US GAAP versus IFRS The basics - February 2018 - EY

Page created by Kristen Gomez
US GAAP versus IFRS The basics - February 2018 - EY
versus IFRS
The basics
February 2018
Table of contents

Introduction............................................................................. 1
Financial statement presentation............................................ 3
Interim financial reporting ....................................................... 7
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity
method investees/associates.................................................. 8
Business combinations ..........................................................14
Inventory ...............................................................................18
Long-lived assets ..................................................................20
Intangible assets ...................................................................23
Impairment of long-lived assets, goodwill and
intangible assets ...................................................................25
Financial instruments ............................................................29
Foreign currency matters......................................................38
Leases — before the adoption of ASC 842 and IFRS 16 ........40
Leases — after the adoption of ASC 842 and IFRS 16 ...........43
Income taxes .........................................................................47
Provisions and contingencies ................................................51
Revenue recognition — after the adoption of ASC 606
and IFRS 15 ...........................................................................53
Share-based payments..........................................................57
Employee benefits other than share-based payments ..........61
Earnings per share ................................................................63
Segment reporting ................................................................65
Subsequent events ................................................................67
Related parties ......................................................................69
IFRS resources ......................................................................70
Error! No text of specified style in document.

There are two global scale frameworks of                        Key updates
financial reporting: US GAAP, as promulgated                    Our analysis generally reflects guidance
by the Financial Accounting Standards Board                     effective in 2017 and finalized by the FASB and
(FASB), and IFRS, as promulgated by the                         the IASB as of 31 May 2017. We updated this
International Accounting Standards Board                        guide to include Accounting Standards Update
(IASB) (collectively, the Boards).                              (ASU) 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with
In this guide, we provide an overview, by                       Customers,1 (largely codified in Accounting
accounting area, of the similarities and                        Standards Codification (ASC) 606); IFRS 15,
differences between US GAAP and IFRS. We                        Revenue from Contracts with Customers;
believe that any discussion of this topic should                ASU 2016-02, Leases (largely codified in
not lose sight of the fact that the two sets of                 ASC 842); IFRS 16, Leases; ASU 2016-01,
standards generally have more similarities than                 Recognition and Measurement of Financial
differences for most common transactions,                       Assets and Financial Liabilities; and IFRS 9,
with IFRS being largely grounded in the same                    Financial Instruments. We have not included
basic principles as US GAAP. The general                        differences before the adoption of ASC 606,
principles and conceptual framework are often                   IFRS 15, ASU 2016-01 and IFRS 9. Please refer
the same or similar in both sets of standards                   to the October 2016 edition of the tool for
and lead to similar accounting results. The                     these differences. This update doesn’t include
existence of any differences — and their                        differences related to ASU 2016-13, Financial
materiality to an entity’s financial statements —               Instruments — Credit Losses (Topic 326):
depends on a variety of factors, including the                  Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial
nature of the entity, the details of the                        Instruments, because of the standard’s
transactions, the interpretation of the more                    delayed effective date.
general IFRS principles, industry practices and                 Our analysis does not include any guidance
accounting policy elections where US GAAP                       related to IFRS for small and medium-sized
and IFRS offer a choice. This guide focuses on                  entities or Private Company Council
differences most commonly found in current
                                                                alternatives that are embedded within
practice and, when applicable, provides an
                                                                US GAAP.
overview of how and when those differences
are expected to converge.                                       We will continue to update this publication
                                                                periodically for new developments.

    The guide also includes subsequent amendments in
    ASU 2015-14, Deferral of the Effective Date; ASU 2016-08,
    Principal versus Agent Considerations (Reporting Revenue
    Gross versus Net); ASU 2016-10, Identifying Performance
    Obligations and Licensing; ASU 2016-12, Narrow-Scope
    Improvements and Practical Expedients; ASU 2016-20,
    Technical Corrections and Improvements to Topic 606; and
    ASU 2017-05, Other Income—Gains and Losses from the
    Derecognition of Nonfinancial Assets (Subtopic 610-20):
    Clarifying the Scope of Asset Derecognition Guidance and
    Accounting for Partial Sales of Nonfinancial Assets.

                                                                                US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 1

                *   *   *   *   *
Our US GAAP/IFRS Accounting Differences
Identifier Tool publication provides a more in-
depth review of differences between US GAAP
and IFRS as of 31 May 2017. The tool was
developed as a resource for companies that
need to analyze the accounting decisions and
changes involved in a conversion to IFRS.
Conversion is more than just an accounting
exercise, and identifying accounting
differences is only the first step in the process.
Successfully converting to IFRS also entails
ongoing project management, systems and
process change analysis, tax considerations
and a review of all company agreements that
are based on financial data and measures. EY
assurance, tax and advisory professionals are
available to share their experiences and assist
companies in analyzing all aspects of the
conversion process, from the earliest
diagnostic stages through the adoption of the
international standards.
To learn more about the US GAAP/IFRS
Accounting Differences Identifier Tool, please
contact your local EY professional.

February 2018

                                                     US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 2
Financial statement presentation
Financial statement presentation

Similarities                                            changes in shareholders’ equity to be
There are many similarities in US GAAP and              presented in the notes to the financial
IFRS guidance on financial statement                    statements, while IFRS requires the changes in
presentation. Under both sets of standards,             shareholders’ equity to be presented as a
the components of a complete set of financial           separate statement. Further, both require that
statements include: a statement of financial            the financial statements be prepared on the
position, a statement of profit and loss                accrual basis of accounting (with the exception
(i.e., income statement) and a statement of             of the cash flow statement) except for rare
comprehensive income (either a single                   circumstances. IFRS and the conceptual
continuous statement or two consecutive                 framework in US GAAP have similar concepts
statements), a statement of cash flows and              regarding materiality and consistency that
accompanying notes to the financial                     entities have to consider in preparing their
statements. Both US GAAP and IFRS also                  financial statements. Differences between the
require the changes in shareholders’ equity to          two sets of standards tend to arise in the level
be presented. However, US GAAP allows the               of specific guidance provided.

Significant differences
                          US GAAP                                     IFRS
Financial periods         Generally, comparative financial            Comparative information must be
required                  statements are presented; however, a        disclosed with respect to the previous
                          single year may be presented in certain     period for all amounts reported in the
                          circumstances. Public companies must        current period’s financial statements.
                          follow SEC rules, which typically require
                          balance sheets for the two most recent
                          years, while all other statements must
                          cover the three-year period ended on
                          the balance sheet date.

