Volatility Dynamics in Foreign Exchange Rates: Further Evidence from Malaysian Ringgit and Singapore Dollar
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Volatility Dynamics in Foreign Exchange Rates: Further Evidence from Malaysian Ringgit and Singapore Dollar 1 Kin-Yip Ho and 2Albert K. Tsui 1 Department of Economics, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, 2Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117570 Email: kh267@cornell.edu Keywords: Exchange rate volatility; Fractional integration; Long memory; Bivariate asymmetric GARCH; Varying conditional correlations EXTENDED ABSTRACT also examine the robustness of the volatility dynamics of the two currencies against the Japanese The volatility dynamics of foreign exchanges have yen as the alternative numeraire currency besides the been the focus of research since Bollerslev’s (1986) dollar. This may provide bearing for the market seminal work on the generalized autoregressive practitioners to formulate their currency hedging conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) modelling. strategies. Several well-established empirical regularities may be highlighted as follows: [a] evidence of volatility Consistent with results of Tse and Tsui (1997) and clustering is detected in the exchange rates returns; Tsui and Ho (2004), we do not find support of [b] asymmetric effects in exchange rate volatility are asymmetric volatility when these currencies are not common; and [c] exchange rate volatility may measured against the dollar. But we find strong display significant persistence and dependence evidence of negative asymmetric effects for the between observations. Among others, Franses and Singapore dollar when it is measured against the yen. van Dijk (2000) provide an in-depth review of this Additionally, we detect significant evidence of subject and illustrate the importance of capturing extreme persistence in the impacts of foreign conditional variance using GARCH-type models in exchange shocks, regardless of the choice of the the empirical finance research. numeraire currency and the volatility structure. It seems that the impacts of exchange rate shocks In this paper we follow up the study of the Malaysian display much longer persistence than the standard ringgit and the Singapore dollar in the Asia-Pacific exponential decay. markets by Tse and Tsui (1997). A family of bivariate GARCH-type models with time-varying Moreover, the likelihood ratio tests indicate that the correlations is proposed to analyse the volatility bivariate fractionally integrated models generally dynamics of the Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore outperform those models without the long-memory dollar, respectively. The proposed models can structure. Furthermore, we find relatively weaker capture stylized features of long-memory, evidence of time-varying correlations when the asymmetric conditional volatility, and time-varying Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore dollar are correlations simultaneously in returns of the two measured against the dollar. However, we detect currencies. They not only retain the flexibility and significant support of time-varying correlations when intuition of the univariate GARCH structure but also these currencies are measured against the yen. It satisfy the positive-definite condition of the maps out an interesting time path of the conditional conditional variance and covariance matrix. correlations between the Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore dollar. The fractionally integrated models are able to distinguish between long persistence and exponential decay in the impact of exchange rate volatilities. We 828
