Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response

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Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
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Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically
Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
To cite this article: Yubo Zhang and Jason D. Nicholas 2021 J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 034513

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Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513

                           Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically
                           Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
                           Yubo Zhang*           and Jason D. Nicholas*,z
                           Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, United
                           States of America

              Here, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) utilizing high performance La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3−x (LSCF)—Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95−x (GDC)
              nano-composite cathodes (NCCs) on commercially-available [GDC diffusion barrier ∣ (Y2O3)0.08(ZrO2)0.92 (YSZ) electrolyte ∣
              Ni-YSZ anode functional layer ∣ Ni-YSZ gas transport layer] supports had the same 550 °C–650 °C current-voltage behavior as
              identical SOFCs utilizing commercial La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 (LSC) cathodes, despite differences in open-circuit cathode polarization
              resistance (RP). Nickel anode infiltration also produced a ∼25% SOFC peak power density improvement in these cells. These
              results, combined with literature data showing that either the cathode RP, anode RP, or ohmic losses within the cell can limit state-
              of-the-art SOFC performance (depending on the exact compositions, microstructures, testing conditions etc.), suggest that it is time
              to retire the old adage that poor cathode performance typically limits overall SOFC performance.
              © 2021 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited. This is an open access
              article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
              by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/

              Manuscript submitted September 2, 2020; revised manuscript received November 7, 2020. Published March 18, 2021.
              Supplementary material for this article is available online

    Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are electrochemical-based                       is generally thought to be the more difficult reaction to activate
chemical to electrical energy conversion devices offering some of                  [compared to oxygen evolution on the anode] on SOFCs operating at
the highest gravimetric and volumetric power densities,1,2 highest                 commercially relevant temperatures” have become common in the
demonstrated efficiencies,3–6 and lowest emission intensity7 of any                 literature.47–49 Further, it is easy to find statements in the literature
hydrocarbon-based electricity generation technology. This, com-                    like “cathode overpotential is often the main factor limiting SOFC
bined with their ability to operate on a variety of fuels,8 allows them            performance”,50 “it has been well accepted that in intermediate-
to reduce the environmental impact of today’s hydrocarbon-based                    temperature SOFCs, oxygen reduction at the cathode is the main rate
economy while simultaneously providing a path to a CO2-neutral                     limiting factor to the performance of the whole system”,51 “cathodic
hydrogen- or biofuel-based economy. In addition, SOFCs can be                      activation loss stemming from sluggish ORR dominates in SOFC”,52
operated in reverse as Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) to                   and even in our own work “SOFC cathodes have historically limited
efficiently store energy, produce fuels or chemicals, and/or tie                    SOFC performance”.53 Together, these statements have contributed
together electrical and hydrocarbon distribution networks for im-                  to the impression that future SOFC research should primarily focus
proved grid reliability.2,9                                                        on improved cathodes. However, as shown here, other SOFC
