Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation - A series exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their potential impact for enabling ...

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Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation - A series exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their potential impact for enabling ...

Using smart sensors to drive
supply chain innovation
A series exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their potential
impact for enabling digital supply networks in manufacturing
Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation - A series exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their potential impact for enabling ...
Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

What are smart sensors?						                                           04

Benefits of smart sensors in the supply chain					                      06

Criteria for evaluation and adoption						                              08

Key levers for smart sensors in your supply chain				                   10

Key Deloitte contacts for smart sensors and supply chain management		   11

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation - A series exploring Industry 4.0 technologies and their potential impact for enabling ...
Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Do you need smart sensors in your supply chain?
Smart sensors transform the physical world into digital insights that are used to create new value
across the supply chain. By arming managers with real-time information about their inventory,
machinery, and purchased materials, smart sensors create visibility across the supply chain and fuel
analytics that can be used to understand and anticipate demand, optimize sourcing, and drive high-
value manufacturing decisions.

Of interest because: The ability to provide relevant, timely data regarding both products
and conditions can be used to generate a more holistic, accurate perception of the operating
environment. Smart sensors create the “digital last mile” of a fully connected, always-on supply
chain—a digital supply network—that brings the company end-to-end visibility into its suppliers,
distributors, and customers.

Could improve your supply chain by: increasing operational efficiency, lowering production
costs, and providing critical insights into customer behavior. Smart sensors introduce automated
monitoring processes, such as inventory counts or predictive maintenance, improving both labor
productivity and performance accuracy. By embedding smart sensors into products, companies
generate awareness of usage trends that can be used to inform future product development and
improve after-sale service offerings.

Why not? Investment in supporting technology, limited internal functional expertise, or an
unwillingness to redesign processes may deter some companies from adopting smart sensors
in their supply chain. A number of enabling technologies—in-house data aggregation platforms,
plant bandwidth, data encryption, and several others—are required to create value through a
smart sensor strategy. Having the technical skill sets for interoperability is also a prerequisite to
smart sensor integration. Moreover, companies need to possess the willingness and flexibility to
implement or replace processes in their supply network to unlock the benefits of smart sensors.

Deloitte recommends: With the introduction of reliable IoT platforms and advancements in
technologies that have both accelerated performance and reduced costs, traditional barriers
to smart sensor adoption are eroding. Companies should consider investing in smart sensors
to increase value capture through their supply chains after carefully prioritizing their business
objectives and defining their use cases.

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

What are smart sensors?
Overview                                               Ecosystem                                    Recent developments and outlook
A sensor is a device that provides feedback            A differentiator of the smart sensor is      The global smart sensor market is
on a physical process or substance in a                its role in the broader information and      growing at a 19 percent annual rate and
predictable, consistent, and measurable                analytics ecosystem. The accelerated         is expected to reach $60B by 2022.4
way. Smart sensors are different from                  exchange of physical-turned-digital          Technological advances have miniaturized
sensors in that smart sensors are                      information can exponentially increase       the devices, improved performance
advanced platforms with onboard                        the range of opportunities for increased     and energy efficiency, and reduced
technologies such as microprocessors,                  performance, higher capacity, greater        production costs.
storage, diagnostics, and connectivity                 reliability, and advanced innovation. Five
tools that transform traditional feedback              primary interface methods—digital, logic,    Smart sensor computing capabilities
signals into true digital insights.1 These             voltage, current, frequency, and phase—      have strengthened substantially, thereby
smart sensors can provide the timely and               convert observed inputs into digital form.   enabling data processing and analysis at
valuable data underpinnings to power                   Transmission standards such as Wi-Fi,        or near the source (“edge computing”)
analytical insights that can in turn drive             Bluetooth, NFC, RFID, and others are then    and reducing the amount of data that
improvements in cost, performance, or                  used to communicate this data to other       moves between the device and platform.
customer experience.                                   sensors, controller devices, centralized     Additionally, the introduction of micro-
                                                       management platforms, or distributed         electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
                                                       computing platforms for data aggregation     technology has allowed for more compact,
                                                       and analysis (see figure 1). 2,3             higher functioning smart sensors by
                                                                                                    effectively incorporating microelectronic
                                                                                                    functions in minimal space.5

