Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers

Page created by Samantha Obrien
Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers
2021 • Issue 52                                                                                                     the gorilla organization

Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers
Living in Goma, says the Gorilla Organization’s                                 Just a few kilometres outside of
Henry Cirhuza, is like living “at the door to hell”.                        the city, the endangered mountain
                                                                            gorillas were panicked. They felt
                                                                            the tremors, heard the thunderous
And on a Saturday night in May,      road out of the city would be open,    noises and choked on the heat and
that doorway opened again.           or if nearby refugee camps would       the sulphurous smoke. Rangers
Mount Nyiragongo, the volcano        welcome them.                          reported that the gorillas were
which looms over Goma’s 670,000         Africa’s most active volcano,       safe, but they were distressed. So
residents, erupted causing untold    Nyiragongo last erupted in 2002.       too were the rangers themselves.
damage. Henry and his family         Then, the streets of the city center   Streams of lava had destroyed the
were woken by what sounded like      flowed red. This time, the lava        only road from Goma city to the
thunder. They feared the worst.      stopped short of Goma airport, just    National Park headquarters (see
   The following morning, the        outside the centre. But the damage     map). The ranger stations at Kibati,
authorities ordered the evacuation   was significant. Some 3,000 homes      Kibumbe and Rumangao were cut
of 10 city districts. As many as     were destroyed and 35 people died.     off. Without power and water, the
300,000 people began to leave        Tragically, the mother of one of       rangers were vulnerable and unable      The nearby mountain gorillas are
with nothing more than they          the Gorilla Organization’s team in     to carry out their vital work.          traumatised by the eruption
could carry. Rumours of a second     Goma had a heart attack that night.
bigger eruption were spreading       She died days later in a hospital      Goma: An oasis in North Kivu            of Congo. We have the resources
and nobody knew if the one main      with no electricity or clean water.    Henry has called Goma his home          of Lake Kivu. But the danger never
                                                                            for most of his life. Born in Sake,     goes away, we just have to learn to
                                                                            like many he moved to the city for      live with it.”
                                                                            work. Due to its position on the            The city also has better
                                                                            edge of the Virunga National Park,      infrastructure than most places in
                                                                            Goma is a hub for conservation, and     the region. But again, this can fail,
                                                                            the Gorilla Organization runs its       as it did after this latest eruption.
                                                                            community development projects          Power lines went down, leaving
                                                                            from here.                              people without water, light and
                                                                               Henry was Project Manager            communications, ideal ingredients
                                                                            back in 2002 after the last eruption    for a humanitarian emergency.
                                                                            and saw the Gorilla Organization’s      Even now the authorities are
                                                                            Resource Centre buried under            working to reunite children with
                                                                            volcanic ash. It had to be completely   the families they lost in the panic.
                                                                            rebuilt. But Henry never once
                                                                            considered leaving. “In some ways       Pressure keeps rising
                                                                            we are lucky,” he says. “The climate    Projects li ke the Gor illa
                                                                            is perfect – Goma is a lot more         Organization’s community-based
                                                                            hospitable than many other parts        conservation initiatives do provide
                                                                                                                    a degree of certainty. However,
                                                                                                                    things are getting harder in Goma.
                                                                                                                    Since the start of the pandemic, the
                                                                                                                    number of people heading there
                                                                                                                    from surrounding villages has
                                                                                                                    risen. Without the chance to make a
                                                                                                                    living, there’s a risk that many will
                                                                                                                    look to the resources of the Virunga
                                                                                                                    National Park. The conservation
                                                                                                                    gains of the past decades could be
                                                                                                                    wiped out, pushing gorillas back
                                                                                                                    towards extinction and leaving
                                                                            The road to three vital ranger          people trapped in a vicious and
                                                                            stations is cut off by lava             unsustainable cycle of poverty.

                                                     www.gorillas.org                                                                                  1
Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers
                                                                                                                          Get set to put
                                                                                                                          the ‘fun’ into
                                                                                                                          Lockdown meant no skydiving
                                                                                                                          adventures or epic runs. Even
                                                                                                                          fundraising drinks had to be put on
                                                                                                                          ice. But now restrictions are easing,
                                                                                                                          supporters everywhere are ready to
                                                                                                                          go ape once again! And we’re here
                                                                                                                          to help you.
                                                                                                                              The Gorilla Organization’s
                                                                                                                          Events Team have a wealth of
                                                                                                                          fundraising kits, tips and ideas to
                                                                                                                          help you get started, and are ready
                                                                                                                          to support any challenge.
                                                                                                                              Get in touch at events@ gorillas.
                                                                                                                          org and let’s get ready for a busy
                                                                                                                          year of helping apes in distress!
 A contested Will meant that Dian Fossey (above) almost didn’t leave money to save her beloved gorillas                       Legacy Tea Parties are another
                                                                                                                          great way of bringing friends and

