Visual and Refractive Outcomes With the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL Versus the Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lens: Results of a 2-Year ...

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Visual and Refractive Outcomes With the
Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL Versus the Visian
Toric Implantable Collamer Lens: Results of
a 2-Year Prospective Comparative Study
Sheetal Brar, MS; Megha Gautam, MS; Smith Snehal Sute, MS; Savio Pereira, MS;
Sri Ganesh, MS, DNB

                                                                          -2.08 ± 0.86 diopters (D) in the EP TIOL group and -10.21 ± 3.97
                                                                          and -2.17 ± 0.95 D in the TICL group, respectively. At 2 years of
                                                                          follow-up, there was no significant difference between the mean
 PURPOSE: To compare the 2-year visual and refractive out-                uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual
 comes with the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (EP TIOL) (Biotech               acuity, spherical equivalent, and residual astigmatism between
 Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and Visian Toric ICL (TICL) (STAAR Surgi-           the two groups (P > .05 for all parameters). Ninety-two percent
 cal) for correction of high myopic astigmatism.                          of eyes in the EP TIOL group and 88% of eyes in the TICL group
                                                                          were within ±0.50 D of refractive astigmatism. Vector analysis of
 METHODS: This prospective, interventional, non-randomized                astigmatism showed a comparable Correction Index of 0.98 in
 comparison study included eligible patients who underwent                the EP TIOL group and 0.94 in the TICL group, signifying a mild
 toric phakic IOL surgery in one or both eyes with either the             undercorrection of 2% and 6%, respectively. Two eyes in the TICL
 EP TIOL or TICL for myopic astigmatism. Two years postop-                group underwent exchange for high vault and one eye required
 eratively, both lenses were compared for their safety, efficacy,         realignment due to significant postoperative rotation.
 stability, and patient satisfaction. Vector analysis of astig-
 matism was performed using the Alpins method with the                    CONCLUSIONS: At least for the first 2 years postoperatively,
 ASSORT software (ASSORT Party Ltd).                                      both toric phakic IOLs were safe and effective in managing
                                                                          high myopic astigmatism with comparable visual results and
 RESULTS: A total of 50 eyes were included, of which 25 eyes              patient satisfaction.
 received EP TIOL implantation and the remaining 25 received
 TICL implantation. Preoperative mean ± standard deviation of             [J Refract Surg. 2021;37(1):7-15.]
 spherical equivalent (SE) and cylinder was -10.15 ± 4.04 and

      hakic intraocular lenses (IOLs) are now accepted                    kic IOL available, which has been shown to be safe,
      as a proven modality for correction of refractive                   effective, and predictable for correction of ametro-
      errors, especially in patients not amenable to                      pia across various ranges.7-9 These lenses have been
treatment with corneal refractive procedures.1-3 Their                    shown to be safer and associated with fewer postoper-
various advantages (eg, high visual quality, reduced                      ative complications (eg, endothelial decompensation,
induced aberrations, less postoperative dry eye, mag-                     iris chafing, pigmentary glaucoma, and angle dam-
nification of image, and nil risk of corneal ectasia)                     age) compared to the anterior chamber phakic IOLs,
make them a preferred refractive modality over cor-                       due their retropupillary position.10-12 However, some
neal procedures for some refractive surgeons.4-6 Until                    newer phakic IOLs introduced recently have also been
recently, the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) from                        shown to deliver promising results with good safety in
STAAR Surgical was the only posterior chamber pha-                        various studies.13,14

From Nethradhama Super Specialty Eye Hospital, Bangalore, India.
Submitted: July 15, 2020; Accepted: October 8, 2020
The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.
The authors thank Drs. Shiela Meher and Roxy Chirom Devi for their contributions to initial data collection and conducting patient follow-up
visits in this project.
Correspondence: Sheetal Brar, MS, Nethradhama Superspecialty Eye Hospital, 256/14, Kanakapura Main Road, 7th Block, Jayanagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070, India. Email:

