Used Commercial Vehicle Finance - Future Leaders in - July 2021 - Avendus

Page created by Elizabeth Gilbert
Future Leaders in
Used Commercial
Vehicle Finance

July 2021
Table of contents
1. Vehicle Finance – An introduction     03

2. Recovery on the cards                 04

    a. Covid-19 impact 						            06

    b. Cautious recovery                 09

    c. Government reforms                10

    d. Long-term view                    13

3. Key offerings in Vehicle Finance      15

4. Key NBFC players serving the market   17

    a. Who are the leaders?              19

    b. Who are the emerging leaders?     22

5. The road ahead                        28

6. About the authors                     30

Glossary                                 31

Sources                                  32
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Future Leaders in Used
Commercial Vehicle Finance:
An Introduction
The vehicle finance industry in India is set to make a comeback. We believe
the used CV segment, particularly LCVs will witness major growth coming in
from rural India. In the spotlight, we have case studies of three key players
who are bound to capture market share as the move from unorganized to
organized is underway – Cholamandalam, Ess Kay and Kogta.

Cholamandalam is the leader in used LCV financing, focused on a granular
and diversified portfolio, trading at 4.0x+ P/B in the long term with ROEs in
the mid-teens.[1]

We expect emerging leaders like Ess Kay and Kogta to command c.15%
market share in the next five years through their differentiated capability,
granular portfolios, and tech-focused approach.
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Vehicle finance –
Recovery on the cards
Growth in Indian vehicle finance space has been subdued due to various
supply demand related issues, alongside institutional reforms. COVID-19 with
its challenges did not help the sector either.

However, swift bounce back from last year’s dip in performance points
towards a sharper recovery this time around. As the vehicle industry is
cyclical in nature, with the next upcycle and government push, it looks like the
industry is set for expansion.

We remain most optimistic about used CV and PV financing segments in
vehicle finance, cementing our long term conviction in asset-based financing.


Vehicle finance has been languishing in India…[2]

                        CAGR: 11.5%                       CAGR: 7.0%

             4.0       4.3
    3.7                                                                               [3]                    [4]

                                                                        c. 50%              c. 40%
                                                                           Share of            Share of
                                                                          NBFCs in            CVs in total
 FY13      FY14      FY15     FY16     FY17     FY18     FY19    FY20
                                                                           Vehicle          vehicle finance
                   Vehicle finance AUM (INR in trillion)                  financing              AUM
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Before COVID-19 struck, vehicle loan
disbursements for NBFCs were already
slowing down. Reasons?[5]

               DELAY in already weak demand                                 LOWERING of LTV due to higher risk
               because of BSVI transition.                                  perception.

               DECLINE in retail prices as dealers                          IMPACT of GST and liquidity crunch.
               offered cash discounts to push sales.

New CV sales in India were languishing under the impact of new axle-load norms and BSVI transition.
Total CV sales for FY20 were 0.7 million, down from 1.2 million in FY19.[6]

    M/HCV volumes contracted by 32% YoY in                       Although the LCV (truck) segment was
    FY20 as overcapacity in the system and                       relatively less impacted by the axle load
    tighter financing owing to a liquidity crunch                norms, volumes were down ~20% in FY20
    played spoilsport, with pressure largely                     owing to the slowdown in consumption-
    visible in the HCV segment (>12T).                           driven sectors and the rural economy, a strict
                                                                 financing environment and high base effect.
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COVID-19 didn’t help matters
but H2FY21 was one of the
best periods for lenders
Market sentiment remained weak as slowing
economic growth and COVID-led disruptions
impacted freight availability

             ECONOMIC CONTRACTION                                LAUNCH DELAYS

             Core sectors, manufacturing and                     OEMs delayed new product launches
             construction, contracted 1.4% and                   due to supply chain disruption and
             2.2%, respectively, during Q4FY20,                  lower demand perception. Surplus cars
             indicating sharp contraction in                     with fleet and rental companies kept
             economic activities, leading to freight             demand for new cars subdued.
             capacity concerns.[9]

            LOW FLEET UTILIZATION                                PV SALES PLUNGE

            Low fleet utilization also impacted                  Passenger vehicle sales in India
            by shortage of drivers, raw material                 plunged 78.4% in Apr-Jun 20.[10]
            availability and rise in commodity prices.
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Vehicle financiers witnessed high proportion of loans under moratorium due to significant borrowers’ cash
flow disruption and a higher share of cash collection in the total collections. Collection efficiency of vehicle
financiers trailed the levels of mortgage-backed lenders. Concerns in the space were visible in market pricing
of some listed players in the space as stock markets acted jittery.


