View across Castle Street looking north
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Perceived additional height resulting from the variation from the coastal height policy provision (shown in bright red) Extent of variation from the R-Codes R80 deemed-to- comply provisions (shown in pale red ) Coastal height policy envelope (yellow dashed line) Profile of the proposed development Extent of variation from the coastal height policy (shown in pale yellow) Frame of reference View across Castle Street looking north Extent of the frame reference occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 1.5% Extent of the human field of vision occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 0.75% Conclusion: The visual impact of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope from this viewpoint is negligible. 99 Flora Terrace and 24 Lawley Street, North Beach mackayurbandesign
Coastal height policy envelope (yellow dashed line) Extent of variation from the R-Codes R80 deemed-to- comply provision (shown in pale red ) Development recently approved by Council Profile of the proposed development Extent of variation from the coastal height policy (shown in pale yellow) Frame of reference View from Flora Terrace /Lawley Street intersection looking southeast Extent of the frame reference occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 0.3% Extent of the human field of vision occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 0.2% Conclusion: The visual impact of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope from this viewpoint is negligible. 99 Flora Terrace and 24 Lawley Street, North Beach mackayurbandesign
Extent of variation from the R-Codes R80 deemed-to-comply provisions (shown in pale red ) Coastal height policy envelope (yellow dashed line) Development recently approved by Council Profile of the proposed development Extent of variation from the coastal height policy (shown in pale yellow) Frame of reference View across Castle Street looking northwest Extent of the frame reference occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 2.1% Extent of the human field of vision occupied by the extent of the proposed building above the coastal height policy envelope: 1.05% Conclusion: No visual impact of the proposed building beyond the coastal height policy envelope from this viewpoint. 99 Flora Terrace and 24 Lawley Street, North Beach mackayurbandesign
Summary and conclusion In all of the viewpoints selected, the visual impact of the proposed building where it would be visible beyond the building envelope described by the coastal height policy ranges from zero to negligible. As a percentage of what can be seen by the human eye from each viewpoint, the additional building mass visible beyond the coastal height policy envelope varies between 0% and 1.05% of the field of view. By way of comparison, a percentage of 10% would be described as marginal and a percentage of 20% or more would be a cause for concern. As such, it is reasonable to conclude that the visual impact of the proposed building where it would be visible beyond the building envelope described by the coastal height policy is so small that it has no impact on visual amenity from the surrounding public domain. Considering also that the building mass above the the coastal height policy envelope gives no rise to other quantifiable impacts such as unacceptable overshadowing, wind effects or overlooking, there is no reason why the variation from Clause 6.3 Coastal Height Limit - Non Residential Zones Special Control Area (costal height policy) could be considered as inappropriate. 99 Flora Terrace and 24 Lawley Street, North Beach mackayurbandesign
CONSULTING CIVIL & TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, RISK MANAGERS Project: Transport Impact and Parking Assessment - V3 99 Flora Terrace, North Beach Proposed Mixed-Use Development Client: NS Property Author: Heidi Lansdell Signature: Date: 9th February 2015 1 ST. FLOOR, 908 ALBANY HIGHWAY, EAST VICTORIA PARK WA 6101. PHONE +61 8 9355 1300 FACSIMILE +61 8 9355 1922 EMAIL
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers Document Status. Ver. No. Author Reviewed by Date Issued for Signature Date 1 H. Lansdell T. Shaw 09/09/14 FINAL 11/09/14 2 H. Lansdell P. Nguyen 27/10/14 REV 27/10/14 FINAL 3 H. Lansdell P. Nguyen 09/02/15 REV 10/02/15 FINAL SHAWMAC PTY LTD ABN 51 828 614 001 PO BOX 937 SOUTH PERTH WA 6951 T: + 61 8 9355 1300 F: + 61 8 9355 1922 E: © Shawmac Pty. Ltd. 2013 C:\Toby\NS Property_99 Flora Terrace_1407018\NS Property_99 Flora Terrace_TIA_271014.docx Page ii
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers CONTENTS 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Site Access Arrangements ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Car Parking Arrangements..................................................................................................................... 2 2. Existing Situation.......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Existing Site Use and Parking Provision ................................................................................................ 3 2.2. Existing Surrounding Land Uses ............................................................................................................ 3 2.3. Existing Surrounding Road Network ...................................................................................................... 3 2.3.1. Road Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.2. Intersections .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.4. Existing Traffic Volumes......................................................................................................................... 