                              • Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021                                                                                          7
The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt     (Orbscan II; Bausch & Lomb), Pentacam HR (Oculus
Ltd) (EP TIOL), which is a foldable, hydrophilic acrylic,    Optikgeräte GmbH), specular microscopy (Tomey Cor-
plate-haptic, posterior chamber phakic IOL, was report-      poration), dry eye evaluation, and aberrometry with
ed to be safe and effective for treatment of high myopia     iTrace (Tracey Technologies Corporation).
in a 24-month follow-up study.15 A toric version of the
same phakic IOL was also recently evaluated in a 6-month     Study Phakic IOLs and Treatment Planning
follow-up retrospective study.16 However, no prospective        Table A (available in the online version of this ar-
comparison study evaluating the long-term outcomes be-       ticle) shows the characteristics and technical specifi-
tween the EP TIOL and the Visian Toric ICL (V4c model)       cations of the two study lenses. The EP TIOL shares
(TICL) (STAAR Surgical) has been published so far.           similar characteristics except for the toricity, and is
   The current study was thus conducted with the             manufactured on the same platform as the non-toric
aim of comparing the long-term clinical outcomes and         model.14 For both groups, power calculations were per-
patient satisfaction between the EP TIOL and TICL            formed using the online calculators available at their
for the treatment of high myopic astigmatism. In this        respective websites ( and
2-year follow-up study, we compared the safety, effi- for EP TIOL and TICL, respectively).
cacy, predictability, vault, rotational stability, compli-      In both groups, the size of the toric phakic IOL was
cations, and patient satisfaction between the two cur-       selected based on the predicted vault values shown by
rently available phakic IOL models.                          Compact Touch STS ultrasound biomicroscopy (Qu-
                                                             antel Medical), with a linear scanning frequency of 50
                 PATIENTS AND METHODS                        MHz, scanning depth and width of 9 × 16 mm, and
   This prospective study was approved by the institu-       axial and vertical resolution of 35 and 60 µm, respec-
tional ethics committee of Nethradhama Super Speciality      tively.17 To reduce measurement error,4-6 ultrasound
Eye Hospital, Bangalore, India, and adhered to the tenets    biomicroscopy images were taken and the average
of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent     sulcus-to-sulcus value was computed. Following this,
was obtained from all patients participating in the study.   the “ICL Simulator” option was selected, into which
Fifty eyes from 27 non-consecutive patients satisfying       the power of the toric phakic IOL (EP TIOL or TICL) de-
the inclusion criteria received phakic IOL implantation      rived from the online calculator was entered. This sug-
with either the TICL or the EP TIOL, with 25 eyes in each    gested to us the predicted postoperative vault using all
group. Twenty-three of the total 25 patients (11 in the      available sizes of the phakic IOL (smallest to largest), of
EP TIOL group and 12 in the TICL group) underwent bi-        which the size resulting in a central vault height of 250
lateral surgeries, whereas the remaining 4 patients (3 in    to 500 µm was finally selected for implantation.
the EP TIOL group and 1 in the TICL group) underwent            All surgical procedures in both groups were per-
unilateral surgery. After surgery, results were evaluated    formed by a single experienced surgeon (SG), using a
monocularly, treating each eye separately. The choice        standard surgical technique.18 The EP TIOL was loaded
of phakic IOL to be implanted was mainly based on the        into its butterfly cartridge, which can be inserted into the
availability of the lens and the patient’s preference.       eye through a 2.7-mm corneal incision.15 The TICL was
   Eligibility criteria were: age between 21 and 40 years,   loaded into its front-loading cartridge system and insert-
patients with myopic astigmatism within a spherical          ed through a recommended wound size of 3.2 mm.19
equivalent (SE) range of -3.00 to -20.00 D and a mini-          The markerless Callisto Eye system (Carl Zeiss Med-
mum astigmatism of -1.00 D, stable refraction (0.50 D or     itec) was used to guide the intraoperative alignment of
less change in the past 12 months), corrected distance       the toric phakic IOL. Under topical anesthesia and the
visual acuity (CDVA) of 20/30 or better, healthy tear        ophthalmic viscosurgical device 1% hyaluronic acid
film and ocular surface, minimum anterior chamber            (Hyal 2000TM; LG Life Sciences, Seoul, Korea), the pha-
depth from corneal endothelium of 2.8 mm, endothelial        kic IOL was inserted through a temporal, 2.8-mm limbal
cell count of 2,500 cells/mm2, absence of corneal ectatic    incision (for the TICL group, a wound-assisted injection
diseases, corneal scars, absence of retinal pathologies,     was performed) and carefully positioned posterior to the
and assured follow-up visits.                                iris using a Ganesh ICL manipulator (Epsilon Surgical)
                                                             in the intended axis as per the rotation diagram provided
Preoperative Evaluation                                      by the manufacturer. During insertion, correct orienta-
   All patients underwent a thorough preopera-               tion was ensured by checking the holes on the leading
tive evaluation including anterior and posterior seg-        footplates of both toric phakic IOLs, which is present
ment examination, manifest refraction, assessment of         on the left side of the EP TIOL and on the right side of
CDVA, corneal topography using Orbscan topography            the TICL. Once all four footplates were positioned in the

