Vote Labour Market - Budget 2018

Page created by Shirley Elliott
Vote Labour Market

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for ACC (M1), Minister for Economic Development (M25),
Minister of Immigration (M38), Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety (M43), Minister of
Employment (M95)

APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Minister for Economic Development

                                              THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    433

Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections
Annual and Permanent Appropriations
                                                                                                        Estimates       Estimates     Total
                                                                                                          Budget           Budget    Budget
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type                                                    $000            $000     $000
Departmental Output Expenses
ACC - Regulatory Services (M1)                                                                               122                 -      122
This appropriation is limited to the management of the residual long-term responsibility related to
the Crown's ongoing risks resulting from the introduction of the competitive accident insurance
market during 1999/2000.
Immigration - Regulation of Immigration Advisers (M38)                                                     2,572                 -     2,572
This appropriation is limited to: the regulation of persons who provide immigration advice;
facilitating the education and professional development of Immigration Advisers; and increasing
public awareness of the Immigration Advisers Authority, pursuant to the functions described in
section 35 of the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007.
Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment - Employment Sector Analysis and Facilitation                    4,134                 -     4,134
This appropriation is limited to the provision of employment information, facilitation and matching
services, and analysis of the functioning of the labour market.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Employment Relations Services (M43)                                      35,243            1,751     36,994
This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, guidance, investigation, mediation and
decision-making regarding employment rights and upholding regulatory standards including
support services provided to employment relations institutions.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Shared Services Support (M43)                                            11,000             750      11,750
This appropriation is limited to the provision of support services to other agencies.
Total Departmental Output Expenses                                                                        53,071            2,501     55,572
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
ACC - Case Management and Supporting Services (M1)                                                       167,716                 -   167,716
This appropriation is limited to injury prevention, claim processing, assessment, payment services
and case management in respect of claims on the ACC Non-Earners' Account.
ACC - Case Management and Supporting Services - Treatment Injuries for Non-Earners                        14,459                 -    14,459
This appropriation is limited to cover the cost of injury prevention, claim lodgement and
management, investment management and appropriation setting for claims by non-earners on
the ACC Treatment Injury Account.
ACC - Public Health Acute Services (M1)                                                                  293,858                 -   293,858
This appropriation is limited to public health acute services in respect of claims on the ACC Non-
Earners' Account.
ACC - Public Health Acute Services - Treatment Injuries for Non-Earners (M1)                               1,776                 -     1,776
This appropriation is limited to fund public health acute services for claims by non-earners on the
ACC Treatment Injury Account.
ACC - Rehabilitation Entitlements and Services (M1)                                                      630,766                 -   630,766
This appropriation is limited to purchasing medical services, social rehabilitation, elective health
care services and contracted services in respect of claims on the ACC Non-Earners' Account.
ACC - Rehabilitation Entitlements and Services - Treatment Injuries for Non-Earners (M1)                 128,131                 -   128,131
This appropriation is limited to cover the cost of purchasing medical services, social rehabilitation
and elective health care services and contracted services for claims by non-earners on the ACC
Treatment Injury Account.