Collection efficiency of select players during moratorium (%)[11]

                         85%              85%                          83% 85%                              85%
                   80%                                           80%
                                                           70%                                                                      73% 76%
             70%                                                                                      70%                     70%
                               60% 60%                                                          60%
       45%                                                                                45%


              VF               Affordable housing          Secured SME               Unsecured SME                            MFI
                                         Mar-20       Apr-20      Jun-20         Jul-20         Aug-20

Top asset financiers were reporting collections of near 100% with reported GNPAs of 4-7% as of Mar-21.
Sharp bounce back from the Mar-20 lows was witnessed, supported by rising economic activity and improved
collections. Within vehicle finance, demand recovery was swiftest in PV and LCV financiers, with a rise in
transportation of local goods aided by e-commerce penetration.[12]

The positive market sentiment despite the second wave is visible in the valuations for the sector post Q3 &
Q4FY21 results and corresponding economic revival. Q4FY21 was one of the best quarters lenders have had
with largely all asset quality issues priced in.
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Diversified players continue to command premium[13]

                                  GST Implementation                         COVID-I
                                  (Jul-17)                                   (Mar-20)
                                                       IL&FS crisis                            COVID-II
                                                       (Sep-18)                                (Apr-21)

                                                                                                  4.8x    Cholamandalam
                                                                                                  3.8x    Sundaram
1.8x                                                                                              1.7x    Shriram
                                                                                                  1.1x    Mahindra

     Feb      Jul   Dec   May     Oct    Mar     Aug     Jan     Jun   Nov   Apr   Sep   Jan    Jun
     16       16    16    17      17     18      18      19      19    19    20    20    21     21
                                    TTM P/B of key players in the space

Disbursement in Q1FY22 is expected to be c.50% of Q4FY21 levels, as lenders disbursed loans cautiously,
choosing to focus on collections and recovery instead. Analysts predict ~10 bps rise in GNPA for new CV
and ~20 bps rise for used CV financing in FY22 as early signs of COVID-II impact. This was caused by the
borrowers’ weakened economic standing and collection challenges faced by lenders.[14]

Though the second COVID wave come at a time when lenders were just gathering momentum, a speedier
recovery is expected this time around, with lenders benefiting from last year’s experiences and provisioning
buffers. A relatively relaxed lockdown with no restriction on movement of goods augurs well for the segment.

With a sharp decline in cases and gradual opening up of pockets in the country, we expect July/August to be
normal months for lenders, where growth and collections will be back to pre-COVID levels.
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Cautious recovery is expected
from the next economic upcycle
Improving utilization levels                              E-WAY BILLS CROSS PRE-COVID PEAK
for CVs, higher demand for
                                                          Toll collections have surpassed pre-COVID levels and
used vehicles, and liquidity
                                                          E-way bill generation in Feb-21 is up 12% YoY. Industrial
are leading to improvement
                                                          production, port data and railway freight are now on the
in disbursements for asset
                                                          expansion path. Road construction projects are reactivated.
                                                          Oil marketing companies (OMCs) are renewing oil tanker
                                                          contracts with BS6 vehicle suppliers.[15]

    Fleet utilization for CVs
    was low at 15-20% during                              PREFERENCE FOR PERSONAL MOBILITY DRIVING PV SALES
    the early stages of the                               Retail festive sales improved sequentially in the case of
    nationwide lockdown.                                  passenger vehicles. By Aug-Sep 20, sales in most product
    It had been trending at                               categories picked up to prior year levels. PV sales for the
    75% at the industry level                             industry improved significantly to nearly 100% of prior year
    (above 90% for organized                              levels in Q2 from sub-30% levels in Q1FY21.[17]

