Page created by Benjamin Hunter

NO 04 /   december   2019 -   volume   57


                                            VACCINATION: ACHIEVEMENTS, CHALLENGES,

                                                        he history of vaccination         announced that type 3 poliovirus has
                                                        is rich and full of success       been eradicated worldwide. For polio to
                                                        stories. It all started in 1768   be fully eradicated, all three wild polio
                                                        when an English physi-            strains (types 1, 2 and 3) need to stop
                                            cian realised that prior infection with       circulating. The three strains all cause
CONTENT                                     cowpox rendered a person immune to            the same horrible symptoms, including
                                            smallpox. After several investigations        paralysis and death, but are virologi-
REVIEWS                                     and tests in human beings in the years        cally distinct. Type 2 was eradicated
New developments in TB                      that followed, it was Edward Jenner,          back in 2015; the last case of type 3
vaccine and correlate research              another physician in England, who             polio surfaced in northern Nigeria in
offer real hope for better TB               observed that milkmaids were generally        2012 and the virus hasn't been seen
vaccines - 3                                immune to smallpox. He postulated             since. Today, only type 1 remains at
                                            that pus in the blisters that milkmaids       large — in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Malaria vaccine development:                developed from cowpox (a disease              Enormous efforts are being made to
silver bullet or shot in the dark?          similar to smallpox, but much less            finally eradicate polio completely.
-6                                          virulent) protected them from smallpox.
                                            In 1796, Jenner tested his hypothesis         Many other diseases are being pre-
Overcoming the challenges in                by inoculating an eight-year-old boy: he      vented through routine vaccination pro-
achieving high immunization                 scraped pus from cowpox blisters on the       grammes or through mass vaccination
coverage in low-income                      hands of a milkmaid who had caught            in the event of outbreaks. But there is a
countries: the role of Gavi - 9             cowpox from a cow and inoculated              whole series of conditions that deter-
                                            the boy in both arms that same day.           mine the success of such efforts. In this
The International Coordinating              The boy developed a fever and some            edition of MTb, you can read about vac-
Group on Vaccine Provision - 11             uneasiness, but no full-blown infection.      cination surveillance in the Netherlands
                                            The success of Jenner's discovery soon        by our National Institute of Health and
CALL FOR ARTICLES - 13                      spread around Europe, with small pox          the Environment (RIVM) – illustrated
                                            vaccination also being used for traders       by the example of maternal pertussis
Monitoring of vaccine                       in their expeditions to the Americas          (whooping cough) which was added
preventable diseases in the                 and the Far East. In 1980, following          to the Dutch national immunisation
Netherlands - 14                            an historic global campaign of sur-           programme in December 2019. The
                                            veillance and vaccination, the World          media recently paid a lot of attention to
Vaccine hesitancy: a new kid on             Health Assembly declared smallpox             reluctance among the general public in
the block - 17                              eradicated – the only infectious disease      the Netherlands towards vaccination,
                                            so far to achieve this distinction.           showing that high coverage rates are
VIEWPOINT                                                                                 not to be taken for granted. Two articles
Vaccination: who is best                    Polio (poliomyelitis) is another conta-       in this edition reflect on what it takes
equipped in the era of                      gious disease that could be eradicated,       to safeguard high vaccination rates.
postmodern mistrust? - 18                   as there is an effective and inexpensive
                                            vaccine providing life-long immunity.         Two other articles provide insight
IN MEMORIAM - 20                            The Polio Eradication Initiative is a UN      into global mechanisms to ensure
                                            programme with the target of a polio-         sustainable financing of vaccination
                                            free world. Initially experts believed        programmes (the case of GAVI) and
                                            this could be achieved by the year            reliable vaccine provision (the case of
                                            2005, but that proved unrealistic. For        ICG). The recent approval of an Ebola
                                            a region or continent to be certified as      vaccine (November 2019) made news
                                            polio-free, there must be no detection        headlines and several authors refer to it.
                                            of wild poliovirus for three consecu-         If you are interested in the latest on vac-
                                            tive years as well as an appropriate          cine development for TB and malaria,
                                            surveillance system. Recently, polio          we recommend the first two articles
                                            got one step closer to becoming the           of this edition. Enjoy the reading!
                                            second human disease to be fully wiped
                                            out. On 24 October 2019, World Polio          Leon Bijlmakers, Jan Auke Dijkstra
                                            Day, the World Health Organization


New developments in TB vaccine and correlate
research offer real hope for better TB vaccines
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to                      tions (CMV, EBV) which can modu-                     Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) pro-
pose an enormous threat to global                   late immune responses. As a result                   tein, called Ag85A, which was expressed
health, with over one quarter of                    BCG vaccination has relatively little                in a non-replicating viral vector (MVA)
the world’s population latently                     impact on global TB transmission                     and had been designed as a booster
infected, over 10 million new active                patterns, which is a reason for TB                   vaccine for individuals that already have
TB cases each year, over 1.3 mil-                   vaccine researchers and developers                   been given BCG. Although the vaccine
lion annual deaths, and an ever-                    to promote TB vaccines that target                   was immunogenic and protective in cer-
rising frequency of multi-resistant                 adolescent TB.                                       tain animal models of TB, it was unable
Mtb strains.[1] Classical intradermal                                                                    to provide any additional protective
M.bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin                    DEVELOPING NEW TB VACCINES                           efficacy against TB when administered
(BCG) vaccination of neonates and                   Better TB vaccines could have sig-                   as a booster vaccine following BCG, in
young infants protects against                      nificant impact against TB, and pre-                 a large phase 2b study in infants.[4] This
severe forms of acute and early                     and post-exposure vaccination with                   disappointing result, which could have
TB disease, with over 80% protec-                   improved vaccines represents a cor-                  been due to the fact that the Ag85A
tive efficacy against TB meningitis,                nerstone of the WHO End TB strategy                  antigen is insufficiently expressed by
which can be rapidly fatal. Unfor-                  which aims to end TB by 2035.[1] To                  Mtb bacteria in the lung,[5] spurred addi-
tunately, however, BCG vaccination                  discover and develop better TB vaccines,             tional efforts to develop better vaccines.
fails to protect consistently and                   research efforts were initiated in the
sufficiently against pulmonary TB                   mid-1990s, sponsored both by private                 USING DIVERSE APPROACHES
in adults, which is the main form of                and public funding, particularly the                 ENHANCES CHANCE OF SUCCESS
contagious TB.[2] The reasons for this              European Commission.[3] Discovery and                Five approaches have been actively
deficiency are not fully understood                 evaluation of new candidate TB vaccines              pursued in the last decade:[3]
but may involve waning of memory,                   initially focused on the preclinical and
interference by other infections                    early clinical space, from which emerged             1.     Subunit vaccines which are based
such as Non Tuberculous Mycobac-                    a first candidate, namely MVA85A.                           on specific immunogenic com-
terial (NTM) or certain viral infec-                This vaccine was based on a single                          ponents of the bacillus, such

