Page created by Marshall Adkins
5th BME GLOBAL                                March 03 - 05, 2020
                                              Hotel Taschenbergpalais

PHARMA SUPPLY CHAIN                           Kempinski Dresden

Join the only unbiased peer-for-peer event
for Supply Chain, Procurement and Logistics
executives in Pharma, MedTech and
Global Healthcare

                                              Cooperation Partner
Meet our 2020 speaker panel:
    Charlotte de Brabandt,                 Luiz Barberini,                            Olaf Christiansen,
    Member of ISM‘s Thought                External Manufacturing Operations          Head of Marketing,
    Leadership Council,                    Manager LatAm,                             Corporate Pharma Services
    ISM                                    Bayer SA                                   PHOENIX group
    Patric Jarchow,                        Jack Lampka,                               Maeve Magner,
    Former Head of Global Multi-Channel    Head of Data Science,                      Innovation for Impact
    Strategy & Execution,                  MSD Germany
    Merck KGaA
    Edwin Tuyn,                            Yann Martin,                               Natascha de Raad,
    Managing Director,                     Global Sales Director,                     Managing Director Sales & Marketing,
    INSPIRED-SEARCH                        EMBALL‘ISO                                 Med-X-Press GmbH

    Patrick Haex,                          Martin Gouda,                              Martin Klett,
    Managing Partner,                      Partner,                                   former Gobal Head of Indirect
    Buck Consultants International (BCI)   Buck Consultants International (BCI)       Procurement,
                                                                                      Roche Diagnostics
    Véronique Verheyen,                    Norman Erhard,                             Konstantin Wittfeldt,
    Vx Distribution – Head of              Head of Business Development,              Director External Supply IM,
    Network & Resources,                   Fresenius Medical Care Deutsch-            Global Supply Chain,
    GSK Vaccines                           land GmbH                                  Pfizer
    Christèle Galpin,                      Jim McKiernan,                             Dr.-Ing Stefan Artlich,
    Co-founder & president,                Head of Operations,                        Director Track&Trace
    Alfalfaz                               SG Biotech Sarl (a Shire and               Bayer AG
                                           ­Generium jointventure)
    Mo Hussain,                            Phillip Piesnack,                          Selin Richter,
    Global Forecasting Manager,            Head of Supply Chain Management,           Team Leader High Pressure
    ViiV Healthcare,                       DR. KADE Pharmazeutische ­Fabrik           Die Casting,
    a GSK subsidiary                       GmbH                                       ZF Friedrichhafen AG
    Brett Marschall,                       Bram Bongaerts,                            Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler,
    Corporate Head of Quality Assurance,   Lead Life Science Industry Team,           Professor of Business Studies/­
    Zuellig Pharma                         EyeOn bv                                   International Aviation Management,
                                                                                      Frankfurt University of Applied
    Roland Seckler,                        Jonah McIntire,                            Christophe Suizdak,
    Vice President Global Supply Chain     CEO,                                       Global Director Supply Chain,
    Operations,                            TNX Logistics                              GE Healthcare
    Ypsomed AG
    Andreas Olpeter,                       Dr. Joerg Schulze,                         Eelco de Jong,
    Vice President Sales & Business        Executive Director & Business Unit Lead    Co-founder & Managing Director,
    ­Development Healthcare,               Oncology, Member of the Executive Board,   Validaide
     Arvato Supply Chain Solutions         Bristol-Myers Squibb
                                           GmbH & Co. KGaA
    Dr. Daniel Lohner,                     Heiko Hackel,                              Alexis Strader,
    Manager Pharma&MedTech,                Vice President Global Sourcing,            Project Officer,
    d-fine GmbH                            Sartorius Group                            People that Deliver Initiative,
                                                                                      UNICEF Supply Division
    Thorsten Neumann,                      Daniel Reichen,                            Ruben van Duijvenvoorde,
    President & CEO,                       Global Key Account Manager,                Quality Assurance Manager,
    Tapa                                   ELPRO-BUCHS AG                             CEMEA Quality,
                                                                                      Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
    Julian-Kai Ellermeier,                 Hans Ehm,                                  Marcos Escuder,
    Head of Supply Chain Management,       Principal Supply Chain Management,         EVP Global Head of Supply Chain
    Advance Pharma GmbH                    Infineon Technologies                      Evotec AG

