Page created by Marie Andrews



Tourism is an important contributor to
                                                                                                               the world economy. The tourism
                                                                                                               industry not only generates revenues
                                                                                                               for a country, but it is also one of the
                                                                                                               most important engines for economic
FREEDOM PARK RECAPS NATIONS ASPIRATIONS                                                                        growth and development. The
                                                                                                               growing influence of the tourism
We buried them for what they were                                                                              sector as an economic powerhouse
                                                                                                               and its potential as a tool for
Our fallen heroes and our history                                                                              development are irrefutable. The
A monument in our hearts we shall mount                                                                        World Health Organization (WHO) on
Their unhear of names to engrave                                                                               March 11, 2020, declared the novel
                                                                                                               coronavirus (COVID-19)
On times sturdy wings their ideal we shall pin
Africa’s priceless heritage to mankind                      ~ Mr Ronnie Makopo

                                                 Sepamla   outbreak a global pandemic. Tourism was one of the first sectors to be deeply impacted by
                                                           the pandemic.
                                                           Sadly, we condole the demise of the founding President of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda. A
                                                           towering personality who led the struggle against colonialism died at the grand age of 97.
                                                           Freedom Park was honoured to have his esteemed presence in early 2002, and most
                                                           recently when our CEO Ms Jane Mufamadi paid him a visit at his home with a gift of the
                                                           Freedom Park book. His crisply laundered handkerchief was something of a talisman,
                                                           summoning an emotional bond with his people and the world. Rest in eternal Peace!

                                                           During these historic months we get to understand the importance of our nationality; about
                                                           who we are so that we can ultimately gain an appreciation and embody our unique history,
                                                           culture, spirituality national symbols and indigenous systems. We should be talking about
                                                           deeper things. About the impact of reconciliation and nation building; riveting as we
                                                           unpack exactly what it means to be South African and African.

                                                           Our online events have proven quite successful with thought-provoking seminars and
                                                           workshops that had participation of some of the notable figures in Arts, Culture and

                           02                                                                            03
During this crisis, 90 per cent of countries fully
                                         or partially closed World Heritage sites, and                                                   COVID-19 has impacted people with regard to
                                         most museums were temporarily closed.                                                           both     tourism     supply      and     demand.
                                         Tourism, a sector built on people-to people                                                     Consequently, tourism sector professionals, as
                                         interaction, is one of the major vehicles for                                                   well as tourists themselves, need to take into
                                         promoting culture and advancing intercultural                                                   account the "new normal". Due attention must
                                         dialogue and understanding. During such                                                         be paid to changes in tourism products and
                                         challenging times, domestic tourism is                                                          services, the necessary safety concerns, as
                                         providing a much-needed boost to help sustain                                                   well as the interpretation of the sector trends.
                                         many tourism destinations and businesses and
                                         will continue to be a key driver of recovery in                                                 Domestic tourism is expected to benefit, as
                                         the short to medium term.                                                                       people prefer to stay local and visit
                                                                                                                                         destinations within their own country.
                                         ~Ms Jane Mufamadi
                                                                                                                                        HoD Public Participation Ms M Makoela