                                                                                                        Estimates       Estimates        Total
                                                                                                          Budget           Budget       Budget
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type                                                    $000            $000        $000
ACC - Supporting Equitable Pay for Care and Support Workers (M1)                                          44,900                  -     44,900
This appropriation is limited to costs related to workers in the care and support sector, incurred as
a result of legislation giving effect to the pay equity settlement with care and support workers.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Health and Safety at Work Levy - Collection Services                        869                  -        869
This appropriation is limited to the provision of collection services from the Accident
Compensation Corporation (ACC), to collect the Health and Safety at Work Levy on behalf of the
Workplace Relations and Safety - Workplace Health and Safety (M43)                                        92,968                  -     92,968
This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, education, leadership, guidance,
support, and enforcement relating to the health and safety of workers and workplaces.
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses                                                                  1,375,443                 -   1,375,443
Benefits or Related Expenses
ACC - Compensation Entitlements (M1)                                                                      58,941                  -     58,941
This appropriation is limited to the provision of income maintenance, independence allowance,
and other compensation payments for claims on the ACC Non-Earners' Account.
ACC - Compensation Entitlements - Treatment Injuries for Non-Earners (M1)                                 13,891                  -     13,891
This appropriation is limited to the provision of income maintenance, independence allowance,
and other compensation payments for claims by non-earners on the ACC Treatment Injury
Total Benefits or Related Expenses                                                                        72,832                  -     72,832
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Crown Debt Write Offs (M25)                                                                                  125                  -        125
This appropriation is limited to expenses arising from the recognition of impaired value of Crown
debts, including write down and write offs.
Employment - He Poutama Rangatahi/Youth Employment Pathways (M95)                                               -           5,275        5,275
This appropriation is limited to training and employment programmes for young people in Te Tai
Tokerau, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Tairawhiti and Hawke's Bay.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Employment Relations Authority Members' Salaries and                      3,980             200         4,180
Allowances PLA (M43)
This appropriation is limited to the salaries and allowances of the members of the Employment
Relations Authority, as authorised by section 171 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Equal Employment Opportunities Trust (M43)                                  396                  -        396
This appropriation is limited to funding to promote Equal Employment Opportunities as a good
management practice, delivered in partnership with the private sector.
Workplace Relations and Safety - International Labour Organisation (M43)                                   1,400                 59      1,459
This appropriation is limited to New Zealand's annual subscription to the International Labour
Workplace Relations and Safety - New Zealand Industrial Relations Foundation (M43)                            15                  -         15
This appropriation is limited to funding for education to promote better industrial relations.
Workplace Relations and Safety - Remuneration Authority Members' Fees, Salaries and                          300                  -        300
Allowances (M43)
This appropriation is limited to the fees, salaries and allowances of the members of the
Remuneration Authority.
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses                                                                      6,216            5,534       11,750

                                                                     THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7            435

                                                                                                       Estimates       Estimates     Total
                                                                                                         Budget           Budget    Budget
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type                                                   $000            $000     $000
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
Workplace Relations and Safety - WorkSafe Capability Change Programme (M43)                               9,552                 -     9,552
This appropriation is limited to capital expenditure for the establishment and development of ICT
business capability, motor vehicles and equipment to support the implementation of the WorkSafe
capability change programme.
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure                                                                9,552                 -     9,552
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Immigration Services MCA (M38)                                                                          295,553           51,472    347,025
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide efficient immigration services that
generate positive economic outcomes for New Zealand and meet New Zealand's obligations to
refugee and protected persons.
Departmental Output Expenses
Assessment and Processing Services                                                                      208,733           34,687    243,420
This category is limited to the assessment and processing of visa and entry permits.
Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System                                             42,020           11,440     53,460
This category is limited to the provision of border control, the investigation and prosecution of
entities which breach the Immigration Act, the deportation of people unlawfully in New Zealand or
in breach of their visas, and related services to maintain and enhance the integrity and security of
New Zealand's immigration system.
Services for the Attraction of Immigrants                                                                 9,565            2,104     11,669
This category is limited to the development and provision of services and information aimed at
attracting immigrants to New Zealand.
Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants                                              35,235            3,241     38,476
This category is limited to the provision of services that enable the settlement and integration of
immigrants and refugees into New Zealand society, including processing claims of refugee and
protected persons status.
Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA (M43)                                                              21,513          (2,135)     19,378
The single overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support
services to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio
Departmental Output Expenses
Policy Advice - ACC                                                                                       2,426            (800)      1,626
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and
contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on
government policy matters relating to the accident compensation system.
Policy Advice - Employment                                                                                2,177                 -     2,177
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and
contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on
government policy matters relating to employment.
Policy Advice - Immigration                                                                               6,150             300       6,450
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and
contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on
government policy matters relating to immigration policy and international immigration
Policy Advice - Workplace Relations and Safety                                                            7,494            (900)      6,594
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and
contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on
government policy matters relating to workplace relations and safety (including Hazardous
Substances and New Organisms) and international labour commitments.