    Pieter Ruijssenaars,                   Dr. Rolf Schrader,                         Harald Nitschinger,
    Founder – CCO,                         Supply Chain Management,                   Co-Founder & Managing Director,
    DiManEx BV                             Cesra Arzneimittel GmbH                    Prewave
                                           & Co. KG
    Ruben Hoogmoed,                        Xavier Baville,                            Moses Muputisi,
    Business Developer,                    Head of Global Distribution&Logistics,     Supply Chain Transformation Manager,
    Fizyr                                  Global Supply Chain,                       The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
                                           Takeda Pharmaceuticals                     Tuberculosis and Malaria
                                           ­International AG
    Ferdi Steinmann,                        Patno Sigit Panjaitan,
    Industry Strategist,                    External Supply Chain,
    Life Sciences Development,              Regional Head APAC/MEA,
    Open Text Software GmbH                 Merck Healthcare KGaA
AGENDA              The Only True Peer-for-Peer Event for Supply Chain Leaders in Pharma, MedTech and Global Healthcare

               Monday, March 2: Warm up/ pre-Conference Get Together

Starting       Inspired by the famous New York Oak Room, the classically exclusive ambience of the Karl May Bar with Bordeaux red
19.00          leather and fine oak is reminiscent of the metropolises of the world. Warm up for the upcoming conference, meet new
               people and catch up with old friends in a very classy environment.

               Tuesday, March 3: Conference day 1
08.30      Check-in and welcome coffee

                                                                 Plenary session
09.00      Opening address
           BME representative and Maeve Magner, Innovation for Impact

09.15      L eading in an up-coming Millennial World
            Charlotte de Brabandt, Member of ISM‘s Thought Leadership Council, ISM

09.50      Developing relationships and using effective governance models with suppliers to ensure reliable End-to-End
           ­manufacturing compliance
            Luiz Barberini, External Manufacturing Operations Manager LatAm, Bayer SA

10.25      Be innovative. Be Superfluid: A cutting-edge process mining example
           Keynote by Celonis SE

11.00      Networking coffee break in the exhibition area

11.30      Connected Health - Services beyond the pill
           Olaf Christiansen, Head of Marketing, Corporate Pharma Services, PHOENIX group
           Patric Jarchow, Former Head of Global Multi-Channel Strategy & Execution, Merck KGaA
           Jack Lampka, Head of Data Science, MSD Germany
           Xavier Baville, Head of Global Distribution&Logistics, Global Supply Chain,
           Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG
           moderated by Edwin Tuyn, Managing Director, INSPIRED-SEARCH

12.15      Short presentations
           1) Dynamic approach to drive costs down. Tips and tool to select the right isothermal solution for each of your shipment,
               ­products and lanes, Yann Martin, Global Sales Director, EMBALL‘ISO
           2) Challenges of digital transformation along the supply chain of pharmaceuticals,
                Natascha de Raad, Managing Director Sales & Marketing, Med-X-Press GmbH
           3) Lost in Translation – empower the truly data driven Supply Chain,
                Ferdi Steinmann, Industry Strategist, Life Sciences D
                                                                    ­ evelopment, Open Text Software GmbH

13.15      Networking luncheon & networking in the exhibition area

                                                       Expert forums (parallel sessions)
           Design & Planning                 Tech & Innovation              Strategy & Leadership            Workshops

14.15      Opening                           Opening                        Opening
           Patrick Haex,                     Martin Gouda, Partner,         Martin Klett, former Gobal
           Managing Partner,                 Buck Consultants               Head of Indirect Procurement,
           Buck Consultants                                                 Roche Diagnostics                Workshop 1:
                                             ­International (BCI)
           ­International (BCI)
                                                                                                             Change agent Workshop:
14.20      Presentation                      Center of Excellence           Challenges and opportu­          The journey to
           Xavier Baville, Head of           Martin Gouda,                  nities of strategic portfolio    operational fluidity
           ­Global Distribution&Logistics,   Partner,                       extension
            Global Supply Chain,             Buck Consultants               Norman Erhard, Head              moderated by Celonis SE
            Takeda Pharmaceuticals           I­nternational (BCI)           of Business Development,
            ­International AG                                               ­Fresenius Medical Care
                                                                             Deutschland GmbH
AGENDA           The Only True Peer-for-Peer Event for Supply Chain Leaders in Pharma, MedTech and Global Healthcare

