"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions

Page created by Monica Miller
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
Subject To Change

       Eojin Jo
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions

Our Values

Chapter 01. 'Our Clients'
 Part 01. Pre-Investigation
 Part 02. Their Memories

Chapter 02. 'Safe Arrival'
 Part 01. Arrival
 Part 02. Secret Entrances

Chapter 03. 'Site Investigation'

Chapter 04. 'Design Strategy'
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
"Little Sisters are supporting you."
                        our values

                 Welcome to 'Little Sisters'.

Our slogan is 'Little Sisters are supporting you.' Flipping
the slogan 'Big Brother is watching you', which is
mentioned when talking about surveillance society, we
have a slogan 'Little Sisters are supporting you.' Our name
'Little Sisters' symbolizes the opposite of 'big brother',
which is a symbol of surveillance society in George
Orwell's dystopian novel '1984'.

We work with people who wish to live a new life away
from negative memories of the past. They may not want
to reveal their existence, or they may want to be separated
from the world and have time alone. But deep inside, they
want to move away from the trauma of the past and live a
more free and healthy life.

  We offer a series of "recovery" programs to help our
clients recover their scars of trauma naturally, gradually
communicate with the world, and move on to a healthier
self and confidence when they leave our home.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions

                    Our Clients
          - Escapers from Everyday Surveillance -

           Client 01: American Celebrity
           Client 02: North Korean Defector

In the early winter of 2022, we were informed that a
American celebrity Elena Diaz and a North Korean
escaper Eunhee Kim desire to stay at our 'Little Sister' for
three months, in order to live a free life away from the eyes
of surveillance surrounding them..

Our clients have lived a life of constant surveillance
due to their nationality and occupation. They were
disillusioned with life where freedom and human rights
were not guaranteed in the past, and to escape the negative
experience, they left their country and immigrated to
Brighton, where individual freedom is guaranteed. They
want to live a new life where they are no longer socially
'monitored' and their privacy and freedom are guaranteed.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
 After we were informed that Elena Diaz and
Eunhee Kim want to stay at our Little Sister,
we started looking into their background
what happened to them.
                                                                                                     Client 02. EUN-HEE KIM (North Korean Defector)


                                                                                                                                                      These are the pictures we've got from a Eunhee's
                                                                                                                                                      referee. These helped us understand our client
                                                                                                                                                      Eunhee's pains living under the regime, escaping,
                                                                                                                                                      and being repatriated (sent back to North Korea).

                                                                                                                                                      And the montage on the left would be useful info to
                                                                                                                                                      recognize her at the Heathrow airport.

                                                                                                                                                      First attempt's escape route plan (Feb. 2011)

                                                                                                                                                      This was an escape route scheme of her first
                                                                                                                                                      attempt. - from North Korea into China, then south
                                                                                                                                                      into Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand – where they can
                                                                                                                                                      receive permission to go to South Korea.

                                                                                                                                                      In a result, this first attempt was failed, as she was
                                                                                                                                                      sent back to NK in 2017. But she will attempt one
                                                                                                                                                      more time, she is planning to come to the UK.

                                                                                                                                                      Slavery Memory in China (2011-2017)

                                                                                                                                                      When she stayed in China, after the first escape, she
                                                                                                                                                      was sold to a Chinese man for 5000 yuan(around
                                                                                                                                                      £580), and kept in slavery for six years.

                                                                                                                                                      This is a common experience faced by refugees,
                                                                                                                                                      with around 80% of North Korean women sold by
                                                                                                                                                      human traffickers upon reaching China.
                                                  CLIENT 01. ELENA DIAZ (American Celebrity)

                                                  The New York Times Front Page, 10th, FEB, 2022
                                                Scraps for investigating customer pre-information.
                                                                                                                                                      Inside North Korea's Prison. (2017-2021)
                                                                                                                                                      Agony march: Prisoners carry their heavy loads
                                                The New York Times is an American newspaper
                                                based in New York City that has worldwide
                                                                                                                                                      But six years into her life in China, she was
                                                influence and readership.
                                                                                                                                                      reported by local villagers to Chinese authorities,
                                                                                                                                                      so she was repatriated back to NK.
                                                Being featured on the front page of The New
                                                York Times means that it was a scandal that has
                                                                                                                                                      The NK authorities deemed her a political criminal,
                                                stirred the public up and down.
                                                                                                                                                      so condemned her to a detention camp where she
                                                                                                                                                      was forced to carry out manual labour.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
                             129 Gloucester Street, Brighton, BN1 4AF
                               01273 214356 advice@littlesisters.org
                                                                                                                           -   2011 - Elena married Lucas Vincent secretly
ADVICE & CASEWORK REFERRAL FORM                                                                                            -   2021 - Divorced on December 2021
                                                                                                                           -   2022. - Scandal broke out on 10th, February
Please send completed referral form to advice@littlesisters.org. For any queries, please call 01273 214356.                -   A week after, Elena came to Brighton to recover herself from severe trauma and start a new life.

Referrer’s information
Date of referral: 12. February. 2022.                     Do you have client’s permission to make             Yes No   Reasons for your choice - Please describe any support you need.
                                                          this referral?
                                                                                                                       “ On the day of the article came out, I had the first extreme feeling in my life. My hands were shaking, and my body felt
Name: Becky Williams                                      Organisation:
                                                                                                                       physically melting. Secret marriage to him... It's a secret I've been keeping for my life. When the secret was revealed, I
                                                          AAA(Amazing Artists Agency) (American talent and agency
                                                                                                                       thought, "This is how I die."
                                                          based in Los Angeles, California, founded in 1976.)
                                                                                                                       Last week... I had the most unbearable time of my life. Everyone was talking in a whisper at me, and I was in so much
Contact no:                                               Email:                                                       pain. I really wanted to escape people's eyes and run away where no one could recognize me for months.
+1 424 228 3000                                           AAA@contact.com
Relationship to client:                                                                                                I was recommended by my agency, AAA in California, that ‘Little Sisters’ is a top-secret safe house where can help me to
Elena belongs to our agency.                                                                                           hide for a bit from the eyes of the public and support me to wipe my past memories and start afresh.

How did you find out about our service?                                                                                I want to leave the United States and start a new life there, in Brighton. For three months stay, I hope to recover my
‘AAA’ and ‘Little Sisters’ are sponsorship relationship secretly.                                                      mental scars and have the courage to become a new me.”

Client’s personal details                                                                                              Do you have any particular requirements for your living? For example, if you write down what you want to eat,
                                                                                                                       anything you need, or any skin care products you want on the day you arrive (or after), we will prepare them.
Family name: Diaz                                    First name: Elena                   Also known as:
Date of birth: 18. August. 1988 (32 years old)       Gender:        M/F/T                                                “I like cream cheese salmon bagels. I also like to drink a glass of wine after taking a shower.”

Address including postcode: N/A                                          Can we write to client at this address?
                                                                         Yes      No                                   Accommodation: Do you have any spatial requirements for your stay?
Mobile and/or landline: 1-206-127-4567 (U.S.A)                           Mobile ok for messages?                       If you have spatial claustrophobia or phobia about dark places, please let us know.
                                                                         Yes      No
Email: Irisdiaz08@gmail.com
                                                                                                                         “ I have a lot of luggage. Since I'm living a maximum life, I'd like to have enough storage space in my room
Preferred method of contact (please specify):
                                                                                                                          and a bigger room. Also, I hope there is a bedroom where you can have a glass of wine while looking at the night sky.”
Text Massage / Facebook Message / What’s App / Email

Does client have any access or mobility issues (if so, please specify)?:
                                                                                                                       Supports: Please describe any support or services you need.