Layout of balance sheet   There is no general requirement within      IFRS does not prescribe a standard
and income statement      US GAAP to prepare the balance sheet        layout, but includes a list of minimum
                          and income statement in accordance          line items. These minimum line items
                          with a specific layout; however, public     are less prescriptive than the
                          companies must follow the detailed          requirements in Regulation S-X.
                          requirements in Regulation S-X.

Balance sheet —           Debt for which there has been a             Debt associated with a covenant
presentation of debt as   covenant violation may be presented         violation must be presented as current
current versus            as noncurrent if a lender agreement to      unless the lender agreement was
noncurrent                waive the right to demand repayment         reached prior to the balance sheet date.
                          for more than one year exists before
                          the financial statements are issued or
                          available to be issued.

                                                                             US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 3
Financial statement presentation

                            US GAAP                                        IFRS
Balance sheet —            Before the adoption of ASU 2015-17,            All amounts classified as noncurrent in
classification of deferred Balance Sheet Classification of                the balance sheet.
tax assets and liabilities Deferred Taxes, deferred taxes are
                           classified as current or noncurrent,
                           generally based on the nature of the
                           related asset or liability.
                           After the adoption of ASU 2015-17, all
                           deferred tax assets and liabilities will be
                           classified as noncurrent. (ASU 2015-17
                           is effective for public business entities
                           (PBEs) in annual periods beginning
                           after 15 December 2016, and interim
                           periods within those annual periods.
                           For other entities, it is effective for annual
                           periods beginning after 15 December
                           2017, and interim periods within annual
                           periods beginning after 15 December
                           2018. Early adoption is permitted.)

Income statement —          No general requirement within                  Entities may present expenses based on
classification of           US GAAP to classify income statement           either function or nature (e.g., salaries,
expenses                    items by function or nature although           depreciation). However, if function is
                            there are requirements based on the            selected, certain disclosures about the
                            specific cost incurred                         nature of expenses must be included in
                            (e.g., restructuring charges, shipping         the notes.
                            and handling costs). However, SEC
                            registrants are generally required to
                            present expenses based on function
                            (e.g., cost of sales, administrative).

Income statement —          Discontinued operations classification is      Discontinued operations classification
discontinued operations     for components that are held for sale or       is for components held for sale or
criteria                    disposed of and represent a strategic          disposed of and the component
                            shift that has (or will have) a major effect   represents a separate major line of
                            on an entity’s operations and financial        business or geographical area, is part
                            results. Also, a newly acquired business       of a single coordinated plan to dispose
                            or nonprofit activity that on acquisition is   of a separate major line of business or
                            classified as held for sale qualifies for      geographical area of or a subsidiary
                            reporting as a discontinued operation.         acquired exclusively with an intention
                                                                           to resell.

                                                                                  US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 4
Financial statement presentation

                          US GAAP                                      IFRS
Statement of cash flows   After the adoption of ASU 2016-18,           There is no specific guidance about the
— restricted cash         Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230) —        presentation of changes in restricted
                          Restricted Cash, changes in restricted       cash and restricted cash equivalents on
                          cash and restricted cash equivalents         the statement of cash flows.
                          will be shown in the statement of cash
                          flows. In addition, when cash, cash
                          equivalents, restricted cash and
                          restricted cash equivalents are
                          presented in more than one line item
                          on the balance sheet, ASU 2016-18
                          requires a reconciliation of the totals in
                          the statement of cash flows to the
                          related captions in the balance sheet.
                          This reconciliation can be presented
                          either on the face of the statement of
                          cash flows or in the notes to the
                          financial statements. (ASU 2016-18 is
                          effective for PBEs in annual periods
                          beginning after 15 December 2017,
                          and interim periods within those annual
                          periods. For all other entities, it is
                          effective for annual periods beginning
                          after 15 December 2018, and interim
                          periods within annual periods beginning
                          after 15 December 2019. Early
                          adoption is permitted.)

Disclosure of             There is no general requirements             Certain traditional concepts such as
performance measures      within US GAAP address the                   “operating profit” are not defined;
                          presentation of specific performance         therefore, diversity in practice exists
                          measures. SEC regulations define             regarding line items, headings and
                          certain key measures and require the         subtotals presented on the income
                          presentation of certain headings and         statement. IFRS permits the presentation
                          subtotals. Additionally, public              of additional line items, headings
                          companies are prohibited from                and subtotals in the statement of
                          disclosing non-GAAP measures in the          comprehensive income when such
                          financial statements and accompanying        presentation is relevant to an
                          notes.                                       understanding of the entity’s financial
                                                                       performance. IFRS has requirements
                                                                       on how the subtotals should be
                                                                       presented when they are provided,

                                                                              US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 5
Financial statement presentation

                         US GAAP                                IFRS
Third balance sheet      Not required.                          A third balance sheet is required as of
                                                                the beginning of the earliest comparative
                                                                period when there is a retrospective
                                                                application of a new accounting policy,
                                                                or a retrospective restatement or
                                                                reclassification, that have a material
                                                                effect on the balances of the third
                                                                balance sheet. Related notes to the third
                                                                balance sheet are not required. A third
                                                                balance sheet is also required in the
                                                                year an entity first applies IFRS.

Standard-setting activities                         The IASB currently has a project on its agenda
The FASB currently has a simplification project     to amend IAS 1, Presentation of Financial
to amend today’s guidance for determining           Statements, to clarify the criteria for classifying
whether to classify debt as current or noncurrent   a liability as either current or noncurrent. The
on the balance sheet. The FASB issued an            IASB issued its exposure draft, Classification of
exposure draft in January 2017 that would           Liabilities, in February 2015, and in December
replace today’s rules-based guidance with a         2015 it discussed comment letters received on
principle-based approach, and in June 2017 it       that proposal. The IASB has decided to defer
discussed comments received on the proposals.       making a decision about whether to finalize the
In November 2017, the FASB completed a              proposals until it has redeliberated the definitions
maintenance update to locate all guidance           of assets and liabilities in the conceptual
related to the income statement and the             framework exposure draft.
statement of comprehensive income in one
place. The guidance that was previously in ASC
225, Comprehensive Income Statement, was
relocated to ASC 220, Income Statement —
Reporting Comprehensive Income.

