Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College

Page created by Tyler Franklin
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
Lifelong Learning
Upcoming Classes
                    November 2021

       A KE
      T E!

308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College

Alliance                                                              Crash Dynamics (Minimizing risk for you and your
Adult Education .............................................. 2      loved ones) .............................................................3
                                                                      CSI Adult Presentation ..........................................4
Chadron                                                               DIY Your Holidays...................................................4
Adult Education .............................................. 2      Electrical Codes Update
                                                                          12-Hour Course (Nebraska License) ...............3
Gordon                                                                    16-Hour Course (Wyoming License) ..............3
Adult Education .............................................. 2      Heartsaver CPR & First Aid ...................................3
                                                                      Holiday Painting with Acrylics ...............................4
Kimball                                                               Introduction to Ceramic Wheel Throwing and
Adult Education .............................................. 2      Hand Building ......................................................3
                                                                      Keeping the Keys (Driving into the Sunset Years) ...3
                                                                      Mind Body Medicine: Learning
Adult Education .............................................. 2      Skills for Self-Care .................................................3
WNCC Online Courses .................................. 2              Painting with Acrylics..............................................5
                                                                      Self Defense Stratagems for Seniors........................4
Contents                                                              Therapeutic Chair Yoga...........................................4
Basic Life Support/CPR for                                            Ways to Live a Longer and
Healthcare Professionals ......................................4      Happier Life ...........................................................3
Chair Yoga for Pain Relief........................................4

 ALLIANCE                                                               SIDNEY                                                                      SCOTTSBLUFF/GERING
 308.763.2002                                                           308.254.7407                                                                308.635.6701
Adult Education                                                       Adult Education                                                              Ko Heichi Fitness: Bushidokan
For more info, call 308.635.6769                                      For more info, call 308.635.6769                                             Nov 1 – 29, or Dec 1 - 22 (M, W)
                                                                                                                                                   6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                      WNCC Online Courses                                                          Single: $30; Family: $45 (up to 4)
 CHADRON                                                              ed2go.com/wncc                                                               Known as “an original U.S. MMA,”
308.635.6770                                                          Sessions start monthly!                                                      Bushidokan is deeply rooted in the history
                                                                      Instructor-led online courses                                                of American martial arts with multiple
Adult Education & GED Testing                                         Convenient six-week format
For more info, Call 308.635.6769                                      PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT &
                                                                                                                                                   world titleholders and respected self-
                                                                      PERSONAL ENRICHMENT                                                          defense experts. Bushidokan has borrowed
 GORDON                                                                 • Interactive learning environment                                         techniques from more than 10 different
                                                                        • Award of completion with passing                                         martial arts and three primary systems:
 308.635.6770                                                              score                                                                   karate, judo, and jiu jitsu. Recognized
Adult Education                                                       CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS                                                     worldwide for its self-defense, Bushidokan’s
For more info, call 308.635.6769                                        • Prepare for industry certification or start                              tactics have been tested in diverse
                                                                           a new career                                                            situations including life-or-death defense by
See page 11 for more information.                                       • Start anytime                                                            citizens, law enforcement, and elite military
                                                                        • Many programs completed in less                                          groups such as Green Berets, Rangers,
 308.635.6770                                                              than six months                                                         Navy SEALs, and others. Men, women,
Adult Education                                                         • In-depth study, all learning                                             children, law enforcement, and military are
                                                                           materials provided
For more info, call 308.635.6769                                        • Personal instructor assistance                                           encouraged to attend. All are welcome!
                                                                        • Certificate of completion awarded
                                                                           with passing score