                                                                                                       Estimates       Estimates       Total
                                                                                                         Budget           Budget      Budget
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type                                                   $000            $000       $000
Related Services to Ministers - ACC                                                                         301                 -        301
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to the accident
compensation system.
Related Services to Ministers - Employment                                                                  854                 -        854
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to employment.
Related Services to Ministers - Immigration                                                               1,376            (700)         676
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to immigration.
Related Services to Ministers - Workplace Relations and Safety                                              735             (35)         700
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to workplace
relations and safety and international labour commitments, including monitoring of Crown Entities
and Statutory Bodies.
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure                                                   317,066           49,337     366,403
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations                                                              1,834,180          57,372    1,891,552

                                                                     THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7          437

Supporting Information
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole
1.2 - Trends in the Vote
Summary of Financial Activity

                                                                                  Supplementary Estimates
                                                                           Departmental Departmental        Total
                                                                 Estimates Transactions Transactions Transactions        Total
                                                                      $000        $000         $000         $000         $000
Output Expenses                                                  1,428,514        2,501             -        2,501   1,431,015
Benefits or Related Expenses                                          72,832       N/A              -            -     72,832
Borrowing Expenses                                                         -          -             -            -           -
Other Expenses                                                         6,216          -        5,534         5,534     11,750
Capital Expenditure                                                    9,552          -             -            -      9,552
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital                  -          -         N/A              -           -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)
      Output Expenses                                                317,066    49,337              -       49,337    366,403
      Other Expenses                                                       -          -             -            -           -
      Capital Expenditure                                                  -       N/A              -            -           -
Total Appropriations                                             1,834,180      51,838         5,534        57,372   1,891,552
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts
Tax Revenue                                                                -       N/A              -            -           -
Non-Tax Revenue                                                      122,449       N/A         8,124         8,124    130,573
Capital Receipts                                                           -       N/A              -            -           -
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts                             122,449       N/A         8,124         8,124    130,573


Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses
Workplace Relations and Safety - Employment Relations Services (M43)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, guidance, investigation, mediation and
 decision-making regarding employment rights and upholding regulatory standards including support
 services provided to employment relations institutions.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $1.751 million to $36.994 million for 2017/18 due to:

 a transfer of $900,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA Policy Advice - Workplace
  Relations and Safety category to address funding pressures relating to the Labour Inspectorate
  system and personnel costs

 a transfer of $600,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA Policy Advice - ACC category to
  address funding pressures relating to the Labour Inspectorate system and personnel costs

 funding of $175,000 to correct historical non-compliance with the Holidays Act 2003

 a transfer from 2016/17 of $76,000 for the Labour Inspectorate Transformation programme.

Workplace Relations and Safety - Shared Services Support (M43)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to the provision of support services to other agencies.

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision of corporate services on behalf of WorkSafe
New Zealand, Pike River Recovery Agency and other agencies with which arrangements are made.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                       Estimates             Estimates                 Total
Performance Measures                                                    Standard              Standard             Standard

Services are provided to the service levels and timeframes                     -          New measure              Achieved
agreed with Pike River Agency

                                                             THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    439

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $750,000 to $11.750 million for 2017/18 due to:

 $700,000 to reflect estimated salary costs for MBIE staff being seconded to other government

 $300,000 to reflect the estimated property costs recovered from other agencies tenanting office space,

 $250,000 to reflect corporate shared services recovery costs to the newly established Pike River
  Recovery Agency as agreed in the Master Services Agreement.

The increase was partly offset by a reduction of $500,000 to reflect WorkSafe New Zealand moving some
of their corporate services in-house so the value of recovered costs will be lower this financial year.


Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental
3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses
ACC - Case Management and Supporting Services (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to injury prevention, claim processing, assessment, payment services and
 case management in respect of claims on the ACC Non-Earners' Account.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                              Estimates             Estimates                  Total
Performance Measures                                                           Standard              Standard              Standard

Average time taken by ACC to make surgery decisions -                                 -          New measure       Less than 32 days
declined requests

Average time to resolution for claims with reviews                                    -          New measure       Less than 90 days

Average cost per claim (administration costs less investment                          -          New measure                 $2,277
management and injury prevention costs/active entitlement

Cover decision timeliness                                                             -          New measure                1.1 days

Formal reviews as a percentage of entitlement claims                                  -          New measure                    2.6%

