Utveksling Våren 2021 Kristiania University College - School of Health Sciences Partnere og forhåndsgodkjente emner

Page created by Jaime Joseph
Utveksling Våren 2021 Kristiania University College - School of Health Sciences Partnere og forhåndsgodkjente emner
Partnere og forhåndsgodkjente emner

   Utveksling Våren 2021

Kristiania University College
  School of Health Sciences

                           Foto/Ill: Kari-Anne Sekse, utvekslet til HPU våren 2019
Utveksling / Study Abroad – Våren 2021
•   Institusjoner, utveksling og innpass studieåret 2020/21
     –    University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
     –    University of Queensland (QU)
     –    Hawaii Pacific University (HPU)
     –    Griffith University (GU)
     –    University of Wolverhampton (UW)
     –    University of Hertfordshire (UH)
     –    University of Derby (UD)

•   I det følgende presenteres fagporteføljer for 2021: FAE (Fysisk aktivitet og ernæring),
    LIF (Livsstilsendring og folkehelse), BIO (Biomedisin), BHI (Helse og idrettsledelse),
    BPY (Anvendt psykologi), BER (Ernæring)
•   Godkjenning av utdanning utenlandske institusjoner:
     –    England
     –    «CATS (Credit Accumulation Transfer System), 120 credit points tilsvarer et års studier/60 studiepoeng. Enkelte
          universiteter bruker studiepoeng (ECTS) ifm internasjonalisering, men dette er ennå ikke vanlig» www.nokut.no
          (lesedato 040711)

     –    Australia (nevnte institusjoner foreligger i akkrediteringsregister www.aqf.au )
     –    ”Alle australske universiteter bruker studiepoeng (credits eller units) men det finnes ikke et standardsystem for hvor
          mange studiepoeng ett års fulltidsstudier omfatter. Se lærestedets hjemmeside på internett”, www.nokut.no (lesedato
          050510) Se informasjon påført aktuelle universiteter i dette dokument.

     –    USA og Hawaii
     –    ”Studiepoengsystemet i USA er basert på credits. Stort sett er det beregnet 30 semester credits per år, noe som tilsvarer
          60 norske studiepoeng, dvs ett semester credit kan omregnes til 2 norske studiepoeng. Det fins også andre typer
          creditsystemer. Alle karakterutskrifter har en forklaring av studiepoengsystemet ved institusjonen på baksiden”
          www.nokut.no (lesedato 100510)
     –    UC Berkeley (Petersen, T. 110611) «Full-time student er 15 credits. Alle tar 15 credits».
     –    HPU (www.hpu.edu lesedato 100510) er akkreditert av akkrediteringsorganet Western Association for Schools and
          Colleges (WASC) Institusjoner godkjent av WASC er godkjent i Norge (www.nokut.no lesedato 100510). For innpass 4.
          semester HPU-MH, må MH studenter gjennomføre 5 emner a 3 credits. NOKUT 121010 (mailkorrespondanse)

•   Fagporteføljer og godkjenningsprosedyrer (se også neste side)
     –    Fagporteføljer initieres av studieprogramleder eller den han/hun bemyndiger.
     –    Emneporteføljer godkjennes av studieprogramleder ved Høyskolen Kristiania. Godkjenningsprosedyrer hjemlet i UH-
          loven er godkjent av MH’s Undervisningsutvalg 230610.
     –    Forbehold om gjennomføring tas av utenlandsk institusjon inntil semesterstart. Emner som studentene gjennomfører skal
          være forhåndsgodkjent av hjemmeinstitusjon (her HK) for oppnåelse av grad ved Høyskolen Kristiania.
•   Faglige godkjenningsprosedyrer av innpass utenlandsk utdanning

     –   Bakgrunn
     –   ”Universiteter og høyskoler som tilbyr akkrediterte studier etter denne lov, skal godskrive beståtte emner, fag, eksamener
         eller prøver fra andre universiteter og høyskoler som tilbyr akkrediterte studier med samme antall studiepoeng i den
         utstrekning de oppfyller de faglige krav for en bestemt eksamen, grad eller utdanning ved institusjonen. Vedkommende
         institusjon skal påse at det ikke gis dobbel uttelling for samme faginnhold”. (UH-loven §3-5)
     –   ”Faglig godkjenning innebærer godkjenning av utenlandsk utdanning i forhold til institusjonens egne fag, grader og
         yrkesutdanninger. Den enkelt institusjon avgjør om den utenlandske utdanningen oppfyller de spesifikke kravene til
         bredde og dybde for faget eller graden. En slik godkjenning er aktuelt når man søker opptak til videre studier eller
         innpassing av utenlandske utdanning”, http://www.nokut.no/no/Utenlandsk-utdanning/soker/godkjenningsordninger
         (lesedato 070610)

