Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn

Page created by Gilbert Wong
Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
City of Cockburn | October 2021

       page 8

       Shop Local and WIN!
       page 5

       $6m Precinct upgrade
       page 7

       Cockburn ARC                    | page 11

       Cockburn, the best place to be
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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Soundings | October 2021

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   Contents                                                  2021 Local
   Features                                                  Government Elections
     4      mall Business Financial
           S                                                 Get your vote in!
           Saves Cockburn family                             The election of five Councillors and the Mayor will take
                                                             place Saturday 16 October.
                                                             You can view details about the candidates at
     6      nake season is here
           What spring will bring                            www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/elections
                                                             Local government is the closest level of government
                                                             to our community, so it is important to vote as Council
       A new wetlands precinct
                                                             makes a lot of decisions that impact your neighbourhood.
       A new home for wildlife, wetlands
        and scout groups
                                                             It's too late to post your ballot paper but
                                                             you can drop it in the ballot box at the City’s
     11 W
         hat’s new at Cockburn ARC
                                                             front counter in the Administration Building,
        Something for everyone!
                                                             Coleville Crescent, Spearwood during office
                                                             hours and 8am-6pm on Saturday 16 October.
   The distribution of this edition is 11-15 October 2021,
   however due to COVID-19, Australia Post has advised       Further information, phone 08 9411 3444 or email
   there may be delays.                                      customer@cockburn.wa.gov.au

           On the                                                Y ur Home
           cover                                                 Y ur Council
           Get ready for a fun
           season of events!                                     Y ur Vote

Document Set ID: 10780190
Version: 1, Version Date: 28/09/2021
Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Cockburn, the best place to be


                                                                 Trick or treat the
                                                                 family this Spring
                                                                 For the past 25 years, the City and the Rotary Club of
                                                                 Cockburn have brought fun and frivolity to Manning
                                                                 Park with the annual Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair.
                                                                 Rotary puts all the money raised from the Spring Fair
                                                                 back into the community for projects such as:
                                                                 • School Literacty Awards
   Art in our skies                                              • M
                                                                    icroscope for kids (in all Cockburn primary
   The City of Cockburn is a partner sponsor of Fremantle          schools)
   Biennale, a public art festival on 19-20 November.
                                                                 • L ocal Salvation Army projects
   To the tune of $60,000 from the City’s Cockburn                  including the Christmas Appeal
   Community Fund, the festival will land at Coogee Beach in
   the form of a choreographed light show featuring a fleet of   • Sponsorship of local school programs and awards
   more than 160 drones.                                         • S
                                                                    ponsoring Cockburn students to attend Rotary
   Fremantle Biennale approached the City for a funding            leadership programs.
   contribution for its headline artwork Moombaki as part of
   CROSSING21.                                                   This year’s theme is Halloween!
   The Nyoongar word for ‘where the river meets the sky’,        Quite fitting for the event on Sunday,
   Moombaki is a free choreographed drone light show re-         31 October 11am-8pm. Fireworks from
   creating the first stories of Whadjuk Nyoongar Country.       7.30pm (weather permitting) and it’s
   Led by emerging Nyoongar artist Ilona McGuire, a fleet of     free entry.
   over 160 drones equipped with LED lights will take flight
   over the river and ocean to tell ancient and living stories   Come dressed up or just come along to enjoy a
   of place.                                                     spooky and very entertaining Spring Fair.
   The artwork will be presented in Fremantle, Cockburn
   and Melville from Friday 5 November to Sunday
   21 November 2021.
   The festival aims to attract 40,000 people across the
   various sites in Fremantle, Cockburn and Melville.
   How to see Moombaki
         Derbarl Yerrigan - 5, 6 and 7 November 2021
         at the Swan River between the two bridges,
         Dyoondalup - 12, 13 and 14 November 2021
         at the Swan River, Attadale Reserve, Melville
         Derbarl Nara - 19 & 20 November 2021
         at Coogee Beach Reserve, Cockburn.
   For more information, visit website on

Document Set ID: 10780190
Version: 1, Version Date: 28/09/2021
Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Soundings | October 2021

