Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis

Page created by Judy Ferguson
The British Journal of Psychiatry (2013)
                202, 100–107. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.111.106666

      Review article

            Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults:
            systematic review and meta-analysis
            Rebecca E. S. Anglin, Zainab Samaan, Stephen D. Walter and Sarah D. McDonald

            There is conflicting evidence about the relationship between      95% CI 0.23–0.97) and there was an increased odds ratio of
            vitamin D deficiency and depression, and a systematic             depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories in
            assessment of the literature has not been available.              the cross-sectional studies (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.0–1.71). The
                                                                              cohort studies showed a significantly increased hazard ratio
            Aims                                                              of depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories
            To determine the relationship, if any, between vitamin D          (HR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.40–3.49).
            deficiency and depression.

            Method                                                            Conclusions
            A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational            Our analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that low
            studies and randomised controlled trials was conducted.           vitamin D concentration is associated with depression, and
                                                                              highlight the need for randomised controlled trials of vitamin
            Results                                                           D for the prevention and treatment of depression to
            One case–control study, ten cross-sectional studies and           determine whether this association is causal.
            three cohort studies with a total of 31 424 participants
            were analysed. Lower vitamin D levels were found in               Declaration of interest
            people with depression compared with controls (SMD = 0.60,        None.

      Depression is associated with significant disability, mortality and
      healthcare costs. It is the third leading cause of disability in
      high-income countries,1 and affects approximately 840 million           Search strategy
      people worldwide.2 Although biological, psychological and
                                                                              We searched the databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO,
      environmental theories have been advanced,3 the underlying
                                                                              CINAHL, AMED and Cochrane CENTRAL (up to 2 February
      pathophysiology of depression remains unknown and it is
                                                                              2011) using separate comprehensive strategies developed in
      probable that several different mechanisms are involved. Vitamin
                                                                              consultation with an experienced research librarian (see online
      D is a unique neurosteroid hormone that may have an important
                                                                              supplement DS1). A separate search of PubMed identified articles
      role in the development of depression. Receptors for vitamin D
                                                                              published electronically prior to print publication within 6
      are present on neurons and glia in many areas of the brain
                                                                              months of our search and therefore not available through
      including the cingulate cortex and hippocampus, which have been
                                                                              MEDLINE. The clinical trials registries and
      implicated in the pathophysiology of depression.4 Vitamin D is
                                                                              Current Controlled Trials ( were searched
      involved in numerous brain processes including neuroimmuno-
                                                                              for unpublished data. The reference lists of identified articles were
      modulation, regulation of neurotrophic factors, neuroprotection,
                                                                              reviewed for additional studies.
      neuroplasticity and brain development,5 making it biologically
      plausible that this vitamin might be associated with depression
      and that its supplementation might play an important part in            Eligibility criteria
      the treatment of depression. Over two-thirds of the populations         The following study designs were included: RCTs, case–control
      of the USA and Canada have suboptimal levels of vitamin D.6,7           studies, cross-sectional studies and cohort studies. All studies
           Some studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between       enrolled adults (age 18 years) and reported depression as the
      vitamin D and depression,8,9 whereas others have shown no               outcome of interest and vitamin D measurements as a risk factor
      relationship.10,11 To date there have been eight narrative reviews      or intervention. Cross-sectional and cohort studies were required
      on this topic,12–19 with the majority of reviews reporting that there   to report depression outcomes for participants with vitamin D
      is insufficient evidence for an association between vitamin D and       deficiency (as defined by each study, see Tables 1 and 2) compared
      depression. None of these reviews used a comprehensive search           with those with normal vitamin D levels. There was no language
      strategy, provided inclusion or exclusion criteria, assessed risk of    restriction. Eligibility criteria are detailed in online supplement
      bias or combined study findings. In addition, several recent            DS2.
      studies were not included in these reviews.9,10,20,21 Therefore, we
      undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate
      whether vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression in           Outcome
      adults in case–control and cross-sectional studies; whether             Our primary outcome for all studies was depression diagnosed
      vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of developing depression in     using one of the following:
      cohort studies in adults; and whether vitamin D supplementation
      improves depressive symptoms in adults with depression compared         (a) a standardised psychiatric interview for the DSM diagnoses of
      with placebo, or prevents depression compared with placebo, in              depressive disorders (e.g. the Structured Clinical Interview for
      healthy adults in randomised controlled trials (RCTs).                      DSM Disorders) or ICD diagnoses of a depressive episode or