Investment management costs as a proportion of total funds                            -          New measure                    0.15%
under management

Investment performance after costs relative to benchmark                              -          New measure                    0.3%

Percentage of reviews upheld                                                          -          New measure         Greater than or
                                                                                                                      equal to 84%

The portfolio of injury prevention investments approved will have                     -          New measure                $1.7-$1
an assessed positive return on investment

                                                                    THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7     441

ACC - Case Management and Supporting Services - Treatment Injuries for Non-
Earners (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to cover the cost of injury prevention, claim lodgement and management,
 investment management and appropriation setting for claims by non-earners on the ACC Treatment
 Injury Account.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                    Estimates        Estimates               Total
Performance Measures                                                 Standard         Standard           Standard

Average cost per claim (administration costs less investment                -     New measure              $2,277
management and injury prevention costs/active entitlement

Average time taken by ACC to make surgery decisions -                       -     New measure    Less than 32 days
declined requests

Average time to resolution for claims with reviews                          -     New measure    Less than 90 days

Cover decision timeliness                                                   -     New measure             1.1 days

Formal reviews as a percentage of entitlement claims                        -     New measure                2.6%

Investment management costs as a proportion of total funds                  -     New measure               0.15%
under management

Investment performance after costs relative to benchmark                    -     New measure                0.3%

Percentage of reviews upheld                                                -     New measure      Greater than or
                                                                                                    equal to 84%

The portfolio of injury prevention investments approved will have           -     New measure             $1.7-$1
an assessed positive return on investment

ACC - Public Health Acute Services (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to public health acute services in respect of claims on the ACC Non-Earners'

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                    Estimates        Estimates               Total
Performance Measures                                                 Standard         Standard           Standard

Agreement with Ministry of Health for public health acute                   -     New measure            Achieved
services will be signed off no later than the end of the year to
which this applies


ACC - Public Health Acute Services - Treatment Injuries for Non-Earners (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to fund public health acute services for claims by non-earners on the ACC
 Treatment Injury Account.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                             Estimates             Estimates                 Total
Performance Measures                                                          Standard              Standard             Standard

Agreement with Ministry of Health for public health acute                            -          New measure              Achieved
services will be signed off no later than the end of the year to
which this applies

ACC - Rehabilitation Entitlements and Services (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to purchasing medical services, social rehabilitation, elective health care
 services and contracted services in respect of claims on the ACC Non-Earners' Account.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                             Estimates             Estimates                 Total
Performance Measures                                                          Standard              Standard             Standard

Change in average treatment cost per injury                                          -          New measure           Less than or
                                                                                                                     equal to 2.9%
Customer satisfaction - clients                                                      -          New measure                     77%

Number of long term clients returned to independence in the                          -          New measure                    3,531
past 12 months

Percentage of total expenditure paid directly to clients or for                      -          New measure                    86.2%
services to clients

Proportion of clients who go ahead with surgery who are                              -          New measure                     85%
successfully rehabilitated 12 months after being approved for

Return to independence for those not in the workforce                                -          New measure                     86%

                                                                   THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7     443

ACC - Rehabilitation Entitlements and Services - Treatment Injuries for
Non-Earners (M1)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to cover the cost of purchasing medical services, social rehabilitation and
 elective health care services and contracted services for claims by non-earners on the ACC Treatment
 Injury Account.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                    Estimates        Estimates            Total
Performance Measures                                                 Standard         Standard        Standard

Change in average treatment cost per injury                                 -     New measure      Less than or
                                                                                                  equal to 2.9%

Customer satisfaction - clients                                             -     New measure             77%

Number of long term clients returned to independence in the                 -     New measure            3,531
past 12 months

Percentage of total expenditure paid directly to clients or for             -     New measure           86.2%
services to clients

Proportion of clients who go ahead with surgery who are                     -     New measure             85%
successfully rehabilitated 12 months after being approved for

Return to independence for those not in the workforce                       -     New measure             86%

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Employment - He Poutama Rangatahi/Youth Employment Pathways (M95)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to training and employment programmes for young people in Te Tai
 Tokerau, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Tairawhiti and Hawke's Bay.