     Figure 1: Global Clinical Development of TB vaccines. (Reproduced from TBVI, see:

                                                                                                       DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG        3

      as proteins, fusion proteins          two years after infection. The final         had remained IGRA positive after
      and lipids, which are typically       3-year follow-up report was recently         24 months, representing a 45% VE
      admixed with innate immu-             reported. Encouragingly, the vaccine         signal. This finding could suggest that
      nity stimulating adjuvants;           arm showed a 50% vaccine efficacy            the immune system is able to eradi-
                                            against developing TB, although a            cate an already established infection
2.    Virally vectored subunit vac-         relatively limited number of cases           from the human body once properly
      cines in which the subunit            was present in the control arm of this       activated, in this case by revaccina-
      component is typically expressed      large phase 2B trial. Nevertheless,          tion. This interesting and important
      from a genetic insert encoding        M72 has significant PoD VE, in the           concept needs to be examined fur-
      a selected Mtb antigen (such as       absence of major adverse effects.            ther, including novel animal models,
      was the case for MVA85A);                                                          as it could focus research efforts on
                                            This encouraging result needs follow         Mtb eradication by vaccination.
3.    Improving BCG, by inserting           up for longer periods of time in order to
      additional antigens or by genetic     determine the longevity of the response,
      manipulation of the BCG genome        and to assess whether further boost-          UNDERSTANDING
      to improve its immunogenicity;        ing would be required to maintain
                                            or augment the VE. At this stage, the
                                                                                          THE IMMUNE
4.    Attenuating Mtb by deleting           mechanism of action of M72+AS01E              MECHANISMS
      essential virulence genes, thus
      producing a safe and antigenically
                                            is unknown. It could involve innate
                                            immune driven responses, includ-
                                                                                          BEHIND THE
      fully competent Mtb-like vaccine;     ing trained innate immune memory              PROTECTIVE
5.    Alternative delivery routes using
                                            of myeloid cells, and/or adaptive
                                            immune responses (clear CD4+ T cell
      existing vaccines, such as BCG,       responses were induced by M72) or
      for example via the mucosal route     both.[3,7] Understanding the immune
      (the lung) assuming that the          mechanisms behind the protective             NEW CLINICAL AND PROMISING
      natural route of infection is the     effect will be important in order to         LATE PRECLINICAL APPROACHES
      most relevant route of vaccine        systematically improve and further           There are, as already outlined in
      delivery, inducing local immunity     develop this or other similar vaccines.      Figure 1, several candidate vaccines in
      and immune (resident) memory.         Besides determining the longevity of         early stage clinical development. This
                                            the protective effect, another relevant      includes live vaccines such as recom-
RECENT SUCCESSES IN                         question is whether M72 also works well      binant BCG and attenuated MTBVAC,
TB ­VACCINE DEVELOPMENT                     in non-Mtb infected persons, includ-         other subunit vaccines such as H56,
Candidate vaccines from all five            ing in BCG vaccinated individuals.           and aerosol based delivery of BCG into
categories are being evaluated for          Notwithstanding these questions, this        the human lung.[7] In parallel, advanced
safety and immunogenicity in clinical       landmark M72 trial result represents the     preclinical evaluation models (usually in
phase 1/2 studies, and some already         first promising signal for any new TB        non-human primates (NHP)) are being
have been or are being evaluated in         vaccine since a century, and now needs       used to assess and compare additional
phase 2B/3 studies for vaccine effi-        to be evaluated in large phase 3 trials in   TB vaccine delivery routes and systems.
cacy (VE) using prevention of disease       both infected and uninfected people.         Some promising ones include: aerosol
(PoD) or prevention of infection (PoI)                                                   / pulmonary delivery of BCG in NHP,
as primary endpoints (Figure 1).            A second promising result came from          with excellent VE results;[9] intravenous
                                            a BCG revaccination study.[8] In this        delivery of BCG (with strong VE results;
Recently the results from two large stud-   complex study design both a subunit          Seder et al, unpublished), and Rhesus
ies were reported, with highly encourag-    (H4/IC31) and a BCG revaccination            monkey-CMV vectored multi-antigen
ing outcomes, strongly suggesting that      arm were included in a setting in which      subunit vaccines that are being tested
better TB vaccines indeed are possible.     (sustained) PoI rather than PoD was          in NHP models, again with striking
The most important results came from        assessed. Infection was defined as           VE effects.[10] In addition, combinato-
a study in which a subunit vaccine (cat-    having developed a positive immune           rial vaccines with heterologous prime/
egory 1 above), called M72                  test (IGRA test) against Mtb specific        boost-regimens can likely be har-
(a fusion protein consisting of 2           antigens. The most important result,         nessed to further optimize protective
immunogenic Mtb antigens), was              which had not been anticipated, was          immunity induced by vaccination.
given together with a strong adjuvant,      that although neither vaccine protected
called AS01E, to adults who were            against infection (i.e. IGRA conversion      THE IMPORTANCE OF
already latently (that is asymptom-         from negative to positive) only BCG          TB ­CORRELATES OF PROTECTION
atically) infected with Mtb.[6] Most Mtb    revaccination protected significantly        ‘Correlates’, often referred to as ‘bio-
infected people who will develop TB         against sustained Mtb infection: in the      markers’, are markers that correlate
in their lifetime will do so in the first   BCG revaccination arm fewer persons          with important biological or medical