    Unfortunately, widespread SOFC and SOEC commercialization                      components (even high-performance, state-of-the-art ones) can be
is complicated by the high operating temperatures typically required               just as limiting, if not more limiting, than state-of-the-art SOFC
to achieve high performance. These high operating temperatures                     cathodes.
(which are typically greater than ~600 °C) raise costs and often
result in unacceptably high degradation rates brought on by
degradation mechanisms such as diffusion-enabled surface composi-                                           Experimental Methods
tion changes,10 electrode microstructural changes,11,12 and/or un-                     Sample fabrication.—To help demonstrate this point, Solid
wanted side chemical reactions.13                                                  Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) utilizing high performance La0.6Sr0.4
    Historically, efforts to improve SOFC performance and/or reduce                Co0.8Fe0.2O3−x (LSCF)—Gd0.1Ce0.9O1.95−x (GDC) nano-composite
SOFC operating temperatures have largely focused on improving                      cathodes (NCCs) on commercially-available SOFC supports were
cathode performance. This emphasis resulted from the fact that 1)                  compared to commercially-available La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−x (LSC) cath-
traditional, colloidal thick film nickel-yttria stabilized zirconia (Ni-            odes on the same supports. These supports were supplied by the Fuel
YSZ) anodes performed much better than traditional, colloidal thick                Cell Materials subsidiary of Nexceris LLC (Lewis Center, OH) and,
film lanthanum strontium manganate (LSM)-YSZ cathodes,36,37                         as shown in Figs. 1a–1b, consisted of GDC diffusion barrier layers,
and 2) the fact that many SOFC anodes display lower oxygen                         (Y2O3)0.08(ZrO2)0.92 (YSZ) electrolytes, Ni-YSZ anode functional
exchange activation energies (∼1.0 eV for Ni-YSZ, ∼1.4 eV for                      layers, and mechanically-supporting Ni-YSZ anode gas diffusion
Ni-GDC, ∼0.5 eV for Sr(Ti,Fe)O3, etc.)38,39,17 than SOFC cathodes                  layers. Conventional LSCF-GDC NCCs (i.e. those not subject to
(>1.4 eV for La0.8Sr0.2MnO3, ∼1.8 eV for Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−x,                 GDC pre-infiltration,54,55 atomic layer deposited overcoating,56 or
∼1.8 eV for La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−x, ∼1.6 eV for La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Co0.2                     precursor solution desiccation53,57) with LSM current collectors and
O3−x, ∼1.3 eV for La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3−x, ∼1.3 eV for La0.6Sr0.4                 a gold grid surface mesh were produced atop these SOFC supports
CoO3−x, and ∼1.3 eV for Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3−x).40,41 As a result,                       via LSCF nitrate solution infiltration into porous, partially-sintered,
even though microstructural tailoring,42 grain size,43,44 testing                  screen-printed GDC scaffolds following the procedures described
atmospheres,14 electrical polarization,45,16 and other effects have                previously in the literature.42,53–57 The LSC cathodes were prepared
been shown to modulate SOFC electrode performance (such that                       by Nexceris using proprietary fabrication procedures.
high oxygen surface exchange activation energy does not necessarily                    To provide evidence that the Nexceris anodes contributed
correlate with poor electrode performance), over the past ∼20 years                significantly to the overall SOFC resistance, the aforementioned
sentiments similar to those in Ref. 46 stating that “oxygen reduction              anode supports were surface-decorated with nano-sized nickel
                                                                                   particles through nickel nitrate solution anode infiltration. The nickel
                                                                                   nitrate precursor solutions were made by mixing high purity
  *Electrochemical Society Member.                                                 Ni(NO3)2·6H2O (Alfa Aesar, Haverhill, MA) with Milli-Q water.
    E-mail: jdn@msu.edu                                                            The precursor solutions were then pipetted into the Nexceris Ni-YSZ
Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513