8                                                                                           Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
                        Preoperative Baseline Characteristics of All Patients (N = 50 Eyes)a
  Parameter                                 Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                                  Visian Toric ICL                                    P
  Age (years)                                      24.04 ± 2.01                                          23.44 ± 2.38                                    .41
  Sphere (D)                             -10.15 ± 4.04 (-4.50 to -18.00)                      -10.21 ± 3.97 (-4.25 to -18.00)                            .95
  Cylinder (D)                            -2.08 ± 0.86 (-1.00 to -5.00)                        -2.17 ± 0.95 (-1.00 to -4.50)                             .70
  SE (D)                                 -11.19 ± 3.40 (-5.50 to -19.25)                      -11.30 ± 3.98 (-6.00 to -20.25)                            .58
  CDVA (logMAR)                             0.03 ± 0.06 (-0.1 to 0.22)                           0.04 ± 0.10 (-0.1 to 0.22)                              .72
  K1 (D)                                           42.53 ± 1.23                                          43.45 ± 1.50                                    .10
  K2 (D)                                           45.22 ± 1.84                                          45.45 ± 1.60                                    .62
  CCT (µm)                                        487.04 ± 32.12                                       475.58 ± 101.02                                   .59
  ECD (cells/mm )   2
                                                2,831.20 ± 186.55                                    2,837.28 ± 179.42                                   .90
  WTW (mm)                                         11.70 ± 0.46                                          11.68 ± 0.46                                    .93
  ACD (mm)                                          3.13 ± 0.41                                          3.21 ± 0.44                                     .50
  IOP (mm Hg)                                      14.40 ± 2.36                                          14.52 ± 1.98                                    .84
  IOL = intraocular lens; D = diopters; SE = spherical equivalent; CDVA = corrected distance visual acuity; K1 = flat keratometry; K2 = steep keratometry; CCT = central
  corneal thickness; ECD = endothelial cell density; WTW = white-to-white distance; ACD = anterior chamber depth; IOP = intraocular pressure
   Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
  The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL is manufactured by Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd and the Visian Toric ICL is manufactured by STAAR Surgical.

ciliary sulcus, the ophthalmic viscosurgical device was                                  crosoft Corporation). Vector analysis was performed
aspirated through the central hole, with a coaxial irriga-                               using the Alpins Statistical System for Ophthalmic
tion aspiration cannula using a flow of 60 cc/min and a                                  Refractive Surgery Techniques (ASSORT) software
vacuum of 650 mm Hg. This was followed by final po-                                      (ASSORT Pty Ltd) that uses the Alpins method for
sitioning of the toric phakic IOL guided by the overlay                                  vectorial analysis of astigmatism.
of the markerless system, and hydration of the corneal
wounds. All patients had intraocular pressure measure-                                   Vector Analysis of Astigmatism
ments by non-contact tonometry hourly for 4 hours post-                                     Change in refractive astigmatism was analyzed with
operatively, while being observed for any symptoms due                                   vector analysis using the Alpins method incorporated
to intraocular pressure spikes.                                                          in the ASSORT software (version 5.64), considering
   Postoperative medications included topical 0.3%                                       the change in the astigmatic axis, measuring three vec-
ofloxacin (Exocin; Allergan) and 0.1% prednisolone                                       tors (ie, target induced astigmatism [TIA], surgically
acetate eye drops (Pred Forte; Allergan) four times a                                    induced astigmatism [SIA], and difference vector, and
day for 2 weeks, and lubricants four times a day for                                     the relationships among them.20,21
4 weeks or more. Follow-up examinations were con-
ducted on 1 day, 2 weeks, and 3, 6, 12, and 24 months.                                                           RESULTS
At all follow-up visits from 2 weeks onward, assess-                                        The two study groups were matched with no sta-
ment of UDVA, manifest refraction, CDVA, topogra-                                        tistical difference in the mean age, preoperative SE,
phy, and anterior segment optical coherence tomogra-                                     cylinder, CDVA, white-to-white distance, anterior
phy (Optovue) for vault was performed.                                                   chamber depth, and endothelial cell density (Table 1).
                                                                                         Mean follow-up was 23 ± 4 months.
Statistical Analysis
   SPSS software for Windows version 17.0.0 (IBM                                         Efficacy (Postoperative UDVA/Preoperative CDVA)
Corporation) was used for statistical analysis. All val-                                    At 2 years postoperatively, 76% of eyes in the EP
ues were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. An                                      TIOL group and 72% of eyes in the TICL group had a
independent sample t test was used for intergroup                                        UDVA of 20/20 or better (Figure 1). Mean postoperative
comparison and a paired t test was used for intragroup                                   UDVA (logMAR) was marginally better in the EP TIOL
comparison of means. A P value of .05 or less was con-                                   group compared to the TICL group; however, the differ-
sidered statistically significant.                                                       ences were not significant (P > .05 at all visits, Table B,
   Journal of Refractive Surgery standard graphs were                                    available in the online version of this article). The mean
generated using Datagraph-med 5.20 software (Mi-                                         efficacy index in the EP TIOL and TICL groups was 1.09

