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1 UPGRADE 2 TRACKING SYSTEM TRACKING AND SIMULATION STUDIES (UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM) Lucia Grillo (for the Mighty Tracker group) 5th Workshop on LHCb Upgrade II, Barcelona, 30/03/2020 Apologies for links to LHCb internal documents, those are just for completeness for LHCb colleagues
INTRODUCTION 2 Mighty Tracker TRACKING SYSTEM UT ~21% of long tracks * ~50% of long tracks * ~29% of long tracks * * At first layer of T1, inclusive-b, Upgrade 2 luminosity
T-STATIONS: INNER, MIDDLE TRACKER, SCIFI 3 LHCb-INT-2019-007 MIGHTY TRACKER Inner Tracker (LS3) 20cm 20cm Middle Tracker (LS4) ~54 cm (one Sci-Fi module) 20 cm ▸ HV-CMOS: Inner Tracker (IT), Upgrade 1b + Middle Tracker (MT), Upgrade 2 ▸ Design choices that impact track reconstruction performance (track finding efficiency, fake rate, momentum resolution): IT Area per layer = 6 lots of 20x54 cm = 0.7 m2 (minus beam hole) Total Area = 6 layers of 0.7 m2 = 3.9 m2 (minus beam hole) IT+MT Area per layer = 28 lots of 20x54 cm = 3.0 m2 (minus beam hole) Total Area = 6 layers of 0.7 m2 = 18.1 m2 (minus beam hole) L = 1.5 ⇥ 1034 cm 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 2 s 1 L = 2 ⇥ 1033 cm 2 s 1 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 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 … LS2 Upgrade Ia LS3 Upgrade Ib LS4 UII SciFi Only SciFi + Si Inner Tracker SciFi + Inner + U Ib TDR UII TDR Middle UII Framework TDR U Ib Install U II Install Tracker
T-STATIONS 4 MIGHTY TRACKER - UPGRADE 1B 4 layers of hybrid + 8 fibre modules. How many ‘old’ ▸ Inner Tracker (IT), Upgrade 1b (new ideas) SciFi modules we can afford for tracking performance? 536 mm Fibremat top Inner / 4835 mm 2 mm Middle Tracker Dead region Fibremat bottom 2 mm 2 mm y-size initially chosen for reduction of Standard Hybrid igure 3.6: The dimensions of a module as described in the simulation and the definition of SciFi Module Module Shortened SciFi Module fake rate (assuming fake rate negligible in he stereo angles. The size of the dead material is increased to be visible. The simulation escribes one full fibre mat in each module whereas the final module will be constructed using ight separate 13.5 cm fibre mats placed side by side. the silicon region). Larger y-size justified for specific physics cases? ime (less than a few ns). Single dopant fibres that emit in the blue-region (such as PMP, r p-terphenyl (PT) dye) typically have a shorter attenuation length of ⇠1 m, due to the elf-absorption of the light by the dye. Dyes that exhibit a larger separation between their bsorption and emission spectra (Stokes’ Shift), such as 3HF which emits in the green, ave longer attenuation lengths (> 2 m). A second approach is to use two scintillating yes. The primary dye has a high quantum efficiency to absorb the energy from the base material and the second dye is a wavelength shifter (⇠0.05% by weight). It absorbs the mission of the primary dye, via radiative or non-radiative transfer, and fluoresces at a onger wavelength where re-absorption in the fibre is less likely to occur [43]. For the time being, all experimental work has been concentrated on the multi-clad lue emitting fibre of type SCSF-78MJ4 from Kuraray5 . It uses p-terphenyl (PT) as a rimary dye, plus tetraphenyl-butadiene (TPB)6 as a wavelength shifter [44–47] and was hosen as the baseline because of previous experience and knowledge gained from using he scintillating fibres in other experiments. Co-operation with a second fibre supplier, 4 ▸ Additional options? The M indicates multi-clad. The J indicates a high purity distillation process was used. This results n an extended attenuation length. 5 Kuraray Co., Ltd., Ote Center Building, 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8115, Japan. 6 The dyes have not been confirmed directly by Kuraray, but are based on private communications in
T-STATIONS: NEEDS OF ION PHYSICS 5 Benjamin Audurier 23.10.2019 LHCb performance in PbPb Collisions LHCb-INT-2020-004 / Centrality = f(eCal energy) ▸ Higher centrality = higher energy density = creation of Quark-Gluon Plasma rA rB ▸ PbPb track reconstruction up to 30% centrality with the upgrade detector, SciFi occupancy limiting factor Maximum occupancy of the SciFi LHCb Unofficial ▸ IT reduces occupancy in the SciFi: which IT geometry would allow to reach 0% centrality?