    However, with the current                             AGRI PRODUCTION AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH
    second wave of COVID-19                               With three consecutive healthy harvesting seasons, total
    sweeping the nation, it                               agricultural production touched a fresh high of 296 mt.
    remains to be seen how                                This bodes well for disbursements as well as collections
    the lessons learnt from                               in product segments like 2-Ws, Tractors and PVs in rural
    last year can be benefited                            areas.[18]
    from as a hit to the
    economy is anticipated by
    experts from month-long                               PREFERENCE FOR LAST MILE DELIVERY WITH BUSINESSES
    the lockdowns in various                              SHIFTING ONLINE
    states between April and                              Demand from the e-commerce, FMCG, textile and
    June 2021.                                            consumer durable sectors has picked up significantly.
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Government reforms
to further fuel growth
Budget 2021 – Vehicle Scrappage Policy to increase sale of
new and old Vehicles[19]

The policy proposes that commercial vehicles be deregistered after 15 years in case they fail to get the
fitness certificate and private vehicles be deregistered after 20 years if found unfit or in case of a failure to
renew registration certificate.

As per the new policy, vehicle owners scrapping their old vehicles, could get strong incentives, including a
25% rebate on road-tax for personal vehicles (15% for commercial vehicles), a 5% discount on purchase of
new vehicle against the scrapping certificate, among others.

Consumers will also get scrap value for the old vehicle given by the scrapping centre, which is approximately
4-6% of ex-showroom price of a new vehicle. In addition, the registration fees may also be waived for the
purchase of a new vehicle against the scrapping certificate.


Vehicle Scrappage Policy (at a glance)

                                                   CV            PV
Policy deregistering vehicles (years)             >15            >20   (Found unfit, failure to renew registration)

Strong Incentives for vehicle owners scrapping their old vehicles (against the scrapping certificate)

Rebate on road-tax                                15%            25%
Scrap value for the old vehicle                         ~4-6%          (of ex-showroom price of a new vehicle)
Registration fees for new vehicle                          0%          (waived off)
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There are c.1 million commercial vehicles in India, which are more than 15 years old. Scrapping them will
create replacement demand and modernize the commercial vehicle fleet in the country. The replacement
demand will be nearly 1.5 times the average annual sales of new CVs. The market potential can be an
addition of approximately USD 15 billion to the sales of new commercial vehicles.[20]


Replacement demand of CVs[21]

                                                                                    Replacement demand

                                                                                 Avg. annual sales on new CVs

    c. 1 million                                                                       Market potential
      in India                                                                         USD 15 billion
 >15 years old                                   Scrapping                         addition to new CV sales

The policy should lend further impetus to pre-owned vehicle demand over the short term (FY22-FY23) as
demand and attractiveness of used CV will also become a function of the valid years left before the due
fitness certification.[22]

                 BSVI transition –
                 Will lead to uptick in used CVs

                 Upon transition to BSVI emission norms in Apr-20, CV prices have increased by 10-15%. This
                 has translated into a 5-6% rise in used CV prices.[23]

                 Used CV prices are expected to pick up further in H2FY22 as demand revives with customers
                 expected to add or replace their vehicles with ones of lower vintage in order to conserve cash
                 and mitigate the steep cost of BSVI vehicles.
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                 Railways’ DFCs – Will increase freight
                 tonnage and demand for LCVs
                 DFCs are set to reduce cost of freight transport by c.45% compared to road while maintaining
                 the same delivery time. We expect this to lead to overall growth in freight transport in the
                 country and increase share of railways in freight transport from current 26% level. While MHCV
                 demand may decrease as more FTL freight will move towards trains and existing MHCV stock
                 may be able to deliver higher throughputs, LCV demand will increase going forward as higher
                 tonnage will require to be transported intra-city from railheads.[24]

                 Construction of Expressways – Rise in freight volumes and
                 consequent demand for LCVs
                 Government focus on constructing long distance expressways (eg. Delhi-Mumbai Expressway)
                 should reduce cost of inter-city freight transport leading to a consequent rise in volumes. LCV
                 segment is set to see additional demand for last mile connectivity of the goods.

