108 PAOLI STREET | VERONA, WI 53593
     PHONE: 608-845-7471 | MON-FRI: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Page 02
                                                                     Fresh New
                                                                        Look                     We are also excited to welcome Sarah
                                                                                                 Kaszubski to our staff. Sarah started in
                                                                                                 June and will serve as the Verona Senior
                                                                                                 Center's new Administrative Assistant. She
  If you have visited the Senior                                                                 will help with a number of behind-the-
  Center lately you may have                                                                     scenes functions including overseeing the
  noticed our construction                                                                       Nutrition Department, Meals on Wheels,
  projects. We recently had our                                                                  and the in-house food events.
  heating and air conditioning
  upgraded, we removed our old
  wallpaper and got a fresh coat
  of paint, we added lots of                                                                                            My name is Sarah Kaszubski and
  flowers to our outdoor space,                                                                                         I live in Verona with my husband
  and even added a little library!                                                                                      and 2 children. I was born and
  Phew!!! It's been a busy couple                                                                                       raised in Wisconsin, living in
  of months. As we continue our                                                                   many cities around the state as a child. I
  summer journey keep your eyes                                                                   attended UW-Madison, and then lived on
  peeled for more projects.                                                                       the east side of Madison for many years.
                                   Thank you to our
                                                                                                  Our family moved to Verona in 2016 and
                                   Friends Board for
                                                                                                  enjoy living here with the scenic trails to
                               donating flowers and
                                                                                                  walk and bike on, the unique local shops
                                      to our talented
                                                                                                  and restaurants, the wonderful schools for
                                       volunteers for
                                                                                                  my kids, and the fun hometown events.
                                        planting it all.
                                                                                                  Before joining the team
                                                                                                  here at the Verona
 Thank you to the Haase                                                                           Senior Center, I worked
 and Ehle families for                                                                            at Epic for over 18 years.
 donating flowers and                                                                             I enjoy knitting, reading,
 Hometown                                                                                         and baking - pies are my specialty. I'm
 Community                                                                                        always excited to talk about knitting,
 Church kiddos                                                                                    books, and baking - don't be shy about
 for all their                                                                                    sharing your tips and stories with me. I'm
 hard work                                                                                        excited to meet you!
 planting and

Director's Updates.........................2                     Activity Calendar.......................10-11              Grab & Go Lunches...............20-21
Events & Activities.....................3-4                      Self-care..........................................12-13   Summer Music and Trips.........22
July Music.............................................5         Skin Cancer Screening................14                    Drive Thru Brat Cookout...........23
Movies.....................................................6     Benefits of Sunshine.....................15                Book Club...........................................24
Great Courses....................................7               Community Resources...............16                       Recycling.............................................25
Vote, Medicare, Mobile                                           Caregiver Support..........................17              This Day in History........................26
Library......................................................8   Loan Closet & Donations..........18                        Board Updates................................27
Games.....................................................9      Transportation...................................19        Directory...............................................28
                                                                                Page 03

Advance Care Planning (L)               Let's Discuss (L)
Tuesday, July 5 - 11:30 AM              Tuesday, July 12 - 10 AM
                Advance care planning   This month we will discuss, "equality" as
                involves making         used in the US Constitution. The meaning
personal decisions about the care       has changed over the years with the Civil
you would want if you became unable     War bringing the most dramatic changes
to speak for yourself. The sometimes    resulting in constitutional amendments.
difficult process involves evaluating   Supreme Court rulings have also made
beliefs and values and exploring care   changes. Are you content with the current
options at end of life. Advance         status or do you see a need for further
directives allow you to identify what   changes? Come prepared to discuss your
you want and who should speak for       feelings.
you. Presentation will be given by
Deanna Rymaszewski a Social Worker     Brain Health with Drake (L)
at Agrace.                             Thursday, July 14 - 10 AM
                                                    Join Case Manager Drake Deno
          Triad: Online and Social
                                                    for a presentation about brain
          Media Safety (L, V)
                                                    health and how it relates to
          Wednesday, July 6 - 10 AM
                                                    dementia. Learn about the
In this all-encompassing presentation
                                                    disease, and steps we can take
we will talk about internet and social to keep our brains healthy.
media safety tips, online scams, and
what to do if you or a loved one       How to Raise Healthy Pets (L)
becomes a victim of a scam. This       Friday, July 15 - 11 AM
presentation will be given by Tiffany                 During the program Dr. Greer
Schultz, Southwest Wisconsin                          will discuss important pet
Regional Director, of the Better                      wellness tips including what to
Business Bureau.                                      know about dental health. She
                                                      will also discuss staying up-to-
New Summer Walking Group (L)
Friday, July 8; Tuesday, July 12; and   date on pet vaccinations, what to look for if
Monday, July 18 - 9:30 AM               your pet has been exposed to ticks, and what
Walk yourself to a healthier, happier   you can do to prevent dog bites as a pet
you with Amber from Brookdale           owner or when meeting an unfamiliar dog.
Senior Living and Debra from Mindful
Daydreaming Adult Day Care. This
                                        Please RSVP for all programs!
will be a one-hour walk. Please bring   To do so, click or copy the following
water and appropriate footwear.         link into your browser:
                                        or call 608-845-7471.
Page 04
          If you are interested in participating, please sign up online or call 608-845-7471

Health and Wellness Series (L)                    Virtual Meditation (V)
Part 2: Estate Planning                           Every Monday - 10:30 AM
Thursday, July 21 - 11 AM                         Please join Robert McGrath,
Akamai Investment Advisors is proud               Licensed Psychologist, for a
to host the 2nd of our 3-part Health &            morning meditation.
Wealth series. Attorney Rachel Snyder
from Madison based firm, Stafford and             Card Making Group (L, F)
Rosenbaum, will discuss Estate                    Tuesday, July 12 - 10 AM
Planning basics and the questions one             Make your own cards for all kinds of
should ask to determine which                     events using Stampin' Up products. The
planning tools are appropriate for their          cost for class is $15 to make 6 cards.
circumstances.                                    Please contact Terry Schultz at 608-712-
                                                  0572, or via email
Save the date for our final presentation
on the A, B, C and D's of Medicare
scheduled for Thursday, September
                                                            RSVP’s Hometown Helpers (L)
15th at 11AM.
                                                            Every 1st Tuesday - 10 AM
 Senior Living Questions (L)                      Put your talents into action by sewing,
 Thursday, July 28 - 10 AM                        knitting or crocheting items like hats,
              Marketing Director, Nicole          mittens, quilts, tote bags. These items
              Nelson, from The Ridge at           are donated back into the community.
              Madison, Fitchburg's
 newest premier Senior Living                     Contact Kate Seal, Group Projects
 Community will be joining us for                 Coordinator, at 608-310-7280 or
 croissants, coffee, and conversation.   to learn more.
 Bring your questions and get ready to            Blood Pressure Checks with
 hear all about this new local living             Verona Fire Department (L)
 option.                                          Every fourth Wednesday - 9 AM
                                                  Join some of Verona’s finest for a FREE
Social Hour (L)
                                                  blood pressure check. Appointments
Every Monday - Friday - 9 - 11 AM
                                                  are first come, first serve.
Join us for socialization and
conversation! Bring your friends or               Vets Group (L)
meet some new neighbors at this fun               Every second Thursday - 2 PM
morning event. Thank you to Interim               Are you a veteran? Please join us.
Healthcare for sponsoring treats on the           Socialize and chat with other local
1st and 3rd Friday of the month!                  Veterans over some delicious coffee and
                                                  donuts. We hope to see you there!
                                                                                                                      Page 05

