     Walney TMZ. Such comments have therefore not been included in the

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Analysis of   17
| Issue 1
Figure 3 Support Ratio from Listed Consultees

4.3         Objections
            There have been no objections raised on the proposal so far.

4.4         Isle of Man Airport PSR Concerns
            Isle of Man Airport (IoMA) expressed their concerns regarding technical omissions to
            the consultation document and technical effects on the IoMA Primary Surveillance
            Radar by offshore wind farms.
            The issues raised above relate specifically to the presence of the Walney Extension
            Offshore Wind Farm and not to the proposed TMZ. Following a positive Secretary of
            State decision on 7th November, on a ‘consent’ for the Walney Extension Offshore
            Wind Farm, these issues have therefore not been included in this TMZ consultation

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| Issue 1
5           Preliminary Issues Arising

                Of the responses received to date, no key issues or areas of concern that would
                affect the proposed Walney TMZ have been raised.

5.1         Overview
            The purpose of this section is to analyse any preliminary issues or areas of concern
            highlighted by the consultee organisations, with the aim of identifying the key
            themes arising from this consultation.

5.2         Conclusion
            An analysis of all responses received to date indicated that there exist no major
            issues or areas of concern that impact the consultees that have responded to date.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Preliminary   19
Issues Arising
| Issue 1
6           Next Stages

                Once the stakeholder consultation has been completed and any issues arising have
                been dealt with accordingly, a Final Report on the Consultation will be produced.
                This will identify any emerging issues of concern that have been presented by the
                consultees throughout the consultation period.

6.1         Overview
            Following the consultation period, all comments received will be thoroughly
            analysed and reviewed by DONG Energy (and Osprey) in order to identify emerging
            issues of concern, leading to a Final Report on the Consultation.

6.2         Next Stages of the Consultation and ACP
            All consultee responses will continue to be recorded and closely monitored as they
            are received until the end of the consultation period.
            On closure of the consultation period, feedback will be provided to all consultees by
            means of a report that will highlight the key themes that arose and how DONG
            Energy will incorporate those concerns into their plans. The Consultation Feedback
            Report will be published on the DONG Energywebsite.
            The records of consultation correspondence and the analysis of the results will be
            collated in a Final Consultation Report, which will be presented to the CAA as part of
            the overall airspace change submission.
            DONG Energy will submit a formal Airspace Change Proposal to the Airspace
            Regulation (AR) of the CAA detailing the case for the proposed airspace change, once
            analysis of all responses has been completed.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Next Stages   20
| Issue 1
7           References
             Reference            Name                                      Origin

             1                    CAP 725 CAA Guidance on the               CAA
                                  Application of the Airspace Change
                                                                            ISBN 978 0 11790 739 3
                                  Third Edition (corrected) April 2007

             2                    Code of Practice on Consultation          Cabinet Office
                                  July 2008                                 URN 08/1097

             Table 1 Table of References

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| Issue 1
A1          Consultation Background and
A1.1        Background to the Consultation
DONG Energy wishes to develop an extension to the existing operational Walney Offshore Wind
Farms (1 and 2), located northwest of Morecambe Bay in the Irish Sea.
The presence of the Walney Extension turbines would affect BAE Systems Warton (Warton)
Aerodrome flying and Air Traffic Service (ATS) operations and potentially those of BAE Systems
at Barrow/Walney Island Aerodrome, with the most significant effect being the detection of the
Walney Extension wind turbines by the Warton Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR). DONG
Energy are working with Warton to identify a mitigation to the effect of the turbines on the PSR
which will enable the Walney Extension wind turbines to be built without affecting Warton
flying operations. Warton’s preferred solution is to establish a TMZ) around the Walney, WoDS,
Ormonde and Barrow operational Wind Farms and Walney Extension (collectively referred to
as the Morecambe Bay Offshore Wind Farms) up to Flight Level (FL)100, (10,000 ft) to be active
during the Warton Lower Airspace Radar Service (LARS) provision times.
DONG Energy, as the sponsor of the proposed airspace change, is required to submit a case to
the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to justify the change in airspace over the Morecambe Bay
Offshore Wind Farms. Also, as part of the CAA’s Airspace Change Process (ACP), it is DONG
Energy’s responsibility to consult with all relevant stakeholders who may be directly or
indirectly affected by the proposal.

A1.2        Method of Consultation
The DONG Energy Airspace Change consultation was conducted in accordance with the
principles set out in the Cabinet Office Code of Practice on Consultation [Reference 2], as
required by the CAA.
A comprehensive Consultation Document was prepared by DONG Energy, with the assistance of
Osprey. Full details of the proposed change, including rationale, perceived impacts and the
mitigation measures undertaken by DONG Energy, were provided in the Consultation
A link to the Consultation Document was made available on the DONG website5. All consultees
were notified by email detailing the consultation and how to access the Consultation Document.
Local aviation stakeholders were engaged at an early stage during the design process. Prior to
the preparation of the Consultation Document, meetings were conducted with the following
major stakeholders:


Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Consultation   22
Background and Methodology
| Issue 1
      BAE Barrow/Walney Island;
           Cumbria Airspace Users Forum; and
           Bond Helicopters.
The primary purpose of these meetings was to present the detail that will be incorporated into
the Consultation Document to ensure there are no surprises for stakeholders when it comes to
formal comment.
Full consultation commenced with wide circulation of the electronic Consultation Document to
all identified stakeholders on 10th October 2014 on completion of the design process and
environmental studies. The consultation process is scheduled to run until 11th January 2015 - a
period of fourteen weeks. This allows a minimum of twelve weeks required for formal
consultation6, recognises the number of Public Holidays during the period and provided scope
for any unforeseen delays at the start, or any significant issues that may arise during the
Consultees were asked to consider the proposal and submit a response to DONG Energy using a
response form on the DONG consultation website or through a dedicated email address
In order to promote maximum response an email reminder was sent on 20th November 2014
(more than one month before the end of the consultation period), to those consultees who had
not yet responded to date.

