Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly

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Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
VOL 44 • ISSUE 22 • 30 August - 5 September 2021   NEWS FOR ASIA’S TRAVEL PLANNERS   NEWS UPDATES at

              Valencia takes you

           Inspirational travel                       Maldives and Phuket              Langkawi top choice
           stories                                    in twin-island escape            to reopen
Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
30 August - 5 September 2021                                                                                                                     30 August - 5 September 2021

   Inspirational travel
   stories unveils a                     the rest of us and get us                 that pursued a prosperous                mindset and spirit of travel
   new Explorers Campaign                    confidently booking travel                professional career in                   – embodying a relentless
   to spark travel inspiration               once more.                                tennis.                                  desire to experience and
   that retells the stories of                  Travelling Proud with                      Korean alternative                   explore, in spite of the
   privileged travellers.                    Tim & Rod for Booking.                    pop band, Leenalchi,                     challenges brought about
                                             com.                                      connected people through                 by the pandemic. is launching                                                                       the power of                      “As we begin thinking
   a Booking Explorers                                                                            their music,                  about a return to travel,
   campaign that presents                                                                         travelling the                this campaign is a
   stories by leading                                                                             world to find                 heartfelt reminder of its
   personalities in the Asia                                                                      inspiration for               transformational impact
   Pacific to re-ignite travel                                                                    new songs and                 and celebrates the spirit of
   inspiration.                                                                                   interacting with              travel through the voices
       With travel                                                                                global fans.                  of our Explorers,” said
   opportunities reopening                                                                            Rising style     managing
   as national vaccination                                                                        icon and global               director and vice president
   programmes get underway                                                                        fashion model,                for Asia Pacific Laura
   in Asia, the campaign                                                                          Chau Bui, calls               Houldsworth.
   identifies the trailblazers                                                                    Vietnam home                      With a mission to make
   and explorers amongst                                                                          but has travelled             it easier for everyone to
   us, showcasing how they                      The campaign                           from Seoul to Paris, New                 experience the world,
   remained explorers at                     showcases Amazing Race                    York and Milan to find          is committed
   heart despite challenges                  Australia winners Tim and                 inspiration for her unique               to helping travellers
   brought about by the                      Rod, who have travelled                   style.                                   rediscover the beauty of
   pandemic. Challenges                      the world proudly                             In Paris, famed                      travel when it’s safe to
   such as strict quarantine                 representing the freedom                  Japanese illustrator Kaori               do so again. Offering the
   measures encountered at                   to love and who advocate                  Watanabe expanded her                    widest choice, great value
   both ends of a trip remain                making travel more                        mental comfort zones                     and the easiest experience
   serious pain points on the                inclusive for the LGBTQ+                  through travel and used                  so travellers can book
   trail back to travel. Indeed,             community.                                this new perspective to                  their perfect place to stay,
   they need to be resolved                     Before the pandemic,                   create art that transports      provides
   if the inspirational travel               Indian multiple Grand                     us to faraway lands.                     the means to get around
   tales of the privileged                   Slam Champion, Sania                          The Explorers campaign               from anywhere and on any
   few are to rub off on                     Mirza, was a global citizen               is a celebration of their                device.

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TTR Weekly is a controlled circulation newspaper for the travel industry specialising in Thailand and the Mekong region. Published every Wednesday, alternatively in
English, the publication is distributed free to travel agents. Available on subscription outside this qualifying category. Published by Ross Publishing Ltd.

Managing editor: Don Ross:

EDITORIAL:                              MARKETING:                                      PRODUCTION:
Editor: Don Ross                                         Content editor: Danai Stephen Ross                                  Creative director: Danai Stephen Ross
                                                         Publishing director: Lars Magnusson                                 Graphics: Suradej Chatsomsiri,
                                                                                                                                       Kamolapat Sriveriwan

                                    Ross Publishing Ltd. 92/347 Moo 2, Lak Hok, Muang, Pathumtanee 12000 Tel: 66(0) 896 882 289.
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Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
30 August - 5 September 2021                                                                                                                             30 August - 5 September 2021