Figure 1: The smart sensor ecosystem8


                                                                                                                       Local area
                                                                                                                     network (LAN)

                                                                     Near field
                                                                     (NFC)                                           External/central
                                                                     Radio frequency


                Physical                   Smart                  Transmission            Secure gateway/            Centralized
              environment                 sensors                   standards             controller device           platforms
Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Other innovations—such as micro-sensor       Extracting insights from sensor-created          Smart sensors in the supply chain
implants and biodegradable sensors—          data is getting easier as analytics tools        Integrating smart sensors throughout the
have made smart sensors more dynamic         continue to improve. Handling and storing        supply chain can decrease operating costs,
and improved their business cases.6          large, complex data sets is becoming more        increase asset efficiency, improve demand
New wireless technologies are offering       manageable through platforms such as             planning, and provide critical insight
connectivity solutions that are more         Apache Hadoop. Tools such as complex             into customer behavior. As centralized
scalable and tailored than traditional       event processing (CEP) enable processing         platforms and communication networks
wireless networks, which are designed        and analysis of data on a real-time or           continue to evolve for the purposes of IoT
for higher bandwidth, larger volume data     a near-real-time basis, driving timely           devices, companies should consider the
devices. Low-power wide area networks        decision making and action. Algorithms           variety of smart sensors available (see
(LPWAN), for example, have reduced cost,     continue to advance, expanding the               figure 2) and determine how to better
power consumption, and range issues for      capability to predict and prescribe courses      sensor-enable their supply chains from
smart sensor usage.7                         of action.                                       end to end.

Figure 2: Types of smart sensors2,3
Type                          Definition                                         Example
Acoustic                      Recognize audio vibration or frequency to          Piezo microphones, electret microphones, condenser
                              determine activity, location, intensity            microphones

Chemical                      Measure fluid composition and concentration of     MEMS technology, fuel cell
                              biological/chemical compounds

Electrical                    Identify and examine changes or disruptions        Voltage, current, power
                              in electrical or magnetic signals based upon
                              environmental inputs or conditions

Environmental                 Monitor and assess deviations in physical state,   Temperature, humidity, color, moisture, light, pressure,
                              conditions, or surroundings                        liquid flow, air flow, heat, surface temperature

Image                         Convert light waves into electrical signals to     Infrared, ultraviolet (UV), visible spectrum camera
                              constitute a digital, optical form for visible
                              condition monitoring

Motion and force              Measure static and dynamic objects to determine    Proximity (ultrasonic/acoustic, infrared), strain/weight,
                              the amount, type, and rate of change to physical   vibration, accelerometers, shock accelerometers,
                              properties                                         gyroscopic, position, motion, magnetic field, rotational

Touch                         Detect body capacitance during physical contact    Capacitive touch, resistive touch
                              between objects

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Benefits of smart sensors
in the supply chain
Value drivers for smart sensors                        Operational efficiencies                       Secondary potential benefits
Smart sensors increase the level of                    Smart sensors introduce operational
                                                                                                      •• New revenue channels through data
automated collection and processing of data            efficiencies that can help reduce labor,
                                                                                                         brokering of connected products
and broaden management visibility across               logistics, and quality control costs.
the supply chain to help companies reduce              Processes like inventory counting and          •• Better measure of the true cost of
operating costs, improve asset efficiency,             materials sorting have become more                operations as indirect costs become
and generate incremental revenue.                      automated with the assistance of smart            more quantifiable
                                                       sensors, thus helping to improve the           •• Dynamic discounting from real-time
                                                       productivity of human labor.                      inventory data and competitive
     Primary potential benefits                                                                          pricing information
                                                       Sensor-enabled labor monitoring also
                                                       helps reduce idle workforce by optimizing
                                                       assignments. Likewise, autonomous
                                                       driving enabling sensors can help reduce
                                                       transportation costs through dynamic
                  Increase operational
                                                       routing and improved safety. Smart
                  efficiency through
                                                       sensors can also identify root errors
                                                       in manufacturing and drive process
                                                       enhancements, thereby maximizing
                                                       production quality.9
                  Reduce repair costs and
                  maintenance downtime                 Assembly lines that use wearables during
                  through better monitoring            quality inspection are able to send their
                                                       photos to design engineers in real time
                                                       through smart sensor technology. This
                  Perform real-time                    closes the physical-digital loop in minutes—
                  inventory tracking with              not hours or days—and allows engineers
                  improved demand                      to identify the root cause of manufacturing
                  planning                             issues at the time of assembly.10