T-STATIONS: NEEDS OF ION PHYSICS 6 Benjamin Audurier 04.03.2020 LHCb performance in PbPb Collisions LHCb-INT-2020-004 ▸ Method: use ALICE Phys. Lett. B 772 (2017) 457 to estimate charged particle multiplicity in LHCb multiplicity x 3.5 multiplicity x 2.2 ▸ IT extended to 2nd to most central modules is needed to reach 0% centrality ▸ Additional technical complications and/or costs ▸ “Original” IT allows to reach 10%-20% centrality
T-STATIONS: INNER AND MIDDLE TRACKER 7 Inner Tracker (LS3) LHCb-INT-2019-00720cm MIGHTY TRACKER: BASELINE DESIGN UPGRADE 2 Middle Tracker (LS4) 20cm ~54 cm (one Sci-Fi module) 20 cm ▸ Extension of IT/MT/SciFi regions 1060mm 200mm ▸ Geometrical constraints; Occupancy per SciFi fibre < 2% (MT region) ▸ IT/MT # layers and arrangement IT ▸ Pixels: track finding efficiency close to 100% Area periflayer dead= 6 lotsarea of 20x54iscm < 5% = 0.7 withbeam m2 (minus 6 layers hole) Total Area = 6 layers of 0.7 m2 = 3.9 m2 (minus beam hole) ▸ IT/MT pixel/strip size IT+MT Area per layer = 28 lots of 20x54 cm = 3.0 m2 (minus beam hole) Total Area = 6 layers of 0.7 m2 = 18.1 m2 (minus beam hole) ▸ Occupancy: strips shorter than 100mm needed in IT Upgrade 2 ▸ Pixel size in x to have momentum resolution as good as Upgrade 1: 100μm ▸ Pixel size in y to maximise track angle (wrt then beam axis) resolution. Multiple scattering dominates for pixel size larger than (100-400)μm for tracks of (1.5-40)GeV, with 40mm spacing between layers
T-STATIONS: INNER AND MIDDLE TRACKER 8 MightyPix - pixel size ▸ Baseline: 100μm x 300μm other sizes up to 50μm x 150μm 0.9 ×10−p3 = 15000.00[MeV] d = 40.00[mm] δ p / p [%] σ track y-angle [rad] 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.18 0.16 0.6 0.14 0.5 0.12 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.08 Upgrade I 0.2 Upgrade Ib, 100µm Upgrade Ib, 200µm 0.06 hit resolution 0.1 Upgrade II, 100µm 0.04 MS Upgrade II, 200µm MS + hit resolution 0 0.02 0 50 100 0.5 1 Momentum [GeV] pitch[mm] ▸ Further studies on going to refine this number 104 Abs(tan(αx)) 98% of clusters ▸ Cluster size~ 1.02 pixel from d · tan(↵) 103 contain one hit Entries 548037 geometrical considerations Mean 0.518 ± 0.00113 102 Std Dev 0.832 ± 0.000798 (slope between exit and 10 entry points) other effects may dominate 1 0 2 4 6 8 10
FINDING TRACKS 9 “Forward” FINDING “LONG: TRACKS - TODAY ▸ Long (+downstream) tracks: what everyone needs “Matching” UT ▸ You need to match VELO(UT) track and either hits on T-stations or T-track ▸ Following studies use Bs→φφ MC, generated with Upgrade 2 luminosity and Upgrade 1 geometry. MCHits are used (+ smearing to add hit resolution effect)
FINDING TRACKS - “VELO-UT” SEGMENT 10 ra ck T EXTENDING VELO TRACK SEGMENT IN UT t line straigh VELO x z UT, layer 1 ▸ Find UT hit to extend the VELO track segment by opening a search window in x and y relative to total integral (normalised to 1) 1 ▸ 14mm x 9mm search window ensures the 0.8 search window in X roughly 98% in x correct hit is within the search window more search window in Y than 98% of the cases; average 7-11 hits 0.6 roughly 98% in Y within search window 0.4 ▸ Next steps: include region dependence and 0.2 try to reduce fake rate (timing?) 0 0 5 10 15 20 Luke Mitchell, Edinburgh summer student project search window size [mm]