                                                                                                                           -   Immigration Advice
Country of origin & languages
                                                                                                                           -   Housing Advice
Country of origin:      San Diego, California, U.S.              UK arrival date:          19. February. 2022.
                                                                                                                           -   Welfare benefits Advice                                                                                              [Elena Diaz]
                                                                                                                           -   Periodic Psychological counseling is needed.
First language:           English                                Second language:          N/A
                                                                                                                       Please list any risks and/or urgent factors to be considered (e.g. ongoing abuse, mental health symptoms and/or
Interpreter required?                                         Yes     No                                                                                                                                                                              This is the document we require
                                                                                                                       diagnosis, education, language etc.)
Can client read in English (e.g. an appointment letter)?      Yes     No                                                                                                                                                                            from our clients before they come
If the client has a preferred gender for the interpreter, please specify: No, Don’t care                                                                                                                                                            to the 'Little Sisters'. Clients must
                                                                                                                       “I have panic disorder and social phobia. Sometimes it's hard to make eye contact with people, and honestly, I'm a little
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    fill this form, and this is for we can
                                                                                                                       afraid of crowded places.”
    -   Please describe clients’ background, if known                                                                                                                                                                                               better understand them so that
                                                                                                                       After leaving how would you like your life to be different from before? Do you have places in mind you want to               we can prepare a lot of necessary
        Elena’s Filmography                                                                                                                                                                                                                         things before they come. It contains
                                                                                                                       live? Or any rough plans and dreams?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    information on the recommenders,
    -   2005 - Model debut                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the reasons for staying in the 'Little
    -   2006 - Model life                                                                                                      “First of all, I'm thinking of staying in Brighton or London. I've loved drawing since I was young, and I'm still
                                                                                                                               interested in art and design. So I want to do related activities while learning graphic design.”                     Sisters', particular requirements
    -   2007 - Supporting role in fantasy 'The Legend'
    -   2008 - Supporting role in 'Bethoven Virus'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    on living spaces, any supports they
    -   2009 - Main role in Comedy 'About Julie'                                                                       Thank you. We will do our best to respond to your referral as soon as we can. Please note that we do not undertake work      wish for, and any plans in mind after
    -   2010 - Main role in Fantasy Drama "Athena: Goddess of War."                                                    for those who can afford a fee-paying solicitor. We prioritise those who are particularly vulnerable and/or destitute.       leaving the house.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
[Eunhee Kim]

  This is the document we require
from our clients before they come
to the 'Little Sisters'. Clients must
fill this form, and this is for we can
better understand them so that
we can prepare a lot of necessary
things before they come. It contains
information on the recommenders,
the reasons for staying in the 'Little
Sisters', particular requirements
on living spaces, any supports they
wish for, and any plans in mind after
leaving the house.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions

                                                                                      Their Memories
                                                                                       - Objects and Memories -

                                                                      There are many rich stories in one object. It could be
                                                                      about stories of each objects' history, physical attributes,
                                                                      or very personal stories of the users.

                                                                      And it also could be what can represent people's identities,
                                                                      and show how they live, who they are, what kind of life
                                                                      have you lived in the past, what they like to do, or what
                                                                      they want to do in the future.

                                                                      And sometimes, when we have some particular memories
                                                                      of them, some objects come very specially to us. And of
                                                                      course, it might be a good memory that makes us smile, or
                                                                      it might be a bad memory that makes us depressed.

                                                                      We run a program that helps our customers organize
                                                                      negative memories of the past by clearing out the objects
                                                                      related to.

                                                 Bric A Brac Shop     On the first week after arrival, customers will have time to
                                                                      face the objects they bring, recall the memories associated
Our home is based on the story of two characters arriving home
                                                                      with them, and look back on their past. Among them, the
in secret, staying for three months, recovering from mental scars
                                                                      objects they want to tidy up are sent to Bric A Brac. Leave
in the surveillance society, interacting with people, and gradually
                                                                      the memories of the hard times here, and through this
moving on to society. However, this programme will be running
                                                                      program, we hope our clients to gain energy to fresh start
secretly, disguising to a 'bric a brac' shop externally.
                                                                      in a new environment.
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
Chapter 01-B. Their Memories                                                                                         Client 01. Elena Diaz's Objects

Before                                                                                       After


                                                                                                     [Lifestyle Changes: Before & After]

                                                                                                       This photograph is captured to compare her               The right part depicts her vision of a new start as a
                                                                                                     former identities and future identities effectively       graphic designer in Brighton, an atmosphere of art
                                                                                                     and describe her lifestyle changes over time.             and a free city.

                                                                                                       As shown on the left, the objects more fabulous           By describing her life as a graphic designer, a new
                                                                                                     and looks maximalism represent her former life as         job she had since leaving the safe house little sister,
                                                                                                     an American Actress. And they symbolize her past          you can see that her life has become simpler and
                                                                                                     life, which was 'being seen as beautiful to the public'   more minimal, at the center of her desk, unlike
                                                                                                     was her priority. And her personal stories such as        before. Specific Details are on the next pages.
                                                                                                     daily routines, interests, and love/divorce.

01. Former Occupation: Celebrity                   02. Future Occupation: Graphic Designer
"UNLIKELY BEDFELLOWS" - Subject To Change Eojin Jo - University of Brighton Exhibitions
Chapter 01-B. Their Memories                                                                              Client 01. Elena Diaz's Objects - Embodied Narratives

[Former Occupation: Celebrity]                                                                                          [Future Occupation: Graphic Designer]

1. Luggage                                                                                                              17. Book                                                   24. Coffee Mug
Due to shootings, she often went on business trips          10. Wallet                                                  Interested in graphic design, her favorite style of        Elena's favorite coffee cup that likes modern and neat
abroad, and carried plenty of stuff in a 28-inch-sized      Her usual luxury wallet. She likes luxurious purple.        painting. Dadaism.                                         styles. There is always a coffee cup with Americano on
bag.                                                                                                                                                                               the work table.
                                                            11. Contct Lenses                                           18. Coffee Pot
2. Flower                                                   This represents the difficulties of an actress. She has     As you change your job to a graphic designer, what you     25. Working in Porgress Project
This is the bouquet she used when she had a secret          bad eyesight, but couldn’t help wearing the lenses          find the most is a cup of coffee that can wake you up      Currently, the company is working on designing
wedding with a worldwide musician, Lucas Vincent.           when shooting.                                              when you're sleepy! There is always a coffee pot on her    posters for the Brighton Festival, which was recently
                                                                                                                        work table, and it is a favorite item that is used most    commissioned.
3. Manicures                                                12. Cosmetics                                               often these days.
She loved collecting manicures and tried to take care of    Eyeliner, concealer, lipastic etc. are the cosmetics she                                                               26. Drawing Tabelt
even nails perfectly, visiting a nail salon once a week.    uses everyday.                                              19. Laptop&Wireless Mouse                                  It is a drawing tablet of Wacom products that is often
                                                                                                                        Working as a graphic designer, the most important and      used when delicate work is needed with Photoshop or
4. Pouch                                                                                                                essential items for her are probably this laptop and       when digital drawing is needed.
                                                            13. Accessories
                                                                                                                        wireless mouse. For Elena, who never used a computer
It's a pouch that she always carried in her bag no matter   - A Wedding Ring
what happens. It is an important possession for her
                                                                                                                        on her own, especially a graphic tool such as Photoshop,   27. Passport Wallet
                                                            A wedding ring with Lucas. However, as it was a secret
                                                                                                                        the laptop and wireless mouse represent a new job and      Since I like neat and modern styles and always like to
because she carried the cosmetics in her pouch and          marriage, she didn't wear it when she went out because
                                                                                                                        self-reliance.                                             keep things organized, I always keep important things
always had to change her makeup if necessary.               she was afraid of being caught paparazzi's eyes.
                                                                                                                                                                                   such as passport and visa card in my passport wallet.
                                                                                                                        20. Converter
5. Perfumes                                                 - Necklace,
                                                              There is a small diamond necklace in this box. This was
                                                                                                                        It was one of the must-have items when coming to           28. Glasses
She loves wearing perfumes, and always wearing
                                                                                                                        England from the United States. Since the U.S. uses 110    Glasses are essential because of poor eyesight. When I
perfume when out.                                           a gift for her second wedding anniversary, and she can
                                                                                                                        volts and the U.K. uses 240 volts, a charger is inserted   was a celebrity in the U.S., I had to wear lenses even if I
                                                            recall her memories with him.
                                                                                                                        into the converter when using a laptop.                    felt pressure on my eyes, but now I am more comfortable
6. Two Glasses of Wine                                                                                                                                                             living and working with glasses, so I say that I am more
When she was in a secret marriage with Lucas, they often    - A Rose Gold Watch
                                                            A watch plated with rose gold The watch was given from      21. Office Tong                                            satisfied with my life.
drank wine together at home.
                                                            Lucas as a birthday gift.                                   The tongs that are often used to bind documents
                                                                                                                        according to the subject and organize them.                29. Radiator
7. Candle                                                                                                                                                                          Elena, who gets cold easily, likes to work warm next to
This is a scented candle from her fans. When she was                                                                    22. External Hard Drive                                    the radiator in winter.
at home, she always left candles on and rested with         14. Toys-Gifts
                                                                                                                        1TB external hard drive. External hard drives are a must   Elena likes to keep her belongings neat and tidy.
music.                                                      It's a gift from a fan at a fan signing event.
                                                                                                                        for graphic designers.

