Viral hemorrhagic fevers of South America - revista Biomédica

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Biomédica 2002;22:287-95


                      Viral hemorrhagic fevers of South America
                                                   Robert B. Tesh
        Department of Pathology and Center for Tropical Diseases, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston,
        Texas, USA.

        This paper reviews the epidemiology and distinguishing features of three viral hemorrhagic fevers
        (dengue hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever and arenaviral hemorrhagic fever) that have emerged as
        important public health problems in South America. Although the etiology, natural history and
        control of the three diseases are different, their clinical manifestations and histopathology findings
        are similar and can be difficult to differentiate. Consequently, early recognition and correct diagnosis
        are essential for effective control measures to be initiated.
        Key words: viral hemorrhagic fever, dengue, yellow fever, epidemiology, clinical pathology,
        arbovirus diseases.
        Fiebres virales hemorrágicas en Suramérica
        El artículo revisa la epidemiología y rasgos distintivos de tres fiebres virales hemorrágicas (dengue
        hemorrágico, fiebre amarilla y fiebre hemorrágica por arenavirus), que han emergido como serios
        problemas de salud pública en Suramérica. Aunque la etiología, la historia natural y el control de
        estas tres enfermedades difieren, sus manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos histopatológicos
        son similares y pueden ser difíciles de diferenciar. En consecuencia, la detección temprana y el
        diagnóstico correcto son esenciales para la aplicación de medidas de control.
        Palabras clave: fiebre viral hemorrágica, dengue, fiebre amarilla, epidemiología, patología clínica,
        enfermedades por arbovirus.

During the last several decades, three viral                 of the three hemorrhagic fevers will be reviewed
hemorrhagic fevers have emerged as important                 as well as their distinguishing features and
public health problems in South America: dengue              causes.
hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever and arenaviral
                                                             Dengue hemorrhagic fever
hemorrhagic fever. Although the causative
agents, epidemiology and control of these                    Dengue is a mosquito-transmitted viral disease
diseases are quite different, their clinical                 which is now common in tropical and subtropical
manifestations and histopathological findings are            regions of South America (1,2). The disease
often similar and difficult to differentiate. Thus,          exists in two clinical forms: classical dengue fever
correct diagnosis and early recognition are                  (CDF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue
essential for effective control measures to be               shock syndrome (DHF). There are four dengue
initiated. The emergence of these hemorrhagic                virus serotypes, designated dengue 1, 2, 3 and
diseases in the region has resulted in part from             4. All are members of the genus Flavivirus, family
changing health priorities, human migration,                 Flaviridae . Infection with one dengue virus
population growth and urbanization, and changing             serotype provides lifelong protection to the
land use patterns. In this review, the epidemiology          homologous serotype, but not to the other three
                                                             heterologous dengue serotypes. Consequently,
Center for Tropical Diseases, Keiller Building 1.116, 301
                                                             people can have dengue several times in their
University Boulevard, Galveston, Texas, 77555-0609; tel.     life, if they are infected with different dengue virus
(409) 747 2431; fax (409) 747 2429;           serotypes. Each of the four dengue virus
Recibido: 20/06/02; aceptado: 23/08/02                       serotypes can produce CDF and DHF. The

TESH R.B.                                                                                     Biomédica 2002;22:287-95