 Planning ahead to leave a legacy                                                                                         family together to pledge to ensure
                                                                                                                          gorillas are around for generations
                                                                                                                          to come. We do all the work and
 Dian Fossey dedicated her life to       for gorillas is not in itself enough to   lives and safeguarding gorillas and    book the venue while you serve as
 saving gorillas. But even then, her     leave a legacy.”                          their precious habitat.                the host and Gorilla Organization
 legacy was in doubt.                        Through the generous gifts left           The Gorilla Organization now       Ambassador for the day. And if you
     When she died, her Will was         in supporters’ Wills, the Gorilla         offers wildlife lovers a free online   need help, our Director, Chairman
 contested, meaning her money            Organization has managed to keep its      Will-writing service and can help      and patrons are happy to come
 almost didn’t go towards helping        field projects going for many years.      supporters through every stage of      along to share their stories from the
 the animals she loved. “Dian’s case     This has meant that, even in times of     the legacy leaving process.            frontlines of gorilla conservation.
 is a lesson to us all,” says Director   insecurity and crisis, this important         Find out more on the legacy page
 Jillian Miller. “A lifetime of caring   work has continued, transforming          of www.gorillas.org.
                                                                                                                          Mr Gorilla hangs up
     A global adventure for a good cause                                                                                  his suit…for now
                                         Buoyed by his pre-pandemic visit          Mount Olympus, completed. Now
                                         to see the gorillas of Uganda,            I can’t wait to get onto the next
                                         fashion entrepreneur Leo Gripari          one and raise vital funds to support
                                         set himself a mega challenge, to          projects that help keep gorillas and
                                         test himself and to raise vital funds     their habitat safe.”
                                         for community-based conservation              So far, Leo has run over 1,250km
                                         projects in Africa.                       in preparing for his marathons and
                                             The Athens-based founder              has raised close to €160k, with
                                         of That Gorilla Brand clothing            research on the water projects That
                                         company put together a challenge          Gorilla Brand is supporting now        Tom meets the late Dame Cheryl
                                         he calls “Two Marathons, Two              underway (see page 4).                 Gillan MP at Westminster
                                         Mountains, One Canyon.” So, as
                                         well as running a marathon across                                                Mr Gorilla’s next challenge could
                                         the desert in Jordan and also one in                                             be his biggest yet. The fundraising
                                         the Himalayas, he will climb Mount                                               superhero (aka London police
                                         Kilimanjaro and trek the entire rim                                              officer Tom Harrison) raised tens
                                         of the Grand Canyon.                                                             of thousands of pounds and made
                                             Leo says, “It’s been great to get                                            headlines around the world running
  Leo at the top of Mount Olympus        the first of my challenges, climbing                                             marathons, hand-cycling across
                                                                                                                          whole countries and doing lockdown
                                                                                                                          laps of his neighbourhood – all in his

 Lockdown Leo runs wild                                                                                                   trademark gorilla suit.
                                                                                                                              Now, after seven years of
                                                                                                                          physical daring-do, Tom’s switching
            Stuck at home in Essex       endangered and close to extinction,”                                             his energy to lobbying on behalf
            during lockdown, Leo         he says. And so when his cricket                                                 of gorillas. Inspired by the late
            Nicholls read one of the     and football clubs stopped meeting,                                              environmentalist Dame Cheryl
             Gorilla Organization’s      he decided to combine his love                                                   Gillan, Mr Gorilla will return as a
             leaflets.                   of exercise with his new-found                                                   cheerleader for the endangered apes,
                 Gorillas quickly        determination to help gorillas in                                                throwing his irrepressible energy into
              became the 10-year-        the wild. He set himself a target of                                             getting politicians, sports stars and
              old’s favourite animals.   running 50km with his mum Sarah                                                  business leaders to play their part in
              “I learned that they are   and raised £550 for gorillas!                          Running Leo               saving a species from extinction.

Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers

 Rafiki legacy lives on
 in Bwindi’s forests
 It was a crime that made headlines around the world.
 As the pandemic kept tourists away from Bwindi
 Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda, poachers
 seized the chance to lay down more snares, safe in the
 knowledge that nobody would be around to see them.
 A pair of poachers, in the forests     weak. But the sudden loss of their
 looking for small mammals to eat,      leader now left the group in disarray
 encountered Rafiki, the silverback     and vulnerable. Within the space of
 who had been in charge of the          a few days, six gorillas left. Some
 Nkuringo group for more than a         joined the nearby Bishaho group,
 decade. They panicked. Rafiki was      while adult male Christmas left to
 speared in the chest and left to die   set up his own small family. Once
 on the forest floor.                   17-strong, the Nkuringo family was
     The guilty poachers claimed        now down to 11. And fears were
 they were acting in self-defence.      mounting that a lone, unhabituated
 They said Rafiki had attacked them     silverback could come in and wrest
 first. However, the rangers and        control, possibly violently.
 vets who knew the silverback best
 maintain that he would never attack    A big ego brings new hope
 a human being.                         Fast forward one year and the
     “Habituated gorillas don’t         Nkuringo group is stable and
 know the difference between            thriving. And it’s all thanks to
 ‘good humans’ and ‘bad humans’,”       Rwamutwe. Though his name
 explains Dr Gladys Kalema-             means ‘one with the big ego’ in           Rafiki’s death may have led to a power struggle, but Rwamutwe
 Zikusoka, pioneering wildlife vet      Swahili, Rwamutwe was always              (inset) stepped up and is now in charge of the group
 and Gorilla Organization Trustee.      happy to be led by Rafiki. He
 Even the many tourists who had         was the group’s eldest and largest        showing his authority. He’s even        that Rwamutwe is the boss and
 been lucky enough to spend an          blackback, an adolescent male more        starting to look the part of an alpha   comfortable in his position.”
 hour in his company believed the       interested in play-fighting than          male too.                                   Rafiki may have been replaced
 powerful silverback lived up to his    leading. Tellingly, most rangers              As Gorilla Organization             as leader of the Nkuringo group but
 name – Rafiki literally means ‘a       and guides still referred to him as a     Chairman and ape authority Ian          his legacy lives on. In January, adult
 friend’ in Swahili.                    blackback even after he had turned        Redmond notes,“It may be that his       female Furaha gave birth. The baby
     While the authorities were         13, the age at which males start          back gets steadily more silver as he    is Rafiki’s youngest offspring and
 busy catching and charging the         getting the distinctive silver hairs      adapts to his new responsibilities.     is happy and healthy. What’s more,
 culprits, conservationists had other   on their back.                            These characteristics can be            TV documentary crews are making
 worries. What would become of             However, Rafiki’s sudden death         influenced by social status, with       plans for a special film on the
 the Nkuringo group now? Rafiki         meant Rwamutwe had to grow up             hormones either sped up or              family, celebrating the conservation
 had peacefully taken over when his     fast. Now aged 17, he has assumed         suppressed according to who’s           triumph that has emerged out of
 own father had become too old and      control over the group and is clearly     in charge. So this is a clear sign      unspeakable tragedy.

   Gorilla conservation is a family affair in Kisoro
                                        The Nkuringo mountain                   from grassroots development and           education and conservation
                                        gorilla group isn’t the only            conservation projects. This way, for      knowhow.
                                        family thriving in Uganda.              example, mothers can benefit from            The approach has got a lot
                                        Despite the challenges posed            sustainable agriculture training,         of attention from both the Ugan-
                                        by the pandemic, the Gorilla            while fathers join the Reformed           dan Government, the Uganda
                                        Organization has continued              Poachers Project, ensuring families       Wildlife Authority, and other
                                        to make great progress in               are able to earn a living without         NGOs working in the region who
                                        its pioneering ‘family first’           relying on the protected resources        have started to adopt this multi-
                                        approach to community                   of the forests.                           generational approach to their
                                        conservation in Kisoro District.            At the same time, with                work. Now, with the training
                                           In targeted ‘front line              the Children for Sustainable              hall of the Gorilla Organization’s
                                        villages’ bordering both the            Development initiative now active         Kisoro Resource Centre ready to
                                        Mgahinga Gorilla National Park          in 24 primary and secondary               re-open as soon as the Covid-19
  Dads and their kids play their        and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest,         schools, the next generation are          lockdown ends, even more local
  part in saving gorillas               whole families are benefitting          getting a head start in environmental     families are set to benefit.

Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers
The Gorilla Organization
110 Gloucester Avenue
London NW1 8HX
                                       Community reserves a safe
                                       haven for Grauer’s gorillas
Tel: 020 7916 4974
Reg. Charity No. 1117131

                                       Since they don’t live high up in the
Ian Redmond OBE, Chairman
                                       dense forests like their mountainous
Bishu Chakraborty
Giles Clark
                                       cousins, Grauer’s gorillas (also known
Steve Crossman                         as the eastern lowland gorilla) are far
Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka              more likely to come into unwelcome
Lord Spencer J Phillips                contact with humans.
Professor Stuart Semple                    And since their home range
Belinda Wakeling                       stretches across large parts of eastern
                                       DR Congo, one of the least secure
Director: Jillian Miller               places in Africa, gorilla numbers
                                       have been falling steadily over the
Patrons:                               past few decades.
Stanley Johnson, President Emeritus,       Now, however, conservationists
Michael Backes, Baroness Lynda         have been given a glimmer of hope.
Chalker, Prof. Richard Dawkins FRS,    Research published in the American
Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah,
                                       Journal of Primatology indicates that
James Lewis, Hayley Mills,
                                       the population decline may not be as
Dr Nathan Myhrvold
                                       big as initially thought.
Digit News                                 Long weeks of counting nests led
Editor: Jillian Miller                 the researchers to revise the previous
                                       estimate of gorillas living in the
Deputy Editor: David Hewitt            Kahuzi Biega National Park and the
                                       nearby Oku Community Reserve up            New research shows that there are more eastern lowland gorillas
Photographs: Dr Samson Werikhe,        from 3,800 to 6,800.                       than previously believed thanks to a broader scope of study
Frances Tugumisirize, Jackson              Of course, the threats facing the
Mugorozi, Gorilla Doctors, Uganda      gorillas remain the same. In some          hugely encouraging to see there              Just like at Oku, the Gorilla
Wildlife Authority, Zac Mills          cases, they have even intensified, with    may be more lowland gorillas than        Organization’s project at Walikale
                                       hunting for bushmeat rife. However,        we once feared. And it’s interesting     Community Reserve is doing just
Design: Column Communications Ltd
                                       the study also shows the effectiveness     to see that gorillas were mostly         that, ensuring local people have a say
Printing: Red Mist Ltd                 of community reserves as well as           found furthest away from roads and       in forest management and providing
                                       National Parks.                            human populations, highlighting the      a safe home for gorillas to live in
                                           Director Jillian Miller notes: “It’s   importance of keeping forests intact.”   peace and to thrive.

Mapping Bwindi’s water needs                                                                                                Queen Bee
                                       the edge of the park boundaries to         incidences of people trespassing
                                                                                                                            aims big
                                       the National Park staff tasked with        into the gorilla habitat in order to      As ‘Queen
                                       patrolling the forests and protecting      find water.                               Bee’ of Kisoro
                                       the endangered mountain gorillas              Dr Samson Werikhe, the                 District, Jovia
                                       living there.                              Gorilla Organization’s Regional           Basenga
                                           To get a better overview of the        Programme Manager for Uganda,             (pictured)
                                       situation, a team from the Gorilla         explains: “Having reliable access         has helped
                                       Organization’s Kisoro Resource             to clean water will make such a           hundreds of
                                       Centre spent weeks surveying               huge difference for people living         local people
                                       hundreds of residents, assessing           on the border of the National             give up
                                       their needs and challenges. Samson,        Park. Delivering this will be a           poaching.
                                       Frances and Jackson also mapped            big challenge – but our close                 But Queen
                                       out the communities in most need           connections with the communities          Bee Jovia is
                                       of clean water and identified both         will be a big advantage as we find a      just getting
                                       seasonal and permanent water               solution that works for everyone.”        started. She
                                       sources in the area.                                                                 is working
Interviewing a family in drought-                                                                                           on creating a
ridden Nyabaremura village             Ambitious project                                                                    “Bee-lectric
                                       Together, they presented their                                                       fence” – a
For the communities living             findings to a team of consultants                                                    chain of a
alongside the Bwindi Impenetrable      from the charity Just a Drop who                                                     thousand
Forest National Park in Uganda,        visited the Resource Centre and                                                      beehives
getting clean water is a constant      surveyed the sites in June. The                                                      stretched along the southern
and time-consuming struggle.           consultants’ research will be used                                                   boundary of the Bwindi
   Water sources are unreliable        for an ambitious project to get                                                      forests. Not only will this give
and unpredictable. In many cases,      clean water to target villages and                                                   thousands of households a way
people will walk for more than         communities located on the very                                                      to supplement their nutrition,
an hour to get it. And even then,      edge of the protected forests.                                                       but the bees will also deter
they will have to use a mosquito          As well as improving the lives                                                    greedy gorillas from venturing
net to filter out dirt and even        of thousands of people, it would           With a reliable water supply,             onto farmland. Find out how
animal waste. The problem affects      also give gorillas rangers one less        rangers will be able to patrol            you can help Jovia meet her
everyone – from families living on     thing to worry about and reduce            the gorilla habitat for longer            goal at www.gorillas.org.

Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers Volcano threatens gorillas and rangers
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