                 Push for EVs –
                 Replacement demand for LCVs
                 Government reforms in the EV space will first be pushed in cities due to environmental
                 concerns. As most transport in cities happens through LCVs, replacement demand will first
                 come in LCVs and much later in MHCVs.
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Long-term conviction in
the space will see fruition
Strong underlying demand for new and pre-owned


Volume of CVs sold (in millions)[25]

                                                                   DRIVERS FOR GROWTH
                                     11%                           • Growth in consumption and e-commerce
                       1.2                           1.8             sectors to drive logistics demand.
                      FY19                          FY23E          • Government focus on road infrastructure,
                                                                     rural income, scrappage policy to boost

       HCVs            24%           CAGR            20%
       LCVs            76%                           80%           • Strong potential for pre-owned CVs since
                                                                     on an average, one truck changes hands
                             YIELD (%)
                                                                     with 2-3 owners.
                                            New        Pre-owned
Customer                      Product                              • Increasing focus on SCVs and LCVs
                                             CV            CV
                                                                     financing with higher yields, less chunky
Large Fleet operator           MHCV       11-12%         12-13%      loans, and lower non-repayments.
                                                                   • 18-20% higher cost of BS6 vehicles,
Medium Fleet operator MHCV                15-16%         16-17%
                                                                     leading to higher demand for used CVs.
Small Fleet operator           LCV        16-18%         18-20%    • High growth in demand of used LCVs with
                                                                     an uptick in the rural economy.
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Volume of PVs sold (in millions)[26]

                                                                 DRIVERS FOR GROWTH

                             7%                                  • Burgeoning middle class and higher
              3.2                            4.2                   disposable incomes to benefit PVs.
              FY19                          FY23E                • Lower cost of capital to encourage
                                                                   spending among individuals.

                                                                 • Pre-owned cars sold in FY18 were more
                                                                   than 2/3rd of new car sales (in value terms)
                            80%                                    in FY18.
       20%                                 Banks majorly cater   • In the future, it is expected that the ratio of
                                           to/ dominate this       new car to pre-owned car sales will be 2:3,
                                           space                   similar to developed economies like
                                                                   Germany, UK and Brazil.
    Pre-owned               New
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Key offerings in the
vehicle finance space
Banks typically finance urban salaried borrowers in the PV segment,
whereas NBFCs mainly cater to self-employed and rural borrowers
who don’t have access to bank finance.[28]

Used CV & two-wheeler financing have become the stronghold of
NBFCs due to their greater ability to tap regional rural markets, by
offering financing at much lower rates than the unorganized sector.


Vehicle finance sub-segments[29]

Lending For          New CVs            Used CVs                 PVs    2-W    Tractors       CEs

Customer              Fleet           Small Road           Salaried/   Mass     Rural     Construction
segment             operators          Transport            Urban                         companies,
                                       Operators                                          contractors

Ticket                 1.5               Upto 1             0.2–1.5    45–50   0.3–0.4      1–30
size (in INR)         million            million             million     k      million     million
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                                                                        Serviced mainly by OEMs & NBFCs
                          Others (CEs, tractors, 2-Ws)

                         M/HCVs – Fleet operators                             Banks focus mainly on new CVs
                                                                              NBFCs dominate the used CV financing
        S/LCV and Used MHCV – FTU/ SRTOs
                                                                                 Serviced mainly by banks
UVs, PVs – Individuals & rental companies

CVs                                            Used CVs                               PVs

Share of organized financing                   Demand for used CV                     Finance penetration is high for
in new CVs (mainly MHCVs)                      financing expected to be               new PVs, particularly in urban
is already high, led by higher                 relatively better due to               areas. Thus, disbursement
ticket sizes involved, along                   lower EMI burden, and some             growth for new PVs expects
with relatively better customer                replacement demand with                to mirror the trends in retail
credit profiles.                               the scrappage policy getting           sales.