   Small Business
   Financial Counselling
   saves Cockburn
   A Cockburn family has found relief after working
   with the City’s Small Business Financial Counselling
   After an audit by the ATO, the business owner
   had to shut his doors when he found out his
   bookkeeper had not been adhering to taxation
   requirements. The situation worsened when he
   was unable to access the ATO accounting program
   to submit financial documents, possibly incurring
   legal action and an enormous debt.                     Fight the bite
   Until the family met with the City's Small             With the rainfall we’ve had this winter, we can expect
   Business Financial Counselling Service, the            mosquitoes out in force in the warmer weather.
   situation looked bleak.
                                                          In WA alone, we have over 200 different species of
   The service provided the ATO with the business'        mosquito, some of which will carry disease-causing
   income and expenses, enabling the ATO to               viruses, including Ross River Virus.
   reopen the case.
                                                          The City monitors the mosquito population closely
   The service negotiated with the accounting             and works with the Department of Health to control
   software company allowing the business                 outbreaks.
   owner two days to retrieve documents for the
   ATO, significantly reducing the debt to a more         Mosquitoes lay their larvae in still or stagnant water,
   manageable sum.                                        so they are attracted to lakes and wetlands. While
                                                          the City treats sumps, soak wells, road drains, and
   This intervention prevented further ATO action,        other man-made water bodies to prevent breeding,
   and gave the business 12 months to resolve its         there are things you can do to protect yourself and
   financial issues.                                      your home:
   If you find yourself in a similar situation or know
                                                           Cover up with long, loose-fitting clothing
   someone with a small business that needs
   help, recommend the Small Business Financial            Use a repellent containing DEET (diethyltoluamide)
   Counselling Service teams in Cockburn and               or picaridin
   www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/smallbusiness                    Empty, remove or cover water-holding containers

                                                           Install insect screens on windows and doors

                                                           Use mosquito nets and mosquito-proof tents when

                                                           Make sure your pool is chlorinated, and the
                                                           filtration system is active.

                                                          For more information, visit

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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Cockburn, the best place to be

                                                                 Shop Local

                                                                # Shop Local
                                                                Win 2 *$1,000 prize packs,
                                                                plus 4 weekly $100 vouchers!
                                                                Spend a minimum of $10 at a locally based and
                                                                owned business* in Cockburn.
                                                                Upload a picture of the receipt and fill in your details
                                                                at www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/shoplocal to WIN!
                                                                *TCs apply. Make your purchases
                                                                between 1-30 November 2021.

                                                                Win 2 *$500 vouchers for a
                                                                video or photo shoot to market
                                                                your company.
                                                                Promote the campaign to your customers by
                 The City uses trapping to monitor mosquitoes   putting up posters, flyers or social media posts
                                                                which can all be downloaded from our website
                                                                The businesses with the most receipts submitted
                                                                by customers will win!
   Who makes a difference
   in your community
   Nominate someone who makes
   a difference
   Every year on Australia Day we celebrate those
   who tirelessly give back to our community.
   Every community has local heroes that make a
   difference, no matter what industry they are from.
   If you know anyone who fits the bill, nominate
   them for Citizen of the Year.
   Nominations are open until 30 October 2021.

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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Soundings | October 2021