                                                                                                             In-Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
outcomes, for example disease or protec-       including multi-drug-resistant and                            Antigens Inducing Human T-Cell Responses
                                                                                                             with Classical and Unconventional Cytokine
tion. Unfortunately, there are virtu-          extensively drug resistant TB, and to                         Profiles. Scientific reports. 2016;6:37793.
ally no human correlates of protection         help reach the End TB goal by 2035.[1]                  6.    Tait DR, Hatherill M, Van Der Meeren O et al. Final
                                                                                                             analysis of a trial of M72/AS01E vaccine to prevent
against TB. This is a major bottleneck                                                                       Tuberculosis. New England J Med, 29th October 2019.
                                                                                                       7.    Andersen P, Scriba TJ. Moving tuberculo-
delaying TB vaccine evaluation and                                                                           sis vaccines from theory to practice. Nature
prioritisation, because such corre-            Tom H.M. Ottenhoff, MD, PhD                                   Reviews Immunology. 2019;19(9):550-62.
                                                                                                       8.    Nemes E, Geldenhuys H, Rozot V et al. Prevention
lates could help to identify protective        Professor of Immunology, Head of Lab Dept                     of M. tuberculosis Infection with H4:IC31
                                                                                                             Vaccine or BCG Revaccination. The New England
antigens, develop improved vaccines,           of Infectious Diseases, Head of Immunology                    journal of medicine. 2018;379(2):138-49.
and allow the demonstration of immu-           and Immunogenetics of Bacterial Infectious              9.    Dijkman K, Sombroek CC, Vervenne RAW et al.
                                                                                                             Prevention of tuberculosis infection and dis-
nogenicity and potential VE at an early        Diseases Group, Leiden University Medical                     ease by local BCG in repeatedly exposed rhesus
stage. Correlates would thus facilitate        Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.                              macaques. Nature Medicine. 2019;25(2):255-62.
                                                                                                       10.   Hansen SG, Zak DE, Xu G et al. Prevention of
the selection and prioritisation of can-                                       tuberculosis in rhesus macaques by a cytomegalovirus-
                                                                                                             based vaccine. Nature Medicine. 2018;24(2):130-43.
didate TB vaccines for human clinical                                                                  11.   Zak DE, Penn-Nicholson A, Scriba TJ et al. A blood
                                                                                                             RNA signature for tuberculosis disease risk: a prospec-
efficacy testing, and help reduce the                                                                        tive cohort study. Lancet 2016;387(10035):2312-22.
protracted time scale, large size, and         REFERENCES                                              12.   Fletcher HA, Snowden MA, Landry B et al. T-cell activa-
                                                                                                             tion is an immune correlate of risk in BCG vaccinated
expense of human efficacy trials, thus         1.   WHO. Global Tuberculosis Report. 2019.                   infants. Nature Communications. 2016;7:11290.
                                               2.   Ottenhoff TH, Kaufmann SH. Vaccines against        13.   Sloot R, Schim van der Loeff MF, van Zwet EW et
significantly facilitating TB vaccine               tuberculosis: where are we and where do we need          al. Biomarkers can identify pulmonary Tuberculosis
development. In addition, correlates                to go? PLoS pathogens. 2012;8(5):e1002607.               in HIV-infected drug users months prior to clini-
                                               3.   Kaufmann SHE, Dockrell HM, Drager N et al.               cal diagnosis. EBioMedicine. 2015;2(2):172-9.
could help guide preclinical animal                 TBVAC2020: Advancing Tuberculosis Vaccines         14.   Suliman S, Luabeya AKK, Geldenhuys H et al. Dose
                                                    from Discovery to Clinical Development.                  Optimization of H56:IC31 Vaccine for Tuberculosis-
studies and thus help minimize use of               Frontiers in immunology. 2017;8:1203.                    endemic populations. A double-blind, placebo-
animals. Samples from well-defined             4.   Tameris MD, Hatherill M, Landry BS et al.                controlled, dose-selection trial. American J Respirat
                                                    Safety and efficacy of MVA85A, a new tubercu-            Critical Care Medicine. 2019;199(2):220-31.
human cohorts with various Mtb                      losis vaccine, in infants previously vaccinated    15.   Penn-Nicholson A, Hraha T, Thompson EG
                                                    with BCG: a randomised, placebo-controlled               et al. Correction: Discovery and validation of
exposure or infection states, including             phase 2b trial. Lancet 2013;381(9871):1021-8.            a prognostic proteomic signature for tubercu-
long-term resisters (either resisting          5.   Coppola M, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KL et             losis progression: A prospective cohort study.
                                                    al. New Genome-Wide Algorithm Identifies Novel           PLoS Medicine. 2019;16(7):e1002880.
natural infection induced IGRA conver-
sion or resisting TB progression once
infected), samples from future con-
trolled human mycobacterial challenge                                                                                                                       SHUTTERSTOCK.COM

models, and – particularly important
– from individuals from trials with TB
vaccines demonstrating protective VE
will be essential for accelerating cor-
relate discovery, testing and validation.

In addition, correlates of risk for
progressing from asymptomatic
(latent) infection towards TB disease
would be extremely useful, e.g. in
stratifying individuals in observational
and clinical intervention studies,
­including (therapeutic) vaccination
 and drug studies. Several first signa-
 tures were reported a few years ago
         , and some of these are currently
being further refined (e.g. [14,15]).

Although beyond the scope of this short
review, it is clear that correlate discovery
and evaluation is a second major priority
in the field of TB vaccine development.

In very recent years, TB vaccine research
and TB correlate discovery have wit-
nessed significant breakthroughs. This
provides real hope for effective, life-
saving TB vaccines, which are much
needed to control the TB endemic,

                                                                                                      DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG                       5

Malaria vaccine development: silver bullet or shot in
the dark?

           espite encouraging reduc-             RTS,S AS01 (MOSQUIRIX TM)                        vaccine candidates. The first trials of
           tions in the global burden            Development of RTS,S started in the              RTS,S in African (Gambian) adults were
           of malaria in the early 21st          late 1980s, following the discovery              conducted around the millennium,
           century, progress has since           that immune responses against P.                 but efficacy against naturally-acquired
stagnated, particularly in the most              Falciparum Circumsporozoite Protein              infection proved somewhat disappoint-
heavily affected areas of sub-Sa-                (CSP) play an important role in pro-             ing, protecting against only about 34%
haran Africa. Implementation of an               tection against infection. CSP is the            of infections. Despite this setback, over
effective malaria vaccine is con-                most abundant protein on the surface             the next decade further testing was
sidered essential to bolster existing            of sporozoites, the infectious form              conducted in children and finally in
tools (e.g., effective case manage-              of the parasite transmitted by mos-              infants, initially in Mozambique and
ment, intermittent presumptive                   quitoes to people. The RTS,S vaccine             subsequently in pivotal phase-3 trials
treatment, seasonal malaria che-                 consists of recombinant (synthetically           in several counties across sub-Saharan
moprevention, and vector manage-                 produced) sections of CSP, fused and             Africa. RTS,S has consistently demon-
ment) and underpin control, or even              combined with recombinant hepatitis B            strated a good safety and tolerability
perhaps for eradication of malaria.              surface antigen (HBsAg). The addi-               profile, but at ~18-36% protection against
Ideally, a malaria vaccine would be              tion of HBsAg helps to strengthen the            episodes of clinical malaria, efficacy
integrated into the World Health                 immune response against CSP, but                 remains well below the target threshold
Organization’s (WHO) Expanded                    also induces potent immunity against             of 75% set by the WHO.[1,2] Protection
Programme of Immunisation, ben-                  hepatitis B virus. RTS,S is adminis-             against severe malaria is lower still (1%
efitting from the programme’s ex-                tered in a strong adjuvant, AS01, to             to 32%). A partial explanation for this
isting management and logistics in               further boost immune responses.                  relatively disappointing efficacy against
order to effectively target those at                                                              naturally-acquired malaria infection
greatest risk for malaria, i.e. infants          Figure 1 summarises the developmental            may be that the vaccine only protects
and children.                                    history of RTS,S, illustrating just how          well against circulating P. falciparum
So where are we currently in terms               long such processes can take. Initial            strains that genetically resemble the
of malaria vaccine development –                 clinical testing was conducted in trials         vaccine.[3] Moreover, protection is of
do we have a silver bullet in hand,              in malaria-naïve U.S. adult volunteers in        relatively short duration, waning within
or is it still just a ‘shot’ (of vac-            the mid-90s, demonstrating safety and            3 years of initial immunisation. Indeed,
cine) in the dark? After presenting              protection against Controlled Human              it has been suggested that RTS,S may
some background, we will discuss                 Malaria Infections (CHMI). Such                  even cause a rebound-effect, whereby
the current developmental status                 studies, in which subjects are deliber-          susceptibility to malaria is increased in
and prospects of three promising                 ately infected with laboratory-cultured          the long term compared to unvaccinated
examples of vaccines that target                 malaria parasites under highly con-              subjects, at least in high-transmission
Plasmodium falciparum, the most                  trolled conditions, have proven them-            areas, due to slower induction of
severe strain of malaria parasites               selves an invaluable tool for advancing          naturally-acquired immunity in vaccin-
globally.                                        the clinical development of promising            ees.[4] In an attempt to overcome waning