FINDING TRACKS - “FORWARD” TRACKING 11 Vadym Denysenko 12.02.2020 FORWARD TRACKING “kink” plane 1 2 search window in x (200mm) and y (75mm) Use search window in y and x information 3 4 Repeat for all hits within initial search window, excluding Use search window in y and x information downstream segments incompatible for tracks slopes in x and y ▸ Assuming VeloUT segment ▸ Find tracks passing basic criteria: not electrons, no secondary interactions between last upstream hit and first downstream hit, minimum number of hits and momentum
FINDING TRACKS - “FORWARD” TRACKING 12 Vadym Denysenko 12.02.2020 FORWARD TRACKING “kink” plane 1 2 search window in x (200mm) and y (75mm) Use search window in y and x information 3 4 Repeat for all hits within initial search window, excluding Use search window in y and x information downstream segments incompatible for tracks slopes in x and y At least 3 downstream hits (1 per station belonging to the correct particle) ~95% ▸ First study. Next steps: investigate strategies to ~33% reduce the fake rate
FINDING TRACKS - TRACK “MATCHING” 13 TRACK MATCHING ▸ Assuming stand-alone track reconstruction in then T- stations is possible, ▸ Match the VELO-UT segments to the T-station segments, by minimising: 2 (xpred xmeas ) 2 (ypred ymeas ) 2 (ty pred ty meas )2 match = 2 + 2 + 2 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 x y ty Irene Cortinovis, Zurich student project Alessandro Scarabotto, CERN summer student project
FINDING TRACKS - TRACK “MATCHING” 14 TRACK MATCHING If for every VELO-UT track a match is found. Discarding VELO-UT with too high Χ^2: Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 98% Matched VELO-UT, 16% ghost rate Efficiency 0.968 ± 0.005 0.932 ± 0.003 96% Matched VELO-UT, 15% ghost rate Ghost rate 0.127 ± 0.008 0.173 ± 0.004 Upgrade 1 luminosity, using same algorithm ▸ Dominant contribution to these ghost rates is from tracks not reaching the T-stations (cut applied for following studies) Matched VELO-UT tracks [%] Irene Cortinovis, Zurich student project Alessandro Scarabotto, CERN summer student project
FINDING TRACKS - TRACK “MATCHING” Zakariya Aliouche 25.03.2020 15 TRACK MATCHING - ADDING MOMENTUM & (PV) TIMING 2 (xpred xmeas )2 (ypred ymeas )2 (ty pred ty meas )2 (pV eloU T pT stat )2 match = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2 x y ty p,V eloU T + p,T stat ▸ VELO-UT momentum resolution ~15% ▸ VELO-T-stations momentum resolution ~2% 2 (xpred xmeas ) 2 (ypred ymeas ) 2 (ty pred ty meas )2 (tP V velo tP V T stat ) 2 match = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2 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 x y ty velo + T stat ▸ time resolution assumed to be 30ps AAACBXicdVC7SgNBFJ2NrxhfUUstBoNgIWE3bkjSBW0sI+QFyRJmJ5NkyOyDmbuBsGxj46/YWChi6z/Y+TdOXqCiBy6cOede5t7jhoIrMM1PI7W2vrG5ld7O7Ozu7R9kD4+aKogkZQ0aiEC2XaKY4D5rAAfB2qFkxHMFa7njm5nfmjCpeODXYRoyxyNDnw84JaClXva0q/jQI714wkSQXK5edQUEkl42Z+Zt27QrZaxJsVgqWQtilirYyptz5NAStV72o9sPaOQxH6ggSnUsMwQnJhI4FSzJdCPFQkLHZMg6mvrEY8qJ51ck+FwrfTwIpC4f8Fz9PhETT6mp5+pOj8BI/fZm4l9eJ4JB2Ym5H0bAfLr4aBAJDAGeRYL7XDIKYqoJoZLrXTEdEUko6OAyOoTVpfh/0izkrat84c7OVa+XcaTRCTpDF8hCJVRFt6iGGoiie/SIntGL8WA8Ga/G26I1ZSxnjtEPGO9fEKmZmQ== velo , T stat PV PV tvelo = ttrue + velo tP V T stat = t PV i + T stat 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
FINDING TRACKS - TRACK “MATCHING” Zakariya Aliouche 25.03.2020 16 TRACK MATCHING - MOMENTUM & TIMING 2 (xpred xmeas )2 (ypred ymeas )2 (ty pred ty meas )2 (pV eloU T pT stat )2 (tP V V elo tP V T stat ) 2 match = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 x y ty p,V eloU T + p,T stat t,V elo + t,T stat ▸ Only 10% of the wrong matches come from the same PV ▸ ~60% of the wrong matches are electrons ▸ Momentum more beneficial than (PV) timing