     –   Faglig godkjenning – kvalitetskriterier
            •    Utenlandske samarbeidspartnere må tilby akkrediterte studier (kontrolleres av HK)
            •    Faglig bredde og dybde for graden ivaretas på studieløpsnivå
            •    Emneomfang synliggjøres vha studiepoeng (totalt tilsvarende 30 ECTS pr. semester)
            •    Forkunnskaper og emnenivå
            •    Faginnhold må ikke overlappe fag som kandidaten gjennomfører ved hjemmeinstitusjon
                 (forutsetning for uttelling studiepoeng)

            •    Faglig relevans relateres til bachelorgrad det søkes innpass for ved HK.

     –   Faglig godkjenning av porteføljer og emner - ansvar
            •    Emner og omfang, forkunnskaper (viser nivå), faglig relevans, ikke ”overlapp” vil være
                 kvalitetskriterier på emnenivå.
            •    Studieprogramleder godkjenner porteføljer og emner etter kriterier hjemlet i UH-loven og
                 prosedyrer godkjent av høyskolens Utdanningsutvalg (UU)
            •    Underlag for godkjenning av emner, ”Excel-ark påført kvalitetskriterier” (HKs arkiv), ved
                 studieprogramlederne Espen Tønnessen (FAE), Lars Erik Braaum (LIF og BHI), Jo
                 Christiansen Bruusgaard (BIO), Ragnhild Eg (BPY), og Ane Cecilie Westerberg (BER)
•   Bachelorutdanning ved Høyskolen Kristiania

•   Study Abroad – 4. semester (med gjennomføring våren 2021)

     –   Konsept for innpass utenlandsk utdanning
     –   Studenter må velge 30 ECTS for å ha en studiebelastning som er tilsvarende semesteret ved HK.
         Til en viss grad skal man ta emner ute som direkte dekker det som gjennomføres hjemme, i
         tillegg har man noen mer frie emner som studenter kan velge ut fra egen interesse.
     –   Gjelder for gjennomføring av studier i utlandet med HK’s etablerte samarbeidspartnere.

     –   Bachelortitler og dokumenter til vitnemål fra HK (kullet 2019-2022)
            •   Bachelor i Fysisk Aktivitet og Ernæring (FAE), Bachelor i Livsstilsendring og folkehelse (LIF), Bachelor i Helse
                og Idrettsledelse (BHI), Bachelor i Biomedisin (BIO), Bachelor i Anvendt psykologi (BPY), og Bachelor i
                Ernæring (BER).
            •   Informasjon om delstudium i utlandet/utvekslingen fremkommer på vitnemål for HK uten emner/karakterer (ikke
                på karakterutskrift). Utvekslingsstudenter må bestille «official transcript» fra utenlandsk studiested og vedlegge
                dette, sammen med vitnemål fra Høyskolen Kristiania (for dokumentasjon beståtte emner og karakterer).
            •   Kopi av «transcript» må lastes opp i StudentWeb snarest etter hjemkomst og senest 1. september, for
                dokumentasjon, registrering og rapportering til Lånekassen.

     –   Erasmus+:
     –   Med Erasmus-godkjenning (f.o.m 2012) gis særskilte føringer;
     –   Programtilbud forutsetter avtaler på institusjonsnivå.

     –   Annet – generelle bestemmelser:
     –   «Online courses» skal ikke inkluderes som Study Abroad emner (ref Lånekassen 2012)
•   Bachelor of Biomedicin (BIO)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University of Wolverhampton https://www.wlv.ac.uk/

Course codes       Courses – availability is subject to change                                         Comments
                   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,    Covering subjects
                   counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»    missed at KUC
                   (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.
                                                                                                       Obligatory or
Full time 60 cr.
counting 30 sp     Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; Jo Christiansen Bruusgaard   optional
                                                                                                       Exclusions (due to
                   Course Discriptions: https://courses.wlv.ac.uk/documents/cst/BM021H31UV-            overlap homeinst.)