                  Inform product                       Asset management
                  development and                      Companies that have integrated smart
                  strengthen product life              sensors in their manufacturing operations
                  cycle management                     have achieved competitive advantage
                                                       through improved asset management
                                                       and predictive maintenance of industrial
                                                       machinery. At Harley-Davidson’s production
                  Enhance customer service
                                                       facility, for example, every asset is
                  by connecting more
                                                       connected, allowing management to track
                  closely to the customer
                                                       each step of production in real time in a
                                                       performance management system and
                                                       monitor critical equipment to proactively
                                                       address potential interruptions.11

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Real-time inventory tracking                      Product design                                       Case study: Ericsson’s connected
RFID sensors, which allow for touch-free          Connected products also offer insights               vessel16
identification and tracking of items,             into customer behaviors and preferences,
have transformed traditional inventory            allowing for more responsive product                 Accounting for 80 percent of global
management. RFID enables a more                   development. Their data can seamlessly               trade, maritime shipping represents a
automated approach that can offer                 feed into product life cycle management              critical component of international
increased accuracy and real-time inventory        systems to stimulate innovation and                  supply chain networks. The isolated
tracking at a very low cost.12                    accelerate speed to market on product                nature of cargo ships, however,
                                                  updates.14 Product developers are then able          presents supply chain fragmentation
These improvements allow for more                 to optimize R&D spend and minimize risk of           challenges for the industry.
traceability of inventory, potentially reducing   overengineering.
the risk of inventory shrinkage or loss.                                                               With the help of smart sensors and
                                                  Customer service                                     satellite communication, one
More reliable and current information             By bringing the company closer to its                communication company, Ericsson,
can also strengthen demand-planning               consumers, smart sensors can help forge              has developed a solution to this
capabilities, potentially reducing out-of-        unique relationships. The company will               challenge. Through ongoing sensor
stock and overstock situations. Moreover,         likely become better equipped to react to            monitoring, stakeholders receive
advancements in smart sensor technology           customer demands and respond to critical             real-time data around vessel position
have generated savings from inventory theft       events like food contamination. Real-time            and cargo container status to finally
protection and reduced spoilage.                  product usage data from embedded smart               close the loop in the industry’s supply
                                                  sensors could also improve companies’                chain logistics.
Smart sensors also have more flexible             after-sale service offerings by allowing them
distribution models. By providing customers       to anticipate future problems, such as               This end-to-end connected vessel
multiple options in the purchasing process        part failures.                                       introduces the following benefits:
through real-time information flow, smart
sensors enable omnichannel retailing.             This transparency goes two ways.                     •• Location and movement data
Products and packaging embedded with              Customers now have added visibility and                 that provides logistics to a fleet
smart sensors make automatic reorders             can track products throughout the supply                management system similar to that
and refills possible. Likewise, connected         chain. Further, smart sensors allow for a               of on-road shipping trucks
appliances trigger sales at the point of          disintermediated distribution channel and            •• An integrated supply chain system
consumption, such as grocery orders from          therefore a more fluid exchange between                 that enables shipping companies
the refrigerator.13                               the customer and the supplier. Tesla, for               and producers to make informed
                                                  example, relies on smart sensors to perform             decisions
                                                  remote diagnostics and software upgrades,
                                                                                                       •• Software-based route planning
                                                  thereby cutting out traditional third-party
                                                                                                          that improves fuel efficiency and
                                                  service networks and deepening the
                                                                                                          increases productivity
                                                  relationship with customers.15
                                                                                                       •• Temperature data on refrigerated
                                                                                                          cargo to help recipients prepare in
                                                                                                       •• Sea-to-shore connectivity for crew
                                                                                                          to communicate