FINDING TRACKS - T-TRACKS 17 T-TRACK FINDING ▸ distance between pair of layers is current x1-x2 distance, baseline pixels: good hit resolution in x and y ▸ start from all the hits in the highest z layer and open a search window in y ▸ for each pair of hits search third hit within y search window ▸ for each set of 3 hits used linear and parabolic extrapolation to centre a x-y search window to find the hits in the following layers Jiazhen Tang, CERN summer student project
FINDING TRACKS - T-TRACKS 18 Possible tracks from one point in y component 280 Real track T-TRACK FINDING 210 y position/mm ▸ Multiple track candidates for the same 140 initial hit: for p>5GeV the less curved candidate (in x) is the real track in most 70 of the cases, for now choosing 0 7800 8225 8650 9075 9500 candidate including hits closer to the z position/mm Possible tracks from one point in x component predictions 450 0 x position/mm -450 Real track -900 -1350 tight search loose search -1800 7800 8225 8650 9075 9500 window window z position/mm Efficiency 89.0% 93.9% ▸ Very first study. several Ghost rate 12.9% 15.7% improvements to make it more performing and more realistic Jiazhen Tang, CERN summer student project
DETECTOR GEOMETRY DESCRIPTION 19 Tai-Hua Lin 04.03.2020 DETECTOR DESCRIPTION ▸ Full geometry of Mighty Tracker implemented in DD4hep ▸ Passive material not (decided and) implemented yet ▸ Some details like gap sizes needs to be confirmed ▸ Will allow for more realistic track reconstruction studies!
SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 20 OUTLOOK ▸ Open design questions/optimization ▸ Pixel size, module design (material, support, structure), strategy for Upgrade 1b ▸ First track reconstruction performance studies (using MCHits) ▸ First pattern recognition algorithm for MT implemented - few more ideas to be tried and hits in the fibre region to be added: tool to optimise pixel size/layer spacing ▸ Extension of VELO track segment with UT hits and downstream hits to be better investigated (might be profit from timing?) ▸ Upstream/downstream track segment matching looks promising, momentum looks more beneficial than timing ▸ Progress in DD4hep detector geometry description ▸ Geometry implemented in DD4hep, next steps: material implementation and realistic tracking studies ▸ Good progress so far, but a lot still to do
UT: FIRST STUDIES 22 Jianchun Wang, Quan Zou, Yiming Li, 18.03.2020 UT OCCUPANCY - UPGRADE 1 ▸ Minimum bias (MB) events used to estimate the strip occupancy and the number of hits to be recorded ▸ At inner sensors the average occupancy is ~1%. Some ASICs are higher ~2%
UT: FIRST STUDIES 23 Luke Mitchell, Edinburgh summer student project UT OCCUPANCY - UPGRADE 2 ▸ Could imagine equipping using HVCMOS of IT and/or outer part with silicon strips ▸ Occupancy / radiation requirements an order of magnitude higher than in Mighty Tracker Strip Occupancy 1D Hist in x Occupancy [%] 35 0-100mm in Y 30 100-200mm in Y 25 200-300mm in Y 20 15 10 5 1% 100x500μm pixels 0 −800 −600 −400 −200 0 200 400 600 800 x [mm] ▸ From occupancy considerations, strips in external region (2/3 of the area) feasible, pixels internally (1/3 of the area)
REGIONS OF COVERAGE 24 OCCUPANCY STUDIES ▸ Hybrid modules: same width for IT/MT and SciFi modules Upgrade 2 Upgrade 2 Low occupancy per silicon sensor preserves track reconstruction (e.g. allowing stand alone track reconstruction in T-stations) Constraint on occupancy of the SciFi to Upgrade 1 occupancy (to preserve tracking performance and contain radiation damage of the fibres) sets the MT dimension ▸ Number of hits obtained from Geant4 simulation (MCHits) - safety factors needed for: pp collisions, tracking threshold, material assumes the full SciFi
