User Guide - MyBNU Student Portal

                      Beverley Fletcher

Table of Contents
Introduction to MyBNU Student Portal ...................................................................................................... 3
Downloading the App ................................................................................................................................ 3
Logging On................................................................................................................................................ 4
   Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) ......................................................................................................... 4
      What is Multi-Factor Authentication? .................................................................................................. 4
      Using the Authenticator App .............................................................................................................. 4
      Using Text/ SMS ................................................................................................................................. 5
      How do I set-up MFA? ........................................................................................................................ 5
Navigating MyBNU .................................................................................................................................... 6
   Top Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 6
      Alerts ................................................................................................................................................ 6
      Quick Links ........................................................................................................................................ 7
      Search ............................................................................................................................................... 7
   Side Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 8
      Navigation Menu ................................................................................................................................ 8
      Apps .................................................................................................................................................. 8
   Bottom Bar ........................................................................................................................................... 9
      Bottom Navigation ............................................................................................................................. 9
   Landing Page .......................................................................................................................................... 9
      Dashboards ........................................................................................................................................ 9
   Tiles ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
      Welcome to MyBNU ........................................................................................................................ 12
      Timetable & Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 12
      Attendance Registration ................................................................................................................... 14
      Attendance data ............................................................................................................................... 15
      Mail ................................................................................................................................................. 17
      Tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 18
      Academic Advice .............................................................................................................................. 19
      Blackboard ....................................................................................................................................... 20
      Library Search .................................................................................................................................. 21
      Library Loans ................................................................................................................................... 21
      Balances ........................................................................................................................................... 22
      Student Surveys ............................................................................................................................... 23
      Campus Maps................................................................................................................................... 24
      People Search .................................................................................................................................. 27
      BNU Website .................................................................................................................................. 28
      Student Info ..................................................................................................................................... 29

August 2021 v1.3
IT Service Desk ................................................................................................................................ 31
    Student Union .................................................................................................................................. 31
    Announcements ............................................................................................................................... 33
    Newsroom ...................................................................................................................................... 34
    Twitter ............................................................................................................................................ 35

August 2021 v1.3
Introduction to MyBNU Student Portal
Bucks New University (BNU) has many platforms that our students need to interact with such as
Blackboard, online enrolment/ re-enrolment, timetables etc. We understand there is a lot of
information and different sources which can make student life challenging, this is where the MyBNU
Student Portal comes into its own.
MyBNU makes it easy for you to manage your student life by centralising all the information you
need in one intuitive place. It provides single-sign-on functionality, so that you only need to log-in to
MyBNU to access all other platforms.

Downloading the App
MyBNU can be accessed via a mobile app – you will need to download the App from the Google
Play Store or Apple App Store.
To download, go to:
The Google Play store for Android phones:
The Apple App store for iPhones:
Make sure you download the App specific to Buckinghamshire New University –

Please note that you can also use MyBNU via a web browser on any device with a connection to the
internet, at:

August 2021 v1.3
Logging On
To login to MyBNU, you will be asked to enter your university login details:

 Username = your BNU email address (
 Password = the password you use to logon to all BNU computers and systems

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional layer of security added to the login process. It
relies on two forms of authentication:
    •   something you know - your password
    •   something you have with you - a mobile device or hardware token.
This means that even if your password is hacked, your account will remain secure.
If MFA has been enabled on your account, you will be prompted when you log into MyBNU, and
when you access Blackboard and any of your Microsoft applications such as Outlook.

Using the Authenticator App
The easiest way to provide MFA is via the Microsoft Authenticator App which works on both
Android and IOS devices.
If you install the app on your device, then after you enter your University credentials to login to
MyBNU, a second page will appear asking that you approve the sign in request similar to this

You will then receive a notification on your mobile device. View the notification, and if it is
legitimate i.e. you are the person who initiated the log in request, tap Approve.
Using the Microsoft Authenticator on your personal phone will not give the University access to
your device. The app’s only purpose is to help you log in - it doesn’t have access to your data. It will
need access to your camera so you can scan the QR code, and it will also work a great deal better if
you allow it to send notifications when you log in.

Using Text/ SMS
If you don't have a smart phone, or it doesn't work with the app, please contact the IT Service Desk
at and they can assist. Alternatively, you can set up SMS as your preferred MFA
method and you will receive a text message on your phone containing a verification code. Enter this
code into the sign-in panel.

How do I set-up MFA?
You can register a mobile device (either a smartphone or a tablet).
The MFA registration guide will help you with this, alternatively this YouTube video Register and
manage your security information helps to explain the process.

August 2021 v1.3
Navigating MyBNU
This guide will show you how to navigate the MyBNU Student Portal, the common functionality you
are likely to see and where it is located.

Top Bar

Toward the right of the top bar will be your quick links:
    •   Notifications - here you can view and clear notifications
    •   Profile - View your own profile, preferences, services, active sessions and privacy policy
    •   Search - Allowing you to find tiles easily on your dashboard

 Alerts will appear within
 MyBNU providing timely
 information on key university
 notices, events and news.