                                                                    Estimates        Estimates            Total
                                                                         $000             $000            $000

Total Appropriation                                                         -             5,275          5,275

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for communities to link Rangatahi directly to employers
and support those employers willing to invest in employing them in the four target regions.


How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements


                                                                          Estimates             Estimates                 Total
Performance Measures                                                       Standard              Standard             Standard

The impact of He Poutama Rangatahi will be evaluated annually                     -          New Measure              Achieved
(see Note 1)

Note 1 - The measure is an interim measure that focuses on the annual evaluation of the pilot projects.
Further measures that show the effectiveness of the programme will be added once they are developed.

End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Employment in the Vote
Labour Market Non-Departmental Appropriations Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation was established in 2017/18 with funding of $5.275 million. This was due to new funding
of $13.275 million for the continuation of the He Poutama Rangatahi programme working to actively
support communities to help young people become ready for work while supporting employers to bring
local young people into employment in the four target regions.

This was partly offset by a transfer from 2017/18 to 2018/19 of $8 million to enable due contracting
processes to be followed for funding community groups and matches the timing of funding with the
capacity for providers to deliver on programmes that will commence but will not be able to be completed
in 2017/18.

Workplace Relations and Safety - Employment Relations Authority Members'
Salaries and Allowances PLA (M43)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to the salaries and allowances of the members of the Employment
 Relations Authority, as authorised by section 171 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $200,000 to $4.180 million for 2017/18 due to Remuneration Authority
determinations on the remuneration of members of the Employment Relations Authority.

Workplace Relations and Safety - International Labour Organisation (M43)

Scope of Appropriation

 This appropriation is limited to New Zealand's annual subscription to the International Labour

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $59,000 to $1.459 million for 2017/18 due to exchange rate fluctuations.

                                                                THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    445

P a r t 4 - D e t a i l s o f M u l t i - C a t e g o ry E x p e n s e s a n d
Capital Expenditure
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Immigration Services (M38)

Overarching Purpose Statement

 The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide efficient immigration services that generate
 positive economic outcomes for New Zealand and meet New Zealand's obligations to refugee and
 protected persons.

Scope of Appropriation

 Departmental Output Expenses

 Assessment and Processing Services
 This category is limited to the assessment and processing of visa and entry permits.

 Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System
 This category is limited to the provision of border control, the investigation and prosecution of entities
 which breach the Immigration Act, the deportation of people unlawfully in New Zealand or in breach of
 their visas, and related services to maintain and enhance the integrity and security of New Zealand's
 immigration system.

 Services for the Attraction of Immigrants
 This category is limited to the development and provision of services and information aimed at
 attracting immigrants to New Zealand.

 Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants
 This category is limited to the provision of services that enable the settlement and integration of
 immigrants and refugees into New Zealand society, including processing claims of refugee and
 protected persons status.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure


                                                                    Estimates        Estimates           Total
                                                                         $000             $000           $000

Total Appropriation                                                  295,553              51,472       347,025

Departmental Output Expenses

Assessment and Processing Services                                   208,733              34,687       243,420

Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System          42,020              11,440        53,460

Services for the Attraction of Immigrants                              9,565               2,104        11,669

Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants           35,235               3,241        38,476



                                                                           Estimates             Estimates                   Total
                                                                                $000                  $000                   $000

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses

Revenue from the Crown                                                        91,426                  14,506            105,932

Assessment and Processing Services                                             5,452                    500                  5,952

Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System                  42,020                  10,850             52,870

Services for the Attraction of Immigrants                                      9,565                       -                 9,565

Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants                   34,389                   3,156             37,545

Revenue from Others                                                          210,841                  36,966            247,807

Assessment and Processing Services                                           209,995                  34,187            244,182

Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System                       -                    590                   590

Services for the Attraction of Immigrants                                          -                   2,104                 2,104

Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants                      846                     85                   931

What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be


                                                                           Estimates         Supplementary                 Total
                                                                            Standard             Estimates             Standard
Assessment of Performance                                                                         Standard

Departmental Output Expenses

Assessment and Processing Services

This category is intended to achieve quality decisions on visa
applications efficiently.