Outdoor Concert with Scott & Jeana (L)                     Music and Lunch with Larry Bird (L)
Monday, July 11 - 6 PM                                     Wednesday, July 20 - 11 AM
                 Scott and Jeana have                                    Larry will be performing
                 been singing together                                   with vocals, harmonica,
                 for over 10 years, Scott                                and guitar from 60's to
                 on guitar and vocals                                    present.
                 and Jeana on bass and
                                                                                      Lunch will be served at
                 vocals. They will be
                                                                                      noon. The cost of meal is
playing a variety of music ranging from
country to rock from the 50's - 70's.
                                          Please RSVP by noon
Thanks to Capri Communities, the          on Wednesday, July 13.
first 20 people to sign up will           For details on the meal,
received free kettle corn! Fresh kettle please refer to page 21.
corn will also be available for purchase.

                                                              Contact Jeff Parkinson

                                                              to place an ad today!
                                                              or (800) 950-9952 x5887

		              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •     Verona Area Active Adults, Verona, WI A 4C 01-1435
Page 06
                     Please RSVP by signing   up online or call 608-845-7471.

                STEEL MAGNOLIAS (L)
                Wednesday, July 6 - 12 PM
                M'Lynn (Sally Field) is the mother of bride-to-be Shelby Eatenton
                (Julia Roberts), and as friend Truvy Jones (Dolly Parton) fixes the
                women's hair for the ceremony, they welcome a helping hand
                from aspiring beautician Annelle Dupuy Desoto (Daryl Hannah).
                Diabetic Shelby has a health scare, which is averted but doesn't
                bode well for her hopes of having children. Time passes, and the
                women and their friends encounter tragedy and good fortune,
                growing stronger and closer in the process.

                HAMPSTEAD (L)
                Wednesday, July 13 - 12 PM
                Diane Keaton and Brendan Gleeson star in this sparklingly witty,
                London-set romance based on the inspiring true story of a man's
                against-all-odds fight to save his home.
               **This movie will be sponsored by Gunderson Funeral & Cremation Care.

                "Vet Themed Movie" - TOP GUN (L)
                Thursday, July 21 - 1:30 PM
                Top Gun takes a look at the danger and excitement that awaits
                every pilot at the Navy's prestigious fighter weapons school.
                Tom Cruise is superb as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a daring
                young flyer who's out to become the best of the best. And Kelly
                McGillis sizzles as the civilian instructor who teaches Maverick a
                few things you can't learn in a classroom.
                         Popcorn will be served at the movies above.
                              Please call to reserve your spot.

           Missed the movie? Join us for Friday replays!
           Movies will be shown in the Fireside Room.

   Steel Magnolias (L)                             Hampstead (L)
   July 8 - 10 AM                                  July 15 - 10 AM
                                                                                                               Page 07

             Please RSVP by signing up online or call 608-845-7471.

                                                New series starts on Monday, July 18.

                                            The World's Greatest Geological Wonders:
                                                    36 Spectacular Sites (L)
                                                      Mondays 2 - 3:30 PM

                                            Geological wonders are like great works of
                                            art. They are impressive, beautiful,
                                            mysterious, and surprising. Whether you are
                                            planning your next vacation or exploring the
                                            world from home, this course is your
                                            gateway to an unrivaled adventure. By the
                                            time you complete this course, you will have
                                            experienced more than 200 different
                                            geological wonders in nearly 120 countries.

    Thank you
for shopping local                                                    VALUE SINCE 1946
		        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •     Verona Area Active Adults, Verona, WI B 4C 01-1435
Page 08

Ready, Set, Vote!
Make your plans now to vote in the August 9th Primary Election. Will you vote via
absentee ballot or in-person? How will you return your absentee ballot or get to the
polls on Election Day? Buddy up with a friend to make sure your vote is counted!
The Verona City Clerk will began mailing absentee ballots on June 23, 2022. If you
are planning to vote absentee, request your ballot today! All requests must be
written and include your name, address, election you are requesting a ballot for,
and a copy of your photo ID. You can request your ballot:
•   Online:
•   Email: Send your request to
•   Mail: Mail your absentee request form or written letter to 111 Lincoln Street,
    Verona WI 53593.
•   Call: Call the City Clerk’s Office at 608-845-6495 to request an absentee ballot.
Make sure to return your ballot by the August 9th deadline. Earlier is better!
Be Ready to vote on August 9th. Questions? Contact the City Clerk’s office.

                     Medicare & Health Insurance Supplements (L)
                      2nd Thursday of the month - 10 AM - 12 PM
              Have questions about Medicare, Health Insurance Supplements, or
              Drug Coverage or other questions about insurance related to
              retirement? Deb Harvey and her team from Retirement Specialists,
              LLC have 20+ years of experience and are available to meet one-on-
              one to answer your questions and explore coverage. There is no fee
              for this consultation. Retirement Specialists, LLC can also be a great
              resource while planning your retirement. To schedule a consultation,
              call VSC at 608-845-7471.

                Looking for a new book to read?
                 Check out our Mobile Library.
                Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3:30 PM
 Books are available in the Fireside Room at the Senior Center.
 No appointments, however, we ask that you please check in at the
 front desk. Books come from the Verona Library; please return them
 to the Senior Center when you are finished reading. Thank you!
                                                                                            Page 09

                                    Coming in July...
                 A new bridge group will be offered on Tuesdays, 12:30 -
                 3:30 PM.

               Do you like to play ping pong? We now offer ping pong
               on Mondays, 1 - 2 PM.

                Want to play bocce ball? We have a bocce ball court!
                Stop in to get more details.

    If you are interested in joining any of our new groups, please call Alasa at 608-848-0431.

                                Weekly Game Schedule
MAHJONGG                        MONDAYS, 10 AM - 12 PM

PING PONG                       MONDAYS, 1 - 2 PM

HAND AND FOOT                   MONDAYS, 1 - 4 PM

CHESS                           Break UNTIL September. See you then!

