Vitamin C: Evidence, application and commentary
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Original Scientific Paper Vitamin C: Evidence, application and commentary Melissa Ge BSc, Anne O’Reilly MBChB FRNZCGP, Nicola Baillie MBChB FRNZCGP Dip Herb Med MNZAMH, Glenn Twentyman MBChB MRNZCGP Dip Obs, John Sturt MB BS MRCS LRCP DTM&H, Michael Fitzpatrick PhD, Tane Taylor FRNZCGP Dip Obs FACNEM Correspondence to: Melissa Ge is a laboratory technician ABSTRACT and literature reviewer for Feedback Re- Vitamin C is classically seen as a vitamin taken in small doses to prevent scurvy search Ltd, Auckland. and support the immune system. However, there is increasing evidence show- Anne O’Reilly is the co-ordinating gen- ing that vitamin C has a much greater role to play in human health, particularly eral practitioner at the Centre for Ad- when supra-physiological doses are administered either orally or intravenously vanced Medicine Ltd, Auckland, and is for patients with a wide range of conditions, including infections, cancer, car- experienced in haematology, oncology, diovascular diseases, wounds, diabetes and anaemia. Few incidences of severe psychiatry, palliative care and integra- adverse effects have been reported following vitamin C administration. The role tive medicine. of vitamin C in disease intervention at doses higher than previously considered Nicola Baillie is a general practitioner relevant should be thoroughly investigated in a clinical setting. at the Centre for Advanced Medicine Ltd, Auckland, and is experienced in integra- Keywords tive medicine, herbal medicine, nutritional Ascorbic acid; humans; antioxidants; factors, immunologic medicine and mind body medicine. Glenn Twentyman is a general practi- (NZFP 2008; 35: 312–318) tioner at the Centre for Advanced Medi- * cine Ltd, Auckland, and is experienced in Introduction holistic medicine with a special interest Scurvy (first recorded by Hippocrates circa 400BC) has been a plague for in men’s health and children’s health. centuries, especially during long-distance travel. James Lind was famous for John Sturt is a general practitioner at recommending that the British Navy should give all sailors daily rations of the Centre for Advanced Medicine Ltd, citrus to prevent scurvy, but it was not until 1932 that Albert Szent-Györgyi Auckland, and is experienced in tropical recognised the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in citrus as the cure for scurvy,1 and medicine and counselling. that scurvy is the result of severe vitamin C deficiency. Michael Fitzpatrick is the Chief Scien- Irwin Stone explained that humans lacked the enzyme, L gulonolactone tific Officer for Feedback Research Ltd, oxidase, essential for producing vitamin C. He also proposed that while a Auckland, and is an experienced scien- small amount of vitamin C from foods was enough to prevent clinical scurvy, tist in the field of soy phytoestrogens, it was not enough to prevent sub-clinical scurvy which may be expressed as biochemistry and toxicology. a wide range of diseases that improved with large doses of vitamin C.2 Tane Taylor is a general practitioner and In the 1940s Frederick Klenner was giving ‘megadoses’ of vitamin C (in an advisor to the Centre for Advanced the form of sodium ascorbate) to patients with polio, diphtheria, herpes, chick- Medicine Ltd, Auckland, and a consultant enpox, influenza, measles, mumps, pneumonia, viral encephalitis and Shiga to East Tamaki Healthcare Ltd, Auckland. toxin poisoning. He used intravenous doses supplemented by additional oral Melissa Ge Anne O’Reilly Nicola Baillie Glenn Twentyman John Sturt Michael Fitzpatrick Tane Taylor 312 Volume 35 Number 5, October 2008
Original Scientific Papers Original doses in adults and used intramuscu- Table 1. Vitamin C synthesis in other mammals and extrapolation to the equivalent intake lar injections for young children. The in humans only side effects he noted were a few Species Weight Synthesis Extrapolation people who vomited soon after receiv- (Reference) (kg) (mg/kg/day) (mg/70kg/day) ing oral vitamin C; those people were Rat (28) 0.15 26 1820 given vitamin C intravenously with- out a problem.3 Dog (29) 10 81 5670 In the late 1960s, Linus Pauling Goat (30) 90 190 13300 became an advocate for ‘megadoses’ of vitamin C; Pauling recommended a daily oral intake of at least two grams.4 As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps ascorbic synthesized daily has been In the 1970s he worked with Ewan maintain DNA, proteins, lipids, en- measured in several species. These ani- Cameron in the intravenous and oral zymes and other antioxidants in their mals can also significantly increase use of vitamin C as a cancer therapy.5 normal form. It does this by scav- their vitamin C synthesis when exposed In 1981 Robert Cathcart published enging oxygen and nitrogen radicals to conditions that place their body his