LCV financing is on an upward                  With organized financiers still        Scope remains for relatively
trend with inroads made by a                   having only ~60% market                higher growth in the used PV
few larger financiers into rural               share in the used CV segment,          and 2-W segments over the
markets through their strong                   there remains scope for gains          long-term given low level of
ground level networks.                         from unorganized players.[30]          current finance penetration.
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Key NBFC players
serving the market
Within the NBFC sector, there are various players with a niche focus or customer strategy. While some focus
on HCVs, others focus on LCVs, used v/s new, rural (tractors), etc. Diversified lenders are better placed to
navigate the various asset level and economic challenges.


Key NBFC players serving the market
% mix of NBFC AUM as of FY20[31]







                                                                    (17% CVs+CEs)

            (17% CVs+CEs)


               CVs                  PVs           Tractors (Agri)   CEs             2-W      Used Vehicles
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Diversified vehicle financiers exhibit
superior multiples and valuations[32]
(Bubble size denotes Market Cap)


% return on avg. equity (FY21)





                                     0.0x           1.0x                2.0x                3.0x        4.0x   5.0x          6.0x

                                                                                     TTM P/B multiple
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Who are the leaders?
As evident in the asset financier landscape, most players are
diversified into over two categories. More diversified loan books (both
by products and geography) can shield the player from cyclicality
and provide flexibility to reorient the portfolio based on market

Less chunky loans in the product portfolio reduce the quantum and
probability of any asset quality issues affecting the whole business.

This explains why LCVs and MHCVs have gained preference by the
asset financiers in the CV category lately. This also stems from the
fact that the target customer is an SRTO and not a big fleet owner with
more bargaining power.

More rural and semi-urban presence positions a company to gain
market share in this space as rural demand recovers faster.
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – Cholamandalam[33]

Cholamandalam’s diversified AUM mix, with less chunky HCV loans
driving better asset quality, has led to wealth creation over time.


Vehicle business AUM, growing at 20% CAGR over a large base

                                                           CAGR: 19%
                                                                                   406         442
      176                 201               236

     FY15               FY16               FY17                  FY18              FY19        FY20           FY21


Vehicle AUM mix(%)

     8%                  7%                 6%                   6%                8%                 5%             5%

     28%                28%                26%                   26%               25%         26%            26%

                                            9%                   7%                7%          8%             10%
     10%                10%                       3%                    4%                5%          5%
     13%                14%                17%                   19%               17%         13%            10%

     26%                25%                22%                   22%               22%         26%            25%

     15%                16%                17%                   16%               16%         17%            17%

    FY15                FY16               FY17                  FY18              FY19        FY20        FY21

              Cars and MUVs                 HCVs                             Tractor             3-W & SCVs
              LCVs                          CE                               Used/Refinance
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – Cholamandalam


              72% of AUM comprises vehicle finance, while the remainder mainly consists of home
              equity. 27% of vehicle finance comprises used vehicles.

              SMALL TICKET SIZE

              Strong track record in catering to small fleet operators and first-time users with ticket
              size from INR 1 Lac onwards.


              Management is shifting focus to used vehicles due to higher yields. The company has
              still maintained low GNPA, which has reduced from 4.7% in FY17 to 4.0% in FY21.


              Present in 29 states and UTs with an extensive branch network spread across North
              (22%), South (27%), East (26%) and West (24%); ~80% of total book has rural exposure.


              Exposure to commercial papers (short-term borrowings) is only 4% and half of the
              borrowings are term loans.


Outperforming consistently[34]
       Cholamandalam                                                                                      437


 Feb-16                Feb-17               Feb-18               Feb-19      Feb-20            Feb-21
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Who are the
emerging leaders?
While the vehicle finance landscape has long been dominated by big
players like Shriram, Cholamandalam, Sundaram, Mahindra, Magma
etc., an emerging breed of smaller asset financiers focused on used
vehicles have gained traction in the last 5–10 years.

Used vehicle financing (mainly CVs) has witnessed an upward trend
and continues to be a space of interest and growth for the asset
financiers. With new CV demand still sluggish, a variety of factors are
pointing towards a large market for used CV financing.