                                    • Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021                                                                                                                 9
A                                                                        B

Figure 1. Cumulative postoperative mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) (logMAR) for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision
Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical). CDVA = corrected distance visual acuity

      A                                                                        B

Figure 2. Safety: postoperative corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA)/preoperative CDVA for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care
Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical).

and 1.04, respectively, with no statistical difference be-                  mean safety indices for the EP TIOL and TICL groups
tween the two groups (P = .80). Ninety-two percent of                       were 1.2 and 1.17, respectively (P = .42).
eyes in the EP TIOL group and 80% of eyes in the TICL
group had postoperative UDVA the same or better than                        Refractive Outcomes
preoperative CDVA (Figure A, available in the online                           There was no statistically significant difference be-
version of this article).                                                   tween the postoperative residual SE of both groups at
                                                                            all postoperative visits (Table B). However, the accu-
Safety (Postoperative CDVA/Preoperative CDVA)                               racy of SE correction was better in the EP TIOL group
   At 24 months postoperatively, 64% of the eyes in                         because the SE predictability of all eyes in this group
EP TIOL group showed a gain in CDVA of one or more                          was within ±1.00 D compared to the TICL group, where
lines compared to 52% in the TICL group (Figure 2).                         88% eyes were within ±1.00 D (Figure 3, Figure B,
No eye in either group showed a loss of CDVA. The                           available in the online version of this article).

10                                                                                                               Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
A                                                                         B

Figure 3. Histogram showing the accuracy to the intended spherical equivalent refraction (SEQ) at 24 months for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL
(Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical). D = diopters

      A                                                                         B

Figure 4. Spherical equivalent refraction (SEQ) stability for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL
(STAAR Surgical). SD = standard deviation; D = diopters

Stability                                                                    lowing the surgery there was no significant difference
  Both groups showed good stability with a trend to-                         in the outcomes of SIA, correction index, difference
ward mild residual myopia of -0.30 ± 0.35 D in the EP                        vector, magnitude of error, index of success, and angle
TIOL group and -0.33 ± 0.53 D in the TICL group, com-                        of error between both groups (P > .05 for all parameters;
pared to 2 weeks of postoperative follow-up (Figure 4).                      Table 2, Figure C, available in the online version of this
                                                                             article). The correction index was comparable in the
Astigmatism Outcomes                                                         two groups (EP TIOL = 0.98; TICL = 0.94), suggesting a
   In terms of astigmatism correction, 92% of eyes in the                    mild undercorrection of 2% and 6%, respectively.
EP TIOL group and 88% of eyes in the TICL group were
within ±0.50 D of cylinder correction. All eyes in the EP                    Higher Order Aberrations and Modulation Transfer
TIOL group had cylinder predictability within ±1.00 D,                       Function
whereas all eyes in the TICL group were within ±1.50 D                          At 24 months, total higher order aberrations assessed
(Figures 5-6).                                                               using the iTrace at a 4-mm scan size were 0.298 and 0.332
   Vector analysis of astigmatism showed that the pre-                       µm in the EP TIOL and TICL groups, respectively, the dif-
operative TIA of both groups was comparable, and fol-                        ference being not significant (P = .70). Similarly, the whole

