Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College

Page created by Bobby Harrington
Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Upper School • Student Handbook 2020-21
Hudson College provides its students with a set of skills and value positions that will enable each,
as individuals, to attain both future personal and academic success for the betterment not only of
themselves, but also the wider community.
Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
  to our new and
    returning students!

                                                                                          Upper School Handbook • Welcome
We are thrilled to be working with you this year as we continue to build on our strong,
academically balanced program in which students can be themselves. We encourage
you to be intellectually curious and involved in a range of sports, programs and club
activities that will enhance and enrich your learning experience.

Please use this handbook to keep yourself informed of important dates, upcoming
events, school policies and general information. The Code of Conduct contained in
this handbook, establishes the level of behavior expected for all.

Go Huskies!

Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Grade 9 & 10 • Opening Day Schedule

                               S ep t e m b er       8


The school day starts at 9:00am- 9:15am when students collect their timetables in the
gymnasium, and are then welcomed by their period 1 teachers. There will be a virtual

                                                                                         Upper School Handbook • Grade 9 & 10 Opening Day Schedule
assembly in their period 1 classrooms.
The shortened day schedule is as follows:
•       Period 1 - 9:30am-10:20am
•       Period 2 - 10:25am-11:05am
•       Period 3 - NO STUDY PERIOD
•       Period 4 - 11:10am-11:50am
School finishes at 11:50am (Early Dismissal For Students)


The school day starts at 12:30pm-12:45pm when students collect their timetables in the
gymnasium, and are then welcomed by their period 1 teachers. There will be a virtual
assembly in their period 1 classrooms.
The shortened day schedule is as follows:
•       Period 1 - 1:00pm-1:50am
•       Period 2 - NO STUDY PERIOD
•       Period 3 - 1:55pm-2:35pm
•       Period 4 - 2:40pm-3:20pm
School finishes at 3:20pm (Early Dismissal For Students)

                               S e p t e m b e r     10

Regular Day Schedule as Per Timetables

                               S e p t e m b er      11

Mentorship Lunch and Orientation

Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Grade 11 & 12 • Opening Day Schedule

                               S ep t e m b er       9


The school day starts at 9:00am- 9:15am when students collect their timetables in the
gymnasium, and are then welcomed by their period 1 teachers. There will be a virtual

                                                                                         Upper School Handbook • Grade 11 & 12 Opening Day Schedule
assembly in their period 1 classrooms.
The shortened day schedule is as follows:
•       Period 1 - 9:30am-10:20am
•       Period 2 - 10:25am-11:05am
•       Period 3 - 11:10am-11:50am
•       Period 4 - 11:55am-12:35pm
School finishes at 12:35pm (Early Dismissal For Students)


The school day starts at 12:30pm-12:45pm when students collect their timetables in the
gymnasium, and are then welcomed by their period 1 teachers. There will be a virtual
assembly in their period 1 classrooms.
The shortened day schedule is as follows:
•       Period 1 - 1:00pm-1:50am
•       Period 2 - 1:55pm-2:35pm
•       Period 3 - 2:40pm-3:20pm
•       Period 4 - 3:25pm-4:05pm
School finishes at 4:05pm

                               S e p t e m b e r     10

Regular Day Schedule as Per Timetables

                               S e p t e m b er      11

Mentorship Lunch and Orientation

Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Upper School • Academic Calendar

                                                                                                As of July 2020
Please visit www.hudsoncollege.ca/calendars for regular updates, additions
and/or changes

 F a l l         S e m e s t e r        2 0 2 0
 September 8 - 9             Opening Days of Academic Semester
 September 18                Final Day to withdraw from courses without financial penalty
 October 8                   School Photo ID Day
 October 12                  Thanksgiving Holiday
 October 28                  Mid-Term

                                                                                             Upper School Handbook • Academic Calendar 2020-21
 December 15 - 17            Final Exams
 December 18                 Last Day of Semester
 December 21 - January 1     Holiday Break

 W i n t e r         S e m e s t e r            2 0 2 1
 January 4                   First Day of Academic Semester, Student Assembly in Gymnasium
 January 15                  Final Day to withdraw from courses without financial penalty
 February 15                 Family Day: Provincial Holiday
 February 25                 Mid-Term
 March 15 - 19               March Break
 April 2 - 5                 Good Friday/Easter Holiday
 April 27 - 29               Final Exams
 April 30                    Last Day of Semester
 S p r i n g         S e m e s t e r           2 0 2 1
 May 3                       First Day of Academic Semester
 May 7                       Final Day to withdraw from courses without financial penalty
 May 24                      Victoria Day Holiday
 May 27                      Mid-Term
 June 21 - 22                Final Exams
 June 24                     Last Day of Semester

 S u m m e r          1    S e m e s t e r                2 0 2 1
 June 28                     First Day of Academic Semester
 July 1                      Designated Holiday
 July 2                      Final Day to withdraw from course without financial penalty
 July 9                      Mid-Term
 July 23                     Final Exams (pm)/Last Day of Semester

 S u m m e r          2    S e m e s t e r                2 0 2 1
 July 26                     First Day of Academic Semester
 July 30                     Final Day to withdraw from course without financial penalty
 August 2                    Civic Holiday: No Classes
 August 6                    Mid-Term
 August 20                   Final Exams (pm)/Last Day of Semester                                        4
Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Covid-19 • Guidelines 2020-21

