Page created by Sara Joseph
Over 650 years                                  Best medical
of academic tradition                           school in Poland

           Over 40,000 students and                     37
           more than 4,000 professional
           academic staff                             and institute

      campuses with
modern infrastructure               university
  and state-of-the-art
Leader                              Over
in international                    study     150
cooperation                         programmes

             Almost 90% of students find
             employment in less than three
             months after graduation
             Top positions in Polish higher
             education institution rankings
                                                       with the
The most innovative higher                             highest
education institution in Poland                        research
and Eastern Europe                                     potential
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Table of contents

List of programmes in foreign languages    4

Study programmes description               8

Useful information                        30
The Jagiellonian University is the oldest university in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. Since its
foundation over 650 years ago, it has educated many famous alumni, including pope John Paul II, astron-
omer Nicolaus Copernicus, and poet Wisława Szymborska, a Nobel laureate.

The University offers over 30 study programmes in foreign languages and 150 in Polish. It is home to
over 40,000 students.

The Jagiellonian University is chiefly a research institution. According to the international databases
Web of Science and Elsevier Scopus, its researchers are the most prolific in Poland, publishing the most
academic papers. The extraordinary quality of research is reflected in the Jagiellonian University’s posi-
tion as the only Polish and Eastern European higher education institution in Reuter’s Top 100: Europe’s
Most Innovative Universities ranking.

                                                                                                              Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Welcome to Kraków – a jewel of Europe and the cultural capital of Poland, a city of art galleries, museums,
theatres, and festivals. 160,000 young people from all over the world come to study here every year, and
a quarter of them choose the Jagiellonian University.

Welcome to the Jagiellonian University

in Kraków – a university of the 21st century!

and graduate study
for the academic
year 2020/2021

Undergraduate Bachelor Studies*                                             Joint/Multiple Erasmus Mundus
                                                                            MA Programmes
•      European Studies

•      Global and Development Studies                                       •   Erasmus Mundus International Master in Central and
                                                                                East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
•      International Management – double diploma in Mana-
       gement (Consortium of the Jagiellonian University and                •   Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in European Poli-
       ESB Business School Reutlingen University)                               tics and Society (EPS): Vaclav Havel

•      International Relations and Area Studies                             •   Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global

                                                                            •   EuroPubHealth
Graduate Master Studies**

•      Business and Finance Management
                                                                            Double/Joint Degree MA Programmes
•      Comparative Heritage Studies

•      European Studies: (with six tracks available):                       •   European Studies – Law and Politics (Jagiellonian Uni-
           •   Central and Eastern European Studies                             versity and Kobe University)
           •   Central and Eastern European Studies: Research
               Track                                                        •   International Masters in Economy, State and Society
           •   Central & East European, Russian & Eurasian                      (University College of London, Jagiellonian University)
               Studies                                                      •   International Relations: Europe from Visegrad Per-
           •   Europeanisation and Governance in CEE                            spective (Joint degree – Jagiellonian University, Brno
           •   EU Studies

                                                                                                                                          Jagiellonian University in Kraków
                                                                                University, Pecs University and Matej Bel University in
           •   Studies in the Holocaust and Totalitarian Systems                Banska Bystrica)
•      Intellectual Property and New Technologies                           •   MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies
                                                                                / EU Studies (Double degree – Jagiellonian University
•      International Security and Development
                                                                                and Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)
•      Korean Studies (double degree with the Keimyung Uni-
       versity)                                                             •   Polish Studies: Language, Culture, Society (double
                                                                                degree with Shanghai International Studies University)
•      TransAtlantic Studies

* leading to the title of licencjat (equivalent of Bachelor’s degree)
** leading to the title of magister (equivalent of Master’s degree)

EXACT AND NATURAL                                                                          FORTHCOMING
                                                     SCIENCES PROGRAMMES                                                                        PROGRAMMES

                                    Undergraduate Bachelor Studies*                                                                   Graduate programmes

                                    •      Earth Sciences in a Changing World                                                         •   Asia-Europe Relations. Exploring Business Opportunities

                                                                                                                                      •   Chemistry: Chemistry of Sustainable Processes

                                    Graduate Master Studies**                                                                         •   Executive Education (with the University of Warsaw and
                                                                                                                                          the Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

                                    •      Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology                                                      •   History and Heritage of Jews

                                    •      Drug Discovery and Development

                                    •      Ecology and Evolution

                                    •      Environmental Protection and Management

                                    •      Molecular Biotechnology

                                    Joint/Multiple Erasmus Mundus MA

                                    •      Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry

                                                     MEDICAL PROGRAMMES

                                    Undergraduate (long-cycle)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                    •      DDS – Doctor of Dental Surgery program in English***

                                    •      MD program in English****

                                    * leading to the title of licencjat (equivalent of Bachelor’s degree)
                                    ** leading to the title of magister (equivalent of Master’s degree)
                                    *** leading to the title of lekarz dentysta (equivalent of Doctor of Dental Surgery degree)
                                    **** leading to the title of lekarz (equivalent of Doctor of Medicine degree)

Jagiellonian University in Kraków   7
Study programmes

EUROPEAN                                                             GLOBAL AND DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                                                      Undergraduate Bachelor Studies
           STUDIES                                                              STUDIES

Field of study: European Studies                                     Field of study: Global and Development Studies
Programme type: undergraduate (first-cycle)                          Programme type: undergraduate (first-cycle)
Study mode: full-time                                                Study mode: full-time
Title: licencjat (equivalent of bachelor’s degree)                   Title: licencjat (equivalent of bachelor’s degree)
Number of semesters: 6 (3 years)                                     Number of semesters: 6 (3 years)
Language of instruction: English                                     Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee (EU citizens): 3,300 EUR/year                            Tuition fee: 4,000 EUR/year
Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 4,000 EUR/year

