VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

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VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations
Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data
VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations
Physicians see the value, patients experience the care

     This report details three key areas of focus—prevention, outcomes and utilization, and costs
    and payments—for Humana individual Medicare Advantage (MA) members seeking care from
   primary care physicians in value-based agreements. A new section focuses on the experience of
                        patients and physicians within value-based care (VBC).

Humana shares these results annually to spotlight progress and highlight how the company supports
    physicians in helping their patients achieve their best health. As with the previous seven years
of results, the 2020 statistics cannot be directly compared year over year due to multiple demographic
                              changes in Humana’s member population.

VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations
Table of contents
Introduction                                                                      Patient–physician experience
 01. A care model primed for agility, stability and equitable health              14. Value-based care contributes to satisfaction

 03. Outlining the path to value                                                   16. Home care helps value-based PCPs manage care and improve outcomes

                                                                                   18. Physician perspective: How does your experience in value-based care differ
                                                                                       from a fee-for-service model?
                                                                                   19. Building on home healthcare capabilities
 05. Value-based care has strong showing in prevention and adherence
                                                                                   20. Turning data into a clear picture
 07. A pandemic lifeline: Telemedicine solidifies its place in primary care

 08. Driving innovation and efficiency during COVID-19 and beyond
                                                                                  Costs and payments
 09. More than medicine: Value-based care helps with food insecurity
                                                                                   21. The financial strengths of value-based care
 10. Wellness rewards: A tool for VBC physicians to boost patient health
                                                                                   23. During the pandemic, value-based care helps keep doors open

                                                                                   24. Proactive pharmacy outreach with VBC: Better medication adherence, lower costs
Outcomes and utilization
                                                                                   25. Bundled payments offer a value-based approach for specialty physicians
 11. Insights from outcomes: Prevention, personalization and connections matter

 12. The lasting appeal of behavioral telehealth
 13. From patient care to value-based payments: What we’re learning
                                                                                   27. What value-based care’s future may hold

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                                                                                           Look for the video icon, then click to see videos related to select
                                                                                           stories in the report
VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

                 A care model primed for agility, stability and equitable health
                                    COVID-19, by many accounts, served as           Ultimately, we have to address the basics—      but what you’ll see is that value-based
                                    a wake-up call for how we approach care         the context in which people live. It’s hard     physicians were agile and maintained
                                    delivery and our healthcare system as           for one to manage his or her diabetes or        critical connections with patients while
                                    a whole. We’ve had to be nimble and             congestive heart failure without a safe,        maintaining a consistent cash flow.
                                    flexible, to leverage technology in new ways    stable home environment.
                                    and to further orient to the very personal                                                      Going forward, we need to continue to
     William Shrank,                                                                Moreover, the pandemic didn’t create            build on the fabric of team-based care,
                                    needs of our members and patients.
     M.D., MSHS                                                                     disparities. It exposed them. And we all have   sealing off clinical silos. Team-based
     Chief Medical Officer          As we continue to navigate the                  a role to play in addressing those problems.    interdisciplinary care, quarterbacked
                                    uncertainties of the pandemic, we are                                                           by primary care physicians, will be a
     Dr. Shrank is dedicated        thinking to the future and trying to best       Value-based care has offered the business       differentiator in that effort. Continuing to
     to putting integrated          understand what we can learn from the           context for payers and healthcare providers     work with physicians will help dig deeper to
     care delivery strategy         lessons of the last 18 months. One thing        to align incentives and to consistently focus   uncover truths about what a person needs,
     into action. His work          is clear—the pandemic reaffirmed the            on what is most important for patients          and then deliver it to them.
     emphasizes consumer-           imperative for value-based care.                throughout the pandemic. Value-based
     friendly, evidence-                                                            providers had invested in infrastructure        Every person deserves to live their best
     based, technology-             The pandemic required us to take a different    before COVID-19 that allowed them to be         life, and we, along with physicians and
     enabled approaches             approach in how we interact with members        more flexible, enabling those practices to      healthcare professionals, want to facilitate
     to personalized health         and be far more proactive. We called            leverage technology, drive more care to         that. Because we’re a global community,
     improvement. A former          members at the outset and talked to them        the home and to be more sensitive to the        an individual’s lack of well-being should be
     practicing physician and       about their chronic conditions. Many told us    emerging needs of the people they serve.        everybody’s concern.
     Harvard Medical School         they hadn’t left the house and didn’t have
     assistant professor,           ways to get food, or that they were depressed   Data reflected in this annual report is
     his research has               because they hadn’t seen their children.        influenced greatly by the pandemic,
     focused on the use and
     effectiveness of chronic-
     care medications.

                                                                                                                                            Click the video icon for an
                                                                                                                                            introduction to this year’s Value-based
                                                                                                                                            Care Report by Dr. William Shrank.

VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations
Humana’s total MA membership                          Value-based practices
                               Individual MA members   include the greater share
                               3.96 million
                                                       of Humana MA members
                                                       As of Dec. 31, 2020, 67,800 primary care physicians
                                                       (PCPs) have value-based relationships with Humana.
                                                       Those affiliations include more than 1,000 agreements
                                                       in 43 states and Puerto Rico.

                                                       As of Dec. 31, 2020, Humana’s total MA membership           Of Humana’s individual MA
                                                       was approximately 4.6 million members, including            membership, 67%, or 2.65
                                                       roughly 3.96 million individual MA members and              million, seek care from
                                                       613,200 group members.1
                                                                                                                   primary care physicians in
                               Group MA members                                                                    value-based agreements.

A different kind of care
for chronic conditions
                                                         89.1%                                   Common chronic conditions
                                                                                                 among Humana MA members 1

                                                         of Humana MA                             Hypertension | 3,312,072: 67%
Most Humana MA members are living every                  members have at least                    Type 2 diabetes | 1,386,857: 28%
day with a chronic condition—and often,
more than one. A high-touch, preventive-                 one chronic condition.11                 Coronary artery disease | 1,141,290: 23%
focused care model is well-suited to meet
these patients’ needs.
                                                                                                  Chronic kidney disease | 1,089,913: 22%
                                                                                                  COPD | 788,267: 16%

                                                         82.8 %
The figures to the right show common
conditions that existed among all Humana                                                          Congestive heart failure | 676,414: 14%
MA members during calendar year 2020
                                                                                                  Depression | 549,074: 11%
and the percentage of members with those
                                                         of Humana MA
specific conditions. Figures include both                                                         Osteoporosis | 370,831: 7%
partial- and full-year health plan members.              members have at least
The numbers exceed the total Humana MA                                                            Prostate cancer | 126,150: 3%
                                                         two chronic conditions.1
membership due to co-morbidities.                                                                 Breast cancer | 93,004: 2%

                                                                                                     INTRODUCTION        VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT   02
VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

                 Case studies                       Outlining the path
           How three practices put
         value-based care into action
                                                    to value
                                                    As of 2020, 67%, or two-thirds, of Humana’s
           There is no singular path to success
                                                    individual MA members seek care from primary
        in value-based care. Every practice faces
                                                    care physicians participating in some form of
             its own unique set of challenges
                                                    value-based care agreement with Humana.
          and opportunities. These case studies
          feature organizations from across the
                                                    To support value-based care, Humana
         country and of varying size sharing how
                                                    developed a continuum of programs that offers
        a value-based approach has shaped their
                                                    financial rewards to primary care physicians for
             clinical and operational models.
                                                    improvements in quality, outcomes and costs.
                                                    Incentives increase along with the level of risk.