Vitamin D and depression

    depression (e.g. the Composite International Diagnostic               intervals. We planned to pool the adjusted ORs for meta-analysis.
    Interview);22,23                                                      Unfortunately the cross-sectional studies used different reference
(b) a clinical diagnosis of a depressive disorder, depressive episode     categories of vitamin D concentration (either 550 nmol/l or the
    or depression not otherwise specified;                                lowest and highest category) and presented data using different
                                                                          quartiles, tertiles or categories. After protocol development, but
(c) a diagnosis of depression using an established cut-off point on       prior to analysing the data, we decided to use the adjusted OR
    a validated rating scale, such as a score of 516 on the Center        of depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories
    for Epidemiological Studies – Depression scale or 58 on the           reported. The inverse variance method and random effects model
    Geriatric Depression Scale.24,25                                      were used for all meta-analyses. A random effects model was
    For RCTs that enrolled patients with depression our secondary         chosen because we anticipated heterogeneity among studies.
outcome was change in depressive symptoms using a validated               Where ORs were reported for subgroups of patients within a
rating scale. This secondary outcome was not used for RCTs                single study, they were combined into a single OR for our
that enrolled non-depressed participants or other study designs           analysis.30
because it was not meaningful in those contexts.
                                                                          Cohort studies
Study selection and data abstraction                                      As with the analysis of cross-sectional studies, the variability in
Two authors (R.A. and Z.S.) independently reviewed all titles             presentation of results of the cohort studies precluded the
and abstracts identified by the search. Articles were selected for        calculation of a pooled adjusted OR. We therefore contacted the
full-text review if inclusion criteria were met or if either reviewer     authors of all three cohort studies to obtain the number of
considered them potentially relevant. Disagreements were resolved         depressed participants and the person-years of follow-up in each
by discussion between the two reviewers, and a third author               category of vitamin D, and requested data using the cut-off point
(S.M.) was available to determine eligibility if consensus could          of 50 nmol/l. This allowed us to calculate hazard rates for each
not be reached. Initial agreement was assessed using an                   category, so that we could then account for losses to follow-up
unweighted k value. Data were extracted by two authors (R.A.              and variable follow-up periods; also, by assuming a constant
and Z.S.) independently using a form developed for this review,           hazard rate over time, we could pool hazard ratios using a cut-
with disagreements resolved as above. We attempted to contact             off point of 50 nmol/l. All authors provided some data, but one
study authors for additional or missing information when needed.          provided only data using the cut-off points of 37.5 nmol/l and
                                                                          75 nmol/l.9 We therefore performed a sensitivity analysis using
Assessment of risk of bias                                                these two cut-off points in a meta-analysis.
                                                                              Additionally, we decided to analyse the cohort data using the
Two reviewers (R.A. and Z.S.) independently assessed the risk
                                                                          highest v. lowest vitamin D categories in order to use the adjusted
of bias using a modified Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (see online
                                                                          results and take confounding into account. For this analysis the
supplement DS3).26 In observational studies one of the main
                                                                          adjusted hazard ratios were used; the adjusted OR from one study
sources of bias is confounding. Known confounders can be
                                                                          was converted first to a relative risk and then to a hazard ratio
statistically adjusted, but unknown confounders may still result
                                                                          (HR).10 Finally, we performed a third analysis in which we
in bias. It was decided a priori that studies that adjusted for factors
                                                                          calculated the increase in the natural logarithm of the hazard rate
shown elsewhere to affect vitamin D levels (chronic disease, body
                                                                          (ln(HR)) of depression per 20 nmol/l decrease in vitamin D for
mass index, geographical location, season and physical
                                                                          each study.31 The mid-point of each category of vitamin D was
activity)27,28 would be considered to have a low risk of bias,
                                                                          calculated and half the width of the adjacent category was used
studies that adjusted only for other potential confounders would
                                                                          to define the corresponding point for open-ended categories.
have an unclear risk of bias, and any studies that did not adjust
                                                                          The ln(HR) for each category was then regressed on the vitamin
for any confounders would have a high risk of bias. Publication
                                                                          D mid-points (divided by 20) using a linear model, with the data
bias was assessed using funnel plots.
                                                                          weighted by the inverse variance of the ln(HR), to generate a
                                                                          coefficient that represented the change in ln(HR) per 20 nmol/l
Statistical analysis                                                      decrease in vitamin D and its associated standard error. The
Search results were compiled using citation management software           coefficients for each study were then pooled for meta-analysis.
(RefWorks version 2.0; ProQuest,
Statistical analysis was performed using Review Manager software          Assessment of heterogeneity
(Revman version 5.1; Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK),
                                                                          Heterogeneity between the studies was measured using Cochran’s
Epi Info version 6.0 (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) and PASW
                                                                          Q statistic, with a probability value of P50.05 (two-tailed)
Statistics version 18.0 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA) for Mac.
                                                                          considered statistically significant. The I 2 statistic was used to
                                                                          quantify the degree of heterogeneity and we considered values
Case–control studies                                                      below 25% to be low, 25–50% moderate and over 50% high.32
The standardised mean difference (SMD) of vitamin D levels
between the participants with depression and the healthy controls         Subgroup and sensitivity analyses
was calculated. An SMD below 0.4 was considered small, 0.4–0.7
moderate and over 0.7 large.29 Our protocol proposed pooling              We planned the following subgroup analyses a priori: gender, age
SMDs for meta-analysis using a random effects model.                      565 years, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, proportion of
                                                                          participants with a disease known to affect vitamin D, and
                                                                          adjustment for different confounders. We planned a priori to
Cross-sectional studies                                                   perform a sensitivity analysis excluding studies with a high risk
Our protocol proposed examining adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of             of bias. For the cohort studies we performed a sensitivity analysis
depression for those with or without vitamin D deficiency (as             using the cut-off point of 37.5 nmol/l compared with 75 nmol/l for
defined in each study) and the associated 95% confidence                  the one study that did not provide data using our standard cut-off

Anglin et al

           point of 50 nmol/l. We also performed a sensitivity analysis for the           Risk of bias in included studies
           cross-sectional studies excluding one study that had recruited                 Case–control study
           participants aged 15–39 years33 (our inclusion criteria specified
           adults aged 18 years).                                                         The agreement between the reviewers in assessing the risk of
                                                                                          bias for the case–control study across the nine points of the
                                                                                          Newcastle–Ottawa Scale was 100%, with both reviewers assigning
                                                 Results                                  the same four points. There was potential for selection bias as
                                                                                          participants were recruited through advertisements and were all
           Our primary search identified 6675 citations (Fig. 1). No                      premenopausal women; also, the study did not control for known
           additional article or abstract was selected from other sources. After          confounders.
           duplicates were removed 5484 citations remained for title and
           abstract screening. Of these, 35 were identified and retrieved for             Cross-sectional studies
           full-text screening; all were in English. After full text review, one
                                                                                          Agreement between the reviewers in assessing the risk of bias in
           case–control study,34 three cohort studies,9,10,35 and ten cross-
                                                                                          cross-sectional studies was 95%, unweighted k = 0.84. Four studies
           sectional studies,8,11,20,21,30,33,36–39 met eligibility criteria and were
           included (unweighted k = 0.75). Figure 1 lists the reasons for                 were thought to be unrepresentative of the general population:
           excluding the other studies.19,40–58                                           Johnson et al included only low-income older adults;20 Lee et al
                                                                                          included only elderly men;37 and the two studies by Wilkins et
                                                                                          al included only elderly participants, half of whom in the 2006
           Study characteristics                                                          study were purposely selected to have Alzheimer’s disease, and
                                                                                          in the 2009 study were purposely selected to include African
           Baseline information on the case–control, cross-sectional and
                                                                                          Americans and European Americans in equal numbers.8,39 Seven
           cohort studies is presented in Tables 1 and 2. There were 31 424
                                                                                          studies received a high risk of bias assignment for assessment of
           participants in total. All studies were published between 2006
                                                                                          outcome because they used cut-off points on self-reported
           and 2011; study locations included the USA, Europe and East
                                                                                          psychiatric rating scales. Two studies received an unclear risk of
           Asia. Seven of the ten cross-sectional studies included older adults.
                                                                                          bias assignment for using administered surveys, which were felt
                                                                                          to have an intermediate risk of bias between a self-report scale
                                                                                          and clinician-administered standardised psychiatric interview.
                Citations from MEDLINE,                                                   All studies adjusted for multiple confounders (online supplement
                    EMBASE, CINAHL,                 Additional records
               AMED, CENTRAL, PsychINFO             identified through                    DS4). The funnel plot (online supplement DS5) did not suggest
                                                      other sources
                 and PubMed searches
                                                                                          significant publication bias.

