The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19

Page created by Elmer Logan
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
The Essential Parent Guide
  to Aylsham High School
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
Aylsham High School
         Designated staff for Safeguarding

Mrs K Garnham
Designated Safeguarding Lead,
Designated Teacher for LAC & SENCo

Mrs C Flatters
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead &
Parent Support Adviser

Alternate Safeguarding Professionals:
     Mr D Spalding
      Mr C Bridge
      Mr P Brockington
      Mrs J Fletcher

Aylsham High School has:
    A Safeguarding policy
    A trained Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead
    A trained Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
    Trained Alternate Safeguarding Professionals
    A governor responsible for safeguarding
    Up to date training for all staff on safeguarding
    DBS checks carried out on all staff
    Positive working relationships with appropriate agencies
     such as Early Help, School Nurse, Leeway etc

        Aylsham High School recognises that students need an
    environment where they feel secure, open and trustworthy of us,
       knowing, that when they talk to us, they will be listened to.
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
Our work is underpinned by the Co-operative values:
 Self-help - we help people to help themselves
 Self-responsibility - we take responsibility for, and answer to
  our actions
 Democracy - we give our members a say in the way we run
  our organisation
 Equality - we are genuinely inclusive and pursue success for
 Equity - we carry out our work in a way that is fair and
 Solidarity - we share interests and common purposes with our
  members and other co-operatives

Our Ethical Values are:
 Openness - nobody’s perfect, and we won’t hide it when we’re
 Honesty - we are honest about what we do and the way we do
 Social responsibility - we encourage people to take
  responsibility for their own community, and work together to
  improve it
 Caring for others - we are a nurturing community that takes
  care of each other and we regularly support charities and
  local community groups
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
Executive Headteacher's Welcome
It is always fantastic to welcome new members of our school
community and to start a new and exciting chapter in the school’s
history. The transition from one school to another is a time of great
excitement and also trepidation. I am confident that together we will
be able to forge a bright future.
We have put together this booklet of essential information for
parents. We hope you find it useful and that it helps to answer any
questions you may have. If there is anything you think we have
missed, please let us know and we will add it to future additions.
At Aylsham High School we feel that what matters is that we help
young people to grow into confident and independent learners, as
well as highly motivated and productive contributors to school and
community life. Secondary school is a crucial factor in helping to
shape young people’s lives, in forming their dreams and giving them
skills and knowledge to lead happy, successful and fulfilled lives.
We are looking forward to seeing our students return to school on
Thursday, 6 September.

                                             Best wishes and
                                             warmest regards

                                            Duncan Spalding
                                          Executive Headteacher
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
A Culture of Achievement for All
A cornerstone of our continued success at Aylsham High
School is the firm belief that everyone can be successful and
that they can exceed their potential. Our broad and balanced
curriculum is underpinned by the principles of choice and
challenge. Our students will be given access to a wide range of
exciting and stimulating learning opportunities and whatever
their starting point they will be challenged to work hard and
achieve success. This pursuit of excellence is widely reflected
in the successes the school achieves across a variety of areas,
not least academic progress and attainment. Indeed, Aylsham
High School is consistently one of the highest performing
schools, not only in Norfolk but also nationally.
Summary of Headline Results        AHS 2017      National 2017
      Progress 8 score               +0.26           0.03
      Attainment 8 score             50.9            44.6
Grade 4+ in English and maths        77%            59.10%
     Grade 4+ in English             82%            70.30%
      Grade 4+ in maths              85%            64.6%
 English Baccalaureate 5/C+          34%             21.9%

              Head Boy and Head Girl - 2018-19
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
A Supportive Community
We believe strongly that young people thrive and learn best
when they feel safe, comfortable and part of something special.
Our house system, linking as it does the form tutors and heads
of house closely with home, helps to ensure that our students
feel supported throughout their time at Aylsham High School.
The house system also helps to create a spirit of healthy and
friendly competition that ultimately helps to bind the whole
school community together.
Our SEND department is fabulous and works hard to ensure
that youngsters with additional needs make great progress.
If you have any pastoral concerns please do not hesitate to
contact our pastoral liaison officer, Mrs Fletcher, in the first
instance via email,
Subject related concerns should be directed to the head of
department, see page 41 of this booklet.

     Y7 North Norfolk School Rugby Tournament winners
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
Learning Beyond the Classroom
We are very fortunate to have a wonderful and incredibly
dedicated team of teachers and support staff who not only
provide for excellence in the classroom but also beyond the
At Aylsham High School we love it when youngsters find their
‘element’, their passion. We also love to celebrate the success
that they achieve. Whether they are into sport, music, drama,
art, business, catering, science, maths, creative writing –
whatever it may be, we will take time to celebrate their
achievements and encourage them to strive for even greater
success. What is important is that their enjoyment and
achievement outside of the classroom helps them to flourish
within it and gives them the confidence to try new things.
The chance to take part in a huge range of trips and visits is
also central to the ethos of Aylsham High School. For example,
this year we have had visits to Iceland, Italy and Ypres. Every
July we have an Activities Week where students in years 7 to 9
are given the opportunity to choose which activity they would
like to participate in.

                Students visiting Kew Gardens
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
Developing Citizens
         and Leaders of the Future
We are absolutely committed to encouraging young people to
show leadership and trusting them to take responsibility for their
school and the wider community. Our head boy and head girl,
school captains, sports leaders, form leaders, friendly face
anti-bullying mentors, and peer coaches are all instrumental
in ensuring that our school community is a positive, safe and
happy place to learn.

More than anything we want our students to leave us with the
confidence and belief that they can take their place anywhere in
society. We want them to move on, safe in the knowledge that
hard work, commitment and strength of character will be crucial
to their lasting success and happiness.