1. Introduction used and the estimation results. Section 4 provides some concluding remarks. The volatility dynamics of foreign exchanges have been the focus of research since Bollerslev’s (1986) 2. Methodology seminal work on the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) modelling. We highlight the gist of the bivariate GARCH(1,1) Several well-established empirical regularities may model with time-varying conditional correlations be highlighted as follows: [a] evidence of volatility (VC-GARCH) proposed by Tse and Tsui (2002). clustering is detected in the exchange rates returns; Then we incorporate two structures of asymmetric [b] asymmetric effects in exchange rate volatility are volatility and long memory into the conditional not common; and [c] exchange rate volatility may variance equations so as to synthesize the bivariate display significant persistence and dependence GARCH-type models. between observations. Among others, Franses and van Dijk (2000) provide an in-depth review of this Let yt = (y1t, y2t)’ be the bivariate vector of variables subject and illustrate the importance of capturing with time-varying variance-covariance matrix Ht, conditional variance using GARCH-type models in and let μit(ξi) be the arbitrary conditional mean the empirical finance research. functions which depend on ξi, a column vector of parameters. A typical bivariate GARCH(1,1) model In this paper we follow up the study of the Malaysian can be specified as follows: ringgit and the Singapore dollar in the Asia-Pacific markets by Tse and Tsui (1997). To ensure consistency in comparison, we confine our yit = μit (ξi ) + ε it , i = 1,2 (1) investigation to the GARCH-type models. Instead of using univariate APARCH models by Tse and Tsui (1997), we propose a family of bivariate MGARCH where ( ε 1t , ε 2 t )' | Φ t − 1 ~ ( O , H t ) (2) models to concurrently capture the stylized features Note that Φt is the σ-algebra generated by all the of volatility asymmetry, long-range persistence in available information up to time t. The random volatility, and time-varying correlations. The disturbance terms εit and the conditional variance proposed models automatically ensure the positive equations hiit are modelled as follows: definiteness of the conditional variance-covariance matrix once convergence is obtained. The parameter ε it = hiit eit , where eit ~ N (0,1) (3) estimates are relatively easy to interpret, as the univariate GARCH-type equations are retained. Unlike Bollerslev’s (1990) constant correlation hiit = ηi + α i ε it2−1 + βi hiit −1 (4) MGARCH model, the time-varying conditional where (4) is the standard Bollerslev’s (1986) correlations models are able to map out the time-path symmetric GARCH(1,1) model. of conditional correlations between the currencies. In addition, we investigate the behaviour of long- Denote the ij-th element (i, j = 1, 2) in Ht by hijt. The memory persistence in volatility of the Malaysian conditional correlation coefficients can be defined ringgit and the Sinagapore dollar using fractionally integrated GARCH-type models. These models help hijt as ρ ijt = . Tse and Tsui (2002) assume to distinguish between long persistence and hiit h jjt exponential decay in the impacts of exchange rate volatilities. Moreover, we study the robustness of that the time-varying conditional correlation matrix the volatility dynamics of the two currencies against the Japanese yen as the alternative numeraire { } Γ t = ρ ijt is generated by the following recursion currency besides the dollar. This may help the ρ12t = (1−π1 −π2 )ρ12 + π1 ρ12,t −1 + π 2ψ12,t −1 (5) market practitioners to formulate their currency hedging strategies. ∑ 2 e e a =1 1 , t − a 2 , t − a The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section ψ 12 ,t −1 = (6) ∑ ∑ 2 2 2 presents the methodology of synthesizing features ( e 2 )( a =1 1, t − a e2 ) a =1 2 , t − a of volatility asymmetry, long-memory and time- varying correlations in a bivariate GARCH-type framework. Section 3 briefly describes the data sets 829