                                                                                          Cohort studies
                                                                                          Agreement between the reviewers in assessing the risk of bias
                          Records after                                                   across cohort studies was 88%, unweighted k = 0.61. Two studies9,10
                        duplicates removed                                                were considered unrepresentative of the general population, and
                                                                                          the study by May et al was thought to be at high risk of bias for
                                                                                          selection of the non-exposed cohort because vitamin D levels were
                                                                                          obtained at the discretion of treating physicians,9 which may have
                         Records screened                                                 biased whose vitamin D levels were observed. All studies included
                                                        Full-text articles excluded 20:
                               5485                                                       in this review adjusted for multiple confounders, but May et al did
                                                        3 cross-sectional studies did
                                                        not report depression outcomes    not measure or adjust for physical activity, body mass index or the
                                                        for those with vitamin D          presence of chronic diseases and therefore received an unclear risk
                                                        deficiency v. normal
                                                        vitamin D19,40,41 in 14 studies   of bias rating. Chan et al and Milaneschi et al used cut-off points
                          Full-text articles
                           assessed for
                                                        depression as defined by          on self-report scales to diagnose depression,10,35 which is less
                                                        our protocol was not
                                                                                          reliable than a clinical diagnosis, and therefore these studies were
                                  35                                                      rated at high risk of bias. Although May et al used a clinical
                                                        1 trial of open treatment with
                                                        vitamin D did not report          diagnosis of depression using ICD-9 codes, it was not clear
                                                        depression as an outcome56
                                                        1 summary report of another       whether all participants underwent a clinical assessment or
                                                        study57                           whether record linkage was used; an unclear risk of bias was
                        Studies included in
                                                        1 thesis with insufficient        therefore assigned. May et al presented the average duration of
                        qualitative synthesis
                                                        information (author did not
                                  15                                                      follow-up period but did not otherwise describe loss to follow-up,
                                                        respond to request for more
                          (1 case-control,
                                                        information)58                    and therefore this received an unclear rating. Because there were
                              3 cohort,
                         10 cross-sectional)                                              only three cohort studies the funnel plot was uninformative.59
                                                                                          Further information on the risk of bias assessments is included
                                                                                          in online supplement DS5.
                         Studies included in
                        quantitative synthesis                                            Outcome evaluation and meta-analysis
                                  13                                                      A summary of the results from the cross-sectional and cohort
                            (3 cohort and                                                 meta-analyses including subgroup and sensitivity analyses is
                          9 cross-sectional)
                                                                                          presented in Table 3. Three cross-sectional studies did not
                                                                                          report ORs, and the authors of these studies were contacted.20,36,39
               Fig. 1   Study selection process.
                                                                                          One author replied and the OR provided was included in the
                                                                                          meta-analysis;36 an unadjusted OR and 95% CI were calculated

Vitamin D and depression

  Table 1       Characteristics of included studies: case–control and cross-sectional studies
                                                                               Mean                                                     Categories
                                                                                age,                      Diagnosis                    of vitamin D,                Measurement
  Study, year                     Country              Population              years       n            of depression                      nmol/l                   of vitamin D

  Case–control studies
  Eskandari (2007)34                USA        Women aged 21–45 years          35          133               SCID                            NA                        CPBA
  Cross-sectional studies
  Ganji (2010)33                    USA           Men and women                27.5       7970                DIS                    550, 50–75, 475                     RIA
                                                  aged 15–39 years
  Hoogendijk (2008)36                The          Men and women                75.1       1282      Score 516 on CES-D                Cut-off point 50                 CPBA
                                 Netherlands      aged 65–95 years
  Johnson (2008)20                   USA            Older adults               77          158      Score 511 on GDS-10      525, 25–50, >50                             RIA
  Lee (2011)37                     Several      Men aged 40–79 years           59.7       3151        Score 514 BDI-II  525, 25–49.9, 50–74.9, 475                       RIA
  Nanri (2009)30                    Japan         Men and women                43.4        527      Score 516 on CES-D          Quartiles (medians 53.75,              CPBA
                                                  aged 21–67 years                                                                    64.75, 72.5, 82)
  Pan (2009)                       China          Men and women                 NR        3262      Score 516 on CES-D         Quartiles (means 26.1, 41.1,              RIA
                                                  aged 50–70 years                                                                         65.1)
  Stewart (2010)38                   UK           Men and women                73.7       2070      Score 53 on GDS-10              525, 550, 575                        RIA
                                                   aged 565 years
  Wilkins (2006)8                   USA           Men and women                74.5         80      Depression Symptoms    525, 25–50, 450                               RIA
                                                   aged 460 years                                         Inventory
  Wilkins (2009)39                  USA           Men and women                74.99        60       Depressive Features    Cut-off point 50                           CPBA
                                                   aged 455 years                                         Inventory
  Zhao (2010)21                     USA           Men and women                 NR        3916      Score 510 on PHQ-9 537.5, 37.5–50, 50–65, 465                        RIA
                                                   aged 520 years
  Total cross-sectional studies                                                          22 476

  BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression scale; CPBA, competitive protein binding assay; DIS, Diagnostic Interview Schedule; GDS,
  Geriatric Depression Scale; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; RIA, radioimmunoassay; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.

