
                    NOTE    OBJECTIVES    MESSAGE      MESSAGES        OVERVIEW
                                          FROM THE     FROM THE        OF ACTIVITIES
                                          PRESIDENT    CONSULTATIVE

              04           05            06           08              24
                                          RESEARCH     LEADERSHIP      FINANCIAL
                                                       VISION FROM     STATEMENTS
                                                       THE STEERING

                                         64           72              94
NOTES                                                                                                                              OBJECTIVES

                                                                                                 The objectives of WAIPA, as broadly reflected in Article II of the
                                                                                                 Association’s Statutes are to:

            The WAIPA Annual Report 2020-2021 was produced by the WAIPA Permanent
            Secretariat. WAIPA would like to thank all those who have been involved in the       PROMOTE UNDERSTANDING
            preparation of this report and for their various contributions.                      Promote and develop understanding and cooperation amongst IPAs.

            We would also like to thank all those who cooperated with us towards the
            accomplishment of the activities reported. For further information on WAIPA please
            contact the WAIPA Permanent Secretariat at the following addresses:
                                                                                                 SHARE EXPERIENCES
                                                                                                 Share country and regional experiences in attracting investment.

                                                                                                 FACILITATE ACCESS TO DATA
                                                                                                 Strengthen information gathering systems, promote the efficient use of
                                         ISTANBUL        GENEVA                                  information and facilitate access to data sources.
                           Hüseyinağa mahallesi,         Maison Internationale
                                  İstiklal Caddesi,      de I’Environnement 2 (MIE2) 9,
                          No:56/58 Kat:3 Daire: 5        Chemin de Balexert 1219 Chatelaine,     ADVOCATE FOR IPAs
                               Beyoğlu / İstanbul        Geneva - Switzerland
                       Phone: +90 212 465 00 25          +41 22 796 68 62                        Assist IPAs in advising their respective governments in the formulation of
                                 info@waipa.org          info@waipa.org                          appropriate investment promotion policies and strategies.

                                                                                                 PROMOTE TRAINING

                                                                                                 Facilitate access to technical assistance and promote training of IPAs.

   4                                                                                                                                                                          5
                               THE PRESIDENT

                                                                          The WAIPA Annual Report 2021 is issued at a time        at the center of its purpose and strategic pillars of
                                                                          when the global economic recovery efforts from the      services, partnerships, and governance. Moreover,
                                                                          Covid-19 pandemic are accelerating and promise          we are committed to serve WAIPA’s purpose well
                                                                          to make 2022 a better year for WAIPA members            into the future towards a decade of Impact FDI,
                                                                          and the global foreign direct investment (FDI)          the “IPAs Capacity 2030” program, an initiative by
                                                                          community. While Investment Promotion Agencies          Hamdan Centre for the Future of Investment (HCFI),
                                                                          (IPAs) are leading the efforts with a renewed           defines our worldview of enabling IPAs to develop,
                                                                          commitment to build a better, sustainable, inclusive,   promote and attract Impact FDI in partnership
                                                                          and prosperous future for their nations, cities and     with the global investor community to realize the
                                                                          communities, WAIPAs’ role in enabling its members’      Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), US $ 15
                                           FAHAD AL GERGAWI               success cannot be over emphasized.                      trillion FDI opportunity by 2030.

                                                             President,   Thanks to the members of WAIPA’s Steering               We look forward to connect with participants
            World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)
                                                                          Committee, Consultative Committee, and the              across different geographic boundaries and time
                                                Chief Executive Officer     Permenant Secretariat team, WAIPA continued to          zones during this year’s hybrid edition of WAIPAs’
                                                             Dubai FDI    offer new opportunities for learning, knowledge         World Investment Conference (WIC), which marks
                                                                          sharing and regional cooperation. Moreover,             the 25th anniversary of WAIPA as well as extend a
                                                                          WAIPAs’ insightful research, partner funded capacity    warm welcome to WAIPA members and guests at
                                                                          building programs and strategic partnerships have       “EXPO 2020 Dubai” site, where the incredible riches
                                                                          contributed greatly to advance the role and success     of our nations, cities and communities showcase
                                                                          of IPAs on global stage.                                the human ingenuity, the history, the economic
                                                                                                                                  potential, and the shared goal of progress towards a

                                                                          Dubai Investment Development Agency (Dubai FDI)         sustainable and prosperous future for all.
                                                                          is truly honored to serve WAIPA members and help
                                                                          shape a future fit WAIPA with members’ benefits         Wish you a prosperous and successful year ahead.
                            CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE

            JOHN W.H.               JEFF FINKLE              GUY RYDER              MATHIAS                LI YONG                  MONA E.                   ZURAB
            DENTON AO                                                               CORMANN                                         HADDAD                    POLOLIKASHVILI
            Secretary-General       President and CEO,       Director-General,      Secretary-General,     Director-General,        Global Director, Trade,   Secretary-General,
            International Chamber   International Economic   International Labour   Organisation for       United Nations           Investment and            The World Tourism
            of Commerce (ICC)       Development Council      Organization (ILO)     Economic Cooperation   Industrial Development   Competitiveness, World    Organization (UNWTO)
            www.iccwbo.org          (IEDC)                   www.ilo.org            and Development        Organization (UNIDO)     Bank                      www.unwto.org
                                    www.iedconline.org                              (OECD)                 www.unido.org            www.worldbank.org

                                                                                           JOHN W.H.                                                                      CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                           DENTON AO
                                                                                            International Chamber
                                                                                            of Commerce (ICC)

            The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact                 ICC believes that only through sustained increases in    ICC has a long history of working to promote              World Trade Organisation Joint Statement Initiative
            global business in many ways, including ongoing           international investment will we be able to achieve      balanced international investment frameworks—             on Investment Facilitation for Development, and will
            disruptions to trade and to the flows of foreign          our most urgent sustainable development goals in         dating back to the publication of the ICC International   welcome the progress made during the ICC/B20/
            direct investment (FDI).                                  the years to come, and we are committed to playing       Code of Fair Treatment for Foreign Investments in         WTO Business Forum at the 12th WTO Ministerial
                                                                      a leading role in these efforts.                         1949—and has developed a series of principles for         Meeting in late 2021.
            ICC – the institutional representative of over 45                                                                  developing an attractive investment climate in our
            million companies, small, medium and large, in over       As we move along the path to a more resilient            2016 Investment Guidelines. These guidelines set          WAIPA plays a critical role in convening IPAs and
            110 countries, in all regions of the world - is playing   and sustainable recovery, a key area of priority for     out principles for both investors and governments         other stakeholders, including business, to determine
            a leading role, in collaboration with governments,        business and governments must be to ensure that          on a range of issues (ownership and management,           how to best to reinvigorate FDI flows on a global
            international organisations, and civil society, to        FDI flows gain momentum. The main driver of FDI          finance, fiscal policies, anti-corruption, technology).   scale. ICC is pleased to be increasing its engagement
            ensure that we develop a robust and coherent              is the investment climate—a critical combination of      We encourage all governments to adopt these               with WAIPA, at this time when international
            suite of policy responses that support a trade and        business regulations and government support. For         principles as a means of encouraging responsible          investment has perhaps never been more crucial
            investment-led recovery, at the same time as we           business, predictability, transparency and efficiency    and sustainable investments.                              and interaction between IPAs and the business