                                                    Humana’s value-based primary care continuum
                                                    shows the broad spectrum of segments under
                  Mankato Clinic                    which physicians can benefit from the quality
                  Mankato, Minnesota                care they provide.

         50            13               402         Of importance, the continuum is not designed
         PCPs        Locations          Humana      to advance all primary care physicians to global
                                      MA members2   value (or full accountability), but rather to meet
                                                    and support them where they are on the path to
                                                    value. Segments of the continuum are designed
                  Paxton Medical                    around a physician or practice’s readiness to
                  Seminole, Florida                 accommodate varying levels of accountability.

                                                    As value-based care becomes more prominent,              The primary care
         32             12             7,084        the number of Humana individual MA members            continuum shows the
         PCPs         Locations         Humana      receiving care from physicians in value-based care
                                      MA members3
                                                    arrangements has grown with the addition of a
                                                                                                            broad spectrum of
                                                    little more than 1 million individuals since the     segments under which
                                                    beginning of 2016.                                   physicians can benefit
                  Intermountain                                                                           from the quality care
                  Healthcare                                                                                   they provide.
                  Las Vegas, Nevada

       1,800            63            51,457
         PCPs         Locations         Humana
                                      MA members4

VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations
Evolving primary care payment models1
Value-based care                               The percentages below represent Humana individual MA members       Non-value-based (NVB) care

67                                                                                                                33
                                                seeking care from physicians in each category of the continuum.

           %                                                                            70                                   %
of individual MA members in VBC model                                                                             of individual MA members in NVB model


                                                      Percentage of Humana membership
    Global risk – 788,875                                                                                             FFS Plus – 734,446
    F ull responsibility for Medicare Parts                                                                          FFS + additional compensation
     A, B and D through monthly capitated                                                                             for meeting quality measures
     payments                                                                                4%
                                                                                                                      FFS – 578,241
    Full risk – 165,295                                                                 40
                                                                                                                      Pays for the services a patient receives
    Fee-for-service (FFS) + 100% responsible
    for Medicare Part B expenses and sharing
    of Part A (may have shared savings or                                               30
    complete responsibility for Part D)

    Limited risk – 277,681
    FFS + bonus + care coordination payment                                             20

    + higher portion than bonus + shared                                                     36%
    savings in Medicare Parts A, B and D
    Bonus + shared – 1,418,162                                                                       15%
    F FS + bonus + potential for limited shared
     savings (upside only) in Medicare Parts A, B                                        0
     and D
                                                                                             VBC     NVBC

      Rapid growth
                                                                                                                      Value-based individual
      Value-based care physicians have seen                                                                           members gained between
      significant member growth year over year.                                                                       Jan. 1 2016­– Dec. 31, 2020

                                                                                                              INTRODUCTION     VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT           04
VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

                 Value-based care has strong showing in prevention and adherence
                                   Despite pandemic public health                   refills by members, who filled roughly          healthcare leaders say the technology will be
                                   precautions that led to deferring                400,000 through June 2020.                      a permanent part of their approach
                                   in-person medical care through much                                                              going forward.
                                                                                    The prevention and adherence figures led
                                   of 2020, physicians in value-based               to overall Stars Ratings and average HEDIS      Although in-person medical visits rose in
                                   agreements found ways to overcome                Stars Ratings for preventive screenings both    the latter part of 2020, a resurgence in
     J. Nwando Olayiwola,
                                   those medical-distancing hurdles by              being a half-star higher for value-based        COVID-19 transmissions has pushed some
     M.D., MPH, FAAFP
     Senior VP and Chief
                                   capitalizing on telemedicine and other           physicians than for non-value-based—a           practices to reduce physical interactions
     Health Equity Officer         innovative approaches to improve                 15% difference.1                                as many patients express concerns with
                                   health outcomes.                                                                                 visiting physicians’ offices. That has
                                                                                    Why it matters: Prevention is the foundation    prompted practices to rely again on those
     Dr. Olayiwola is                                                               for member well-being and the effectiveness
                                   Increased access resulted in MA members                                                          alternative approaches to care delivery.
     responsible for creating                                                       of value-based care. In the face of the
                                   affiliated with value-based physicians                                                           Only this time, they’re employing tactics
     and implementing a                                                             pandemic, medical distancing emerged as
                                   outperforming those in non-value-based                                                           that are proven and refined.
     strategy to achieve                                                            a challenge. But value-based physicians
     health equity across          settings in all Healthcare Effectiveness
                                   Data and Information Set (HEDIS®)                focused on whole-person health quickly          Effective use, though, will only happen with a
     all lines of business,
                                   preventive screenings and adherence              found new and innovative ways to increase       lens toward health equity, working to improve
     including care delivery,
                                   measures. Screenings were between 8%             patient access to care.                         access to all modalities of care patients need,
     giving all communities
                                   and 20% higher for the value-based cohort                                                        which also requires understanding their
     and groups of people a                                                         Virtual visits proved to be a viable platform
     fair and just opportunity     compared to non-value-based for colorectal                                                       unique needs and barriers to care. Telehealth
                                                                                    for physicians for everyday treatment and       is only successful if patients have all the tools
     to be as healthy as           screenings, diabetic eye exams, osteoporosis
                                                                                    some screenings. Additionally, Humana sent      necessary for digital health engagement—
     possible.                     management and controlling blood sugar.1
                                                                                    more than 1 million kits to MA members—at       stable broadband connectivity, connected
                                   Value-based members with certain chronic         no cost to them—so they could be tested         devices, digital literacy and health literacy. It
                                   conditions routinely showed more screenings      for colorectal cancer, diabetes control and     is imperative that medical and social services
                                   and better control than those non-value-         nephropathy without having to go to a           communities recognize their intricate
                                   based. For example, value-based members          clinic or lab. Of the kits returned, 10% of     connections to empowering the full health of
                                   with diabetes not only had their blood sugar     the screenings identified members with          each and every patient cared for.
                                   levels under control but adhered to their        unfavorable results.
                                   medication regimens more frequently.1
                                                                                    Those members were notified and clinical
                                   Patient safety related to medication             follow-ups recommended. If no follow-up            Preventive screenings:
                                                                                    was noted via a claim within 120 days,
                                   adherence among members affiliated with                                                             Value-based PCPs compared to
                                   value-based physicians earned a HEDIS Stars      Humana’s outreach team contacted the
                                                                                    member and assisted in scheduling an
                                                                                                                                       non-value-based physicians1
                                   4-Star Rating and outpaced those affiliated
                                   with non-value-based clinicians.                 appointment for him or her.
                                                                                                                                         8%     more screenings conducted overall

