Page created by Darrell Henderson
A   R I E T I E S O F ED
       R 1,000 V                           IBL
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OV                                              LA
6469 SE 134th Ave, Portland, OR 97236

(503) 208-7520 1-877-353-4028 | fax: 1-800-418-9983        One Green World is a family owned nursery and garden
                                                           center located in Portland, Oregon. We provide a huge
EMAIL info@onegreenworld.com                               selection of fruiting trees, shrubs, berries, vines, unique
                                                           citrus, nut trees, vegetables and much more to people
GET THE LATEST NEWS                                        all over the United States. In addition to the plants we
Sign up for our e-mail newsletter online!                  sell, the experts at OGW are available for questions and
www.onegreenworld.com/newsletter                           advice on plants, plant care and gardening techniques.
We will share gardening tips and let you know about
plant sales, special events, unique tastings and classes   We specialize in all things edible and are continuously
throughout the year.                                       adventuring to discover new and unique plant varieties.
                                                           Our vision is to create a One Green World where
PRICING                                                    everyone has access to homegrown delicious and
Prices are subject to change at anytime. Our most          nutritious fruits and veggies.
accurate pricing for all plants can be found online at

We're here to help!
ACACIAS............................. 104        GIANT GROUNDCHERRY...... 101                   NECTARINES ....................... 72          TREE COLLARD.................... 96
AGAVE ............................... 108       GINGER............................... 94       OAK TREES.......................... 90         ULLUCO .............................. 2
ALMOND ............................ 86          GOJI .................................... 26   OCA..................................... 2     UNIQUE CITRUS................... 8
APPLES .............................. 44        GOOSEBERRY ..................... 26            OLIVE ................................. 65     VINES ................................. 116
APRICOTS............................ 53         GOUMI ............................... 28       ORANGE.............................. 7         WALNUT ............................ 90
ARCTIC BEAUTY KIWI ......... 120                GRAPEFRUIT ...................... 4            OREGON MYRTLE ............... 102              WASABI.............................. 135
ARONIA .............................. 10        GRAPES .............................. 116      OSTRICH FERN .................... 102          WINTERGREEN ................... 43
ARTICHOKE......................... 97           GROUNDNUT ...................... 95            PALM.................................. 102     YACÓN ................................ 2
ASPARAGUS........................ 97            HAZELNUT ......................... 88          PASSIFLORA ...................... 122          YARROW ............................ 106
AUSTRALIAN MINT BUSH.... 113                    HONEYBERRY..................... 28             PAWPAW............................ 68          YUZU................................... 8
AUTUMN OLIVE................... 10              HOPS .................................. 118    PEACHES............................. 70        XERISCAPING..................... 107
AVOCADO ........................... 83          HORSERADISH............114, 135                PEANUT, PATIO................... 95
BAMBOO ............................ 98          HUCKLEBERRY ................... 30             PEARS................................. 73      GROWING GUIDES
BANANA .........................11,83           INDIAN PLUM..................... 101           PERENNIAL VEGETABLES.. 93                      CITRUS............................... 63
BARBERRY.......................... 11           INTERSPECIFIC HYBRID                           PERSIMMONS..................... 77             TEA PROCESSING............... 63
BAY TREE ............................ 100       JASMINE............................. 119       PINEAPPLE......................... 83          PAWPAW............................ 124
BEES................................... 136     JERUSALEM SAGE............... 112              PINEAPPLE GUAVA ............. 34
BLACKBERRY ...................... 11            JOSTABERRY....................... 21           PINE NUT............................ 91        SHIPPING & ORDERING....... 128
BLUEBERRY ...................... 13             JUJUBE .............................. 30       PISTACHIO........................... 92
BLUE FALSE INDIGO............ 104               KIWIS ................................. 120    PITIONA.............................. 114      WELCOMING YOUR
BOTTLEBRUSH.................... 107             LAVENDER ......................... 114         PLUM.................................. 79      PLANTS............................... 130
CALAMONDIN..................... 4               LEMON................................ 5        POMEGRANATES................. 34
CAPER ............................... 101       LEMONGRASS .................... 101            QUINCE ............................... 82
CEANOTHUS ....................... 105           LEMON VERBENA ............... 114              RASPBERRY........................ 36
CHERRIES ........................... 54         LILY, EDIBLE........................ 95        RHUBARB ........................... 95
CHESTNUT .......................... 87          LIME.................................... 5     ROOTSTOCKS...................... 134
CHILEAN CORAL VINE........ 119                  LINGONBERRY.................... 31             SALAL................................. 38
CHILEAN GUAVA ................. 16              LONGEVITY SPINACH ......... 94                 SALMONBERRY .................. 38
CHILEAN CRANBERRY                               LOQUAT............................... 64       SANSHO PEPPER................. 114
MYRTLE.............................. 16         MADRONES ........................ 110          SCHISANDRA VINES............ 123
CATALINA IRONWOOD...... 111                     MAHONIA........................... 103         SEA BERRY.......................... 39
CITRUS ............................... 4        MANDARIN......................... 6            SEA KALE ........................... 96
COMFREY ........................... 94          MAQUI BERRY .................... 18            SECHUAN PEPPER............... 115
CORNELIAN CHERRIES......... 56                  MANZANITAS..................... 109            SILVERBERRY...................... 41
COVER CROPS &                                   MASHUA ............................ 2          SILK TASSEL BUSH............. 112
WILDFLOWER MIXES.......... 103                  MEDITERRANEAN                                  SPICEBUSH ......................... 43
CRANBERRY........................ 18            MYRTLE.............................. 113       STEVIA................................ 115
CURRY PLANT ................... 112             MEDLAR ............................ 64         STRAWBERRY..................... 41
CURRANTS ......................... 18           MONKEY PUZZLE ............... 90               STRAWBERRY TREE............. 110
ELDERBERRY....................... 21            MOUNTAIN ASH.................. 64              TANGELO............................. 7
EUCALYPTUS....................... 23            MULBERRY ......................... 32          TANGOR.............................. 8
FERTILIZERS........................ 125         MUSHROOM ...................... 123            TEA..................................... 115
FIG ...................................... 58   NITROGEN FIXERS &                              THIMBLEBERRY .................. 43
FUKI ................................... 95     COMPANION PLANTS.......... 104                 TRUFFLE TREE..................... 135

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ANDEAN TUBERS
                   OCA        Oxalis tuberosum • For the most up to date pricing, be sure to visit us online!         OneGreenWorld.com
                                                                                                                                                    The original yacon variety that has been propagated in the PNW for the last couple of decades. A prolific producer of
                                                                                                                                                    tubers that when cured have a deep red skin with red flesh around the edges. Extremely vigorous and reliable. #9830

                                                                                                                                                    A favorite at OGW! Crystal produces large crops of huge, light red skin with white crystalline chatoyancy in the flesh.
                 Oca (Oxalis tuberosum) are beautiful, brightly-colored tubers harvested in late fall after frost. Oca is a perennial herbaceous
                 plant that produces underground stem tubers. It was brought into cultivation in the central and southern Andes. In New
                 Zealand, oca has become a popular table vegetable. Colors range from yellow, orange, pink, apricot, and the traditional red.
                 After a few days of exposure to sunlight, oca will sweeten considerably. Grown primarily by Quechua and Aymara farmers,
                                                                                                                                                    The Morado features deep-purple/burgundy skin with a sweet, pink flesh. #9834
                 oca has been a staple of rural Andean diets for centuries. Of all Andean root and tuber crops, oca is presently second only to
                 potato in areas planted within the Central Andean region. Oca is important to local food security because of its role in crop
                 rotations and its high nutritional content. Oca generally contain three times more protein than potatoes.