                                                                     Programme description
Programme description
European Studies is an interdisciplinary programme which             Global and Development Studies is an interdisciplinary pro-
aims to equip students with the fundamental understand-              gramme which aims to equip students with fundamental
ing of relations between the various sub-disciplines of Eu-          understanding of the processes of globalisation in various
ropean Studies (law, political science, economics, history,          spheres of human activity: law, politics, economy, history,
social sciences, and cultural studies). The programme pro-           social relations, culture, and communication. Students gain
vides the students with core knowledge of European poli-             core knowledge of globalisation and international develop-
tics, culture and society, whilst emphasizing Europe’s role in       ment, and specialise in various aspects of these phenome-
a wider global framework.                                            na and the influence they have on the contemporary world.
                                                                     The programme is structured in such a way that allows stu-
                                                                     dents to focus either on a selected part of the world, or
Graduate profile                                                     specific global problems and challenges.
Programme graduates obtain knowledge of the principal
traditional and contemporary trends in society, culture,             Graduate profile
politics and economy of Europe. This programme also                  Programme graduates obtain knowledge of the principal
serves as the first step towards continuing the student’s            traditional and contemporary trends in global sociology,

                                                                                                                                           Jagiellonian University in Kraków
academic education on a graduate and postgraduate level.             philosophy, politics and economy. This programme also
The graduates are prepared to find employment in public              serves as the first step towards continuing the student’s
administration, national and international institutions and          academic education on graduate and postgraduate level
organisations, EU institutions, non-governmental organisa-           in the fields of international relations, area studies, polit-
tions, international companies, cultural institutions, mass          ical science or economy. Graduates are prepared to find
media, and publishing.                                               employment in public administration, national and interna-
                                                                     tional institutions and organisations, non-governmental or-
                                                                     ganisations, international companies, cultural institutions,
                                                                     mass media, and publishing.

Undergraduate Bachelor Studies

                                                        INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT
                                                        – DOUBLE DIPLOMA
                                                        IN MANAGEMENT

                                             Field of study: International Management (Consortium of                Graduate profile
                                             Jagiellonian University and ESB Business School Reutlingen             Graduates of the double degree programme in International
                                             University)                                                            Management will acquire unique knowledge, skills and social
                                             Programme type: undergraduate (first-cycle)                            competence due to the fact that the programme is run by
                                             Study mode: full-time                                                  two higher education institutions from two different coun-
                                             Title: licencjat (equivalent of bachelor’s degree)                     tries. Internships in Polish and German companies are a very
                                             Number of semesters: 8 (4 years)                                       important part of the curriculum. On successful completion
                                             Language of instruction: Polish and German                             of the programme, the students will receive two diplomas,
                                             Tuition fee for foreigners: 8,200 PLN/year                             which will increase their competitiveness in a difficult and
                                             (approx. 2,000 EUR/year)                                               demanding job market. The graduates will be well-equipped

                                                                                                                    to find employment in any organisation at any position avail-
                                                                                                                    able to graduates of classical management programmes. At
                                                                                                                    the same time, they will be ready to work in international
                                             Programme description                                                  business environment, understanding the global determi-
                                             The double diploma study programme comprises courses                   nants of the functioning of organisations better than gradu-
                                             run partly by the JU Institute of Economy and Management               ates of other specialities. Hence, their chances of finding and
                                             (2 years) and partly by the ESB Business School at Reutlingen          securing attractive specialist and managerial positions in all
         Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                             University (2 years). The programme participants can choose            types of organisations, especially international corporations
                                             one of two paths by starting their studies either in Germany           and internationally oriented local companies, are significant-
                                             (1) or in Poland (2). The curriculum provides insight into eco-        ly higher.
                                             nomic, legal, and IT aspects of management, broadening the
                                             students’ general knowledge, including their understanding
                                             of modern economy in the context of European integration
                                             and globalisation, and equipping them with skills useful in
                                             their future career.


Field of study: International Relations and Area Studies
Programme type: undergraduate (first-cycle)
Study mode: full-time
Title: licencjat (equivalent of bachelor’s degree)
Number of semesters: 6 (3 years)
Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee: 4,000 EUR/year

Programme description
The undergraduate interdisciplinary programme Interna-
tional Relations and Area Studies offers an international and
comparative perspective on contemporary global system
and different regions of the world. Its aim is to foster cre-
ative thinking about complex global problems and to equip
students with the analytical tools, language expertise, and
cross-cultural understanding to guide them in that process.
The degree provides a solid grounding in international issues
along with an opportunity to specialise in International Secu-
rity, Politics and Culture or in Regional Studies. The research
and teaching spans the full spectrum of topics in internation-
al relations and area studies, including international politics
and economics, development, global governance, ethics of
international affairs, conflict resolution and peace building,
regional integration, cultural diversity, and intercultural dia-

Graduate profile
The study programme combines theoretical basis with
a practical focus, which allows its graduates to acquire sig-
nificant knowledge and practical skills valuable for their
future careers, be it in government, non-governmental or-
ganisations, aid and development agencies, business, cul-
tural and regional institutions, or diplomacy. Graduates will
be also able to apply for MA programmes in various social
science disciplines.
Graduate Master Studies

                                                     BUSINESS AND FINANCE

                                           Field of study: Business and Finance Management                     Graduate profile
                                           Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                             Graduates are equipped with advanced, specialised theoret-
                                           Study mode: full-time                                               ical and practical knowledge in the field of management and
                                           Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                     its related areas, particularly about problems of enterprises
                                           Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                    and public sector institutions, and the importance of their
                                           Language of instruction: English                                    correct operation. Graduates can perform a critical analysis,
                                           Tuition fee: 13,200 PLN/year (approx. 3,100 EUR/year)               interpretation, and assessment of management processes
                                                                                                               on various levels, assess the impact of environment on those
                                                                                                               processes, and prepare and make managerial, strategic de-
                                                                                                               cisions. They can organise teamwork and be team leaders,
                                           Programme description                                               as well as efficiently communicate, negotiate, and persuade,

