Vikram Seth's From Heaven Lake: Travels Through - Galore International ...

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Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities
                                                                                     Vol.4; Issue: 4; Oct.-Dec. 2020
Review Paper                                                                                     P-ISSN: 2456-8430

 Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels Through
    Sinkiang and Tibet- A People’s Travelogue of
               Cultural Assimilation
                                              Ashima Sona
                      Former Head, Department of English, Assam Don Bosco University

ABSTRACT                                                 predecessors who turned out to be the
                                                         connoisseurs of art and landscapes from
Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels                  their travel adventures.
Through Sinkiang and Tibet is a book that falls                   The book is a travel memoir where
in the genre of travel writing. It does not focus        Seth chronicles his journey through China to
on the usual course of monumental history and
                                                         New Delhi via Tibet while studying at
the architectural details of the places visited. It
is in fact an intriguing description of the people       university. The winner of the Thomas Cook
of China and Tibet and presented like a Travel           Travel Book Award in 1983 it documents
Memoir. This paper tries to study the                    the travel that takes place in the summer of
biographical details built upon ordinary                 1981 when Seth as an exchange student
interactions with simple humanity that come en           from Stanford, went to study at Nanjing
route. The richness of the local colours is poured       University. It was then he decided to head
out through various physical, cultural and racial        home in Delhi to spend the summer
engagements. There is a strange warmth                   vacation with his family and feel the
exhibited that brings out the psyche of the              homeland. From Heaven Lake is the story
people towards a foreigner. It endorses
                                                         of Seth’s experiences en-route planned quite
assimilation humanly and culturally. The tone of
                                                         uncommonly, in a hitch-hiking manner and
Romanticism seeps into the descriptions and
images about the life and surroundings of the            the tryst with the extraordinary people he
ordinary masses. The theme of Diaspora and               encounters on the way. The narrative
Cultural assimilation runs throughout the                unfolds      numerous     thinly    disguised
narrative such that it omits the sense of any            biographical details with utmost emotion
cultural displacement and reveals Vikram Seth            and passion of a romantic onlooker. His
as a writer with a deep understanding of                 travelogue quite unlike the other travel
humanity and culture.                                    writings is based more on the human
                                                         interactions and observations of the ordinary
Key words: People, Memoir, Interaction,                  beings. The journey traversed across four
Cultural assimilation, Diaspora, Romanticism.            major Chinese provinces: Xinjiang, also
                                                         known as Sinkiang, the desert province of
INTRODUCTION                                             Gansu, the plateau of Qinghai, and Tibet is a
Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I                     mirror to the Chinese ethos combined with
took the one less travelled by.                          the writer’s feelings drawn from these
                                -Robert Frost            places.
        Vikram Seth’s forte lies in his                           He was on a three-week tour
versatility that ranges from a vast gambit of            organised by the Nanjing University for its
fictional prose to travel writings. He chose             foreign students, defined by Seth as ‘a
the uncommon road to count more than the                 mixed bunch’, which is quite suggestive of
places he visited in his travelogue From                 the fact that China is a popular choice for
Heaven Lake and become different from his                students from countries like US, Japan and

               Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities (                   1
                                     Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
Ashima Sona. Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang And Tibet- a people’s travelogue of
cultural assimilation