            build business and community resilience.                  are all crucial criteria for FDI, as companies seek to                                                             community never more important .
                                                                      assess and mitigate their risk when investing abroad.    We are also pleased to be engaged with governments
                                                                                                                               and stakeholders, including WAIPA, in supporting the
                                                                                           JEFF FINKLE                                                                    CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                            President and CEO,
                                                                                            International Economic
                                                                                            Development Council
                                                                                            (IEDC)                             Economic Development Council (IEDC) has delivered          of the long-term economic and environmental
                                                                                            www.iedconline.org                 quality programs and services that allow economic          benefits of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
                                                                                                                               developers to build strong and sustainable                 This transition must be in our future if we want to
                                                                                                                               communities, including opportunities to network            preserve the health of the planet, and the health of
                                                                                                                               and learn through our conferences; a well-structured       its economy, for future generations.
                                                                                                                               professional development program and certification
                                                                                                                               that unify and set the standard of excellence for the      IEDC is grateful and proud of our partnership
                                                                                                                               discipline; cutting-edge research published by the         and collaboration with WAIPA. Since formalizing
                                                                                                                               Economic Development Research Partners (EDRP)              our partnership in 2004, IEDC and WAIPA have
                                                                                                                               program; advisory services that create customized          continuously strengthened our joint resolve to
                                                                                                                               solutions for communities and federal agencies; an         advance economic growth by empowering the global
                                                                                                                               Accredited Economic Development Organization               network of economic developers. IEDC is committed
                                                                                                                               program, which recognizes excellence in local              to continue to serve as a member of WAIPA’s
                                                                                                                               economic development efforts; and the industry             Consultative Committee and we look forward to
                                                                                                                               publications Economic Development Journal and              the upcoming year and its many opportunities for
                                                                                                                               Economic Development Now e-newsletters. IEDC               collaboration.
                                                                                                                               succeeds by empowering our members with the
                                                                                                                               knowledge they need to create high-quality jobs,           And I am personally pleased at the relationship that
            Dear WAIPA members,                                       Through all of this, WAIPA’s commitment to               develop vibrant communities, and improve the               IEDC has had with WAIPA, we have been able to
                                                                      disseminating best practices in investment               quality of life in their regions.                          welcome your board chairs and your CEOs to many
            2020 was an unprecedented year. We faced a global         promotion is needed more than ever. The economic                                                                    IEDC events. However, this time next year I will have
            health crisis, a racial reckoning in the U.S.A. and the   development community is committed to work with          IEDC’s chair, Tom Kucharski has set three priorities for   retired and will no longer be with IEDC, ending a
            worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. In      international partners and peers throughout the          2021 to address the ongoing challenges economic            35 year career with the Council. I will miss greeting
            many ways, 2021 has been a continuation of 2020.          world to find solutions and develop strategies that      developers face. First, in the face of COVID-19, our       Bostjan to our conferences and miss coming to
            We are still confronting the COVID-19 pandemic with       help our communities grow. Collaboration among           priority is to continue to provide communities with        WAIPA. Thank you for a great partnership. Let us
            its impact on our economy and on FDI. According           economic development professionals at all levels and     the tools to help their economies recover and prosper.     make it better in the future. Together we will continue
            to the 2021 UNCTAD World Investment Report,               across all regions will be crucial to global recovery    A second priority is to make meaningful, measurable        to empower our members with the knowledge they
            after a 35 percent drop in 2020, global FDI flows         and continued cross-border investment.                   progress in addressing the chronic and worsening           need to navigate the challenges they encounter and
            are expected to bottom out in 2021 with an initial                                                                 racial and social inequities in the global economy.        take advantage of the opportunities they are given.

            recovery of 10 to 15 percent by the end of this year.     IEDC has responded to these challenges by                Lastly, our third priority is to address climate change,
            This is still a 25 percent drop compared to 2019 FDI      continuing to tirelessly work to help our community of   the existential crisis of our time. IEDC will work to
            levels.                                                   economic developers. For 95 years, The International     navigate the challenges and learn to take advantage
                                                                                          GUY RYDER                                                                      CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                           International Labour
                                                                                           Organization (ILO)

                                                                                                                               activity. Persistent inequities in access to vaccines,   The ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning
                                                                                                                               coupled with new waves of infections are likely          Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy provides
            The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a                constituents—governments and employers’ and
                                                                                                                               to continue to hold back FDI in many developing          guidance to governments on policies to maximize
            profound impact globally, with tragic loss of life and   workers’ organizations—have committed to working
                                                                                                                               regions in 2021.                                         the positive contribution of FDI and minimize and
            damage to human health and communities. It has           together to achieve a broad-based, job-rich recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                        resolve problems that may arise in the operations of
            increased unemployment, underemployment and              with decent work opportunities for all. Public and
                                                                                                                               In that regard ILO, WAIPA, UNCTAD and UNIDO              foreign-owned companies. In light of the importance
            inactivity due to supply chain disruptions, enterprise   private investment will be vital in sectors hit hardest
                                                                                                                               are working together on a programme funded               of generating employment-intensive investment and
            closures and bankruptcies. This crisis has also          by the crisis, such as hospitality, tourism, transport
                                                                                                                               under the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF),           the unique role of Investment Promotion Agencies
            increased informality and income insecurity. Women       and retail, as well as those sectors with strong
                                                                                                                               headquartered at the World Trade Organization, to        (IPAs), the ILO very much values its partnership with
            workers, who are more numerous in the hardest-hit        potential to expand decent work opportunities, such
                                                                                                                               support Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) from        WAIPA in this process.
            sectors, have disproportionately suffered job and        as the care economy, education and infrastructure
                                                                                                                               Least Developed Countries (LDCs) through a virtual
            income losses. Young people face greater hurdles         development.
                                                                                                                               Executive College for tailored capacity building         WAIPA has demonstrated its leadership and its
            accessing the education and training they need to
                                                                                                                               activities. This project, developed and supported        recognition of the importance of decent work in
            secure employment or start a business.                   However, the current outlook for attracting Foreign
                                                                                                                               by the ILO International Training Centre, represents     investment promotion and facilitation, particularly
                                                                     Direct Investment (FDI) is gloomy in many countries.
                                                                                                                               Phase I of technical assistance to LDC IPAs, to be       during this difficult period. We look forward to a
            COVID-19 is a sober reminder of the interdependence      According to UNCTAD, investment flows plunged
                                                                                                                               followed by a larger Phase II joint-agency initiative    continued fruitful partnership with WAIPA and its

            of countries and members of society. We need             globally by 35% in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis,
                                                                                                                               that will cater for their particular needs.              member IPAs. Only by working together will we
            concerted action to meet these grave challenges.         particularly affecting developing economies that
                                                                                                                                                                                        overcome the challenges ahead.
            The     International     Labour       Organization’s    were unable to attract investment for new project
                                                                                           MATHIAS CORMANN                                                                       CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                            Organisation for
                                                                                            Economic Cooperation
                                                                                            and Development