                                                                         anodes, held in air in 5 min, dried in an 80 °C oven for 5 min, and
                                                                         fired at 700 °C for an hour to form nano-sized NiO particles.
                                                                         Multiple solution infiltration processes were performed to reach a
                                                                         ∼4% Ni loading level (a mid-range loading level based upon the
                                                                         literature28,58). ∼10 μm thick gold grid current collectors made up of
                                                                         6 mm wide Au paste (C5756, Heraeus, West Conshohocken, PA)
                                                                         lines and ∼0.11 cm2 of open area between each set of gridlines were
                                                                         then screen printed onto each anode.
                                                                             To better separate the cathode performance from the overall
                                                                         SOFC performance, LSCF-GDC NCC∣GDC∣LSCF-GDC NCC sym-
                                                                         metric cells with LSM current collectors and a gold grid surface
                                                                         mesh were produced via LSCF nitrate solution infiltration into
                                                                         porous, partially-sintered, screen-printed GDC scaffolds following
                                                                         the procedures described previously in the literature.42,53–57

                                                                             Sample characterization.—For current-voltage (I–V) measure-
                                                                         ments, full cells were sealed on top of a homemade 316 stainless-
                                                                         steel test rig with silver paste (C8728, Heraeus, West Conshohocken,
                                                                         PA). Silver wires were connected to the gold current collectors with
                                                                         gold paste (C5756, Heraeus, West Conshohocken, PA). Before
                                                                         electrochemical tests, the cells were fired at 700 °C for an hour in
                                                                         100 sccm of flowing air using 5 °C min−1 nominal heating and
                                                                         cooling rates to sinter the silver paste. After this silver sealing
                                                                         procedure, NiO in the anodes was reduced at 650 °C for at least
                                                                         20 min with 100 sccm of humidified hydrogen (97% H2—3% H2O)
                                                                         and until the open circuit voltage (OCV) of the full cell was stable.
                                                                         After the NiO was fully reduced, I–V measurements were conducted
                                                                         at 550 °C, 600 °C and 650 °C with static air as oxidant on the
                                                                         cathode side and humidified hydrogen with a flow rate of 100 sccm
                                                                         as the fuel on the anode side. At each temperature, a hold time of at
                                                                         least 20 min was used to achieve thermal equilibrium.
                                                                             Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements
                                                                         on symmetric cells were conducted using an impedance analyzer
                                                                         (IM6, Zahner, Kronach, Germany). Symmetric cathode cell tests
                                                                         were conducted in static air using a Pt plate push-contact setup
                                                                         utilizing Pt wire leads. For all the cells, impedance data was
                                                                         collected at 550 °C, 600 °C and 650 °C. At each temperature, a
                                                                         hold time of at least 20 min was used to achieve thermal equilibrium.
                                                                         A 0.1 to 100 kHz frequency range was used for symmetric cathode.
                                                                         Due to use of ∼1.8 meter long leads, a nominal 100 mV AC
                                                                         amplitude (∼75 mV across the sample) was utilized for all EIS
                                                                         measurements, after identical (but noisier) results were obtained
                                                                         with nominal 50 mV (∼25 mV across the sample) AC amplitudes.
                                                                         The cathode area specific open-circuit polarization resistance (RP)
                                                                         was determined by multiplying the resistance difference between the
                                                                         x-axis intercepts on each symmetric cell EIS Nyquist plot by the
                                                                         0.5 cm2 geometric area of the electrode and dividing by two (since
                                                                         each symmetric cell had two electrodes).
                                                                             Cross-sectional Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analyses
                                                                         on fractured cells were taken by sputtering ∼1 nm of Pt over each
                                                                         fractured specimen and imaging it using a 15 kV electron beam
                                                                         voltage and a ∼4 mm working distance in an Auriga SEM (Carl
                                                                         Zeiss, White Plains. NY). Images for the infiltrated LSCF particles
                                                                         were taken within cracks at the electrode/electrolyte interface.

                                                                                               Results and Discussion
                                                                             Figures 1a and 1b show microstructural overviews of the LSCF-
                                                                         GDC NCC and LSC-containing SOFCs, respectively. In both cases,
                                                                         the 30 μm thick LSCF-GDC NCCs or 12 μm thick LSC cathodes
                                                                         were supported by 1) a ∼3 μm-thick GDC interlayer designed to
                                                                         inhibit formation of the strontium zirconate and/or lanthanum
                                                                         zirconate that often form when La/Sr-containing cathode materials
                                                                         contact YSZ,59,60 2) a dense, ∼3 μm-thick YSZ electrolyte, 3) a
                                                                         high-surface area ∼15 μm-thick Ni-YSZ functional layer where
Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy images of (a) LSCF-GDC cathodes   most of the electrochemical reaction occurred,61 and 4) a mechani-
on Nexceris half cells, (b) LSC cathodes on Nexceris Half Cells, and     cally-supported ∼385 μm-thick Ni-YSZ anode gas transport layer.
(c) symmetric cell LSCF-GDC cathodes.                                    Consistent with previous literature reports on identically processed
Updating the Notion that Poor Cathode Performance Typically Dominates Overall Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Response
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513