 An alerts icon appears in the
 toolbar. A badge will appear on
 the icon to show how many.
 Alerts will persist if not read.
 To open the alert, click on the
 alert icon and a list will be

 Click on ‘See all notifications’ to
 bring up a list of those already

We recommend you ‘opt-in’ to receive mobile notifications from the MyBNU App on your mobile
device. Alerts will then show up on the lock screen and Notification Centre, even when you are not
using MyBNU.

Quick Links
 Quick Links shows a list of key
 navigation items such as
 Attendance, Timetable,
 Blackboard, and helpful pages
 such as Password Reset.

 The Search function allows you
 to filter through and search
 News Articles and Content
 Pages within MyBNU.

August 2021 v1.3
Side Bar

 Navigation Menu
 This section hosts links which will
 take you through to information
 pages within the portal, or to
 external websites.

 You can access the Navigation
 section from the ‘burger’ menu at
 the top of the screen.

 If a link has a down arrow next to
 it, this means there are sub-
 sections you can view.

 The Apps menu allows you to
 access information otherwise
 shown on tiles in your dashboard.

August 2021 v1.3
Bottom Bar

 Bottom Navigation
 Particularly helpful for iPhone
 and iPad users, the bottom
 bar enables you to instantly
 navigate to key areas such as
 the home dashboard and
 Attendance Self-Registration.

Landing Page

 Whenever you log on to
 MyBNU, you will land on the
 ‘Home dashboard’. If you have
 accessibility problems, you may
 wish to use the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard instead which
 you can access by clicking on
 the left hand menu under

From your home dashboard, you will have access to information and resources via ‘Tiles’ including:
    •   Welcome to MyBNU – takes you to the introductory guide to help you get stared and
        navigate the portal
    •   Calendar – showing you your timetable, and items in your Office 365 calendar
    •   Attendance capture – enabling you to self-register at sessions
    •   Attendance data - showing you your attendance and punctuality
    •   Academic Advice – takes you the website page with helpful information and links
    •   Mail – showing your Office 365 email and any announcements sent from Blackboard
    •   Tasks – showing any tasks you create in your Office 365 account
    •   Blackboard – showing course details and allowing you to link directly to your course pages
    •   Balances – showing your outstanding library fees, and print credit
    •   Library Loans – showing all items you have on loan
    •   Library Search – enabling you to find learning resources
    •   Student Info – showing your contact details, and details of your courses
    •   Campus Maps – showing the addresses, maps, directions and campus information such as
        opening times and contact numbers for of each of our campuses
    •   BNU website – a direct link to the main university website
    •   Student Union – giving you information about the Students’ Union

August 2021 v1.3
•   Student Surveys – providing you access to any open surveys BNU would like you to
    •   IT Service Desk – providing you with information on how to get help with IT issues
    •   Twitter – BNU feed
    •   Newsroom – enabling you to pull in feeds from news sites of interest to you
    •   Banners – these may not always be present, but if they are, they will provide you with
        information and reminders about current and upcoming events and activities
    •   Other – you may find tiles which appear periodically and take you through to informational
        pages or sites which change over time, or which contain videos about BNU
Note: the layout of the dashboard may change from time to time, but you will still be able to access
the same content.
At the time of publishing this guide, the dashboard looks like this:

August 2021 v1.3
If you have digital accessibility needs, or prefer a simpler look and decide to use the ‘dark mode’
dashboard, it will look something like this:

August 2021 v1.3
Welcome to MyBNU
 The tile on the home
 dashboard looks like this.

 Clicking on this tile takes you
 to the introductory guide to
 help you get stared and
 navigate the portal.

 Timetable & Calendar
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 The Timetable & Calendar tile
 provides access to a view of all
 your timetabled sessions, as
 well as any personal additions
 to your Outlook calendar.
 Mobile devices will see the
 agenda view as their default
 screen, whereas on a larger
 device it will be a weekly view..
 You can change the view to Day
 or Week, look at future or past
 dates, or view upcoming
 activities in an Agenda list.

August 2021 v1.3
By clicking on a timetable entry
 you will be able to see further
 details on the activity.

 Clicking ‘Go to Event’ will take
 you through to the university
 timetabling system.

 Attendance Registration
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The Attendance Registration
 tile enables you to self-register
 at your timetabled sessions.
 Simply find the session and click

 If you need to attend a session
 which isn’t listed in your
 timetable, then you can go to
 the ‘Sessions not listed?’ section
 and add the code provided to
 you by your Academic.

 Attendance data
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The Attendance data tile
 provides access to a view of
 your attendance and punctuality

 You can search by Course, and
 date range. The default date
 range selection shows
 information regarding the
 current week. You can change
 the date range to show
 information relating to, This
 Week, Last Week, This Month,
 Last Month, or a Custom Date

 Based on the data recorded,
 indicators and a chart will show
 a summary of your Attendance
 and Punctuality, and a list that
 can be drilled through to see
 attendance entries, with regards
 to activities that have occurred
 in the date range selected.