                                                                                                                               to be key considerations for governments to support                efforts on FDI in the digital economy. While just over
                                                                                                                               growth and create jobs. In this context, WAIPA and                 half of the IPAs from OECD countries dedicated at
                                                                                                                               the OECD share the vision for investment promotion                 least 25% of their resources to the promotion of
                                                                                                                               agencies (IPAs) as key players to boost investment                 digital FDI before the crisis, this share increased
                                                                                                                               to optimise the strength and the quality of the post-              to over three quarters amidst the pandemic and is
                                                                                                                               COVID recovery.                                                    foreseen to reach over 90% in the near future. IPAs
            Governments around the world have taken strong            The recovery of the global economy is underway,                                                                             are also integrating digital tools and technologies
            measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. These           but it remains uneven across countries and across        By revising their prioritisation strategy, IPAs can                in their own activities to achieve better results,
            measures caused severe economic disruptions               sectors. The main downside risk remains further          better attract high-quality investment, including by               adapt to the health crisis and offer a wider range of
            impacting foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions       outbreaks of the coronavirus pandemic – particularly     using the OECD FDI Qualities Policy Toolkit, which                 e-government services to firms.
            of firms. Governments have also taken significant         at the extreme end with new variants of the virus that   will be launched next year to provide guidance to
            economic policy measures to support businesses            may be resistant to existing vaccines. In advanced       policymakers and practitioners in maximising the                   In these unprecedented times, international
            and households through this public health crisis.         economies, cross-border mergers and acquisitions         positive impact of FDI. In addition to attracting                  cooperation and effective multilateralism is more
            The level of impact on FDI flows is strongly related      started rebounding in the second half of 2020,           investment, IPAs are helping anchor foreign investors              important than ever. The OECD IPA Network and
            to the success of both health and economic policy         which continued through the first quarter of 2021,       in the local economy through their aftercare                       WAIPA offer unique platforms to support peer-
            responses. We do know that the crisis accelerated         with many deals in the healthcare and technology         services – encouraging linkages with domestic                      learning and exchanges of good practices. I look
            the already steady decline of FDI from the past six       sectors.                                                 firms, preventing potential disputes, promoting                    forward to our continued co-operation with WAIPA
            years as global flows fell to their lowest levels since                                                            responsible business conduct and encouraging                       to provide guidance to IPAs in their efforts to make
            2005. The OECD estimates that in 2020 global FDI          At the same time, the share of global FDI inflows        sustainable business practices.                                    international investment an engine in the strong and
            flows dropped to USD 846 billion, a 38% decrease          subject to screening continues to grow as a result       IPAs can also support their countries’ digital                     sustainable recovery.

            compared to 2019.i                                        of the upward trend toward investment screening          transformation strategies by focusing their attraction
                                                                      policies, which was exacerbated by the pandemic.
                                                                      Attracting and retaining new investors will continue     iOECD (2021), FDI in Figures – April 2021 (https://www.oecd.org/daf/inv/mne/investmentnews.htm)
                                                                                                     LI YONG                                                                 CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                      United Nations
                                                                                                      Industrial Development
                                                                                                      Organization (UNIDO)

                                                                                                                                    to lack concrete instruments and strategies to          flexibly to the diverse technical assistance needs of
                                                                                                                                    identify successful combinations of impact investor     IPAs. One example is the joint delivery of the digital
                                                                                                                                    interests and SDG investment requirements within        course for IPAs themed “Investment facilitation,
            The world today is still in the midst of an                  Sustainability considerations that were already well       their own economies. What adds to the complexity        sustainable development and building back better”
            unprecedented global pandemic. The COVID-19                  recognized prior to the crisis will take an even greater   is the plethora of available environmental social       together with our colleagues from WAIPA, ILO-ITC
            crisis has significantly impacted household incomes,         importance among investors that are expected to            governance and impact measurement metrics,              and UNCTAD. I am delighted and grateful that the
            industrial production, global trade, remittances, and        become drivers of the economic recovery phase.             which may create confusion among project                EIF has recently provided funding support to the
            foreign direct investment flows. The latter declined                                                                    owners and SMEs. Initiatives such as the European       continued work of IPA capacity-building support in
            by more than 35 per cent in 2020. The crisis has also        Across the spectrum of different investment                Commission’s “Sustainable Finance and EU                least developed countries, bundling the expertise
            exposed structural weaknesses in the configuration           categories — most of which had experienced a               Taxonomy” are commendable, as they offer a              of the aforementioned agencies together with UN-
            of international production networks and the                 stark downturn during the pandemic — I would like          pathway towards standardization not only within the     OHRLLS.
            deepening of the digital divide.                             to single out the category of impact investment            European Union, but potentially also in other regions
                                                                         as investments that, besides financial returns, can        where a regulated impact investing market is also       Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express
             Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) have an active         deliver positive social and environmental change.          needed. UNIDO is looking forward to contributing its    my gratitude to the WAIPA President, Mr. Al Gergawi,
            role to play in the recovery process. The allocation logic   Not only has impact investment shown a relative            experience in this area and to working with WAIPA       and to the WAIPA CEO, Mr. Bostjan Skalar, and his
            of internal IPA resources was hitherto often lopsided        resilience, but it has also grown counter-cyclically in    and other members of the Consultative Committee         staff. I am inspired how relentlessly the entire WAIPA
            towards investment attraction activities. Despite the        some sectors like ICT, healthcare and pharmaceutical       to bring the worlds of impact investing and of IPAs     team works towards serving the needs of IPAs and
            need to rekindle investor attraction efforts — most of       products, despite the global investment crunch.            closer to each other.                                   its commitment to deepen the partnerships with
                                                                                                                                                                                            UNIDO and its Consultative Committee members.

            it still undertaken through digital means — IPAs should
            not lose sight of the paramount importance of retaining      Most IPAs are already familiar with the growing            In spite of the challenges caused by the pandemic,
            existing investors through after-care support.               segment of impact investment. Yet, many seem               UNIDO and WAIPA have continued to respond
                                                                                               MONA E.                                                                 CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                Global Director, Trade,
                                                                                                Investment and
                                                                                                Competitiveness, World

