Use of a Metronome in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulation Study

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Use of a Metronome in
                                    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation:
                                    A Simulation Study
                                    Elise Zimmerman, MD, MSa, Naiomi Cohen, MDa, Vincenzo Maniaci, MDa, Barbara Pena, MDa, Juan Manuel Lozano, MD, MScb,
                                    Marc Linares, MDa

        Determine whether the use of a metronome improves chest compression rate and
OBJECTIVE:                                                                                                                             abstract
depth during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a pediatric manikin.
       A prospective, simulation-based, crossover, randomized controlled trial was
conducted. Participants included pediatric residents, fellows, nurses, and medical students
who were randomly assigned to perform chest compressions on a pediatric manikin with and
without an audible metronome. Each participant performed 2 rounds of 2 minutes of chest
compressions separated by a 15-minute break.
RESULTS: A total of 155 participants performed 2 rounds of chest compressions (74 with the
metronome on during the first round and 81 with the metronome on during the second round
of CPR). There was a significant improvement in the mean percentage of compressions
delivered within an adequate rate (90–100 compressions per minute) with the metronome on
compared with off (72% vs 50%; mean difference [MD] 22%; 95% confidence interval [CI],
15% to 29%). No significant difference was noted in the mean percentage of compressions
within acceptable depth (38–51 mm) (72% vs 70%; MD 2%; 95% CI, 22% to 6%). The
metronome had a larger effect among medical students (73% vs 55%; MD 18%; 95% CI, 8% to
28%) and pediatric residents and fellows (84% vs 48%; MD 37%; 95% CI, 27% to 46%) but
not among pediatric nurses (46% vs 48%; MD 23%; 95% CI, 219% to 14%).
           The rate of chest compressions during CPR can be optimized by the use of
a metronome. These findings will help medical professionals comply with the American Heart
Association guidelines.

 Department of Emergency Medicine, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida; and bDepartment of Medical   WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: The
and Health Sciences Research, Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Miami,
Florida                                                                                                       frequency of cardiac arrest is significantly lower
                                                                                                              in children than in adults, rendering the delivery
Dr Zimmerman conceptualized and designed the study, coordinated and supervised data collection,
carried out the initial analysis, and drafted the initial manuscript; Dr Cohen coordinated and                of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation
supervised data collection, carried out the initial analysis, and drafted the initial manuscript;             more difficult. Metronome-based studies in
Drs Maniaci, Pena, and Linares carried out initial analysis and reviewed and revised the manuscript;          adults showed improvement in adequate
Dr Lozano provided statistical advice on the study design, carried out initial analysis, and reviewed and
                                                                                                              compression rate, with a detrimental effect on
revised the manuscript; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
                                                                                                              the depth of chest compressions.
This trial has been registered at (identifier NCT02511470).                                                             WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This is the first
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-1858
                                                                                                              pediatric study to confirm that the use of
                                                                                                              a metronome during cardiopulmonary
Accepted for publication Aug 18, 2015
                                                                                                              resuscitation significantly improves the delivery
Address correspondence to Elise Zimmerman, MD, MS, Department of Emergency Medicine,
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, 3100 SW 62nd Ave, Miami, FL 33155. E-mail:
                                                                                                              of adequate rate without affecting the
                                                                                                              compression depth. This effect was more
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
                                                                                                              prominent among medical students and
Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
                                                                                                              pediatric residents and fellows than nurses.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 5, November 2015                                                                                                        ARTICLE
Despite recent advances in                  both clinical and animal                        100 000 person-years, compared with
resuscitation, such as defibrillation        investigations.8,9 Kern et al7                  126.52 per 100 000 person-years
technology, survival from cardiac           evaluated metronome guidance                    for adults. To our knowledge no
arrest remains poor.1,2 Without             of both chest compressions and                  study to date has evaluated pediatric
prompt care the chance of survival          ventilation on adults, both before and          practitioners in performing high-
falls dramatically within minutes           after endotracheal intubation. The              quality CPR in the setting of
of arrest onset.3 Matos et al3 found        combined tone and voice prompt audio            metronome use. The low frequency
that survival outcomes in the first          guidance they used was effective at             of pediatric cardiac arrests compared
15 minutes are linear and decline           maintaining the target chest                    with adults is the basis of our study.
rapidly, highlighting the importance        compression rate and avoiding the               We report a study of CPR by pediatric
of immediate return of spontaneous          common problem of hyperventilation              care providers on a pediatric manikin
circulation. Pediatric survival to          during CPR by professional rescuers             with and without a metronome.
discharge rate after in-hospital            (ie, emergency medical technicians).            We hypothesized that the use of
cardiac arrests is .25%; in                 Some studies have suggested that                a metronome would improve chest
comparison, 5% to 10% survive               rescuer fatigue may decrease the                compression rate and depth during
after out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.4     quality of CPR even after 1 minute              CPR.