Figure 1: Developmental history of RTS,S AS01 (MosquirixTM) vaccine.
EMA – European Medicines Agency; GSK – GlaxoSmithKline; WRAIR – Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.


immunity, a subset of participants in                    these trials are whether it is feasible                     and were first pioneered for malaria by
the phase 3 trials were administered a                   logistically to target vaccine recipients                   Ruth and Victor Nussenzweig in the
booster dose at 20 months after initial                  for a booster dose, and whether the                         1960s and ‘70s.[6] Sporozoites can be
immunisation; over 3-4 years of follow-                  marginally increased (but still extremely                   attenuated by radiation, genetic modifi-
up, protection was indeed poorer in                      low) risk of cerebral malaria and menin-                    cation, or concomitant administration of
subjects who did not receive a booster.                  gitis in children and a slight increase in                  chemoprophylaxis. The objective in all
Importantly, protection is also relatively               all-cause mortality in girls as observed                    cases is to ensure that these inoculated
poorer in areas of high transmission,                    in RTS,S recipients in the phase 3                          sporozoites abort their development
and in infants as compared to children.[2]               studies represent genuine associations                      before themselves becoming pathogenic
                                                         or merely chance post-hoc findings.[5]                      blood-stage parasites; in the process
Based on these results, in 2015 (some                                                                                they are exposed to the immune system,
30 years since its first development)                    ATTENUATED WHOLE                                            inducing protective immune responses
RTS,S nevertheless received regulatory                  ­SPOROZOITE-BASED VACCINES                                   against subsequent infections (Figure 2).
approval from the European Medicines                     In an attempt to improve upon the
Agency – the first malaria vaccine ever                  protection induced by RTS,S, other                          In a landmark study, researchers at
to do so. Before taking a decision on                    researchers have been developing                            Radboud UMC (Nijmegen) pioneered
whether to recommend the widescale                       second-generation vaccines consisting                       a highly efficacious form of immunisa-
implementation of RTS,S, however,                        of attenuated live sporozoites. Live-                       tion known as ChemoProphylaxis-with-
WHO has requested further large-scale                    attenuated vaccines are widely used                         Sporozoites (CPS), whereby subjects
post-licensure trials. These commenced                   against other diseases (e.g., measles,                      are inoculated with infectious sporo-
earlier this year in Ghana, Kenya and                    yellow fever and BCG for TBC) , are                         zoites by mosquito bites whilst tak-
Malawi and will last until 2024. Some                    believed to induce stronger, broader                        ing anti-malarial prophylaxis (usually
issues that remain to be resolved in                     and longer-lasting immune responses,                        chloroquine or mefloquine) to kill any
                                                                                                                          parasites emerging from the liver
                                                                                                                          into the blood-stream.[7] Alongside
                                                                                                                          colleagues from Leiden UMC and
                                                                                                                          Erasmus MC (Rotterdam), they have
                                                                                                                          advanced this concept in a series
                                                                                                                          of successful CHMI studies. This
                                                                                                                          immunisation strategy, although
                                                                                                                          not practically implementable
                                                                                                                          on a large scale in resource-poor
                                                                                                                          settings, remains the most potent
                                                                                                                          known method for inducing
                                                                                                                          immunity against malaria.[8]

                                                                                                                         The success of CPS has led to
                                                                                                                         resurgent interest in the potential
                                                                                                                         of attenuated whole-sporozoite vac-
                                                                                                                         cines. An important player in this
                                                                                                                         field has been the U.S. biotech start-
                                                                                                                         up Sanaria Inc., which pioneered a
                                                                                                                         method to purify live aseptic P. falci-
                                                                                                                         parum sporozoites (PfSPZ) from the
                                                                                                                         salivary glands of laboratory-reared
                                                                                                                         mosquitoes and cryopreserve these
                                                                                                                         in vials stored in liquid nitrogen.
                                                                                                                         These can be shipped all over the
                                                                                                                         world, thawed and administered
                                                                                                                         intravenously by needle & syringe.
                                                                                                                         This has helped to accelerate global
                                                                                                                         vaccine development by allowing
                                                                                                                         clinical trials to be conducted where
                                                                                                                         they are most relevant, in resource-
Figure 2: Life cycle of malaria parasites. Attenuated live sporozoites (white semicircles) abort their development       poor settings in sub-Saharan
before becoming pathogenic blood-stage parasites, in the process allowing the host to develop protective immune
                                                                                                                         Africa. Indeed, Sanaria’s PfSPZ
responses against subsequent infections. Irradiated sporozoites (e.g., PfSPZ Vaccine) arrest early during liver-
stage development. In ChemoProphylaxis-with-Sporozoites (CPS), sporozoites complete liver-stage development              Vaccine, consisting of radiation-
but fail to multiply within red blood cells due to concomitant chemoprophylaxis. (Modified from Wikimedia                attenuated sporozoites, has over
Commons. Original source: National Institutes of Health.)

