UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups and Innovators - Amazon AWS
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1 2 3 Agaru Aguardio ApS Airkeep Canada Denmark Chile www.agaru.me www.aguardio.com www.airkeep.me/en adrian@agaru.me tml@aguardio.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP COMPE- TTA: Chile - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech Competition TITION Adventure for the Americas: EdTech Solution: Solution: Solution: Agaru aims to change the lack of tracking and Aguardio is an easy-to-use solution that helps A network of 'keepairs' that allow travelers to metrics for skills that are considered 'soft' and people live more sustainably by reducing the store their luggage within the main cities of 'unmeasurable' in customer service. Crowd- amount of water and energy they use in the shower. Latin America. The 'keepairs' are hotels, hoste- sourcing performance reviews for frontline Providing the user with a direct and instant nudging ls, cafes, shops, and restaurants, which have hospitality and service staff, creating a trans- effect while showering whilst simultaneously been verified by their team, allowing you to portable record of skill. collecting data about shower behavior. This collec- store your luggage safely and can keep trave- ted data creates a foundation for personal water ling without unnecessary weight. and energy savings goals which makes Aguardio a solution adapted to individual needs. Aguardio ApS has identified the hotel and tourism segment as the key market segment to be addressed, as hotels have high consumption levels of hot water in comparison with private households and therefore have a high savings potential. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 01
4 5 6 Airside Apadrinaunolivo.org AR Vision/CULTUAR Digital Identity Network Spain Spain United States www.apadrinaunolivo.org www.cultuar.es www.airsidemobile.com hola@apadrinaunolivo.org administracion@arvision.es jessica.patel@airsidemobile.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Rural Tourism Competition Rural Tourism Competition Competition/Challenge: Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Solution: Solution: Fight against depopulation, sponsor an aban- CultuAR is a personalized application based on Solution: doned olive tree. With an annual contribution Augmented Reality technology, free to use for Travelers and tourism employees can use the of 50€, choose your abandoned olive tree, tourists, offering dynamic and interactive user-controlled, privacy-based Airside app to baptize it and visit it whenever you want. As a content in real-time. The app allows the users digitally and securely: 1) Share a qualified result sign of gratitude, you will enjoy 2L of Extra to add digital information about any place of of a COVID or antibody test, 2) Share contact Virgin Olive Oil per year. interest, to coming tourists to any city or information with local health authorities to village. The geolocation technology included remain informed in case of exposure and help in the CultuAR application, means that there is facilitate contact tracing, and 3) Share their no need for an internet connection, thus biometrics and identity with travel providers contributing to the development of more to avoid shared touchpoints and reduce lines. sustainable tourism. The Airside Digital Identity Network includes the Airside App for consumers and the Airsi- deX API for other relevant parties. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 02
7 8 9 ARTHYLEN At Hause Awake Spain Uganda Colombia www.arthylen.es www.at-hau.se www.awake.travel/es alvaro.lopez-amo@alianzaformacion.com ashiraf35@gmail.com mtorres@awake.travel Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastro- Competition/Challenge: 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup nomy Tourism Startup Competition 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Simple intuitive mobile-web app customers use especially wholesalers to trace quality collateral Awake is a travel experiences marketplace for ARTHYLEN is the combination of Deep-Lear- nature and adventure travelers, offering ning technologies and augmented reality, stock commodities and share returns to investors. This solution is known as Bank At Hause - Factor multi-day and single-day experiences. Trave- which allows the recognition of fresh products lers can connect with amazing local hosts in exhibited in the sections of supermarkets, Xchange aims to reduce food loss using insect and rot-resistant 3ply bags to store produce for longer spectacular places, finding, comparing, and grocery stores, or warehouses. Through such booking experiences from small hotels and technology, displayed in conventional electro- periods and enable the producer to earn better. The producers are pulled together disaggregated farms lodges, nature reserves, and protected areas to nic devices, like mobiles or Tablets-, or other guides, local operators, or community-based more specific ones like augmented reality to a smart value chain app linked to wholesalers selectively financed with blended finance and organizations. glasses, the user obtains in real-time detailed information about the product that is being Islamic finance to purchase farmer's stock ensuring displayed. superior financial returns to farmers, small traders, wholesalers, and investors. The platform uses QR codes labeled on 3ply bags, profit & loss sharing contracts with investors, and data science to auto- matically monitor stock quantities. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 03