observations on providing more and reducing metal ions.24 under stress, such as disease, toxic than 9000 patients with high doses of Vitamin C is transported from chemicals or injury. Extrapolation vitamin C. He described his therapy blood plasma into cells either as ascor- from other species gives an estimate for patients with mononucleosis, acute bic acid through sodium-dependent of the daily requirement for vitamin C hepatitis, bacterial and viral infections, transporters, or as dehydroascorbic in humans for maintaining health. allergies, trauma, surgery, burns, back acid through glucose transporters. Like humans, primates are also pain, scarlet fever and herpes. Some Dehydroascorbic acid is then reduced prone to scurvy and must also obtain of his patients took more than 200 to ascorbic acid within the cell. vitamin C from the diet to stay grams per day orally when very sick. When cells are stressed, they in- healthy.31 Wild spider monkeys con- He also warned that stopping vitamin crease the concentration of vitamin sume about 106mg vitamin C/kg/day C therapy suddenly could cause a re- C inside the cells to protect them from (equivalent to 7420mg for a 70kg lapse in their original condition.6 damage. When the vitamin C has adult human) while wild mountain For the last 25 years, Hugh and been depleted, cells do not function gorillas consume about 30mg/kg/day Neil Riordan and James Jackson have as efficiently and immune responses (equivalent to 2100mg for a 70kg been developing a protocol for pro- are also impaired. A regular intake adult human).32 The official recommen- viding the appropriate dose of vita- of vitamin C is needed to keep re- dation for humans is that less than min C to patients with cancer. The pro- plenishing the cells so that they can 100mg vitamin C per day is adequate tocol is based on accurately monitor- perform essential functions and re- for most people. For a 70kg adult, this ing blood serum vitamin C concen- pair cellular damage.25 is the equivalent of roughly 1mg/kg/ trations and altering the dose of vita- Vitamin C works together with day. As shown from the data above, min C so that therapeutic effects are other antioxidants such as glutath- this is significantly less than for other achieved and maintained.7 Several case ione, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 and mammals that either produce their studies, small clinical trials and in vitro vitamin E to maintain a continual own vitamin C or obtain vitamin C experiments have been published, sug- antioxidant supply that can protect from their food. Although the mini- gesting that vitamin C at the correct cells against free radicals.26 mum requirement for vitamin C in dosage has anti-cancer effects.8-23 humans is known, the optimal require- Rationale for vitamin C ment is still under investigation. How vitamin C works supplementation There has been much debate about Vitamin C is essential for humans Humans are one of the few mammals the benefits of obtaining vitamins and because it has several critical func- not able to convert glucose into nutrients from fresh food or from sup- tions as an enzyme cofactor and an ascorbic acid in the body. Primates, plements. Table 2 lists a number of antioxidant. As an enzyme cofactor, guinea pigs, fruit-eating bats, some good food sources of vitamin C. vitamin C is involved with collagen birds and some fish also lack this Ideally, we would all eat a plenti- synthesis, carnitine synthesis, con- ability due to a mutation in the L- ful and wide variety of fresh fruit and verting dopamine to noradrenalin, gulono-γ-lactone oxidase gene. This vegetables containing all the nutrients cholesterol metabolism and forma- gene encodes the critical enzyme our bodies need for optimal health. tion of bile acid, steroid metabolism needed for the last step in the syn- However, there are several reasons why and tyrosine metabolism.24 thesis of vitamin C.27 this ideal is not achieved: fruit and Vitamin C is a potent electron Other animals that can produce vegetables may have variable levels donor and reducing agent and also their own vitamin C do so in either of vitamin C (see Table 3) due to the acts as a water-soluble antioxidant. their liver or kidneys. The amount of use of fertilisers, pruning, premature Volume 35 Number 5, October 2008 313