                                   The consistency of medication use among          The way forward: Nontraditional approaches
                                   value-based members for diabetes,                to care delivery are quickly becoming              19%      more colorectal screenings and
                                                                                                                                                diabetic eye exams
                                   hypertension and statins was as high as 89%.     regularly used methods, primarily in
                                   Data analysts attribute those rates in part to   the virtual space. The increased use of
                                                                                    telemedicine provided a vital connection
                                                                                                                                       22%      more post-discharge medication
                                   actions taken at the outset of the pandemic
                                   allowing for early and extended prescription     between physicians and their patients, and

VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

                                                                                                                                                                           Overall HEDIS Stars score
                               Ratings show better patient                                                                                 5.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NVB: 3.70
                               engagement for those in

                                                                                                              Engagement rate (out of 5)
                                                                                                                                           4.0                                                                                      VBC: 4.50
                               value-based practices                                                                                       3.0
                               Across every care category, physicians in value-based care                                                  2.0                                                                                      NVB: 3.90
                               arrangements have scored higher than those in non-value-                                                                                                                                             VBC: 4.30
                               based (NVB) models, based on HEDIS scores.1 The chart
                               below shows the results for select measures among 2020                                                      0.0                                                                                      2020
                               continuously enrolled Humana MA members, of which                                                                            2018                      2019                     2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NVB: 3.40
                               914,785 were in non-value-based physician agreements                                                        NVB = Non-value-based                     VBC = Value-based care                         VBC: 3.90
                               vs. 2,358,808 in value-based physician agreements.
                               To the right are overall HEDIS Stars results for MA patients
                               continuously enrolled during 2018, 2019 and 2020. For
                               consistency, scores reflect Humana’s administrative data
                               only, as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NVB     VBC
                               advised health plans to not collect hybrid data in 2019 due
                                                                                                                               HEDIS and patient safety
                               to the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                                                                                                                             97   98
                                      100                               96                                                                                                             96
                                                                   94                                                                                                           93
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            89                           88
                                       90                                                                                                                                                                              87                87
                                                                                                                                                 85         85                                                  86                 85            86
(by percentage of members screened)

                                                                                                                                                      82                                                  82
                                                                                                                                           78                            81
                                       80                                                       77          77
                                                 76         76
                                                                                           74                                                                       73
          Engagement rate

                                       70   67

                                       60              56

                                       50                                           46


                                              Eye     Blood sugar Nephropathy Osteoporosis Rheumatoid   Breast                         Medication Statin therapy Colorectal     Medication      Pain     Statin use in Hypertension Diabetes         Statins
                                             exam      controlled             management     arthritis cancer                         reconciliation cardiovascular cancer       review      screening   persons with
                                                                                           management screening                       post discharge    disease     screening                              diabetes
                                                      DIABETES CARE                                                                                                                  CARE FOR OLDER                        MED ADHERENCE

                                                                                                                                                                                              PREVENTION              VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT                  06
VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT - Physician progress and patient outcomes based on calendar year 2020 data - Humana Investor relations

     A pandemic lifeline: Telemedicine solidifies its place in primary care
                                    Primary care telemedicine use in 2020            based organizations focused on quality and                                          Mercy Health in Missouri, looking to
                                    rose faster and reached higher levels            continuity over quantity of care.                                                   capitalize on convenience for patients and
                                    among Humana MA patients affiliated                                                                                                  enhance the customer experience, built
                                                                                     The way forward: Though the study period                                            the ExpressCare platform. Though being
                                    with value-based organizations
                                                                                     examined telemedicine use between                                                   piloted, the tool, accessible via an app,
                                    compared with those in non-value-                January and September, the trend among
      Kathy Driscoll,                                                                                                                                                    enables users to fill out a brief questionnaire.
                                    based arrangements.                              value-based practices continued through the
      MSN, RN, CCM                                                                                                                                                       Those answers prompt a personalized
      Senior VP and                                                                  rest of the year. It remains a vital connection                                     escalation path that connects them to the
                                    Accountability for cost, quality and disease
      Chief Nursing Officer                                                          tool for physicians as some patients remain                                         proper provider.
                                    management under value-based payment
                                                                                     leery of in-person contact or prefer the
                                    models may have been a stronger catalyst
      Ms. Driscoll oversees                                                          platform’s convenience.                                                             “It breaks that boundary of time and space,”
                                    for telemedicine adoption than recouping
      Humana’s strategy                                                                                                                                                  said Michael Michetti, Mercy’s senior vice
                                    revenue from deferred in-person visits,          Physicians interviewed for the study said
      of improving the                                                                                                                                                   president of clinical operations. “Even
                                    a study of health maintenance organization       they believe telehealth is here to stay. While
      experiences of the                                                                                                                                                 telehealth is bound by the time there is
                                    (HMO) members from March 1–Sept. 30 by           continuing to use it, a number of physicians are
      company’s 10,000                                                                                                                                                   a person on video and structured by a
      nurses, care managers         Humana Healthcare Research suggests.             changing their approach. Some are no longer                                         schedule. This platform lets patients be
      and social workers.           Within the shared-savings categories of          writing prescriptions for certain conditions until                                  asynchronous. Whenever they want to
      Her efforts focus on          the value-based primary care continuum,          patients are seen physically. Others are using                                      start the encounter, they can start
      promoting a culture           adoption happened at an even quicker pace        the momentum of telemedicine’s acceptance                                           that conversation.”
      that engages, values          among physicians at the greatest risk level,     to expand virtual offerings.
      and inspires clinical         according to the research.
      professionals while
      impacting health              In late April, at the peak of use, value-based
      outcomes.                     physicians used the technology at a rate of                                                           2020 Humana MA HMO telemedicine visits1
                                    50.1 telehealth visits per 1,000 members per                                                                                50.1
                                    week compared to 9.3 visits per 1,000 within
                                    the non-value-based space.1                                                                35
                                                                                          Number of visits per 1,000 members

                                    Additionally, many value-based practices                                                   30
                                    were helped by infrastructure, technology                                                                                                    25.6
                                    and management systems in place at the                                                     25                                                              22.4

                                    start of the COVID-19 outbreak, interviews                                                 20
                                    with study participants revealed.
                                    Why it matters: Patterns of outpatient care                                                                                 9.3
                                    shifted drastically during the early stages                                                10
                                    of the COVID-19 pandemic, with deferred                                                                                                      5.0
                                    in-person care leading to substantial
                                    revenue losses for many non-value-based                                                     0
                                    primary care organizations. The shift created                                                   0-4   5-8   9-12   13-16    17-20    21-24         25-28   29-32   33-36   37- 39
                                    a strong financial incentive to move to              NVB VBC
                                    telemedicine visits, especially among value-                                                                       Note: Study period concluded Sept. 30


Driving innovation and efficiency during
COVID-19 and beyond
Ingenuity and adaptability defined how most               Some physicians and their staffs helped their patients
healthcare practices operated—and continue to             obtain food and medication. Some made calls to
operate—during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staring at          patients to warn of COVID-related scams to help
vacant waiting rooms, physicians, administrators and      protect their financial health along with their
their staff members enlisted alternative measures to      physical health.
maintain critical connections with those they serve.
                                                          As many patients who stayed home in 2020
That meant seeing patients virtually, finding inventive   struggled to adjust to new technology platforms,
ways to meet patients at a safe distance—such             some physicians found themselves playing multiple
as outside the office building—or devising other          roles: healthcare provider, technical support agent
strategies to provide care.                               and coach.