                                                                                                               DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG            7

the past decade undergone testing in          this vaccine induced antibodies with
African adults, children and infants          potent ability to inhibit invasion.[11]      Matthew B.B. McCall, MD, PhD, DTMH
in amongst others Tanzania, Kenya,                                                         Clinical parasitologist, Department of
Mali, Gabon and Equatorial Guinee.[9]         In parallel with the clinical development    Medical Microbiology, Radboudumc,
                                              of these vaccine strategies, state-of-the-   Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Reminiscent of RTS,S however, protec-         art technologies such as genetically-
tion in African populations, particularly     attenuated parasite strains and passive
infants, appears to be somewhat poorer        immunisation with recombinant mono-          Prof. Robert W. Sauerwein, MD, PhD
than in malaria-naïve adult volunteers        clonal antibodies are making inroads
                                                                                           Clinical parasitologist, Department of
exposed to CHMI in Europe and the             in the P. falciparum vaccine field, with     Medical Microbiology, Radboudumc,
U.S. Potential explanations, including        significant contributions from research-     Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
immaturity of young children’s immune         ers in the Netherlands, and offer great
systems, immunosuppressive effects of         promise for the future. Moreover, vac-
prior malaria exposure and/or helminth        cines against the world’s second most        REFERENCES
co-infections, and parasite strain diver-     dangerous malaria parasite, P. vivax,        1.  Rts S Clinical Trials Partnership. Efficacy and safety
                                                                                               of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without
sity, remain to be elucidated. Despite        are also starting to be developed.               a booster dose in infants and children in Africa:
these set-backs, PfSPZ Vaccine is set to                                                       final results of a phase 3, individually randomised,
                                                                                               controlled trial. Lancet. 2015;386(9988):31-45.
undergo large-scale testing in a phase 3      Malaria vaccine development’s slow           2. Moorthy VS, Newman RD, Okwo-Bele
                                                                                               J-M. Malaria vaccine technology road-
trial in Equatorial Guinee later this year.   track record, and particularly the rela-         map. Lancet. 2013;382(9906):1700-1.
                                              tively disappointing efficacy of candidate   3. Neafsey DE, Juraska M, Bedford T et al. Genetic
                                                                                               diversity and protective efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01
TRANSMISSION-BLOCKING VACCINES                vaccines in naturally-exposed popula-            malaria vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(21):2025-37.
                                                                                           4. Olotu A, Fegan G, Wambua J et al. Seven-Year Efficacy
Vaccines targeting gametocytes (the           tions, should of course caution against          of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine among young African
parasite forms taken up by mosquitoes         hubris. In parallel with empirical               children. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(26):2519-29.
                                                                                           5. Guerra Mendoza Y, Garric E et al. Safety profile
to complete malaria’s life cycle) can         vaccine development, the field needs to          of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in infants and
                                                                                               children: additional data from a phase III random-
help to reduce transmission. Although         develop a better understanding of funda-         ized controlled trial in sub-Saharan Africa. Hum
such a vaccine would not directly             mental obstacles to malaria immunity,            Vaccin Immunother. 2019;15(10):2386-98.
                                                                                           6. Nussenzweig RS, Vanderberg J, Most H et al.
benefit its recipient, it could reduce        including strain-diversity – currently a         Protective immunity produced by the injec-
                                                                                               tion of x-irradiated sporozoites of plasmodium
cases of malaria in the community             major area of research focus at amongst          berghei. Nature. 1967;216(5111):160-2.
and indirectly even the recipient’s           others Radboud UMC. That said, ratio-        7.  Roestenberg M, McCall M, Hopman J et al. Protection
                                                                                               against a malaria challenge by sporozoite inocu-
own chances of re-infection. Such an          nal approaches and dedicated effort have         lation. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(5):468-77.
                                                                                           8. Sauerwein RW, Bijker EM, Richie TL. Empowering
altruistic vaccine could conceivably          already advanced malaria vaccine devel-          malaria vaccination by drug administration.
be added to a multi-component vac-            opment well beyond a proverbial shot in          Curr Opin Immunol. 2010;22(3):367-73.
                                                                                           9. Richie TL, Billingsley PF, Sim BKL et al. Progress with
cine that also induces direct protec-         the dark. Several shiny-looking bullets          Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite (PfSPZ)-based
                                                                                               malaria vaccines. Vaccine. 2015;33(52):7452-61.
tion against infection or disease.            look set to be added to our anti-malarial    10. Singh SK, Roeffen W, Andersen G et al. A Plasmodium
                                              arsenal and with concerted research              falciparum 48/45 single epitope R0.6C subunit
                                                                                               protein elicits high levels of transmission block-
Several candidate vaccines induce             one will yet be crafted of true ‘silver’.        ing antibodies. Vaccine. 2015;33(16):1981-6.
                                                                                           11. Payne RO, Silk SE, Elias SC et al. Human vac-
potent transmission-blocking immunity                                                          cination against RH5 induces neutralizing anti-
in animal models and are currently                                                             malarial antibodies that inhibit RH5 invasion
                                                                                               complex interactions. JCI Insight. 2017;2(21).
undergoing clinical development. A
leading example is Pfs48/45, a game-
tocyte protein shown by researchers at
Radboud UMC to form a critical link
in mosquito-transmission. A recom-
binant vaccine, R0.6C, based on
this protein is set to undergo testing
here in first-in-human clinical tri-
als in 2020, including assessment of
transmission-blocking activity.[10]

After years of largely unsuccessful
attempts, exciting progress is now
also being made towards a blood-stage
malaria vaccine, based on reticulocyte-
binding protein homolog 5 (RH5) that
plays an essential role in the inva-
sion of erythrocytes by P. falciparum
merozoites. A first phase 1 trial of


Overcoming the challenges in achieving high
immunization coverage in low-income countries:
the role of Gavi

                  hen Ebola hit West          major investment from pharma­                 developing countries. But even though
                  Africa for the first time   ceutical companies.                           a highly effective vaccine had been
                  just five years ago, it                                                   available in wealthy countries since
                  was a little known, but     Its ability to clear these two hurdles        1982, only a minority of low-income
much feared lethal disease. With no           is in part due to the work of Gavi, the       countries had so far introduced it. At the
cure or vaccine available it could kill       Vaccine Alliance based in Geneva,             same time, global coverage of routine
over 50% of people infected.[1] This,         which seeks to increase access to new         immunization was also plateauing,
and the fact that people were unfa-           and underused vaccines in low-income          with more than 30 million children
miliar with the disease and the way it        countries. At the end of the West             in the world’s poorest countries not
spread, is why the disease was able to        African outbreak, Gavi sent a signal          being fully immunized even with the
sweep across the region infecting more        to the market that it would be there to       basic vaccines. Gavi’s strategy was
than 28,600 people and killing 11,300         purchase vaccines by committing to            to bring together key players at the
of them. Upon the recommendation              make up to USD 345 million available          global and local level – country govern-
of the European Medicines Agency’s            for Ebola vaccines. Then this particular      ments, UN agencies, and civil society
scientific committee to recommend             vaccine was made available through            organizations – to address the major
the approval of conditional market            an Advance Purchase Commitment                mismatch between the people who had
authorization for the world’s first           agreement signed between Gavi and the         access to vaccines and the people who
Ebola vaccine (in October 2019), which        vaccine manufacturer, Merck, in 2016.         could benefit from them the most. By
has been successfully deployed as an          Gavi offered a USD 5 million pre-paid         harnessing the financial resources and
investigational product to fight the now      commitment to Merck in exchange for           expertise of these different partners,
waning outbreak in the Democratic             doses of the vaccine once it was licensed,    Gavi aimed to increase the affordability
Republic of the Congo, the World Health       under the condition that Merck would          and accessibility of life-saving vaccines.
Organization formally announced its           make a stockpile of investigational doses
prequalification in mid-November. In          available for outbreak response as well       SUSTAINABILITY GOAL
less than half a decade, Ebola has gone       as some regulatory requirements. It is        The most important partners within this
from being nearly a death sentence            these doses that have helped protect over     Alliance are the implementing countries
to a vaccine-preventable disease.             254,000 people against Ebola in DRC.[2]       themselves. A cornerstone of the Gavi
                                                                                            approach is that the organization works
The significance of this is two-fold.         This type of novel approach is indica-        together with governments to build sys-
Firstly, national regulatory bodies           tive of the unique way that Gavi takes        tems that they can sustainably finance
can now choose to expedite their own          on the challenges that exist in increas-      well into the future, independently of
                       approval for the       ing access to vaccines. Since 2000,           Gavi support. The Gavi model requires
                       vaccine, just          the Vaccine Alliance has been help-           all countries, no matter how poor, to
                       five years after       ing protect some of the world’s most          contribute some proportion of the cost of
                       the West Africa        vulnerable children against deadly            the vaccines that they introduce through
                       outbreak, whereas      and debilitating diseases by leverag-         Gavi. As a country’s economy grows, as
                       the whole process      ing innovative partnerships, technolo-        measured by their gross national income
                       can normally take      gies, and financing mechanisms.               per capita, so too does the proportion
                       well over a decade.                                                  that they pay, until it reaches a point
                       And secondly, it is    GAVI’S INCEPTION                              of transition where the government
                       a vaccine against      In the late 1990s, new and under-             has five years to fully fund its vaccine
                       a disease that         used vaccines were not reaching those         programmes. So far, 15 countries have
                       predominantly          people most in need of them because           transitioned out of Gavi support, with
                       impacts some of        new vaccines were made in low volume          three more expected by the end of 2020.
                       the poorest com-       for high priced markets and therefore,
                       munities in the        most vaccines were simply not avail-          THE MARKET SHAPING GOAL
                       world: the type        able at prices that their countries could     Addressing the affordability side
                       of vaccine that        afford. For example, in 2000, hepatitis       involves leveraging predictability
                       would not tradi-       B infections were killing more than           of demand and economies of scale
                       tionally attract       900,000 people a year, the majority in        to secure lower vaccine prices. Gavi