Focused geographical approach leading to sound understanding and
track record in local markets, diversified asset mix hinging on used
CVs and LCVs, impressive growth, maintained asset quality, use of
technology in processes – all this has led to heightened investor
interest in such players.

In addition to strong collection capabilities, Ess Kay and Kogta,
due to their strong regional networks have developed distinguished
capabilities in repossession and sale of repossessed assets. This is
one of the key reasons why regional NBFCs have garnered investor
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – KOGTA FINANCIAL[35]


Kogta case study analysis

ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT                                          GNPA (%)
(INR IN MILLION)                                                                                    4.4%
                                                                            3.3%            3.2%
        CAGR: 55%

        7.9x                 7,222                                FY17 FY18 FY19           FY20 Q3FY21

                    4,347                                        PORTFOLIO SPLIT (%)
 1,602                                                                      LAP          LCV, SCV
                                                                 Tractors                & HCVs

                                                                         22%       43%               70%
 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Q3FY21                                     8%                       of the vehicle finance
                                                                     8%                        portfolio consists of
                                                                                               pre-owned vehicles

GEOGRAPHIC PRESENCE                                                  MUV            Cars & 2W
     38%                                                                                             Delhi (NCR)

     22%                                                                                                    9%
     Gujarat                                                                               Haryana, Punjab & UP

                                                                                                Madhya Pradesh
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – KOGTA FINANCIAL


              c.80% of AUM comprises of Vehicle Finance while the remainder mainly consists of
              LAP/ MSME with c.70% of vehicle finance comprising used vehicles.


              3+ decades of family legacy and experience in the space helped establish a franchise
              that has a keen understanding of local markets.

              IN-HOUSE TECH

              In-house ERP-based customized proprietary risk management and reporting software
              (Accurate) has been designed to improve operational efficiency.


              Present in 8 states and UTs with 119 branches and 38,000+ customers;
              80%+ of total branches in rural and semi urban areas.


              Exposure to commercial papers is nil and c. 66% of borrowings are term loans
              (banks: 40%); relationship with c. 20 financial institutions.

Backed by                                      Raised c. INR 480 crores over 3 funding rounds in 2016, 2018 and
reputed investors[36]                          2019 at attractive valuation.
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – ESS KAY FINCORP[37]


Ess Kay Finance case study analysis
ROBUST GROWTH | AUM (INR IN MILLION)                                               INCREASING SCALE WITH
                                                                          31,554   DIVERSIFICATION |
                                                                 30,767            PORTFOLIO SPLIT (%)

            CAGR: 44%                                                                                MSME
            8.1x                                      15,506
                                                                                     2-W 2%
                                                                                   Tractors 18%               CV
                  5,259                                                                                      56%
     FY15         FY16         FY17        FY18         FY19      FY20    Q3FY21       Cars

      FY12                  FY13                   FY15              FY18           FY19                  FY20
      CARE                  CARE                  CARE               CARE          CARE                  CARE
      BB+                   BBB-                  BBB                BBB+           A-                     A

PRESENCE (% OF PORTFOLIO)                                                                                   4%
    14%                                                                                              Haryana

    2%                                                                                                     9%
    Maharashtra                                                                            Madhya Pradesh
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                                   |     CASE STUDY – ESS KAY FINCORP


              91% of AUM comprises Vehicle Finance while the remainder mainly consists of LAP/
              MSME, with 70%+ of AUM comprising used CVs.

              CUSTOMER PROFILE

              Middle and lower middle-class segments in the urban, semi urban and fast growing rural
              geographies; ATS of INR 2.65 lacs reflecting granularity.

              IN-HOUSE TECH

              Uses advance MIS software named ’Fin one neo’ which aids monitoring even through smart
              phones; Entire loan origination and collection is done in-house leading to quality portfolio.


              Present in 6 states and UTs with further plans to diversify, with 350+ branches and
              1.6+ lakh customers leading to substantial repeat business with less effort.


              Exposure to commercial papers is nil and c.30% of borrowings are term loans; relationship
              with 18 banks and 16 financial institutions.