With quality metrics and the financial model within       A year of challenge became a prescription for
value-based care agreements driven by patient well-       change—now and into the future. The video below
being, proactive approaches among those physicians in     features a trio of practices that connected with patients
navigating unprecedented obstacles helped them treat      in non-traditional fashion and, at the same time,
general illness, manage chronic conditions, evaluate      ushered in new ways of doing business they anticipate
medication adherence and assess mental health.            will lead to more effective and efficient care.

                                                                                                                               Amid physicians’ struggle
                                                                                                                              with new challenges caring
                                                                                                                                 for patients, Humana
                                                                                                                              helped support their efforts
                                                                                                                                  by eliminating some
                                                                                                                              administrative requirements
                                                                                                                                for providers involving
                                                                                                                                   Humana members
                                                                                                                                    with COVID-19.

         Click the video icon for more information
                                                                                                                      PREVENTION   VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT   08

     More than medicine: Value-based care helps
     with food insecurity
                                                                                    have limited or uncertain access to enough
                                  Lack of healthy food and lower
                                                                                    food to live a healthy, active life.7
                                  nutrient intake can lead to myriad
                                  physical and mental health                        Evidence suggests that alleviating stress
                                  complications, new research shows.6               and anxiety over access to food is
                                  Food insecure seniors are 65%                     considered a beneficial health outcome.
      Andrew Renda,
                                  more likely to be diabetic, 19% more              And as the number of adults age 65 and
      M.D., MPH
                                  likely to have high blood pressure                older is expected to rise to more than 73
      VP, Bold Goal
      and Population              and 2.3 times more likely to suffer               million by 2030,8 it is likely the number of
      Health Strategy             from depression compared to food-                 seniors living in food-insecure households
                                                                                    will also rise substantially without effective
                                  secure seniors.5
                                                                                    and sustained interventions in place.
      Dr. Renda’s work
      includes leading            Furthermore, food insecure Medicare
                                                                                    Tackling food insecurity, including
      population health work      beneficiaries incur $5,527 more a year in
                                                                                    addressing root causes, is a challenge
      streams, including          healthcare costs than those who are food
      insights, informatics,                                                        many payers and healthcare providers
                                  secure,6 according to the study published
      strategy and execution,                                                       have shifted focus to in recent years.
                                  in the Journal of the American Medical
      business integration,                                                         This is because food insecurity often forces
                                  Association titled “Interventions to Address
      and community                                                                 individuals to make difficult tradeoffs,
                                  Food Insecurity Among Adults in Canada
      engagement. He is a                                                            such as choosing between purchasing
                                  and the U.S.”
      published researcher and                                                      food or purchasing medications or seeking
      speaker in the fields of                                                      medical care.                                    Food insecurity is particularly high among
                                  The focus on social determinants of
      population health, social                                                                                                      MA members with dual-eligible special
                                  health (SDOH), such as food insecurity,
      determinants of health                                                        The way forward: Humana has worked               needs plans (D-SNP). That is why Humana
                                  and how they affect a person’s physical,
      and chronic disease.                                                          with healthcare providers and community          leveraged the Medicare Advantage value-
                                  social and mental well-being highlights
                                                                                    organizations to address food insecurity         based insurance design (VBID) model in
                                  the critical role value-based care plays in
                                                                                    within its MA population.                        2020 to offer the healthy food card benefit
                                  population health management. When
                                                                                                                                     to qualifying members in several states.
                                  healthcare providers and payers leverage          When the COVID-19 pandemic hit,                  The benefit can be used to purchase healthy
                                  an infrastructure that can access real-           the company created the Basic Needs              groceries at various national retailers and
                                  time data, technology and appropriate             Team, which leverages resources and              comes in the form of a wallet card loaded
                                  care management, they can see a more              emergency flexibilities granted by CMS           each month with funds.
                                  holistic picture of a person’s health, identify   to screen MA members for food insecurity
                                  unmet needs and determine effective               and coordinate with national vendors             Having access to critical data and screening
                                  interventions, researchers said.                  to deliver meals to members’ homes.              tools allows clinicians, payers and policy
                                                                                    The program served 77,863 members                makers to continue to search
                                  Why it matters: Millions of seniors
                                                                                    and delivered more than 1.1 million              for opportunities and interventions that
                                  nationwide face food insecurity, making
                                                                                    meals in 2020, and is continuing the             address the negative implications of health-
                                  it one of the country’s leading health and
                                                                                    effort in 2021.                                  related social needs within patients and
                                  nutrition issues. In fact, nearly 5.3 million
                                                                                                                                     whole populations.