                   Student Leaders 2018-19
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
A Culture of Respect

Our code of conduct has remained constant for many years. It
is simple, powerful and the very foundation of our ethos:

             Respect for Yourself
             Respect for Others
             Respect for the Environment

When we all show and give respect our community grows
stronger and stronger.

          A student visits the grave of her ancestor for the
               first time during a school trip to Ypres
The Essential Parent Guide to Aylsham High School 2018-19
The School Day
08.50 am - lesson 1
09.55 am - lesson 2
10.55 am - tutor time
11.20 am - break time
11.35 am - lesson 3
12.35 pm - lunch time
13.25 pm - lesson 4
14.25 pm - lesson 5
15.25 pm - end of school

pencil (preferably HB)
pencil sharpener
coloured pencils
felt-tip pens
maths set (ruler/protractor/compass)
pencil case (preferably soft)
pocket dictionary
learning journal (provided in September)

The learning journal will provide you and your child with very
important information on their progress at school as well as
homework requirements. We therefore strongly encourage you
to take a regular look at this with your child. The learning
journal provides email addresses for heads of department and a
generic email address for pastoral concerns. These are also
listed at the back of this booklet.
School Uniform
The school policy on uniform is designed to enable students to
dress appropriately for work at school, without undue cost being
involved. Taking pride in their appearance and demonstrating
respect for the values of the school is very important to our
students. Uniform must be worn by all students whilst in
attendance at the school, on the way to and from school and on
all school visits unless the executive headteacher has given
prior permission to the contrary. The uniform is available from
Kayes Schoolwear Clothes and Gifts, Red Lion Street,
Aylsham. 01263 734423,
Opening hours:
    May to October, Mon to Sat, 9.30 am - 5.00 pm
    November to April, Mon to Sat, 9.30 am - 5.00 pm with
     1 pm closure on Wednesday

 It is advisable to order uniform in plenty of time before your
child starts school or requires replacement items. Badges
purchased for blazers bought from other retailers can be
obtained from our finance office. The Friends of Aylsham High
School also run a shop for the sale of pre-owned items of
school uniform. The executive headteacher reserves the right
to isolate any student who is wearing any garment which the
executive headteacher and senior staff consider unsuitable for
Years 7 to 10
1.  All students of years 7, 8, 9 and 10 must wear a navy blue
    blazer with the school badge.
2.  Students can wear a navy blue v-neck jumper under their
    blazer but not in place of their blazer. Cardigans are not
    acceptable uniform.
3.  Students must wear a plain white shirt with a conventional
    collar and tie. During the second half of the summer term
    a blue school polo shirt exclusively designed and available
    only from Kayes of Aylsham may be worn.
4.  Students must wear a school tie.
5.  When trousers are worn they should be black or dark/
    charcoal grey. Jeans, chinos, cords, tight trousers,
    leggings or hipsters are not acceptable.
6.  When skirts are worn they should be dark/charcoal grey
    as shown in the diagram above, A-line or pleated, knee-
    length no more than 5 cm above the knee. Stretch jersey,
    denim or corduroy fabrics or skirts with splits are not
If skirts are too short students will be required to borrow a
     school skirt from the attendance/pastoral office to wear
     until they can provide a suitable alternative.
7.   Large ornamental, studded or coloured belts should not be
     worn. A black belt with a conventional buckle is
8.   When socks are worn, they should be black or grey. Socks
     may not be worn with tights. When tights are worn they
     should be black, navy blue, grey or neutral.
9.   All students must wear low-heeled, black shoes. Stiletto
     heels cause floor damage and are not acceptable. Also
     trainers, canvas shoes and boots (including ankle boots,
     ugg-style or pixie boots) are not acceptable. Students not
     in correct footwear will be required to change into school
10. No scarves, pashminas or outdoor coats are to be worn
     inside the school.
11. Jewellery is restricted to two small studs, one in each ear.
     Other forms of body piercing (face, tongue, navel etc.)
     are not permitted. Students will be required to remove
     them or spend time in isolation.
12. If worn, make-up should be minimal and discreet. Nail
     varnish should not be worn and students will be required to
     remove it.
13. Extreme hairstyles and hair colours are not acceptable.
Year 11
Year 11 uniform is as above except a black v-neck jumper with
AHS badge is worn instead of a blazer.
If your child forgets or loses their tie, one can be borrowed from
the attendance/pastoral office. A new tie can be purchased from
the finance office.

Ideally, we would like all students to purchase the school
sports kit as we believe that it provides greater durability and
the Aylsham High branding gives it a very professional look.
This sports kit is available from Kayes, Red Lion Street,
The table on the following page outlines the minimum
expectations, which a student would require along with a
number of optional extra pieces of Aylsham High School
branded kit.
All kit should be clearly marked with the student’s name.

                      Examples of PE kit

Ideal Aylsham High School branded          Non-branded alternatives may
               PE kit                      be purchased for these items
(items marked * are exclusive to the
 school and can only be purchased
            from Kayes)

Minimum kit required                        Plain white T shirt
 Unisex school logo polo shirt, collar     Royal blue shorts
  with buttons* or V-neck school logo       Royal blue football/hockey
  fitted polo*                               socks
 Royal blue football shorts or skort*      Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
 Royal blue and navy football/hockey        (no prominent visible
  socks*                                     branding)
 Navy blue rugby top with royal blue
  band* (suitable for outdoor activities   N.B: Tracksuit trousers cannot
  e.g. rugby, football, cross country).    be worn for gymnastics module
  A quarter zip top is an alternative to   for health and safety reasons.
  this item but this is not suitable for
 Normal white sports or white sports
  trainer socks
 Training shoes – no high top
  trainers or lightweight plimsolls
 Football boots
 Shin pads for football and hockey
 Swimming hat, one piece swimsuit
  and towel

The following items are optional but
would be advisable.
 Quarter zip top*
 It is strongly recommended that all
  students wear gum shields for
  hockey and rugby

 School logo navy tracksuit bottoms*

N.B: Tracksuit trousers cannot be worn
for gymnastics module for health and
safety reasons.
To ensure consistency in the sports kit, royal blue skorts and
rugby tops must be purchased from Kayes of Aylsham.
If purchasing items from the non-branded alternative list please
ensure that the colour and style meet the school’s

All kit should be clearly marked with the student’s name.