This quarter has been eventful albeit key commemoration programmes had to be
cancelled due to the COVID-19. Whilst we are dealing with a National Disaster and in a
Lockdown, we are confident that this will pass and we return to normal very soon. We          This quarter we were privileged to host Afrika Communications Week here at Freedom
however appreciate all the wonderful comments on social media on this beautiful and           Park. It was indeed an immensely successful conference as we connected with
spectacular heritage site- Freedom Park.                                                      communicators both locally and globally. The week-long event brought together
                                                                                              communications professionals, media and press attaches based in South Africa to
We celebrated Freedom Month, Africa Month and Youth Month. As we celebrate these              deliberate on the theme: Changing perceptions on Africa: saving lives, saving livelihoods.
auspicious months, we also celebrate 27 years of our freedom and democracy. We are            The event is hosted by PR Trends ZA, GCIS, Freedom Park Heritage Site & Museum and
reminded that peace, unity, the preservation, and the restoration of human dignity are        the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
the hallmarks of Freedom Day celebrations on the 27th of April of each year. This day         The programme included panel discussions, workshops and webinars.
will forever stand in the hearts and minds of our people.
                                                                                              In all our online events we have strived to remember those who have sacrificed so that
And yet as we prepared for these significant commemorative events, we are starkly             we can have freedom. In always remembering our fallen heroes and heroines, we also
reminded that we are fighting a different enemy, one that is invisible and yet has the        renew our commitment to building a united and prosperous South Africa, thereby
capability of ravaging every corner of the globe in its quest to take as many lives as        ensuring that their efforts were not in vain.
possible. We pay our homage to those who lost the battle against COVID-19.
                                                                                              This call to every South African to embrace the efforts of Freedom Park does, however,
The quarter ended on a tragic note as we lost the Father of African Independence              go far beyond the individual realm. As the challenges of Covid-19 beleaguer us with loss
Kenneth Kaunda. We have personal memories of this foremost Liberator in the African           of life, loss of business and jobs, the tourism industry has taken a severe knock, but this
continent and we pay tribute to a great friend of the South African liberation struggle,      hasn’t stopped us here using the digital forum to optimize the awareness of Freedom
being an ally to veterans of the liberation movement such as Oliver Tambo, Walter             Park.
Sisulu, Chris Hani and others. You will always be remembered with the fondest
thoughts and a wistful smile.

                                         04                                                                                                   05
                                                                                           On behalf of the CEO, Council, Management and Staff of Freedom Park
                                                                                           our deepest condolences to his family, friends, and the people of Zambia.

                                                                                                       Zambian Dialogue – 2015 Through the Hallway of Time

Freedom Park condoles the demise of the founding President of Zambia, Kenneth
Kaunda. A towering personality who led the struggle against colonialism died at the
grand age of 97. His death, at a military hospital where he was being treated for
pneumonia, was announced by the president of Zambia, Edgar Lungu. Zambian
authorities declared 21 days of mourning.

Kenneth Kaunda dominated the politics of his country for a generation, beginning in
the mid-1960s. He was an impassioned orator; a former schoolteacher who quoted
Lincoln and Gandhi; and a physically striking man. In one of his last major public
                                                                                         When we talk of personal memories with Zambia here at Freedom Park we remember a
appearances, at the funeral of Nelson Mandela in December 2013, Kaunda recalled          seminar on the sterling role that Zambia played in the liberation struggle in the African
his own history in the fight to end apartheid, launching into a version of a song that   continent.. Undeniably, Zambia remains one of the few countries that can pride themselves
had once been his rallying cry, “Tiyende Pamodzi” (“let’s go together” or “let’s pull    of playing a gallant and unrelenting role in their contribution to the struggle against apartheid.
together”). But this time, when he reached the chorus, his listeners did not dutifully   Guided by the theme, “The Lusaka influence: Zambia and its role in the liberation struggle
sing along, as they had in the past.
                                                                                         agenda in Southern Africa” the seminar sought to understand how the Zambian community,
“Ah, you have forgotten,” he said wistfully. Who can forget that sombre moment!          despite stern opposition and vengeance from the imperial powers, stood firm in its resolve to
                                                                                         ensure that Africa’s dignity is restored in the global political landscape.
Freedom Park was honoured to have his esteemed presence in early 2002, and
most recently when our current CEO Ms Jane Mufamadi paid him a visit at his home
with a gift of the Freedom Park book. The twinkle in his eye said all!. His crisply
laundered handkerchief was something of a talisman, summoning an emotional bond
with his people and the world.

                                         06                                                                                                   07
                LEST WE FORGET! Cradock                        Four

                                                                                               This year marks the 150th anniversary of struggle icon and human rights campaigner
                                                                                               Charlotte Maxeke. She and other selfless women of her generation fought against
                                                                                               oppression at a time when such defiance was met with unrelenting force.
                                                               Thirty-six years ago, four
                                                               Eastern Cape activists
                                                               were      intercepted     by                         Celebrating Charlotte Maxeke
                                                               security    police    in   a
                                                               roadblock      near      Port
                                                               Elizabeth.     They     were
                                                               unaware that two members
                                                               of their group - Matthew
                                                               Goniwe and Fort Calata -
                                                               had been targeted for
                                                               assassination.           The
                                                               Cradock Four - Goniwe,
                                                               Calata, Sparrow Mkonto
                                                               and Sicelo Mhlauli - were
                                                               never seen alive again.