Wellness rewards: A tool for VBC physicians to boost patient health
                            With preventive care paramount                   patients who are Humana members with                 The way forward: Value-based partner
                            to patient long-term well-being,                 Go365 on their plans to earn rewards for             agilon health experienced an uptick in
                            value-based physicians in 2020                   eligible activities like routine cancer and          member engagement in wellness and
                            took advantage of incentives from                biometrics screenings. Members earn                  prevention activity through the incentives
                                                                             $10–$30 gift cards—per screening—to a                provided by Go365. Heavy promotion of
                            Humana’s wellness program, Go365®,
 Minoti Parab,                                                               variety of national retailers.                       the program and its wellness benefits by
                            to help entice Humana MA members
 M.D., FAAFP                                                                                                                      agilon was a top goal of its communications
                            with Go365 on their plans to obtain              Why it matters: Healthy behaviors and
 Lead Medical Director                                                                                                            campaign composed of welcome emails for
                            preventive screenings and maintain               prevention are critical to identifying               new members and a quarterly e-newsletter.
 Dr. Parab is a lead
                            healthy behaviors. Value-based                   problems early and potentially preventing
 medical director for       healthcare providers focus on achieving          severe illness and unnecessary medical               MA members associated with agilon who
 Medicare in the Mid-       gap–closure goals.                               costs. By Humana rewarding members for               visited Humana’s website for wellness
 Atlantic region. With a                                                     healthy behaviors and annual screenings,             information had an 83% gap-closure rate.
 background in outpatient   Members associated with value-based              primary care physicians are better able to
 family medicine and        physicians accounted for roughly 83% of all      close clinical gaps in care so their patients—       “The success of this program really
 telemedicine, her          Go365 rewards-qualifying activity in 2020.1      and their practices—can achieve better               highlights the power of engaging
 passion drives her work                                                     health outcomes.                                     our patients as true partners in their
 in physician wellness      Additionally, these members received over                                                             healthcare,” said Dr. Ben Kornitzer, agilon
 and engagement             7.4 million preventive screenings, completed     Annual wellness exams and preventive                 health’s chief medical officer. “As a primary
 internally through         nearly 1.4 million fitness activities and        screenings are key to promoting better               care physician, it is incredibly gratifying
 leadership development     participated in almost 400,000 social and        health outcomes. A patient who has at least          to see how thoughtfully designed health
 and externally through     health education activities.                     one annual wellness visit per year is 122%           plan incentives can really help move the
                                                                             more likely to have a colonoscopy and 75%            needle on the quality programs that value-
 communication and          Go365 is promoted regularly to value-based       more likely to have a mammogram9—                    based physicians are working toward with
 improved processes.        healthcare providers to encourage their          two essential methods of cancer screening.           their patients.”

                                                                                Promoting wellness with rewards1

                                          2020 Go365            Number of reward-         Earned amount by MA            2020 total MA               2020 total MA
                                     rewardable activity for    qualifying events by         members with              reward-qualifying             earned amount
                                         VBC providers             VB members                 VB physicians                 events

                                          Social/health               395,740                  $1,985,700                      460,904                 $2,304,520
                                       education activities

                                      Preventive screenings          7,473,195                $113,325,587                    9,106,236               $180,587,215

                                        Fitness/workouts             1,388,371                 $6,931,458                     1,572,941                $7,864,705

                                          Grand total                9,257,306                $122,242,745                  11,140,081               $190,756,440

                                                                                                                           PREVENTION        VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT              10
OUTCOMES AND UTILIZATION                                                                                             Value-based providers helped keep
                                                                                                                                          patients out of the hospital
                 Insights from outcomes: Prevention, personalization                                                                    Humana MA members who sought care
                                                                                                                                          from physicians in value-based care

                 and connections matter                                                                                              arrangements during 2020 experienced fewer
                                                                                                                                     hospital admissions and ER visits, both when
                                                                                                                                       compared to patients in Original Medicare
                                Critical to keeping members well in 2020         me care for our patients to where there was              models and patients in Humana MA
                                                                                 no delay in their care. It makes a difference,            non-value-based arrangements.10
                                were already-persistent focuses on
                                whole-person well-being and care access
                                that were amplified by the pandemic.
                                                                                 and it showed during the pandemic.”
                                                                                                                                             245,000                  fewer
                                                                                 Why it matters: Physicians continually              as hospital inpatients for Humana individual MA
                                                                                 stress the importance of primary care                  members seeking care from physicians in
                                In fact, despite widespread care aversion
     Bryan Loy, M.D.                                                             intervention first, freeing up space for true        VBC arrangements compared to those seeking
                                nationally, 86% of Humana MA members                                                                            care from NVB physicians10
     Corporate Medical                                                           emergencies and helping control costs
                                still saw their value-based primary care
                                                                                 without unnecessary visits to high-cost                         Hospital admissions
                                physicians at least one time last year,
                                                                                 acute care facilities. This message, which                  (VBC arrangements compared to)
                                compared to 78% among non-value-based                                                                      Original             Humana MA NVB
     Dr. Loy is an industry-                                                     physicians emphasized even more during
                                members. Those value-based members saw                                                                 Medicare models           arrangements
     recognized physician                                                        the pandemic, appeared to resonate.
                                their primary care physicians an average of
     executive serving as                                                                                                               22% less                  7% less
                                4.19 times during the year vs. 3.97 times        Members personally gave high ratings for
     corporate medical                                                                                                                    or 121,000              or 39,000
     director for Humana.       among non-value-based.                           the outcomes they experienced directly as a           fewer admissions        fewer admissions
     Board certified in                                                          result of the care they received from value-                  Emergency room visits
                                That consistency of care sharply reduced
     anatomic and clinical                                                       based clinicians.
                                incidences of hospital admissions and                                                                        (VBC arrangements compared to)
     pathology and
     hematology, he leads       emergency room visits during 2020 for            Internal Humana surveys designed to
                                                                                                                                            Original            Humana MA NVB
                                                                                                                                        Medicare models          arrangements
     many of Humana’s           value-based members—7% and 12%                   mimic the Health Outcomes Survey that
     cancer care initiatives.   lower, respectively—compared to those            polled members remaining with the same                  4% less                 12% less
                                with Humana non-value-based healthcare           physician during the last two years showed               or 28,000               or 93,000
                                providers. Hospitalization avoidances were       value-based physicians spent more time
                                                                                                                                       fewer admissions        fewer admissions
                                even better—a whopping 22% less—when             discussing general health issues, monitoring           Data derived from Humana 2020 value-based
                                measured against Original Medicare.10            physical activity and working with their               membership of 2,113,382 and non-value-based
                                                                                                                                                  membership of 949,657.
                                                                                 patients to reduce their risk of falls than
                                Value-based practices such as AMA Medical
                                                                                 non-value-based physicians did.
                                Group never closed during the emergency,
                                                                                                                                  While in-person visits have become more
                                recognizing the need to facilitate in-person     The way forward: Deferred care, of               frequent in the second year of the pandemic,
                                visits for those needing them. The Dunedin,      widespread concern across the industry,          it’s unclear what impact deferred care will
                                Florida facility implemented stringent           did not appear to translate into new or          have on the healthcare system moving
                                protocols that entailed installing special air   worsening medical conditions requiring           forward. Meanwhile, a number of physicians
                                filters, removing furniture in waiting and       acute attention or inpatient treatment           are modifying their reliance on distanced
                                exam rooms to force social distancing and        among Humana MA members by the end of            care methods such as telemedicine. They’re
                                only allowing patients inside one at a time.     2020. High-frequency outreach—in person,         pushing for less medical separation by
                                                                                 virtually and telephonically—closed well-        requiring chronically ill patients and those
                                “When you’re a value-based provider, you
                                                                                 being gaps in care and allowed physicians        with other outstanding conditions to receive
                                focus on the well-being of your patients and
                                                                                 to continue assessing conditions and             tests that cannot be administered virtually.
                                prevention. An ounce of prevention is worth
                                                                                 administering treatment as necessary, even       They want to see patients physically so care
                                a pound of cure,” said Dr. Cruz Fana-Souchet,
                                                                                 from a distance.                                 regimens can be adequately adjusted.
                                AMA founder. “Value-based medicine helped