                                           Second-cycle programme in management with a speciali-               thanks to their fluency in English. Graduates are well-pre-
                                           ty in Business and Finance Management aims to develop               pared for pursuing career in specialist and managerial po-
                                           competences necessary for a career in the management                sitions in the management system, as middle and top level
                                           system, as middle and top level managers, analysts, advis-          managers, analysts, advisers, and consultants in commercial
                                           ers, and consultants in commercial or public organisations,         or public organisations, as well as for operating their own
                                           as well as for operating their own business. Completion of          business. They are particularly well equipped for gaining em-
                                           this programme will prove especially beneficial to persons          ployment in organisations with foreign investment.
       Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                           interested in pursuing career in organisations with foreign
                                           investment due to English being the language of instruction
                                           and the training received in navigating global socio-econom-
                                           ic space. The programme has been prepared for graduates
                                           from first- and second-cycle programmes in the fields of
                                           management, economy, finance, economy and engineering,
                                           law and administration, psychology, sociology, and others.


Field of study: Comparative Heritage Studies
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Study mode: full-time
Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee: 7,000 EUR for first year and 3,500 EUR for
second year

Programme description
The two-year full-time Comparative Heritage Studies
(COHES) MA programme offers a wide range of knowledge
on cultural heritage in literature, art, theatre, architecture,
urban space, and sites of memory, particularly those found
in Kraków and inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
The COHES programme focuses on the multi-ethnic, multi-
national, and multilingual nature of heritage, approaching
it from three angles: Digital Heritage, Visual Heritage, and
Comparative and Translated Heritage.

Graduate profile
The knowledge gained by COHES graduates will allow them
to broaden their understanding of the dynamics shaping
heritage in the contemporary world, both in symbolic and
material terms. Graduates will be prepared to identify and
analyse social, cultural, and political actions that affect the
recognition and protection of cultural heritage, as well as
its management and education. They will receive qualifica-
tions to work in international cultural centres, particularly
museums, archival/research, diplomatic or academic insti-
tutions, publishing houses, and libraries. These studies will
train young scholars to use interdisciplinary tools in a criti-
cal and comparative fashion, helping them to work in multi-
lingual and multicultural environments.
Graduate Master Studies


                                           Field of study: European Studies                                        Graduate profile
                                           Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                                 The programme in European Studies offers specialist knowl-
                                           Study mode: full-time                                                   edge in the field of European integration and the functioning
                                           Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                         of the EU institutions, which gives graduates an opportunity
                                           Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                        to seek employment in units of state and local administra-
                                           Language of instruction: English                                        tion, education, media, non-governmental organisations, as
                                           Tuition fee (EU citizens): 3,450–4,000 EUR/year                         well as international institutions, especially those linked the
                                           (depends of the study track)                                            European integration. The regional profile equips the grad-
                                           Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 4,250–5,000 EUR/year                     uates with the understanding of the quickly developing area
                                           (depends of the study track)                                            of Central and Eastern Europe, which prepares them to work
                                                                                                                   in diplomacy, political, economic and cultural institutions, as
                                                                                                                   well as in business.

                                           Programme description
                                           The MA programme in European Studies is composed of high-
                                           level postgraduate courses taught in English. Students will take
                                           classes from the core, key, specialty, and optional categories
                                           according to their academic specialisation and personal
                                           interest. The maximum duration of studies is 4 semesters.
                                           MA in European Studies is composed of 8 specialisations
                                           which students can choose from to pursue their studies:
                                           1. EU Studies
                                           2. Central and Eastern European Studies
                                           3. Central and Eastern European Studies: Research Track
                                           4. Europeanisation and Governance in CEE
                                           5. Studies in the Holocaust and Totalitarian Systems
                                           6. Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies

                                                – CEERES
                                           7. Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies / EU Studies
                                                (Consortium of Jagiellonian University and Universidade
                                                Catolica Portuguesa – double degree programme)
                                           8. Law and Politics / EU Studies / Central and Eastern European
                                                Studies / Europeanisation and Governance in CEE (Consortium
                                                of Jagiellonian University and Kobe University)
       Jagiellonian University in Kraków

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY                                                    INTERNATIONAL SECURITY

                                                                                                                                           Graduate Master Studies
           AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES                                                     AND DEVELOPMENT

Field of study: Intellectual Property and New Technologies               Field of study: International Security and Development
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                                  Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Study mode: full-time                                                    Study mode: full-time
Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                          Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)
Number of semesters: 3 (1.5 years)                                       Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Language of instruction: English                                         Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee (Polish citizens): 3,500 EUR/programme                       Tuition fee: 4,000 EUR/year
Tuition fee (foreigners): 7,000 EUR/programme

                                                                         Programme description
Programme description                                                    In the contemporary world, development and security are
The programme delivers comprehensive knowledge on legal                  interrelated. Proper transfer of aid activities into poorer re-
protection and commercial application of new technologies.               gions of the world influences security of richer developed
New technologies create new opportunities in life and sci-               countries. This creates a need for specialists who under-
ence, building connections between people from different                 stand the importance of global issues and look for proper
countries and cultures. They also pose serious challenges,               solutions as well as strategists capable of implementing
especially in respect to intellectual property law.The pro-              measures ensuring stability in international relations. An
gramme offers an extensive curriculum on intellectual prop-              international programme in International Security and De-
erty law related to new technologies, considered from an                 velopment (ISAD) was established to serve these goals. The
international perspective. It adopts a comparative approach              students will gain knowledge in the field of international
to IP regulations, with EU law serving as a main point of ref-           security and development cooperation. By implementing
erence. The programme is developed in cooperation with the               modern analytical tools as well as using languages and cul-
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Its main fo-            tural competences, they will be able to effectively debate
cus is on the following issues: new technologies and patent              the complex problems of the modern world. This will equip
law; copyright in the digital era; commercial communication              them with skills needed for managing global security and
in the context of trade marks, designs and unfair competition;           development in an international environment.