   Snake season is here
   As the weather warms up, snakes start to become more active. You may start to see them out on our paths and in
   the grass and bushland near reserves. Remember that snakes are a vital part of the natural environment and play an
   important role in our ecosystem. Some species are protected and it is illegal to harm them. When it comes to snakes,
   the best advice is live and let live – so please keep an eye out and keep your distance.
   Common venomous snakes in Perth                               What to do if you encounter a snake
                                                                 It is best to avoid snakes if you can. Exercise your dog
                                                                 on-leash and stick to paths, trails and walkways where
     (Pseudonaja affinis)
                                                                 you can see the ground. When bush walking, wear long
     Image courtest
                                                                 trousers and boots that cover the ankles.
     Dave Robinson
                                                                 If you see a snake remain calm, back away slowly to a
                                                                 safe distance and allow the snake to move away. Leave
     Dugites vary in colour from grey to olive to brown          the snake alone. You are at higher risk of being bitten if
     with black scales scattered over the body. The head is      you force the snake to defend itself.
     small and indistinct from the neck. Dugites are most        What to do if you or your pet are bitten
     common in drier, grassy bushland areas but can be           Snake bites are not common, but should be treated as
     found almost anywhere including beaches. They are           life threatening.
     fast moving and attracted to aviaries and where mice
     can be found.                                                 First aid for people
                                                                     1 Remain calm, follow D R S A B C D
     Tiger Snake/Moyop                                               	   (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway,
     (Notechis scutatus)                                                  Breathing, CPR, Defibrillate)
     Image courtest                                                  2 Call triple zero (000) for an ambulance
     Dave Robinson                                                   3 Keep the person who has been bitten still
                                                                     4 Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site
                                                                     5 	Firmly apply another bandage from just above
     Tiger Snakes differ depending on which part of
                                                                          the fingers or toes and moving upwards on the
     Australia they are found. In WA they are usually
                                                                          bitten limb
     have black with yellow bands. Tiger snakes are most
                                                                     6 Splint and immobilise the limb
     common around wetlands and other water sources
     but can also be found far away from water.                      7 Do not wash the venom off the skin
                                                                     8 	Record the time of the bite and mark the location
                                                                          of the bite on the skin or bandage with a pen.
   Found a snake in your home or garden?
                                                                   First aid for pets
   Snakes are often attracted to backyards and houses
                                                                     1 		Keep your pet calm and quiet to minimise
   because food, water and shelter may be available. To
                                                                           their stress and movement. Do not allow
   reduce the risk of snakes taking up residence around
                                                                           them to walk if possible
   your house, remove food sources, maintain your garden,
   limit water sources, and ensure flyscreens and doors are          2 		 Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site
   in good condition and kept shut.                                  3 		Take your pet to a vet immediately. Call the
                                                                           clinic ahead if possible.
   If you find a snake in your home, move away slowly.
   Do not approach or aggravate it. Ensure your pets are
                                                                 Want to learn more?
   safe and cannot access the snake. Contact the Wildcare
   helpline on 08 9474 9055 and search online for a              The City of Cockburn runs reptile awareness
   licenced pest controller or reptile handler.                  workshop during the spring months. To register visit
                                                                 bit.ly/ReptileAware or visit the City of Cockburn’s
                                                                 website www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/snakes

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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Cockburn, the best place to be


                                                              Sustainability is a top priority for the City.
                                                              Here are some of our achievements in
                                                              the 2020-21 financial year:

                                                                 400 streetlights
   A new home in
                                                                                  upgraded to
                                                                     energy efficient LEDs

   the Wetlands                                                  26% ofbuildings
                                                                         electricity for Council
                                                                                 comes from solar
                                                                              photovoltaic systems

   The City of Cockburn’s $6m upgrade to its regional               4.8 hectares  of bushland was
                                                                        rehabilitated across the City,
   Wetlands Precinct at Walliabup-Bibra Lake was officially                   with 76,000 seedlings planted
   opened on 28 August.
                                                                              Net zero emissions
   The unique environmental hub is home to not-for-profit                     from our fleet
   organisations WA Wildlife (formerly Native ARC), The
   Wetlands Centre Cockburn and Bibra Lake Scout Group.
                                                              1,400 street trees were planted
   The City’s investment in the precinct has delivered
   purpose-built community facilities for these groups and
   their wide range of clients and members who have been
                                                                       12 new reef structures
                                                                          were installed at
                                                                              Coogee Maritime Trail
   visiting the precinct for 30 years.
   The precinct was opened by Cockburn Mayor Logan
   Howlett who planted a Doowart-Tuart (Eucalyptus
   gomphocephala) adjacent to an artwork and landscaped               Where do I put soft plastics?
   pathway by Nyungar artist Sharyn Egan and sculptor
   Jahne Rees, inspired by the Southwest snake-necked                      Soft plastics unfortunately cannot go
   turtle which lives in local lakes and wetlands.                         in your recycling bin.