                 *Oca cultivars derived from true seed                                                                                                ULLUCO                 Ullucus tuberosus

                                                                                                     tiums, since they’re in the same family).                                                   PICA DE PULGA
                                                                                                     Use it on a trellis to shade a southern or                                                  Round yellow with pink spots, Baumi selection. #9841
                                                       Tropaeolum tuberosum
                                                                                                     western facing window. #9821

                                                                                                       Smallanthus sonchifolius

                                                                                                     Please visit our website for stock choices &
                                                                                                     pricing. www.OneGreenWorld.com

      Red, orange, and purple tubers with
      slightly sweet, carrot-like flavor, no tart-   A species of flowering plant in the family
      ness. #9803                                    Tropaeolaceae grown in the Andes, partic-
                                                     ularly in Peru and Bolivia, and to a lesser
      HOPIN ALBA                                     extent in Ecuador and Colombia. Its edible
      Creamy white and slightly acidic. #9807        tubers are eaten cooked as a vegetable.
                                                     Mashua is a herbaceous perennial climber
                                                     reaching 2-4 m (7-13 ft) in height. It is       Some call Yacón the “apple of the Andes.”
                                                     closely related to garden nasturtiums, and      The plant produces a perennial rhizome
                                                     is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental     attached to edible, succulent storage
                                                     for its’ brightly colored tubular flowers. It   roots, the principal economic product of
                                                     attracts hummingbirds and is very spicy         the plant. The rhizome develops just
                                                     like horseradish.                               under the surface of the soil and
                                                                                                     continuously produces aerial shoots. Dry
                                                                                                     and/or cold seasons cause the aerial
      ROSY GEMS                                      PUCA ANU - PERUVIAN                             shoots to die back, but the plant re-
      White flesh with a red/purple center.
                                                     The Puca Anu features purple stripes
                                                     over a yellow tuber, two to six inches
                                                                                                     sprouts from the rhizome under favorable
                                                                                                     conditions of temperature and moisture.                              Visit us at our Portland nursery or online
                                                     long. A Peruvian edible vine grown as a         Lower on the glycemic index, these large,
                                                     root crop that also has edible flowers and      edible storage tubers are good for those                       FOR PLANT SPECIALS, EVENTS, LEARNING RESOURCES AND EASY ORDERING
                                                     leaves (that apparently taste like nastur-      with diabetes.                                                                                     www.OneGreenWorld.com
  2 1–877–353–4028 Contact us 10AM–5PM Monday–Friday
                     CITRUS                Citrus spp. • 1 gallon, $29.95 • 2 gallons, $39.95                                                          LEMON
     Now you can grow your own lemons, oranges, and other delicious citrus throughout the US! Harvest full-sized, delicious lemons,             IMPROVED MEYER LEMON                              VARIEGATED PINK LEMON
     limes and more on our dwarf trees that mature to less than eight feet in height. Our attractive, compact trees often begin bearing the     One of the easiest citrus to grow, this su-       A striking new introduction to the citrus
     year they are planted. Easily grown in a container on your patio, deck, or sunny balcony, bring these small, attractive, evergreen trees   perior variety can bloom and produce fruit        world, this unique variety combines at-
     into a sunny room in the winter and enjoy their wonderful fragrance as they bloom. Flying Dragon, Sudachi Ichandrin Citrumelo,             year-round. Following the fragrant white          tractive variegated foliage, unique striped
     Yuzu Ichandrin are hardy and can be grown outdoors throughout the year West of the Cascade Mountains and in other regions with             flowers, you will enjoy the large, aromatic,      fruit with pink flesh, and deliciously
     mild winters! PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship Citrus to AZ, CA, FL or TX                                                                       orange-yellow lemons. Improved Meyer              fragrant flowers. The tasty lemons are
     SITE & SOIL 1/2 day to full sun in the spring, summer and fall and in a well lit room in the winter. Potting soil should be coarse,        lemon is very juicy and a little less acidic      streaked with green and creamy yellow
     acidic and well-drained.                                                                                                                   than regular lemons. #2655                        while the light green foliage features
     POLLINATION: Self-fertile. You can help them set fruit by taking a small brush and moving pollen from flower to flower.                                                                      white and yellow margins. #2656
     HARDINESS It is recommended to bring all citrus plants to a sunny and protected location in late fall, before hard frosts threaten.
     BEARING AGE 1-2 years.
     SIZE AT MATURITY 5' - 8'
     BLOOM TIME varies
     RIPENING TIME varies
     YIELD PER PLANT 40+ fruit.
     PESTS & DISEASES While outside, Citrus plants will likely not be bothered by insect pests. Be on the lookout for slugs. Indoors, citrus
     can have mites, scale and/or aphids. Watch carefully for any problems and treat with an insecticidal soap, horticultural oil or wash
     them off. We have not seen any disease problems on our citrus varieties.                                                                                                                                                                   pith beneath it. Sure to be a winner with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                chefs and cocktail artists everywhere.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Best of all the tree is everbearing so you'll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                have a year round harvest of this very
                                                                                                     GRAPEFRUIT                                                                                                                                 unique fruit. #2651

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MUKRAT THAI LIME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This valuable variety is prized for its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                unique, very fragrant leaves that are used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to flavor curries and other dishes. It also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                bears crops of small, intensely fragrant,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                bumpy fruit used in Southeast Asian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cooking. Cold hardy to 32°F. #2615
                                                                                                                                                BEARSS LIME
                                                                                                                                                Almost as big as a lemon, Bearss Lime                                                           PALESTINE SWEET LIME
                                                                                                                                                produces abundant, greenish-yellow,                                                             A unique, yellow lime from the Middle
                                                                                                                                                seedless, very juicy fruit. Mix the delicious                                                   East, Palestine Sweet Lime features
                                                                                                                                                juice with lemons or oranges for a re-                                                          beautiful, large, bright yellow, very
     NEW U.S. 119                                                                                                                               freshing drink. Bearss Lime ripens in late                                                      sweet, low acid fruit; it has a more subtle
     Selected for virus resistance and cold                                                                                                     winter into spring, and it can also produce                                                     flavor than regular lime varieties. Popular
     hardiness, U.S. 119 is a very exciting and
                                                    VARIEGATED                                                                                  some fruit year-round. #2650                                                                    in Asian and Middle East dishes, it makes
     promising cold hardy citrus for north-         CALAMONDIN                                                                                                                                                                                  a refreshing drink, and the peels can be
     ern growers. With half its parentage           Citrus madurensis                              COCKTAIL                                     BORNEO RANGPUR                                                                                  ground into seasoning. Cold hardy to
     consisting of an acidless sweet orange         Variegated Calamondin is prized for            A unique cross of pummelo and manda-         Known also as Rangpur Lime or Mandarin                                                          32°F. #2659
     and the other half consisting of Dunstan       abundant crops of one inch diameter            rin orange, this vigorous, attractive tree   Lime, this unique and attractive variety
     Citrumelo and a very vigorous trifoliate       striped fruit used similarly to a lemon        bears great crops of exceptionally juicy     features year-round crops of bright or-
                                                                                                                                                                                                EXCALIBUR RED LIME                              THORNLESS KEY LIME
                                                                                                                                                                                                What looks like many small oranges
     orange named Gotha Road, U.S. 119 is a         or lime. A compact form with fragrant          grapefruit. The bright yellow fruit varies   ange, mandarin-size fruit. Very juicy and                                                       This unique variety is prized for its very
                                                                                                                                                                                                hanging from this dwarf tree are actually
     very tasty fresh eating citrus with a sug-     flowers and a sweet edible peel make           in size from a large orange to grape-        easy-to-peel, its tart lemon-lime flavor is                                                     aromatic, flavorful and juicy green-
                                                                                                                                                                                                a cross between kumquat and Rangpur
     ary sweet orange flavor balanced with          this variety a treasure to grow. Variegat-     fruit with orange-yellow flesh and de-       great used like lime juice in beverages,                                                        ish-yellow fruit. Wonderful for juice,
                                                                                                                                                                                                lime. The skin and flesh are both orange
     the acid and bitterness of the Citrumelo       ed Calamondin have creamy-white and            licious, sweet-tart flavor. #2692            salads, and Asian dishes. #2683                                                                 flavorings and the famous Key Lime Pie.
                                                                                                                                                                                                to red in color but the fruit tastes like a
     and trifoliate orange. #CIT119                 green variegated foliage. #2613                                                                                                                                                             Easy-to-grow and harvest fruit year-
                                                                                                                                                                                                lime, and a very tasty one too. And thanks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                round. #2653
                                                                                                                                                                                                to the kumquat in its parentage the skin
                                                                                                                                                                                                is completely edible and sweet with no