cathodes,42,53–57 the LSCF-GDC cathodes contained partially-sin-
tered GDC particles a few hundred nanometers in diameter which, as
shown in Fig. 1c, were surface decorated with LSCF particles ∼40–
50 nm in average hemispherical diameter. In contrast, as shown in
Fig. 1a, the commercial LSC cathodes contained LSC particles
∼200 nm in diameter.
    Figure 2a shows that nearly identical performance was observed
for Nexceris SOFC half cells with either micro-porous Nexceris LSC
cathodes or Michigan State LSCF-GDC nano-composite cathodes.
This identical full cell performance would be difficult to explain if
the cathode were the most resistive part of these SOFCs, since
previous reports have shown that LSC cathodes with 200 nm LSC
particles have 400 °C–700 °C RP values more than four times larger
than those of the LSCF-GDC NCC produced here.56,62 Further,
Fig. 2b shows that the performance of SOFC half cells utilizing
nano-composite LSCF-GDC cathodes can be dramatically improved
by infiltrating nickel into the anode. This result, which is consistent
with previous literature reports showing that nickel infiltration can
improve the performance of micro-composite Ni-YSZ anodes63 is
another indication that commercially-available, bi-layer Ni-YSZ
anodes (i.e. those utilizing anode functional layers to promote
electrolyte-adjacent electrochemical reactions, and coarse porous
Ni-YSZ support layers to promote rapid gas transport) can dominate
the SOFC electrode response when placed in series with high
performance SOFC cathodes. This conclusion is also backed up by
the open-circuit area-specific cathode, electrolyte, and anode resis-
tances for the LSCF-GDC on Nexceris SOFCs with and without
nickel infiltration shown in Fig. S1 and Table SI (available online at
stacks.iop.org/JES/168/034513/mmedia) of the Supplemental
    Figure 3 shows open-circuit, symmetric cell polarization resis-
tance measurements for the LSCF-GDC NCCs produced here.
Similar to previous reports, multiple impedance arcs can be               Figure 2. SOFC current-voltage (left axis) and power (right axis) curves for
observed: a “low frequency” arc on the right which previous               commercial half cells (i.e. cells with a GDC barrier layer, a YSZ electrolyte,
controlled atmosphere experiments have shown is related to gas            a Ni-YSZ anode functional layer (AFL), and a Ni-YSZ anode support) with
transport through the cathode, and additional, higher-frequency arcs      a) either LSC or LSCF-GDC cathodes or b) with LSCF-GDC cathodes with
that are related to oxygen transport through the cathode and              and without anode nickel infiltration. Note that these curves are representa-
interfacial charge-transfer.56 The RP values extracted from the           tive of the behavior of three “identically produced” cells, which had
x-axis Nyquist plot intercepts were 0.25, 0.12 and 0.07 Ωcm2 at           550 °C–650 °C peak power density standard deviations less than 10% of
550 °C, 660 °C, and 650 °C, respectively, which are similar to those      the average value at each tested temperature.
reported previously for LSCF-GDC NCCs.53,56
    Figure 4 shows an open-circuit, symmetric cell literature com-
parison indicating that the RP’s obtained from Fig. 3 and from other
literature cathodes can be lower than the RP’s from many symmetric
cell anodes operated on hydrogen.17,56,28,62,64–67,25,32 This, com-
bined with the fact that many SOFC anodes perform even worse on
hydrocarbon fuels than they do on hydrogen,68–70 suggest that it is
time to update the notion that poor cathode performance typically
limits overall SOFC performance.
    Further, Table I shows that while identification and separation of
the anode and cathode resistances in many of the world’s best-
performing Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (i.e. those with peak power
densities >1 W cm−2) are absent from the literature, the analyses
that do exist indicate that under open-circuit-conditions, either
SOFC anode polarization losses, cathode polarization losses, or
ohmic losses can be the greatest source of resistance. Table I also
shows that, more-often-than-not, the total open-circuit electrode
polarization resistance is greater than the ohmic resistance resulting
from the electrolyte, current collectors, electrical leads, etc.
However, since SOFC electrode polarization resistances often
decrease exponentially under current (in a manner which can be fit
to the Butler-Volmer equation, even if the theoretical foundation for     Figure 3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Nyquist Plots for
doing so is questionable),45,46,71,72 while ohmic resistances do not,     symmetric LSCFGDC∣GDC∣LSCF-GDC cells at various temperatures. Note,
the dominant source of resistance can switch from the electrode           here the ohmic portion of each EIS spectrum has been removed due to slight
                                                                          differences in the electrolyte thicknesses, and the x-axis numerical values
polarization resistance to the ohmic resistance with the application of   have been divided by two to reflect the polarization response of a single
current, as demonstrated by the SOFC performance reported for             LSCF-GDC NCC. The shown EIS spectra are representative of those
Ref. 26 in Table I. Literature impedance modeling performed under         obtained from the three “identically-processed” LSCFGDC∣GDC∣LSCF-
current has also shown that the anode RP can be higher than the           GDC cells which had 500 °C–700 °C RP standard deviations less than
cathode RP under SOFC operation.73 Together, this literature data         10% of the average at each tested temperature.
Table I. Characteristics of several SOFCs with peak power densities ⩾ 1 W cm−2 produced from 2007–2020.