                                                                                                                            withstand future shocks. The private sector, and FDI      goods, apparel, and food and beverage. IPA services
                                                                                                                            in particular, as a key provider of better jobs will be   aimed at investment retention are still needed in
                                                                                                                            critical for catalyzing a sustainable global recovery.    harder-hit sectors like tourism and hospitality. And
                                                                                                                            Yet, to realize the potential of FDI, governments         most importantly, investors want IPAs to advocate
                                                                                                                            must ensure appropriate FDI policies are in place         to address investor constraints, reform and improve
                                                                                                                            along with the institutions and agencies needed to        the investment climate, and push for the reduction
                                                                                                                            spearhead FDI attraction, expansion and retention         or removal of restrictions to investment in the current
                                                                                                                            efforts. Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs),            COVID-19 environment.
                                                                                                                            now more than ever, should be in the front seat,
            We have not yet turned the page on the global           The pandemic period has also been marked by an          complementing government-led recovery measures,           Given the critical importance of IPA advocacy
            crisis stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.             acceleration of key global transformational drivers,    and helping rebuild investor confidence through the       services in the context of a global pandemic,
            Governments and the private sector continue to          including the widespread adoption of technological      systematic provision of relevant and quality services     WAIPA and the WB joined forces to launch the first
            suffer the enervating consequences of a resurgent       solutions for businesses and governments, as well       to investors.                                             annual IPA Advocacy Services Competition. The
            new variant in the face of persistent global economic   as an increasing inclination towards adopting more                                                                IPAs with the top three advocacy reform efforts will
            uncertainty. Governments around the world have          resilient and sustainable solutions. Governments        Best IPAs have continuously reinvented themselves         be showcased for their achievements at the 2021
            responded to the pandemic with increasingly             and businesses around the world are attempting to       through strategic revisions and innovative operational    World Investment Conference.
            protectionist investment policy measures, including     find a balanced approach to move forward within         approaches. Accelerated by the pandemic, the IPA
            the introduction of foreign direct investment (FDI)     this new global context despite the many remaining      of the future must be a lean, strategic, proactive,       The WB works with governments across the globe
            entry restrictions like FDI screening, a trend that     challenges. MNEs have, in fact, overwhelmingly          results- and research-driven organization, focused        and reiterates that, especially in these unprecedented
            was particularly notable in OECD countries. Three       expressed plans to increase productivity while          on providing high-quality services to investors while     times, good-practice IPAs have shown to be a
            quarters of multinational enterprises (MNEs)            leveraging technology, with over half indicating        displaying private sector characteristics and fully       good investment of public funds and can play an
            surveyed in the latest World Bank (WB)’s MNE Pulse      they have taken measures to increase sustainability     leveraging advanced technologies in its operations.       instrumental role in fostering a green, inclusive and
            Survey indicated they continue to feel high levels      because of the pandemic.                                                                                          resilient recovery when properly supported. As such,
            of uncertainty with a majority still struggling from                                                            Proactive promotion will be essential in key sectors      WB and WAIPA are committed to continue building

            demand and supply chain disruptions and increased       The ongoing recovery thus presents a pivotal            that have remained resilient or even dynamic, like        this global investment promotion community.
            input and shipping costs.                               moment for ensuring that future economic growth is      technology and life sciences, and, soon after, in
                                                                    greener, more inclusive, and more resilient to better   others that remain promising -- automotive, sporting
                                                                                                  ZURAB                                                                 CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                   The World Tourism
                                                                                                   Organization (UNWTO)

            The Covid-19 pandemic led to the collapse of              International travel is slowly picking up from very low   investments in tourism as we look toward the next      force, bringing together diverse stakeholders who
            international tourism in 2020, with the crisis carrying   levels, though the sector’s restart remains fragile,      decade. The pandemic could be an opportunity to        are determined to safeguard investments and
            over into a second year. International tourist arrivals   uneven and hampered by ongoing uncertainty.               reimagine investments in the sector by creating a      formulate strategies for sustainable recovery from
            (overnight visitors) dropped by 85% in January-           Domestic travel is driving the recovery of tourism        more sustainable, inclusive and resilient tourism.     the impacts of the pandemic. At the same time,
            May 2021 compared with the same period of 2019.           in several destinations, especially those with large      The crisis has accelerated digitisation throughout     collaboration is also a force that will enable even
            This followed on from an unprecedented drop               domestic markets. Many are now identifying new            the tourism value chain, and amplified the adoption    greater innovation in new investment mechanisms,
            of 73% recorded 2020, the worst year on record            opportunities to grow domestic and rural tourism as       of new technologies, while at the same time            helping create new jobs and speed up economic
            for international tourism. Such a sharp decline           a way to stimulate recovery. Along with the ongoing       highlighting opportunities for green investments to    recovery far beyond the current crisis.
            represents a decline of 1.1 billion international         vaccination roll-out, the safe and responsible restart    advance decarbonization efforts.
            arrivals and an estimated loss of $1.3tn in export        of tourism will continue to depend on a coordinated
            revenues. Moreover, due to its labour-intensive           response among countries, particularly with regard        To this end, UNWTO is proud to have joined
            nature, employment in tourism was hit particularly        to travel restrictions, harmonized safety protocols       forces with the World Association of Investment
            hard, putting as many as 100 million to 120 million       and effective communications to help restore              Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and its Consultative
            direct tourism jobs at risk, and causing an estimated     consumer confidence.                                      Committee Members to strengthen the capacities of
            loss of more than $2.5tn in global gross domestic                                                                   our Member States to take measures to safeguard,

            product.                                                  Against a backdrop of continued uncertainty, we           attract and promote tourism investment projects. As
                                                                      must collaborate on a global scale to incentivise         we reimagine the sector, collaboration is a powerful
                             OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITIES                                                                             OF A CFS-RAI DUE DILIGENCE TOOL FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                INVESTMENTFACILITATION, SUSTAINABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING BACK BETTER”
                                                                                                                                18 MARCH 2021                                                   7 JUNE - 2 JULY 2021
                                                                                                                                WEBINAR                                                         WORKSHOP SERIES