 4      1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                            View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com           5
                      MANDARIN                                                                                                                           ORANGE
                                                                                                 the earliest to ripen and produces abun-
                                                                                                 dant crops of sweet, thin-skinned fruit.                                                    CARA CARA                                     SEVILLE SOUR ORANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Make delicious marmalade and juice
                                                                                                 These easy-to-peel, bright orange fruit
                                                                                                 are great for fresh eating. #2681
                                                                                                                                                                                             NAVEL ORANGE                                  with the tart fruit of this popular vari-
                                                                                                                                                                                             A natural mutation of Navel orange,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ety. Widely grown in southern Europe,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Cara Cara was found in in an orange
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Seville is also a valuable ornamental and
                                                                                                 OKITSU WASE                                                                                 orchard in Venezuela. Similar to Wash-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is prized for its fragrant flowers, large,
                                                                                                 There aren't many citrus that we could                                                      ington Navel in growth habit, Cara Cara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           bright orange fruit and its dark green,
                                                                                                 eat more of than the Okitsu Wase Man-                                                       fruit is unique for its sweet, reddish pink
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lush foliage. #2638
                                                                                                 darin. Their snackable size, delicious                                                      flesh and occasionally variegated foli-
                                                                                                 sweetness with balanced acidity and                                                         age. #2672
                                                                                                 easy peeling make this a very popular
                                                                                                 variety and the most widely planted cit-
                                                                                                 rus in Japan where it originated. Incred-
                                                                                                                                                                                             CHINOTTO SOUR ORANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                             A particularly attractive small tree, Chi-
                                                                                                 ibly early ripening, (Wase means early         BOUKHOBZA BLOOD                              notto is prized for its compact foliage,
                                                                                                 in Japanese, so anytime you see that
                                                                                                 you can be sure it's a good fit for short
                                                                                                                                                ORANGE                                       profuse fragrant flowers, and bright
                                                                                                                                                Boukhobza is not quite as dark as other      orange fruit. Chinotto fruit is delicious
                                                                                                 growing seasons.) Okitsu Wase is one of
                                                                                                                                                blood oranges but what it lacks in an-       candied, made into marmalade, or for
                                                                                                 the easiest to grow fresh eating citrus
                                                                                                                                                thocyanin content it makes up for in be-     juice. #2633
                                                                                                 for northern growers. #2662
     AMOA-8 BLOOD                                  NEW OKITSUWASE                                                                               ing perhaps the sweetest blood orange
                                                                                                                                                around. This one was a favorite of ours at
     MANDARIN                                      SATSUMA Citrus unshiu                         OWARI SATSUMA                                  the UC Riverside citrus tastings and we
                                                                                                                                                                                             FUKUMOTO NAVEL
     Only recently made available in the           A delicious and early ripening satsuma        This early ripening variety bears
     United Sates, Amoa 8 is an Italian hy-        from Japan, Okitsuwase is a frequent          deep-orange, sweet, delicious fruit,
                                                                                                                                                are proud to now be offering it to home      ORANGE
     brid of Avana mandarin and Moro blood         winner of citrus taste test competitions.     with loose, easy-to-peel, skin. Satsuma
                                                                                                                                                growers. #2678                               Introduced from Japan in the 1980s,           TAROCCO #7
                                                                                                                                                                                             Fukumoto Navel Orange is prized for its
     orange, hence the name "Amoa". This           The thin skin is very easy to peel and        Mandarin ripens before Christmas and
                                                                                                                                                                                             very early ripening (3-4 weeks ahead of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BLOOD ORANGE
     one is truly spectacular, as if all our fa-   the flesh is juicy and aromatic with few      is one of the hardiest citrus varieties,                                                                                                  The largest of the blood oranges. Deep
                                                                                                                                                                                             Washington Navel) and its attractive,
     vorite fresh eating citrus qualities were     seeds. Thought to be one of the more          surviving to about 15ºF. #2665                                                                                                            orange, juicy, and delicious. Sweet, with
                                                                                                                                                                                             reddish orange skin. Very sweet, juicy,
     crammed into one fruit. The dark red to       cold hardy of satsuma trees but we are                                                                                                                                                  a hint of tartness, the flesh turns a strik-
                                                                                                                                                                                             and flavorful, this variety is somewhat
     sometimes purple fruit is even darker         still trialing it outdoors here in our USDA   SHIRANUI MANDARIN                                                                           less vigorous than other orange variet-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ing deep-red when ripe. #2677
     and "bloodier" than a typical blood or-       Zone 8b. Stay tuned! #2671                    A Japanese hybrid between a Ponkan
                                                                                                                                                                                             ies, making it especially well-suited
     ange and bleeds into the skin of the fruit                                                  Tangerine and a Kiyomi Tangor, Shiranui
     when sliced in a very beautiful way. The      KISHU SEEDLESS                                is one of the sweetest, if not the sweet-
                                                                                                                                                                                             to container growing. Winter Benjamin,        WASHINGTON NAVEL
                                                                                                                                                                                             (our nursery gnome) gives Fukumoto
     flesh is a divine balance of a super sweet    This outstanding, golf ball sized, seed-      est fresh eating citrus varieties available.
                                                                                                                                                                                             two thumbs up as the sweetest orange
     mandarin and that unique blood orange         less fruit features very easy-to-peel skin.   Fruits are large and have a bump on top                                                                                                   Enjoy large, sweet, and delicious or-
                                                                                                                                                                                             he’s ever tried. #2674
     sweet-tartness that we adore. Eating an       Complex, sweet-tart, with a juicy flesh.      of the fruit near the stem that resembles                                                                                                 anges on a compact tree. Seedless and
     Amoa 8 is a full sensory experience. This     You’ll enjoy this winter beauty with its      the topknot hairstyle of Japanese sumo                                                                                                    very juicy, Washington Navels are a
     blood mandarin has spread like wildfire       bright orange jewels. #2669                   wrestlers, hence where its trademark                                                                                                      wonderful mid-winter treat. #2670
     across Spain and we're so excited to now                                                    name comes from along with its large
     have it in the United States! And if Amoa     KUNO WASE                                     size. It's easy to see why this has become
     8 wasn't already exciting enough, we've       One of the earliest ripening mandarin         one of the top selling citrus everywhere
     also heard reports of the plant being
     hardy to at least 20 degrees F. and possi-
                                                   oranges, Kuno Wase produces abundant
                                                   crops of attractive, bright orange fruit.
                                                                                                 it is grown commercially. #2668                 TANGELO
     bly into the low teens! #2667                 Great for fresh-eating, it's sweet, flavor-
                                                   ful, and easy-to-peel. Reportedly, Kuno
     CHINA SATSUMA                                 Wase is cold hardy to 25°F. #2663
                                                                                                                                                                                              PEARL TANGELO                                WEKIWA TANGELO
                                                                                                                                                                                              This unique Tangelo variety is a cross       A unique variety of Tangelo, Wekiwa
     Introduced from China in the nineteen
                                                                                                                                                                                              between grapefruit and mandarin or-          produces abundant crops of delicious,
     hundreds, this unique selection bears         MIHO WASE                                                                                                                                  ange. Pearl Tangelo features particu-        large fruit. Sweet with a hint of tart-
     great crops of round, bright orange,          An exceptionally hardy variety of Man-
                                                                                                                                                                                              larly attractive, willow-like foliage and    ness, this very flavorful fruit is bright
     sweet, very flavorful, easy to peel fruit.    darin Orange, older trees can withstand
                                                                                                                                                                                              delectable, sweet, grapefruit-like fruit.    yellow with a pink blush when ripe.
     #2660                                         temperatures into the high teens with-
                                                                                                                                                                                              #2626                                        Wekiwa fruit is great for fresh eating
                                                   out damage. Miho Wase is also one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and juice. #2680