Poor-quality cardiopulmonary                of chest compressions, and the rescuer
resuscitation (CPR) has been cited          may not recognize this decrease in
as a contributing factor to this dismal     performance.6 Jäntti et al8 were able           METHODS
                                            to show that participants perceive
statistic on outcomes.4 Optimizing                                                          Selection of Participants
                                            more exhaustion when given chest
the CPR technique improves
                                            compressions without metronome                  A total of 155 participants were
resuscitation success. It is well
                                            guidance, but the measured                      recruited for this study. Participants
known that immediate delivery
                                            compression depth did not decrease              included residents, fellows, and
of high-quality CPR increases
                                            during the 10-minute scenario. They             nurses specializing in pediatrics and
survival rates. The key elements of
                                            mentioned that this effect might be             medical students rotating in
high-quality CPR are to push hard,
                                            the result of the experience of the             pediatrics, who voluntarily
push fast, allow full chest recoil
                                            participants (ICU nurses and members            participated from January to July
between compressions, avoid
                                            of the cardiac arrest team). A number           2014. Recruitment took place through
excessive ventilations, minimize
                                            of studies suggest that human factors           e-mails, flyers, and directly during
interruptions, avoid preshock pause,
                                            contribute to poor CPR quality, which           conferences. Eligibility criteria
resume CPR immediately after shock,         includes difficulty in performing CPR            included health professionals with
and rotate compressor role every            during stressful and chaotic cardiac            a minimum of basic life support
2 minutes.5 Therefore, each minute is       arrest conditions, the lack of internal         training according to the 2010 AHA
critical to achieving both survival and     sense of chest compression rate and             guidelines and capable of performing
favorable neurologic outcomes.3,6 At        depth, rescuer fatigue, and infrequent          chest compressions. Verbal consent
the completion of a CPR course, health      CPR recertification.1,6 One possible             was obtained and demographic data
care professionals are examined and         solution to these problems is                   were collected from the participants,
given a provider card that indicates        measuring the quality of resuscitation          including time since last CPR training,
course completion. It is assumed            by use of an audible metronome                  professional background, and gender.
that when properly trained health           during CPR to better train our
care professionals perform CPR, the         pediatric health care providers.                Study Design and Setting
American Heart Association (AHA)
                                            Inadequate chest compression rate               A prospective, simulation-based,
standards are being met.
                                            and depth are common during CPR                 crossover, randomized controlled trial
Very high compression rates may             even among skilled health care                  was conducted and approved by the
compromise coronary blood flow               providers.1,10 This finding may be               Western Institutional Review Board,
due to a significant shortening of           more prominent in the pediatric                 an independent institutional review
the diastolic period, when the              setting because of the infrequent               board. Participants were randomly
majority of coronary flow occurs.            occurrence of cardiac arrests in                assigned into 2 CPR rounds by
Too slow a rate delivers too few            comparison with adults. Most of the             a Microsoft Excel 2010 random
compressions per minute to achieve          recommendations for pediatric CPR               generator program. The simulation
optimal resuscitation hemodynamics          are extrapolated from adult studies.            clinical educator used the Excel
and outcomes.1,7 The notion of chest        Atkins et al11 found the incidence of           software to create a random list of
compression–only CPR (without               out-of-hospital nontraumatic cardiac            numbers used for the allocation of
ventilations) has gained support from       arrest in pediatrics to be 8.04 per             participants. One round consisted

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906                                                                                                                  ZIMMERMAN et al
of chest compressions with an                    level meter (Amprobe, Everett, WA)               the metronome would increase this
audible metronome and the other of               to ensure that the noise level                   percentage to 70% (a relative
chest compressions without an                    (measured in decibels) was similar               improvement of about 25%),
audible metronome that sounded at                for each scenario. Video recording               a sample of 152 participants was
a rate of 100 times per minute. A                of each participant was obtained for             used (a = 0.05, paired 2-tailed test,
monitor–defibrillator (Lifepak 15                 feedback purposes only.                          power 80%).