14.50   Network Design &                 How Additive                     Organizational change
        End-to-End Visibility            ­Manufacturing can lead to       ­management in effective
        Véronique Verheyen,               ­Supply Chain performance­       lean deployment
        Vx Distribution - Head of          ­improvement                    Christèle Galpin, Co-­founder
        ­Network & Resources,               Pieter Ruijssenaars,           & president, Alfalfaz
         GSK Vaccines                       Founder – CCO,                 Jim McKiernan, Head of
                                            DiManEx BV                     Operations, SG Biotech
                                                                           Sarl (a Shire and Generium­
                                                                            Edwin Tuyn, Managing
                                                                            ­Director, INSPIRED-SEARCH

15.20   Real-Time Supply Chain           Solving the puzzle in            Bye bye Silo: New ways of
        Visibility                       ­logistics                       working
        Konstantin Wittfeldt,             Ruben Hoogmoed,                 Mo Hussain,
        Director External Supply IM,      Business Developer,             Global Forecasting Manager,
        Global Supply Chain,              Fizyr                           ViiV Healthcare,
        Pfizer                                                            a GSK subsidiary
        Brett Marschall,                                                  Phillip Piesnack, Head of
        Corporate Head of Quality                                         Supply Chain Management,
        Assurance, Zuellig Pharma                                         DR. KADE Pharmazeutische
        Patno Sigit Panjaitan,                                            Fabrik GmbH
        External Supply Chain,                                            Selin Richter, Team Leader
        ­Regional Head APAC/MEA,                                          High Pressure Die Casting,
         Merck Healthcare KGaA                                            ZF Friedrichhafen AG

15.50   S&OP: Oldtimer or                Predicting supply chain          Compliance: Benefits
        ­evergreen                       risks with artificial            ­versus obligations
         Dr. Rolf Schrader, Director     ­intelligence                     Brett Marschall, Corporate
         Supply Chain Management,         Harald Nitschinger,              Head of Quality Assurance,
         Cesra Arzneimittel               Co-Founder & Managing            Zuellig Pharma
         GmbH & Co. KG                    ­Director, Prewave
         Luiz Barberini,
         External Manufacturing
         Manager LatAm,
         Bayer SA

16.20   Networking coffee break in the exhibition area

16.50   Implementation
        Strategy & practice: Optimizing inventory management
        Bram Bongaerts, Lead Life Science Industry Team, EyeOn bv
        Jim McKiernan, Head of Operations, SG Biotech Sarl (a Shire and Generium joint venture)
        Roland Seckler, Vice President Global Supply Chain Operations, Ypsomed AG

17.35   Start up‘s on stage a.o. with
        X When is AI a good fit?
        Jonah McIntire, CEO, TNX Logistics

18.00   End of conference day 1

19.00   Social Evening Event
        „What moves you“ - Transport Museum Dresden
        Join us for our exclusive high-end social evening get-together and enjoy a special networking
        night at the Verkehrsmuseum Dresden.
        Deepen the chats you had during the day and relax in the very special environment of the
        Transport Museum in the city centre of Dresden. The Johanneum, formerly the royal stables
        to the Saxon court, situated on Dresden’s Neumarkt square – in the heart of the city by the
        Frauenkirche – is an incredible locale. Your can expect exclusive attractions from the mobi-
        lity world: the place where princes and kings once ‘parked’ their horses and carriages today
        ­accommodates a unique variety of vehicles to admire and enjoy – historically significant
         ­locomotives, automobiles from all eras, classic and rare bicycles and motorcycles, legendary
          ­aircraft and magnificent ship models.
AGENDA          The Only True Peer-for-Peer Event for Supply Chain Leaders in Pharma, MedTech and Global Healthcare

            Wednesday, March 2: Conference day 2
08.45   Welcome coffee

                                                             Plenary session
09.00   Opening and summary of Conference day 1 by Maeve Magner, Innovation for Impact

09.15   Fake drug & product traceability, how new technology could help you to protect your brand!
        Christophe Suizdak, Global Director Supply Chain, GE Healthcare

09.50   Everything you always wanted to know about BIG DATA & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE but were afraid to ask
        Jack Lampka, Head of Data Science, MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH

10.25   The amazon effect: Why pharma companies have to review their sales channel management
        Andreas Olpeter, Vice President Sales & Business Development Healthcare, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions
        Dr. Joerg Schulze, Executive Director & Business Unit Lead Oncology, Member of the Executive Board,
        Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaA
        Marcos Escuder, EVP Global Head of Supply Chain, Evotec AG
        moderated by Patrick Haex, Managing Partner, Buck Consultants International (BCI)

11.10   Short presentations
        1) Optimization in pharmaceutical logistics with data-driven Lane Assessments
            Eelco de Jong, Co-founder & Managing­Director, Validaide
        2) Low data framework for supply chain optimization in third world countries, Dr. Daniel Lohner, Manager, d-fine GmbH and
            Moses Muputisi, Supply Chain Transformation Manager, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

11.55   Coffee break and networking in the exhibition area

                                                  Expert forums (parallel sessions)
        Design &                      Tech & Innovation              Strategy & Leadership            Workshops

12.25   Opening                        Opening                        Opening

12.30   Presentation                   Bots                           Expanding the pharma-
        An MAH’s Life a Year after                                    ceutical market through
        FMD Go-Live – Is Your                                         public sector engagement:
        ­Experience Similar?                                          It starts with people
         Dr.-Ing. Stefan Artlich,                                     Alexis Strader,
         Director Track&Trace,                                        Project Officer, People that
         Bayer AG                                                     Deliver Initiative,
                                                                      UNICEF Supply Division

13.00   Risk Management in tierX       Blockchain                     End to end supply chain
        supply chains                                                 resilience: Joint forces         Workshop 2:
        Heiko Hackel,                                                 against organized crime
        Vice President Global                                         Thorsten Neumann,                CMO Collaboration
        ­Sourcing,                                                    President & CEO, Tapa
                                                                                                       Luiz Barberini,
         Sartorius Group
                                                                                                       External Manufacturing
13.30   Efficient Deviation           Image analysis                  MYTIGATE – different user        ­Operations Manager LatAm,
        ­Management                                                   perspectives to a neutral,        Bayer SA
         Ruben van Duijvenvoorde,                                     digital and validated lane
         Quality Assurance Manager,                                   risk assessment
         CEMEA Quality, Alnylam                                       Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler,
         Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                                        Professor of Business Studies/
         Véronique Verheyen,                                          International Aviation Ma-
         Vx Distribution – Head of                                    nagement,
         ­Network & Resources,                                        Frankfurt University of
          GSK Vaccines                                                ­Applied Sciences
          Daniel Reichen,
          Global Key Account Manager,
          ELPRO-BUCHS AG

14.00   Networking luncheon & networking in the exhibition area
14.55      Presentation                          Dark warehouses                        Sustainability ­Nice           Workshop 3:
           reserved for Novo Nordisk                                                    to have, competetive
                                                                                        ­advantage or just a plain     Success drivers affecting
                                                                                         headache                      the future of leadership:
                                                                                         Julian-Kai Ellermeier,        Communication, Clarity,
                                                                                         Head of Supply Chain          Community & Conscious-
                                                                                         ­Management,                  ness
                                                                                          Advance Pharma GmbH          Charlotte de Brabandt,
                                                                                          Brett Marschall, Corporate   Member of ISM‘s Thought
                                                                                          Head of Quality Assurance,   Leadership Council,
                                                                                          Zuellig Pharma               ISM

15.25      Changeover break

15.30      Presentation
           Hans Ehm, Principal Supply Chain Management, Infineon Technologies

16.00      Presentation
           reserved for ASCM Association for Supply Chain Management

16.30      Closing remarks of end of Conference day 2

                 Thursday, March 5: Conference day 3 / Excursions

 Join one of our exciting field trips.
 Note: Limited space available. Pre-event registration is a prerequisite. First-come-first-served principle applies.

 Volkswagen – Gläserne Manufaktur

 Interactive, enlightening, inspiring: explore the mobility of the future in the exhibitions at the Gläserne
 Take a tour through the production facilities to see how an e-Golf * is created. Take a test drive to discover
 what it feels like to drive an electric car. And in a virtual reality zone, you can even take the I.D. CROZZ – a
 vehicle not set for production until 2020 – out for a spin.
 More information will follow soon