India because of its diplomatic and                    a flight of thought and imagination that puts
academic relationship on the global front.             the narrative under a Romantic prose alive
These students were on leave from their                to the picturesque lives of the ordinary
mother universities and during the holidays            masses.
were permitted to travel in China. Seth                        The travel theory suggests that the
explains this aspect further in the Foreword           travel writers construct and interpret reality
to the 1990 Edition of the book:                       from their individual angles of vision, and
                                                       travel writing is an exercise in introducing
        “This book is an account of what I             the `self' to the `other', and an attempt to
saw, thought and felt as I travelled through           build bridges that link humanity through an
various parts of the People’s Republic of              understanding of diverse cultures. They
China as a student. It is not intended as a            create the sense from their experience and
summary of the political or economic                   perception of the actual reality. This adds
situation of that country, although I did              the constructivist perspective to travel
occasionally digress into such ruminations             writings.
in the course of writing the book.” (p 2)                      Seth builds up the discussion around
        The narrative is bifurcated into               his travel fantasy laid upon his observations
descriptions based upon two different                  and his perspective. For instance when he
journeys undertaken. The first involves                describes vividly the towns of Urumchi and
covering the desert regions of Turfan,                 Turfan on the northern branch of the ancient
HeavenLake, Mount Bogda and Xian. It was               silk route where he begins the journey there
an organised tour meant to show the chosen             is reality transfigured into imagination and
places to a foreigner. Seth towards the end            tale-
of it was not content and felt fettered and                    “The flies have entered the bus, and
deprived of the actual glimpse of life and             their buzzing adds to the overwhelming
place. He, therefore, at the end of the                sense of heat. We drive through the town
official tour decided to take up travel by             first: a few two storey buildings of
overland via Tibet and Nepal to his                    depressing concrete, housing government
hometown Delhi.                                        offices or large shops….(p1)”
        The richness of the local colours is
poured out through physical, cultural and                       He further enumerates the beautiful
human tryst. There is an intrepid and                  geographical features of Xinjiang a desert
adventurous instinct in the author as one              province in China with Turfan the oasis
finds that the travel route which he took was          town in it. His observation mark intricacy in
not a usual one mapped by the tourists in the          the description of “Karez” an underground
past.                                                  tunnel used to bring water from the
        Seth’s journey begins on a hot July            mountains for the purpose of irrigation in
day in Turfan, one of the closest cities to            the region.
China’s border with Russia and a major city                     The     narrative    portrays     the
in Sinkiang. His interest in people is at once         spontaneous life of the masses in small
aroused at the picturesqueness of the local            towns. Ironically the close interactions
scene that gives a way into the vivid                  reveal Chinese as both convivial and a
descriptions of the large variety of Chinese           hospitable race. He says that “for the
and Tibetan race.                                      Chinese people, there is a general sense of
        These included Hans, Uighurs,                  friendliness and curiosity towards the
Kazakhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians                individual foreigner…..”(p9). He uses this
and more. He tries to forge a relationship             expression even for the officialdom that
with the people here and bring out their               restricts the foreigners from interacting with
psyche and their reactions towards a                   the local population.
foreigner with subtle eagerness. It gives him

             Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities (          2
                                   Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
Ashima Sona. Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang And Tibet- a people’s travelogue of
cultural assimilation