                                                                                           DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG     9

purchases vaccines for half of the          IMPACT                                         sub-nationally. This approach aims to
world’s children and secures long-term      Since 2000, Gavi has helped protect            reach an additional 300 million children
funding from donors, helping create the     more than 760 million children with            by 2025, saving up to 8 million more
visibility of demand and reducing the       vaccines against a range of diseases,          lives. But also built into this plan is an
risk of investment for manufacturers.       and in doing so has prevented more             understanding that many of the greatest
This helps to incentivize manufacturers     than 13 million deaths. Coverage with          global health challenges we will face are
to sustainably produce vaccines at prices   the most basic vaccines has increased          those that we cannot plan for. Climate
that these countries can afford. And it     from 59% to 81% in Gavi-supported              change, antimicrobial resistance, and
works. As of 2018, it cost only USD 27      countries.[4] This has paid dividends not      emerging infectious diseases pose an
to immunize a child with a full course      just in terms of lives saved but also in       ever-evolving risk. As the threats to
of basic vaccines in a Gavi-eligible        terms of helping to boost economies.           our health become increasingly global-
country, compared to USD 1,300 in           In a Gavi-supported country, every dol-        ized and increasingly unpredictable,
the US. It has helped to build healthier    lar invested in vaccines yields USD 54         the Vaccine Alliance provides a valu-
vaccine markets serving low-income          in wider societal benefits,[5] and since       able opportunity to get a multitude of
countries: the number of manufactur-        2000 this has translated into more than        stakeholders around the same table.
ers who supply Gavi with affordable         USD 150 billion in economic gains. All         This has already enabled Gavi to help
vaccines has grown from five in 2000        this makes vaccines one of the most            protect an entire generation of children.
to seventeen today, now that there is       cost-effective public health interventions     Efficiency, innovation and collaboration
a viable developing country market.         ever. At the same time, vaccines bring         will be the names of the game going for-
                                            us closer to the goal of Universal Health      ward, to help us make further progress,
                                            Coverage, by acting as a platform that         protect the next generation, and ensure
 EVERY DOLLAR                               helps to strengthen primary health care,       that by 2030 no one is left behind.

 INVESTED IN                                because vaccines don’t deliver them-
                                            selves. With vaccination comes infra-
 VACCINES YIELDS                            structure, supply chains, cold storage         Seth Berkley, MD
 USD 54 IN WIDER                            facilities, trained health care workers,
                                            community outreach, data services, dis-
                                                                                           Epidemiologist and CEO of Gavi,
                                                                                           the Vaccine Alliance.
 SOCIETAL BENEFITS                          ease surveillance, and much more. So,
                                            when communities get access to vaccina-
                                            tion it puts these people on the map, and
THE SYSTEMS GOAL                            it is often not long before they also get      REFERENCES
Yet accessibility to vaccines relies not    access to a host of other critical services.   1.   Kucharski A, Edmunds J. Case fatality rates
                                                                                                for Ebola virus disease in West Africa. Lancet
just on the affordability of the vac-                                                           2014; 384(9950):1260. Available from: https://
cines themselves, but on having strong      GAVI 5.0                                  
                                                                                           2.   World Health Organization. Ebola virus dis-
systems in place to deliver them. This is   Ultimately, Gavi is built on the phi-               ease Democratic Republic of the Congo: exter-
                                                                                                nal situation report 68/2019. https://www.who.
where local and private sector part-        losophy that no-one should die of a                 int/publications-detail/ebola-virus-disease-
ners play a crucial role in the work of     vaccine-preventable disease, regard­                democratic-republic-of-congo-external-situation-
                                                                                                report-68-2019. [Accessed November 26, 2019].
the Alliance. Worldwide, 19.4 million       less of wealth, geography or gender.           3.   World Health Organization. Immunization Coverage.
children are still missing out on some      Yet every year 1.5 million people still             immunization-coverage [Accessed October 27, 2019].
vaccines: many of them in remote rural      do.[6] Reaching those still missing out        4.   World Health Organization. Immunization,
                                                                                                vaccines, and biologicals. https://www.who.
communities, urban slums, displaced         will prove increasingly challenging,                int/immunization/monitoring_surveillance/
                                                                                                data/en/ [Accessed October 27, 2019].
communities or areas of conflict.[3] Gavi   as population growth, rapid urbaniza-          5. Decade of Vaccine
works with the private sector to harness    tion and climate change continuously                Economics: return on investment. http://immunizatio-
                                                                                       [Accessed October 27, 2019].
new technologies that can address these     move the goalposts. As will the unprec-        6.   World Health Organization. Immunization. https://
bottlenecks. In Rwanda and Ghana, for       edented migration we are seeing with                immunization [Accessed October 27, 2019].
example, fleets of autonomous drones        a record 70 million displaced people
are now being routinely used to avoid       recorded last year. That is why Gavi’s
stockouts by delivering vaccines to         new strategy, its fifth, covering strategic
communities across both countries           period from 2021-2025, called Gavi 5.0,             SO FAR,
when supplies are low or when there
is unexpected demand. Developed by
                                            is prioritizing communities with zero
                                            dose children (children not received
                                                                                                15 COUNTRIES
California-based technology company         any routine vaccine doses) who have                 HAVE
Zipline, and with support from the UPS
Foundation and Gavi, these networks
                                            historically missed out on vaccines. It
                                            also recognizes the need to put gender
are supporting millions of people,          more at the centre of our programmatic              OUT OF GAVI
increasing the reach of health services
and reducing waste at the same time.
                                            planning, to ensure that communities
                                            are engaged and to offer tailored support
                                            not just at the national level but also