                                                                       US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 6
Interim financial reporting
Interim financial reporting

Similarities                                            and provide for similar disclosure requirements.
ASC 270, Interim Reporting, and IAS 34,                 Under both US GAAP and IFRS, income taxes
Interim Financial Reporting, are substantially          are accounted for based on an estimated
similar except for the treatment of certain costs       average annual effective tax rates. Neither
described below. Both require an entity to apply        standard requires entities to present interim
the accounting policies that were in effect in the      financial information. That is the purview of
prior annual period, subject to the adoption of         securities regulators such as the SEC, which
new policies that are disclosed. Both standards         requires US public companies to comply with
allow for condensed interim financial statements        Regulation S-X.

Significant differences
                           US GAAP                                   IFRS

Treatment of certain       Each interim period is viewed as an       Each interim period is viewed as a
costs in interim periods   integral part of an annual period. As a   discrete reporting period. A cost that
                           result, certain costs that benefit more   does not meet the definition of an asset
                           than one interim period may be            at the end of an interim period is not
                           allocated among those periods,            deferred, and a liability recognized at
                           resulting in deferral or accrual of       an interim reporting date must
                           certain costs.                            represent an existing obligation.

Standard-setting activities
There is currently no standard-setting activity
in this area.

                                                                            US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 7
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

equity method investees/associates
Similarities                                          An equity investment that gives an investor
ASC 810, Consolidation, contains the main             significant influence over an investee (referred to
guidance for consolidation of financial               as “an associate” in IFRS) is considered an equity
statements, including variable interest entities      method investment under both US GAAP
(VIEs), under US GAAP. IFRS 10, Consolidated          (ASC 323, Investments — Equity Method and
Financial Statements, contains the IFRS guidance.     Joint Ventures) and IFRS (IAS 28, Investments
                                                      in Associates and Joint Ventures). Further, the
Under both US GAAP and IFRS, the                      equity method of accounting for such investments
determination of whether entities are                 generally is consistent under US GAAP and IFRS.
consolidated by a reporting entity is based on
control, although there are differences in how        The characteristics of a joint venture in US GAAP
control is defined. Generally, all entities           (ASC 323) and IFRS (IFRS 11, Joint Arrangements)
subject to the control of the reporting entity        are similar but certain differences exist. Both
must be consolidated (although there are limited      US GAAP and IFRS also generally require
exceptions for a reporting entity that meets          investors to apply the equity method when
the definition of an investment company).             accounting for their interests in joint ventures.

Significant differences
                         US GAAP                                    IFRS

Consolidation model      US GAAP provides for primarily two         IFRS provides a single control model for
                         consolidation models (variable interest    all entities, including structured entities
                         model and voting model). The variable      (the definition of a structured entity
                         interest model evaluates control           under IFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in
                         based on determining which party has       Other Entities, is similar to the definition
                         power and benefits. The voting model       of a VIE in US GAAP). An investor
                         evaluates control based on existing        controls an investee when it is exposed
                         voting rights. All entities are first      or has rights to variable returns from its
                         evaluated as potential VIEs. If an         involvement with the investee and has
                         entity is not a VIE, it is evaluated for   the ability to affect those returns
                         control pursuant to the voting model.      through its power over the investee.
                         Potential voting rights are generally      Potential voting rights are considered.
                         not included in either evaluation.         Notion of “de facto control” is also
                         The notion of “de facto control” is        considered.
                         not considered.

Preparation of            Consolidated financial statements are     Consolidated financial statements are
consolidated financial    required, although certain industry-      required, although certain industry-
statements — general      specific exceptions exist                 specific exceptions exist
                          (e.g., investment companies).             (e.g., investment entities), and there is a
                                                                    limited exemption from preparing
                                                                    consolidated financial statements for a
                                                                    parent company that is itself a wholly
                                                                    owned or partially owned subsidiary, if
                                                                    certain conditions are met.

                                                                           US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 8
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

                            US GAAP                                      IFRS

Preparation of              Investment companies do not                  Investment companies (“investment
consolidated financial      consolidate entities that might              entities” in IFRS) do not consolidate
statements — Investment     otherwise require consolidation              entities that might otherwise require
companies                   (e.g., majority-owned corporations).         consolidation (e.g., majority-owned
                            Instead, equity investments in these         corporations). Instead, these
                            entities are reflected at fair value as a    investments are reflected at fair value
                            single line item in the financial            as a single line item in the financial
                            statements. A parent of an                   statements. However, a parent of an
                            investment company is required to            investment company consolidates all
                            retain the investment company                entities that it controls, including those
                            subsidiary’s fair value accounting in        controlled through an investment
                            the parent’s consolidated financial          company subsidiary, unless the parent
                            statements.                                  itself is an investment company.

Preparation of              The reporting entity and the                 The financial statements of a parent and
consolidated financial      consolidated entities are permitted          its consolidated subsidiaries are prepared
statements — different      to have differences in year-ends of up       as of the same date. When the parent
reporting dates of parent   to three months.                             and the subsidiary have different
and subsidiaries            The effects of significant events            reporting period end dates, the subsidiary
                            occurring between the reporting              prepares (for consolidation purposes)
                            dates of the reporting entity and the        additional financial statements as of the
                            controlled entities are disclosed in the     same date as those of the parent, unless
                            financial statements.                        it is impracticable.
                                                                         If it is impracticable, when the difference
                                                                         in the reporting period end dates of the
                                                                         parent and subsidiary is three months or
                                                                         less, the financial statements of the
                                                                         subsidiary may be adjusted to reflect
                                                                         significant transactions and events, and
                                                                         it is not necessary to prepare additional
                                                                         financial statements as of the parent’s
                                                                         reporting date.

Uniform accounting          Uniform accounting policies between Uniform accounting policies between
policies                    parent and subsidiary are not required. parent and subsidiary are required.
Changes in ownership        Transactions that result in decreases in     Consistent with US GAAP, except that
interest in a subsidiary    the ownership interest of a subsidiary       this guidance applies to all subsidiaries,
without loss of control     without a loss of control are accounted      including those that are not businesses or
                            for as equity transactions in the            nonprofit activities and those that involve
                            consolidated entity (i.e., no gain or loss   the conveyance of oil and gas mineral
                            is recognized) when: (1) the subsidiary      rights.
                            is a business or nonprofit activity
                            (except in a conveyance of oil and gas
                            mineral rights) or (2) the subsidiary is
                            not a business or nonprofit activity, but
                            the substance of the transaction is not
                            addressed directly by other ASC Topics.