8. Yoga Mat                                                 15. Passport Wallet
                                                                                                                        23. Desk Lamp
Daily Routine: She took care of herself by doing yoga       Due to shootings, she often went on business trips
                                                                                                                        Due to the graphic design characteristics, lighting is
steadily. She got lessons every morning for 30 mins at      abroad, and carried this wallet everytime.                  essential for eye health because computer work is often
her home gym in the U.S.                                                                                                done late at night and painting is often required.
                                                            16. Breakfast Meal
9. Curling Iron                                             Salmon cream cheese bagels that I often had for
Whenever had shooting, she always popped in the             breakfast/lunch in New York. I became more interested
hair salon and curled her hair.                             in healthy food by announcing my retirement as a
                                                            celebrity and practicing doing small things on my own.
Chapter 01-B. Their Memories                                                                                            Client 01. Elena Diaz's Memories

   Good                                                          Since 2010
Memories                                                         Work-Life Balance

                                                                 Yoga Mat, Book, Healthy Meal

                                                                 While active as an actress, she tried to
                                                                                                                                                     Since Feb. 2022.
                                                                 maintain balance in her life, doing yoga
                                                                                                                                                     Start afresh in Brighton
                                                                 and eating healthy.

                                                                 And the time she spent leisurely alone                                              Laptop, Drawing Tablet, Office Stuffs
                                                                 and doing what she liked such as reading
                                                                 art books is still remembered very                                                  These objects represent her desires to
                                                                 positive and happy.                                                                 live in different ways than before, out of
                                                                                                                                                     the public eyes as a graphic designer.

                                                                                                                                                     She is looking forward to her new start in

                                 Since 2007
                                 Popular as a model and actress

                                 C l o t h e s , C u r l i n g I ro n , M a n i c u re s ,
                                 Cosmetics, Perfumes, Jewelry etc.

                                 These symbolize her past, which had
                                 to be looked good everytime in front                                       2011-2021
                                 of cameras and the public. She has                                         Secret Marriage and Divorce
                                 always been noticed everywhere, so that
                                 she couldn't help being conscious of                                       Flower, Wines, Presents, Wedding Ring.
                                 other people's eyes and evaluations on
                                 appearance.                                                                These objects symbolize the past 10
                                                                                                            years she spent with her ex-husband, a
                                 After a scandalous news released, she,                                     worldwide musician Lucas Vincent
                                 who has been suffering from a big
                                 trauma from paparazzi and excessive                                        After the scandal released, memories
                                 public attention to her privacy, is now                                    of secret marriage during 10 years and
                                 disillusioned with her life as a celebrity.                                divorce remains more shameful to her.

                                                                                                                                                                          [Elena's Memory]

                                                                                                                                                                          This graph was created based on the
                                                                                                                                                                          emotions and memories of the date of
                                                                                                                                                                          arrival. As 'Little Sisters' helps our clients
                                                                                                                                                                          to recover the trauma by clearing out the
                                                                                                                                                                          objects related to the negative memories,
                                                                                                                                                                          it's important to classify the collected
                                                                                                                                                                          objects by memories and emotions.
Chapter 01-B. Their Memories                                           Client 02. Eunhee Kim's Objects

                               [Memories of Escape]                                     [Desires to Change]

                               1. Backpack 2. Jacket 3. Shirt 4. Trouser 5. Shoes       14. Korean Drama: Her Favorite Time is watching
                               1~5: What she wore when she escaped North Korea.         South Korean Drama on Netflix. In North Korea,
                                                                                        external networks are not accessible except for the
                               6. Glasses: Her Daily Glasses                            intranet inside the North. Being able to use Google,
                                                                                        Netflix, etc. means Internet freedom for her.
                               7. Letter: A letter from her friend who remains in
                               North Korea as a farewell.                               15. Cream Soup Powder: Her Favorite Korean Food

                               8. Flashlights: A small flashlight used in the dark      16. Korean Instant Ramen: Her Soul Food. She loves
                               forest when she escaped.                                 spicy food, and as it's very quick and easy to cook, she
                                                                                        ate this a lot.
                               9. Watch: It indicates 4:30 which is the time when she
                               was always forced to wake up in the morning in North     17. Spoon and Chopsticks: Spoon and chopsticks
                               Korea.                                                   she uses everyday.

                               10. Potatoes: Her parents farmed potatoes.               18. English Vocabulary Book: After settling down in
                                                                                        the UK, she is learning English.
                               11. Wallet: The wallet that her mother made when
                               she was young. Whenever she sees it, she reminisces      19. A Novel: she is reading these days: TO KILL A
                               about her childhood.                                     MOCKING BIRD, She is interested in human rights and
                                                                                        dreams to be a human rights activist in future.
                               12. Bracelet: A rosary bracelet given by a missionary
                               who served as a broker when she escaped from North

                               13. Prayer Book: Praying was a great help in securing
                               stability in the mind. North Korea, which had no
                               religious freedom. Having a religion for her also
                               means "freedom of choice."
Chapter 01-B. Their Memories                                                                                                 Client 02. Eunhee Kim's Memories


                                                                                                                                                                               K-drama 'Crash Landing on You'
                                                                                                                                                                               A love story between South Korean woman and
                                                                                                                                                                               North Korean Soldier become the latest smash
                                                                                                                                                                               hit. This has been widely praised for its well-
                                                                                                                                                                               researched and naunced portrayal of North Korea.

                                                                                                                                                                               NK defector Jihyun Park
                                                                                                                                                                               Jihyun Park twice escaped North Korea and now
                                                                                                                                                                               lives in Bury, Manchester. She is trying to reveal
                                                                                                                                                                               the truth about the brutal dictatorship, and
                                                                                                                                                                               sharing her escape story to UK students.


                                                                                                                                                                                                     [Eunhee's Memory]

                                                                                                                                                                                                     This graph was created based on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     emotions and memories of the date of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     arrival. As 'Little Sisters' helps our clients
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to recover the trauma by clearing out the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     objects related to the negative memories,
           Childhood Memory                             A labour camp in North Korea.                          Defectors are crossing the forest at night                                            it's important to classify the collected
           Jihyun Park was born in Chongjin, in North   Political prisoners are forced to work all day long.   Pastor Kim Seung-eun treks through the jungle as                                      objects by memories and emotions.
           Korea.                                       The days were long, starting at 4.30am and ending      he escorts North Korean refugees to safety
                                                        when darkness descended in the evening.
[Evaluation: How this developed my project?]

                                                             Reflection of the process & Portfolio Scheme outline

                                                     First of all, it was very fun and interesting to find out real
                                                     objects realted to the characters I set up, and add more
                                                     embodied narratives onto them, classify their memories
                                                     related to their objects. This obviously made my project
                                                     narratives richer.

                                                     And in terms of the programmes, I could make interesting
                                                     relationship between two different external and internal
                                                     programme. - the external programme was made to disguise
                                                     internal one, but actually they are in symbiotic relationship.