  Table 2       Characteristics of included studies: cohort studies
                                                                                                               Categories of                          Loss to  Length of
                                                        Mean age,                       Diagnosis               vitamin D,              Measurement follow-up, follow-up,
  Study, year         Country             Population      years           n           of depression               nmol/l                of vitamin D     %        years

  Chan (2011)10         China             Men aged          72.5         801             Score 8        Quartiles (563, 64–76, 77–            RIA              21              4
                                          465 years                                      on GDS          91, 492) and categories
                                                                                                       (550, 50–74, 75–99, 4100)
  May (2010)9            USA          Cardiovascular        73.1        7358             Clinical      Categories (537.5, 37.5–75,            CIA             NRa              1b
                                      patients aged                                     diagnosis              75–125, 4125
                                       550 years
  Milaneschi             Italy       Men and women          74.4         656          Score 516 on      Tertiles (531.7, 31.7–53.9,           RIA               3              6
  (2010)39                           aged 565 years                                       CES-D          453.9) and cut-off point
                                                                                                               (550 or 550)
  Total cohort studies                                                  8815

  CIA, chemiluminescent immunoassay; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression scale; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; NR, not reported; RIA, radioimmunoassay.
  a. Most of cohort (71%) ‘not evaluable’ at 500 days.
  b. Mean follow-up period.

for another study using data provided in the paper and Epi Info                             highest vitamin D categories, with a pooled OR of 1.31, 95% CI
version 6.0,39 but the third study could not be included.20                                 1.00–1.71 (Fig. 2). There was substantial heterogeneity between
                                                                                            studies (I 2 = 54%, w2 = 17.24, P = 0.03). The only subgroup
Case–control study                                                                          analysis that could be performed was of studies that had an
One study compared vitamin D levels in women with depression                                average sample age of 65 years (online supplement DS5). When
and healthy controls.34 The mean difference between the groups                              these studies were combined there was an increased – although
was 17.5 nmol/l (P = 0.002), with an SMD of 0.60 (95% CI                                    non-significant – odds of depression with low vitamin D
0.23–0.97). This represented a moderate difference,29 which was                             (OR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.00–2.40). A sensitivity analysis excluding
also clinically significant. Meta-analysis could not be performed                           the study by Ganji et al (online supplement DS6) had a minimal
as only one study met our inclusion criteria.                                               effect on our summary estimate (OR = 1.34, 95% CI 0.99–1.83,
                                                                                            I 2 = 59%, w2 = 17.16, P = 0.02).33
Cross-sectional studies
The cross-sectional studies measured rates of depression and                                Cohort studies
vitamin D in a population at a single point in time to determine                            Three studies measured vitamin D levels at baseline in non-
whether there was an association between depression and vitamin                             depressed individuals and followed them over time to determine
D levels. Nine studies reported on depression for the lowest v. the                         whether vitamin D levels were associated with a risk of developing

Anglin et al

               Table 3 Summary of results from the meta-analysis of cross-sectional and cohort studies of the relationship between vitamin D
               and depression
                                                   Number           Participants
                                                  of studies              n                          Vitamin D categories              Pooled OR or HR (95% CI)               I 2, %

               Cross-sectional studies
                  All studies                         9                  22 318                        Lowest v. highest                 OR = 1.31 (1.00 to 1.71)           5 (P = 0.03)
                  Older adults                        4                   3492                         Lowest v. highest                 OR = 1.54 (1.00 to 2.40)          49 (P = 0.12)
               Cohort studies
                                                      3                   8815                       Lowest v. highest                   HR = 2.21 (1.40 to 3.49)       21 (P = 0.28)
                                                      3                   8815             Change in HR depression per 20 nmol/l         b70.19 (70.41 to 004)        100 (P50.00001)
                                                                                                    change in vitamin D
                                                      3                   8815              Vitamin D cut-off points of 50 nmol/l        HR = 1.04 (0.59 to 1.86)      98 (P50.00001)
                                                                                                 and 37.5 nmol/l (May et al)
                                                      3                   8815              Vitamin D cut-off points of 50 nmol/l        HR = 1.31 (0.97 to 1.77)      91 (P50.0001)
                                                                                                  and 75 nmol/l (May et al)

               HR, hazard rate; OR, odds ratio.

                                                                                                                    Odds Ratio                              Odds Ratio
               Study or subgroup                              log (OR)            s.e.     Weight, %           IV, random, 95% CI                      IV, random, 95% CI
               Ganji (2010)33                                   0.16              0.25        13.1               1.17 (0.72, 1.92)
               Hoogendijk (2008)2008)                           0.29              0.19        16.1               1.34 (0.92, 1.94)
               Lee (2011)37                                     0.55              0.27        12.2               1.73 (1.02, 2.94)
               Nanri (2009)30                                   0.48              0.29        11.3               1.62 (0.92, 2.85)
               Pan (2009)11                                    70.3               0.19        16.1               0.74 (0.51, 1.08)
               Stewart (2010)38                                 0.38              0.18        16.6               1.46 (1.03, 2.08)
               Wilkins (2006)8                                  2.46              0.89         2.1              11.70 (2.05, 66.98)                                                        7
               Wilkins (2009)39                                0.086              0.68         3.4               1.09 (0.29, 4.13)
               Zhao (2010)21                                    0.11              0.35         9.2               1.12 (0.56, 2.22)

               Total (95% CI)                                                                100.0               1.31 (1.00, 1.71)
               Heterogeneity: t2 = 0.08; w2 = 17.24, d.f. = 8 (P = 0.03); I 2 = 54%
               Test for overall effect: Z = 1.98 (P = 0.05)                                                                              0.2           0.5     1       2               5

               Fig. 2 Cross-sectional studies: forest plot of the odds ratio (OR) of depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories. Squares
               to the right of the vertical line indicate that low vitamin D was associated with increased odds of depression, squares to the left of the
               vertical line indicate that low vitamin D was associated with decreased odds of depression. Horizontal lines represent the associated
               95% confidence intervals and the diamond represents the overall OR of depression with low vitamin D from the meta-analysis and the
               corresponding 95% confidence interval (*OR provided by Dr B. Penninx, personal communication, 25 July 2011).