 6      1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                          View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com       7
CITRUS                                                                                                                                     lime is combined with the aromatic oils
                                                                                                                                                                                          BERGAMOT                                    areas of the Pacific as well as areas with
                                                                                                                                           of either Rangpur Lime or the Ellendale                                                    mild winters; potentially zone 5. #2602
              TANGOR                                                                                                                       Mandarin to create a citrus unlike any
                                                                                                                                           other we've ever experienced. #2604
                                                                                                                                                                                          Best known as the flavoring in Earl
                                                                                                                                                                                          Grey Tea, Bergamot fruit resembles an
                                                                                                                                                                                          orange in shape, but is yellow in color.    NEW ZEALAND LEMONADE
                                                                                                                                                                                          Sweeter than a lemon, fragrant, makes       One of the most mind bending and de-
                                                                                              ing sweet and acidic flavor as Temple
                                                                                                                                           AUSTRALIAN FINGER LIME                         delicious juice and highly regarded         licious hybrid citrus to come along in
                                               KIYOMI TANGOR                                  Tangor, but slightly smoother and
                                                                                                                                           Microcitrus australasica
                                                                                                                                                                                          marmalade. #2607                            years, the New Zealand Lemonade is
                                               A unique hybrid of mandarin and sweet                                                       Australian Finger Lime is one of the
                                                                                              sweeter. #2636                                                                                                                          a hybrid of lemon and mandarin that
                                               orange, Kiyomi Tangor bears great                                                           most fascinating discoveries in the fruit
                                               crops of large, bright orange fruit with                                                    world! Also known as Citrus Caviar, the
                                                                                                                                                                                          EUSTIS LIMEQUAT                             truly tastes like lemonade! You can eat it
                                               pebbly-textured skin. Rich and spicy in
                                                                                              TEMPLE TANGOR                                dark purple, three inch long fruit hold a
                                                                                                                                                                                          A cross between Mexican Key Lime            just like a sweet orange or juice it. Very
                                                                                              A unique cross of tangerine and sweet                                                       and kumquat, Eustis Limequat is sure        popular in New Zealand and Australia,
                                               flavor, it is good for fresh eating and for                                                 multitude of tiny, round, juicy capsules
                                                                                              orange, Temple Tangor features sweet,                                                       to wow your friends at the next party!      New Zealand Lemonades are just now
                                               juice. #2635                                                                                that burst with intense, sweet-tart,
                                                                                              richly flavored flesh with a hint of acid.                                                  Having the best characteristics of both     becoming available in the U.S. and we
                                                                                                                                           lemon-lime flavor. Finger Limes are fair-
                                                                                              This easy-to-peel, very attractive fruit                                                    parents, Eustis Limequat has a strong       couldn't be happier! #2657
                                               SUE LINDA TEMPLE                               is great for fresh eating. #2637
                                                                                                                                           ly new to the U.S. but are gaining popu-
                                                                                                                                                                                          and fragrant tart-lime flavor as well as
                                                                                                                                           larity. Compared to other citrus, Finger
                                               TANGOR                                                                                      Limes are more resistant to diseases and
                                                                                                                                                                                          an edible skin! Everbearing and highly      NIPPON ORANGEQUAT
                                               An improved tangor, descended from                                                                                                         productive. #2658                           Oh how grateful we are for the Citrus ge-
                                                                                                                                           pests. #2606
                                               the original Temple Tangor that has                                                                                                                                                    nus's ability to freely hybridize between
                                               been grown in Florida for many years,
                                                                                                                                           RED FINGER LIME                                FLYING DRAGON                               different species! The possibilities are
                                               Sue Linda Temple has the same amaz-                                                                                                                                                    seemingly endless and the Nippon Or-
                                                                                                                                           We've seen them from growers in Aus-           HARDY CITRUS                                angequat is proof of that. We first got a
                                                                                                                                           tralia and lusted after them for years         An exotic citrus relative, Flying Dragon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      taste of this one when a friend brought
                                                                                                                                           and now we finally have the red pulped         is a deciduous, fully dwarf tree with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      some fruits up from Central California
         YUZU                                                                                                                              Australian Finger Lime! The plant itself
                                                                                                                                           is essentially identical to the finger lime
                                                                                                                                                                                          contorted branches and equally attrac-
                                                                                                                                                                                          tive, hook-shaped thorns! Flying Dragon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and it was love at first taste. We adore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the tart flavor on this one and the fact
                                                                                                                                           we've grown for years but the fruits           bears two inch very aromatic yellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that we can eat the entire fruit, skin and
                                                                                                                                           have a reddish-green skin and when you         fruit that can be used for seasonings or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      all. Given that both parents of this hy-
                                               SUDACHI ICHANDRIN                              YUZU ICHANDRIN                               crack them open the citrus caviar inside       juice. We have seen Flying Dragon used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      brid are rather cold hardy we're assum-
                                               Prized in Japan for its very flavorful         Prized in Japan for flavoring, juice and     is a bright pink to red color with a slight-   as a compact, impenetrable hedge in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ing hardiness to at least 20°, though we
                                               juice, Sudachi is a cross of mandarin or-      preserves, this hardy variety bears          ly more fruity flavor than the typical fin-    China. It's reportedly hardy to at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are just beginning to test them outdoors
                                               ange and yuzu. The unique, spicy juice         abundant, easy-to-peel, three inch           ger lime. #2605                                -10°F. and can be grown outside in many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      here in Portland. #2673
                                               from golf ball size Sudachi fruit is used      diameter fruit with tasty, lemon-lime
                                               to flavor soups, fish dishes and even ice      flavor. Yuzu is reportedly hardy to 0°F.
                                               cream and other desserts. Higher in            #2618
                                               vitamin C than lemons, Sudachi fruit
                                               is often picked green, when its flavor is
                                               most pronounced. Hardy to 0°F. #2619
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the skin is actually the sweetest part!
                                                                                                                                           CENTENNIAL VARIEGATED                          FUKUSHU KUMQUAT                             The flesh adds a wonderful tart and
                                                                                                                                                                                          The largest of any of the kumquat fruits
                                                                                                                                           KUMQUAT                                                                                    spicy balance to the fruit. #2644
         UNIQUE CITRUS                                                                                                                     A very unique variety discovered as a
                                                                                                                                                                                          we currently grow, Fukushu is one of our
                                                                                                                                                                                          favorite winter snacks! Oblong gold-
                                                                                                                                           spontaneous variegated genetic muta-
                                                                                                                                           tion from an unknown breeding project.
                                                                                                                                                                                          en-orange fruits with a stubby neck         An OGW favorite!
                                                                                                                                                                                          have an exceptionally thick and sweet
                                                                        NEW AUSTRALIAN BLOOD LIME                                          It is thought to be a cross between a
                                                                                                                                                                                          skin. The flesh brings the acidic bal-      NORDMANN SEEDLESS
                                                                        Microcitrus australasica var. sanguinea x Citrus hybrid            Nagami Kumquat and a mandarin given
                                                                                                                                                                                          ance to the sweet skin and usually has
                                                                        One of our favorite new introductions from down under, the         how incredibly sweet it is. Centennial ri-
                                                                                                                                                                                          few seeds. One of our favorites for fresh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NAGAMI KUMQUAT
                                                                        Australian Blood Lime is a beautiful gem of a fruit resulting      vals Meiwa in the sweetness of its fruit.                                                  Unlike most other citrus, Nordmann
                                                                                                                                                                                          eating! This variety is said to be hardy
                                                                        from the open pollination of an Australian Red Finger Lime         This upright growing citrus tree is a very                                                 Seedless Nagami Kumquats are valued
                                                                                                                                                                                          down to 25°F, so could be worth trying
                                                                        and either a Rangpur Lime or an Ellendale Mandarin, (no-           dense, shrub with gorgeous variegated                                                      for their sweet and tasty peel. This natu-
                                                                                                                                                                                          outdoors in mild climates. #2641
                                                                        body is quite sure). The fruit has qualities of both parents and   foliage and striped immature fruits. The                                                   rally dwarf tree produces bumper crops
                                                                        features the el–ongated fruit and red pigments of the red          ornamental foliage delicious fruit make                                                    of petite, bright orange, elongated fruit.
                                                                        finger lime but with a more spherical shape than finger limes      it one of our favorite citrus trees to grow
                                                                                                                                                                                          MEIWA KUMQUAT                               An absolutely beautiful tree which is
                                                                                                                                                                                          Also known as the “sweet kumquat”,
                                                                        typically take. The flesh is not quite the citrus caviar of the    at home. Experimental growers in USDA                                                      hard to find. #2645
                                                                                                                                                                                          Miewa is much sweeter than the com-
                                                                        finger limes but is certainly more heavily segmented than          Zone 8 can add Centennial to the list
                                                                                                                                                                                          mercially grown Nordmann Kumquat.
                                                                        a typical lime and when fully ripe it does break apart like        of cold hardy citrus varieties to experi-
                                                                                                                                                                                          Meiwa has larger fruits than Nordmann
                                                                        a finger lime. The unique flavor and spicy zing of the finger      mentwith. #2642
                                                                                                                                                                                          and can be eaten whole, skin and all—
 8   1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
                               ARONIA               Aronia melanocarpa     • 1 gallon, $19.95                                                               BARBERRY                         Berberis spp. • 1 gallon, $19.95

                        This North American native has          SITE & SOIL Aronia like half to full-day
                                                                                                             DWARF ARONIA                                 Prized for their ornamental value as well        CALAFATE BARBERRY                              NEW DARWIN BARBERRY
                        become very popular through-            sun, well-drained soil.                                                                   as their nutritious and tasty fruit, Bar-                                                       Berberis darwinii
                        out the world. Prized for its           SIZE AT MATURITY 3' – 6' in height           Plant this petite, compact shrub and                                                          Berberis microphylla
                                                                                                                                                          berries are grown in many regions of the                                                        A very attractive, medium-size, ever-
                        nutritious fruit and ornamen-           YIELD PER PLANT 10 lbs. +                    enjoy its spring flower display, especial-                                                    One of the most symbolic plants of
                                                                                                                                                          world. They are easy-to-grow and toler-                                                         green shrub, Darwin Barberry features
                        tal value in the spring, Aronia                                                      ly tasty, jet black berries, and striking,                                                    southern Patagonia, the Calafate Bar-
                                                                                                                                                          ate extremes of climate and soil. With                                                          profuse clusters of orange-yellow flow-
                        is covered with large clusters                                                       crimson red, fall foliage. Dwarf tops out                                                     berry Seedling has long been prized in
                                                                                                                                                          their spiny stems, they make excellent                                                          ers followed by abundant, dark blue
                        of snowy white flowers fol-                                                          at just three feet in height. #5505                                                           South America for its delicious and nu-
                                                                                                                                                          hedges and low screens. Barberry makes                                                          berries. Nutritious and very high in Vi-
                        lowed in September by large,                                                                                                                                                       tritious dark blue fruits. The antioxidant
                                                                                                                                                          nutritious and tasty juice and jam and is                                                       tamin C, sweeten the juice from these
                        attractive, blue-black berries.                                                      NERO ARONIA                                  high in vitamin C. Pest and disease free
                                                                                                                                                                                                           rich berries are a sweet tart treat and far
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          berries to make a delicious drink. #6400
                        The grand finale is the strik-                                                       An easy-to-grow, productive / small                                                           superior to the fruit of most barberry
                                                                                                                                                          and self-fertile, Barberry likes half-day
                        ing, fire-engine-red foliage                                                         shrub, Nero reaches three-to-six feet                                                         species. #6408
                                                                                                                                                          to full sun and most well-drained soils.
                        in the fall. Very nutritious and                                                     and bears abundant crops of large, jet-
                        high in antioxidants and an-                                                         black berries, great for juice and wine. A
                        thocyanins, Aronia berries are                                                       beautiful ornamental, you’ll enjoy Ne-
                        eaten fresh, but more com-                                                           ro’s spring flowers, abundant clusters of
                        monly used to make tasty juice
                        and preserves. The dark blue
                                                                NEW AUTUMN MAGIC                             very dark blue fruit, and striking, bright
                                                                                                             red, fall foliage. #5528                       BLACKBERRY                              Rubus spp. • $9.95 - $19.95