The percentage of audited residence visa decisions rated as                     90%       Updated measure                     90%

The percentage of audited temporary visa decisions rated as                        -          New measure                     90%

Services for the Attraction of Immigrants

This category is intended to achieve immigration to
New Zealand of persons who match the priorities of
New Zealand’s immigration strategies.

Average monthly percentage of new registrations entered into                    80%       Updated measure                     80%
the NZ Now database whose occupations match those at skill
levels 1-3 under the Australian and New Zealand Standard of

Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other

This category is intended to achieve the integration into
New Zealand society of migrants and refugees who settle
permanently in New Zealand.

                                                                 THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    447

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $51.472 million to $347.025 million for 2017/18 due to:

Assessment and Processing Services

This category increased by $34.687 million to $243.420 million for 2017/18 due to:

 funding of $20.789 million to address funding pressures in supporting Immigration New Zealand's new
  operating model in visa services processing

 a fiscally neutral transfer of $9.004 million from 2016/17 for the Immigration Global Management
  System and to address funding pressures due to payroll remediation

 new funding of $4 million relating to Visa Services 2020: Benefits Realisation and Customer
  Excellence in a Digital World

 new funding of $500,000 to create a system that will allow the provision of visa and other information
  to support changes to administering the Overseas Investment Regime

 a fiscally neutral transfer of $356,000 relating to the recovery of salary costs from secondment of
  employees to other public sector agencies, and

 a fiscally neutral transfer of $38,000 relating to the recovery of costs associated with administering the
  Immigration Bond Scheme.

Integrity and Security of the New Zealand Immigration System

This category increased by $11.440 million to $53,460 million for 2017/18 due to:

 new funding of $6.435 million to correct historical non-compliance with the Holidays Act 2003

 a transfer of $2 million from Vote Business, Science and Innovation: Economic Development:
  Implementation of Improvements in Public Sector Procurement and Services to Business'
  appropriation to support funding pressures in the service design, performance, compliance, risk and
  intelligence services

 a transfer of $1.540 million from Vote Police relating to the Joint Initiatives across the Justice Sector to
  improve identity verification

 a transfer of $750,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA - Policy Advice - Immigration
  category to address funding pressures resulting from front line volume increases

 a transfer of $348,000 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade relating to Strengthening the
  Pacific Immigration Directors Conference and the Pacific Security Fund

 a fiscally neutral transfer of $242,000 relating to the recovery of salary costs from secondment of
  employees to other public sector agencies, and

 funding of $125,000 to address funding pressures in supporting Immigration New Zealand's new
  operating model in visa services processing.


Services for the Attraction of Immigrants

This category increased by $2.104 million to $11.669 million for 2017/18 due to a transfer from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade relating to the Recognised Seasonal Employer Strengthening Pacific

Settlement and Integration of Refugees and Other Immigrants

This category increased by $3.241 million to $38.476 million for 2017/18 due to:

 funding of $767,000 to meet contractually obliged regional settlement activity for Migrant Settlement

 a transfer of $700,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA - Related Services to Ministers -
  Immigration category to address funding pressures relating to service design, performance,
  compliance, risk and intelligence services

 new funding of $500,000 for the Welcoming Communities Pilot

 new funding of $335,000 to address funding pressures in the Refugee and Protection Unit relating to
  an increase in claims for asylum and protection; and both housing supply shortages and increased
  complexity of finding affordable housing for the incoming quota refugees

 new funding of $300,000 for the development of a cross-Government Cultural Competency Capability
  Development Programme

 new funding of $254,000 relating to costs associated with the implementation of the pilot intake of
  sponsored refugees

 a transfer of $200,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA - Policy Advice - ACC category to
  address funding pressures relating to service design, performance, compliance, risk and intelligence

 a transfer of $100,000 from Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA - Related Services to Ministers -
  Workplace Relations and Safety category to address funding pressures relating to service design,
  performance, compliance, risk and intelligence services, and

 a fiscally neutral transfer of $85,000 from the Ministry of Social Development relating to recovery of
  costs for refugees staying longer than the usual six weeks at the Mangere Refugee Centre.

                                                   THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    449

Policy Advice and Related Outputs (M43)

Overarching Purpose Statement

 The single overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support
 services to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities.