                              SOFC      Anode ∣Electrolyte∣                                                                           Institution(s),            Last Author
Temp.   Peak Power Density   Geometry       Cathode           RO@ OCV RP,T @ OCV RP,A @ OCV RP,C @ OCV       Ro @ 0.7 V   RP,T@ 0.7 V Country                    on paper      References
(°C)        (W cm−2)                                           (Ωcm2)   (Ωcm2)     (Ωcm2)      (Ωcm2)          (Ωcm2)            2
                                                                                                                            (Ωcm )

800            2.2           ASCD       Ni-YSZ∣YSZ∣ LN          0.08       0.11          —            —         —             —         U. Utah, USA             A. Virkar        14
800            2.1           ASCD       Ni-YSZ
                                        ∣YSZ + GDC∣             0.06       0.12        0.075         0.045                                Northwestern, USA      S. Barnett       15
800            1.5           ASCD       Ni-YSZ∣YSZ∣             0.25       0.70          —            —         0.21         0.04       Ecole Europeenne de      M. Rolland       16
                                                                                                                                          Chimie, France
800            1.0           ASCD       STFN∣LSGM +             0.22       0.13        0.105         0.025                              Northwestern, USA        S. Barnett       17
                                          LDC∣LSCF +

                                                                                                                                                                                            Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513
750            1.5           ASCD +     Ni-YSZ∣YSZ∣             0.07       0.52         0.39         0.13                               Northwestern USA         S. Barnett       18
                                        LSM-YSZ + STFC
750            1.4           ASCD +     Ni-YSZ
                                        ∣YSZ∣                   0.15       0.30          —            —         —             —         Huazhong U., China/      Li Jian          19
                                                                                                                                          NTU Singapore
700            3.3           ASCD +     Ni-Fe-SDC
                                        ∣LSGM + SDC∣             —         —             —            —         —             —         Kyushu U., Japan         J. Yan           20
700            1.1           ASCD +     Ni-YSZ
                                        ∣YSZ + SDC∣             0.08       0.09          —            —         —             —         PNNL/U. Houston,         A. Ignatiev      21
700            1.1           ASCD +     Ni-YSZ
                                        ∣YSZ + SDC∣             0.15       0.03          —            —         —             —         U. Sci. & Tech., China   W. Liu           22
650            2.9           ASCD       Ni-GDC
                                        ∣GDC∣                    —         —             —          0.01 †      —             —         UNIST,S. Korea/          G. Kim/M.        23
                                                                                                                                         Georgia Tech., USA        Liu
650            2.0           ASCD +     Ni-GDC
                                        ∣ESB + GDC∣             0.05       0.03          —            —         —             —         U. Maryland, USA         E. Wachsman      24
650            2.0           ASCD       Ni-GDC
                                        ∣GDC∣                    —         —             —          0.16 †      —             —         UNIST,S. Korea           G. Kim           25
650            1.8           ASCD +     Ni-YSZ
Table I. (Continued).

                                  SOFC        Anode ∣Electrolyte∣                                                                                           Institution(s),               Last Author
Temp.    Peak Power Density      Geometry         Cathode            RO@ OCV RP,T @ OCV RP,A @ OCV RP,C @ OCV                     Ro @ 0.7 V    RP,T@ 0.7 V Country                       on paper         References
(°C)         (W cm−2)                                                 (Ωcm2)   (Ωcm2)     (Ωcm2)      (Ωcm2)                        (Ωcm2)             2
                                                                                                                                                  (Ωcm )