REGIONS OF COVERAGE 25 OCCUPANCY STUDIES - SCIFI ▸ Choice of MT size: maximum occupancy in Upgrade 2 in SciFi does not exceed the occupancy of SciFi in Upgrade 1 ▸ Maximum integrated occupancies along the fibres Occupancy per fibre averaged over 40 fibres in top half (y>0) station 1, layer 1 Occupancy [1 / fiber event] 0.025 Upgrade 1b SciFi Occupancy [1 / fiber event] 0.16 Upgrade 2 SciFi 0.14 2% SciFi with IT SciFi with MT 0.02 0.12 0.1 0.015 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.005 2% 0.02 0 0 −2000 0 2000 −2000 0 2000 x [mm] x [mm]
REGIONS OF COVERAGE 26 OCCUPANCY STUDIES - IT & MT ▸ Could we use silicon strips? ▸ Estimated the occupancy per pixel/strip in IT & MT Occupancy per bin (0.1mm x100 mm - strip size) per event Upgrade 1b Upgrade 2 ▸ All acceptable values for Upgrade 1b, likely shorter strips needed for Upgrade 2
UPGRADE 1B 27 INNER TRACKER: FIRST ESTIMATE OF FAKE RATE REDUCTION ▸ While the horizontal dimension of IT is constrained to be 1060mm by the width of the two (central) SciFi module dimension, there is room for optimisation of the vertical size ▸ Hits in different IT region are removed to estimate the improvement in fake rate (in the SciFI) Full SciFi, fake rate 18% Upgrade 1b Nominal IT area, fake rate 3% ▸ VELO-like track reconstruction in the IT assumed
NEW PROPOSAL FOR UPGRADE 1B 28 UPGRADE 1B - QUICK CHECK ▸ Hits in different IT region are removed, standard (in the SciFI - VELO-like track reconstruction is assumed) ▸ B+->J/psiK+ sample, L = 2 ⇥ 1033 cm 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 2 s 1 , O(1k) events digitised & reconstructed, ▸ Attenuation maps considered for the fibres https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-conddb/ SIMCOND/tree/upgrade/master/Conditions/FT/Calibration (documented here: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/2673602/files/LHCb-PUB-2019-007.pdf), Full SciFi x6 x4 1 Eff(long>5GeV) 95.4% 96.0% 95.9% 25fb Ghost rate 14.6% 5.5% 8.8% 1 Eff(long>5GeV) 95.2% 95.4% 50fb Ghost rate 13.8% 8.3% 1 Eff(long>5GeV) 93.5% 94.2% 100fb 14.2% 8.2% Ghost rate
FINDING TRACKS - TRACK “MATCHING” Zakariya Aliouche 25.03.2020 29 TRACK MATCHING - MOMENTUM & TIMING 2 (xpred xmeas )2 (ypred ymeas )2 (ty pred ty meas )2 (pV eloU T pT stat )2 (tP V V elo tP V T stat ) 2 match = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 x y ty p,V eloU T + p,T stat t,V elo + t,T stat ▸ Only 10% of the wrong matches come from the same PV ▸ ~60% of the wrong matches are electrons ▸ Momentum more beneficial than (PV) timing ▸ VELO-T-stations momentum resolution ~1%
NUMBERS OF LAYERS 30 PIXELS - TRACKING IN Y - 6 LAYERS ▸ Pattern recognition not only in the bending plane ? ▸ Pixels: high resolution in x and y: for pixel based IT/MT the number of layers can be reduced, achieving similar or better resolution ▸ With 100% sensor active area 100 ∈rec % (possible if DMAPS pixel chips are 98 arranged to overlap in each layer), 96 6 layers would obtain the effective 94 measurements of the current IT Track finding efficiency 92 close to 100% if dead area 90 is < 5% with 6 layers 88 >3 hits 86 >4 hits toy simulation 0 5 10 dead fraction %