e2 + e22t − 2ρ12t e1t e2t GARCH-type models obtained by the BBM ∑ 1 2 1 lt (θ ) = − 2 ) − 1t loghiit − log(1 − ρ12t 2 ) approach. 2 i =1 2 2(1 − ρ12 t [a]Fractionally integrated GARCH(1,1) model (7) (FIGARCH(1,d,1)) The conditional correlation in (5) inherits the ηi prototype properties of GARCH(1,1) structure. hiit = + λi ( L)ε it2 (10) 1 − βi When π1 and π2 are zeros, the conditional correlation where equation in (5) is reduced to Bollerslev’s (1990) ∑ λ ia La = 1 − (1 − β i L ) − 1 (1 − φ i L )(1 − L ) d . ∞ constant-correlation structure (CC-GARCH). The λi ( L ) = a =1 i likelihood ratio test can be readily applied to [b] Fractionally integrated asymmetric GARCH(1,1) compare the performance of both models. model ((FIAGARCH)(1,d,)) model ωi (11) The structures of asymmetric volatility and long h iit = + λ i ( L )( ε it − γ i ) 2 1 − βi memory dynamics are to be incorporated into the VC-GARCH model by modifying the symmetric conditional variance equation in (4). To maintain where λi (L) is defined as in (10). consistency in comparison, we choose two well- Note that (11) is similar to the FIGARCH(1,d,1) established asymmetric structures among the model in (10), except that it allows past return GARCH-type models. They include: the asymmetric shocks to have asymmetric effects on the conditional GARCH (1,1) (AGARCH (1,1)) model proposed by volatility. Engle (1990) and the asymmetric power ARCH (1,1) [c] Fractionally integrated APARCH(1,1) model (APARCH (1,1)) model of Ding, Granger, and Engle (FIAPARCH(1,d,1)) (1993), respectively. Indeed, Tse and Tsui (1997) ηi use the APARCH (1,1) model to capture the possibly hiitδ i 2 = + λi ( L)(| ε it | −γ iε it )δ i (12) asymmetric effects of exchange shocks on future 1 − βi volatilities. In addition, these asymmetric GARCH- type models are less restrictive in assumptions and where λi (L) is defined as in (10). Similar to the are more flexible to accommodate alternative FIAGARCH(1,d,1) model in (11), (12) allows past variations. Their main features are briefly shocks to have asymmetric effects on the conditional summarized as follows: volatility. Details of the derivations are given in Tsui [a] Engle’s (1990) asymmetric GARCH(1,1) and Ho (2004). (AGARCH(1,1)) model: hiit = ωi + α i (ε it −1 − γ i ) 2 + β i hiit −1 (8) All parameters of GARCH-type models can be estimated using Bollerslev-Wooldridge’s (1992) where γi is the asymmetric coefficient. quasi-maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) [b] Ding, Granger, and Engle’s (1993) asymmetric approach. Appropriate assumptions for the start-up power ARCH(1,1) (APARCH (1,1)) model. conditions are made to facilitate convergence of the QMLE optimization process. These include the δ 2 δ δ 2 hiiti = ηi + αi (| εit −1 | −γ iεit −1) i + βi hiiti −1 (9) computation of λi (L) , the number of lags, and the initial values. For instance, the response coefficients where γi is the asymmetric coefficient. We note in for each of the fractionally integrated GARCH-type passing that although the APARCH structure nests 7 models models together (see Ding, Granger, and Engle λi ( L ) = ∑ a =1 λia La = 1 − (1 − β i L ) −1 (1 − φ i L )(1 − L ) d ∞ (1993) for details), it does not nest the AGARCH i model. are obtained by adopting the following infinite Turning to the structure of long-memory dynamics in recursions given in Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996): volatility, we may transform the conditional variance λi1 = φi − βi + di , equations in (4), (8) and (9) so that they are (13) fractionally integrated. We follow the methodology λib = βiλib−1 + [(b − 1 − di ) / b − φi ]ζ ib −1, b = 2,...,∞ by Baillie, Bollerslev, and Mikkelsen (BBM) (1996). Below is a summary of the conditional variance where ζ ib = ζ ib −1 (b − 1 − d i ) / b , with ζ i1 = d i equations for three fractionally integrated (FI) 830
As can be observed from (13), when b approaches Notes: infinity, an adequate finite truncation is necessary to JPY = Japanese Yen, MYR = Malaysian ringgit, SGD = secure the long-memory dynamics. The parameter Singapore dollar, USD = US dollar; For the Runs Test, Ri estimates trimmed at 1000 lags are reasonably close for i = 1, 2, 3 denote the runs tests of the series Rt, |Rt|, and Rt2 respectively. Under the null hypothesis that successive to those trimmed at 2000 lags. To save the observations in the series are independent, the test statistic computational time, we truncate λi (L) after the is asymptotically standard normal. first 1000 lags. The daily nominal exchange rate returns expressed in percentage are computed on a continuously We shall investigate 6 different model specifications, compounding basis as: including 3 basic symmetric and asymmetric St GARCH-type models and their extensions to the y t = log( ) × 100 (14) S t −1 corresponding fractionally integrated GARCH-type models. We then apply these univariate models where St is the daily exchange rate. We assume that individually to the Malaysian ringgit and the the conditional mean equation is captured by an Singapore dollar against the dollar or the yen, AR(p) filter: thereby obtaining 6 bivariate CC-MGARCH-type ∑ models and 6 bivariate VC-MGARCH-type models, p y it = ξ 0 + ξ iat y it − a + ε it , i = 1, 2 (15) respectively. a =1 Table 1 provides a summary of the descriptive 3. Data and Estimation Results statistics of yt for the two currencies measured against the dollar or the yen. For a standard normal Our data sets consist of 2998 daily observations of distribution, the skewness and kurtosis have values the Malaysian ringgit (MYR) and the Singapore of 0 and 3, respectively. As can be observed from dollar (SGD), covering the period from 2 January Panel A of Table 1, all differenced logarithmic series 1986 to 30 June 1997. More recent observations are have kurtosis greater than 3. In particular, the MYR excluded to avoid the possible distortions caused by and SGD exhibit much higher kurtosis when they are the outbreak of the 2-year Asian financial crisis since measured against the dollar. July 1997. The exchange rates against the US dollar (USD) are obtained directly from DataStream Though not reported here, the augmented Dickey- International and details of these series are discussed Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests are all insignificant at in Tsui and Ho (2004). Owing to the non- the 5% level, thereby indicating that the return series availability of the bilateral Japanese yen (JPY) of the MYR and SGD are stationary. However, the exchange rates for the period under study, we utilize Ljung-Box Q-statistics and the BDS test statistics the implied cross rates instead. They are obtained by (Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1996)) suggest dividing the exchange rate of a nation’s currency that both foreign exchange series are not against the US dollar with the Japanese yen-US independently and identically distributed. In dollar (JPY/USD) exchange rate. addition, the highly significant ARCH and the runs test consistently indicate the presence of conditional Table 1. Summary Statistics of Exchange Rates heteroscedasticity in the return series. As such, the Variable MYR/JPY SGD/JPY MYR/USD SGD/USD Panel A: Moments, Maximum and Minimum GARCH-type modelling of the volatility structures Mean 0.0198 0.0053 0.0015 -0.0130 may be appropriate. Median 0.0000 -0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 Maximum 4.9830 4.6842 2.3736 2.0232 The QMLE approach provides consistent estimators Minimum -3.9626 -3.8903 -2.9363 -2.2501 even for non-normal errors with a thick-tailed Std. Dev. 0.6822 0.6340 0.2555 0.2538 Skewness 0.4145 0.3571 -0.2254 -0.3627 distribution. For the mean equation, we find that the Kurtosis 6.9749 6.6848 24.1763 10.3654 parsimonious AR(1) model is a reasonably adequate Size 2997 2997 2997 2997 filter, taking into consideration of the log-likelihood Panel B: Ljung-Box Q-statistic values and the residual checks. To save space, we 5 lags 9.1017 10.6973 49.1369 68.9244 report only estimates of the conditional variance and 10 lags 40.4815 37.4101 88.6244 79.6134 Panel C: Runs Test correlation equations from the following models: the R1 3.8623 2.9018 0.4672 3.3028 VC-GARCH, VC-AGARCH, VC-APARCH, VC- R2 -5.3707 -5.0340 -8.4397 -7.9397 FIGARCH, VC-FIAGARCH and VC-FIAPARCH, R3 -4.2167 -2.1550 -10.5792 -7.6008 respectively. Most of the parameter estimates from 831