5BM043             Principles of Disease Investigation in Cellular                                     BIO400
                   Pathology(20 credits)
5BM044             Principles of Disease Investigation in Genetics and
                   Genomics (20 credits)
5BM062             Principles of Disease Investigation in Clinical Biochemistry                        BIO500
                   (20 credits)
4BM024             Introduction to Microbiology (20 credits)                                           BIO600

and courses        Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
taken out
•   Bachelor of Biomedicin (BIO)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, Griffith University, https://www.griffith.edu.au/international/global-

Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
4 courses x 10    counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
credits per       A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
See university    Courses checked by Jo Christiansen Bruusgaard (2020)                                        Exclusions (due to
webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://www.griffith.edu.au/international/global-

2804NRS          Human Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 (10 cr)                                             BIO400
3004MSC          Immunology (10 cr)                                                                           BIO500
3006MSC          Clinical Microbiology (10 cr)                                                                BIO600
2018PHM          Pharmacology (10 cr)
1016MSC          Foundational Anatomy and Physiology (10 cr)
1016MSC          Anatomy and Physiology Systems 1 (10 cr)
1805NRS          Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (10 cr)
2012AHS          Integrated Systems Physiology (10 cr)

                 Courses still to be approved!

and courses       Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
taken out
•   Bachelor of Biomedicin (BIO) UH AVAILABLE FOR STAFF ONLY SPRING 2021

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University of Hertfordshire https://www.herts.ac.uk/

Course codes       Courses – availability is subject to change                                         Comments
                   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,    Covering subjects
                   counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»    missed at KUC
                   (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.
                                                                                                       Obligatory or
Full time 60 cr.
counting 30 sp     Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; Jo Christiansen Bruusgaard   optional
                                                                                                       Exclusions (due to
                   Course Discriptions:                                                                overlap homeinst.)

4LMS0002           Human Physiology with Pharmacology (30 credits)                                     BIO400
Sem AB
4LMS0005           Principles of Immunology (15 credits)                                               BIO500
Sem A
4LMS0005           Cell and Microbiology (15 credits)                                                  BIO600
Sem A
5LMS0004           Molecular and Cell Biology (30 credits)
Sem AB
4LMS0007           Molecular Biology and Genetics (15 credits)
Sem B
5LMS0005           Microbiology of Disease (15 cr)
Sem A
5LMS0006           Cytology and Histopathology (15 cr)
Sem B
5LMS0022           Biology of Disease (15 cr)
Sem B
6LMS0001           Applied and Integrated Biomedical Science (15 cr)
Sem B

                   A = Autumn Semester
                   B = Spring Semester
                   AB = Runs across both semesters

and courses        Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
taken out
•   Bachelor of Biomedicin (BIO) UD AVAILABLE FOR STAFF ONLY SPRING 2021

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University of Derby https://www.wlv.ac.uk/

Course codes       Courses – availability is subject to change                                           Comments
                   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,      Covering subjects
                   counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»      missed at KUC
                   (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.
                                                                                                         Obligatory or
Full time 60 cr.
counting 30 sp     Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; Jo Christiansen Brusgaard      optional
                                                                                                         Exclusions (due to
                   Course Discriptions: https://www.derby.ac.uk/undergraduate/biomedical-health-human-   overlap homeinst.)

5BY514             The Cell (20 credits)                                                                 BIO400
5BY511             Human Physiology and Disease (20 credits)
5BY509             Molecular Biology (20 credits)                                                        BIO500
5BY512             Microbiology (20 credits)                                                             BIO600

and courses        Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
taken out
•   Bachelor of Lifestyle Change and Public Health (LIF)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology, http://berkeley.edu

Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                        Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Covering subjects
                  counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»   missed at KUC
                  (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.
                                                                                                     Obligatory or
Full time 15cr.
counting 30sp     Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; Lars Erik Braaum (2018)     optional
                                                                                                     Exclusions (due to
                                                                                                     overlap homeinst.)