                                                                                                                                               Jagiellonian University in Kraków
data protection, privacy and personal rights on the Internet; In-
ternet service providers’ liability; and more. The programme
makes extensive use of new technologies. During its first,               Graduate profile
non-residential semester, courses are conducted online                   Graduates of ISAD are prepared to work in various types of
through a modern e-learning platform. The remaining two                  institutions and organisations dealing with security and de-
residential semesters at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków           velopment: national as well as international, governmental
combine traditional lectures and seminars with e-learning.               and non-governmental. The graduates not only have sub-
                                                                         stantial knowledge, but also a wide range of soft skills nec-
                                                                         essary to work in an international environment and at dif-
Graduate profile                                                         ferent levels of organisation and institution management.

Graduates of the programme are well-prepared for working                 Given the importance of effective communication, the
in international and domestic corporations and institutions              graduates are fluent in English and in a second language
active in the area of new technologies, or in non-governmen-             of their choice.
tal organisations. Their knowledge and competences are
greatly valued by entrepreneurs and legal firms which oper-
ate in the demanding market of new technologies.
Graduate Master Studies


                                           Field of study: Korean Studies                                         Graduate profile
                                           Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                                Graduates have knowledge about history, culture, politics
                                           Study mode: full-time                                                  and economy of Korea. They know the Korean language on
                                           Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                        the level enabling effective communication as well as the
                                           Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                       use of media materials and primary sources. Our graduates
                                           Language of instruction: English                                       can work in national and international corporations and in-
                                           Tuition fee: 1,800 EUR/year                                            stitutions, including those primarily collaborating with Ko-
                                                                                                                  rea. They also have the ability to work in cultural divisions
                                                                                                                  of public administration, cultural institutions, publishing

                                                                                                                  houses, media, etc.
                                           Programme description
                                           The curriculum includes courses specific for Asian Studies,
                                           speciality: Korean Studies. Specialised courses are in the
                                           curriculum from the very first semester. Students are intro-
                                           duced to the specificity of the Korean Peninsula in histori-
                                           cal, philosophical, and religious aspects along with political
       Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                           and economic processes of the region. Learning the Kore-
                                           an language is a crucial part of the education process. The
                                           first year of studies takes place at the Jagiellonian Universi-
                                           ty in Kraków, and the second – at the Keimyung University.
                                           In the second year, students are required to complete the
                                           Master’s thesis. Graduates are awarded two Master diplo-
                                           mas in Korean Studies: at the Keimyung University and at
                                           the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


Field of study: TransAtlantic Studies
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Study mode: full-time
Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee: 3,000 EUR/year

Programme description
TransAtlantic Studies is a two-year full time interdiscipli-
nary programme which comparatively examines the ever-
changing relationships between culture and politics in the
international context. Upon completion of the studies,
students earn a degree in Cultural Studies with a major in
TransAtlantic Studies. The international atmosphere of the
programme gives students an opportunity to learn not just
from textbooks, but also from their fellow students’ diverse
experiences of and perspectives on the ever changing and
increasingly connected world. The programme recognises
and supports benefits of close, mentoring relationship be-
tween faculty and students aimed at the development of
a variety of professional skills. Learning alongside students
from all continents challenges students to think outside of
their own preconceived notions of the world; this is critical
for helping students move beyond American, Western or
regional perspectives and develop a more global approach.

Graduate profile
Graduates of TAS combine broad knowledge about the con-
temporary world with unique analytical skills and the ability
to think critically. They have no problems finding employ-
ment in diplomacy, international institutions, non-govern-
mental organisations, at all levels of public administration,
from local to central, as well as in media and publishing.
ERASMUS MUNDUS INTERNA-                                             ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT
Joint/Multiple Erasmus Mundus MA programmes

                                                            TIONAL MASTER IN CENTRAL                                            MASTER DEGREE IN EUROPE-
                                                            AND EAST EUROPEAN, RUS-                                             AN POLITICS AND SOCIETY
                                                            SIAN AND EURASIAN STUDIES                                           (EPS): VACLAV HAVEL

                                                  Fields of study: Central and East European, Russian and            Fields of study: European Politics and Society/European
                                                  Eurasian Studies/European Studies                                  Studies
                                                  Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                            Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                                  Study mode: full-time                                              Study mode: full-time
                                                  Title: Master                                                      Title: Master
                                                  Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                   Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                                  Language of instruction: English                                   Language of instruction: English
                                                  Tuition fee (EU citizens): 6,650 EUR/year                          Tuition fee (EU citizens): 4,500 EUR/year
                                                  Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 13,800 EUR/year                     Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 8,000 EUR/year

                                                  Programme description                                              Programme description
                                                  Coordinated by the University of Glasgow, this innovative          Coordinated by the Charles University, this programme links
                                                  international programme offers a unique opportunity to             the fields of European politics, contemporary history and
                                                  undertake study and research in at least three different           culture, economy, international relations and policymaking.
                                                  countries at the renowned partner institutions, culminating        The key role of the programme is to identify the challeng-
                                                  in the award of a multiple degree according to your chosen         es Europe faces today (migration, security, populism). Stu-
                                                  pathway. The students will spend the first semester at the         dents spend their first semester at the Charles University
                                                  University of Tartu in Estonia, the second semester at the         in Prague, the second semester at either the Jagiellonian
                                                  University of Glasgow, and the third and fourth semesters          University in Kraków or Leiden University in. In the third
                                                  at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków or another partner        and fourth semesters, the programme offers four different
                                                  university according to their research subject.                    study tracks reflecting the diverse expertise of the Consorti-
                                                                                                                     um members (Charles University in Prague, Jagiellonian Uni-