BRIDGE                          TUESDAYS, 12:30 - 3:30 PM

PEGS AND JOKERS                 TUESDAYS, 1:30 - 3:30 PM

BINGO                           THURSDAYS, 12:30 - 1:30 PM

"500"                            THURSDAYS, 1:45 - 3:45 PM

EUCHRE                           FRIDAYS, 12:30 - 3:30 PM

**Euchre Details: Tournament-style Euchre, eight games are played. Please arrive early to
register. No names added after 12:30 PM.
Page 10                              WEEKLY ONGOING EVENTS
                  MONDAY                                 TUESDAY                                  WEDNESDAY
8:30 - 3:30    Exercise Rm/Treadmill (L)   8:30 - 3:30   Exercise Room (L)           8:30 - 1:30 Exercise Room/Treadmill (L)
9 - 11         Social Hour (L)             9 - 11        Social Hour (L)             8:30 - 3:30 Private Yoga Sessions (L, F)
9 - 11:30      Foot Care (L, F)            9-3           Table Massage (L, F)
                                                                                     9 - 11       Social Hour (L)
9 - 12         Mobile Library (L)          9             Core with Alasa (V, L)
                                                                                     9 - 12       Mobile Library (L)
10             Take Control Exercise (L)   10:15         Moving Meditation (L, F)
                                           11 - 12       Game: "Chess" (L)           10           Slow Flow Yoga (L, F)
10 - 12        Game: "Mahjongg" (L)
                                           11:30 - 12:15 Cup of Chi (V, F)           12           Grab & Go Lunch (L, F)
1-2            Ping Pong (L)
                                           12:30 - 3:30 Bridge (L)
               Meditation (V)                                                        2:30         Ageless Grace (L, F)
                                           12            Grab & Go Lunch (F, L)
12             Grab & Go Lunch (F, L)
                                           1:30 - 3:30   Game: Pegs and Jokers (L) 3:30 - 4:15 Line Dancing (L, F)
1-4            Game: "Hand & Foot" (L)
2 - 3:30       Great Courses (L)

                  MONDAY                                 TUESDAY                                  WEDNESDAY


4                                          5                                         6
                                           10    Hometown Helpers (L)                10      Triad: Online and Social
                                           10    Caregivers Group (L, V)                     Media Safety (L, V)
               Happy 4th of July
                                           11:30 Advance Care Planning (L)            12 - 2 Movie: Steel Magnolias (L)

11                                         12                                        13
6     Outdoor Music: Scott/Jeana (L) 9:30            Walking Group (L)               10     Book Club (L)
      **Free kettle corn to the first 10             Card Making Group (L, F)        12 - 2 Movie: Hampstead (L)
      20 that sign up!                10             Let's Discuss (L)

18                                         19
9:30          Walking Group (L)            10        Caregivers Group (L, V)
                                                                                     9:30      Board Mtg - All Welcome (L)
                                                                                     11        Music and lunch with Larry
              **New Great Courses                                                              Bird (L, F)
              Series starts today

25                                         26                                         27
                                                                                     9        Blood Pressure Clinic (L)
                                                                                                             Page 11
               THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY
                                                                                                  Yoga is Back!!
                                                                                          Saturday Virtual Yoga
8:30 - 3:30     Exercise Room (L)        8:30 - 3:30    Exercise Room (L)
                                                                                            July 9, 16, 23 & 30th
9 - 11          Social Hour (L)          9 - 11         Social Hour (L)                                     9 AM
12              Grab & Go Lunch (L, F)   9 - 12         Mobile Library (L)
                                                                                 Join Rachel for a relaxing yoga
12:30 - 1:30    Game: "Bingo" (L, F)     11 - 12        Tai Chi w/ Jody (V, F)    class. Move through seated
                                                                                    and standing poses that
1:45 - 3:45     Game: "500" (L)          12             Grab & Go Lunch (F, L)
                                                                                  enhance flexibility, posture,
3:30 - 4:15     Tai Chi w/Gail (L, F)    12:30 - 3:30   Game: "Euchre" (L, F)             and balance.

ADDITIONAL EVENTS                                                                 PLEASE
               THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY
                                         12 - 12:30 Drive Thru Brat Cookout
                                                    (L) RSVP required! Event
                                                    sponsored by Brookdale
                                                    Senior Living                 Registration required for
7                                        8                                             ALL programs.
                                         9:30    Walking Group (L)
                                                                                  To sign up please call
                                         10 - 12 Steel Magnolias (L)
                                         11 - 4 Foot Reflexology (L, F)
                                                                                  608-845-7471 or visit

                                                                                  (L) - Activity offered live at
14                                       15                                             VSC
10       Brain Health with Drake (L) 10 - 12 Movie Replay: Hampstead (L)
11 - 4   Medicare Appointments (L) 11 - 4 Foot Reflexology (L, F)                 (V) - Virtual Zoom Program
11 - 4   Reiki (L, F)                11      How to Raise Healthy Pets (L)
2-3      Vets Group (L)                                                           (F) - Fees may apply.

21                                       22
11       Estate Planning                 11 - 4    Foot Reflexology (L, F)
1:30 - 4 "Vet Movie": Top Gun (L)

28                                       29
10       Senior Living Questions (L)     11 - 4    Foot Reflexology (L, F)
11- 4    Reiki (L, F)
Page 12
          If you are interested in participating, please sign up online or call 608-845-7471

Wellness Opportunities                                    Exercise Classes
Please make checks payable to the provider.               Take Control with Exercise DVD (L)
All events are in-house, and fees are listed below.       Mondays, July 11, 18, 25 - 10 AM
                                                          No exercise video July 4
Foot Care Clinic                                          Join fellow exercisers as we watch this Arthritis
Mondays, July 11, 18, 25                                  Foundation exercise DVD together at the
9 - 11:30 AM                                              Senior Center. This session will help you
**No Foot Care July 4                                     improve flexibility, strengthen your core
$20 for 15 minutes, please bring two towels.              muscles, work muscles and joints and boost
Provider Bobbi Lester                                     stamina.
Table Massage                                             Moving Meditation (L, F)
Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26                              Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26 - 10:15 AM
9 AM - 3 PM                                               Meditation and mindfulness while moving? Is
$67 for 60 minutes, $42 for 30 minutes                    that even possible? Come find out!! Join Sara
Provider Deb Trieloff                                     Hulsether as she will guide a class in gentle
                                                          stretches, Qigong poses, breathing activities,
 Private Therapeutic Yoga Sessions                        mudras, and some animal frolics too. Qigong
 Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27                           uses simple poses and breathing patterns to
 8:30 - 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM                      promote a healthy flow and reduce stagnation
 $85 for 60 minutes, provider Ali Zuba                    of energy. Good energy flow can help the
                                                          body engage its own healing processes. Qi-
 Reiki                                                    gong practice has been shown to increase
 Thursdays, July 14, 28                                   immune response and balance reactions and
 11 AM - 4 PM                                             decrease stress and depression. No
 $30 for 30 minutes, $60 for 60 minutes,                  experience necessary and all mobilities
 provider Traci Hertzler                                  welcome. Sara is a PT by training and has
                                                          been practicing and teaching Tai Ji and Qigong
Foot Reflexology                                          for many years.
Fridays, July 8, 15, 22, 29
11 AM - 4 PM                                      Cup of Chi (V,F)
$30 for 30 minutes, $60 for 60 minutes,           Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26 - 11:30 AM
                                                  This 30-minute class offers a “just enough!”
provider Traci Hertzler                           midday Tai Chi-Chi Kung refreshment break
                                                  with the practice of flowing movement,
                 Exercise Room
                                                  comfortable breath and sensation-based
                Monday - Friday                   concentration to facilitate the experience of
               8:30 AM – 3:30 PM                  moving meditation. We’re told that it takes
                                                  approximately 20 minutes of this kind of
                Treadmill Appts                   gentle movement to begin to cultivate the
            Mondays & Wednesdays                  benefits - but benefits there are! Movement
               8:30 AM - 3:30 PM                  patterns may be practiced standing or seated,
                                                  and are appropriate for anyone! $5 per class
 To make a reservation, please call 608-845-7471. contribution suggested; feel free, however, to
                                                  contribute what you can, and if you can’t
                FREE YouTube                      contribute, just come! Please contact: Jody
               exercise classes!                  Curley,