frequency of DHF in persons infected    with dengue
                                  TESH R.B.                    Figure 1 shows the distribution of A. aegypti in
virus is relatively low (~1:2,000); but considering            the Americas in 1930, in 1970 and in 1998. During
the total number of persons in the world who are               the 1930s, the vector was widely distributed in
infected with dengue viruses each year (estimated              cities and towns in tropical America. Then, during
>100 million), DHF has become a major public                   the 1940s and 1950s, the Pan American Health
health problem. The reasons why some dengue                    Organization began an ambitious A. aegypti
virus infections result in DHF, but most do not, is            eradication program which was originally
still uncertain. Various risk factors have been                designed to permanently eliminate urban yellow
proposed to explain the development of DHF;                    fever from the region. This eradication program
these include prior infection with other dengue                was quite successful, and by 1970, the mosquito
virus serotypes, immune enhancement, virulence                 had been eliminated from most countries in South
of the infecting dengue virus genotype, and host               America. The elimination of A. aegypti also
factors (1,3,4).                                               stopped dengue virus transmission in areas free
                                                               of the vector. However, during the 1970s, support
In the Americas, dengue viruses are transmitted
                                                               for mosquito surveillance and control programs
mainly by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The A.
                                                               decreased and many countries were reinfested
aegypti mosquito is peridomestic and breeds in
                                                               with A. aegypti. This mosquito has now returned
artificial containers in and around human
                                                               to its original distribution in South America.
dwellings. In addition, this mosquito preferentially
feeds on humans, which is one reason why it is                 Because dengue fever and DHF are now common
such an efficient disease vector. The recent                   in tropical America, these diseases are often over-
emergence of DHF in South America can be                       diagnosed; consequently, many non-specific
explained in large part by the reintroduction of               febrile illnesses and hemorrhagic diseases are
this vector into areas previously free of the                  incorrectly diagnosed as 'dengue fever' and 'DHF',
mosquito, and by human migration, population                   respectively. Various studies have demonstrated
growth and urbanization which have created                     that the clinical diagnosis of dengue is not very
conditions for enhanced breeding of A. aegypti                 accurate (5,6). But, the laboratory confirmation

Figure 1. Distribution of Aedes aegypti in 1930, in 1970 and in 1998 (1).

Biomédica 2002;22:287-95                                                                    VIRAL HEMORRAGIC FEVER

of DHF may also be difficult, because it is often        YF infection is in the range of 20-25%. YF, and
not possible to isolate dengue virus from cases          fear of the disease, played an important role in
of DHF and the results of serologic tests on             the settlement and commerce of the New World
patients with multiple dengue virus infections are       during that period. Two years ago, at the
not easy to interpret. Furthermore, the laboratory       International Congress of Tropical Medicine, Dr.
and histopathologic findings in patients with DHF        Hernando Groot gave an interesting historical
can mimic those of severe cases of yellow fever          account of how an outbreak of YF decimated the
(YF) and arenaviral hemorrhagic fever (AHF). All         attacking forces of the English pirate Henry
three of these diseases can produce leukopenia,          Morgan, and saved Cartagena from capture.
thrombocytopenia, elevated serum transaminase            There is just one example of how YF influenced
levels, liver necrosis, and Councilman bodies            development and commerce in the New World.
(eosinophilic depositions in hepatocytes) (7-17).
                                                         Because of the high mortality resulting from urban
This is an important consideration, since correct
                                                         YF epidemics in the Americas and the success
diagnosis and early recognition of any of these
                                                         of United States' efforts in controlling the disease
diseases is essential for their treatment, as well
                                                         in Cuba and Panama by sanitation and vector
as for the appropriate public health response.
                                                         control, the Brazilian Government began a nation-
Yellow fever                                             wide campaign to eradicate A. aegypti in the
                                                         1930s (19). The early success of that program
Yellow fever (YF) remains an important cause of
                                                         and the introduction of DDT led the Pan American
morbidity and mortality in South America. During
                                                         Sanitary Bureau to initiate the hemisphere-wide
the 10-year period from 1986 to 1995, the Pan
                                                         A. aegypti eradication campaign mentioned
American Health Organization reported a total of
                                                         before. Between 1947 and 1972, this mosquito
2,022 cases of YF from the region (18). Figure 2
                                                         was eliminated from Central America and most
shows the number of officially reported YF cases
                                                         of South America, and urban YF disappeared. The
in South America during that 10-year period by
country. Undoubtedly, these are underestimates,
since milder cases of the disease are not
recognized or reported. Based on the high case-
fatality rates in South America, Monath has
estimated that the true incidence of the disease
in the continent is actually 5-10 times higher (18).           44
Like dengue, YF is caused by another mosquito-                                           192
transmitted flavivirus, the yellow fever virus. The           1,365
virus has two distinct cycles in South America: 1)
an endemic or sylvan cycle, thought to involve                                     371
monkeys and tree-hole breeding forest
mosquitoes of the genera Haemagogus and
Sabethes; and 2) an epidemic or urban cycle,
involving humans and the domestic mosquito
vector, A. aegypti (19). In fact, it was Jorge Boshell
Manrique who first demonstrated where
Haemagogus mosquitoes lived in the forest
canopy and that they were the principal vectors
of sylvan YF in the Americas (20).
During the 17th., 18th. and 19th. centuries, YF
caused major urban epidemics in Africa,
European port cities and the Americas (19). The          Figure 2. Distribution of officially reported yellow fever cases
literature suggests that the mortality rate in natural   by country during the decade, 1986-1995 (18).