from Physiocontrol, Redmond, WA)                 Data were collected in the simulation            Descriptive data are given as means
with a built-in CPR metronome was                laboratory and emergency department              with SD or as proportions and 95%
used; it was set to “pediatric with              setting with the equipment setup                 confidence intervals (CIs). Because
airway setting” for this study. The              being identical in both locations.               this was a crossover trial, a formal
metronome was placed ∼8 feet from                Resusci Anne Wireless SkillReporter              test for a treatment by period
the participants. The participants               software with a personal computer                interaction was conducted to assess
were blinded to the specific purpose              skill reporting system (Laerdal                  whether the results had been affected
of the study; they were told that                Medical AS, Stavanger, Norway) was               by order or carryover effect. Given
they would be participating in an                used to record the data for each                 that no interactions were observed
educational study about CPR training.            participant. The manikin wirelessly              (data not shown, available upon
Study investigators were not blinded             transmitted the information to the               request), the analysis was based on
to the study, but all measurements               computer and captured data                       estimates of the within-subject
were collected directly by the                   including rate, depth, hand position             difference in the average of the
software, so investigators had no                (hands compressing the sternum),                 percentage of compressions that were
impact on the data collected.                    release time (chest fully released               within an adequate rate (90–110 per
Participants were informed that                  back to resting position), and                   minute) or depth (38–51 mm) with
a metronome would be used                        downstroke/upstroke ratio                        and without the metronome.
randomly during 1 of their CPR                   (amount of time compressing vs                   Accordingly, differences equal to
sessions, and the rate and depth of              decompressing, optimal ratio                     0 indicate that there were no changes
chest compressions would be                      1.00 [50%/50%]). This information                with the metronome, positive values
assessed according to the Pediatric              allowed us to determine whether                  that the metronome improves the
Advanced Life Support (PALS) 2010                the time interval between 2                      outcomes and negative values the
AHA guidelines. No participants were             compressions matched that of an                  opposite. 95% CI and P values,
excluded or lost after randomization.            adequate rate (90–110 per minute;                obtained via t test, were calculated
                                                 shorter and longer intervals                     to determine whether the differences
Methods and Measurements                         indicated compression rates that                 observed were statistically
Each participant performed 2 rounds              were too fast and too slow,                      significant. Statistical software used
of 2 minutes of chest compressions               respectively) and whether every                  was SPSS Statistics version 21 (IBM
separated by a 15-minute break to                compression was within adequate                  SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation).
avoid participant fatigue. Chest                 depth (38–51 mm). Then we
compressions were performed on                   determined, for every participant,               RESULTS
a Resusci Anne pediatric torso                   the percentage of compressions
simulator manikin (Laerdal Medical               that were within adequate rate and               A total of 155 participants were
AS, Stavanger, Norway) placed on                 depth. Finally, we obtained the mean             included in the study (medical
a board on a standard hospital bed               of the percentage of compressions                students rotating in pediatrics, n = 55;
and mattress and adjusted to the                 within adequate rate and depth with              pediatric nurses, n = 33; and pediatric
participant’s comfort level. In                  and without the metronome, which                 residents and pediatric fellows,
addition, a step stool was provided to           were the primary outcomes.                       n = 67). There were varying levels of
those participants who chose to use                                                               basic and advanced life support
one. Participants were also advised to           Primary Data Analysis                            training, most obtained within the
take off any items (eg, ID badge,                We calculated sample size by using               previous 12 months. See Table 1 for
stethoscope, watch) that may                     data provided by Buléon et al12 in               participant characteristics.
interfere with delivery of high-quality          a crossover study involving medical              Of the 155 participants, 74 were
chest compressions. All participants             students performing CPR on                       randomly assigned to have the
conducted chest compressions on the              a manikin with and without                       metronome on during the first round
same manikin. To simulate a more                 a CPRmeter. Fifty-six percent of                 of CPR, and the remaining 81
accurate cardiac arrest environment,             compressions were in the appropriate             participants had the metronome on
background “crowd noise” was used                range without the use of                         during the second round. All
and measured with an SM-10 sound                 a metronome. Assuming that use of                participants completed the 2 rounds

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 5, November 2015                                                                                         907
TABLE 1 Characteristics of Study                          Exploratory subgroup analyses were            of CPR as early as the third minute
           Participants (n = 155)                         performed on adequate compression             of continuous chest compressions.