                  S t ud e n t      R ul es / Ex p ec t at i o n s

•   Tell your parents or guardian if you feel sick, and ask to stay home.
•   If you start feeling unwell while at school, approach a staff member immediately.
    Your parent/guardian will be contacted via the main office. You will be placed in an
    isolated area until you are collected from school.
•   Wear your face mask/protective visor consistently every day. Students must enter
    the building with their mask on. Any student who refuses to wear or removes a

                                                                                                       Upper School Handbook • Covid-19 Guidellines 2020-21
    mandated face covering will not be allowed to enter/remain in the school building.
•   Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
•   Do not share cups, eating utensils, food or drinks with others.
•   Maintain social distancing at all times (6 feet) both inside and outside of classrooms.
•   Remember to not touch your face.
•   Model good practice such as sneezing or coughing into your elbow.
•   Do not stigmatize your peers or tease anyone about being sick or make statements
    to incite fear in others.
•   Obey signs posted around the school regarding Covid-19 related policies and
    practices that have been instituted at Hudson College.
•   Remain within designated areas for high school students. Do not enter K-8 areas
    (second floor) or 1st floor classrooms.

                   Im pa c t        o n    D ai l y     A ct i vi t i e s

•   Procedures are in place to check for signs and symptoms of students on arrival to school.
•   Indoor assemblies will be limited. Virtual assemblies will be used to impart general
    information to students.
•   Specialized additional cleaning will be completed throughout the day of common areas.
•   Students will only be allowed to access lockers after period 2 during the day. Students
    will be excused at the end of period 2 in a staggered fashion by teachers to avoid
    congestion in the hallways. After lunch they will collect items for period 3 and 4.
•   Upper School students all have one Study Period every day. For our Grade 11 and 12
    students, if their Study Period is Period 1, in the 2020-21 School Year they will come to
    school at 10:00am. If their Study Period is Period 4, they can leave school after Period 3
    or study at school under a teacher's supervision. This creates a staggered start and end
    for Upper School students each day.
•   Students whose Study Period is Period 2 and 3, will study and review with the same
    group of students every day as their social "bubbles", and under teachers' supervision.
    Administrators and teachers will monitor the safe socially-distanced movement of Upper
    School students in the halls between periods.
•   For the mental health of our teenage students, extra-curricular activities will still be offered
    as much as possible using a distancing model, and offered outdoors whenever possible.
Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Classroom Locations and Codes

Hudson’s designated high school area encompases the third floors of both the East
and West side of the building.The first two floors of the West Side are occupied by
Stella Maris Elementary. Hudson students are required to use the stairs on the north side
of the building only to access the third floor on the West Side.

Each room numbers aligns with its relative location.

                                                                                                                                             Upper School Handbook • Classroom Locations and Coces
For example:
Room 304                                        (3 indicates the 3rd floor on the East Side),
Room W304                                       (3 indicates the 3rd floor, W indicates the West Side)

Location of Key Areas

Gymnasium                                                                                 1st Floor East Side

IHUB (Technology, Media Arts,Robotics)                                                    3rd Floor East Side

The Zone                                                                                  3rd Floor East Side

The Post                                                                                  3rd Floor West Side

High School Common Room                                                                   3rd Floor East Side

Cafeteria                                                                                 3rd Floor East Side

                                                                                                                WEST SIDE (3rd Floor Only)
            EAST SIDE (1st, 2nd & 3rd Floors)

Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Uniform Requirements
Uniforms can be purchased at:
DGN Kilters Store
1500 Bonhill Road, Mississauga L5T 1C7 or dgn-kilters.com

DGN Kilters Store Regular Hours:

Sunday/Monday                                     12:00pm - 8:00pm

                                                                                            Upper School Handbook • Uniform Requirements
Tuesday/Thursday                                  10:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday/Friday                                  10:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday                                          CLOSED

The Huskies Den school shop, just to the right of the main foyer, carries spirit wear and
a limited selection of new uniforms.

At Hudson College, students are required to wear the designated Hudson school uniform.
The uniform must be worn on school days (Monday to Friday) from 8:30am till 4:30pm and
on all school-sponsored activities. (Except on the Fridays as per the schedule for Casual
Dress Days).

Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Uniform Requirements

•        White dress shirt with Hudson crest or white polo shirt with Hudson:
         Knit sweater, vest or cardigan with Hudson crest
•        Huskies hoodie (Hudson shirt must be worn underneath)
•        Navy dress pants for boys
•        Navy dress pants or Oakleigh kilt for girls (length no more than 4” above the knee;

                                                                                                      Upper School Handbook • Uniform Requirements
         kilt shorts and knee-length socks or tights should be worn) for girls
•        Navy dress socks, navy knee-length socks or navy tights (not footless)
•        Flat, all-black shoes (including soles, laces): no high-tops, high heels, boots or sandals

    •    White dress shirt with Hudson crest
    •    Navy dress pants for boys
    •    Navy dress pants, tunic or kilt for girls
    •    Navy dress socks, navy knee-length socks or navy tights (not footless)
    •    Navy Hudson knit sweater, vest or cardigan
    •    Flat, all-black shoes (including soles and laces)

    •    Huskies tee-shirt
    •    Huskies hoodie
    •    Hudson sweatpants or gym shorts
    •    All-black running shoes (recommended)

Any student not following the dress code is subject to being sent home for the
day. Student grooming should reflect a business-like manner. No dyeing of hair, shaving
one’s head, or body piercing is permitted while enrolled as a Hudson student.