10 11 12 Bobelo Travel bitemojo BYHOURS Spain Israel Spain www.bobelotravel.com www.bitemojo.com www.byhours.com/en carlos.jover.mico@gmail.com michael@bitemojo.com mogaspart@byhours.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Bobelo is an Intelligent Travel Agency. They use Bitemojo offers self-guided culinary bite tours First hotel booking platform allowing – Hotels Artificial Intelligence to create travel itinera- in the most fascinating destinations. All you to sell their inventory by hours (rooms, mee- ries. Specialized in Business Travel. Bobelo need is your smartphone and a big appetite! ting rooms, fitness or spa access, etc.); and – captures the information directly from your Bitemojo tours are now available in Berlin, Guests to decide their check-in time and how calendar to avoid interrupting the customers Rome, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem for many hours they want to stay in a hotel. to let them focus on what's important: their both iOS & Android. business. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 04
13 14 15 Clap Global Climber RMS Control H&S India Portugal Spain www.claptalks.com www.climberrms.com www.controlhs.com aarti@clapglobal.com gerencia@controlhs.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Solution: Solution: Solution: Clap Talks is a cultural exchange platform that Optimizing hotel revenue simply and effecti- Cloud multiplatform application, created to curates unique conversations between interna- vely. Climber RMS help hotels maximize manage the hygienic-sanitary and safety requi- tional travelers and students in local class- revenue, making them more efficient and com- rements. Control H&S helps to control, rooms, both physically and virtually, paving the petitive while reducing risk and cost. manage and verify all the obligations of the way for eye-opening conversations and expe- companies, with a better and more efficient riences for students & teachers. control. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 05
16 17 18 Cookly Cultivium dishcovery Thailand Mauritiurs Italy www.cookly.me www.cultivium.com www.dishcover.tours ben@cookly.me yannick.labonne@gmail.com g.vita@dishcovery.menu Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Cookly is a platform that gives access to Online and Offline platform to connect cultu- Dishcover aims to combine the power of food culinary traditions through experiences (coo- res worldwide : Booking unique trips : Educate, to carry stories with innovative technology, to king with locals), content (traditional recipes Celebrate, Experience. provide meaningful experiences, highlighting and stories that highlight local food tradi- the unique dimensions of history and places tions), and products (a curation handcraft exploration through senses. Moreover, Dishco- culinary products). ver seeks to promote sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation, as well as create synergies with creative individuals and initiatives for social impact. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 06
19 20 21 e-bot7 Eatour Eccocar Germany Italy Spain www.e-bot7.com www.eatour.it www.eccocar.com xaver@e-bot7.com vincent@eatour.it Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Automate Customer-Facing Conversations. EATour aims to create rewards for sustainable Digital transformation of rent-a-cars towards Simple, Fast, Efficient. The leading & easy to supply chains, to create business opportunities closer and more convenient mobility solutions use Conversational AI platform. Integrate on for companies committed to responsible for customers, Eccocar also brings mobility to all channels and tools in any language. Launch actions and to involve companies and the cities with minute-based car rental systems, within minutes. general public through food on the significan- integrating a wide range of vehicles on a single ce of the actions of companies and individuals platform. in support of the fight against climate change. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 07
22 23 24 Enjoy Agriculture ESCAPPY TRAVEL EsenciAr Senegal Colombia Argentina www.enjoyagriculture.com www.escappy.com www.esenciar.com.ar asmaa@enjoyagriculture.com gerencia@escappy.com felisa@travelpharma.com.ar Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Enjoy Agriculture is the first digital startup in ESCAPPY TRAVEL is a technology-based Sustainable tourism program to promote the Africa promoting agritourism on the continent tourism innovation company focused on the integral development of indigenous peoples by connecting local agricultural actors with concept of "Travel To Surprise", being a pioneer and rural communities. Organizing days of travelers from around the world. in Latin America, designing experiences accor- cultural exchange where visitors can join to ding to people's wishes in terms of national live a day in the community. EsenciAr values and international travel. the territory, develop craft workshops, till the land, learn about reforestation, enjoy the local typical gastronomy and oenology of the regions. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 08