                                                                                                                                “ALIGNING STRATEGY AND DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS”                   INVESTMENT FACILITATION FOR DEVELOPMENT:
                                                                                                                                8 APRIL 2021                                                    ASSESSING LARGE-SCALE INVESTMENT CONTRACTS
                                                                                                                                REGIONAL MEETING                                                2 JULY 2021
            ISTANBUL WEBINAR SERIES                                   2ND EIF – WAIPA CO-FUNDED PROJECT FOR LDCS
            5 NOVEMBER – 24 NOVEMBER – 27 NOVEMBER 2020               INVESTMENT PROMOTION”                                     FDI: THE ROLE OF HOME COUNTRY MEASURES”                         WEBINAR: INVESTMENT FACILITATION FOR
            WEBINAR SERIES                                            15 FEBRUARY – 18 FEBRUARY – 22 FEBRUARY – 25 FEBRUARY –
                                                                      1 MARCH – 4 MARCH – 8 MARCH – 11 MARCH 2021
                                                                                                                                13 APRIL 2021                                                   DEVELOPMENT: ASSESSING LARGE-SCALE
            WAIPA-GIZ WEBINAR: LAUNCH OF THE                                                                                    WEBINAR SERIES                                                  INVESTMENT CONTRACTS
                                                                      WORKSHOP SERIES
            “INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY (IPA) TOOLBOX”                                                                                                                                         6 JULY 2021
                                                                                                                                JOINT CALL BETWEN WAIPA PRESIDENT
            25 NOVEMBER 2020                                          10TH MEETING OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC FOREIGN                                                                                  WEBINAR SERIES
            WEBINAR                                                                                                             AND UNCTAD
                                                                      DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) NETWORK
                                                                      23 FEBRUARY 2021
                                                                                                                                21 APRIL 2021                                                   WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2021: INVESTING IN
            UNCTAD WORLD INVESTMENT FORUM (WIF):                      WEBINAR                                                   ONLINE MEETING                                                  SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY – DISCUSSION WITH JAMES
            INVESTING IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                3RD EIF – WAIPA CO-FUNDED PROJECT FOR LDCS                      ZHAN
            (SATELLITE EVENT) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIPA               WEBINAR: “STRENGTHENING INVESTMENT                                                                                        8 JULY 2021
            7-8 DECEMBER 2020                                         FACILITATION CAPACITY FOR DEVELOPMENT:                    ON “CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EIF COUNTRIES ON                      ONLINE MEETING
            SATELLITE CONFERENCE                                      AN OVERVIEW, BASED ON ‘AN INVENTORY OF                    INVESTMENT PROMOTION”
                                                                                                                                6 MAY – 10 MAY – 13 MAY – 17 MAY – 20 MAY 2021                  THREE SEAS SUMMIT AND BUSINESS FORUM
            WAIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING                            CONCRETE MEASURES TO FACILITATE THE FLOW OF               WORKSHOP SERIES                                                 9 JULY 2021
            7TH DECEMBER 2020                                         SUSTAINABLE FDI: WHAT? WHY? HOW?’                                                                                         BUSINESS FORUM
                                                                      26 FEBRUARY 2021                                          WEBINAR:“LINKING OUTWARD FDI TO INWARD
            EIF – WAIPA CO-FUNDED PROJECT FOR LDCS ON                 WEBINAR SERIES                                            FDI: THE ROLE OF HOME COUNTRY MEASURES”                         CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT
            “CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EIF COUNTRIES ON                                                                             4 MAY 2021                                                      PROMOTION AGENCIES (IPAS) AND TRADE
                                                                      2ND WAIPA “AFTERCARE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT”                WEBINAR SERIES
            INVESTMENT PROMOTION”                                                                                                                                                               MINISTRIES IN LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES (LDCS)
                                                                                                                                “ENABLING FRAMEWORKS FOR TOURISM                                – LEARNINGS AND THE WAY FORWARD
            14 DECEMBER -17 DECEMBER- 22 DECEMBER 2020                PARTNERSHIP WITH EBRD                                                                                                     12 JULY 2021
            WORKSHOP SERIES                                           8 MARCH – 9 MARCH – 10 MARCH – 11 MARCH 2021              INVESTMENTS DURING COVID-19”                                    OFFICIAL VALEDICTORY OF FIRST PHASE AND
                                                                      WORKSHOP SERIES                                           17 MAY 2021                                                     ANNOUNCEMENT OF UPCOMING EFFORTS FOR LDCS
            WAIPA “AFTERCARE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT”                                                                              WEBINAR
            PROJECT FOR JORDAN INVESTMENT COMMISSION                  COVID-19 AND POST-PANDEMIC INVESTMENT AND                                                                                 A JOINT ONLINE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
            IN PARTNERSHIP WITH EBRD                                  DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP                                      WEBINAR: “INCENTIVIZING SUSTAINABLE                             ON FDI &IPAS DURING COVID-19 – PART 1
            7 DECEMBER – 8 DECEMBER – 9 DECEMBER – 10 DECEMBER 2020   11 MARCH 2021                                             FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT”                                      THEME A: ‘THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON FDI:
            WORKSHOP SERIES                                           WEBINAR                                                   1 JUNE 2021
                                                                                                                                WEBINAR SERIES                                                  IMPLICATIONS FOR FDI RETENTION AND ATTRACTION’
            WAIPA WBG LAUNCH OF “STRENGTHENING THE                    “A DECADE OF ACTION: HOW THE UNITED NATIONS                                                                               29 July – 5 August – 12 August – 19 August 2021
                                                                                                                                4TH EIF – WAIPA CO-FUNDED PROJECT FOR LDCS                      WEBINAR SERIES
            AGENCIES” COMPETITION                                     16 MARCH 2021                                             ON “CAPACITYBUILDING FOR EIF COUNTRIES ON
            10 DECEMBER 2020                                          WEBINAR                                                   INVESTMENT PROMOTION”                                           FDI EXCELLENCE TRAINING VIRTUAL MASTERCLASS
            WEBINAR                                                                                                             7 JUNE – 10 JUNE – 14 JUNE – 17 JUNE – 21 JUNE – 27 JUNE 2021   DIGITAL TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR INVESTMENT
                                                                      WEBINAR: “INVESTMENT FACILITATION:                        WORKSHOP SERIES                                                 PROMOTION AND ATTRACTION
            SOUTH AMERICA INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT                    TRANSPARENCY AND STREAMLINING OF                                                                                          1 – 2 SEPTEMBER & 8 –9 SEPTEMBER 2021
            PROMOTION WEBINAR 2020                                    ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES”                                                                                                WEBINAR SERIES
            10 FEBRUARY 2021                                          17 MARCH 2021

            REGIONAL MEETING                                          WEBINAR SERIES

ISTANBUL WEBINAR SERIES FOR REGIONAL & CITY IPAS                                                                             WAIPA-GIZ WEBINAR: LAUNCH OF THE “INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                       PROMOTION AGENCY (IPA) TOOLBOX”
                             5 November – 24 November – 27 November 2020                 WEBINAR SERIES
                                                                                                                                                          25 November 2020         WEBINAR

            As part of the WAIPA’s initiative to learn directly from IPAs   Each session included guest speakers from city or regional    WAIPA and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale           This new free-to-use IPA Toolbox offers detailed and
            about how they have dealt so far with COVID-19 and how          IPAs sharing their insights and experiences. The discussion   Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH joined their forces to             practical guidance for IPA staff as well as for staff of
            investment promotion will look like in the near future,         was moderated by Invest in Istanbul.                          develop the toolbox for Investment Promotion Agencies        technical assistance providers and can be implemented
            Invest in Istanbul was hosting Istanbul Webinar Series for                                                                    to improve investment promotion, investment facilitation     for a very concrete results.
            Regional & City IPAs to discuss current trends.                                                                               and after care services for investors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The IPA Toolbox was commissioned by the Deutsche
                                                                                                                                          The launch of the Investment Promotion Agency                Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
            The panelists contributing to the series were:                                                                                (IPA) Toolbox was held on 25.11.2020 at 12:00 CET.           GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for
            • Ana María Badel, CEO, ProBarranquilla                                                                                       Under moderation of the WAIPA Deputy Executive               Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in
                                                                                                                                          Director, Ismail Ersahin, the webinar started with welcome   cooperation with the World Association of Investment
            • Thiago Toscano, CEO, INDI - Minas Gerais Investment and Trade Promotion Agency                                              words from WAIPA CEO. The Toolbox and it’s use was           Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and is available on the
                                                                                                                                          presented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale        WAIPA webiste.
            • Minullina Taliya Ilgizovna, CEO, Tatarstan Investment Development Agency
                                                                                                                                          Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’s Björn Vogler. Participants
            • Mohamed Al Musharrakh, CEO, Sharjah FDI Office - Invest in Sharjah                                                          also listened to from GIZ’s Steffen Felix on their work
                                                                                                                                          with IPAs.
            • Ahmed Omic, Research Analyst, WAIPA
            • Alex Sanchiz, Investment Climate Consultant, The World Bank
            • Idil Ozdogan, Director, PwC Turkey