                                • Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021                                                                                           11
A                                                                         B

Figure 5. Histogram showing change in refractive astigmatism for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric
ICL (STAAR Surgical). D = diopters

      A                                                                         B

Figure 6. Target induced astigmatism (TIA) vs surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) scatter plot for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision
Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical). D = diopters

eye modulation transfer function (mean height of modula-                    tional stability, as measured by the iTrace, showed mild
tion transfer function) was also comparable between the                     rotation of both phakic IOLs at 24 months compared to
groups (0.391 for EP TIOL versus 0.363 for TICL, P = .99).                  the 2-week position. At 2 weeks, the mean deviation
                                                                            from the target axis was 3.2° and 3.6° in the EP TIOL
Vault Height and Rotational Stability                                       and TICL groups, respectively, which changed slightly
   There was a reduction in the mean central vault                          to 4.8° and 5.1°, respectively, at 24 months.
height in both groups at 24 months compared to 2
weeks postoperatively. The vault reduced from 545.4                         Endothelial Cell Count
to 527.92 µm (P = .04) in the EP TIOL group and from                           At 24 months, the mean percentage of endothelial
584.36 to 571 µm (P < .001) in the TICL group. Rota-                        cell loss compared to the preoperative count was 2.69%

12                                                                                                                Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
                 Comparison of Vector Analysis Between the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL and
                         Visian Toric ICL Groups at 24 Months Postoperativelya
  Parameter                                      Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                        Visian Toric ICL                                   P
  TIA (D)                                                1.51 ± 0.74                                1.68 ± 0.75                                    .39
  SIA (D)                                                1.44 ± 0.61                                1.65 ± 0.86                                    .30
  CIb                                                    0.98 ± 0.18                                0.94 ± 0.21                                    .51
  DV                                                     0.17 ± 0.28                                0.31 ± 0.32                                    .10
  MOE (arithmetic)                                       -0.07 ± 0.24                              -0.06 ± 0.31                                    .95
  MOE (absolute)                                         0.11 ± 0.23                                0.21 ± 0.23                                    .11
  IOS                                                    0.12 ± 0.23                                0.23 ± 0.40                                    .25
  AOE (arithmetic)                                       -0.44 ± 5.77                              -0.48 ± 6.55                                    .96
  AOE (absolute)                                         3.68 ± 4.53                                4.64 ± 4.55                                    .52
  IOL = intraocular lens; TIA = target induced astigmatism; D = diopters; SIA = surgically induced astigmatism; DV = difference vector; MOE = magnitude of error; IOS =
  index of success; AOE = angle of error
   Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
    CI: 1 is ideal, > 1 overcorrection, < 1 undercorrection.
  The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL is manufactured by Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd and the Visian Toric ICL is manufactured by STAAR Surgical.