SOC 108           Advanced Methods: In-depth Interviewing (4 credits)                                MOT301

SOC C115          Sociology of Health and Medicine (4 credits)                                       FAH201 og

SOC 117           Sport as a Social Institution (4 credits)                                          FAH201

SOC 130           Social Inequalities (4 credits)                                                    FAH201

SOC 140           Politics and Social Change (4 credits)
SOC 150           Social Psychology (4 credits)

Additionals       «..mye fluktuasjon i hva som tilbys fra semester til semester» (T Petersen, UCB)
and courses
taken out
                  ** SOC169F er tatt ut av UCB i april 2018

                  Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Lifestyle Change and Public Health (LIF)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, Hawaii Pacific University, https://www.hpu.edu/

Course codes          Courses – availability is subject to change                                        Comments
                      Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Covering subjects
                      counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                     missed at KUC
Full time is 5
courses x 3 credits   Full-time semester load for students at HPU: 15 credits. (NOKUT 121010).           Obligatory or
per semester.                                                                                            optional
                      Detailed course descriptions: https://apps.hpu.edu/cis/web/index.php/search (for
                      søk benyttes emnekoder). Do not choose online courses!                             Exclusions (due to
                                                                                                         overlap homeinst.)
                      Courses checked by Lars Erik Braaum (2018)

CSCI 1555             Health Information Systems (3 credits)                                             MOT301

PH 1300               Public Health Ethics (3 credits)                                                   FAH201, MOT301
                                                                                                         og ERN200

PH 2020               Human Disease (3 credits)                                                          FAH201

PH 3030               Health Promo & Wellness Management (3 credits)                                     FAH201 og

PH 3040               Health Ed Plan, Theory and Practice (3 credits)                                    FAH201 og

SOC 2000              Social Problems and Policy (3 credits)

COM 1000              Intro to Communication Skills (3 credits)                                          MOT301

COM 2000              Public Speaking (3 credits)                                                        MOT301

COM 2300              Communication and Culture (3 credits)                                              MOT301

MC 1100               Mass Communication Writing (3 credits)
BIOL 1300             Nutrition: Eat Smarter (3 credits)                                                 ERN200 og

Additionals and       English Language Requirements/VGS: A grade of 4 or better within five years of
courses taken         commencement at HPU (250514).
out                   Students are asked to check schedules to avoid time clashes!
                      Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Sport and Public Health Management (HIL)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University Queensland, https://www.uq.edu.au/

Codes             Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
                  counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
4 courses x 2
units per         A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
See university    Courses checked by Lars Erik Braaum (2018)                                                  Exclusions (due to
webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://my.uq.edu.au

                  MANAGEMENT (max 3 of 4 choices):

MGTS 1301         Introduction to Management (2 units)

MGTS 1601         Organisational Behaviour (2 units)

MGTS 3302         The Business of Professional Sports (2 units)

COMU 1002         Communication Across Cultures: Theory and Practice (2 units)
MKTG 1501         Foundations of Marketing (2 units)

                  ENVIRONMENT (max 1 of 4 choices):
MARS 2005         Australia´s Marine Environment (2 units)
BIOL 2001         Australia´s Terrestrial Environment (2 units)
ENVM 2200         Resource Management and Environmental Planning (2 units)

                  HEALTH (max 2 of 4 choices):
NUTR 1023         Health and Fitnes through Diet and Exersice (2 units)
SPCG 1000         Sport Coaching: Learning, Talent and Performance (2 units)
SWSP 2211         Individual Development and Health Care (2 units)

Additionals       English Language Requirements:
and courses       «A grade of 4 or better (from VGS) or an IELTS or TOEFL test, see UQ website for
taken out         required test results (5 year rule taken out June 2015, UQ/AM).

                  Institution Code 0987, for TOEFL test results to be sent directly to UQ.
                  Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Applied Psychology (BPY)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology, http://berkeley.edu

Course codes       Courses – availability is subject to change                                                  Comments
                   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,             Covering subjects
Full time 15cr.    counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»             missed at KUC
                   (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.
counting 30sp                                                                                                   Obligatory or
                   Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; Ragnhild Eg (2020)                    optional
                                                                                                                Exclusions (due to
                                                                                                                overlap homeinst.)