Reminders of the Dress Code Requirements:
•       If taking Phys-Ed or on a sports team, a proper Hudson gym uniform is required.
•       No coats / jackets or track top coats are permitted in the classroom, or in the hallways
        during the school day, except when you are immediately entering or leaving
         the school. You must keep the coats / jackets and track top coats in your lockers.
•       Your white shirt must be completely buttoned up at all times (except for the top button).
        The teachers will not allow you to stay in the classroom if you are not following the dress
•       We have stated that no hair dyeing, shaving one’s head, or body piercing is
         permitted. You will not be allowed to attend class / stay in school with dyed hair
        or shaved head.
•       On casual dress days student clothing must be such that it reflects positively on the                     8
        student and the school.
Upper School Student Handbook 2020-21 - Hudson College
Samples of Acceptable Uniform Shoes

    Upper School Handbook • Samples of Acceptable Uniform Shoes

2020-21 Holiday & Casual Dress Calendar
PD PD Day                                                            H Holiday/Break
CD Casual Dress Down Day                                             LD Last Day

           S E P T E M B E R            2 0 2 0                              O C T O B E R      2 0 2 0
    MON        TUES        WED      THURS             FRI       MON       TUES          WED      THURS        FRI

           1           2            3             4                                             1         2
7           8          9            10         11           5            6          7           8         9
 H                                                                                                         PD

                                                                                                                    Upper School Handbook • Samples of Acceptable Uniform Shoes
14         15          16           17         18           12           13         14          15        16
                                                CD               H
21         22          23           24         25           19           20         21          22        23
28         29          30                                   26           27         28          29        30

       N O V E M B E R           2 0 2 0                             D E C E M B E R          2 0 2 0
    MON        TUES        WED      THURS             FRI       MON       TUES          WED      THURS        FRI

2          3           4            5             6                      1          2            3        4

9           10         11           12            13        7            8          9           10        11
                                                   CD                                                      CD
16          17         18           19            20        14           15         16          17        18

23          24         25           26            27        21           22         23          24        25
                                                   CD            H         H          H           H         H
30                                                          28           29         30          31
                                                                 H         H           H          H
                J A N U A R Y       2 0 2 1                            F E B R U A R Y        2 0 2 1
     MON        TUES       WED         THURS          FRI        MON         TUES       WED       THURS       FRI

                                               1            1            2          3           4         5
                                                      H                                                     CD
4          5           6           7              8         8            9          10          11        12
                                                 CD                                                         PD
11         12          13          14          15           15           16         17          18        19
18         19          20          21          22           22           23         24          25        26
                                                 CD                                                         CD
25         26          27          28          29

1          2           3           4              5                                             1         2
8          9           10          11          12           5            6          7           8         9
                                                CD            H                                            CD
15         16          17          18          19           12           13         14          15        16
 H           H          H            H           H
22         23          24          25          26           19           20         21          22        23
                                                CD                                                         CD
29         30          31                                   26           27         28          29        30

3          4           5           6              7                      1          2           3         4
10         11          12          13          14           7            8          9           10        11
17         18          19          20          21           14           15         16          17        18
                                                PD                                                         CD
24         25          26          27          28           21           22         23          24        25
                                                            28           29         30
                                                                                                           LD       10
Where to Buy Textbooks

Students are able to purchase textbooks ONLINE through our provider

The steps to complete textbook purchases is a follows:
•   Go to their webpage - www.alphatextbooks.com
•   Click on the button “Student Order” and sign up or log in (if already have an account)

                                                                                             Upper School Handbook • Where to Buy Textbooks
•   Then, select your school - Hudson College
•   Students will find a list of textbooks they need for their courses
•   Place the order. Textbooks can be sent to Hudson College if required

Alpha Textbooks’s contact information is:

Alpha Textbooks
3709 Chesswood Drive
Toronto, Ontario
Tel: 416-461-3542

School Lockers
School lockers are the property of Hudson College and are provided free of charge for your
use while enrolled in the College. No Posters, markings or writing is allowed on the outside
door of your locker. You are responsible for any damage you cause to your locker.

Lockers are to be secured with combination locks only. No key locks are allowed.
Lockers using key locks will have the key lock removed. Combination locks can be
purchased from Staples/Wal-Mart, etc. Hudson College reserves the right to enter lockers in
cases of emergency, and for health and safety reasons. Never give your lock combination
number to other students. Be sure your lock is closed each time you use it, and
never leave your locker open or unattended. Hudson College will not be
responsible for any items removed from your locker.

                                                                                                        Upper School Handbook • School Lockers
•   It is not wise to store/leave valuable items in your locker, especially for long periods of time.
•   Near the end of each school year the school will have “Locker Clean-out Days” to allow
    students to remove unwanted materials. Advance notice will be given.
•   When a student stops to be enrolled at Hudson College, it is the student’s responsibility
    to remove the lock and locker contents. Hudson College will not be responsible for items
    left in a locker once the student ceases to be enrolled in the College.
•   It is your responsibility to look after the personal items you bring to school. Do not leave
    items like purses, bags, wallets, cell phones, IPods and similar things unattended.
•   If for any reason a valuable item needs to be brought to school, please bring it to the
    Main Office or the Principal for safekeeping.

You must complete a form available at the main office to obtain your free locker.

Huskies Kitchen
Our hot lunch program offers home-style meals prepared in-house. Each meal includes an
entree selection with a side of vegetables, salad, or fruit. Beverages are also available. All
families will receive an email at the beginning of the year with instructions for setting up a hot
lunch account. Menus are uploaded at hudsoncollege.hotlunches.net each month and
emailed with instructions on ordering or cancelling meals. Please order as far in advance as
possible to help us to calculate amounts and reduce waste.

