Page created by Brett Sharp
Voice   VOL. 33 NO. 1 APRIL 2022

TheVoice                                                OUR MISSION Radiant Health Centers provides the LGBTQ+ community medical services that are
                                                        compassionate and comprehensive while continuing to serve those living with and affected by HIV.

    CONTENTS                                            MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO, PHILIP YAEGER AND
                                                        BOARD CHAIR, DAVID HARROD
    3	Hormone Replacement
        Therapy                                         Radiant Health Centers is wrapping up a four-year strategic plan
    4	TeleHealth Services                              focused on medical and clinical expansion, and we are thrilled to
                                                        report that we have successfully achieved our planned goals.
    5 George’s Story                                    Our accomplishments over the past                 to address the growing need of our
                                                        four years include the addition of the            clients and their family members,
    6 Club Radiant Gala                                 following:                                        and offering our basic needs services

    7 Our Supporters                                    • Primary healthcare
                                                        • Family planning and sexual health
                                                                                                          to the broader LGBTQ+ community,
                                                                                                          regardless of their HIV status.

    8 Planned Giving                                       care
                                                        • HIV, STD and HepC testing and
                                                                                                          Radiant Health Centers continues to
                                                                                                          improve access and care for Orange
                                                                                                          County’s LGBTQ+ community and
    Board of Directors                                  • PrEP navigation to ensure clients
                                                                                                          we owe our success to our board of
                                                           sustain preventative healthcare
    OFFICERS                                                                                              directors, staff and supporters, like You.
                                                        • Rapid Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART)
    David Harrod President
                                                           for those newly diagnosed with HIV             On behalf of the thousands of
    Zach Abrams Vice President                          • Women’s breast and cervical cancer             individuals we serve each year,
    Kourosh Kohanteb Treasurer                             education and linkage to care                  we sincerely “Thank You” for your
    Larry Will, D.D.S. Secretary                        • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)            dedication to our important work.
                                                        •H ormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
    MEMBERS                                                                                               Yours in Service,
    Abe Weil, Ph.D.                                     In 2020, Radiant Health Centers
    Arana Greenberg                                     was also accepted into CalOptima’s
                                                        Community Care Network and in
    Arnold Henson, M.D.
                                                        2021 we became a member of                        Philip Yaeger
    Daniel G. Garza                                                                                       CEO
                                                        the Orange County Coalition of
    Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
                                                        Community Health Centers.
    Elliott Kornhauser, M.D.
    Gary Johnson                                        We are now looking forward to
    Haley Horton                                        executing our 2023-2027 strategic
    John Mitchell                                       plan, which will put Radiant Health
    Lydia Bottegoni                                     Centers on the path to becoming a
    Mark Gonzales                                       Federally Qualified Health Center. Our
                                                        target is to achieve new access or look-
    Olivia Blanchard
                                                        alike status within the next two years.
    Nathan Menard
    Norri Hennagin                                      Our plan also includes the addition               David Harrod
    Tim Braham                                          of comprehensive youth services                   Board Chair
                                                        to address the physical, mental,
    OUR VISION LGBTQ+ healthcare                        and social needs of LGBTQ+ youth,
    equity and the end of the HIV epidemic              expanded mental health counseling
    in Orange County.