                                                                                US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 9
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

                                  US GAAP                                      IFRS
    Loss of control of a          For certain transactions that result in      Consistent with US GAAP, except that
    subsidiary                    a loss of control of a subsidiary, any       this guidance applies to all subsidiaries,
                                  retained noncontrolling investment in        including those that are not businesses or
                                  the former subsidiary is remeasured to       nonprofit activities and those that involve
                                  fair value on the date the control is        conveyance of oil and gas mineral rights.
                                  lost, with the gain or loss included in
                                  income along with any gain or loss on        In addition, the gain or loss resulting
                                  the ownership interest sold.                 from the loss of control of a subsidiary
                                  This accounting is limited to the            that does not constitute a business in a
                                  following transactions: (1) loss of          transaction involving an associate or a
                                  control of a subsidiary that is a business   joint venture that is accounted for using
                                  or nonprofit activity (except for a          the equity method is recognized only to
                                  conveyance of oil and gas mineral            the extent of the unrelated investors’
                                  rights) and (2) loss of control of a         interests in that associate or joint
                                  subsidiary that is not a business or         venture. 2
                                  nonprofit activity if the substance of the
                                  transaction is not addressed directly by
                                  other ASC Topics.
    Loss of control of a          For certain transactions that result in      For transactions that result in a loss of
    group of assets that          a loss of control of a group of assets       control of a group of assets that meet
    meet the definition of        that meet the definition of a business       the definition of a business, any retained
    a business                    or nonprofit activity, any retained          noncontrolling investment in the former
                                  noncontrolling investment in the             group of assets is remeasured to fair value
                                  former group of assets is remeasured         on the date control is lost, with the gain
                                  to fair value on the date control is lost,   or loss included in income with any gain
                                  with the gain or loss included in            or loss on the ownership interest sold.
                                  income along with any gain or loss on
                                  the ownership interest sold. There are
                                  two exceptions: a conveyance of oil
                                  and gas mineral rights and a transfer
                                  of a good or service in a contract with a
                                  customer within the scope of ASC 606.

      Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture, Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28
      was issued by the IASB in September 2014. In December 2015, the IASB indefinitely deferred the effective date of this
      amendment. However, early adoption of this amendment is still available.

                                                                                      US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 10
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

                     US GAAP                                    IFRS

Equity method        An investment of 20 % or more of the       An investment of 20% or more of the
investments          voting common stock of an investee         equity of an investee (including potential
                     leads to a presumption that an investor    rights) leads to a presumption that an
                     has the ability to exercise significant    investor has the ability to exercise
                     influence over an investee, unless this    significant influence over an investee,
                     presumption can be overcome based          unless this presumption can be overcome
                     on facts and circumstances.                based on facts and circumstances.
                     When determining significant               When determining significant influence,
                     influence, potential voting rights are     potential voting rights are considered if
                     generally not considered.                  currently exercisable.
                     When an investor in a limited              When an investor has an investment in a
                     partnership, limited liability company     limited partnership, LLC, trust or similar
                     (LLC), trust or similar entity with        entity, the determination of significant
                     specific ownership accounts has an         influence is made using the same general
                     interest greater than 3% to 5% in an       principle of significant influence that is
                     investee, normally it accounts for its     used for all other investments.
                     investment using the equity method.
                     ASC 825-10, Financial Instruments,         Investments in associates held by
                     gives entities the option to account       venture capital organizations, mutual
                     for certain equity method investments      funds, unit trusts and similar entities
                     at fair value. If management does          are exempt from using the equity
                     not elect to use the fair value option,    method, and the investor may elect to
                     the equity method of accounting            measure their investments in associates
                     is required.                               at fair value.
                     Conforming accounting policies             Uniform accounting policies between
                     between investor and investee is           investor and investee are required.
                     generally not permitted.

Joint ventures       Joint ventures are generally defined       Joint ventures are separate vehicles in
                     as entities whose operations and           which the parties that have joint control
                     activities are jointly controlled by       of the separate vehicle have rights to
                     their equity investors.                    the net assets. These rights could be
                                                                through equity investors, certain parties
                                                                with decision-making rights through
                                                                a contract.
                     Joint control is not defined, but it is    Joint control is defined as existing when
                     commonly interpreted to exist when         two or more parties must unanimously
                     all of the equity investors                consent to each of the significant
                     unanimously consent to each of the         decisions of the entity.
                     significant decisions of the entity.
                     An entity can be a joint venture,          In a joint venture, the parties cannot
                     regardless of the rights and obligations   have direct rights and obligations with
                     the parties sharing joint control have     respect to the underlying assets and
                     with respect to the entity’s underlying    liabilities of the entity (In this case the
                     assets and liabilities.                    arrangement would be classified as a
                                                                joint operation).

                                                                       US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 11
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

                           US GAAP                                   IFRS

                           The investors generally account for       The investors generally account for
                           their interests in joint ventures using   their interests in joint ventures using the
                           the equity method of accounting.          equity method of accounting.
                           They also can elect to account for        Investments in associates held by
                           their interests at fair value.            venture capital organizations, mutual
                                                                     funds, unit trusts and similar entities are
                                                                     exempt from using the equity method
                                                                     and the investor may elect to measure
                                                                     its investment at fair value.
                           Proportionate consolidation may be        Proportionate consolidation is not
                           permitted to account for interests in     permitted, regardless of industry.
                           unincorporated entities in certain        However, when a joint arrangement
                           limited industries when it is an          meets the definition of a joint operation
                           established practice (i.e., in the        instead of a joint venture under IFRS, an
                           construction and extractive               investor would recognize its share of the
                           industries).                              entity’s assets, liabilities, revenues and
                                                                     expenses and not apply the equity