and 3.19% in the EP TIOL and TICL groups, respec-                                                               DISCUSSION
tively. Endothelial cell density reduced from 2,837.28                                     Numerous long-term studies have already established
± 179.42 cells/mm2 preoperatively to 2,761 ± 160.85                                     that the TICL with and without CentraFLOW technol-
cells/mm2 at 24 months in the EP TIOL group and from                                    ogy is safe, efficacious, and predictable in managing high
2,831.20 ± 186.55 cells/mm2 preoperatively to 2,740.64                                  myopic astigmatism, with excellent stability of cylinder
± 180.80 cells/mm2 at 24 months in the TICL group (P                                    correction.19,22,23 The EP TIOL is a recent introduction
< .001).                                                                                to the phakic IOL market that also demonstrated good
                                                                                        safety, efficacy, and rotational stability in a 6-month
Long-term Complications                                                                 follow-up retrospective study.16 Our prospective study
   In the TICL group, 1 eye of 1 patient required re-                                   compared the EP TIOL and TICL for long-term clinical
alignment for significant rotation at 9 months post-                                    outcomes. The fundamental differences between the two
operatively, wherein the TICL rotated again after 2                                     toric phakic IOLs in terms of their material, handling,
months. The TICL was slightly undersized with a                                         loading, injection system, and surgical manipulation in-
vault of 180 µm. The patient was advised to exchange                                    volved prompted us to conduct this study.
the TICL with one size larger lens; however, he opted                                      Kamiya et al23 reported 3-year clinical outcomes of
to wear glasses for residual astigmatism. Both eyes                                     the TICL for moderate to high myopic astigmatism,
of another patient required TICL exchange with a                                        wherein the safety and efficacy indices were 1.16 ±
TICL of smaller size for postoperative high vault at                                    0.20 and 0.94 ± 0.28 and there was a manifest refrac-
3 months postoperatively. In both groups, however,                                      tion change of 0.15 ± 0.31 D from 1 month to the last
no long-term and sight-threatening complications,                                       postoperative visit. In another TICL study by Sari et
such as secondary glaucoma due to pupillary block                                       al,24 SE was within ±0.50 D in 52.9% and within ±1.00
or pigment dispersion, prolonged inflammation, cat-                                     D in 82.4% of eyes at 3 years of follow-up.
aract, retinal detachment, or endophthalmitis, were                                        Our results suggested that the outcomes of the EP TIOL
observed.                                                                               were comparable to the TICL at 24 months, with good
                                                                                        patient satisfaction. Although the mean deviation from
Patient Satisfaction                                                                    target axis increased at 24 months from 2-week values, it
   Both groups reported dysphotopsia symptoms in                                        remained within 5° in both groups (4.8° in the EP TIOL
the immediate postoperative period, which gradually                                     group and 5.1° in the TICL group), and did not lead to
reduced over time. At 24 months, the spectacle inde-                                    a significant change in residual cylinder in either group.
pendence score was comparable in both groups. Over-                                        Although the materials of both toric phakic IOLs are
all patient satisfaction score was 97.6 and 96.2 in the                                 different, both lenses showed good biocompatibility with
EP TIOL and TICL groups, respectively (P = .79) (Ta-                                    the ocular tissues. No eye developed excessive postoper-
ble C, available in the online version of this article).                                ative inflammation requiring topical steroid use for more

                                    • Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021                                                                                                                13
than 2 weeks. At 24 months, both phakic IOLs exhibited         preoperatively. Hence, it cannot be confirmed if the
comparable modulation transfer function values, which          observed myopic shift was due to the progression of
indirectly suggests that the optical quality achieved was      the myopia or the decrease in the postoperative vaults
no different in both groups. However, the nature of the        seen with both phakic IOLs over time, as stated above.
material may have a bearing on the loading, injection,            Despite using the sulcus-to-sulcus measurements for
and intraoperative maneuvering. Being extremely soft           toric phakic IOL sizing, 2 eyes in the TICL group had
and flexible, the TICL needs careful handling, especially      high vaults requiring exchange with a smaller sized lens.
while pulling it forward within the cartridge, to prevent      However, sulcus-to-sulcus measurements, by them-
its potential tearing.25,26 However, the EP TIOL is slightly   selves, were not shown to improve the vault predictabil-
stiffer and thus allows for easier handling. The loading is    ity.31 This may suggest that better technologies are still
relatively straightforward and similar to that of an IOL, a    required for accurate estimation of phakic IOL sizing.
maneuver most the ophthalmologists are familiar with.15           No eye developed cataract until the last follow-up
However, the slight stiffness of the EP TIOL did not pose      visit, suggesting that the presence of the central hole in
any significant difficulty while tucking its footplates un-    both phakic IOLs was beneficial in preventing cataract
der the iris.                                                  by allowing sufficient diffusion of aqueous and nutri-
    The choice of ophthalmic viscosurgical device in this      ents to the crystalline lens. This has been confirmed
study was 1% hyaluronic acid in contrast to the more           and reported by previously published studies on both
commonly used hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.27                 phakic IOLs used in the study.32 Also, the size of the
This was based on our experience with a previously             central hole being the same (360 μm) (personal com-
published study comparing the surgical time and intra-         munication, D. G. Khalsa, Biotech Vision Care Ltd,
ocular pressure spikes with two ophthalmic viscosurgi-         India, June 1, 2020), the incidence of dysphotopsia ex-
cal devices following Visian ICL (V4c model) insertion         perienced by the patients was similar in both groups
in the immediate postoperative period,27 in which we           in the early postoperative period (Table A).
found that 1% hyaluronic acid significantly reduced               Our study has a few limitations, the first being the non-
the total surgical time and the incidence of acute spikes      randomized nature of the study. However, randomiza-
was lower compared to 2% hydroxypropyl methylcel-              tion was not feasible because sometimes the availability
lulose when used for the TICL (V4c model).                     of the TICL of a specific power and axis is a limiting fac-
    Because the maximum degree of rotation required            tor, wherein the lens needs to be customized or takes a
for the EP TIOL is 15° in contrast to that of the TICL,        longer time for delivery. Second, we included both eyes
wherein it may be up to 22° (clockwise or counter-             from the same patient in the analysis. This was again done
clockwise),28 this may reduce the intraoperative ma-           to achieve a comparable number of eyes within the time
nipulation to rotate the lens inside the posterior cham-       frame of the study recruitment, which otherwise would
ber, making it technically less challenging.                   be difficult if we included 1 eye from 1 patient. Also, the
    In the current study we performed a wound-assisted         model of Visian TICL used in the study was not the latest
injection of the TICL through a 2.8-mm incision, but           one because the advanced models (EVO and EVO+) have
the recommended incision size for the same is 3.2              been currently available. However, these models were not
mm,29 which is larger than that of the EP TIOL (2.8            available in India at the time of approval of the study, and
mm). Hence, the induced astigmatism following TICL             hence could not be compared.
implantation is expected to be higher, which may po-              The EP TICL delivered satisfactory outcomes in
tentially affect the final outcomes of cylinder correc-        terms of refractive efficacy and stability, resulting in
tion. It would be interesting to compare the two lenses        high levels of patient satisfaction at 2 years of follow-
for postoperative induced corneal astigmatism and its          up. However, long-term safety with respect to the bio-
effect on the final refractive correction.                     compatibility needs further data and longer follow-up
    The mean height of the central vault showed reduc-         periods. Results were comparable with the already
tion over time, but none of the eyes in either group           established TICL for correction of moderate to high
developed cataract due to low vault. This is consis-           myopic astigmatism. The ease of handling and easier
tent with previous studies of the Visian ICL, wherein          availability due to toric axis customization may par-
a slight reduction in the vault height was shown due           ticularly make this lens a viable and preferable option
to changes in accommodation and increase in size of            for astigmatism management with myopia.
the crystalline lens over time.30 This could explain
the slight myopic shift observed at 24 months post-                       AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
operatively in both groups. A potential limitation of            Study concept and design (SG); data collection
our study was that we did not measure axial length             (MG, SSS, SP); analysis and interpretation of data