                                                     And above all, in that I could have been able to design
                                                     programme which can penetrate the whole things, I think
                                                     these objects-related studies were successful.

                                                     In terms of the portfolio, I would like to explain this whole
                                                     narratives with axo timeline drawing like the precedent
                                                     on the left. I think this would be a great way to introduce
                                                     relationship between two external and internal programmes,
                                                     with activities by time.

Timeline of Activities in the Productive Corridor.
                            Erez Levinberg. 2015.
                                                                               Their Memories

                                                                Safe Arrival
                                                                - Context Mapping -

                                               In the last chapter, we understood the clients'
                                             backgrounds and needs through documents and objects.
                                             Now, in this chapter, we will introduce contexts we
                                             considered when setting up the house 'Little Sisters'.

                                             Understanding context is very important. Because we can
                                             build something authentic, after establishing a clear and
                                             full understanding of the physical and cultural context of
                                             the location.

                                             Therefore, in this chapter, we will look into the context,
                                             which is physical, historical, cultural, and social. And we
                                             will collate the research on the site, surroundings, and how
                                             it networks with the wider city through the series of maps
                                             zooming in.

                                               The images on the left are sort of series of maps on a
                                             project 'CURATING AN EGALITARIAN TERRITORY.'
                                             by Sayan Skandarajah.

                                               The behind narratives of this project is very richer,
                                             complex and more political than shown on the map.
                                             However, as shown on the map, I think this map depicted
S e r i e s o f m a p s o n a p ro j e c t   well the complexity visually, and in terms of methodology
'Curating an Egalitarian Territory.'         curating information using different types of lines,
                by Sayan Skandarajah.        colors, and 3D models, I also think it described very well
                                             relationships between buildings and showed connections
                                             through links.

                                               Referring to this work, I could learn the language of
                                             mapping. For instance, using distinct colors to describe
                                             the territory of the sea(blue) and the gardens(green), using
                                             series of grids to imply the scale, and marking the area
                                             where will be zoomed in the next map.
Chapter 02. 'Safe Staying'                   Arrival in Secret from outside

                                                                                 [World Map]

                                                                                  As our two clients are from different countries, we started
                                                                                 understanding the context through the world map, and
                                                                                 zooming it into Brighton.

                                                                                 Park went to Beijing and lived in hiding and defected to
                                                                                 Britain in January 2008 through the United Nations refugee

                                                                                  First of all, this map's intention is to understand how they
                                                                                 get to our house, and when. As we will provide secret pick-
                                                                                 up services when they arrive in the U.K, it is important to be
                                                                                 aware of their journeys.

                                                                                 Also, it is critical to understand the different time zones of
                                                                                 the main three countries(U.S.A, North Korea, and U.K). The
                                                                                 time difference may affect their stay. They may not be able to
                                                                                 adjust to the time difference for a few days after they arrive,
                                                                                 or they may have to consider the time difference in the
                                                                                 country when they call their friends or family back home.

Map 1. World Map with Time Zones and Arrival Date
Chapter 02. 'Safe Staying'                                                                                                        Safe Network in the UK

                                                                                                                 ← Ji-hyun Park's painful history            [England Map]
                                                                                                                    while escaping North Korea
                                                                                                                                                              Based on the answers in the pre-survey questionnaire that
                                                                                                                                                             we asked our clients in advance, we marked the cities where
                                                                                                                                                             they could live after they left our house in this England map.
                                                                                                                 ← 'Stepping Stone' Slogan

                                                                                                                                                             1. Bury
                                                         BURY - 'Stepping Stone'                                                                             Bury is where Park Ji-Hyun, a North Korean defector is
                                                                                                                                                             active as a human rights activist. She founded the non-profit
                                                                                                                                                             organization 'Stepping Stone', which is keeping voices up for
                                                                                                                                                             the rights of North Korean children and mothers living under
                                                                                                                                                             a repressive regime. 'Little Sisters' is keeping a cooperation
                                                                                  ← Documentary                                                              relationship with this organization, and we were introduced
                                                                                     'Little Pyongyang' Poster                                               Eunhee as our client.

                                                                                  ← Korean Restaurants in New Malden
                                                                                                                                                             2. New Malden
                                                                                  ← a North Korean defector who runs                                         New-Malden in London is the South London suburb that is
                                                                                     a Korean restaurant in the U.K.                                         home to Europe's biggest North Korean population. This is
                                                                                                                                                             where our client(Eun-hee Kim) possibly settles down in the
                                        'Korean Town' - NEW MALDEN                                                                                           future.

                                                                                                                                                             3. Brighton
                                                                                  BRIGHTON - 'Artists' City'                                                 Brighton is the city where our client Elena, who dreams
                                                                                                                               ← Graffiti Art in Brighton.   of becoming graphic designer, wants to stay. The free and
                                                                                                                                                             artistic, the relaxed urban atmosphere may be a necessary
                                                                                                                               ← Pier: Biggest attraction    environment for Elena, who wants to live a quiet life away
                                                                                                                                   in the South East.        from many people.

                                                                                                                               ← Unique Art Gallery'
                                                                                                                                   for the art lover.

Map 2. England Map showing two characters' possible future Journeys after leaving the house.
Chapter 02. 'Safe Staying'                   Safe Network in the Brighton

                                                                               [Brighton Map]

                                                                               After arriving in Brighton, a new environment, they may feel
                                                                               unfamiliar and scared. With the hope our clients will feel
                                                                               relieved when they see this map, we created this map. With
                                                                               this, they will be able to understand where they are and the
                                                                               surrounding context.

                                                                                We provide practical support and advice and take care of
                                                                               their welfare to help them to settle down well in the UK. So,
                                                                               we marked some places by categories where they may feel
                                                                               the need to visit, after leaving the house. This will be a big
                                                                               help in that they can grasp at a glance where they can get
                                                                               substantial supports, even in an unfamiliar city.

                                                                               This contains essential information about the places
                                                                               (location, name, address, phone number). And, as we pursue
                                                                               to be a 'house as VPN', we used graphic style showing

                                                                               1. Asian Food Restaurants
                                                                               Eun-hee has a scheme to work at an Asian restaurant
                                                                               in Brighton, so these have possibilities to be her future

                                                                               2. Refugee Centers;
                                                                               We are in a secret cooperative relationship with the near
                                                                               refugee centers. Especially our secret entrance is linked to
                                                                               the underground car park next to the Refugee Radio.

                                                                               3. Property Managements
                                                                               After a three-month stay, they have schemes to settle down
                                                                               in Brighton, so they will need housing advice.

                                                                               4. Immigration / Law Centers
                                                                               Our two clients will go through formal immigration
                                                                               procedures to legally reside in the UK, so they will need
                                                                               Immigration advice.

                                                                               5. Therapy / Clinic Centers
                                                                               Our Clients have visited Brighton with a big trauma. They
                                                                               may need continuous mental clinics.