TESH R.B.                                                                               Biomédica 2002;22:287-95

last documented A. aegypti-associated epidemic         the Sendero Luminoso group in the early 1990's,
of YF occurred in Acre State in the Brazilian          people began to move back into the region and
Amazon in 1942 (19).                                   to reclaim their land. Thousands of contract
                                                       workers were recruited from impoverished
The development of an effective, inexpensive           highland communities and brought to work
vaccine also played an important role in               clearing land in the jungle. Most of these people
elimination of the urban YF from the Americas.         had never been vaccinated against YF. In 1995,
The 17D YF vaccine was first used in Brazil in         Perú reported more than 500 cases of YF; most
1937; and during the next 30 years, many millions      of these cases were among contracted workers
of persons throughout the Americas received the        from the highlands. A similar scenario could occur
vaccine (19). However, following the eradication       in Colombia, when peace finally comes to the
of A. aegypti and the disappearance of urban YF,       nation and people begin to return to rural areas
many South American countries stopped mass             where sylvan YF is still present.
vaccination campaigns. The current policy in most      Actually, a small urban outbreak of YF occurred
countries of the region is to wait for the             recently in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. In the early 1990's,
appearance of sylvan cases, and then to                the Bolivian government privatized most of the
vaccinate around them in order to contain the          mines in the highlands. With privatization, many
outbreak and prevent spread to urban areas.            non-productive mines were closed, and massive
                                                       unemployment among miners resulted. Many of
Ironically, during the last 25 years as many South
                                                       these workers and their families moved to lowland
American countries discontinued or de-                 areas where more jobs were available. Some of
emphasized YF vaccination campaigns, the urban         these people settled in Santa Cruz where they
YF vector A. aegypti was reinfesting the same          established 'colonias' around the city. They found
countries. The mosquito now occupies its pre-          work as agricultural workers on surrounding farms
eradication geographic distribution in the             in a region where YF is endemic. Between
Americas (figure 1). The reemergence of dengue         December 1998 and June 1999, 6 cases of YF
and DHF in South America during the past two           (5 fatal) were reported among residents of Santa
decades attests to the current widespread              Cruz, now a city of about one million inhabitants
distribution and abundance of A. aegypti in the        (24). At the time of this outbreak, dengue was
hemisphere (22). Dengue also is now endemic in         endemic in Santa Cruz, A. aegypti mosquitoes
many cities in the Amazon Basin, such as Belem         were abundant, and the level of YF immunity
and Manaus in northern Brazil; Iquitos, Tarapoto       among the resident population of the city was only
and Pulcalpa in eastern Perú, and Santa Cruz in        about 30%. Fortunately, the YF cases were
eastern Bolivia demonstrating that A. aegypti now      recognized early, and a mass vaccination
exists in close proximity to areas where sylvan        campaign and A. aegypti control program were
YF occurs. The continued presence of sylvan YF         rapidly initiated by local authorities. A major
in South America constitutes a real threat as a        epidemic of urban YF was probably averted. But
                                                       this situation illustrates the danger of the
source of introduction into the urban environment
                                                       introduction of YF into an urban area where
(23). Given the continuing encroachment of
                                                       dengue occurs, and the difficulty in differentiating
people into the sylvan habitat of YF fever virus, it   DHF from YF initially.
would seem inevitable that the virus will eventually
be introduced into an urban community and that         Clinically, the two diseases may be similar:
epidemic YF will reappear.                             acutely ill patients with fever, leukopenia and
                                                       hemorrhagic manifestations (7-13). Although YF
Two recent outbreaks in Perú and Bolivia illustrate    patients often have icterus, this is not always obvious
the potential danger of YF being introduced into       in people with dark skin. The histopathological
urban areas. Ten or 15 years ago, when the             diagnosis of YF is also sometimes difficult, unless
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) terrorist group        special staining procedures are used. Typically in
was active in the Andean foothills of eastern Perú,    fatal cases of YF, one sees midzonal hepatocyte
many civilians fled the region. After the defeat of    necrosis, microvesicular steatosis, pyknotic