25 26 27 fluxguide Fly foot FOODIEcations Austria Lebanon Puerto Rico www.fluxguide.com www.fly-foot.com www.foodiecations.com office@fluxguide.com rayan.ismail@fly-foot.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Smart Solutions for Smart Destinations 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Challenge COMPETITION Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Fluxguide offers individually crafted apps for FLY-FOOT came out of the need to fulfill a FOODIEcations [foodie + vacations] is a food Outdoor, Tourism, and events. Fluxguide desire - the desire to connect passionate foot- tourism agency for foodies who love to travel creates solutions for all kinds of use cases and ball fans with the teams they so loyally and travel to eat. With their food experience scenarios for clients around the globe. support and the game action they long for. guidebooks, tours, apps, blog posts, and exclu- Sharing with fans their local insight (Barcelona, sive tools designed for foodies, they promote Madrid, London) on these cities. Away from gastronomic experiences from around the the most obvious attractions lies the real globe with the primary goal of helping you urban spirit - the people, the atmosphere, and experience culture through food. the team that represents it. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 09
28 29 30 foodieon Ginkan (Synchrolife) GOAZ Republic of Korea Japan Spain www.foodieontours.com www.ginkan.jp/index_en.html www.goazsocial.com taehean@naver.com symborski@ginkan.jp jessica@goazsocial.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Rural Tourism Competition Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: This startup aims to revitalize the local GINKAN is digitally transforming marketing in Goaz is a social network aimed at travelers, economy by creating food tours with local the restaurant industry in Japan to benefit both through which you can get to know the best people. Helping local farmers to revitalize restaurants and consumers with SynchroLife. places in each city or help other members of local economies and reactivate the potential SynchroLife is a social media style restau- the community to do so, through postcards of of the gastronomy tourism sector. rant-discovery service with AI recommenda- the places and mini-guides. tions and cryptocurrency rewards for consu- mers, offering a flat rate, risk-free, automated big data-based CRM tools for restaurants. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 10
31 32 33 GoRaymi S.A. GREEN BELI JOINT GUESTME Ecuador STOCK COMPANY Georgia Vietnam www.goraymi.com www.guestme.ge/en/home sole.lopez.o@gmail.com www.greenbeli.com info@guestme.ge minhkhoa223@gmail.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: GoRaymi is the answer to the long-standing Solution: GuestMe reinvents the traditional food desire of entrepreneurs, communities, and tourism concept. The travelers can join the Green Beli is an application that helps you find small towns, who after transforming their local Georgian families and have the dining and rate eco-friendly places. The app allows cultural heritage into tourism products and in-home experience with them, accompanied you to share knowledge and contribute to services, that currently allow them to survive, by genuine Georgian cuisine cooked by the spreading the spirit of environmental protec- urgently demand a tourism marketplace that Georgian host. Our mission is to create a tion. finally includes them. remarkable home-dining experience for each traveler in Georgia. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 11
34 35 36 Hargol FoodTech HiGuests HiJiffy Israel Spain Portugal www.hargol.com www.higuests.com www.hijiffy.com dror@hargol.com uri@higuests.com pedro.goncalves@hijiffy.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: World's First Commercial Grasshopper Farm. HiGuests is a luxury property management All-in-One Communication Platform for Delivering nature's most efficient protein company that manages the short-term rental Hotels, Centralize, Automate and Measure source - healthier and more sustainable. of properties through 20+ portals including your Hotel’s Customer Care. Their chatbot Airbnb, HomeAway, Stayz, Expedia and understands your hotels’ guests’ queries and Booking.com. instantly delivers the right answer, helping them check dates availability, rates, and book a room. If and when needed, it hands off the chat to a human agent. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 12