14                                                                                            Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
(SB); writing the manuscript (SB); critical revision of                          2020;2020(5):1624632.
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                                • Vol. 37, No. 1, 2021                                                                                          15
             Comparison of Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL and Visian Toric ICL Characteristics
Chacteristic                                                       Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                                     Visian Toric ICL
Optic type                                                                   Aspheric                                            Non- aspheric
Optic size (mm)                                                             4.65 to 5.5                                             4.9 to 5.8
Overall size (mm)                                                            12 to 13                                              12.1 to 13.7
Refractive index                                                               1.46                                               1.45 at 35 °C
Diopter range (D)                                                        0.00 to -23.00a                                        -0.50 to -18.00b
Cylinder range (D)                                                         0.50 to 5.00   a
                                                                                                                                  1.00 to 6.00a
Sizes available (mm)                                                    12, 12.5, 13, 13.5                                    11.6, 12.1, 13.2, 13.7
Material                                                           Hydrophilic acrylic CQ UV                                        Collamerc
Consistency                                                                Slightly firm                                       Extremely flexible
Holes                                                      2 holes on haptic area, 1 hole at center               2 holes on haptic area, 1 hole at center
Size of the central and haptic hole (µm)                                        360                                                       360
Orientation marks                                       Left end of leading haptics and right end of            Right end of leading haptics and left end of
                                                                       trailing haptics                                       trailing haptics
Toric axis customization (degrees)                       Available at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 axis                            Customizable
Maximum intraoperative rotation required                                        15                                                        22
Loading                                                                        Easy                                            Relatively complex
Incision (mm)                                                                   2.8                                                       3.2
IOL = intraocular lens; D = diopters
  With 0.50-D step increments.
  With 0.25-D step increments from -0.50 to -2.75 D and 0.50-D step increments from -3.00 to -18.00 D.
 60% poly-hydroxymethylmethacrylate (HEMA), water (36%), benzophenone (3.8%), and 0.2 porcine collagen.
The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL is manufactured by Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd and the Visian Toric ICL is manufactured by STAAR Surgical.
Postoperative Visual Outcomes of the Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL and Visian Toric ICL Groupsa
Postoperative Visit                          Sphere (D)               Cylinder (D)                  SE (D)               UDVA (logMAR)                CDVA (logMAR)
1 day
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.12 ± 0.43               -0.30 ± 0.40              -02.8 ± 0.44               0.03 ± 0.08                -0.05 ± 0.07
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.24 ± 0.03               -0.10 ± 0.20              -0.30 ± 0.30               0.04 ± 0.10                -0.03 ± 0.05
    P                                             .26                      1.00                      1.00                       .50                        .40
2 weeks
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.50 ± 0.23               -0.10 ± 0.25              -0.10 ± 0.26              -0.50 ± 0.08                -0.80 ± 0.07
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.08 ± 0.30               -0.09 ± 0.36              -0.13 ± 0.36              -0.02 ± 0.07                -0.06 ± 0.60
    P                                             .69                       .91                       .78                       .09                        .24
3 months
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.07 ± 0.24               -0.12 ± 0.27              -0.13 ± 0.28              -0.04 ± 0.08                -0.08 ± 0.07
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.10 ± 0.27               -0.12 ± 0.34              -0.16 ± 0.34              -0.01 ± 0.07                -0.50 ± 0.05
    P                                             .68                      1.00                       .73                       .09                        .10
6 months
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.90 ± 0.26               -0.12 ± 0.27              -0.15 ± 0.29              -0.03 ± 0.08                -0.08 ± 0.07
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.11 ± 0.30               -0.12 ± 038               -0.17 ± 0.37              -0.00 ± 0.07                -0.05 ± 0.04
    P                                             .80                      1.00                       .83                       .10                        .08
12 months
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.12 ± 0.26               -0.13 ± 0.30              -0.19 ± 0.32              -0.03 ± 0.07                -0.07 ± 0.06
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.15 ± 0.36               -0.13 ± 0.40              -0.22 ± 0.43               0.01 ± 0.08                -0.04 ± 0.06
    P                                             .73                      1.00                       .78                       .07                        .08
24 months
    Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                -0.21 ± 0.31               -0.18 ± 0.32              -0.30 ± 0.35              -0.01 ± 0.10                -0.05 ± 0.07
    Visian Toric IOL                        -0.25 ± 0.44               -0.19 ± 0.49              -0.33 ± 0.53               0.02 ± 0.08                -0.03 ± 0.06
    P                                             .64                       .93                       .66                       .47                        .55
IOL = intraocular lens; D = diopters; SE = spherical equivalent; UDVA = uncorrected distance visual acuity; CDVA = corrected distance visual acuity
 Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL is manufactured by Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd and the Visian Toric ICL is manufactured by STAAR Surgical.
A                                                                         B