General PE information
Showers are available and we ask you to provide your son or
daughter with a towel on all days when he/she has games or
PE, if you wish them to shower.
For health and safety purposes we ask that any approved
piercings are done at the start of the summer holidays to
provide 6 weeks to heal so that they can be removed for PE
Students will have to remove all earrings and body piercings
before each PE activity, no matter how recently pierced. Body
piercings are against school rules and therefore are not a valid
reason for non-participation in PE lessons.
Black-soled training shoes must not be worn in the gymnasium
or sports hall as they damage the floor.
If students cannot participate fully in their PE lesson, they will
be expected to get changed and work in a coaching and
leadership capacity.
Lost property for sports items is located at reception.
Permitted Items
              These items can be worn to school
   but must be removed once inside the school building.

              Outdoor all weather accessories

                        Outdoor coats

                                        Media devices
                                   Unless otherwise instructed,
                                  all music and internet enabled
                                 media devices must not be used
                                    during lessons or in transit
                                        between locations.
We can accept no liability for        Break and lunch times
damage to or loss of mobile        are exceptions to this rule.
devices brought in to school.
Prohibited Items
     These items are not part of the school uniform and must not
          be worn in school under any circumstances.

                        Knitwear and pullovers

    high heels, kitten heels, wedge heels, ankle boots, ugg boots, trainers,
                         skate shoes and canvas shoes

                          Trousers and skirts
                  jeans, leggings, jeggings, yoga trousers,
                   stretch material skirts and short skirts

                       Jewellery and accessories
rings, bracelets, fashion necklaces, hoop earrings, faux spaces, spacer plugs,
pins, fashion badges, brooches, large buckles and fashion belts - both wide
and patterned.
Student Voice
Prefects and Captains
Our student leaders, including head boy, head girl, prefects,
sports captains, house captains and subject captains play a
very important role in school. They exemplify the values that are
important to the school community and are incredibly positive
role models. Taking responsibility at this level helps students to
develop confidence and the skills that they learn will help to
prepare them for leadership roles beyond school.
Student Council
We encourage all students to participate in the work of the AHS
student council. This is a forum for student representation so
that issues raised by students can be formally aired and
responded to by staff. All tutor groups elect representatives who
attend a house council which in turn elects representatives to
the AHS student council. This is citizenship in action.

The young chamber is a business and enterprise group within
Aylsham High School. During the school year events are
arranged for students and businesses in and outside of school.
For example, we have a super challenge day for year 7 students
and we organise regular business breakfasts for local
businesses to attend. When students join the school they
automatically become a member of the young chamber, but
they can decide if they want to be active or not. The two
teachers involved with this are Mr Turrell and Mrs Auber.
Friendly Faces is a group of year 10 and 11 students who are
there to provide additional support for your child. They have a
support room which is open every break and lunch time. It is
located in the friendly faces room opposite room 11 - there is a
sign on the door. Friendly Faces are on duty on the
playground at lunchtimes and can be recognised by their
friendly face jackets. Mrs Connor is the named teacher for anti
Year 11 friendly faces run events across the school including
year 7 anti-bullying day and year 9 equality day. They are
trained in restorative justice approaches. They proactively work
restoratively with students, where there may have been some
disputes, to work out an agreed way forward.
Peer coaches are students who are specially trained to support
and guide their peers in all aspects of school life. The coaches
work with year 7 students during transition to high school. They
also mentor students who need additional curriculum support.
There are peer coaches attached to each form group. The
designated teacher for the peer coaches is Miss Hoggett, head
of Felbrigg house.

Diversity club is a group for students who meet to discuss a
variety of issues such as mental health, feminism, gender
issues, sexism and racism. The group also offers support for
students who identify, or are questioning whether they identify
as LGBT+. Diversity club meets weekly in room 27 supported
by Mrs Connor.
Attendance and Absence
Regular attendance is a cornerstone of our work in school.
Absences break up the rhythm and continuity of learning and
children cannot make up for lost teaching.
Continuity of learning is always affected by absence as the
school’s schemes of work are based upon each individual’s full
attendance and, therefore, progressive acquisition of skills and
knowledge across the whole curriculum. Ideally, attendance
should be between 95% and 100% and anything below 90%
may be classed as persistent absence. We expect our students
will enjoy coming to school but if there are circumstances that
are affecting a student’s enjoyment or health, please contact
our pastoral liaison officer in the first instance.
Government amendments made to the 2006 Education
Regulations, which came into force from September 2013,
make it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of
absence during term time unless there are exceptional
circumstances.     These may be armed forces personnel
returning from a tour of duty, police or other service personnel
whose leave has been cancelled during school holidays or a
family funeral. Most requests are therefore likely to be treated
as ‘unauthorised absence’ from school. A leave of absence
request form is available from the attendance/pastoral office.
We strongly recommend that all holidays are taken during the
scheduled 12 weeks of school closures. We also encourage
parents to try to make health appointments out of normal school
To promote the benefits of good attendance and to support
those students and families with attendance difficulties, please
refer to our absence reporting procedures on the next page to
ensure that all absences are recorded accurately and to prevent
unnecessary truancy calls.
We would expect to enlist the help of parents in any case of
truancy, for example helping to track their child down using a
mobile phone.
Any absence is to be reported to the attendance office; this can
be done in several ways:
1. Ring     01263     733270    and     select   option   2.
   This is a 24 hour answering service where you can leave a
   message to report an absence.
2. E-mail Your email
   will only be read by the attendance officer.
3. During school hours      ring   the   attendance   office   on
   01263 733270 ext.158
4. When leaving a message please give your child’s full name,
   form group, year group and a detailed/specific reason for
5. Absences are to be reported daily until your child returns to
6. Absences should be reported before 9.30 am whenever
7. A truancy call will be sent for all students without a reason
   for absence. If we do not receive a response by the end of
   the school day the absence will be recorded as unauthorised
8. Medical evidence must be provided for any hospital/medical/
   dental appointments. This can be an appointment slip/card
   or referral letter. The attendance officer can take a copy if