                                                                                                 Page 13
            If you are interested in participating, please sign up online or call 608-845-7471

Core Class with Alasa (V,L)                         Tai Chi for Health with Gail (L,F)
Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26 - 9 AM                 Thursdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28 - 3:30 PM
Build a stronger core with cardio, mat work,        The movements in this class are slow and
and weights. Modification exercises always          gentle, and the degree of exertion and balance
offered. Mat and hand weights needed.               support can be easily adjusted, making it
Slow Flow Yoga with Ali (L,F)                       suitable for people of all levels of ability. Gail
Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27 - 10 AM              has 30 years of experience as a PT and has a
Slow Flow Yoga offers yoga sequences at a           passion for facilitating wellness in aging. No
slow pace offering the opportunity to explore       experience needed.
steadiness in poses. Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga,
                                                    Tai Chi Balance with Jody (V,F)
and therapeutic methods will be included in
                                                    Fridays, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - 11 AM
this class. Accessible options will be offered to
                                                    Movement patterns may be practiced standing
support building mobility, stability and
                                                    or seated, and are appropriate for anyone!
strength from within. Along with standing
                                                    Please contact: Jody at
postures, this floor-based practice will have
                                                    $5 per class contribution suggested; however,
you up and down off the floor. A chair may be
                                                    feel free to contribute what you can, and if you
used for variations or additional support.
                                                    can’t contribute, just come!
Ageless Grace with Gail (L,F)
Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27 - 2:30 PM
These low impact, seated exercises are                           Saturday Yoga is Back!!
designed to stimulate the five primary
functions of the brain. This will help with
flexibility, balance, upper body strength, and      Virtual Yoga with Rachel (V,F)
coordination.                                       Saturdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 - 9 AM
Line Dancing with Gail (L,F)                        Join Rachel for a relaxing yoga class. Move
Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27 - 3:30 PM            through seated and standing poses that
This is a fun way to get exercise! In this          enhance flexibility, posture, and balance.
beginner level class you will work on basic steps
used in line dancing. The intensity will be similar Aquatic Classes at Verona High School (L)
to brisk walking.
                                                    Seniors who are residents of the Verona Area
            Class Fee Structure                     School District pay $1 for classes and qualify for
                                                    a Gold Card where there is no cost for Open
     The following classes are $15 / month:         Swim/Lap Swim. (Must be at least 62 years old.)
  -Tai Chi for Health   - Ageless  Grace            For more information, please contact the Aquatics
  -Line Dancing         - Moving Meditation         Center at 608-653-1065.
  -Slow Flow Yoga       - Virtual Yoga

  Call VSC at 608-845-7471 to sign up for the
  classes above. Participants may sign up for                        HEY!!! We Need You!!
             one month at a time.
                                                                     Do you enjoy summer weather?
  To sign up for Tai Chi w/Jody or Cup of Chi,      We are looking for volunteers to lead our
           please contact instructor.               weekly bocce ball club. No experience necessary!
                                                    If interested, please contact Alasa.
Page 14

Our Largest Organ            should report anything
I remember a trivia          out of the ordinary to our
question from about fifth    doctor.
grade; What is our largest What to look for?
organ? Our skin! When we
stop and think about our   ealthy/find-cancer-early/
skin as an organ, it makes screening-
more sense that we would   recommendations-by-age.brown, black, or multicolored.
regularly screen it for    html#All_ages has         • A mole, birthmark or brown
cancer similar to our      detailed steps on         spot that increases in size,
colon, breasts, lungs, and conducting self-exams, thickness, changes color or
prostate.                  which I recommend         texture, or is bigger than a
What is a Skin Cancer      reading. Here is an       pencil eraser.
Screening?                 overview of tips and      • A spot or sore that continues
A "screening" is looking   things to watch for:      to itch, hurt, crust, scab, or
for signs of cancer before 1. Conduct your self-     bleed.
the person has             screening after a bath or • An open sore that does not
symptoms. For skin         shower, in bright light.  heal within three weeks.
cancer, a visual screening 2. Scan your body from If you see any of these or
should be done by a        head to toe starting with anything unusual, report to
doctor on a regular basis your scalp. There are      your doctor immediately. Skin
and self-screenings can be going to be hard to see cancer is most often detected
done in between            spots of which you can in people 65 and older so it's
professional screenings.   use a mirror or a family crucial to report findings.
                           member.                   Too much sun can highly
When Should Screening
                           3. Do this on a regular   increase your chance of skin
                           basis, such as on         cancer, damage your eyes,
Generally, we should start
                           Saturdays or on the first create excess wrinkles, and
screening for skin cancer
                           of the month.             lead to dehydration, or even
in our 20s. Screening
needs to start sooner if   What to Watch For:        sun poisoning. Check out
we have a family or        • A growth that increases Drake's article on page 15 for
personal history of skin   in size and appears       tips on protecting yourself
cancer. At any age we      pearly, transparent, tan, and enjoying the sun safely!