Map 3. Brighton map showing various types of organizations
       and networkingswhere support the house's programmes
Chapter 02 'Safe Staying'                                                                                         Safe Network in the Brighton

1. Asian Food Restaurants                                                                         4. Immigration / Law Centers

A1   Kogi Korean cuisine                             A17 Gars
     30 York Pl, Brighton BN1 4GU                        19 Prince Albert St,                     D1    Arlingsworth Solicitors
     +441273682752                                       Brighton BN1 1HF                               Business connection, 145 Islingword
                                                         +441273321321                                  Rd, Brighton BN2 9SH
A2   Full House                                                                                         +441273696962
     18-19 York Pl, Brighton BN1 4AA                 A18 Jia Mo(西安)
     +441273697654                                       2 Ship St, Brighton BN1 1AD              D2    Parks Letting
                                                         +441273763982                                  107 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XF
A3   The Lucky Star Restaurant Brighton                                                                 +441273202089
     101 Trafalgar St, Brighton BN1 4ER              A19 Seasons Restaurant & Bar
     +441273687064                                       78 East St, Brighton BN1 1NF                   Irving & Co Solicitors - Immigration
                                                         +441273232030                                  Specialists - Brighton Office
A4   O'Shio Japanese & Korean Restaurant
     87-88 Trafalgar St,                             A20 Chikini                                        Paul Ward, Immigration Nationality &
     Brighton BN1 4ER                                    3 George St, Kemptown,                         Refugee law Solicitor
     +441273694814                                       Brighton BN2 1RH                               +441273862552
                                                         01273 819048
A5   Yum Yum Oriental Market                                                                            Third Floor, Queensberry House, 106
     22-23 Sydney St, Brighton BN1 4EN                                                                  Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XF
     +441273606777                                                                                      +441273862209
                                                     2. Refugee Centers;
A6   Sunny Chinese Restaurant And                                                                 D3    We Talk Law
                                                     B1    Refugee Radio
     Takeaway                                                                                           38 Sussex St, Brighton BN2 1EL
                                                           113 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XG
     60-61 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XD                                                                  +442030024898
                                                     B2    VOICES IN EXILE
A7   Famous Sichuan                                        36 Upper Bedford St, Kemptown,
     60 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XD                        Brighton BN2 1JP
     +441273208866                                         01273 328598

A8   Panda
     57 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XD
     +441273324767                                   3. Property Managements                       5. Therapy / Clinic Centers

A9   Beijing House                                   C1   Eightfold Property
     35 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XB                                                                E1    The Clinic on the Level
                                                          35 Providence Pl, Brighton BN1 4GE             POD and Physio Bodyworx,
     +441273773333                                        +441273672999                                  2 Ditchling Rd,
A10 Nine Supermarket                                                                                     Brighton BN1 4SF
                                                     C2   Orange Property Network                        +441273684242
    26 Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3XA                        3rd, Queensberry House, 106 Queens
    +441273760088                                         Rd,                                      E2    The Clinic
                                                          Brighton BN1 3XF                               Gloucester Yard,
A11 MyWok/noodle bar                                      +441273855617
    12A Queens Rd, Brighton BN1 3WA                                                                      121-123 Gloucester Rd,
    +447469783935                                                                                        Brighton BN1 4AF
                                                     C3   Oakley Property                                +441273677333
                                                          3 North Rd, Brighton BN1 1YA
A12 Time For Kimchi                                       +441273688881
    19 Church St, Brighton BN1 1RB                                                                 E3    BRIGHTON THERAPHY CENTRE
    +447516623630                                                                                        23 New Rd, Brighton BN1 1UG
                                                     C4   Ellis and Partners                             01273 626444
                                                          New Rd, Brighton BN1 1UG
A13 Namul                                                 +441273771393
    49 Gardner St, Brighton BN1 1UN                                                                E4    Sexual Health and Contraception
    +441273973878                                                                                        (SHAC)
                                                     C5   Justin Lloyd Estate Agents, Kemp Town          Brighton and Hove Service
                                                          Office, 118 St James's St, Kemptown,           Morley St, Brighton BN2 9RE
A14 Kokoro Brighton                                       Brighton BN2 1TH
    57 North St, Brighton BN1 1RH                                                                        +441273523388
                                                     C6   The Property Shop Brighton & Hove
A15 Noodles Soup                                          Estate Agents
    37 West St, Brighton BN1 2RE                          50 St James’s St, Kemptown,
    +441273327888                                         Brighton BN2 1QG
                                                          01273 915400
A16 Chopstix Noodle Bar
    D, Russell Pl, Brighton BN1 2RG

                                                                              Secret Entrances
                                                                          - Memories of Escaping in Brighton -

                                                               First of all, as we aim to design ‘Building like VPN’, it’s
                                                               important to deceive our location or existence. We thought
                                                               the way to hide and deceive our existence, is to build a
                                                               underground tunnel to be used for secret entrances. So,
                                                               we started to investigate proper tunnels in Brighton where
                                                               could be connected to our house in private.

                                                               And while researching, we could find the fact there are
                                                               some hidden places built to be safe during WW2. So, in
                                                               this chapter, we will evalute where some tunnels with
                                                               possibility to be our house secret entrances, and find
                                                               proper entrances.

                                                                 During the Second World War thousands of bombs were
             'Where the bombs fell in Brighton & Hove', 1944   dropped on the UK by the German air force known as
                                                               the Luftwaffe. Since Brighton was a seaside resort, people
 This map published by the Brighton and Hove Herald on         believed it would be a safe city to escape the bombing,
October 7, 1944, shows where bombs fell during World War II.   and many school children from London were evacuated to
                                                               Brighton to avoid bombing. However, the town did suffer
                                                               bombing raids, and sadly many people perished during the
                                                               air assaults.
Chapter 02 'Safe Staying' - Secret Entrances                                                                                 History of Secret Tunnels in Brighton

                                                                                                      Candidate 1. Brighton Goods Tunnel

 1.        2.                3.                                 4.
                                                                                                       About the Tunnel                                            Evaluation

                                                                                                        Brighton Station Goods Tunnel is a disused tunnel,            This was nominated for the possibility that being
                                                                                                       built-in 1841, below the station originally used for         located at Brighton Station would add convenience
                                                                                                       goods traffic. It is presumed this space is not used         to the arrival of customers, as well as being located
                                                                                                       anymore, but the entrance to the tunnel can still be         at a seven-minute walk away. However, as our
                                                                                                       seen in the Trafalgar Arches.                                customers are less likely to come to Brighton on
                                                                                                                                                                    a regular train, this is not a big advantage. And if
                                                                                                                                                                    Little Sisters' tunnel is connected to the station, it
                                                                                                                                                                    could cause security problems, so we excluded it.
                                                 1. Entrance to the tunnel in the Trafalgar Arches.
                                                                        2. Stairs to Platform Level
                                                                        3. Ends of Goods Tunnel
                                                                    4. Abandoned wartime offices

                                                                                                      Candidate 2. Underneath Brighton Royal Pavilion Tunnel

1.    2.                                            3.
                                                                                                       About the Tunnel                                             Evaluation

                                                                                                         Underneath Brighton Royal Pavilion Tunnel                    Brighton's iconic building, the Royal Pavilion's
                                                                                                       was built in 1821 for King George IV. As he felt             secret tunnel, was nominated for the possibility of
                                                                                                       embarrassed showing himself because of his                   extending the existing tunnel to the 'Little Sisters'.
                                                                                                       appearance, he built this tunnel to cross his horses'        Due to the location that is seven minutes' walk,
                                                                                                       stables without being seen by his subjects. This             the advantage is that it is quite close. However, the
                                                                                                       tunnel is about 60 meters, long, and according to            Royal Pavilion is so famous and the existence of a
                                                                                                       the Royal Pavilion Museum, it is said that there are         secret tunnel has already been opened to the public,
                                                                                                       a number of additional rooms and the boiler room             so it has been dropped from the nomination.
                                                            1,2. A network of Secret tunnels, runs     that were used as an air-raid shelter during WW2.
                                                                     underneath Brighton Pavilion
                                                                3. Air raid Shelter in the Basement

                                                                                                      Candidate 3. WW2 air raid shelter at Whitehawk school

1.                  2.                                         3.
                                                                                                       About the shelter                                            Evaluation

                                                                                                        Air Raid Shelters were hastily constructed at                If this space was built as an air-raid shelter, it was
                                                                                                       many schools throughout Kent and Sussex in                   judged that it was likely to be a safe space. It was
                                                                                                       the first few years of WW2. According to the                 nominated for the possibility of using the existing
                                                                                                       website, My Brighton and Hove, it said most of the           shelter space as a new secret entrance for Little
                                                                                                       schools in Brighton had air raid shelters in case            Sisters and designing an underground tunnel to
                                                                                                       of direct attack. And this shelter is one of them,           connect the two spaces. However, it was excluded
                                                                                1. Main Entrance       and of course, it was built to keep casualties to a          from the list because it is located too far away,
                                                                         2. School air raid shelter    minimum.                                                     which takes 30 minutes by bus.
                                                                                        3. Passage
Chapter 02 'Safe Staying' - Secret Entrances                       Our Secret Entrances

                                                                                     [Zooming in to the house]

                                                                                     First of all, we had a plan to build a secret underground
                                                                                     tunnel used for entrances, and we thought it would be great
                                                                                     the tunnel is connected to another safe space's underground
                                                                                     parking lot, and become another entrance of our house.