4 2.5. Existing Pedestrian/Cyclist Networks ..................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Existing Public Transport ....................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Crash History ......................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Changes To Surrounding Transport Networks ............................................................................. 7 4. Integration with Surrounding Area ................................................................................................ 7 5. Analysis of Transport Networks.................................................................................................... 8 5.1. Assessment Years ................................................................................................................................. 8 5.2. Time Periods for Assessment ................................................................................................................ 8 6. Traffic Generation and Distribution............................................................................................... 8 6.1. Traffic Generation .................................................................................................................................. 8 6.2. Traffic Distribution .................................................................................................................................. 8 6.3. Crash History ......................................................................................................................................... 9 6.4. Rubbish Collection and Servicing .......................................................................................................... 9 7. Review of On-Site Circulation, Service/Delivery Arrangements and Sightlines ............................ 9 8. Car Parking Assessment and Management ............................................................................... 10 Page iii
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers 9. Pedestrian and Cyclist Demand and Facility Assessment ......................................................... 14 10. Public Transport Accessibility .................................................................................................... 14 11. Revised Conclusions.................................................................................................................. 14 12. Appendix A – REVISED Site Plan .............................................................................................. 16 Page iv
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Shawmac has prepared an updated Transport Impact and Parking Assessment report, following the State Administrative Tribunal mediation on 4th February 2015, which is reflective of discussions with the WAPC and the City of Stirling and in the context of revised development plans for 99 Flora Terrace, North Beach, in the City of Stirling. This updated report has assessed the potential traffic impacts and car parking and access issues associated with the proposed mixed-use development to be located at 99 Flora Terrace, North Beach, in the City of Stirling. This revised assessment has been prepared in accordance with the WAPC Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines: Vol 4 – Individual Developments and the City of Stirling’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 – Policy Manual: Section 6 – Parking Access Policy 6.7 and addresses the comments issued by the City of Stirling. The site is located on a residential street in the suburb of North Beach in the City of Stirling and is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Local Context The general metropolitan context of the proposal is shown in Figure 2. Page 1
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers Figure 2 – Metropolitan Context The revised proposal consists of 28 multiple dwellings, 204 m2 of office uses and a 36-seat café/restaurant. Proposed access to the on-site car parking area will be afforded via the south side of Lawley Street, east of Flora Terrace. A copy of the revised site plan is attached in in Appendix A. A site visit was conducted on 1st September 2014 to identify any potential traffic-related issues associated with the proposal. The City of Stirling was also contacted in order to obtain the most recent traffic volumes for the local road network and additional traffic and road crash data has been sourced from MRWA. Subsequent to this visit, detailed car parking surveys were undertaken on Flora Terrace on Thursday 5th February, Friday 6th February and Saturday 7th February 2015 to ascertain the residual level of available of public car parking on-street adjacent to the development. 1.2 Site Access Arrangements Primary vehicular access to the site will be accommodated via a full movements crossover to the south side of Lawley Street, approximately 70m east of Flora Terrace leading to an undercroft car parking area. 1.3 Car Parking Arrangements The proposed parking supply for the development consists of a single level of car parking at ground level incorporating 53 car parking bays (42 residential bays including 14 bays in 7 car stackers and 11 commercial bays including 1 ACROD bay). An additional bay is proposed within the verge on Lawley Street. Page 2