               July marks the middle of summer and a great time to make your end
               of summer bucket list! Is there anything that you haven't done that
               you want to do? Anyone you want to see while the weather is nice?
               It's time to get planning since the second half of summer always goes
               by so fast! As for me, I hope to kayak at least three more times!
               Take care, Julie Larson, Lead Case Manager
                                                                                     Page 15
Enjoy, but Be Safe              restful sleep.
The start of July means hot     Weight Loss: Scientists
temperatures, outdoor           believe that 20 to 30
activities, and most of all     minutes of early
sunshine! The sun is a          morning sunlight can
double-edged sword. On          actually shrink fat cells.
one hand, its wonderful rays    Mental Health: The sun is
bring us vital vitamins but     shown to increase            3. Wear sunglasses! When
too much of it can lead to a    serotonin production in      shopping for a new pair,
slew of issues. Let's learn     the brain which is a         make sure they are not just
the benefits of our friend in   chemical that helps us       for show, and actually offer
the solar system, as well as,   feel calm and positive.      UV protection, as bright
how to stay safe.               Lack of sunlight has         sunlight damages your eyes.
                                been shown to lower          4. Be careful near water,
                                                             snow, and sand. These
WebMD has an interesting your serotonin levels
                                                             environments reflect rays of
article online titled “Sunlight and increase the chance
                                of depression.               the sun and increase
and Your Health”. Give it a
                                                             chances of a sunburn.
read if you are interested in Be Safe in the Sun
                                                             5. Use shade to your
more detail. Here is a list of It's crucial to pace
                                                             advantage. The sun is at its
benefits of UV rays from the yourself and not overdo
                                                             strongest between 10 AM
article:                        sun exposure. Here are       and 4 PM, and prolonged
Vitamin D: The sun’s UV rays a few ways you can
                                                             exposure is even more
help our bodies create this protect yourself while
                                                             dangerous during these
vitamin which is incredibly enjoying the sunshine.
important. Vitamin D helps 1. Generously apply
                                                             6. Stay hydrated! This is
us retain minerals,             water-resistant              crucial for feeling well while
strengthen our bones, leads sunscreen with an SPF
                                                             outside in hot temperatures.
to a healthy immune system no lower than 30.
and functioning blood cells. Reapply every few hours         Enjoy the summer sun, just
Helps you Sleep: Early          or after getting wet.        be safe and take precautions
morning sunlight helps your 2. Wear protective               to make sure you are not
body’s internal clock keep      clothing such as a hat       overdoing it and damaging
itself regular, leading to      (especially if you lack      your body.
more normal bedtimes and hair), or long sleeves.

Happy July everyone! Fireworks, cookouts, late nights, and storms
are a few of my favorite things that this summer month has to
offer. I hope you and your families can enjoy some of the same!
Drake Deno, Case Manager
Page 16
Food Resources

                                           Badger Prairie Needs Network
Verona Senior Center offers home-          The food pantry is open to anyone in
delivered meals to City of Verona and      Dane County for curbside pick-up. If
Town of Verona older adults who are        you are new to the pantry, please bring
home-bound and/or unable to prepare        an ID for each member of your
healthy meals for themselves. For more     household and proof of address in
information, call 608-845-7471.            Dane County. In addition to food, the
                                           pantry also carries personal care items.
                                           These items are not guaranteed to be
                                           in stock but may include shampoo,
                                           soap, lotion, laundry detergent, paper
                                           products, pads, diapers, and adult
                                           disposable undergarments. Those
Food Share                                 using the food pantry can drive up to
Food Share is a monthly benefit            the front door where a volunteer will
deposited on a debit-like card, the QUEST bring items to you and load bags into
card, to help with food purchases, freeing your car. If you have special dietary
up money for bills, medications and        restrictions, call ahead. Arrive as early
other necessities. To apply call Dane      as possible and plan for a potential
County at 608-807-9006.                    wait. If you need transportation, please
                                           call 608-845-7471.

  Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (Senior FMNP)
 This Dane County program offers low-income
 older citizens an opportunity to purchase
 fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and
 herbs from certified farmers. Senior FMNP
 checks can be used from June 1 through
 October 31, with a participating farmer, at any   monthly income is below $2,096
 participating farmers market or roadside          (one person) or $2,823 (two
 stand in Wisconsin. Registered farmers may        people) you may be eligible. For
 not be present at every market location. In       more information go to:
 addition to offering nutritious foods, Senior
 FMNP supports local economies by increasing       wic/fmnp/senior.htm or call Julie
 the use of farmers markets. If your household     at 608-848-0440.
                                                                                                         Page 17
Activity Bags / Games for Memory Loss                                Verona Caregivers Group (L,V)
Looking for a new activity? We have                                  Caregivers group meets on the 1st
several activity bags designed specifically                          and 3rd Tuesday of the month at
with memory loss in mind. Each bag has                               10 AM, both virtually and in person.
a theme with easy to follow activities.                              The group aims to offer support and
Themes include: Sea Scape, Dog’s World,                              resources to any caregiver, both past
Farm Life, Game Day and Jungle Fun. We                               and present. Everyone welcome!
also have a number of games that can be                              Area Support
checked out. To inquire, contact Julie at                            The Dane County Caregivers program
608-848-0440.                                                        focuses on caring for the caregiver
                                                                     and offers grants, referrals and
                                                                     resources, support groups, specialized
                                                                     services for grandparent caregivers,
                                                                     and a monthly newsletter.
                                                                     To learn more visit

                                                                                                                             ASSISTED LIVING &
                                                                                                                           CLOSER CARE CAMPUS
                                                                                                                         Our mission is to take care of
                                                                                                                             our loved ones with
                                                                                                                           compassion and grace.

                                                                                 Call For A Tour 608-620-6010
                                                                                       471 Prairie Way Blvd. • Verona, WI
                                                                                      608-620-6010 •

                                                                                                                             Direct Cremation

                                                                                                                              No hidden fees.
                                                                                                                     At Need Arrangements Completed Online
                                                                                                                        Local Advanced Planning Specialist,
                                                                                                                     Jodi Johnston, Available by Appointment
                                                                                                                     Family Owned & Operated 24/7 Service

                 GLARNER LODGE                                        608-237-6116
                                                                                                                            80 Years of Trusted Service

       ALL INCLUSIVE INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING                   *Online arrangement price. Does not include required cremation permit (Varies by county).
                 608-636-2424 | NGHOME.ORG                                   Additional services are available, please contact us for our General Price List.

		                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •               Verona Area Active Adults, Verona, WI C 4C 01-1435
Page 18

                               Donation Requests
   Loan Closet                            General
   Walker - 4 wheeled with seat           Kitchen towels (new or like new)
   Wheelchairs                            Decks of cards (new or like new)
   Knee scooters                          Sympathy Cards
   Shower seats (with back preferably)    Gel pens

   Questions? Call Drake 608-848-0432     Questions? Call Steph 608-848-0430

                                   Loan Closet

  Borrowing Items
  If you need to borrow a walker, shower seat, wheelchair or other assistive device,
  call 608-845-7471 to inquire. We can reserve an item for you! We have easy pick
  up and there is no cost or time limit. If we don't have the item we recommend
  you call other senior centers in the area as most have loan programs. Some items
  may be available through Medicare. We strongly recommend that you speak to
  your health care provider about proper fit and use prior to using new assistive
  Donation Procedure
  1. Call the Senior Center at 608-845-7471 to schedule a donation appointment.
  2. Receive a call to discuss donation in detail and confirm appointment.
  3. Arrive at the Senior Center at your scheduled time to drop off the donation.
  Donating Details
  All donations must come from a smoke-free environment and must be in a clean
  and new (or “like new”) condition. We have limited storage space for equipment
  so items that we need this month are listed above. Broken or dirty items will not
  be accepted. Please keep in mind that our Loan Closet is something that we offer,
  but are not required to do. If we are unable to manage and maintain donations
  we will no longer be able to offer this service. We appreciate your cooperation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 19
Transportation in Verona
Transit Solutions offers rides within the
City and Town of Verona, Monday - Friday,
from 9:30 AM - 2 PM (last ride must be
completed by 2 PM). Call 845-7471 by 12
PM the day before, or sooner, to schedule
a ride.
                                                                                                                     Better Care.  Better
                                                                                                                            Out-of-Town    Living.
• Pick up/drop off at your Verona home                  Assisted Thursday,
                                                                    Living, Skilled Nursing,                  Rehabilitation
                                                                                                July 21
• Accessible for walkers and wheelchairs
                                                                    Target, Aldi, and Hy-Vee
• Wednesday rides are limited to Millers      The Cove take advantage of out-of-town
• Must live in independent living Assisted Living MemoryTo
• Must be on schedule to ride
                                             12 private rooms in a state of the art
                                             unit providing demena specific care.
                                                                                             you must call 608-845-7471                                      Better Care. Better Living.
• Suggested donation $1-2 (pay
                             Better    driver     Care. Better      and beLiving.
                                                                             Assisted registered
                                                                                             Living,    Skilledby      noon
                                                                                                                   Nursing,         on the