37 38 39 HitchHiker homiefoo Hotel Data Cloud Egypt Mexico United Arab Emirates www.hitchhiker.io www.homiefoo.com www.hoteldata.cloud hello@HitchHiker.io alex@homiefoo.com kevin@hoteldata.cloud Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Solution: Solution: Solution: HitchHiker is a social network that connects Homiefoo is a social network that inspires and Hotel Data Cloud: The only comprehensive Shoppers with Travelers. Shoppers can buy all connects travelers around the world with each hotel database that lets hoteliers manage and their needs from all around the world and ship other and with local communities. Homiefoo distribute standardized descriptive content with a Traveler already heading their way. is the easiest and most fun way to live amazing easily and efficiently. Shoppers save money shipping & Travelers gastronomic experiences, travel while making make money traveling. new friends, earn money by recommending people you know, or as a host, cooking for tourists, foodies, friends, and travelers. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 13
40 41 42 Hotelmize Hudumaplus I like Local Israel Tanzania Netherlands www.hotelmize.com www.hudumaplus.co.tz www.i-likelocal.com patricia@hotelmize.com cyprianmoses4@gmail.com sanne@i-likelocal.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Hotelmize is a leading company in the travel Connecting the world one node at a time. At I Like Local is a sustainable social travel and technology industry that enables hotel Huduma+ they see the future of connectivity platform that enables travelers to book a distributors, bed banks, wholesalers, and travel in space. Through their IoT and M2M solutions, unique, local activity with a local in a develo- agents to increase their profitability by 35%+ they have created the Next Generation sustai- ping country. The goal is to create a win-win by using our innovative technology. nable Outer Space Network. situation: to offer local people in developing countries a worldwide market in a simple way, generating a sustainable income and an authentic local experience for the traveler. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 14
43 44 45 iBonus Limited India City Walks IRANomad HongKong (China) (City Explorers Pvt Ltd) Iran India www.covid2019system.com www.nomad.tours keith@ibonus.net www.indiafoodtrails.com mo.malekshahi@gmail.com sb@indiacitywalks.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: The iBonus® system identifies the “Close Solution: Iran Nomad Tours is a tour operator in Iran, Contacts” of infected individuals and prevents specialized in local tours. You will have this India Food Trails is a unique platform that them from spreading viruses in public gathe- lifetime opportunity to live with the Nomads brings the host communities and culture toge- ring places. If 30% of the public use the system, of Iran, cross mountains or even join the trans- ther for the globetrotter to experience. An the spread of COVID-19 will be cut by 85%. humance festival. impactful and sustainable initiative that has brought them together with their country and its citizens in a cultural way. They are on a mission to demonstrate the continuity of heritage linked to food, water which is impor- tant for future generations. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 15
46 47 48 Jiranis Food KIDO DYNAMICS Klustera Kenya Switzerland México www.jiranisfood.com www.kidodynamics.com klustera.com pm@jiranisfood.com jcsanchez@kidodynamics.com karlo@klustera.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Jiranis Food allows you to add unlimited Kido Dynamics is dedicated to generating deep Klustera's mission is to digitalize and unify the African local cuisines all for free. You will knowledge about the mobility behavior of connection between users and brands with a receive bookings from all people be it Local or millions of people through machine learning Marketing Augmentation Platform. Nowadays, international tourists. You determine what technologies leveraged by the science of there is no feasible way for merchants and cuisine you add. When you want to receive social physics. From an entire country to a brands neither to measure nor optimize, in bookings and how many guests to serve. specific area, they tell with high accuracy how real-time the in-store user activity, nor to people move in any period, unveiling powerful coherently speak to their customers across insights that will support you in your most different channels. critical decisions. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 16
49 50 51 Komodore Live Electric Tours Luggit Spain Portugal Portugal www.komodore.co www.liveelectrictours.pt www.luggit.app miguel@Komodore.co djalmo.gomes@electric-rent.pt ricardo.figueiredo@luggit.app Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Komodore is a guest management software A fleet of environmentally friendly 100% LUGGit is a multi-platform that redefines the focused on automating and personalizing electric Twizy cars, offering complete freedom way luggage is transport in a customized way. communication throughout the entire journey. to discover the city at your own pace. You can Whether through a mobile app or by integra- Its mission is to help non-professional vacation stop where and when you want, taking your ting with companies, LUGGit connects trave- rental hosts with the management of their time to explore safely and comfortably. Disco- lers with independent drivers (Keepers) that guests, reducing the time spent on communi- ver the city in real-time with a GPS audio guide collect and deliver the luggage at the place cation and improving the hospitality experien- that will help you not get lost and optimizing and time customers choose. ce. your time in a much better way. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 17