The International Coordinating Group on Vaccine

         accines are commodities         BACKGROUND                                    to pre-finance the purchase of vac-
         for which ordinary market       Triggered by an outbreak of cerebro-          cines, vaccine-related supplies, and
         mechanisms do not apply.        spinal meningococcal meningitis               antibiotics. Countries were expected to
         Their development includ-       in in 1996 in West-Africa, the ICG            reimburse the cost of vaccines drawn
ing clinical testing, the production     was established as the International          from the ICG stockpiles that were kept
process, their shelf lives, and their    Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision       by manufacturers in their warehouses
often very limited supplier base, in     for Epidemic Meningococcal Disease.           to enable replenishment. In 2002,
combination with unpredictable           The outbreak affected primarily               the Gavi Alliance (see the article on
disease outbreaks and epidemics,         Nigeria and Burkina Faso, with a total        GAVI elsewhere in this edition) started
regularly lead to vaccine shortages.     of 152,813 confirmed cases and 15,783         providing financial support, initially
It is good to realise that vaccines      registered deaths. The actual incidence       for the procurement of YF vaccine, later
are a public good and access needs       was probably considerably higher.             also of Meningitis vaccines (2008) and
to be equitable. From a public                                                         OCV (2013). At Gavi’s request, the ICG
health point of view, national           Since its establishment, the ICG has          stopped the reimbursement require-
health authorities and interna-          undergone several changes. In 2001            ment for Gavi support-eligible countries
tional development partners need to      Yellow Fever (YF) vaccine was added           in 2015. A year later, Gavi decided that
ensure steady supplies and the effi-     to its mandate, followed by Oral              investments in emergency vaccine
cient and fair distribution of scarce    Cholera Vaccine (OCV) in 2013. The            stockpiles would no longer be time-
vaccines to places where they are        ICG has three guiding principles:[1]          bound and that non-Gavi-supported
needed most. With new vaccines             • Equity: distribution of vaccines          countries were also eligible to access
entering the market and many parts              based on public health priorities;     vaccines from the stockpiles, in the
of the world in civil or military tur-     • Rapid and timely access: deliv-           understanding that they would ensure
moil, where outbreaks and epidem-               ery of vaccines within a defined       replenishment, with Gavi covering the
ics thrive, reliable mechanisms for             timeframe to control outbreaks;        financial risk in case they failed to do so.
vaccine supply chain management            • Independence: decisions made
are of paramount importance.                    independently of political or          The supply division of UNICEF plays a
Vaccination is a main pillar in                 economic influences, with the sole     key role in this process, as it procures
emergency responses and dis-                    goal of improving public health.       all the vaccines for the ICG stock-
ease outbreak management while                                                         piles.[2] The revolving funds are now
the vaccine market has gradu-            Initially the ICG used a revolving fund       dormant, leaving the Gavi Alliance
ally become more complex. Ample
supply is not a given anymore, e.g.
only one manufacturer remains for
the yellow fever vaccine. Ordinary
lead times may be up to two years,
shelf lives differ between different
types of vaccines, and supply chain
requirements have become more
differentiated. Modern vaccines
are very complicated in terms of
production and quality control. As
always, politics reign in this field
as well, necessitating a fair public
health approach which strives for
equity and efficiency.
This article describes the role of The
International Coordinating Group
on Vaccine Provision (ICG) in ensur-
ing that scarce vaccines are avail-
able where they are needed as part
of disease control.

                                         SHUTTERSTOCK.COM / BY JOA SOUZA

                                                                                     DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG       11

as the sole funding source for these                financing, replenishment, monitoring,       left the border area in DRC exposed to
stockpiles. Gavi also provides fund-                and reporting. In 2015, discussions         further spread of the epidemic. The
ing to support the operational costs                started about an ICG mechanism for a        criteria used during decision-making
of emergency immunization cam-                      future Ebola vaccine.[3] An ICG Ebola       differ among the three stockpiles
paigns in Gavi-eligible countries.                  expert group is not in place though.        because each outbreak has its own
                                                                                                peculiarities. These criteria are publicly
                                                                                                available. [4,5,6] The balance between
                                                                                                responding to single outbreaks and
                                      Country request         1   SUBMISSION
                                                                                                considering the global epidemic
                                                                                                context is and remains delicate. When
                    Request         WHO ICG secretariat       2   CIRCULATION                   working in epidemic or outbreak set-
                information                                                                     tings, public health experts should
                                  IFRC, MSF, UNICEF, WHO      3   DECISION IN   48H             be aware of ICG’s existence and its
                                                                                                modus operandi so they can act and
                                           ICG                4   APPROVAL
                                                                                                advise in an appropriate manner.