directly)                            Assisted Living, SkilledFriday                 before. Pick up at your home
                                                                     Nursing, Rehabilitation
                                                                    The Cove
                                                                    9:45        -10 AM. Return ride at 12:15 PM.
Medical Transportation in Dane County Assisted Living Memory Care Harborside
                             The Cove                               Limit
                                                                    12           two
                                                                       private rooms         bags.
                                                                                      in a state of the art           Assisted Living
Need medical transportationAssisted
                                      Living Memory ofCare
                                                                    unit providing demena
                                                                                    11 privatespecific
                                                                                                 rooms care.
                                                                                                         that will meet the needs of
                             12 private rooms in a state of the art Suggested       those      donation $4
                                                                                            requiring  more  physical        (pay
                                                                                                                      assistance and driver
Verona? Call Julie at 608-848-0440            to
                             unit providing demena specific care.                          whom may be more medically complex
discuss options.                                               Better Care. Better Living.
                                                                                                                     Trade Winds                        Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation                                                                       Harborside
                                                                                                                               Harborside                                                                                                                         Assisted Living

                                   Better Care. Better Living.                                                       Assisted Living
                                                                                                                     12 Suites thatAssisted
                                                                                                                     that do not require2
                                                                                                                                                 The Cove
                                                                                                                                          11 private       for residents
                                                                                                                                             Living Memory Care
                                                                                                                                    12 private    requiring
                                                                                                                                               rooms           more
                                                                                                                                                     in amembers
                                                                                                                                                         state of the artphysical
                                                                                                                                                                                  Assisted Living
                                                                                                                                                                  that will meet the needs of
                                                                                                                                                                                  assistance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11 private rooms that will meet the needs of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SENIOR APARTMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     those requiring more physical assistance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          whom may be more medically complex

                    Better Care. Better
                            Assisted Living,Living.
                                             Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                    unit providingwhom
                                                                                                                     physical assistance      anddemena
                                                                                                                                                            specific   more medically complex

                                Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation
                                                                                                  Trade Winds                                                 Trade Winds
                                                                                                                                                                     Harborside Madison (Whitcomb Drive)
                     The Cove                              Cove                                    Assisted Living
                                                                                                   12 Suites that provide care for residents                   Rehabilitation 2 BR from 1000 ft² - 2100 ft²
                                                                                                                                                              Assisted Living
                                                                                                                                                            11 private rooms that will meet the needs of
                                                                                                                                             12 Suites thatthose
                                                                                                                                             that do not require2
                                                                                                                                                                    44 Beds
                                                                                                                                                                  requiring       that
                                                                                                                                                                            more for
                                                                                                                                                                         may bemembers
                                                                                                                                                                                 physical assistance
                                                                                                                                                                               more medicallyfor
                                                                                                                                                                                   and/or complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Assisted Living
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and short term rehab
                                                                                                                                                                                                 long term skilled care.
                                                                                                   that do not require2 staff members for44 Beds  that  provide     short     term      rehab                                                                       608-577-2451

                     Assisted Living Memory Care                                                                                             physical assistance     and    transfers.
                     12 private rooms in a state of the art                                        physical assistance and transfers.
                                                                                                                                                                    and/or long term skilled care.
                                 Assisted       Living care.Memory
                     unit providing demena specific
                                    12 private rooms in a state of the art
                                                                                                                                                 Trade Winds                                                                                        
                                    unit providing demena specific care.                                                             Rehabilitation       Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                                 Assisted Living
                                                                                                                                                 12 Suites that provide care for residents

                                                                                                                            Rehabilitation     Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                                 that do not require2 staff members for
                                                                                                                                                           44 Bedsandthat
                                                                                                                                                 physical assistance          provide short
                                                                                                                                                                        term rehab
                                                                                                                                                     44 Beds that provide short term rehab
                                                                                                                                                      and/or long term skilled care.
                                                                                                                      44 Beds that provide short term rehab                                         and/or long term skilled care.

                                                                                                                                                                     44 Beds that provide short term rehab

                                                                                                   Assisted Living
                                                                                                                               and/or long term skilled care.                 Rehabilitation
                                                                      11 private rooms that will meet the needs of
                                                                      those requiring more physical assistance and
                                                                                                                                                                     Rehabilitation and/or long term skilled care.
                                                                                                                                                                                      44 Beds that provide short term rehab
                                                                                                                                                                                                and/or long term skilled care.
                                                                                                                                                                44 Beds that provide short term rehab

                                                                           whom may be more medically complex

                                                                                                                                                                         and/or long term skilled care.

                     Trade Winds                                                                                                                 Better Care. Better Living.
                                                                                                                                       Assisted Living
                     Assisted Living
                     12 Suites that provide care for residents
                                                                                                       11 private rooms that will303 S Jefferson St, Verona, WI 53593 • (608) 845-6465 •
                                                                                                                                  meet      the needs of
                                                                                                       those requiring more physical assistance and
                     that do not require2 staff members for
                     physical assistance and transfers.                                                                Better Care. Better Living.
                                                                                                            whom may be more medically   Better             Care. Better Living.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Better Care. Better Living.
                                                                                                                                         303 S Jefferson St, Verona, WI 53593 • (608) 845-6465 •
                                                                                                                       303 S Jefferson St, Verona, WI 53593 • (608) 845-6465 •

                                                    Rehabilitation 44 Beds that provide short term rehab
                                                                                                                                                                                          303 S Jefferson St, Verona, WI 53593 • (608) 845-6465 •

                                    Trade Winds                              and/or long term skilled care.
                                             44 Beds that provide short term rehab
                                                                                                                         ALL - IN - ONE

                                                      and/or long term skilled care.