SOC101            Sociological Theory I (5 cr)
SOC102            Sociological Theory II (5 cr)
SOC110            Organizations and Social Institutions (4 cr)
SOC116            Sociology of Work (4 cr)
SOCC115           Sociology of Health and Medicine (4 cr)
SOC111C           Sociology of Childhood (4 cr)
SOC111L           Sociology of the Life Course (4 cr)
SOC127            Development and Globalization (4 cr)
SOC124            Sociology of Poverty (4 cr)
SOC136            Urban Sociology (4 cr)
SOC135            Sexual Cultures (4 cr)
SOC140            Politics and Social Change (4 cr)
SOC166            Society and Technology (4 cr)
SOC160            Sociology of Culture (4 cr)
SOC163            Popular Culture (4 cr)
SOC167            Virtual Communities/Social Media (4 cr)
SOC169C           Cross-Cultural Communications (4 cr)
                  Comparative Perspectives on U.S. and European Societies:
                  Culture (4 cr)
Additionals        Prerequisites: 1, 3 or 3AC or consent of instructor is listed under each of the subjects!
and courses        This is a notation about a prerequisite of an introductory sociology course for all upper
taken out          division courses. However the instructors rarely check for this, so it is merely to notify
                   the student that it is helpful to have the prerequisite. Kristi Larson Bedolla, Sept. 2020
                   Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Applied Psychology (BPY)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, Griffith University, https://www.griffith.edu.au/international/global-

Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
4 courses x 10    counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
credits per       A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
See university    Courses checked by Ragnhild Eg (2020)                                                       Exclusions (due to
webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://www.griffith.edu.au/international/global-

2020PSY          Career Psychology and Counselling
3018PSY          Behaviour Change Skills
1008PSY          Interpersonal Skills
1011PSY          Psychology in Professional Contexts
3003PSY          Survey Design and Analysis
3009AHS          Exercise and Sport Psychology
6023PSY          Professional Psychology A
2005EHR          Organisational Behaviour
2027HSV          Group Facilitation
3636QCA          Human Machine Interfaces
2004MKT          Consumer Psychology
1305AFE          Business Data Analysis
1006HSV          Human Services Structures

and courses       Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
taken out
•   Bachelor of Applied Psychology (BPY)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, Hawaii Pacific University, https://www.hpu.edu/

Course codes           Courses – availability is subject to change                                         Comments
                       Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,    Covering subjects
                       counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                      missed at KUC
Full time is 5
courses x 3 credits    Full-time semester load for students at HPU: 15 credits. (NOKUT 121010).            Obligatory or
per semester.                                                                                              optional
                       Detailed course descriptions: https://apps.hpu.edu/cis/web/index.php/search (for
                       søk benyttes emnekoder). Do not choose online courses!                              Exclusions (due to
                                                                                                           overlap homeinst.)
                       Courses checked by Ragnhild Eg (2020)

PSY3140               Psychology of Substance Abuse
                                                                                                          Overlapping with
PSY3235               Cross-Cultural Psychology                                                           optional subject at

MGMT2000              Principles of Management
MGMT3400              Human Resource Management
COM2000               Public Speaking
COM2300               Communication and Culture
COM2500               Sex and Gender in Communication Contexts
COM2640               Argumentation and Debate
COM3320               Persuasion
COM3340               Nonverbal Communication
COM3300               Intercultural Communication
COM3400               Communication Professionally

Additionals and        English Language Requirements/VGS: A grade of 4 or better within five years of
courses taken          commencement at HPU (250514).
out                    Students are asked to check schedules to avoid time clashes!
                       Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Applied Psychology (BPY)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University Queensland, https://www.uq.edu.au/

 Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
 4 courses x 2     counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
 units per         A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
 semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
 See university    Courses checked by Ragnhild Eg (2020)                                                       Exclusions (due to
 webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
 descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://my.uq.edu.au

                   OBLIGATORY (3 of 4 choices):

NEUR2020 Neuroscience for Psychologists
PSYC3032 Topics in Social Psychology
PSYC3052          Judgment & Decision-Making
PSYC3132          The New Psychology of Health

PSYC3202          Industrial & Organisational Psychology

PSYC3263          Evolutionary Approaches to Human Behaviour
PSYC3312          Parenting and Family Psychology
PSYC2000          Psychology of Sport and Exercise
PSYC2371          The Science of Everyday Thinking
PSYC2361          Psychology of Criminal Justice
PSYC2381          Positive Psychology

                   ELECTIVES (1 of 4 choices):
 MARS 2005         Australia´s Marine Environment (2 units)
 BIOL 2001         Australia´s Terrestrial Environment (2 units)

 Additionals       English Language Requirements:
 and courses       «A grade of 4 or better (from VGS) or an IELTS or TOEFL test, see UQ website for
 taken out         required test results (5 year rule taken out June 2015, UQ/AM).