                        juice is also a high quality,           ARONIA
                        stable, natural food coloring.          Autumn Magic Aronia combines the             VIKING                                                                                                                                      George F. Waldo from both wild and do
                        BEARING AGE Usually begins              large fruit of selected aronia varieties     An attractive, vigorous, and produc-                                                                                                        mesticated stock. Marionberry has the
               bearing the 2nd year after planting.             with incredible ornamental appeal. Be-       tive shrub reaching six feet, Viking is a                                                                                                   beautiful color and large size of boysen-
               BLOOM TIME April                                 ginning in spring the plant is covered in    popular commercial variety in Europe.                                                                                                       berry, plus the delectable taste of wild
               HARDINESS -40°F.,                                profusions of tiny white hawthorn-like       Its abundant crops of tasty, near-black                                                                                                     blackberry. #7927
               PESTS & DISEASES Aronia are pest and             flowers which soon give way to glossy        berries, make tasty juice or wine. Vi-
               disease-resistant.                               green leaves. In late summer the large       king’s lustrous, dark green foliage turns                                                                                                   NEW SNOWBANK WHITE
               POLLINATION Self-fertile                         clusters of deep purple berries begin to     a beautiful fire-engine-red in the fall.                                                                                                    Another one of Luther Burbank’s many
               RIPENING TIME September                          ripen and hang like ornaments from the       #5577                                                                                                                                       wonderful introductions to horticul-
                                                                multi-stemmed bush. #5585                                                                                                                                                                ture, Snowbank produces large crops of
                                                                                                                                                          Bursting with flavor, we take great pride
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “black” berries that are fully white when
                                                                                                                                                          in our delicious Oregon blackberries.            NEW BIG DADDY                                 they ripen! They still have that delicious
                                                                                                                                                          These superb, delectable berries ripen to        A brand new thornless blackberry with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         blackberry flavor and make a great con-
                                                                                                                                                          perfection in the Willamette Valley and in       some of the largest berries we’ve seen,
                    AUTUMN OLIVE                              Elaeagnus umbellata   • 1 gallon - $26.95, 2 gallon - $36.95
                                                                                                                                                          other regions where temperatures do not
                                                                                                                                                          fall below minus 10°F. Even in colder ar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           even larger than Triple Crown! Big Daddy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           is a vigorous grower, sets fruit on second
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         versation piece in the garden or exciting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         addition to fruit salads. Has been around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         since 1916 and is still a winner! #7971
                                                                                                                                                          eas, you can protect your plants by cover-       year wood and produces huge crops of
               An elegant and attractive shrub, Au-             PESTS & DISEASES Disease and pest                                                         ing them with soil, straw or other insula-       very tasty berries. Great for fresh eating
               tumn Olive bears heavy crops of tasty,           resistant.                                   GARNET™                                      tion. Uncover in the spring, tie to a trellis,   but also hold up well when frozen or
                                                                POLLINATION Self-fertile                     A unique selection from our PNW                                                                                                             This is a superior, very disease-resistant
               nutritious red or yellow berries and                                                                                                       and enjoy berries in mid-summer!                 made into jams. #7945
                                                                RIPENING TIME September                      orchard, Garnet bears abundant crops                                                                                                        and early ripening variety. Obsidian pro-
               silvery leaves. Research has shown Au-                                                                                                     BLOOM TIME April
                                                                                                             of large, reddish bronze berries. Sweet                                                                                                     duces exceptionally heavy crops of large,
               tumn Olive to be extremely high in lyco-         SITE & SOIL Autumn Olive like half-day
                                                                                                             and flavorful, Garnet ripens in mid-to
                                                                                                                                                          HARDINESS Blackberries are hardy to              BOYSENBERRY                                   delectable berries great for eating fresh,
               pene. Birds also relish the fruit and bees       to full sun, well-drained soil.                                                           minus 10°F., USDA zone 6.                        A national favorite, this complex cross be-
                                                                                                             late-September. A medium-to large-                                                                                                          or for making preserves. #7935
               love the fragrant, white flowers. It’s not       SIZE AT MATURITY 8' - 12' in height                                                       PESTS & DISEASES                                 tween raspberry, blackberry, and Ameri-
                                                                                                             sized shrub, Garnet also features abun-
               related to the true Olive and can be inva-       YIELD PER PLANT 50 lbs. +                                                                 Blackberries do not suffer from signifi-         can dewberry has large, sweet, flavorful,
               sive in some regions of the US. It doesn't
                                                                                                             dant fragrant flowers and attractive,
                                                                                                                                                          cant pest or disease problems.                   dark-maroon fruit that is great for fresh
                                                                                                             dark green foliage. #6194                                                                                                                   Olallie has large, sweet fruit perfect for
               appear to be a problem in the PNW.               AMBER™                                                                                    POLLINATION Self-fertile                         eating as well as jams, syrup, pies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         fresh-eating or preserves, etc. Its trailing
               Check with your county extension office          A real garden beauty, this unique and                                                     RIPENING TIME July - August                      cobblers. Reminiscent of wild blackberry
               for more information. PLEASE NOTE: We            sweet variety from Japan features fra-
                                                                                                             RUBY™                                        SITE & SOIL Blackberries like 1/2 day to         in flavor, but the seeds are smaller and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         canes are robust, steadfast producers.
                                                                                                             Ruby is prized for its heavy crops of very                                                                                                  #7936
               cannot ship Autumn Olive to CT, MA, NH,          grant white flowers in May. Amber is                                                      full sun and well-drained soil.                  the canes are much less thorny. #7915
                                                                                                             large, brilliant red berries which ripen
               TN, WI or WV                                     beautiful in late summer, covered with                                                    SIZE AT MATURITY
                                                                                                             in September. The flowers and fruit
               BEARING AGE Often begins fruiting the            especially large, sweet, nutritious, light
                                                                                                             are complemented by the narrow, dark         6' in height on trellis.                         MARIONBERRY
               2nd year after planting.                         yellow fruit. Amber is great for fresh                                                    YIELD PER PLANT 10-15 lbs.                       The standard by which we judge black-
                                                                                                             green foliage, which is silvery under-
               BLOOM TIME Early May                             eating and for making delicious and nu-                                                                                                    berries, this very popular variety is named
                                                                                                             neath. The fruit is very tasty, both fresh
               HARDINESS At least –35°F., USDA zone 3.          tritious juice or jam. #6192                                                                                                               for Oregon’s Marion County where it was
                                                                                                             and made into juice. #6190
                                                                                                                                                                                                           developed by legendary plant breeder

      10                1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-5PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                         View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com      11
FRUITING SHRUBS & BERRIES    Blackberries cont...