                                                                                                                  Hazard Ratio                             Hazard Ratio
               Study or subgroup                              log (HR)              s.e.     Weight, %        IV, random 95% CI                        IV, random, 95% CI
               Chan (2011)10                                  70.48                 0.86        7.0             0.62 (0.11, 3.34)
               May (2010)9                                      0.99                0.35       33.7             2.69 (1.36, 5.34)
               Milaneschi (2010)35                              0.83                0.23       59.3             2.29 (1.46, 3.60)

               Total (95% CI)                                                                 100.0             2.21 (1.40, 3.49)
               Heterogeneity: t2 = 0.04; w2 = 2.52, d.f. = 2 (P = 0.28); I 2 = 21%
               Test for overall effect: Z = 3.40 (P = 0.0007)                                                                         0.01       0.1           1            10             100

               Fig. 3 Cohort studies: forest plot of the hazard ratio (HR) of depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin D categories. Squares to the
               right of the vertical line indicate that vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increased risk of depression, whereas squares to the left
               of the vertical line indicate that vitamin D deficiency was associated with a decreased risk of depression. Horizontal lines represent the
               associated 95% confidence intervals and the diamond represents the overall HR of depression with vitamin D deficiency from the meta-
               analysis and the corresponding 95% confidence interval.

           depression. There was a statistically significant increased risk of                            vitamin D level was calculated for each study and pooled. There
           depression with low vitamin D (HR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.40–3.49)                                    was a non-significant decreased ln(HR) of depression for each
           with non-significant heterogeneity (I 2 = 21%, w2 = 2.52, P = 0.28)                            20 nmol/l increase in vitamin D (b = 70.19, 95% CI 70.41 to
           when the HRs for depression for the lowest v. highest vitamin                                  0.04; Fig. 4).
           D categories in the three cohort studies were pooled (Fig. 3).                                     The HRs of depression for those with and without vitamin D
           The change in the ln(HR) of depression per 20 nmol/l change in                                 levels below 50 nmol/l from the studies by Chan et al and

Vitamin D and depression

                                                                                     Beta                                         Beta
  Study or subgroup                       Beta        s.e.    Weight, %      IV, random, 95% CI                           IV, random, 95% CI
  Chan (2011)10                         70.184        0.15     23.1         70.18 (70.48, 0.11)
  May (2010)9                           70.059        0.008    38.4         70.06 (70.07, 70.04)
  Milaneschi (2010)35                   70.319        0.005    38.5         70.32 (70.33, 70.31)

  Total (95% CI)                                              100.00        70.19 (70.41, 0.04)
  Heterogeneity: t2 = 0.03; w2 = 7.59, d.f. = 2 (P50.00001); I 2 = 100%
  Test for overall effect: Z = 1.65 (P = 0.10)                                                                  71      70.5      0       0.5         1

  Fig. 4 Cohort studies: forest plot of the change in the natural logarithm of the hazard rate ln(HR) of depression per 20 nmol/l change
  in vitamin D using trend estimation. Squares to the right of the vertical line indicate a positive slope or increased risk of depression
  with increased vitamin D levels, whereas squares to the left indicate a negative slope or decreased risk of depression with increased
  vitamin D levels. Horizontal lines represent the associated 95% confidence intervals and the diamond represents the overall change in
  ln(HR) of depression per 20 nmol/l change in vitamin D from the meta-analysis and the corresponding 95% confidence interval.

                                                                                              Hazard Ratio                     Hazard Ratio
  Study or subgroup                      log (HR)                 s.e.    Weight, %       IV, random, 95% CI               IV, random, 95% CI

  Chan (2011)10                          70.3014               0.17883      31.0            0.74 (0.52, 1.05)
  May (2010)9                            70.1851               0.03034      34.9            0.83 (0.78, 0.88)
  Milaneschi (2010)35                      0.5905              0.08063      34.1            1.80 (1.54, 2.11)

  Total (95% CI)                                                           100.0            1.04 (0.59, 1.86)
  Heterogeneity: t2 = 0.25; w2 = 82.43, d.f. = 2 (P50.00001); I 2 = 98%
  Test for overall effect: Z = 0.15 (P = 0.88)                                                                    0.2      0.5     1      2           5

  Fig. 5 Cohort studies: forest plot of the hazard ratios (HR) of depression with vitamin D deficiency using cut-off points of 50 nmol/l
  and 37.5 nmol/l (see caption to Fig. 3 for explanation of symbols).

                                                                                              Hazard Ratio                     Hazard Ratio
  Study or subgroup                       log (HR)              s.e.       Weight, %      IV, random, 95% CI               IV, random, 95% CI

  Chan (2011)10                           70.3014             0.17883        25.5           0.74 (0.52, 1.05)
  May (2010)9                                0.3514           0.02432        39.0           1.42 (1.35, 1.49)
  Milaneschi (2010)35                        0.5905           0.08063        35.5           1.80 (1.54, 2.11)

  Total (95% CI)                                                            100.0           1.31 (0.97, 1.77)
  Heterogeneity: t2 = 0.06; w2 = 21.98, d.f. = 2 (P50.0001); I 2 = 91%
                                                                                                                 0.2       0.5     1      2           5
  Test for overall effect: Z = 1.77 (P = 0.08)

  Fig. 6 Cohort studies: forest plot of the hazard ratios (HR) of depression with vitamin D deficiency using cut-off points of 50 nmol/l
  and 75 nmol/l (see caption to Fig. 3 for explanation of symbols).