The lasting appeal of behavioral telehealth
                             As it did for primary care, telemedicine        director for behavioral health. “This platform                                            to expand services during the pandemic,
                             became vital connective tissue between          is critical in providing value, delivering greater                                        helped as well by state and federal changes
                             specialists and those seeking care for          value and supporting the clinical model.”                                                 enabling providers to bill for behavioral
                             their mental well-being.                                                                                                                  telehealth visits, including telephone visits,
                                                                             The way forward: Primary care physicians in                                               which were previously not allowed for
                             Behavioral telehealth trend lines paralleled    value-based arrangements have recognized                                                  psychologists and social workers.
 Taft Parsons, M.D.                                                          the impact of behavioral health issues on
                             those of general telemedicine at the outset
 Corporate Medical                                                           physical well-being, and many have begun                                                  A TriHealth survey of its affiliated primary
 Director                    of the pandemic, taking off during the
                             spring and early summer. As virtual clinical    incorporating behavioral specialists into their                                           care physicians showed that the integration
                             medicine as a whole tapered off months into     practices. That way, when a patient presents                                              is making a difference for patients and
 Dr. Parsons is a                                                            with potential psychological and emotional                                                providers. Some 97% of physicians
 psychiatrist who is         the outbreak, behavioral telehealth visits
                             remained relatively steady.                     concerns, there can be an immediate,                                                      expressed satisfaction with the behavioral
 applying his expertise to
                                                                             smooth handoff.                                                                           health services, 95% said the integration
 address the integrated
                             MA members affiliated with value-based                                                                                                    somewhat or significantly improved their
 needs of Humana’s
                             physicians took part in nearly 628,000          “The setup lends itself perfectly to integration,                                         ability to manage patient needs, and 92%
 membership and to
                             behavioral visits, representing roughly 21%     especially in regard to timeliness,” Ruble said.                                          reported somewhat or significantly improved
 guide the enterprise’s
 strategy for behavioral     of all telemedicine visits in 2020. The usage                                                                                             job satisfaction. Meanwhile, TriHealth
                                                                             TriHealth in Cincinnati began piloting
 health.                     rate per thousand among value-based                                                                                                       patients surveyed at the end of each visit
                                                                             integrated behavioral health in primary
                             members over non-value-based hovered                                                                                                      about its helpfulness rated them an average
                                                                             care practices in late 2016. The health
                             between 5% and 10% each month between                                                                                                     of more than 9 on a 10-point scale.
                                                                             system piggybacked on that infrastructure
                             May and December.1

                             Experts and practices incorporating
                             behavioral telehealth attribute the                                                                 Monthly trend of 2020 behavioral telehealth visits
                             consistent use to convenience to both
                             patients and practitioners and the ability                                                     30       28.30
                             for those needing assistance to obtain help

                                                                                       Number of visits per 1,000 members
                             more privately.                                                                                       28.12
                             Why it matters: The coronavirus pandemic                                                                                                                                        21.84
                             took an obvious physical toll on Americans.
                             Prolonged restrictions and lockdowns that
                             came with it exacerbated other kinds of pain
                             and struggle within behavioral health.

                             Anxiety. Depression. Substance abuse.

                             “There are many barriers to getting to the                                                      0
                             front door and a stigma with behavioral                                                        March     April   May     June     July    Aug.   Sept.    Oct.    Nov.       Dec.
                             health. Telehealth does away with that,”             NVB VBC
                                                                                                                                     Notes: Behavioral health was identified based on primary diagnosis
                             said Dr. Matt Ruble, Humana’s lead medical

                                                                                                                                      OUTCOMES AND UTILIZATION                        VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT           12

     From patient care to value-based payments:
     What we’re learning
                                   As the healthcare industry continues to shift    Evaluation of home health
                                   away from quantity of care toward quality        Inpatients (IP) eligible for the post-acute
                                   of care, recent research helps illustrate the    transfer program who received additional
                                   value of value-based care. Those studies         services in their homes after a hospital
                                   show how physicians use the approach to          discharge experienced lower risks of
      Debbie Peikes,
                                   drive better patient outcomes.                   readmission and decreased healthcare costs.
      Ph.D., MPA
                                   Deferred care                                    Humana Healthcare Research (HHR)
      VP, Humana
      Healthcare Research          As pandemic social distancing widened to         researchers evaluated the effectiveness
                                   include medical distancing—significantly         of discharge to home health compared
      Dr. Peikes is a nationally   reducing office visits for routine and sick      to home for patients discharged from an
      recognized health-           care early in 2020—healthcare leaders            inpatient stay for a set of diagnostic related
      services researcher with     used a broad range of communications             groups that met the criteria for post-acute
      decades of experience        and operational tactics to ensure patients       transfer as defined by CMS.
      leading rigorous mixed-      received proper care amid a COVID-19 surge,
      methods studies of           according to a report by the Medical Group       MA members affiliated with value-based
      innovative payment and                                                        physicians and receiving home health
                                   Management Association (MGMA)
      care delivery models.                                                         services had a 60% lower risk of readmission
                                   and Humana.
      She has an extensive                                                          to a hospital within 30 days of discharge
      record of publications                                                                                                         and avoidable IP admissions in a cohort
                                   The publication, “No Time to Waste:              and a 45% lower readmission risk within 60
      and presentations                                                                                                              of newly eligible MA enrollees over a
                                   Deferred Care and Pandemic Recovery,”            days, compared to those members with non-
      sharing insights about                                                                                                         30-month period.
      refining and spreading
                                   found that during the COVID-19 pandemic,         value-based physicians. Additionally, care
      effective models.            97% of practices polled reported a drop in       of those members resulted in an 11% lower        At the end of that period, the average
                                   patient visits by early April 2020.11 A lack     total 90-day healthcare cost, including costs    annualized PCP visit rate was significantly
                                   of reliable internet connection for patients     associated with home healthcare.1                greater—3,408 visits per 1,000 members vs.
                                   in rural areas, older patients not being as                                                       2,712 per 1,000—for the group of members
                                   tech savvy when attempting telehealth            Changing patient patterns
                                                                                                                                     affiliated with value-based care physicians
                                   services and vulnerable populations having       Value-based payment, particularly when           compared to the group affiliated with
                                   trouble connecting to platforms such as          downside financial risk is involved, may         non-value-based physicians.1
                                   Zoom, FaceTime and Hangouts all posed            be associated with reduced use of the
                                   challenges to accessing care in 2020.            emergency department (ED) and greater use        The 30-month average annualized ED visit
                                                                                    of primary care, according to a study by HHR.    rate was lower for members whose PCPs were
                                   Continuing to engage patients in their                                                            in value-based payment arrangements—
                                   health, ensuring they are willing to seek and    Researchers assessed the association             194 visits per 1,000 members—compared
                                   receive care as needed, face-to-face or via a    of primary care physician payment                to those whose physicians were in non-value-
                                   computer screen, is vital for medical practice   arrangements with PCP visits, emergency          based arrangements—209 visits per
                                   growth in the year ahead, researchers said.      department visits, inpatient admissions          1,000 members.1