                                                                                                                                                               HIMALAYAN WHORTLEBERRY                                                             Vaccinium nummularia

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Perhaps the cutest one in the whole Vaccinium genus, Himalayan Whortleberry is the per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        fect evergreen berry plant for small spaces. A Himalayan relative of blueberry and huckle-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        berries it is grown for its dazzling foliage and delicious dark blue berries. Prefers cool soil
                                                                                                                                                                                                        conditions so mulch heavily or plant ground covers around it and give it plenty of summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                        water. The bright red new growth in spring is reason enough to grow this lovely shrub!
                             PRIME-ARK® 45                      CHESTER                                       LOGANBERRY                                                                                Avoid dry compact soils which it intensely dislikes. An annual application of mulch will
                             This revolutionary Prime-Ark       You’ll love the flavor and the easy har-      One of the most popular commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                        keep the roots cool and moist during the heat of summer. #5735
                             45 bears abundant crops of         vest of the Chester thornless blackberry.     varieties, Loganberry is prized for its rich
                             berries on current season          It produces abundant crops of large,          and delicious flavor. A cross between a
                             canes. No pruning required,        high-quality berries that ripen from          red raspberry and blackberry, this very
                             just cut plants to the ground
                             in the fall. From an Arkansas
                                                                late August until frost. These glossy, jet-
                                                                black berries are great for fresh eating
                                                                                                              large, maroon berry makes great syrup,
                                                                                                              preserves and pie. #7925
                                                                                                                                                               BLUEBERRY                       Vaccinium spp.   1 gallon, $16.95 • 3½" pot, $12.95
                             breeding program, Prime-Ark        and make tasty pies and smoothies.
                             ripens early-to mid-Septem-        #7920                                         NAVAHO                                         Arguably the most popular native North American fruit, blueberries are delicious and the bushes add striking ornamental beauty
                             ber with large, classic sweet,                                                   Navaho is a completely thornless upright       to your garden landscape. We offer varieties with outstanding flavor, beautiful spring flowers, and brilliant fall colors in a range of
                             blackberry-flavored       fruit    COLUMBIA GIANT                                growing blackberry! When mature,               sizes and ripening dates. Blueberries are easy-to-grow, require little care, and are seldom bothered by pests or diseases. They are
                             (PPAF). #7937                      The Columbia Giant is easily the largest      Navaho Blackberry plants can produce           simply wonderful eaten fresh and are perfect for freezing. Research has shown that blueberries are very rich in anthocyanins and
                                                                blackberry we’ve ever seen! And it            15 pounds of berries up to 1” in length.       antioxidants.
               TAYBERRY                                         tastes amazing too. Columbia Giant is a       Extremely productive and disease-free.
               This delicious cross between loganberry          result of the hard work of Dr. Chad Finn      #7930                                          BEARING AGE 1st or 2nd year after planting. BLOOM TIME April HARDINESS 0°F. to –45°F., depending on the variety.
               and black raspberry was developed in             in Corvallis, Oregon. Columbia Giant                                                         PESTS & DISEASES Blueberries are not usually bothered by pests or diseases. Scare birds away with Mylar Flash: cover the plants
               Scotland. A vigorous, easy-to-grow va-           produces thornless and vigorous trailing      SWEETIE PIE                                    with netting. POLLINATION Partially self-fertile. Plant two varieties for greater fruit production. RIPENING TIME July-Sept.
               riety, Tayberry bears abundant crops of          vines with fruits that are firm and easy      Sweetie Pie is a new cultivar bred in the      SIZE AT MATURITY 1-6 feet in height, depending on the variety. SITE & SOIL ½ day to full sun and well-drained, acidic soil. Peat
               very large, reddish black berries, great         to harvest with a conical shape and a         South for southern growers. Tested in          Moss or other acidic soil will ensure good crops. YIELD PER PLANT 3-20 lbs.
               for preserves and ice cream toppings.            pleasantly sweet flavor and just enough       Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, it
               #7955                                            tartness to make it a very well balanced      performed remarkably well through hot
                                                                fruit. #7940                                  and humid summers. Vigorous plants                                                            NEW CABERNET SPLASH                             NEW JEWEL
                                                                                                              produce many thornless floricanes that                                                        A fantastic new introduction in the “de-        Jewel produces the largest fruits of any
                                THORNLESS                       COLUMBIA STAR                                 have a trailing habit. Berries are medium                                                     licious yet ornamental” category, Cab-          southern highbush blueberry we’ve
                                                                Columbia Star is another exciting             size and glossy with excellent flavor and                                                     ernet Splash produces a deep wine red           seen! Being partially evergreen it also
                                                                new addition to the blackberry world          high sugar content. Ripens mid June to                                                        foliage in spring that eventually settles       makes a great landscape plant and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to a mottled green in summer and then           an excellent choice for growers in mild
               COLUMBIA SUNRISE                                 courtesy of the USDA and Oregon               late July in the South. #7942
                                                                                                                                                                                                            alights in color again in fall turning fiery    winter climates who might not always
               The earliest ripening of any blackberry          State University! Columbia Star has
               and thornless too! Another brilliant cre-        the beloved Marionberry in its lineage        TRIPLE CROWN                                                                                  red. The berries are large, early ripening
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and similar tasting to Toro. After seeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            receive enough chill hours to grow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            northern highbush blueberries. #5772
               ation by Chadd Finn at the USDA and Or-          and the flavor of these large berries         Triple Crown is an easy-to-grow, upright
                                                                has been rated even better than the           thornless, and remarkably disease                                                             the gorgeous red foliage for the first
               egon State University, Columbia Sunrise
                                                                Marionberry! Vines are vigorous and           resistant blackberry. This outstanding                                                        time we wanted more than just a splash!
               ripens a full 2 weeks before any other
                                                                trailing and fruits ripen in mid July here    variety produces over 30 lbs. of large,                                                       We drank the whole bottle of this spec-
               cultivar, extending the U-Pick season
                                                                in the Willamette Valley. Another added                                                                                                     tacular blueberry bush! #5778
               and giving an early start to your black-                                                       juicy, flavorful fruit. Excellent for fresh
               berry season. #7943                              bonus for the Columbia Star is that it is     eating, making delicious pies, sauces,
                                                                reportedly even more cold hardy than          and jams. #7960                                                                     DWARF BLUEBERRIES                                                              Dont forget
               BLACK SATIN                                      the Marionberry. Fruit is easy to pick by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 your fertilizer!
               Black Satin’s huge two inch long berries         hand or by machine harvesting making
               are great for fresh eating, pies, jams           it a winner for home gardeners as well
               or freezing. An easy-to-grow, vigor-             as commercial growers. #7941                                                                 MIDNIGHT CASCADE                                                                                                     ACID MIX 4-3-6
               ous, thornless variety, Black Satin is                                                                                                        The first ever cascading blueberry! Now your hanging baskets can be filled with blueber-
               disease-resistant and very productive.           LOCH NESS                                                                                    ries that gracefully weep down for easy picking deliciousness. Can also be used effectively                          1 lb      25 lbs.
               #7913                                            Loch Ness is a thornless bush producing                                                      as a low growing ground cover as it only gets about 18 inches high before taking on its                            #17803     #03227
                                                                firm, moderately sweet berries in abun-                                                      weeping form. Berries are very delicious and aromatic and the foliage takes on a beautiful                          6 lbs.     50 lbs
                                                                dance: up to eight pounds per plant. It                                                      fiery red in fall. #5742                                                                                          #ACID436 #03230
                                                                is quick to root and effortless to grow.
      12                1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                        View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com         13
FRUITING SHRUBS & BERRIES    Dwarf Blueberries cont...