   The precinct’s main features include:                                   This includes plastic bags, plastic food
                                                                           wrap, food packaging such as pasta, rice
      A new WA Wildlife (WAW) hospital and
                                                                           and cereal bags, and bubble wrap – any
      rehabilitation facility
                                                                           plastic that is ‘scrunchable’.
      Renovated WAW building for use as a training and        These types of plastics get caught in the recycling
      education centre                                        conveyer belt, which can cause the entire system to
      The Wetlands Centre Cockburn (TWCC) building            shut down.
      renovated and extended to include a new education       However, soft plastics can be easily recycled
      room                                                    at a REDcycle collection bin found at many
                                                              supermarkets. They are transformed into a unique
      An artificial wetland, plant nursery and wetland
                                                              range of recycled-plastic products including
      care operations facility at TWCC
                                                              furniture, bollards and signage.
      A new Scout shed with dedicated Rovers den              Find your closest drop-off point here:
      Extra parking, improved traffic and public access,      www.wastesorted.wa.gov.au/be-a-great-sort/take
      landscaped walkways and outdoor classrooms.

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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Soundings | October 2021

   Community Events Guide
   Didn’t get your event guide in the post?
   Grab a copy at any of our libraries or City administration.

       15 and 16 October 		                                        1 November
       Side Splitter Comedy Festival                               Home and personal security
       Enjoy a night of stand-up comedy.                           Learn what you can do to help protect
       Memorial Hall, Hamilton Hill                                your home.
       Varies times and prices                                     Cockburn Seniors Centre, Spearwood,
       www.sidesplitter.com.au                                     9.30-10.30am

                                                                   11 November
                                                                   Remembrance Day
                                                                   Commemorative Service
                                                                   Lest We Forget
                                                                   Memorial Hall, Hamilton Hill, 11am-midday
       17 October
       Fur Run
       Cockburn's only event just for dogs.
       Manning Park, Hamilton Hill 10am-1pm

       20 October
       Teddy Bears Picnic                                          4 December
       See Humphrey B. Bear at this year's picnic!                 Christmas on the Green
       Manning Park, Hamilton Hill 10am-1pm                        Bring in the festive season with us. Rides,
                                                                   entertainment, arts and crafts and more.
       30 October 		                                               Legacy Park, Cockburn Central, 4.30-8pm
       Seniors Soiree
       A night for our seniors to enjoy!                           26 January 2022
       Dalmatinac Club, Hamilton Hill, 6-10pm                      Australia Day Coogee Beach
       Tickets on sale 30 September at City Admin                  Festival
                                                                   Start your day on beach with a free sausage
       31 October                                                  sizzle, entertainment and competitions.
       Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair                                 Coogee Beach Reserve, 8am-midday
       It's a Halloween theme! Enjoy the
       rides, stalls and entertainment.                                        Visit www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/events
                                                                               for more information or scan the
       Manning Park, Hamilton Hill, 11am-8pm
                                                                               QR code to subscribe to the events
       (Fireworks from 7.30pm weather permitting)                              eNewsletter.

   These events are subject to change or cancellation – check the City website and social media for the latest information.
   We recommend downloading the COVID app and adhering to social distancing while attending events. If you feel unwell
   or are showing symptoms, please seek medical advice and do not attend these events.

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Version: 1, Version Date: 28/09/2021
Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Cockburn, the best place to be

   School Holiday                                         Events         Health

   programs                                               Healthly Living
   December and January
   Check out these awesome school holiday activities at   programs
   www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/events                          Health Eating and Lifestyle (HEAL)
                                                          6 week program
                                                              $30 | full program
                                                              $10 | Healthcare card
                                                              Free online
                                                          16 October – 4 December 9-11am
                                                          Cockburn Health and Community Facility

      Azelia Ley Homestead Museum Wednesday open days     Mondays
      www.history.cockburn.wa.gov.au/Azelia-Ley-Museum    8 November – 13 December
                                                          South Lake Ottey Family Centre
                                                          Register your interest at Cockburn Healthy Lifestyle
                                                          Program: www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/HEAL

                                                          Cockburn Trek - Free event
                                                          12 November, 8.30am-midday
      Cockburn Libraries                                  Annual community trek from
      Coolbellup | Spearwood | Success                    Coogee Beach Surf Life Saving Club.
      www.cockburnlibraries.com.au                        Walk 3km or ride 6km. Registration essential.