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers 2. EXISTING SITUATION 2.1. Existing Site Use and Parking Provision The property at 99 Flora Terrace currently has a gym/squash court facility comprising 1,500 m2 with 12 car parking bays on the site. 2.2. Existing Surrounding Land Uses The site is currently bounded by residential uses to the north, east and west with a mix of residential and small commercial tenancies to the south along Flora Terrace. 2.3. Existing Surrounding Road Network 2.3.1. Road Hierarchy West Coast Drive West Coast Drive runs in a broad north-south direction approximately 225m west of the site. It has been constructed as a single divided carriageway in the vicinity of the subject lands. Under the Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) Functional Road Hierarchy, West Coast Drive has been classified as a District Distributor A road which is defined as a road which “…connects to Primary and other Distributor roads and facilitates high capacity traffic movements between industrial, commercial and residential areas.” In the vicinity of the site, West Coast Drive operates under a posted speed limit of 50kph and is owned, operated and maintained by the City of Stirling. Flora Terrace Flora Terrace runs in a north-south direction between Malcolm Street and Beach Road along the western boundary of the site. It has been constructed as a single undivided carriageway across the frontage of the site. It currently operates under a posted speed limit of 50 km/h. Under the Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) Road Hierarchy, Flora Terrace has been classified as a Local Distributor road which is defined as a road which “…plays a minor network role and connects to Distributor and Access roads and facilitates movement of road traffic within local areas.” Under existing conditions, there is indented on-street parallel parking on both sides of Flora Terrace between Castle Street and Lawley Street. It is owned, operated and maintained by the City of Stirling. Lawley Street Lawley Street runs along the northern boundary of the site in an east-west direction between West Coast Drive and Hope Street. It has been constructed as a single undivided carriageway and currently under an unposted speed limit of 50kph. Under the Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) Road Hierarchy, Lawley Street has been classified as an Access Road which is defined as a road which “…provides mainly for local access to abutting Page 3
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers properties and connects to Local Distributors and higher order roads”. Figure 3 shows the existing road classification under the MRWA Road Information Mapping System for roads in the vicinity of the site. SUBJECT SITE Figure 3 - Main Roads WA Road Hierarchy- Local Road Network 2.3.2. Intersections The intersection of West Coast Drive/Lawley Street is a T-intersection with Give Way Control in place on the Lawley Street approach to the intersection. The intersection of Flora Terrace and Lawley Street is a 4-legged unsignalised intersection with Stop Control in place on the Lawley Street approaches to the intersection. A pedestrian crossing is in place on northbound approach (southern leg) of Flora Terrace to the intersection. 2.4. Existing Traffic Volumes Traffic data sourced from MRWA indicates that the average existing weekday daily traffic volumes are shown in Table 1. Page 4
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers Table 1 - Existing Weekday Daily Traffic Volumes for Primary Boundary Road Network Road Existing Weekday Daily Traffic Volume (vpd) West Coast Drive (north of North Beach Road) 17,000 vpd (April 2013) Flora Terrace (North of Castle Street) 1,450 vpd (April 2014) Lawley Street (east of Flora Terrace) Not available (assumed to have a practical capacity of 1,500 to 2,000 vpd) 2.5. Existing Pedestrian/Cyclist Networks Existing pedestrian infrastructure in the vicinity of the site includes: A shared path on the western side of West Coast Drive; A Principal Shared Path on Hope Street to the east of the site; Footpaths in place on the east side of West Coast Drive, south side of Lawley Street and on both sides of Flora Terrace along the western boundary of the site; and Flora Terrace designated as a Bicycle Friendly Street. An extract from the Department of Transport (DoT) TravelSmart Walk and Cycle Map – City of Stirling (West) is shown in Figure 4 and illustrates the extent of the existing pedestrian/cyclist network within the vicinity of the site. Page 5
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers SUBJECT SITE Figure 4 – Existing Cycling and Pedestrian Infrastructure 1.1 Existing Public Transport The subject site has excellent access to the public transport network and is located within short walking distance of an existing line haul bus route Route 423 (Stirling Station-Warwick Station via Karrinyup Bus Station and Hillarys Boat Harbour) on Flora Terrace with stops on both sides of the road to the north and south of Lawley Street, respectively. This existing service (as of 21 September 2014) will provide 15-minute service during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak periods, respectively, and half hourly service during the midday and evening off-peak and weekend periods. Figure 5 shows the existing public transport services in the area. Page 6