Food Allergies and Restrictions
Our school, including the kitchen, is a nut-aware environment.
• Due to the limitations of our kitchen, we are unable to accommodate special requests or
   substitutions. If our current menu does not provide foods that meet your child’s needs
   and requirements, you agree to provide meals and snacks from home for them.

                                                                                                     Upper School Handbook • Huskies Kitchen
• We ask that families ensure all food brought to school is nut-free. If your child inadvertently
   brings a nut product to school, they should notify their lunchroom teacher, who will
   dispose of the item.
• Please encourage your child not to share any food items with classmates to help prevent
   unintentional allergic reactions.
• Please ensure your child washes their hands prior to coming to school in case they may
   have eaten nut products at home.
• Students are asked to wash their hands using antibacterial soap/hand sanitizer and water
   after every lunch.
• If a student is ever in doubt as to the contents of a food item from home, they should ask
   their lunchroom teacher to check the list of ingredients before consuming the item.

Parents and guardians are responsible for notifying Hudson of any changes in your child’s
allergic reactions. Children with known allergies, specifically food allergies, should be taught
to always read food ingredient labels and not to accept or share food items with others.

Cafeteria, Common Room,
iHub & The Post

Please clean up after yourself when you are finished eating. Place your garbage in the
garbage containers provided and push your chair back in when you leave.

There are juice and snack machines on the 3rd floor.

                                                                                         Upper School Handbook • Cafeteria, Common Room, iHub & The Post
Table Tennis:
Please keep the Table Tennis Ballls in The Common Room.
New ones can be obtained from the Main Office.

House System

Beginning in Grade 8, all Hudson students belong to one of four distinguished Houses -
The Maritimes House; The Great Lakes House; The Prairies House; and The
Rockies House. The House System is an important part of our community. All Faculty
and Staff also belong to one of the four Houses.

The House System fosters a sense of community, belonging, and camaraderie that encourages
healthy competition, and develops school spirit. Students proudly wear their House Colours on
Spirit Days and House Huddle days as a sign of solidarity and pride with other House members.
The House System is just one of the many ways that we provide a sense of community here at
Hudson. House Leaders are nominated each year and lead themed initiatives throughout
the school.

                                                                                                   Upper School Handbook • House System
Students can achieve points towards their individual and house tallies through participation
in clubs, activities, sports, house league and outstanding contributions both within and outside
the school. Also, each student is linked with a teacher advisor through the house system to
assist them during their time at Hudson.

Clubs, Sports & Activities
Sign up for sports teams and clubs takes place within the first two weeks of the school year.
At Hudson, we strongly encourage all of our students to become involved in the many extra-
curricular and co-curricular programmes and activities we offer throughout the year. These
activities help foster a strong sense of school community and pride as well as offering our
students the opportunity to gain valuable experiences beyond the classroom that builds self-
confidence and self-esteem. Student life at Hudson is rich and varied, with many opportunities
for students to get involved, find their passion, and work to make a difference, both in their
academic studies and beyond.

                                                                                                 Upper School Handbook • Clubs, Sports & Activities

Code of Behaviour: General


In order that students benefit from their time at Hudson there are certain clear expectations
that students and staff must share. The staff and school administration expect that Hudson

                                                                                                       Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: General
students will:

•   Make an honest, consistent effort to do well in all subjects by utilizing their abilities to the
•   Attend all classes, punctually
•   Prepare for all classes by bringing required materials and completed homework
•   Be responsible for any work missed in classes due to absence for illness or extra-curricular
•   Display acceptable hall and classroom behaviour and observe all school rules and
•   Respect the rights and be considerate of the feelings of others in the school community
    by being courteous and responsible in word and deed
•   Solve all interpersonal conflicts and difficulties through the use of dialogue, school
    counseling services or other rational means

Respect for Self

Students are expected to show respect for self and others. Each student will aim for high
standards of personal health and social responsibility. If students have problems, they are
encouraged to discuss these with their teachers, Guidance Department personnel and
administrative staff. We will work together to resolve any issues that arise.

Respect for Others

Every student attending Hudson has the right to do so in a safe, friendly atmosphere. Verbal,
physical and sexual harassment or bullying of others will not be tolerated. Any activity that
has a negative effect on others will be dealt with according to the severity of the situation.
All students must follow the instructions given by the principal, vice-principal, teachers, office
staff and custodians.

Code of Behaviour: General

Respect for Property

Students are expected to respect the privacy and property of other students and Hudson
staff. All texts, equipment, library books and other materials must be cared for and returned

                                                                                                     Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: General
when requested. Any damage to or loss of school or other student’s property will require

As part of our school and community, students need to respect their environment within the
school and the surrounding school grounds. This means students should use garbage and
recycling containers for waste materials. Food waste should be placed in the garbage cans
and school paper waste should be added to the recycling boxes found in classrooms.

Respect for Community

Our students are Hudson’s representatives in the community. They are expected to act
respectfully to everyone in the community. Students must behave appropriately and not
loiter when visiting local businesses. Students must stay off private property.


According to Ministry regulations, a student is at risk of losing a credit if fewer than 110 hours
of scheduled time are accumulated for a subject.