Original Scientific Paper harvesting, processing, cooking and 15000µmol/L can be achieved.41 For Table 2. Important dietary sources of vita- storage;34 cost and inaccessibility of large doses of vitamin C, intravenous min C33 nutritious fruit and vegetables are bar- administration is better tolerated than Fruit Vegetables riers for some people, particularly in oral as it can be provided as a single lower socioeconomic groups;35 and dose with less likelihood of discom- Oranges Broccoli food choices are influenced by the con- fort. Also, in situations such as can- Lemons Brussels sprouts venience of ready-to-eat foods, family cer, intravenous administration is Strawberries Asparagus habits, advertising and peer pressure.36 more effective at increasing the The New Zealand Ministry of plasma concentration to high levels Kiwifruit Cauliflower Health recommends at least three thought to be cytotoxic to cancer cells. Pineapple Cabbage servings of vegetables and two serv- Vitamin C for intravenous adminis- Blackcurrants Red capsicum ings of fruit per day to obtain suffi- tration should always be sodium cient nutrients. The 2002/2003 New ascorbate and not ascorbic acid as it Grapefruit Potatoes Zealand Health Survey found that needs to be buffered to neutral pH. only 32% of adult males and 51% of Table 3. Variations in ascorbic acid content adult females were following this rec- Possible adverse effects of some common fruit grown in New Zealand ommendation.40 For people not ob- The material safety data sheet for vita- Fruit Range taining sufficient nutrients from their min C indicates that skin contact or (reference) (mg/100g) diet, additional supplementation of inhalation may cause mild irritation, vitamins and minerals may help to and large oral doses may cause diar- Tomato (37) 165–252 protect good health. However, sup- rhoea, gastrointestinal discomfort and Orange (38)
Original Scientific Paper shingles, hepatitis, HIV), bacterial are toxic to most cancer cells, but Oxidative stress and the accumu- infections (e.g. Helicobacter pylori, not to normal cells.14 This concen- lation of sorbitol in cells are major E. coli), allergies, asthma, arthritis, tration has been measured in vivo in contributing factors to diabetic com- pneumonia, chronic fatigue, glandu- human blood plasma following in- plications such as endothelial dys- lar fever and tuberculosis.3,6,61 travenous administration. function, retinopathy and nephropa- Vitamin C deficiency is a common Intravenous vitamin C may have thy.88,89 Vitamin C is an aldose reduct- factor in many chronic and acute ill- a palliative care role, particularly for ase inhibitor and has been shown to nesses. It is important for promoting terminal cancer patients. A study of normalise sorbitol levels in red blood the function of immune cells and pro- cancer patients assessed with a qual- cells.90 As an antioxidant, vitamin C tecting them from oxidation.62 Clini- ity of life survey before and after may help prevent the oxidative dam- cal trials support the positive role of intravenous vitamin C showed an age to organs such as the eyes and vitamin C on the immune system: for improvement in physical, emotional kidneys that frequently occur in type example, vitamin C supplementation and cognitive function as well as a 2 diabetes.91,92 It may also reduce the may reduce the severity and duration reduction in fatigue, nausea, vomit- risk of cardiovascular complications of common cold symptoms.63 ing, pain and loss of appetite.74 by several mechanisms including Vitamin C has an anti-bacterial lowering blood pressure and prevent- and anti-viral effect due to interac- Cardiovascular diseases ing haemodynamic changes induced tion with metal transition ions (par- Vitamin C is important for maintain- by hyperglycaemia.93,94 ticularly copper) creating a selec- ing a healthy heart and blood ves- tively pro-oxidant environment that sels by reducing oxidative stress and Wound healing kills or inactivates pathogens through promoting vasodilation increasing Vitamin C promotes the healing of the production of hydrogen perox- nitric oxide bioavailability.75 This wounds and injuries through increas- ide, without causing significant tox- helps reduce endothelial dysfunction, ing production of collagen, antioxidant icity to healthy cells.64-66 one of the key features of cardiovas- activity and enhancing immune cell cular disease. Research suggests vi- function.95 It has been shown to assist Cancer tamin C may be supportive in the recovery from fractures, ulcers and pres- Vitamin C is implicated in preventing following conditions: hypertension, sure sores, burns, trauma and surgery. cancer due to its ability in scaveng- coronary artery disease, angina, Clinical studies found that ing free radicals and carcinogens, reperfusion injury, atherosclerosis, vitamin C reduced the incidence of maintaining the integrity of connec- heart failure, acute myocardial inf- complex regional pain syndrome fol- tive tissue and improving immuno- arction, obstructive sleep apnoea, lowing wrist fractures.96 Collagen and competence and resistance to cancer.67 Behçet’s syndrome, and Kawasaki vitamin C are essential for new bone Most adults have cancer cells in their disease.76-85 Clinical trials investigat- formation and repair. High serum vi- body but the immune and circulatory ing these conditions consistently tamin C levels have been associated systems normally eliminate them and found that vitamin C improved flow- with higher bone mineral density