Standard-setting activities                              Related Parties That Are under Common
The FASB issued ASU 2015-02, Consolidation               Control, to amend the primary beneficiary
(Topic 810): Amendments to the Consolidation             determination related to interests held through
Analysis, which eliminates the deferral of FAS           related parties under common control. For
167, Amendments to FASB Interpretation No.               PBEs, the guidance is effective for annual
46(R), and makes changes to both the variable            periods beginning 15 December 2016, and
interest model and the voting model. While the           interim periods therein. For all other entities,
ASU is aimed at asset managers, all reporting            the effective date is consistent with that of
entities will have to re-evaluate limited                ASU 2015-02.
partnerships and similar entities for consolidation      In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-02,
and revise their documentation. It also may              Not-for-Profit Entities — Consolidation
affect reporting entities that evaluate certain          (Subtopic 958-810): Clarifying When a Not-for-
corporations or similar entities for consolidation.      Profit Entity That is a General Partner or a
The guidance is now effective for PBEs. For all          Limited Partner Should Consolidate a For-
other entities, it is effective for annual periods       Profit Limited Partnership or Similar Entity, to
beginning after 15 December 2016 and for                 retain the presumption that a not-for-profit
interim periods within annual periods beginning          (NFP) entity that is a general partner in a for-
after 15 December 2017. After issuing                    profit limited partnership or similar entity
ASU 2015-02, the FASB amended the                        controls the entity, unless that presumption
consolidation guidance two additional times. In          can be overcome. For NFPs, the amendments
October 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-17,               on the presumption are effective for annual
Consolidation (Topic 810): Issues Held through           periods beginning after 15 December 2016,

                                                                            US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 12
Consolidation, joint venture accounting and equity method investees/associates

and within interim periods after 15 December       In February 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-
2017. Early adoption is permitted for both         05. This guidance changed the measurement of
ASU 2016-17 and ASU 2017-02, although              transfers of nonfinancial assets and in
entities that have not yet adopted ASU 2015-02     substance nonfinancial assets in transactions
are required to adopt all ASUs at the same         that are not with customers and that are not
time. In June 2017, the FASB proposed more         businesses. It requires any noncontrolling
changes to the consolidation guidance,             interest retained or received to be measured at
including allowing private companies to make       fair value. This aspect of ASU 2017-05
an accounting policy election to not apply the     converges US GAAP with IFRS. However, the
VIE guidance for certain common control            guidance also requires all transactions in the
arrangements. It also proposed changing two        scope of ASC 610-20 (including sales to equity
aspects of the VIE model for related party         method investees or joint ventures) to result in
groups. Readers should monitor this project        a full gain or loss. That is, there will be no intra-
for developments. Certain differences between      entity profit elimination in a downstream
the consolidation guidance in IFRS and that in     transaction if the sale is in the scope of
US GAAP (e.g., effective control, potential        ASC 610-20. This aspect of ASU 2017-05
voting rights) continue to exist.                  creates a difference between US GAAP and
                                                   IFRS, because IFRS requires profit to be
In March 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-07,
                                                   eliminated in all downstream transactions.
Investments — Equity Method and Joint Ventures
(Topic 323): Simplifying the Transition to the     In June 2016, the IASB issued an exposure draft
Equity Method of Accounting. ASU 2016-07           that would amend IFRS 3, Business Combinations,
eliminates the requirement that an investor        to clarify that when an entity obtains control of
retrospectively apply equity method accounting     a business that is a joint operation, it remeasures
when an investment that it had accounted for       previously held interests in that business. It
by another method initially qualifies for the      also would amend IFRS 11 to clarify that when
equity method. By eliminating retrospective        an entity obtains joint control of a business
application of the equity method, ASU 2016-07      that is a joint operation, the entity does not
converges US GAAP with IFRS. However,              remeasure previously held interests in that
measurement differences may still exist.           business. In April 2017, the IASB tentatively
ASU 2016-07 is effective for all entities for      decided to finalize the amendments to IFRS 3
annual periods, and interim periods within those   and IFRS 11 as proposed.
annual periods, beginning after 15 December
2016. Early adoption is permitted.

                                                                    US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 13
Business combinations
Business combinations

Similarities                                          below, IFRS 3 provides an alternative to
The principal guidance for business combinations      measuring noncontrolling interest at fair value
in US GAAP (ASC 805, Business Combinations)           with limited exceptions. Although the standards
and IFRS (IFRS 3) are largely converged.              (before the issuance of ASU 2017-01,
Pursuant to ASC 805 and IFRS 3, all business          Clarifying the Definition of a Business) are
combinations are accounted for using the              substantially converged, certain differences
acquisition method. When an entity obtains            exist, including those with respect to the
control of another entity, the underlying             definition of a business as described below.
transaction is measured at fair value,                For US GAAP/IFRS accounting similarities and
establishing the basis on which the assets,           differences before the adoption of ASC 606 and
liabilities and noncontrolling interests of the       IFRS 15, please see the October 2016 edition.
acquired entity are measured. As described
Significant differences
                          US GAAP                                  IFRS

Measurement of            Noncontrolling interest is measured at   Noncontrolling interest components
noncontrolling interest   fair value, including goodwill.          that are present ownership interests
                                                                   and entitle their holders to a
                                                                   proportionate share of the acquiree’s
                                                                   net assets in the event of liquidation
                                                                   may be measured at: (1) fair value,
                                                                   including goodwill, or (2) the
                                                                   noncontrolling interest’s proportionate
                                                                   share of the fair value of the acquiree’s
                                                                   identifiable net assets, exclusive of
                                                                   goodwill. All other components of
                                                                   noncontrolling interest are measured
                                                                   at fair value unless another
                                                                   measurement basis is required by IFRS.
                                                                   The choice is available on a
                                                                   transaction-by-transaction basis.

Acquiree’s operating      If the terms of an acquiree operating    The terms of the lease are taken into
leases for a lessor       lease are favorable or unfavorable       account in estimating the fair value of
(before and after the     relative to market terms, the acquirer   the asset subject to the lease. Separate
adoption of ASC 842,      recognizes an intangible asset or        recognition of an intangible asset or
Leases, and IFRS 16)      liability, respectively.                 liability is not required.