                                              ∣YSZ + GDC∣            0.03         0.36            —              —               —              —              KIST,S. Korea              J. Son               26
650     1.3                     ASCD +        Ni-GDC
                                              ∣GDC∣                  0.09         0.12            0.09 †         0.03 †          —              —              U. Maryland, USA           E. Wachsman          27
650     1.2                     ASCD +        Ni-LSGM
                                              ∣LSGM∣                 0.13         0.30            0.03 †         0.27 †          —              —              Northwestern, USA          S. Barnett           28

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513
600     1.8                     TF            Ni-YSZ
                                              ∣YSZ + GDC∣            0.10         0.16            0.04           0.12            —              —              UCSD, USA                  N. Minh              29
600     1.5                     TF            Ni-YSZ
                                              ∣YSZ + GDC∣            0.05         0.35            —              —               0.05           0.10           KIST,S. Korea              J. Son               30
600     1.2                     ASCD +        Ni-LSGM
                                              ∣LSGM∣                 0.06         0.32            0.04           0.28            —              —              Northwestern, USA          S. Barnett           31
600     1.0                     ASCD          Ni-SDC∣SDC∣BSCF        0.15         0.02            —              X               —              —              Caltech, USA               S. Haile             32
550     2.0                     ASCD          Ni-GDC
                                              ∣GDC∣                  0.05         0.05            —              X               —              —              Yonsei U.,S. Korea         Y. Shul              33
500     1.3                     TF            Pt∣YSZ∣Pt              0.05*        5.9*            —              —               —              —              Stanford, USA              F. Prinz             34
500     1.0                     ASCD          Ni-GDC
                                              ∣GDC∣                  0.07*        0.08*           —              X               —              —              Colorado School of         R. O’hayre           35
                                                                                                                                                                 Coorstec, USA

Ro, RP,T, RP,A, and RP,C denote the ohmic resistance, the total electrode polarization resistance, the anode polarization resistance, and the cathode polarization resistance, respectively. OCV denotes open circuit
voltage. All the peak power density and resistance at 0.7 V data in this table is for anodes operating on 3% humidified hydrogen and cathodes operating on air, unless denoted by a * for cells tested under dry
hydrogen. Null dashes indicate that these values were unreported. Data derived, at least in part, from symmetric cell measurements are denoted by a †. In the Anode∣Electrolyte∣Cathode column, hyphens denote
composite mixtures and plus signs denote multilayers. X’s denote symmetric cell cathode RP,C at OCV values that were greater than the corresponding full cell, EIS-measured RP,T at OCV values, and hence were
not believed to represent full SOFC cathode performance. ASCD = anode supported colloidally deposited, BCFZY = barium cobalt ferrite doped with yttria and zirconia, BRO = bismuth ruthenate, ESB =
Erbium stabilized bismuth oxide, GDC = gadolinium doped ceria, Infl. = Infiltration, LDC = Lanthanum Doped Ceria, LN = Lanthanum nickelate, LSC = Lanthanum strontium cobaltite, LSCF = Lanthanum
strontium cobalt ferrite, LSGM = Lanthanum strontium gallium manganate, LSM = Lanthanum Strontium Manganate, NBCCO = Neodymium barium calcium cobaltite, PBSCF = Praseodymium barium
strontium cobalt ferrite, SDC = Samarium doped ceria, STFC = Strontium titanium cobalt ferrite, STFN = Strontium titanium nickel ferrite, TF = thin film, YSZ = yttria doped zirconia. Unfortunately, no studies
could be found on SOFCs with peak power densities >1 W cm−2 where the anode and cathode polarizations had been separated under SOFC operation.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 034513

                                                                                  suggests that all these sources of resistance should receive research
                                                                                  and development attention moving forward.

                                                                                     This work was supported by the Nissan Technical Center North
                                                                                  America. The authors would like to thank Mohammed Hussain
                                                                                  Abdul Jabbar at the Nissan Technical Center North America for
                                                                                  SOFC current-voltage measurements independently confirming
                                                                                  the Michigan State University measurements shown in Fig. 2a.
                                                                                  SEM analyses were conducted at the Michigan State University
                                                                                  Composite Materials and Structures Center which is supported by
                                                                                  the NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program and Michigan
                                                                                  State University.
                                                                                  Yubo Zhang https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8840-9422
                                                                                  Jason D. Nicholas https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7986-209X
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