Figure A. Efficacy: postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA)/preoperative corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) for the (A) Eyecryl
Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical).

      A                                                                         B

Figure B. Spherical equivalent refraction (SEQ) attempted vs achieved scatter plot for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd)
and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR Surgical). D = diopters
A                                                                                B

Figure C. Refractive astigmatism angle of error for the (A) Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL (Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd) and (B) Visian Toric ICL (STAAR

                                                                              TABLE C
                             Postoperative Patient Satisfaction and Dysphotopsia Scores
  Parameter                                                   2 Weeks               6 Months              12 Months             24 Months   P
  Dysphotopsia symptoms (0 to 10)a
      Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                                    5.4                   3.4                   1.8                   0.7
      Visian Toric ICL                                            5.8                   3.2                   1.6                   0.5
  Spectacle independence score (0 to 10)b
      Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                                     –                    8.5                   8.7                   8.8
      Visian Toric ICL                                             –                    8.7                   8.2                   8.4
  Overall patient satisfaction score (0 to 100)
      Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL                                     –                   92.6                  94.8                   97.6
      Visian Toric ICL                                             –                   94.2                  95.4                   96.2
  IOL = intraocular lens
   0 to 2 = mild, 3 to 7 = moderate, 8 to 10 severe.
    Feel the need to use glasses.
  The Eyecryl Phakic Toric IOL is manufactured by Biotech Vision Care Pvt Ltd and the Visian Toric ICL is manufactured by STAAR Surgical.
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