           SUGAR Assisted
                    Suites that provide care for residents
                   SENIOR APARTMENTS
                                                                                                                         SENIOR TRANSITIONS
      One & two bedroomthat       do not   require2 staff members for
  Daily activities and the best
                                neighbors in town! and transfers.
                                                                                                                                       Estate & Home Sales
   CALL 608-845-5561                                                                                                                Downsize & Move Assistance
             Better Care. Better Living.
         to schedule your personal    tour
                            303 S Jefferson
                                                                                                    (608) 277-1333
                                           St, Verona, WI 53593 • (608) 845-6465 •

  *Income restrictions may apply, must be 55+ *Managed by Oakbrook Corp.
 Where Verona’s Most Active Seniors Live                                         Rehabilitation           V E provide
                                                                                               44 Beds that   R O N A ,short
                                                                                                                        W I |term
                                                                                                                              G E I rehab
                                                                                                         and/or long term skilled care.
                                                                       44 Beds that provide short term rehab

		                                                          For      ad info. calland/or
                                                                                   1-800-950-9952    •
                                                                                         long term skilled care.                           Verona Area Active Adults, Verona, WI                                                                                                      D 4C 01-1435
Page 20

                   WELCOME IN-HOUSE DINERS!

          Grab & Go meals can be eaten at the Senior Center.
          Meals must be ordered in advance and are served
          at 12 PM. Please indicate your preference (dine-in
          or drive-up) when placing your order. Thank you.

                  Grab & Go Lunches are available     -During the month of July,
                  to anyone visiting the Senior       those who pay for the
                  Center. The full menu is on page    entire month in full will
                  21. Below are a few details.        receive one free meal!

                  -Meals are provided by TNT          -Gluten free, dairy free,
                  Catering. The cost is $6.50 per     vegetarian/vegan meal
                  meal.                               options available. Call for
                                                      more information;
                  -When ordering, please specify      additional fees apply.
                  whether you want to dine-in
                  or drive thru.                      -For questions or to place
                                                      an order, please contact the
                  -Meals must be ordered in           Nutrition Department at
                  advance and are due by noon on      608-848-0438.
                  Wednesday of the week prior.
                  Unfortunately, orders received
                  after the deadline cannot be
                  honored. You may preorder
                  meals for the entire month.

                  -Please bring exact cash or check
                  as change will not be available.

                  -Grab & Go Lunches can be
                  picked up at our drive-thru or
                  eaten in-house. Simply walk up
                  to the kitchen window or drive-
                  up to the kitchen door between
                  12 - 12:30 PM to pick up your
$6.50 GRAB & GO MENU
                                                                                                                         Page 21

DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 - 12 PM                         Wednesday, July 20
                                                                 Creamy mushroom wild rice soup, turkey & cheddar
Monday, July 4 - CLOSED                                          sandwich, pears, white chocolate macadamia cookie
                                                              Thursday, July 21
                                                                 Beef stroganoff, egg noodles, carrots, pineapple, PB bar
Tuesday, July 5
                                                                  Mandarin orange salad w/chicken and sesame ginger
   Country fried steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots,
                                                                  dressing, apple, brownie
   applesauce, brownie
   Roasted turkey & bacon wrap, pasta salad, banana,          Friday, July 22
   brownie                                                        Whole grain breaded pollock fish sandwich, roasted
Wednesday, July 6                                                 potatoes, broccoli, mandarin oranges, strawberry crumb
   Tator tot casserole, tropical fruit, apple crisp               bar
                                                              DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 —
                                                                                            ­ 12 PM
Thursday, July 7                                              Monday, July 25
                                                                 Tuna casserole, roll, peaches, magic bar
    Chicken alfredo pasta, broccoli, pears, PB cookie
                                                              Tuesday, July 26
    Mediterranean spinach salad w/chicken, balsamic
                                                                 Beef lasagna, Caesar salad, applesauce, brownie
    vinaigrette, apple, brownie
Friday, July 8                                                   Turkey pesto spinach wrap, cucumber salad, grapes,
    Sloppy joe w/bun, potato salad, corn, mandarin oranges,      cookie
                                                              Wednesday, July 27
    pumpkin bar
                                                                 Chicken & veggie stir fry, brown rice, tropical fruit, lemon
DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 ­— 12 PM                         Thursday, July 28
                                                                 BBQ ribs, cheesy potatoes, green beans, pineapple,
Monday, July 11
   Sweet and sour chicken w/sauce on side, brown rice,           Garden salad w/chicken, ranch dressing, orange, cookie
   peaches, yellow cake
                                                              Friday, July 29
Tuesday, July 12
                                                                  Baked herb chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, pears. French
    Penne pasta w/meat sauce, peas, pineapple, oatmeal            silk pie
    Chicken salad wrap, broccoli salad, grapes, cookie
Wednesday, July 13                                            Please check your menu choices and return
    French toast bake, hashbrowns, sausage, warm cinnamon     to VSC by order deadline. Orders may be
    apples                                                    called in to 608-848-0438, dropped off at VSC
Thursday, July 14                                             or emailed to
    Meatloaf, baked potato, California blend, applesauce,
    Chef salad w/French dressing, orange, cookie

Friday, July 15                                               Phone
    BBQ grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, green
    beans, apple pie
                                                              Dine-In                       Drive-up
                              ­ 12 PM
Monday, July 18
   Ham and scalloped potatoes, corn, fruit cocktail, carrot
   cake                                                             Please indicate dine-in or
 Tuesday, July 19
    Chicken taco flour tortillas w/lettuce, tomato, cheese,
                                                                     drive-up when placing
    Mexican rice, tropical fruit, snickerdoodle bar                  your order. Thank you!
    Egg salad on wheat, Italian pasta salad, banana,
Page 22

                                    Save the Dates!
 Lunch with Jim Gemini Entertainment (L,F)
 Wednesday, August 17 - 11 AM
 Lunch will be served at noon. The cost of meal is $6.50. Please RSVP by noon on
 Wednesday, August 10.

                 Pig Roast with Tony Rocker (L)
                 Friday, August 26 - 4 - 7 PM
                 Free event; donations welcome!

  Meal/ice cream served: 4 - 6 PM
  DJ Todd Kocher: 4 - 6 PM
  Tony Rocker: 6 - 7 PM

  Fresh kettle corn available for purchase!

                             Milwaukee Brewers Game
                              Wednesday, August 31
                                Sign up by Noon July 27
                            Cost: $60/person - due at signup

    The fee includes the cost of the ticket, transportation, and light refreshments.
                              Bus driver tip not included.

                        Meet at Verona Senior Center by 10 AM.
                       Bus leaves at 10:30 AM and returns at 6 PM.

             The game begins at 1:10 PM. Brewers will be playing the Pirates.

          Please bring hat, sunscreen, water, jacket, and money for concessions.

                       *All trips and prices are subject to change.
                        *Please arrive early to sign a waiver form.
            *Cancellations cannot be reimbursed unless your ticket is resold.
                                                                               Page 23

                                                  Friday, July 1: 12 - 12:30

                                           Join us for a Wisconsin tradition...
                                           grilled brats!

                                           This meal will include a brat with
                                           bun and chips.

                                           Please RSVP by Monday, June 27.
                                           Food is limited.

                                           Thank you to all the community
                                           sponsors for making this event

                   With summer here and vacations in full speed, we
                   continue our search for volunteers to help at the
                   Senior Center.

- We are looking for volunteers to deliver meals and take
seniors to medical appointments. This is a flexible position
and drivers are offered mileage reimbursement and
additional liability insurance.