Backed by marquee                              TPG entering in Oct-18.
investors with[38]                             Norwest, Baring PE India and Evolvence Coinvest entering in Dec-17.
                                               BanyanTree Growth capital exiting in Dec-17, having invested in the
                                               company in Mar-12, making an INR IRR upwards of 30%.
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                                  | 27


Kogta and Ess Kay are following the footsteps of Cholamandalam

CUSTOMER                          Small fleet operators          Middle and lower-middle   Low and middle income
                                  and first-time users.          class customers from      group borrowers.
                                                                 rural and semi-urban
                                                                 areas (20% are NTC

DIVERSIFICATION                   Well diversified book          Diversified book with     Diversified book with
                                  into vehicle (focused          foray into LAP and        foray into LAP and
                                  on LCVs) and home              MSME, focus on used       MSME, focus on used
                                  finance.                       CVs under vehicle         CVs under vehicle
                                                                 finance.                  finance.

GROWTH                            Higher growth of c. 20%        High growth trajectory    High growth trajectory
                                  CAGR among peers with          with 50% CAGR over        with 60% CAGR over
                                  similar vintage.               last 5 years.             last 4 years.

ASSET QUALITY                     Maintained asset               Maintained GNPA at        Maintained GNPA at
                                  quality with current           c. 4%.                    c. 3% over last 4 years.
                                  GNPA at 2.2%.

TECHNOLOGY                        Stable tech platform           In-house ERP-based        Purchased and installed
                                  for MIS, Gaadi Bazaar          customized proprietary    customized advanced
                                  – digital engagement           risk management and       MIS – Fin one neo,
                                  platform for dealers,          reporting software,       extensive use of data
                                  hybrid cloud computer          Accurate.                 analytics in operations .
                                  and storage set up.

INVESTOR CONFIDENCE               More consistent                Marquee equity            Marquee equity
                                  vehicle finance stock          investors on board with   investors on board with
                                  in the market, valued          attractive valuation;     attractive valuation;
                                  attractively by public         relationship with over    relationship with over
                                  and experts alike.             30 debt investors.        20 debt investors.
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                           | 28

The future looks bright
At Avendus, we are bullish about the used CV market as the growth driver for the NBFC vehicle financing
sector. As already stated, banks have dominated PVs, while banks and OEMs have captured new CVs, which
leaves the used CV financing space fairly untapped. NBFCs need to establish their hold in this segment,
maintaining a focus on LCVs. Take a look at our estimate of the market size and key players we anticipate
dominating the space as organized finance penetration increases.[39]


Market size estimates[40]
NBFC CV AUM (INR IN TRILLION)                                    USED LCV AUM (INR IN TRILLION)

                                                c. 3.0                                               c. 1.2

                                    c. 1.7                                                 c. 0.6

                                                         c. 40%
                               Current share of unorganized players in Used CV financing
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                              | 29

Product and geographical diversification, coupled with in-house, advanced tech capabilities to build better
process and underwriting, and the ability to focus on the right product, would be the key ingredients for the
market leaders of tomorrow in the vehicle finance space.

                    PRODUCT AND

                                                                          KEY INGREDIENTS FOR
                    ADVANCED IN-HOUSE TECH
                    CAPABILITIES TO BUILD
                                                                       Future Leaders in
                    BETTER PROCESS AND                                 Used Commercial
                                                                        Vehicle Finance

                    ABILITY TO FOCUS ON THE RIGHT
                    PRODUCT (SMALL TICKET, HIGH
                    YIELD, RETAIL LOANS)

                  We believe emerging leaders in the used CV space
                   such as Kogta & Ess Kay can capture 15% of the
                  used (non-HCV) space in India in the next 5 years
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                         | 30

About the authors

Anshul Agarwal                                                   Abha Agarwal
Executive Director & Co-head,                                    Executive Director & Co-head,
Consumer, FIG and Business Services                              Consumer, FIG and Business Services                             

Kushagra Kumar                                                   Snigdha Khemka
Director,                                                        Vice President,
Consumer, FIG & Business Services                                Consumer, FIG & Business services                             
^    | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                                | 31