            This webinar series aimed to shed light on the important        create the right linkages with other partners and networks
            work of regional and city IPAs during and post-COVID-19,        and what strategies regions and cities use to develop a
            e.g. how regions and cities can support existing and            clear value proposition.

            potential investors with credible information and data,

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
                                                                                                                                      cooperation within the investment promotion community             The Global Investment Promotion Conference brought
                                                                                                                                      as well as how innovative partnerships, involving IPAs            together state leaders, ministers, CEOs of leading global

                         INVESTING IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                         played a role in addressing challenges during the crisis
                                                                                                                                      and how can IPAs from least developed countries better
                                                                                                                                                                                                        companies, and executives of investment promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                                        agencies and special economic zones to listen from the
                         (SATELLITE EVENT) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIPA                                                                  benefit from existing international support programmes
                                                                                                                                      offered by development partners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        global leaders on the shape of investment promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                                        beyond the pandemic.

                                                                                                                                      Participants in the executive discussion included members
                            7-8 December 2020        Satellite conference                                                             and partners such as WAIPA Vice President and Invest
                                                                                                                                      India CEO, Deepak Bagla as well as Ratnakar Adhikari,
                                                                                                                                      Executive Director, Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF),
                                                                                                                                      World Trade Organization and others.

                                                                                                                                                    WAIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING
                                                                                                                                                        7th December 2020

                                                                                                                                      The 2020 General Assembly was different than in previous          Cordial greetings to WAIPA members were also extended
                                                                                                                                      years as it was being held for the entirely in a virtual format   by WAIPA Vice-President Ms. Ola El Kobrosy and Mr. Deepak
                                                                                                                                      for the first time in WAIPA’s history due to the COVID-19         Bagla. The meeting then continued with the presentation
                                                                                                                                      pandemic.                                                         of the 2020/2021 plan of activities and estimated budget
                                                                                                                                                                                                        plan for 2021.
            WAIPA had the privillege to partner at the UNCTAD            Gergawi was delighted to deliver a welcoming address at      The meeting which was held on 7 December 2020
            “Global Investment Promotion Conference” which was           the Global Investment Promotion Conference organized in      and was opened by the WAIPA Executive Director who                In presence of WAIPA Legal Advisor Mr. Jean-Louis Collart
            held on 7-8 December 2020 to discuss the shape of the        partnership between UNCTAD and WAIPA.                        extended his sincere appreciation to all WAIPA members            the WAIPA Statutes Amendments: “Article I para 3 of the
            investment promotion and facilitation landscape beyond                                                                    who joined to the assembly meeting. WAIPA President               Statutes «The HQ of WAIPA shall be situated in Geneva,
            the pandemic with world leaders.                             “We look forward to further strengthen our partnership       Mr. Fahad AlGergawi then warmly welcomed all WAIPA                Switzerland»” was approved.
                                                                         with UNCTAD and our Consultative Committee members           Members and stated that even though the year 2020 was
            The satellite event included:                                to support a future fit WAIPA, committed to empower          a challenging year for the entire globe, WAIPA has grown          In the closing remarks WAIPA President Mr. Fahad
            - WAIPA General Assembly meeting (for members only)          and advocate the critical role of IPAs, in supporting and    more confidence, playing critical role for IPAs to drive          AlGergawi thanked all WAIPA members, Steering
            - Summit Session on “Strategic Reorientation in Investment   facilitating global FDI growth and positive impact” WAIPA    sustainable economic development and inclusive impact             Committee members and Permanent Secretariat for their
            Promotion During and Beyond the Pandemic”                    President underlined.                                        to our community, as well as our cities and nations. He           active role and contributions. He stressed the fact that
            - United Nations Investment Promotion Awards 2020                                                                         furthermore emphasized that during the term 2019/2020,            the future of economy relies partially on IPAs who make
            - Executive Dialogue on “Investment Facilitation and         WAIPA Permanent Secretariat participated at the second       WAIPA has developed its vision with all achievements,             differences on loss of the year 2020 and that WAIPA

            Advocacy”                                                    day of the UNCTAD Global Investment Promotion Conference     consultations with its members, partners, industry leaders,       continues to advocate IPAs voice to highlight their crucial
                                                                         in partnership with WAIPA at the Executive Dialogue on       and its new initiatives which concretely proves a future fit      importance.
            WAIPA President and Dubai FDI CEO H.E. Fahad Al              “Investment Facilitation and Advocacy” and highlighted the   to WAIPA’s strategy.
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
                                                                                                                                  to attract sustainable FDI in trade led-growth sectors, to    (UNCTAD), the Japan International Cooperation Agency
                                                                                                                                  tap into the new sources of growth and to deepen their        (JICA), and Myanmar’s national IPA, the Directorate of

                        ON “CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EIF COUNTRIES ON                                                                participation in the global value chains. Partnership with
                                                                                                                                  WAIPA and other partners is key to helping LDCs leverage
                                                                                                                                                                                                Investment and Company Administration who shared
                                                                                                                                                                                                their best practices in the national strategies for FDI
                        INVESTMENT PROMOTION”                                                                                     additional resources to build back faster and better.” Dr.
                                                                                                                                  Adhikari stated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                & investment promotion for the SDGs under program
                                                                                                                                                                                                consultant Carlos Griffin’s moderation.