                                                                                                                     verity in Kraków, Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and
                                                                                                                     Leiden University in Leiden). Each track combines various
                                                                                                                     elective courses, research methods training, an internship,
                                                                                                                     and language tuition with an advanced research dissertation
                                                                                                                     supervised by key staff from each Partner University.
              Jagiellonian University in Kraków


                                                                                                                                       Joint/Multiple Erasmus Mundus MA programmes
           POLITICS AND CULTURE IN                                                EUROPUBHEALTH

                                                                       Fields of study: European Public Health
                                                                       Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Fields of study: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global
                                                                       Study mode: full-time
Context/European Studies
                                                                       Title: Master
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                                                       Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Study mode: full-time
                                                                       Language of instruction: English
Title: Master
                                                                       Tuition fee (EU citizens): 11,000 EUR/programme
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                                                       Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 16,000 EUR/programme
Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee (EU citizens): 5,900 EUR (for the entire programme)
Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 18,000 EUR (for the entire
                                                                       Programme description
                                                                       The Europubhealth+ programme is an Erasmus Mundus
                                                                       Joint Master Degree with the objective of train people who
                                                                       will be able to: analyse and address the determinants of
Programme description                                                  health problems from a population perspective; propose,
This programme is an accredited interdisciplinary, interna-
                                                                       plan, implement and evaluate culturally appropriate, evi-
tional Master’s programme in the field of European Studies
                                                                       dence-based policies and interventions for the effective im-
offered by a consortium of eight European universities and
                                                                       provement of population health in international, national
four non-European universities. Every Euroculture student
                                                                       and local contexts. Several European universities are collab-
studies in at least two European partner universities: after
                                                                       orating to deliver the course; students choose a pathway in
spending the first semester at the Jagiellonian Universi-
                                                                       a minimum of two different countries in Europe. Graduates
ty or another partner university to which the student was
                                                                       receive a double master degree, Europubhealth certificate
originally admitted, she/he moves to a different European
                                                                       and a joint diploma supplement.
partner university for the second semester. In the third se-
mester Euroculture students choose either a professional
track (work placement) or a research track at any of the 8

                                                                                                                                              Jagiellonian University in Kraków
European partner universities. European students can also
apply for a research track at one of our non-European part-
ner universities. In the fourth semester, students come back
to their first or second semester university.

Double/Joint Degree MA programmes

                                                         EUROPEAN STUDIES – LAW AND                                             INTERNATIONAL MASTERS IN
                                                         POLITICS                                                               ECONOMY, STATE AND SOCIETY

                                              Fields of study: Law and Politics/European Studies
                                              Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                                                                                                     Fields of study: Economy, State & Society/European Studies
                                              Study mode: full-time
                                                                                                                     Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                              Title: Master
                                                                                                                     Study mode: full-time
                                              Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                                                                                                     Title: Master
                                              Language of instruction: English
                                                                                                                     Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                              Tuition fee (EU citizens): 6,900 EUR (for the entire programme)
                                                                                                                     Language of instruction: English
                                              Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 8,500 EUR (for the entire
                                                                                                                     Tuition fee (EU citizens): 10,663 GBP (for the entire programme)
                                                                                                                     Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 18,976 GBP (for the entire


                                              Programme description
                                              This double degree programme offers students the
                                                                                                                     Programme description
                                              opportunity to develop knowledge in the fields of European
                                                                                                                     This double degree programme gives you the opportunity
                                              and political studies from both European and Japanese
                                                                                                                     to study the economies, states and societies of Central and
                                              perspective, comparing structures, social imaginaries and
          Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                                                                                                     Eastern Europe at some of the best European universities.
                                              political practices whilst observing them first hand in cross-
                                                                                                                     The programme is coordinated by the UCL – one of the
                                              cultural relations. The MA allows students to spend one
                                                                                                                     world’s leading universities. All students will spend their
                                              academic year at the Jagiellonian University in Poland and
                                                                                                                     first year at the UCL SSEES and their second year at the
                                              one academic year at Kobe University in Japan, supported
                                                                                                                     Jagiellonian University or another partner university of their
                                              by one supervisor from each university and concluding the
                                              programme with one MA thesis and a double degree from
                                              each university.

INTERNATIONAL                                                         MA IN GOVERNANCE,

                                                                                                                                        Double/Joint Degree MA programmes
           RELATIONS                                                             LEADERSHIP AND DEMOCRACY
                                                                                 STUDIES/EU STUDIES

Fields of study: International Relations
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                                                      Fields of study: Governance, Leadership and Democracy/
Study mode: full-time
                                                                      European Studies
Title: Master
                                                                      Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                                                      Study mode: full-time
Language of instruction: English
                                                                      Title: Master
Tuition fee for EU citizens: 4,000 EUR/year
                                                                      Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Tuition fee for non-EU citizens: 5,750 EUR/year
                                                                      Language of instruction: English
                                                                      Tuition fee (EU citizens): 9,500 EUR (for the entire programme)
                                                                      Tuition fee (non-EU citizens): 10,500 EUR (for the entire
Programme description
This joint Master’s programme offers a unique opportunity             Information about the tuition fee at the Catholic University of
to study international relations, European politics, econo-           Portugal can be found on their website.
my, society & culture from the perspective of the Visegrad
region. Experienced academic staff of the leading universi-
ties from the Visegrad region as well as visiting professors
and guest lecturers from renowned international academ-               Programme description
ic and diplomatic institutions provide inspiring instruction          This double degree programme provides students with
about major developments in contemporary international                knowledge in the field of EU studies and democracy and gov-
law, economics, politics and culture in the context of the            ernance, as well as a platform for the exchange of ideas and
European integration processes seen from the standpoint               interpretation between students, scholars and researchers
of the Visegrad region. Students spend each semester at               interested in democracy, leadership and, EU institutions and
different partner university in the following order: Jagiello-        policies. It helps to answer questions about the direction,
nian University in Kraków (Poland) – first semester, Masaryk          dynamics and future of democracy in Europe as well as the
University (Czech Republic) – second semester, University             European integration. Students spend one academic year at
of Pécs (Hungary) – third semester, Matej Bel University in           the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and one academic year

                                                                                                                                              Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) – final semester.                          at the Universidade Católica in Portugal.