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Criteria for evaluation
and adoption
Operational considerations
A smart sensor strategy has the ability to disrupt current operating models and transform a company’s supply chain. Success in this journey
starts with asking the right questions in the following areas to create an understanding of a company’s unique position and an awareness of
how smart sensors can be employed.

Company profile                                        Security and risk
                                                                                                         •• What standardization and governance
Several company attributes—strategy,                   Adding sensors to the supply chain
                                                                                                            requirements will be needed for
business model, finances—play a critical               could potentially create hundreds, if not
                                                                                                            enterprise-wide alignment?
role in the choices a company must make                thousands, of new surfaces for cyberattacks.
about smart sensor deployment. Key                     Deployment of sensors across the supply           •• Is there sufficient talent to support smart
considerations include:                                chain requires heightened awareness                  sensor installation, maintenance, and
                                                       of vulnerability and an intense focus on             management?
•• How can smart sensor integration support
                                                       protecting systems. Key considerations
   your supply chain strategy?
                                                       include:                                          Operating environments and locations
•• What challenges in data collection and                                                                Identifying how and where the sensors will
                                                       •• Are you capable of defending against
   aggregation do you currently face? How                                                                operate can provide valuable understanding
                                                          the types of cyberattack vulnerabilities
   can automated data generation and edge                                                                of the type of sensors required, the
                                                          introduced by smart sensors?
   computing support improvements?                                                                       infrastructure needed to support smart
                                                       •• How well do you know and understand            sensors, and the variety of supply chain
•• Are the financial and operational goals for
                                                          your current data?                             insights to be gained. Key considerations
   the supply chain clearly defined?
                                                       •• How will your data governance need to
Functional expertise and readiness                        be amended to include smart sensor             •• How do current environmental conditions
Smart sensor integration requires a high                  information?                                      impact your supply chain?
level of expertise to ensure interoperability.
                                                                                                         •• What type of capital assets do you own
Moreover, extracting the full benefits of              Investment
                                                                                                            and how can they be smart sensor
smart sensor data requires functional                  Though technology advances are driving
readiness to internalize the information and           down the cost of smart sensors, building the
put the insights to work. Key considerations           technology stack to enable a smart sensor         •• Are your supply chain resources
include:                                               ecosystem requires significant investment            concentrated in one area or are they
                                                       in product software and hardware, security           distributed nationally or globally?
•• Are your current IT and data management
                                                       tools, networking, storage, and systems
   resources capable of effectively integrating
                                                       integration. Key considerations include:
   and managing a smart sensor ecosystem?
                                                       •• What additions to your current IT
•• What analytics capabilities exist to create
                                                          infrastructure will be required to support a
   insights from data?
                                                          smart sensor ecosystem? Should you build
•• How is technology being used when                      these additions internally or outsource?
   making data-led decisions today?
                                                       •• How should you be structured to support
                                                          longer-term growth and agility in the face
                                                          of continuous technology advances?