Students are expected to attend school daily. Parents/Guardians are able to access their
child’s attendance record through the QuickSchools’ parent portal. Consequences for
skipping and class absences may include warnings, a letter to parents/guardians, and in
extreme cases, withdrawal of credit. Absences due to skipping will be dealt with in
accordance with the following chart:

    Notice        Academic Courses             Consequence

      1st          1 - 3 class absences        Discussion with subject teacher.

      2nd            5 class absences          Warning Letter to parents. Copy to student
                                               and OSR.

      3rd           10 class absences          Warning Letter to parents. Copy to student
                                               and OSR.

     Final          15 class absences          Final Warning Letter. Meeting with student            18
                                               and parents. Possible loss of credit. Student
                                               may be removed from course.
Code of Behaviour: General


The classroom teachers will deal with students who are late for subject classes. Students
who are persistently late will be referred to the Vice-Principal.

                                                                                               Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: General
Leave of Absence

The school strongly discourages students from taking extended absences outside of
designated holidays. Any leave of absence must be approved by the school Principal
at least 2 weeks prior to the requested time frame. Students are also responsible for
communicating their upcoming absence with teachers and completing all work assigned
during that time.

Examination dates are provided to parents at the beginning of the school year. Students must
attend final examinations on allocated days. Students are required to attend scheduled
final examinations as published. Early departure is not permitted.

NOTE: Please do not book airplane flight dates that will result in students
missing scheduled final examination dates.

Signing Out

Students who need to leave school before the end of the day must discuss this with a
Guidance Counselor, the Vice-Principal, or Principal, and if permission is given, they must
Sign Out on the appropriate form in the Main Office. Students under the age of 18 years
must have their parents’ written permission in order to Sign Out. Otherwise, parents
will be contacted.

Code of Behaviour: Academics

Language of Instruction

English is the only language of instruction for all programs offered at Hudson.

                                                                                               Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: Academics
Preparation for Class

Students are expected to arrive in class on time and be prepared with all necessary books,
equipment and completed assignments.

Assignments & Tests

Students who know ahead of time that they will miss a test or performance assessment
because of field trips, doctor's appointments, illness, family responsibility or other valid
reasons must notify the front office and teacher as soon as possible. Once a student returns
from an absence, it is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to
make up the missed test or performance assessment.

Evaluation & Assessment Submission

Original student assignments are expected to be submitted on time. Participation in class
must be constructive and not interfere with the learning of others.

A penalty deduction of 2-5% per day including weekends (negotiated by teacher and
class) will be imposed if a student has deliberately submitted an assignment late. The late
assignment policy is posted on teachers’ Google Classrooms at the beginning of each

Academic Honesty
Submitting other people’s work as your own, without acknowledgement, is dishonest. Any
form of cheating/dishonesty involving class work, assignments, tests and exams will result
in the student receiving a mark of zero. Repeated cheating will result in a referral to the

Code of Behaviour: Academics

Study Period

Senior students may have an unsupervised study period on their timetable. Students are

                                                                                                       Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: Academics
expected to act responsibly, and respect the classroom environment. Students with study
periods should use the cafeteria or the common room during that time.

Field Trips

Students have the opportunity to extend their learning through field trips, excursions, guest
speakers, assemblies or co-curricular activities. These events are considered part of the
school routine and students are expected to maintain respectful and courteous behaviour
for the duration of these activities.


Washrooms are available on each floor of the school and are available for students to use
when not in class. If students need the washroom during class, the teacher's permission to
leave is required. Students are expected to use a washroom nearest to their classroom and
not travel to other areas of the school while on a washroom break.

Fire Alarms

It is against the law to set off a fire alarm needlessly or tamper with the fire fighting equipment.
The authorities will be called and charges may be laid.

Code of Behaviour: Academics

Electronic Devices

ALL electronic media/communication devices are NOT allowed in classrooms or the library at
Hudson unless permitted by individual teachers for educational purposes. The list of such

                                                                                                    Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: Academics
devices includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Cell / Smart Phones
• PDA’s
• MP3’s, iPods, iPads, Tablets, Video Players
• Any type of Portable Audio Device (Radio, CD player, MiniDisc player, etc.)

All devices listed above are to be stored in students’ respective lockers during class time.
Any student who feels it necessary to bring any such device into the classroom will have the
device confiscated by their teacher, who will in turn hand the device over to the office for safe
storage until day’s end or until such time as the administration is confident that the student
will not repeat the same behaviour. Repeated non-compliance will result in the student being
suspended for at least one day. Hudson accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any
of the aforementioned items being lost, damaged or stolen on school grounds or
at any school-related activity.

Computer Laptops and Electronic Dictionaries may continue to be permitted in the classroom
at the sole discretion of individual teachers.

Course Changes

Students must discuss any course changes with a Guidance Counselor. Appropriate forms
must be completed and handed in to a Guidance Counselor. Changes to students’ timetables
will not be made unless there is a sound educational reason for this to occur. There also must
be space in a course in order for students to add courses to their timetables. In addition,
there are only certain times during the semester when this may occur. Students must also
meet with a Guidance Counselor, if they wish to withdraw from a course. There is a form to
complete for this action to be considered. Students must remember that there are educational
consequences for any of these actions. Students are encouraged to discuss these with a
Guidance Counselor.

Credits Taken Outside Hudson College

Hudson students are expected to enroll in Hudson courses only. Any course taken outside
Hudson will not be accepted for credit towards your studies/diploma at Hudson
unless prior approval has been obtained in writing by the Principal of Hudson.