                            CHIPPEWA                            TOPHAT                                                                                     CHANDLER                                     EARLIBLUE                                      RAZZ
                            From the University of MN,          You’ll love this cute, very dwarf blue-           NORTHERN HIGHBUSH                        Perhaps the world’s largest blueberry!       One of the earliest to ripen, Earliblue is a   Razz looks like a blueberry but tastes a
                            Chippewa is a three-to-four         berry in your yard or on your patio or               BLUEBERRIES                           Chandler blueberry bushes are an out-        perfect choice to satisfy your blueberry       bit like a raspberry! Robust and hardy,
                            foot tall compact bush that         deck. In the spring TopHat is covered                                                      standing selection from New Jersey that      cravings. Medium-sized, sweet, light           Razz produces great yields of medium
                            produces abundant, light            with snowy white, bell-shaped flowers                                                      bear spectacular, cherry-sized, fruit.       blue berries cover this upright shrub in       to large berries that ripen midseason. Its
                            blue, sweet berries. Ripening       followed by large, firm and flavorful,                                                     They begin ripening in midsummer and         June. Pair with Bluecrop to increase your      plump, powdery blue fruits, with unique
                            in July, they are a delicious       powder blue berries. In the fall you’ll en-
                                                                                                              AURORA                                       harvest extends over several weeks.          yield. #5768                                   raspberry undertones in their flavor, are
                                                                                                              Aurora is the latest ripening Highbush,
                            summer snack. Chippewa is           joy the fiery, crimson red foliage. TopHat                                                 #5758                                                                                       excellent for eating fresh and culinary
                                                                                                              offering northern growers an opportu-
                            also a fine ornamental shrub        only reaches two feet in height, perfect
                                                                                                              nity to extend the fresh fruit season. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                        LIBERTY                                        use. #5786
                            with beautiful, red fall foliage.   for container growing. #5798
                                                                                                              observations in the PNW find Aurora to
                                                                                                                                                           DARROW                                       This late-ripening patented variety is
                                                                                                              have extremely high yields. #5749
                                                                                                                                                           Darrow frequently produces fruit as big      prized for large, sweet, flavorful, sky-       RUBEL
                                                                                                                                                           as a quarter! You’ll love the delectable,    blue berries. Liberty blueberries are          Found in the wild in New Jersey, Rubel
                            MINI BLUES                             LOWBUSH BLUEBERRIES                        BLUECROP                                     sweet-tart flavor of these huge, dark        especially easy to harvest from its at-        was one of the first blueberries to be
                        Celebrated for its huge yields of                                                                                                  blue berries in the middle of summer.        tractive, small, upright-growing, bush.        brought into commercial production.
                                                                                                              One of the best all around varieties,
                        delectable fruits as well as its                                                                                                   #5765                                        #5776                                          These berries are packed with flavor and
                                                                                                              Bluecrop’s large, sweet, flavorful, pow-
                        excellent flavor and vigorous                                                                                                                                                                                                  are significantly higher in antioxidants
                                                                                                              der-blue berries grow in large clusters
                        growth, this new blueberry
                                                                BURGUNDY                                      and ripen over the course of a month
                                                                                                                                                                                                        PATRIOT                                        than other highbush varieties. You’ll
                        will leave you speechless! Mini                                                                                                                                                 Patriot is a perfect option for planting in    love them fresh and, with their intense
                                                                An outstanding selection from Maine,          during midsummer. Bluecrop is also
                        Blues produces prolific crops                                                                                                                                                   your garden or pot. Its short, but wide        flavor, they’re great in muffins and other
                                                                Burgundy bears abundant crops of              prized for its beautiful, crimson-red
                        of fresh, tasty berries bursting                                                                                                                                                growth habit is attractive and allows          baked goodies. #5788
                                                                sweet and tasty, light blue berries.          fall foliage. Very similar to Baby Blues
                        with flavor. The berries are                                                                                                                                                    for easy harvest. In the winter, its leaves
                                                                A fine ornamental shrub, its gray/green       (#5748). #5750
                        small, firm, and vibrant in color,
                                                                foliage is accented by burgundy colored
                                                                                                                                                                                                        turn shades of red and purple, provid-         SPARTAN
                        making them just as appealing                                                                                                                                                   ing visual appeal no matter the season.        Plant this early ripening variety, and
                        to view on the bush as they are
                                                                new growth. #5757                             BABY BLUES                                                                                #5799                                          feast on its delicious, tangy-sweet large
                                                                                                              Developed by Chad Finn of USDA-ARS,
               to eat. The foliage is smooth, dense and                                                                                                                                                                                                berries, sometimes as big as a quarter.
               mildly twiggy. Due to the size of the
                                                                NORTHSKY                                      Corvallis, Oregon, in collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEW PINK ICING™                                In the fall you will enjoy Spartan’s beau-
                                                                Northsky is the hardiest variety that         Oregon State University, Baby Blues
               fruit this shrub is an excellent choice for                                                                                                                                              A very unique and ornamental blue-             tiful, orange and yellow foliage. #5790
                                                                we offer and can withstand tempera-           Highbush Blueberry is great for process-
               machine harvesting. #5777                                                                                                                                                                berry that was selected with the urban
                                                                tures down to -45ºF! This dense, two          ing and for fresh eating. Abundant crops
                                                                feet tall by three feet wide bush produc-     of very small (0.8 gram), firm, light blue
                                                                                                                                                           DRAPER                                       container gardener in mind. Pink Icing™        SUPERIOR
               NATIVE BLUE                                      es delicious, wild-flavored berries which     berries ripen mid-season. It is very sim-
                                                                                                                                                           Draper was developed at Michigan State       Blueberry, named for its uniquely pink         Superior is a late ripening blueberry
               Native Blue is an attractive, durable,                                                                                                      University. Renowned for its hardiness,      tinted foliage, is a compact grower that       with a balanced flavor and firm fruit.
                                                                ripen in mid-season and are great for         ilar to Bluecrop. They have a small scar,
               ornamental blueberry, that will com-                                                                                                        Draper is an ideal blueberry plant for       loves life in a pot but still produces plen-   After harvest the foliage will take on
                                                                fresh eating and baking. Northsky is also     gourmet flavor, and are firm enough to
               pliment southern gardens. With its                                                                                                          edible landscaping. It’s a standout          tiful crops of large, delicious blueberries.   dramatic shades of red, yellow, orange,
                                                                an attractive ornamental and features         remain intact during baking. #5748
               pastel-colored, evergreen leaves, com-                                                                                                      variety in mid and high chill climates       #5744                                          and maroon. #5796
                                                                brilliant red fall color. #5785
               pact habit and prolific berries, Native                                                                                                     throughout the West. It has a compact
               Blue makes an outstanding addition to
                                                                                                              BLUERAY                                      habit, ripens early to mid-season, is                                                       SWEETHEART
               container plantings and mixed borders.
                                                                VELVETLEAF BLUEBERRY                          Blueray is a deliciously sweet and crack
                                                                                                                                                           highly productive as a young plant, and                                                     Sweetheart has beautiful white blos-
                                                                Also known as the Canadian Blueberry          resistant berry. In the fall the foliage
               Finely branched and densely compact,                                                                                                        has outstanding quality fruit. Draper                                                       soms and sweet large blueberries. In
                                                                the Velvetleaf Blueberry is a valuable        turns from dark green to vibrant shades
               Native Blue also makes a great, low                                                                                                         has exceptionally firm berries and con-                                                     temperate climates they can produce
                                                                North American native that grows wild         of red. #5752
               growing hedge, or a perfect compan-                                                                                                         centrates its ripening. After only three                                                    two bountiful crops in a season. #5797
                                                                in some of the colder parts of the con-
               ion plant to azaleas and camellias. The                                                                                                     years in the market, Draper has become
               foliage displays soft pinkish hues as it
                                                                tinent. Long Trail hikers and Canadian        BLUEJAY                                      a leading choice for fresh eating and                                                       TORO
                                                                homesteaders are surely familiar with         Bluejay has a delicately sweet flavor and
               first emerges, matures to a glaucous                                                                                                        storage. #5766                                                                              Feast your eyes on Toro’s spectacular
                                                                this wild blueberry that produces an          incredible ability to retain quality while
               blue, then turns dark green with age.                                                                                                                                                                                                   clusters of huge, sweet and delectable,
                                                                abundance of incredibly sweet blueber-        hanging on the bush for extended peri-
               Abundant, small bluish-black berries are
                                                                ries. Very similar to and freely hybridizes   ods of time. After harvest the branches
                                                                                                                                                           DUKE                                                                                        sky blue berries. Toro is a great addition
               incredibly flavorful, and will draw song-
                                                                with the Lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium         turn bright yellow and the leaves change
                                                                                                                                                           A classic. One of the earliest blueberries   PINK POPCORN™                                  to your garden or yard. This beautiful
               birds into the garden. #5783                                                                                                                to ripen and one of our favorites, Duke      Pink Popcorn is a hardy northern high-         compact shrub has hot pink flowers and
                                                                angustifolium). #5740                         from light green to shades of yellow and
                                                                                                                                                           bears great crops of sweet, firm, tasty      bush blueberry, more compact grower            foilage that turns blue to purple to red.
                                                                                                              orange. #5751
               NORTHCOUNTRY                                                                                                                                fruit. We like them so much, they of-        than other varieties, and bears pink fruit     #5770
               Northcountry Half-High Blueberry pro-                                                                                                       ten disappear before we can get them         that ripen very early and continues until
               duces a medium-sized berry with a
                                                                                                              BRIGITTA                                     home. Reliable and very productive, one      midseason. The medium-sized, cream
                                                                                                              Extend your harvest season with this
               pleasant aroma and sweet flavor. This                                                                                                       Duke plant can produce over 20 lbs. of       to pink berries have a dark pink blush,
                                                                                                              new variety from Australia. Brigitta’s
               hardy blueberry is capable of withstand-                                                                                                    berries! These powder blue berries be-       and offer true blueberry flavor and aro-
                                                                                                              large, light blue berries begin ripening
               ing harsh conditions and is a reliable                                                                                                      gin ripening in early July. #5767            ma. Self fertile, but will produce a larger
                                                                                                              in August and will keep a month or more