             Characteristic                   N (%)       rate by training level (Table 2). When        These outcomes support the
Level of training and background                          we compared the percentage                    pediatric advanced life support
  Medical student rotating in                 55 (36)     of adequate compression rate by               concept of “push-as-fast-as-you-can”
     pediatrics                                           training level, we noted that the             to emphasize organization of care
  Pediatric residents and fellows             67   (43)
                                                          metronome had a significant effect             around 2-minute periods of
  Pediatric nurse                             33   (21)
  Women                                       87   (56)   among medical students rotating               uninterrupted CPR.16
  Men                                         68   (44)   in pediatrics (73% vs 55%; MD 18%;            There have been metronome-based
CPR training                                              95% CI, 8% to 28%) and pediatric              studies illustrating improvement of
  BLS only                                    30 (19)     residents and pediatric fellows
  BLS and PALS                               125 (81)                                                   adequate compression rate, but,
                                                          (84% vs 48%; MD 37%; 95% CI,
Time (mo) since last CPR training                                                                       unlike our study, they demonstrated
  ,6                                          35 (23)     27% to 46%) but not for pediatric
                                                                                                        a negative impact on the depth of
  6–12                                        80 (52)     nurses (46% vs 48%; MD 23%;
                                                                                                        chest compressions.18,19 Our study
  .12                                         40 (26)     95% CI, 219% to 14%).
                                                                                                        focused on rate-only feedback from
BLS, basic life support; PALS, pediatric advanced life
support.                                                                                                a metronome because it is easily
                                                                                                        accessible as part of the defibrillator
                                                          To our knowledge, this is the first            machine on code carts and the
of chest compressions (Fig 1). Mean                       pediatric manikin-based simulation            defibrillators in the resuscitation
levels of environment background                          study assessing pediatric practitioners       room. The actual cause of suboptimal
crowd noise during rounds with the                        performing chest compressions with            chest compression depth with
metronome on and off were almost                          and without a metronome. Our results          metronome guidance is unknown.
identical (67.9 dB vs 67.5 dB; mean                       illustrate how metronome guidance             However, it has been hypothesized
difference [MD] 0.4 dB; 95% CI, 20.01                     improves the delivery of chest                that various factors could contribute
                                                          compressions at an adequate rate but          to shallower compressions, including
to 0.7).
                                                          has no effect on the depth. These             multitasking, rescuer fatigue, and
There was a statistically significant                      findings are in accordance with                rescuer distraction (concentrating on
improvement in the mean percentage                        several adult studies showing similar         rate management rather than
of compressions delivered within an                       results.8,13 Our study focused on CPR         maximal effort).18–20 The effect of
adequate rate with the metronome                          with only chest compressions rather           greater compression depth is
on compared with the metronome off                        than the addition of ventilation,             associated with increased coronary
(72% vs 50%; MD 22%; 95% CI, 15%                          leading to a shorter delay to chest           perfusion pressure, higher success
to 29%) (Table 2). This difference was                    compressions. Initiating chest                of defibrillation, increased cardiac
explained by a decrease in the mean                       compressions early is of utmost               output, and improved clinical
percentage of compressions that were                      importance, as emphasized by the              outcomes.21,22 A compression depth
too fast (21% vs 39%; MD 218%;                            changes in the traditional                    of 5 cm is more effective than 4 cm
95% CI, 224% to 212%). The total                          airway–breathing–circulation
                                                                                                        in children and adults. The most
number of compressions during 2                           sequence to the current
                                                                                                        recent AHA guidelines recommend
minutes was lower with the                                                                              a compression depth of $5 cm in
metronome on than with the                                sequence put forth in the 2010
                                                                                                        children and adults, in hopes to
                                                          resuscitation guidelines.14–16 These
metronome off (210.6 vs 221.9;                                                                          eliminate confusion when ranges
                                                          guidelines are supported by Kern
MD 211.3 compressions; 95% CI,                                                                          of depth are provided.16 The overall
                                                          et al,9 who demonstrated that only
215.8 to 26.8). No statistically                                                                        quality of CPR is highly dependent
                                                          chest compressions in early cardiac
significant difference was noted when                                                                    on multiple factors, but most
                                                          arrest provides reasonable
we compared the mean percentage of                                                                      importantly on rate and depth.