52 53 54 Mabrian Technologies Menu del dia APP MyStay Spain Spain Czech Republic mabrian.com www.menudeldiaapp.es www.gomystay.com carlos@mabrian.com info@menudeldiaapp.es pavlina.zychova@mystay.cz Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Mabrian's platform provides Travel Intelligence Menu del Día App works via GPS and allows its MyStay provides the ultimate solution for for Smart Destinations by analyzing tourist Big users to easily find local gastronomy promo- enhancing the relationship between hotels Data from multiple data sources. It identifies tions. The app is updated daily and includes and guests resulting, in higher revenue and and predicts tourism dynamics. the latest menus, daily special, directions, and superior ratings. Thanks to many useful featu- local transport options. It started in Ibiza as a res, it helps both sides to find their key to way to help a group of friends decide where to hospitality. eat but we are now in 60+ locations with over 800 venues listed from local tapas bars to Michelin. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 18
55 56 57 MYSTREETBOOK NECSUM TRISON NotOnMap Spain Spain India www.mystreetbook.es www.necsum.com/es/inicio www.notonmap.com carlos@mystreetbook.es mikel.gonzalez@trisonworld.com kumar.anubhav@notonmap.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Rural Tourism Competition Smart Solutions for Smart Destinations 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Challenge Solution: Solution: Solution: MyStreetBook is the SaaS solution for the Necsum is a digital art and entertainment NOM is a social-driven initiative generating digital transformation of tourism businesses. studio specialized in generating magical expe- alternative livelihood & minimizing unskilled They have developed the first tool that riences through technology. They design and migration from traditional villages with an connects user preferences with existing develop all kinds of experiences for entertain- age-old cultural value system. This migration resources. MyStreetBook focuses on visitor ment and theme parks. From the artistic happens not by choice but due to lack of satisfaction. MyStreetBook is a business model concept to the set-up and maintenance, going modern influence, lack of so-called knowledge that allows to foresee trends and take targeted through all the creative and technical phases education.NotOnMap started working from actions in the sector. It is based on real data to make visitors enjoy and surprise. those villages/houses where technology & travel influence has been minimal, and hence they have been cut off from getting their true share of the economy. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 19
58 59 60 Oh foodie Oveit Phenomenon Colombia United States of America Technologies Zimbabwe www.ohfoodie.com www.oveit.com manuelpuello@foodietechnologies.com andrei@oveit.com www.phenomtech.co.zw nkosana@phenomtech.co.zw Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Competition/Challenge: Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: A platform focused on gastronomic tourism, Digital wallets for experiential shopping. A Solution: based on quality and knowledge to achieve the world in which consumers are identified and confidence and security of our users. Offering Phenomenon technologies (Pvt) Business is the rewarded for shopping in both online and a foodie ecosyst starting with a travel platform home of FundoVR and Virtual Tours. They are offline environments, across retail to enter- that serves people who travel to eat, from bringing emerging technologies to provide tainment to hospitality experiences. We call inspiration to destination, and people who digitally immersive experiences in Virtual this: containment. cook to delight Reality. They strongly believe that Virtual reali- ty is changing how people can interact with the world making it much easier to make infor- med choices and better understand the world around us. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 20
61 62 63 Pikala Bikes Planet Happiness Pruvo Morocoo United States Israel www.pikalabikes.com www.ourheritageourhappiness.org www.pruvo.net/es-ES cantal@pikalabikes.com paul@happycounts.org doron@pruvo.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Pikala is a non-profit organization in favor of Planet Happiness is a tourism and Big Data Save money on hotels you already booked. bicycle development to improve health and project of the Happiness Alliance. Their Hotel prices tend to drop after reservations inclusivity in cities. Pikala creates ‘Bicycle mission is to focus the attention of all tourism are made, thus, it's impossible to obtain the Centers’. These centers have an educative stakeholders on the well-being agenda and to best hotel deal at the moment of booking. bicycle workshop where we educate and use tourism as a vehicle for development that Pruvo monitors your hotel reservation price employ youth. demonstrably strengthens destination sustai- (for free) and notifies you once the price drops nability and the quality of life of host commu- so you can re-book the exact same hotel room nities. for a lower price. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 21