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any con-
cerns about your child’s attendance or the information we have
recorded for them.
Su Smith
Student Support & Attendance Officer
At Aylsham High School we are committed to providing all students
with the best education possible. In order to do this we need all
students to attend regularly and punctually throughout the year.

The school’s traffic light initiative is a way of further improving
attendance levels.

                      too low

                      at risk

                    Attendance to support achievement

After each term you will be sent a letter informing you what traffic
light colour your child has achieved for the academic year to date.

With families, learners and staff all working together, attendance at
Aylsham High School will be consistently excellent. If you have any
concerns about your child’s attendance or would like some support
in improving attendance please contact Su Smith, student support &
attendance officer, on 01263 733270 ext.158 or email

Good attendance is rewarded in school through celebration
assemblies with a prize draw for good attendees and individual
house initiatives.
We have high expectations of our students – as they should also
have of the school and the opportunities it will give them to
succeed in society. Details of sanctions are shown on the flow
chart overleaf named ‘yellow/orange/red’. We do operate
after-school detentions and, in line with government policy,
students are required to attend these. By choosing Aylsham
High School they have chosen to accept our rules and

In the event of a breach of the code of conduct, or failure to
comply with school rules, staff will involve a student and his/her
parents in discussion as to how unacceptable behaviour can be
changed. We have an effective sanctions system. The yellow/
orange/red chart overleaf, clearly shows the sanctions awarded
for specific misdemeanours.         These are recorded on our
management information system (SIMS).
Purpose and Philosophy
The purpose of the isolation room is to provide a meaningful
alternative to fixed-term exclusion. It ensures that students do
not become disconnected from school and allows them to
continue with their curriculum and their learning. It also helps
us to ensure that students who are behaving well are not
disrupted in their learning.
Referral and Parental Contact
A member of the teaching staff will refer a student to our
student support team. In consultation with a senior leader, and
after a thorough investigation, the student will either be placed
in isolation or returned to lessons to face a different sanction.
The length of time in isolation will be decided taking into
account the nature of the offence. Parents will be informed of
the reason for the isolation by telephone and this will be
recorded on the student’s file.
The student will spend all day in isolation. They will be able to
leave the room to go to the toilet. Students are allowed to
collect their lunch from the canteen at an appropriate time, to be
eaten in the isolation room. We cannot provide hot meals in
isolation. They will not take part in break or lunchtime activities.
Mobile phones will not be permitted in isolation; they will be
handed in and placed in the office for safe keeping.
A report will be completed during the student’s time in isolation
regarding their behaviour and attitude to work. This is passed
to the head of house to review.
Behaviour within Isolation
If behaviour in the isolation room is unsatisfactory students will
remain in isolation until behaviour improves and the student
support officer is satisfied a good/excellent score has been
Refusal to attend Isolation
If a student refuses to attend isolation they will be referred to a
member of the senior leadership team.              Students must
complete their period in isolation before they will be permitted to
return to normal lessons. Students who are absent will also
have to ensure that they complete their time in isolation before
being reintegrated into lessons.
Persistent Offenders
Persistent offenders may well be isolated for an increased
period of time or run the risk of permanent exclusion. We also
reserve the right to isolate for issues relating to inappropriate
school uniform and refusal to comply with requests to correct it.
Students will have to meet with their head of house depending
on the incident before being reintegrated into lessons. For
more serious offences parents will be required to attend
reintegration meetings with the head of house and a member of
the senior leadership team. Students would then be placed on
a weekly report and monitored by their head of house.
The school is likely to permanently exclude any student who
brings illegal substances on to the premises or handles or uses
illegal substances on the premises. The school will reserve the
right to permanently exclude if any form of weapon is brought
onto the premises.
Helpful Information
lIlness or Accidents
Students taken ill during the day should firstly report to their
teacher who will authorise them to go to the medical needs office
where they will be assessed by a qualified first aider. Parents will
be notified immediately if their child requires to go home or in the
case of an emergency, an ambulance may be called and parents
will be notified. It is important that students follow these
procedures and do not phone home themselves.
Medicines should only be taken to school when essential; that is
where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine
was not administered during the school day.
In order for us to have a full picture and ensure we are aware of
the needs of all our students we would very much appreciate if
you could communicate to us if your child is taking controlled
medication at home for any reason eg for ADD/ADHD. Please
advise our medical needs officer, either by telephone or by email of your child’s          name,
indicating that they are a new intake student. A form will be then
be sent out to you for completion and return prior to the new
intake days.
Most children will at some time have short-term medical needs.
Students should not carry any form of medication around school.
If your child requires to take, for example, antibiotics we will
oversee the administering of this medication and store for
safe-keeping. To enable us to do this, the parent/carer must
complete an administer medicine form which can be downloaded
from our website, parents letter section. Please bring the
completed form along with the medication to reception where our
medical needs officer will be called to meet you. Our medical
needs      officer     can    be     contacted      by    email       Staff are unable to
dispense any medication without parental        consent.
The school will only accept medicines that have been
prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or
pharmacist prescriber. Medicines should always be provided
in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and
include the prescriber’s instructions for administration and

Signing In and Out
Students must sign in and out in the two record books kept in
reception if they are late to school, or have to leave early. We
keep a record of late arrivals. Late arrivals will be given a
break time detention unless the lateness is a result of their
bus arriving late to school.