            Value-based care contributes to satisfaction
                           Humana MA members cared for by                  Satisfaction is also critical because it
                           physicians in value-based arrangements          directly translates to retention. Some 93%
                           reported significantly higher levels of         of Humana MA members remained with
                           patient satisfaction compared with              their value-based primary care physicians
                                                                           in 2020, compared to 91% with non-value
                           those associated with non-value-
                                                                           based providers.1
Alex Ding,                 based clinicians.
M.D., MS, MBA                                                              Why it matters: The healthcare experience
Physician Executive,       In a 2020 internal Humana survey similar
                                                                           tends to be defined as much by quality
Clinical Strategy          to the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
                                                                           interactions as quality of care. Experience
                           Providers and Systems (CAHPS), value-based
                                                                           can outshine—and certainly overshadow—
Dr. Ding is a board-       physicians rated 10% higher than non-
                                                                           the total care delivery system. Patient
certified practicing       value-based physicians (3.1 stars vs. 2.9
                                                                           satisfaction leads to stronger trust in their
diagnostic and             stars) in each of the eight categories of the
                                                                           clinicians, which, in turn, develops greater
interventional             CAHPS. The largest differences between the
                                                                           long-term therapeutic relationships.
radiologist with           two provider groups was in the overall rating
experience in practice     of the health plan and the overall rating of                                                     The way forward: Within the value-based
                                                                           Physician satisfaction is just as pivotal,
management,                drug coverage, with value-based physicians      leading Humana to remove prior                   space, support is a minimum expectation.
academic and private       scoring 1.4% and 1.2% higher, respectively.1    authorization approvals during much of           Members and healthcare providers serving
practice, and health
                                                                           2020 to help remove obstacles potentially in     as a focus have driven several initiatives to
system leadership. He      CAHPS percentages are significant for
                                                                           the way of patient care.                         help make navigating the healthcare system
is a physician champion    three reasons:
and patient advocate,                                                                                                       easier and the experience in a complex
                           • A difference of one point can represent       Beyond the pandemic, a value-based design        system more pleasant.
and focuses on clinician
engagement, health           as much as a 1-star difference in             equips physicians with tools, data and
technology deployment        performance on these measures.                resources to assist in developing a more         Data-driven research plays a critical role
and clinical innovation.                                                   holistic approach to care. The creation of       in helping payers like Humana build a
                           • CAHPS makes up 24% of the overall                                                              foundation for identifying clinical programs
                                                                           platforms, such as Humana’s Population
                             Stars Rating.                                                                                  that advance its human care commitment
                                                                           Insights Compass, efficiently informs
                           • CAHPS data is member-reported, coming         primary care physicians about their patients’    to identify members’ most important needs
                             directly from the perspectives of those       lives and medical histories outside the office   and address them.
                             being treated.                                in a way that is both easily understandable
                                                                           and actionable.                                  Work continues to expand home-based
                           Humana collaborates with and supports                                                            offerings to complement physicians’
                           its community of healthcare professionals       The tool houses supporting data beyond           treatment in making care more accessible
                           through extended coverage. Emphases             the direct medical and clinical, and also        and targeted, and in bringing about
                           include SDOH, removing financial barriers       provides insights into social needs for          increased interoperability. Streamlined,
                           to treatment and helping keep members           a more holistic picture of the patient.          interoperable patient data, available to
                           safe, particularly during the pandemic,         Compass allows physicians to look out for        clinicians and members, can help enhance
                           by sending them safety kits that included       their whole panel of patients and determine      both the patient and physician experience
                           masks. This support of members                  who needs more attention and resources,          for more efficient and effective care while
                           and their doctors also contributes to           such as enabling practices to follow up on a     reducing administrative hurdles and
                           member satisfaction.                            missed wellness exam or check-up.                increasing technology usability.

                                                                                             PATIENT-PHYSICIAN EXPERIENCE              VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT              14

     Members experience the value-based care difference
                     Members clearly recognized physicians’ efforts in care
                                                                                                  Initiatives aim to enhance patient experience
                     coordination and effective care management. In 2020,                         Providing care when and how a patient           The platform offers both members and
                 continuously enrolled Humana MA members with physicians                          needs it most, especially in unprecedented      healthcare providers direct access to a
               in value-based agreements (53,625) rated their physician higher                    times such as a pandemic, is crucial to one’s   “navigator” to address their unique needs.
                (3.1 stars out of 5) than those 19,239 surveyed who were with                     health and well-being. Recent investments       Members can connect one-on-one with
                    physicians in Humana MA non-value-based agreements                            in value-based programs and technology by       a care coordinator for non-clinical advice
                    (2.9 stars out of 5).1 The results are from internal patient                  Humana are designed to support physicians       and benefit questions, while providers
                    experience surveys similar to the Consumer Assessment                         in providing personalized attention and help    have access to assistance resolving prior
                of Healthcare Providers and Systems, but not the official CAHPS                   improve members’ healthcare experience.         authorizations and checking the status
               results. Official CAHPS results do not provide member-level data.                                                                  of claims.
               A difference of one point is important and, in general, represents                 Humana Care Support
                        as much as a 1-star difference in performance on                          Creating a personalized experience aimed        Author has been launched in five South
                                           these measures.                                        at addressing members’ unique needs is the      Carolina Humana MA plans, supporting about
                                                                                                  goal of Humana Care Support—a technology-       13,500 members, with plans to scale into
                                          Engagement measures                           NVB VBC   enabled chronic care management platform.       additional markets in the future.
                                              (percentage rating)
                                                                                                  By leveraging data analytics and existing
                                                                                                                                                  Remote patient monitoring
                                          0     80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90                  value-based agreements, the platform
                                                                                                  provides Humana MA members living with          Philips Lifeline medical alert service has
                                                                                    87.4          congestive heart failure and diabetes, along    partnered with Humana to provide telehealth
                      Overall rating of
                       drug coverage                                                              with other chronic conditions, access to        kits to select MA members living with
                                                                                                  nurses, pharmacists, social workers and         congestive heart failure (CHF). Kits include
                      Overall rating of                                          86.5                                                             a weight scale, blood pressure monitor and
                                                                                                  behavioral health specialists.
                           healthcare                                              87.1                                                           pulse oximeter. The wireless devices all
                                                                                                  In addition to serving the clinical needs of    synch to an interactive tablet, also provided
                      Overall rating of                                           86.9
                                                                                                  members, Humana Care Support addresses          in the kit, to allow members to monitor their
                          health plan                                                     88.3
                                                                                                  the social determinants of health that might    daily health while sharing real-time data
                                                                                                  be present in a member’s home, such as food     with care managers.
     Ratings areas