               6The Cabinet Office Code of Practice on Consultation [Reference 2] and the CAA requirements specify a
               minimum period of 12 weeks for consultation.

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Consultation            23
Background and Methodology
| Issue 1
A2          Stakeholder / Consultee List
A2.1 Aviation Consultees: Aerodromes / Local Aviation Consultees
                  Consultee                             Also known As

                  Blackpool International Airport       EGNH

                  Bond Offshore Helicopters

                  Caernarfon Aerodrome                  Bangor

                  Chester Hawarden                      EGNR

                  City (Barton) Heliport                EGCB

                  Ince                                  West Lancashire Microlight

                  Isle of Man Airport                   EGNS

                  Liverpool John Lennon Airport         EGGP

                  Lleweni Parc Airfield                 Denbigh Gliding

                  RAF Woodvale                          EGOW

                  Barrow/Walney Island                  EGNL

                  Lakes Gliding Club

A2.2        Aviation Consultees: National Organisations (NATMAC)
 Consultee                                                                             Also known As

 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association                                                AOPA UK

 Airport Operators Association                                                         AOA

 Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems                                      ARPAS

 Aviation Division Navy Command Headquarters                                           NCHQ

 Aviation Environment Federation                                                       AEF

 BAESystems Warton                                                                     BAES

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder   24
/ Consultee List
| Issue 1
British Air Transport Association                                                     BATA

 British Airline Pilots’ Association                                                   BALPA

 British Airways                                                                       BA

 British Association of Balloon Operators                                              BABO

 British Balloon and Airship Club                                                      BBAC

 British Business and General Aviation Association                                     BBGA

 British Gliding Association                                                           BGA

 British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association                                      BHPA

 British Helicopter Association                                                        BHA

 British Microlight Aircraft Association                                               BMAA

 British Model Flying Association                                                      BMFA

 British Parachute Association                                                         BPA

 Civil Aviation Authority                                                              CAA SRG

 Defence Airspace and Air Traffic Management (incl. the Military User Advisory
                                                                                       DAATM (MUACT)
 Consultative Team)

 Euro UAV Systems Centre Ltd

 European Low Fares Airline Association                                                ELFAA

 General Aviation Safety Council                                                       GASCo

 Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators                                                GAPAN

 Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers                                                 GATCO

 Headquarters Director Army Aviation                                                   HQ DAAvn

 Heavy Airlines

 Helicopter Club of Great Britain                                                      HCGB

 Light Aircraft Association                                                            LAA

 Light Airlines

 Low Fares Airlines

 Military Aviation Authority                                                           MAA

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder   25
/ Consultee List
| Issue 1
Ministry of Defence                                                                   MOD

 MOD Flight Test Regulator

 NATS (NSL)                                                                            NSL

 NATS En-Route Ltd                                                                     NERL

 PPL/IR Europe                                                                         PPL/IR

 RAF Safeguarding Team                                                                 RAF ST

 The British Business and General Aviation Association                                 BBGA

 UK Airprox Board                                                                      UKAB

 UK Flight Safety Committee                                                            UKFSC

 3 AF-UK/A3

A2.3        Non-Aviation Consultees: National Bodies

                            National Trust for England
                            English Natural Heritage
                            Friends of the Earth
                            Campaign to Protect Rural England
                            Natural England

A2.4         Non-Aviation Consultees: Regional Council Authorities

                            Barrow-In-Furness Council

                            Copeland Borough Council

                            Fleetwood Town Council

                            Lancaster City Council

                            South Lakeland Council

A2.5        Non-Aviation Consultees: Regional Council Authorities
Borough of Barrow-In-Furness

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder   26
/ Consultee List
| Issue 1

                            Askam and Ireleth Parish Council

                            Walney North Ward

                            Walney South Ward

                            Roosecote Ward

Copeland Borough Council


                            Haverigg Ward


Fleetwood Town Council


                            Pharos Parish

                            Warren Parish

                            Rossall Parish

Lancaster City Council



                            Carnforth Ward

                            Harbour Ward

                            Heysham North

                            Heysham Central

                            Heysham South

South Lakeland District Council

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder   27
/ Consultee List
| Issue 1

                            Arnside and Beetham

                            Grange North

                            Grange South

                            Ulverston East

                            Ulverston South

A2.6        Information Organisations: Members of Parliament
UK Parliament

 Consultee                                              Constituency

 John Woodcock MP                                       Barrow and Furness

 Jamie Reed MP                                          Copeland

 Eric Ollerenshaw MP                                    Lancaster and Fleetwood

 David Morris MP                                        Morecambe and Lunesdale

 Tim Farron MP                                          Westmorland and Lonsdale

A2.7        Information Organisations: Civil Aviation Authority
Consultee                                               Also known As

Safety and Airspace Regulation Group                    SARG

Safety and Airspace Regulation Group Head of
                                                        SARG AAA Manager Aerodromes
Aerodrome & Air Traffic Standards Division

Safety and Airspace Regulation Group Flight Ops
                                                        SARG Flight Ops Division

Safety and Airspace Regulation Head of Airspace
                                                        SARG AAA Manager Airspace Regulation

Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm TMZ – Interim Report on the Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder   28
/ Consultee List
| Issue 1
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