2                                      Register Today! | 308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
Keeping the Keys (Driving into                Ways to Live a Longer and
                                               the Sunset Years)                              Happier Life
                                               Crash Dynamics (Minimizing risk                Nov 11 (TH)
                                               for you and your loved ones)                   9:00 – 11:00 a.m., $15
                                               Nov 4 (TH)                                     Must be a Gold Club member to register
                                               9:00 – 11:00 a.m., $15                         for this class
                                               Must be a Gold Club member to register         We all want to live a longer and have a
                                               for this class                                 happier life, but exactly how do you do
                                               This class is divided into 2 parts. The        this? Happiness and healthy living are a
                                               first half of class “Keeping the Keys” you
                                                                                              choice. Learn how to develop a better
                                               will; learn the three main changes to our
                                               bodies as we age that affects our driving      attitude, relieve your stress, eat healthier,
Heartsaver CPR & First Aid                                                                    sleep better, and include exercise and
Nov 1 (M)                                      abilities, learn how drivers can take action
6:00 – 9:00 p.m., $70                          to extend their safe driving careers, and      stretching in your life.
or                                             find out how drivers can plan ahead for        Electrical Codes Update
                                               continued mobility. The second half of
Dec 6 (M)
                                               class “Crash Dynamics” you will learn;
                                                                                              12-Hour Course (Nebraska License)
1:00 – 4:00 p.m., $70                                                                         Nov 12 (F) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Heart Saver First Aid class is designed        the three collisions in every crash, the
                                                                                              Nov 13 (S) 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $100
for anyone with limited or no medical          five types of crashes, what happens to
                                               unrestrained occupants during these five       This 12-hour course will cover electrical
training who needs the course completion
                                               types of crashes, and the many ways            updates and will provide 12 hours of
card to meet employment, regulatory, or
other requirements. This includes daycare      restraints prevent or minimize injury.         continuing education per state requirements.
workers/owners, OSHA-compliant factory                                                        The course will be taught in conjunction
employees, government office workers,          Introduction to Ceramic Wheel                  with the 16-hour course by Alan Strauch.
teachers, etc. The general public is also      Throwing and Hand Building                     There will be a one-hour break for lunch.
welcome. Upon completion, participants         Nov 6, or Nov 20, or Dec 4, or Dec 18
receive an American Heart Association                                                         (Electrical codes updates will also be offered
Heart Saver First Aid Course Completion        9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $23                    in March and October 2022).
Card which is valid for two years.             Ages: 10 and up
                                               Der Topfer, 1211 3rd Ave., Scottsbluff         Electrical Codes Update
                                               Have you always wanted to try your hand        16-Hour Course (Wyoming License)
                                               on a pottery wheel? Here’s your chance!        Nov 12 (F) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                               This is an introductory class offering         Nov 13 (S) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., $110
                                               students the opportunity to throw on a         This 16-hour course will cover electrical
                                               pottery wheel and learn hand-building
                                                                                              updates and will provide 16 hours
                                               clay techniques. A brief introduction of
                                               ceramics and ceramic tools, description,       of continuing education per state
                                               and use will be included. Projects will        requirements. The course will be taught in
                                               not be completed in the three-hour class,      conjunction with the 12-hour course by
                                               but students can continue in ceramics          Alan Strauch. There will be a one-hour
                                               classes or set up private lessons with the
Mind Body Medicine: Learning                   instructor. All materials provided. Class      break for lunch. (Electrical codes updates will
Skills for Self-Care                           size is limited to six.                        also be offered in March and October 2022).
Nov 3 - Dec 15 (W)
6:00 – 7:30 p.m., $36
During this class, we will learn ways
in which to care for yourself. Using art,
journaling, self-affirmations, and mindful
breathing techniques we will experience
greater wholeness, resiliency and health.
Research based exercises, in small groups
promise to help with anxiety, depression,
and trauma. Group sharing in a safe way
will be encouraged, not required. Come join
us for 6 weeks of fun and learning! Patrick
Powers is a licensed professional therapist
who has a background in psychotherapy,
University Instructor (addictions and mental
health) and Ministry.