64 65 66 Questo Radical Waters Rau Eco and Cultural Romania Spain Tourism Enterprise Tanzania www.questoapp.com www.radicalwaters.com alex@questoapp.com derik@radicalwaters.com www.rauecoculturaltourism.org rauecotours@gmail.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Competition/Challenge: COMPETITION 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP Solution: COMPETITION Solution: Questo is the platform for city exploration On site hypochlorous acid generators, using Solution: games that invite travelers & locals to discover electrochemical activation of a brine solution the best parts of a city. Each game is unique One Trip - One Tree' is an environmental and created around a specific theme, can be campaign that mobilizes both local people inspired by a movie, a book, a historical fact, or and tourists to plant their trees and fight for a local legend. climate change. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 22
67 68 69 RateGain Technologies Refundit Road.Travel India Israel Russia/ United Kingdom www.rategain.com www.refundit.tax www.road.travel ankit.chaturvedi@rategain.com ziv@refundit.tax nd@road.travel Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: RateGain is your partner to engage the Refundit revolutionizes tax-free shopping, Curated routes, trip planning, and dynamic connected traveler and help revenue, distribu- making the process easier and efficient - with packaging for road trips, staycations, and tion, and marketing manager overcome the no lines or paperwork. Refundit aims to weekend getaways – bringing simplicity to car daily challenge of generating revenue in this change the VAT refund process for good, travels, enabling innovation for tourism desti- dynamically changing industry. We help you helping tourists to easily get what is rightfully nations and connected cars. unlock new revenue by providing the only theirs while stimulating economies and boos- end-to-end platform that provides accurate, ting business across Europe. real-time, and meaningful insights, and connects you to the largest supply and demand travel and hospitality network in the world. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 23
70 71 72 Runnin'City SeeTrue SeeVoov France Israel Israel www.runnincity.world www.seetrue.ai www.seevoov.com/es olivier@runnincity.com assaf@seetrue.ai asaf@seevov.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition COMPETITION Solution: Solution: Solution: Runnin’City, is a smartphone app that allows SeeTrue revolutionizes the current security SeeVoov has acknowledged the power of you to discover over 200 cities around the screening process, addressing the challenges of video in increasing user purchase. Thus they world while running (or walking). passenger throughputs, experience, security, developed the world's first full-funnel B2B and cost with a new Artificial Intelligence VIDEO. Based travel planner, enabling tourism approach. companies to significantly increase ancillary revenue (through hotel booking, flights, attrac- tion tickets, restaurant reservations), as well as provide their users with unique Value Added video entertaining content to enhance their travels. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 24
73 74 75 SmartDigitalPlug Smart Tour Snaptivity Spain Brasil United Kingdom www.smartdigitalplug.com www.smarttourbrasil.com.br www.snaptivityapp.com javiergs@topseedslab.com jucelha@smarttourbrasil.com.br volha@snaptivityapp.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Rural Tourism Competition Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge Smart Solutions for Smart Destinations Challenge Solution: Solution: Solution: SmartDigitalPlug is a platform that allows a The Smart Tracking is a Covid-19 Global Snaptivity drives football fans engagement by "Property" (alternative accommodations and Contact Tracking Platform, identifying indivi- capturing the best moments at the stadium small independent hotels) to offer a digital duals and businesses that have had contact and delivering stunning photos directly to customer experience offering a safer experien- with a Covid-19 positive patient. their smartphones. Snaptivity gives every ce for both the customer and the Property's spectator their own story. We capture the employees. It eliminates physical interactions moment, so you don’t have to, and you enjoy by combining 6 digital services that the Proper- the experience without being distracted. ty can easily manage from a single one-stop counter. Automating the services of : registra- tion, access, electricity saving, customer servi- ce, certified professional cleaning and private transportation services. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 25