                                                          circulation, does not compromise
compressions within acceptable depth                                                                    Therefore, devices that combine
                                                          survival, and is associated with
(72% vs 70%; MD 2%; 95% CI, 22%                           successful outcomes. In addition,
                                                                                                        audible feedback on both rate and
to 6%) or the mean compression                                                                          depth may improve CPR quality.18
                                                          in an attempt to minimize the
depth (43.8 mm vs 44.0 mm;                                effect of rescuer fatigue, we                 In our study the level of background
MD 20.2 mm; 95% CI, 21.0 to 0.6).                         selected a 2-minute time limit for            noise was controlled for and
Metronome guidance had no effect                          compressions. Furthermore, the                therefore similar in each group.
on percentage of good hand position,                      importance of rescuer fatigue                 The direct impact of background
percentage of adequate release,                           was highlighted by Hong et al17 to            noise could not be assessed because
or mean downstroke/upstroke ratio.                        substantially diminish the quality            the actual noise level in a pediatric

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908                                                                                                                             ZIMMERMAN et al
guidance on subgroups. The
                                                                                                               subgroups analyzed were not
                                                                                                               prespecified and were conducted for
                                                                                                               exploratory purposes only, to generate
                                                                                                               hypotheses for future research.
                                                                                                               Metronome guidance increased the
                                                                                                               percentage of adequate compression
                                                                                                               rate for medical students rotating in
                                                                                                               pediatrics and pediatric residents and
                                                                                                               fellows but not for pediatric nurses.
                                                                                                               This difference could be attributed
                                                                                                               to the level of training. Audible
                                                                                                               metronome guidance helped improve
                                                                                                               the percentage of compressions
                                                                                                               delivered at an adequate rate despite
                                                                                                               the length of time since participants
                                                                                                               completed their last CPR training.
                                                                                                               In agreement with Handley and
                                                                                                               Handley’s24 study regarding an
                                                                                                               audible feedback system, our study
                                                                                                               suggests that incorporating an audible
                                                                                                               metronome in monitors, defibrillators
Participant flowchart.                                                                                          and automated external defibrillator
                                                                                                               devices, in both hospital and
                                                                                                               community settings, could lead to
cardiac arrest case is unknown. You                         measuring the noise level in pediatric             improved performance and delivery
et al23 mentioned that in certain                           cardiac arrest cases might be helpful              of high-quality CPR during pediatric
community environments noise levels                         to determine the impact of noise                   resuscitation attempts. Not only can
measured to be .70 dB were found                            level on quality of CPR.                           metronome guidance help with rate
to cause irritation and hearing                             Additional analysis allowed us to                  control of chest compressions, as
impairment. Additional studies                              compare the effect of metronome                    demonstrated in our study, it can
                                                                                                               also help with ventilation rate
                                                                                                               (hyperventilation is a common
TABLE 2 Outcome Variables With and Without Metronome Guidance (n = 155)                                        problem during actual cardiac arrest
                                                          Metronome              Difference (95% CI)    P      resuscitation efforts).20
                                                     On               Off                                      The AHA recommends periodic
Percentage of compressions with adequate     72 (38)      50 (43)      22 (15 to 29)                   ,.001   assessment of rescuer knowledge
   rate                                                                                                        and skills, although optimal timing
Percentage of compressions within            72 (39)      70 (41)        2 (22 to 6)                    .29    and methods for these are not
   acceptable depth                                                                                            known.16 We recommend that
Total number of compressions               210.6 (31.2) 221.9 (32.7) 211.3 (215.8 to 26.8)             ,.001
                                                                                                               metronome guidance be
Compression rate per min                   106.6 (17.5) 112.0 (17.1) 25.4 (28.1 to 22.7)               ,.001