PIXEL SIZE (X) 31 MOMENTUM RESOLUTION ▸ Momentum resolution studied on D→Kππ Upgrade 1 sample, described accounting for Multiple Scattering (MS) and hit resolution (res) Upgrade 1 toy simulation to extrapolate to Upgrade 2 0.9 0.9 δ p / p [%] δ p / p [%] 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 ⇣ p ⌘2 0.4 0.3 = A2MS + (p ⇥ Bres )2 0.3 Upgrade I 0.2 p 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 0.2 Upgrade Ib, 100µm Upgrade Ib, 200µm Upgrade II, 100µm 0.1 0.1 Upgrade II, 200µm 0 0 0 50 100 0 50 100 Momentum [GeV] Momentum [GeV] ▸ Pixel size 200μm results in a slightly worse momentum resolution, pixel size 100μm results in an improvement (up to 20% at high momentum)
PIXEL SIZE (Y) 32 TRACK ANGLE RESOLUTION ▸ Track toy (linear segment) obtained from a truth angle, and hits from smearing due to < ✓M S >= 13.6MeV z r X 1 p hit resolution and Multiple cp X0 2 X/X0 = 0.565% (3.9mm spacing) 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 Scattering (MS) ▸ A “per-track” quantity allows to account for the pixel size and position of the tracker layers at the same time: track angle resolution (in y) ▸ Pixel size in y of (100-400)μm optimal for tracks of (1.5-40)GeV ×10−p3 = 15000.00[MeV] d = 40.00[mm] ×10−p3 = 40000.00[MeV] d = 40.00[mm] 0.24 σ track y-angle [rad] 0.2 σ track y-angle [rad] 0.22 0.18 0.2 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 hit resolution hit resolution 0.04 MS 0.04 MS MS + hit resolution MS + hit resolution 0.02 0.02 0.5 1 0.5 1 pitch[mm] pitch[mm]
PIXEL SIZE (Y) AND ARRANGEMENT OF LAYERS 33 SPACING BETWEEN LAYERS ▸ Detector material considered for a double layer design (3.9mm spacing) ▸ When the layers in each doublet are too close, the hits are not distinguishable, and cannot provide a direction useful for the pattern recognition (larger search windows needed, extra random hits…) ▸ Which fraction of tracks has the same hit position in y? p = 15000.00[MeV] pitch = 0.30[mm] fractionmerged hits layers 1&2 and/or 3&4 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 d[mm]
NUMBER AND ARRANGEMENT OF LAYERS 34 Kapton flex-circuit Si Sensors ARRANGEMENT OF LAYERS CF skin Core with Integrated cooling ▸ Minimise the material: 3 double-sided layers with the sensor layers separated by (3.9-40)mm - constraints: support, cooling structure needed ▸ Distance between layers in each doublet should be good enough for pattern recognition to form starting seeds (2 hits, direction information) ▸ Spacing between layers to be studied together with pixel size ▸ Alternative to 3 double-sided layers, giving larger spacing but increasing material budget is to locate the 6 layers in the x layers of the x-u-v-x of SciFi ▸ Alternative to the 6 layers is 8 layers, arranged in 2:2:4 for T stations 1:2:3, to minimise the material seen by the SciFi
PIXEL SIZE (Y) AND LAYERS POSITIONS 35 IF THE LAYERS OF THE DOUBLETS ARE TOO CLOSE ▸ Detector material considered for a double layer design (3.9mm spacing) ▸ When the layers in each doublet are too close, the hits are not distinguishable, and cannot provide a direction useful for the pattern recognition (larger search windows needed, extra random hits…) ▸ Which fraction of tracks has the same hit position in y? p = 15000.00[MeV] d = 40.00[mm] p = 15000.00[MeV] d = 3.90[mm] fractionmerged hits layers 1&2 and/or 3&4 fractionmerged hits layers 1&2 and/or 3&4 0.14 0.9 0.12 0.8 0.7 0.1 0.6 0.08 0.5 0.06 0.4 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 pitch[mm] pitch[mm] ▸ spacings like 40mm looks preferred ▸ To-do: evaluate the impact of this