Milaneschi et al were pooled with the HR of depression for vitamin                      No planned subgroup or sensitivity analysis could be
D below v. above 37.5 nmol/l from the study by May et al (Fig. 5).                  performed because of insufficiently reported data and inability
The overall HR in this analysis was not significant (HR = 1.04, 95%                 to obtain such data from authors.
CI 0.59–1.86). In the second analysis using cut-off points, the HR of
depression for vitamin D below v. above 75 nmol/l from the May et
al study was pooled with the other results (Fig. 6). This also gave a                                           Discussion
non-significant HR of 1.31 (95% CI 0.97–1.77). Interestingly, using
the cut-off point of 75 nmol/l compared with 37.5 nmol/l changed                    Our systematic review identified one case–control study, ten cross-
the direction of the effect in this study. This appears to result from              sectional studies and three cohort studies investigating the
the highest hazard rate, and largest number of participants, being                  association between depression and vitamin D deficiency, but
in the 37.5–75 nmol/l category. Therefore, if this group is included                no randomised controlled trial. The single case–control study
in the vitamin D deficient group (cut-off point 75 nmol/l), the HR                  showed a moderate difference in vitamin D levels between women
suggests an increased risk of depression with vitamin D deficiency.                 with depression and healthy controls. Meta-analysis of the cross-
However, if this group is included in the normal vitamin D group                    sectional studies demonstrated an increased but non-significant
(cut-off point 37.5 nmol/l), the HR suggests a decreased risk of                    odds of depression for the lowest compared with the highest
depression with vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, the effect of                      vitamin D categories (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.00–1.71, P = 0.05).
vitamin D deficiency at levels below 50 nmol/l cannot be reliably                   Limiting the analysis to studies with an average participant age
determined from this study.                                                         of 65 years or over did not substantially change the overall

Anglin et al

           estimate or statistical significance. There was considerable             overall quality of the evidence from each study is low and
           variability in the vitamin D categories used in the cohort studies,      therefore some uncertainty remains about the true association
           and therefore three different meta-analyses were performed. Our          between vitamin D deficiency and depression.
           pooled HR of the lowest compared with the highest vitamin D
           categories in the three cohort studies showed a significantly            Implications of the study
           increased HR of depression with low vitamin D levels                     The importance of vitamin D to many brain processes including
           (HR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.40–3.49, P50.001). The pooled change in             neuroimmunomodulation and neuroplasticity suggests that it
           ln(HR) of depression per 20 nmol/l change in vitamin D level             might have a role in psychiatric illness such as depression. The
           across the three cohort studies also showed an increased hazard          biological plausibility of the association between vitamin D and
           of depression with decreasing vitamin D concentration, although          depressive illness has been strengthened by the identification of
           this was not significant (b70.19, 95% CI 70.41 to 0.04, P = 0.1).        vitamin D receptors in areas of the brain implicated in
           Finally, we analysed the data using different cut-off points as          depression,4 the detection of vitamin D response elements in the
           provided in the studies, which yielded different but non-significant     promoter regions of serotonin genes,60 and demonstration of
           pooled HR: 1.04 (95% CI 0.59–1.86) v. 1.31 (95% CI 0.97–1.77).           interactions between vitamin D receptors and glucocorticoid
           Overall, the summary estimates of all analyses suggest a relationship    receptors in the hippocampus.61 Given the high prevalence of both
           between vitamin D and depression, and all but one were close to          vitamin D deficiency and depression, an association between these
           being statistically significant.                                         two conditions would have significant public health implications,
                                                                                    particularly as supplementation with vitamin D is cost-effective
           Strengths and limitations                                                and without significant adverse effects. The observational studies
           To the best of our knowledge this is the first systematic review or      to date provide some evidence for a relationship between vitamin
           meta-analysis that has analysed the relationship between vitamin         D deficiency and depression, but RCTs are urgently needed to
           D deficiency and depression. We performed a transparent and              determine whether vitamin D can prevent and treat depression.
           methodologically rigorous systematic review of the literature.
                                                                                        Rebecca E. S. Anglin, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural
           We developed a comprehensive search to identify articles and                 Neurosciences and Medicine, McMaster University; Zainab Samaan, MRCPsych,
           assessed their eligibility, extracted data and assessed risk of bias         PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University;
                                                                                        Stephen D. Walter, PhD, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
           in each study in duplicate with a good level of agreement. Our               McMaster University; Sarah D. McDonald, MD, MSc, Division of Maternal-Fetal
           protocol was developed a priori and any post hoc analyses were               Medicine, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Diagnostic Imaging and Clinical
           clearly identified. A particular strength was the method used                Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