                                                                                                                                  The first workshop titled “Optimizing a country’s             After the introductory welcome words by WAIPA DED
                           1 December- 3 December- 8 December- 10 December-
                           14 December -17 December- 22 December 2020
                                                                                                 WORKSHOP SERIES                  institutional framework for investment promotion” which       Ismail Ersahin, the delegates of JICA and DICA shared their
                                                                                                                                  was held on 1 December took a step back from IPAs as our      expertise with lessons learned from their collaboration to
                                                                                                                                  frame of reference to look at the big picture of everything   develop and implement a national, whole-of-government
                                                                                                                                  a government does to promote private investment. The          FDI strategy. UNCTAD followed with insights for promoting
                                                                                                                                  participants examined who should be doing what, where         investment in the SDGs, particularly in the age of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                  the IPA fits, and how the various institutions can best
                                                                                                                                  cooperate. More than 46 participants from 10 countries        The sixth session’s focus was on the course participants
                                                                                                                                  participated in the first course.                             presenting their own national FDI strategies. They
                                                                                                                                                                                                summarized each personal assessments of the strengths
                                                                                                                                  The second workshop on “FDI impacts and success stories”      and weaknesses of their national IPA’s mandates making
                                                                                                                                  continued with the best practice example on the crucial       this a very important session in our program.
                                                                                                                                  role an IPA can play. The topic was presented by David
                                                                                                                                  O’Donovan, former senior staff member of IDA Ireland          Finally, the last session concluded with the participants
                                                                                                                                  who has a vast experience in foreign direct investment        brainstorming how they can apply the lessons learned
                                                                                                                                  and small and medium business SME development                 during the first series of workshops and were instructed
                                                                                                                                  for developing countries. This session helped LDCs to         by our program consultant Carlos Griffin on the inter-
                                                                                                                                  implement the knowledge to the daily work.                    workshop homework, i.e. to produce a draft action plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                with stakeholders for the review and improvement of FDI
                                                                                                                                  In the third session participants from selected LDC           policy, strategies, institutions and coordination.
                                                                                                                                  countries learnt about understanding different forms of
                                                                                                                                  investment, their potential benefits, and implications        This first workshop series lasted over the course of 4- weeks
                                                                                                                                  for promotion. The session explored differences in the        and it consisted total of 7 live videoconferences (including
                                                                                                                                  dynamics, potential benefits, and promotion needs of          discussions, guest speakers, review of homework), 5 video
                                                                                                                                  financial investment vs. productive investment, DDI vs.       lectures and 7 homework assignments via Zoom and
                                                                                                                                  FDI, and investor-conceived projects vs. government-          Google classroom.
                                                                                                                                  conceived projects.
            Due to pandemic EIF – WAIPA co-funded project for LDCs    IPAs in LDCs through capacity building, regional and                                                                      By the end of this workshop, participants were able to:
            on “Capacity Building for EIF countries on Investment     global coordination, and advocacy. Thanks to EIF support,   The fourth session on “Identifying and addressing public      • Draft investment policy statements for their countries
            Promotion” was transformed into the virtual format.       today we are glad to launch the training series that aims   concerns about FDI” used the plenary discussion to            • Distinguish among different types of investment and
                                                                      to support LDCs drive to improve the business climate,      explore some of the concerns and conflicts which may          how to promote them
            The official opening of the project started with the      attract sustainable investment and leverage investment in   arise around FDI and some of the measures which can be        • Assess the suitability of their countries’ institutional
            welcome given by WAIPA President & Dubai FDI CEO          trade priority sectors. We look forward to further expand   taken to prevent and resolve them.                            frameworks to their investment objectives
            H.E. Fahad Al Gergawi as well as Dr. Ratnakar Adhikari,   WAIPA’s partnerships to deliver on our commitment to
            Executive Director, Executive Secretariat, Enhanced       support LDCs progress and success.” said H.E. Algergawi.    The fifth session started with three guest speakers from

            Integrated Framework (EIF), World Trade Organization.                                                                 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
                                                                      “In view of COVID-19 impacts, it is the EIF priority to
            “WAIPA has developed a full-fledged program to support    support LDCs improving trade and invesment enviroment
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31
WAIPA “AFTERCARE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT”                                                                                     WAIPA WBG LAUNCH OF “STRENGTHENING THE
                         PROJECT FOR JORDAN INVESTMENT COMMISSION IN                                                                                ADVOCACY SERVICES OF INVESTMENT PROMOTION
                         PARTNERSHIP WITH EBRD                                                                                                      AGENCIES” COMPETITION
                             7 December – 8 December – 9 December – 10 December 2020                   WORKSHOP SERIES                                  10 December 2020       WEBINAR

                                                                                                                                        WAIPA and The World Bank launched their jointly            platform and how IPAs can take part in the competition
                                                                                                                                        organized competition called “Strengthening the Advocacy   was demonstrated.
                                                                                                                                        Services of Investment Promotion Agencies”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Through this competition, the WBG and WAIPA aim to
                                                                                                                                        In the launch not only the competition was explained       emphasize the key benefits of IPAs’ advocacy efforts, by
                                                                                                                                        but also two best practice examples of successful IPAs,    collecting and disseminating IPA advocacy successes and
                                                                                                                                        Invest India and CINDE - Costa Rica Investment Promotion   raising awareness in a way that hopefully inspires more
                                                                                                                                        Agency, were presented. Moreover, the submission           IPAs to play a stronger role in advocating for reforms.

            WAIPA had the pleasure to develop a tailormade project         The third session included focus on investor development
            funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and             as well as determining priority and understanding key
            Development (EBRD) to upscale the skills on aftercare          accounts. The consultant Andreas Dressler presented
            of the Jordan Investment Commission. The Aftercare             how investor development works in practice as well as
            Capacity Development was executed by the consultant            provided a guidance on how to obtain information about
            Andreas Dressler.                                              companies through research and other sources in order
                                                                           to understand the factors influencing their activities and
            In the first two sessions the JIC officers were able to        potential for expansion.
            learn about the importance of the aftercare and how to
            support existing investors. They explored the methods of       Last session of the first training then looked at key
            IPAs for “reactive” aftercare and looked how to implement      performance indicators and methods for assessing
            activities that IPAs can conduct to build relationships with   aftercare activities and discused a real case to determine

            decision makers of key investors.                              the best approach for supporting the company in
                                                                           collaboration with partners.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            33
SOUTH AMERICA INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT                                                                                  2ND EIF – WAIPA CO-FUNDED PROJECT FOR LDCS
                        PROMOTION WEBINAR 2020                                                                                                  ON “CAPACITY BUILDING FOR EIF COUNTRIES ON
                                                                                                                                                INVESTMENT PROMOTION”
                           10 February 2021     REGIONAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                                   15 February – 18 February – 22 February – 25 February
                                                                                                                                                   1 March – 4 March – 8 March – 11 March 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                WORKSHOP SERIES