Undergraduate Bachelor Studies

Field of study: Earth Sciences in a Changing World                  Graduate profile
Programme type: undergraduate (first-cycle)                         The graduates will have a good knowledge of geography
Study mode: full-time                                               and geology and the ability to identify and describe the an-
Title: licencjat (equivalent of bachelor’s degree)                  thropogenic changes that occur in the environment. They
Number of semesters: 6 (3 years)                                    will be able to assess the environmental, social and eco-
Language of instruction: English                                    nomic impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the
Tuition fee: 12,100 PLN/year (approx. 3,000 EUR/year)               environment. Additionally, they will master the basic meth-
                                                                    ods of environmental management and principles of sus-

                                                                                                                                        Jagiellonian University in Kraków
                                                                    tainable development. They will be able to independently
                                                                    observe, interpret and predict phenomena, suggest a posi-
Programme description                                               tive solution and prepare expertise.
Earth Sciences in a Changing World is an undergraduate
interdisciplinary programme addressing crucial global chal-
lenges posed by contemporary environmental changes
and depletion of natural resources. The main goal of the
programme is to provide basic knowledge in geography,
geology and anthropogenic transformations in the environ-

ment and their impact on the lives of local communities and
global changes. Students gain the ability to observe and in-
terpret phenomena and conduct basic analytical work both
individually and as part of a team. They also develop adapt-
ability to the changing socio-economic environment, civic
responsibility, and independence.

Graduate Master Studies

                                                      AND NANOTECHNOLOGY

                                           Field of study: Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology                  Graduate profile
                                           Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                                The Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology study pro-
                                           Study mode: full-time                                                  gramme will open a new chapter in educational activities at
                                           Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                        the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Sci-
                                           Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                       ence that are related to global challenges such as the need
                                           Language of instruction: English                                       to develop new types of electronic devices and renewable
                                           Tuition fee: 12,000 PLN/year (approx. 2,650 EUR/year)                  energy sources. Graduates of the AMN second-cycle study
                                                                                                                  programme will have a vast knowledge in the area of materi-
                                                                                                                  als science and nanotechnology as well as experience neces-
                                                                                                                  sary to navigate in the world of advanced materials, systems
                                           Programme description                                                  and devices.
                                           In response to the growing need to keep pace with the rap-
                                           id development of new technologies, we aim to educate fu-
                                           ture experts able to solve fundamental issues in the area of
                                           new types of electronic devices as well as alternative energy
                                           sources. Being fully aware that most of attractive new tech-
                                           nologies are based on a combination of innovations in na-
                                           notechnology, photonics and organic electronics supported
                                           by modern calculation methods and analytical techniques,
                                           including synchrotron-based ones, we offer a four-semester
                                           study programme Advanced Materials and Nanotechnolo-
                                           gy (AMN), which includes all of the abovementioned issues.
                                           The programme will be taught in English, which means it
                                           will be suited for both Polish and international students.
                                           The second-cycle AMN programme will enable students to
                                           gain interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the field of ad-
                                           vanced materials and nanotechnology based on the courses

                                           on the basics of physics, chemistry and material engineering
                                           they attended during the first-cycle studies. Throughout
                                           all four semesters, many classes will take the form of lab-
                                           oratory work in highly specialised environment. Students
                                           will write theses on subjects directly related to the work of
                                           their research teams. This approach to teaching on an inno-
                                           vative and interdisciplinary programme is consistent with
       Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                           the Jagiellonian University’s mission and strategic goals: to
                                           develop new areas of study and integrate teaching with re-

DRUG DISCOVERY                                                           ECOLOGY

                                                                                                                                           Graduate Master Studies
           AND DEVELOPMENT                                                          AND EVOLUTION

Field of study: Drug Discovery and Development                           Field of study: Ecology and Evolution
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                                  Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Study mode: full-time                                                    Study mode: full-time
Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                          Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                         Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Language of instruction: English                                         Language of instruction: English
Tuition fee (foreigners): 25,200 PLN/year                                Tuition fee (foreigners): 18,000 PLN/programme
(approx. 6,000 EUR/year)                                                 (approx. 4,200 EUR/programme)

Programme description                                                    Programme description
Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) is a programme                      The general academic Master’s degree studies Ecology and
focused on all aspects of identifying and introducing new                Evolution are addressed to English-speaking undergraduate
medicines. Its mission is to educate high-level specialists,             students who seek specialist education in contemporary
equipped with a strong scientific basis for discovery and de-            ecological and evolutionary issues. Our experienced staff,
velopment of novel pharmacotherapeutics, combined with                   familiarised with international, cross-cultural academic en-
focused, real-life practical skills. This degree provides a solid        vironment, imparts deepened and constantly updated the-
grounding in pharmaceutical sciences together with an op-                oretical and practical knowledge, emphasising team work,
portunity to specialise in a particular drug discovery and de-           developing problem-solving skills and planning field and
velopment area. The first semester is devoted to providing               experimental research. The unique, interdisciplinary study
a basic understanding of drug discovery and development                  programme provides a large number of practical activities
process as well as assuring a common level of life-sciences              in well equipped, modern laboratories. The students gain
knowledge for candidates of various backgrounds. The sec-                a broad understanding of ecological and evolutionary prin-
ond semester provides a broad and well-balanced training                 ciples and enter a path to become successful scientists who
in pharmaceutical sciences, which serves as a basis for fur-             can publish results of self-conducted research in recognised
ther specialised skills development. The third and fourth se-            international scientific journals. They acquire adaptive social

                                                                                                                                               Jagiellonian University in Kraków
mesters are focused on one of six specialisations: Medicinal             and managerial competences along with a design mindset –
Chemistry, Molecular Pharmacology, In Vivo Pharmacology                  so as to utilise ecological knowledge in practical environmen-
and Toxicology, Model Based Drug Development, Biological                 tal conservation and resources management.
Drug Development or Generic Drug Product Development.