Percentage of compression rate too fast      21 (36)      39 (45)     218 (224 to 212)                 ,.001   incorporated into CPR training,
Percentage of compression rate too slow        8 (24)     11 (27)      22 (26 to 2)                     .32    the rate of which could be easily
Mean compression depth (mm)                 43.8 (10.8) 44.0 (11.3) 20.2 (210 to 0 6)                   .63    adjusted to comply with the frequent
Percentage of compressions too shallow       28 (39)      30 (40)      22 (26 to 2)                     .31    guideline updates. Furthermore,
Percentage of compression with correct       90 (25)      92 (23)      22 (25 to 2)                     .32
                                                                                                               we agree with the AHA
   hand position
Percentage of compressions adequate          83 (32)      82 (32)        1 (23 to 4)                    .78    recommendations and suggest an
   release                                                                                                     increased need for more frequent
Noise level (dB)                             68 (4)       68 (4)       0.4 (20.01 to 0.7)               .05    CPR training with the use of
Downstroke upstroke ratio                    90 (18)      89 (17)        2 (21 to 4)                    .2     refresher courses. This training is
Percentage of ACR, medical students          73 (39)      55 (44)      18 (8 to 28)                     .001
                                                                                                               especially necessary for medical
   rotating in pediatrics
Percentage of ACR, pediatric residents and   84 (30)      48 (43)      37 (27 to 46)                   ,.001   professionals working within the
   pediatric fellows                                                                                           pediatric population because of the
Percentage of ACR, pediatric nurses          46 (41)      48 (44)      23 (219 to 14)                   .75    low number of cardiac arrest events
Data are presented in means (SDs) unless otherwise indicated. ACR, adequate compression rate.                  among children. Studies have shown

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 5, November 2015                                                                                                    909
that as one goes without CPR training                 account. Fourth, no formal                             trials assessing the effect of
refresher courses, the quality of CPR                 feedback was obtained on how                           a metronome in delivering
performance deteriorates in as little                 participants felt about the audible                    compressions at an adequate rate
as 3 months.20 Because of the low                     metronome and whether it affected                      and depth in real-life pediatric
frequency of pediatric codes, we believe              the quality of their chest                             cardiac arrest cases.
there should be more frequent pediatric               compressions. Finally, participant
code simulations or refresher courses                 fatigue was not assessed, which is
during pediatric residency and                        important especially with the                          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
pediatric fellowship training.                        ongoing changes in CPR guidelines                      Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, formerly
There are several limitations to our                  (ie, the number of chest                               Miami Children’s Hospital Human
study. First, the actual environment                  compressions and compression                           Patient Simulation Program
in which the study was performed                      depth). Many of these limitations                      Department, provided the equipment
might be artificial. Although we                       could affect future studies and                        used to collect the data. The authors
attempted to simulate as close to                     should be taken into consideration                     thank the simulation clinical educator,
a medical resuscitation                               when additional research is                            Beth Ann Ramey, RN, and the
environment as possible with                          conducted.                                             simulation technicians, Zeshan Khan
background noise, the actual noise                                                                           and Jason Cheleotis, for their support
and stress level of being in a real                                                                          and dedication to this study. We also
                                                      CONCLUSIONS                                            thank all the participants who
resuscitation setting could not be
simulated. Second, code situations                    It is well known that prompt                           volunteered and made this study
with real-life cases were not used                    response to cardiac arrest and                         possible.
for the study. Instead, the                           proper delivery of high-quality
compressions were performed on                        chest compressions increases
a pediatric manikin, so patient                       meaningful survival in patients.                         ABBREVIATIONS
outcomes were not measured.                           Our data indicate that the use of a
                                                                                                               AHA: American Heart Association
Third, participants were asked only                   metronome improves the accuracy
                                                                                                               CI: confidence interval
to perform chest compressions,                        of the rate of compressions
                                                                                                               CPR: cardiopulmonary
and therefore the importance of                       delivered to a pediatric manikin.
pauses for ventilation and tracheal                   These data are encouraging and
                                                                                                               MD: mean difference
intubations was not taken into                        support the need for future clinical

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 5, November 2015                                                                                                  911
Use of a Metronome in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulation Study
 Elise Zimmerman, Naiomi Cohen, Vincenzo Maniaci, Barbara Pena, Juan Manuel
                           Lozano and Marc Linares
                            Pediatrics 2015;136;905
    DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-1858 originally published online October 12, 2015;

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Use of a Metronome in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulation Study
Elise Zimmerman, Naiomi Cohen, Vincenzo Maniaci, Barbara Pena, Juan Manuel
                          Lozano and Marc Linares
                           Pediatrics 2015;136;905
   DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-1858 originally published online October 12, 2015;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                       located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
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