- We are looking for volunteers to help in the kitchen. Duties
include washing dishes, wiping out lunch bags, wiping down
surfaces, cleaning up the coffee station and warming up heat
packs for the home-delivered meals. Morning and afternoon
shifts available.

- We are looking for volunteers to help at our front welcome desk.
Duties include registering people for programs, answering phones
and greeting people. Having some basic computer skills are helpful.
Morning and afternoon shifts are available.

For more information, please call Alasa at 608-848-0431.
Book Club
Page 24

                                                               Book Club (L)
                                                      Wednesday, July 13 - 10 AM
                                                    The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio
                                                              by Terry Ryan
 Book club is now meeting in-person at the Senior Center. Books are available for
 pickup at the Verona Public Library. Bring your library card to the discussion to
 check out a copy of the book for July. Don't have a library card? Bring a photo ID
 with you and apply for a card on the spot!
 Questions? Please call the library at 608-845-7180 or visit for more information.
    210 South Main Street, Verona, Wisconsin 53593
       Phone: 608-845-6478 “Hometown U.S.A.”
  1845 Springdale Street, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin 53572
                 Phone 608-437-3081
  Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 Days A Week
        We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities.

                                                                                             579 D’ Onofrio Drive, Suite 10
        own Auto Clinic,
    m et
                                                                                                  Madison WI 53718                        SPECIALIZING IN
   o                     LL                                                                                                           ALZHEIMER’S, PARKINGSON
 H                                                                                                                                      AND DEMENTIA CARE

 Greg Lagan • Todd Tschudy
    Import & Domestic
       Auto Repairs
    700 South Nine Mound Road                                                                                    
        Verona, WI 535934

                                                                                                                 102 N. Franklin St., Verona • 608.848.1800
                                                         Independent and Assisted Living                                  
                                                                (608) 849-5016                                                       MEDICARE ACCEPTED
                                                             801 Klein Dr. • Waunakee               Chiropractic Massage Nutrition Rehab Fitness Classes
                                                                              Personal Training Private Memberships

		                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •       Verona Area Active Adults, Verona, WI E 4C 01-1435
                                                                                   Page 25

              The Verona Senior Center collects the following items.
         **Please read carefully as there are items we do not accept.

                                                 Please be mindful when depositing
                                                 trash and recycling at the Senior
                                                 Center. If trash gets put in the
                                                 BLUE RECYCLING BINS, VSC will be
    ORAL CARE PRODUCT RECYCLING                  charged. Thank you for your help!
                           What’s Accepted
                                -All brands of
                             used/empty oral
                           care products and
NOT Accepted                        packaging
-Electric toothbrushes
    WRITING INSTRUMENT RECLCYING                 Recycle Only                  Trash
What’s Accepted
-Empty writing instruments
-Glue sticks                                     EYEGLASS RECYCLING
-Flexible packaging
-Water color dispensers                          Thanks to the support of the Verona
                                                 Lions Club, VSC recycles eyeglasses.
NOT Accepted
Wite-Out products,                               Simply drop off your old eyeglasses
free ink (shakable) markers                      to be repurposed through the Lion's
Simply drop off items at the Verona Senior
Center front desk during open hours and
we’ll take it from there. **Please only bring
acceptable items.
For questions contact 608-845-7471. As of        A huge thank you the
the end of May, we have collected 141            families at Glacier Edge
lbs of waste!!! Thank you to all who have        Elementary and Sugar
                                                 Creek Elementary for
brought items to VSC.
                                                 recycling with us.

                                                 Look at all those markers!!

                                                 Donations can be dropped
                                                 off M - F, 8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Page 26

                  Our local food pantry needs your help!
               Food Drive for Badger Prairie Needs Network
                                July 1 - 31st
Driven by unemployment, inflation, rising gas prices and cost of
living, food insecurity in our community has increased. During
the month of July VSC will be hosting a Food Drive for the panty.
Items can be brought to VSC M - F, between 8:30 AM - 4 PM.
                                    Needed items:
- toilet paper               - laundry detergent                        -individual kid
- bar soap                   - granola bars                              friendly snacks
- cereal                     - single serve applesauce

July 1, 1979: Sony introduced the Walkman.
July 2, 1962: Wal-Mart Discount City opened in Rogers, Arkansas. It was the first Walmart store in
the country.
July 3, 1922: “Fruit Garden and Home” magazine was introduced but was later renamed “Better
Homes and Gardens.”
July 4, 2004: In New York, the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower (One World Trade Center) was
laid on the former World Trade Center site.
July 7, 1981: Ronald Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court, the first
woman to be appointed to the highest court in the U.S.
July 8, 2011: Space Shuttle Atlantis was launched for the last time.
July 11, 1914: Babe Ruth made his MLB debut with the Boston Red Sox.
July 16, 1935: Oklahoma City became the first city in the U.S. to install parking meters.
July 17, 1950: The television show “The Colgate Comedy Hour” debuted featuring Dean Martin and
Jerry Lewis.
July 20, 1969: A global audience watched on television as Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong took
his first step onto the moon.
July 24, 1956: Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis ended their team after a decade together.
July 27, 1953: The Korean War ended with the signing of an armistice by U.S. and North Korea.
July 29, 2005: Astronomers announced that they had discovered a new planet, Xena, in orbit
around the sun.
July 30, 1956: The phrase “In God We Trust” was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
July 31, 1928: MGM’s Leo the lion roared for the first time.                                 - LPi
                                                                                Page 27

                  Hello all!
                  Thank you to everyone who participated in the Brats
                  with the Board event and our first ever Salad Potluck. It
                  is your generous donations that allow us to continue to
                  offer frequent entertainment events as well as support
                  for other ongoing programs.

So far this year, we have spent approximately $1,160.00 of those donations
for entertainment alone!

Our next big Board supported event will be the Pig Roast in August!!! This is
a very popular event, and we hope to have another year with perfect
weather. For details about the Pig Roast, see page 22. Please RSVP, spaces

Pat Eggen, Board of Directors President
Page 28
Director, Stephanie Ehle                                        2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                Pat Eggen, President/Treasurer                                      Alyce Kocal
Lead Case Manager, Julie Larson                                 Linda Kaiser, Vice President/Secretary                              Nancy Mendoza
608-848-0440,                      Roxane Spitzer                                                      Louis Eifert
                                                                Rich Bartlett
Case Manager, Drake Deno

Program Manager, Alasa Wiest
608-848-0431,                       SOCIAL MEDIA
Program Assistant, Janice Paul
608-848-0436,                                     Website:

Administrative Assistant, Sarah Kaszubski
608-848-0435,                                 UCW6bZcgqolC9BhuMgSEyDEQ

Nutrition Line: 608-848-0438
Transportation Services provided by
Transit Solutions and RSVP Volunteer Drivers

Verona Senior Services Committee Voting
Members: Christine Posey, Mara Helmke, Kate
Cronin - City of Verona Alders

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                                                               This project was supported, in part by grant number 90MPPG0041-01-00, from the U.S. Administration
                                                               for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.

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