                                                          Food Sensations
                                                          A program that provides information
                                                          and skills on healthy eating.

                                                          MAN v FAT
                                                          New season commencing February 2022
                                                          Lose weight while you kick goals.
      Youth Outrage                                       Group sport incentive to get you healthier.
      www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/youth                        www.manvfatsoccer.com.au

                                                           MAN v FAT

      Get Wild about Wetlands Programs

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Upcoming event season - Cockburn, the best place to be Shop Local and WIN! - City of Cockburn
Soundings | October 2021

   Walking to school just
   got more interesting!
   Bibra Lake Residents Group wanted to find a way to
   encourage kids to walk to school and reduce traffic
   congestion around Bibra Lake Primary and Blue Gum
   Montessori School.
   Group President Felicity Bairstow came up with the idea
   of putting stickers of native animals along the walkways
   to the schools to encourage kids to walk and learn about
   the native wildlife in the area, with the bonus of reducing
   traffic around the schools.
   She engaged the services of local artist Darren Hutchens
   to create five animal footpath stickers, a turtle, cocky, bat,
   cocky-track and snake-track.
   "We are quite an environmentally minded lot, being
   so close to the lake, and many of us have been
   involved in campaigns to protect our local bushland
   and wetlands. They are animals we see and hear
   regularly," Dr Bairstow said.
   This project was proudly supported by the
                                                                      Kids will see footpath stickers like these on their
   City of Cockburn.
                                                                      walk to school

   Community Events Diary
   With Christmas just around the corner, community groups, clubs and associations
   have started planning their festivities in our community. Check out what’s coming up.


          South Lake                   Cooby Fest        Port Coogee         Carols and              South Lake
          Christmas Fair               Coolbellup        Community           Christmas Fair          Christmas Carols
          Connecting South             Community Assoc   Street Christmas    Yangebup                Connecting South
          Lake                         Len Packham       Frasers and         Progress Assoc          Lake
          Lakelands                    Reserve           Port Coogee          Nicholson              Lakelands
          Reserve, South                                 Community Assoc      Reserve,               Reserve, South
          Lake                                           Chieftain Esplanade, Yangebup               Lake
          3-7pm                                          North Coogee         2-6pm                  5-8pm

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         Learn through play with                       FOR EVERYone

          Our fun classes are for ages 6 months
                                                        Become a member
          to 3 years and their parents. Held in the     today!
          Bandicoots Play Centre.
          Monday to Thursday during term.               Make the most of your membership
                                                        with all these cool perks:
          $10 a session

                                                             Appraisal, program + ongoing
         ZUMBA Kids
                                                             Body scans
          Jam to your favourite music with easy to
          follow steps!
                                                             24/7 gym access
          Ages 5 - 11 | Wednesdays from 4pm                  (security on site)

          $10 a class | Book online
                                                             Qualified gym instructors

                                                             Pool, spa, sauna and steam
                                                             room access
         Junior coaching
         sessions                                            Cockburn ARC app for all your
                                                             fitness needs

          Basketball, Futsal and Netball
                                                             ARC@home workouts
          Structured lesson plans taught by
          experienced coaches and umpires. All skill
          levels are welcome!                                Over 100 group fitness
          Years K-2 to 6 | Tuesdays and Wednesdays           classes per week
          $10 a session | No full term commitment
                                                             Stadium use