76 77 78 Stay22 Suda Outdoors SunCycles Namibia cc Canada Chile Namibia www.stay22.com www.suda.io www.ebikes4africa.org andrew@stay22.com info@ebikes4africa.org Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: SunCycles Namibia cc TTA: Chile - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Adventure for the Americas: EdTech Solution: Solution: Solution: Partner up with online business to provide SUDA is the best App to explore, discover and EBikes4Africa specializes in empowering local complementary offerings for their users in the share the best of outdoor sports. This App is communities through e-mobility and simplest manner an essential tool for anybody who loves solar-powered services. SunCycles, our locally adventure. designed electric two-wheelers, help Africans move towards a more sustainable future. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 26
79 80 81 TasteIran (tasteiran.net) The Freebird Club TimeLooper Iran United Kingdom and Northern Ireland United States of America www.tasteiran.net www.thefreebirdclub.com www.timelooper.com aminn.karimi.66@gmail.com peter@thefreebirdclub.com yigit@timelooper.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 1st Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition TTA: Americas - Argentina Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: "TasteIran introduces and sells different unique The Freebird Club is a peer-to-peer social TimeLooper is a 360-degree location-based experiences that are overspread on hundred of travel & homestay club for older adults. We virtual reality mobile platform and app that stories directly related to Ecotourism and use the sharing economy to enable seniors to lets visitors re-live iconic moments from histo- Sustainable Tourism, involving locals in Iran. travel and meet in fun new ways, thereby rical & cultural sites around the world. Every It's all about what the world can see and taste alleviating loneliness and creating a more year millions of people choose to travel to through Iran, regardless to so far backgrounds age-friendly and inclusive world. historic destinations around the world to get a and images." first-hand look at times past. With TimeLoo- per, these ordinary travel experiences transfor- med into wholly immersive, multi-sensory, and unforgettable mobile experiences. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 27
82 83 84 Travaxy accessible Travel Kollekt TravelgateX travel solutions Denmark Spain Israel www.travelkollekt.com www.travelgatex.com www.travaxy.com louise@travelkollekt.com vrossello@xmltravelgate.com lioz@travaxy.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Travel Kollekt is an “on-demand” inspiration The global marketplace for the travel trade. A Travaxy is the world‘s first travel & booking platform and personal publishing tool. Travel single connection provides your gateway to platform that enables people with disabilities Kollekt allows travelers to be present, giving the largest network of buyers and sellers. and senior citizens to plan and book accessible space for more personal contact and meaning- TravelgateX provides seamless connectivity trips in a simple and efficient way. Existing ful interaction. We believe in individuality and between travel companies across the world. online booking sites do not have the tools or the wisdom of the crowds. And we also want Take advantage of the Network power and join knowledge to provide services to travelers to prove that planning, sustainable travel, and over 1000 Partners already connected with various disabilities; the possibilities are serendipity can go hand in hand. very few and often do not satisfy the special needs of the travelers. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 28
85 86 87 Travello TravelX U2Guide Australia United States France www.travelloconnect.com www.travelx.ai www.u2guide.com/es ryan@travelloapp.com sushil@travelx.ai eaam@u2guide.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition TTA: Bahrain - Executive Council Solution: Solution: Solution: Travello is a social network for travelers being A Global B2B2C marketplace for safe & U2GUIDE offers to travel through authentic used in over 180 countries. Travello allows touchless airport shopping, F&B and On-air- local experiences at destination and solidarity. travelers to discover and connect with other port services. Travello is a social network for Their collaborative and multilingual website is like-minded travelers in a new, or future desti- travelers used in over 180 countries. Travello intuitive, allowing travelers from all over the nation & provides you with the easiest and allows travelers to discover and connect with world, to enrich their stays with genuine local most efficient way to connect with travelers other like-minded travelers in a new, or future experiences offered by "insider g around you. destination & provides you with the easiest and most efficient way to connect with trave- lers around you. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 29