                                                       •• Are there sensors or connected devices
                                                          already being used today? If so, how are
                                                          they being integrated?
Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Framework for decision making                    Investment impact metrics                            solution for the buyer and reduces the
                                                 Companies should consider their supply               time, difficulty, and up-front cost associated
Smart sensor success factors                     chain goals and identify the appropriate             with building a smart sensor ecosystem;
Yielding the full benefits of smart sensors      level of investment required to get started.         however, companies may lose some
requires an approach that is founded on          Many organizations can and should start              influence over sensor features and uses.
broader ecosystem integration and is             small, using their business objectives               Furthermore, this service-based model
oriented toward achieving clearly defined        to prioritize and pursue smart sensor                can result in surrendering some ecosystem
analytics-driven objectives. This approach       pilots from which they can quickly                   value to partners.
also requires decisions that are specific to     learn. Organizations capable of larger
the business, industry, and circumstances.       implementations should deeply investigate            Service-based models are growing and
                                                 and detail their goals to create clear               becoming more diverse.17 In addition to
                                                 priorities and a well-defined road map.              solutions-based offerings, providers are
                                                                                                      offering a la carte options as well (e.g., asset-
                                                 Smart sensor procurement                             only services).
                                                 Smart sensor procurement decisions should
          Impactful                              strongly consider device compatibility with          Pricing factors
          Clearly define strategic goals         current and emerging systems. Successful             Sensor pricing ranges widely depending on
          and value opportunities, achieve
                                                 deployment is contingent on the ability to           capabilities and complexity. While highly
          executive-level sponsorship
                                                 integrate with both legacy ecosystems as             sophisticated sensors can cost hundreds—if
                                                 well as innovative new IoT platforms, such           not thousands—of dollars, less complex
                                                 as GE Predix and Uptake. Procurement                 devices are currently available for as low as
          Determine sensor capabilities          decisions should also consider tradeoffs             $20.4,18 Technology advances and increasing
          and features unique to the             regarding purchase models and cost.                  market competition are perpetually
          supply chain goals and needs                                                                driving down prices. Commoditization of
                                                 Direct purchase                                      smart sensors will likely continue to exert
                                                 Organizations can purchase smart sensors             downward pressure on pricing and make
          Flexible                               directly and self-deploy them throughout             deployments more practical and feasible in
          Adopt an agile approach, iterating
                                                 the supply chain. These sensors can                  the near term.
          often and considering new
          products as they emerge                be off-the-shelf or tailored solutions.
                                                 Purchasing sensors directly will likely require
                                                 additional investment in the technologies,
                                                 infrastructure, and skills to develop the
          Articulate goals, impacts, and         technology stack to support. This in-house
          benefits to all stakeholders to gain   approach provides the advantage of greater
          alignment                              control over sensor features and data, as
                                                 well as a learning curve that the company
                                                 can leverage in future developments.
          Create achievable implementation       Sensing as a service
          plans with strong program              Smart sensors can also be deployed
          management                             through a Software as a Service (SaaS)
                                                 model, leasing the equipment and
                                                 outsourcing data capture and management.
                                                 This model generally provides a customized

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Key levers for smart sensors
in your supply chain
Supply chain applications
Significant opportunities exist for smart sensor implementation in each stage of the supply chain.

 01                         02                           03                      04                   05                      06

      Develop                     Plan                        Source                  Make                 Deliver                 Support

Develop: High volumes of usage data                    Deliver: Smart-sensor-enabled, real-
from connected products identify                       time inventory tracking helps optimize         Smart sensors have the
performance criteria and conditions                    warehouse throughput, improve order            potential to improve supply
that lead to enhanced product design                   management for perfect order fulfillment,      chains end to end
and development. The ability to share                  and monitor deliveries. This technology
                                                                                                      •• Replace manual with automated
information in real time also allows industry          also makes it easier for companies to sell
                                                                                                         processes and thus drive added
partners to actively collaborate with one              the same products in-store and online,
                                                                                                         efficiency and reduced labor costs
another on shared prototypes.                          thus enabling a more flexible distribution
                                                       model.                                         •• Provide asset performance
Plan: Real-time inventory tracking from                                                                  and predictive maintenance
smart sensors improves inventory and                   Support: Connected products can enable            capabilities
supply planning.                                       aftermarket sales and service opportunities
                                                                                                      •• Introduce real-time inventory
                                                       by capturing and communicating
                                                                                                         tracking to improve demand
Source: A well-functioning digital supply              impending maintenance needs.
chain better identifies substitute materials
and helps procure from lower-cost                      These are all examples of ways in which        •• Offer data around customer
sources by leveraging the data revealed by             smart sensors are improving supply chains         behavior to inform product
smart sensors. Better transparency and                 today; however, they represent only a             development and accelerate
traceability of raw material flow also helps           few of the many opportunities for cost            speed to market
ensure accurate and consistent supply.                 reduction and value creation.
                                                                                                      •• Enable closer connection to
                                                                                                         the customer for better service
Make: Manufacturing asset utilization                  Motivation for action
increases as a result of improved                      The time for companies to assess their
monitoring and predictive maintenance                  supply chains for piloting smart sensors
of machinery from a fully connected                    is now. Connecting devices with smart
production facility. Inbound material                  sensors can provide managers insights into
management improves through more                       all phases of the supply chain and therefore
dynamic management of dock deliveries.                 drive efficiencies, reduce costs, and
                                                       introduce new revenue opportunities.