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Soundings | October 2021

   Jetty at Woodman Point, Circa 1930

   A long history of quarantine in Cockburn
   In these times of quarantine for COVID-19, it’s easy to forget we have a long history of separating people who arrive
   with infectious diseases. Over the years, these have included influenza (including the Spanish Flu after WWI), leprosy,
   smallpox, typhoid, whooping cough and bubonic plague. The stories of quarantine sound familiar today.
   In 1893, a crew member from the SS Saladin began to            reached Fremantle, there were almost 300 sick men
   show signs of smallpox three weeks after jumping ship          on board who were taken to Woodman Point. With
   in Fremantle. He was sent to hospital, and the ward he         so many patients, local and army doctors and nurses
   was in was quarantined. Authorities traced the other           were brought in to care for them, many becoming ill
   passengers, and they were well. However, a few days            themselves. In total, 31 people died.
   later, three more smallpox cases were detected. Initially      What is the old Woodman Point Quarantine Station
   they were sent to the new infectious diseases tent             used for today?
   hospital at Shenton Park but when more people became           Today Woodman Point in Coogee is a recreation camp.
   ill, patients were sent to Woodman Point.                      An active friends group runs public heritage tours of
   As a result of the outbreak, health authorities in Adelaide    the museum and many historic buildings. Many are
   and Melbourne ordered vessels from Fremantle to go             descended from former staff and share stories about
   into quarantine on arrival, and steamship companies            nursing smallpox patients and cremations in Australia’s
   in Adelaide and Melbourne banned passengers from               oldest crematorium. To find out more, visit
   Fremantle. Free smallpox vaccinations were offered             www.facebook.com/friendsofwoodmanpointrc
   at the Perth Town Hall, and the town was cleaned               You can find more stories about Cockburn’s history on
   thoroughly.                                                    the Cockburn Reflects Facebook page
   Woodman Point used to quarantine Spanish                       www.facebook.com/groups/2283520345293589
   influenza sufferers
                                                                  Cockburn History website
   The biggest outbreak at Woodman Point was at the end
   of WWI, when troops brought back Spanish influenza.
   In 1918, troops on HMAT Boonah picked up the                   Also check out Ian Darroch’s books about Woodman
   Spanish flu refuelling in South Africa. By the time they       Point: Western Sentinel and The Boonah Tragedy.

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Cockburn, the best place to be

   What are the                                           Security

   chances of finding                                     Let’s work together
   my lost dog or cat?                                    to keep our
                                                          community safe
   If your dog or cat is lost and is registered and
   microchipped, our rangers have a very good chance of
   finding and returning your pet.                        If you have a public facing CCTV camera at home or
   As required by law, all dogs over three months old,    work and want to help keep your local community
   and cats over six months old must be registered        safe, register with Cam-Map WA.
   and microchipped. Knowing how many dogs and            Cam-Map WA is a secure, comprehensive database
   cats there are and where they are located also         of all voluntarily registered CCTV systems across
   allows us to provide the right type and number of      Western Australia. The database is operated and
   services and facilities.                               used by the Western Australia Police Force to
   Register your dog or cat before the 1 November         investigate incidents to improve community safety.
   deadline at www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/dogcat

                                                             Register your
                                                             CCTV cameras
                                                               Scan the
                                                               QR code

                                                          Firebreaks and slashing is due by
                                                          1 November and must be maintained
                                                          until 15 April the following year.


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Soundings | October 2021

   Community Engagement
                                                                 Beale Park a priority
   Pick your playground                                          Community input on the City’s 15-year plan for
                                                                 community, sport and recreation facilities identified Beale
   Did you know there are over 200                               Park (Spearwood), Cockburn’s premier soccer facility,
   playgrounds in the City of Cockburn?                          as a priority for improvement. The growing number of
   To manage aging equipment, the City has a renewal             children playing soccer has seen the current facilities and
   schedule where end of life equipment is replaced with a       layout of Beale Park reach capacity.
   new similar version.                                          In late 2020 community input was sought to inform a
   14 playgrounds are scheduled to receive replacement           draft site design. New clubroom facilities and realignment
   equipment in 2021-22, based on condition reports from         of the fields were key priorities to accommodate
   yearly inspections. To see which playgrounds go to            growing numbers, as well as the protection of confirmed
   www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/mysuburb and search                    Carnaby’s Cockatoo roosting habitat.
   playground renewal. In August, local families were invited    Residents said they value the space for exercising,
   to pick their preferred designs for the 14 playgrounds.       walking the dog and playing. Nature themed artwork and
   Equipment will be replaced, based on preferred designs        playgrounds formed part of their vision for the space.
   this financial year.
                                                                 This feedback is being used, as well as expert guidance
                                                                 from environmental and ecological consultants, to create
                                                                 an updated concept design.
                                                                 Visit www.comment.cockburn.wa.gov.au
                                                                 to find more.