the constant-correlation models are omitted. The squared distribution with two degrees of freedom. complete set of estimation results is available upon As can be gleaned from columns 8-13 of Tables 2-7, request. all the LR tests indicate that the null hypothesis of constant conditional correlations is rejected at the Tables 2-7 summarize the QMLE of the parameters 5% level of significance, thereby suggesting that the of the bivariate VC-GARCH, VC-APARCH, VC- conditional correlations are time-varying. Such AGARCH, VC-FIGARCH, VC-FIAPARCH and findings are robust across models. In contrast, VC-FIAGARCH models, respectively. We first almost all of the individual estimates of π1 and π2 are discuss the evidence of asymmetric volatility. For statistically insignificant when the MYR and SGD the currencies against the dollar, only the Malaysian are measured against the dollar; and all individual ringgit exhibits asymmetric volatility under the VC- estimates are significant at the 5% level when their FIAPGARCH model, whereas there is no evidence exchange rates are based on the yen. This implies of asymmetric effects for the SGD. Our results are that the evidence of time-varying correlations consistent with the findings by Tse and Tsui (1997), between MYR/USD and SGD/USD is relatively and Tsui and Ho (2004), respectively. In contrast, weaker, and it is consistent with Tse’s (2000) when the yen is used as the numeraire currency, we conclusion that the hypothesis of constant detect significant evidence of negative asymmetric conditional correlation cannot be rejected for the volatility for the SGD based on all of the GARCH- MYR and SGD. However, we detect strong support type models. As for the MYR, except for the VC- of time-varying correlations between MYR and SGD AGARCH model, we do not detect evidence of when the Japanese yen is used as the numeraire asymmetric volatility. Our findings have policy currency. The reason as to why the asymmetric implications for the engineering of currency hedging effects are not robust to exchange rates under strategies and international investment portfolios. different numeriare currency is still unknown to researchers. Turning to fractional differencing GARCH-type models, we observe that all the estimates are Another noteworthy finding is that the magnitude of statistically significantly different from 0 and 1. This the time-variant component of the correlation indicates that the impact of shocks to the conditional equation is much higher when the Japanese yen is volatility displays a hyperbolic rather than the numeraire. For example, the estimated exponential rate of decay. Our result is robust to the correlations of the MYR/USD and SGD/USD choice of the numeraire currency and the models. (MYR/JPY and SGD/JPY) based on the VC- Second, most of the fractional differencing GARCH, VC-APARCH, VC-AGARCH, VC- parameters for the MYR and the SGD are similar FIGARCH, VC-FIAPARCH and VC-FIAGARCH across the GARCH-type models for a given models are 0.3784 (0.9408), 0.3784 (0.9408), 0.3778 numeraire currency. For example, when the dollar is (0.9400), 0.3920 (0.9409), 0.3856 (0.9398) and used as the numeraire, the estimated values of d for 0.3915 (0.9394); respectively. This also applies to MYR and SGD are 0.4583 and 0.4428 respectively the corresponding estimates for the CC-GARCH, for the symmetric VC-FIGARCH model; 0.4217 and CC-APARCH, CC-AGARCH, CC-FIGARCH, CC- 0.5690 for the asymmetric VC-FIAPARCH model; FIAPARCH and CC-FIAGARCH models. They are: and 0.4497 and 0.4470 for the asymmetric VC- 0.3591 (0.9044), 0.3585 (0.9045), 0.3587 (0.9041), FIAGARCH model, respectively. Similarly, when 0.3694 (0.9058), 0.3644 (0.9056) and 0.3692 the yen is used as the numeraire currency, the MYR (0.9053), respectively. Moreover, it can be seen that and the SGD have consistently lower estimated all estimates of the constant components of the values for d within the range of 0.20-0.30 than that conditional correlations are significant at the 5% of the corresponding GARCH-type counterparts level. under the dollar. Moreover, the likelihood ratio test statistics are all significant at the 5% level, thereby Finally, we perform residual diagnostics for all the indicating that the fractionally integrated models are models. Most of the Ljung-Box Q-statistics and more adequate than those without the long memory McLeod-Li test statistics of the standardized structure. residuals are insignificant at the 5% levels. However, the BDS test statistics for the bivariate To assess the correlation dynamics of the two VC-APARCH model are still significant at the 5% currencies, we apply the likelihood ratio (LR) test to level, suggesting that dependencies are still present the null hypothesis of π1 = π2 = 0 (see equation (5)). for the MYR/JPY and SGD/JPY series. But the The LR test statistics follows an asymptotic chi- BDS tests are less significant for residuals of the 832