        Although, he succumbs to the idea              narrative is filled with informal accounts
of xenophobic tendencies as the foreigners             that he has drawn out from a vast cross-
are “closely watched at all times so that it           section of people during the course of his
does not see too much, do too much on its              journey.
own or influence the behaviour of the local                    Seth brings out the local’s psyche
inhabitants”(p9), but he seems to relish and           and reaction towards a foreigner at close
recognize their hospitality that mingles               hand.
naturally into these encumbrances..                            He recalls from an engagement in a
        Seth throws a keen insight into their          clothing store in Liuyuan that they stare at
racial evolution in his talks about the people         foreigners in awe; however he discerns
of Sinkiang and the complexity of the                  certain warmth and compassion that
region. It is now an integral part of China            impinges all his interactions.
but it once existed as an entirely                             The narrative has a tone of
independent province. A North West part of             wontedness and affection and Seth’s style of
China with population that constitutes the             sensory details occur throughout the
non-Hans race is unlike the rest of the                narrative. The human reality is brought out
Chinese who belong to the Hans clan. These             on the basis of an individual experience
people are a mixture of the nomadic                    with people and society. There is a non-
communities of Uighurs and Kazakhs,                    judgmental         and       non-premeditated
follow the Islamic religion and dress up in            understanding of the people that marks the
colourful attires quite different to Chinese           entire narrative.
who are fond of grey and blue clothing. The                    Ironically he observes that “For
narrative embarks on their features as                 Chinese people, there is a general sense of
marked and more like Turkish than Chinese.             friendliness and curiosity towards the
In his one- to-one interaction with people,            individual        foreigner     which       is
Seth discovers the script used in the region           remarkable.…..”(9). Especially when it
is Arabic and not Chinese. They fall under             appears quite contrary to the usual opinion
minority community and the narrative                   about them as unfriendly and unpredictable.
presents them in a sympathetic light as                        In one of the close interactions with
neglected and deprived. The region                     a young man in Sinkiang he acknowledges
contributes to the socio-racial diversity of           the closing down of the mosques during
China and the divisive elements spread                 Cultural Revolution and lends a discussion
across the geographical boundaries in the              upon the political scene. The young man
vastness of the country.                               thereafter becomes affable and unexpectedly
        The memoir points at the change of             asks him to have dinner at his house. Seth
script by the government in this region from           recalls that, later, he even “waits at the bus
Arabic to Latin to deter any Russian                   stop with” him. Seth asks him not to “but he
influences on the common masses. The                   smiles it off-until the bus comes” (32.)
change grossly affected the community and              exhibiting his cordiality towards him. These
is related in the moving saga of Akbar                 recollections delineate the element of
where the language gaps were created                   nostalgia and assimilative indicators to the
within the family where the grandson and               memoir through author’s warm emotions
grandfather practised one language and the             and respect for the loving and caring people
son another.                                           he came across and makes the narrative
        The uniqueness of the travelogue               appear uniquely, a People’s travelogue. It
lies in the Seth’s personal exchanges with             strongly endorses a cultural amalgamation
the people that enabled the text with such             on both sides.
fine quotidian details .On account of these                    The description relates fondly to yet
close chats he discusses certain core issues           another memorable episode when Seth is
in the light of Cultural Revolution and the            made to perform at a cultural event in a

             Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities (          3
                                   Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
Ashima Sona. Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang And Tibet- a people’s travelogue of
cultural assimilation

hotel. His song from the popular movie                 from there goes to Lhasa via road. The
‘Awara’ wins him a huge popularity in the              narrative constitutes this part of the journey
Chinese audience and he is able to get                 as full of uncertainties in terms of the route
endorsements on his passport to visit Lhasa            and the mode of conveyance. To go to
and Tibet and places which are otherwise               Lhasa from Liuyuan he takes a lift from a
forbidden to a foreigner. But the officials at         truck driver ‘Sui’ who agrees to give him a
the police station greet him with joy and              lift.
honour on account of his performance.                           The account in these moments also
        There is a sense of acculturation              reflects upon the high practical sense of
built in this episode where Seth recalls that          Seth who in such an uncertain and
the local musicians as accompaniment                   cumbersome state is able to befriend a truck
began to play the tune from the movie                  driver and capitalise upon the travel
‘Awara’ and to his surprise he finds that              opportunities. It was a journey filled with
“they know the tune better than” he did. He            rain, flood and discomfort but Seth tries to
finds their obsession for Raj Kapoor and               make the most in the accompaniment of Sui,
Nargis as unexpectedly amazing when their              his fifteen year old nephew Xiao San and a
‘Laj’ and ‘Lita’ turn out to be their ‘cultural        Tibetan Gyanseng. The narrative once again
idols.’                                                turns to picaresque in style whereby Seth
        The narrative carves a rather humane           goes about different places and shares his
and tolerant image of people through their             interesting tryst with people he comes
assimilation to a different culture ironically         across enroute. It turns out to be a sneak
not a dominant one. It ensures both social             peek into their homes and their lives. He
and psychological well being deviated from             feels-
cultural hostilities. Such a cultural                           As I pass through a corridor of
displacement is positive and rules out a               sunflowers in the way back to the house, I
marginalised existence for an outsider.                encounter a dog who tries to lick me and a
        The memoir recalls through Seth’s              goat who tries to butt me. At the house, is
personal adventure, the existence of                   feeding the insatiable baby. Her six year old
corruption in the official and bureaucratic            niece looks on and laughs (71)
practises. But he managed to escape the                         Amidst the journey full of natural
official hurdles of red-tapism known as                discomforts, he was touched by the warmth
‘guanaxi’ or ‘Lianxi’ in the Chinese                   and vigor of simple humanity reviving the
language on account of his cultural                    romantic tone of the narrative. The character
manifestations, his Indian origin and                  of Sui somewhat typifies a Chinese
knowledge of Chinese language that                     temperament. He is an easy, happy-go-lucky
fostered a certain liaisoning with the                 man who follows his whims inadvertently
authorities. A sense of mutual cultural                and is grossly socially oriented. In fact Seth
assimilation emerges in these experiences              is irked by his gregarious mannerism as he
where the adoption of characteristics, values          stops by a lake merely to take fish for his
and beliefs between the ethnic minority and            wife. He does try his best to make the panic-
dominant groups take place. There is                   stricken Seth feel cheerful and easy. These
acculturation practised in both dominant and           recollections make appear the narrative’s
minority cultures with the flavouring of               tone social and people oriented than
Indian Bollywood music in the dominant                 political or historical in content. At Sui’s
Chinese populace and the adoption of                   house at Germu, he discovers:
Chinese language by the minoritised Seth                        “Xiao Sans father is a thin and
that configures assimilation.                          gentle man who has a nervous, hospitable
        With the formalities complete he               manner. In between questions he searches
takes up his journey home via Tibet and                through the toffees in the tin for particularly
Nepal. He travels by train to Liuyuan and              good ones which he then presses on me. My

             Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities (          4
                                   Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
Ashima Sona. Vikram Seth’s From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang And Tibet- a people’s travelogue of
cultural assimilation

teacup is continually replenished and a fresh          imagery and fine descriptions built the tone
cigarette proffered before I have finished the         of romanticism and Diaspora and cultural
last one. (Seth, 83)                                   assimilation that appears alternatively
        The description quite effortlessly             throughout the narrative. Seth’s vision of a
projects Chinese though reserved are by and            humanist and a cosmopolitan writer comes
large an affectionate community. The laws              alive when he being a writer of English
of status quotient and class discrimination            language chose to write on a non-English
do not drive their society and so their open           and a non-western location like China and
warmthness seems to bring about the                    Tibet. The travelogue enforces all the
cultural assimilation assuredly even to a              interactions based upon kindness and
foreigner. The narrative exposes the                   Bonhomie. The sense of cultural
ordinary, mundane details carefully in these           displacement is omitted in all these
nuances and touches upon the psyche of                 interactions and a theme of assimilative
these real characters or people making their           experience is constructed in the narrative. It
existence beyond the geographical and                  reveals Seth as a writer with an
cultural barriers. He was treated like a               understanding of human and nature as he
family at Sui’s place and revered wherever             feels that it is important “to know other’s
he went, offered all sorts of goodies and              culture to enrich one’s life and also to feel
meals. Sui tries to function as his driver cum         more at home in the world.” (139).
guide. Though he is easy going but he also
ensures giving a safe ride to him. When they           WORKS CITED
are struck for two days in Dunhuang Sui                1. Seth, V. From Heaven Lake: Travels
tries to make a soothing remark to pacify                 Through Sinkiang and Tibet, London:
Seth “It’s not worth the risk today…we’ll                 Hogarth Press, New Delhi: Penguin,
definitely try to leave tomorrow.”(59) He                 1983, 1990, p 1-139.
would give a resplendent view of the small             2. Theroux, P. Down the Yangtze, Penguin
towns, their streets and the bustling life in             Books, 1983, 1995, P50.
them and marvellously describe the rustic,
picturesque, country life. “The apricots of            How to cite this article: Sona A. Vikram Seth’s
Dunhuang are marvellous, but just now they             from heaven lake: travels through Sinkiang and
are past their prime, while the pears though           Tibet- a people’s travelogue of cultural
sweetish, are not quite ripe…..”(60).He                assimilation. Galore International Journal of
would wander off in the market and “haggle             Applied Sciences & Humanities. 2020; 4(4): 1-
over grapes and eggplants.”(59). The use of


             Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities (          5
                                   Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2020
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