88 89 90 UpperEat VALDEPAS TURISMO vanwoow ACTIVO ACCESIBLE Spain Spain Spain www.vanwoow.es www.upper-eat.com www.valdepas.es auxi.pinero@vanwoow.es louise@upper-eat.com info@valdepas.es Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Rural Tourism Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Rural Tourism Competition Competition Solution: Solution: Solution: Social and Collaborative Platform for responsi- UpperEat is a digital platform connecting ble and sustainable tourism that dynamizes Accessible Tourism Company that offers bike business diners with top-quality restaurants, municipalities against depopulation. rental to enjoy the greenway of the pass. Val controlling & managing their meal expenses de Pas creates accessible tourism packages, as while increasing the number of midweek you can enjoy nature without limits. clients to their restaurants. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 30
91 92 93 Ventuno Viavii Viajar Eslou Spain Qatar/Jordan Spain www.ventunoitaly.com www.viavii.com www.viajareslou.com info@ventunoitaly.com rola@viavii.com viajareslou@gmail.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup 1ST GLOBAL SPORTS TOURISM START-UP Rural Tourism Competition Competition COMPETITION Solution: Solution: Solution: Ventuno is a multisensory experience, a Viavii provides travelers, from all over the Traditional activities with locals, hidden gems journey through Italy’s traditions, flavors, and world, with an easy-to-use online platform to that only locals know about, authentic landscapes, one region at a time. It tells the create custom-tailored and personalized travel connections that last for years, responsible story of timeless heritage and lifestyle, with a experiences based on budget and interest experiences with the environment and special focus on sustainability while connecting them with passionate and animals, and much more. talented people wherever they go, whatever they want to experience. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 31
94 95 96 Visualfy Volcano Coffee Wayakit, Biotechnology United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Uganda in Hygiene Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/ Mexico www.visualfy.com www.volcanocoffeeug.com mj.millan@visualfy.com volcanocoffeeltd@gmail.com www.wayakit.com contact@wayakit.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition 2nd Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition/Challenge: Competition 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Solution: Visualfy offers innovative technology for Aiming to promote the growth of the coffee Solution: people with hearing loss, and companies and industry in Uganda. Currently, the country organizations committed to accessibility. They Wayakit is an effective antiviral formulation, exports 96% of its coffee, with only 4% consu- have developed a unique algorithm, based on created with organic compounds, that elimina- med domestically. Their mission is to add value artificial intelligence, that recognizes sounds tes 99.999% of the most common viruses and to the livelihoods of workers and their com- and translates them into visual alerts on any bacteria, including CoVid-SARS. It is a power- munities at each stage of the coffee produc- connected device. ful ready-to-use disinfectant cleaner that acts tion chain, from the crop to the cup. By enga- in seconds. Ideal for any type of surface or ging in every link, we believe we can return up material, since it does not alter the texture, to 70% higher prices to community farmers color, or smell of the surfaces where it is than conventional coffee traders. applied. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 32
97 98 99 WeBee Wefish Wheel the world Turkey Spain United States of America www.getwebee.com www.wefish.app gowheeltheworld.com ozgur.zan@donetr.com daniel.agoiz@wefish.app sofia@gowheeltheworld.com Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Competition/Challenge: Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge 1st UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition TTA: Chile - 2ndUNWTO Tourism Tech Adventure for the Americas: EdTech Solution: Solution: Solution: WeBee mobile apps focus on the engagement Create your fishing diary with a private loca- Wheel the World offers amazing accessible of hotel guests at all phases of a guest journey. tion, get the best weather forecasts and fishing travel experiences for people with disabilities, The guests can request various services throu- predictions, discover your most effective their families, and friends. By gowheel- gh the apps. fishing spots, meet and learn from anglers theworld.com, people can find, plan, and book from all over the world. their accessible trip and have a lifetime expe- rience. We create the most amazing travel experiences for people with disabilities in places beyond what they thought possible, finding accessible accommodation, training tour guides, and enabling adaptive equipment UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 33
100 Zeleros Spain www.zeleros.com jlluch@zeleros.com Competition/Challenge: 2nd UNWTO Tourism Startup Competition Solution: Zeleros designs and develops new technolo- gies for sustainable and efficient transporta- tion, which will allow traveling at 1000 km/h with renewable energies, combining the best from the aeronautics and the railway indus- tries. UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups 34
UNWTO Top 100 Tourism Startups and innovators
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