Lost Property
It is essential that all items of clothing/equipment are marked
with the student’s name so that they can be returned.
Unmarked items are kept in school at reception. A termly lost
property day is held to help reunite items with owners.
Confiscated Property
If a member of staff feels that it is necessary to confiscate
anything from a student then they will follow the procedure
1.   The item will be placed in an envelope.
2.   The student’s name, the date and a list of contents will be
     written on the envelope. Large items will be tagged with
     this information. This will be done in the student’s
3.   All items will be taken to the school office and placed in the
     safe for safe-keeping.
4.   It will be clearly indicated on the envelope when the
     student may collect the item (some items will be required
     to be collected by parents).

Personal Belongings
Students should avoid bringing unnecessary items of value to
school. Large amounts of money or valuable jewellery should
not be brought to school. If cycles are brought to school, they
should always be padlocked. Neither Norfolk County Council
nor the school can accept responsibility for any loss of property
belonging to an individual. Students must take full responsibility
for their own possessions and are encouraged to get a locker
and use it effectively. Lockers are available to all students for
their time at school at the non refundable cost of £10. Locker
orders for new intake students can be made at the information
evening in July or alternatively from student reception in
September or during the school year. If a key is lost, a
replacement can be purchased from the finance office at a cost
of £4.
Mobile Devices
We encourage students to use their own mobile devices and hope
they will connect to the school wireless network to access the
Internet and use email. However, unless the teacher gives specific
permission, devices should be on silent or switched off during
lesson times and kept in a pocket or bag. They should not be used
in lessons unless the teacher allows them as part of the learning.
All students are provided with login details to the school network
and given a filtered Google email account.
Students should ensure they keep all passwords secure at all times.
We treat ‘cyber bullying’ (the verbal abuse of other students over an
Internet or phone connection) in the same way and with the same
sanctions as any other type of bullying whenever that takes place.
However, we reserve the right to confiscate and investigate mobile
devices if cyber bullying takes place during periods where students
are on site.
If there is a need for the school to communicate with parents during
the school day we will call you directly. Please check with us before
coming to school in response to your son/daughter texting or calling
to raise a concern or issue.
We can accept no liability for damage to or loss of mobile devices
brought in to school.
Internet Safety
Parents often voice concern regarding their child’s safety when
accessing the Internet at home; is an
excellent website giving advice and guidance to parents to keep
their child safe. All students are taught about e-safety as part of
their IT and wider curriculum and sessions are run to help parents
manage their child’s online life.
After-school Homework Drop In
Students are welcome to drop in to the library from Monday to
Thursday, 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm to do homework. Computers are
After-school Clubs
A number of clubs take place at different times throughout the
year and are advertised throughout the school and on our
Work Experience
Every student in year 8 is expected to undertake a day of ‘work
experience’ as a trainee student receptionist. In addition to
working with our visitors and supporting front-line staff, students
are expected to complete a work-book to help them to explore
their strengths and begin preparation for their futures.
In year 10, all students will undertake a one week placement in
the ‘world of work’. We expect every student to self-generate,
with support, and select a placement which will help them in
their career choices.
Cycling to School
Students are encouraged to ride their cycles to school but must
ensure their cycle is roadworthy. Cycles should not be ridden
on the school site. A cycle shed is provided. Students must
take responsibility to keep their cycle safe so it is essential they
have a reliable cycle lock.
Bus Pass
If a student loses or damages their bus pass, a temporary bus
pass can be issued for a limited period by our receptionist.
Parents will need to contact Norfolk County Council Transport
on 0344 800 8020 to arrange a replacement permanent pass at
a cost of £10.
Cashless Catering
Cash is not accepted at the tills in the restaurant. This system
has been put in place to make break and lunchtime quicker
and safer for students. All students that are enrolled have a
restaurant account, similar to a mobile phone top-up account.
Enrolment is by means of a finger scan. We seek written
permission by form from parents to facilitate this when they
start at Aylsham High School. The account can be topped up
by parent using our online payment system ‘ParentPay’ with a
credit or debit card. All payments are immediately credited to
the student’s account. If this is not possible, students can
deposit cash in a cash loading machine located in the main
corridor next to the star office.
If your child discovers that they have no money on their
account, staff can arrange for a small overdraft on their
account for that day. Money must be topped up by parents at
home that evening or credited on to the cash loader the next
Login details will be sent to you to enable you to access your
child’s account. This is the preferred method of payment for
trips and to add money to your child’s cashless catering
Parents’ Evenings
Parents/Carers are invited and strongly encouraged to attend
to find out about their child’s progress. Parents’ evenings take
place once a year. In year 7 there will be the opportunity, in
December, to meet your child’s form tutor to find out how they
are settling in followed by the first parents’ evening in April
SIMS Parent
The online website for you to view your child’s information

About SIMS Parent

An essential part of our work together involves forming a strong
partnership between students, home and school so that we can
best support your child. A key aspect of this partnership is
regular communication. We are using SIMS Parent, which is an
online system, accessed either as a website via a link on the
school website or a free downloaded app, as our method of
communicating key information to you.