“Their death marked a turning point for struggle politics. On the day of their funeral,
President PW Botha responded by declaring a national State of Emergency, which would
remain in place for a number of years. The targeted assassination of Goniwe, Calata,
Mkonto and Mhlauli by the Civil Cooperation Bureau, apartheid's top-secret hit squad,
                                                                                               As we celebrate a phenomenal Woman in the Struggle, Charlotte Maxeke born on the 7th
remained a matter of speculation for many years, particularly as the apartheid state
                                                                                               April 1872. We honour and pay tribute to this extraordinary woman individual whose
plummeted to a new nadir with heightened repression and unrest”
                                                                                               every action was expressive of her extraordinary intellect, diligence, determination,
                                                                                               courage, dedication to the highest ideals and principles, and love of God.
We remember the indomitable courage and sacrifice of the Cradock Four; we salute these
brave martyrs. A culture of service and tolerance: “Raise your words, not your voice. It is
                                                                                               “She excelled in all fields of academia. She was taught under the tutelage of Pan-
rain that gives flowers, not thunder.
                                                                                               Africanist scholar and proponent Dr. W.E.B Du Bois and received an education that was
                                                                                               focused on developing her as a future missionary in Africa. In the late spring of 1903,
This is the land where legends were born - of poetry and beauty, of valour and honour, of
                                                                                               Charlotte Manye achieved two very memorable things. She became the first black South
pride and generosity, of the warmest embrace of friendship and the strongest resistance for
                                                                                               African woman to earn a university degree, and she was betrothed to a fellow
freedom. The previous generation of heroes and heroines was the wisdom of this
                                                                                               countryman and graduate, Dr. Marshall Maxeke.”
magnificent land. And, in this century, the great heroes of our time waged an epic struggle
of courage and resolve to shape our future. Their sacrifices must not go in vain. The flame    We are certain that her values and beliefs will inspire our women to greatness, and to
of hope should not die. As we remember you, we do so knowing your life was cut short           ensure that the memory and legacy of our liberation heroines are promoted and
brutally for your vision that only came from great patriots.

                                       08                                                                                                  09
         amaMpondo CEREMONIAL EVENT

Freedom Month we remember and honour those who laid down their lives in the
struggle for the humanity and freedom that we enjoy today.
The commemoration of amaKhosi amaMpondo ceremonial event at Freedom Park is
contextualised within a highly significant framework and one of the flagship projects that
would see Freedom Park continuing on its path to emancipate the African Voice; and            A Freedom Day Celebration at the Park – Tshwane Gospel
indeed, keeping this institution firmly grounded on its mandate of honouring of heroes                                Choir
and heroines who played a critical role in the liberation of the country.
Freedom Day marks not only the first democratic elections in South Africa, but also a
qualitative leap in the history of our country. It marks the end of a long struggle against
slavery, colonialism and apartheid and the beginning of moving towards a non-racial            A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to
non-sexist inclusive society. We should, however, never forget that this qualitative leap      new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds
came with a heavy price. Many people sacrificed or risked their lives for it, and it is        utterance...we awoke to life and freedom!
therefore imperative that their memory be honoured and kept alive.

                                          10                                                                                            11

A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to
new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds
utterance...we awoke to life and freedom!
                                                                                              The Kara Heritage Institute and the Pan African Parliament held a round table at Freedom
Freedom Park this year celebrates Freedom Month by offering visitors free                     Park at the Launch of Africa Month in collaboration with Mapungubwe Arts, Culture and
entrance to the Park. On Freedom Day we commemorated South Africa’s first non-                Heritage. This centred on the theme for the roundtable: Catalysts for building the Africa we
racial and democratic elections held on 27 April 1994. This day will forever stand in the     want. The opening address was delivered by the Honourable Naledi Pandor, Minister of
hearts and minds of our people. As we celebrate peace, unity, freedom and human               International Relations and Cooperation with the keynote address by the Honourable Chief
dignity, we invite each and every South African to celebrate with us – at a place that        F.Z Charumbira, Acting President of the Pan African Parliament.They were welcomed by
stands as a monument to humanity and freedom: Freedom Park.                                   the CEO of Freedom Park Ms Jane Mufamadi.