                                                                                     Meanwhile, we confirmed that there is an underground
                                                                                     parking lot in the Refugee Radio building, which we have a
                                                                                     secret partnership with, and because it's just 6minutes walk
                                                                                     distance, we decided to design an underground tunnel to
                                                                                     connect this parking lot with our building's underground

                                                                                     As it is a charity that runs similar programs to ours, we
                                                                                     expect it to be designed and operated in a trust relationship.

                                                                                     Refugee Radio is a charity formed by refugee and human
                                                                                     rights workers in 2008. They support refugees, asylum
                                                                                     seekers and vulnerable migrants, those who have survived
                                                                                     traumatic experiences such as war, torture and sexual
                                                                                     violence. They run community projects targeting mental
                                                                                     health, isolation and social exclusion, and provide practical
                                                                                     support and advice to help individuals and promote social

                                                                                     The noticeable part of their activities is they are
                                                                                     broadcasting radio shows weekly. Also, they have big
Map 4. Secret Underground Tunnel Route from 'Refugee Radio' to 'Little Sisters'      interests in recording history, so that they record oral
      & CCTV Map from Trafalgar to Gloucester Street.                                interviews with refugees, as a way of understanding social
                                                                                     change in British life and preserving people’s life stories.

                                                         Site Investigation
                                                               - Physical Context -

                                            Our 'Little Sisters' is basically located where with high
                                          security. Looking onto the existing site, there are contrast
                                          spaces: One is residential building with a curved facade,
                                          but inside, there are courtyard and a building where isn't
                                          well known.

                                            These physical contextual characteristics are similar
                                          to the spatial features we pursue, which is presenting
                                          to be something else(Bric A Brac) to disguise the
                                          actual programs(House). So it's important to physically
                                          understand the two types of buildings first.

                                            In addition, we aim to create a place where privacy is
                                          adequately protected and our customers have sufficient
                                          freedom, as opposed to the notion of surveillance and
                                          control. Therefore, it is important for us, to investigate the
                                          'opening' of existing sites.
           Google Earth-viewed sites

As marked on the g oogle ear th           Therefore, in the next chapter, we will look at the details
screenshot, two thresholds are linked     of these: Enclosure, Openings, Frame and Floors.
in a opposite way, and they are used as
the entrances to the inside spaces.
[Extroverd nd Introverted]

In the site 128 Gloucester Road, there are two types of
buildings which have different characteristics. One is
very introverted, and the other is very extroverted.
Considering the opposite location characteristics of the
site, we decided this site would be suitable to disguise
internal programme as the other.

                                                           Building Facade Collage (South Elevation)   Internal Building viewed on Google Earth                       Lambent's Video Poster Series

                                                                                                                                                  Location Characteristics and Its Symbolism

                                                                                                                                                  1. Introverted & Hidden
                                                                                                                                                    This building used video production company
                                                                                                                                                  is located in a internal and closed place. The
                                                                                                                                                  location characteristics could give us lots of
                                                                                                                                                  potential in designing spatial features we pursue,
                                                                                                                                                  which is disguising actual programme (House) as
                                                                                                                                                  something else (Bric A Brac shop).
                                                                                                                                                   So, absorbing this building's physical attributes
                                                                                                                                                  and metaphor, we decided to renovate this

                                                                                                                                                  2. High Security & Less Information
                                                                                                                                                     Whenever visited the site, here was always
                                                                                                                                                  closed and it wans't to access for the public to
                                                                                                                                                  enter this inside, And, It was only possible to look
                                                                                                                                                  at this building on this google earth view.
                                                                                                                                                   However, to think the opposite, it means it has
                                                                                                                                                  high security. So, here would be a great site to
                                                                                                                                                  run our house secretly.
                                                                                                                                                    As there were not much information on this
                                                                                                                                                  building even in the Brighton planning portal
                                                                                                                                                  site, using google earth, drawings depicting
                                                                                                                                                  relationship between surrounding buildings, and
                                                                                                                                                  a few photos, the building facade was assumed
                                                                                                                                                  through collage.

External Building                                                                                                                                 Programme
128-133 Gloucester Rd, Brighton BN1 4AF
Residential Buildings                                                                                                                              Lambent Productions is a video production
                                                                                                                                                  company based in Brighton set up in 1996. It
Internal Building                                                                                                                                 has produced over 500 hours of factual and
128 Gloucester Rd, Brighton BN1 4AF                                                                                                               diverse programmes and series. Its programms
Video Production Company 'Lambent'                                                                                                                are famous for the access to extraordinary
https://lambentproductions.co.uk                                                                                                                  people and hidden worlds, reaching viewers in
+441273789090                                                                                                                                     unexpected ways.
Chapter 03. Site Investigation                                                                               #02. Openings
                                                                                                                                                                        - Exterior

[Existing Building Facade]

                                                                                                                          [Dormer Windows]
                                                                                                                          Height: 1400mm
                                                                                                                          Located in Second Floor      Elevation


                                                                                                     South Elevation

                                                                                                                                                       Roof Plan

[Types of Openings & Further Plan]

[Thresholds]                                  [Doors]             [Windows]

In the Site, there were two Thresholds        Entrances to the    The ceiling on the         Inner building's window      [Standard Windows]
These are entrances to the inner building.    Residential Flats   second floor was also      Only middle part can pe      Height: 1400mm
                                                                  found to have windows.     open partly.                 Width: 1150mm
                                                                                                                          This is usually used for
                                                                  In the external building, there are three types of      the residential buildings.
                                                                  openings: threshold, doors and windows. In this
                                                                  page, we will analysis size, type, orientation of the
                                                                  existings, and plan how these could be further.

                                                                  The style or size of the window may change when
                                                                  renovating, but the default opening position will
                                                                  remain the same.

                                                                                                                                                       Section                           Construction Details
                                                                                                                                                                                         Relationship to typical windows
Chapter 03. Site Investigation                                                                       Openings

[Existing Building Facade]

                                   Inside Building Facade (South Elevation)          Imagining distance between existing buildings and the user's view               Inside the Threshold: User's Viewing Experiences

[1:100 Site Scale Model]

Whenever visited the site to investigate, it
wasn't allowed to enter in, as the entrances
were always closed. Therefore, to understand
the scale of the buildings and distance more
intuitively, 1:100 scale model was made.

Although it was just made simply with paper,
making the 1:100 site model and taking
pictures with the user's eyes helped us to
imagine the spaces where we couldn't visit.
And we also could understand physical
features of the site, such as the distance of the
two buildings and locations of windows.
                                                                                                                                                                Analysis of exterior building windows on the back yard
Chapter 03. Site Investigation                                                                                         Plans and Sections 1:100 & Floors

                                                                                                      Section A-A'

                                                                                                           Section B'-B

                                                                                                                                                                This building was built in 1845.
                                                                                                                                                                Considering the fact the use of Load
                                 These are what we collate ground floor                                                                                         bearing Mansonry construction
                                 plans of the residential building, which were                                                                                  dragged to about the 1900s, it
                                 found on Brighton planning portal sites, and                                                                                   seems reasonable to assume this
                                 property websites. Through this, it was able                                                                                   method is used.
                                 to rationally guess the areas of the rooms,
                                 width of openings, locations of stairs, walls,                                                                                 Floor framing shows how the
                                 kitchen, bathroom etc.                                                                                                         general houses' floors are
                                                                                                                                                                constructed. For us, as the floors
                                                                                                                                                                may need to be removed during
                                 The four rooms in the east were almost the
                                                                                                                                                                re n ova t i o n , i t ' s i m p o r t a n t to
                                 same size, and we could see that they were                                                                                     understand the structure.
                                 designed symmetrically.
                                                                                  Load Bearing Mansonry Construction       Floor Framing in Residential House
[Evaluation: How this developed my project?]