Code of Behaviour: Personal

School Dress Code

Students are required to wear only the designated Hudson school uniform. The
uniform must be worn on all school days from 8:30am until 4:30pm (no exceptions unless

                                                                                                 Upper School Handbook • Code of Behaviour: Personal
otherwise designated as school dress-down days) and on all Monday to Friday school-
sponsored trips and/or activities. Please refer to the Dress Code Reminder letter sent
home at the start of each year for the full Dress Code requirements. Repeated violations
to Hudson’s school dress code will result in disciplinary action.

Student grooming should reflect a business-like manner. No dyeing of hair, body piercing
or shaving one’s head is permitted while enrolled as a Hudson student.

Coats, hats, boots and similar type outerwear are not to be worn inside the school except
when arriving at or leaving the school campus. The Principal will be the arbitrator of proper
grooming practice.

Because of concerns for space and safety, backpacks must be stored in students’ lockers.
Backpacks are not allowed in classrooms.


Please be aware that some people may have allergic and sometimes severe adverse reactions
to fragrances. Students are encouraged to avoid or reduce the use of scented products and
to replace them with unscented alternatives.


Lockers are the sole property of Hudson. They are on loan to the students for use during the
year. Lockers are not completely secure. Do not keep valuables in your locker.
For your protection, keep your lock combination private. Hudson accepts no responsibility
whatsoever for lost and/or stolen belongings. If you would like a locker please contact
the Main Office Administrator at Hudson.

Lost & Found

Any items found within the school should be brought to the Main Office. If students lose items
they should check with the Main Office to see if items have been located. A lost and found
cupboard is located on the main floor. Personal items left unattended are not secure and
students are advised to leave valuables at home.

Forbidden Items

Weapons, including knives, are strictly forbidden on school property. A student in possession
of any weapon or facsimile can expect the following consequences:

   Notice              Infraction            Consequence

      1st         Possession of Non-         Weapon confiscated and 3 - 5 day suspension
                  Prohibited Weapon          from class.

                                                                                                Upper School Handbook • Forbidden Items
     2nd          Possession of Non-         5 - 10 day suspension from class and/or
                  Prohibited Weapon          demit from the College.

      3rd            Possession of           10 day suspension from class and/or demit
                   Prohibited Weapon         from College; Police involvement


Non-Prohibited Weapons: cap gun, pellet gun, knife, baseball bat if used inappropriately.
Prohibited Weapons: brass knuckles, switchblade, martial arts weapons, firearms or
replicas, etc.
Note: Any use of weapons may result in police involvement and possible criminal charges
laid by the police and/or removal from school. Parents/ Guardians will be notified.

Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol and drugs are not to be brought to, or consumed at any school function or school
related activity. A student who uses alcohol and/or drugs on school property; comes to
school under the influence of; or uses these substances at a school-related activity, can
expect the following consequences. Consumption or possession of cannabis or cannabis
products is prohibited :

   Notice              Infraction            Consequence

      1st            Consumption             3-day suspension from class.
                    or Possession of
     2nd             Alcohol/Drugs           5-day suspension from class.
      3rd               cannabis)            10-day suspension from class.

Note: Parents/guardians may be notified; possible removal of the student from the               24
College at ALL notice levels.
Forbidden Items


Smoking and/or vaping (e cigarette) are not permitted on any part of the Hudson College
Campus. The laws of Toronto and the rules of our College stipulate that for safety reasons,
the campus must be a SMOKE/VAPING FREE ZONE. The following chart outlines the
consequences for not following the rules:

    Notice             Infraction            Consequence

                                                                                              Upper School Handbook • Forbidden Items
      1st                                    Warning given (no suspension from class)
                                             Parents contacted

     2nd                Smoking/             Consultation with the Vice-Principal and
                         Vaping              1day suspension from class
      3rd               Cigarette            Consultation with the Vice-Principal
                                             and 3-day suspension from class.

      4th                                    Consultation with Principal and 6-day
                                             suspension from class.

The laws of Ontario state that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 19 to purchase
tobacco/vaping products.

Safe School


During the school day the school grounds are out of bounds to everyone except Hudson
students, their parents or guardians, Hudson employees, and persons having business with
the administration or staff.

All school visitors must report directly to the Main Office in order to sign-in.

Security Key

                                                                                                      Upper School Handbook • Safe School
Every student has a security key that allows them to enter the school. Much like a key to
one’s house, it is necessary to have it with them every day to enter school, whether in the
morning or at lunch. Please note that students must not rely on office staff to “buzz them in.”
The office is very busy. When you forget the key to your house, you can’t get in. This will be
the same for school. In both cases it is to best ensure safety. Students should expect a
consequence for repeatedly not bringing their access security key with them each day.

Quiet Policy

To ensure a proper learning/instructional environment, all students who are not in class are
expected to stay out of the school hallways during class time.


Vandalism is a serious offense. It includes malicious damage to any part of the school or any
equipment belonging to the school. It is the responsibility of the students to help maintain our
environment and instill pride in our school by using it and caring for it in an appropriate manner.
A student responsible for vandalism can expect the following consequences:

•   Repayment of damage
•   Notification of parents/guardians
•   Probable suspension
•   Possible involvement of police

Safe School

It is a crime to take someone’s property/possessions without their permission. Theft will not
be tolerated and could result in police involvement and the removal of the student from
the College.