TRACK MOMENTUM 36 MOMENTUM DISTRIBUTION IN IT, MT, SCIFI REGIONS 5000 Middle Tracker tracks Inner Tracker tracks Entries 11679 Entries 20578 800 Mean 2.51e+04 Mean 7.78e+03 700 Std Dev 1.97e+04 4000 Std Dev 7e+03 600 500 3000 400 2000 300 200 1000 100 0 ×103 0 ×103 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 p [MeV] p [MeV] SciFi tracks 4500 Entries 8516 ▸ Inclusive-b MC 4000 Mean Std Dev 2.94e+03 1.91e+03 sample, 1.5x10^34, 3500 3000 Long tracks, at first 2500 layer of first station 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ×103 0 50 100 150 200 p [MeV]
PIXEL SIZE (Y) AND LAYERS POSITIONS 37 DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS [15GEV- MEAN P IN MT ACCEPTANCE] ×10−p3 = 15000.00[MeV] d = 3.90[mm] ×10−p3 = 15000.00[MeV] d = 40.00[mm] 0.22 σ track y-angle [rad] σ track y-angle [rad] 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 hit resolution hit resolution 0.04 MS 0.04 MS MS + hit resolution MS + hit resolution 0.02 0.02 0.5 1 0.5 1 pitch[mm] pitch[mm] ×10−p3 = 15000.00[MeV] d = 184.80[mm] 0.25 σ track y-angle [rad] silicon on x1 and x2 layers of T-stations 0.2 ▸ Small dependence on the 0.15 layers positions. For doublets (3.9-40mm) no 0.1 gain for < 200μm 0.05 hit resolution MS MS + hit resolution 0.5 1 pitch[mm]
PIXEL SIZE (Y) AND LAYERS POSITIONS 38 DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS [5GEV] ×10−d3 = 5.00[mm] ×10−d3 = 40.00[mm] 0.25 σ track y-angle [rad] σ track y-angle [rad] 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 geometry 0.05 geometry MS MS 0.5 1 0.5 1 pitch[mm] pitch[mm] −3 0.24 ×10 d = 15.00[mm] ×10−d3 = 184.80[mm] σ track y-angle [rad] 0.3 σ track y-angle [rad] 0.22 silicon on x1 and x2 layers of T-stations 0.2 0.25 0.18 0.16 0.2 0.14 0.12 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.06 geometry 0.04 0.05 geometry MS MS 0.02 0.5 1 0.5 1 pitch[mm] pitch[mm]
CHIP SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT 39 SIZE OF THE CLUSTER (IN #PIXEL)? z d* tan(Beta) Track, 4um radius of charge deposition Thickness d Beta (LHCb z dirn) track angle to vertical x(y) Example entry at back and exit X, y view of pixels at front points of track
CHIP SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT 40 SIZE OF THE CLUSTER (IN #PIXEL)? ▸ MCHits in the T-stations (i.e. secondaries etc included) ▸ Slope between exit and entry points of the MCHits along x and y directions (in plots: average over the events of the sample) 104 Abs(tan(αx)) 104 Abs(tan(αy)) 103 Entries 548037 Entries 548037 103 Mean 0.518 ± 0.00113 Mean 0.245 ± 0.000889 102 Std Dev 0.832 ± 0.000798 102 Std Dev 0.657 ± 0.000629 10 10 1 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 ▸ d = 30microns, baseline pixels 100microns x 300microns ▸ 97.5% of the hits has cluster size 1, 2.5% of the hits has cluster size 2… Cluster size should be ~1.02 pixels
FINDING TRACKS - TIMING 41 TIME RESOLUTION AND TRACK MATCHING/PV ASSOCIATION ▸ Example: use TORCH time measurement (~15ps per-track resolution) for downstream and UT (layer or sensors - 25-200ps per-track resolution) ▸ To be studied impact on full matching upstream/ LHC collision time sigma ~ 200 ps downstream and rate of mis- σUT = 50.00[ps] σMT = 15.00[ps] σUT = 200.00[ps] σMT = 15.00[ps] association (fakes) 18 Entries 250 Entries 250 16 Mean 12.6 35 Mean −4.21 σMT = 15.00[ps] Std Dev 200 downstream-t downstream ) Std Dev 102 30 from upstream 14 12 1 25 10 0.8 20 8 15 0.6 6 Relative σ(tmeas 4 10 0.4 2 5 0 0.2 −500 0 500 0 −500 0 500 t 0[ps] t meas from upstream 0 50 100 150 200 downstream downstream [ps] -t Upstream per-track resolution[ps]
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