Using smart sensors to drive supply chain innovation

Key Deloitte contacts for
smart sensors and supply chain
                        Joseph Fitzgerald                                          Adam Mussomeli
                        Principal, Supply Chain &                                  Principal, Supply Chain &
                        Manufacturing Operations                                   Manufacturing Operations
                        Supply Chain Innovation                                    Consumer & Industrial Products
                        Deloitte Consulting LLP                                    Deloitte Consulting LLP
                        +1 415 519 2115                                            +1 203 905 2646

                        Andrew Daecher                                             Mahesh Chandramouli
                        Principal, Deloitte Digital IoT                            Senior Manager, Deloitte Digital IoT
                        Deloitte Consulting LLP                                    Deloitte Consulting LLP
                        +1 415 783 6525                                            +1 214 840 1559

The authors of this paper would like to thank the following contributors:
Adam Volini, Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP; Alisa Sommer, Manager, Deloitte Consulting LLP;
Drew Shackleton, Senior Consultant, Deloitte Consulting LLP; Bryan Whitmer, Senior Consultant,
Deloitte Consulting LLP; Sophia Moradian, Consultant, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

1.   Deloitte University Press, 2016 Tech Trends.

2.   Raynor, Michael E. and Cotteleer, Mark J, “The more things change: Value creation, value capture, and the Internet of Things,”
     Deloitte Review 17, July 27, 2015,

3.   Deloitte University Press, Inside the Internet of Things, 2015.

4.   “Smart Sensor Market Expected to Reach $60 Billion, by 2022, Globally,” Sensors Online, 20 January 2017, http://www.

5.   Yurish, Sergey Y. and Gomes, Maria Teresa S.R. (2003), Smart Sensors and MEMS, Kluwer Academic Publishers.


7.   ABI Research, Best Fit Use Cases for LPWANs, August 2016.


9.   Deloitte Analysis.

10. Riley, Sean, “Wearables in the Warehouse,” Manufacturing Business Technology, February 17, 2016, https://www.mbtmag.

11. O’Connor, Mary Catherine, “Bringing Smart Technology to Old Factories Can Be Industrial-Size Challenge,” Wall Street
    Journal June 7, 2016,

12. “40% Warehouse Labor Costs Reductions with RFID,” Advance Mobile Group, December 17, 2014, http://www.

13. Bohn, Dieter, “Samsung’s New Fridge Can Order Fresh Direct Groceries from its Humongous Touchscreen,” The Verge 2016,

14. Martin, Jean-Francois, “How IoT Will Transform Product Lifecycle Management,” mnubo 2016,

15. Brisbourne, Alex, “Tesla’s Over-the-Air Fix: Best Example of the Internet of Things?”, Wired 2014,

16. ”IoT Case Studies: Companies Leading the Connected Economy,” AIG 2016,

17. Gaddis, Ben, “How Sensors will Revolutionize Service Businesses,” Wired 2016,

18. Miller, Ron, “Cheaper Sensors will Fuel the Age of Smart Everything,” Tech Crunch, 10 March 2015, https://techcrunch.

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