2-W             2-Wheeler                                         LAP    Loan Against Property
3-W             3-Wheeler                                         LCV    Light Commercial Vehicle
ALM             Asset Liability Management                        LTV    Loan to Value
ATS             Average Ticket Size                               MFI    Microfinance Institution
AUM             Assets Under Management                           MHCV   Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicle
BS6 / BSVI Bharat Stage Emission Standard                         MSME   Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
CAGR            Compound Annual Growth Rate                       MUV    Multi Utility Vehicle
CE              Construction Equipment                            NBFC   Non-Banking Financial Company
CoF             Cost of Funds                                     OEM    Original Equipment Manufacturer
CV              Commercial Vehicle                                OMC    Oil Marketing Companies
DFC             Dedicated Freight Corridor                        P/B    Price to Book
EMI             Equated Monthly Installment                       PV     Personal Vehicle
ERP             Enterprise Resource Planning                      SCV    Small Commercial Vehicle
FMCG            Fast Moving Consumer Goods                        SME    Small and Medium Enterprise
FTU             First Time User                                   SRTO   Small Road Transport Operator
GNPA            Gross Non Performing Asset                        TTM    Trailing Twelve Months
GST             Goods and Services Tax                            USD    US Dollar
HCV             Heavy Commercial Vehicle                          UT     Union Territory
INR             Indian Rupee                                      UV     Utility Vehicle
                                                                  VF     Vehicle Finance
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                                         | 32


Page 03                                                          Page 10
[1] CapitalIQ                                                    [19] GOI Budget 2021 Document

Page 04                                                          Page 11
[2] Elara Capital report                                         [20]
[3] Credit Suisse report                                              govt-to-provide-tax-incentives-against-vehicle-
[4] Credit Suisse report - India NBFC Sector Long and                 scrappage-gadkari-101616057294684.html
    Winding Road to Recovery                                     [21]
Page 05                                                               policy-indian-auto-industry-reactions/2183960/
[5] Credit Suisse report                                         [22,23] BOBCAPS IC - STFC
[6] Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
[7] BOBCAPS Initiating Coverage Report - STFC                    Page 12
[8] BOBCAPS - IC STFC                                            [24]
Page 06                                                               corridors-to-be-huge-challenger-for-heavy-
[9] News reports - https://economictimes.indiatimes.                  commercial-vehicles-heres-how/1662503/
     gdp-growth-in-q4-fy20-sinks-to-11-year-low/		               Page 13
     articleshow/76099894.cms                                    [25] Cholamandalam Q4FY19 IP
[10] Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
                                                                 Page 14
Page 07                                                          [26] Cholamandalam Q4FY19 IP
[11,12] Avendus analysis                                         [27] JM Financial - India Used Car Report June 2019

Page 08                                                          Page 15
[13] CapitalIQ                                                   [28] Credit Suisse report
[14] “Second wave of COVID-19 will lead to Credit 		             [29] Credit Suisse report, Avendus analysis
     Costs Remaining Elevated in FY22 for NBFCs” -
     CARE Ratings                                                Page 16
                                                                 [30] Credit Suisse report
Page 09
[15] BOBCAPS - IC STFC                                           Page 17
[16] BOBCAPS - IC STFC; Systematix - Commercial 		               [31] Company disclosures, CapitalIQ, Avendus
     Vehicle Trends and Outlook                                       research and analysis
[17] Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
[18]			                     Page 18
     india/296mt-record-grain-output-likely-		                   [32] Company disclosures, CapitalIQ, Avendus
     in-2019-20/articleshow/75771429.cms                              research and analysis
^   | Future Leaders in Used Commercial Vehicle Finance | 2021                                        | 33


Page 20                                                          Page 25
[33] Company disclosures                                         [37] Company disclosures

Page 21                                                          Page 26
[34] CapitalIQ                                                   [38] Venture Intelligence, VCCEdge

Page 23                                                          Page 28
[35] Company disclosures                                         [39] Avendus analysis
                                                                 [40] Avendus estimates
Page 24
[36] Venture Intelligence, VCCEdge


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