                                        We celebrated this Freedom Day to the
                                        powerful and majestic voices of the Tshwane
                                        Gospel Choir which will echo through Freedom
                                        Park. Dazzling and unified…the Choir was
                                        much to look at as to listen. The human
                                        spirit…is what you cannot miss! Theirs is an
                                        electrifying and sound visual experience that
                                        continue to capture all. From the colourful outfits
                                        to the uplifting ambience, the Tshwane Gospel
                                        Choir is food for the mind and soul. The crowds
                                        of people were ecstatic to watch their favourite
                                        Gospel Choir. We want to thank all our visitors
                                        who visited the Park and indeed it was a day to

                                         12                                                                                                     13
                                                                                                              AFRIKA COMMUNICATIONS WEEK

Freedom Park hosted the Africa Day Webinar on 25 May 2021.

Esteemed and renowned Pan Africanist and Professor of African American Studies and
Political Science at the Maxwell School of Citizenship, United States, Professor Horace
Campbell will deliver the main message on “Pan Africanism and African Liberation in the
era of the Covid 19 Pandemic”.

Other distinguished panellists include Professor Nkondo, Professor Meyiwa and
Professor Ndletyana. Some of the objectives of the webinar is to communicate and
dialogue the values of Pan Africanism and the African Rennaissance in the era of COVID
19; to strengthen African solidarity with diverse citizens of the continent and most
importantly to instill pride in being African.

                                                                                          The South African edition of Africa Communications Week 2021. The week-long event
                                                                                          will bring together communications professionals, media and press attaches based in
                                                                                          South Africa to deliberate on the theme: Changing perceptions on Africa: saving lives,
                                                                                          saving livelihoods. The event is hosted by PR Trends ZA, GCIS, Freedom Park Heritage
                                                                                          Site & Museum and the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
                                                                                          Africa Communications Week forms part of the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture’s
                                                                                          programme for Africa Month 2021. The programme included panel discussions,
                                                                                          workshops and webinars:

                                        14                                                                                              15
CELEBRATING AFRICA DAY UNDER LOCKDOWN                                                                                    INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY
        - SILENCING THE GUNS - 25 MAY 2021

Celebrating our African culture - the canvas of our culture is vast and has hues and vibrancy
of all sorts. Today is a celebration of all that is African, the warmth in relations and euphoria
in celebrations that normally attracts tourists to its vibrant culture which is an amalgamation     City Museums every year celebrate the International Museum Day on 18 May: Theme –
of religions, food, art, craft, clothing, food, dance, music and other subtle things. Everything    for this year is “The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine.”
from culture, tradition, values, and customs is the focus today as we celebrate Africa Day          How do we manage museums so that they contribute towards sustainability? The
under Lockdown.                                                                                     challenge and impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Museums has been daunting. This is the
                                                                                                    crucial question we should all be asking in commemorating International Museum Day.
This year is different as our continent and the rest of the world battles the ravages of COVID-     Museums are the focus for education, research, and learning. For instance, parts of the
19, however that shouldn’t dampen our spirits as we celebrate the day reawakening our               Basic Education Department’s curriculum require schoolchildren to visit museums on
pride and taking ownership in our unique and vibrant identity as Africans.                          study tours, while archaeologists, anthropologists, cultural experts, naturists and others
                                                                                                    are drawn to museums or to work that necessitates them closely working with museums.
As we celebrate this day our aim should always be to strengthen the framework of African
solidarity. The ties that bind us span country borders and unite our brothers and sisters into a    Museums are also well-placed to champion’s government nation building and social
global African community. Freedom Park is synonymous with reconciliation – with the coming          cohesion programmes by contributing towards unity and economic development. In
together and strengthening of the ties that bind us. This month will mark another step on the       addition, the diversity of cultural collections from the continent can add value to our quest
route to reconciliation amongst our fellow African countries. If we are to realise the ideals of    to build African unity as we celebrate Africa month.
Pan-Africanism, we must explore and embrace our shared roots.