2   THE VOICE A Publication of Radiant Health Centers
Hormone Replacement
Therapy Services in Irvine
As the largest LGBTQ+ medical clinic in Orange County, Radiant Health Centers provides a wide range of treatment, testing
and support services. One of our more recent additions is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), available to the LGBTQIA2S
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit) community. Our knowledgeable and
compassionate team is available for patients seeking an initial evaluation, or who may have questions about HRT.
What Is Hormone                            can help reduce gender dysphoria            provider could be unsafe. It’s
Replacement Therapy?
                                           and increase self-confidence, plus          important to work with experienced
Hormone therapy is a treatment used
                                           improve mental health overall. HRT          professionals to ensure you receive
to adjust hormone levels to align
                                           can provide an improved sense of self       the correct medication dosage and
with an individual’s gender identity.
                                           and a better quality of life by removing    that your health is prioritized.
The process is one of the ways to
                                           the incongruence felt when a person’s
assist a transgender person during                                                     Do I Start HRT on My Initial Visit?
                                           body and gender don’t align.
their transition, helping to improve                                                   No, you will not start HRT on your
their physical and emotional well-         Access Our LGBTQ+ Counseling                initial visit. You will require a few
                                           and Mental Health Services
being. Gender-affirming hormone                                                        additional visits before initiating HRT.
                                           We offer various treatments at Radiant
therapy involves taking medication to                                                  These visits will include the initial
                                           Health Centers, including mental
a level that provides an individual’s                                                  evaluation, a discussion about HRT
                                           health therapies, HIV/STI testing,
desired level of masculinization or                                                    (what it is and what it can accomplish),
                                           family planning, counseling on HRT,
feminization. Our trained medical                                                      what to expect when you begin HRT
                                           counseling on transitioning and more.
team works with patients to find                                                       treatment and its possible side effects.
                                           Many patients experience stress
the proper levels of testosterone or                                                   In addition, you will visit with a mental
                                           during the HRT process and they may
estrogen to aid in their transition.                                                   health professional for consultation
                                           require support from experienced
An Overview of the HRT Process                                                         and evaluation.
                                           counselors. Our LGBTQ+ counseling
• An initial evaluation to discuss the    services ensure patients are supported      Can I control the level of
   treatment and potential side effects.   throughout their transition with            feminization or masculinization?
• A review of your medical history        help from an educated, caring and           Yes. Modifying the medication dose
   to ensure there are no treatment        compassionate team.                         will adjust a transition’s outcome
   complications.                                                                      to deliver optimal results for each
                                           Common Questions About
• A physical examination to confirm                                                   individual. Other factors like genetics
                                           Hormone Replacement Therapy
   you are in good health and ready to                                                 and age will also play a part.
                                           Do I need to undergo gender
                                           affirmation surgery along with              Contact Us to Discuss Our
• Blood tests to check for possible                                                   HRT Services
                                           hormone replacement therapy?
   complications with the treatment.                                                   At Radiant Health Centers, we provide
                                           You have options – HRT can be used as
• Patient consent forms to ensure you                                                 HRT services to the LGBTQIA2S
                                           part of an individual’s treatment without
   completely understand the therapy.                                                  community in Orange County. For
                                           surgery. Or, you could choose to include
Who Can Benefit From Hormone               surgery as part of your transition.         more information on the transitioning
Replacement Therapy?                                                                   process, including our counseling
HRT is an essential treatment for          Can I follow the HRT process
                                                                                       services, contact our team today. Call
transwomen, transmen, nonbinary            without a healthcare provider?
                                                                                       the medical clinic at (949) 809-8764
and intersex people. The therapy           Attempting HRT without a healthcare
                                                                                       or schedule an appointment now.

                                                                                                                vol. 33 no. 1 April 2022   3
Expanding Telehealth
      for the Orange County
      LGBTQ+ Community
      At Radiant Health Centers, we are pleased to offer telehealth services to the Orange County LGBTQ+
      community. Our Irvine medical clinic has been delivering advice and treatment to people living with HIV and
      other health issues for over three decades. As a safe, convenient and confidential communication channel,
      telehealth ensures that patients across Orange County can always access reliable and efficient healthcare.

      Radiant Health                                    In addition, we assist patients in using
                                                        patient portal services. Our patient
                                                                                                   While many of these services will
                                                                                                   require in-person appointments at
      Centers’                                          portal, Patient Ally, is a dedicated       various stages, an initial assessment

      Telehealth                                        online service that helps deliver rapid
                                                        and efficient medical care. After a
                                                                                                   and some parts of the treatment will
                                                                                                   be available using telehealth. This
      Services                                          referral from your provider, you can       process will ensure patients get fast
                                                        access some of the following features      access to medical providers, while
      Telehealth is available to patients
                                                        through the portal.                        still receiving dedicated face-to-face
      for initial consultations, follow-up
                                                          • Medication refill requests             appointments where required.
      appointments and prescription care.
                                                          • Faster communications with the
      When an individual has a medical                                                             Our telehealth services offer quick,
      issue, a virtual first assessment can                                                        responsive and quality care to patients
                                                          • Access to your medical records
      be arranged to determine the services                                                        across Orange County. When the same
                                                          • Schedule and reschedule
      needed. It may then be necessary to                                                          high level of care can be delivered
      schedule an in-person appointment                                                            virtually, there is often no need for a
      for some services, including HIV and              Telehealth is used to assist patients      person to travel to our Irvine medical
      STD testing. After the initial telehealth         with a wide variety of health issues. We   clinic. However, there are some
      consultation, a full assessment with              typically assess clients’ needs in the     circumstances where an in-person
      a medical professional at our health              following areas.                           appointment is necessary.
      clinic may be required.                             • HIV
                                                                                                   Individuals can arrange in-person
                                                          • STD
      Individuals can contact us to schedule                                                       appointments with the same level of
                                                          • Hepatitis C
      an appointment with a medical                                                                privacy and confidentiality as a virtual
                                                          • Hormone replacement
      provider. Our team of medical                                                                meeting. Exams, blood draws, HIV and
                                                          • PrEP
      professionals is considerate and skilled                                                     STD testing, physicals and checkups
                                                          • PEP
      – and understands the challenges                                                             are still conducted by staff from our
                                                          • Rapid ART
      facing LGBTQ+ patients. You can                                                              LGBTQ+ medical clinic. Any follow-up
                                                          • Family planning: Breast exams &
      be assured that you are dealing                                                              appointments related to testing can be
                                                             pap smears
      with educated and compassionate                                                              conducted using telehealth.
                                                          • Primary care: Physical exams,
      healthcare providers. We want you to
                                                             doctor referrals, annual checkups
      feel safe and feel heard.
                                                             & health diagnosis