           and extensive analyses performed in an attempt to present the data           Correspondence: Dr Rebecca Anglin, Department of Psychiatry and
           in a uniform and consistent manner to allow for comparison and               Behavioural Neurosciences, F413-1 Fontbonne Building, St Joseph’s Hospital,
                                                                                        50 Charlton Avenue E, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2A6, Canada. Email:
           combination. We were also successful in obtaining supplemental     
           information from several authors, which allowed us to include
                                                                                        First received 24 Nov 2011, final revision 11 July 2012, accepted 20 Aug 2012
           the majority of studies.
                There are several limitations to our systematic review. As, at
           the time of our review, there was no RCT of vitamin D for                                                       Funding
           depression our review was restricted to observational studies,
                                                                                    There was no dedicated funding to support this study. R.A. is supported by an Ontario
           which usually yield lower-quality evidence than RCTs. Reverse            Mental Health Foundation Research Training Fellowship Award, Z.S. is supported by
           causality, in which patients with depression have less exposure          Hamilton Health Sciences New Investigator Fund and S.M. is supported by a Canadian In-
                                                                                    stitutes of Health Research New Investigator Award.
           to the sun and therefore lower vitamin D levels, cannot be ruled
           out in the cross-sectional studies. In addition there were potential                                  Acknowledgements
           biases across all study designs. Several cross-sectional studies had
           unrepresentative samples, used self-reports of depression and had        We thank Neera Bhatnager, librarian, McMaster University Health Sciences Library, for her
                                                                                    assistance in developing the search strategy and Peter Szatmari for his critical review of
           small sample sizes. The study results were generally consistent,         the manuscript.
           with the exception of those from Pan et al who reported a
           decreased odds of depression with low vitamin D.11 This was the                                              References
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British Journal of Psychiatry doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.111.106666
Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Rebecca E. S. Anglin, Zainab Samaan, Stephen D. Walter and Sarah D. McDonald

Supplement DS1 Search strategy

EMBASE Search Strategy

2 exp major depression/
3 exp mood disorder/
4 exp MOOD/
5 exp AFFECT/
6 (depression or depressive disorder* or mood disorder* or mental disorder* or affect
or affective symptom* or affective disorder* or major depress* or unipolar depress* or
psychiatric symptom* or mood).mp
7 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
8 exp vitamin D/
9 exp vitamin D deficiency/
10 exp vitamin blood level/
11 exp cholecalciferol/
12 exp ergocalciferol/
13 (vitamin D or vitamin D deficien* or hydroxycholecalciferol* or 25-hydroxyvitamin
D or cholecalciferol* or ergocalciferol* or calcifediol* or calcitriol* or
14 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13
15 7 and 14
16 Nonhuman/ not human/
17 15 not 16

MEDLINE and Pubmed Search Strategy

1 exp Depression/
2 exp Mood Disorders/
3 exp Depressive Disorder/
4 exp Affect/
5 exp Affective Symptoms/
6 (depression or depressive disorder* or mood disorder* or mental disorder* or affect
or affective symptom* or affective disorder* or major depress* or unipolar depress* or
psychiatric symptom* or mood).mp
7 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
8 exp Vitamin D/
9 exp Vitamin D Deficiency/
10 exp cholecalciferol/
11 exp ergocalciferol/
12 exp Hydroxycholecalciferols/
13 (vitamin D or vitamin D deficien* or hydroxycholecalciferol* or 25-hydroxyvitamin
D or cholecalciferol* or ergocalciferol* or calcifediol* or calcitriol* or
14 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13
15 7 and 14
16 Animals/ not humans/
17 15 not 16
PsycINFO Search Strategy

1 exp Major Depression/
2 exp Psychiatric Symptoms/
3 exp Emotional States/
4 exp Mental Disorders/
5 exp Affective Disorders/
6 (depression or depressive disorder* or mood disorder* or mental disorder* or affect
or affective symptom* or affective disorder* or major depress* or unipolar depress* or
psychiatric symptom* or mood).mp
7 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6
8 exp Vitamins/
9 exp Vitamin Deficiency Disorders/
10 (vitamin D or vitamin D deficien* or hydroxycholecalciferol* or 25-hydroxyvitamin
D or cholecalciferol* or ergocalciferol* or calcifediol* or calcitriol* or
11 8 or 9 or 10
13 7 and 11

AMED Search Strategy

1 exp Depression/
2 exp Depressive Disorder/
3 exp Affective disorders/
4 (depression or depressive disorder* or mood disorder* or mental disorder* or affect
or affective symptom* or affective disorder* or major depress* or unipolar depress* or
psychiatric symptom* or mood).mp
5 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
6 exp Vitamin D/
7 exp cholecalciferol/
8 exp Vitamins/
9 exp Dietary supplements/
10 (vitamin D or vitamin D deficien* or hydroxycholecalciferol* or 25-hydroxyvitamin
D or cholecalciferol* or ergocalciferol* or calcifediol* or calcitriol* or
11 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10
12 5 and 11

CINAHL Search Strategy

S1 Depression +
S2 Affective Disorders +
S3 Mental Disorders + OR Mental Disorders, Chronic
S4 depression or depressive disorder* or mood disorder* or mental disorder* or
affect or affective symptom* or affective disorder* or major depress* or unipolar
depress* or psychiatric symptom* or mood
S5 Vitamin D + OR Vitamin D Deficiency + OR Cholecalciferol OR Ergocalciferols
S6 vitamin D or vitamin D deficien* or hydroxycholecalciferol* or 25-hydroxyvitamin D
or cholecalciferol* or ergocalciferol* or calcifediol* or calcitriol* or hydroxyvitamin*
S7 S1 or S2 or S3 or S4
S8 S5 or S6
S9 S7 and S8
Supplement DS2 Detailed eligibility criteria

The following study designs were eligible for inclusion:
(1) (RCTs) that enrolled adults (age ≥ 18) with depression (major depressive
disorder, depressive episode or depression NOS) and reported depression as the
outcome of interest as defined below or depressive symptoms measured using a
validated scale.
(2) RCTs that enrolled any adults and reported depression outcomes of interest.
(3) case- control studies that compared adults with depression to healthy controls
and reported vitamin D measurements.
(4) cross-sectional studies that measured vitamin D levels in adults and reported
depression outcomes of interest associated with vitamin D deficiency (as defined by
each study, Tables 1 & 2) compared to those with normal vitamin D.
(5) cohort studies that measured serum vitamin D levels in adults and reported the
rates of depression as the outcome of interest at follow-up for those with vitamin D
deficiency compared to those with normal vitamin D.
Supplement DS3         Modified Newcastle–Ottawa Scales

Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for case–control studies data abstraction form26
     Bias             Case control                    * High Quality
Selection       Is the case definition    †   Yes, with independent validation      †   Yes, eg record linkage or based †     No description
                adequate?                                                               on self report
(max 4*)
                Representativeness of the †   Consecutive or obviously              †   Potential for selection bias or
                cases                         representative series of cases            not stated
                Selection of controls     †   Community controls                    †   Hospital controls                 †   No description

                Definition of controls    †   No history of disease (endpoint)      †   No description of source

Comparability   Cases and controls on the †   Study controls for important factor   †   No control for any important
                basis of the design or        (chronic diseases, BMI or physical        factor
(max 2*)        analysis                      activity)
                                          †   Study controls for a 2nd important    †   No control for a 2nd important
                                              factor                                    factor
Exposure        Ascertainment of exposure †   Secure record                         †   Interview not blinded to          †   Written self report   No des’n
                                          †   Structured interview where blind          case/control status                   or medical record
(max 3*)                                      to case/control status                                                          only
                same method of            †   Yes                                   †   No
                ascertainment for cases
                Non-response rate         †   Same rate for both groups             †   Non respondents described         †   Rate different and
                                                                                                                              no designation
Newcastle–Ottawa Scale for cohort studies data abstraction form26
     Bias                       Cohort                                    * High Quality
Selection       Representativeness of exposed cohort     †   Truly representative of the general            †   Selected group eg:     †      No description of
                (Vitamin D deficient and insufficient        population                                         particular disease            derivation of cohort
(max 4*)        participants)                            †   Somewhat representative of general                 group, particular
                                                             population                                         occupation
                Selection of non exposed cohort          †   Drawn from the same community as the           †   Drawn from a different †      no description of
                (adequate vitamin D levels)                  exposed cohort                                     source                        derivation of non
                                                                                                                                              exposed cohort
                Ascertainment of exposure                †   Reliable measurement of vitamin D              †   Reported intake of        †   no description
                                                                                                                vitamin D
                Demonstration that outcome of interest   †   yes                                            †   no
                was not present at start of study
Comparability   Comparability of cohorts on basis of     †   Study controls for important factor (chronic   †   Fails to control for an
                design or analysis                           diseases, BMI or physical activity)                important factor
(max 2*)
                                                         †   Study controls for any additional factor       †   Does not control for
                                                                                                                any factors
Outcome         Assessment of outcome                    †   Independent blind assessment                   †   Self report               †   No description
                                                             Record linkage
(max 3*)        Was follow-up long enough for outcome †      Yes (>=3 months)                               †   No (80%       †   No statement
                                                                                                                and no description of
                                                         †   Subjects lost to follow up unlikely to             the lost
                                                             introduce bias – small # lost (
Newcastle–Ottawa Scale adapted for cross-sectional studies data abstraction form26
    Bias               Cross-Sectional Study                              * High Quality

Selection       Representativeness of exposed cohort †       Truly representative of the general        †   Selected group eg:   †   No description of
                (Vitamin D deficient participants)           population                                     particular disease       derivation of
(max 3*)                                             †       Somewhat representative of general             group, particular        cohort
                                                             population                                     occupation
                Selection of non exposed cohort          †   Drawn from the same community as the       †   Drawn from a         †   no description of
                (adequate vitamin D levels)                  exposed cohort                                 different source         derivation of non
                                                                                                                                     exposed cohort
                Ascertainment of exposure (Vitamin D     †   Secure record (reliable measurement of     †   Reported intake of   †   no description
                measurement)                                 vitamin D)                                     vitamin D
                Demonstration that outcome of interest   †   N/A
                was not present at start of study
Comparability   Comparability of cohorts on basis of     †   Study controls for chronic diseases or     †   No control for any
                design or analysis                           other important factor                         important factors
(max 2*)                                                 †   Study controls for any additional factor
Outcome         Assessment of outcome (depression)       †   Independent blind assessment               †   Self report          †   No description
                                                             Record linkage
(max 1*)        Was follow-up long enough for            †   N/A
                outcome to occur
                Adequacy of follow up of cohorts         †   N/A
Supplement DS4 Adjustment for potential confounding variables for analyses across included studies

    Study, Year                                                      Adjusted variables
  Eskandari, 2007                                                           None
    Study, Year                                                      Adjusted variables
  Ganji, 2010      Age, sex, race/ethnicity, geographical location, urbanization, vitamin/mineral supplement use, prescription medication
                                                     use, poverty income ratio, BMI, serum creatinine
  Hoogendijk, 2008                                      Age, sex, BMI, smoking, chronic conditions
  Johnson, 2008    No OR provided, study adjusted for demographic characteristics, sunlight exposure, supplemental intake of vitamin D,
                                                                         milk intake
  Lee, 2010                Age, center, smoking, physical activity, alcohol, BMI, life events, psychotropic drugs and morbidities

  Nanri, 2009                                     Age, sex, BMI, job position, marital status, alcohol, folate intake
  Pan, 2009            Age, sex, urban/rural, BMI, physical activity, smoking status, number of chronic diseases, social activity level, marital
                                                          status, household income, geographical location
  Stewart, 2010         Age, sex, social class, season, vitamin D supplementation, smoking, BMI, long-standing illness, subjective general
  Wilkins, 2006                                                       Age, ethnicity, sex, season
  Wilkins, 2009                       Unadjusted OR calculated, study adjusted for SBT score, PPT score, BMD, age, race
  Zhao, 2010             Age, sex, ethnicity, education, marital status, BMI, serum creatinine, physical activity, alcohol, number of chronic
     Study, Year                                                   Adjusted variables
  Chan, 2011       Age, BMI, education, PASE, number of ADLs, DQI, smoking status, alcohol use, season of measurement, number of
                                            chronic diseases, CSI-D score and serum (ln) PTH concentration
  May, 2010         Age, sex, diabetes, season, PTH, hypertension, coronary artery disease, prior MI, heart failure, prior fracture, renal
  Milaneschi, 2010 Age, baseline CES-D, ADL disabilities, use of antidepressants, number of chronic diseases, SPPB, high PTH, season
                                                                     of data collection
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