Biomédica 2002;22:287-95                                                               VIRAL HEMORRAGIC FEVER

nuclei, and acidophilic or eosinophilic depositions       insidiously with progressive development of fever,
within the cytoplasmic of dying liver cells (figure 3).   chills, malaise, anorexia, myalgia and sore throat
These eosinophilic depositions or so-called               (16,25,29). During the first 3-5 days, the signs
Councilman bodies were once thought to be                 and symptoms are indistinguishable from a variety
diagnostic of YF; but it is now known that                of other non-specific viral and bacterial illnesses.
Councilman-like bodies can be seen in a number of         As the disease progresses, patients develop
diseases where liver cell necrosis or apoptosis           weakness, arthralgia, back pain, nausea,
occurs. This includes DHF (8,9) and AHF (14-17).          vomiting, epigastric pain, dizziness, conjunctivitis,
We have recently developed a new hamster                  flushed face and bleeding gums. By the 6th. or
model of fulminant YF, which shows many of the            7th. day, the patients are usually acutely ill with
clinical and pathologic features of the severe            dehydration, disorientation and frequently
disease in humans (12,21). After infection,               hemorrhagic and/or neurological manifestations.
hamsters develop a high YF viremia that peaks             If death occurs, it usually results from massive
on day 3 and that lasts 5 or 6 days (21). Antibodies      hemorrhage and/or shock. If the patient survives
(hemagglu-tination inhibition and IgM) first appear       this period, improvement begins about the 10th.
between day 4 and 5. About 20% of adult                   or 12th. day and a slow convalescence ensues.
hamsters die from YF infection; death usually             The mortality rates in patients with untreated AHF
occurs in the animals on day 5 or 6, as in severe         range from about 10 to 33%. Mortality rates of
human cases of the disease. These animals also            AHF decrease with early hospitalization and
have elevated serum transminase and bilirubin             intensive supportive care, including immune
levels (21).                                              human plasma or the antiviral drug ribavirin (16).
Arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers                             The frequency of the South American AHFs vary
To date, a total of 17 different indigenous               widely, and less is known about their
arenaviruses have been identified in the Americas         epidemiology than is known about DHF and YF.
(25-27). Most of the New World arenaviruses occur         To date, only 4 cases of Sao Paulo hemorrhagic
in South America. In general, they have a rather          fever have been reported; two natural cases and
restricted geographic distribution; and most of the       two accidental infections among laboratory
viruses are associated with a single vertebrate           personnel working with Sabia virus (25).
species, usually a rodent (25-27). The natural rodent
                                                          The first documented outbreak of BHF occurred
reservoirs of arenaviruses usually develop a
                                                          between 1962 and 1964 in the town of San
persistent infection and continuously shed virus in
                                                          Joaquín in the Beni department of northeastern
their urine, feces and saliva (25,28). Human
infection is thought to result primarily from             Bolivia (16,25). About 1,000 human cases
inhalation of aerosols of infected rodent excreta,        occurred during that initial outbreak. Since that
although venereal transmission and nosocomial             time, only sporadic cases of BHF have been
infections have also been reported (16,25).               reported. However, cases still do occur; we made
                                                          an isolate of Machupo virus from a human case
Four of the South American arenaviruses have              of BHF last year.
been associated with severe hemorrhagic disease
(AHF) in humans (25). Each of these arenaviruses          The two AHFs that have been most thoroughly
is associated with a disease of a different name:         studied are (AgtHF) and VHF. AgtHF was first
Junin virus with Argentine hemorrhagic fever              recognized as a distinct entity during the 1950s
(AgtHF); Machupo virus with Bolivian hemorrhagic          in an agricultural region north of Buenos Aires
fever (BHF); Guanarito virus with Venezuelan              (25). From 1958 to 1994, more than 24,000
hemorrhagic fever (VHF), and Sabia virus with             human cases were reported with annual totals
Brazilian or Sao Paulo hemorrhagic fever. In reality,     ranging from 200-3,000 cases (25). AgtHF affects
the clinical manifestations and laboratory findings       mostly adult male agricultural workers. Cases of
in the four diseases are indistinguishable. After         the disease occur mainly during the harvest
an incubation period of 7-14 days, AHF begins             season, with a peak incidence in May. Since the