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers SUBJECT SITE Figure 5 - Travel Smart Map: Public Transport Infrastructure in Vicinity of Site 1.2 Crash History A review of the crash history indicates a total of 2 crashes on Lawley Street during the 5-year reporting period 2009-2013, inclusive, with none of these crashes involving a vehicle entering and/or exiting a driveway or at the intersection with both crashes identified as rear end crashes. No crashes were recorded at the intersection of Flora Terrace/Lawley Street during this reporting period. 3. CHANGES TO SURROUNDING TRANSPORT NETWORKS There are no major planned changes to the surrounding transport network in the vicinity of the subject site. 4. INTEGRATION WITH SURROUNDING AREA The major generators in the area include the North Beach foreshore area to the west of the site, existing small tenancy commercial uses along Flora Terrace to the south of the site and the existing residential catchment to the north, south and east of the site. The site is located within a Business Zone according to the City of Stirling’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3. The proposed development on the site is expected to integrate well with the surrounding area and the existing road network. The proposed land use generally conforms to the existing and proposed land uses in the surrounding area. Page 7
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers 5. ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORT NETWORKS 5.1. Assessment Years The assessment is based on the full development of the site. 5.2. Time Periods for Assessment The proposed development will consist of 29 multiple dwelling residential units, 60 m2 of commercial uses and a 36-seat restaurant. Based upon a combination of existing traffic data for the surrounding road network sourced from MRWA and on the proposed land uses, the period of greatest demand on the road network coincides with typical weekday morning and afternoon peak periods. Therefore the trip generation and traffic analysis will be under taken for both the peak A.M. and peak P.M. hours. The road network performance has been assessed for each period under both the existing (pre-development) and future (post-development) scenario to determine the transport impact of the proposed development on the surrounding road network. The road network peak periods were determined to be 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. in the morning and 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the afternoon. 6. TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION 6.1. Traffic Generation Trip generation rates were applied to determine the revised traffic generation by the proposed uses on the site. The rates were derived from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition. The category chosen for assessment purposes was Residential Condominium/Townhouse (Category 230), General Office (Category 710) and Quality Restaurant (Category 931) which reflected trip generation rates consistent with developments in this type of area and would reflect the ‘worst case’ scenario associated demands on the road network. The results of the trip generation indicates that the site will generate a total of 361 vehicular trips on a typical weekday (180 trips inbound/181 trips outbound) with approximately 32 vehicular trips (14 in/18 out) during the a.m. peak hour and 33 vehicular trips (21 in/12 out) during the p.m. peak hour. 6.2. Traffic Distribution Based upon the spatial distribution of land uses in the area, the location of the major traffic attractors/generators and the proposed layout of the car parking and access to the site as well as the spatial layout of the local road network, the following assumptions for the distribution of the site-generated traffic have been made: 20% of site-generated traffic originates from and is destined to the north and north-east via West Coast Drive and Lawley Street; 50% of site-generated traffic originates from and is destined to the south and south-east via West Coast Drive and Lawley Street; Page 8
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers 10% of site-generated traffic originates from and is destined to the south via Flora Terrace; 10% of the balance of site-generated traffic is originating from and is destined to the north via Flora Terrace; and 10% of site-generated traffic is originating from and is destined to the east via Lawley Street. The anticipated site-generated traffic was then assigned onto the boundary road system based upon the assumptions above and the resultant increases in weekday daily and peak hour traffic on the boundary roads associated with the proposed development are as follows: West Coast Highway: o Weekday Daily: +232 vehicular trips o Weekday A.M. Peak Hour: +22 vehicular trips o Weekday P.M. Peak Hour: +23 vehicular trips Flora Terrace: o Weekday Daily: +66 vehicular trips o Weekday A.M. Peak Hour: +6 vehicular trips o Weekday P.M. Peak Hour: +7 vehicular trips Lawley Street: o Weekday Daily: +331 vehicular trips o Weekday A.M. Peak Hour: +32 vehicular trips o Weekday P.M. Peak Hour: +33 vehicular trips The anticipated increases in vehicular traffic on the boundary road network associated with the proposed development on the site can be comfortably accommodated within the existing practical capacity of the road network and is not expected to have any significant impact on the existing traffic operations of these roads. No additional assessment at the intersection of Flora Terrace and Lawley Street is warranted due to the existing low traffic volumes on these roads. 6.3. Crash History The very low number of crashes along the respective frontages of the site would indicate that that there would be minimal risk associated with entering and exiting the site crossover to Lawley Street and the existing risk profile would not be impacted along this section of road. 6.4. Rubbish Collection and Servicing Rubbish collection would be undertaken via kerbside collection via the north side of Lawley Street and would be negotiated in consultation with the City of Stirling. 7. REVIEW OF ON-SITE CIRCULATION, SERVICE/DELIVERY ARRANGEMENTS AND SIGHTLINES A brief review was undertaken with regard to the proposed layout of the basement car park and it can be concluded that the layout of the car parking bays and circulation is safe and appropriate and in line with industry guidelines Page 9