SIMS Parent is used to share with you the following
information regarding your child:
daily achievements and behaviour events;
timetable; and
reports at key points across the year.

The sharing of this information is a crucial part of our home
school communication and it greatly supports our work together
to help your child reach their full potential.

Throughout key points across the year, your child’s
school report is shared electronically to you via SIMS
Parent. You will be required to log into SIMS Parent to
access your school reports once this has been published.

You will be advised as to how to register to set up your account.
Year 7 Reporting Calendar Information
As part of our communication with parents/carers we will be
sharing with you important information about your child’s
progress at different points across the year. The information is
spread across the year so that it is available at key points in your
child’s learning journey and it allows teachers to balance their
workload. Your child’s information should be accessed via the
SIMs Parent using the app or website.
The table that follows explains the information that will be shared
along with guidance explaining how we would like parents/carers
to use this information to support their child’s learning. The
information contained in your child’s report is also used by their
teachers to strengthen our work together. We will use three
types of report:

1. Progress report – this report contains:
 Progress target – this is either a next step action (this is an
area that your child needs to work towards improving) or a target
grade (1+, 4+, 7+).
 Working effectively – options are yes, exceptionally or not yet.
If yes is reported then it reflects that your child is making
progress, learning their core knowledge, completing homework
on time and classwork is completed to a good standard.
 B2L – highlights any barriers to learning that your child needs
to address in order to make progress with their learning.
 NSA – identifies a next step action area which your child need
to work on to support their future learning.
 Attainment grades – we will share with you your child’s
performance in the internal assessments when they take place.
This will be reported as either a percentage achieved for
students in year 7 and 8 or as approximate GCSE grades for
students in older year groups. We are not able to generate a
meaningful grade in a similar way for students in year 7 or 8.
2. Written report – this report contains a comment from your
child’s form tutor. This will contain information which will
highlight their attendance, behaviour and achievements,
involvement in the wider school community and extracurricular
activities. For students in year 11 this will report should be used
as their reference to support their college or apprenticeship
3. On track report – this report states if your child is either
working effectively or not. If your child is not working effectively
then a barrier to learning will be highlighted to support the
improvements that need to take place.
If you need to contact the school at any point during the year
then this can be done by either a telephone call, visiting the
school or via email. For subject enquires please email the
relevant head of department. There is a list of these email
addresses in the first section of your child’s learning journal.
Pastoral queries can be emailed to For any issues of a
sensitive nature please call or visit the school rather than use
this email address.

Please note that the dates for parent’s evenings can be found in
SIMs Parent and your child’s learning journal. Your child’s
learning journal contains an appointment page which they
should use to make appointments with their teachers at any
point in the run up to the parents evening.
Information      Date            Year 7 Reporting Explanation
    Parents        Nov    An evening which outlines some key strategies
  information             which parents/carers can implement to support
    evening               their children with their learning.

   Autumn          Dec    This first report provides an early indication to
progress report           show how your child has settled into their
                          learning. This report can be accessed via SIMs
                          Please discuss this report with your child and
                          complete the parent/carer school report review
                          which can be found in the orange section of
                          your child’s learning journal.
   Settling in     Dec    Provides families with an early opportunity to
parents evening           discuss their child’s progress with their child’s
with form tutors          form tutor.