TESH R.B.                                                                                 Biomédica 2002;22:287-95

introduction of the Candid-1 vaccine in 1991, the        As noted before, the initial clinical manifestations
annual incidence of the disease has decreased            of AHF are indistinguishable from a variety of
dramatically (25).                                       other non-specific viral and bacterial illnesses
                                                         (16,25). In fact, the first two isolates of Guanarito
VHF was first recognized in 1989 in an agricultural      virus were made from fatal cases initially
region of Portuguesa state (29). Between                 diagnosed as DHF (29). Table 1 shows the clinical
September 1989 and August 1998, more than 200            diagnosis of 56 confirmed VHF cases at the time
cases of VHF were reported. The disease has              of the patients' hospitalization (25). Despite the
occurred in a sporadic cyclical manner; cases            relative frequency of VHF in the endemic region,
have been reported in every month of the year,           it is a difficult diagnosis to make. Patients with
but the majority have occurred in the months of          VHF appear at a clinic or hospital with a 4-5 day
November, December and January (29). This                history of progressively severe febrile illness; they
period corresponds with the end of the rainy             usually have leukopenia and thrombocytopenia,
season and beginning of the dry season in the            and sometimes hemorrhagic manifestations are
endemic region, and it is a period of intense            present. Laboratory studies may indicate
agricultural activity. During the past dry season        elevated serum transaminase levels. But, at this
(November 2001- January 2002), another 30 cases          point, the illness cannot be differentiated from
of the disease were reported. Like the pattern           DHF or YF.
observed with AgtHF, VHF occurs mainly among             Despite the severity of the illness, patients dying of
adult male agricultural workers, suggesting that         AHF show surprisingly little pathology. The most
infection occurs outside of the home in rodent-          consistent findings at autopsy are in the liver and
infested fields and grasslands (29).                     have been described as multifocal hepatocytic
One of the interesting questions about VHF is why        necrosis, usually without significant inflammatory
were cases not recognized until 1989. The answer         reaction (14,32,33). Focal hepatocyte necrosis can
seems largely related to human migration and             be seen as well as Councilman bodies. We recently
land use patterns in the affected region. During         described a hamster model of AHF, using Pirital
the period from 1985-2000, there was a major             virus. Hamsters inoculated with Pirital virus develop
movement of people into the llanos of Venezuela,         a progressively severe, fatal illness of about 7 days
especially Portuguesa and Barinas states. Much           duration; the pathologic features are similar to those
of this land was originally forested; but with           observed in fatal human cases of AHF (17). Figure
development, the forest was removed and was              4 shows a H&E stained section of liver from a
replaced by agricultural fields and pastures             hamster experimentally infected with Pirital virus.
(25,30). This ecologic change provided increased
habitat for certain grassland rodents, one being         Table 1. Clinical diagnoses in 56 confirmed cases of
Zygodontomys brevicauda , the reservoir of               Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever at time of patients’
Guanarito virus. Thus, there were increased
numbers of infected rodents, and increased               Diagnosis                      No. of confirmed
numbers of susceptible people living in the same                                         cases of VHF
region. A similar pattern was observed in
                                                         Viral syndrome                         16
Argentina when intensive agriculture (soy beans
                                                         Classic dengue fever                   11
and corn) was developed in the Pampa region              No diagnosis                            7
where AgtHF now occurs (16,25,31). Cultivated            Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever            6
fields and the surrounding grasslands provided           Hemorrhagic virosis                     5
habitat for the rodent reservoirs of Junin virus (31).   Dengue hemorrhagic fever                4
                                                         Tonsilitis/pharyngitis                  2
The arenaviruses are very old and probably               Convulsive syndrome                     1
evolved with their rodent hosts; but when people         Bronchopneumonia                        1
change the ecology, allowing an increase in the          Gastrointestinal hemorrhage             1
abundance of the rodent hosts, the risk of human-        Sepsis                                  1
                                                         Febrile syndrome                        1
virus contact increases (25).