Staff Directions

Any adult staff member within the building may direct students at the school. The adults
within the school include teachers, administrators, office and support staff. Examples of adult
directions include requests to move to a different seat within a classroom, to go to the office

                                                                                                  Upper School Handbook • Safe School
or to comply with a school rule. Students are to demonstrate respect and follow the directions
given. This allows us to maintain a safe and orderly environment. Failure to follow staff
directions will lead to consequences from the school including suspension.

Bullying/Cyber Bullying

Hudson College strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students. In order to
maintain an educational environment in which bullying and cyber bullying in any form are not
tolerated, the following policy applies to students of all ages. Anyone who engages in bullying
or cyber bullying in violation of this Policy shall be subject to appropriate discipline.

Bullying shall mean unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct directed at a student by
another student that has the effect or potential effect of:
1. Physically, emotionally or mentally harming a student;
2. Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm;
3. Damaging, extorting or taking a student’s personal property;
4. Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or
5. Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a
      student’s educational opportunities.

Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing,
teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student by way of any technological
tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant
messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including blogs)
which has the effect or potential effect of:
1.       Physically, emotionally or mentally harming a student;
2.       Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm;
3.       Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or
4.       Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a
student’s educational opportunities.

This Policy also includes the sending or posting of any inappropriate or derogatory comments
made about any staff member via any of the aforementioned technological methods.
Safe School

Suspension Notice

ISuspension will be considered whether an incident happens at school, at a school-related/
sponsored activity or in any other circumstances/instances when the student’s behaviour
has a negative impact on the school climate. In all of the above, students must keep in
mind they represent Hudson College and that their negative actions/behaviors will have
a school consequence. Suspensions may include a recommendation for removal from
the College.

                                                                                                 Upper School Handbook • Safe School
Students are expected to be positive members of Hudson’s community. Persistent opposition
to school authority, any behaviour or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, and
conduct injurious to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school may result in
a student being suspended or demitted from Hudson, a decision that will be made by the
Principal at such time as is warranted.

Violent or threatening behaviour including, but not limited to, bullying, racial harassment or
discrimination, sexual harassment or discrimination, and extortion, by students in school
or at any school-sponsored or supervised activities will result in a suspension.

An initial suspension will range from 3 – 10 school days. The length of
suspension will depend on the seriousness of the behaviour and the
individual’s record of suspensions. More violent, threatening or dangerous
behaviour will result in an interim suspension of over 10 days and
may include a recommendation for removal from the College.

Student Expectations

Students Can and Should do the Following

•   Discuss any issues and/or problems with their teachers, the Guidance Department staff,
    the Vice-Principal, or the Principal when they occur. Do not allow issues or problems
    to escalate

                                                                                                Upper School Handbook • Student Expectations
•   Go to class ready to work, with assignments completed, needed materials at hand

•   Be active and positive rather than unmotivated and negative

•   Realize that the teachers and other staff members have feelings, just like students

•   Never participate in the humiliation of others

•   Care as much about their responsibilities as their rights

•   Do their part to improve the school, not expect others to do it alone

•   Greet all Hudson College staff in the halls

•   Let a teacher know when he/she mentions something of particular interest

•   Be mature enough to accept responsibility for their learning, choices, and actions

•   Realize that learning demands work and effort

•   Refrain from interrupting the teacher or classmates while they are speaking

•   Ask questions related to the topics at hand while holding other questions for after class

•   Appreciate a warm, caring teacher or other staff member

Teacher Expectations

Teachers Can and Should do the Following

•   Make fairness a priority in structuring student activities and evaluations

•   Consider some segments of their “free” time as belonging to the students

                                                                                             Upper School Handbook • Teacher Expectations
•   Enforce Hudson College rules and policies in a firm, but fair manner

•   Support and commend those students who are performing well

•   Always come to class well prepared to teach

•   Listen to the students’ points of view and consider their suggestions

•   Develop a repertoire of varied instructional techniques, skills, and strategies

•   Respond positively to students’ questions or greetings

•   Show an interest in students’ lives and appreciate them as individuals

•   Feel responsible to establish and maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning

•   Become involved with student activities and/or clubs

•   Solicit participation from every class member, not just from those who offer responses

•   Investigate and resolve, if possible, underlying causes of conflict

Upper School Handbook • Policy: Assessment & Evaluation of Late & Missing Work
U P P E R                 S C H O O L                     P O L I C Y

Assessment & Evalutation of Late
& Missing Work


Hudson College is committed to the premise that the primary purpose of assessment and
evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment and evaluation are important tools for
adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students’ needs and for determining the
overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices.

Teachers work with their students, encouraging them to develop time management skills;
students who are in grades 9 & 10 may need more support while it is expected that students
at the senior grades will demonstrate maturity and responsibility with respect to deadlines.

In addition, grade 9 & 10 students at Hudson College are provided with a dedicated study
period, where they can obtain individualized assistance in specific subjects as well as
enhancement of positive work habits through tailored workshops organized through the
guidance office.

Students experience more academic success when there is clear and regular contact
between students, teachers, and parents. Assignment due dates are posted in each
Google Classroom. Parents are encouraged to monitor their child’s assignment and test
dates to help them to better manage their time and workload.

Students are challenged to take responsibility for monitoring their workload and for
communicating to teachers when they are unable to meet established deadlines.
The purpose of the late policy is to develop in students a sense of personal responsibility
while striving for consistent academic excellence.

The assessment and evaluation at Hudson College is based on the Ministry of Education
documents entitled:

Program Planning and Assessment - Grades 9 to 12, 2000
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting Grades 9 to 12, 2010.