    Spring         Mar    This report will indicate the progress that your
progress/written          child has made during the year. It be shared
     report               with you via SIMs Parent. Please discuss this
                          report with your child and complete the parent/
                          carer school report review which can be found
                          in the orange section of your child’s learning
    Parents’       Apr    It is very important for parents/carers to attend
  evening with            this evening so that we can discuss your child’s
     subject              progress and put in place any actions required
   teachers               to support their preparation for their future
Internal exams     Apr/   Your child will complete exams in their subjects.
   Summer          May    The outcomes from the internal exams will be
progress report           used to guide teachers with the information
                          contained in this report. This report can be
                          accessed via SIMs Parent. Please discuss this
                          report with your child and complete the parent/
                          carer school report review which can be found
                          in the orange section of your child’s learning
Information      Date              Year 8 Reporting Explanation
    Autumn         Dec      This report contains progress information for
progress/written            each subject along with an area to target to
     report                 support their progress. The report also contains
                            a written tutor comment. The report can be
                            accessed via SIMs Parent before parents even-
                            ing to support the conversations that will take
                            place on this evening.
                            Please discuss this report with your child and
                            complete the parent/carer school report review
                            which can be found in the orange section of
                            your child’s learning journal.
Options evening    Jan      This evening provides an opportunity to discuss
                            your child’s potential option choices with their
                            option teachers. Your child’s report has been
                            shared with you prior to this evening to support
                            your conversations with your child’s teachers.
Parents evening    Jan      It is very important for parents/carers to attend
  with subject              this evening so that we can discuss your child’s
   teachers                 progress and put in place any actions required
                            to support their preparation for their future
Internal exams     April/   Your child will complete exams in their subjects.
    Summer         June     The outcomes from the internal exams will be
    progress                used to guide teachers with the information
     report                 contained in this report. This report can be
                            accessed via SIMs Parent.
                            Please discuss this report with your child and
                            complete the parent/carer school report review
                            which can be found in the orange section of
                            your child’s learning journal.
Information    Date             Year 9 Reporting Explanation
  Autumn       Oct/   This first report provides an early indication as to
  progress     Nov    how your child has settled into their learning. This
   report             report will highlight if a student is working
                      effectively (still making progress in line with
                      previously reported information) or not. This
                      report can be accessed via SIMs Parent.
                      Please discuss this report with your child and
                      complete the parent/carer school report review
                      which can be found in the orange section of your
                      child’s learning journal.
  January      Jan    Your child will complete assessments within their
internal ex-          option subject where appropriate. If your child
    ams               does complete an assessment in their option
                      subject at this point of their studies they will do so
                      in the future.
 Options       Jan    Opportunity to discuss your child’s potential
 evening              option choices with their subject teachers.
Spring pro-    Feb    This report contains progress information for
  gress/              each subject along with an attainment grade for
written re-           option subjects. This grade is based on your
  ports               child’s attainment in the internal assessment. The
                      report also contains a written tutor comment. The
                      report can be accessed via SIMs Parent before
                      parents evening to support the conversations that
                      will take place.
                      Please discuss this report with your child and
                      complete the parent/carer school report review
                      which can be found in the orange section of your
                      child’s learning journal.
  Parents      Mar    The parents evening follows the completion of
  evening             the mock exams and the sharing of the spring
with subject          report. It is very important for parents/carers to
 teachers             attend this evening so that we can discuss your
                      child’s progress and put in place any actions
                      required to support their preparation for the
                      summer exams.
Information      Date        Year 9 Reporting Explanation continued
KS4 parents      March/   An evening which outlines some key
information       April   strategies which families can implemented to
  evening                 support their children with their GCSE exam
Internal exam    March/   Your child will complete exams in their core
                  April   option subjects – English, maths, science,
                          humanities and French.
 Summer on        April   This final report is shared via SIMs Parent to
 track report             allow time for any areas highlighted to be
    (option               addressed before the summer exams. It is
subjects only)            shared just before Easter to support students
                          with their revision programme. This report will
                          highlight if a student is working effectively
                          (still making progress in line with previously
                          reported information) or not. Please discuss
                          this report with your child and complete the
                          parent/carer school report review which can
                          be found in the orange section of your child’s
                          learning journal.
   Summer        June     This final progress report provides an
   progress               overview of your child’s progress at the end of
 report (core             their year 9 studies. It can be accessed via
  subjects)               SIMs Parent. Please discuss this report with
                          your child and complete the parent/carer
                          school report review which can be found in
                          the orange section of your child’s learning
Information        Date             Year 10 Reporting Explanation
  Autumn         Oct/ Nov    This first report provides an early indication
  progress                   as to how your child has settled into their
   report                    learning. This report can be accessed via
                             Please discuss this report with your child and
                             complete the parent/carer school report
                             review which can be found in the orange
                             section of your child’s learning journal.
  January          Jan       Your child will complete assessments within
  internal                   their option subject where appropriate. If your
summative                    child does complete an assessment in their
assessment                   option subject at this point of their studies
                             they will do so in the future. Percentage
                             outcomes will be shared with parents/carers
                             via the student learning journal.
   Options         Jan       Opportunity to discuss your child’s potential
   evening                   option choices with their subject teachers.
    Spring         Feb       This report contains progress information for
 progress/                   each subject along with an attainment grade
written report               for option subjects. This grade is based on
                             your child’s attainment in the internal
                             assessment. The report also contains a
                             written tutor comment. The report can be
                             accessed via SIMs Parent before parents
                             evening to support the conversations that will
                             take place.
                             Please discuss this report with your child and
                             complete the parent/carer school report
                             review which can be found in the orange
                             section of your child’s learning journal.
   Parents         Mar       The parents evening follows the completion of
evening with                 the mock exams and the sharing of the spring
   subject                   report. It is very important for parents/carers
  teachers                   to attend this evening so that we can discuss
                             your child’s progress and put in place any
                             actions required to support their preparation
                             for the summer exams.
KS4 parents      Mar/April   An evening which outlines some key
information                  strategies which parents/carers can
  evening                    implemented to support their children with
                             their GCSE exam preparation.
Information       Date       Year 10 Reporting Explanation continued
Spring internal   March/    Your child will complete exams in their two
    exams          April    year subjects – English, maths, science
                            humanities and French.
 Summer on         April/   This final report is shared via SIMs Parent to
 track report      May      allow time for any areas highlighted to be
   (options)                addressed before the summer exams. It is
                            shared just after Easter to support students
                            with their revision programme. This report will
                            highlight if a student is working effectively
                            (still making progress in line with previously
                            reported information) or not. Please discuss
                            this report with your child and complete the
                            parent/carer school report review which can
                            be found in the orange section of your child’s
                            learning journal.
   Summer         Mid May   This final report will contain the information
   progress                 for your child’s core subjects. This report will
 report (core               highlight if a student is working effectively
  subjects)                 (still making progress in line with previously
                            reported information) or not, along with the
                            percentage scored in the internal
                            assessment. This report can be accessed via
                            SIMs Parent.
                            Please discuss this report with your child and
                            complete the parent/carer school report
                            review which can be found in the orange
                            section of your child’s learning journal.
Information      Date             Year 11 Reporting Explanation
   Autumn        October    This report contains progress information for
  progress/                 each subject along with an attainment grade
written report              for core subjects. This grade is based on a
                            student’s attainment in the year 10 internal
                            exams. The report also contains a written
                            tutor comment. The report can be accessed
                            via SIMs Parent but a paper copy of this
                            report will be made available to students.
                            Students should take a copy of this report
                            with them to any college or apprenticeship
                            interviews as their school reference.
                            Please discuss this report with your child and
                            complete the parent/carer school report
                            review which can be found in the orange
                            section of your child’s learning journal.
  January        January    Students will complete assessments within
  internal                  their core subjects and, where appropriate,
summative                   their option subject. If students do not take an
assessment                  assessment in their option subject at this
                            point of their studies they will complete an
                            assessment in the future. Percentage
                            outcomes will be shared with parents/carers
                            via the student learning journal.
   Spring        February   The outcomes from the internal assessments
  progress                  will be used to guide teachers with the
   report                   information contained in this report. This
                            report can be accessed via SIMs Parent.
                            Please discuss this report with your child and
                            complete the parent/carer school report
                            review which can be found in the orange
                            section of your child’s learning journal.
   Parents       February   The parents evening follows the completion of
evening with                internal assessments and the sharing of the
   subject                  spring report. This gives parents/carers an
  teachers                  opportunity to discuss their child’s progress
                            and put in place any actions required to
                            support their preparation for the summer
Information     Date      Year 11 Reporting Explanation continued
KS4 parents    March/   An evening which outlines some key
information    April    strategies which families can implemented to
  evening               support their children with their GCSE exam
Summer on      March/   This final report is shared via SIMs Parent to
track report   April    allow time for any areas highlighted to be ad-
                        dressed before the summer exams. It is
                        shared before Easter to support students with
                        their revision programme. This report will
                        highlight if a student is working effectively
                        (still making progress in line with previously
                        reported information) or not. Please discuss
                        this report with your child and complete the
                        parent/carer school report review which can
                        be found in the orange section of your child’s
                        learning journal.
School Musical Production 2018
         ‘42nd Street’
Term Dates