                   Institution Code 0987, for TOEFL test results to be sent directly to UQ.
                   Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Physical Activity and Nutrition (FAE)

    Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2021, University Queensland, https://www.uq.edu.au/

Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
4 courses x 2     counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
units per         A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
See university    Courses checked by Lars Erik Braaum (2018)                                                  Exclusions (due to
webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://my.uq.edu.au

                  OBLIGATORY (3 of 4 choices):

NUTR 1023         Health & Fitness through Diet & Excercise (2 units)                                         ERN200

SPCG 1000         Sport Coaching – Learning, Talent & Performance (2 units)                                   FAE601

PHYL 2730         Excercise Physiology (2 units)

PUBH 3005         Influencing Health Behaviours (2 units)                                                     FAH201

NUTR 2101         Nutrition Science (2 units)

FOOD 2000         Food Science (2 units)

                  ELECTIVES (1 of 4 choices):
MARS 2005         Australia´s Marine Environment (2 units)
BIOL 2001         Australia´s Terrestrial Environment (2 units)

Additionals       English Language Requirements:
and courses       «A grade of 4 or better (from VGS) or an IELTS or TOEFL test, see UQ website for
taken out         required test results (5 year rule taken out June 2015, UQ/AM).

                  Institution Code 0987, for TOEFL test results to be sent directly to UQ.
                  Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Bachelor of Nutrition (BER)

    Study Abroad 5th semester, autumn 2020, University Queensland, https://www.uq.edu.au/

Course codes      Courses – availability is subject to change                                                 Comments
                  Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,            Covering subjects
4 courses x 2     counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                              missed at KUC
units per         A standard full-time load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester»,   Obligatory or
semester.         http://www.equ.edu.au/studyabroad/credit-transfer                                           optional
See university    Courses checked by Ane Cecilie Westerberg (2018)                                            Exclusions (due to
webiste for                                                                                                   overlap homeinst.)
descriptions.     Course descriptions: https://my.uq.edu.au

                  OBLIGATORY (2 of 4 choices):

PUBH 2005         Health Research Methods (2 units)                                                           VF101

NUTR 2003         Nutrition in the Lifespan (2 units)                                                         ERN310

                  ELECTIVES (2 of 4 choices):

NUTR 3201         Advanced Nutrition Sciences (2 units)
NUTR 3000         Nutrition & Exercise (2 units)                                                              ERN3

HPRM 1100         Introduction to Health Promotion Principles & Strategies (2 units)

NUTR3012          Community & Public Health Nutrition (2 units)
PUBH3010          Global Health & Infectious Disease (2 units)
MARS 2005         Australia´s Marine Environment (2 units)
BIOL 2001         Australia´s Terrestrial Environment (2 units)

Additionals       English Language Requirements:
and courses       «A grade of 4 or better (from VGS) or an IELTS or TOEFL test, see UQ website for
taken out         required test results (5 year rule taken out June 2015, UQ/AM).

                  Institution Code 0987, for TOEFL test results to be sent directly to UQ.
                  Online courses not to be chosen (State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
•   Videre fremdrift:
-   Informasjonsaktiviteter i mai-september 2020
-   Søknadsfrist for Study Abroad: 20. september 2020
-   Søknadsskjema publiseres i SøknadsWeb 1. september.
-   Søknadsresultater/nominering ca. 1 mnd etter søknad til HK.
-   Ny søknad fra student til utenlands institusjon i hht deres frister, prosedyrer og regler.
-   Søknadsresultat fra aktuell institusjon (behandlingstid varierer)
-   Study Abroad studenter er selv ansvarlig for å inneha all dokumentasjon og å ivareta
    praktiske forhold som muliggjør utenlandsopphold. Eksempelvis; kontakt med
    Lånekassen, betaling av depositum og semesteravgift til utenlandsk studiested, gyldig
    pass, visum, vaksiner, bolig, studentforsikring/obligatorisk, flybilletter mm.

-   viktig;
-   Etter hjemkomst og senest 1. september, må studenter laste opp rett kopi av
    karakterutskrifter («official transcript») i StudentWeb for registrering av fag og
    progresjon til Lånekassen. Original «transcript» oppbevares av student og ilegges
    vitnemål fra Høyskolen Kristiania.

-   Evt oppdateringer – etter siste publisering, web eller læringsplattform:
     -    Sidehenvisninger

-   Bergen, Avd for FoU/Int, September 2020
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