4   THE VOICE A Publication of Radiant Health Centers
George’s Story:
                                                   In my role as a case manager for Radiant Health Centers,
                                                   I have come across many stories that inspire me and
                                                   reinforce my decision to work for an agency where I can
                                                   play a role in changing lives. I’d like to share one of those
                                                   stories with you. Please note that I have changed the client’s
                                                   identity to protect their confidentiality.

                                                   My client, George is a 48-year-old male who is in remission
                                                   after being treated for General Anxiety Disorder and
                                                   Substance Use. George is living with HIV and has a long
                                                   history of homelessness, substance use, and mental health
                                                   issues. He shared with me how his mental health and
                                                   behavior problems started in his childhood and escalated
                                                   with substance use when he became an adolescent.
Why Is LGBTQ+                                      Although George has always had support from his family,
                                                   he was unable to sustain sobriety despite several attempts.
Telehealth So                                      He struggled to maintain employment and manage his
Important?                                         mental health after years of substance abuse.

                                                   George started receiving services through Radiant Health
Many people within the LGBTQ+ community
                                                   Centers 4 years ago. He described himself as being close
face disproportionate health challenges. Sadly,
                                                   to death, on the streets, and hopeless. He reached out for
this issue is often exacerbated by limited
                                                   help from his family one last time, which resulted in him
access to medical services that recognize the
                                                   receiving services from Radiant Health Centers.
needs of LGBTQ+ patients. When individuals
fear discrimination from medical professionals,    With the support of our team of professionals, George has
they may avoid or delay dealing with important     been able to improve his health and begin turning his life
issues such as HIV, hormone therapy, family        around.
planning and so on.
                                                   Through therapy, George is addressing his childhood trauma
With these concerns in mind, telehealth            and learning coping skills that have allowed him to maintain
offers comfort and understanding from              his sobriety. With the support he has received from the
staff educated in LGBTQ+ health concerns.          Radiant Health Centers’ team he is now in good physical and
Appointments are conducted in a friendly,          mental health. He is on track to complete his High School
open manner that respects privacy, helping         Diploma with a plan to pursue a higher education.
patients receive the best health care. Together
with our LGBTQ+ medical clinic, the telehealth     George shared that for the first time, he has been able to
service is a crucial channel for delivering        feel hopeful in his recovery and has a positive outlook for his
information and treatment.                         future. He indicated to me that the services he received and
                                                   continues to receive at Radiant Health Centers have been an
Radiant Health Centers provides telehealth         essential part of his recovery and maintaining his health.
for consultations on family planning, health
checkups, and an overall assessment of our         Last week, George became emotional as he reflected on
clients’ needs. If you would like to schedule      his progress over the past 4 years. For the first time he can
an appointment with a telehealth medical           remember he has begun to plan for his future, with a goal
provider, contact us today. For assistance, call   of securing employment and taking college courses in social
(949) 809-8764 now. For general inquiries,         services. I look forward to watching him grow and providing
please call (949) 809-5700.                        guidance to assist him with his journey.

                                                        New Date!
                                                        F R I D AY, M AY 1 3 T H , 6:30 PM
                                                        Grand Gimeno
                                                        146 N Orange St, Orange CA 92866
                                                        Valet Drop Off