               producer for commercial production.                                                                                                                                                      crop of berries if planted in proximity to
                                                                                                              in the refrigerator. These tasty berries
               #5784                                                                                                                                                                                    another early season variety. #5787
                                                                                                              are firm, crisp and sweet, with a hint of
                                                                                                              tartness. #5755
      14                1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                    View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com       15
FRUITING SHRUBS & BERRIES   Blueberries cont...
                                                                O’NEAL                                     STAR
                            SOUTHERN HIGHBUSH
                                                                Perhaps the earliest ripening of any
                                                                southern highbush blueberry and often
                                                                                                           One of the best patented selections
                                                                                                           from Florida, Star is prized for its very     CHILEAN GUAVA                                                                              CHILEAN
                                                                touted as the tastiest too! The berries    early ripening and large, sweet, fla-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MYRTLE BERRY
                                                                                                                                                         Ugni molinae
                                                                are large, firm and incredibly juicy and   vorful berries. A great variety for the       • 1 gallon, $19.95
                                                                sweet. Plants are upright, vigorous and    Northwest and other regions with mild                                                                                                    Luma apiculata • 1 gallon, $29.95
                            NEW JUBILEE                         have a gorgeous grey tint to the foli-     winters. #5792                              A very attractive and unique, compact
               A            tough and resilient southern        age. Very heat tolerant and somewhat                                                   evergreen shrub, Chilean Guava pro-                                                        Known in Chile as Arrayán or Palo Col-
                            highbush blueberry, Jubilee was     drought tolerant, though all blueberries   SUNSHINE BLUE                               duces profuse, fragrant, small white                                                       orado, and often called by its genus
                            selected in Mississippi where it    in our dry summers will need supple-       A gardener’s delight, Sunshine Blue         flowers followed by pretty red berries.                                                    name “Luma” here in North America,
                            thrives in heavy soils, summer      mental water. Only hardy to about 5°F      is a compact, evergreen, three-foot         Sweet with a sprightly, Guava-like flavor                                                  Chilean Myrtle Berry is one of the most
                            heat and sudden early frosts.       so should not be planted outside USDA      tall shrub. It features showy, hot pink     and fragrance, Chilean Guava fruit are                                                     gorgeous species in the myrtle family,
                            Performs very well in the south-    Zone 7. #5741                              flowers followed by dime-sized, sweet       delicious for fresh eating and for jam                                                     with its delicate and fragrant waxy foli-
                            east but has also proven itself a                                              berries with a delicious tangy flavor.      and jelly. Chilean Guava makes a nice                                                      age, contorted, muscular orange trunks,
                            winner along the West Coast so                                                 Sunshine Blue begins ripening in mid-
                            long as they receive at least 500                                              summer and continues over a period of
                                                                                                                                                       container plant and can be brought in-
                                                                                                                                                       side when severe cold threatens. Chilean
                                                                                                                                                                                                    FLAMBEAU                                      and peeling bark. It’s one of the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The variegated form of Chilean Guava          woody species to colonize an area after
                            chill hours. Large clusters ripen                                              about two months, some ripening very        Guava like half-day to full sun (partial     absolutely glows year round with its          ground disturbance (along with Maqui
                            mid season. #5773                                                              late in the season. Great for container     shade in hot climates) and well-drained,     creamy yellow, pink and green varie-          berry) in southern Chile. Fast-growing,
                                                                                                           growing and just as good in the ground.     acidic soil. Self-fertile and hardy to                                                     it can eventually reach 30 feet but can
                            NOCTURNE                                                                       #5795                                       about 10°F., USDA zone 8, Chilean Guava
                                                                                                                                                                                                    gation that emerges a bright purplish
                                                                                                                                                                                                    pink in spring! This form seems to be         be kept shrub size with pruning. Abun-
                        The Nocturne Blueberry is an
                        exciting new release from the
                                                                PINK LEMONADE                                                                          is pest and disease-resistant and ripens     slightly more tolerant of shade than the      dant white flowers are followed by deep
                                                                A one of a kind pink blueberry with a                                                  in October. #5900                            non-variegated forms but also not quite       purple myrtle berries perfect for fresh
               USDA that features delicious dark black
               fruit on a very ornamental 5-6 foot tall
               bush. Nocturne is a complex hybrid
                                                                unique flavor! Enjoy profuse, bell-
                                                                shaped, pinkish-white flowers                CHILEAN                                   NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                    as cold hardy so site in a protected place.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fruit set is not as heavy on this variety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  eating, jams, smoothies, or cheesecake.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hardy to around 10-15oF., USDA zone 8B.
               of three different blueberry species,
               including the Southern Rabbiteye.
                                                                followed by striking, deep pink fruit
                                                                in late summer. These berries are            CRANBERRY                                 VILLARICA STRAWBERRY
                                                                                                                                                       Villarica Strawberry is a new-to-us Chil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    but its hard to beat Flambeau's beau-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ty. One of our favorites in winter when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  While many nurseries offer seedlings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  that lack sufficient cold hardiness, we
               Unlike many of the Southern Highbush
               Blueberries Nocturne is incredibly cold
                                                                flavorful, great for fresh eating, fruit
                                                                salads or toppings. Features attractive,     MYRTLE
                                                                                                             Myrteola nummularia
                                                                                                                                                       ean Guava selection that we’re very ex-
                                                                                                                                                       cited to offer! This one collected by Paul
                                                                                                                                                                                                    some bright variegation in the garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                    really lightens our spirits! #5903
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  are growing a clone from North Willa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  mette Research station shared with us
                                                                yellowish-orange fall color. #5789                                                                                                                                                by the amazing folks at Xera Plants se-
               hardy, due in part to the Vaccinium                                                                                                     Barney of Edulis Nursery in the UK at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lected for its exceptional cold hardiness
               constablaei in its parentage. This plant                                                                                                rather high elevation in Pucon, Chile and
               breaks dormancy in spring later than any
                                                                EMERALD An OGW favorite!                                                               named for the Villarica Volcano (pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and large fruits. #4035
                                                                A new patented variety from Florida,
               other southern highbush blueberry and                                                                                                   nounced “via-rica”) near the town. Ber-
                                                                Emerald bears extremely heavy crops
               is less susceptible to late spring frosts,                                                                                              ries are particularly large and red and
                                                                of large, sweet and flavorful, medi-
               making Nocturne the best Southern                                                                                                       plants have proven themselves more
                                                                um-blue berries. Great for growers
               Highbush type blueberry for northern                                                                                                    cold hardy than other selections. Hope-
                                                                in the Northwest, it is also a superior
               growers. High levels of anthocyanins                                                                                                    fully this will expand the range where
                                                                variety for California and other regions
               in the fruits make Nocturne especially                                                                                                  this precious and delicious species can
                                                                with mild winters. #5769
               nutritious. #5782                                                                                                                       be grown. #5901                              JIM GERDEMANN
                                                                                                           A supremely cute ground cover from                                                       This variety of Chilean Guava was col-
               NORMAN                                           LEGACY                                     Tierra del Fuego in Southern Chile, Chil-                                                lected by Ian Barclay of Desert North-
                                                                This unique, upright bush retains its
               A very recent release from the Univer-                                                      ean Cranberry is not really a true cran-                                                 west from the collection of infamous
                                                                attractive, golden colored leaves
               sity of Arkansas's blueberry breeding                                                       berry but a relative of Chilean Guava                                                    gardener and plant collector, Jim Ger-
                                                                throughout the winter! In August,
               program and one of the best for south-                                                      that grows as a ground cover and can                                                     demann, from the southern Oregon
                                                                Legacy produces abundant crops of large,
               ern and West Coast growers. Norman
               produces crops as abundant as Bluecrop
                                                                light blue, sweet and flavorful berries.
                                                                                                           tolerate, and in hot climates even re-
                                                                                                           quires, a bit of shade. Leaves are tiny,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Coast. Jim could not remember where
                                                                                                                                                                                                    he got this plant from, but in his honor,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dont forget
               or Duke, making it viable for commercial                                                    aromatic and look oh so elegant on the                                                   we’ve named this selection after him.                          your fertilizer!
               production in warmer areas of the coun-                                                     wiry stems. Little white flowers in sum-                                                 Plants have a more rounded leaf shape
               try. Berries are firm, very tasty and ship
                                                                MISTY                                      mer are followed by white and pink                                                       than the species and supposedly a bit
               well. Not recommended for areas with
                                                                Misty is the perfect bush to add to your
                                                                                                           blushed delicious Chilean guava-like                                                     more cold hardy. In coastal climates or                         ACID MIX 4-3-6
                                                                landscape. An attractive, semi-ever-
               late spring frosts. #5781                                                                   berries. The perfect fruiting ground cov-                                                part shade, the Jim Gerdemann Chilean
                                                                green blueberry bush with striking,                                                                                                                                                                 1 lb      25 lbs.
                                                                                                           er beneath a fruit tree and sure to be a                                                 Guava may grow up to 8 feet tall. In full
                                                                bright pink flowers in the spring, fol-                                                                                                                                                           #17803     #03227
                                                                                                           great addition to food forest designs.                                                   sun and growing inland, this variety
                                                                lowed by sky-blue, firm, and flavorful                                                                                                                                                             6 lbs.     50 lbs
                                                                                                           We can't stop planting this one any-                                                     usually grows around 3 feet high by 3
                                                                berries in July. #5780                                                                                                                                                                           #ACID436 #03230
                                                                                                           where we see a patch of open ground!                                                     feet wide. Fruit is just as delicious and
                                                                                                           Keep well watered through the summer.                                                    prolific as you’d expect from the species.
                                                                                                           #5909                                                                                    #5902

      16                1-877-353-4028 Contact us 10AM-4PM Monday-Friday                                                                                                                                 View up-to-date pricing and details about products online @ www.OneGreenWorld.com    17
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