   Thanks for sharing your views
   on bulk waste verge collections
   In July and August we asked our community for its views on how we do bulk waste verge collections. Thank you to the
   1,000 plus Cockburn residents who completed our online feedback form, participated in workshops and visited us at our
   shopping centre pop-ups.
   You told us what was important to you in a service and what you think about the current system and alternative ways to
   collect bulk waste. We are now reviewing your input.
   Your feedback will help us understand what we can do to ensure we deliver a cost-effective bulk waste verge collection
   service that meets our community’s needs and waste reduction targets for a sustainable future.

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Cockburn, the best place to be

   New sporting ground                                        Young Aubin Grove
   for North Coogee                                           residents
   Last month, residents and sporting clubs welcomed the
   opportunity to provide feedback on concept plans for
   stage one of a new sporting reserve on Cockburn’s coast.
   The project, which was identified as a priority during
                                                                     Have Their Say
   consultation on the Western Suburbs Sporting Precinct
   Study, will provide public open space for locals and       Radiata Park is set to receive a mini
   much-needed room for local sporting clubs which are        facelift thanks to the input of young Aubin
   outgrowing their current space.                            Grove residents.
   Feedback is being considered as part of a development      Over 100 school students and local residents
   application assessment. Construction is expected to        were invited to have their say on how Radiata
   commence in early 2022.                                    Park could better meet their own and their local
                                                              community’s needs.

                                                                I want there to be enough fun stuff
                                                                so we don’t get bored. I think it's a
                                                                great idea that we have a say in the
                                                                designing of the youth facility,”
                                                                said a participant.

                                                              A draft design, which was published for final public
                                                              comment in July, included a plaza style skate
                                                              feature, ‘Ninja Warrior’ style obstacle course and
  Community input                                             3 on 3 basketball court.

  sought on Manning                                           Council considered feedback on the draft at the
                                                              September Council meeting and made a decision on
  Park Trails project                                         how the final design should look. To view the final
                                                              design, visit www.comment.cockburn.wa.gov.au
   A community working group is being formed to provide
   further insight on a potential trail network project in    The number of 15-24 year old’s in Aubin Grove
   Manning Park.                                              is expected to grow significantly over the next
                                                              decade. Long term planning identified a priority to
   While not a decision-making body, the group of local
                                                              improve how some public open spaces cater to this
   representatives will work collaboratively over a number
   of meetings to review challenges, opportunities and
   solutions related to a potential network.
   Currently, the park has an extensive network of informal
   trails, formed over the years by walkers, runners and
   bicycle riders. The potential project aims to provide
   a properly designed network that improves safety
   and sustainability while addressing community and
   rehabilitation needs.
   To find out more about the project or Community Working
   Group visit website www.comment.cockburn.wa.gov.
   au/trailnetwork                                             Radiata Park, Aubin Grove

Document Set ID: 10780190
Version: 1, Version Date: 28/09/2021
What is the City’s vision
        for the next 10 years?
                            Local Economy
                            Our VISION is for everyone
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                            Our VISION is to preserve nature
                            for generations to come

                            Community, Lifestyle
                            and Security
                            Our VISION is for everyone
                            to feel safe

                            City Growth and
                            Moving Around
                            Our VISION is to create a
                            vibrant, City centre

                            Listening and Leading
                            Our VISION is for a community
                            focused, sustainable, accountable
                            and progressive organisation

         Cockburn, the best place to be
     City of Cockburn
     Telephone: 08 9411 3444 (8.30am–5pm) | Email: customer@cockburn.wa.gov.au
     Administration Building, 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood 8.30am–4.30pm Monday to Friday
     Postal Address: PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC, WA 6965
     Website: www.cockburn.wa.gov.au
     Cockburn Seniors Centre: 08 9411 3877                      | CoSafe: 1300 267 233
     Information correct at time of print. Information available in alternative formats on request.
Document Set ID: 10780190
Version: 1, Version Date: 28/09/2021
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