                                              Reflection of the process & Portfolio Scheme outline

                                     First of all, in this chapter, I explored constructive parts with
                                     the idea of dissecting buildings. Due to the lack of information
                                     on the inner building, it was a bit vague to analyze at first.

                                     But, I could learn that section is the best way to look at the
                                     relationship of neighbors, relationship to typical windows, floor
                                     slabs, etc.

                                     And I learned I could make reasonable assumptions through
                                     colloguing info describing the relationship with the adjacent
                                     buildings(like section), even if I don't have enough info on the
                                     specific building.

                                     And certainly, after understanding the systems and materials of
                                     the existing buildings, I could set up design strategies.

                                     In the portfolio, based on the factors analyzed here, I want to
                                     design spaces where privacy is protected but open, considering
                                     how the range of gaze can vary depending on time or user
                                     movement and how it can affect the psychology of the

                                                               Site Investigation

                   Site Plan 1:100
The yellow lines connected between
the windows of the two buildings
represent users may encounter each
other through the windows.

                                                                Design Strategy
                                                                    - Precedent Study -

                                                  Artifice: A house with a different exterior and interior.

                                               We aim to build disguising spaces, responding to the question
ner                                            'What would it look like if I spatialized VPN?', and we would
g like                                         like to design spaces where the privacy of users can be
                                               protected externally.

                                               Our home is based on the story of two characters arriving
                                               home in secret, staying for three months, recovering from
                                               mental scars in the surveillance society, interacting with
                                               people, and gradually moving on to society. However, this
                                               programme will be running secretly, disguising to a 'bric a
                                               brac' shop externally.

                                               For these reasons, with the strategy of Artifice, we would like
                                               to create spaces pretending to be something else externally,
                                               but having opposite and secret things internally.

                                               So, in this chapter, we will compare two different precedents,
                                               one is prison, and the other is Maggie's rehabilitation center.
                                               The two buildings have a common characteristic that they are
                                               introverted. But the experiences of users, the emotions that
                                               can be felt in the space, are completely different. Therefore,
                                               we would like to establish our own strategy by comparing and
                                               analyzing the spaces of these two buildings.
             Strategy Keywords Skethces
         Artifice: (n) clever or cunning
         devices or expedients, especially
         as used to trick or deceive others.
Chapter 04. Design Strategy                                                                                                Exterior

[Boardeaux Prison in Quebec, Canada]                                                                             [Rehabilitation Center]

About this building                                    Why we select this precedent?                             About this building                                      Why we select this precedent?

This Bordeaux Prison in Quebec, Canada is built        First of all, we thought that prisons can be an example   This building, Maggie’s Oldham, is a rehailitation       It looks quite defensive and with just this exterior,
in 1908 to 1912 by architect Jean-Omer Marchand        of the extrems of introspective buildings. We would       centre in Oldham, UK designed by dRMM. Built in          it's hard to guess it has the lovely planted private
to replace the aged Pied-du-Courant Prison. This       like to design an introverted space for people whose      the grounds of NHS cancer hospitals, it offers free      courtyard and welcoming spaces, which is very
is the largest provincial jail in Quebec, which can    privacy is protected, good for meditation, and who        practical and emotional support for those who affected   opposite. So, I found this would be great precedent for
accommodate upto 1,402 male inmates. And this          have little movement, but we didn't want to design        by cancer. And it provides 'the architecture of hope',   'Artifice', considered my programmes.
currently houses male inmates sentenced to less than   a space that felt like a prison. So, with the aim of      through safe and welcoming spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                          So, referring to the design strategy of this precedent,
two years' imprisonment.                               investigating the structure of the prison and devising
                                                                                                                 This building has similar programmes to our house,       we decided to approach in a similar way, which is
                                                       the opposite strategy, we did this analysis.
                                                                                                                 which is providing services for those who need           defensive externally but planted private courtyard
                                                                                                                 recovery from the scars of their history and soothe      internally.
                                                                                                                 their souls.
Chapter 04. Design Strategy                                                                                                 Spatial Sturctures

            Floor Plan of the Prisons

                                                                                                                                          Floor Plan with the analysis of the circulation

            Spatial Sturctures of Ponopticon


[Prisons' Structures]                                                                                                   [Maggie’s Oldham's Structures]

Floor Plan of the Prisons                                   Circular prisons as efficient prisons                       Floor Plan with the analysis of the circulation           Section

The prison cells with a very consistent and clear           Each floor has a nearly identical spatial structure, and    It has very flexible and free circulations centered on    This section drawing describes the spacious Ground
division look very repressive, and do not seem to           the light comes very limited through small windows.         the middle planted private courtyard and at the side      Floor is empty and the first floor is being supported
respect users' individual personality. Every cell is very   This circular prison, known as the most efficient jail,     spaces through the doors to the balcony, it gives very    by columns. And, trees in the courtyard are naturally
uniform and repetitive, designed to control users'          was designed by Jeremy Bentham.                             open and connected feelings.                              large enough to reach up to the first floor.
activities highly.
                                                            The concept of the design is to allow all prisoners of an   Also, in terms of the shape of the site, our inner        This strategy (removing the ground floor and leveling
The symmetrical structure seems to be built to              institution to be observed by a single security guard,      building has a similar rectangular shape. So this would   up) naturally can protect users' privacy from the
efficiently manage the building's system, and spaces        without the inmates being able to tell whether they         be a great precedent in terms of designing interior       ground floor's gaze, and allows them to look down
are divided clearly according to the users (surveillants    are being watched. As prisoners can't see the tower at      spaces and circulations: where should be designed         naturally (either neutral or external), so they will feel
and prisoners).                                             all in their cell, they come to the idea of 'always being   open or closed?                                           open at the same time.
                                                            watched.' inmates.
Chapter 04. Design Strategy                                                                                            Interiors

                                    Inside the Bordeaux prison in northern Montreal                                                   Inside the Maggie's Oldham

[Isolated Interiors]                                                                                               [Open Interiors]

    Prison Cells                                            Materials: Artificial                                  Community Space                                       Materials: Natural Beauty

    1. Uniform, Repetitive, Minimum size                    1. Thick Walls: Made of steel or brick                 1. Organic and Spacious                               1. Exterior: Made of sustainable tulipwood CLT
    2. Minimum furniture and necessities                    2. Solid or barred doors that lock from the outside.   2. Furniture which enables free communication         2. Walls & Roof: An exquisite natural timber finish
    3. Thick wall increases a feeling of isolation.         3. Furniture: Steel bedstead that holds a mattress.       and relaxed speculation.                           3. Slatted Ceiling:
    4. Very clear spaces separation between users                                                                  3. Doorless walls between public and private spaces      Created from wood left over from the CLT
      (Between surveillants and prisoners)                                                                            Naturally distinguished, not too open or closed.       fabrication process, (No Waste)
    5. Predictable and controlled rooms                                                                            4. Vague Spatial Separation between users,            4. Furniture Designed Carefully:
                                                                                                                      Free and organic Circulation                          As those undergoing chemotherapy sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                            feel pain on touching cold objects, oak rather than
                                                                                                                                                                            metal door handles have been used.
Chapter 04. Design Strategy                                                                                           Activities - Views

                                                       Inside the Bordeaux prison

                                                                                                                                                             Ground Floor the Maggie's Oldham

[One-Way Activities]                                                                                            [Interactions]

Activities                                                                                                      Activities
1. Restriced uses of allocated spaces                  We first believed the windows will be the passages       1. Free uses of spaces harmonized with nature.         I f i t we re n' t fo r t h e t re e , i t c o u l d h ave b e e n
2. No interactions and communication                   to give feelings connected to the outside, but I found   2. Free Interactions and communication                 uncomfortable and burdensome for someone below
  & Only one way activities (looking outside through   that if it was a one-way activity of looking outside     3. Bringing nature inside                              to look up at my whole body. However, the trees in the
windows, receiving something from someone)             without any interactions, it could create a prison-      4. Enjoying the nature                                 courtyard naturally cover the views, give some space
3. Very limited interactions with nature               like feeling of loneliness and disconnection             5. Views down to the garden below, up to the sky.      where gaze can stay, and make the interactions looking
4. Always the same view                                                                                         6. Gives unexpected views                              up and down feel more comfortable.
                                                                                                                                                                       Also, users can enjoy this space more naturally
                                                                                                                                                                       because overall the view blends with curves and
                                                                                                                                                                       natural materials.
[Evaluation: How this developed my project?]