                                                                                                  insecurity. And because 61% of older adults
                          coordination                                    85.4
                                                                                                  prefer to age in their own home,1 having        It is estimated that CHF accounts for
                                              77.7                                                access to a multidisciplinary clinical team     more than $30 billion in direct medical
                          Getting care
                               quickly          78.1                                              provides members access to care at home         costs annually.2 The goal of the program
                                                                                                  instead of being transferred to a facility.     is to identify members most at risk for
                                                          82.0                                                                                    readmission within 30 days after a hospital
                          needed care                         82.3                                The platform is available to MA members in      discharge. Monitoring the health of high-
                                                                                                  Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia,       risk members allows Humana to help
                        Getting needed                                             87.1
                                                                                                  with plans to expand to additional states       physicians make informed and proactive care
                     prescription drugs                                                 87.8      through 2021.                                   decisions and provide interventions to help
                                                                                                                                                  reduce unnecessary readmissions and keep
                          Health plan                                                             Personalized healthcare through Author
                     customer service                                                                                                             members at home longer.
                                                                                                  Author by Humana is designed to meet
                                                                                                  the emerging expectations of digital-savvy
                                                                                                  seniors aging into Medicare.

15   PATIENT-PHYSICIAN EXPERIENCE                                    VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT

Home care helps value-based PCPs manage
care and improve outcomes
                           The increasing emergence of in-home            DispatchHealth offers advanced urgent
                           services satisfies two critical needs          care in 38 cities. The organization focuses
                           within value-based care: Providing care        on treating medical conditions—COPD,
                                                                          heart failure, cellulitis and others—that
                           for patients where they want and need
                                                                          require urgent intervention, but not
                           it most, and supporting physicians’            necessarily hospitalization.
 Greg Sheff, M.D.
                           care plans when patients cannot—
 Senior VP and Chief
 Medical Officer,          or will not, due to fear of COVID-19           Why it matters: Dispatching clinicians
 Home Solutions            transmission—visit their office.               directly to a patient’s home overcomes
                                                                          many of the barriers that tend to prevent
                           Much of the recent focus in creating home-     some from seeing their physicians, such
 Dr. Sheff’s background
                           care opportunities has centered on primary     as a lack of transportation and now, amid
 includes two decades
                           care—the foundation of the value-based         the pandemic, a desire to limit exposure to
 in healthcare as a
 practicing physician
                           model—but has evolved recently to include      groups of other people. It also adds to the
 and healthcare            advanced urgent care. The aim of the           patient experience.
 executive. He is          approaches is to drive improved access,
                           experience, outcomes and quality of life.      “Home-based care can be a partner
 currently responsible
 for advancing
                                                                          and support system to help PCPs
 Humana’s vision to
                           Humana research has determined that 20%        and other physicians take the best care
                           of its Medicare Advantage expenditures can     of their patients,” said Andrew Lynch,
 transform the home
 into the center of        be addressed via home-care services,           vice president of Home Solutions for                 Home care delivery
 care delivery. Prior to   and an even higher percentage in some          Humana. “Whether it’s Medicare home                  continues to evolve
 Humana, he served         areas such as prevention, care coordination,   care, advanced urgent care, hospital at
 in leadership roles       care management and assessments.               home, etc., we believe all of these can help      20% of Humana’s MA
 at multispecialty                                                        value-based physicians better manage their        expenditures can be addressed via
 physician groups,         New partnerships with organizations            patients and improve outcomes.”
                           focused on primary and urgent care home-                                                         home care services.1
 health systems and
 home-based care           based clinical visits provide complementary    The way forward: Dr. Barron Taylor, a
 companies.                access points for care to members.             practitioner with Heal, says the ability          DispatchHealth performs advanced
                           These options are particularly suited for      to be present in a patient’s home gives           urgent care visits at 80% less
                           members where traditional primary care         valuable insight to an individual’s well-         cost than a traditional ER visit.12
                           clinics are out-of-reach because of an         being he otherwise might never receive in a
                           inability to find a local physician practice   traditional physician’s office. He can use that
                                                                                                                            Humana MA members who
                           or home-bound status.                          information to pinpoint physical and mental
                                                                          health issues and develop care strategies.        received home health from Kindred
                           Heal, one option, provides primary care                                                          at Home saw 11% fewer
                           services by way of house calls, telehealth     “How can you truly make an evaluation if          readmissions than those supported
                           and remote monitoring to patients in eight     you’re not in the patient’s house?” Taylor        by other home health providers.1
                           states. The company also works with health     asked. “That interaction and connection
                           plans to assist in closing gaps in care.       solidifies the patient-provider bond. That’s
                                                                          where the difference is being made.”

                                                                                            PATIENT-PHYSICIAN EXPERIENCE          VALUE-BASED CARE REPORT         16

     Building on home healthcare capabilities
     Recent acquisitions continue to advance the evolution    that improves outcomes and trims costs, said Susan         Fully acquiring Kindred—the nation’s largest home
     of value-based care for Humana MA members by             Diamond, Humana’s chief financial officer who was          health and hospice provider, of which Humana already
     emphasizing home-based treatment, with the benefit       president of home solutions during the transactions.       owned 40%—further advances home-based clinical
     of care continuity and improved outcomes.                                                                           efforts. The companies collaborated over the last
                                                              OneHome, focusing on the MA population, uses a             year to prove home-based care models’ impact on
     Purchases of Kindred at Home (KAH) and One               value-based model to provide post-acute at-home            preventable events and assemble supporting clinical
     Homecare Solutions (OneHome) by Humana add               services, including infusion care, nursing, occupational   capabilities ranging from preventive to higher acuity,
     to the patient experience and are designed to offer      therapy and physical therapy. It also offers durable       emergent, hospital-level care.
     care where members want it most—at home, where           medical equipment at patients’ homes and sites-
     the need increased during the pandemic amid              of-care placement through skilled nursing facility         The work resulted in the development of a platform
     lockdowns and restricted access. Just as significant,    at-home programs.                                          to share and analyze information between the health
     the transactions further integrate primary care with                                                                plan and home health agency, facilitating the delivery
     home care to help improve outcomes and satisfaction      The acquisition of OneHome helps further value-based       of proactive and individual care plans. The approach
     for patients and providers and drive greater value for   home care capabilities on a national scale. OneHome        delivers personalized, more comprehensive whole-
     health plan partners.                                    serves roughly 1 million members—many of whom are          person care and supports care continuity by engaging
                                                              Humana MA members—through its plan partners, and           in-home physicians and urgent care resources when
     The integration of the companies makes value-based       can provide an estimated 20% in savings through its        a patient does not have immediate access to
     home services available to more members nationwide       care-delivery approach, according to OneHome.              a primary care physician or if symptoms need
     while further developing a quality-focused model                                                                    immediate escalation.

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