                                                                        US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 14
Business combinations

                          US GAAP                                     IFRS

Assets and liabilities    Initial recognition and measurement         Initial recognition and measurement
arising from              Assets and liabilities arising from         Liabilities arising from contingencies
contingencies             contingencies are recognized at fair        are recognized as of the acquisition
                          value (in accordance with ASC 820,          date if there is a present obligation that
                          Fair Value Measurement and                  arises from past events and the fair
                          Disclosures) if the fair value can be       value can be measured reliably, even if
                          determined during the measurement           it is not probable that an outflow of
                          period. Otherwise, those assets or          resources will be required to settle the
                          liabilities are recognized at               obligation. Contingent assets are not
                          the acquisition date in accordance with     recognized.
                          ASC 450, Contingencies, if those
                          criteria for recognition are met.
                          Contingent assets and liabilities that
                          do not meet either of these recognition
                          criteria at the acquisition date are
                          subsequently accounted for in
                          accordance with other applicable
                          literature, including ASC 450. (See
                          “Provisions and contingencies” for
                          differences between ASC 450 and
                          IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent
                          Liabilities and Contingent Assets).
                          Subsequent measurement                      Subsequent measurement
                          If contingent assets and liabilities are    Liabilities subject to contingencies are
                          initially recognized at fair value, an      subsequently measured at the higher of:
                          acquirer should develop a systematic and    (1) the amount that would be recognized
                          rational basis for subsequently measuring   in accordance with IAS 37 or (2) the
                          and accounting for those assets and         amount initially recognized less, if
                          liabilities depending on their nature.      appropriate, the cumulative amount of
                          If amounts are initially recognized and     income recognized in accordance with
                          measured in accordance with ASC 450,        the principles of IFRS 15.
                          the subsequent accounting and
                          measurement should be based on
                          that guidance.

Combination of entities   The receiving entity records the net        The combination of entities under
under common control      assets at their carrying amounts in         common control is outside the scope of
                          the accounts of the transferor              IFRS 3. In practice, entities either
                          (historical cost).                          follow an approach similar to US GAAP
                                                                      (historical cost) or apply the acquisition
                                                                      method (fair value) if there is substance
                                                                      to the transaction (policy election).

                                                                           US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 15
Business combinations

                           US GAAP                                    IFRS

Pushdown accounting        An acquired entity can choose to apply     No guidance exists, and it is unclear
                           pushdown accounting in its separate        whether pushdown accounting is
                           financial statements when an acquirer      acceptable under IFRS. However, the
                           obtains control of it or later. However,   general view is that entities may not
                           an entity’s election to apply pushdown     use the hierarchy in IAS 8, Accounting
                           accounting is irrevocable.                 Polices, Changes in Accounting Estimates
                                                                      and Errors, to refer to US GAAP and
                                                                      apply pushdown accounting in the
                                                                      separate financial statements of an
                                                                      acquired subsidiary, because the
                                                                      application of pushdown accounting
                                                                      will result in the recognition and
                                                                      measurement of assets and liabilities in
                                                                      a manner that conflicts with certain
                                                                      IFRS standards and interpretations. For
                                                                      example, the application of pushdown
                                                                      accounting generally will result in the
                                                                      recognition of internally generated
                                                                      goodwill and other internally generated
                                                                      intangible assets at the subsidiary
                                                                      level, which conflicts with the guidance
                                                                      in IAS 38, Intangible Assets.

Adjustments to provisional An acquirer recognizes measurement-        An acquirer recognizes measurement-
amounts within the         period adjustments during the period in    period adjustments on a retrospective
measurement period         which it determines the amounts,           basis. The acquirer revises comparative
                           including the effect on earnings of any    information for any prior periods
                           amounts it would have recorded in          presented, including revisions for any
                           previous periods if the accounting had     effects on the prior-period income
                           been completed at the acquisition date.    statement.

Definition of a business   Definition of a business                   Definition of a business
after the adoption of      A business must include, at a minimum,     A business consists of inputs and
ASU 2017-01                an input and a substantive process that    processes applied to those inputs that
                           together significantly contribute to the   have the ability to create outputs.
                           ability to create outputs.                 Although businesses usually have
                           An output is the result of inputs and      outputs, outputs are not required for
                           processes applied to those inputs that     an integrated set to qualify as a
                           provide goods or services to               business. The term “substantive
                           customers, investment income (such as      process” is not defined in IFRS 3.
                           dividends or interest, or other            An integrated set of activities and
                           revenues. That is, the focus is on         assets requires two essential elements —
                           revenue-generating activities, which       inputs and processes applied to those
                           more closely aligns the definition with    inputs, which together are or will be
                           the description of outputs in the new      used to create outputs. However, a
                           revenue guidance in ASC 606.               business does not have to include all of
                                                                      the inputs or processes that the seller
                                                                      used in operating that business if
                                                                      market participants are capable of

                                                                          US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 16
Business combinations

                         US GAAP                                   IFRS
                         An entity does not need to evaluate   acquiring the business and continuing
                         whether any missing elements could be to produce outputs, for example, by
                         replaced by a market participant.     integrating the business with their own
                                                               inputs and processes.
                                                               Outputs are defined as the result of
                                                               inputs and processes applied to those
                                                               inputs that provide or have the ability
                                                               to provide a return in the form of
                                                               dividends, lower costs or other economic
                                                               benefits directly to investors or other
                                                               owners, members or participants.
                         Threshold test                             Threshold test
                         An entity must first evaluate whether      There is no threshold test under IFRS 3.
                         substantially all of the fair value of the
                         gross assets acquired is concentrated
                         in a single identifiable asset or group of
                         similar identifiable assets. If that
                         threshold is met, the set is not a
                         business and does not require further
                         evaluation. Gross assets acquired
                         should exclude cash and cash
                         equivalents, deferred tax assets and
                         any goodwill that would be created in a
                         business combination from the
                         recognition of deferred tax liabilities.

Other differences may arise due to different          Standard-setting activities
accounting requirements of other existing
                                                      The FASB and the IASB issued substantially
US GAAP and IFRS literature (e.g., identifying        converged standards in December 2007 and
the acquirer, definition of control, replacement
                                                      January 2008, respectively. Both boards have
of share-based payment awards, initial                completed post-implementation reviews of
classification and subsequent measurement of
                                                      their respective standards and separately
contingent consideration, initial recognition and     discussed several narrow-scope projects.
measurement of income taxes, initial recognition
and measurement of employee benefits).                In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-01
                                                      to clarify certain aspects of the definition of
                                                      a business.
                                                      In June 2016, the IASB issued an exposure
                                                      draft on the definition of a business as a result
                                                      of concerns raised in its post-implementation
                                                      review about the complexity of its application.
                                                      In addition, the IASB has a research project on
                                                      business combinations of entities under
                                                      common control.