                                               Reflection of the process & Design Proposal Scheme

                                       The purpose of the research on prisons' spatial structures
                                       was to take the opposite strategy to that.

                                       Spatial structures of prisons could be an extreme example
                                       of spaces with high security. The characteristics of my site
                                       are confidential, introverted, and defensive when viewed
                                       from the outside. Therefore, depending on the way of
                                       communication (one-way or two-way), the location of the
                                       window, materials, and the structure of the space, I thought
                                       the house I would design might feel like a prison-like space.

                                       With the concept of a kind of accommodation rehabilitation
                                       center, individuals need separate, private spaces, but I didn't
                                       want to make users feel isolated and controlled by space as if
                                       they were in prison.

                                       So, through this analysis, I could check some spatial
          Bringing nature inside       characteristics of the prison in common and compare the
                                       features with the precedent which has similar programmes to
     To design spaces with a twist,    mine. Based on what I learned through comparison, I would
I added a courtyard inside the site.   like to design defensive externally, but welcoming internally,
                                       by brining nature inside.

                                                                Design Strategy
Chapter 04. Design Strategy                                                                       Proposed Plan and Section 1:100

Introverted but
open private Rooms

                                                                                                 Counseling in the Secret Courtyard

                                                   External Programme
                                                   Bric A Brac

                                                                                                                                                         Arrival through Secret Underground Entrance

                                                                        [Initial Proposal]

                                                                        This is my initial design proposal in plan and
                                                                        section by combining my narratives that were
                                                                        embodied by exploring characters, context,
                                                                        and structure of sites, and my spatial plan
                                                                        that I learned and studied through precedent

                                                                        This will be detailed through series of collages
                                                                        to jump into communicating what I imagine
                                                                        some of the interior spaces may feel like.
01.[Our Clients]                                                                                                             02.[Safe Arrival]

Client 01. American Celebrity                                                                                                [Context Mapping]

Client Pre-Investigation                                                                                                     Precedent
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfields' Date Photograph. Splash News. 2014. http://www.beautifulballad.org/2014/02/07/pillow-       1. Series of Maps on a project 'Curating an Egalitarin Territory.'. Sayan Skandarajah. 2014. http://unit-21.com/?p=1755
The New York Times Front Page Mockup. https://www.psdmockups.com/tag/newspaper/                                              England Map Collage
American Airlines Boarding Pass Mockup. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:American_Airlines_boarding_pass_AA_198.
jpg                                                                                                                          1. 'Stepping Stone' Slogan. Park Ji-Hyun, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ji-hyun-park-%EB%B0%95%EC%A7%80%ED%98%84-
American Actress Flatlay. Eojin Jo. 2021.                                                                                    2. North Korea: The Other Interview. Amnesty International UK. 2015. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/556493/North-
Former Occupation: Celebrity. Eojin Jo. 2021.                                                                                Korean-Other-Interview-Prisoner-Horror-Dictatorship.
Future Occupation: Graphic Designer. Eojin Jo. 2021.                                                                         3. Bury. Manchester Evening News. 2020. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/seven-

Client 02 North Korean Defector                                                                                              New Malden
                                                                                                                             1. Documentary 'Little Pyongyang' Poster(2018). Roxy Rezvany. England, IMDbPro. https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-
Charcoal Drawing. SeungMi-Sim. 2021.                                                                                         interactive/2018/aug/03/little-pyongyang-a-north-korean-in-south-london [Accessed 11 March 2021]
Sex Slavery. https://allthatsinteresting.com/korean-sex-slaves-wwii?utm_campaign=twitterpdtyc&utm_source=twitter&utm_        2. New Malden Street. KINGSTON LIBERAL DEMOCRATS. 2018. New Malden, London. https://www.kingstonlibdems.org/
medium=social                                                                                                                new-malden_londons_little-korea.
Forced Labour. Daily Mirror video grab. North Korea. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/north-korea-war-       3. New Malden Street. Jonathan Mitchell. 2015. New Malden, London. https://www.surreycomet.co.uk/news/13798063.scrapped-
crimes-bad-3157044                                                                                                           plan-for-new-malden-parking-zones-not-supported-by-resident.
North Korean Defector Flatlay. Eojin Jo. 2021.                                                                               4. North Korean Defector in New Malden. C Chanel News. 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfZdTRLS7RQ.
Fleeing North Korea Map. Global News. 2017. https://globalnews.ca/news/3859804/how-many-north-korean-defectors/
Escape. https://www.sutori.com/story/north-korea-h-r-article-9-violations--UrGYKHCyDzqhQoMdGDmPrTGM                          Brighton
K-Drama ‘Crash Landing on You’(2019) Poster. Lee Jeong-hyo. South Korea, studio Dragon. https://www.netflix.com/             1. Enter Gallery. Brighton. https://www.visitbrighton.com/shopping/enter-gallery-p339991
title/81159258 (Accessed 16. March)                                                                                          2. Royal Pavilion. John Nash, Henry Holland, William Porden, Augustus Charles Pugin. Brighton, England. https://
Kitching, Chris. “I escaped the horrors of North Korea twice and now have a new life in Manchester” Mirror. North Korean     brightonmuseums.org.uk/royalpavilion/
defector Jihyun Park.                                                                                                        3. Brighton Pier. Richard St George Moore. 1899. Brighton, England. https://www.brightonpier.co.uk/
Map of Identity. Eojin Jo. 2021.                                                                                             4. Graffiti Art in Brighton. Pub 'The Prince Albert'. Brighton, England. https://www.theprincealbertstroud.co.uk/

Precedent Study                                                                                                              Secret Tunnel Map
                                                                                                                             1. CCTV Map. Eojin Jo. 2021. https://eojin.squarespace.com/work/surveillance-society.
Timeline of Activities in the Productive Corridor. Erez Levinberg. 2015. http://pr2015.aaschool.ac.uk/submission/uploaded_   2. Refugee Radio. https://refugeeradio.org.uk/

                                                                                                                             [Secret Entrances]

                                                                                                                             Bombs Map
                                                                                                                             Where the Bombs Fell in Brighton and Hove. Brighton and Hove Herald. October 7, 1944. https://www.sussexlive.co.uk/news/

                                                                                                                             Underneath Brighton Royal Pavilion Tunnel
                                                                                                                             Pavilion Secret Tunnels. 1821. Brighton. https://www.sussexlive.co.uk/news/history/sussex-secret-tunnels-lay-hidden-5025722.
                                                                                                                             Lauren Pope
                                                                                                                             WWII air raid shelters. 1939(Photograph). Brighton. https://www.mybrightonandhove.org.uk/places/placeland/royal_pavilion/

                                                                                                                             Brighton Goods Tunnel
                                                                                                                             Brighton Goods Tunnel. https://www.sussexlive.co.uk/news/history/sussex-secret-tunnels-lay-hidden-5025722. Image: Simon
                                                                                                                             Brighton Station Goods Tunnel. https://www.brightontoymuseum.co.uk/index/Category:Brighton_Station_Goods_Tunnel

                                                                                                                             WW2 air raid shelter at Whitehawk school
                                                                                                                             Air Raid Shelter at Whitehawk school. During WW2. Brighton. https://www.mybrightonandhove.org.uk/places/placescho/
                                                                                                                             patcham_junior_school/patcham_junior_school_1939-1945. Photo by Tony Mould

                                                                                                                             Arrival Storyboard
                                                                                                                             Arrival Story Board. Eojin Jo. 2021. https://eojin.squarespace.com/work/surveillance-society.
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