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the ‘Home’ and
 ‘Home – Dark Mode’
 dashboards looks like this.

 All students have an Office 365
 email account for use during
 their studies.
 Through the Mail tile, emails can
 be read or sent, and there is
 also a link to use email directly
 on Outlook if that is preferred.

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the ‘Home’
 dashboard looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 The Tasks area will show any
 tasks set up via your outlook

August 2021 v1.3
Academic Advice
 The tile on the ‘Home’
 dashboard looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home –
 Dark Mode’ dashboard
 looks like this.

 The Academic Advice area
 will take you the BNU
 website page with lots of
 helpful information and
 links about topics such as
 enrolment and managing
 your studies.

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 Through the Blackboard tile, a
 list of all the courses you are
 enrolled on can be seen.

 By following the ‘Blackboard’
 button, you can navigate
 directly to the content for the
 course on Blackboard.

 You can also continue to
 navigate around Blackboard if
 you need.

August 2021 v1.3
Library Search
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 You can enter your key search
 terms directly into the search
 bar on this tile in ‘Home’ mode,
 or click into the tile in ‘Home –
 Dark Mode’. This will take you
 through to the Library Search

 Library Loans
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
Clicking on the Library Loans
 tile will take you to the Library
 system where you will be able
 to check out resources and see
 what is already on loan.

 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The Balances tile will show your
 Print credit.
 Note: you can top up your print
 credit by clicking in the
 ePayments section of the
 Navigation bar.

 It will also show your             Screenshot forthcoming
 outstanding Library fees.
 Note: you can pay your library
 fees by clicking in the
 ePayments section of the
 Navigation bar.

 Student Surveys
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 Clicking on the Student Surveys
 tile will bring up a list of any
 outstanding surveys ready for
 you to complete.

August 2021 v1.3
Clicking on a survey title will
 open up and allow you to
 complete the survey.

 Campus Maps
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
Clicking on the Campus Maps
 tile will take you to a page
 showing the local area, and
 listing all of our campus

 You can select a specific campus
 under the Areas tab.

 Areas will show a map of the
 immediate area surrounding a
 campus location.

 Clicking on the purple arrow
 button at the bottom right will
 bring up more information –
 ‘Points of interest’ – about that

August 2021 v1.3
Points of interest shows a map
 of the campus building, and (if
 available) a floor plan of that
 campus. In this section you can
 also find additional information
 such as opening hours, contact
 numbers and what is expected
 when you arrive.

August 2021 v1.3
People Search
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 The People Search tile enables
 you to search for anyone within
 the university global address
 book if you wish to contact a
 lecturer for example.

August 2021 v1.3
You can email contacts directly
 through this screen. By clicking
 on the ‘Compose Mail’ button,
 email editor will open.

 BNU Website
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The BNU website tile takes you
 directly to the main university
 webpage where you can find
 information about courses,
 current affairs such as Covid-19,
 and FAQs.

 Student Info
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
Through the Student Info tile,
 you will see the ‘My personal
 data’ tab. This shows
 information such as your
 contact details, and the course
 you are enrolled upon.

 The ‘My academic data’ tab,       Screenshot forthcoming.
 shows the modules you are
 enrolled upon, and any
 published grades.

August 2021 v1.3
IT Service Desk
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 Through the IT Service Desk
 tile, you can access the main IT
 Service Desk webpage where
 you can find all the help you
 need for any IT issues.

 Student Union
 The tile on the home dashboard
 looks like this.

August 2021 v1.3
The tile on the ‘Home – Dark
 Mode’ dashboard looks like this.

 Clicking on the Student Union
 tile will take you to an
 information page about the
 Student Union, with links to
 their website and resources.

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the ‘Home’ and
 ‘Home – Dark Mode’
 dashboards looks like this.

 The Announcements tile will
 show news stories coming
 from BNU such as upcoming
 events or planned IT outages.
 Clicking on the story in the
 tile will open up the full story

 Important announcements
 will also show in your
 You will also receive alerts
 on your smartphone if you
 allow notifications in your
 app settings.

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the ‘Home’ and
 ‘Home – Dark Mode’
 dashboards looks like this.

 Clicking on the Newsroom
 tile will show all the news
 article in more detail and
 allow you to click through
 and view them in their
 original source such as the
 BBC News website.

 You can subscribe to news
 feeds and choose to ‘opt-
 in/opt-out’ so that you can
 personalise your feed to suit
 your interests and course

August 2021 v1.3
 The tile on the home
 dashboard looks like this.

 The tile on the ‘Home –
 Dark Mode’ dashboard looks
 like this.

 The BNUs Twitter tile
 shows the current feeds
 from the university Twitter
 account. Clicking on any
 individual tweet will take you
 directly to it in Twitter.

August 2021 v1.3
You can also read