same series in the VC-FIAPARCH model. Heteroskedasticity.’ Journal of Econometrics Apparently, the fractionally integrated model acts as 74, 3-30. a better variance filter than those without such a structure. Moreover, most of the Ljung-Box Q- Bollerslev, T. (1986). ‘Generalised Autoregressive statistics based on the cross product of the Conditional Heteroskedasticity.’ Journal of standardised residuals are insignificant at the 5% Econometrics 31, 207-327. level, thereby suggesting the absence of serial correlation. However, the time-varying models are Bollerslev, T. (1990). ‘Modelling the Coherence in preferred to the constant-correlation models as there Short-run Nominal Exchange Rates: A is less evidence of serial correlation in the cross Multivariate Generalised ARCH Model.’ product of the standardised residuals. The complete Review of Economics and Statistics 72, 498- test results are available from the authors upon 505. request. Bollerslev, T., and Wooldridge, J.M. (1992). ‘Quasi- 4. Concluding Remarks Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference in Dynamic Models with Time- We have investigated the empirical evidence of Varying Covariances’, Econometric Reviews asymmetric volatility and long memory of the 11, 143-72. Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore dollar in the Asia-Pacific markets using bivariate GARCH-type Blake LeBaron (1996). ‘A Test for Independence models. Based on the Correlation Dimension.’ Econometric Reviews 15, 197-235. Consistent with previous studies by Hsieh (1993), Tse and Tsui (1997), and Tsui and Ho (2004), we Ding, Z., Granger, C., and Engle, R.F. (1993). ‘A find that returns of the Malaysian ringgit and the Long-memory Property of Stock Market Singapore dollar against the dollar do not exhibit Returns and a New Model’, Journal of asymmetric effects in their conditional volatilities. Empirical Finance 1, 107-131. In contrast, we detect strong evidence of negative asymmetric volatility when the Singapore dollar is Engle, R.F. (1982). ‘Autoregressive Conditional measured against the yen. This may imply an Heteroskedasticity with Estimates of the unbalanced degree of uncertainty induced by Variance of the U.K. Inflation’, Econometrica depreciation and appreciation of the Singapore dollar 50, 987-1008. against the yen in the market. In addition, we detect evidence of long-range temporal dependence in Franses, P.H., and van D. Dijk, van D. (2000). Non- volatility in the two currencies, regardless of the linear time series models in empirical finance, choice of the numeraire currency. It seems that the Cambridge. impacts of exchange rate shocks display much longer persistence than the standard exponential decay. Hsieh, D.A. (1993). ‘Implications of Nonlinear Based on the log-likelihood values, we find that the Dynamics for Financial Risk Management’, bivariate fractionally integrated models generally Journal of Financial and Quantitative outperform those models without the long-range Analysis 28, 41-64. dependent structures in the conditional variance. Moreover, we find significant evidence of time- Tse, Y.K. (2000). ‘A Test for Constant Correlations varying conditional correlations in the two currencies in a Multivariate GARCH Model’, Journal of against the yen. In contrast, the evidence of time- Econometrics 98, 107-127. varying correlations among the bilateral USD rates is much weaker. The time-varying models help to map Tse, Y.K., and Tsui A.K. (1997). ‘Conditional out interesting time paths of the correlation between Volatility in Foreign Exchange Rates: the Malaysian ringgit and the Singapore dollar. Evidence from the Malaysian Ringgit and Singapore Dollar.’ Pacific Basin Finance 5. References Journal 5, 345-356. Baillie, R., Bollerslev, T., and Mikkelsen, H. (1996). Tse, Y.K., and Tsui, A.K. (2002). ‘A Multivariate ‘Fractionally Integrated Generalised Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Autoregressive Conditional 833
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