 Excursion 2
 More information will follow soon
Thank you for your support!
Arvato Supply Chain Solutions – Healthcare is an international provider of integrated outsourcing services for the healthcare and pharma-
ceutical industry. We develop, implement and operate integrated logistics, sales and financial solutions that are tailored to the needs of our
customers. Customers benefit from comprehensive support throughout the entire order-to-cash cycle as Arvato provides efficient and reliable
management of all supply chain, customer relationship and financial processes.
Arvato Distribution GmbH
Lena Huster
Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse 1, 33428 Harsewinkel | Germany
Phone: +49 5241 8049187

Buck Consultants International (BCI) is a leading International boutique location selection and supply chain management consulting firm.
BCI offers consulting and implementation services all over the globe in the area of go-to-market strategy; supply chain strategy; network de-
sign; transport network and carrier mix optimization; inventory management; S&OP; insourcing/ outsourcing of logistics and manufacturing
and location/site selection. Healthcare clients include amongst others AbbVie, Abbott, Ariad, Amgen, Celgene, Cipex, Cubist, J&J, Medtronic,
NovoNordisk, Pfizer, Santen, St.Jude, Stryker, Takeda to name a few.
Buck Consultants International (BCI)
Martin Gouda, Partner
Kerkenbos 10-31, Nijmegen | The Netherlands
Phone: +31 243790222, Cell: +31 6 159 48 296

Celonis ( is the New York- and Munich-based leader in Enterprise Performance Acceleration software. A pioneer in Process
Mining technology, its Intelligent Business Cloud helps every company rapidly remove operational friction to become a Superfluid Enterprise.
Companies around the world including Siemens, L’Oréal, Uber, Citi, Airbus, and Vodafone rely on Celonis to guide action and drive change,
turning business processes into extraordinary experiences and resulting in millions of dollars saved.
Celonis SE
Theresienstrasse 6, 80333 Munich | Germany
Phone: +49 89 416159670

d-fine is a leading European consultancy for data analysis and technology services with 7 offices across Europe and more than 900 highly
dedicated consultants. Our client base ranges from the financial industry via healthcare providers and mobility and transportation companies.
Our clients benefit from our extensive experience in business development, cutting-edge technology (including Machine Learning and Block-
chain), mathematical modelling, and implementation.
d-fine GmbH
Daniel Lohner
An der Hauptwache 7
60313 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 69 907370
Fax: +49 (0) 69 90737-200

Founded in 1986, ELPRO is a Swiss-based, global manufacturer of innovative environmental monitoring solutions for the pharmaceutical, life
science, biotech and health care industries. As the knowledge and innovation leader in the industry, ELPRO offers state-of-the-art data loggers,
SaaS software platforms including data analytics, and a team of GxP experts to support the system integration into your business processes.
For more information visit
Daniel Reichen
Langauelistrasse 45, 9470 Buchs SG | Switzerland
Phone:+41 81 552 08 08, Email:
A world leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance temperature-controlled packaging systems for the transport of pharma-
ceutical products, EMBALL’ISO is now an expert of turnkey Reverse Logistics and Rental solutions. EMBALL’ISO’s worldwide presence across
4 continents, with 8 production sites (Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Singapore, UK and the US) and collection points in more than 80
countries helps you reuse isothermal packaging while saving time and money.
Yann Martin
320 Route de l’Avenir, 69830 Saint Georges de Reneins | France
Phone: +33 4 74 09 70 80

EyeOn implements proven innovations to raise your forecasting and planning performance. We work in the most pragmatic way possible,
based on our knowledge and experience with over a hundred large, international companies in the Life Sciences, Process, High Tech, Consu-
mer Products and Marine & Offshore industries. We develop and implement the best fit-for-purpose and data driven improvements with real
EyeOn bv
Croylaan 14, 5735 PC Aarle-Rixtel | The Netherlands
Loek Lemmens, Managing Partner
Phone: +31 8888 30009, Email:
Bram Bongaerts, Lead Life Science Industry Team
Phone: +31 8888 30014, Email:

Katoen Natie (°1854) is a privately owned, asset-based, carrier & forwarder neutral warehousing provider. The company is present in 34
countries with 158 platforms & mainly offers Central or Regional DC solutions. Most platforms are multi-customer (flexibility in people, m²
& equipment) and often located in ports (opportunity to combine the warehousing function with the cross-dock function to consolidate or
deconsolidate ocean freights). From a QA perspective we offer temp controlled EU-GDP licensed (pharmaceuticals) or ISO13485 (medical
devices) certified services.
Katoen Natie
An D’hondt
Ketenislaan 1, Burcht Singelberg, 9130 Kallo | Belgium
Mobile: +32 475641626