                                            16                                                                                                       17
YOUTH MONTH                                                            World Environment Day – 5 June 2021

We invited all South Africans to commemorate the tremendous role our youth played in
the freedom and democracy we enjoy today. As such, we offered free entrance to
the Youth on June 16 Day 2021.

We want our youth to know that Freedom Park is for all South Africans, and that it is
the voice of the South African people. Bringing together threads of our nation’s unique
culture, heritage, history and spirituality, Freedom Park weaves together the previously
untold South African story. We want the youth to understand that Freedom Park
reflects the heart and soul of South Africa, captured in one breath-taking space. For      Since Youth Month coincides with World Environment Day on June 5th, the Office of the
this reason, we encourage them to visit. Understanding who we are and where we             Executive Mayor in partnership with the Salvokop Youth Desk Forum, the Move1Million
come from is central to activities at Freedom Park. Our elders have gifted us our          and Freedom Park participated in the Mayoral Tswelopele Clean-up campaign in
beautiful heritage and the freedom we appreciate today we believe that without their       Salvokop.
wisdom, we will lose a link with our own identities and our own heritage.
                                                                                           In Youth Month we remember the vital role that our youth played in attaining the
This month was dedicated to the remembrance of the significant role that the youth         democracy and freedom we enjoy today. It is, however, crucial that we also educate the
                                                                                           youth of today that there are many more freedoms than only the political kind. The
played in the history of our nation with an exciting month ahead albeit the COVID-19
Pandemic. Our activities (digitally) for the month focused on honouring those who took     Constitution grants us certain rights – the right to a clean and safe environment, to
a stand and sacrificed their lives for a better South Africa.                              sanitation and drinking water. But these rights also come with certain responsibilities.
                                                                                           Failure to care for the environment we live or teaching our children to do so will cost us
                                                                                           dearly in the years to come.
We want our youth to know that there is a place that recognises such heroes and
heroines and that our youth’s contributions mattered so much in the history of our
nation. It is, however, time for today’s youth to take their lead from those who have
gone before and take a stand to build this nation even further.

                                         18                                                                                                  19
                           Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who lost their lives during the WWII.
                           The Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of South Africa hosted a wreath-laying
                           ceremony on the 8th of May 2019 at the Wall of Names in Freedom Park.

         20                                                             21
Solomon Mahlangu 42 Commemoration Dinner and
                    Graduation Ceremony

The Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu Family Trust together with Freedom Park and the NYDA
hosted the Solomon Mahlangu 42 Commemoration Dinner and Graduation Ceremony.

This event preceded a jam-packed itinerary commemorating this phenomenal young icon
who was hanged 40 years ago.

Who can forget these poignant words?

“My blood will nourish the tree that will bear the fruits of freedom. Tell my people that
I love them. They must continue the fight”.
As we remember struggle hero Solomon Mahlangu, who was executed on April 6, 1979,
after he was found guilty of two counts of murder and three charges under the then-
Terrorism Act, let us not forget the selflessness of our heroes and heroines. These are our
role models who deserve a place in history that is worth emulating by present and future
generations. Unfortunately, their indelible sacrifices have not been given the utmost
attention they deserve.

“The ANC hailed him as hero of the revolutionary struggle in South Africa, and subsequently
named a training facility in Tanzania after him, in honour of his courage and dedication: The
Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO). He was awarded “The Order of Mendi
for Bravery in Gold for bravery and sacrificing his life for freedom and democracy in South
Africa” posthumously in 2005.”

                                           20                                                   21

    R65 per Adult, R45 for Children/Senior Citizens        Edito
          R150.00 for International Visitors
                                                           Public Par
          Guided tours 9am, 12pm and 3pm                   Layout and Graphic Designer:   Olebogeng Mafoko
       We value and appreciate your patronage!!!           Photography:                   Vincent Vilakazi/ Olebogeng Mafoko

                                                           FIND US                        GPS COORDINATES
                                                           Tel:   +27 (0)12 336 4000       Latitude: S 25 45.846
                                                           Fax:   +27 (0)12 336 4021       Longitude: E 28 11.238

                                                           Corner Koch and 7th Avenue

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