and prevent them from becoming estab- mediated vasodilation (FMD). Several lower incidence of bone fractures.97 lished. Adequate vitamin C intake is of the studies also found that vita- It may also accelerate the healing of important to prevent nutrient deficien- min C infusions given during major ulcers and pressure sores. In a clini- cies and maintain antioxidant levels surgery, such as a cardiopulmonary cal trial with surgical patients, after so the anti-tumour defence system bypass, resulted in fewer post-opera- one month the group given extra vi- keeps working effectively.68 tive complications.79 tamin C had an 84% reduction in size If cancer does become estab- of pressure sores while the placebo lished, evidence suggests that vita- Diabetes group had a 42% reduction.98 min C may selectively kill cancer cells Dehydroascorbic acid (the oxidized High dose intravenous vitamin C via production of hydrogen perox- form of vitamin C) competes with given within 24 hours of receiving ide,69 encapsulate tumours with a glucose for uptake into cells using a severe burns or trauma can reduce li- collagen wall to prevent metastasis,67 glucose transporter.86 As a result, pid peroxidation, resuscitation vol- promote macrophage function and many diabetics with hyperglycaemia ume, oedema formation and respira- removal of cancer cells,70,71 prevent have low tissue concentrations of tory dysfunction.99 Following surgery or reduce side effects from conven- vitamin C.87 Vitamin C can support or major trauma, vitamin C levels are tional treatments,72,73 relieve pain and diabetics by preventing vitamin C very low. Vitamin C administration improve quality of life.74 deficiency, helping regulate glucose can correct the deficiency and reduce In vitro studies by Riordan and and sorbitol levels, acting as an anti- the incidence of organ failure, dura- colleagues have shown that extracel- oxidant to protect organs from free tion of mechanical ventilation, intrac- lular vitamin C concentrations of radicals and protecting the function ranial hypertension and time spent in more than 20 000µmol/L (350mg/dL) of the cardiovascular system. the ICU (intensive care unit).100,101 Volume 35 Number 5, October 2008 315
Original Scientific Paper Haemodialysis Smoking is scientific evidence supporting the The typical treatment for anaemic Smokers have low serum levels of vi- use of vitamin C during acute and haemodialysis patients is erythropoi- tamin C.108 The recommended daily chronic illnesses, for injuries, and for etin; however, some patients do not allowance of vitamin C for smokers is reducing the risk of disease. The respond well to this treatment. Vita- higher than for non-smokers because safety of vitamin C over a wide range min C has been shown to increase they are exposed to increased oxidative of doses has been demonstrated in a responsiveness, relieve anaemia, im- stress. Vitamin C may be beneficial for number of clinical trials; reports of prove functional iron stores and cor- smokers because it reduces endothe- serious adverse events are very rare. rect vitamin C deficiency.102,103 lial dysfunction and inflammation As a safe, natural, low-cost nutrient, caused by cigarette smoke,109,110 it re- the potential immune-supporting and Neurological disorders duces blood lead levels (when daily antioxidant benefits of vitamin C Vitamin C is an important cofactor and intake is at least 1000mg/day),111 and should be considered when develop- antioxidant in the brain and central may prevent white blood cells adher- ing treatment plans. nervous system. Many neurological ing to blood vessels, thus potentially diseases involve oxidative stress and preventing the development of athero- Competing interests reduced concentrations of vitamin C sclerosis or emphysema.112 All of the authors are involved, via in the cerebrospinal fluid. Some evi- direct or indirect employment, with dence suggests vitamin C may have Conclusion Centre for Advanced Medicine Ltd, a therapeutic value in Alzheimer’s dis- Vitamin C has a critical role to play medical clinic offering intravenous ease,104 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease,105 in the prevention and intervention vitamin C for patients with a range Parkinson’s disease,106 and stroke.107 of many medical conditions. There of medical conditions. References 1. Asard H, May JM, Smirnoff N, eds. Vitamin C: Functions and antioxidants in hollow fibre in vitro tumours. Br J Cancer. 2001; biochemistry in animals and plants. London: BIOS Scientific 84:1544-1550. Publishers; 2004. 16. González MJ, Mora EM, Miranda-Massari JR, Matta J, Riordan HD, 2. Stone I. The healing factor: ‘Vitamin C’ against disease. New Riordan NH. Inhibition of human breast carcinoma cell prolifera- York: Grosset & Dunlap; 1972. tion by ascorbate and copper. P R Health Sci J. 2002; 21:21-23. 3. Klenner FR. 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