                                                                         Graduate profile
Graduate profile                                                         Graduates become effective scientists able to set up experi-
Graduates of DDD will learn how new medicines are sought,                ments and research (including field research/work) using the
identified, developed, manufactured and tested, along with               most suitable and modern methods, analyse obtained results,
the most important aspects of regulatory processes, neces-               write scientific papers and reports, and prepare spoken or

sary for their formal approval as drug products. Additionally,           visual presentations. The accomplishment of two-year studies
they will be equipped with management skills and language                allows them to become employed in dynamically evolving pub-
expertise supporting their future employment in the world-               lic or private sectors worldwide: laboratories, public admin-
wide pharma-biotech industry, regulatory agencies or drug                istration, governmental agencies, various types of research
research centers.                                                        units as well as non-governmental and private organisations.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                              MOLECULAR
Graduate Master Studies

                                                      AND MANAGEMENT                                                        BIOTECHNOLOGY

                                           Field of study: Environmental Protection and Management               Field of study: Molecular Biotechnology
                                           Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)                               Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
                                           Study mode: full-time                                                 Study mode: full-time
                                           Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)                       Title: magister (equivalent of master’s degree)
                                           Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)                                      Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
                                           Language of instruction: English                                      Language of instruction: English
                                           Tuition fee (foreigners): 15,000 PLN/year                             Tuition fee (Polish citizens): 8,500 PLN/year
                                           (approx. 3,500 EUR/year)                                              (approx. 2,000 EUR/year)
                                                                                                                 Tuition fee (foreigners): 17,000 PLN/year
                                                                                                                 (approx. 4,000 EUR/year)

                                           Programme description
                                           The Environmental Protection and Management studies are
                                           addressed to English-speaking students who seek specialist            Programme description
                                           education in contemporary environmental conservation and              Molecular Biotechnology is a full-time study programme
                                           natural resource management. Our experienced staff and                leading to Master’s degree. Aside from a number of obliga-
                                           external high-class experts, recognised for their research            tory courses, it consists of a wide range of electives, allowing
                                           achievements, impart deepened and constantly updated                  the students to focus on their individual interests. The pro-
                                           knowledge, focusing on team work as well as planning and              gramme includes courses on practical biochemistry, cell bi-
                                           conducting valorisation and monitoring projects. The inter-           ology, plant biology, molecular biology, genetic engineering,
                                           disciplinary study programme provides a large number of               and more. Students write their Master’s theses based on the
                                           practical activities in well equipped, modern laboratories as         results of individual research projects conducted within the
                                           well as during field classes.                                         framework of their laboratory practice.

                                           Graduate profile                                                      Graduate profile
                                           The programme participant acquires a profound understand-             A graduate of the Master’s programme in Molecular Biotech-

                                           ing of contemporary determinants of and challenges to envi-           nology has a good knowledge of the basics of science and
                                           ronmental conservation and understands the legal complexi-            in-depth knowledge regarding biological processes occur-
                                           ty and principles of the management of common resources.              ring on the molecular level as well as additional specialised
                                           Graduates can plan and execute actions towards effective              subjects covered by this curriculum. This knowledge enables
                                           monitoring, protection and sustainable use of natural resourc-        describing, explaining and exploiting various biological pro-
                                           es. They recognise current threats to the environment and             cesses. Graduates are prepared to work in research and de-
                                           can devise preventive and repair actions. They obtain inter-          velopment institutions, within a field based on their chosen
       Jagiellonian University in Kraków

                                           personal skills required to successfully apply such competenc-        specialisation: Medicine, Pharmacology, Environmental Pro-
                                           es in real world environmental management. Graduates are              tection, and Agriculture. They become experts in performing
                                           able to raise funding and apply for grants. Completion of the         directed genetic modification of microorganisms and cells
                                           programme allows employment in public or private sectors              of higher organisms, directing processes of biosynthesis and
                                           worldwide: the administration of protected areas, environ-            biotransformation, conducting analyses of intracellular pro-
                                           mental agencies, various research units as well as non-govern-        cesses, isolation and purification of bioproducts as well as
                                           mental organisations and private enterprises.                         broadly defined medical diagnostics.

Joint/Multiple Erasmus Mundus MA Programmes
           IN CHEMISTRY

Field of study: Chemistry
Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
Study mode: full-time
Title: Master
Number of semesters: 4 (2 years)
Language of instruction: English​
Tuition fee: none

                                                                            Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Programme description
Part of Erasmus Mundus, this MSc programme is run joint-
ly by a consortium of five European Universities, i.e. Lille
(coordinator), Lipsk, Kraków, Bologna, Helsinki, within the
framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme. The cen-
tral theme of the programme is advanced spectroscopy

and its applications. Upon completion, students are award-
ed a Chemistry Master degree by two (or more, depending
on the individual mobility path of a student) partner Univer-
sities from the consortium.