                                                                                                                 ‘Instagrammable’ Art
                                                                                                                 Arrives in Valencia
                                                                                                                 The popular Cantabrian urban
                                                                                                                 artist has painted his first mural
                                                                                                                 in the capital of Turia. It is one of
                                                                                                                 his popular large-format figures
                                                                                                                 composed of geometric shapes
                                                                                                                 in striking colours, in the style of
                                                                                                                 his works in Las Vegas, Paris or
                                                                                                                 Denver. He already designed the            Valencia declared as
                                                                                                                 2018 municipal ‘falla’ in Valencia,
                                                                                                                 and his work was in an exhibition          World Design Capital for
                                                                                                                 at the Center del Carme Cultura            2022
                                                                                                                 Contemporània. Now permanent,
                                                                                                                 lovers of urban art will be able to        Over the last 100 years, Valencia
                                                                                                                 observe and photograph their work          has been a fountainhead of design
                                                                                                                 with this new mural that occupies          and home to several generations
                                                                                                                 12 floors in the vicinity of the           of designers who have left their
                                                                                                                 High-Speed Train Station of Joaquín        creative mark. For this reason,
                                                                                                                 Sorolla.                                   amongst many others, the World
                                                                                                                                                            Design Organization (WDO)
                                                                                                                    Read more: https://www.                 designated Valencia as the World
                                                                                                                 Design Capital for 2022. This
                                                                                                                 tours/guided-tours-old-city/street-        includes everything from the
                                                                                                                 art-tour                                   avant-garde architecture of the City
                                                                                                                                                            of Arts and Sciences and such art
                                                                                                                                                            nouveau treasures as Colón Market
                                                                                                                                                            to the urban design that has created

             Valencia takes                                                                                                                                 unique green spaces like Turia
                                                                                                                                                            Garden and Central Park.

             you backstage
                                                                                                                                                               Read more: https://www.

                               Go Behind-the-Scenes of Valencia’s      all the water that comes directly
                               Oceanogràfic: Biggest Aquarium in       from the sea is filtered on a daily
                               Europe.                                 basis – a total of 960,000 litres. And,
                                                                       if you are one of those who enjoy
                               Would you like to know how the          close encounters, this adventure
                               largest aquarium in Europe works        is for you – walk above the shark
                               from the inside?                        tunnel with dozens of sharks at
                                  This summer, the Oceanogràfic        your feet. Another of the new
                               de Valencia introduces the              experiences for this summer is the
                               Backstage Tour, taking visitors         private night visit and the Dinners at
                               behind the scenes of the facilities     Lake Vivo. Unique experiences for
                               and seeing firsthand the care of the    the whole family.
                               animals that reside there. You can
                               visit the quarantine area to see the      Read more: https://www.
                               variety of different species that are
                               waiting to be incorporated into the     behind-the-scenes-tour/
                               exhibition tanks. Also, discover how
Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
30 August - 5 September 2021                                                                                 THE PLACE TO B E                                                           30 August - 5 September 2021

Maldives and Phuket in
twin-island escape
Centara Hotels & Resorts, Thai-
land’s leading hotel operator, invites
travellers on a getaway of a life-
time with a 21-night Ultimate Twin
Island Escape to two world-famous
paradise islands – the Maldives and

    Guests have a choice of an
all-inclusive experience with
the “Luxury Twin Island Escape”
package or a Bed & Breakfast
meal plan with “Grand Twin Island
Escape” for bookings and stays from
now until 20 December 2021.