Scope of Appropriation

 Departmental Output Expenses

 Policy Advice - ACC
 This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to
 policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy
 matters relating to the accident compensation system.

 Policy Advice - Employment
 This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to
 policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy
 matters relating to employment.

 Policy Advice - Immigration
 This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to
 policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy
 matters relating to immigration policy and international immigration commitments.

 Policy Advice - Workplace Relations and Safety
 This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to
 policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy
 matters relating to workplace relations and safety (including Hazardous Substances and New
 Organisms) and international labour commitments.

 Related Services to Ministers - ACC
 This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
 portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to the accident
 compensation system.

 Related Services to Ministers - Employment
 This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
 portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to employment.

 Related Services to Ministers - Immigration
 This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
 portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to immigration.

 Related Services to Ministers - Workplace Relations and Safety
 This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their
 portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities on matters relating to workplace relations
 and safety and international labour commitments, including monitoring of Crown Entities and Statutory


Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure


                                                                           Estimates             Estimates                   Total
                                                                                $000                  $000                   $000

Total Appropriation                                                           21,513                  (2,135)            19,378

Departmental Output Expenses

Policy Advice - ACC                                                            2,426                   (800)                 1,626

Policy Advice - Employment                                                     2,177                        -                2,177

Policy Advice - Immigration                                                    6,150                     300                 6,450

Policy Advice - Workplace Relations and Safety                                 7,494                   (900)                 6,594

Related Services to Ministers - ACC                                              301                        -                 301

Related Services to Ministers - Employment                                       854                        -                 854

Related Services to Ministers - Immigration                                    1,376                   (700)                  676

Related Services to Ministers - Workplace Relations and Safety                   735                     (35)                 700

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses

Revenue from the Crown                                                        21,513                  (2,135)            19,378

Policy Advice - ACC                                                            2,426                   (800)                 1,626

Policy Advice - Employment                                                     2,177                        -                2,177

Policy Advice - Immigration                                                    6,150                     300                 6,450

Policy Advice - Workplace Relations and Safety                                 7,494                   (900)                 6,594

Related Services to Ministers - ACC                                              301                        -                 301

Related Services to Ministers - Employment                                       854                        -                 854

Related Services to Ministers - Immigration                                    1,376                   (700)                  676

Related Services to Ministers - Workplace Relations and Safety                   735                     (35)                 700

Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $2.135 million to $19.378 million for 2017/18 due to:

Policy Advice - ACC

This category decreased by $800,000 to $1.626 million for 2017/18 due to:

 a transfer of $600,000 to Departmental Output Expense Employment Relations Services to address
  funding pressures relating to the system and personnel costs for the Labour Inspectorate, and

 a transfer of $200,000 to Immigration Services MCA to address funding pressures to support service
  design, performance, compliance, risk and intelligence services.

                                                                 THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS 2017/18 B.7    451

Policy Advice - Immigration

This category increased by $300,000 to $6.450 million for 2017/18 due to:

 a transfer from 2016/17 of $750,000 for the Immigration Research Data Reporting System project, and

 a transfer from 2016/17 of $300,000 for the Joint Border Agency and Statistics New Zealand research

The increase was partly offset by a transfer of $750,000 to Immigration Services MCA to address funding
pressures resulting from front line volume increases.

Policy Advice - Workplace Relations and Safety

This category decreased by $900,000 to $6.594 million for 2017/18 due to a transfer of $900,000 to
Departmental Output Expense Employment Relations Services to address funding pressures relating to
the system and personnel costs for the Labour Inspectorate.

Related Services to Ministers - Immigration

This category decreased by $700,000 to $676,000 for 2017/18 due to a transfer to Immigration Services
MCA to address funding pressures to support service design, performance, compliance, risk and
intelligence services.

Related Services to Ministers - Workplace Relations and Safety

This category decreased by $35,000 to $700,000 for 2017/18 due to new funding of $65,000 relating to
ministerial servicing to support the Pike River Recovery Agency.

This was partly offset by a transfer of $100,000 to Immigration Services MCA to address funding
pressures to support service design, performance, compliance, risk and intelligence services.

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