Autumn Term: Thu 6 Sep 2018 - Wed 17 Oct 2018
               Mon 29 Oct 2018 - Tue 18 Dec 2018

Spring Term: Thu 3 Jan 2019 - Fri 15 Feb 2019
               Mon 25 Feb 2019 - Fri 5 Apr 2019

Summer Term:Tue 23 Apr 2019 - Fri 24 May 2019
               Mon 3 Jun 2019 - Wed 24 Jul 2019

School Holidays (school closed to students)
Half Term:     Thu 18 Oct 2018 - Fri 26 Oct 2018
Christmas:     Wed 19 Dec 2018 - Wed 2 Jan 2019
Half Term:     Mon 18 Feb 2019 - Fri 22 Feb 2019
Easter:       Mon 8 Apr 2019 - Mon 22 Apr 2019
Bank Holiday: Mon 6 May 2019
Half Term:     Mon 27 May 2019 - Fri 31 May 2019
Summer:        Wed 25 Jul 2019 - Tue 3 Sept 2019

Contact Details
If you change your contact details or email address please
remember to inform us in writing or by email at the following
email address:
Additional Dates for your Diary
School individual photos          Wed 12 Sep 2018 All Day
Y8/9 girls HPV vaccinations       Mon 24 Sep 2018
Y12 celebration of success        Thu 27 Sep 2018 6.30 - 9 pm
School open evening               Wed 3 Oct 2018       6.30 - 9 pm
Y8/9 celebration of success       Tue 16 Oct 2018      7 - 9 pm
Y7 parents information evening    Thu 8 Nov 2018       6.30 - 9.30 pm
Y10/11 celebration of success     Tue 13 Nov 2018 7 - 9 pm
Public speaking competition       Thu 22 Nov 2018 7 - 10 pm
Y7 settling in parents’ evening   Mon 10 Dec 2018 4.30 - 6.30 pm
Y8/9/10 options’ evening          Wed 23 Jan 2019 6 - 9 pm
Y8 parents’ evening               Wed 30 Jan 2019 4 - 7 pm
Y11 group photo                   Thu 7 Feb 2019       morning
Y11 parents’ evening              Tue 12 Feb 2019 4 - 7 pm
Y9 boys & girls Men/Dip/Polio vaccinations Thu 7 Mar 2019
Y9 parents’ evening               Thu 7 Mar 2019       4 - 7 pm
School musical                    Wed 13 Mar - Sat 15 Mar 2019
Y10 parents’ evening              Wed 20 Mar 2019 4 - 7 pm
KS4 parent information evening Thu 28 March 2019 6.30 - 9 .30 pm
Y11 prom fashion show             Fri 29 March 2019 7.30 - 10 pm
Y9 core mock examinations         Mon 1 Apr - Fri 5 April 2019
Y7 parents’ evening               Mon 1 April 2019     4 - 7 pm
Y7/Y8/10 EOY examinations         Mon 23 Apr - Fri 3 May 2019
GCSE examinations (provisional) Mon 13 May - Fri 28 Jun 2019
Vaccinations catch up day         Wed 19 June 2019
Y11 leavers’ prom                 Sat 29 Jun 2019      7 pm - 12 am
Y6 induction evening              Mon 1 Jul 2019       6 - 9 pm
Y6 induction days                 Wed 3 Jul - Fri 5 Jul 2019
Activities/work exp. week         Mon 15 Jul - Fri 19 Jul 2019
Useful Email Addresses

                          Head of
    Department                                 Email Address
    Art                   Miss H Homewood

    Drama                 Mrs H Martin

    Design & Technology   Mr L Whiting-Smith

    English               Mrs M Hurren

    Business Enterprise   Mrs E Auber
                          Miss K               kshepheard-

    Geography             Mrs K Dobson

    Hospitality &
                          Mr J Baxter

    History               Mrs K Connor

    Mathematics           Mr A McElwee

    Music                 Miss L Allan

    PE                    Mr S Claxton

    RE                    Miss H Jacquet

    Science               Mrs M Beale
    Careers               Mrs D Wade 

If you need to contact the school at any point during the year then
this can be done by either a telephone call, visiting the school or via
   For subject enquires please email the relevant head of depart-
    ment as listed above
   Pastoral enquiries,
For any safeguarding concerns please call or visit the school rather
than use this email address.
Young Chamber students visiting the Bank of England

             Visit our website

      Aylsham High School—Information For Parents

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