                                                                                                 THE GLOBAL DISEASE
                                        UNICEF SD             5   PROCUREMENT                   ­CONTROL CONTEXT
                                                                                                 The occurrence of and response to
                                      Manufacturers           6   PACKING AND SHIPMENT
                                                                                                 disease outbreaks need to be seen in
                                                                                                 the context of global disease control
                                    Vaccines in country       7   ARRIVAL
                                                                                                 strategies. In many cases outbreaks are
                                    Payment / Funding         8   PAYMENT    / REIMBURSMENT      the consequence of insufficient cover-
                                                                                                 age of routine immunisation systems
                                                                                                 and failure to compensate for that
                                                                                                 with effective special immunization
Figure 1: The ICG mechanism (Adapted from:           activities, including campaigns. While
                                                                                                 ministries of health with the support
                                                                                                 of various partners usually implement
The ICG Executive sub-Group is consti-              The full ICG meets physically twice a        control programmes for meningitis, YF
tuted by its 4 founding members: WHO,               year as well as through remote digital       and cholera through routine preventive
UNICEF-Headquarters, Médecins Sans                  conferencing in the event of an emer-        and reactive immunisation, it is the ICG
Frontières (MSF), and the International             gency request. The ICG Secretariat           that coordinates the management of
Federation of Red Cross (IFRC). Other               based at WHO-HQ plays a central and          the three vaccine stockpiles, especially
stakeholders, such as UNICEF’s Supply               coordinating role in the entire ICG          in emergency outbreak situations.
Division (Copenhagen), Agence de                    mechanism. It also does price nego-
Médecine Préventive (AMP), Centre                   tiations through its constituency and       1. CHOLERA
for Disease Control, manufacturers,                 network, and evaluates interventions        In 2013, WHO established the Global
international NGOs, technical agen-                 and standard protocols for managing         Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) stock-
cies, financial partners and country                vaccine-preventable diseases. Its infor-    pile, and the Global Task Force on
representatives (two from countries                 mality and flexibility is a key strength.   Cholera Control (GTFCC) launched a
in the African meningitis belt, plus a              Vaccines are allocated based on techni-     renewed strategy for cholera control in
third country) support various activities           cal and public health criteria without      which OCV plays an important role.
of the ICG mechanism, e.g. decision-                political or financial considerations.      [7]
                                                                                                    Many countries are now integrating
making, forecasting of vaccine require-             The ICG mechanism is depicted in            the use of OCV within their cholera
ments, procurement, and deployment.                 Figure 1. It aims at delivering vaccines    control programs. As of May 2018, over
The ICG Executive sub-Group reviews                 within a time span of a maximum of          25 million doses had been adminis-
requests not only from countries but                10 days after receipt of the request.       tered in 19 countries – of which 41%
also from international organisa-                                                               in humanitarian situations, 38% for
tions that act swiftly in the event of              Recent major outbreaks – yellow fever       outbreaks, and 21 % for endemic areas.
disease outbreaks such as MSF. It can               in DR Congo and Angola, cholera in
do so within 48 hours after receipt by              Yemen and the Horn of Africa – have         2. YELLOW FEVER
its secretariat of a formal request.                confirmed the need for effective man-       The Yellow Fever Initiative was launched
                                                    agement and distribution of vaccines        in 2006 as a joint collaboration of WHO
Standard operating procedures for                   of which the supply can be unreliable.      and UNICEF. In 2016, a new more
emergency stockpiles of meningitis                  In 2017 for example, the ICG had to         specific and comprehensive strategic
and YF vaccine (but not for OCV) are in             prevent Angola from procuring large         approach towards the Elimination
place for vaccine applications, release,            quantities of YF-vaccine that would have    of Yellow fever Epidemics (EYE) was


developed.[8] It involves a mechanism       supply for some time, undermining the                      7.
that automatically replenishes the emer-    smooth implementation of the global                             eye-strategy-and-global-agendas/en/
gency stockpile to ensure that 6 million    polio eradication strategy, it remains                     9.   Burki T. Ebola virus vaccine receives prequali-
                                                                                                            fication. Lancet 2019; 394(10212):1893.
doses are available at all times. The ICG   to be seen whether industry can meet                  
remains responsible for rapid and inde-     the future demand for Ebola vaccine.                            fulltext?dgcid=raven_jbs_etoc_email
pendent decision-making on the alloca-
tion of YF vaccines during emergencies.     CONCLUSION
                                            Since infectious agents can spread faster
3. MENINGITIS                               than ever after an outbreak, even from
There is no single strategy that com-       very remote areas, vaccine-preventable
bines prevention, routine immunisation,     disease control is of global public health
and emergency responses for meningi-        importance. Both management and
tis. At present the supply of serogroup     financing of vaccine development and
A meningococcal conjugate vaccine           supply need to be secured through
(MenAfriVac) is adequate and afford-        close coordination of all stakeholders:
able, which has helped substantially
to reduce the number and severity of
meningitis outbreaks in countries of
                                            national authorities, international health
                                            organisations, international and national
                                            NGOs, and the vaccine manufacturing
the African meningitis belt. However,
meningitis outbreaks are now domi-
nated by other meningococcal sero-
                                            industry. The ICG, with its secretariat
                                            based in WHO headquarters, plays a
                                            key role in monitoring and guiding
groups, for which conjugate vaccine
supplies are insufficient and expensive.
                                            vaccine provision. Its mandate and
                                            capacity need to be safeguarded, free
                                            from any (geo)political interference.
4. EBOLA                                    While comprehensive and adequate
The recent approval of an Ebola vaccine     mechanisms are in place for the three                                 Following a request from
following outbreaks in West-Africa          vaccines discussed above that fall within                             several NVTG working parties
and the eastern part of the Democratic      ICG’s mandate, the recent approval of                                 earlier this year, we hereby
Republic of Congo (DRC) shows that          an Ebola vaccine shows that there is                                  call for contributions to next
there is political will and funding to      political will and funding to develop                                 year's editions of MTb. The
develop new vaccines in a much shorter      new vaccines in a much shorter time                                   Editorial Board is planning to
time that ever before. An important         that ever before. It is opportune to now                              cover the following themes:
milestone in 2015 were the trials in        also safeguard the provision of Ebola
which more than 16,000 volunteers in        vaccine. The ICG could fulfil that role.                              •      Disease modelling
Africa, Europe and the United States
received the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine. The        Acknowledgement: This article is for a sub-                           •      Mental health
vaccine was found to be safe and to         stantial part based on the report of an eval-
offer protection against the Ebola virus.   uation of the ICG in 2017 by a team from                              •      Orphan diseases
Following further testing during Ebola      HERA-Belgium, of which the author was a
outbreaks in DRC/Equateur province          member. The author acknowledges the con-                              •      Global Health education
(in May-July 2018) and DRC/North Kivu       tributions of fellow team members Dr. Josef
province (still ongoing) and consulta-      Decosas, Leen Jille and Marieke Devillé.                              •      Support to church affiliated
tions by the Strategic Advisory Group of                                                                                 hospitals in sub-Saharan
Experts on Immunization (SAGE), the                                                                                      Africa: past and present
Ebola vaccine was formally approved         Henri van den Hombergh, MD, MPH
and licensed by WHO in November             Public Health consultant, the Netherlands.                            We would be pleased to receive
2019, just before this paper went to                                                                              your contributions – in relation
press.[9] It means that the vaccine can                                                                           to these themes or any other
now widely be used, rather than under                                                                             topic – in the form of an article,
certain restrictions (‘expanded access’     REFERENCES                                                            news from the working party
or what is also known as ‘compassion-       1.   World Health Organization: Review of the                         in which you are involved, a
                                                 International Coordinating Group on Vaccine
ate use’). Ringfencing vaccination in            Provision, 2006-2016. WHO Geneva, 2016
                                                                                                                  letter from the field, a personal
combination with early case detection       2.   www.                               viewpoint, or an ethical dilemma
                                            3.   International Coordinating Group for Ebola
and widespread vaccination of health             Vaccine, 1st Meeting, 11 December 2015 – WHO                     that you have come across.
                                                 Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
staff working in outbreak situations will   4.   Meningitis guidelines:
certainly boost demand. Considering              iris/bitstream/10665/154595/1/WHO_HSE_                           The Editorial Board
the experience with bivalent polio          5.   Yellow fever guidelines:
vaccine, which was in short global          6.   OCV guidelines:

                                                                                                    DECEMBER 04 2019 MT BULLETIN OF NVTG                      13
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