            WAIPA Regional Director for South America INDI - Minas   Minas Gerais, Mr. Paulo Brant and Mr. Thiago Toscano, CEO      The WAIPA-Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)             Furthermore, WAIPA Deputy Executive Director Ismail
            Gerais Investment and Trade Promotion Agency, with       of INDI who welcomed the participants and welcomed             Workshop 2 for LDC countries titled “Designing and        Ersahin had pleasure to announce that the live sessions
            the support of WAIPA organized a “South America          this initiative.                                               Managing IPAs to Compete for FDI and Win” started on      of this project will be translated from English to French
            Investment Promotion webinar” to exchange views on the                                                                  the 15 February 2021 with more than 78 participants       and vice versa. WAIPA values academic information as
            current situation of investment promotion and economic   The webinar consisted of the three sessions. In the panel      from 17 countries to strengthen Investment Promotion      well as we highlight the importance of practicality during
            development.                                             “Lessons from 2020 & strategies for 2021” moderated by         Agencies (IPAs) and Ministries of Trade’s (EIF NIU)       all of our training programs – hence, we decided to
                                                                     INDI CEO Mr Thiago Toscano, WAIPA Permanent Secretariat        investment promotional knowledge and skills.              provide this course in both English and French language
            H.E. Fahad Al Gergawi, President of WAIPA and CEO of     shared their insights on the current situation for IPAs and                                                              to enhance the interaction between all participants
            Dubai FDI spoke at the opening of the event. Opening     the critical support they can deliver to their stakeholders.   The second training began with the welcoming words        and to improve the quality of discussions that will help
            remarks were also delivered by the Vice Governor of                                                                     from EIF Deputy Executive Director, Ms. Annette Mutaawe   to spread the key information and experience based
                                                                                                                                    Ssemuwemba and WAIPA CEO.                                 know-how for the daily life of investment promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                              professionals in LDCs all over the world.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         35
            First workshop which was held in December looked             In the further sessions participants discussed the types
            at the big picture of everything a government does           of investment most likely to bring those impacts and the
            to promote private investment. The 2nd course went
            into details of for example: identifying priority sectors;
                                                                         investment promotion activities most likely to generate
                                                                         that investment. They shared ideas e.g. on the human                      INVESTMENT (FDI) NETWORK
            benchmarking competitiveness of priority sectors             resources and organizational structure at their IPAs,
            against other countries; outlining management practices      brainstormed on the data to be tracked in the CRM for
            and systems needed for impact-oriented FDI promotion         the IPAs’ M&E based on participants’ desired impacts,                        23 February 2021        WEBINAR
            etc.                                                         target investors, anticipated investment promotion
                                                                         activities, and corresponding organizational structure.
            The second session focused on the impacts of an IPA –
            participants discussed their IPAs’ performance targets       Under the moderation of the program consultant
            and suggested a new or revised set of targets based on       Carlos Griffin, participants from 17 beneficiary countries
            best practices discussed until now, e.g. development of      brainstormed on the systematic approach to receiving,
            impact orientation, sector prioritization, benchmarking      screening, processing, responding to, and following
            competitiveness, and quantitative, measured indicators.      up on investor inquiries, so as to ensure that no
                                                                         opportunities fall through the cracks and that strategic
            The focus of the third session was on setting a              investments get maximum support and follow-up. They
            standard for IPAs to take credit for impacts. The course     also discussed the standard operating procedures
            participants from Lesotho National Development               which would best enable them to achieve best-practice
            Corporation, ANAPI-RDC and FIPA Vanuatu presented            follow-up and realization of strategic investments.
            a draft standard for deciding when their IPAs can
            justifiably claim credit for landing an FDI project,         As such the second workshop which focused on the
            generating FDI-related impacts, effecting investment         overall managerial direction and systems which give an
            climate reforms, and otherwise achieving the impacts         IPA its character and set the stage for success or failure
            targeted in previous task.                                   came to the end in March.

                                                                                                                                      WAIPA Permanent Secretariat participated at the first       examples of how IPAs continue to serve their governments
                                                                                                                                      session of the United Nations ESCAP’s 10th meeting of the   and provide great value to investors. It is up to the IPAs to
                                                                                                                                      Asia-Pacific Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Network to     continue to adjust their strategies, we as WAIPA certainly
                                                                                                                                      discuss the FDI during the COVID-19 Pandemic: FDI trends    aim to continue to support them on their endeavours” he
                                                                                                                                      and outlook, lead generation and investment promotion.      said.

                                                                                                                                      They provided a closer look on how IPAs are responding      The ARTNeT- Asia Pacific Research and Training Network on
                                                                                                                                      to the COVID-19 Pandemic and what challenges and            FDI serves as the unifying platform to facilitate knowledge
                                                                                                                                      opportunities are there for the AP IPAs.                    sharing and experiences on FDI policy development and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  promotion among FDI policy makers to ensure FDI policies
                                                                                                                                      “The impact of the COVID pandemic has been considerable,    are aligned to support towards the 2030 Agenda for

                                                                                                                                      but we have seen over the last year numerous great          Sustainable Development.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                37
WEBINAR: “STRENGTHENING INVESTMENT FACILITATION                                                                          2ND WAIPA “AFTERCARE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT”
                         CAPACITY FOR DEVELOPMENT: AN OVERVIEW, BASED ON ‘AN                                                                      PROJECT FOR JORDAN INVESTMENT COMMISSION IN
                         INVENTORY OF CONCRETE MEASURES TO FACILITATE THE                                                                         PARTNERSHIP WITH EBRD
                         FLOW OF SUSTAINABLE FDI: WHAT? WHY? HOW?”
                                                                                                                                                     8 March – 9 March – 10 March – 11 March 2021           WORKSHOP SERIES
                            26 February 2021      WEBINAR SERIES

                                                                                                                                     The second round of the Aftercare Capacity Development        The second session was focused on:
            WAIPA Permanent Secretariat participated at          “The   WAIPA had the pleasure to co-organize this event
                                                                                                                                     project for Jordan Investment Commission in partnership       - Determining which information is most relevant for
            importance of investment facilitation in a post Covid-19    together with the International Trade Centre (ITC), the
                                                                                                                                     with EBRD started on 8 March 2021.                            aftercare support.
            world” at the webinar “Strengthening investment             German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut fuer
                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Obtaining relevant information about companies
            facilitation capacity for development: an overview, based   Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the World Economic Forum
                                                                                                                                     FDI Center’s Andreas Dressler led through these courses       through research.
            on ‘An Inventory of Concrete Measures to Facilitate the     (WEF).
                                                                                                                                     and the first session was covering the practical aspects of   - Using other contacts to obtain information about
            Flow of Sustainable FDI: What? Why? How?”.
                                                                                                                                     the aftercare.                                                companies.
                                                                        First-hand experiences from IPAs were shared by Ghana
                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Questions to ask in meetings with existing investors to
            They highlighted that it is essential to have IPAs in the   Investment Promotion Centre, Apex-Brasil, Business
                                                                                                                                     Welcome words were extended by WAIPA President and            identify key issues.
            discussion to get a broad perspective as they are and       France (Invest in France) & Bahrain EDB.
                                                                                                                                     Dubai FDI CEO H.E. Fahad Al Gergawi who also presented
            will be very instrumental in the implementation of the
                                                                                                                                     Dubai FDI’s Case Study of the MNC’s Carbon Neutral            The third session discussed types of aftercare support

            facilitation measures, to assist their governments and      This was the lanching webinar of the series that was
                                                                                                                                     Ambitions - From Vision to Reality. Hassan Mohalal from       that JIC can provide in addition to current assistance.and
            investors towards sustainable development.                  followed by webinars focused on specific practical aspects
                                                                                                                                     Dubai FDI has shared the insights on the best practices of    different levels of support depending on the classification
                                                                        of investment facilitation.
                                                                                                                                     Dubai FDI’s aftercare services.                               of the company, managing company expectations and
38                                                                                                                                                                                                 possibilities of structuring support as distinct “service     39
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