With knooing you can find the best and most cost-efficient IT solution for your individual digitalization project. While you can match and
compare solutions easily on our platform, we additionally support you as advisory tool. You can also use our platform if you are in the early
stages of your project and simply have an idea of what you want to do. With our intelligent Knowledge Base we can give you information and
inspiration in order to help you decide in which direction you can go.
knooing GmbH
Selina-Lena Wohlfart
Claudius-Keller-Strasse 3b, 81669 München | Germany
Phone: +49 152 227 709 33, Fax: +49 89 143 792 98

Logista Pharma is the only independent pharmaceutical distributor for Hospitals and Pharmacies in Spain and Portugal, providing the widest
range of services for the pharmaceutical industry. Logista Pharma provides sales and marketing activity support, end-customer service and order
capture, invoicing and cash collection, order preparation, integrated management of transportation with owned transport agencies, patient
programs management, clinical trials management, secondary manufacturing, etc.
Logista Pharma
Carlos Albajar
Calle del Trigo 39, Pol. Ind. Polvoranca, 28914 Leganés, Madrid | Spain
Mobile: + 34 647307707

MAG45 was founded in 1948 as an internal MRO supply warehousing and logistics specialist for the Dutch manufacturing giant Philips. The
company has expanded rapidly, organically and through acquisition, championing Integrated Supply of both MRO (Maintenance, Repairs, Ope-
rations) and BOM tail (Bill of Materials) items. Since 2016 MAG45 has been part of the Euro 1.7 billion, 3,000 employee, Danish-listed sourcing
and services company Solar. MAG45 has a global footprint with 250+ employees working from offices across Europe, Asia & North America.
MAG45 GmbH
Jörg Salzer
Gutenbergstrasse 4, 86368 Gersthofen | Germany
Phone: +49 821 99950 580
Med-X-Press GmbH, Goslar, is a pharmaceutical logistics specialist with a wide range of services including narcotics logistics and further ser-
vices along the supply chain. Med-X-Press is GMP/GDP-certified, holds a manufacturing- (§13.1 AMG) and a wholesale (§52.a AMG) license.
300 employees work at nine locations in Germany and Switzerland.
Med-X-Press GmbH
Natascha de Raad
Management Board Sales and Marketing
Pracherstieg 1, 38644 Goslar | Germany
Phone: +49 5321 31130-3300

OpenText Business Network is the world leading digital ecosystem where connected people, systems and devices collaborate to optimize com-
plex business processes extending beyond the ‘four walls’ of an organization to include partners, customers and other external stakeholders.
Powered by a cloud messaging and integration backbone, the business network embraces all methods of information sharing, any-to-any, and
creates a dynamic collaboration platform with the flexibility to work how, when and where users, systems and devices work.
Simone Peter
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 20, 85630 Grasbrunn | Germany
Phone: +49 89 4629 1111

The PHOENIX group is a leading healthcare provider in Europe active in Wholesale, Retail (broadest pharmacy network in Europe with more
than 2,700 own and more than 13,500 cooperation pharmacies) and Pharma Services in 27 countries. With the European service brand
­“All-in-One”, PHOENIX group provides services for pharmaceutical companies along the entire value chain, from production to PoS generating
 more revenue at multiple different stages. All-in-One brings all stakeholders together to the benefit of patients throughout Europe.
Olaf Christiansen, Head of Marketing, Corporate Pharma Services, PHOENIX group
Pfingstweidstrasse 10-12, 68199 Mannheim | Germany
Phone: +49 621 8505-8444

Rondo AG develops and produces packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. Rondo offers standard folding cartons as well as
customized packaging solutions. Rondo also provides a wide range of services like Supply on Demand, Serialization, Top Load Services and
Smart Packaging Development. The production facilities are located in Switzerland, the Czech Republic, USA and Puerto Rico. Rondo is part
of Medipak Systems, the Pharma Systems business area of Körber.
Rondo AG
Volker Grouls
Gewerbestrasse 11, 4123 Allschwil | Switzerland
Phone: +49 170 623 11 38, Fax: +41 61 486 87 50