                       Register Today! | 308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning                                                          3
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
Bob Ross Painting                            Holiday Painting with Acrylics                 Chair Yoga for Pain Relief
Nov 13, or Dec 18 (SA)                       Dec 2 (TH)                                     Dec 16 (TH)
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., $75                   9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $40                    9:00 – 11:00 a.m., $15
Bob Ross believed that everyone who          Must be a Gold Club member to register         Must be a Gold Club member to register
wanted to paint, could paint like a          for this class                                 for this class
natural with the right tools and a little    Are you looking for a fun activity to relax,   By connecting the mind/body/spirit, this
encouragement. Come and experience the       socialize and create? Come paint an easy,      gentle therapeutic chair yoga class is
joy and confidence of painting a beautiful   acrylic, painting that will brighten your
landscape using the Ross wet-on-wet          own home for the holidays. The painting        perfect for seniors and individuals with
technique. Please bring a roll of paper      is taught step by step and all supplies are    mobility challenges that are seeking
towels to this class.                        furnished. Just grab a friend and come         options for natural pain relief. Regularly
                                             have a good time.                              practicing chair yoga can increase
November 2021
                                                                                            circulation, alleviate joint pain from
                                                                                            arthritis, promote a healthy mindset,
                                                                                            reduce high blood pressure levels,
                                                                                            alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and
                                                                                            reduce feelings of tension or discomfort.
                                                                                            Chairs are available for seated and
                                                                                            standing support. Therapeutic Chair Yoga
                                                                                            is appropriate for all fitness levels, but
                                                                                            participants should consult their doctor if
                                                                                            they have any medical concerns that may
December 2021                                                                               affect their ability to perform chair yoga.
                                             Self Defense Stratagems for
                                             Dec 9 (TH)
                                             9:00 – 11:00 a.m. ($15)
                                             Must be a Gold Club member to register
                                             for this class
                                             Learn practical self-defense and safety
                                             strategies based on crime research and
                                             data. You’ll also come to understand the
                                             threats you are most likely to encounter
                                             and how to minimize or counter them.
                                             Make a personalized safety plan and
                                             learn some basic hands-on escape and
                                             evade techniques.

                                             Basic Life Support/CPR for
                                             Healthcare Professionals
                                             Dec 13, (M)
                                             1:00 – 5:00 p.m., $70
DIY Your Holidays                            This course covers adult, child, infant
Nov 18 (TH)                                  CPR, AED training for in-hospital
9:00 – 11:00 a.m., $15                       and out-of-hospital situations for
Must be a Gold Club member to register       healthcare providers, professionals and
for this class                               other personnel who need to know
How would you like to make your              how to perform CPR and other basic
holidays a bit more personal this year?      cardiovascular life support skills in a
DIY Your Holidays will help you do this!     wide variety of in-facility and prehospital
During this Senior Connections session,      settings. Participants learn to promptly
participants will make treat holders, card   recognize several life-threatening
holders, and other decorations to make       emergencies, give high-quality chest
the holidays extra special this year.        compressions, deliver appropriate
                                             ventilations and provide early use of an
                                             AED. Participants earn their two-year
                                             American Heart Association completion card.

4                        Register Today! | 308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
CSI Adult Presentation
Jan 12 (W)
6:00 – 9:00 p.m., $20
Ages: 18 and over
Online Class
DO YOU enjoy watching CSI programs/
mysteries? Then this class is for you. Learn
‘behind the scenes’ facts of several crimes
such as homicides, robberies, staged crime
scenes, and more. Fingerprint mutilations,
that were intentionally performed, will
also be shown. Latent fingerprints are
the main forensic evidence discussed
but other forensic disciplines will be
covered in general. Hands on exercises
as well as looking at actual photographs
of a homicide and determining what you
‘see’ to analyze the facts. This 3-hour
presentation will contain some photos
and information that might be considered
graphic/offensive. You will need a 4-inch
piece of clear tape (like scotch tape) and a
4 or 5 inch by 4-inch piece of clear plastic
(preferably from a sheet protector)
Live Online learning information:
Zoom will be used for the Live Online
presentation. In order to participate in this
webinar, you will need:
• Access to a computer with speakers
• Access to high-speed internet