    It’s official! The 36th Annual Radiant Health Centers’                                                      Alison, an
    Gala will take place Friday, May 13, 2022. After last                                                     author and
    year’s virtual event, the gala returns for an in-person                                                   actress widely
    celebration at Grand Gimeno in Orange. Entering its                                                       recognized for
    36th year, the annual event will continue its tradition of                                                her role as Nellie
    raising money to support LGBTQ+ health equity and HIV                                                     Oleson on the
    care in Orange County.                                                                                    iconic television
                                                                                                              series “Little
    CLU B R A D I A N T T H E M E AT T H E R A D I A N T            House on the Prairie,” is an activist for LGBTQ+ and
    H E A LT H CE N T E RS’ A N N UA L G A L A                      AIDS organizations. Tony, an award-winning producer
                                                                    for “Good Morning America,” who talked about his
    The gala will have a distinctly ‘70s mood, featuring a
                                                                    experiences living with HIV this year, has helped bring
    “Club Radiant” theme. Attendees are encouraged to wear
                                                                    further awareness to HIV/AIDS.
    ‘70s attire to celebrate the golden age of disco. Expect
    an evening of action-packed entertainment featuring a           Radiant Health Centers is here to serve the LGBTQ+
    cocktail hour, dinner, live entertainment and awards – all      community in Orange County, with HIV care, STI
    taking place under the disco ball.                              testing, counseling, social services and much more.
                                                                    If you would like more information about our
    H O N O R I N G T W O D I ST I N G U I S H E D G U ESTS         upcoming Annual Gala, contact Ana Martinez at
    The 2022 recipients of the Radiant Compassion Award             amartinez@radianthealthcenters.org
    have been announced as Alison Arngrim and Tony
    Morrison. The gala will be a chance to honor the work of                       Special LIVE performance by
    these two figures for their advocacy for HIV/AIDS issues.                      GRAMMY-Winning Motown
                                                                                   Legend Thelma Houston!

6   THE VOICE A Publication of Radiant Health Centers

Memorial and
Tribute Gifts
The following individuals were honored by friends and loved ones of Radiant Heatlh Centers’ supporters.
Consider making a gift in memory of a special person or in honor of someone you admire.

In Memory of                                                Elliott Kornhauser
Blaze Bernstein                                             Haley Horton
David Lewallen                                              Jeanne and Gideon Bernstein
Hudson Williams                                             John Mitchell
Molly Gonzales                                              Kathie Consalvi
                                                            Kevin Black
In Honor of                                                 Norri and Warren Hennagin
Abrams Family & Friends                                     Paul L. Jones
Damon Chen and Howard Gleicher                              Pearl Jemison-Smith
Dan Haspert MD                                              Richard
David Mershimer                                             Tim Braham
Dr. Duane Vajgrt


Corporate Supporters
Special thanks to the corporations and foundations that support Radiant Health Centers’ work through
sponsorships and grants. We are inspired by their commitment to the health of Orange County.

ADP                                                        LabCorp
Advantage Healthcare Services                              M.A.C. VIVA GLAM Fund
Avita Pharmacy                                             MOCA Foundation
Berkshire Hathaway-The Charitable Foundation               Pacific Life Foundation
CalOptima Medical                                          Pacific Western Bank
CVS                                                        Quality Drug Holdings Corporation
Edwards Lifesciences, LLC                                  Room & Board
Essential Access Health                                    Shopoff Realty Investments, LP
Garden Grove Pharmacy                                      Stater Bros. Charities
Gilead Sciences                                            Synchrony Financial
Hoag Community Benefits                                    The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Janssen                                                      Foundation
Johnson & Johnson                                          Union Bank Foundation
Kaiser Permanente Foundation                               ViiV Healthcare Company
Kroger Foundation - Ralph’s Community                      Walgreens
  Contribution Program                                     WellPartner, Inc.

                                                                                                          vol. 33 no. 1 April 2022   7
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Questions & Feedback:
Editor Susan Caumiant
17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J
Irvine, CA 92614

 Planned Giving                                            Life Insurance
                                                           Do you have a life insurance policy that’s outlasted its

 Options That                                              original purpose? Consider using your policy to make
                                                           a charitable gift to support our work and reduce your

 Reduce Your                                               taxes. There are various ways a life insurance policy can
                                                           be used for philanthropic purposes.

 Taxes                                                     Retirement Plan Beneficiary Gifts
                                                           Making a charity like Radiant Health Centers beneficiary
 Planned gifts are a fantastic way to
                                                           of your retirement plan is one of the easiest ways to
 demonstrate your passion and commitment for
                                                           make a legacy commitment. Retirement gifts can often
 LGBTQ+ health and HIV care equity. With tax               be heavily taxed, so leaving some or all to charity may
 season upon us, now is a great time to evaluate           be a benefit. There are no age restrictions, so anyone
 the impact of your giving, and several planned            with a retirement plan can create a legacy gift.
 gifts options may reduce your tax liability.
                                                           These options are for informational purposes only, so
 Charitable Gift from your IRA                             check with your financial advisor to see which giving
                                                           options are best for you.
 A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA
 can immediately impact the thousands of people you        Supporters who include Radiant Health Centers in their
 help us serve. A QCD is not a tax-deductible charitable   planned gifts become a member of the Radiant Legacy
 gift, though it may count toward the annual IRA           Partners and receive special benefits. To learn more
 required minimum distribution and not be deemed           about your charitable bequest options, please get in
 taxable income. Anyone 70 ½ or older is eligible and      touch with Joe Alfano, Director of Individual Giving, at
 may transfer up to $100,00 per year.                      (949) 809-5772 or jalfano@radianthealthcenters.org.
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