Biomédica 2002;22:287-95                                                                         VIRAL HEMORRAGIC FEVER

Seven days after infection focal hepatocytic                    Dengue and YF viruses are infrequently cultured
necrosis can be seen with scattered acidophilic                 from tissues at the time of death, probably because
bodies.                                                         the patient already has developed antibodies to the
                                                                infecting agent. The arenaviruses can be cultured
Because of the non-specific nature and high
                                                                from tissues at death; but they usually do not form
mortality of viral hemorrhagic fever, the diagnosis
                                                                viral cytopathic effect in mammalian cell cultures,
and etiology are often not determined until
                                                                so an indirect method (immunofluorescence, RT-
autopsy. As noted before, the major pathology
                                                                PCR, etc.) must be used to confirm their presence.
observed at necropsy in cases of DHF, YF and
AHF is in the liver. However, using a standard                  Figure 5 shows liver tissue from the same
H&E stain, it is difficult to determine the precise             Ecuadorian patient stained by the immuno-
etiology. Figure 3 shows a liver section from a                 peroxidise technique, using a YF mouse immune
fatal case of presumed viral hemorrhagic fever in               serum. The brown-staining material within the
Ecuador. It would be difficult for a pathologist to             infected hepatocytes is YF viral antigen and is
say with certainty whether this person died of                  diagnostic. Figure 4 shows an H&E-stained
DHF, YF or AHF. Furthermore, culture of the                     section of liver from a hamster infected with Pirital
affected tissues may not be much more helpful.                  virus. Focal hepatocyte necrosis is visible, but the

Figure 3. Photomicrograph of liver from fatal human case        Figure 4. Focal hepatic necrosis with scattered eosinophilic
of yellow fever showing hepatocytic necrosis, microvesicular    bodies in a hamster, seven days after infection with Pirital
steatosis, pyknotic nuclei and eosinophilic depositions         virus (50X).
(Councilman bodies) (100X magnification).

Figure 5. Immunohistochemical staining for yellow fever viral   Figure 6. Immunohistochemical staining in liver of hamster
antigen (reddish brown color) in liver of fatal yellow fever    infected with Pirital virus; viral antigen appears as diffuse
case (100X).                                                    brown color (model of AHF) (100X).

TESH R.B.                                                                                           Biomédica 2002;22:287-95

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