Painting with Acrylics
Jan 20, or Feb 17, or Mar 17, or Apr 14,
or May 12 (TH)
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., $40
Instructor: Rachelle Eversole
Are you looking for a fun activity to relax,
socialize and create? Come paint an
easy, acrylic, painting that will brighten
your own home or make a nice gift. The
painting is taught step by step and all
supplies are furnished. Just grab a friend
and come have fun.

                          Register Today! | 308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning   5
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
    Workforce Development                                  Personal Interest
      Our Workforce Training business and            Our personal interest and leisure classes
      professional classes throughout the              throughout the Panhandle are taught
    Panhandle are taught by experts from our         by local experts. If you are talented and
               own communities.                       passionate about a particular hobby or
                                                       activity and would like to share it with
       If you have skills and experience in              others, we’d like to hear from you!
        a vocational field, we want to hear
       from you. Our trainers are business                Some examples are arts, crafts,
      owners, retirees, and full or part-time         calligraphy, yoga, photography, healthy
                  professionals.                        living, ceramics, and senior citizen
                                                    activities and wellness to name a few. And
     Class times and schedules are flexible           we’re always open to new ideas. We’ll
      depending on the topic. Knowledge,             work with you on class times that fit your
     passion for your subject and a desire to        schedule and we can even help you with
     share it with others is all you need. We             some of the materials you need.
     can even help you create your training
      content and materials. Examples are
       software basics, customer service,             If you have a special talent and
    budgets and financial reports, accounting
                                                     want to share it with others call us
    basics, and business planning to name a
       few. And we’re open to new ideas.                      at 308.635.6703.

     Professional certification is not required
      to instruct. Subject matter knowledge
     and the motivation to share are all that’s
    required. Classes can be delivered at any
      of our three campuses or via webinar.

    If you are interested please call us
              at 308.635.6335.

6                Register Today! | 308.635.6701 | go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
WNCC offers online courses and career training programs
through ed2go! Prepare for a new career, learn new skills, or
help advance within your current occupation with industry–
recognized certifications.
• Web Design            • Resume Writing      •   Foreign Languages
• Accounting            • Grant Writing       •   SAT Preparation
    Fundamentals        • Publishing          •   Photoshop
• Health Information    • Computer            •   Microsoft Office
    Management              Networking        •   Mindfulness
• Personal Enrichment   • Photography         •   Meditation
• LSAT Preparation      • College Readiness

Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
Driver Education Instructors Wanted!
Course Content:                                      • For the prior five years, the instructor
• 36 Hours of classroom/online lecture                 candidate must have no violation on record
• 24 Hours behind the wheel training                   for which five or more points might be
Prerequisites:                                         assessed. This includes probation or other
• Must be at least 21 years of age                     situations in which no points were actually
• Have a high school diploma or equivalent             assessed for the violation.
• Valid operator’s license held in state of          • You must have no suspensions or revocations
   residence for two consecutive years                 on record within the last five years, including
• Clean driving record                                 no convictions for DWI or any related alcohol
                                                       or drug offense in connection with motor
                                                       vehicle use. DMV Title 247.

                Call 308.635.6701 if you are interested in teaching

That’s what you’ll find with our new GOLD CLUB benefits. Even if you’re
already a WNCC GOLD CARD member, you will want to complete the new
registration because this year with the new GOLD CLUB benefits, you’ll
receive a one-time $25 voucher that can be used for any non-credit course(s)
taken at the Scottsbluff Campus.
         For more information, visit wncc.edu or call 308.635.6701.

                                                                                     Business & Community
Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College Upcoming Classes Lifelong Learning - November 2021 - Western Nebraska Community College
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