Luxury Twin Island Escape offers             includes daily breakfast, set lunch    of canoes, pedalos and windsurf
the ultimate all-inclusive getaway           and set dinner, complete with non-     equipment, as well as discount
in premium accommodations and a              alcoholic beverages. Guests are also   privileges on spa treatments.
full board meal plan with a choice of        invited to explore the resort’s very   Over in Thailand’s favourite island
immersive activities to experience           own water park and exhilarating        destination, travellers enjoy a
the destination.                             water sports and enjoy a choice of     14-night, quarantine-free stay at
    Guests arrive at Centara Grand           complimentary activities such as       Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket
Island Resort & Spa Maldives from            a Muay Thai lesson, Thai cooking       with complimentary daily hotel
Male by complimentary seaplane               class, spa treatment, or Thai high     credit to redeem for culinary and                       Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi                                    Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket
transfer and enjoy a carefree 7-night        tea set for two.                       spa experiences. For both packages,
stay in a Deluxe Overwater Villa                                                    travellers can choose to start their
perched over the crystalline lagoon.                                                stay in the Maldives or Phuket.
The Grand All-Inclusive Meal Plan            GRAND TWIN ISLAND                          Fully vaccinated travellers can    BR ING BAC K THE LOV E
includes three daily meals with              ESCAPE                                 enjoy quarantine-free stays on both
premium beverages, afternoon tea,                                                   islands, provided they show proof      Join us as we celebrate the reopening of our hotels in Phuket and Krabi, where your
and an open bar. Also included is a          Ideal for travellers who seek the      of a negative COVID-19 test prior to   clients can enjoy up to 100% of the room rate as daily hotel credits, redeemable
choice of complimentary excursions,          freedom to explore everything          arrival.                               immediately on arrival.
including whale shark snorkelling or         the Maldives and Phuket have to            The 21-night Luxury Twin Island
sunset cruise, as well as a generous         offer, the Grand Twin Island Escape    Escape and Grand Twin Island           At Centara Grand Resort Phuket, your guests can use the hotel credit for a room
                                                                                                                           upgrade, ease into their holiday with a relaxing spa treatment, or indulge in a culinary
spa credit.                                  provides all the essentials for a      Escape experiences are available for   experience before heading to the resort water park.
    A similarly memorable time               hassle-free holiday, including daily   bookings and stays from now until
awaits at the beachfront Centara             breakfast and roundtrip seaplane       20 December 2021 for USD8,465          Nestled within its own secluded bay, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi invites             BOOK NOW
Grand Beach Resort Phuket, where             transfers in the Maldives.             net and USD4,085 net, respectively.    travellers to check in and chill out with a choice of four restaurants and rejuvenating
travellers enjoy a 14-night full-               In the palm-fringed paradise        Up to two accompanying children        spa rituals at SPA Cenvaree.
board stay with a Deluxe Suite
Private Pool, from which they
                                             of Centara Grand Island Resort
                                             & Spa Maldives, guests enjoy
                                                                                    stay and dine for free.
                                                                                        For more information or            Rates from THB          3,315 per night
can take in sublime views of the             a family-friendly getaway in a         booking, visit https://www.
Andaman Sea from their private               Beach Suite nestled on the white
terrace. A full board meal plan              sand beach and unlimited use           packages/ultimate-twin-island/

                                                                                                                           Visit our dedicated trade website
Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
30 August - 5 September 2021

Langkawi top choice
to reopen
Langkawi, a tourism island in north            Malaysia is keeping a close eye       project following the inclusion of
Malaysia, remains the first choice          on Thailand’s experiments through        the country on the UK’s red list.
for the country’s reopening phase,          the Phuket Sandbox and Samui             The UK rule requires returnees to
but the launch date remains pend-           Plus schemes that introduced a           undergo an expensive UKP2,500
ing.                                        controlled number of vaccinated          hotel quarantine covering 10 days
                                            tourists to the two islands.             once they arrive in the UK.
Malaysia’s Ministry of Tourism, Arts           Langkawi would be the ideal               According to the Bernama
and Culture Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri         location to introduce a similar          report, the Tourism Ministry had
promises Langkawi Island will be the        scheme based on the plan to              initially targeted 1 September for
first tourist destination to reopen,
but the date remains undecided.

                                            achieve herd immunity through            the tourism sector in Langkawi to
                                            vaccination this month. The              reopen to the public. The plan is
                                            island has a population of 119,000       now on hold until there is clear
                                            registered residents.                    evidence of herd immunity and
                                                “International airlines also fly     the vaccination programme covers
                                            to Langkawi, so it is a focused and      around 80% of the population.
                                            concentrated area for the tourism           “Langkawi residents have
                                            sector for those who have been           achieved herd immunity, so they are
                                            fully vaccinated,” she told Bernama.     ready, but they are now asking for
                                                Once Langkawi declares a             a postponement because Covid-19
                                            timeline for reopening, airlines         cases have risen sharply,” she said.
   Her comments were picked up              that are keen to open routes to             She added that tourism issues
by Bernama, the national news               island destinations to help kick-start   needed to be addressed urgently,
agency, during a ceremony to swear          their own recovery are likely to         and there was a need for new
in cabinet ministers after a recent         consider flying charters to Langkawi,    strategies in line with current
reshuffle.                                  mainly from Europe. However, the         challenges.
   She backed proposals that make           quarantine issues at both ends of           “We will set the main criteria for
the resort island the first choice          the roundtrip journey would need         travelling as being vaccination and,
for the tourism sector to make a            to be addressed.                         God willing, tourists will comply
comeback due to its island location             If Malaysia continues to be          with the new standard operating
in the northern Malaysian state             on red alert lists in Europe, then       procedures (SOP) for tourism. So,
of Kedah. The minister claimed              returning home to an expensive           let’s see how the arts and culture
it would be easier to contain the           quarantine regime would deter            tourism sector can help raise the
pandemic and monitor tourists on            arrivals. That scenario is playing       socio-economy of the people,” she
the island.                                 out for Thailand’s Phuket Sandbox        said.
Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly Valencia takes you backstage - Inspirational travel stories - TTR Weekly
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