DDS – DOCTOR OF DENTAL                                                 MD – PROGRAM

                                                                                                                                        Graduate (long-cycle)
           SURGERY PROGRAM IN ENGLISH                                             IN ENGLISH

Field of study: DDS – Doctor of Dental Surgery                         Field of study: MD – program in English
program in English                                                     Programme type: undergraduate (long-cycle)
Programme type: undergraduate (long-cycle)                             Study mode: full-time
Study mode: full-time                                                  Title: lekarz (equivalent of doctor degree)
Title: lekarz dentysta (equivalent of DDS degree)                      Number of semesters: 12 (6 years)
Number of semesters: 10 (5 years)                                      Language of instruction: English
Language of instruction: English                                       Tuition fee: 14,000 EUR/year (84,000 EUR/programme)
Tuition fee: 60,500 EUR/programme

                                                                       Programme description
Programme description                                                  The 6-year MD Programme is taught exclusively in English.
The 5-year long DDS programme lasts 10 semesters and                   The programme is in compliance with European teaching
includes over 5,000 class hours and 300 ECTS points.                   standards. Candidates for this programme should be grad-
Throughout the duration of the programme, students re-                 uating from secondary school and excell in biology and
ceive knowledge in the field of basic sciences as well as clin-        chemistry. During six academic years pre-clinical and clinical
ical disciplines that enables graduates to take up practice            courses are taught. The first part of the curriculum covers
as dentists. The programme is oriented towards the profes-             basic science courses. Students also participate in a medical
sional aspects of dentistry, while at the same time retaining          Polish language course to prepare them to communicate
its medical character. The teaching is conducted exclusive-            with patients. The second part of the curriculum covers clin-
ly in English. Information technology is employed both to              ical courses. On completion of the sixth year, students are
handle the medical documentation and patient logistics                 familiar with all clinical specialities.
of the University Dental Clinic and to manage the teaching
procedures at the Chair of Dentistry of the JU MC Faculty
of Medicine.                                                           Graduate profile
                                                                       The graduates receive an internationally recognised MD
                                                                       degree, and are eligible to apply for postgraduate training

                                                                                                                                           Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Graduate profile                                                       in their home countries. Most of our graduates work and
The graduates possess basic knowledge in the field of med-             continue training in Norway, Canada, the UK and the US.
icine and advanced knowledge in the field of dentistry.
They are capable of providing professional dental care as
well as planning, implementing and assessing preventive
and therapeutic care, and engaging in health promotion
activities. They may undertake postgraduate studies. They
can work in health care, teaching, research, and R&D institu-
tions. Upon obtaining the formal qualifications, graduates
are allowed to practice dentistry.


Admissions: step by step
Admissions to the Jagiellonian University take place via the
Online Application System – OAS (

Admissions in five steps:
1. Create an OAS account.
2. Register for a programme of choice online.
3. Submit the necessary documents (if required) to the
   University and pay the application fee.
4. Take part in the entrance exam (if required).
5. You’ve been admitted? Enrol by submitting the required

Further questions?
Contact the Admissions Office at
Is Kraków safe?                                                         Work
As evidenced by the Global Peace Index and Global Terrorism            Many students decide to combine learning and working, and
Index, Poland is one of the safest countries in the European           start their careers during their studies. Kraków offers great
Union. For many years, the levels of crime in Kraków have              internship opportunities in numerous national and interna-
been steadily dropping, while the effectiveness of the police          tional corporations. Kraków is one of Poland’s largest out-
force has been on the rise. Compared to other cities in Po-            sourcing centres, with such companies as Shell, Capgemini,
land, Kraków is one of the safest. As of 2018, the introduc-           IBM, Nokia, and Rolls-Royce.
tion of a new programme ‘Safe Kraków’ further increases the
safety of the city’s inhabitants, including students.
                                                                                   Why Kraków?
           Legalisation of your stay                                   Kraków’s location is unique for several reasons. In addition
                                                                       to having all the benefits of a large city, including a very well
International students from outside of the EU should hold a            developed public transportation, easy access to hostels and
visa entitling them to enter the territory of Poland. This visa        student dormitories, and numerous shopping malls and res-
can be obtained from the Polish Consulate in your country              taurants, Kraków is also very close to the Tatra Mountains
of origin, based on the decision about your admission to the           (with many ski resorts and trekking routes near Zakopane),
University. For the details, refer to or to a           beautiful national parks in Pieniny and Ojców, and Dunajec
diplomatic post of the Republic of Poland in your place of             River Gorge, which offers some interesting rafting opportu-
residence. Formalities related to the legalisation of your             nities. Additionally, Kraków is not very far from other Europe-
stay in the territory of Poland and the residence card can             an capitals, such as Prague and Vienna, so weekend trips to
be settled at the Department of Nationals’ and Foreigners’             neighbouring countries pose no problem to keen travellers.
Affairs in the Małopolska Provincial Office in Kraków (Polish:
Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki).                                          Vibrant job market
                                                                       Because Kraków’s universities train highly qualified special-
                                                                       ists in all kinds of fields, it is not at all surprising that busi-
           Medical insurance                                           nesses are very frequently set up in the region. International
                                                                       investors establish branches of their corporations in the area
Remember that you are required to have a valid health in-              to ensure the influx of trained specialists. This offers pro-
surance for the duration of your studies. You can get insured          spective students a multitude of opportunities to develop
                                                                       careers in their desired professions.

                                                                                                                                             Jagiellonian University in Kraków
either privately or via the University.

                                                                       City of kings
           Accommodation                                               Kraków is the historical capital of Poland, and as such, it is
                                                                       very deeply rooted in Polish tradition and culture. There is al-
Embarking upon university studies often requires chang-                most a tangible feel of history in the atmosphere of Kraków,
ing the place of residence and organising one’s life in a new          while at the same time it is also very vivid and teeming with
location. The rent prices vary from approximately PLN 500              life. Galleries, museums, theatres, a philharmonic and an op-
per month (EUR 115/USD 130) for a place in a double room               era house – all these places offer unforgettable experiences
to even PLN 1,200–1,500 (EUR 270–350/USD 340–430)                      to art aficionados. The historic centre of Kraków is included

for renting a one-room apartment. You can apply for ac-                in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. Small wonder that
commodation in one of the university halls of residence                Kraków attracts thousands of tourists every year, regardless
with over 3,000 places. For detailed information about                 of season.
how to apply for accommodation in a dormitory, please

Welcome Centre

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of the JU Centre for Communications and Marketing

Kraków, April 2020
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