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers and standards such as Austroads and Australian Standards. The proposed layout of the car parking within the undercroft area is appropriate and consistent with Australian Standard AS 2890.1: Off-Street Parking and relevant traffic engineering standards. All vehicles will be able to enter and exit the site in forward gear. 8. CAR PARKING ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT The proposed on-site car parking supply consists of 53 bays to be provided in the basement undercroft level consisting of 42 residential tenant bays (including 14 bays in 7 car stackers) and 11 commercial bays (including 1 ACROD bay). The required car parking supply for the site is as follows according to the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 and the City’s Parking and Access Policy 6.7. 28 multiple dwellings – as per R-Codes: 29 bays (Location A within 250m of high-frequency bus route) + 7) – 34 bays + 7 visitor bays = 41 bays 205 m2 of commercial uses = 7 bays (1/30 m2) 36-seat restaurant (105 m2)- 15 bays TOTAL REQUIREMENT: 63 bays The application of the concession of 20% for in the context of the policy, if only applied to the non-residential component, whereby the site is located within a Business Zone and that end-of-trip facilities and bicycle storage in excess of Council requirements would result in a net reduction of 4 bays to a total theoretical requirement of 59 car parking bays. As noted in the original October 2014 Transport and Parking Assessment, the requirement for residential visitor bays (7 bays) can be offset against the office car parking on the site as the peak periods do not coincide with the net requirement through the application of reciprocity between visitor car parking and commercial parking resulting in 52 bays on the site. This approach is consistent with the tenets set out in the City’s Policy 6.7 Section 5.2.2: Reciprocal Parking. Detailed car parking surveys undertaken on Thursday 5th February, Friday 6th February and Saturday 7th February 2015 in 2015 in relation to identifying any residual capacity in the existing on-street car parking supply on Flora Terrace has yielded the has yielded the following results as noted in Page 10
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Thurs 5th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 1130 a.m. 4 15 3 4 7 19 1200 p.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 1230 p.m. 5 14 1 6 6 20 100 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 530 p.m. 2 17 0 7 2 24 600 p.m. 4 15 0 7 4 22 630 p.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 700 p.m. 1 18 2 5 3 23 730 p.m. 2 17 2 5 4 22 Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Fri 6th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 1130 a.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 1200 p.m. 6 13 0 7 6 20 1230 p.m. 3 16 1 6 4 22 100 p.m. 4 15 2 5 6 20 530 p.m. 0 19 0 7 0 26 600 p.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 630 p.m. 0 19 1 6 1 25 700 p.m. 0 19 0 7 0 26 730 p.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Sat 7th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 900 a.m 2 17 1 6 3 23 930 .m. 1 18 1 6 2 24 1000 a.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 1030 a.m. 1 18 3 4 4 22 1100 a.m. 2 17 4 3 6 20 1130 a.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 1200 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 1230 p.m. 4 15 0 7 4 22 100 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 Table 2. Page 11
Consulting Civil and Traffic Engineers, Risk Managers Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Thurs 5th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 1130 a.m. 4 15 3 4 7 19 1200 p.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 1230 p.m. 5 14 1 6 6 20 100 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 530 p.m. 2 17 0 7 2 24 600 p.m. 4 15 0 7 4 22 630 p.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 700 p.m. 1 18 2 5 3 23 730 p.m. 2 17 2 5 4 22 Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Fri 6th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 1130 a.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 1200 p.m. 6 13 0 7 6 20 1230 p.m. 3 16 1 6 4 22 100 p.m. 4 15 2 5 6 20 530 p.m. 0 19 0 7 0 26 600 p.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 630 p.m. 0 19 1 6 1 25 700 p.m. 0 19 0 7 0 26 730 p.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 Parking Demand/Surplus (bays) - Sat 7th February 2015 Flora Tce Castle Street Total: Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Demand Surplus Time 900 a.m 2 17 1 6 3 23 930 .m. 1 18 1 6 2 24 1000 a.m. 1 18 0 7 1 25 1030 a.m. 1 18 3 4 4 22 1100 a.m. 2 17 4 3 6 20 1130 a.m. 3 16 2 5 5 21 1200 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 1230 p.m. 4 15 0 7 4 22 100 p.m. 2 17 1 6 3 23 Table 2 – Car Parking Survey Results: Flora Terrace and Castle Street The results of the surveys indicate that under typical demand periods the latent available on-street public car parking supply ranges between 19 and 26 bays, with the peak coincident demand period for office and restaurant occurring over a Thursday and Friday lunchtime period where the maximum parking demand for on-street car parking is 7 bays. Page 12
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