Upper School Handbook • Policy: Assessment & Evaluation of Late & Missing Work
U P P E R                 S C H O O L                   P O L I C Y

Assessment & Evalutation of Late
& Missing Work

Application & Scope

This policy applies to all grade 9-12 students.

Teachers must explain to students that due dates are set in place as part of an assessment
schedule that enables students to demonstrate knowledge, thinking, application and
communication skills in a range of assessment over a time period. This also encourages
the development of effective study skills and work habits.

Teacher Responsibilities

•   Communicate assignment and test deadlines clearly.
•   Be available to provide additional assistance to students when they are not confident
    about concepts or skills required to complete assignments
•   Ensure that students understand that a request for extension of a due date is made prior
    to the actual date, and the reason is considered justifiable according to the professional
    judgement of the teacher. Once the extension is provided, the student must be aware of
    the final due date.
•   Provide a clear explanation of the 2-5% daily deduction, including weekends (based on
    collective agreement with individual teachers and classes at the beginning of each course).
•   If an extension is provided and the new due date is not met, and the student has not
    provided an acceptable reason for an additional extension, then 2-5% per day
    (including weekends) will be deducted after the first five days until the assignment
    is submitted.

Clear communication between the teacher and student is essential and the
deduction of marks should be considered as a final option.

Upper School Handbook • Policy: Assessment & Evaluation of Late & Missing Work
U P P E R                S C H O O L                    P O L I C Y

Assessment & Evalutation of Late
& Missing Work


• Teachers will establish and clearly communicate due dates for all summative evaluation
• Students will honor these due dates to maintain a consistent standard of excellence

Due Date
• All students are expected to submit assignments on time
• Teacher informs all students who have not submitted the task is now late and that a
   student conference may be required
• The student will have the opportunity to explain why he/she failed to turn in the
   assignment in a timely manner

Legitimate Reason
• If, in the teacher’s professional judgement, the student merits extra consideration
   a new due date can be established by the teacher
• No academic penalty assigned

Real Consequence
• If a student has deliberately submitted an assignment late, then a penalty will be imposed
• Deduction of 2-5% per day including weekends (negotiated by teacher and class)

Window of Opportunity
• An alternate date (within 5-10 days) will be established with a deduction value
   between 2-5%
• Work not submitted after the second agreed due date will receive a zero
• The teacher will contact a parent/guardian if submissions are consistently late
• Where a student fails to submit an assessment, it is expected that it be submitted
   within a reasonable amount of time so that the mark can be kept on file for consideration
   at the end of the course when determining the overall success of the student

U P P E R                 S C H O O L                     P O L I C Y

Student Plagiarism & Cheating


                                                                                                 Upper School Handbook • Policy: Plagiarism & Cheating
•   All student work derived from plagiarism and/or cheating will receive a grade of zero.
•   If the teacher suspects plagiarism from a published source and can locate and document
    the source from which the student has copied.
•   If the teacher discovers peer duplication such that the student’s paper is an exact
    duplicate, or contains parts that exactly duplicate the work of another student. In this
    case, the teacher can photocopy both papers as proof and give both students a 0.
•   If the teacher observes a significant change of voice, tone, and/or English proficiency
    from that which the student in question has normally displayed in previous work.
    For example, the end of term ISP and final exam essays should display equal/similar,
    not disparate proficiency.
•   If the student fails the three word test that the teacher will administer when he or she
    suspects plagiarism of any kind but hasn’t the time or means to seek out the source.
    Then the teacher will administer the three word test by selecting three difficult words on
    the paper in question and asking the student to define and use them in sentences.
    If the student cannot do this, the student has failed the test and receives a 0 on the
    paper. If the student succeeds, the teacher may give the student credit.

Cheating on Tests & Examinations

Students who violate the following rules will be asked to leave the room and will receive a
mark of 0 on their test or exam.

•   Put all forbidden books, papers, book bags and electronic devices in the front of
    the room
•   Use special examination paper for writing answers, not notebook paper.
•   Do your own work
•   Do not talk
•   Do not look at other students’ work
•   Do not use or look at crib sheets
•   Do not use electronic devices
•   Do not leave the exam room without a teacher escort

Communication & Contacts
Department          Name                   Duty                         Email

  Principal    Anne-Louise Power                               alpower@hudsoncollege.ca

Upper School     Rosa Schawill     Absences, Late arrivals    rschawill@hudsoncollege.ca
 Main Office                          Early pick-up,
                                    Medical information

 Admissions     Michelle Gow        Enrollment & fees,         mgow@hudsoncollege.ca

                                                                                           Upper School Handbook • Communication & Contacts
                Ha-My Nguyen       QuickSchools contact      hamynguyen@hudsoncollege.ca
                    Sai Li                updates               saili@hudsoncollege.ca

 Guidance         Rachel Wise       Support students’           rwise@hudsoncollege.ca
                                   well-being & personal
                                     Course selection,

  Athletics       Marco Reda           Sports trips,           mreda@hudsoncollege.ca
                                     Permission forms

  Student        Junko Hanaki           Hot Lunch,             jhanaki@hudsoncollege.ca
  Service                             Uniform Orders,
                                     Family Homestay

Student Life    James McMaster        Extra-Curricular       jmcmaster@hudsoncollege.ca
& Leadership                             Programs,
                                       House System

21 Ascot Ave, Toronto, ON 416-631-0082    HudsonCollege.ca

   hudsoncollegetoronto       hudsoncollege    hudsoncollege
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