                                                                        US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 17

Similarities                                          Permissible techniques for cost measurement,
ASC 330, Inventory, and IAS 2, Inventories,           such as the retail inventory method (RIM), are
are based on the principle that the primary           similar under both US GAAP and IFRS. Further,
basis of accounting for inventory is cost. Both       under both sets of standards, the cost of
standards define inventory as assets held for         inventory includes all direct expenditures to
sale in the ordinary course of business, in the       ready inventory for sale, including allocable
process of production for such sale or to be          overhead, while selling costs are excluded from
consumed in the production of goods or services.      the cost of inventories, as are most storage
                                                      costs and general administrative costs.
Significant differences
                         US GAAP                                     IFRS

Costing methods          Last in, first out (LIFO) is an acceptable LIFO is prohibited. Same cost formula
                         method. A consistent cost formula for must be applied to all inventories
                         all inventories similar in nature is not   similar in nature or use to the entity.
                         explicitly required.

Measurement              Before the adoption of ASU 2015-11,         Inventory is carried at the lower of cost
                         Inventory (Topic 330): Simplifying the      and net realizable value. Net realizable
                         Measurement of Inventory, inventory is      value is defined as the estimated selling
                         carried at the lower of cost or market.     price less the estimated costs of
                         Market is defined as current replacement    completion and the estimated costs
                         cost, but not greater than net realizable   necessary to make the sale.
                         value (estimated selling price less
                         reasonable costs of completion, disposal
                         and transportation) and not less than
                         net realizable value reduced by a normal
                         sales margin.
                         After the adoption of ASU 2015-11,
                         inventory other than that accounted for
                         under the LIFO or RIM is carried at the
                         lower of cost and net realizable value.

Reversal of inventory    Any write-down of inventory below cost Previously recognized impairment losses
write-downs              creates a new cost basis that          are reversed up to the amount of the
                         subsequently cannot be reversed.       original impairment loss when the reasons
                                                                for the impairment no longer exist.

Permanent inventory      Permanent markdowns do not affect           Permanent markdowns affect the
markdowns under RIM      the gross margins used in applying the      average gross margin used in applying
                         RIM. Rather, such markdowns reduce          the RIM. Reduction of the carrying cost
                         the carrying cost of inventory to net       of inventory to below the lower of cost
                         realizable value, less an allowance for     and net realizable value is not allowed.
                         an approximately normal profit margin,
                         which may be less than both original
                         cost and net realizable value.

                                                                          US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 18

                            US GAAP                                        IFRS

Capitalization of pension After the adoption of ASU 2017-07,               Any post-employment benefit costs
costs                     Improving the Presentation of Net                included in the cost of inventory
                          Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic           include the appropriate proportion of
                          Postretirement Benefit Cost, the service         the components of defined benefit cost
                          cost component of net periodic pension           (i.e., service cost, net interest on the
                          cost and net periodic postretirement             net defined benefit liability (asset) and
                          benefit cost is the only component               remeasurements of the net defined
                          directly arising from employees’ services        benefit liability (asset).
                          provided in the current period.
                          Therefore, when it is appropriate to
                          capitalize employee compensation in
                          connection with the construction or
                          production of an asset, the service cost
                          component applicable to the pertinent
                          employees for the period is the relevant
                          amount to be considered for
                          capitalization. (ASU 2017-07 is effective
                          for PBEs in annual periods beginning
                          after 15 December 2017, and interim
                          periods within those annual periods. For
                          all other entities, it is effective for annual
                          periods beginning after 15 December
                          2018, and interim periods within annual
                          periods beginning after 15 December
                          2019. Early adoption is permitted.)

Standard-setting activities
In July 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015-11,
which requires that inventories, other than
those accounted for under the LIFO method or
RIM, be measured at the lower of cost and net
realizable value. The guidance is effective for
PBEs for annual periods beginning after
15 December 2016, and interim periods within
those annual periods. For all other entities, it is
effective for annual periods beginning after
15 December 2016, and interim periods within
annual periods beginning after 15 December
2017. Early adoption is permitted as of the
beginning of an interim or annual reporting
period. This ASU will generally result in
convergence in the subsequent measurement
of inventories other than those accounted for
under the LIFO method or RIM.

                                                                                US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 19
Long-lived assets
Long-lived assets

Similarities                                          Depreciation
Although US GAAP does not have a                      Depreciation of long-lived assets is required
comprehensive standard that addresses long-           on a systematic basis under both accounting
lived assets, its definition of property, plant and   models. ASC 250, Accounting Changes and
equipment is similar to IAS 16, Property, Plant       Error Corrections, and IAS 8 both treat changes
and Equipment, which addresses tangible               in residual value and useful economic life as
assets held for use that are expected to be used      a change in accounting estimate requiring
for more than one reporting period. Other             prospective treatment.
concepts that are similar include the following:      Assets held for sale
Cost                                                  Assets held for sale criteria are similar in the
Both accounting models have similar                   Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets
recognition criteria, requiring that costs be         subsections of ASC 360-10, Property, Plant and
included in the cost of the asset if future           Equipment (and in ASC 205-20, Presentation of
economic benefits are probable and can be             Financial Statements — Discontinued Operations),
reliably measured. Neither model allows the           and IFRS 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale
capitalization of start-up costs, general             and Discontinued Operations. Under both
administrative and overhead costs or regular          standards, the asset is measured at the lower
maintenance. Both US GAAP and IFRS require            of its carrying amount or fair value less costs to
that the costs of dismantling an asset and            sell, the assets are not depreciated and they
restoring its site (i.e., the costs of asset          are presented separately on the face of the
retirement under ASC 410-20, Asset                    balance sheet. Exchanges of nonmonetary
Retirement and Environmental Obligations —            similar productive assets are also treated
Asset Retirement Obligations or IAS 37) be            similarly under ASC 845, Nonmonetary
included in the cost of the asset when there is       Transactions, and IAS 16, both of which allow
a legal obligation, but IFRS requires provision       gain or loss recognition if the exchange has
in other circumstances as well.                       commercial substance and the fair value of the
                                                      exchange can be reliably measured.
Capitalized interest
ASC 835-20, Interest — Capitalization of
Interest, and IAS 23, Borrowing Costs,
require the capitalization of borrowing costs
(e.g., interest costs) directly attributable to
the acquisition, construction or production of
a qualifying asset. Qualifying assets are
generally defined similarly under both
accounting models. However, there are
differences between US GAAP and IFRS in
the measurement of eligible borrowing costs
for capitalization.