SCHOTT is a leading supplier of primary pharma packaging and analytical lab-services. We provide quality solutions while meeting the highest
demands. Our product portfolio includes ampoules, syringes, cartridges and vials as well as various polymer solutions. Our production facilities
and products comply with the highest standards for pharmaceutical needs.
SCHOTT Pharmaceutical Systems
Sascha Emmelheinz
Hattenbergstrasse 10, 55122 Mainz | Germany
Phone: +49 6131 661589, Fax: +49 3641 28888-9408

Validaide is a digital platform for the planning and qualification of global shipments based on capabilities defined by hundreds of logistics
providers. We provide an online application to manage and share Lane Characterizations and Lane SOP’s, and combine this with our predictive
analytics solutions to support the optimization of routing and packaging decions.
Validaide B.V.
Eelco de Jong
Parklaan 13, 3941RD Doorn | The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 1590 5506
Facts & figures

when                                                             host

Monday, March 2: Pre-event reception                             	
                                                                  Association for Supply Chain Management,
                                                                  Procurement and Logistics (BME)
Tuesday, March 3: Conference day 1                                Frankfurter Strasse 27
                                                                  65760 Eschborn I Germany
Wednesday, March 4: Conference day 2
Thursday, March 5: Field trips
                                                                 	District court Frankfurt am Main VR 6654
where                                                              Tax number 045 250 66673, VAT ID DE 114235471

	Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden                      who should participate
  Taschenberg 3
  01067 Dresden I Germany                                              • GlobalPharma Supply Chain, Logistics &Distribution
	                                                                        top executives (SVPs & VPs)
                                                                       • Pharma Trade, Operations, Regulatory & ­Compliance
   phone: +49 351 4912 636
                                                                          top executives
                                                                       • Market Access & Global Health leaders
	Limites special room rate available until
  January 6 2020                                                       • Governmental, institutional and social
  Please use the booking code                                            ­representatives
   “Pharma Supply Chain 2020”.

 Please note: For information on discounted rates in
  other hotels nearby, please get in touch with us.
                                                                 Cancellation Policy
                                                                 Event registrations can only be cancelled in writing, namely by letter, fax or
                                                                 email. Cancellations can be made free of charge without specifying reasons
                                                                 up to 4 weeks before the start of the event. In the case of cancellations
                                                                 made within 4 weeks before the start of the event, the participation fee
                                                                 that has already been paid will be reimbursed less a cancellation fee of 20%
                                                                 of the event fee. If a cancellation is made within 2 weeks before the start
                                                                 of the event, the entire participation fee will be charged. Cancellation fees
                                                                 will not be charged.

Any questions? We are here to help you!

Silva Certan-Mallmann                            Sarah Baer
Speaking opportunities, Sponsoring/Exhibition,   Speaking opportunities, Sponsoring/Exhibition,
Delegate management                              Delegate management
phone: +49 173 211 82 01                         phone: +49 6196 5828-124
Email:              Email:
REGISTRATION FORM                      

           YES, I would like to register for the 5th BME Global Pharma Supply Chain Congress, March, 3 – 5, 2020

                                   Standard ticket
                                   * 2 Conference Days                  participant 3              - 50% discount for industry attendees

                                      plus Field Trip of your choice

Standard-Ticket Industry           699 €                                First name                              Last name

Standard-Ticket Vendor             2.499 €

Ticket fees are exempt from German VAT.

Not yet a BME member? Please contact
Astrid Lins-Wehlan, phone: +49 6196 5828 – 115

Registration fee includes:
 Full access to all sessions incl. break-outs
 All networking activities incl. coffee & lunch breaks
	One Field trip of your choice (registration needed;                  Company
   ­limited capacity)
 Pre-evening reception & networking dinner                             Street or P.O. Box

 Lunch and refreshments on all days
                                                                        Postal/ZIP Code 		                   City

 participant 1                                                          Country

 First name                        Last name

                                                                        billing address

 Email                                                                  Company

 Phone                                                                  Division

                                                                        Street or P.O. Box

                                                                        Postal/ZIP Code 		                   City

 participant 2          - 25% discount for industry attendees           Email			Phone


First name                        Last name


Email                                                                  Date/Signature

                                                                       All orders are subject to the general terms and conditions of BME e.V.

a s s o c i a t i o n

                              BME e.V.
                              Association for Supply Chain
                              ­Management, Procurement ­
                               and Logistics (BME)
                               Frankfurter Strasse 27
                               65760 Eschborn | Germany
Agenda status December 2019

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