                                                                      US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 20
Long-lived assets

Significant differences
                        US GAAP                                    IFRS
Revaluation of assets   Revaluation is not permitted.              Revaluation is a permitted accounting
                                                                   policy election for an entire class of
                                                                   assets, requiring revaluation to fair
                                                                   value on a regular basis.

Depreciation of asset   Component depreciation is permitted,       Component depreciation is required if
components              but it is not common.                      components of an asset have differing
                                                                   patterns of benefit.
Measurement of          Eligible borrowing costs do not include    Eligible borrowing costs include
borrowing costs         exchange rate differences. Interest        exchange rate differences from foreign
                        earned on the investment of borrowed       currency borrowings to the extent that
                        funds generally cannot offset interest     they are regarded as an adjustment to
                        costs incurred during the period.          interest costs.
                        For borrowings associated with a           For borrowings associated with a
                        specific qualifying asset, borrowing       specific qualifying asset, actual
                        costs equal to the weighted-average        borrowing costs are capitalized offset
                        accumulated expenditures times the         by investment income earned on those
                        borrowing rate are capitalized.            borrowings.
Costs of a major        Multiple accounting models have evolved    Costs that represent a replacement of
overhaul                in practice for entities in the airline    a previously identified component of an
                        industry, including expense costs as       asset are capitalized if future economic
                        incurred, capitalize costs and amortize    benefits are probable and the costs can
                        through the date of the next overhaul,     be reliably measured. Otherwise, these
                        or follow the built-in overhaul approach   costs are expensed as incurred.
                        (i.e., an approach with certain
                        similarities to composite depreciation).
Investment property     Investment property is not separately      Before the adoption of IFRS 16,
                        defined and, therefore, is accounted       investment property is separately
                        for as held and used or held for sale.     defined in IAS 40, Investment Property,
                                                                   as property held to earn rent or for
                                                                   capital appreciation (or both) and may
                                                                   include property held by lessees under a
                                                                   finance or operating lease. Investment
                                                                   property may be accounted for on a
                                                                   historical cost basis or on a fair value
                                                                   basis as an accounting policy election.
                                                                   Capitalized operating leases classified as
                                                                   investment property must be accounted
                                                                   for using the fair value model.

                                                                        US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 21
Long-lived assets

                         US GAAP                   IFRS
                                                   After the adoption of IFRS 16,
                                                   investment property is separately
                                                   defined in IAS 40 as property held to
                                                   earn rent or for capital appreciation (or
                                                   both) and may include property held by
                                                   lessees as right-of-use assets.
                                                   Investment property may be accounted
                                                   for on a historical cost or fair value basis
                                                   as an accounting policy election. IFRS
                                                   16 requires a lessee to measure right-of-
                                                   use assets arising from leased property
                                                   in accordance with the fair value model
                                                   of IAS 40 if the leased property meets
                                                   the definition of investment property
                                                   and the lessee elects the fair value
                                                   model in IAS 40 as an accounting policy.

Other differences include: hedging gains and
losses related to the purchase of assets,
constructive obligations to retire assets, the
discount rate used to calculate asset retirement
costs and the accounting for changes in the
residual value.
Standard-setting activities
There is currently no standard-setting activity
in this area.

                                                        US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 22
Intangible assets
Intangible assets

Similarities                                           Amortization of intangible assets over their
Both US GAAP (ASC 805 and ASC 350,                     estimated useful lives is required under both
Intangibles — Goodwill and Other) and IFRS             US GAAP and IFRS, with one US GAAP minor
(IFRS 3 and IAS 38) define intangible assets as        exception in ASC 985-20, Software — Costs of
nonmonetary assets without physical                    Software to be Sold, Leased or Marketed,
substance. The recognition criteria for both           related to the amortization of computer
accounting models require that there be                software sold to others. In both sets of
probable future economic benefits from costs           standards, if there is no foreseeable limit to
that can be reliably measured, although some           the period over which an intangible asset is
costs are never capitalized as intangible assets       expected to generate net cash inflows to the
(e.g., start-up costs). Goodwill is recognized         entity, the useful life is considered to be
only in a business combination. With the               indefinite and the asset is not amortized.
exception of development costs (addressed              Goodwill is never amortized under either
below), internally developed intangibles are not       US GAAP or IFRS.
recognized as assets under either ASC 350 or           For US GAAP/IFRS accounting similarities and
IAS 38. Moreover, internal costs related to the        differences before the adoption of ASC 606 and
research phase of research and development             IFRS 15, please see the October 2016 edition.
are expensed as incurred under both
accounting models.

Significant differences
                         US GAAP                                      IFRS

Development costs        Development costs are expensed as            Development costs are capitalized
                         incurred unless addressed by guidance        when technical and economic feasibility
                         in another ASC Topic. Development            of a project can be demonstrated in
                         costs related to computer software           accordance with specific criteria,
                         developed for external use are               including: demonstrating technical
                         capitalized once technological feasibility   feasibility, intent to complete the asset
                         is established in accordance with            and ability to sell the asset in the
                         specific criteria (ASC 985-20). In the       future. Although application of these
                         case of software developed for internal      principles may be largely consistent
                         use, only those costs incurred during        with ASC 985-20 and ASC 350-40,
                         the application development stage (as        there is no separate guidance
                         defined in ASC 350-40, Intangibles —         addressing computer software
                         Goodwill and Other — Internal-Use            development costs.
                         Software) may be capitalized.

Advertising costs        Advertising and promotional costs are        Advertising and promotional costs are
                         either expensed as incurred or               expensed as incurred. A prepayment
                         expensed when the advertising takes          may be recognized as an asset only
                         place for the first time (policy choice).    when payment for the goods or
                                                                      services is made in advance of the
                                                                      entity having access to the goods or
                                                                      receiving the services.

                                                                           US GAAP versus IFRS The basics | 23
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